
Public Document Pack 57 28.02.2013 Council


Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of the Council held in the District Council Chamber, House, , on Thursday, 28 February 2013, at 6.30 pm.



Jo Stephenson (Chairman) Evelyn Westwood (Vice-Chairman)

Caroline Airey David Evans Mary Orr James Airey Clare Feeney-Johnson Bharath Rajan Giles Archibald David Fletcher Vivienne Rees Ben Berry Andrew Gardiner Amanda Rigg Roger Bingham Gill Gardner David Ryder Jonathan Brook Brenda Gray Sue Sanderson John Clough Anne Hall Andy Shine Stephen Coleman Heidi Halliday Ian Stewart Stan Collins Chris Holland Peter Thornton Brian Cooper John Holmes Graham Vincent Nick Cotton Helen Irving Janet Willis Philip Dixon Janette Jenkinson Mark Wilson Sheila Eccles Sonia Lawson Mary Wilson Sylvia Emmott Ian McPherson

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rob Boden, Joss Curwen, Julie Dawson, Clive Graham, Tom Harvey, Pru Jupe, Hilary Stephenson and David Williams.


Inge Booth Senior Democratic Services Officer Lawrence Conway Chief Executive Claire Gould Policy and Partnership Manager Michael Keane Assistant Director Strategic Planning Mark McAdam Communications Manager Shelagh McGregor Assistant Director Resources (Section 151 Officer) Simon McVey Assistant Director Policy and Performance Matthew Neal Solicitor to the Council Peter Notley Chief Accountant Alan Raven Revenues and Benefits Manager Simon Rowley Assistant Director Neighbourhood Services Helen Smith Financial Services Manager Debbie Storr Director of Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer) David Sykes Director of People and Places

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RESOLVED – That the Chairman be authorised to sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2012.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that there have been no questions, representations, deputations or petitions received in respect of this meeting.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that Councillor Andy Shine declared an interest in Minute C/95 below.


RESOLVED – That, should discussion be necessary, the item in Part II of the Agenda be dealt with following the exclusion of the press and public.


A list of engagements which had been undertaken by the Chairman since the last meeting had been circulated prior to the commencement of the meeting.

In addition, the Chairman referred to the Environment and Sustainability Portfolio Holder, Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson, and her recent success in winning the Sustainability Champion of the Year Award at the Local Government Information Units Achievement Awards in London. This had been a tremendous achievement, with strong competition from high profile authorities, and was a great credit to both Councillor Feeney-Johnson, the Authority and the people of South Lakeland in protecting the South Lakeland’s environment.

The Chairman advised Members that Councillor Joss Curwen was now recuperating following his recent illness and wished him well for a speedy recovery.

In closing, the Chairman drew Members’ attention to the presentation due to be made prior to the next meeting of Council on 26 March. He urged Members to attend the session which would include presentations by the Council and the key cultural organisations – the Brewery Arts Centre, Lakeland Arts Trust, Grizedale Arts, Lake District Summer Music and the Wordsworth Trust. The session would look at how supporting the arts across the cultural landscape enhanced the reputation of South Lakeland as a renowned centre for the arts and culture, and delivered quality cultural experiences for local residents which contributed significantly to our enjoyment and quality of life.

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The Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder presented to Council the third quarterly corporate financial monitoring report for 2012/13 which explained in detail the Council’s revenue and capital budget position at 31 December 2012.

Following the Large Scale Voluntary Transfer to South Lakes Housing, the Housing Revenue Account would continue to operate until approval to close it was received later in the year. There was virtually no activity on the account and, therefore, no separate monitoring was included here.

The current projected revenue outturn, after anticipated carry forward requests and one off items, was £358,000 lower than budget. This had increased since Quarter 2, but remained to reflect a strong position within the context of total service budgets totalling £15.7m.

Councillor David Evans moved that the financial position be noted and was seconded by Councillor Andy Shine who also extended thanks on the Council’s behalf to those officers responsible for Local Taxation Collection rates for improvements in performance while other authorities collection rates were declining.

In response to queries raised with regard to variances, Councillor Evans explained that the request to carry forward £20,000 for the Land Allocations Inquiry related to the fact that the Inquiry was likely to continue into 2013/14. He referred to the underlying variance which was £358,000 less than the budget, but drew attention to the consumer-led, competitive market and to the fact that this meant that no guarantees could be made. With regard to it being anticipated that Resources would result in net year end expenditure of £128,000 lower than budget due, amongst other things, a reduced demand for special, one-off event funding, Councillor Evans envisaged encouraging events such as the Great North Swim and looked forward to the benefits they would bring to the community.

RESOLVED – That the financial position of the Council, at 31 December 2012, be noted, as detailed within the report.


The Council had adopted a Five Year Strategy in 2011 providing the direction that the Council needed to take in order to become a sustainable and achieving council in a climate of significant policy and funding change. The Strategy had been updated and reviewed to provide a progress report, a summary of which was provided in Appendix 1 to the report.

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The Council Plan had also been reviewed and updated. A long term vision, underpinned by four priorities, formed an agenda that would make South Lakeland the best place to live, work and explore. It detailed the key projects that would contribute to achieving those priorities. The Plan was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.

In moving the recommendations contained within the report, the Leader referred to the fact that the Plan built on the vision and work carried out by former Members of the Council, adapted to address a new economic climate. Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson seconded the proposition.

The importance of seeking alternative funding through partnership working with other bodies and authorities was raised; it was felt that more detail on this aspect should have been included within the Plan, particularly with regard to issues surrounding the forthcoming changes around health and wellbeing. The Communities and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder advised Members that a draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy was currently being developed and highlighted that this was a grey but exciting new area for all. Members on the whole, however, commended the contents of the Council Plan.

