LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

本文理解の深さを問う発問活動(各パート Q&A 活動)Can-Do 尺度例


① 前提となる背景的事実や出来事について答えることが難しい。 ② 前提となる背景的事実や出来事について答えることができる。 …… ②「前提」発問 ③ 中心の命題(イイタイコト)について答えることができる。 …… ③「命題」発問 ④ 背後の理由や詳細情報などの展開について答えることができる。 …… ④「展開」発問

※ Teacher’s Manual ⑦「Can-Do リスト解説書」(pp.6-8)参照

Lesson 3 “School ” 発問シナリオ概要 発問を通して本文の理解確認を行い、授業への深い理解を促すことを目的としている。教科書の 脚注質問を、中心の命題(イイタイコト)発問と位置づけ、その前提となる背景的事実や出来事を 引き出す発問と予想される生徒の回答をシナリオ化している。パートごとに、発話内容ごとにラベ リングをしているので、発話の流れと内容を確認できるようになっている。字義的な理解にとどま らず、深い内容理解のための推測発問例を示している。パート2・3に関しては、教師が補足的情 報を提示しながら、より深い理解を促す発問例になっている。特に【Advanced】のパートについて は、生徒の理解に応じて利用してほしい。パート4においては、制服着用の是非について賛否両論 の意見を理解しながら、生徒がさらに発展的にディスカッションを行う発問例を提示している。

Lesson 3 “School Uniforms” 【Part 1】

【イントロダクション】 T: What do you wear when you go to school every day? S: I wear my school , of course. T: Yes, of course you do. Look at the pie chart on page 36. As you know, most Japanese high schools have school uniforms. ②How many senior high schools have a ? S: 81% have school uniforms. T: Correct. Actually, most Japanese high schools and junior high schools have school uniforms. ②What percent of Japanese people wore school uniforms during their school days? S: More than 95% of them did. T: That’s right. In , most Japanese people wore school uniforms when they were students. T:【Advanced】Look at these two numbers. Why are these two numbers different? Why do you think the second one is higher than the first one? S: Because the first one is about high schools, but the second one shows junior and high schools. I think wearing a school uniform is more popular in junior high schools. T: Good notice! Sometimes you have a choice to wear private clothes even when your school has a school uniform.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

【進学する高校を選ぶ理由 】 T: ③How many students checked the school uniform when they decided on their high school? S1: Half of the students did. T: How about you? Did you check the school uniform when you were choosing which high school to go to? S1: Yes, I did. T: ③When students are choosing schools to go to, do you think school uniforms are important for them? S1: Yes, they are. T: Half of the students must have thought that the school uniform was a key factor when choosing their schools. Half of the students must think that school uniforms can be a key factor when choosing their schools. How about you? When you chose your school, was the school uniform the most important factor? S1: Yes, it was. T: There may be other reasons why students choose a school. Does anybody have other reasons why you chose to go to this school? S2: I played baseball when I was a junior high school student and I wanted to continue to play baseball at high school. I heard that the baseball team at this high school is very strong. That is why I chose this school. S3: This high school is only a 5-minute walk from the station. I chose this school because it is very convenient.

【調査結果】 T: Good. Now take a look at the third survey. ③What percentage of third-year high school students are happy that their school has a uniform? S: 94% are. T: That’s right. So ④what feelings do most students have for their school uniforms after wearing it for three years? S: They have favorable feelings for them. T: Correct. Good answer.

【推測発問(発展)】 T: OK then, why do you think that they have favorable feelings for the uniforms that they have to wear for three years? S: It is because they wear their uniforms for three years and they come to like them and have

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

favorable feelings for them. S2: I think that they feel proud of being a student of their high school when they wear their uniforms. T: Good point. Students can feel a sense of belonging to their school, and they can identify themselves with their school when they wear their school uniform. That is why they have favorable feelings for their uniform.

Lesson 3 “School Uniforms” 【Part 2】

【制服着用率の振り返り 】 T: Let’s do a quick review of Part (1). Do you remember what percentage of Japanese people wore school uniforms? S: More than 95% of people did. T: School uniforms can be important for Japanese students when they choose a school. How many students checked the school uniforms when deciding on their high school? S: Half of the students did. T: Right. Do most Japanese students have favorable feelings for their uniforms? S: Yes, they do.

