it enifTQii;7"Tir y to


' may have strength to meet this hour like Chris TUB DAILY DEMOCRAT, MANUFACTURES . FOR SALE cfc RENT. COAL & LUMBER. DRY GOODS. DAILY DEMOCRAT. tian. When tha voie of prayer eeased, all feelings LUMBER 1 LUMBER ! I FH.I5TKD A.5D PUBLIPIIID BY XTRON PUMPS. WE MANUFAC- - For Rent. Fancy Goods. were calmed, but I deemed it prudent to leave tha la. tar and have alrayt on hand Iron Force and Lift LARGE AND LARGE AND COMPLETE SATURDAY, AFRIL19,13o. dear patient to brief rep8e; and Ellen alona re- HABNEY, HUGHES & CO., Pnmpt, of the moat approved kind. ,00111 for cistern 1 VERY RECEIVED BY EXPRESS three-stor- y Brick House, on the dry Pine Lumber, comprising clear. JUST maining, wa retired to lhe parlor, whore Clarenca and welltof any depth. We warrant oar Pomp, to per. MONE A and rates, common White Yellow and Summer Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, of fctrect, near Main formerly second third aud and to- - From the Hid. of a late Physician. learned from us mora OSc on Third street, between Market form well, and a'Ui refund the money if they fail to sire tilth Pine Fiooricg, bhingles, Cedar Posts, and fencing Ties, and Loops, it : of ber iilne, of her trno auiTr.c;ioa. occupied aa the Wercratits' Exchange ; will be rented mack and fancy Cravats, new styles; 1 and JeSerson, East side, on favorable terms. Apply to Boards,cheap forcash. Call on condition for dared not to delude him with falsa Bolfcdfcw BARBAEOUI fcBNOWDKN V Do do Pcarfs, do; The Angel Bride. api 8 do TUOe . Cu LLM AN, at Merchants' Hote!. JU. W.UCLINItB, hopes. N. W.eomerflreeD and C.mrliellsts Io do De Join villes, Antiiae; CAST IRON RAILING. noSdiw Do do Albert Ties, new style; It wai evenicir the evening cf a summer Sab "Doctor," sail ho, wita vislbla anguish, "is TEinJS. Do do Penufortdo, do; bath. The sweet of nature, unbroken by there no hope?" - COAL ARRIVED ! Do bnh .,aivremoeTsdteryAr,ryaSe Quarterly E HAVE A LARGE ASSORT- Great Bargains! do Stocks; single sound cf busy life, hannc nizod too pain- of recovery, I fear, though she may Ho - - C 00 wory Do do ilook bowed do; bat 0ot linger ds ia litn.rt- merit of bandaome Railine Patterna. tuit A - soma Ten Cents per week, payable to tbe Carrier ab;e for yard, cemeteries, and balconies, to which we SPBLNG FOR SALE. DECEIVED, FURTHER SUP- Do do Moire Antique Loops; fully with the oppressive stillness which pervaded time with u?, and ba better than aha is to- PaUj Leniocrst. rouri'ry eri tinn. per year - . 60 eaUtha attention of those in wntof Hailing for acy cf SALT Aft ply of CAN'NKL COAL, and a supply of Do do riilk do; the chamber whither mj fooUteps ware bent. It day." vt NOHTliKRN KENTUCKY If ANDY COAL Check Haircloth Loons and Ties, varietv: TfcliiiS OF AmEKTiSLNQ. t'ie above cama porpotea. are prepared to put it Snown was on the ground floor of a pretty residence in "Then God's will ba done," sail the younj-raa- at short notice and on the most terms. vx THE UNDERSIGNED, and commonly called the "Old Coal" Together with a gieat variety not mentioned, for sale One square ofio lines, ene Insertion - 100 cf from E''.ll having a great deal of business unsettled, which can be rccomendtd fcr grate or cooking pur- low at 5 Main street. the outskirts of the Tillage cf C - . Iu open while a holy confidence lighted up his face, 0 US Orlers a diatance, with aatiafactory references, Do each add bonal insertion wui receive prompt attention . y.'l-- desirous cf quitting the poses, and will be kept conbtuitly on hand and for sale apis A. D. MANSFIELD. window overlooked a garden where teste and now scarcely less pale than that cf his betrothed Ie without alteration - SW BAUBAKOITY. fc 8NOWDZN, busiiitrt, willd-ep- setif n.s Merer coun-t- at reasonable rules, in large cr small lots onocortt 1 tj suit the beauty reigned supreme a second Eden, which Lucy. ! two nonU.i, do do - fx! liydraulie Foundry, st a great rarntiin. The place contains about Ui trade, at the ofiice of MILLER st MciilCilAKL, , BRUSSELS, AND TAPESTRY Do thrve months, do do 19(H) acl9dfew Comer Wash?tirun and Floydatreeta IlCNl'KtU ANB VllTTk' AOKKrt o LAN l, all in- nir.--i uim yi au street, west side, near Main. extended with a scarce perceptible declination to moo-- -- upon . Ob qaresia wiiheataberatioa lib closed wita good fencing (part ot it stone lence), the very margin of a stream, where it was bound- Day after day the poor irl llsgsreJ, and many Do twelvo moot'.s, do do 2" 00 wnich are good cciuf ntaoie BuiliiDfcH. and a large e t Fleer Cilclotts and India Mitting. ed by white picket, and by low trim- sweet -- Rich additional for nix mot-th- - 1W Hure House one of the wands in the country. COAL! COAL!! a a bed9 of hoars of eonversa'icn did Clarenca and In, do m.r tweivt Months . 10 l0 Trunk Manufactory,-- Theiecan be sold froa fourteen to taenty thousand med shrubbery, ever which the eye caught the Lucy pass together; once even sha was permitted W upen SUBSCRIBER. THANKFUL je are t'.x months, r'nur.Mf onr a week 00 dollars' worth ol goods yearly. It has also it a fnllE fleetinz waters as they swept on, slowing in the to spend a few moments in tha portico of the house, Oilit c rnoniU. KLewtbte twice a lira-rat- Wikr, Eaw, aud Gr.s'.-M.- Sewt, and a Salt J, for the patronage extended to him by his friends Hite & Small. Week 40 00 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Spring considered one of the he.lihiftt waters in the ind the cuhlie irenerallv. resnectfnllv infi.nn. them No. 499 Main street, between Third and Fourth, crimson radiance cf the sun-se- t. and as Clarence supported her,m i taw a tint of tomr ...twelvo months, renewable onto & Mate, lc hat very sucoeseiul to the cure of va- that be has just opened a Coal Yard and Office, on the 1 entered the house and stepped lightly along a health overspread her cheek, Ux hope grewatrong we--k W 00 djeesses. never was case Fifth Oreen utten AD-Jli- L LI. HUNT, rious chronic and there a of eornerof and strict TTTAVE JUST RECEIVED, IN carpeted tapped softly at tho door of the in his heart. Bat Lucy doubted not sh additional sqesre for twelve ninth - 10 08 BY cnulera known at tiie place- - lion and punctuality, he still hopes to receive a liberal pad.'ac, that Democrat Office, be made soon, will tell a bargain patronage, ilition to their already large stock, several new chamber of sickness aye, of death. should die and happily; this conviction uoual adverting at a proportionate arice. EiS No. 81 TLiiJ street, text door to If application I in hare of public ne keeps constantly on and beautiful set. of ared:ly lav aui special inmde adertisinc extra prices. this property, giWLg tlireo piyuient. d in land the bestouaiity of Pittsburg and YouEhincheov "Welcome, doctor, iaid tha silvery voice of a reached her heart er Clarence catna, so iha weekly, LOUISVILLE, KY. years. My be is Rich Royal Velvet Carpeting; i that AiJrTjficmen." rernbl.shed at interval, vis: hand, and uLcbiUncviu oi.e auit'o Coal, warranted to what it represented. He aiso Crossley 4i by low hunt, agony Lan-- thirty-fiv- e Coal, 8an's rich Tayestry Carpcticg; lady, who sat a couch, partially with cf her grief iu prospect cf separation from monthly, are charred per 31 for (ue is hundred