$|I9 Ury of the Military and Veteran* Document Trom Army Files
' -’ey* \ jn-M ‘ • • » *’ * ■ ' ilONDAY/jANUARY 24. i^55 Avflraite D i^ r Nat Prtsg H «| Far U& Week Ba4M Tha Wcathar nU3B8DCnSII W m n a m lEvenittg f^eralil Jtat. S3. 1888 Fssacaa* ef b. g. Q 11,550 CMMy, «sM tsaight, efeartag Members Of the WATES, newest Mra George Marlow edll be Couple SiirpHsed towaN momlag. Lew lg-8t. W ed local women's club, aimounca that leader of the meeting Tuesday Sdiendel Receives Award McMtor at tke Audit nesday, partly eleedy, eeld. Mglt' . About Town - their first fund-raising voflturs' sVenlBg at 8 o'clock at the home Anniversary Bureaa.at Ctrewlatlea 86-88. will take the form of a food sale of Mrs. Louis HurwiU, 104 'Con-' HALE'S JANUAI MancJusler^A City of ViUage Charm way Rd., when the Guardianship A . I.C. <3 > r ia to p ^ W . Hewitt, eonThursday, Jan. JT, .at flihO a. b l , /■ bill with regard to neglected chil^' « f Mr. and Mn. Albert O. Hewitt, la H b1s> store. ' - Mr. and Xrs. Frank M. Tan/I dren w ill be discussed, by members TT W eet a t . he* been i>romoteil to kowski, 88 North St, were pteas- VOL. LXXIV, NO, S7' (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1955 (CUaallled AdvartMag an Fag* 16) PRICE nVE CENTS the riuBk bit noa-commlMioned of* Memberh of St Margarets of the League of Women Vofera ahtly surprised yeeterday when WHITE SAI Ahother meeting will be held Wed --- --- ^ -- - fleer, staff sergeant Circle, Daughters of Isabella, have they arrived at the home of their p^poned their covered dUh sup nesday at 8:80 a m.
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