【海外の制服の日本の制服との類似点 】 T: Well, what about students in other countries then? ②Do schools overseas have school uniforms? S: Yes, many of them do. T: Right. Then, what do uniforms look like in other countries? Look at the pictures on page 39. You can see the school uniforms in . Are the school uniforms in our neighboring countries such as South Korea (and Taiwan) different from ours? S: No. They are quite similar to those in Japan. T: That’s right. ③What do school uniforms in Australia and the UK look like then? S: They look like ours. T: What do students in Australia and the UK wear? S: Many students wear and ties. T: That’s right. In the UK, boys usually wear jackets and ties and girls wear . These clothes have become school uniforms. why do you think the school uniforms in Japan and South Korea are similar to those in the UK? S: I think the school uniforms in the UK were introduced to these Asian countries. T: Good answer.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

【制服としての民族衣装の事例:ベトナム・ブータン】 T: What about the school uniforms in other Asian countries? Do you think school uniforms in the UK were introduced to other Asian countries as well? S: No, I don’t think so. T: Take a look at the pictures of school uniforms in Vietnam and on page 39. ②Do they look similar to ours? S: No. They look quite different from ours. T: Correct. ③How are the school uniforms in Vietnam and Bhutan different from ours? S: They are based on their traditional . T: Right. Look at the Vietnamese girls in the picture. ④What is the traditional that they wear called? S: It is called an “ao dai.” T: Good answer. In the Vietnamese language, “ao” means and “dai” means long. As you can see in the picture, “ao dai” consists of a long jacket and long pants. What about the traditional costumes in Bhutan? Everyone, take a closer look at the school uniforms worn in Bhutan. You can see boys and girls wear different traditional costumes, right? Can you describe what the boy’s costume looks like? S: I think it looks like a Japanese . T: Good observation. It is called a “go”. How about the costume for girls? Have you ever seen a similar traditional costume for women in any other Asian country? S: I guess it looks like a , a traditional costume worn by Indian women. T: Good answer. Actually, it is influenced by the sari. The traditional costume for women in Bhutan is called a “”. It is a that is wrapped and folded around the body and pinned at both shoulders. You can also see the short blue jacket. It is called a “toego”. The kira is usually worn together with a toego.

【マレーシアの制服事情】 T: Look at the two pictures on the bottom of page 39. They show the school uniforms in Malaysia. ③What do you notice? S: Different girls wear different kinds of uniforms. T: Good. Can you explain further? S: The school uniforms in the left-hand picture are similar to ours. The girls in the right-hand picture, on the other hand, are wearing traditional costumes. T: Right. Can anybody find any other differences? S: The girls in the right-hand picture are showing some skin, but those in the left-hand picture are not.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

T: Good answer. ④Why do different girls wear different kinds of school uniforms in Malaysia? S: Because they have different religious backgrounds. T: That’s right.【Advanced】Can you tell me more about the different religious backgrounds of students? Any volunteers? S1: The girls in the left-hand picture are Muslims. Their religion says that women can’t show their skin. That’s why they wear their traditional costumes. The girls in the right-hand picture are not Muslims. T: Excellent answer. Well-done! As S1 said, the Muslim women are strictly prohibited from showing their skin, so they wear their traditional costume called a “chador”. In Malaysia, 63.7% of the population are Muslims. So, they have school uniforms for both Muslims and non-Muslims. It is very interesting to see the different kinds of school uniforms overseas, isn’t it?

Lesson 3 “School Uniforms” 【Part 3】

【海外の制服の振り返り】 T: In Part (2), we learned that different countries have different school uniforms. Some are similar to each other, while others, such as those in Vietnam or Bhutan, are based on the traditional costumes of the country. In Malaysia, school uniforms differ according to the religious faith of the student.

【6 か国で実施された調査結果に関するディスカッション】 T: How many schools in other countries have uniforms? Let’s look at the results of the survey on page 40. ②Where was the survey carried out? S: It was carried out in six countries: Japan, the US, the UK, Australia, South Korea and China. T: Correct. What did the survey ask the high school students? S: It asked them “Does your school have a uniform?” T: Right. Look the chart on page 40. ③In the survey, did more students answer “yes” than “no” in most countries? S: Yes, they did. T: Correct. ③How many countries had a higher percentage than Japan? S: Three countries had a higher percentage than Japan. T: Is it surprising? Can you name those countries? S: Australia, South Korea, and China. T: That’s right. Which country had the highest percentage? S: South Korea. As many as 97% of students there answered that their schools have a uniform.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

T: Correct. That is quite a high percentage, isn’t it? On the other hand, ③what country had the lowest percentage? S: The US. Only 11% percent of the US students answered “yes”. T: ③Why did only a very low percentage of the US students answer “yes”? S: Because people in the US respect individuality and freedom. T: That’s right. ④Since they respect individuality and freedom, what do they want to do? S: They want to choose what they wear on their own. T: That’s right. Many people in the US have the opinion that they should wear what they want at school. Are schools in the US still reluctant to adopt uniforms? ④Has the number of schools with uniforms remained the same? S: No. The number of schools adopting uniforms is increasing these days, especially in city areas. T: Correct.

Lesson 3 “School Uniforms” 【Part 4】

【海外の制服採用率の比較の振り返り】 T: In Part (3), we learned that the number of schools that have school uniforms varies. Do you remember, of all six countries listed on page 40, which country has the largest number of schools with school uniforms? S: South Korea does. 97% of schools there have school uniforms. T: Good. Then, which country has the smallest number of schools with school uniforms? S: The United States does. Only 11% of their schools have school uniforms. T: That’s right. I would like you to remember that even in the United States, the number of schools that are adopting school uniforms is increasing, especially in city areas.

