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. )~'4~i'..cs'i~.: I:.Wv - • ' THE PRESS.—PHItADELPHiA, THURSDAY, odtoRER 15, 1857. Shishng. iniacellaneors. eavingo PROPOSING', I ltays*!_ f- API Notites:' „,„_, Sutitio Jnourance (Eonivaniza AA:41,11).. maulAli of:the it.teli ettail taloa ffe Atio DESOLATIONMINTO TO TIM 00NOTITIIION or Mg Mt. meolatiOn pining entemaadamde 4 ttlbeo aasts 7ipui I. --.VSTRIOT ;COURT,-FOE' THE GAI,VESTON.—TEXAS very. best assortment of FARM LANDS FOR SALE.— FUND-FIVE PER CENT.iN- toonwegth.. the Commonre wealthses the ssone sows on tie Jour- ; -,-. , , 01211014,9211,111 Freight TOMORROW, Ca".—TheHIGH and 801111YLRILL on hand, in THE RAILROAD 0 Y, -1,7 INSURANCE. by Aseerobly turt-AND COUNTY A. FOR yllll6 DAY aci4 COAL CHOICEILI ILLINOIS ONNTRAL OMPAN SAVINGTEIIEST-NATIONAL 8.4,8ETY TRUST 001.1- FIRE Resolved the &nate and House qj nrpresniits. nals of the two Howes ofthe °emit of We .a. Bemires " 13ROAD Trustee; .to.' es.-ItobertRainier. unless wetterfull., Street, second yard aboire Vine street. to now prepared to sell about 1,500,000 acres of chel...e I`LNY.-WAINUT STRERT fires the Commoon,4ith Pennsylvania Commonwealthfor the meolan of1857. SOUTH-WEBTOORNER SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE of • of in Gen- -- l,- 2551;N5: . regular packet , R, - Yarming lands, tracts of 40 acres and upwards, CIIP THIRD, COM eral Assembly wee That the [L. of 21-9‘iitsull s2ssoMinhl Tenn, 1388_Bank The Schooner ONAS: S. 1416111 8 'HOWELL DORMAN. in ,on PHILADELPHIA. following amendments are sj Witness myhand 'and the seal said*Ohm tAriar: the or loading at Race long credits, rates interest, HY TIM PANY. proposed the treaty-Genoa:l day theopead TueFteatdertti,Dlfeetani,`,9Clo,of Penn- Foster, master, •now' completing tier - - and at low of TWOOKYORATYD STITY OY PYANBYLTAIIII, to Constitutionof the Commeowalth. to this of Jam one otst - late, g:7l T 0 N.BU 1711RS granted by the Money CAPITAL $120,009, IN -41.1". Robert, Palmer andWilliam Clayton, Street wharf, will continue to receive freight m above. ar 8A These lands wore Government to aid Isreoeived in any sum, large or small, and In PAID OASII, accordance with the provisions of the tenth article hundred and tlfty4ereen. e. cram, :.)111t111 Clayton , Co:, Kaponas, Shippers will please complete shipments and 22'40 and consumers ere to examine our in the of this Road, and are among paid franc deposit to day AND SECURBLYINVESTED, thereof. Secretary Cesionstnywatta. Palmer; Tenet:tont their of invited construction the tenet the day of the of with oca-loare ofthe Mareh Tam, • • • hand in Bills of ladingter signature at once. stook "LTIRIGII LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK richest and most fertile in the world. They extend drawal, • OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD IZZA=I37i in apply on Cr HEATH 00AL.” Our for ,TlWAtidliast ''apn -ointesr, distribute the: money Forbalance of freight or passage board, Coal is selected expressly from North-Eastand NorthAYest, through the middle The °Mee is open every day from 9 o'clock In the STS., SPRING GARDENS. There shall be an additional article to Conditn Court, _entitled by dc 00., , family use; being carefullyscreened, ire will warrantit the extreme South, and mid under the 'shove proraedings, to BISROP;SINONS st of the State, to include every morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday OHARTER PERPETUAL. lois to be designated as articl• eleven, aa fellow■ liailrodte. No. 36 Wharves. free from slate We 2240 lbs.," being variety climate productionsfound Thursday evenings LOSSES Xl. ails, of North " and duet. sell of and between those and till 9 o'clock. PROMPTLY PAID. ASTICLII ' 120:1.•11feasiudteind lot orgroUnd On the west side of. :ADAM BARBR, 210lbs. more",than sold byretail dealers, at .25 cents parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly HON. lISNRY OP PUBLIC DEBTS lees ), L—BENNER, President, HIREOTORS. TRAVELLERS. Deliware;geonii street between Pineand Union atreete; 136, late 34, NorthWhims. per ton. prairie, interspersed with fine grovesand in the middle ROBERT SIIILFBIDGB, President. John H. Dohnert, Henry M. Strortos L The State may contract debts, to p city containing ,front. Also, On a supply of BITU- predominates, alternating Vice Phil a, supply TIWESTERNRING AND BUll WAR ARRAMOTAIRWML. Inthe of 18 feat head full "BROAD TOP and Southern sections timber Wm. J. Bairn, Secretary. DaTid Woolpper, Lewis Shinnaak casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet tapers- NORTHERN C ENTRAL RAILWAY: lad 95 feet , oa ate-feet alley bounded north; ORLEANS—LOUISIANA MINOUS COAL" for Steam generating, Blaolunnithing, with beautiful prairiesand °potato. Benjamin John ea: not otherwioe provided for; but the 4,14 WOE' NEW and bo DIRSOTOES : Davie, Landoll, aggregate TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM (* ,wead by & - lermarly of 'George Ritsirater; now of -n: 'quick despatch.