dviltr, with all tne keers the best P.ttxborg Nut delivered to any Brit-to- tl HUNT HAS A my 11. & Sou's do do; white . "Welcome! dear is bitn had yielded to eqaare for the first, nlSo cents tor every subsequent errTTT- a ivautrtgcs ot null and waur; and price for my part cf the city for nine cents pr bushel; used by some tha sufferer tha b:isfu! aathripatkn o r:- and fn assortment f SOLID u English Lrussels do. lrre TRUCKS, block ot Uoods is tint cost, in Lares payments one-thu- ine ui lauiiii'j., uulic ivr Kcneraung steam. now in a q iict slumber, but mtut presently awake, heaven, that glorious clime where she would era I s eon- - Ladies' :n on iLStai-m-ut- i, ILOOtt OILCLOTHS, tw"Thnriviles:erif ye aHy ad retort strictly AUiVLiJi)rpM n, Traveling Trunks, Bonnet Jve, and eh.ten in l lit, eiual ;ixtn and Beventn. and cne of her first inquiries will ba fory a.w long meet these from whom it was me re than death ned to their nwc imnie! .te and rulAr business, and which wi.h good and appioveo security. jaSdtf E. i'.LEiZhR. Various widths and qualities, in handsome new vat- - Poxs, Talissa, Bii, kc, he is The abovo property 11 on tno "How is ycur sweet Lucy, now! to prt. the business df an advertising firm it not considered M to aell at the lowett terans f r cash. situated bank of the terns, to suit the various tastes. tncli-- ' that of its individual to to liver, ob half mJe above AiunduyS Land- "She baa been quiet and apparently comforta- "Dear Lucy," said Clarence, aa they steed gsxlng milTt. Country merchants will find it be their interest ing, Lu Mercer COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! INDIA MATTING. ratiitons Advcrtisict;. to this ho a call before making Uuir purchases and three miles frtni ifhskertown, coun- ble all day. It is bcr abbatb, doctor, as well as ia summer "you are love. May T'o tire ate ty. Call property, KEEP.CON-stantl- y 5, white MattlQg, to t nower?, Utter, olaca-her- . aplO dly aud exaiuinc te UNDERSIGNED 4. and of superior quality; W. HAWKINS, 4 worshippers who ijo up to tha earthly court not our heavenly Father yet to me to aria jAJiiii on hand the best oualitv of Pittshnrs 4. 6, and colored do, do. the sjara joa f Louisville Democrat conv to amount of Si and chace Coal, at the lowest price. Office at lower City We would to our cuttomers public gen of Zion. Oil" she added, while the sunlight of oa'ia Ellen to happiness." ATTENTION, UORSE MEN l - the Coal Jtv and the BUSINESS NOTICES. this oihce. Ltz. Oistrvtr (j- Reporter. Scales, H ater street, between Third and Fourth. erally that thev will find our stock as large as ary in joy irradiated ber feature.', pale winh long vigils "Ah, Clarence, do not i;ak cf this. It will jaladinsil VOYi SICH. at k L LT8. the western country, snd our goods at as low price as at th bedside of ber sweet La-iy- , "Ob! how full only end in deeper bitterness. I mntt and $700 For Balo. any nouse east or west. for your- r, Uill and examine of consolation is sceno of mortal life and e, ex- - Leacdcr E. Baker, & Miles, selves. HUE & 8JIALL.W Main street, tie Clarence, ycu must mourn even wtea I Dc7itt LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 22, IN COAL! COAL!! apli 3 doors east of National Hotel. cf earih'y bitterres, of expiring hope!" ehecge this bright world tne of im- ATTORNEY AT LAW, riRST-PREUTU- AND fr SADDLE. HARSESS, f - i the city of Jeflersonville containing a new AM IN RECEIPT OF ANOTHER "Yes, my dear friend," I replied, "your cup oi mortality." 5 COURT PLACE, LOUIS- - TR UXK MAS UFA CTURERS, with LUree rooms, kitchen, ci. tern. szc. ahllction is indeed sweetened teet on 110 fleet of barges by the steamer Guthrie, loaded with Hughes & Hutchison, from on high. lie Clarence cculd net answer. lie tressed her K niie, Ky. fea ctf X0.6SI a no innuug ou tn.aday ti and Park street .V lnruT IMtuhnr. I il. . fr.ah frnm lha . Hah Etecet, Second Thud, - irommy care a bctvtier feet ad fenced in. TiJe indisputable- ' (Successors to Hughes tc Co.), took hopeless victim all unprepar- handaci drew it clcsa to histlrotlirg heart, A. DERVILLE, hichisforsalecheapforcash. Newlacd, ON HAND 1 ed even after a long and faithful warning; and the asd she resumed, pointing to a bright cluster of WILLIAM KAYE, fi. HAVE At Banking; Tlou-- e of W, E. Culver, Main street, or deau l.L. lit All, bird street, near Main. 7 j HOLES ALE DEALERS IN recollection cf the straggle, lh amarantcr: lfcM the best rtock of Saddle, Harness, apiajo-- guun v. o t an,, weu truce v.iie. sd the tenibla AND BRASS FOUNDER, Vi Tmni. Horse Covers. A.e . in Lon- - ni Fancy and Stanle Drr Goods and Varieties, vanquished, the fierce triumr h of the "Seel there, Clarence, is tha emblem tho Iif TsjELL i8Vii:e, no. .M .vain street, gide, sixtn f V V'Ater street, between Second, Louis- and at prices lower than the same quality of south between! ittuani and the piercing wail of exhausted nature, and joys to Tint and work can oe ooorr.t .at. ap For Sale. New Co:il Office, Having purchased the entire interest of J. w . Mew which I am hastening." ville. Ky. 64 and in the late firm, we will continue the business at haunt my memory still; and area in this earthly BEAUTIFUL SITES FOR fTO. THIRD ST., BETWEEN the old stand, and rejDectfullv solicit a call from their Western . v ! paradise I cannot forget them." Three weeks had passed. was C. W'CHtSKEV THOMAS HAJUIaM. Great Trunk Manufactory, THREE country residences. Two of the sites Main and Market. Mining from oar own pit. menus ana purchasers ci goods visum tnu muriei. It the evening of e can turnisn aeaiers ana lamiues witn At " And is poor Edward gone at last to his dread the Sabbath. I stood by &. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, front the Newbuig turnpike, IX miles frum the city, fsSJ HLGUES HL'TOUISON. tha couch cf Lucy May. JvfcChesBey llarman. to acres The oalof the best uuaiity. account? Oh ! hew and Her mother and and coLtnu lroin uine ten each. othet de4dbm M. DRAYO & SONS. fearful?" tho gentlolady Ellen sat en either sice, and COLLECTING AND lot fronts the xiardstown turnpike, and contains about covered her face and wept. Clarence Hamilton supported on .ENERAL twelve acrea. Ali the laud of the above lots UOP SKIRTS RECEIVED THIS a pillow ia his BY D. O'HARE, mentioned by MARK EOWNS, Some timo elapsed. 1 arm head ot RealFstaie Atrctf. 