. )~'4~i'..cs'i~.: I:.Wv - • ' THE PRESS.—PHItADELPHiA, THURSDAY, odtoRER 15, 1857.

Shishng. iniacellaneors. eavingo PROPOSING', I ltays*!_ f- API Notites:' „,„_, Sutitio Jnourance (Eonivaniza AA:41,11).. maulAli of:the it.teli ettail taloa ffe Atio DESOLATIONMINTO TO TIM 00NOTITIIION or Mg Mt. meolatiOn pining entemaadamde 4 ttlbeo aasts 7ipui I. --.VSTRIOT ;COURT,-FOE' THE GAI,VESTON.—TEXAS very. best assortment of FARM LANDS FOR SALE.— FUND-FIVE PER CENT.iN- toonwegth.. the Commonre wealthses the ssone sows on tie Jour- ; -,-. , , 01211014,9211,111 Freight TOMORROW, Ca".—TheHIGH and 801111YLRILL on hand, in THE RAILROAD 0 Y, -1,7 INSURANCE. by Aseerobly turt-AND COUNTY A. FOR yllll6 DAY aci4 COAL CHOICEILI ILLINOIS ONNTRAL OMPAN SAVINGTEIIEST-NATIONAL 8.4,8ETY TRUST 001.1- FIRE Resolved the &nate and House qj nrpresniits. nals of the two Howes ofthe °emit of We .a. Bemires " 13ROAD Trustee; .to.' es.-ItobertRainier. unless wetterfull., Street, second yard aboire Vine street. to now prepared to sell about 1,500,000 acres of chel...e I`LNY.-WAINUT STRERT fires the Commoon,4ith Pennsylvania Commonwealthfor the meolan of1857. SOUTH-WEBTOORNER SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE of • of in Gen- -- l,- 2551;N5: . regular packet , R, - Yarming lands, tracts of 40 acres and upwards, CIIP THIRD, COM eral Assembly wee That the [L. of 21-9‘iitsull s2ssoMinhl Tenn, 1388_Bank The Schooner ONAS: S. 1416111 8 'HOWELL DORMAN. in ,on PHILADELPHIA. following amendments are sj Witness myhand 'and the seal said*Ohm tAriar: the or loading at Race long credits, rates interest, HY TIM PANY. proposed the treaty-Genoa:l day theopead TueFteatdertti,Dlfeetani,`,9Clo,of Penn- Foster, master, •now' completing tier - - and at low of TWOOKYORATYD STITY OY PYANBYLTAIIII, to Constitutionof the Commeowalth. to this of Jam one otst - late, g:7l T 0 N.BU 1711RS granted by the Money CAPITAL $120,009, IN -41.1". Robert, Palmer andWilliam Clayton, Street wharf, will continue to receive freight m above. ar 8A These lands wore Government to aid Isreoeived in any sum, large or small, and In PAID OASII, accordance with the provisions of the tenth article hundred and tlfty4ereen. e. cram, :.)111t111 Clayton , Co:, Kaponas, Shippers will please complete shipments and 22'40 and consumers ere to examine our in the of this Road, and are among paid franc deposit to day AND SECURBLYINVESTED, thereof. Secretary Cesionstnywatta. Palmer; Tenet:tont their of invited construction the tenet the day of the of with oca-loare ofthe Mareh Tam, • • • hand in Bills of ladingter signature at once. stook "LTIRIGII LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK richest and most fertile in the world. They extend drawal, • OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD IZZA=I37i in apply on Cr HEATH 00AL.” Our for ,TlWAtidliast ''apn -ointesr, distribute the: money Forbalance of freight or passage board, Coal is selected expressly from North-Eastand NorthAYest, through the middle The °Mee is open every day from 9 o'clock In the STS., SPRING GARDENS. There shall be an additional article to Conditn Court, _entitled by dc 00., , family use; being carefullyscreened, ire will warrantit the extreme South, and mid under the 'shove proraedings, to BISROP;SINONS st of the State, to include every morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday OHARTER PERPETUAL. lois to be designated as articl• eleven, aa fellow■ liailrodte. . No. 36 Wharves. free from slate We 2240 lbs.," being variety climate productionsfound Thursday evenings LOSSES Xl. ails, of North " and duet. sell of and between those and till 9 o'clock. PROMPTLY PAID. ASTICLII ' 120:1.•11feasiudteind lot orgroUnd On the west side of. :ADAM BARBR, 210lbs. more",than sold byretail dealers, at .25 cents parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly HON. lISNRY OP PUBLIC DEBTS lees ), L—BENNER, President, HIREOTORS. TRAVELLERS. Deliware;geonii street between Pineand Union atreete; 136, late 34, NorthWhims. per ton. prairie, interspersed with fine grovesand in the middle ROBERT SIIILFBIDGB, President. John H. Dohnert, Henry M. Strortos L The State may contract debts, to p city containing ,front. Also, On a supply of BITU- predominates, alternating Vice Phil a, supply TIWESTERNRING AND BUll WAR ARRAMOTAIRWML. Inthe of 18 feat head full "BROAD TOP and Southern sections timber Wm. J. Bairn, Secretary. DaTid Woolpper, Lewis Shinnaak casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet tapers- NORTHERN C ENTRAL RAILWAY: lad 95 feet , oa ate-feet alley bounded north; ORLEANS—LOUISIANA MINOUS COAL" for Steam generating, Blaolunnithing, with beautiful prairiesand °potato. Benjamin John ea: not otherwioe provided for; but the 4,14 WOE' NEW and bo DIRSOTOES : Davie, Landoll, aggregate TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM (* ,wead by & - lermarly of 'George Ritsirater; now of -n: 'quick despatch.- .To sail in'all this Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot The climate la more healthy, mild and equaile, henry L. John Evana, Jr amount of each debts and contingent, BALT/moan GO__ oink n Line—with air is than non. Benner, 0. Landreth Monne, Oharlom Plaid, direct whether PITTSBURGH AND THE WADS. of ChisleS and•southw Ted' ground 'of offers." Freight taken at lowest celled. any part of the country—the bra, Auloy by of Valetta r bi Week, with whatfreight other pure and Edward L. Garter, P. Carroll Brewster, M. Park, William E. Woo , contracted virtue one or more acts of the general On and alter June Ist, IEST, TWO Dail' VW* /oomph Xarehnik . rates. Yards, BROAD'and VINE—Big Sign, "MO LAB. cing, while living stream's and springs of excellent James Denial!, John D. assembly, or at different periods of tiroe,ahall never ex- groitnn, remarkably; fastaailing DeB.3m] & 00 I 8 Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Stevenson will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh sad No. - Lot ef withframe and brick tenereenta, The ship MARY AND ADE- A TON. LEIGHTON water abound. K. Jacob B. ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand and the CM AWNS.' 8. of now Smut. Ashton, Fleury L. OhurahM&U, Mattel., Guerin Stoddard, dollars, and &nth or Northwest:ant dna,. Keay street, between 'Paint and LINE, W. Falk, :miter,le' loadingat AIM street Bituminous Ooal Is extensively mined, and appalled; Henry Horner, Thom. D. money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be MORNING .411015datir.'1155 ail James B. Smith, Francis Lee. . TIIR MALL .- **Sets, the said city, beginning 183-feet - froth yr, being ofsmell capacity, and havinga large por- - A.L I COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'o and feel, being at Tillinghut, applied tothe purpose for it TRW Seeend wbe cheap desirable furnished many Company . . Garage K. Ohildm. which was obtained, or to Leaves daily ifroasittrie,t, containing in 20 Mon engaged and OELEBRATED LEGION at to per wood can at This confines its business entirely to the repay the debts (Sunday satapead) ADIS A. front feet, and in-depth 99 hercargo going ori board, will have v BPRING MOUNTAIN 'white $2 $4 ton—and be had the rseeliling money interest, JOHN H. DOHNERT, President. so contracted, and to no other Foveae H.connecting with the Mall Train over ths Great Pima% • „ • as above:, cord. or on 'The r.neestmente, whatever. 'quiciedespatch - GOAL. same rate'per . • amounting toover L. lIRUMBHAAR, Secretary. eept 21-1 y sylvania and arriving In Pittsburgh ;314 • -MCLot Ofgroned piththe twe three-sterylbricla Mes- plows hurrytheir' goads alongeldo, and J. & R. OARTER'S GREENWOOD,TAMAQUA 00AL lluilding Stone of excellent mialfty also abounds, Samoa 2. In addition to the above linuted power, A. M. 8114041honfork, Washing- Innisppereillof lading YOREST 80RUYL procured ONE MILLION AND the State may on the north bide of Prime or to the Counting R00.89 for signature. GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE which can be for little:aura than the expense A MALY OP DOLLARS, NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— contract debts torepel invasion, 'oppress THE AFTERNOON BURRIS TRAM ton'Meet; city, 81 feet from the For ofFreight apply on or to • :KILL 00AL. traneportotion. am made in conformity provisions tin the sold westward balance board of with the of the .L OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings, ineurrection, defend the iitute in wor, or to redrew the Leaves lisltlroore daily (Sunday at $ :nartibifieVoorner of Fifth streets, The great fertility of theme lands, a Charter, is lIVAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, present outstanding of the but Rarrieburg. exorreat) P. It, Delaware and Prime BISHOP, SIIdONS,*00. RINDALL Ri MEREDITH which are black Buell GROUND FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. indebtedness State; the for ereitaintut in front24 feet, and in depth about 59-feet. ocl2dtf fie North Wharves. nave for sale, and are constantly receiving [row rich mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll RENTS, and fltst class securities as will always in- CAPITAL 1100,000, WITH PIIIVILBOEI Yo INORBASS money arising from the contracting of suck debts, wall TILE NIGHT I,o* yearly ground forty-eight dollars. & lug; contiguity to thin road, by sure perfect security to the depositoreand be applied the purpose F.XPRESS TRAIN rent of The AI. A. insures at theloweskrates, and will take above celebrated Collieries' their which everyfoci which can- TO 600,000. to for which it was relied, or to Leaves Baltimore to duties.upen MONDAY, the 28th day notfail to give perineum), such EVERY NIGHTat la P. €o,l' attend his steam down theDelaware and up the COAL OF ALL SIZES. lity is furnished for travel and transportation to the. and stability to this Insti- This CoinPany is now fully organ zed, and prepared to repay debts, and to no other purpose whatever. netting with the Lightning K. o'clock at hie °Sees No. tution. Soonest 3. Ramo over th* 2Of`Osteher,lBsl, at 4, P.ll, There no Ooal mlued anywhere, equal in quality principal markets North, South, East, West, and the • • aul-ly make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Except the debts above specilitd, in roc- vent& Railroad for Pittsburgh, arrivingat P.Pe/awl-- SeflouthlT/TH street, belowWalnut Inthe said city, Is economy with which they can be render tions one and two of this no Ellige 1.20 IL to VAR'S REDUQED TO theseand a trial will convinee any one of their great cultivated, Fire and Marine Perils at current rotes. article, debt whatever All these bales connect closely at -whinriend all persons are required , magnificent steamship Our very our valuable that PENNY SAVINGS of shall be created by, or on behalf of • over where m coming AND IHATRE. —Tha VAN- superiority. Coal is carefully screened at them the most Investment can be found, FUND, Corner dYFICERI3. the State. with trains the Pittsburg*, Ibrs Wayne - • nuke their claims, or be debarredinteree upon' DEKBILX, Edward Higgins, commander, 5,209 tons, yards, and we will warrant Itperfectly elate, and present the most favorable opportunityfor persons SIXFIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 11. LAI:EWLIN, President. fluortou 4. To providefor the payment of the present Chicago Railroad, Pittla= fetpds. iii, . free from 0. any and its Northern; Southern 'lad old sail . Impurities. of habits and small moans toacquire a to 8, sad on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, debt, and additional debt - . = Wi 111:DDIal, Auditor:- will dust and all Our YRIOES erase LOW ae the industrious com- 9 until 8 RICLIARD SHIELDS, Viee President. contracted as aforesaid, Western connections. GEOIIeEI FromNew York for South. Prom Southampton and VERY LOWEST, fortable Independence in a few years. o'clock. Large or email nom received and paid with- OEO. SCOTT, Secretery. the legislature abaft, at its Brat sessionafter the adop- 07- Passengers for now greatest out notice, with tion of this amendment, Chicago, Rock island ampton and Havre. Havrefor New York. Orders 'left at our °Moe,. No. 101 001:1111 FRONT Chicago Is the grain market in the world; WIVE PER by DIRECTORS. create a sinking fond, which ton, lowa City, Dubuque, , , And facility and economyWith or (.IENT4 shall be sufficient to paythe i , St. jN-TI3IIORPHANS' COURT- - FOR THE Saturday ' • Oct. 24 Saturday • • ' Not. 14 street, above Walnut. the which the products check otherwise. JOHN TRO ISON,NTEREST,Pree.t. 11. 