Councillor Peter Thornton expressed thanks to the Policy and Partnership Manager and her Team and to the Communications Manager and his Team for their work in producing the Council Plan. He thanked Members for their support for the Plan and accepted the challenge of ensuring that the contents were delivered.

RESOLVED – That approval be given to:-

(1) the South Lakeland Five Year Strategy 2010-2015 (2012/13 Review); and

(2) the Council Plan 2013-2017.


At C/69 (2012/13), Council had resolved to make changes to the Council Tax discounts to be awarded from 1 April 2013 for the purposes of setting the Council Tax Base and pending the issuing of Regulations by the Secretary of State.

The Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder reported that those Regulations had now been issued and confirmation was now sought to formalise the decisions made previously with reference to the Regulations. He moved the recommendations contained within the report and was seconded by Councillor Sylvia Emmott who drew attention to the protection that the proposals offered to vulnerable people.

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(1) it be confirmed that the following Council Tax discounts will apply to each class of dwelling as prescribed by the Secretary of State under the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) () Regulations 2003, as amended, from 1 April 2013 in accordance with Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended:- (a) a 50% Council Tax discount be awarded to dwellings falling within Class A as described in Regulation 4 of Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended, other than those properties falling within the statutory exceptions under Regulation 6 of these Regulations; (b) no Council Tax discount be awarded to dwellings falling within Class B as described in Regulation 5 of Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended, other than those properties falling within the statutory exceptions under Regulation 6 of these Regulations; (c) a 100% Council Tax discount be awarded to dwellings which are vacant for up to six months falling within Class C as described in Regulation 7 of Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended; (d) no Council Tax discount be awarded to dwellings which are vacant for longer than six months falling within Class C as described in Regulation 7 of Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended; (e) for the purposes of dwellings falling within Class C in considering whether a dwelling has been vacant for any period, any one period, not exceeding six weeks, during which it was not vacant shall be disregarded; and (f) a 100% Council Tax discount be awarded to dwellings which are vacant and fall within Class D as described in Regulation 8 of Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended; (2) a further review of Council Tax discounts be undertaken during the financial year 2013/2014 to determine whether changes are required from 1 April 2014 in the light of experience gained and the financial benefits generated for this Council; and (3) it be confirmed that the amount of Council Tax payable on any day a dwelling is a long term empty dwelling which has been unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for a continuous period of more than two years will be subject to an increased percentage of 50% of the set Council Tax from 1 April 2013. This is in accordance with section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, subject to the exemptions specified by the Secretary of State in Classes E and F of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003, as amended, and any exemptions determined locally by this Council.

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C/91 BUDGET 2013/14 TO 2016/17

The Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder presented a report which summarised the Council’s proposed Revenue and Capital Budget for 2013/14 to 2016/17. The Chief Finance Officer’s Statutory Report on setting the 2013/14 Budget Position was attached at Appendix 16. He drew Members’ attention to an Addendum to the report which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Appendix 9 had been updated to accommodate a change in a parish precept and Appendices 3 and 10 had also been updated. An additional recommendation had been added to account for the changes.

Cabinet had recommended a General Fund Budget of £12,601,100 for 2013/14, which included a nil increase in Council Tax. It was reported that a balanced budget had been achieved through the identification of efficiency savings and the one-off use of reserves and Working Balances. Severe pressure remained to identify means of balancing the budget deficit projected from 2014/15 onwards, increasing from £1.1m to £1.8m per annum by 2016/17. It was pointed out that the Revenue and Capital Budget proposals had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees during the budgeting period and that consultations had also taken place with the public, partners and other stakeholders.

In proposing the recommendations detailed within the report and its addendum, Councillor David Evans highlighted that the proposals would result in no increase in Council Tax.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor Peter Thornton.

Councillor Ben Berry drew attention to the Leader of the Opposition’s report on the Budget. He asked Council to consider this report alongside the Cabinet’s budget proposals before making its final decision on the 2013/14 budget and to consider:-

(a) whether the amendments proposed within Section 4 – relating to capital investment in car parks; housing (Local Authority Mortgage Scheme); South Lakeland News; Enforcement of Dog Control Orders - should be agreed for incorporation into the 2013/14 budget; and

(b) whether the package of initiatives contained in Section 5 – relating to asset review; improved economic development (free WiFi to increase high street business; late night shopping; Christmas free parking; Business Development Forum); environment (water sourced heat pump scheme; biomass boiler) - should be taken forward within the proposed 2013/14 budget.

Councillor Berry moved these amendments, which he felt to be simple, cost- effective suggestions, and was seconded by Councillor James Airey.

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A lengthy discussion ensued. Cabinet Members did not feel able to take on board any of the suggestions which had been raised and were of the opinion that they had not been sufficiently considered or researched.

The amendment was put to the vote and was lost.

The substantive motion was subsequently carried and it was


(1) it be noted that the Cabinet has considered and taken into account comments from appropriate Committees before making its recommendations in respect of the Revenue Budgets and the Capital Programme;

(2) in respect of the Revenue Budgets, approve the proposals of Cabinet that it:-

(a) adopts a Revenue Budget for 2013/14 of £12,601,100, to include:-

(i) the revenue budgets for 2013/14 to 2016/17 as set out in Appendices 3 (updated), 4 and 5 to the report;

(ii) the contributions to and from reserves as set out in Appendix 2 to the report;

(iii) a minimum working balance of £2,000,000 for General Fund services for 2013/14; and

(iv) nil % increase in the Council Tax for District Services;

(b) approves the Fees and Charges Book for 2013/14 (Appendix 7 to the report);

(3) the latest Collection Fund Estimates, Parish Council precepts and Parish Council Taxes for 2013/14 as set out in updated Appendices 9 and 10 and the resulting amendment to Appendix 3 to the report be noted;

(4) the progress to date for the closure of the Housing Revenue Account and the proposals for the Housing Revenue Account balances be noted;

(5) approval be given to the proposals of Cabinet to adopt the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 11 to the report;

(6) the Chief Finance Officer’s Statutory Report on setting the 2013/14 Budget Position (Appendix 16 to the report) be noted; and

(7) it be noted that the proposals contained within this report have been incorporated into the Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Framework elsewhere on this agenda.