488 ilarket sL, one door from Third, Louif vilie, Ky. is in the highest state of cultivation, and cannot be WIS. S. DAVIS & CO., day lingered at the coach of tha a fair girl. Dumwo had taken IXWliMKo. t Court Plane. dtfkwl in eligibility of location, t or terms. &c. in apld 471 Main street. Lucy till ibe should awake, and taking from tha tha eitade', and awaited its surrender to death. Silver Cup mtcardedto D. (Hare ly fte Sonth- - quire through the Louisville post otnoe, or to the sub- LUMBER MERCHANTS, stand a small though elegant copy of the Bible, I Tha man of God, her p ietor from childhood, now Atto-ciat- io scriber, fnirldtfj tiLO. JS. HilASOilN. UN DRIES. KEW YORK wes'ern Agricultural and MechaHtrvl FOR SALE AT THEIR oponod tho silver clasp, and my eye caaght the entered tha room, and Lucy greeted him affection- or the bctt tptcime SffAVE 6 cartoons Siik Illusion; of Trunk. For Bale. Yard.on Main street, adjoining the 5 do white Boboinet; simple inscription on the fly leaf : "To my Lucy ately; and ha aid,"js it well with thy seal?" Steam Scar Reilnig Company. Woodland Harden, a large and superior stock of U hite 5 do Brussels do; a parting gift cf Clarence. I Lad designed to She answered in a clear and O D' 'HARE HAS CON- - Pine Boards, Pine Shingies,and all kinds of Lumber sweetly conudiog FARM, CONSISTING OF 12t Received this day and for sale by read a portion of the Word, bat thought was for a voice: is weli I Blessed PUMESML, W)., Agent?, X; stantly on hand a large assortment of Ivinff near an T.ouia oitabletor buillmg. i apio diiw jA.Mfc.a l.u v Jiain st. "It Kedeemer, thoa ait nCLLl V.ient:(mfn'i solid ole Leather Trunkf, A aorta. Hobbs's Dnot. tha UM. DAVIhwillocrsocallyattendthedeliverTof cu.,si3 time ecgTOfred. my only BOST Ko. M! MAIN STREET. i$ f vilieand r rankfort rUUrcad. for particuiarsappiy tc trust." 'mim&l' Xruuks, litinnet Boxet. Val'ces, NOCi,WlCli.eStCO.,orto Lur.ber at the Yard.wnerihe willbe pleased to meet all GLOVES. I had known Lacy II ay from her infancy, and sow bent his head close to tha head of Carpet Bscs, Packing Trunk, ic, which are of the seay bin former patrcut and ot;rs in want of Lumber. A. HAXDALL, best quality, made by experienced workmen, and Ctn t.N.Bt&ti 11 ii.ontneprero'.sst. Urdersirom tne country win oe promptly attenaeutOi SrlD des ladies' dark colored Kid Gloves: she was toarcely less dear to mo than my own Lucy, and whispered in bar ear, but so distinctly he bouef t iower than in ai other house in this city. nil the Lumber shipped without aeiay. 60 do light Co do; daughter. Indeed, they had grown op like twin that wa all heard : For Bale. Ho do Ki Gloves; Country merchants will find it to be to their interest to Kisr xermsiowiorcasnor on snort pper. blossoms, and were together almost every hour cf "Lacy, since t'aoa may not ba Sign Painter and Brand Cutter, a call before purchasing eUewkere. WM. S. I) A Y18 At Received tliis day and for sale by mine ia life, ba . five tlni house VALUABLE CO.. num- (AT JOnNSTOX'8 PAISTKS DEPOT), PROPERTY. Jyfdtf . Oornerof Main and Wenselstreetf.- - apiodxw jAatJta luv at cu.,413 Mam St. the day. Seventeen summers they both had mine ia death; let ma follow you to tha grave as TWO-STOR- Y bered, though Lacy was some months older ; no my wedded Xo. 5 Third Street, tift THE DOUBLE 150 PIECES, ASSORTED wife, and I shall have tha blissful DICKINSON k SNYDER, Brick Building on the southeast corner of Alar TOO,000 FEET LUMIiER. piRAPE. brother nor sister had either of them, and hence consolation of anticipating a in heaven." Ja2S tit LOnSTILLK, KY. jaAketand colors, received this day and for sale by No.T9 Fourth ftreet, between Main and Market riilejutn aireets is ouered tor sale for K. the intensity cf mutual love. Their thoughts, Tha eye of tha djinggirl lighted up with a sad- cash, ON HAND ABOUT 700,000 apbS dt J AM a LOW s CQ..4H Main st- - a. HOTEL), and the balance on t, lit aud It SHAVE their affec lions, and their pursuits, were in com- den joy, as sha smilingly answered : i. pilches.... i. i.Himt. (Hit TBI MATIeVAL moDths' credit, and very cheap. This Uuildiug has Lu iber.eomprising a fair proportion u LOUISVILLE, KT., seven rooms in it, on of is a commodious Of clear, second and third rate, and common, which 1 TTBARASOLS. 100 SILK PARA- - mon. They called each other sUter," an i their " It is well, Clarenca ; 1 would fala bear thy FILMIER-- HAUSER, store-roo- suitable for groceries or dry gooos. Tne am desirous of soiling out in large lots, at mucn reduced JhL fols received this day and for sale by intercourse honored the endearing name. name before I die! Wa were startled at this AND DEAL- - iami-lie- s MANUFACTURERS tiuujiiig is conveLienuy arraugeu iur oue ortao prices lor cash or good paper, i keep, also, ail kinds of ap'.ed&w - J A nr..i low at CO., 41a jiain st. And Clarence the giver cf this velum strange M. era aU kir.dt Mattresses, Tsrpan has an excellent cittern aDd is Poplar Lumber, Laths, tfiiiugles, etc. Those rn want of little in reqaest and answer ; but no heart or lip L a w, If in of Beddins. ? Attorneys at lins. F I Window Shades, Curtain Uoods, and nearly new, aud in a thriving part of the city. large lots of Lumber (or small lots for cash) will save my hand who was he Clarence Hamilton wss ventured to oppose it. Lucy then said : " 1'other, ori.ieliiiig Ai6o, arms ana t&nus lor sale or exchanged tor city handsome per cent, by cauingon me. QUIRTING STRIPES. sen of my best earthly friend, dear moth ma SOUTHEAST CORNER materials. f 10 bales fchirt ng Stnpes; the and a nobler or, deny not my last request: will OFFICE Louisville, Ey. M e aanant our work as represented, and offer St at ropeity. Call, if you wai.t a bargain, at Ko. 3 Court JAD.UMI.UUKI, lofty faculties and endowments you and Ellen drets ma in ? Jefferson streets, low prices. 1'atronage aoliciud. rmrl&Ui) D. St 6. '. fnuisutlj AICiiiaON U tIMllil. se6dif Jeuerson,abovePietoEstrcet. J li do tea lslaud brown ! jout.ina-- the a bridal rob I will apSo-i- Received this day and for saieby of tha heart and intellect, never rejoiced ia the wear it to my tonab 1" apiodsw jdiinsiAiwE tu.,n Jiaiait. vigor of life and early manhood. To had Clatenee aLo besought Irs. May to SMITH, GOlNtt IT ALONE. LOUISVILLE tim grant this PETER Paroquet Springs. A. M. BOBIKSON. S. Z. KAXTllt O. a. rS.ITOM. Luey been betrothed for more than a year, and he wish, and let him win a bride and mother ; and sha Comraission Merchant, rwiHE PARTNERSHIP OF WEA- - OFFER FOR LEASE, A Mill, and was cow absent from the Tiling?, thongli we answered: Flour and & NORWOOD is now dissolved, FOR umber Yard, Planing M. TER and the terra rears, n Eobinson, Maitin & Co., trusted, when each sun rose, its Aa and Lucy Ifo. etrtrt,letucfn Second Third, hscrit-e- his bow to - S of the and valuable that setting would ya wiL',bat it will and Hi ifiin a4 offers Khte the citiiens of Louis- bCRlNtxS on the imifcTille sua Nashville Railroad, be" lie. Tne verr kind treatment and the liberal natron- - 7HOLESALE AND bring bim back in answer to our cautious ux-ino- her heart spoke, it will ba a bridal. N THE HOUSE LATELY OCCU- - be has received since he has been a citizen of the li miles suuth of the former city. Tne terms iH be JOINERY, RETAIL hope Luoy now a:e made tavorable to the lessee. Two-thir- of the rent dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. Especially bed and expectation grown motioned us from tha re cm, and wa riod bv Oniifbv a Owen. Hardware Dealert, ciiv inouccs him to ask a continuance of the farors be Corner Washington and 5rooksts.,Loui5viIle,Ky., Sto I kere doing so, will bo allowed annually tor improvements of a sub- No. Fourth street, tetweeu Market and Jeilerson, within our hearts ca that evening, yot had not a retired. Clarenca was tha first to spoak. has bad at thetr hands; and in heVler1Kts upon e grounds. These LegeliaattLeloaeaiujarketrricea. jyl? himself th'-a- who favor him with their patronage stantial character Springs RE- - uisville, Ky. word been spoken i n the subject to the widowed " You will not blame me I seek, even in ly liour.rLich that have been analysed, aui