0. Laughlin, Wargo 111jorter, accruing interest on suds son, sad other leading cities inthe Northwest,Pude=am -118, Comty.of of FRAN. Saturday Deo. 20 our of these lands canbe trapeportod to that market, VlOll debt, and annually to reduce theprincipal thereof will OW and ;13abite•• -- Saturday' Deed Orders leftat om,Lowtuu. make PhiISIDENTBj D. IV. 0. by a oat Phlladelidda Yard,' street, below prolitable, Bharwood, Btoteebury, Bum not two hundred mitts fif travel and tee hours in tints, with 0281110,11,0Y,,deeeased. • Price of Passage-41rd oabln,lfo9 second. "bin) BROAD street. them much more et the prince asked, than 11108. T. TAMER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. Wm. Osborne, B. M. °Brills, loss than hundred and fifty thousand dol- four leas changes of ears, by taking thisrotate. lILLWIMUIT Of said decedent, has Specie Goghs at those more remote at government rates, as OgORITART AND lars; which fund shall could of the net annul lioAVOY,arblow 550 delivered InLondonand Earls: For Orders left ourWharf, WATER street, above OAI, the addi VANABURER, Richard Shields, G. G. Butler, or thesinkin6. irr Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo _lot - Iricentory YORRANOE, Agent, tional cost of transportation a perpetual Jag op , income public from time to time owned by 4,oo,cited"tO eald Ooort so salt alliraisement or apply to 1.1: 7 LOWIIILL—or sent to eltber place per Despatch Post, la the WBl. T. ELBERT. T. B. Showell, Geo. Scott the works, Detroit, go by this route, and thetime la ucrequirady of which Ili hal - wane 5 Bowling Green, York. prompt (attstors. must borne by the producer, there- taturress, State, or the proceeds of the of the or 113 wiles pdsonabproparty, electedto retain No: New willreceive latter which be in each sale same, belt= shorter than by any other mats., audit timi, prelMloos of the Mt of Apr1114;1851, and 'Letterefor England and Europe, pre.:paid,4ls cents Purchasers for Family will do to and ex- duced herentivas for hie grain, Inc. JohnB. Austin, Wm. 0. Ludwig, FIRE AND Id.ARINE IN- any thereof.and of the Income or proceeds of sale Passengers for unlcaibiospticine stOmpe if use well call " perfect—and - of stocks owned by the State, together with St. Lotus, Indianapolis ,,, Torte beforelfMAY, OCTOBER halfonly), (byenoloinreofpostage from amine one Ooal beforepurchasing awl-tf The title Is when the deal paymentsare John E. Addleks, D. HOWARDHI:MANOR COMPANY OF PIIILADELPIRA. other funds, Mute, Cairo, sod all cat the Lower and Upper each Bowllng.green, elsewhere. appointed 0.Levy,Charles or resource*, that may be designated 'Arita 10‘.165rit 1bo'clock AE M:,the. scone be' allowed other cities ,)wi ll be received at No. 6 made, deeds are executed by the trustees by Solomon Alter, E. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 04 WALNUT SIBBP,T. by law. The said Mississippi, make changes of ears, •-• Lei, sinking may be by less and entre is eav !! * ' New York, up to o'clock on the -mernlng of Ball- MQIINTAIN GOAL—Direct from the State, and in whom the title Is vested, to the put M. W. Baldwin, AUTIIOIII2RD CAPITAL, $OOO,OOO. fund Increased, from time to time, as- ranee of nay otherroute; , and to . _ itll94liTt IN , signing to it any part of the taxes, Cineisuniti, Cotundies .dl4 • ' ing. . • 0010-tf the Oompany'e and the only chasers, convey to them absolute infee aim- William Mickey (rniL AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED.) or revenues of Dayton, .11/114W-MILtER, BUOK Mines, authorized which titles Clark, lsrael W. Morrie, Jr., the required for the other LooLfrille, and other prominent CLUES, algaick -- Wide*,2088. 811TH Br. • agents, by retail, south of Ronalogton. • ple, free and clear ofirwery*cumbrance, or mort- EphraimClerk, Jr., A.Wm. Invested as follows: Kato, not onlinary and current ex- as by any other route. .Bltoroe2for TO lien Neal, Bonds penses of governMent, and unless in of war, REDUCTION IN PARE EU- Mao Lehigh and t3ohnylltill Coal. Ohmles& Carstairs, Thos. Neilson, First and Mortgagee on Property In the cue inva- All Western Sigma CHECKED sad T. TREADWAY, Swanson gage are from to : per City of Philadelphia sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking find With-Cam 2111101N1H etreet, Prices $6 00 Intereistmnly S ct. Robert Clark, Thomae8. Reed, M. D. slab 000 applied handled , GREAT Oabtn., ..... Wiaingtz.n, Drexel, worth shall be Wed or than in extinguish- fICILNE2 ORPHANS' COURT FOR Virst Cabin.. -.....{80 I Second ...IMO ens6.2m3 IstWharf %bore Southwark Twenty per ct. will be deductedfrom theprice for cash. A.J. James Reuel], • Stocks par 222,100 otherwise FOR THE NORTH. . ' ' In ' paddle-wheel ADRIEL, Those who purchase on long credit, give notes payable CharlesDotilh, Thos. P. Cash on hand 61 ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt The 8.16 A.lt. connects "` r the deamahiP Bparhawk, ,190 timely with faInErBrBEI LABILPECLS.: Orst.cle sa ling AND LEHIGH COAL.— four, live gapers B. Foster, Amount secured by isreduced below the sum of five millions dollare. over the Dauphin Ulna 11511121 /dike 'of JAMBS alaintorr, Aecoalfia.: 2,000 MIIae, 0, ,-huntow, ' Commander, NORTH QOM:TT/MULL in two, three, and after date, and are Wm. Oscar Thompson, Stock notes 190;000 of road for Willimeepart, TheAuditorappointedto audlt,ndjust, and settle the STAR, 2,300 tone, E. N. Tatman, to sail from pier No. nY I am dailyreceiving, at my yard, thebest %panty°. required to improve one-tenth annually for five yearn, Benjamin Peter Amount of Stock due on call 1,110 fisatiOX 6. The credit ofthe Commonwealthshall not Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Rhstiss, coetomere, fterhara, Williamson, In any manner, or pledged, or and atecreit of BECALM OADWALADBit, 'Executor and 3 North River,at noon ccri*kg theUNITED 801117YLEILL AND LERIOH. COAL. My so as to have one-halfthe land under cultivation at the John Jor4tua, Jr., Isaac S. Waterman, event, be loaned tc, any forming the most direct railwayFtliaromat to esosedsOkul Pialcirig,-• -. Nortanneetema •''' ••- individual, corporation, or association; ' Vratitii laatlvin and of JAMES ILA- STATES'MAILS, vie t• , and all others who mayfavor me with their orders, may end of that time. liewls towls, Jr., Oharles T. Yorke,. geto,ooo company, nor permayivenis and Western Newrock. - •' •--- Pissempes sortka testatinnik -•• rely getting eatlaraotory shall the arising' from - of, the Leave N. York for '- 1- ' • on Coal that will be to them. Competent Surveying lOU Moompeny those who wish , and-8m ,This Company effects Insurances on Buildings hier4 Commonwealthhereafterbecome &Jointowner, find this the shortest, th espest. and most ' MILEOE' 'Aioeiised; that 'Portion or stockholder, coy ' Niagara eagmdttleam eclat. be toto aikednle B annexed to 'theindon- Southampton, Ha- • Bremen for i Southampton Wu" No inferior Coug, kept at this establishment to to ezetaine these Lands, free of charge; and aid them in• obandise, Furniture, Lumber, atc.,• on Vessels, oargo, in any company, association, or route to hills and Canada. Jannary Southampton for New York. offer at LOW PRIOIIS. • mating selections. and Preightlto all ports, and by an poratlon. Through Tiakett are lamed to on'insaidestate dsted 28,1849, ' 88 DOCK Railroad, Lakes, Phllnlelplite ci. neindßrenten.-• ATO.- (241) STREET.-FIVE * not jaessAt.r Lets iflorQed intho °Sloe tor diode, •ko., In' phii. Axle' , • Enitundag Ont:'3l. Wede'day, Nov.4. ALEXANDER CONVERT, The Lands remaining unsold are as rich and valuable / GENT. Rivers, at l.elowestrates, anduponthemostMora &orlon 16 The Clonimcerwealthshall assume the lambi* sod by the tabu at ed corner of and Cherry Eta PER STATE SAVINGSPOND. any so , each ," page497;and to N. ,y, Oct. al. Satutday ', Nor . SO. Dec.Bo N. E. Broad as those which have been disposed of. terms, gnarantyingPrompt Payment on debt, or part thereof, of any sandy, city, Womb, 12111/1 hulk 'sore sonmosikes. P by this diiplen, Deltd Book Et flat ..the. adjustment. . recorail -Treded'h - 88 - . _ or trendily ; 'or of Spate . • any grid delivered „ smitt „report ; also, ,the 27th -(A) of Them, etesunett -totteliftt 1 SEOTIONAL MAPS (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE of losses. corporation, orissachition j non Om*tresselled bridges all distrikuthui and aeoannt HAVRE, I,BE2G•11 AND SIMUYLKILL COAL.— store- in London and Pito. '-, For Vamp and freight, apply Will be Bent to any one whO will fifty, gems to J. 11 PER GENT. STATE SAVINGSPOND. made terms, less sub debt shall bare been contacted to enable the Offerrying Setell 44 &tr. Ihnned'Mona054waladfli,'Bacegtitckto VIEW* & moose 07PerPotaal Insurance upon thi maul &MI trea4thaitpoitlfpn cif the eitt* bOonging to D, tOßßANoll,ltent,'Notli-Doirllng 'Omen, New 1.4 DALY, PORTER 00., COAL DEALERS, No. postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing DIRECTORS. State torepel LIMILIOII, ammo domestic Insonutfen, ramsaststs for fieseer,dteredbodree,'. - •-. Eighth, keep constantly on DOOR. STREET.- ' • • " • , ," :' I. , ~o S2l SEWN- Street, stare FIVE of or to schedule E, ,innozedto Ike indenture' of partition York. 'S 1 clo4f moronsinstancee of aucceasful farming, signed byre (241) P. M. Potte, P. defend Itself in time war, to whit theState Intbs asitisbitg, Cbgembrolbsirgp $ full supply of Lehigh N°.88PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS . Wm. Limb, ire this tawat hi'Deed Book handost the vary lowest rates, known farmers POND. discharge of any Ration of its present indebted:sow, 11.10 M 364 SP- dated Alth ,daynt June; 1862,, recorded and Schuylkill Coal. apectable and well living in the neigh- 0. N. Spangler, It. T.Ransil, , VA, 80, page—and to report dietrthtitiouv will meet VOR HAVANA',-VIA 'OBABLESTON; borhood ofthe Railroad Lands, throughout the State—- O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE Abr'm.Rex, H.H. Houston, Elsorios 7. The Legislature shall not untestiso soy Wgelittitittt4MAME ' ." • oount7, city, borough, township, or 41,- ofdci, ,628 . also the cost of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har- PER CENT. STATE ma-ly Wm. 11. Woods, Toe. R. Incorporated The Cars mdb.inedstedai. ow tip thnlirideuirkfinnitid atlas En. WAIdiTYT •0: ANVKint i -T 'WAND, CO .—MONTGOMERY SAVINGSPUNS. Withers, ' trict, by of a Mgor y, Samiset- -,eiti-'- ,Pldlidelpliinp, tfarql,.D.q, The splendid- States Heil Steam- PIM vesting, threshing, any ether information, George Rowell,Abr'm. P. Eyre, virtue vote of its omens, or otberaise, tv imt with the train at FY, it, ft4llC-. 