Park otherwise Hightenhill Park, Habergham at his office in Northallerton; with the. clerk of the Eaves township, chapelry peace for the West Riding of the county of York, township, Burnley chapelry, Burnley-cum at his office in Wakefield; and with the clerk of Habergham Eaves, with Extwistle; the peace for the county of Lancaster, at his office Worsthorn with , , Reedloy in Preston; and that a copy of so much of the said Hallows otherwise Reedley Hollows, Filley-close maps or plans, sections, and books of reference aa and New Laund, Booth, or some of them, in the relates to each of the parishes in or through which •county of Lancaster. the saidintended railway,branch rail ways, and worka And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, to are intended to be made, will be deposited, on or •take powers to stop up, alter, or divert, whether before the thirty-first day of December in the pre- temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and other sent year, with the parish clerks of those parishes roads and highways, railways, tramways, aque- respectively, at their respective residences. ducts, canals, streams, and rivers, within the afore- Dated the seventh day of November, 1845. said parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or JSurchell, Kilgour, and Parson, 1 other places, or any of them, which it may be 47, Parliament Street, London,] Solicitors necessary to stop up, alter, or divert, by reason of Henry Toogood, to the construction of the said intended works, or any 22, Parliament Street, London,] of them. Rawstorne and Wilson, the BUI. And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, to Preston, incorporate a company for the purpose of carrying the said undertaking, or some part or parts thereof, into effect, and to take powers for the purchase of Ulverstone, Furness, and Lancaster and lands, by compulsion or agreement, for the pur- Railway. poses thereof, and for levying tolls, rates, and IfcTOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- duties, in respect of. the use thereof, and to grant JL ^ tended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing certain exemptions from such tolls, rates, and session, for an Act or Acts to authorize the construc- duties. tion and maintenance of the railway and branch rail- And it is further intended, by such Act or Acts, way hereinafter mentioned, or some part or parts to vary or extinguish all existing rights or privi- thereof, together with all proper works, approaches, leges in any manner connected with the lands pro- and conveniences connected therewith, that is to posed to be purchased or taken for the purposes of say, a railway commencing at and by a junction the said undertaking, or which would in any man- with the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, 'near ner impede or interfere with the construction, main- Miln.th.orpe, at or near the point where it intersects tenance, or use thereof, and to confer other rights the boundary of the parishes of Beetham otherwise and privileges. Beethom and Havershani, and terminating at and' And it is further intended, by such Act or Acts, by a junction with the Furness Railway, at or near to enable the company thereby to be> incorporated, the point where that railway, as authorized by the to'sell, or let, or transfer, or to make any agree- Act of Parliament already passed for the construe-' ment or arrangement for the amalgamation or con- tion thereof, intersects the boundary of the parishes' solidation of the said intended railway or branch of Pennington and Ulverstone, and also at or near .railways and works, or any part thereof, and all the point where the railway to which this notice or any powers of such company, in connection refers, would, after passing through or near to the therewith, or in relation thereto, to or with any town of Ulverstone, and being continued in the di- •existing or proposed railway, or other company, rection of the proposed terminus last mentioned, and to enable any existing or proposed railway or strike the now proposed deviation or extension other company, to purchase, or rent, or con- towards Ulverstone, of the Furness Railway, or at struct the same, or any part thereof, and to ex- one of such points; and passing from, in, through, ercise such powers, or any of them, and also to or into the several parishes, townships, and extra- raise and contribute funds for or towards the con- parochial or other places following, or some of struction, maintenance, and use of the said in tended them, namely, Heversham, Beethom otherwise railway or branch railways and works, and to Beetham, Milnthorpe, Mikithoi-pe-with-Heversham, guarantee interest on the capital to be expended Heversham-with-Milnthorpe, Haverbrack, Farlton, thereon/ and generally to enter into and carry into Farleton, Overthwaite, Whasset, Milnthorp, Ac- effect such arrangements in reference to the objects kenthwaite, Rowell, , Kirkby-in-Kendal, aforesaid, as may be mutually agreed on between Preston Richard, Sedgwick, Stainton, Higher' any other existing or proposed railway, or other Woodhousc, Lower Woodhouse, Hincaster, Low company, and the company to be incorporated as Wood, Hevershain and Milnthorpe, Milnthorpe and aforesaid. versham, Leasgill, Sampool, High Sampool, Low And notice is hereby further given, that maps npool, Hawforth, Levens, , High Mea- or plans and sections of the said intended railway thop, Low Meathop, , Meathop-with-Ulpha, and works, and of the lands proposed to be taken Meathop and Ulpha, Fowlshaw, Witherslack, for the purposes thereof, together with books of re- Higher Foulshaw, Middle Foulshaw, Lower Foul- ference to such plans, containing the' names of the ;haw, Foulshaw, High Fell End, Fell End, Town. reputed owners, lessees, and occupiers of such lands, End, Lyth, Crossthwaithe and Lythe, Crosthwaite- will be deposited on or before the thirtieth day of with-Lythe, Lythe, Crosthwaite, Low Green, all in November in the present year, with the clerk of the ;he county of Westmoreland; Cartmell, Broughton, peaee for the North 'Riding of the county of York, •Lindale, Lindall, Low Green, Broughton East,