The Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney (MAWA) continues to achieve its ongoing goals in providing valuable resources and information through its 2011 Directory. The aim of the Directory is to assist service providers and Macedonian specific organisations and groups and at the same time to enable networking and the development of community infrastructure.

The Directory also aims to provide greater understanding of the Macedonian community, demographics, culture, traditions and beliefs.

The Directory provides information on Macedonian Welfare, Social, Religious, Cultural, Educational, Arts, Sporting and other groups in Sydney, - and Newcastle-Hunter regions.

Please note that the information does not attempt to represent the experiences, or opinions, of every person from Macedonian background.

The information provided in the Directory is based on various MAWA resources, direct telephone calls to organisations and groups included in the Directory – to ensure accuracy, as well as great effort and hard work by our team. Should any unintended errors and inaccuracies occur, we would appreciate if they are brought to our attention.

Copies of the Directory can be obtained through the Management Committee of the Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney

 PO Box 392, Rockdale NSW 2216  Telephone (02) 9597 5455  E-mail [email protected]

Information contained in this Directory is understood by the Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc., to be accurate at the time of publication. The Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc. takes no responsibility for any changes, errors or damages arising from the use of this information and gives no warranty of any kind; either expressed or implied in relation to this publication.




Македонско Астралиското Добротворно Друштво од Сиднеј Инк. преку својот именик 2010/2011 продолжува со остварување на тековните цели во обезбедување на значајни ресурси и информации и оваа година. Целта на именикот е да им помогне на разни служби, организации и групи во заедницата, а во исто време да овозможи нивно поврзување и развој на општествената инфрастуктура.

Именикот, исто така има за цел да обезбеди поголемо разбирање на македонската заедница од повеќе аспекти и тоа демографски, културни обележја, традиции и верувања.

Именикот обезбедува информации за македонските добротворни, социјални, религиозни, културни, образовни, уметнички, спортски и други групи на територијата на Sydney, Wollongong-Illawarra и Newcastle-Hunter.

Сакаме да напоменеме дека информациите содржани во овој именик, не ги претставуваат искуствата и мислењата на секое лице од македонско потекло.

Информациите во Македонскиот Именик се базирани на најразлични извори на MAWA, директни телефонски контакти со ораганизации и групите, кои се вклучени во именикот, како и на големиот напор и труд вложен од страна на нашиот тим – со цел да се обезбеди точност на информациите. Се извинуваме доколку наидете на некои ненамерни грешки и пропусти и особено би ја ценеле вашата помош во укажување на истите.

Копии од именикот може да бидат набавени од Управниот Одбор на Македонското Австралиско Добротворно Друштво од Сиднеј Инк.

PO Box 392, Rockdale, NSW 2216 Tel. (02) 9597 5455 E-mail: [email protected]

Информациите содржани во именикот 2011 се земени за точни во времето на издавањето од страна на Македонското Австралиско Добротворно Друштво од Сиднеј инк. Истата се оградува од одговорнст за евентуални измени, грешки или штети нанесени при користењето на овие информации и истовремено не дава било каква граранција изразена, било посредно или непосредно, по однос на ова издание.




History………………..………………………………………………………………….... 8

Language ………………………………………………………………………………….9

Religion and Religious/cultural activities ……………………………………………..10

Macedonian family……………………………………………………………………… 11


Macedonians in and data collection issues ………………………………..12

2006 Census ……………………………………………………………………………..13

Cultural tendencies and Social & Community Life ………………………………….. 14


Barriers to accessing services…………………………………….…………………… 16

A practical guide to access the Macedonian community …………………………… 16

Other useful information for services (older people) ………………………………… 18


SYDNEY…………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Government Departments...... 19 Centrelink…………………………………………………………………………………. 19 Community Relations Commission………………………………………………………………………………..19 Department of Immigration and Citizenship……………………………………………19 NSW Health Services………………………………………………………….. ………..20 NSW Department of Community Services……………………………………………..20

Non-government organisations……………………………………………………… 22 MAWA……………………………………………………………………………….…….. 22 Aged Care Services……………………………………………………………………….22 Child Care…………………... ……………………………………………………………..23 Carers Support/CACP……………………………………………………………….…….24

Religious…………………………………………………………………………………...25 Churches……………………………………………………………………………………25 5 Macedonian Orthodox Community……………………………………………………….26

Education…………………………………………………………………………………. 27 General……………………………………………………………………………………. 27 Macedonian in Saturday Ethnic Schools………………………………………………. 27 Macedonian Regular Primary Schools, Yrs 1-6………………………………………. 27 Macedonian in Regular Secondary (High) Schools, Yrs 7-12...... 28 Macedonian at Tertiary Level…………………………………………………………… 29

Macedonian Library and Resource Centres……………………………………….. 30

Macedonian Media……………………………………………………………………… 31 Print………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 Radio……………………………………………………………………………………..….32

Cultural and Social Organisations…………………………………………………… 34 General /Folkloric……………………………………………………………………… ... 34 Arts/Theatre………………………………………………………………………………. 35 Literary………………………………………………………………………………………36 Seniors Groups……………………………………………………………………………. 36 Youth Groups……………………………………………………………………………… 37

Sporting Organisations………………………………………………………………… 38

Medical and Dental Services…………………………………………………………... 39 Medical……………………………………………………………………………………. 39 Dental……………………………………………………………………………………… 39

Allied Health Services………………………………………………………………….. 40 Optical……………………………………………………………………………………… 40 Skin Cancer Centre………………………………………………………………………..40 Counselling/Therapy……………………………………………………………………… 40

NEWCASTLE/HUNTER REGION……………………………………………………… 41

Government Departments………………………………………………………………41 Community Relations Commission………………………………………………………41 NSW Department of Health……………………………………………………………… 41 Day Care……………………………………………………………………………………42

Non-government organisations………………………………………………………. 42

Religious………………………………………………………………………………… 42 Churches……………………………………………………………………………………42

Education…………………………………………………………………………………. 43 Macedonian Ethnic Primary School, Yrs 1-6……………………………………………43 Macedonian Saturday School, Yrs 7-12…………………………………………………43

Macedonian Media……………………………………………………………………… .43 6 Radio……………………………………………………………………………………… 43

Cultural and Social Organisations…………………………………………………… 44 Organisations for Aged…………………………………………………………………… 44 Youth Groups……………………………………………………………………………… 44

Sporting Organisations………………………………………………………………… 44


Government Departments……………………………………………………………... .45 Centrelink…………………………………………………………………………………... 45 Department of Community Services…………………………………………………..….45 NSW Department of Health…………………………………………………………..….. 45 Home Care Services…………………………………………………………………..…. 46

Non-government organisation……………………………………………………..… .46

Religious………………………………………………………………………………..… .47 Churches………………………………………………………………………………….. .47 Orthodox Communities …………….…………………………………………………….. 47

Education…………………………………………………………………………………. 48 Macedonian in Regular Primary Schools Yrs 1-6……………………………………… 48

Macedonian Media……………………………………………………………………… 49 Radio……………………………………………………………………………………… 49

Cultural and Social Organisations……………………………………………………..49 General/Folkloric…………………………………………………………………………... 49 Youth…………………………………………………………………………………………50 Arts/Theatre……………………………………………………………………………….. 50

Sporting Organisations…………………………………………………………………. 50

7 History

Macedonian history is not widely understood in Australia.

Macedonia‟s geographical position is strategically significant and it greatly contributed to Macedonia‟s power in the 4th Century BC when, under the leadership of Philip of Macedon and Alexander the Great, became the most powerful state in the ancient world.