131 the of sirekfitetiAlllatt4-01 ds NULL having connected the Ooal with the become a stockholder In any company, saatstiatiow or Yew OBTOBU44th;ISSr atI, ' ship ISABEL', ()apt:BMWs, will.loOrs Piet' 4, North Nosiness, that they have will be cheerfully on application, eitherpersonally J. Edgar Thomson, W. Its.iguel, . TlittOVoll TWltrin nod fartats ',7 at A., Lumber inform their friends by letter, in English,even Preach, or G addressed, 0. G. Sower, I corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit ply et the lleket OlEar. fatstimisoa, i huntswziART9O.4t.. River, New York, FRIDAY, Oet.leth, Welocki made contracts for a supply of the best of or German anb Ron Charles P. Norton, any Calvert Matson, N.lll.4maser sad REY mtalities , JOHN Alarbinern John W. John H. Lowers, to, corporation, smodatlon,tatkee or pity, CaVell end Franklin garotte. - RAVANA,bembutst OILMESTON Lehigh and SchuylkillOast, and are now ready to re- to MLSON. Sexton, TN THE-ORPHAN 8k COURT: TOR,'THE WEST, to lead anoloissemperc, The ISABEL ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may Land Commiesloper oftile Illinois Central IL Co. ENGINES, Herman 'Haupt, James E. Stiles, ONCONP serldh•tf C. C. AMON, OFRltruinsinak., jot now Depot, Chicago, R. Potts, Burroughs, There shall be on olelltlonal wilds to ma Cowing, Mil— J. his been'enizitedr tNithanted, and fitted With be left with Mr. 8. RILPATRIOK, No. 18 8. FIFTH Office in Illinois Central Railroad Ili STEAM IF ItO Al Nathan 11. N. to be deefighete4 ma me can,v- boilers, cabins and:state-roomew_doable air-ttsht or had,. and PEROIVAL H. flan; ankle XII., tollowo. lisAidoivultex weraaol aieleised. street, with Mr. WM. D. NNALL,corner PINE and TWO TO ONE HUNDRED HORSE POWER OTIS, President, ASTMS xu. RAILROAD Tin ThaAtldltor appointed to:atoll,t iqiiat;ao-aetthi the headifikwircleiad—iiit,,thesjusb4eg one iirtke most WATER streets. anlB-8m O. E. SPANGLER, Vice Preet.; W. H. WOODS, See, PENNSYLVANIAGREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, coproooGng .I'okt* Amount of AMU':LZWIC Atinaltdatratai .e desirable Pafetyi siordt and cOmfert, 110w, FOR. $2,001 DIS:. AnglB-ly R. T. HENSEL, Treasurer. OY NEW COUNTIES. Untie Cities with Western, Nut At to itainisirector HOMESTEAD LAND PULL or No esunty shall be divided by a line euttf of over by North-western, and &ink ,it:11":et WILLIAM NWAOIrOOO.IE, deceased, and: FOR - ! western States, a conthrtions Railway the'pestlehlatekested at poem hiving apply JUILTRIBUTION!! CHANCE POOR MEN! MACAtli lA.NISTS , OOLS, QUAKER CITY INSURANCE one-tenth of Its population, (either to forts is new connects &net Tido report dlattibutlon_,wlll meet For elftehtfioaitiitoodittletul, to qtailors. Benefit ABSO RTME TNI eonnty or otherwise,) Bold also at with deny jinn direst, etty o[ OPOWNOBAITILIVESON, & CO., , Mertbant The Northwestern Mutual Land Association SLIDE LATHES, PLANING THECOMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT fit. without the *norm metal of steamers to all pointa Pittainnk WALNUT In the Phffa MACHINES, • on AI lalCofkiitte.l423 at: No. Broadway NOW York. will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real DRILLS, Capitaland Surplus, 8260,000. such county, by rots of the electors thereof; nor and Western Abram sad 9 1 WI:18Pa, MOB= _2lth, Ass7, itif members. The CHUCKS, MORTISING county Cleveland .tisky with Steamers to allsrra Ora, Or to ;MN WAGNIR, P. KELLY estate and maps to its number of mem- MACHINES, ho This Company continues to make Insurance against shall any new be established, contalning tun the North-wedeln is lim ite 15,900. and five loan four square Lakes; making the meet 73 Want street, Phi EDWARD LA9II to $2.00 letter stamps PDT ago et to MACHINE DEPOT— or damage by sire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland than hundred miles. CILEAPEBT and RELIABLY. 11013115Ary N0..7 i KELLY Sc BROTHER. hpeem fit 9 No. 135 NORTH Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. 11112 p 11011110111111. eau bo to *hide lasiesit HER- -NEXT- membersltfd mps, share. AnT THIRD STREET. From section two of the Ord forwarded and from the GREAT W. —CARR, BY LPIERPOOLA.TuIt.DAT,: 17th 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH $lO and the sta hell be entitled to six thsteg; oF sort Eno OFFICERS. article of the Constitu- BATES BETWEEN .IVIOII - sending $lO J. Si. HOLLINGSHEAD. PHILADELPHIA AND tags -47blend; Sac., vs, 0114BLES D. II: , NONPAREIL, Has now onhand a large wort meat of OVERCOAT- any person will! eta nemeiwith t beaddrese President-OEO. H. HART tion strike oat the word', "ofas rity Philadelphia, 04.1M-Dijarce.....: October :whet ship (1450 V_ LlMAlow_ and of - , of each, carefully written, shall ho entitled toms shares. 131.1111121. a. vAINisSA.I alSnalOIR" NW, Presittent—R, rock cenoty rrepscricrigi" 01111116011 Plena—No. IC Sept. T. *lll .se w.' - -71409 cuppymaanandgßES, VESTINOs, CLOVES F. ROM. of fromecctioa 11111, 1111? CLIAS—BOOLI, fate, luad iq solloe, ,,that lepolitolurotirltaeasea Con4Clattala WIWI'S, MORNING GOWNS, &0., &0., of the beet The dietribution will be blade In Ohleago; Sept. 25th, WILLI.Of 11. 11110810!. Secretaryand Treasurer—H. R. same article, strike out the wont', Philadelphia Caps, sB° styles.' COGOSHALL "of Boas, ik7 Goode, (in bolos faart:42 sold libellant will be -taken.. bear. 20 qualities and latest Prices vicaterate for credit, 1857. FOUNDRY, Analataut Secretary—S. 11. BUTLER. and of the several torntiesi” from ireetthu seven, USIA faits sad trunks),Drage, betted IRsiDAY,Votober28. .1887-, P. kl:;'at the! tow cash. The following is the reel estate to be distributed : Flit= ROTORS. article, strike out the words, "neither the city PSl- kiss) ' .... ' • 18 for SOUTHWARKAND WADDINGTON of sod leathers, - at 4 o'clock & EITRDITD, Tars. to pr 0. Hutt, •Zaq., No, 189 South. PIPTH 840•1140 with The business ofKELLY BROTHER will be In No. 1. An improved farm of 80 acres in Cooke PHILADILIIIIA. George H. Dailey, ladelpkia nor any," awl !wet In lit* thereof the 7k. 200ft olltakiet Hew ber.oo4 cabin and Meng; passengers pro- at Hart, E. W. "and and , Sheeting poit Wad found future attended by or JOHN Co., Illinois, slued & E. P. OberWeal. words, no;" strike oat roost Woes atrast,-:Ph asffCcOtt- visions ancoraing tathe Ainerlan gamines sat. to E. P. KELLY P. farm 23,600 MERRICK SONS, Ross, Dalai, "section four, FLe•beli—Debseette I & DOHERTY, 814 street. No 2 An improved of 160 acres in article," and in lieu thereofinsert the fellowl amaataa,pattth elphla,iplCptopet.--whiar - at No. OHESTNIIT ocl3-tf White- A. Cattell, D. Apply to • THOS. BICHABMoN CO. - O. Wm. Lewis, Jr , " 1.3.11,(1t = , lflla sides 00., valued at ENGINEERS AND BIAOHINISTS, 3. L. 810TIOX 4. In the year OW thommod 11 t Hardware, ,--- 121CL1AAM".14214-I,lol2amLnar. orb- P. Illinois, 9,000 manufacture High Low Steam for Joeoph Edwards, Pomeroy, eight lieetapr pa or boxes), 0.11. • -04274bait DOHERTY, No. 3. An improvedfarm of 160 acres in White- and Pressure Engines, John G. Dale, Andrew Y. (Members, and sixty-four,and in every seventh yearthierrealtar, re, o Land, laver, and Marine PliSe,&sty FORMIDILY WITS LULL', Lo naornsa, olden Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 Barrio. M. U. presentatives to the number of oaf ate* ard, it0....000. per IN LINE . JOHN , Hon. Henry Puller, U. Coggehal hundrtdothen be Irmb ef,556—.1.44.1J. heel, a TN, THE,, DISTRICT 00 I OF STEAMISJIIP LATE MUT LUKENS, BELLE, & No, excellent privateresideneeln Boilers Gasometers, Tanks , Iron Boats, &e., Out- Poster awortloined and distributed equally, the JJ Chain', THE `tAVANNAfFlamm CO" 4. An Dubuque, ing, of kinds, either Iron or Brass. 8. Perkins, Samuel Jones, AI. D., throughout as ',swiss). Vim',ilason and Pork, UNIPED SPATES in and tRo Eastern District of Siapitatr... TAILOR, lowa, ratted Cl 3,000 ail John 11. Chambers, A. P. Cheenbrough. State, by districts, proportion to theunsehrtof taxa- • . Iron frame &hod in , roofs for Gee Workshops, sack), Tobacco. Pannertranfa, The well known fillt•Calla eatashirui 814 CHESTNUT...STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, No. 5. 100 stores superior form land In Cooke Co.,' Werke, Railroad an 8..1y ble inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that awarder STATE OP 6EOEol,l,,aitd STATE, now now Tailors thatare at Stations, its. county at Aim*: Ciprs or cat Ifitlesimattercry* Footed, of Saleof800W-BOAT EUSTON'S ono Ras with him the best engaged Illinois,valued 2,000 any containing lust three thoussad foe ks b-e form a.weekly line for theBooth and ll,onthwest, of in the business in this canntry. sores pine timbbred Wsupitoca • Retorts and One Machinery of the latest and most FIRE AND LIFE IN- hundred taxibles, may be a separate reperses- per ships nailing (hustles formerly leading No.6. 160 well In Improved construction. allowed Tors= Cs.aas.—icoeba, rah, nfdeinisned;ti, whom itseas referred to dietri. the trirertUTtlitDATat10 A. IC 'ROW, the tailor of this Co., Wisconsin, valuedat 2,000 SUBANOE COMPANY, incorporated by the State tattoo ; but no more than three counties abaft be piaci, Bacon, • Every DHILADELPRIA proceed,' of the Sale of said Scow-boat, will TOE,STEAI4BIIIP dP GEORGIA, If.. & description of Plantation machinery, such as are no county divided, bee, id ,bra teaks orb xes hick Abe - ETATS city; KATsitu, formerly cutter for 0. Roth Co" No.7. Agood lot and cottageresidence in Sugar, Saw, of Pennsylvania in 1848, now established in their and dull be in the formates a a oestarar4), Lard and elliportlee interested in the said fund atthe office • "Jouir 710i-anar. Oeironinder.' and and Teat cutter Lukens, valued at and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans, Open Steam No. 03 Street, they district. Any city containing a LardOil,Nail, most Colt, With Relly, eago, Illinois, 2,000 Patera, NEW OFFICE, CHESTNUT where nualcient number of Bola A sh, GarenaaClay of the auk of mid court, No. St South Will receive freight -ou•TITURSDAY, October 22d, Co. Rains' TrAussm, the beet Pants and Test cutter 8. 160 acres in Trains, Detonators, Pumping Engines, kn. are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, taxables to entitle it least two Tar,Pitch l'lftivotroott 10 No. superior land Whiteside' Co., Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Sugar Bolling toot representatives, D ke )110 Deism Chestnut, on THURSDAY, the lilyat Oates and :sail Bd.TUItI)4IY, 'Oetober 'so, at oPeloch in the United States, for years cutter with Deplerris, Illinois valued at Patent frogs LOSS BYFIRE, on property of everydescription, chill have a separate representatken sasigned it, sod per SRI 1.000 Apparatus,. Nasn3yth , Patent Steam Hammier, J. P. 11.4011-78e. pertold., until re,. Mir)instant, at 4 etcleck P. M. under the Zringyrouse, Broadway and with Deplerrls No. 9. 160 acres good land to 0111pPOWRY Co., s in Town or Country, including PUBLICBUILDINGS, than be divided into convenient districts of toutigarms easta—&te. further noticeMM. Patent per 100 , until {u6 'l, P. & Bt. Eotel, Broadway. Wm' Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, territory, of equal taxable population lbs farther ouAs. lESAZLITT. Pettus', under the Nicholas Wisconein„ valued at 960 Pumps. FACTORIES as near es mayhe, shil eg Goods from any notiee_ - Oaarmas Iltaaanatiti, Omnnarater, The most unremittingattention paid to thewishes of No.lo. 160' acres good land in Steam and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, 80. each of which districts shall sleet one reyweeentaive." point Neat of PhGadal Ohippeway 00., Superintendent—B. VESSELS, Ws, be " - H. tOxsisPmeksp Will —, and all patronize . HARTOL. ang-y Also, MERCHANDIZE of all end of Peasapesauthr recoll±goodaoti,T4l:lll,DAT .,- who theestablishment. Wisconsin, valuedat 9410 kinds STOOKS OF At the section seven, same article, Insert these '" All Goods eougened 11[N- MATTEL: OE- THE PETITION sail on SaTunDAY,"— 10 &clock A.M. "The of made moderate prices (loops, Stocks Goods the city PAiiadelphia . to tViahe Agents TILE at boat Clothes at for No. 11. 