Glen Davidson, P.Eng.

Director, Water Management Branch Comptroller of Water Rights

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

13 January 2014 2 Site C JRP Request

That a representative of the province:  Provide a presentation to the panel: • “giving a brief overview of BC dam safety program”, • And explain “how the Project was reviewed from a dam safety perspective.”  “...and be able to answer possible questions from the panel.”

3 Overview of Presentation

 Water Act and BC Dam Safety Regulation  Dam Safety in BC  Application to Site C Revelstoke Dam During Construction

4 Water Law in

5 Water Act & Site C

 Site C could be authorized and regulated under the Water Act  Water diversion, storage, operations, construction and dam safety would be regulated  BC Dam Safety Regulation is under the Water Act

6 Purpose of BC Dam Safety Program Minimize risks associated with dams to:  People  Environment  Cultural Values Brilliant Dam  Infrastructure & Property  Economy

7 Regulated Dams in BC Failure Consequence Classifications

 Extreme 40  Very High 54  High 257  Significant 555  Low 694 TOTAL 1600

8 DAM CONSTRUCTION How Successful is Dam Safety in BC?

 Extreme consequence dam has never failed in BC  On average 1 dam failure per year  Most recent significant failure was Testalindin (2010)  Large dams have failed in other parts of the world so there is a need for vigilance  One death in BC from a dam failure (Union Bay, 1912)

9 Dam Safety Program Components

 Project Review & Approval  Compliance  Enforcement  Emergency Planning & Response


10 Recent Reviews of Major Projects

BC Hydro Columbia Power Corporation • Coquitlam Dam Rebuild • Arrow Lakes Generating Station • Revelstoke Upgrade • Brilliant Upgrade & Expansion • Mica Upgrade • Waneta Upgrade & Expansion • Ruskin Rehabilitation Independent Power Producers • John Hart Gen Stn Replacement • Long Lake Rebuild Capital Regional District • Forest Kerr • Sooke Upgrade • East Toba • Montrose Creek Metro Vancouver • Seymour Falls Upgrade Rio Tinto Alcan



Dam Approval Process in BC

Based on Preliminary Design MICA DAM  Environmental Assessment  Water Licence

Based on Detailed Design  Review of Dam Safety  Leave to Commence Construction

12 Project Review Resources

 Internal capacity  Consultant to the Comptroller  Independent Engineer  Technical Advisory Boards


 BC Environmental Assessment Certificate  BC Hydro provides additional supporting documentation  Additional consultation as required  Water Licence application adjudication

14 Next Steps: Review of Design

 Meets design targets  Sensitivity analysis  Operation and maintenance procedures  Emergency Preparedness Plan  Owner’s dam safety management program

15 Criteria Applied to Review

 Water Act  BC Dam Safety Regulation  Water Licence  Canadian Dam Association – Dam Safety Guidelines and Technical Bulletins  International Commission on Large Dams – Technical Bulletins  Best practices of industry

16 Authorizations

 Preliminary design and drawings: Water Licence grants rights and authorizes “works”

 Detailed design and drawings: Leave to Commence Construction issued by an Engineer under the Water Act

 Construction and Testing Complete: Leave to Commence Operation issued

17 Dam Safety Doesn’t End with Construction!

Dam owners must:  Safely operate and maintain works  Meet obligations set out in Regulation  Report annually on compliance  Address new safety issues as they arise

18 Ruskin Dam

Dam Safety Doesn’t End with Construction!

BC Dam Safety Program undertakes:  Annual Dam Owner Compliance Monitoring  Dam audits  Enforcement  Emergency Planning & Response  Ensure current best practices, guidelines and standards


Our Role with Site C to Date

 Water Licence application has been received  Updated regularly on progress  Reviewed Environmental Impact Statement  Attended Technical Advisory Board report-outs  Attended Internal Design Review report-out  Viewed hydraulic model

20 Questions?

Revelstoke Dam 21