ph strians and cliesuiia have HERE CAN BE HAD AT We are just ui receipt cf another large invoice of rich that tha snail bo satisfied. lie is determined to work for reputa remedi-i- rfi,( T i iTitir t.f n w lr int . tt'.tha i n ttA mother the lovely Lacy. However, she raised arms cf death, to make her my wile. Ob, how well a good of pronounced their i to be of the uishet Spring aod uwmer 1'ressG K,la, tontther witti a gen- tf tion as at ironey. lie has lot iso.l rough or manufactured into Flooring, thelvicg, iia.e, guous- - follow- bii.M I). J. WILLI A3ZS, brick on hand for those wishing to commence haildin order. No watering piice in the western cuuntry oUers ual a&sorlineni of other dirao;e 1 he her bead, and observing the opn Tolnma in my much cf has crowded into this oca anticipa- keep on an assortment of Brick as great ai.racuou ut an enterprising proriclur as the WasiuaSf Jiuuiuijis, iuvi auu niuuvn xiuiuci, pnaui ing embraces portiou of ouriate.i receipts: hand, she said, in an assured tone of cheerfulness, tion ! and though, indeed, it will ba a sad bridal, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, early, and shall hand at Paroquet BpriLgs. Boors, Blinds, etc., Ate, as well as everything else E:egaut Uaree, Urgauuie, urn tirenadmc xtoiies; ail r.ot to auy trie market, nopes, r iiar-gi.- timet ir.ieriur in lit or further particulars, apply tfl me, at Louisville, needed iu the erection of any kind 01 abuilumg. Also, fcuv'L-- orjaadies, and Lawns; "I trut Claienca will coma home this evening. it will sweeten tha eup ci bitterness which is now Cheftrut,Lonbville,Ky to to ., , . 11, ,1 ..., priQlci Ewt rttet.Wliintaiid by strict attention busiueit and a faithful regard during ttio of May, or before Mr. I) .to. f .irjni ..!,,. lr.)ur frr.rr, Every of , " to my ur - tuoutn thst t:me to shads and plain It is now pressed lip." iwu lUKuru ii i.riauj' piuruuiseu- 111s apS abroad promptly attended o, and nhipments u.ade with- - summertii De XTOULD RESPECTFULLY AN ard is on the ccrner of Broadway and Shelby streets, Len lyler. f osab J.D.CuLMtsML. bpriun ami coiors Lainesi "Clarence!" sid ths eweet patien opening ter In a fT7 loouiints wa tUat hallowed y OUbUeiuy 10 any jrncciist. ui uei uixusutu IreDch Chintzes, in robes and by the yard; w noaoce to the ritizrm of LoaiirUle and Ticin-It- here be can at ali times l louha. 7 Farm for Bale, upon ii.lication atthet fli Printed and white Biiiiiactes; dark eyes and looking eagerly around. Her eye chamber; tha light cf day had faded, and a siiul that be it rpirtd to five dmitfns, make rirawirs, Bar ge de Laiue Robes, and neat figures; on mother myself, lamp was burning on and rxrrate tiuUiimgt of every deacription and atyleof rested her and and with a slight tha stand. Locy was array- YING ON SOUTH SIDE OF Plain and pluid ana Chintzes; quiver and a sad senile, she is not ed iu a mualia which scarcely 1 I ! EnglL-- American Prints, ali said, "he come." robe, outrivaled ber vt'trture. flfim PIAffO FORTES PIAKO FORTES M-- A Bardstown and stvlcs; Le oest referencea can be yiven. J a3l f Louisville and turnpike road, adjoin- embroidered , of all colors; "No, my darling, be is not come; bat there cheeks ia whiteness, save where the heeti;, now t"T ing the i arms of 6. B. Lewis, Stephen Ccenotbtn, auo MISCELLANEOUS. Eluanlly - PETERS, CRAGG & CO. Henry reo on Application atid Cnactiliy Maiitii-s- ; is more than aa Lour to the close of day and heightened by excitement, flushed ia. CU.rea:a TOHi. KaDDrX MITB fCS,- r trick the north side, eight miles from W Cxspe Louiaviiie. ana HAft acres, 110 bal- lute tn.bruiaered bcaris, beaudful; seated himself by her, and sha was raided sit- contains cieieu, JOSEFU GIUFF1T11. l lack Thibet and cuk bhaob; then" to a 5 Main street, ance in timber and grass, bouses comfortable, excellent very "(Jed grant be mny come," said maiden, and ting pesture and supported her head Lis arms. Tiaddiix Agmith, SIX PIaKOS PER WX5K. suii kind genial, a young ot mroKTsa or Stella Scar's, rich tia a few days); the ia springs, and orchard choice ing 1 -- The arreat demand for those Pianos, from wholesale Luii. Ihere are four or live building sites, AU of which we are oiler at ema profits. sheadded wiJh energy, "if it be His holy will. Sha placed her band in his, and raid, bill ilajfui COMMISSION AND in- bautiiui Fire-Ar- ms A I A St GENERAL buyers, having induced the proprietors to larrely and the springs and cleared and timbered lan a may be and Fishing Tackle, RUBiiHaUa, a lit CO., Oh, doctor, my kind, dear frieiid, your Lucy is ly, half sadly, "'TU a worthless offering, Clar- V.S" Merchants, 7 Third atreei, between they are enabled now apll kourth street. Forwardin crease their manufacturing force, divided to suit them, l aruiicg uttnsiii, coin, tic. 1 wearing away fast, is she not?" and then observ- ence." klaio and the bier, Lotuviiie, Ky. rurnienail wuo are m want 01 instruments at tne will sell in whole or tn part to suit purchasers. Good WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, &EKKBKKCE8. buyers are as ing the emotion which attempted to cot-oal- she Ho pressed to his fevered lip: his feca est wholesale or retail trices. Retail city property will be taken in part pay menu Apply tc ' RINTS. I it pais MnierV-erff- k To- - Lonit Ule, Ky. suretl that they can save an average of ism percent. by Vv M.J. uKaDK, on the Land, or to itcady.of thonja; fifth &reet,itejr Ifaim, Louiuville, A'y. 20 casesnew style American Prints; Mil, "but I aai better y, aot 1 not? Whete is and flashed by tarns. The miaister and R. P. Uoj r int. Facet, Ky purchasing from the factory direct, erfm any ot our of M llson si Heady, on Market street, Louis vilie. F a do do English do; -- LUen wty J es the not coxtT" stood before thom, and in a few words aad siatpld CM:Vr A: t ictlin, I'trit. Ky. authorised k?ents,the pricesbeing UDifurmthroutbout foliditwif BEGS LEAVE TO 1 case Hay 4 4 The as quality, tone, finish, la's neat do; torn-j- aa inqulricg glance upon united tbe two lovely bsirgs iu a whiea olm 1' l.Uanon, Ky. the West. Pianos, to asd T?rrn;Lx:"t ii. iKi inform merchants, gunsiniths.and li cases black do; lIermotntr tia ail, l k Co.. Ci: ciunxtl, 0. irewiHuns etjual to the best .Kiern make; ttieir jtVi ethers, tha: he nas now oo hand, Just received and for sale cheap by me as I took the thin white hand of the young mast ba broken era another sua would rise. (s l:i!!y, t nhurc, la quare I lanos.theonly cla.sol instruments manufac 1 and is constantly receiving, direct WHO X. eLEVXJM & , st ii. CA13. girl in mine, and marked the fecbio but tegular Yet was that tia registered and acknowledged ia Con-lit- rirht & Iu'Hfpoiii.Ia. tured!;? teem, haviDgjust received the premium at the COFARTXViiiKSlllPS froirithe mnuiactuiers in iuj- - It or. J . L K .t'i:itoD, Uiif I.T.Ue. In. air of the Mechanics' Institute, when in competition ii.,i. Fm:;ih ilnnWi. and single allaual beating cf the pulse. Heaven. A. Potej It Co., i(, do. ithtboae of Chickenng & 80ns, of Boeton,aucunai Dissolution. Ities,, and prices; Revolvers and Pistols of ail Carpets Goods. "Shall I send for your daughter, doctor V she As tha holy can pronouncsd thorn one flash and J.i-bri- , Maddux & Ctrtnicheal, d", do. Clart, 