160 acres good land in Ohippeway 00., OHARD NORRIS & of COUNTRY STONES, on words," of shalt be divided into Bead, atPhiladelphia, or ye OI lab -JOHN 0. OSEBTEUITFER' AtBarannah these ships connect with steamers tot prices tail,. ocl3-tf Wisconsin, at SON, LOCOMO- STORAGE or STOCKS and TOOLS of AR- single contiguous territory as r Pittsburgh, 'NM and credit, low for valued 890 TIVE in BOND, senatorial districts, of without detention. formelilact 'Natio. 1e -hereby given that ttokenhscriber Mei ayipl( Florida and Havana withrailroad for the Sort%and No. 160acres good land in Dunn Co., TIFIOERS and MEOILiNICS; FURNITURE, SEW. nearly equal in terrible popuiation as possible, bet es Common Sonthweet. SHE RIDA.N, MERCHANT 12, Wis. STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, ASISTS.—Hants, Worniley to the Court of Plena fof'thO'eltyrand ' A ' count TAMES cousin,valued at ELRY, FIXTURES, &c., &0., &c., &0.,at moderate ward shall be divided in theformation & , Philadelphia ,for final diaabarge ar)derthe provee4 Oabln Raasage - ' 120 u, TAILOR, Nom. Hand IS South NINTH STREET, 800 OWSZETEENTE STREET, HAMILTON, FAIRVLEW AND its thereof." Tenn.; B. P. Sass Co., St.Lonis,No.Orr.J. a.thinaltili of w No. 13. 80 acres good land in Marshall 00., rates of premium, and for any period of time. The legislature, at lost session, after theadoption & t alone of Steerage 8 ABOVE CHESTNUT. lowa, OPELNG Bon, NransrilleInd.; Dumeenil, & of the Cartimonwealth, and do at GARDEN STREETS, Company past career as an ample amendment, city of Philadelphia & Be'li Minter*, tholineolvint.Laws Morning. valued 600 This refer to their of this shall divide the and Carpenter Jewett,ewett, Alecethethe. has applied by Petition for the innedt of No freight:mired on hatirday No bills A and well *elected stook of OLOTIIII and No. 14. 80 acres good Co PRTLADELPIIIA, guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all into senatorial and representative districts, man- Loam' Me, KY. land in Marshall , lowa, their in the drum, Madison, the 41st Sectionof theAct of tone 16th, 1836, tasting' t lading eignpd after the gap' has eAddrltEdlaatErge as on hand. are at this time no unsettled claims ner above provided; such districts to unchanged Ind.; 2. W. limn/ a Coy andlraida y valued at 000 LOSSES. There remain tr.. Co., Cincinnati; N. & 40,ilaolyentdetrtors=by whichsection itie providedthat Per freightor pusage, apply -to Ail Olothingmala deat this EstablishMent will be of Engaged exclusively Inthe manufacture of against thou,. ROBERT P. KING, Pres't. until the apportionment in the year one eight W. Drab= Co., TansavOls, w No. 15. 80 sores good land in Marshall Co., thousand Leech & No. 54 with the consentof a majority innumber and A. ILENON,Vr.; No. NorthWhams. . thebest qualWy, and in the most lowa, sixty-four. . Ohio; Co., Bilbystrestißoaton; Web. ' *midi 81 fashionable style. valued at LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Broil. hundred and 2 Roue, 'of-creditors-of an Insolvent, may grant him an Agent at &maim/My O. & 00. - attention given to 1111IPO1ill OLOTII 600 BL/01201011, TOURTB AMINDMITY lc Co., No. Astor New Yerk,ll. 1William it. elate PartieMar No.lo. 40 scree good land In Marshall00,, lowa, Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange. YUANOIa aul-3m and No, 8 Battery Place, New o. alaviption ofhis astate and effectsfrom execution for his FOR PLORIDA:-=-43teameraSt: jam's and Eit: 11.10. 506.00 at There shall be an sddltioooi York- N. J. Eneeder, _ valued weight or for the use of WOW or Coke, meet:lon tothe fret article & the, 'lean ydarit,'"Theso earn Savannah every Tuesday and Solday. Tolm)See22 800 ment, capacity, INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- Philadelphia; liagraw Koons, I). taids-Whialg—fek -space—of ap, 40 good in or BIIIIMINOUS Coal Its crude state, or of said Constitution, which shall be numbered and Stewart, Pittsburgh. Baltimore; A.. -by The of Plea; No. 17. amen land Line 00., lowa, val. in PANY.—The PENN MUTUALLIFE ea follows: road dnWwtlibebadard Point Chinni:bin nod at 800 ANTHRACITE COAL, LIFE INSURANCE H. =on tieittird . October 10th,1361, at 10&clock, and' the anb COMPANY, Boutheast Corner of THIRD end DOOR Sicortox M. The legislature chilli have to H. aoustow, - ;Mention and in ENGLA.ND'AND FIaANOE, Cicbemitals. No. 18. 40 acres good land in Linn00.,lowa, val.. WITHOUT OMITTING 8110/11, GAB On TIAN. 03. the power Freight Agent, of all others intended these NeW and ned at In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo- Streets. Capital, $612,725 alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation Philmtelphts. oreditors -FOR. York Hord Steanuddy Company.—The 800 for short or J. application, • • . , dteamJAlps 2,500 good produced are equal and not ex- INSURES LIVES tense, for the whole hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general LOCUM. .; ' - = United Staten Mill ARAOO, tend, ,BROWN,--OIIEMIST N0.19. 40 acres land In Linn 00., lowa, val. tives at these Works tot of annuities and Superintending, O.BEnTRUPPE.R. David Lines, itITLYON, 2,500 tone, AND north-eut corner tied celled by any. The materials need in construction are term life—grants endowments—pur- law, whenever in their opinion it 'may be frporhou Altuinsaj". ceminauder, and fREDERIOKDRUCHJIBT, PIPTM and at 800 chases life on interests in Real Estate, and makes all to of James A. Wcitton, commander, hill leave New York, ODISTNIIT Streets, Philadelphia, Bole Manufacturer 20. One building lot Dubuque, mule on the spot.; and Insure the best quality and moat the citizens the Commonwealth; in melt manner, NEw YORK LINES.--TBETHE No. in lowa, val- reliable The large contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. however, that no injustice be done to the WIDEN .Barre and Southampton, for the years 1861 and 68, on of. BItOWN 'B 'MENU OF SAMAIOA GINGSR, ued at ' 800 stock. extent of Shops, and Coin. They as shell corpora- AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND following dap: preseetbal Equipment Machinery and enable act Executors, Administrators, Assignees, tor& AND TRENTON RAILROAD, PHSLADELPITIAL the • which is recognised and by tho Medical Pa No. 21. One buildlng lot in Sterling, pkce 'of Tools, Trustees and Guardians. COMPANY'S LIM! ~3caks. , to execute the anutm, March 1,187. PROM PRILADBLPHIA LlLitlll if;TORI. may, and has become the Standard BASALLY =M- valuedbt 800 them MONEY ON in Z TO NEW YORI;AND WA • 180,- of the No. 22. Ohe BEST OP WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, RECEIVED DEPOSIT any amount—- Resolved, That this resolution pass. On GIFTS AT! 439 1868. OIN United States. building lot In Sterling, Illinois, live Per Oent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, the 6 first QPIENDID- CHESTNUT Phlton,• Bitordiy, 22 6s turdiy, Jan. Thin Essence is a preparation of unusual valued at 800 Or ANY ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. amendment, yeas 24, nays 7; on the second amendment, Leave aa fellows, vis : , : excellence. payable back on demand without notice. yeas yeas - . 00 110238,8T..=;-21/P. ORIGINAL' STAR GUT 41100 Fuego, do. During the Bummer menthe, no family or traveller No. 23. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, GRILLED OAR WHEELS, RADIDIRRED 23, nays 8; on the thint 'amendment, 24, nays At IA.It from Kensington Depot, via RAMC., - - !racism his t, telt tan, AXLES, ASSETS OP TUB COMPANY, January 18M. 4 on thefourth amendment, you Jersey'. STORII.I. 0:BYARS would frith:ids and thi do . should be it. the bowels, in valued at Porgin.gs of any size or form, let, 23 nays 4. City, Mall re-moSed hid Book ant Fulton, do. Oat. Without In relaxation of 800 With Lome of the Stateof Pennsylvania, Phila. !pilblis Mahe has Star Gift Stare do. . nausea gaol sea No, [Retractfrom the Journal.] At 6 A. 11., via and • Ares°, ? do l particularly in sickness, it is an active 24. 40 acresfarm land in Gnat Co., Wiscon- IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, delphia City, , Railroad, Camden Camden Jersey City, New Ja -, Publishing House to the splendid store in BD:mei/soh Pal n, do. safe, an as kpleasant and efficient remedy. sin, valued at 800 And generally. Penn a • GEC. W. 11231.71118LT, Clerk. ley Accommodation • r 7Nal/d.ing.,_llllA- 01111826rUTAltreet,..two:,,doons Marchrn a well SIAQUINE WORK and Amboy Railroad, and other LOAM 4179,888 88 betatr do: May 29 lliktllTlON.—Persone desiring an article that can be No. 25. 40 acres farm land in Grant 00., Macon- NORM BENET LATIMER NORRIS a At 0 A. M., via Camdenand Amboy, "Nth, wkere of each-Wok 'will receivp re BICHARD Bonds, Mortg ges and Real Estate' 117,187 19 ?HA OP RIME Aprll lfki upon, prepared solely from pure GIN- sin, valued at 800 lola,' • II HOOKA SENTATITIS, 28, 1867. tion,..Aeootosix4a.: one of thefolio piftS; valued at" froid 26 cents to JAMAICA Stooks in Banks, Inauranee, Cu and Rail- Resolved, That this resolution pass. the „,_- B • Lion aim". sovrakicrton: Gun, should be 'particular to auk for «Brownie Be- No. 2s. 40 sores land In Grant Co,Wisconsin, On Bret At7 A. 11., via Camden and City, Moraine 2100,- ito,:" , gonia road Companies 81,729 98 amendment, you 78, nays 12; oaths second amendment, Jowly ' ' aoludatinCorthe hsaerLdWrktchee,B,ewelry," 1867. .1867. of Jamaica ilinger,ii which is warranted to be valued at 240 , Mail ' -. co o • STEAM ENGINE BOIL Notes and Loans on Collateral@ 8 .„.. w WORTH fIIDENN 67, nays 34; on the It Premium 198,092 01 you yeas Arno, Tuesday,. Aug.. 26 Arno, Wednesdey., Aug. 28 what repreeented, and is prepared only by FRED& N0.27. 40 acres land in Grant Co., Wisconsin, AND third amendment, 72, nays At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, • via : 660•Pateniang:Leili Gold Watohes....sloo 00 each VI SWIMS- , Cash in Bank, due from Agents, Inter- 22; on the fourth amendment, you 88, Taamiy, Patton, do. Sept. 22 Fulton, .do. Bept.7B BICIC'BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical valued at 240 & nays 1. and Jersey City, Morning Rapress ..-.,. . 60 " est, /to 47 Journal.] A. 650 Patent Anchor Lever Gold 00 dotalgo,, do. 21 Store, .north-east of and N0.28. 40 acres land in REANEY, REAM. CO., 88,780 [Extractfrom the At2 P.M. via and - " Anga, , , do.. Oct.. corner •PIPPII OILESTNIIT Crawford 00., 00 Camden Amboy, 0. sad A. IJA. GroldWatchee, ,lBk. scases....l :85 00 Philadelphia; respectable Wilconsin, PRiorioAi. TLIEORETIOAL Guarantee Capital, Subscription Notes 100,000 JACOB ZIEGLBR, press " do. Nov. 17 Fulton do. Nov. 18 Streets, and by all the Drug- valued at WAND sNarNivP.s, Clerk. .... /6 Fulton, 200 meounipm; BOILER-MAKERS, !lay ' WO Silver warranted 00 do. • 800. 16 Deo. 18 gists and Apothecaries in the F. States. No, 29. 40 land W J3LAOK. Piled in Secretary's office, 2, 1847. At 1 P. Y. via Camdenand City •o` Lever.WatchtbTiniepleas- " /air),• ;d0; aul-Ilm acres In Crawford Co., POIINID%Ay, 5T11,226 pi Jersey Brenta& 600 Parlor • 10 00 . • A14867 • n BMiTiIB AND A. G. CURTIN, mail " 1868. 1868. valued at CameoBeis,lgar Drops, and Pins.... 10 00 • ;us 200 Havingfor many years boon In successful DANIEL L. MILL&H, President. Burets!: ofthe Commonwealth. a. " do. .12 ; do. No. 80. 40 in operation, At 3P. M., Tilt Camdenand Amboy, Bracelets ' 12 Fulton, Patton, Zan. 18 sires land Orswfordob.,Wisconsin, to SAMUEL E. 13T011623, Vice Pres.t. ' 600 Ladies' Gold 00 do. Yob. 9 do.: Feb. 10 Sirs finfeo valued • and been exclusively engaged building and repairing let Clam AeootanssoW. " Proof at Joint W. /3010011. fiewetary. • :t 600 Neck Chains -10 00 do. 9 t, do, 6ler. , 10 N0.31. 