Its present status is a direct legacy of the Balkan Wars of 1912-13 when Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria formed alliances to liberate Macedonia from Turkish rule. The country was carved up by the victors, Vardar Macedonia – was taken over by Serbia, Pirin Macedonia – by Bulgaria, Aegean Macedonia – Greece, and a small part went to Albania (Mala Prespa).

This basic division remained in place with the post-World War I peace settlement.

In 1944, Vardar Macedonia entered the Yugoslav federation, while other parts of Macedonia stayed within the other countries.

With the breakup of Yugoslavia, Vardar Macedonia became an independent republic in 1991, Republic of Macedonia. Soon after this, Greece began an intense international campaign against the use of the name Macedonia. Pending resolution of a naming dispute with Greece, R. Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations (1993) under the provisional reference the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, commonly abbreviated to FYROM.

Many other international institutions and countries have recognised the country under the same reference, although an overall majority of countries (over 124 counties) recognised it under its constitutional name. These include 4 of the 5 permanent UN Security Council members, the United States, Russia, United Kingdom and the People‟ Republic of china, as well two of its immediate neighbours, Bulgaria and Serbia.

However, the differences between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, now and independent state, continue, until the present day.

8 Source: CIA Ethnic Map of Balkans and Macedonia http://www.historyofmacedonia.org/MacedonianGreekConflict/conflict.html

Source: CIA Current map of the Republic of Macedonia and its neighbouring countries https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mk.html


Macedonians speak the Macedonian language (in Macedonian „Makedonski‟). Macedonian language is a separate and distinct language and is the official language of Macedonia.

The alphabet, called „azbuka‟ (from the old name of the first two letters), consists of 31 letters. The script is „Cyrillic‟ developed in the 9th century.

There are misconceptions with many service providers that the Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian communities “all speak the same language and understand each other”. They are all different languages and within each language there are many dialects.

Macedonian Key Words English Macedonian Hello Zdravo Good morning Dobro utro Welcome Dobre doyde How are you? Kako si? Good Dobro Bad Losho Hurts Boli Warm Toplo

9 Yes Da No Ne Sleep Spie Bowels open Po nuzda Lie down Legni Get up Stani Sit Sedni Shower Kapenye Hungry Gladen Thirsty Zeden Water Voda Milk Mleko Breakfast Poyadok Lunch Ruchek Dinner Vechera

Religion and Religious/Cultural activities

Macedonians are Christians, who follow the Macedonian Orthodox Christian religion (use the „Julian‟ Calendar). The Macedonian Orthodox Church was founded in the 10 century and has been guardian of Macedonian culture and traditions.

Macedonian Orthodox Christmas is celebrated according to the old calendar: 14th January. Macedonian Orthodox Easter: Different date every usually two to three weeks after the Catholic Easter. Every four years Macedonian Orthodox Easter falls at the same as the Catholic Easter. Many Macedonians fast for 40 days prior to Christmas and Easter, there are also other days during the year i.e. Fridays, when Macedonians fast.

Other religious important events which are always celebrated by Macedonian Orthodox are; Name Days known as “Imenden‟ and Saint Days known as – „Slava‟. These celebrations are highly regarded as religious events and also a social event where the extended family and friends meet at the household celebrating that religious day.

Most Macedonians still choose the Church to marry, have their children Christened and perform the funeral service for their loved ones. A Priest is sometimes also called upon to bless a home or to intervene when there is a health or family crises.

The Macedonian Orthodox religion instils values of respect and self-control and guidance for children as they grow to become self-sufficient. Young Australian/Macedonians these days in Sydney, even if not as religious as their parents/grandparents, will attend Church in very high numbers for Easter and Christmas in particular.

Macedonian Orthodox Churches in NSW Sydney – 5 Wollongong/Illawarra Region - 2 Queanbeyan – 1

10 Newcastle – 1

Services should always check the Macedonian community calendar if they are planning consultation meetings, because there are a lot of community cultural and religious events which people attend as a priority to consultations or planning meetings.

Macedonian family

The family plays an important role in everyday life of Macedonians, and maintenance of the family and marriage is regarded as sacred. The family is very committed to the children; virtually the purpose of their life is linked to the wellbeing of their children. Independent personal development for parents is of less importance.

The children are expected to marry within the Macedonian community, although marriages from different cultures are becoming more common. Engagements, weddings and christenings are marked by big gatherings of family and friends.

There are explicit mutual obligation between parents and children. The family does everything possible for the children however there are also expectations that the children would do things for the family in return e.g. look after them when they are older. Sons are often encouraged to live with their parents after marriage and often 3 generations are living in one household.

There is still a patriarchal social structure and gender roles within families, where men were generally the bread winner while women traditionally provided the care of the home and family.

However, in today‟s family women are included in decision making and responsibilities are shared by both spouses in the family unit. Both women and men contribute to family budget by participating in the work force.

The extended family is the most important social network. There is a certain hierarchical structure within the extended family unit, where elderly members have the highest respect (older people may be called „aunt‟ or „uncle‟ and older family members are usually incorporated into decision-making structures).

In the Macedonian culture maintaining contact with the family relatives is very important and takes precedence over maintaining contact with friends. Anything that may have impact on the family status and is „negative‟ and which could bring shame to the family – is hidden within the family.

The younger generation of Macedonians are use to getting support from their parents, financially and/or other ways.

Macedonians place a high value upon education – often parents are prepared to sacrifice themselves in order to provide better education for their children. There can be great expectation of the children to succeed academically and if they do not there is great disappointment.

11 Migration

Due to the hard economic situation, and even more because of political reasons – running away from persecution and foreign domination imposed with the divisions in 1913, people began emigrating to the European countries, then USA, Canada and Australia (known as „pechalbari‟). Two major waves of migration of Ethnic Macedonians to Australia were: when the United States implemented tougher immigration policies (1924-1930) and when the regime of a Greek army general, Metaxis took control of Greece then many Macedonians were persecuted (1936-1941).

After the Civil War in Greece in 1949, thousands of Macedonians fled from Greece and joined the refugees from the Second World War (1946-1950‟s).

In the period of 1960 to 1990, when the Yugoslav policies encouraged its citizens to work overseas, many Macedonians (from the Vardar part of Macedonia, which was within Yugoslavia, known as the Socialist Republic of Macedonia) left for Australia. The pick of this migration was in the in early 1970‟s.

The Fifth Wave occurred after the break-up of Yugoslavia, when thousands of skilled migrants come to Australia. The majority of these migrants are educated and many of them are successful professionals (1991-present days).

Macedonians in Australia and data collection issues

Australian residents who identify themselves as Macedonians and speak the language – could have been born in Aegean Macedonia (the Greek state) or the former Yugoslav republic.

Census figures become problematic because people who are ethnically Macedonians, but born in the south, were counted as „Greek‟ in the population figures. The situation is further complicated by the Australian Federal Govt‟s decision to put the acronym „FYROM‟, instead of „Macedonia‟ as country of origin on the census form. In addition, many Macedonians who entered Australia with Yugoslav and other passports continue for administrative purposes to identify themselves as such.

Some Macedonians particularly older people, still live in fear to identify themselves as „Macedonian‟ in official data collection, due to past negative experiences overseas (such as for Aegean Macedonians).

„Macedonian‟ was recognised as such since 1991 Census (after the break-up of Yugoslavia). As previously to that category for Macedonians were described as „Yugoslav unspecified‟.

These limitations must be kept in mind in interpreting the population figures cited below. The Republic of Macedonia claims that there are 200,000 Macedonians in Australia; compare to 83,978 the number that was given by ABS after the 2006 Census.

12 2006 Census

In the category “Country of Birth of Residents”, 40,656 Australian residents are listed as having been born in the Republic of Macedonia.

It is interesting fact that in the Census of 2001, 81,898 people claimed Macedonian ancestry in 2006 the number increased to 83,978 (ANCESTRY – Full classification list – Cat. No. 2068.0).