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Members’ attention was drawn to the revised report and appendices which had been sent to them prior to the meeting. The revised papers took into account the revision of the precept for Old Hutton and Homescales Parish.

Members were reminded that the Localism Act 2011 had made significant changes to the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and the Council was now required to calculate a Council Tax requirement for the year and not its budget requirement as previously.

In presenting the report, the Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder proposed that the recommendations contained therein be accepted and this was seconded by Councillor Andy Shine.


(1) it be noted that, on 4 January 2013, under powers delegated under Paragraph 3.1 of Section 3 of Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution, the Assistant Director (Resources)/Section 151 Officer calculated the Council Tax Base for the financial year 2013/14:-

(a) for the whole of the District as 43,672.27 (Item T in the formula in Section 31(B) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (The Act), as amended; and

(b) for dwellings in those parts of the District to which a Parish Precept relates as in the attached Appendix C to these minutes;

(2) the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purpose for the financial year 2013/14 (excluding parish precepts and special expenses) be calculated at £7,670,161.00;

(3) the following amounts be calculated for the financial year 2013/14 in accordance with Sections 31 to 26 of the Act:-

(a) £59,829,436.08 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils;

(b) £50,821,157.00 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act;

(c) £9,008,279.08 being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act);

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(d) £206.27 being the amount at 3(c) above (Item R) all divided by Item T ((1)(a) above) calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including parish precepts and special expenses);

(e) £1,338,118.08 being the aggregate of all special items (parish precepts and special expenses) referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the attached Appendix C to these minutes);

(f) £175.63 being the amount at (3)(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at (3)(e) above by Item T ((1)(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its District to which no parish precept relates;

(4) it be noted that the County Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner have issued precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council’s district as indicated in Appendix A to these minutes;

(5) the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the tables set out in Appendix A to these minutes as the amounts of Council Tax for 2013/14 for each part of its District and for each of the categories of dwellings; and

(6) it be noted that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2013/14 is not excessive in accordance with the principles approved under Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


The Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder presented a report advising that the Chartered Institute of Public Financing and Accounting’s code of practice required that the Council set a number of prudential indicators as part of a framework that set out the intended Capital Programme, and the management of that Programme. The Council’s prudential indicators were outlined for 2013/14 to 2015/16 and the expected treasury operations for this period were set out.

The Statement fulfilled four key legislative requirements:-

• The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Code of Practice required the Council to set a number of prudential indicators as part of a framework setting out the expected capital activities and managing its capital finances. The key control was an affordable borrowing limit: breach of this strategy limit would be unlawful.

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• The Council’s Minimum Revenue Provision Policy, which set out how the Council would pay for capital assets through revenue each year.

• The Treasury Management Strategy Statement which set out how the Council’s treasury service would support the capital decisions taken above, the day to day treasury management and the limitations on activity through treasury prudential indicators.

• The Investment Strategy which set out the Council’s criteria for choosing investment counterparties and limiting exposure to the risk of loss.

The Policy, Performance and Resources Portfolio Holder referred to current interest rates which were expected to remain low for the foreseeable future. He raised, therefore, the need to lend prudently to organisations which were likely to pay back. He moved the recommendations contained within the report and was seconded by Councillor Andy Shine.

The need to exercise extreme caution was raised and it was suggested that there should be some diversification in investment, as well as re-examination of the Council’s Investment Policy.


(1) the following be approved:-

(a) the Capital Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2013/14 to 2015/16;

(b) the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement which sets out the Council’s Policy on MRP;

(c) the Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14 and the Treasury Prudential Indicators including the Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator; and

(d) the investment strategy 2013/14 to 2015/16 contained in the Treasury Management Strategy be approved; and

(2) officers be authorised to make any amendments required as a result of changes made by Council to the final budget proposals.


The Central Services Portfolio Holder presented a recommendation from the Member Development Steering Group in response to a request from Council (C/09(2) (2012/13)) for it to consider the proposed extension to the live web streaming pilot.

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The Steering Group had noted that there was no current budget provision for recording meetings and that the cost of webcasting would need to be found from existing budgets. The Group had been mindful of feedback from other authorities, in particular where it had been shown that viewing figures depended on public interest in the issue under debate. The Group had been of the opinion that, whilst there might be benefits to be derived from webcasting, these were limited and, overall, the costs did not outweigh the benefits of the scheme. In conclusion, the Group had felt that, in the current economic climate, the benefits of webcasting did not justify the costs of furthering the pilot at this time.

Councillor Janet Willis moved the recommendation contained within the report and was seconded by Councillor Gill Gardner.

Reference was made to those members of the public who might not be able, for one reason or another, to attend a meeting in which they were interested, and who would be keen to follow the proceedings via webcasting. It was felt that cheaper methods of recording, although not of high quality, could be used. Councillor Willis, although acknowledging that there were different means of recording, pointed out that poor quality would not reflect well on the Council. She did, however, draw attention to the fact Members were welcome to talk to the Member Development Steering Group on the subject at any time.

RESOLVED – That no further action be taken at the present time regarding introducing webcasting of Council meetings.


Note – Although not “disclosable pecuniary” or “other registrable”, Councillor Andy Shine declared an interest in this item of business by virtue of the fact that he had been a friend of one of the candidates for 25 years, and left the room during the discussion and voting thereon.

The Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer) sought authority for the appointment of two new members to the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel.

