The Venezuelan Institute of Folklore

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The Venezuelan Institute of Folklore -L THE FOLKLORE AND FOLK MUSIC I bIk Ins ullabies I VOL. V, NO. 1 INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON SPRING, 1962 THE VENEZUELAN INSTITUTE OF FOLKLORE Isabel Aretz The study of folklore in Venezuela is for the most museum and preserving them. He also makes sketches, part under the direction of the Institute of Folklore and besides serving as a teacher of handcrafts, he is (Instituto de Folklore), formerly called "The National curator of the archive of photographs and slides. Folklore Investigation Service" ("Servicio de Inves- tigaciones Folkl6ricas Nacionales"). Through the Professor Abilio Reyes, a choreographer, has efforts of Juan Liscano, its first Director, the latter specialized in studying and filming dances; he teaches organization was brought into being by decree no. 430, such dances to special teachers in various schools. dated October 30, 1946. In 1953 this Service was In addition, he supervises folk dance spectacles spon- elevated to the rank of Institute, and its directorship sored by the Department of Schools and Physical Edu- was entrusted to Luis Felipe ~am6ny Rivera. cation, and he is Professor of Folk Dance in the School of Artistic Training of the Ministry of Labor, The Institute of Folklore is small in size but where he directs a group of dancers who give public energetic and modern in its outlook. It gathers and performances of national dances. studies materials in order to be of service to contem- porary culture, not merely to inform coming genera- Dr. Gustavo Luis Carrera, Professor of Liter- tions about matters of the past. Consequently, the ature at the Central University, has specialized in the Institute does not conceal the results of its field trips study of the literary aspects of folklore. In collab- and investigations but instead publicizes them as widely oration with his wife, Pilar Almoina de Carrera, he as possible. And the investigators do not keep from investigates typical fiestas. each other the results of their studies, because all are aware that they are serving a common purpose, that His wife, Professor Almoina, who has a degree the State supports them not for their personal prestige in literature, studies Venezuelan fiestas and collab- but rather in the national interest. This In no way orates with Professor Cardona in the preservation of prevents each individual from developing his own field folklore materials. She is also in charge of the cor- of specialization; the individual work of each investi- respondence files . gator is clearly indicated by his signature. Finally, the present writer is Technical Adviser The investigators of the Institute of Folklore, all of the Institute and collaborates with its various trained personnel, are these: sections. In addition, she is Director of the School for Artistic Training of the Ministry of Labor, where The Director, Luis Felipe ~am6ny Rivera, is also several organized groups make use of folklore studies in charge of the Music Section, and, for reasons of which come out of the Institute of Folklore. methodology, shares with the present writer those tasks which have to do with both folk and indigenous music. Whenever possible, these six specialists work as a team on field trips. The Institute places at their The Vice-Director, Professor Miguel Cardona, is disposal a Jeep station wagon, and light, modern in charge of the sections of material and animistic equipment of all kinds: tape recorders which operate folklore. He is involved especially with cataloguing and on batteries or outside electrical sources, motion describing the objects of material folklore which come picture and still cameras for either black-and-white into the Institute, and with exhibiting them in the or color photography, folding aluminum cots, cooking equipment, and other equipment necessary for trips to The Section of Dances - The film library of this out-of-the-way places. section includes 10, 000 feet of film in black-and-white and in color. These motion pictures document fiestas, This kind of teamwork permits investigation in dances, and other interesting aspects of rural life. depth of different villages in short periods of time; and it makes possible exhaustive studies of fiestas, since The--- Archive of Photographs - This archive con- the investigators involved take turns day and night in tains 3000 negatives which document various aspects studying the fiestas from different angles. In such of Venezuela's folklore. cases each specialist describes what he sees. Upon his return, he works over his own materials: he files The---- Archive of Slides - Five hundred slides in them, classifies them, and studies them, the results color represent the beginning of this special archive, of the field trip being set down