Australian cities with the largest Macedonian – born communities are Melbourne (17,286, in particular the outer suburbs), Sydney (11,630, south) and Wollongong (4,279 – about 1.6% of the Wollongong population).

In Sydney, Rockdale, Kogarah, Hurstville, Yagoona, Sutherland Shire & West are the areas with the highest number of Macedonian residents.

Macedonian language is in the 11th place of most common languages spoken at home in NSW. In Rockdale it is the 4th most common language spoken in the area.

Local area or Total No. of % of total No. Macedonian % of total No. region people born in of people in language of people that Macedonia region born in spoken at speak who reside in Macedonia home Macedonian local area language 4th highest Rockdale 3,133 3.4 5,002 5.4

Wollongong 3,396 1.8 5,311 2.9

Hurstville not in top six - 1,924 2.6 (6)

Kogarah not in top six - 1,164 2.2 (6)

Shellharbour 865 1.4 1,518 2.5

Sutherland not in top six - 610 0.6 Shire (6) West

Newcastle 739 0.5 1,303 0.9

Yagoona 394 2.6 657 4.4

2006 Census Quick stats from Australian Bureau of Statistics


Cultural tendencies and Social & Community Life

 Many Macedonian people are social, like to communicate with others and are open to meeting new people.  Willing to give their advice/opinion to others, even without being asked, on how to overcome or solve some problem/situation in the one‟s life.  Handshakes are an appropriate form of greeting for both man and women.  Eye contact is highly valued, it is seen as sign the listener is paying attention.  During conversation Macedonians use hand gestures to complement their verbal communication.  Macedonians are generally hard working people (especially the older generation, would hold two jobs providing big houses and cars for their children, and would have big weddings for them as well).

Macedonians may participate in:

 Sport and cultural associations.  Cultural Folkloric/traditional dancing groups.  Macedonian language education.  Ongoing religious and cultural festivals during the year.  In general Macedonians prefer to eat Macedonian food.  The concept of eating out in a restaurant is novel to the older traditional Macedonians and is not widely practised. This is not the case with the younger generation.  Visits of family and friends are important socialising activity, which is usually marked by big quantity of food being spread on the table.  Macedonian hospitality is essential for visitors and it would be common for a service provider to be offered refreshments if visiting someone‟s home.

14 Health

 Disability may be regarded as shameful, as if somehow the family is responsible for there being a disability in the family; this is significant because often the family does not obtain all the services or benefits available.  Mental illness and Drug and Alcohol addictions are often hidden from community. Low participation rates in accessing mental health specific services, due to a pervasive sense of stigma and shame upon family if people were to find out.  There is a high incidence of stroke and heart attack within the Macedonian community.  Doctors are highly respected.  Stress is thought to be a major cause of illness.  People may find it hard to understand the Australian laws – such as those in relation to domestic violence and child protection. For example: most feel that children need discipline and that a “smack on the bottom” and other methods are OK when disciplining children.  The concept of alcoholism is often, except in cases of domestic violence, not acknowledged; it is belief that alcohol helps to set up the mood, males are socially expected to drink and this is considered as a symbol of masculinity.

It is important to note that new migrants usually have minimal knowledge about the education and health-care system in Australia. The Australian system is quite different from the one they have been used to. Services like breast screening, health worker, social workers or occupational health workers did not exist in Macedonia at the time of their migration to Australia. Thus, screening for disease is a low priority and they are less willing to undergo breast screening or Pap smears.

In regards of asking and accepting help, some Macedonians may have certain attitude, for example, accepting help from others they might view as shame, or feeling of guilt, thinking that they should cope themselves, but also on the other hand many migrants worry a doctor will not recognise their specific cultural needs. For example, some older women and in particularly those coming from rural areas, prefer to be examined by a female doctor, Often these women will express their unwillingness to be examined by a male doctor and they may request their husband to be present at the time of their examination.

Those who have poor English skills may often fear to present to a general practitioner or the hospital emergency department, especially newly arrived migrants who may have poor English skills. Also those, who have been in Australia longer, but due to various reasons haven‟t learnt to speak the language, or have limited English, such as older Macedonians. In these circumstances it is very important to use an interpreter, who speaks Macedonian language, not Serbian, Croatian or other language from former Yugoslavia, as is highly sensitive issue for Macedonians. Further, it is very important not to use family members for interpreters as due to the “stigma”, issues may not be translated accordingly.

15 Barriers to accessing services

The Macedonian community is significantly under-resourced when it comes to services, and it is evident that there are low participation rates to Macedonians accessing mainstream services due to the lack of knowledge about existing services and mainstream services are generally culturally inappropriate.

Difficulties in accessing mainstream services identified include:

 Language barriers  Clients‟ attitude to accepting help from others e.g. shame, feeling of guilt, thinking they must cope themselves  Also, conflicts/disagreement within the family unit on whether to seek assistance or not  No idea of current services available and what they provide  Negative past experience of services prevents them from attempting to access services again  Lack of trust  Culturally perceived that it is the responsibility of family members to assist one another in the time of need/ illness/old age etc.

A practical guide to access the Macedonian Community

 Advertise projects and services via ethnic media (radio and newspapers). The most effective method of reaching a broader cross-section of the Macedonian community is through the community Macedonian Radio programs.  Distribution of translated material in areas where high number of Macedonians attend e.g. Churches, Bakers (fresh bread and „Burek‟ shops), Doctors, Hairdressers, Language Schools & mainstream schools where high numbers of Macedonian students attend (statistics can be obtained from NSW Department of Education and Training).  Services need to deliver outreach services to places where Macedonians are e.g. the geographical areas, the places where they socialise or do access e.g. the local Soccer Club.  Promote through the Macedonian newspapers: “Today” an “Australian Macedonian Weekly” and local mainstream newspapers (where high numbers of Macedonians reside).  Network and consult with the Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc. (MAWA) to get specific assistance with clients or current projects. Undertake projects and direct work in partnership with MAWA bilingual staff.  Information sessions (ensuring appropriate time and venue).  Cultural competence of staff e.g. Attend Cultural Diversity training.  Organise interpreting when needed (make sure to always check).  Promote activities in conjunction with events such as Cultural Celebrations.  Ensure that you offer some services or programs with Macedonian workers, and target Macedonians specifically, both with promotions and projects. 16  Employ workers from Macedonian cultural backgrounds.  Provide funds or resources for Macedonian workers or projects/activities.  More education & information on what your service is and does in simple non-jargon language, and especially in Macedonian language.  Families want to know the workers and be familiar with service programs in their communities and neighbourhood.  Include parents/families in service events e.g. run a parent coffee morning, or plan and open day for the service (with Macedonian bilingual workers available to answer questions.  Make contract with Macedonian families in other ways and be available to answer questions (orientation to your service).  It is important that Macedonian families in your area feel that your service and programs are culturally sensitive and that they promote cultural identity. Do an audit (Site Inspection, where Macedonian community members can make recommendations to your service).  Keep good statistics: e.g. make sure you include „Cultural background‟ as well as „Country of birth‟ on forms.

17 Other useful information for services providing support to older Macedonian people

 There are some differences between people from rural and urban backgrounds. Some Macedonians, especially from rural backgrounds place a greater emphasis on the independence of the elderly when they become ill. They may resist the need for nursing home care.  Nursing Home Placement – Once placed in a nursing home, Macedonian older people still like to be approached in the same way they are approached by their family. For example depending on their age they‟d still like to be referred to as an aunty, uncle, grandmother or grandfather.  Fasting – Fasting may be done regularly for religious holidays, staff should discuss this with the family as the resident may want to continue their religious rights.  Building relationships – Macedonian people can be very social and like to converse frequently. Staff should try to make an effort to make small talk and ask clients about their feelings on each contact.  Death and dying – the presence of family and Priest is very important, including practicing all religious Macedonian Orthodox rituals during the first six weeks after death. It is conventional to take an optimistic approach by offering examples of others who have survived similar situations. For more information about Palliative Care and Macedonian cultural/religious traditions after death, please contact MAWA.





