BRIAN HORAN M A N A G I N G D I R E C T O R @ E C A R E E R S A C A D E M Y E X P E R I E N C E I N E D U C A T I O N SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION Head of Department (KLA Coordinator) roles: * Careers/VET: Vocation, Education & Training * PD/H/PE: Personal Development, Health & Physical Education * HSIE: Human Society in Its Environment * LOTE: Languages Other Than English MISSION AUSTRALIA * Employment Training Instructor working with P R O F I L E unemployed teenagers, young adults and adults. Hi! Since January 2010, I've been P R O F E S S I O N A L M E M B E R S H I P the Founder, Managing Director and Principal Counselor of * Professional Member of the: eCareers Academy. - Illawarra Careers Advisers Network [ICAN]; - Careers Advisors Association of NSW & ACT C O N T A C T [CAA NSW&ACT]; - Career Development Association of Australia +61 412 777 414 [CDAA].
[email protected] QUALIFICATIONS PO Box 277, Figtree, NSW, * BA (Hons), Grad Dip (Education), Grad Dip (Arts), Australia, 2525 Grad Cert Career Development, Cert IV TAA * Trained Practitioner & Trainer in the JIIG-CAL Australia careers assessment program * Trained Practitioner in Career Life College's Myers- Briggs careers personality profiling program * Graduate of Anthony Robbins Mastery University PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS INTERNATIONAL * International Promotions: Representing the University of Wollongong (UOW) in January & March of 2007 in Canada & France; * Regional, National and International Aqua-fitness Presenter (in five countries); * Guest Trainer on International TV Series, "Trainers on Trial"; * Guest Lecturer at the University of Pau (France); & * Corporate Training - Auckland, New Zealand.