01 A ew Locks, Triggers, and Furnishing lork. WEEB.PETKRS&CO., kinds; Kitie Uarrels, iun louble and asked. lifted up his hands ia benediction, Locy put her iveilii k. Clienoweth, Coluulwi, Ia. delSdtf every article suitable tor gunsruuns; cporang Appara-tu- s, URKEE, HEATH & CO. HAVE oc29 139 Fourth street. rglHE NOMINAL PARTNERSHIP Cleaning I acquiesced, and minutes Ellen was foebla arms aroutd Clarence, and in a low voica between such as Game Bags, chot Lelts, klaaks, jUr jast received another large line of Carpets and iaafe existing the undersigned, unier the 01 a bo- m W Rods, and Hunting Knives; aiso. a targe stocs 'urniihiog Goods, which now makes our stock tbese 3obbir.g violently, with her faco hiddon on the armored: style tf 1LL1X ool) & SUA, Taper Uaigers, wat v own and Fishing in Carter &oIouett, diksulved on 1st of will ot in manntacture warranted: aoi-d- twice as large s auy in tbe city, and not inferior som oi her "eister." "My husband. City Mill and the January. Joiner party use 01 every uescnpuon, an Falls Planing of hxai aca'.e and Fishing Apparatus to any tu be found m Ne Yoi k. Some of these impor- fa- " AND GENERAL the came the lUe in stUlcuents. 1 "Ellen, my swoet sister," sail Ln;y "your My wife," responded Clarenca, aai their lips 'WOOD, t wiinjb will Sell at eastern prices iwuawiy tations may be found ami ng the following: FORWARDING Lou5?Til'e, We, AGRICULTURAL MANUFACTORY, rtLIX has me met in a long eoi'oro-j- . Ky. the LouUvUle, March 30, 18:6. Vai. WOOi. John crosity c son s Dustxing!isn ; ther told that Iraa3tleave "and her voice aai sweet wndereined, huve tbit dsy forsied a Copartnership for j. NoUce. llnry B:i Jton Son's do do do; faltered, "iny own dear mother, and " bat she That night, heti re anr?I Axrael a fcDd General JOSEPH GAULT & CO., DO ' t thalathi.ur,th9 the p'jr(ie tranmctit ForwardiLf Crosley best Tapestry lirutselsj a mes.-sire- - - BY and all other kinds of Sawing; keep con A VTTVTnmSSOT.VF.D did not utter the name of ber lover, for at that ma as a of peace to tha ca im- - bi'iu M, have tsken the fcon" fr- lew Paper Hangings Store. PARTNER. do do 4 do do; briJl rer oflrvried h J. B"U, No. 23, Lat aide ef Thirl, stantly on hand Iressed Fiooricg, Dressed and Koueh I). Bpear, 1 am now practicing Law Extra fine Ingrain Carpets; rnc meat the voice of one cf the dt mcstics was dis- ber; and though the new fo3ndatiorof enr hly'x-r- . shin with I. MtweeniiairaaeKiver. Laths and Shingles, andaii kinds of materials F. WOOD, PAPER HANGER i All business to me snail do super do uo; tinctly heard ing: tiiss had opened in tn- hcsrtot'Locy LUioiltoa. CaBTEB, saite.l'le for bail ;ing purposes. jDnyttn account. intrusted saj ynijy V w and dealer in 1'iench and Americau Paper be promptly attended to. Othoe Jelieraon street, near Smith's 'lapestiy Ingrain Carpels; "He is Air. she repined tleaven- Tor.'rri11.Or4.M,'M. W. R. JOI ETT. Orders executed in tne best manner and at the short Cotton Wirk do; come. Clarecca is come. Now God not at tae summons, b at - of G', Yarra.and est ILingings, Third street, near Main, opoiiite Courier nib, norm side. t cn I murmur- tSCor'sDmMi'" Nai's. Cotton notice. Ulhce. api dtf SelOdtwtf OKO.I.AliaSIliUau. Axtniuster Rug?; Cball'e Rugs; blest my d?ar young lady." 7 JJJs tor feature?, and her a rtybur o!icifd. r pS LiFctory end Lumber Yard on High end Twelfth Mais of all uesi rations; Lucy uttered a scream of joy, and clasping El- ed " pe;e farewell, hu bind mother lister streets, Louisviue, ay. le-- attwun shade-- Copartnership aeovth J. a. raicH....A. Ttisi.raiLA Gold Border Winnow ; len arc and the neck, murmured, "Fat'ner Heav- 1, her pure spirit took g and her Hide, Oi!T atsd I.crttlier Store, Notice. Keiley 's Patent Fixtures for Curtains; ia ill it, leles.4 snu 6 4 Mattiags, soldclieap. en, I thaiik thec;" and then fainted with txcess of body lay ia tho emhrt'ie of th 'a Clar- - 21 UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS Govdy, Terry Co., , g KIRKPATRICK & SONS, DEU. FLOOD, Also. SneiiiiL-- lai-l- . Linen Table hoppiness. Her swocn was brief. She recovered w ho still lingers in this weary world, dcin jLr Tl.ird et.,brtwec& Market and Chestnut THE associated with Lim in business Mr. II. B. AND WHOLESALE Cloths, Snow Drep and Dttaas Napkins: Toweling of ta:, Sit MVliLc, under ttie style of .MAdSfcta U. MYLK- -, IMPORTERS almost immediately, and her face was radiant with his Master's w t9. ar d waiting His will to b um.-8-- 1 trMt,. Philuti li.hia. have formic Spanith jridea,drr VENITIAN BLIND l TlvaVrs in Kt&nl ar.d F.incv Drv (looill. No. 434 all kinds, BieacLcd aud Brown Sheetings aud , ltM Valr.a Tannera Oil, Tannery' who will continue the Mercrant Tailor business at heir Willi of very happiness. to his Anqzl in I'auvBX. rd rretn Kir, 44K Ma-- 2dain street. Fifth and hixth. auSdktwtf a best elegant iress Goods, Matties, Brils Curritrt' the lowest and npon tUe new stand, iNo. street, one door east of the betveen Miauls, and Scarfs. and AND . SHOW CASE MAKER. of Kentucky. Clarence Hamilton was pnrsning bis studies best tenre. Kortheru Lank at the stand herot?fore UUitlxKJK, UBAlil St CO., in AH which occupied by A.O. Runyan, where e denign keepings dJt w 107 bet. college, and which kindacf LthriDtheroh iranted.for te21dAvr G4 of apl4 Fourth St., Morkt t and i efferson. adisrart the letter summoned market rnce wui btfcivea incaaL.or Third street. large and superior assortment Cloths, Omssiiueres, A. FRENTZ'8 Mr. G tie h'heot itiec auu Vestings; and kurnish og vxood4, had scarcely intimated danger in tn exrhan"' lor hidea. also. THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT Leather atored free of charft and (old on ennmia aud re.tpecUuily solicit our ir.ends to call ana examine !I the illness of his betrothed. It bad been delayed SUtiAR. C.V CARRiAGES. our stock. Etna cam j juiiA MAtiJica. on the way, and half time 50 URLS 0 lTdlT uiiili but the of its jotirney JEFIED as l Suznr iajt re. To be Found in tliis City. bad to the eager, to nw3eri IT HADDOX, CARRIAGE DEAL- - Kouce. sauced bmg anxious student ceived per steamer Jacob stu ht and for aai-- ..y EDWARD STOKES, Lf er. Third strrft. between Market and Jererson. CONSUMMATION CERTAIN! AT THE the spot where his heart had shared its aliVotions, aps A.t,.tt-- OvCHANAA A. CO. bat now on hand, of his own manufacture, a full and "CffAVIXG SOLD MY STOCK OF and centered its hope, next to heaven; for Clar- sys, JLjaL goods Magness fit Northeast corner Seventh Red Market. Ho. 445, seieot assortment of Rocks guikitt, FhsHons, to Meters. Alyers, take Ligh-son- &C. p ence was mere than a J CHOCOLATE, Ten iueries,euiXUDg-to- nueg)s, Mide-sea- t Uuggies, in recomoiending Liy iriends and cubtomers to O ! BAKROW HAS ChocoLite: .'