Centrelink Multilingual Call (CMC) 13 19 02 (CMC) is a national service that allows people to speak to and do business with Centrelink in languages other than English. 13 12 02 to speak to a Macedonian officer www.centreling.gov.au

Interpreting and Translating Services

Community Relations Commission The Community Relations Commission for Multicultural NSW provides interpreting and translating services. Services are available to all Government departments and agencies, private and commercial organisations, community groups and individuals 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Sydney Face to face interpreting service Level 8, Stockland House 1300 651 500 175-183 Castlereagh Street Ph: 8255 6767 Sydney NSW 2000 Fax: (02) 8255 6711 TTY (02) 8255 6868

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 13 14 50 TIS provides a fee-free interpreting service to non-English Speaking people in the community who are permanent visa holders. TIS is available to any person or organisation in Australia requiring interpreting services. TIS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Immigration (all visa types) 13 18 81 Australian Citizenship 13 18 80 Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50 Work rights information line: 1 800 040 070 Client services feedback line 13 31 77

19 NSW Government Health Services

NSW Health Care Interpreter Service (02) 9515 9500 Interpreters‟ help patients communicate with health professionals in the NSW public health system. Interpreters are qualified and speak your language and English fluently. Confidential service, health Care Interpreter Services provide a 24-hour service.

NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service Has lots of translated information in Macedonian language

Office Location Postal Address Building 41 NSW Multicultural Health Old Gladesville Hospital Communication Service Punt Road Locked Bag 5003 Gladesville, 2111 NSW, Australia Gladesvill, NSW 2111 e-mail: Ph: (02) 9816 0347 [email protected] Fax: (02) 9816 0302 www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au

South Western Sydney Area Health Service Provides information on health and welfare issues, assists in personal and family matters

Bankstown Community Health Centre 36-38 Raymond Street Bankstown NSW 2200 Violeta Neskovska– Macedonian Ph: (02) 9780 2810 Health Worker Fax: (02) 9780 2899

South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service Mental health counselling and community education

St George Division of Psychiatry & 21-25 King Street Mental Health Rockdale NSW 2216 Dushan Ristevski – Bi-lingual Ph: (02) 9567 6500 Counsellor Fax: (02) 9597 4756

20 Multicultural HIV-AIDS Education & Support Service (MHAHS) HIV/AIDS Education, Support and Community Development

Level 2 Building 12 Cnr Gross St. Website: www.multiculturalhivhepc.net.au and Missenden Rd Toll free ph: 1800 108 098 PO Box M139 Camperdown NSW 2050 Valentina Angelovska – Macedonian Ph: (02) 9515 5030 Health Education Support Officer Fax: (02) 9559 6815

Central Sydney Area Mental Health Service Mental health assessments, support, advice, counselling, short or long term mental health care. 24 hour acute care service

Marrickville Community Health Centre Ph: (02) 9560 4500 155 – 159 Livingston Road, Fax: (02) 9564 1167 Marrickville, NSW 2204 e-mail: [email protected] Bilingual worker: Kifka Magnay

Transcultural Mental Health Centre Transcultural Mental Health Research, Training, Bi-lingual Mental Health Assessment, Mental Health Promotion, Community Liaison and Public Relations, Language Based Sub-Committees

Building 53 Cumberland Hospital Locked Bag 7118 5 Fleet Street Parramatta BC NSW 2150 North Parramatta NSW 2151 Ph: (02) 9840 3800 Cumberland Hospital Fax: (02) 9840 3755 Toll free ph: 1800 648 911 e-mail: [email protected] Have Macedonian bilingual staff that can do assessments.

Bankstown Ethnic Day Care Ph: (02) 9790 0572 Multicultural Centre referrals 1800 455 511 5 Olympic Parade Fax: 9722 7190 Bankstown NSW 2200

Warrina Cottage Ph: (02) 9587 4217 Centre-based day care Calvary Health Care Sydney Inc. 9 St Georges Rd., Bexley, 2207 NSW

NSW Department of Community Services

DOCS Helpline Ph: 13 21 11 To report any child protection issues call 13 21 11. DOCS offices at Hurstville and Fairfield have Macedonian speaking staff.


Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc. Advancing Multiculturalism by serving the welfare needs of the Macedonian Australian Community in Sydney.

Phone:02 9597 5455 Fax: 02 9567 3326 Office: 552 Princes Hwy, Rockdale NSW 2216 Postal: PO Box 392, Rockdale NSW 2216

Aged Care – Information and referral for Macedonian older people

Community Partners Program run by Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc. Funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing aiming to promote and facilitate access to aged care services for the Macedonian older people and to provide information and referral to mainstream aged care services about the Macedonian cultural specifics.

Project contact: Andrej Naumovski Project Officer - Community Partners Program (CPP) 552 , Rockdale 2216 Ph: 02 9597 5455 Fax: 02 9567 3326

Nursing Homes – Macedonian clusters

Casa Mia Aged Care Facility Ph: (02) 8707 6000 28 Alma Rd. Padstow, NSW 2211 Fax: (02) 8707 6052 Contact – Cath Barker

Eddystone Nursing Home Ph: (02) 9150 7701 3 Eddystone Rd., Bexley, NSW 2207 Fax: (02) 9554 9411 Contact – Cherly Johnson

IBIS Care Bexley Ph: (02) 9587 7610 82-84 Connemarra St, Bexley, NSW 2207 Fax: (02) 9587 1869 E-mail: [email protected]

St George Aged Care Centre Ph: (02) 9587 7805 3 Verdun St., Bexley, NSW 2207 Fax: 9587 3874 E-mail: [email protected]

Yagoona Nursing Home Ph: (02) 9796 8404 High-level care Fax: (02) 9796 4637 253 Cooper Rd., Yagoona, NSW 2199

22 Aged Care Information and Referral

Commonwealth Carelink Centre Ph: 1800 052 222

Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre Ph: 1800 059 059

Commonwealth Resource Centre Ph: 1800 242 636

Aged Day Care

Macedonian Day Care St George MRC Contact: Gorjana Milosevski Meetings: Macedonian Day Care Group Every Monday and Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm 552 Princess Hwy., Rockdale, NSW 2216 Ph: (02) 9597 5455

Community Access

NESB Access Program St George MRC This program provides information, support, and referral to the frail aged, people with disability and carers of CALD. The project aims at increasing access by people from NESB to mainstream Home and Community Care services and ensure cultural and linguistic appropriate assessment and service provision in the St George and Sutherland regions. 552 Princess Hwy Rockdale NSW 2216 Contact: Valentina Kimovska Macedonian speaking HACC Worker available on Hotline Every Wednesday 10.00am – 3.00pm Ph: (02) 9505 7601

23 Carers Support

Macedonian Carers Support Program Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc. This program provides information, support, one to one support referral and support groups in Rockdale and Bankstown for the Macedonian Carers in Sydney by Macedonian speaking Carers Support Workers for the duration of the project.

