
Til XTXirXKO WORLD, TUX ID AY, AUGUST 24, .mi. LEARNS MUCH M HOSPITALS. "I Ia.4 m ta fnr brt laf,' la in'tiiin mvrnnr ini Hf pireuir, in sail, 'Ma I rmU Inattt In GOON. Y. WIDOWS rar fnr arts tm up audi rhlld pt BIG BILL" IS IN! rtai la rrwtr IvserHisI Mrk t.irOia tilUrrn. Imr1t-- d urh raw l,a Am, m srea ty iM. ! ibrr Usrtt Iwk retd-n- l of tla tens tni- or of Is Ul ft t,4Uv awi-vlalu- Neteor he e mIU. was MMi lli4fl kr lh r"f )rrlB fnf M n alWwarir iimuU trUii If, Ukla , a iiatlMtlf 4 rlf4e lw t if for a irto4 f Dr r Kraut. of t tinicwitm ' ASK FOR twe tear jtnmrllalMr iitroMtlnt; Ui HE'S A CANDIDATE ti. Co. PENSIONS; mi ( llslllf OUr, arrlt.4 James McCreery & Ht r'lm, and rtM hue lssitar WtilU I Imh4 f fed frxtn a41s ey UnSMl bM.s riUrrn the I'ntlfd OtdacA. MAY H Amk -- Mlale and wf III HUU UrCAI'R i tl ... resident at Aml1na la ta tUf HrVs III lime vt lis death ffUM uicn ( II laaMtU. a own nf In--plt lrlr HARP1KATW0RK granlifib an allavearu FOR SHERIFF JOB fer serrtee In war sJ. lis Mir. 4ikH '. " Street 6th Avenue ...... -- . . . t . . . n. K 8frbears) iall , "If t .1 l. linr wi.ri i.n J1 mm that ht mthr It ttrtwit in u iw9 urns iipepiiai i vivtina . r bit prtn I enabl Mr I el,, Special Sale on Wednesday and Thursday , but further h if such M It Be- tiraM th eMM f thllslren Already Swindlers Have - mwsi t care- in an intwu , And Tammany Leader "MASTER-MADE- lienal hm, ir J McCKEERV " FURNITURE gun Scheming to Get Poor "N'irii mi allusranr r allowance Wants It Too So There'll wiiall not nrxil amount or Mothers' Savings. mount wtileh l would I tirrreaary (Eu. At Savings Up to 50 In av la an Institutional limne fur Be Some . Altmait $c the I4r of mirli widow- - child or i lnl lrrii " t'urchaici Made On and After Wednctday, Augutt 25th, BOARD ISSUliS WARNING The rampala-- In oWatn the Dnno. Will Appear on Bill Rendered October the Itt. rratto nutmnatlen for H heriff for ''tliu 39 FAMILIES IN PANIC HlU" Inwards, former Htreet Clean A Reduction Sale of No Extra Money Required of Ins; Commissioner, look definite form (a day followlne a dinner at the Hilt- - Young: Men's and Boys' Women Deserving of WHEN BOMB more last nldit at whlrh the Imom EXPLODES . waa formally Uurirha-d- of "Hl to-morr- Hack for ow (Wednesday) will comprise the State's Aid. Hill's" M.plratluns- - hn freely admits that this Is a case of the man nk- - practically the entire Summer stocks, marked ins: the oniro -- Is a formidable array By Sophie Irene Loeb. of business, financial and political &t prices to facilitate a complete end Imme- - Tht Child Welfare Hoard recently fore a. clearance. pointed by tli Mayor to carry out Mr. IMwnrda baa (rone Into the prl dlatc Ua Wldowi' 1'rnalun mtl In their Pretty Dressmaker's Flat Is nmry nunpslen as an Independent tw Democrat, prospeots of Dtw quarter, In tho City Hall llulld-In- s, with rtcetlrnt Youri& Men's Suits, In fancy mixtures, yaatarday. Tim work of clamilfy. Nearly Wrecked, She and securlmr the Tammany Indorsement. Inc and KettlDK ready for lnvetlcu. n connection with the Shrievalty sit. reduced to . $10.00 & $13.50 lion the apitlctloia for hllowiuiow Daughter Imperilled. nation Hum Murphy finds himself In Two-ple- under the new act la now under Hay. au embarrassing position. Young Men's co Suits (a T.'nro nr ulrrnily ovrr (00 uptillua-t.on- a. At a mertliiK of the Ki.eutlve Com $8.50 Th City Hall rooma will lio Mr. Ida Klnmnny, a pretty dress, mlttee last week Mr. Murphy was In- limited quantity) . reduced to Ten-piec- used rta a mi otliiK place for tho board. maker. nirnJ thirty, who lives with formed that the I Une had arrived for e Adam Model Suite, iih illustrated, including Buffet (10 inches long, seven-yenr-ol- d dnilfc-lite-r, Boys' Norfolk Suits, in fancy mixtures, In a fow duya, whin formal umiII. her Kltla, on tho nomination of a district leader for five top seven-stor- y China Closet, KxteiiHiou and Side Tallies, Sidechuirs and one Armchair; chair cation blanka are printed, appllcanU Iha Hour of thft limisa Sheriff. Seelnic that this sentiment reduced to $4.75 & $6.50 raaldlnK In the ilnroimh of Mitnhattan at No, l!0 Hast Kljchterntli Htrcot, was about unanimous Mr. Murphy seals upholdlered in haircloth. 