【制服に関する賛成の意見】 T: In Part (4), we are going to hear different opinions that are either for or against school uniforms. Some people are for school uniforms. Others are against them. Look at the chart on page 43. It shows Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. In the chart, there are some different opinions on each side. ②Which side is ‘for”, pros or cons? S: Pros is. T: Correct. ‘For’ means ‘pros. If you are for school uniforms, then you have a positive opinion about them. If you are against school uniforms, then you have a negative opinion about them. Now, let’s look the reasons why they are for or against school uniforms. First,③Why are some students in favor of school uniforms? Could you tell me one of the reasons? Any volunteers? S1: Uniforms can prevent bullying related to the clothes that students wear.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

S2: Uniforms can increase students’ sense of belonging to their school. S3: Uniforms can indicate their social status as students. S4: Uniforms can help put students into the mode of studying. T: Thank you. Now, S1, the point you made is a little difficult to understand. ④Would you explain what you said in a simpler way? S1: If students wear uniforms, then we can stop bullying from happening. T: You mean that if students wear uniforms, we can stop bullying that is caused by the students’ clothes. S1: That’s right. T: S2, would you also paraphrase what you have said? Would you use different words to express what you have said by using different words? S2: Well, it is very hard for me to say. If students wear uniforms, they will feel more strongly that they belong to their school. T: Very good explanation. Good job. How about you, S3? S3: People will easily know that you are a student when you wear a school uniform. T: Good. Students can show that their position in society is that of a student. How about you, S4? S4: If students wear uniforms, it makes them want to or have to study harder. T: Good. It means that uniforms can drive students to study harder or uniforms can encourage students to study harder. T: ④Are there any other reasons you can find from the table ? S5: You can practice how to tie a tie. T: You can also find the reason that you don’t have to spend much on private clothes.

【制服に関する反対の意見】 T: That is a unique answer! Having to wear a uniform can help us practice how to tie a tie. And there are other unique answers as well, such as “students can practice how to iron ” which is shown on page 43. All right then, let’s consider the negative side of uniforms as well. ③Are there any reasons why students are against school uniforms? Could you tell me one of them? Any volunteers? S6: When students wear a uniform, they cannot show their originality. S7: Uniforms may limit students’ freedom. S8: Students do not want to feel formal at school. S9: Uniforms can only be worn at school, not at other places. T: Thank you. Now, S6, ④would you explain what you said in a simpler way? S6: If students wear a uniform, they cannot show their characters in their own . T: You mean they cannot show their own creative ideas about , which are different from those of others’.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

S6: That’s right. T: OK, S7, would you explain your opinion a little more? S7: Students worry that if they wear a uniform, they cannot wear their clothes as they like, and they will lose the right to choose what to wear. T: Good. So, in other words, school uniforms deprive students of their freedom to choose what they wear. OK, how about you, S8? S8: Uniforms are too formal. Students want to wear more casual clothes. T: I see. So in addition to what S6 and S7 mentioned, they don’t want to wear a uniform because it makes them feel too formal. T: Thank you for your ideas.

【Advanced(意見交換)】 T: OK, now I would like other students to ask questions about these opinions. S9: I agree with S1. If all students wear the same uniforms, they look similar in appearance. I think it is important in our school to prevent bullying related to clothing. T: So, in other words, all students should be seen as equal. Thank you for your comments. Any other opinions? S10: I agree with S2. If people look at a student in his or her school uniform, then they can easily identify which school he or she belongs to. S11: I agree with S11. School uniforms are something students can be proud of. When we wear school uniforms and meet students from other schools, we feel especially proud of ourselves and our school. T: Good explanation. S11 and S12. S12: I disagree with S4. I can relax and concentrate more on my studies when I wear clothes that I like. S4: When students can wear what they like, they tend to spend a lot of time choosing which clothes to wear. They tend to pay more attention to their clothes and lose interest in study. But if they wear a school uniform, they can concentrate on their schoolwork and do well in their studies. T: I can see the points from both sides. Any other opinions? S13: I think students behave well in school if they wear a uniform. S14: I think wearing a school uniform is good. It takes time to choose my clothes every morning and sometimes I get tired of it. S15: I disagree with S15. Choosing my clothes every morning is fun. I can express my individuality through my clothes. Uniforms limit students’ freedom to do this. T: Thank you for expressing your opinions. You can see uniforms have both advantages and

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]

LANDMARK English Communication I「発問シナリオ」(授業展開)サンプル

disadvantages. Through this discussion, I would like you all to learn the importance of thinking about problems from different viewpoints. Remember to think of both the pros and the cons.

Copyright©2021 Naoyuki Naganuma 〈[email protected]〉 & Haruko Nagasue 〈[email protected]