552 Princes Hwy., Rockdale, NSW 2216 PO Box 392 Rockdale, NSW 2216 Ph: (02) 9597 5455 Fax: (02) 9567 3326 Web: www.mawasydney.org.au

Multicultural Carers Support Project St George MRC 552 Princess Hwy Rockdale NSW 2216

Contact: Dragana Bozinovski Ph: (02) 9597 5455

Meetings: Macedonian Carers

Support Group meets once a month 9.00am to 4.00pm

Child Care

Macedonian Community Child Care Centre “Ilinden” Provides long day care for children between 2-5 years

7-10 Firth St., Arncliffe, NSW 2205 Ph: (02) 9567 2019 Hours: 6:30-5:30/Mon-Fri Fax: (02) 9556 1290




Diocese of Australia & New Zealand

Macedonian Orthodox Church “Resurrection of Christ”

Parish Priest: Very Reverend Father Mitko Mitrev Ph: 02 9553 6530 Mob: 0412 356 918

102 Frederick Street Rockdale NSW 2216

Macedonian Orthodox Church „Sv. Bogorodica-Precista‟

33-39 Atkinson St. Ph: (02) 96018444 Liverpool Fax: (02) 996018466 Very Reverend Father Dimce Voinovski Ph/Fax: (02) 95871772 Mob: 0403 080 863


Macedonian Orthodox Community Council of Sydney:

Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Kiril i Metodij", ROSEBERY – Established 1970 Church, Religious services, Macedonian cultural and educational activities 18A Dalmeny Ave PO Box 147 Rosebery NSW 2018 Rosebery NSW 2018 Ph (02) 9667 1962

Reverend. Father Naum Despotovski Father Blaze Poposki Mb: 0418 976 866 Mb: 0407 012 455

Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Nikola", Cabramatta – Established 1986 Church, Religious services, Macedonian cultural and educational activities 79 Cabramatta Rd PO Box 204 Cabramatta NSW 2166 Cabramatta NSW 2166 Ph: (02) 9725 6676 Fax: (02) 9727 7860 Reverend: Velimir Poposki Ph: (02) 9726 9996 Mb: 0409 817 547

Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Petka", Rockdale Church, Religious services, Macedonian cultural and educational activities 65 Railway Street PO Box 18 Rockdale NSW 2216 Rockdale NSW 2216 Ph: (02) 9597 4935 Fax: (02) 3196



Saturday School of Community Languages Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate 3A Small Rd Ph: (02) 9886 7505 RYDE NSW 2122 Fax: (02) 9886 7514 Principal: Marjory Ellsmore W: 02 9886 7505 Fax: 02 9886 7514 Activities: Language Coordination

Macedonian in Saturday Ethnic Schools

Macedonian Ethnic School "11-ti Oktomvri", Yagoona Yagoona Public School Teachers: Liljana Dvojakova Hume Hwy, Yagoona NSW 2199 Sonja Starkovska P O Box 37 Yagoona NSW 2199

Macedonian Ethnic School “Kliment Ohridski” Rockdale Rockdale Public School Lord St, Rockdale NSW 2216 Ph: (Call Public School Directly) Teachers: Mrs Cveta Chumkovska 9567 6146 Mrs Galina Todorovska

Macedonian Ethnic School “Nikola Karev” Bonnyrigg Bonnyrigg Public School Tarlington Ph: (02) 9610 1511 Pde Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 Teachers: Mrs Silvana Trajkovska Mrs Stella Murdzovska

Macedonian in Regular Primary Schools, Yrs 1-6 Macedonian language teaching children of Macedonian background Macedonian as a regular school subject, Yrs 1-6.

Arncliffe Public School 168 Princes Hwy Ph: (02) 9567 5060 Arncliffe NSW 2205 Fax: (02) 9556 1002 Teacher: Ms Lence Dimivska

Bankstown Public School Mona St Ph: (02) 9709 6788 Bankstown NSW 2200 Fax: (02) 9796 3971 Teacher: Mrs Cveta Chumkovska

Carlton Public School 60 Cameron St Ph: (02) 9587 3717 Bexley NSW 2207 Fax: (02) 9553 8307 Teacher: Mrs Zaklina Mihajlova

27 Rockdale Public School Lord Street Ph: (02) 9567 6146 Rockdale NSW 2216 Fax: (02) 9567 1947 Principal Vera Bosevski Teacher: Rosa Petkovska

Tempe Public School Unwins Bridge Rd Ph: (02) 9558 3780 Tempe NSW 2044 Fax: (02) 9558 8940 PROGRAM SUSPENDED

Yagoona Public School 425 Hume Hwy Ph: (02) 9790 3562 Yagoona NSW 2199 Fax: (02) 9796 1544 Teacher: Cveta Chumkovska

Macedonian in Regular Secondary (High) Schools, Yrs 7-12

Saturday School of Community Languages Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate 3A Small Rd Ph: (02) 9886 7505 RYDE NSW 2122 Fax: (02) 9886 7514 Principal: Marjory Ellsmore W: 02 9886 7505 Fax: 02 9886 7514 Activities: Language Coordination

Bankstown Girls High School Comprehensive co-educational High School Macedonian taught at Saturday School Mona Street Ph: (02) 9709 6788 Bankstown NSW 2200 (Saturday school) Principal: Betty Harper ? Teachers: Mrs Jadranka Dimitrovska Ms Lence Dimovska Mrs Rosa Petkovska Mr Darko Levkovski

Kogarah High School Comprehensive co-educational High School Macedonian taught at Saturday School Gladstone Street Ph: (02) 9587 5815 Kogarah NSW 2217 Fax: (02) 9553 8316 Principal: Angela Lyris Teachers: Mrs Slavica Ristevska Mrs Zora Janeva Mrs Suzana Isajlovska Mr Zoran Markovski

28 Macedonian at Tertiary Level Macquarie University Department of European Information on Macedonian Languages Languages Balaclava Rd Ph: (02) 9850 7111 North Ryde NSW 2113 Fax: (02) 9850 6057 Co-ordinator: Helena Koscharsky



State Library of NSW Macedonian books can be obtained from the State Library through local public libraries. Macquarie Street Ph: (02) 9273 1414 Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Fax: (02) 9273 1255

Macedonian Library "Grigor Prlichev" Established 1978 Library, Community Archive and Resource Centre 5 Belmore st PO Box 227 Arncliffe NSW 2205 Rockdale NSW 2216 Hrs: 6:30pm 0 8:30pm – Fri. Ph: (02) 9597 7362 Librarian: Ivan Trposki Hm: (02) 9789 2063

Macquarie University Library General library services, Macedonian section Balaclava Road Ph: (02) 9805 7500 North Ryde NSW 2113

Rockdale City Library Public Library which includes a small collection of books in Macedonian Language 488 Princes Hwy Ph: (02) 9562 1821 Rockdale NSW 2216 Fax: (02) 9562 1822

Arncliffe Library 11 Firth St Arncliffe NSW 2205 Ph: (02) 9562 1816

Bankstown City Library Occasionally have a Collection of Macedonian books from State Library

Ph: 9707 9708 Fax: 9707 9734 62 The Mall Bankstown NSW 2200




Today Denes Weekly Macedonian newspaper published on Tuesday

PO Box 544 Ph: (03) 9404 2990 Thomastown VIC 3074 Fax: (03) 9436 5185 Editor: Igor Pavlovski Mb: 0403 152 671 Email: [email protected]

Australian Macedonian Weekly Weekly Macedonian newspaper published on Tuesday

PO Box 437 Ph: (03) 9436 7836 Reservoir VIC 3073 Fax: (03) 94367836 Editor: Ljupco Stankovski Email: [email protected]

Macedonian News Weekly Macedonian newspaper published on Thursday

PO Box 279 Pyrmont NSW 2009 Editor: Josif Kumanovski Mob:0401 680 681 Email: [email protected]

Silo Vesnik (Шило Весник) Australian Macedonian weekly magazine PO Box 453 Allawah NSW 2218 Editors: Saso Krsteski & Oliver Dimovski Email: [email protected] [email protected] Mob: 0400 081 639 Mob: 0403 455 062

