1938 the Witness, Vol. 22, No. 13. February 3, 1938
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February 3, 1938 5c a copy THE WITNESS WHO IS THE LORD'S BODY? Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS BURGESS, JOHN M., has resigned as rector of St. Philip’s, Grand Rapids, Michigan, tEfje General ©{jeologîcal to accept charge of St. Simon’s, Cincin K E M P ER M I J^emmarg nati, Ohio. BURTON, JOSEPH, formerly rector of St. KENOSHA, WISCONSIN Three - year undergraduate Michael and All Angels, Savannah, Ga., is now the vicar of St. Thomas’, Isle of Episcopal Boarding and Day School. course of prescribed and elective Hope, Savannah, Ga. Preparatory to all colleges. Unusual study. CORNWALL, ARTHUR T., recently resigned opportunities in Art and Music. as rector of the Ascension, Clearwater, Fourth-year course for gradu Florida, and is now rector emeritus. Complete sports program. Junior ates, offering larger opportunity DAVIS, SAMUEL, curate at St. Paul’s, School. Accredited. Address: Syracuse, N.Y., is to be ordained priest on for specification. February 5th at St. Luke’s, East Hampton, SISTERS OF ST. MARY Provision for more advanced L.I., by Bishop Stires. Box W.T. GAMBLE, CARY, has resigned as rector of Kemper Hall Kenosha, Wisconsin work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. the Nativity, Huntsville, Alabama. and D.Th. GAMBLE, E. W., has resigned as rector of St. Paul’s, Selma, Alabama. ADDRESS JENKINS, JOHN L., formerly of All Saints, CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL Homewood, Ala., has accepted the rector New York City ship of St. Paul’s, Selma, Ala. THE DEAN LLOYD, DONALD W., vicar of Christ Chapel, A boarding school for the forty boys of Brooklyn, N.Y., was ordained priest on the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the Chelsea Square New York City January 24th by Bishop Stires. Divine. Careful musical training and daily LUND, G. CLARENCE, rector of St. Marx s, singing at the cathedral services. Small For Catalogue Address the Dean Adams, Mass., has accepted the rectorship classes mean individual attention and high of St. James, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ad standards. The School has its own building dress, 2960 N. Hackett Ave. and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $300.00 M.4CNAMARA, GEORGE B., Corry, Pa., nas per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice Episcopal Theological School been called as rector of St. Mary’s, Emmor- test and scholarship examination. Address ton, Maryland. The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School. Cathe CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS PARKMAN, EDGAR M., formerly of the dral Heights, New York City. Affiliated with Harvard University offers Holy Comforter, Montgomery, Ala., has ac unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as cepted the rectorship of All Angels, Annis ton, Ala. philosophy, psychology, history, PAF'F, HARRY L., diocese of New York, has sociology, etc. taken charge of Middleham Chapel and St. HOLDERNESS For Catalogue Address the Dean Peter’s, Solomons’, Maryland. PEEPLES, DAVID N., senior priest of the In the White Mountains. College Preparatory associate mission, Eutawville, S. C„ has ac and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For The Protestant Episcopal cepted charge of St. Paul’s, Savannah, Ga., boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 effective March first. acres of woods. New fireproof building. In Theological Seminary in Virginia POLLARD, IRVING S., diocese of New York, dividual attention. Home atmosphere. has accepted charge of St. Andrew's, Wil- For Catalogue and other information liston Park, Long Island. Rev. Edrie A. Weld, Rector address the Dean ROBERTSON, SYLVESTER P„ recently Box W Plymouth, N. H REV. W ALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. celebrated the tenth anniversary of his rectorship at St. Andrew’s,, Aberdeen, Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. Washington. SHORE, FRANK A., is to retire as rector of St. Luke’s, Fort Myers, Florida, after serv Berkeley ing 32 years in the ministry. STETLER, ROBERT H., was ordained priest Stuart Ifall recently by Bishop Casady of Oklahoma. An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old Divinity School He is curate at Trinity, Oklanoma city. I traditions and high standards in the beau- New Haven, Connecticut WALKER, JOSEPH R., formerly rector of I tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepnra- Trinity, Appalachicola, Fla., is temporarily Affiliated with Yale University in charge of St. Paul’s, Savannah, Ga. I tory, general courses, and secretarial Address DEAN W . P. LADD WATTS, WILLIAM J., acting rector of St. I courses. Two years beyond high school. I Music, art, expression. Graduates success- 86 Sachem Street Paul’s, Lock Haven, Pa., has accepted the rectorship of