40 acres land Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron aul-IT Bunt TTTTT Ornol, At 3 P.'M., via Camden and 1,000 Gold she aid double Patton, • Month ' gi, in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, Boats, Water Tanks!, flea Amboy,Acmgm4.- , Unte'4l,:(hirge drag>, do. . Aptil Puri li valued at Propellers, dec., &e.,_ respectfully CO, Haaantause, Auto 22, 1861% tion, 2nd Class. . SAFES. ir* offer their services to the public,as FIRE INSURANC PA- se: - 4 Patton, do. May d0 57 No. 82. 40 sores land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, being fullyprepared 29 street, Pennsylvania At 6 P. IL, Till Camdenand Amboy, 2,000Gold Locke* mud/able - 4 Fulton, /1411 SALAMANDER to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and ARCTICNY, NEW TORK.-001ce, No Wall ad- I de certify thatthe *bore and foregoing le a true Accosmaida, Arozo, . do. • Awe 1 A large assOrtment valued at joining — Capital, and Lion, Mt Class ' 1,000 Gold-Penal otars,with GoldPens... - 6 00 ".! of 9PO Stationary. having note of patterns of di the Mechanics' Dank sash $250,000, copy of the original "Resolatioupropoaingamend- B Fulton, do. • Joao 49 , . . & No. 83. 40acres land in Jackson erent sires, torrent At 0 P. H., via Camdenand Butts' Pens, with"-cues Met: do Ir.: 80 ZVANB WATSON'S 00., Wisconsin, i are prepared order's with quickff despatch. with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, bier- manta the Constitution of the Commonwealth," Amboy, Accoopmcds. - 1,3,006 Gold and P1111.4D.ELP111.4 valuedat - 200 to execute chantUse, Furniture, and to with ton, 'Bad Clam Afoldons ' • ' " 1.111011 OF 1AIIIIA011: MANUFACTURED Every description of Pattern-making at Vessels in port their Cargoes, the each branch et the Legislature upon the .B. 850 No. 84. 40 acres Jackson mode the vote in The IP. 11: line runs daily, all other • , - "•- ' - • - ' ," 'Enna New York to Sontiiimpton or SAIAMANDBR SAM, _ land in Cs., Wisconsin, Iligh'and, and other property, against Lou or Damage by Eire aml madays 2,600 Gold Pekvals 260 Barre—Virit valued at • eliortest uotroo". Low Pressure, FlueTubu- final passage thereof, en appears from the originals on 2,606 Gold Poria;wit6,6llverPencils. 2 " Cabin, $lBO SecondCabin $75. 'VAULT DOORS, 200 lar and Cylinder Boilers,oi Pennsylvania the Risks of Inland tile Inthis ogles. 60 and No. 85: 40acres land In Bad Axe Co., • the best char- NarigatiDDlEOTOßS.on. =;esie Linea stop at Malicia only. 6,500 Geld-Slap " Prom Havre or; to New Yarin--Eiret 'foe /8046 Stored WisMsnain, coal Iron. Forgings of all and kinds; In testimony hays c 100 valued at Moen Iron and whereof I hereunto set my Belvidere, eincipal " 100 Remy , Rings ; 800 &too •,- econd Ca frown. ' limos Outingsof all Grinnell, Joan'L. Pope, For Easton,thal =Mean, ho., at QA.. 2,CNA Gents HMV' Gold - 275 Cabin S Santbttonblsoo BANS. now nee. No. 86. 40 land in Bad Axe descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw [tn.] head and Caused to be Mixed the seal of the sad 4 P. IL, from Want street wharf: " (might orpomp, apply to • Zonal to any in acres Co., Wisoo'nsin, and all work Caleb Barstow, Rufus 2,100 Ladleas Gold Briestpins 250 Poe at 160 Cutting, other connected with the above R. Graves, &cretin's the • daY and ear- %bore For Water Gap, Mrowlaburg, " MORTIMER Agent, 7Broadway. DOONS,I3-11IITTERS, &0., veined , , business. ,„ Nancy 0. Brewer, HenryDavis, Offices Scranton, WIIIMAtam 8,500 Missee Gold - • •60- MPINGSTIIM, it 1110 N written. A. G. UURTIN, Montrose, Breastpins '• o er No.37. 40 land Bad Oreat Bend, ice. at 6A. !," ' WILLIAM ; Marro. On so good se .any th establishment in the aores in Ate 00., Wisconsin, - Drawings:gad 'all work dens Edmund Fanfold; 0. W.Lilienthal, H., 8,000 Pocket Braves 75 MAN tour ipeeiffeations for at their Secretary of the Commonwealth. at . viaDelimar. " " - • , pittedStates, by at K. Corning, jr. Lackawanna Wolinns Railroad. 2,000 Bate -teem/0 OW ' 800 OROSEEY A.OO. Ilanth ton. veined 160 establhdtment free of charge, sad Work guaranteed. Hanson Theo. Polhemns, For at 6 lkisoni Studs - & - N0.38. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, veined st 160 Ogden Morgan, Yreehold, A. ILand 2 P.16. - "AMERICAN MIIkOPEAN EVANS WATSON, The subscriber's wharf dock roam for re Haggerty, Zifahe.K. 2,000 Baia GeWie.Gold Sleeve Buttons.... OD" - ' No. 30., One lot in Fallon , Illinois, at have'snide Thomas R. Van Is Basin, March 27,19 /or Mount Holly at 7 A. M. and 21( and 5 - ' ' • • " %EXPRESS AN) EX- Pub. No. 26South MIRTHstreet valued 100 pairs of where they can lay In Monagan, Abm. Nest, M. 2,000 Pairs Didleie"Ear Drops •250 been, perfect safety, and resolution amendments to the . = P.M. . No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 John 11. A. The proposing Coneti- _ WAY Lll6 BlfeNB73 Catalogue Containsall of the most popular CHANait 00. woe Philadelphia. are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ice., /to., for Earle, William Cary, being books Ottheday, PLEASE GIVE US A CALL aula•tf The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor- Albert Ward, Thomas B. Nelson, tution of the Commonwealth under cousidemtion For Bristol, fra.„at tad all the 'newest' piddleations, all ably. Tho names and address shall be raislngtittlor light weighte." Phillips, enthequestion, LINII *fikiiwill aefola-as . of stockholdars • , THOMAS Charles Easton, Jams W. agree TreatonWAY uni-ia ciu obtatnest at LIVERPOOL, written on as many email as they ' HEANEY, the Senate to first amendment? ForPalmyra, tie other frittt lktElifYlrOßK cards have sharps, G. Louis Lorut, Charles A. Mary, Will the Itannocas, Beverly, lhatiagion Donk*. steres,-I- catalogue: nil:Atha lent free, by STAUB STEAM Ships placed ' dAOOD NEAPIE, yeas nays were agreeably to /cc., at 3 P. M. . 3 d BLUNITSD MAIL BlL—lii• inmates. and the whole In a box, and the first name taken JOHN P. Samuel G.Glidden, Edward Hineken, The and taken the pro- town h the main; by addilealng q., • LEVY, visions of the and were as follow, viz: WAY ANS, , • oomposhitthisSArdiars •_ out shall be entitled tothe Improve/farm No. 3in the aul-y sp4on end Steph. Oambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Constitution LINZ 2rielikon489redae NUT Ettfeit. The ATLLNTIO, ()apt: Oliver Auleriege• above list, and the next taken out will be entitled to PALMER Streets, Kensington • 'rasa—Meagre. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, Evans, Tor Mount Holly, Burlington itipents- tresn,Wthe ioGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES Thomas Scott, CharlesL. Frost, and Walnailer al II in seam Unite& Mater). Joseph Oomstook. ; and ao on until the 40 items real are all Lotbrop L. Sturgee, Fetter, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, P.M. or° to eau TheltrilinkOast. Lta.• Bold byCHADWICK & BRO., BROOND Street No. 2 of estate & John Ward, ThOse &airing sot obtain; full: partwara by erhe ADSI•knO, Capt. James West distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,960 Henry K. Bogert, William It. Fosdick, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer Scofield, SellersShu- Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON tor Thubbszts;si so , Best door extra Rae°. anglB-Stsoa ,+atatiliabitt *tao. . man, Straub, Wilkins, Bristolat . I These ships have been builtby control, egpressly for stockholders will be sent a cheap map or nWeetern HANDY DANUFAOTuRERS QP Peter Edea, , Emery Thayer, Steele, Welsh, Wright mel Tag- 8% M sad for Bardentairst rte 4 laterzoo- 21.`1t -11490 •Ortb 'bit given, with ever, Ogren:m:4 e nvyearths&been ashen fn their State or Territory. A full account of the distribution gart, Speaker-23. dist° places at. P 'Si of ' essvireigoo CUMBEREAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES Benjamin ILField, Geo. Wealtatit, 2% Wets mold. actrdatuthtff construction,'" in theirengine", to strength IMP,ORTANT IMPROVEMENT- will bo forwarded in a printed circular, to each member Crabb, Creswell, Finney, Gregg, Steamboat T11124"...V for at lb and shears , NEW GAS CONSUMING SURNAOS BTEiltt 'oa WATIta A. R. Irothingharo. Zalmon Taylor, Penrose and luau 18%A. sad speed,'"nd gketi aconnsinodatiens for passengersare of the Association, with the names and address of such ..,)!9P.,CIA Thos. 11.Youngs, Henry N. Blossom. Harris, Souther-1. and 4 P. U.. sad tor Burlington sad Bristol at 4 P. VALUABLE LIBRARY 800E5.4„ usen,4lo4tor_ sligssite:and comfort. • • ' (WILSON'S as mayreceive thereal estate--to whom also the deeds sylo, L. Mitchell, So the question wee determined In the affirmative. 31. • FURNACE, Samuel • srfistranis • NEW CONE On the ' - Passage Liverprel, question Price of from filet after having. been putto .the moataerate teat, during will be sent and immediate possession given. Each ap- GENEBAL 'IRON. CIOISIMISSION MERCHDS ALBERT WARD, President. ►ll Mos, areapt ht., . stele • In wicked do.,_s7f; to Sire to New Will the Senate agree tothe second fears !Nast - . B. `eiblis,.s3,Bo; the two Dorm was MS or1660 min 1667, Lea proved to plication must be accompanied with 92.00 and Live letter WarehodEe colter RIFBLAD A. OMIT, Secretary. AU 10-17 amendment? wharf. • FRONT and WALNUT. York, 80 and 2Orgairesi. ,Wa . JONES & The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro- njwitifty poundsofbeaus . " I bertha be tho moat powerful heater in the world, saving from stamps. Address LINDELL, 00., and-8m , only allowed each pas .44 011ISALUViriktiWri:NVIV xORK. for. The ship" of this; Bale *proved water-uniaaft- Failght" 3g any beat au-13 Chicago, vialorui of the Constitution, and were as follow, vim Bangor. Passengers are prohibited {rote any _rep' r; • . • • to x the feel over ofthe funasceinow in me. Illinois. INSURANCE .ksts E bulk beside. are cons a iron MANUFACTURERS' Tess—Mews. Brewer, Browne, Ely, thing u baggage but their wearing smeared. Vg_ TEEM Poimainis rooted with cast ash COMPANY.—Oharter Perpetual. Granted by Evans, Fatter Pinney, Flenniken, IngramCresswell}i gage corer arty pouch riutleals. By theRight Ron SWOP0080WDST pit and a lined , orlon, to bepaid for extra. broad, ah►llow pan-shaped are pot, FREIGHT 0 I E---,T$ the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $500,000. Omit UTCan it;P: ; ,— N T 0 E 1414t6Indi, nda este , ;•raois Liviss,voL. Knox;Laubacii,_Lewis, Nye?, their responaibaity -8=13.611 vim with are•brick or iron staves. Theare pot is surmount- Blaine, and Inhust Transportation. Sellers,likuman, Souther, play far beim* toone date ,110404,11t;60iltext 101,. . isturder, June 20, , 157 _Wedneedaydene 24, , 1857 ed with ' LOCALPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are Steele, Staub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, per pownd, and willnot be liable forlinyaceeent be Wltilt 'Portraitail&Machfacelimile latter, ttlath now and DIHNOTO4B. Speaker-23. by Ii Zvole. Saturday, July 4,_ 1857 Weduisiday, ;elk 8, 1867 A SERIES OE ox TAPERING prepared toreceive forward FREIGHT between PREPARA- yond 11.00, except 'pedal mitred. _ CONES, RADIATORS, Philadelphia, and at following llgraii. GENUINE Aszon S.Linkmen, Charles Wise, Nave—Menu. Coffey Setarday,July 18,,„ 1867 Viettnpeduy, 7u1y,22, ,1887 largo and broad at their tease, buttapering tosmall &per- Lancaster, Columbia, the TION,BOLD'sExtract, Buohn, for A Cribb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, WM. Y. Odiddirri.liont. Pridisjoi Aug. pounds : allDiseases ot the Blad- Wm. A. Modes, Weeks, Killinger, Penrose and Beoffeld—g. Ny 11,thio4; Saturday, 1, , 1867 Wedniisdahlitig. 