31 Radio

SBS Radio Sydney Sat: Wed: Thur: Fri: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Sun: 10:00pm - 11:00pm Gorgi Bosinoski Studio Phone Radica Bojkovska- Dimitrovska Ph: (02) 9430 2827/8 Slobodan Bobi Popovski

Super Radio 2SSR-FM 99.7 MHz TAFE Gymea Hotham Rd Sunday 1pm - 4pm Gymea NSW 2227 Mile Vilevski P: 9545 1800 F: 9545 1300 W: www.2ssr.com.au

Radio Makedonska Loza – 90.1 FM Fri: 7 – 9pm Radio program with Brish PO Box 901 Narwee 2210 Ph: (02) 9534 2777

Radio Makedonska Loza - 89.7 FM Sat. 4:00pm John & Betty Trenoski PO Box 343 Radio Gerdan Broadcasting Paddington 2021 Ph: (02) 9331 3000 Ah: (02) 9567 2268

Macedonian Community Program – 2NBC FM 90.1 Mhz Sun. 10:00am – 12:30 Goce Jovkovski PO Box 656 Studio Number Bankstown NSW 2200 Ph: (02) 9793 8266 FAX: 9584 1067 Mb: 0407 175 727

Radio Room Doom Doom 2NBC FM 90.1 Sat. 10:30am – 12:00 noon Tome Jovanov-Temso PO Box 888 Studio Number Riverwood NSW 2210 Ph: (02) 9534 2777 Ph: (02) 9153 9846 (7 days) Fax: (02) 9584 1067 Fax: 02 9533 6605 (7 days) [email protected]

32 Radio Pej Makedonija FM 89.7 Mhz Sat. 6:00pm – 8:00pm Bob Markovski Ph: (02) 9331 3000 Studio Number

Sydney Macedonian Radio Program FM 2 RRR 88.5 Thur. 6:00pm – 8:00pm George Trajkovski/ Nick Ristevski Studio Number: Ph: (02) 9816 2938 FAX: 9599 0522

Makedonski Porucek – BFM 100.9 Mhz Sun 8:00am – 11:00am Sasho Trpċeski (0414 307 909) PO Box 86 Bale Stojanovski (0418 251 500) Padstow NSW 2211 Studio Phone Ph: (02) 9771 9887 FAX: (02) 9771 2846

Radio Molika – 2NBC 90.1 Mhz Sat:2:00pm – 3:00pm Studio Phone Ph: (02) 9534 2777

Voice Makedonia – FM 89.7 Sun 8:30am – 10:00am Lupco Kostevski (0407 861 899) Studio Phone PO Box 169 Ph: (02) 9331 3000 Roselands 2196 Ah: (02) 9750 8722

Radio Turbo Folk – 2NBC 90.1 Thurs: 7:00pm –8:30pm Dragi Stojanovski (0407 861 899) Studio Phone PO Box 198 Ph: (02) 9534 2777 Penshurst 2222 Ah: (02) 9534 2888



Macedonian Welfare Organisation "Capari" - Established 1989 Social & community fundraising Kiril Pasovski PO Box 16 Banksia 2216 Ph: (02) 9567 2399

Macedonian Cultural Centre “Vasil II Makedonski” 79 Cabramatta Rd Ph: (02) 9725 6676 Cabramatta NSW 2166 Fax: (02) 9727 7860

Richmond Aegean Macedonian Cultural & Sporting Society – Established 1990 229 Londonderry Rd P O Box 348 Londonderry NSW 2753 Richmond NSW 2753 President: Chris Ginis W: 4578 1720 Secretary: Don Vellio W: 4578 4 449

Chris: 4578 1330 Don: 0425 835 884 Meetings: 7:00pm 2nd Mon.

Macedonian Cultural & Social Society "Bitola" Social, assist families & clubs, churches and others. Slave Ristovski Mb: 0417 675 850 15 Valda Ave. Arncliffe NSW 2205 Rockdale NSW 2216

Macedonian Orthodox Community - Rockdale Macedonian Centre “ILINDEN” Social, assist families & clubs, churches and others. 65 Railway St Ph: (02) 9755 1144 Rockdale NSW 2216 Fax: (02) 9597 3196

Macedonian Cultural & Arts Society "Pelister" – Established 1965 Charity based organisation, raising money to build church. PO Box 294 Ph: 0404 707 967 Richmond NSW 2753 Meeting: 7:30pm monthly (on Friday)

34 MKUD "Dame Gruev" c/ Macedonian Orthodox Community of Sydney - Established 1979 Promotes and teaches traditional Macedonian dancing Chris Saravinovski PO Box 171 Arncliffe 2205 Meetings: 6:00pm Fri. Ph: (02) 9567 7641

MKUD "Ilinden" – Established 1966 Teaches Macedonian traditional dancing, maintains culture through display of traditional clothing. c/- Macedonian Educational & PO Box 18 Cultural Centre "Ilinden" Rockdale NSW 2216 Slavica Josifovska Ph: (02) 9516 1549 65 Railway Pde Rockdale NSW 2216 Meetings: Tuesday and Friday ?

MKUD "Makedonka" – Established 1980 Folkloric group, promotes and teaches Macedonian folkloric dancing c/- Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv PO Box 191 Nikola" Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 Ph: (02) 9725 6676

MKUD "VARDAR” – Established 1984 Folkloric group, promotes and teaches Macedonian folkloric dancing 68 Restwell Street Bankstown 2200 Ph: 0415 161 990 Ph: (02) 9789 2063 Meetings: Once yearly in November

Arts / Theatre

Australian Macedonian Arts Society c/- Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Kiril i Metodij" 18 Dalmeny Ave Rosebery NSW 2018 Established: 1991 Activities: Arts, Exhibitions, Promoting the Macedonian culture.

35 Literary

Macedonian Literary Society "Grigor Prlicev" – Established 1978 Publishes books and literary magazines, organises public readings, has a community library. 5 Belmore St PO Box 227 Arncliffe NSW 2205 Rockdale NSW 2216 Meetings: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Fri. Ph: (02) 9567 6500 Dushan Ristevski

Seniors Groups

Macedonian Pensioners Association Cabramatta Address: Cabramatta Community Hall Cnr Railway & McBurney Cabaramatta NSW 2166 Group Meet: Every Monday 9am – 1pm

Cabramatta Pensioner Group Address: St Nikola Macedonian Orthodox Church 79 Cabramatta Road East Cabramatta NSW 2166 Group Meet: Every Monday 9am – 1pm

Bankstown Mens Pensioner Group

Address: FRIDAYS: The Scottish Club 4 Weigand Ave, Bankstown WEDNESDAYS: Yagoona Citizen Club

St George Macedonian Australian Pensioners Association Rockdale Address: Town Hall Rockdale NSW 2216 Group Meet: Every Wednesday 9am – 12pm

St George Macedonian Australian Pensioners Association Rockdale Address: Rockdale Community Hall 36 George Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Group Meet: Every Friday 9am – 12pm (except every first Friday of the month)

36 Dobro Utro Womens Dancing Group Rockdale Address: Rockdale Community Hall 36 George Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Group Meet: Every Tuesday 9am – 12pm

Australian Macedonian Pensioners Association Inc. Rockdale Address: St Petka Macedonian Orthodox Church 65 Railway Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Group Meet: Every Tuesday 9am – 12pm

Menai Social Support Pensioner Group Address: Menai Community Centre 34 Allison Crescent Menai NSW 2234 Group Meet: Every Thursday 10am – 12pm

Vardar K.U.D Bankstown Dancing Group Address: 70 Restwell Street Bankstown NSW 2200 Group Meet: Every Wednesday 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Youth Groups

Macquarie University Macedonian Students Society (MUMSS) c/- Students Council Student organisation to assist Macedonian students at Macquarie Uni., social events, seminars etc

