The Goodnewsletter A Newsletter for Members of St. Ann, St. Vincent de Paul & St. Patrick Parishes
[email protected] 134 Main St., Lenox, MA 01240 (413) 637-0157 Volume 4 - Issue 2 September 2016 A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR . On June 20th, our first parish meeting was held in the Family Center. There were some 55 people in attendance. To prepare for the parish meeting a survey was posted on the parish website and available for parishioners to answer. Some submitted an available paper survey. The results are posted on the parish web site and will remain available for anyone to consult throughout the year. Some 58 persons answered the survey. The results ran to some 50+ pages. A synthesis of the material will be posted on the website soon. However, I urge everyone to read the survey responses. All of the responses were well thought out and cogently expressed. There seems to be a remark- able consensus on many mattes and a thoughtful disagreement on others. At the parish meeting, fortunately, it turns out; I was not able to present a synthesis of the survey because I could not hook up my laptop to the projector. As a happy consequence the conversation among the participants begins right away, based upon what they wanted to express and not as a response to my presentation. The conversation was spirited and fruitful. Participants focused on three overriding issues: faith formation, stabilizing our financial situation, and outreach in general but particularly to youth and young adults. A variety of views were expressed and differences were very respectfully express and received.