1857 fumeat thetop, anduniting withthe anniar chamber, rates per hundred der, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Nerrons arid Debilitated, Alfred O. t, IL. CO. Xamatßinicend_Dr,ldaghui.„ROW,. ilstrirdey, Aug. 15, 1867 yreoliniday,Aug.,lo,” 1857 through BETWEEN ,PHILA. AND COLIIXDIA. Banns. Charles J. Yield, James P. Smyth, So the question was determined In the affirmative. R. B. MORRILL Anent : - which the hest and smoke pass to the due. B. Thomas, 3. ShahloSank, I l2•With:Weineiri and Rattail/ Dr: R :Skelton Mackenzie. ilitarday,filept. 12, 1857 Wofteedeg, Sept. 2,_ 1867 Tax waorm products of combustion in the form of First Class. Second Clue. Third Clue. Fourth Clue. Wm. On the question, Phila.. 'hal: oit. Third=Mon- In6 with portraits and Bitturday,l3ipt. 181.7 , ,18 GENUINE ,PREPARA- Wm. Neal, JohnP. Simons, agree ? Telatnee, 20, 1867 Wedneidar,l34o.Bo, maks and dean,-are suspended directly over the Ore, RI etc cti eta. Will the Senate to the third amendment OF HO Price $O6: flatur4ay,.oet.. 10, .1857, 'Widnes*, Oot: '1857 or into Flour, 18 .p . barrel, HELMBOLD'pox, 9 Buchn, removes all the symptom, AARON O. LIPPINCOTT, President. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro. fIHA.NGE ORS.—P IfIL ADEL. 14,, cithrisiere compressed She tapering Ounce and co la abler le Extract V The Wienellaneena listurday,'Oet. 21 1867 Octi ' 1867 OONTINIIALLT Pig metal, 10 eta, per 100pounds. , • among which will:be found Indisposition to exertion, WM A. RHODES, Vice President. visions Of the Constitution,and were as follows, via: FELL, WILMINGTON AND BerrikOnakti. W.4401441, lIXPOIND to the direct action of the rays i WEEKS, Secretary. • ahtemo`ir Saturday, Nov. 7, :1107. W,edziesday, X0y.11,, 1857 ofheatand lightfrom the Sze. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER, Loss of PoWir, LOA of Tileniett Dlificaltyof Breathing, ALFRED Yssa—Messrs. Brewer,Browne, Crab, Creuwell, Ely, 110AD. .104 Notes, by,Dr:.,R. ton Maekentie. Complete N0y.21, 1861 N0e.28, 1857 Class. Sooond FourthOlses. General Pfeaknesa, Horror of 'Disease, Nerves, J. W. MAKTIEN, Surveyor. . Evens, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, On and attar Monday, /idyll', ISM lososavi esturdey, Wednesday, This heat Mad light is brought to a coons In LAOO First Olen. Thirlolass. Weak Jordan, Killinger, fa &melanin, nttb.Portrait.--. Prise,, patrol.,cloth, iliturday, Des. 5, Wednesiey, lipo. 1857 20 ate. 27 cts. 15 eta. Trembling, Dreadful horror of Death; Night This Company was organized with a cash septet, and Myer, &tog PABSENGF.It TRAINS LUTE YOU almapßEA TL. 1867 9, CONN, not unlikethe 13 els, ir Sweats, adapt Knox, Laubsch, Lewis, ,el,l Sellers, Sheonan, 14111MOYaillli EL JOHNMOROI' °HUNAN.' 22, COLLECTION Flour 26 ate. pe; barrel. . Cold Poop,_Lakefulness, .Dlainess of Vista), Languor, the Directors have determined to thebusinesa to Soother, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Srsprett,) and HON: with and freight applyWedneedsh 050. 1867 OP THE SEWS RAYS, per of its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct- M. Nein* For orpump to, „ - a 10ots. 100 pounds. Universkrttasiitudo the Muscular Syntem,often enor- P. .dithaes;l Ad- to focal pointthrough an ordinary lone, causing the ing entre, a prompt adjustment of For at li d. M.,1, IL; ,lly.blißrizallensi:OurnyziShelton liaekensle, ants Portrait EDWARD , - street, N.Y. 81(0111 AND. ding intensely and ARTICLES OF FIRST 014138. • mous AppetiteDyspoptie 'Symptoms, Dot Hands, its with louse. Nice—.teem. Coffey, Gregg, Heals and Penrose-4. Wilmington s 4.15 and U P. .-I s;A 12.'1XILLI -5J0L NO:511 111i1.1 to become heated tho- Office No. 10 Merchants' New ostfitisl taatlmile. 1111111LNY 4k 00., Liverpool. Hooke, Fresh Flab, PlushingroL Choi Body, Dryness of the - Skin, Pallid Eishange, Philadelphia. 8e question determined For Castle at 8 A. IN~ 1and 415 P. X. ThirdiGlition!.Untoi eloth. BROWN; roughly 00118IIMEND, by this operation the 'SUOMI AND the was In the affirmative. PrinerSifS6. ;. BTKPREN UNHAND -I 00., 27 Austin Ifrisis, are Boots and Oboes, Nuts InDago, Countenancer; Eruptions on the ?awe, Palm inthe Hack, aul•dly On the question, For Middletown at 8 A. M. and.4l6 P. M. - GAM MEADE, EQUALLY AVAIL/DWI with the sm. 211.16_04111SENR AND OIPLAHERTIP.S; s Na- Lodon., • - • Cedar and Wooden Ware; Porterand Ale in bottles, Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequentlyBlock Spots flying Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment For Dowat 8 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. !it'll' purposes, - : • be s:or heating while, in other furnaces, thi Eyes, temporary RERCANTI,LE . Por Seaford at 8 A. M. and 415 M. tionslittory, Lady Morgans yeas nays • thefirst of Horan N.G. W4IrAiIIGHT QG CO., i , ItIs Oilma:I oh, AND WASSID IN Tan OICIMNUT. Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, before with Suffusion,Loss of Sight. rPHE MUTUAL INN The and were taken agreeably to the pro P. earlWith an - by of will Vats. Pork, (fresh,) If those symptonbare allowed to go on, which this me- RANOR 0 F PRILADELPIfid..-0111ce slaloms of the Constitution, and TRAINS FOR PRILADILPIIL4 Introduction andNotes, The owners these iihips not be soionntable for All persons desirous of obtaining the beet and Egg ,. • 11 COMPANY were aa follow, via : ilhalltofteraaneeo.-n^ ifisakonshe: -2 voli4 12in0,, cloth. gold, silver, bullion,specie; jewel4.pr eelous stones or MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) dicine invariably removes, soonfollow Fatuityand Epi- No. 222 WALNUT Street, oopposite the Exchange. MA INAs—Afeasrt Brewer, Browne, CoffeyCresawell,Ely, Lear. Baltimore at 8.54, Express, 11 A. M., and 825 of ls,diugyi it g therefor APPARATUS, Wrapping leptic RINE RISKS on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN Evans, Ingram, Killlnger, %nos, P.M. mobile, bile nod and should notfall to examine the New 048 COMMIX() Feathers, Paper. Pits. LAND TRANSPORTATIO IN Flenniken, Fraser, Lest* std 60 and 11.65 Bietehasof the value thereof expieskollizerein au.ttf Coon Iftnutson, OP So CLASS, RISKS, per Railroad., Laubsuir,Lestis, Myer, Scofield, Seller, Shuman, Souther, Wilmington A. At., and 3.33 -.BANELNOTGOVEISKETOHNS:TertonatBy before purchasing any other. The at- ARTICLES IF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY Canal., Boats, and other ca.rriages. Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkinsand Wright--23. sad 9.65 P. M. Own Ihne.-. airPonah•Marringto_tn with 'Nostra- tention of and builders is particularly re- Apples, Molasses, •.”,..f-pacmaby Darby:- laud •Saltion:.:-With,Matoolr by arohitechl Cheese, Melons, of the Ebove distressing ailments, use 11E01- ALL TRIO PROFITS Cis!Ided annually among the Ae- Nice—Messrs Orabb, Pinney, Jordan and Penrmts-4 Leave New WWIat OM and 11.46 A. Y., Lad 9.06 quested. ARNOLD fc WILSON, Try Naokansie.')lEMO_, Prioe $1,26. • Cloverand Grace Beed, 01le in casks orbarrels, BOLD'S PREPARATIONS. them, and be convinced "'red, and ample 'scarily li n mama of lone. do the question was determined Inthe affirmative. • (Successors to S. A. urn MEC)Tore. _34001&$ MP OR BONEIDAN."IIemoira of the Coitallfiskin ;sllextbants. Crockery, Paper in boxes, of their brileAby. • IM ens House oisllseassewrivivse,l Leave Middletownat 10.00 A. U.and LOAP. M. tiM, Night Nrlnaley.Phorida. . No. 694 WALNET Street, Harris Mlles, Thomas T. Dutcher, Leave Dover at 8 60 A. M. alai 7 Went ,llotr,lllthar& Opposite Independence Square. Candles, Pasteboard GENUINE PREPARA- Edward • Apri/ 29, 286T. S P. Y. ~- and ,fae-stinge.. John H.°Monksimer, Algernon E. Aibburnor Last° Seaford at 7.00 A. M. and 400 P. K. - .Portaaitl 011A13E tic Casks or Darrell, (empty ,) Peaches, (dried) nALTIONoIIxixact Duchu, The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti- 2boMaa)atooreRatko, 2 Tots, 12in0.,cloth. Pries $2. • Printing •,, igor, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fadeltt, being Z 6 . ' Groceries, Paper, Oleohealth and t to frame, tutionof the Commonwealth under By , JH. - ' GHNIB'AL, v the 811arplesui, consideration, Wilmington 81111.01,BLAITIM -Dr.4l 4TheltortAtsekenzie. anti Eigare. Dune and Rides, Paper Hangings, And bloom to tho pallfd cheek !" Samuel J. Thome" S. Poster, On the question, Limos at 916 A. M., 2 P. M. me Mil • UNPatton. .1.2m0.,cloth. - COMMISSION IfEBOK,Aa'ITS, • Grobarre /BIM Guetsvae Engllo, A. M. Pride Herring in boxes and kegs, Gueeneware, And alvwsos.pleascut..l4 their .teste, that patients be- Junes, Will the House agree to the first amendment? TEM EMORY OP TRH WAR IN THE ell North and 44 WATFOStost, RitikadelphSa: Come Henry Precut, James S. Stroup, The nays SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Pkiladaligki,ato RILIINT OIGAR A handsome assort- Hardware, ' ~ Sweet Potatoes, fond of , yeasand were taken agreeably to pros!. ,. Byllajor Goma81r W. P. P. Napier, the a ILTAYANA them.. Edward G. the Baltimore PENINPUL't.from 00144TAN7.4r Lames Hops, Tobacco in bales, James, Alfred Slade, lions of the Constitution,and were as follow, vii: such as . mmid, Iran, hoop, band, or sheet, Tea, GENUINE PREPARA- WiUlam L. Springy, A. G. Cattail, lzaa—Mesars. Anderson, Arthur, _Backhorum, do. do. 815 P. M. from lialtlatto, to I' OLOVEREP , Bistro, Partasaa, TION, , FranklinJOl2OB0. Charles B. Carsta Ball, Philadelphia. wtthi,et,,..pars-Ajeaticolttrt;io,4tulfc4t,i;twitmetlnsaao,lll, On consignment from the interior of Pennsylrenia, Cabanas, Sultana, Leather, Type, , HErdaroLDDctraetNBuchu—See overwhelming eviden. Beek, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun,Campbell, Chase, °es Haddock, Samuel 'Robinson, BALTIMORE AND RAVER DE A043031210- where our new ()leaningMillis now in general use. Liquor in wood, . Tallow,' Which will be produced to show that they do groat Jr.,Daniel Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Nyder,Penvold, Foster, GRAZE 4izi,p' ix, yoi., Gloria, Jupiter, Marble good to all who honor them witha trial. Dvidenee William Taylor, John 0. Olbboney, DATION TRAIN Also, TIMOTHY -AND .HED TOP on Coloso, ' Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (apt,.!) open Hoffer, Glides Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, 8,0. 'pm. $2 •.• • ' • - • Clonsenlantes, John P. 3 Leaves de Grace at 6.40 A. ' &ling Torrey, Lopes, Union Americana, Monuments, Vat wish. for theinspection ofall. James Murphy, Steiner, Hill,Ht egos, Holtman,(Berke,)lmbrla, Innen, J11120413, Havre M. J. antlioi of Loop Wm. Y. Slinith, Henry Learn Baltimore at 400 P. M. "%tiffincnitftrililme-'ol!. übtlnßtnn~ Ao. ARTICLES OF on CLASS. iamb*, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lei- 101Utt.t:' Orejon, Flora Preight NV:A.7914-A* peomidr Cubans,&c., • Aloohol, Potatoes, ILIELMBOLD's GENUINE PREPARA- A. J. Antal°, Wm. J Caner, searing, Longsker, Lovett, Mangier, Mangle, Illialmont, Train, with Passenger Oarattacked, vil/run ILIANDY &.BRENNER.;-4)014 km, in X, d(,1.5 and I-10 ones, ofall sires and quail TION, 'Extract Buchu.:--Price $1 per Bottle, de. Samna! L. rentrborg. as follows : . 03SION Coffee, Turnips, , 11valn„ Moorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, or) anatory a; xqrmg 24. 14.01100ANT8 SadDealers to Voriiivr Ame• In stOre and constantly remelting, and for salo low any Depot, 62 South 111 Leave Philadelphia for Parryvtile and 'Hai ' of deanILARDWAIIISsad lI,IITLAILV; *l4 by Hides, (green) Vinegar, Billed to address. TENTII street, EDWARD HAKRIS MILES, President Nicholson Nunernaeher, Paters, Petriken, totermeiashe -AVOW. . .:/? Az*, tio4k4 Xride 12- tioksad 21 CHARM IT, Lard, Whitej,ead, Assembly Building , below 011EBTNUT street, Plailadel- ALFRED F.