P O Box 86 PO Box 86 Lv 1 Union Building Macquarie University NSW 2109 Contacts: Nickola Trajcevski Mb: 0431 414 964 Danny Strezovski Mb: 0431 180 086



Rockdale Ilinden Soccer Club – Established 1969 Soccer club in State League, organise social functions and fundraising activities 210 West Botany Street POPO BoxBox 9595 Arncliffe NSW 2205 RockdaleRockdale NSW NSW 2216 2216 W: 02 9567 4741 President: Mendo Cklamovski Ph: (02) 9567 5067 Meetings: Mon. 7:30pm Mb: 0419 287 907

Australian Macedonian Mountaineering & Alpine Association "Dimitar Ilievski" 139 Bardia Pde Ph/Fax: (02) 9825 4806 Holsworthy NSW 2173

Bankstown City Lions – Established 1973 30a Clapham Rd PO Box 656 Sefton NSW 2162 Bankstown NSW 2200 President: George Jackson (02) 9793 8266 Meetings: Mon. 7:30pm Email:[email protected]




Family Medical Clinic: Kuzmanovski Dr B and Nick Cvetkovski (General Practitioners) Unit 66 / 2-6 Market St Hrs: Monday to Friday Rockdale NSW 2216 9:00am – 1:00pm Ph: (02) 9597 2111 4:00pm – 6:00pm FAX: 02 9567 0613 Sat. 9:00am – 12:00pm After hours: 8724 6300

Family Healh Clinic: Stojanovska – Petrovska Dr L (General Practitioner) Unit 67 / 2-6 Market St Hrs: Monday to Friday Rockdale NSW 2216 9:00am - 6:00pm Ph: (02) 9567 7077 Sat. 9:00am – 12:00pm FAX: 02 9567 5799

Manevski Dr D (General Practitioner) 1/141 Richard Rd Hrs: Tuesday 8:30am – 12pm Bankstown NSW 2200 Friday 1pm – 6pm Ph: (02) 9708 3611

Ristevski Dr K (General Practitioner) The Bellevue Medical Centre Hrs: Mon-Fri 9:00am-1:00pm 1/438 Forest Rd 3:00pm-6:00pm Hurstville NSW 2220 Ph: (02) 9585 8111 Fax: 02 9585 8341

Tulevski Dr V (Specialist Physician) 2 Wentworth Ave Hrs: Mon. – Fri. 8:00-6:00pm North Rocks 2151 Sat. 8:00am – 12:00pm Ph: (02) 9890 3848 Fax: 02 9890 5552


Eftimovski, Dr Zlatko (Dentist) Eftimovska, Dr. Ruza (Dental Hygienist) 4/183A Forest Rd Mon.- Fri. 9:00 -1:00pm Hurstville NSW 2220 3:00pm – 6:00pm Ph: 9585 8555




Grbevski, Simon (Optometrist) 458 Princes Hwy Hrs: Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri. Rockdale NSW 2216 9:00am -8:00pm Ph: 9597 3030 Thurs. 9:00am – 8:00pm Sat. 9:00am – 12:00pm

Skin Cancer Centre

Langov L Dr – Sutherland Skin Cancer Laser Centre 35 East Parade Mon.- Fri. 9:00 - 5 :00pm Sutherland Ph: (02) 9521 4267

Counselling / Therapy

Langovski Natasha – Psychologist Child, adolescent, family & Individual counselling & assessments. Behavioural & emotional issues, trauma, grief, self esteem, school issues, relationships Suite 1, 12 Laycock Ave PO Box 115 Cronulla NSW 2230 Hurstville NSW 1481 Mob: 0407 016 082

Goran Josifoski – Psychologist 28/2 French Ave Bankstown 2200 Ph: 02 9793 3824 Fax: 02 9793 3826 Mob: 0412 141 771 Email: [email protected]

Ristevski Dushan Marriage counselling and counselling people suffering from stress, anxiety and depression P O Box 85 Ph: (02) 9546 6042 Rockdale NSW 2216 Fax: (02) 9546 6042

Angela Wilson – Behavioural Intervention Programmer Services Campbelltown, Fairfield, Bankstown, Liverpool, Camperdown, Wollondilly Level 8 138 Queens Street Ph: (02) 4621 8400 Campbelltown NSW 2560 Mon - Fri. 8:00am - 5 :00pm




Community Relations Commission Community Relations Commission (CRC) of NSW, Hunter Region Interpreting & translating services, policy advice and community liaison, information on grants. Macedonian Interpreter and Translator on duty part -time 9:00am.1:00pm Mon-Fri Government Office Block Ph: (02) 4929 4191 117 Bull Street Fax: (02) 4929 7369 Newcastle NSW 2300 1300 651 500 Toll Free for interpreting

NSW Department of Health Multicultural Health Unit Health Care Interpreter Service 2nd Floor, Harker Building P.O. Box 119 Wallsend Health Services Wallsend NSW 2287 Longworth Avenue Ph: (02) 4924 6285 Wallsend NSW 2287 Ah: (02) 4921 3000 Fax: (02) 4924 6287

NSW Rural Health Care Interpreter Service

2nd Floor, Harker Building 1800 674 994 Wallsend Health Services Longworth Avenue Wallsend NSW 2287

Multicultural HIV-AIDS Hepatitis C Ph: (02) 9515 5030 Education & Support Service Fax: (02) 9550 6815 Support and Community Development Website: www.multiculturalhivhepc.net Level 1, Building 12 Cnr Gross St Macedonian Health Workers available for And Missenden Rd NSW Camperdown NSW 2050 Po Box M139 Camperdown NSW 2050

Transcultural Mental Health Centre Cumberland Hospital NSW 5 Fleet Street Transcultural Mental Health Research, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Training, Bi-lingual Mental Health Locked Bag 7118 Assessment, Mental Health Promotion, Parramatta BC NSW 2150 Community Liaison Ph: (02) 9840 3800 Macedonian bi-lingual staff available Toll free: 1800 648 911 Fax: (02) 9840 3755 Email: [email protected] 41


Day Care

Macedonian Day Care Centre, Broadmeadow Caring for frail aged people and people with disabilities and their carers. c/- Macedonian Cultural & Welfare Ph: (02) 4961 3586 Centre Fax: (02) 49 29 5064 14 School Street Meetings: Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Tuesday 10:00am – 2:00pm Contact: Elizabeth

NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS Ethnic Communities' Council of Newcastle & The Hunter Region Inc Home & Community Care (HACC) Provide Day Care and respite service at Macedonian Cultural and Welfare Centre Advocacy, education and community development Waratah Community Reserve PO Box 152 Station Street Mayfield NSW 2304 Waratah NSW 2298 Ph: (02) 4960 8248 Fax: (02) 4929 8249


Churches Macedonian Orthodox Church “Sv Bogorodica” Newcastle

Very Rev Mome Smilkovski 127 Lexington Parade Ph: (02) 4957 9757 Adamstown NSW 2289 Mob: 0414 616 855 Email: [email protected]

Macedonian Orthodox Church “St Basil The Great” Newcastle of George Street and Morgan Street Islington NSW 2296 Very Rev Mome Smilkovski



Macedonian Ethnic Primary School, Yrs 1-6

Macedonian Ethnic School "Goce Delcev" Macedonian Orthodox Community of Newcastle Classes held at: Contact: Peter Vrtkovski 14 School St Ph: (02) 4982 9332 Broadmeadow NSW 2292 MOB: 0411 673 073

Macedonian Saturday School, Yrs 7-12

Classes held at: Contact: Christine Horane – Project Merewether High School Officer (School of Community Chatham Street Languages) Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Ph/Fax: (02) 4962 3112 Ph: (02) 4969 3855 PO Box 3010 Hamilton DC NSW 2303

or Contact: Peter Vrtkovski (committee member) Ph: (02) 4982 9332 MOB: 0411 673 073