! of which are warranted of the ltdt and most durable a;k them a continuance of liberal ft IIU MKUft TfcR. JOHN JUST man; he was the discipia of Jesus Christ; ani he tueis.aud lor the returned from the with the most beautiful Bucr'j d Coc ia; Cor. 7Iiiti anil Fifth its., workmanship, combined witb.style4.aste, end elegance. pairor.xge extended !o me, knoa ing them to be worthy 1JL was getting ttnielf to bo an apostle of h's holy VamUa Chocolate; 01 menus tne public. reublilo gentlemen, having of assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Uoods to be ie rvitestbe attention lus and and and a hue stock consisting part of ixia noarly eounpietei bis jo ot 13- - do; louisvillt:, ke:.ttucet. OC3d&wtf J. rods. found in this city, in religion, lie cotir Btr'sox'ivr'i l'reniium ruma: retiring frcra the business, pleasure TO BE DISTItliiUTED IN GIFTS! Bieacnea ana crown icucn; studied, and was thea to be united to tha beauti- IMPORTER AND DEALER INSAD In I take in Heavy Cotton Driilings; Sect ived p?r Biy City in I tor S'-- hy M. TJr'5wfcre,HariieaeiIos3tiivga, thanking tae cilisens of Louisville for the veiy liberal S?"Tbe Drawing to come off positiysly at Mo-sa- rt ful Lacy Slay. apu J BLlia.UAiliT.417 Alarketst. TrntkiMHid patronage ex'venuea 10 me. Cottonade; pi id Coitons. 4tc. li. liiose naviug bubiness Hall ninety or sooner, tbe Also, most bevatiiul assortment Coach TrimmiD. Liauojis. 11a me, win, tor tne present, nua me at inv old stand. in day, if all the of m row my fallatock, which will be the Embroidered liasques; I rTfirinf cx my A. O. RUN KAN. Tickets are soli. Three months bofcre tae Sabbath evecii;? of AMILY FLOUR. han laonest and fc5t teect:d ttocit to uce . K. ROTI.C. 19, 1H56. mrju Plaid and etriped Silks; r iroTorted in 1 FRED.Goo.t, Louisville, March dim which we write, Luey was in health, and with ber 2 .i Mnr. hmi thit market. Beautiful French Collars, Sleeves, Jte.; li-- - . it h. r A New lork.) (Cincinnati.) BEGS TO ASSURE busil- U Menl-- wotH i n rit jr. y ld c u gtomp rs. .r. th e trade ren eraJIy , Thread iiace of every variety , ate., tic. companion, Ellen, was pertorinicr her delightful Copartnership. AFRENTZ under circumstances will the For delivered free chanr-- i hy to call and exhmine wiy atock, which I am detrmi&jd Removal and Notice of a. Call an I see, at the northeast corner of Seventh and s.i.e aud of mo beat & istrioution be postponed hcyou'i the datiesas a Sabbath schoolteacher. Returning anU n poS. 4t9 Market St. to aell at prif etthat cannot f:l to "eenre the BOYLE CO., BMIK UNDERSIGNED, FORMER- - energy tno Market streets. apli c3m Itioitirr com- -, to the My stock e is brace time, lie hopes, ov snd of his home she wa exposed to 3 sudden storm of rain, trti that cartel. Importera and Distillers of Liquors ly doins business on Market street, have ectered patrons, to bring the e to a conclusion at an thefui'OfT.f articiei MEN-llf-- and took cold, tier constitution, cat arally weak. PclrtltA--: ana Wines, into copartnership, under the name au'i style of arlier neriod. in which case due notice will be riven. Rica Dress Goods 1dr Trac: U hliilN Ali, and tiave removed their stock to Only l,&4t tickets to be sold. Tickets only was speedily afscted, as l consumption, that terri- C? Wfctk.Llirie;S5krf3:T'j: Jri.i!e Morocco EV'Eli Nos. 5, 57, 19 Second BY" 1 0 hox:i 4j latr; and St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Main street, beteen ilia and Sixth streets, at Uowdy, RECEIVED DAY EXPRESS ble foa of youth and boautr, seU-- 1 her as atr; do Soap; Gsraei '.ea'.hert; Patent if, Terry it Co.'. store, up stairs. THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN GIFTS. at'ca 3 dos ih iUer Lrooms; St"rpi; 3" IOUORS AND WINES IN U. S. Tiieir fctockcomprikesa variety of French and Sviss The undcrsi.ned does not wish to speculate on the 21 A It K sfc DOWNS, another victim for its mighty holocaust of daatb. 1') d a 'A hitdsli Llraihfi: oo; Ji.tts; Warehouse. Through - to plan to op Vt typo was with- - Ia store and fv.r sale c:f o: Bnct'.ea; Bonded our Mr. 8. 8. Bovie. Watches, Jewelry, end Watcli Matena:s- They are public, but ft) shea on'y adopt this close 471 first tho of her di.esi mild, but br ot Sew York city, we have mde extensive arrxngtmer ts confident thev cai suit their cuscomers. aud solicit fila business: his health is failiutr, and he wants to re 471 Main Street, ia ihrc9 weeks it had a fjarful iharacttr, apll H1B3TTT & gQX, 4?9 MirVet '.ireat; for the importation of foreign Liquors We beiore elsewhere. tirefri-- business The public ire invi.ed to call Mid Tack.; F.i'iiC Wh.'ptJ and Witts. their patronage purchasing r MORNING OPENING wore JlALr-CHtibT- hxve just received a ltuv-- sapp y,ti whic! we invile xamioe the goods, at Mr. It rents s Jewelry More, JNo. THIS and cot Ler days evidently few. ffXTUA. Ml S SU- - Coach I. aces, faps-- do; Spring B-J the attention f tne tradt-.- . Uur facilities are snch as to ib Market street, one uoor above una. air. jr. re ARE sunerblv beau iful Goods. to which ror t'iis drcautul intelligence Claience was not cerior Teas ia atora and f r hv V.)ij dc; , HCouainted with they respectfully invite general a.tei.lion: Cch lrcrt;Ciothij Jllpiie enab.e us to ceilat low prices. L'Ok LK St CO-- Copartnersnip Notice. fur. oil ado arft not him to tha citi prepared. Us learned, but ha be red more, and apl UIIIdiTT Jt SOX. Ranoert':! f N. os. fc, i", and ti Second street, sens of Louisville, lie has been living ia Louisville LR&bs UUot'9 uonipriSirif eiegaiii uounceu em Aii and I?ndt; Fame. twelve y ears, aud feels no hesitancy Robes, broche striped Cbene ouxs, black Pou de Soie though his ht&rt wn.s heavy, hope kindled a bright cr25dly Cincinnati, Ouio. UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS the past in , 3" I31E. 73 RE- - Trent Moaraa: t r i c c a risamme i to the citizens who he has known during that Silks, Orsandia Mudlir-s- Barege Robes, pink smile in rcacly faca as he entered BBLS LI3IE JUST &c THE associated with hire in business JOHN T. sis the psrlcr eetve l wrt. . h Kal.Ircn, HDU kv Merino, DoLna Louise , printed CaibUics, Der T"leraoh J- me. parucuiacjr so fr tly on haDd a asgortmeB RUM. 2 PUNCHEONS Sit. UK s and U. ine yie 11 uuitiniuwunauiiti Mourning Lawns.&c. where to had spent many hours of exquisite pll JOHN ii. ANDliita JN,) laird St. Alto.Veei.. cor,it reneral I utssjii 1 . With him. , , . Hr. iiea. :,d JAMAICA for sale by Kl.ANdAiiN KL. MOORh at ML UKA who will con are ALSO S me very beautiful Stel'a 8?arfj, Persiaa happine.-s- Ha had alighted lrotn tha stage juat hiJle. Hurnem. Trurkt. Oroocry Commission Business The following tno articles to ie aistnouteii: - N . SiLAN'CAUMCL, tinue the Whol sale and Scarfs. French Laco Mantles, Linen Lawns, gray Cren- CIDER, tjo it. .Allordart rospt:y attended to at the f horteel apU MOORE MURRAY. 'A S Uold Uontisg Watches, each , before it entered the village, and proceeded WRESH BBLS FRESH k at tne old stand, bird street, between Mom and 4nta' bird-ey- e Diar-ers- at H- pooea. eraii a . tUiJ 10 00 oline, Alpaca Skuts, Cactus Skirts, Cider received T Ul.lNIUIliri. , oe orce to the residence of Lucy. Just and wle bv 4 Uctts' Oold Vatches, one at s0, tc-- sec; ail oi wiucn win soiu at tow prices, apu apu J'jux d. 0 Th;nl gPAKISH CLARIFIED WINE. Lcvu vitxc, March 10, lwo. ) 250 00 Aa Mi j. May entered the roctn, the nail on his AlK.t;t:i, s. PnsnlKh Clarifled for ril one at $75, and one at rilS scter Wire hr 4 two apla BLASCAtiMITL. MtXiKK & MURRAY. Ladies' wold Hunting Watches, CAS3DIERES, AND lips faded. for her rale face told a sadUl to his BAGGIXr; T. BLAHCACKIEL. JOHXT. KOOKI. O. t. it RAT. o5 two too aiu uu LOTUS, lagging, res d at and at Vestings. heart. by BLANCAQNIEL, MOORE fit MURRAY, Ladies' Uold Watches, one at $6o, one at 40. 