Note – Details of the candidates who attended for interview for the two positions of members of the Independent Remuneration Panel were provided in Appendix 1 in Part ll of the Agenda which was excluded from inspection by members of the public in accordance with Section 100 (B) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, and , in all the circumstances of the case, it was considered that the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighed the public interest in disclosing it. Copies of the document were excluded, as it contained information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act as follows:-

- Information relating to any individual. (Paragraph 1)

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Councillor Sylvia Emmott proposed deferral of appointment to the Panel pending further advertisement to attempt to broaden the field of candidates to achieve a balanced Panel in terms of gender, geography and skills mix. Councillor David Ryder seconded the proposal and suggested that, in addition, there should be cross party Member involvement in the appointments process. The desire to ensure that people from the western part of the District were represented was raised and it was suggested that the positions should also be advertised in the North West Evening Mail.

RESOLVED – That the Council defers appointment to the Independent Remuneration Panel pending further advertisement to attempt to broaden the field of candidates to achieve a balanced Panel in terms of gender, geography and skills mix.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that no comments or questions have been received in respect of the minutes of Committee meetings held between 19 November 2012 and 1 February 2013.


The Leader introduced the updates and a summary of meetings attended by Cabinet Members during the period January to February 2013, together with details of current issues.

The Environment and Sustainability Portfolio Holder provided a verbal update to her report. She informed Members that she had recently spent an evening, together with representatives from the emergency services, travelling through Kendal seeking out individuals who were sleeping outside in the cold. Only one such person, who was known to the Council, had been found, and had been given information on how to seek assistance. She hoped to carry out similar exercises in the future, and possibly one in the Lakes area during the tourist season. This was an excellent example of the Council, Fire, Paramedics and Police services working together in partnership. She also referred to the current Community Switch scheme and advised that the closing date for registration had been now been moved to 8 April 2013. She pointed out that there had been a huge amount of interest in this round, which could result in an excellent deal, and drew attention to the need to make sure that the message to register was delivered to the wider community, in particular to vulnerable residents.

The Leader expressed good wishes to Councillor Joss Curwen to whom he had recently spoken. He also referred to the New Homes Bonus and announced that each Member of the Council would, during 2013/14, have access to £1,000 from the fund which they could use for purposes within their wards which related to a priority within the Council’s Plan. A briefing paper on the topic would be sent out to all Members in due course.

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The following written questions, receive in accordance with Minute C/056 (2006/07) were then put:-

From Councillor Ben Berry to Councillor Ian Stewart, Economy and Enterprise Portfolio Holder –“Does this Authority recognise what family businesses, run by ‘accidents of birth’, bring to the economy of South Lakeland?”

Response from Councillor Stewart


Supplementary Question from Councillor Ben Berry

“Do you realise that the term ‘accidents of birth’ may be offensive to such people? These people have a long term view on the way forward and investment in the area.”

Response from Councillor Stewart

“Many business owners will have a medium and long term view.”

From Councillor Ben Berry to Councillor Ian Stewart, Economy and Enterprise Portfolio Holder –“Will this administration join me in lobbying Mark Hoban MP, Minister for Employment and the Right Honourable Ian Duncan Smith MP, to ask that the decision to remove National Insurance Interview services from Kendal be overturned because of our rurality and large amounts of hardworking transient non-UK population that support our industries and economy?”

Response from Councillor Stewart

“Yes. I absolutely agree that it is inappropriate for Conservatives to have taken this decision. Tim Farron MP has achieved additional money for due to its sparsity and, if these Conservative MPs don’t understand this, tell them that this is a rural area and that this decision needs to be overturned.”

Supplementary Question from Councillor Ben Berry

“It is a coalition Government. Thank you Ian for joining in on lobbying on this.”

Response from Councillor Stewart

“We will use our lobbying powers to pass the message on to Professor Steve Webb MP.”

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The following verbal questions were then put:-

From Councillor Roger Bingham to Councillor Clare Feeney-Johnson, Environment and Sustainability Portfolio Holder –“We have been informed that one rough sleeper was found during your recent exercise. Those people who sleep on floors in houses are, effectively, homeless. The Principal Housing Solutions Officer advises that accommodation is available for those who are willing to accept it. Can you confirm?”

Response from Councillor Feeney-Johnson

“I would not like to say that there is only one rough sleeper within the District. We are on the ball and working with partners to address the issue.”

From Councillor Roger Bingham to Councillor Peter Thornton, Leader and Promoting South Lakeland Portfolio Holder –“With regard to the New Homes Bonus and the £1,000 being allocated to Members for use within their wards, please can you advise how this will work where wards have more than one Member?”

Response from Councillor Thornton

“The allocation is £1,000 per Member.”

RESOLVED – That the reports and questions raised be noted.


RESOLVED – That the Urgent Decision, DEX/26 (Local Plan Viability Study) taken by the Director of People and Places on 28 January 2013 be noted.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that no questions have been received under Paragraph 10 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure.