245.00 regularly 325.00 will be was dotlni; ahorlly mldnlfrht to. dlscov-cre- roctlvvil at tliu City Hall (tin. nfter ucquleaced. Immediately ho d ... trance facing Hroadwny). day when Mi hoard footstep on the that almost every lender In the Boys' Washable Norfolk Suits, reduced to 2.25 In order to ronf overhead, and a moment Inter Dining Room Furniture Chamber Furniture ucllltato the worlf of orKanlt.itlon had a llfrhtnlnt; rod up (u In tukltiar application and to savo Ioiik- - mtnii iino In the hull outside her fur said nomination. Boys' Washable Suits broken lot, sizes Tai-piec- c Bin-nito- Dull MiihoKnny Suite, Four-piec- e dlatunco travel for mot hern with clill- - door. (Iradually the usplrnntn were weed ranging from to 8 years), reduced to $1.15 Solid Mahogany Suite, includ- dren, the following otllcea for appll- - A Inw minutes after she bad fallen ed out, but several persistent loaders model, regularly 300.0(1, 195.00 ing Dresser, Chiffonier, Toilet Table and Full cation purposes ar ilesliuinted! asleep sho was awakened by a loud remain In the field and considerable Tcii'picce Acltim Model Suite, nmde ex SircUcd. regularly 210.00, 149.00 Borough of tht Dronx Oergtr roar and the descent of part of the bitterness has developed. Mr. Also the remaining stock of BOYS' STRAW to clusivcly & 295.00 Four-piec- Bulldlnn. Arthur and Trtmont celllnic over tho bed. Tho door her frlenda think It would be Rood for Jitnies McCreery Co. e Colonial Model Suites, In Dull Avtnutt. room had been blown In, dishes, fur politics m the part of Mr. Murphy to HATS, at sweeping price reductions. regularly 875.00 Mahogany. Borough of Quttni Town Hall, nlture nnd windows wero broken, and regularly 250.00, 207.00 havn the orKanliatlnn Indorao a dark Ten-piec- e Model inliiid Fivo-picc- Flushlno. aim nnd the child were covered with hurso llkn Mr. lOd words who, althousrh Sheraton Suite, o Louis XVI. Model Suites, fin- Borough of Rlohmond Dorouqh bruises from tho debris. hn has never been actively allied with with ebony. regularly 550.00, 395.00 Tammany, has never engaged In war ished in Ivory Enamel. 300.00 Hall. A bomb was exploded ap.iln-- t her Atirmtr-HaiiU- un fare on tho oriranlKatmn. Mr. 3ftfth Aitrnur, Ten-piec- e Ilepplcwhitu Model Suite. Borough of Brooklyn No. 327 door nnd amused all the tlilrty-nln- n was In Mayor MoClcllan's Cab regularly 000.00 8chtrmtrhorn 8treol and Eaglt families In tho house. Within n fow inet but never took any part In tho regularly 000.00, 467.00 Four-piec- e Adam Model Suites, finished in Building, 1022 Mr. McCleiian waged, on Murphy. 34tlj no 35tii &tntt Sfrui flnrk No. Gatti Avtnut. minutes scores of men, women and flirnt Ten-piec- e William and Mary Model Kor the. prejient all correspondence children worn crowding the corridors, Suite. Brown Mahogany or Ivory Enamel. 198.00 aliould be addressed to Hoard of stairs and front and rear fire es- regularly 480.00, 382.00 regularly 275.00 4 Child Welfare. City Hall. capes. Policeman Smith of the East Information has been received by Twenty-secon- d Street Station finally Library Drags Beds and Bedding members of tho board that ccrtnln persuaded them all to ro back to their Furniture peraons aro soliciting money rooms. from Fninous Fireside Wing Chair or Hockcr, llrass Beds, with Colonial posts; panel wldowa under tho jtuIbo of aorvlco In An Investlicatlon showed the bomb I aecurlnK a pension. All persons hnd torn a blc nolo In tho tile floor P Founded 182 jfcelcy 1900 f upholstered with curled hair nnd mo; cov- in head and tool; hand-rubbe- d dull finish. money In this way will bo .outside Mrs. Klomony'a door and had o o ered in . regularly S5.00, 15.00 regularly 30.00, 17.50 prosecuted. Tho board cmphntlcnlly 'done about $100 damage. Not