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VOLUME XXXIII. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN CO., MICH., THURSDAY, JtTUY 6, 1899. NUMBER 23 was extended by William H. Strong, its certain, but starvation, exposure and FLOWERS FOR OLD STAMPS. chairman. Bev. Charles B, Newnan exhaustion also are doing fatal work. i. CAN’T BE DESCRIBED Crowded in among these poor humans eloquently welcomed the convention on How the Women of St. Mavis’s Epis behalf of the Detroit pastors. Mayor are cattle, horses, hogs, mules and other copal Church in Chicago Get Mayberry welcomed the visitors on be domestic animals, as frantic and uncon Altar Decorations. The Christian Endeavor Army Cap half of the city of Detroit. Result of Texas Floods Too Appal trollable as the poor negroes. There is tures City of the Straits. There was enthusiastic applause ling for Portrayal not a cabin or other bit of shelter—not One church congregation in Chicago when Secretary Baer read the following so much as a tree—on “The Mound,” ' collects 25,000 canceled postage stamps telegram from the president of the There is not a mouthful of food to eat, every week, and 1,300,000 in a year. This th e: g e e i i convention assembles. United States: clean water to drink, or a spot where is St. Mark’s Episcopal church, corner: "Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark, Detroit, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE STARVING. the tired and weak and sick can rest. Cottage Grove avenue and Thirty-sixth, Mich. : On the occasion of the Eighteenth The nearest point of land is more than international convention of your society, street. These stamps are sold to a flor President Claris Reelected—His ist for eight cents a thousand, and in re I desire to express my cordial interest in Loss of Life Somewhere Between ICO three miles away and no human can live A n n ii «1 Address — Inspiring turn he furnishes flowers for the altar its work, my best wishes to those as and 500, But Is Not Accurately in the raging torrents who would try Scenes at Tent Endeavor sembled with you in convention, and my every Sunday. Eor a long time the com Known—Enormous Prop- to reach it. Many have been drowned After earnest hope for the continuance and in making the attempt. mittee of ladies in charge of the church crease’ of the great results which the ef v erty Loss. decoration were dismayed at the scant forts of the Christian Endeavor society Cyclone Kills a Woman. have achieved. Omaha, Neb., July 6.—A Bee special appropriation for the purchase of fiow- Detroit, Mich., July 6.—Dev. Dr. Fran Austin, Tex., July 6.—The devasta cis E. Clark was reelected president of “WILLIAM M’KINLEY.” from Ainsworth, Neb., says: A de ^eas. At last one of them hit upon, the Other Proceedings. tion in Waller, Washington, Fort Bend, the United Society of Christian En structive cyclone passed Ainsworth two plan of selling old postage stamps. En Grimes and other counties along the deavor at Wednesday’s meeting of the Next on the programme came re miles to the north. Wednesday after thusiasm was communicated ta the lower courses of the Brazos river and trustees. John Willis Baer was re sponses in behalf of Endeavorers from noon, killing one woman and tearing Sunday school pupils. They visited of foreign lands. As Bev. William Patter the Colorado river is much greater than elected secretary and William Shaw houses, barns, fences and bridges into fices of vestrymen and prominent son, of Toronto, came forward to speak indicated by the earlier reports. The treasurer. kindling wood. Its first destructive church members downtown and got Dev, Dr. Francis E. Clark, president, for Canada some one struck up “ God destitution of the people is startling. them to save the postage stamps on Appeals for aid in the way of clothing work was on the farm of John Strohm, Secretary John Willis Baer and Treas Save the Queen.” The Canadians on four miles northwest of Ainsworth, de their correspondence. Ladies of the the platfrom took up the strain, and in and food reached here from several urer William Shaw arrived at 10:30. At molishing everything in sight. Luckily church began to carry on a correspond a moment the huge tent was reverber points Wednesday. The larger Texas 11 o’clock Dr. Clark called to order the the family took to a cave and no one was ence with long-neglected friends fci? ating with the swelling chorus of the cities are responding generously to injured. It struck the house of William the sake of accumulating canceled British anthem. The friendly relations these calls for assistance, and the neces