St. Luke’s, Mount Joy, Pa., I ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. diocese of Harrisburg, with charge of St. I New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid- TRINITY COLLEGE Elizabeth’s, Elizabethtown. I ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. WILSON, 4 LBERT J. M., rector of Christ I Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. Hartford, Conn. Church, Greenwich, Conn., has »een elected Archdeacon of Fairfield, diocese of Con Offers a general cultural education, with necticut. special emphasis on the Classics, Modem Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil Tbe Church Divinity School of the Pacific osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. Dean, Henry H. Shires 2457 Ridge Road For information apply, The Dean. The Christian Way Out Essays on the Christian answer to the perplexing social, eco nomic and international prob lems of the day. An Honor Christian School with the highest The Meaning of the academic rating. Upper School prepares for An appendix offers a large- number of university or business. ROTC. Every mod questions, based on the essays," making ern equipment. Junior School from six years. the pamphlet ideal for use with discussion Real Presence Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. groups and young people’s societies. By Contributors: Virginia Episcopal School ARCHBISHOP OF YORK G. A. Studdert-Kennedy Lynchburg, Virginia NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER VIDA D. SCUDDER 5c a copy Prepares boys for colleges and university. HARRY W. LAIDLER Splendid environment and excellent corps of MARY SIMKHOVITCH teachers. High standard in scholarship and V. AUGUSTE DEMANT $1.00 for 25 copies athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in CONRAD NOEL the mountains of Virginia. W ILLIAM GREEN For catalogue apply to SPENCER MILLER, JR. Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D. D., Rector W. G. PECK W. B. SPOFFORD BISHOP PARSONS REINHOLD NIEBUHR St. Faith’s School d a n ie l McGr eg o r Secretarial, Art, Music, French, Winter BERNARD IDOINGS BELL Sports. Regents Examination. Tuition $650 yr. Protection, Care, Health. WITNESS BOOKS Some scholarships available. 50c a copy $4.00 for a dozen 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Apply to Chicago REV. DR. F. ALLEN SISCO, Principal THE WITNESS Saratoga Spa, N . Y. 6140 Cottage Crove Ave. Chicago Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Managing Editor Frank E. W ilson W illiam B. Spopford THE WITNESS H. Ross Greer Literary Editor Gardiner M. Day A National Paper of the Episcopal Church A. Manby Lloyd Vol. XXII. No. 1 3. FEBRUARY 3, 1938 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, and semi-monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 29, 1937, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. W h o Is T h e L o r d ’s B o d y ? By HERBERT W. PRINCE Rector at Lake Forest, Illinois H E R E will be no spiritual reality in our mis ery to discipleship to Christ ? Of course it is; what is T sionary work at home and abroad, and no real the use of blinking at it, keeping it under cover? blessing of God upon it so long as we continue our No wonder we are all hard up. No wonder none of work independently of other Communions. Here lies us is winning the confidence of the non-church world. the base of all our failure and discomfiture— it is our No wonder the progress of Christianity is so slow. pride, our assumption of superiority, our bull-headed There is a remedy. Take Wyoming. (Bishop Zieg stubbornness. W e continue to act in large-area mis ler will think I am taking a crack at him ; not at all. sionary districts at home and in all missionary fields I may be thinking of his predecessor, who died under abroad with a sublime indifference to other churches the impossible strain of administering a territory as and their work. Were there no Presbyterian or large as England, Wales and Scotland combined— think Methodist or Baptist or Congregational or Roman of it!) Yes, take Wyoming. Must we administer the Church in the missionary field of Wyoming or Ne whole state? Is it a Divine mandate the Episcopal vada or Anking or Kyoto our method could not be Church has to cover every inch of American soil? Are more exclusive and go-it-alone than it is. A t home we better, or something, than the Romans or Presby and abroad we are all fighting our separate battles terians or Lutherans? Is it a matter of eternal sal against secularism, we are all struggling separately to vation for every living being to have a chance to be maintain our parishes, and institutions, we are all long to the Episcopal Church? W e haven’t succeeded making herculean efforts to sustain our separate pres in inducing more than our small proportion of human tige, we are all ceaselessly endeavoring to raise money beings to prefer us to other members of Christ’s Body.