a par-tlcl- o wrna all women against making of It romalucd. Mrs. Klomony, Solid Mahoijnny Rockers, covered in Tapes- Brass Beds, with square posts and square aucb payments to any ono nnd to said to be the first woman to rocelvo I & I try, regularly 21.00, 19.50 filler rods. regularly 35.00, 24.50 mnko report of any such solicitation a visit from bomb throwers In Man o Jayor o Lord Hair in two to the Uourtl of Child Welfare hattan, told the police she knew no 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Famous "Howard" Easy Chairs, covered iu Long Curled MattrcsSc, one or Tho application blanks will he seri- reason for It. Tapestry. regularly 45.00, 29.50 parts. regularly 20.00, 19.50 ally numbered and will not be illstnb. Her husband, a tailor, works lu I Charge Purchases Made August 25th to 31st Overstuffed Sofas, with loose down cush- McCreery "Hand-Laid- " Mattresses. 35.00 titod to any onn save by inanition of! Anbury I'ark. Sho declared nolthor Will Bills the Child Welfare Hoard, who will bo had received threatening letters. The Appear on Rendered October 1st ions, regularly 00.00, 69.50 regularly 45.00 personally responsible for them. Tim uuuru detectives decided the bomb was In announces mat no widow needs Solid Mahogany Library Tables. . .29.50 French Upholstered Box Springs. 15.50 toi spend money to necuro tho pension. tended only to frighten her. I Wnon her application Is received. If regularly 45.00 regularly 20.00 ho qualifies under tho law, shn will by c c receive the pension, ns School .Innhnr Killed Pnll. Fumous "Martha Washington" Work Heavy Woven Wire Springs. 5.00 soon as appro, returnll yesterday from a MOURNING MILLINERY Tallies. Extra prlatlons aro made by tho Hoard of After it Estimate. Mirutlim of twj weeks. Thomas W I I regularly 20.00, 10.75 regularly 0.50 slxty-etfth- t, Newly Arrived from Paris The principal part of the Inw kov-trnln- if Harris, was cleanine win tho application is ns follows: dows of J'ubllc School No. 103, Fifty O O Tho Honrd of I'liil.i and Fourteenth Avenue. w proud of those for whom she mourns, has poured w Its third Street Paris, out Jn dlscrotlon, when funds liavo' IlrookUii. when th rope, which was OtM been appropriated therefor. Brant nn iii.ti.irtln him. broke, lie fell GO feet her richest art in creating Mourning Millinery this season. vr iu die ur- - I ...vjn.iutu iu any dependent widow i " Enn res d nc In n. .. wvKlnn Hospital Hn rrls was one of m,ii. .i . laplcton l'nrk, Never have the shapes, and dainty Chiffons. " school w Bowels Who the for of ma- Liver and Right urn is deemed by the locnl Hoard of twenty-fou- r years. the materials, and the Some the heavier HOLWASSER 9 I chaste adornments been terials arc edged with I Always Feel Fine P.M. 0 so artistic and handsome. . Effective balls AlGuST FlRNiTURE SALE, 25 TO 50 REDUCTIONS ss c There's one right way to speedily ton of Chenille are noticeable Beet models are dis- up the liver and keep Uie ON tin b.vmiii flANOS our roiiii-H- oi U0OH among the artistic trim- bowels regular. a a KTia m All I played from many fa- i Carter's Little CREDIT 5 Vaii'wf iaim. at Cash Sales mous Paris modistes. mings. c Liver Pills never lalL Millions will liberal Credit Terms 3 Uttify there Rooma The materials include 11 m Prices that .aaaaaaaaaW I I 1VOUTU BOU XVUHiLX B so uari Furnisliad i I Unotnnifc! y-le- J75 $1.5) Completa Crepe , Grcn-- rood (or bilious- - a $1.00(0 at I $100 MO 51.50 la J2.JJ -- - tsal 4 w Indigestion, headache or sallow, $65 NEW aumc,J! v.rcpc jiugiaisc, $10 to $25 nets, wmm ai pimply skin. Purely vegetable. JI53 MS Fourth floor Small . Bmall Doso SmaU Prlca 280 520 Hvo-roo- Outfit, I I rill Ursnd lUDtda ur- - GENUINE must bear signature m $30 $10) nuurs. at w S400 $40 $4.0) $275 $50 $5.0) Luxuriously UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE $500 Apartment with tATltr amounts on lonsrr trrms Period Kurnltur. PIANOS our store. value SHOO, now uuoii auullcatlou al For Library