postage stamps, and the habit is now sities asked for will be sent to the suf Lockmiller, a mile to the east. Mrs. between Canada and the United States, Lockmiller had sought refuge in the fixed, says the Inter Ocean. particularly with reference to religions fering people as soon as transportation cellar with three small children. Her “Why, Fd as soon think of throw matters, formed the burden of Dr. Pat facilities can be secured. In the re oldest son. not coming, and fearing he ing away car fare as to waste old post mote districts of the Brazos bottoms, terson’s address. might be killed in the barn, where he age stamps,” said one. Bev. Dr. H. J. Tressider, secretary of where were numerous small settle was working, Mrs. Lockmiller started The stamps at first were’counted, but the London council of the Christian En ments of from 50 to 100 inhabitants to call him just.: as the cyclone reached now an arrangement has been mader deavor, answered the greetings in be each, the small clusters of houses were them. As she arrived at the door the with the florist to take them by weight. half of Great Britain. “Perish the mad occupied almost exclusively by negroes, house was moved from its foundation It is said that they are purchased by dream,” said he, “that a conflict should and it is feared that most of them have and she was crushed into a lif eless mass foreign paper mills. Owing to the fine ever come between onr two countries. been swept away by the flood and many and her body nearly severed in twain quality of the material used by Uncle It is the work and the duty of the of them drowned. at the waist. The children, however, Sam for stamps they make over into' hit Christian Endeavorers to make impos Another Estimate af Dentils. were unhurt._____ _________ excellent brand of paper. sible such an idea.” For Australia, re Additional authentic reports of sponse was made by Bev. Joseph Walk drowning at many points in the inun is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. er, o f Queensland; for China, by Bev. dated region were received here. A SHE IS GROWING RICH. Elwood G. Tewksbury, a missionary in conservative estimate of the number Gov. Filigree's Plan for Municipal the vicinity of Peking; for Turkey, by Ownership of Detroit Street Rail Chicago Woman’s Hands Bring Her of persons drowned Is as follows. Wal About $3,000 Yearly—She Kev. Lyndon S. Crawford, for many ler county, 17; Grimes county, 3; Aus ways Given Fatal Blow. P R E S ID E N T C L A R E . ’ years a missionary In that country; for Is a Masseuse. annual meeting of the United society tin county, 2; Brazos county, 7; Rob Lansing-, Mich., July 6.—The Michi Japan, by Bev. Otis Carey ; for Mexico, ertson county, 42; Bell county, 1; Wash in the Hotel Cadillac. by Bev. C. Scott Williams, and for the gan supreme court has decided the Half the world is as ignorant of how Dr. Clark addressed the members of ington county, 4; Matagorda county, 3; case brought to test the validity of the the other half makes its money as of United States, by Bev. Arthur J. Smith, Burleson county, 6 ; Fort Bend county, the legal organization in part as fol of Georgia. At the close of the big McLeod law, which authorized the ap how it lives. There is a Chicago wom lows; 1; Brazoria county, 3; total, S9. pointment of the Detroit street railway an, for instance, who earns with her "The past year of Christian Endeavor meeting, the crowd thronged to the Vietims Nearly All Negroes. platform to be presented to the mayor commission, whose object was the pur hands yearly sums that would make work has been a year of remarkable pros Nearly all of the persons known to chase and municipal ownership and op the average brain worker envious. She perity, a year signally marked by the fa and the officers of the united society. vor of God. Christian Endeavor has now have been drowned are negroes. In sev eration of street railways of Detroit. does not print, nor write, nor design, This closed the first day of what prom eral instances negro families warned of so largely occupied the fl-ild that the phe ises to be one of the most notable gath The decision is that the law is uncon nor make dresses, nor do any of the nomenal growth recorded in the early the impending rise refused to desert stitutional; that there is no such of things that one usually picks out- as years of the movement cannot he ex erings in the history of the organiza their cabins and continued to occupy pected. tion. fice as the “Detroit street railway com woman’s work. She earns all this “Nevertheless, the growth has been very them until swept away by the torrent.