THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23 NOVEMBER, 1920. 11485 menfc Acts, 1888 ,and 1894; the Local Loans veniences connected therewith or incidental Act, 1875; the Lands Clauses Acts; and the thereto, namely: — Arbitration Act, 1889; and all Acts amending A diversion, widening and improvement of those Acts respectively. ELiddrow-lane commencing at the junction Printed copies of the Bill for the intended of that lane with -road, and ter- Act will be deposited in the Private Bill Office minating by a junction with Lower House- of the House of Commons on or before the 17th lane at a point 133 yards or thereabouts day of December next. measured in a north-westerly direction from Dated this 18th day of November, 1920. the junction of Hordley-street and Lower House-lane. R. SHBRITON HOLMES, Council Offices, In the above description the junction of Gosforth, Clerk to the Council, Soli- any two streets is to be taken as the point at citor for the Bill. which the centre lines of those two streets (if SHAEPE, PJEUTCHATJD AND Co., Parlia- necessary continued) intersect each other. ment-mansions. Orchard-street, Vic- 2. To empower the Corporation to make and toria-street, Westminster, S.W. 1. 2 maintain the reservoir hereinafter described in 39 Parliamentary Agents. the parish of -with-, ic the rural district of , in the county In Parliament.—Session 1921. Palatine of Lancaster, together with all neces- BURNLEY CORPORATION. sary and proper pipes, conduits, culverts, (Construction of New Street or Improvement drains, sluices, channels, bye-washes, wash- of Kiddrow-lane, in the Township and outs, weirs, overflows, gauges, meters, reser- County ; Breaking up voirs, tanks, banks, walls, bridges, dams, em- and Stoppage of Streets; "Construction of bankments, approaches, works and conveni- Subsidence Reservoir or Residuum, Lodge on ences connected therewith or incidental .there- Cant Clough Beck, in the Parish of to, namely: — Worsthorne-with-Hurstwood; User of A subsidence reservoir or residuum lodge to Waters of Cant Clough Beck and Rams be formed by means of a dam across the Cant Clough and Black Clough streams; Acquisi- Clough Beck, the said dam commencing at tion of Lands for New Street and' Reservoir a point 145 yards or thereabouts measured and for Public Library and other purposes in in a north-westerly direction from the junc- Township and Parish aforesaid; Modification tion of the Rams Clough and Black dough of Lands Clauses Acts; Extension of Time streams, and terminating at a point 87 yards for Construction of Waterworks authorized or thereabouts measured in a south-easterly by Burnley Corporation Act, 1908; Increase direction from the centre of the easterly of Water Rates, Rents and Charges; Provi- inlet to the Cant Clough Reservoir at its sion and Running of Motor Omnibuses With- intersection with the boundary wall of the in and Beyond the Borough; Tolls, Fares said reservoir, and the said reservoir or lodge and Charges and Incidental Provisions as to extending for a distance of 73 yards or Omnibuses; Working Agreements; Streets, thereabouts measured in an easterly direc- Buildings and Waterooiursesi; Infectious tion from the centre of the said dam. Disease and Sanitary Provisions; Registra- 3. To authorize the Corporation on any tion of Common Lodging Houses; Municipal lands for the time being belonging to them Milk Supply; Show Rooms for Gas Under- or over which they have control or in respect taking; Fixing and Testing of Taxi-metera of which they have easements to make, main- on Public Vehicles; Further Provisions as to tain, alter, renew, and repair all such cuts, Regulation of Traffic in Streets; Increase of channels, catch-waters, tunnels, adits, aque- Cemetery Rate; Increase of Market Tolls and ducts, pipes, conduits, culverts, drains, sluices, Charges; Amendment of Provisions as to bye-washes, washouts), watercourses, weirer Payment of Rates by Owners of Property shafts, wells, bores, water towers, overflows,, instead of Occupiers; Development of Bank waste-water channels, gauges, meters, filter- Hall Estate as Pleasure Ground, &c.; Con- beds, reservoirs, tanks, banks, walls, bridges,, struction of Boating Lakes, Winter Gardens, dams, embankments, piers, approaches, rails,