Invisible Places 18–20JULY 2014, VISEU, PORTUGAL Polyphony of the squares: Sound and Place at Central Public Squares in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) Luiz Henrique Assis Garcia
[email protected] Professor at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Pedro Silva Marra
[email protected] Phd candidate at Universidade Federal Fluminense,Belo Horizonte, Brazil Abstract This article aims to understand and compare the use of sounds and music as a tool to disput- ing, sharing and lotting space in two squares in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In order to do so, citizens manipulate sounds and their parameters, such as intensity, frequency and spatiality. We refer to research data collected by Nucleurb/CCNM-UFMG constituted by a set of methodological procedures that involve field observation, sound recording, photo- graphs, field notesand research on archives, gathering and cross analyzing texts, pictures and sounds, in order to grasp the dynamics of conformation of “place” within the urban space. Keywords: Sonorities, Squares, Urban Space provisional version 1. Introduction A street crier screams constantly, as pedestrians pass by him, advertising a cellphone chip store’s services. During his intervals, another street crier asks whether people want to cut their hair or not. On the background, a succession of popular songs are played on a Record store, and groups of friends sitting on benches talk. An informal math teacher tries to sell a DVD in which he teaches how to solve fastly square root problems. The other side of the square, beyond the crossing of two busy avenues, Peruvian musicians prepare their con- cert, connecting microfones and speakers through cables, as street artists finish their circus presentation.