= t 'ITT, Vice President. Posrnall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia)' Ramsey, places at ' GAO P. M. MOS/0.4rimia4 i - North'!ANTA, ittrest, goat sjde,,stierre9orerrieres street, (new) DA WALNUT Street, phis. , Joni O. H , Beoretar 7. 101-1.7 (York,) Reamer, Reed, Pennon Leave Wilmington for de. do. 8.60 P.IIL - •" • •• • Oysters Roberts, Rupp, ,•. saia below Second, mond Igor, 'c Clams, (inshell) Window Glass, T. Shaw, Sloan, LOAM Wilmington Tobacco, (manufactured,) SouthAddrele letters, U. 11ELMBOLD,62 Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Ulan, for Philadelphia at 6.00 P.M. ...,SPBRSON ' below OIIRSTNIIT, Phtladelphia. street, OAK FIRE AND MARINE yo, Vannorhin,Vickers, anl-17 8. X. FELTON, President. = ARTICLES{ TENTH Yoeghley,Walter, Wadi:gook, wu ntsriA.xoit*te: • PHAiIiEI4 • TETE, 47031308191( AND PARTAGAS OF Ern CLASS. Sold by and everywhere. Beware or w- Codfish, , ,Dea)ers INSURANCE COMPANY DARTFORD, CONN. Wharton, Wlllliton, Witherow, Zimmerman -,l4tedtifio tesidylhe Mittel Or nsinierOtte is- OILANT ,Imparter. otJ Cholas WOW° of these Rosin, Druggists `', CHARTEIt• celebrated of •,, atetan* Capital'43oo,ooo. B. IN fill HAT4Adamitts, ratea&RO,VABAN,ASPXo4tilil.-A Cotton, , Balt; Coinittitilinsi ' Cash Lows in Philadelphia !IA and Clots, Speuker--TS. G , = • AM tip (New) OXI ', ,, troodi bid* the atdic..bivipigpnbltd fo thhir 188 Walnut atreat. woad story: Gal4Y board brig NewEra, dally expectedfrom Flab, • vicinity the Nara—Measre.BUOollll_,Doek, Remittal:l,Ru,, ARRANGEILENT. --fillili- taw viva; w• Intend to preeenfto aelreste, sod for low, by OHABLES TETE, salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) . %Skated at PAsiadciyhOs Office. SPSYLVANIA =STEAL ILllLltalla,nananhat In 11Wea Vitiad eels Grain of ' By leave we to • • sock,Stlne, Hoffman, ,direct p booke to the ounount $1 and CIA/CD •-•THE I: , all kinds, Tin, , refer (Le o,) liebo,StrutheniThoma, contraction with the-. - err BUBSOR ate OREM" • ;(111eer) /Ad Walnut etreet, below Second, Halls and Tar 1 • • • S. Brawn & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel JOnte, Warner end Wintrude--12. ' , . -,o43liftriti*ddiUalOf Nils 25'Oehte 1.01100, Spikes, , p D. PhDs. FISTIDDROR, PORT WAYND V1 4../ bat SecondStory. Iry tpr 45.1,00,R " - Atiii au'iii 110tirelosek RIMY hared their rid ait. AT 8, ._.....„ n, Arieddii Pitch, ' Whiskey . • II °Maims, Stout & Co.i lion. Rufus Choate, Boston the question was determined in the ilinnstive. • ROAD. Q 0 *i • 'o - et s - - esiiitethilsniejAloolpito lii,isNable;Ocitititud ally thst they bare made srreligeadatd for bud their PNOTOGRAPHIO 'MINIATURES IN OIL, & " On the question, - tr- thirtnideolf""' Plaster. . . ON Hacker, I.en 00., Buyers leaving monthly tke In& „ N, tomer of ...... Hon. T. S. WMisms, Ilart'd ler Cincinnati, St. 'Louis, lama City, not owing fciiiirerry for *Groh Gorman (17' For further informationapply to EIORTII sod LOOUST. We hare facilities for p ing any amount of Lulu. Will the House agree to the second amendment? Louisville New Orleans, Rt. roue 1$ titmice; Markets. tats, 'Zaps, &c. J. The &bare pictutee differ enentially from anything ranee in the reliable Companies. The were Raab, hhi-bottheat "price, yosio , E. SHEDDER, Freight Agent, Philii, most yeasand nays taken agreeably to the mgt. Cleveland, wAm the Emil Sodfiery moi• ',rem mai expeikneo, the. permanent ever before offered to the public. Their softness, alone of the ' , , e!eptyprfit, hay,lng. & B. R. BOTCH,Freight Agent, Columbia. and PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE Constitution, and wore as follows vie: Terrelassoes,sate, Chicago, : ~' i-ltiad44l#o l,l: au24m 4144=9 Paris: , (1, }I,,GARDRN CO., truth and outline, -- to of two of the sad Aut abundant W. H.MYERS, ,Freight Agent, of color extraordinary minuteness AGENCY, No. (old No. 145) Tess—Messre. Anderson, Nelnutd - atonal, Artok fOr Vs ;.Stanatactultril of and Wholesale cult] Lancaster. and of detail, us CHESTNUT ST. Deckhouse, Dill Beck, In advance el all other routes out or Philadelpona theYteatoffer anwmal faellittee THII L Dealers to accuracy insure, of necessity, the greatest THOMPSON & HOOD, Bower, Calhoun,-Campbell, Carty, Ent, Parisold,Poster, Arming - often ON costiougOlf ':hr, Stiropooa Utility of ; severity of dose cosmetics with all the Great Wot- , -: . d; AII%IOP 407 of the RATS, OAPS, •FURS, STRAW GOODS, 'resemblance while the the or- Amts. Gliders, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestend, Hillegaa, Huff- an Railvoactr. „ deal which they TelantraA3CPßXLl:'&r..1214,In'tbil'outitomBotreik,80 1 -ATimg ehnie mark* for shipmeatt)freeb •D'ANOY-811,1E. ' ilailrianb to are exposed in manipulation equally man, (Berke,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, TllllOl7Bll TRAINS They s- ANLi STRAW BONNETS, question lanes, Jeakint, -wayio tot Satostijiud 00440ii bo k- are Mao proput4-to teoolvo fi;ukoomplea ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ItOUORES, settles the of their permanence. These facts Johns,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer,Lonp„ Leave Philadelphia,for Pittsburghand instantcities, worms'ere,tallied inn and...Jade44:14Oka grid a for Ylowere end Feathers from ntremPro and well FEATHERS,'te., enable the subncriber to offer them with the greatest Wants. her, Lovett, Menear, Maugle,Wllvain, Moorhead, Mu,- from the Pennsylvania Railroad Psisar Etatkm, lialw-and zalsiellineOue liooks purchased T-' Mama raantifeetorles _rade, be . Aired, PENNSYLVANIA satisfaction' and confidence, to the! public and to Reiman, Nichols, AEB]• in small ablioped' 682, his Nicholson Pearson, corner and T large • No. (old No. 116) MARKET Street, PALL ARRANGEMENT.RAILROAD friends, • • , Nunemacher, Pe- south-east of SLRYRNTR streets, or quantplesi,. Books continually receiving from either ander bond m..401 oaf& south sole, NORTH ters, Petriken, Formal', Ramsey, (Philadelpbla) on street,) an t Below Sixth, WANTED.—A Parcel 1, (entrance Email' follows , -• They are by HOMY- auction,„ , ie244kin,am* scoured letters patent 011,11 AGENTS PINDSMONJ MYTH h 00,. ' AudNo. 629 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. toiand be bad Ramsey (York) Reamer, RobertaRupp, Shaw, Sloan Mail Train at 7—,S. •-1 • , !midway. BETIILEIIEM, ALLENTOIVN, MAUCH MUNN,BAB- br.” , 500 STEAD FOR $lO !—Third Division.—sllo,ooo K. 5010.2m4t No. RAO • • • DANIEL ONLY .N. D. SIA.IIOIIANT. Tobin,TVail, Voeghley, Walter, O.IIE4AV OAIDEN, DONOVAN. ', Building gold region W estbrook, Wharton, Past line_ MI ' P•M- , TON, DOYLUTON, &O. 1/ Portraits ot.the elibinetiend life size on C4lllllll worthof Farms and Lots, in the Zimmerman and Clots, speenkar—br. sm,y, Sferclaanta are respectfully Invited to examine • LIVANS': GREAT -GIFT BOOK. our On snit after Pionday, OA Culpeper county, Virginia, divided amongst Ixpress Mail at 71 00 &rept. October 5,1857, the trains uheretotbre. es 18-3 m of to be Nara—Messrs. Arthur, Line leaves for Harrisburgat NO:1189 ANIXOTNIIT N, 11,,,7N0 amen stook ee7-2m this road will leave Philadelphia 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th ofDecember, Augustine, Haulms, Benson Columbia R. R. g , P. 0410,4 other bongo funtber. 1857. Btib- Bishop, Drawn, Chase, Cleaver,Crawford, Eyeter, Gib- M., Lanceater mecommodation,) at 4.313, P..M.2.30 ti 1.44 & ForBethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. striptions only tendollars dawn, or fifteen dollars, one- honey, Hamilton, Mail daily, PASOAL, For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentownand half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every Hine,Hancock, Hal, Hoffman,( Lob- The Express rums On other trains, Sun- „ UMBER grms Mauch Olsulc, LAMPS.—THE IS anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Mumma, Reed, days excepted. whp hip for occupied at SU a s (Express) at 2.15 P. M. PUBLIC subscriber will got a ',eliding Lot or a Farm, ranging in Lebo, Wean:vont, Omit* rite the Preadeso B SIXTH street, Philadelphia PUBLICrespectfully Informed have been opened value Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth- Forfurtherparticulars see hand.hills, at the fferent 107,c! 6014000. Planing VD. fl. Passengers for Beaton by 215 P. M. train' takaatages that Offices from $lO to $15,000. These farms and lots are starting-points. di Sloan'e Mil ,l,Kensiruiton has' removed to by the 'District Suptrrhttendents of Lighting,at cheap era, Thorn, Vaturoorhis, Vickers, Wegonseller, Warner, Passengers from theteat tillfind STRUT ,:14911.01,• the Phoenix at Iron 11111 atatlon. Public sold so to induce settlements, a sufficient number the ehorteetand moot this COATES For whieb citizens are vequesedtogive Information respect- being increase in wlutrode,Withertrw and Wright—Se. expeditiousrouts toPhiladelphia. WitgAT Planing - Delaware avenue, ere he intends Doylestown, (Aecommodationd at 5 P.M. reserved, the the Value of which will the question was in Baltimore, 341118KEY.—E..r. MW Killion adJ96114w ~arDmarc Gwynedd ing acCidtliala whinh,pfay piappentothe Public Lamps; or compensate apparent price now asked. Up- So determined the itErmatire. New York or Huston. vuolup,,impott,ere keeping a Oulertment,ottierOlina floor- For do. at 8 A. M. of idly In figlitinrorextinguishing there the lot the low question, k: ofWines, Ikon Wire ancl:Phisr TRAINS FOR . . at wards of and farms are On the THOMAS Agent,. - . proprietors ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and PRILADELPIIIA. failure 1,850 lota already sold, al agree Passenger MOORR,. Aleof,"*.cf.et lll.l4 oti sole - of OM Whe6 ' proper time" Itnot properly cleaned and In good or miners called the " Rappahannock Will the Hone to the third amendment? Line Pennsylvania Co. Vas' easspneitend worked, QUAKER. CITY NAILS, Leave (Express,), 6.16 M., P. company 1.18115er pro- Railroad Widakey, No.6 North Yront ", s, aepl7.lro scaffold tinily, thoroughly • well tiethelena -at A. and. 2.46 lightly*Coddition.V The Looks will be kept by Joseph now a The yeas and 'nays were taken agreeably to the Philadelphia, February, 107. Street. For the cult, Nigel', 4',wlC4+olllAre in- - liIERORANT 111 connecting 'with L. Y. it: B. - and attire in Association" is formingand will soon commence _ aslant lowest BARB; trains, Bally on Queen Third Ward; Oharles Carty, 'Lions of the Conetitution, and were as follows, viz : T.r. and entitled to de- vited to and therneelralf, every ef- RIVET IRON, Philadelphia at 1310 M. and 6 P. M. street, settlement. Ample security will be given for the thith- Deckhouse, Ball, Beck, ILADELPRIILA I! ORT WINE.-In bond call examinetor eeds at Leave Doylestown, No. IS South Beronth divot, Ninth Ward; Elram O. performance of contracts Nearly Tans.—Mears. Anderson, pn A, GEEMANTOWN .;;460 - /Osephir Pore Port fort be to give "ifitlefaction, received Manufactured FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, (Aceomtriodatlen,) at 6.16 . Kirk, No, 1438 ful and promises.. Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, AND NORRISTOWN RAIEROAD—SEBIKER cubs Bt. !duke will mute 9rdeirs on Leave Gwynedd, • llutchinoon etreot, Twentieth Ward; M. 45,000 in Virginia, Benson, in eighths,: and suppliedat the ehorteit notki for sia kipds and the Schuylkill,abolre"SprlngGarden Water Works. do. at aP. M. acme of land different parts of new , Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Pausold, Pos- RANGENENTS. On and after May 6tb 3BSf. - Win% ask wd WARELIOUSE, WATER, W. Desheng, N0.'2231 Cotter; eroet, Fifteenth Ward; and at $1 Olivere, Crawford , Tea John)lamsay /day Soots/4114. eines of Southernyellow Pine, Timber and licentlitif, 103 North Street. at command, will be sold tosettlers from up to llibboney, llexperr, Helm, lliestand, 11111, TOR GERMANTOWN.. PUMOBOSUI " tundaily; Thoe.V.Sowlby,GaeOffice,,Twenty-FourthWard, (West ter, Hemel, .. Malt 1141 - (113ANNII, CITY NAILS are warranted equal to soy Accomcoddation trains other trains dally $3OO per core. Unquestionable titles will inall cases (Darks,) Hoffman, Philadelphia. 