The meeting ended at 9.20 pm

Minute AppendixAppendix A


Valuation Bands


£117.09 £136.60 £156.12 £175.63 £214.66 £253.69 £292.72 £351.26


Valuation Bands


£774.33 £903.39 £1032.44 £1161.50 £1419.61 £1677.72 £1935.83 £2323.00


Valuation Bands


£136.44 £159.18 £181.92 £204.66 £250.14 £295.62 £341.10 £409.32


Valuation Bands


£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

ALDINGHAM 1041.54 1215.14 1388.72 1562.32 1909.50 2256.68 2603.86 3124.64

ALLITHWAITE UPPER 1054.39 1230.13 1405.85 1581.59 1933.05 2284.52 2635.98 3163.18

ANGERTON 1043.32 1217.21 1391.09 1564.98 1912.75 2260.52 2608.30 3129.96

ARNSIDE 1051.10 1226.28 1401.46 1576.65 1927.02 2277.38 2627.75 3153.30

BARBON 1035.96 1208.63 1381.28 1553.95 1899.27 2244.59 2589.91 3107.90

BEETHAM 1041.47 1215.05 1388.63 1562.21 1909.37 2256.52 2603.68 3124.42


£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

BLAWITH & 1037.18 1210.04 1382.90 1555.77 1901.50 2247.22 2592.95 3111.54 SUBBERTHWAITE

BROUGHTON EAST 1044.56 1218.66 1392.75 1566.85 1915.04 2263.23 2611.41 3133.70

BROUGHTON WEST 1043.32 1217.21 1391.09 1564.98 1912.75 2260.52 2608.30 3129.96

BURTON IN KENDAL 1042.22 1215.93 1389.63 1563.34 1910.75 2258.16 2605.56 3126.68

CARTMEL FELL 1043.74 1217.71 1391.66 1565.62 1913.53 2261.45 2609.36 3131.24

CASTERTON 1059.19 1235.73 1412.25 1588.79 1941.85 2294.92 2647.98 3177.58

CLAIFE 1038.00 1211.01 1384.00 1557.01 1903.01 2249.01 2595.01 3114.02

COLTON 1041.89 1215.54 1389.19 1562.84 1910.14 2257.43 2604.73 3125.68

CONISTON 1050.28 1225.34 1400.38 1575.43 1925.52 2275.62 2625.71 3150.86

CROOK 1043.34 1217.24 1391.12 1565.02 1912.80 2260.58 2608.36 3130.04

CROSTHWAITE & LYTH 1034.86 1207.35 1379.82 1552.30 1897.25 2242.21 2587.16 3104.60

DENT 1053.98 1229.64 1405.30 1580.97 1932.30 2283.62 2634.95 3161.94

DOCKER 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

DUNNERDALE 1043.32 1217.21 1391.09 1564.98 1912.75 2260.52 2608.30 3129.96

EGTON WITH NEWLAND 1036.63 1209.41 1382.17 1554.95 1900.49 2246.04 2591.58 3109.90

FAWCETT FOREST 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

FIRBANK 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

GARSDALE 1038.12 1211.14 1384.16 1557.18 1903.22 2249.26 2595.30 3114.36

GRANGE-OVER-SANDS 1075.44 1254.69 1433.92 1613.17 1971.65 2330.13 2688.61 3226.34

GRAYRIGG 1032.10 1204.12 1376.13 1548.15 1892.18 2236.21 2580.25 3096.30

HAVERTHWAITE 1045.08 1219.26 1393.44 1567.62 1915.98 2264.34 2612.70 3135.24

HAWKSHEAD 1047.56 1222.15 1396.74 1571.34 1920.53 2269.71 2618.90 3142.68

HELSINGTON 1051.11 1226.30 1401.48 1576.67 1927.04 2277.41 2627.78 3153.34


£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

HEVERSHAM 1045.45 1219.70 1393.93 1568.18 1916.66 2265.15 2613.63 3136.36

HINCASTER 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

HOLME 1049.31 1224.20 1399.08 1573.97 1923.74 2273.51 2623.28 3147.94

HUGILL 1040.22 1213.60 1386.96 1560.34 1907.08 2253.82 2600.56 3120.68

HUTTON ROOF 1033.86 1206.17 1378.48 1550.79 1895.41 2240.03 2584.65 3101.58

KENDAL 1048.68 1223.47 1398.24 1573.03 1922.59 2272.15 2621.71 3146.06

KENTMERE 1047.06 1221.58 1396.08 1570.60 1919.62 2268.64 2617.66 3141.20

KILLINGTON 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

KIKRBY IRELETH 1035.32 1207.88 1380.43 1552.99 1898.10 2243.21 2588.31 3105.98

KIRKBY LONSDALE 1058.86 1235.35 1411.82 1588.30 1941.25 2294.21 2647.16 3176.60

LAKES 1055.33 1231.22 1407.11 1583.00 1934.78 2286.55 2638.33 3166.00

LAMBRIGG 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

LEVENS 1040.26 1213.64 1387.01 1560.39 1907.14 2253.89 2600.65 3120.78

LONGSLEDDALE 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

LOWER ALLITHWAITE 1050.00 1225.01 1400.00 1575.01 1925.01 2275.01 2625.01 3150.02

LOWER HOLKER 1041.76 1215.39 1389.01 1562.64 1909.89 2257.14 2604.40 3125.28

LOWICK 1039.40 1212.64 1385.87 1559.11 1905.58 2252.05 2598.51 3118.22

LUPTON 1045.46 1219.71 1393.95 1568.20 1916.69 2265.18 2613.66 3136.40