3 la stcre and for salo t c 1 HATS FOR SPRING, 1556, DON PORTER. 30 CASKS, one at $37 143 00 bale black French Cloths ; " Clarence, dear Clarence, you have the welcome nrw T.I.BBT.VT,SOS CO. fRESS and 1 X and of tte finest qualitr, for ft. BON and Quarts, In store and for sale by WHOLESALE GROCERS, GentV Silver Lever Watches, four at IS, one case do do Doeskin Cassimeres; of fend hearts." J 11 i 1 do fancy Cawimeres; I'or. or Hu.iess Vs at aU prices. apU KONDA tl MORRIS. CClLitlSSlOU AKD FOEWAKDLKO SlXRCIIANTS, Chrcnomi ter Balance at tab 127 00 5LUE LICK WATER. 40 BBLS "1 1 checked Marseilles Vesting; "Ho ia Lucy? Why is your face deadly pale ? h Cap. in every variety. 1 Music Lex. Slo. two Rilver Oobiets, one at do 9 fresh Blue Lick Water Wul have - 15; one Tea Pot, Uli 138 00 Received and for sale cheap ly Oh, say, is she not dangerously ill ? tell me" Jut iik and iieaver Hat mdcorflT. 50 bASKETS CHAM- No. 29 Third St., Main arid Water, ib and one at sc asd a supply ia store a:.d .!e by H. WOOD, sol Market street, WINE. let fcilver-pi-f ted Castors, ope tJU one mrlO 1. St U. 8LKVIJX coniant fr JA8. pagne Wine received and for sr.1. by : 3 at and at t'lUI. a thought cf misery entered his heart, she is ire) l- - x. bU St LU. tnr8 Three above 1 side. jest LUUISVILLE, JkY. 15; UakC nvaca, io SO vu tietikx. dotrs ourto, south apli foMJA &. MORRIS. one oh, my God, ray Fathar ia heaven strengthen me They will always bare on Land a large stock of Gro S Qoid one at ia, two at ceries, inriu one at two at $ IS. a ad three at (U 16$ 00 Sign of tho Golden Hand. she is dying even now, dying f jOR SALE. 7 sets s and Breastpins, one at 15, two ay, nay, Uiarence, said tha mother, sooth bKl ih strictly aTLARET. $la 145 00 RE-- is prtne ?tn(ar; 2nd boxes EL t at tQ. and four at EOHGE BLANCHARD HAS we l ibbbis and Um 1 Clsrft. Julien s, 1U, 8, ingly. "Lacy lives, and must hope for tha best; jises; 40 CopartnerBnip. 85 pairs five at four at two at tn southwest corner of Second and IA prune Kio " iope Clement, j.neca- - mm.'il tha ba not alarmed you sea Codee; WIG lalAirLTFACTORT. sale Bt id, ouoai fa.iwciii atoiione strc- where he will to keep a fine bat if her facs paler than So ob s Syrup; fcr by 1 Main ts, continue tio:den fit THE UNDERSIGNED, at - 175 00 my own. you able to bear tha swht ? apll BLANCAOSIIL.MOORE MURRAY. li. one eighteen assortment of An now bas i'epper and Ppice; WE, this d.r formed a Conartnershin. nnder 37 llreastpins for liatlies. at tis, at ."Men's wmm, so boxes ground I'epper; 110, W, five at two - Clothing; uim There was bat little consolation to hii fsars in BBLS the trm and ttyle of MLiisLLMAM CO., tor the three at at7, two at6, Boys' do; Gum Packing; 1"0 do Soap; 70R SALE600 WHISKY purpo.e of carry ing on and doing a uencr< tobacco three at as, twenty, ten atSJou . 3S5 00 FurnisMng Goods; Odd Fellows' Regalia; the reply of Mrs. May. Lucy was living, bet there 7i do Can I'.cs; At. S00 W.t new Fonrbon. now in store: 100 new Con Mauufactunng Business. We hoie from our long ex- - 4 iold Extension reus and Pencils, one at fls, do; Masonie do; was aa anguish in the expression, "hope for tha ' d ?carch; ner, ia acre, and oo to arrive ty 1st June an 01 the nrru-ii- aa Tubacco Alanuiacturers to receive troui tlie n,1(.iitaiaso. twoataia tita Guttapercha; Masonic Carpets; 1"0 do J- - $7, best," and he said hurried y, " Oh, take me to ber be make. arft.n. i.ui.lic a share ot their We have taken the l l Uold Pencils, three at five at id, three at 9. Trimmings, &c, &c. &) do Cottou lim; apS Main street, between sixth and eerenth.,No. k T birJ street, utwetn Main ard the river, creates 69 00 GEO. BLANCnARD, at once, new," and he pressed bis hand on his ?3,0oi) Ciar, van jQ, brands; where we will be cieased to see our friends and custo 16 Bilver Extension Pens and Pencils, four at 15, jnr27 Corner of Second and Main streets. throbbing brow, and then sinkirg on his knees, ) itoieo Brooms; mers. We pledge to give at 4. two at 13 lb, two at 13. two at t,i 61). 60 00 ourselves entire satisfaction fiir , Go-j- , 50boelned Herrinf: B?INE OLD WHISKY. ry us. 83 Lockets, Chains, Bracelets, Clasps, Belt whilst Mrs. May knelt he entreated L in ail Xobacco manufacturer Gold Ijo cb.s S. V. and str Fiottr; 80 hbls Pol Keller's brand OJd Bourbon; BiKC'U MLBStLMAN, Buckie 8 "O AND UfJINfiU AT U. in a voice choked with emotion, for strength to W do Lime, hr-l- VJECE1VKD received to da ; 20 Mcllvain's do do; ANDRhlW J. MUfcBiLMAN 13 Seals, one at vw110, three at i 60, three at IS, JISL jto.m rorRTn eT., bit. main asd, lij Old rob F. TURNER'S, Fourth street bear tho trial to kiss the rod of chastisement, to luJbal'e kat:ia,; bbls Crowe's brand Corner. Louisville, Teh. 22, 18ao ie-- 7 dif tWO &l VJ llircc 11 x, I1A D.Cy ai .4 19 90 lemon, pink, gren w oot uo i.aines; t.Ovd eaas ftesh Feaohes; for Tut LouieriUt, nearly t caa be bad really Bcperbiue, and receivo tha bitter with theiwtet; and prayed that low by Oldttt Std in Th'.slotis the that of 9 FiuBRr Rings five Diamond and four of them Super blue, lerooo, and all colors Bareges; rl TUL 3TIM j KLT. genuine and fine old Whibky t it is bec.minr vtry Emerald two at 115, five at 113. two at 110.... 110 00 Organdis Robes; tha cup niit;ht pass from hiin.even as did hla Mas NICHOLAS INVITES THE Copartnership Notice. at no, a oo Barece and finuccea T!TRS. scarce. orsa;eDy Ltpj j.aiots.o. Rni Kinffs. four four at mi Siik Tissues and llrenadines; In days of his incarceration ana anguish. . customers to her Ruby, ter the attention ff hT and others 10 pear), knatreied, andEchmoine Rings, 30 pieces figured Bareges (low priced.) M MARSLT STREET FLOUR STCRE. newly in vented ikMlLAliAU vifMUu "lus 100 - AV1NG ASSOCIATED WITH atldeach 60 00 Us arose, and with a oalraer vcice said : I can see Also, a splendid asaortmentof Lathes' M iga, Half vijrs WEET WINE. RBLS.BFAU- M. the business hitherto conducted 14 Kmva Enameled, Box, Glass. Garnet and To-- MOURNING GOODS. her now." Zf BBLS SUPERFINE FLOUR; , by to Jr-d- ana n u . ic w tifully fined, for sale the dray load tbe trsde by myself, under the style of A. teinau,the firm will, at 15 60, eight at i 73 00 bombjxlne-flnis- 40ba4s(e.iial to bbU); curis, airi), I'Mninn wi S M pat iix Super black Canton Cloth; moment joined r half at the shortest notice. UK, 'i. M(.iloLAe, J. iNKb. from this day forward, be altered to gTELHAU At 19 assorted Rings Garnet, Opal, and To pax Supir black Tamise Ctoth and Lustres; At this I them, with Lu?v's Just received and t(r fcr Si ourtL street.between Hain and ALarket. 1. 1 iniLN. at k0, sixteen at 44 77 go Chailies ; earnest request should coma K KSNJt DT. Market t mrlie tliree Lupin's super black and th.t Cbrence t her JAMala itreet. r.nsm, Acent. TiWHISKY. 