and Living Room w $375 PLAYER-PIANO- Our Terms Applr Also to Wow and S York State. Jerssy, Con necticut. Writ tor Our l"r- - i i n 1 ereiaot In the Midsummer Sale and Jl 1 1 r , d V 1. I I ailum Hook no. Kiiree. ITre I IK-I- il... '( vi uiiiy iiii-s- It nd 1 1 O. ii iiiuivu UlfltniHCfS Judge the merits of all Lord & Taylor Furniture by these huge, handsome pieces, built W. L. DOUGLAS 1 r r Krcrr- - semi-nnnuiill- w Cullou y. You may secure right, from their sturdily constructed frames to their smallest detail. Every spring 3.60 '4,00 '4,50 & '5,00 Shoes Msllnl Free unrestricted choice of NEW is tested for its resiliency, every pound of filling is of the most dependable grade, every scam, ( s ll OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT PIANOS selling regularly up every edge as perfect as the most skilled workmanship can produce. Tsar art many to I oralaal Dleislnr 0n 190 What an atmosphere of restful comfort these inviting pieces will give to your favorite n Every $225. TOMORROW ONLY... affects In our lounging room. Spring and Sum-m- ar Evening 1417-14- 23 An rath call i minted in order Urn wblch rem Until THIRD AVENUE to itcure tht piano you prefer ( wlU not Hod In 9 P.M. any othsr male. NEAR GO STREET $5 w It will pay yon to Down. $5 Monthly Davenport In Tapestry Armchair In Tspeitrf call and se th ' puny ntw style 8TO RESIN PLAYER - PIANOS regularly I Usually f? 1 00.00 Ususlly ffis.or pis icaaoo. QRCATII. SELLING UP TO $G00 will be o Special $72.50 Special 39 w NEW YORK TIS, SIT, IMS, ISM BresSnsM TO-MORR- IS ! St., O F P E R E D MS, MSI. tint, Tslrrf le.l HI BUklk til BUOOKl.TSi PLAYER-PIANO- I St. tSOW, lUtkMt. !l fsllss only at 8390. These S f Upholstered, II.,IO-ie- , Rre4srl1Srirtk ImSH Denim Upholstered, Denim sksttii Ill rilkla if. JEKJII rtTI 88 o il.if" Ml Brest llresk are NOTE(the full o 155.00 132.50 IS lewsik IIHlUKi keyboard) and have all the ex- pression devices known to tjie ! i art, enabling any one to render the most difficult music artisti- Library Suite, massive Davenport and Armchair, as illustrated, with loose spring scat cally. TOMORROW ONLY... I cushions and deep pillow spring backs. All hair and moss filling. Covered in a superior t grade of imported tapestry in various rich-tone- d verdure and figured designs or in heavy denim o STHEN you go on ycur racs- - Terms to Suit Your Convenience Upholstered Davenports Armchairs and Rockers tlon this Summer hava I85.00 Davenports in denim $55.00 26.00 Armchair in Jenim $20.00 your favorit papar mallad to I jtyo.oo Davenports in denim $65.00 Armchair in $22.50 I 12 ROLLS OF MUSIC FREE AND 32.00 tspestry ysu every dayi c 95.00 Davenports in denim $67.50 50.00 Armchair in denim $35.0!) o FINE BENCH WITH PLAYER 125-0- Davenports in tapestry $90.00 60.00 Armchair in tapestry $40.00 Evening World, 6c per week 162,50 Davenports in tapestry $100.00 60.00 Armchair in $45.00 All Are Fully Guaranteed I 165.00 Davenports in tspestry $115.00 65.00 Leather chair or rocker $45,00 I Dally World, 12c per week Davenports in $125.00 Leather chair or rocker $JH,30 170,00 tapestry 75.00 Sunday World, Sc per Sunday Liberal Allowance fur Old Pianos Taken in Exchange 250,00 Davenports in velour $150,00 90,00 Leather Armchair $65,00 w 175.00 Tapestry Suite (t Pieces) $100.00 275.00 Velour 'Suite (3 Pieces) $215.00 Ten een nb.rrlb. fer a week er 100.00 Tapestry Suite (3 Pieces) $135.00 315,00 Tapestry Suite (3 Pieces) $225.00 SR7 lensth ef time 70 wlek, aad ( I we will chsnte your sadre.s as Wareroonis 200.00 Velour Suite fjPieces) ,,,.$160.00 310.00 Velour Suite (1 Pieces) $225.00 eft. a rou deitre, 200,00 Tapestry Suite (2 Pieces) $165.00 360.00 Velour Suite (2 Pieces) $263.00 Bend r.mltl.nr. le Osehler. New 5th Ave. wo w Terk Werld. t'ullteer Ilulldlnl, New At 39th St. 150 Arm and Wing Chairs or Rockers. York Cll). KNABE Now Formerly priced up to 45.00 $25.00 each. I Vlctor-VIctroI- as and Records i la a Sixth Floor.

L-i-sjWWsWTl SlfteH wHtr.i.e'i,ir - i