MANSERGH 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

MANSRIGGS 1036.63 1209.41 1382.17 1554.95 1900.49 2246.04 2591.58 3109.90

MEATHOP AND 1037.85 1210.83 1383.80 1556.78 1902.73 2248.68 2594.63 3113.56

MIDDLETON 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

MILNTHORPE 1045.69 1219.98 1394.25 1568.54 1917.10 2265.67 2614.23 3137.08

NATLAND 1039.48 1212.73 1385.97 1559.22 1905.71 2252.20 2598.70 3118.44


£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

NETHER STAVELEY 1040.22 1213.60 1386.96 1560.34 1907.08 2253.82 2600.56 3120.68

NEW HUTTON 1031.32 1203.22 1375.10 1546.99 1890.76 2234.54 2578.31 3093.98

OLD HUTTON & 1044.00 1218.01 1392.00 1566.01 1914.01 2262.01 2610.01 3132.02 HOLMESCALES

OSMOTHERLEY 1036.63 1209.41 1382.17 1554.95 1900.49 2246.04 2591.58 3109.90

OVER STAVELEY 1040.22 1213.60 1386.96 1560.34 1907.08 2253.82 2600.56 3120.68

PENNINGTON 1031.75 1203.71 1375.67 1547.63 1891.55 2235.46 2579.38 3095.26

PRESTON PATRICK 1041.24 1214.78 1388.32 1561.86 1908.94 2256.02 2603.10 3123.72

PRESTON RICHARD 1055.34 1231.23 1407.12 1583.01 1934.79 2286.57 2638.35 3166.02

SATTERTHWAITE 1046.11 1220.47 1394.81 1569.17 1917.87 2266.58 2615.28 3138.34

SCALTHWAITERIGG 1039.82 1213.13 1386.43 1559.74 1906.35 2252.96 2599.56 3119.48

SEDBERGH 1049.28 1224.16 1399.04 1573.92 1923.68 2273.44 2623.20 3147.84

SEDGWICK 1065.18 1242.72 1420.24 1597.78 1952.84 2307.90 2662.96 3195.56

SKELSMERGH 1039.82 1213.13 1386.43 1559.74 1906.35 2252.96 2599.56 3119.48

SKELWITH 1044.79 1218.93 1393.05 1567.19 1915.45 2263.72 2611.98 3134.38

STAINTON 1038.97 1212.14 1385.29 1558.46 1904.78 2251.11 2597.43 3116.92

STAVELEY IN CARTMEL 1037.81 1210.78 1383.75 1556.72 1902.66 2248.59 2594.53 3113.44

STRICKLAND KETEL 1048.78 1223.59 1398.38 1573.18 1922.77 2272.37 2621.96 3146.36

STRICKLAND ROGER 1048.78 1223.59 1398.38 1573.18 1922.77 2272.37 2621.96 3146.36

TORVER 1050.92 1226.07 1401.22 1576.38 1926.69 2276.99 2627.30 3152.76

ULVERSTON 1052.70 1228.16 1403.60 1579.06 1929.96 2280.86 2631.76 3158.12

UNDERBARROW 1045.12 1219.31 1393.49 1567.68 1916.05 2264.42 2612.80 3135.36

URSWICK 1037.80 1210.78 1383.74 1556.71 1902.64 2248.58 2594.51 3113.42

WHINFELL 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58


£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

WHITWELL & SELSIDE 1027.86 1199.17 1370.48 1541.79 1884.41 2227.03 2569.65 3083.58

WINDERMERE 1047.64 1222.26 1396.86 1571.47 1920.68 2269.90 2619.11 3142.94

WITHERSLACK 1037.85 1210.83 1383.80 1556.78 1902.73 2248.68 2594.63 3113.56

Page 5 Appendix B


Valuation Bands


ALDINGHAM 130.77 152.57 174.36 196.16 239.75 283.34 326.93 392.32

ALLITHWAITE UPPER 143.62 167.56 191.49 215.43 263.30 311.18 359.05 430.86

ANGERTON 132.55 154.64 176.73 198.82 243.00 287.18 331.37 397.64

ARNSIDE 140.33 163.71 187.10 210.49 257.27 304.04 350.82 420.98

BARBON 125.19 146.06 166.92 187.79 229.52 271.25 312.98 375.58

BEETHAM 130.70 152.48 174.27 196.05 239.62 283.18 326.75 392.10

BLAWITH & 126.41 147.47 168.54 189.61 231.75 273.88 316.02 379.22 SUBBERTHWAITE

BROUGHTON EAST 133.79 156.09 178.39 200.69 245.29 289.89 334.48 401.38

BROUGHTON WEST 132.55 154.64 176.73 198.82 243.00 287.18 331.37 397.64

BURTON IN KENDAL 131.45 153.36 175.27 197.18 241.00 284.82 328.63 394.36

CARTMEL FELL 132.97 155.14 177.30 199.46 243.78 288.11 332.43 398.92

CASTERTON 148.42 173.16 197.89 222.63 272.10 321.58 371.05 445.26

CLAIFE 127.23 148.44 169.64 190.85 233.26 275.67 318.08 381.70

COLTON 131.12 152.97 174.83 196.68 240.39 284.09 327.80 393.36

CONISTON 139.51 162.77 186.02 209.27 255.77 302.28 348.78 418.54

CROOK 132.57 154.67 176.76 198.86 243.05 287.24 331.43 397.72

CROSTHWAITE & LYTH 124.09 144.78 165.46 186.14 227.50 268.87 310.23 372.28

DENT 143.21 167.07 190.94 214.81 262.55 310.28 358.02 429.62

DUNNERDALE 132.55 154.64 176.73 198.82 243.00 287.18 331.37 397.64

EGTON WITH NEWLAND 125.86 146.84 167.81 188.79 230.74 272.70 314.65 377.58

GARSDALE 127.35 148.57 169.80 191.02 233.47 275.92 318.37 382.04