Macedonian Radio Programme 2NUR 107.3 FM Community Station, Newcastle

Ph: (02) 4921 6216 Radio 2NUR Thur. 7:00pm – 8:00pm University Drive Callaghan NSW 2308



Macedonian Cultural & Welfare Centre – Established 1972 14 School St Ph: (02) 4961 3586 Broadmeadow NSW 2292

Organisations for the Aged

Macedonian Pensioner Association of Newcastle & Hunter - Established 1986 Aged social c/- Macedonian Cultural & Welfare Ph: (02) 4961 3586 Centre 14 School Street Meetings: Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Mon. 12:00–4:00pm . Thur. 12:00–2:00pm

Youth Groups

MKUD "Stiv Naumov", Broadmeadow – Established 1975 c/- Macedonian Cultural & Welfare Centre Folkloric group 14 School St Joshua Sherman Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Ph: (02) 4969 1069


Newcastle Macedonia Soccer Club - Established 1967 Soccer club, 2nd Division, Northern NSW Soccer Ltd. Lupco Udarov Lambton PO Box 464 Hamilton NSW 2303 Ph: (02) 4927 8676

Newcastle Macedonia Soccer Club Junior– Established 1978 Strebre Dumanovski PO Box 274 Valentine NSW 2280 Hamilton NSW 2303





Centrelink Multilingual Call (CMC) A national service that allows people to speak to and do business with Centrelink in languages other than English. (CMC) 13 12 02

Department of Community Services (Docs)

DOCS – Southern NSW Individuals who need assistance with child Protection Issues call the Docs helpline Ph: 132 111 and ask for an interpreter If required. Service - 24 hrs / 7 days a week Macedonian Case worker Available in „Out of Home Care Team‟ in the Queanbeyan area.

NSW Department of Health

Health Care Interpreter Service – Port Kembla Macedonian interpreter available Port Kembla Hospital Ph: (02) 4274 4211

Cowper Street Fax: (02) 4276 2487

Warrawong NSW 2502

Multicultural Health Services - Cringila

Building 39, Block 13 Ph: (02) 4274 6233

University of Wollongong Fax: (02) 4274 3774

Macedonian Workers: Anica Petkovski and Hristina Treneska

Community Health Centre – Warrawong 32-40 Lake Avenue Ph: (02) 4274 0281

Cringila NSW 2502 Fax: (02) 4274 3774


45 Locked Bag 8808

Loftus Street South Coast Mail Centre NSW 2521

Wollongong 2500 Ph: (02) 4275 5000

Fax: (02) 4253 4878

Multicultural Health - Mental Health Worker Community Mental Health Team Ph: (02) 4254 1500 1-5 Atchison Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Worker: Angela Mitic

Community Health Centre – Dapto 4 Marshal Street Ph: (02) 4261 4033

Dapto NSW 2530 Fax: (02) 4261 8744

Transcultural Mental Health – Outreach Worker Macedonian Counsellors available c/- Multicultural Health Services – Ph: 1800 648 911

5 Fleet Street

North Parramatta 2150

Home Care Service of NSW

Ageing and Disabilities Home Care Service Wollongong

Ph: 02 4254 0382 Fax: 02 4226 4671 Website: www.dadhc.nsw.gov.au.


Macedonian Welfare Association Inc – Established 1984 Information and advice, day care for the aged, women’s group

Cnr Allan St & Wentworth St Ph: (02)PO 02 Box4275 101, 2266 Port Kembla 2505 Port Kembla NSW 2505



Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Dimitrija Solunski", Wollongong – Established 1972 10-12 Stewart St Ph: (02) 4228 6672 Wollongong NSW 2500 Mob: 0417 275 988 Parish priest Very Rev. Alexandar Ivanovski Mob: 0417 275 988

Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Kliment Ohridski", Port Kembla – Established 1982 60 Keira St Ph: (02) 4274 1989 Port Kembla NSW 2505 Parish priest Very Rev. Radmil Josevski Mob: 0416 031 600


Macedonian Orthodox Community of The City of Greater Wollongong – Established – 1972 Religious, Welfare, Community Service c/- Macedonian Orthodox Church Ph: (02) 4228 6672 "Sv Dimitrija Solunski" 10-12 Stewart St Wollongong NSW 2500


Macedonian in Regular Primary Schools, Yrs 1-6

Macedonian Ethnic School and Macedonian language program "Kiril i Metodij", Cringila c/- Cringila Public School Ph: (02) 4274 1768 Sheffield St Fax:(02) 4276 2841 Cringila NSW 2502

Warrawong Public School Primary school teaching Macedonian as a community language 127 Cowper St Warrawong NSW 2502 Ph: (02) 4274 1399 Fax: (02) 4276 2789

Figtree Public School Gibsons Rd Ph: (02) 4271 6888 Figtree NSW 2525 Fax: (02) 4271 6760 Macedoanian Teacher – Mila Nakovski Kemblawarra Public School Shellharbour Rd Ph: (02) 4274 2024 Port Kembla NSW 2505 Fax: (020 4276 2871



Macedonian Radio – Hertz AFA – 100.7FM Unit 3/161 Wentworth St Port Kembla NSW 2505 Ph: (02) 4276 3939 Contact: Goce Angeleski

Macedonian Radio Illawarra - 32 Addison St Ph(02) 4295 5555 Shellharbour 2529

Macedonian Radio Programme “IZGREV” – VOX FM Macedonian radio programme for the Illawarra region 6 Ellan street PO Box 1663 Wollongong NSW 2500 Wollongong NSW 2500 Sun 11:00am – 2:00pm Studio Number: (02) 4226 9393 Contact: Steve Despotovski

Macedonian Radio Programme “Tavce Gravce” – 106.9FM Sun 6:00pm-8:00pm Contact: Peter Tamalevski Studio Number: (02) 4226 9393 6 Ellan street Wollongong NSW 2500


General / Folkloric

MKUD "Makedonija" Folkloric group c/- Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv Ph: (02) 4228 6672 Dimitrija" 10-12 Stewart St Wollongong NSW 2500

MKUD “11 Octomvri” Folkloric group, Macedonian school c/-Barrack Heights Primary School Ph: 0406 963 177 Hunter Street Barrack Heights NSW 2528 Meetings: Every Tues Contact: Stevo Jovanovksi

49 Youth

Macedonian Australian Youth Club c/- Macedonian Welfare Centre Ph: 02) 4275 2266 PO Box 101 Port Kembla NSW 2505

Arts / Theatre

Macedonian Theatre "Bill Neskovski" Inc - 1983 Theatre productions for local, interstate and overseas audiences PO Box 222 Port Kembla NSW 2505 President: Samoil Mitrevski Ph: (02) 4296 2649 Sec. Elizabeth Kuzmanoska Ph: (02) 4225 1683


Coniston Macedonian Soccer Club – Established 1985 PO Box 1939 Wollongong NSW 2500 18 Evelyn Ave Figtree President – Bobi Grbevski Ph: 0401 985 306

Cringila Lions Soccer Club Inc. – Established 1968 PO Box 232 Warrawong NSW 2502

President – Naume Janeski Ph: 0418 271 968

Wollongong Macedonia United Soccer Club Inc – Established 1976 c/- Macedonian Orthodox Church "Sv PO Box 699 Dimitrija" Wollongong NSW 2500 10-12 Stewart St Ph: (02) 4228 6672 Wollongong NSW 2500



Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc (MAWA)

Reprinting or copying of any part without permission is strictly prohibited © Macedonian Australian Welfare Association of Sydney Inc 2011