Adaptation of Buildings to Climate Change Through Bioclimatic Strategies, in Romania

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Adaptation of Buildings to Climate Change Through Bioclimatic Strategies, in Romania 111 E3S Web of Conferences , 06071 (201 9) 71 CLIMA 201 9 Adaptation of buildings to climate change through bioclimatic strategies, in Romania. Anca Bodale1,2*, Tiberiu Catalina1,2, and Sima Cătălin Ionuț1,2 1 Technical University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Building Services Bucharest, Romania 2 OVER 4 Solar Decathlon Association – Romanian Representative for SD2019 Abstract. Climate change has become a fundamental concern for scientific researchers, architects and engineers, and requires improving the performance of the sectors responsible for city and building infrastructure. Burning fossil fuels to produce electricity and heat are the biggest cause of climate change and emissions and represent one third of total greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, buildings become responsible for improving the external environment, either by construction phases, rehabilitating process or by maintaining process. In Romania the building sector is the main contributor to gas emission and most of the residential multi-storeys constructions are buildings from the communist period built using standardized projects. In Romania one the main goals are the thermal rehabilitation of buildings and construction of apartments especially in the inner circle of the capital. However, the renovation measures are very basic and do not target actual/future EU legislation that imposes the Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) standard for the buildings. To overcome and to provide an alternative to both correct refurbishment and creation of new apartments the OVER 4 prototype was developed. These prototypes are modules of apartments where multiple bioclimatic strategies were implemented to minimize the energy consumption. Using the Passive House Project Planning (PHPP) the module was 3D created and simulated to reach the optimal architecture for both well-being of residents and the energy balance. 1. CONTEXT enormous energy consumption that can be reduced to 15 kWh/m2/year where passive building principles are According to the bioclimatic principles, we can applied. [4] consider the local climate as one of the fundamental factors in the study of the bioclimatic strategies, which 1.1 Climate change in Romania influence the design of the constructions. A first Following the research carried out by the National bioclimatic principle is the reduction of mechanized Meteorological Administration [5], the future changes in systems that require electricity consumption. About 60% the climate regime in Romania are in the global context of the total energy produced in our planet is consumed by considering the regional conditions, and thus the most the footprint reflected by city and building infrastructure, pronounced temperature will be in the summer, while in and so, energy becomes a major source for cooling/ the northwest of Europe, the temperature will be in the ventilation, heating, lighting, maintenance and all the winter. For Romania, with the simulations made by the building construction. [1] global climate model HadAM3H [6] for the comparison The primary method of controlling the indoor climate of and forecasting of temperature differences between 1960 buildings was due to "passive architecture", is based on -1990 and 2070 - 2090, a major difference in temperature passive and bioclimatic principles and strategies. increase was observed, such as: Returning to the current global environment, the evolution increase of temperature between 0.5°C and of technology has become a necessary tool in building 1.5°C for the period 2020-2029; systems, thus reducing primary passive solutions as much increase of temperature between 2.0°C and as possible. 5.0°C for 2090-2099 depending on the scenario According to several scholarly researches’ climate change (e.g. between 2.0°C and 2.5 ° C for the scenario falls into two hypotheses: The first is due to human with the lowest average temperature increase and activities and the second explains the process of climate between 4.0°C and 5.0°C for the most prominent warming as a natural phenomenon. In both cases, the temperature rise scenario). production and combustion of certain combustion National climate change will influence ecosystems, amplifiers the greenhouse effect. human settlements and infrastructure. Major changes in By doing so, we focus on the effect of electricity and temperature and precipitation may result in extreme heating production, which accounts for 30.6% of total weather events such as heat waves, wind storms, seeding, causes due to anthropological action. Thus, according to floods and the like, which will consequently lead to the World Resources Institute (WRI), combustion of significant damage to the construction infrastructure. fossil fuels to produce electricity and heat is the biggest cause of climate change and emissions make up one third 1.2 Bioclimatic Principles for Local Climate in of total greenhouse gas emissions. [2] Romania Until now, construction in Romania required By analyzing the global climatic zones, warm climate approximately 300-350 kWh/m2/year but with the new zones and cold climates, it can be observed the methods renovation measures reached 90-150 kWh/m2/year for energy efficient building through passive strategies, according to the Romanian standards [3]. There is an focusing on the following directions: for the warm © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( 111 E3S Web of Conferences , 06071 (201 9) 71 CLIMA 201 9 climate, passive techniques for sun protection, passive built environment, and the process of demolishing a large ventilation techniques and cooling, while for the cold block of old buildings is not a sustainable solution, it is climate, passive strategies focus on passive techniques for important to initiate energy conservation retrofits natural lighting and heating. [7] solutions to eliminate the impact of a demolition and to In the Continental climate, also found in Romania, the reduce energy consumption and the cost of heating, concerns are concentrated on all passive systems cooling, and lighting buildings. correlated with a temperate continental transition climate But conserving energy is not the only reason for specific to central Europe with four distinct seasons: retrofitting existing buildings. The goal is to create a spring, summer, autumn and winter. Thus, for Romania, high-performance building by applying new the need for bioclimatic design prioritizes the following improvements starting from structure, envelope, materials categories: and installations. By doing a retrofitting process to the passive ventilation and cooling techniques existing buildings, they will be less costly to operate, they during the warm season; will increase in architectural/structural quality, last passive heating techniques during the cold longer, and contribute to a healthier and more qualitative season; environment for people in which to live and work. passive winter lighting techniques; 2. The Over4 prototype passive sunscreen techniques during summer. 2. 1 The renovation proposal 1.3 Adaptation of buildings to climate change Buildings are responsible for most of Romanian's In the context of climate change, one of the most energy consumption. The residential and tertiary sector important directions is represented by the need of (offices, commercial spaces and other non-residential dumping the building sector, thus making the regeneration buildings) account for 46% of total national energy of the space built as a priority objective. A series of consumption [10]. Two decisive periods stand out in the questions are necessarily among one of the most morphological analysis of the dwelling areas in the city of important: What is the adaptation to climate change? Bucharest: According to the scientific definition, adapting to climate 1. The 1965-1975 period marks the appearance of the change is the ability of all natural and anthropogenic collective dwelling organized in micro-terrains, carried systems to react to the current, expected climate change out by industrialized means and, in most cases, according and climate variability with the primary purpose of to some standardized projects. Large peripheral living reducing damage. This adaptation can be studied in quarters (dormitory quarters) were constructed on several ways: Anticipatory and reactive, private and previously unoccupied land (for example, Balta Albă - public, autonomous and programmed. [8] Titan, Drumul Taberei, Berceni, Pajura) or by taking over Regarding building infrastructure, adaptation to climate the existing urban fabric (for example, Militari quarters). conditions is a complex process because changes vary 2. The 1975-1990 period concerns the construction of from one region to another depending on climatic zones large peripheral assemblies. Existing assemblies are (attention paid to climate zones in Romania). restructured (complete rebuilding of the frontal streets and Adaptation requires action at all levels, local, regional, landscapes for the Lacul Tei, Moşilor, Ştefan cel Mare, national and international, looking from the perspective of Mihai Bravu areas). The period also includes the radical all sectors (economy, social, transport, construction, etc.). restructuring of some peripheral areas previously At European level, we find the policies launched in occupied by individual
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