6,7, 8, S. RAW:MIL H. Odic°, Twenty- Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lome at 9 10..mit2.110. s. f/yea:stela , , • • ' ' mette."," Sundays excepted. htladden, fias be given. Wood-Cutters, coopers, farmers, &e„ are and nx, ifty pipe*Anehot Oin. ~ 1 Philadelphia;)Second ard, .Ipormantown;) Wm. Imbrle Ines, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, M. 1,2, 3-10 min., 4,5, 6,7, 8., 9, 11,X, U- Fel* Doylestown . N. Oas obtain Xarett, , oe97ti JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent to . • 80 eta Market, Monied, and five hundred Agents to subscribers, Hauffmas,lionsekeepenerr,K Longaker, Lovett, Germantown at T, , liattel, Bottret, and J.: " Twenty-Thlrd 'Ward (Freokford,) and at the Manear, LeaTel 8, 748, 8, 9-10 Ink:, • . . 40 to the be given. .10x to • Bethlehem sl whom most liberal inducements will , Moorhead, alneaelmen, M., 1,2, 3-10 mill., of offer Dujsyprices: Oooto anb : . Celmont, A. 7, which I *etre& at reline ' • ' 'flinll7 ' Pare to stanch Qat Ofneo In Seventh street, below Market. ,g we agents they are making Mangle, 11 Mumma, fix, 4,5.'6, 8, 10X 51. • Chunk. 2 80 writethat $6OO per month. Nicholson, Nunemather, Pearson, pot: o'clock, M., _ TOL If. TOBIAS, Dy order of Philadelphia Nichols, peters, h....antrum - AND TOOLS, No: 910 MARKET ST. oet 5 . the Trustee' of the Gas Yorfull subscription, agencies, Th 6 1-38 G emumt ownorii atia • ri.i.'-OOTLfla" kurs 01,11.4 8,Agent. particulars, apply Pownall, Purcell, (York) not atop at intermediate Stations., 90274kn0s .; 90 0. wront below 442,SOUTOEAST OF -'moat • Works. A. .1. KITE, &a., riken, Ramsey, Reamer, 118 Walnut. OORNEW bow* Ninth: liido.PhibAletoblo 413 11 -ern to ,E. Sloan, Smith, 0.7 ,"! . - ocl-flat Superintendukof BALMER, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, (Cambria,) Smith; EIVADATEI. .breitKET iud rrrrit Distribution. m 4441 Port Royal, Oare/lne oonnty, Va. Tolan Vail, Philadelphia at 9-20 V. HOLMES; WINE AND Gentiothetei, rat...41.4.04,04t4rv0di5. (Centre') Stereason, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Leave A. IL, 2,3, 10, 6-30 and Boatif *trio ants ileatanrants. VoeghleyWagonseler, Westbrook, P. M. • wpm% non, No, 7,20,- .Boutheast Ooruez o Qat do., do.. ,furniturt. -- TYPE FOUNDRY Williston, With. ALEXANDERUMStreets, Brow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, eakerer-72. Leans Germantown at 8.20, 9-20 A. - 1/101GB ifo Tatait LeAlior Oxford Tito. OLD STAR HOTEL IN N. W. Oor. THIRD awl CHESNUT Bte. Augustin SpP 1' P. IL, LlO, 4K, •k< te . HARMONY PHILADELPHIA AttottteDa at taw Nsra—mesars. Arthur, , toe, Bishop, 16,and Oaf do. do. B. KITE St 00. 00U 11 T,—The public are respectfully informed • .L. PILOUZE fr. SON, thankful-for 'the liberal pa. Carty, Dock, Gildee Blue, yen. 'OIIESTNIIT Ifill'olllll2 AND If et and . 'Farrow THE Hamilton,--H ancock, HILL RAILROAD. DEALER :1440it Loather 01 11 PITANITURNt 'BEDDINO,&o. that the OLD STAR ROTEL is still The tronage heretofore accorded to their king, Knight, Lein: ring, Philadelphia, -.macnr, IMO MINER' ), OIGAIIB tip la existehtfo. Establishment, D. EMERY,. ATTORNEY AT Wlltrain, Ramsey, (Philadel- Lure at 6,1, 9-10 min, 11xA. 34.„ LIQUORS 2a strap Moto.. . • Be. CB (late 129) WALIIIIT st., proprietor will be glad to see his old friends, and pro- and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce orIARLES phia,) Roberts , 4,8, 8,9, P. M. t SouthPhiladelphia. duai• Boys'and- Totals' toot Jasither ionot eblindelphle. a superior y to printers and Publishers that new V LAW, Willismsport,Lyconitug county, Ps., will ysy Struthers, Thorn, Welter, Warner, mises to furnish them with qualit ofAle, their SPEOIMEN Woottonto claims, Wharton and Whitrode-22. LS/ITO GheatnntHill at 7-35,10-10, 11-10, Gaiter Oboes., - . •1 new espalier style of Bprlng Beds. Wines, and Liquors. assured, on now•readY, and frem their tacretood particular Securing and Collecting the 9-15, min., Boots and A and , Ile feels that paying 1100K le So question was determined in the A. M.,1.40, 21-0, 5-441, 7-44,10-10- min., P. AND 1;1.- Caotillone& co., au],:kt age by • -.41#9;,14, TATTANt. Lyets MTV, .ISeers they now`prepared to famish every thing necessary InLycoming and adicquing sffirmative. ' • M. tn te .Plnett Rot B. WALTOR him visit will notbe' dbiappointed. .11e, is also are In a counties. On question, 11011DATZ. jUIPgod iraiiptis complete Printing • • , TO the other brands' Of prepared furnish Oystersin every style,at the shortest Establishment, at the shortest no- 11111 2113 Will the House Leave H., 2,6% and to " lion. O. fiupreme Bondi, Philadelphia. agree to Thefourth amendment Philadelphia at 9-20 A. 8 P.. 114. Tintype, In pipes and quarter casks gellevoisin ANDIMPOAS,, • tice. Their long practical experience in the business, J. Knox i yeas lug STOOK OP BOOT& notice. & & Phila. The and nays toes, agreeably to the pro- Leave Chestnut MUat 8 A.M., 1640, 4-19, and in halrpApes, quarter to and the fact of their personal superintendence of the David Jayne Ron, Phila. Rerareas Sheets, was P. • 640, .lioeheitoßriaidiss,pale and dark, FALL Lunch from 10 12 o'clock. & " vie M. ...JOSEPH 11.!thOldffliON& Off 1.:1.51 manufacturing eapaeh, & Co., vielons of the Constitution, and were as follow, orweiglith 01,1n, KST Street, ,- ,';001 ,1114;- sop department, Justifies asserting Reed Co., Smith, Shinto *--- aimkaaati Saito, "' °Pr') and ,Neej.moskSilldifflffiffff 1 24.-lm JOUPI theta in I 714 Matre• Backtionse, Backus; On and May 4th, - !° L 0110 M bops" 00R4BY. that they canfurnish a more and en- ocl-lm* AndensomUthur, alter 1807 'Zi,P bi ; have nen in store a large taloa el durable better Ball, Rishep, palhoen TOR 6I64 04 1-140 iiquittar & andivellolesidded Beck, Benson, Dower, Brown hiANAYMI, cONSHOHOONIN, Reran' BOOTS and SHOW;of otty sued Illasteen ipotoirs, OLOTHING, CITY laird *mole than theircotemporaries, Campbell,. Carty, Dickey BISTOWN. AND NOR , Nos, SouthFourth stneloisetffes WILLIAM MANNINIPB LAGER Those, therefore, who desire Materials, WI S ,S. WELL S, ATTORNEY AT 131base Cleaver Orawfort 2RIand:22B street. which the, offer forodeon ,the oS P. A. HOYT 4 ARO,bete now On band A very , Printing LE But Eyster, Foster, Oibbimey, OBde Hamel LeavePhiladelphliat 6; 9, and sad on weal beettletimeioriadii assortment of for BEEN 91.9L00N, No. 292 Oortoi o ANOPhils would do well to apply them precious purchasing LAW,lick,3MItY STREET, NORRISTOWN, Taasold; 11,A. it" a, 4%, the etedit,i • )r(tilf:f4 Large ItRADY•MADS geode suitable delptdo. 00p22-9m to to the, Harrf, UM, Ellegae, Hoffman al:0211r, P. M. Bc% PORTER,- the which dispoesd to sell elsewhere. will attend with punctuality, and to beast of his illestand, 63£,eave at riiTENAR BUTZ, ALE' are letty4- jo: pk, Imes! Amon they teal to ml4tis (Barked Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Dade Norristown f, 9, and 11, A.M., 8, sad,„sX, itii* Old type %Oen D ability, entrusted his care.. . iv_AND 101.01112 2235.M81UM8RT, No. 52.0 (new liters cheap.,'.., 7-„ ,AI3BIIMBLY EtTiLDINGS, RESTAURANT, ll- 4t con§ petjmnsid, In exchange for to all business buses, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Reelfman P, . corner SOU new at specimen prism aul-tf Jenkins, 10:010) North TUIRDBtreot Southwest TENTS and CHESTNUT streets. MoGOWAN'Svinh vetoer of BROAD Mid WALNUT.--{lama IW. B. ROOM Kerr, Lebo, _Lelsenring Longaker, Lovett, Menem on ittoreige. to; Philidelphia.--$l4lll 13,—Webare a l•rge atutortment new J. J. Mann.) Philadelphiaat - ~141•11Pv41 14 1Y oitiond" • • • "14 c101011(0NWE >I of goods and all other delicacies in season. Families so lied ?dangle, M'Cialmonti 11,Hraine, Mamma,. Mumelnum Leave 9 A. M.,and 3 P. M. a stsperterguallty and make. with GHTINGSURF AND & KOONTZ—- Nunemacher, Leyte Norristown A. sr. and 8 11./ COMPANY; Or TUN STATNOY PINNSYLVA-1,. of Oysters on the shortest notice. seta-7m- LIOLNDS! SELF-RI MIOREL Nlehols Nlcho eon, Pearson, Peters,. Pe at_ P. M. g[JUIDINEBI.-400 casea :pi.hplf ,..:-Oldee, isopEt.llatutbs noxic...The lioderelgried are sole agents ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Purcell, Ratrk- MUSTER VALLEY RAILBOAD._)OR " N1A N. W. taken, Pownsll ItarO•ft.(P„,kiladeiphia,) DOWN/N 110:Tes OorsiimSol3lVlß:aret WALNUT • of uowASEP.SE,LFJOIGIFFING AND Camp Suva, New origami, Saks 144for Aidebt I Streets, ;Philedelphlie', SubeeMbeil XOO OOO. -) ANEROHANTB' HOTEL, .i . for am Ole SURF Ne. 28 ter, (Tork,) Reamer, ed, Roberts, nupp,lanaw,Sloan, - TOWN. - • . ;11116NEV ' ;WOW, , Q,IfAN. 1" 8 AND LIFE q for, or cities or sal THIL/DIMPIta ) '( } Stevenson, Lease psid.4,01,06418001000; , MEN'S BOYS' .0.2. NORTH TOUR= STREET, V9A. ,PA t BO4er asisssrtoss Smith,(( Cambria SmM, Centre , Toles, Philadelphia at 0 A. M., and It P.M. trdi, awl US North YOUR= bOttr & 188 Market greet. Voeghley, Leave 22L MS. 'dm% DAVID • OLOMING, Street, between , readyLOT Caleb Cope Co. Vail, "Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagoraelfer, Downingtown stIX A. M. *ail P. JAYNN_W.D4Presttlesit.• ABOVE MABEE?, 46, , hilt, 1? - M. 0 $1 pod ging Murphy Je'Co., 91 Market Westbrook, - • • THOMAS IL STNW4S/P) Nee ArchAna Rea•. PrriIyEDELPH/A. . 9 4 stoa 00 Smith, street. - Walter, Warner, Wiiarten, anl-17 MENU K. SWITM,-- 4.1064Sag. Presl. ", , %,:•AIfrANILIA:,ROPE-813/*Eitiolz Seguin; o.llDies, Secretary. atitt•tt ' ' MoKittimN:atloNs.,PkOPlLlll*lB Se184111 85 Nortik whar;es. Win. 11. Brown A. 0e.,108 Marketstreet. [se27.2m* Witberow, Zimmerman, and Oats, lipeakev-88. DaPoi, NINTH and MOM streets., _Hantliton, Hancock, Philadelphia. ' Ants SPRESS or.M~ -OFFICE, Nara—Messrs. Dochi Struthers, 41,1t.,2Itl Irxtr atilthdtor litebg e ~,,,A CELEEINUVISTIVIIW forwitiVYKROXLS, ;HOUSE-4orner of Irwin ,Street ei.OTINQI4f-.loo‘ bales anli"Cotton, in etoro H, ARMSTRONG; ATTOIt; Thorn, Wintrode and,Wright-7., PIRITS TURPENT • iltdand 22 M:ifiuirgu. CIPAO/1i7V541 Q,COTT• AT LAW was determined in the affirmative. pObbil!. 2i; ,A AL. - . •:. ,- PACEMIXS, BANE 'NOTES and an& Iluguedile•Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. 1141,1tHER, Forsohby NSIC AND,voriv.Evixoza,„l,3l4 So the question Torpootino, to intro, far .2 !4ll/ita rac tali.wit,*; • no *Vita th fdEB.OIIAVDIZE, • •- GEORGEstreet „befog Broad. M 1.117 boOloto eirh LINES, or in conneotioti ,. . . moan( rc. ?Lk ALIEITES, Lombard eal.47.lW* ELDATOTOIOVOIM4p)-_ o' BP)101E, eithdr.byjtio ° / • „ 0 200 -. el1110U11111:hod . tg, It Mell Ci I C 1.. I 119 Strout . • -11011 101.414 bilea o:4•Mtdalliii:to DMUURti AND StlvolierliMlXss COMP/MISS, tittlts principal' NorthWatio• 51011141'S 0773.011 A ore' "" oOttft ot KAllVArlaWat"i'IlVedictitriet •54,71,1;414• ho'oetoont.„,to TOWNS . DqiNupqx, ATTORNEY . gAitiIIKDAMIIIMIAMOOT,E - kid- maithuncre,sh dfeinvorthe eoneenlenee ofWhig oho and OITIENnf4.inahlfitaton>. WIMP'. OFFICE, , as. 1 ailtiVdrAtlrt.,; old lolopt taw NIA bottalled, B. O. SANDYORD, STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT CiLENWOOD CEMETERY NO. LAVl ttoiithe'aiii dorm at Bum= and Rowseleama, iurrEttoiez - - j ,;19414 watt/ pteest. • Ofirsiodi 011oor•tonod Illoperhatenten. Ps, 116 at., below 811111. an lite OUST Streets, Philadelpbls. I do entitythat the Ogee and Ravin a teas sad mad oat liramp to illrut. milll 17 Clam' 31YERLAW, OPMTItiI street, Pottsville, WALNUA' in1.17 310311130. 9013. ISZOOino St is