in reports which are which is of great documentary value. preserved in bound volumes. Later, then, the obser- vations of all the professors are gathered together The-- Library - The Institute has begun a special- and published in book or monograph form. ized library, which contains 1670 volumes and 5 117 newspaper clippings. It should be pointed out here that the Institute investigates fiestas for several days before they ac- The Folklore Calendar - The Institute keeps an tually take place, in order to record the preparations up-toTate folklore calendar which includes data that which precede them. It also observes a given fiesta are gradually being collected about typical fiestas of for several years in order to detect changes which take different Venezuelan villages. This calendar serves place in it. in a general way as a source of information, and, in- cidentally, is also of value to the Department of The archives of the Institute include the following Tourism. folklore items : Publications The Section of Musicology - This section possesses 2571 recorded and catalogued items. In so far as is The Institute has completed Volume I11 of the possible, these musical compositions are written down ~oletfn-- del Instituto de Folklore; each volume contains in integral form, since we believe that the study of eight numbers. This bulletin has been published since music should not be confined merely to its melodic September of 1953. aspects but rather should be extended to include at- tention to the accompaniment of stringed and percus sion Besides this official organ, ten booklets dedicated instruments, where such exists. to the study of different dances and parrandas have been published by the specialists of the Institute. They ---The Section of Literature - This section includes include musical arrangements for the piano, de- many thousands of verbal items. In prose there are scriptions of wearing apparel, and directions necessary tales, legends, casos, historical accounts, dramas, for the manufacture of devices used. and so forth. In verse there are romances, corridos, and ensaladillas; glosas and dgcimas; coplas and &- Also, each specialist is the author of numerous vinanzas. This material is preserved in original tape articles, monographs, and books. In a separate list recordings and in written form. we offer a complete bibliography of those works which deal with Venezuelan folklore. ---The Section of Material Folklore - This section has one thousand items, already catalogued and studied, Expositions of Folklore which represent the different aspects of material life in Venezuela. In addition, it possesses a special file Museum - The Institute plans the construction of a which includes cooking recipes and popular cures for museum of rural life in order to house its entire col- illnesses. lection of folklore objects. In the meantime, it presents exhibitions in its own quarters and organizes periodic 9 THE FOLKLORE AND FOLK MUSIC ARCHIVIST expositions in Caracas and in the interior. It possesses catalogs of all such expositions. In addition, the Vol. V, No. 1 Spring, 1962 Institute has sent samples of Venezuelan folklore to various countries which have requested them, such as A joint publication of the Folklore Archives and Argentina (Tucumsn), Russia, Rumania, the United the Archives of Folk and Primitive Music, Divisions States, Cuba, Brazil, and others. of the Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics , Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Exposition ---of popular art - The Institute possesses USA. THE FOLKLORE AND FOLK MUSIC ARCHIVIST numerous objects such as pictures, sculptures, pottery, is devoted to the collection, documentation, indexing, jewels, and objects of adornment made by untutored and cataloguing of folklore and folk music. artists. It possesses also a collection of old examples of the silversmith's art. These objects will make up George List Editor the Salon of Popular Art which is planned in the Richard M. Dorson Editorial Associate Institute's museum. Judith Mc Culloh Assistant to the Editor (continued on fourth page) THE VENEZUELAN INSTITUTE OF FOLKLORE Radio programs - Intended for listeners in the (cont. ) interiorf'the countby, talks by the Director of the Institute on different topics related to the national or Photographic exposition - The lnstitute has pre- Spanish American folklore are being broadcast cur- sented several expositions of photographs dealing with rently by the National Radio Service. folklore themes in Caracas, in the interior, and in foreign countries. Contributions to the publications UEducaci6n"and "Tricolor" - ~emGrrofthe Institute regularly con- Instructional Activities tribute informative articles about the national and Spanish American folklore to ~ducacih,a review for Short courses in folklore -
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