GRANGE-OVER-SANDS 164.67 192.12 219.56 247.01 301.90 356.79 411.68 494.02

GRAYRIGG 121.33 141.55 161.77 181.99 222.43 262.87 303.32 363.98

HAVERTHWAITE 134.31 156.69 179.08 201.46 246.23 291.00 335.77 402.92

HAWKSHEAD 136.79 159.58 182.38 205.18 250.78 296.37 341.97 410.36

HELSINGTON 140.34 163.73 187.12 210.51 257.29 304.07 350.85 421.02

HEVERSHAM 134.68 157.13 179.57 202.02 246.91 291.81 336.70 404.04

HOLME 138.54 161.63 184.72 207.81 253.99 300.17 346.35 415.62

HUGILL 129.45 151.03 172.60 194.18 237.33 280.48 323.63 388.36

HUTTON ROOF 123.09 143.60 164.12 184.63 225.66 266.69 307.72 369.26

KENDAL 137.91 160.90 183.88 206.87 252.84 298.81 344.78 413.74

KENTMERE 136.29 159.01 181.72 204.44 249.87 295.30 340.73 408.88

KIKRBY IRELETH 124.55 145.31 166.07 186.83 228.35 269.87 311.38 373.66

KIRKBY LONSDALE 148.09 172.78 197.46 222.14 271.50 320.87 370.23 444.28

LAKES 144.56 168.65 192.75 216.84 265.03 313.21 361.40 433.68

LEVENS 129.49 151.07 172.65 194.23 237.39 280.55 323.72 388.46

LOWER ALLITHWAITE 139.23 162.44 185.64 208.85 255.26 301.67 348.08 417.70

LOWER HOLKER 130.99 152.82 174.65 196.48 240.14 283.80 327.47 392.96

LOWICK 128.63 150.07 171.51 192.95 235.83 278.71 321.58 385.90

LUPTON 134.69 157.14 179.59 202.04 246.94 291.84 336.73 404.08

MANSRIGGS 125.86 146.84 167.81 188.79 230.74 272.70 314.65 377.58

MEATHOP AND ULPHA 127.08 148.26 169.44 190.62 232.98 275.34 317.70 381.24

MILNTHORPE 134.92 157.41 179.89 202.38 247.35 292.33 337.30 404.76

NATLAND 128.71 150.16 171.61 193.06 235.96 278.86 321.77 386.12

NETHER STAVELEY 129.45 151.03 172.60 194.18 237.33 280.48 323.63 388.36

NEW HUTTON 120.55 140.65 160.74 180.83 221.01 261.20 301.38 361.66


OLD HUTTON & 133.23 155.44 177.64 199.85 244.26 288.67 333.08 399.70 HOLMESCALES

OSMOTHERLEY 125.86 146.84 167.81 188.79 230.74 272.70 314.65 377.58

OVER STAVELEY 129.45 151.03 172.60 194.18 237.33 280.48 323.63 388.36

PENNINGTON 120.98 141.14 161.31 181.47 221.80 262.12 302.45 362.94

PRESTON PATRICK 130.47 152.21 173.96 195.70 239.19 282.68 326.17 391.40

PRESTON RICHARD 144.57 168.66 192.76 216.85 265.04 313.23 361.42 433.70

SATTERTHWAITE 135.34 157.90 180.45 203.01 248.12 293.24 338.35 406.02

SCALTHWAITERIGG 129.05 150.56 172.07 193.58 236.60 279.62 322.63 387.16

SEDBERGH 138.51 161.59 184.68 207.76 253.93 300.10 346.27 415.52

SEDGWICK 154.41 180.15 205.88 231.62 283.09 334.56 386.03 463.24

SKELSMERGH 129.05 150.56 172.07 193.58 236.60 279.62 322.63 387.16

SKELWITH 134.02 156.36 178.69 201.03 245.70 290.38 335.05 402.06

STAINTON 128.20 149.57 170.93 192.30 235.03 277.77 320.50 384.60

STAVELEY IN CARTMEL 127.04 148.21 169.39 190.56 232.91 275.25 317.60 381.12

STRICKLAND KETEL 138.01 161.02 184.02 207.02 253.02 299.03 345.03 414.04

STRICKLAND ROGER 138.01 161.02 184.02 207.02 253.02 299.03 345.03 414.04

TORVER 140.15 163.50 186.86 210.22 256.94 303.65 350.37 420.44

ULVERSTON 141.93 165.59 189.24 212.90 260.21 307.52 354.83 425.80

UNDERBARROW 134.35 156.74 179.13 201.52 246.30 291.08 335.87 403.04

URSWICK 127.03 148.21 169.38 190.55 232.89 275.24 317.58 381.10

WINDERMERE 136.87 159.69 182.50 205.31 250.93 296.56 342.18 410.62

WITHERSLACK 127.08 148.26 169.44 190.62 232.98 275.34 317.70 381.24

Page 8 Appendix C


2012/13 2013/14 Parish /Town Tax Precepts Council Tax Tax Precepts Council Tax C Tax Council Base £ Band D (£) Base £ Band D (£) Increase ALDINGHAM 526.58 10658 20.24 521.31 10704.00 20.53 1.43% ALLITHWAITE UPPER 440.73 17397 39.47 412.84 16429.05 39.80 0.84% ANGERTON (1) 5.37 13637 24.81 5.35 12441.14 23.19 -6.53% ARNSIDE 1198.99 36766 30.66 1157.50 40356.23 34.86 13.70% BARBON 147.48 1695 11.49 142.31 1730.38 12.16 5.83% BEETHAM 878.26 17963 20.45 851.87 17396.07 20.42 -0.15% BLAWITH & SUBBERTHWAITE 126.21 1600 12.68 129.57 1810.80 13.98 10.25% BROUGHTON EAST 152.05 1700 11.18 152.64 3825.37 25.06 124.15 BROUGHTON WEST (1) 464.37 13637 24.81 450.46 12441.14 23.19 -6.53% BURTON IN KENDAL 620.96 13488 21.72 600.00 12929.51 21.55 -0.78% CARTMEL FELL 253.71 6243 24.61 256.17 6105.63 23.83 -3.17% CASTERTON 160.47 7749 48.29 154.84 7277.50 47.00 -2.67% CLAIFE 229.50 3500 15.25 232.84 3544.28 15.22 -0.20% COLTON 496.02 9759 19.67 506.31 10657.54 21.05 7.02% CONISTON 481.20 16500 34.29 457.69 15395.86 33.64 -1.90% CROOK 215.63 5202 24.12 221.98 5156.03 23.23 -3.69% CROSTHWAITE & LYTH 370.80 4000 10.79 370.12 3890.83 10.51 -2.59% DENT 352.35 14007 39.75 349.09 13678.11 39.18 -1.43% DUNNERDALE (1) 79.92 13637 24.81 80.60 12441.14 23.19 -6.53% EGTON WITH NEWLAND (3) 394.42 7000 13.35 383.26 6803.90 13.16 -1.42% GARSDALE 119.44 1900 15.91 119.82 1843.92 15.39 -3.27% GRANGE-OVER-SANDS 2108.13 142729 67.70 1993.74 142320.57 71.38 5.44% GRAYRIGG 102.92 642 6.24 98.76 628.14 6.36 1.92% HAVERTHWAITE 373.73 10000 26.76 356.22 9199.61 25.83 -3.48% HAWKSHEAD 334.64 9890 29.55 336.22 9933.84 29.55 0.00% HELSINGTON 176.74 4750 26.88 172.01 6000.01 34.88 29.76% HEVERSHAM 357.65 9045 25.29 353.08 9319.43 26.39 4.35% HOLME 613.88 19720 32.12 577.05 18570.98 32.18 0.19% HUGILL (2) 246.04 14544 18.63 245.79 13828.28 18.55 -0.43% HUTTON ROOF 111.20 1000 8.99 108.82 979.24 9.00 0.11% KENDAL 10767.98 305901 28.41 9788.63 305796.80 31.24 9.96% KENTMERE 62.48 1900 30.41 65.95 1900.00 28.81 -5.26% KIKRBY IRELETH 506.05 5859 11.58 486.61 5448.43 11.20 -3.28% KIRKBY LONSDALE 871.63 41839 48.00 848.44 39461.93 46.51 -3.10% LAKES 2530.50 103666 40.97 2456.14 101222.24 41.21 0.59% LEVENS 520.02 7981 15.35 503.83 9370.83 18.60 21.17% LOWER ALLITHWAITE 863.43 15172 17.57 851.48 28282.82 33.22 89.07% LOWER HOLKER 743.19 14000 18.84 685.51 14296.21 20.85 10.67% LOWICK 120.00 2750 22.92 118.91 2060.07 17.32 -24.43% LUPTON 79.27 1057 13.33 77.88 2057.19 26.41 98.12% MANSRIGGS (3) 16.09 7000 13.35 16.81 6803.90 13.16 -1.42% MEATHOP & ULPHA (4) 79.24 4500 14.19 80.76 4487.11 14.99 5.64% MILNTHORPE 776.34 18124 23.35 688.36 18410.70 26.75 14.56% NATLAND 424.36 7751 18.27 436.25 7604.26 17.43 -4.60% NETHER STAVELEY (2) 313.20 14544 18.63 294.98 13828.28 18.55 -0.43% NEW HUTTON 169.58 900 5.31 169.45 880.84 5.20 -2.07% OLD HUTTON & HOLMESCALES 183.63 2220 12.09 178.36 4320.04 24.22 100.33% OSMOTHERLEY (3) 113.71 7000 13.35 116.83 6803.90 13.16 -1.42% OVER STAVELEY (2) 221.55 14544 18.63 204.77 13828.28 18.55 -0.43% PENNINGTON 787.01 4514 5.74 728.95 4259.58 5.84 1.74% PRESTON PATRICK 169.92 3395 19.98 161.99 3251.83 20.07 0.45% PRESTON RICHARD 516.55 23497 45.49 495.46 20423.33 41.22 -9.39% SATTERTHWAITE 134.15 2420 18.04 139.90 3830.14 27.38 51.77% SCALTHWAITERIGG (5) 44.78 3714 18.17 42.71 3563.39 17.95 -1.21% SEDBERGH 1077.61 34275 31.81 1034.25 33228.50 32.13 1.01% SEDGWICK 187.93 10568 56.23 182.19 10200.00 55.99 -0.43% SKELSMERGH (5) 159.58 3714 18.17 155.77 3563.39 17.95 -1.21% SKELWITH 115.21 1114 9.67 118.84 3018.86 25.40 162.67% STAINTON 151.37 2334 15.42 154.62 2577.68 16.67 8.11% STAVELEY IN CARTMEL 269.97 4235 15.69 279.91 4179.98 14.93 -4.84% STRICKLAND KETEL (6) 527.31 20183 29.04 493.45 20186.80 31.39 8.09% STRICKLAND ROGER (6) 167.75 20183 29.04 149.62 20186.80 31.39 8.09%

Page 9 2012/13 2013/14 Parish /Town Tax Precepts Council Tax Tax Precepts Council Tax C Tax Council Base £ Band D (£) Base £ Band D (£) Increase TORVER 71.52 1600 22.37 73.93 2557.19 34.59 54.63% ULVERSTON 4300.02 145688 33.88 3847.34 143391.03 37.27 10.01% UNDERBARROW 211.51 5500 26.00 207.47 5371.84 25.89 -0.42% URSWICK 626.12 10452 16.69 599.55 8944.27 14.92 -10.61% WINDERMERE 4311.49 107655 24.97 4069.15 120777.94 29.68 18.86% WITHERSLACK (4) 237.80 4500 14.19 218.59 4487.11 14.99 5.64%

Note (1) – Parish of Duddon comprises Angerton/Broughton West/Dunnerdale

Note (2) – Parish of Staveley with Ings comprises Hugill/Nether Staveley /Over Staveley

Note (3) – Parish of Egton-with-Newland Mansriggs & Osmotherley comprises Egton with Newland/Mansriggs/Osmotherley

Note 4 – Parish of Witherslack and Meathop comprises Witherslack/Meathop & Ulpha

Note 5 – Parish of Skelsmergh and Scalthwaiterigg comprises Skelsmergh/Scalthwaiterigg

Note 6 – Parish of Burneside comprises Strickland Ketel/Strickland Roger

Page 10