- .To sail in'all this Rolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot The climate la more healthy, mild and equaile, henry L. John Evana, Jr amount of each debts and contingent, BALT/moan GO__ oink n Line—with air is than non. Benner, 0. Landreth Monne, Oharlom Plaid, direct whether PITTSBURGH AND THE WADS. of ChisleS and•southw Ted' ground 'of offers." Freight taken at lowest celled. any part of the country—the bra, Auloy by of Valetta r bi Week, with whatfreight other pure and Edward L. Garter, P. Carroll Brewster, M. Park, William E. Woo , contracted virtue one or more acts of the general On and alter June Ist, IEST, TWO Dail' VW* /oomph Xarehnik . rates. Yards, BROAD'and VINE—Big Sign, "MO LAB. cing, while living stream's and springs of excellent James Denial!, John D. assembly, or at different periods of tiroe,ahall never ex- groitnn, remarkably; fastaailing DeB.3m] & 00 I 8 Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Stevenson will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh sad No. - Lot ef withframe and brick tenereenta, The ship MARY AND ADE- A TON. LEIGHTON water abound. K. Jacob B. ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand and the CM AWNS.' 8. of now Smut. Ashton, Fleury L. OhurahM&U, Mattel., Guerin Stoddard, dollars, and &nth or Northwest:ant dna,. Keay street, between 'Paint and LINE, W. Falk, :miter,le' loadingat AIM street Bituminous Ooal Is extensively mined, and appalled; Henry Horner, Thom. D. money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be MORNING .411015datir.'1155 ail James B. Smith, Francis Lee. TIIR MALL .- **Sets, the said city, beginning 183-feet - froth yr, being ofsmell capacity, and havinga large por- - A.L I COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'o and feel, being at Tillinghut, applied tothe purpose for it TRW Seeend wbe cheap desirable furnished many Company . Garage K. Ohildm. which was obtained, or to Leaves daily ifroasittrie,t, containing in 20 Mon engaged and OELEBRATED LEGION at to per wood can at This confines its business entirely to the repay the debts Baltimore (Sunday satapead) ADIS A. front feet, and in-depth 99 hercargo going ori board, will have v BPRING MOUNTAIN 'white $2 $4 ton—and be had the rseeliling money interest, JOHN H. DOHNERT, President. so contracted, and to no other Foveae H.connecting with the Mall Train over ths Great Pima% • „ • as above:, cord. or on 'The r.neestmente, whatever. 'quiciedespatch - GOAL. same rate'per . • amounting toover L. lIRUMBHAAR, Secretary. eept 21-1 y sylvania and arriving In Pittsburgh ;314 • -MCLot Ofgroned piththe twe three-sterylbricla Mes- plows hurrytheir' goads alongeldo, and J. & R. OARTER'S GREENWOOD,TAMAQUA 00AL lluilding Stone of excellent mialfty also abounds, Samoa 2. In addition to the above linuted power, A. M. 8114041honfork, Washing- Innisppereillof lading YOREST 80RUYL procured ONE MILLION AND the State may on the north bide of Prime or to the Counting R00.89 for signature. GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE which can be for little:aura than the expense A MALY OP DOLLARS, NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— contract debts torepel invasion, 'oppress THE AFTERNOON BURRIS TRAM ton'Meet; city, 81 feet from the For ofFreight apply on or to • :KILL 00AL. traneportotion. am made in conformity provisions tin the sold westward balance board of with the of the .L OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings, ineurrection, defend the iitute in wor, or to redrew the Leaves lisltlroore daily (Sunday at $ :nartibifieVoorner of Fifth streets, The great fertility of theme lands, a Charter, is lIVAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, present outstanding of the but Rarrieburg. exorreat) P. It, Delaware and Prime BISHOP, SIIdONS,*00. RINDALL Ri MEREDITH which are black Buell GROUND FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. indebtedness State; the for ereitaintut in front24 feet, and in depth about 59-feet. ocl2dtf fie North Wharves. nave for sale, and are constantly receiving [row rich mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll RENTS, and fltst class securities as will always in- CAPITAL 1100,000, WITH PIIIVILBOEI Yo INORBASS money arising from the contracting of suck debts, wall TILE NIGHT I,o* yearly ground forty-eight dollars. & lug; contiguity to thin road, by sure perfect security to the depositoreand be applied the purpose F.XPRESS TRAIN rent of The AI. A. insures at theloweskrates, and will take above celebrated Collieries' their which everyfoci which can- TO 600,000. to for which it was relied, or to Leaves Baltimore to duties.upen MONDAY, the 28th day notfail to give perineum), such EVERY NIGHTat la P. €o,l' attend his steam down theDelaware and up the COAL OF ALL SIZES. lity is furnished for travel and transportation to the. and stability to this Insti- This CoinPany is now fully organ zed, and prepared to repay debts, and to no other purpose whatever. netting with the Lightning K. o'clock at hie °Sees No. tution. Soonest 3. Ramo over th* 2Of`Osteher,lBsl, at 4, P.ll, There no Ooal mlued anywhere, equal in quality principal markets North, South, East, West, and the • • aul-ly make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Except the debts above specilitd, in roc- vent& Railroad for Pittsburgh, arrivingat P.Pe/awl-- SeflouthlT/TH street, belowWalnut Inthe said city, Is economy with which they can be render tions one and two of this no Ellige 1.20 IL to VAR'S REDUQED TO SOUTHAMPTON theseand a trial will convinee any one of their great cultivated, Fire and Marine Perils at current rotes.