British Columbia Electric Railway Company
BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPAN Y An Inventory of Their Record s in The Library of the University of British Columbi a Special Collections Division i i BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPAN Y TABLE OF CONTENT S BoxNo . Subject Page No . British Columbia Electric Railway Co . Ltd . The records are those of the B .C .E .R . unles s otherwise indicated 1-8 2 President's Office Files 1 83, 160-61, AXB 5/ 1 Vancouver Gas Company also letter 44,76 books, AXB 4/ 2 83-87, 161-63, 166-69 , Vancouver Power Co . Ltd ., also 44, 76, 83 183 letter books AXB 3/2 87-88, 160, 18 4 Vancouver Island Power Co . 47, 76 88, 156, 159, 183 , Victoria Gas Company 48 AXB 5/1, AXB 5/2 88-96, 185-87, AXB 5/1 , Western Power Company of Canada Ltd . 48, 76, 90, 9 1 AXB 4/3, AXB 4/ 5 97 Financial Record s 50 97-158, 163-165 , Office Correspondence Files 50 169-178 97-101 New Westminster Files, 1900-1911 50 102-103 Lulu Island Railway Files, 1905-14 52 103-104 North Vancouver Files, 1905-1914 52 104 Vancouver Railway & Lighting Co ., 53 incoming correspondence, 1893 Consolidate Railway Co . Files, 1894-97 5 3 105 Kitsilano Extension files, 1909-1910 5 3 Comptroller's correspondence 1898-1900 5 3 106 Reports of tests on lighting arresters, 54 meters and relays, 1913-1 4 106-114, 16 6 Diaries, 1908-1915 54 115-120 Correspondence with employees, 1904-14 59 (Routine only ) 12 1 Miscellaneous reports, 1896-1898 62 Departmental reports, 1914-15 63 Reports on water tests, Lake 63 Coquitlam, 1905-15 AXB 4/ 1 W.
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