100 BBLS OLD The trading community Is most respectfully invited 30 aisarted Rscgs Garnet, Paste, and Topa-z- Super blacV Crape Barege and Silk Bareges; at once. We entered tha chamber just as Ellen feS Between hiiih and Seventh. V W Whisky ?n .tore sr-- for sale by to investigate tbo present stock, and to bestow on the nine at ai o,ix at s 00, uve at J., so so French, and English Prints; Bourbon wul a American, had partially opened a bliuJ, and the rays of Public Benefactor. SON Si CO. new firm the patronage so liberally extended to tha ticket admit lady and gentleman to and Scotch Ginghams. . last A mr23 T.Y. liKLNT, LV Ech Mancnester sunlight AILS. lOt) KEGS ASSORTED former one. - WEAR, streamed fairly through into tha room. THROUGH SCI uau ana BOYS' ails and Drsds la store and for sal? r A PERSON WHO TKLD BOURBON WHISKY. 100 t'e iickeutooo huh aiucrent noteis, at and Angola do; and fell for a moment on tha white eheak of Lucy, Ct'KO At CO. 1A snd research, make a discor A.STBIKAU...... St. LIGHTS the Store I i- rcma. in i raaaimer.: rl'n tl'd ir.mMrf large of warranted pure, In stor. snd for sale by Brown and wbite hioen rillings and Linen; ronairmg its nuo stui more snowy. ery which is of vitsl to a class the BKr-- T, feON St RE- - prove a lasuoa; mrl T. Y. CO. STOCK IS MOST w. the nsderslgned, have known Mr. A. Tree ts for Linen Checks, Cotton ad, an! ; Alas! Clarence, as his earnest ayes met those of WASHBOARDS. JUST whom it will Half-Hos- for boy s. w w to OUR assorted by late Importations In Watches a number of years, and have always regarded him as a Brown and mixed ecived per Telegraph, a supply ef O. Kice'a erwtiiv the alve rPe.1''.,?i?.V. Lv BRAN-dv.A-- e. his betrothed ber whom ha had left in tha very 1 ertullK A AND kinds Jewelry. We can oifer ad- 01 Teracity r auu nonorauie. Tariety goods, we patent 'Wa3hicrJs. mi V rll EL lI IN 1K FOREIGN WINES and all of superior man ti,... with a sreat of other hart perfection, of youthful (which in i!.e name artioein a liquidate) arecr vantages to buy trs, bo Hi In regard of cheapness and vribli. TtlOMASHOa, biah ef loveliness now apS II. BtrRKIIAH.DT.417 Market at. MJS f OAPX. BAM'Lf. DLLLER, receivedauooneriorimt L'VJV, Via? .. of the skin. These articiei 1 Quarter Howard, March Co.'s superior choice of selection. . .. how changed! His heart sank within him, and tain rrofd:ei lor a'l eiev cnks It w MARC HAND, apJ J. IUIWiIHIVIUIll. of which are di.tiDgawhed med n Our atches nave acquired a reputation throughout . t. sob anguL-- h sire cmponord planU Slaileira ine, K. with a wild of ho clasped her pale 5 DRUMS CODFISH for tli-- ir extrm-l- v riesr.sir g aud purifyinl 19 quarter casts Piei'v Wine; the Western country, and we are determined to meet mrStdtf JOSH. FLINT. CODFISH. Acting immediately upon the tnioate see. 10 do Dry Malaga vrfne; every competition. thin firgers, and kitted her colorless lips, kneeling Bay C'ty aid frr by jruicpea. V. Ocrtli, VV sla Yi apla . it. retory vesse's and of the skin, the e3ects are I do superior Port W ine; e request a call and aniarestigation of our stock to - Selling off Co3t ! J. AKD IM tha while at tha side of her coach. U.BO &avUA&D 1,417 Market st. miracui jus. All tendency to irr:tition is allayed, $ octaves tuperiorCognae Brandy; eonvince purchasers ot the trutn of our assertions. at UrOBTIl Dlltll "Clarenes, my owa Clarence," said tha dear r'rl, dissipated , 5 OCdt at end all in" or roii.liiiess is fadily bls A ppie ir ndy turre y ears old Tery fine BlalAAU LlCttli. to tuprjorted by HANDLES. Ther remedies for pisnpls. frecliles. tsn, SO do 00 do. new; Swiss Embroideries &WIiite Goods with aa effort nse, which sha did sreTJin a pure Positively no his arm. Ha spot a ha oould dared boxee Star Can iTan: Ihioicliea, arilurn. morplew. and other ntrightly i do Peach Brandy, article; Humbug! sot sot, sot w uo oo Uicli are so iiiu.icul to femaie lore.iness to 1 1 y t do; eruitions, 7 or ale in iu ! ! Jfo. 461 Main Street, speak. SO do In tfo g'uliemen who afff 'rm irritation of the skin ic feli MA .LACE POn sk CO. New Goods New Goods 510,000 Worth of Watches, Clocks, ii da do; tre aM for y will tie fxat.d to be extreme1. NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN FOURTH AND IIITH, Clarence, cheer up, my beloved." Bat her for nrl NoCK.. WICa.3 to. tliaviiic. thee articles WALL PAPERS', BORDERS, do , RE-- Jewelry, &c , &c. lieneficial. Afi'r nsnig Julet U.uei's Nnu'h tos tne JUST IN titude failed, and all she could do was to bnry her a. a it not liW' to brroiu from roueh winds. WHISKY FOR SALE CE1VEU PER LATJS ARRIVALS. 2,000 PAIRS OP SPECTACLES! 70ULD RESPECTFULLY brsom and weep. We did 16 G r SHANGHAI of Dry Goods merchants to face ia her lover's aot BAGS. BALES which is almot.uretoci-u- hfterusingacy 'tlir soap K. r by fmriyj biauujl at vite the attention grief; nay, wa GUNNY" art.a-e- ree-iv- rnn AND ON ACCOUNT OF new wen a or spnr gi attempt to check their wept with in store ai for site hr have the waine from fnaUILDERS THOSE IN his entire and assorted tori) Y. Pi.el rao di;iocr.ii hed clieiruei ar d i'tjysician., respectfully solicited te e AFRENTZ, determined to from busi anmmer Good, consisting in part of genuine Swiss them, and sorrow for a whil bad iu luxury cf tears T. tt.Jt.7, S05 st CO. tome our SKY. MJf want are call and retire C and have obtained a popular .tr, winch ha HI amine our assortment of Wall Paper. Borders, ness, and oilers his entire stock of W atches, Clocks, .a.mA r'nllor. Sleeves. Chemisettes. Window u put up, aacne f0 bWs rectifled Whisky; of tc. faticy Goods, dotted and figured white and col.w.d Swiss Mus-"-: unrestrained. JX) t rdurvd aoniC persot.s in me atyie, just received. Our stock cnsistv the most modern .Ivwelrv. Jet snd Koectsc'.es. and. in tains, . NS AND LINSEY. BALES, w fcObbUcorpcr trt-cim- . Swiss Gin( Clarence at length broke tha silanox. imiLaUon. k or sale a holeeaie sn.l 'ctsil doi aod approved styles of Papers suitable for parlors, fact, every article usual1 v kptin a s establish an 1 r by 10 old Bourbon, extra; for very best styles and I JE brands, In store f G. NICHOLAS, chamliera, halls, Sic., affordir g a vaned assortment, ment, at cost raica. ins assortment embraces a.l the of which are of the latest and Lney, roy own dear God f r?Jva ma for BitADV O ornery and hancv fe28 J AM 8 sVrKINXEDT. Ly ap t ATI 13. At bis Wig Msnufactorr.Perf More inequiled for neatneM and exuuisito Unish. Intent imr.rovements and strles.and 'ComDletein.verT goods own se'aua CTiei;" and ca f rventlr Kg. h mret, aei-- M Mark' are they will find The stock of Snectac es are of verv am Imnortlne most of these direct from itt add! apU oiiri tin and. - The ruh:ie assured at all tines nurticnlar. the up bis eyes to AND WINE. extensive and eomplete an assortment as can be foun best, and known as tbe "Solomon Spectacles." Those the manufacturers in Switxrlnd, I am enabled to oiler ltftifljc tearful heaven. "Fa'ber; ASSES. 300 BBLS MOL.YS- - BRANDY will by Lbem tno voty lowest price.. to arik:h,'.., 20 TIERCES IN 40 cases Branny: elsewhere in the city, and at greatly rodueed prices. In waut of bargains find It to their avar tgo at my civa us ttrace bar this trouble and i." ses Jast received ia store r f ml bv TICE. RICE AYAJila saMLRl'Udi. 641 Main street. ca rg on a. Purchasers will find it to their Intertlt to examine 40 &o Wine; In We ss'eby ', turning to me, added, Doctor, oh, pray w ap SOS. sv store and tor sal br Claret andrf apl between Second mraf 408 Market street, on door above, fUtai before Day infeiaewaere. m ti Ii.A.BAadlCtai pl - f A st MORJUa. and Third. itoca