able fighting around the Trooba, the so full and free a debate RHOADES WAS W AS GLAD OF IT • Houses after mmmi preached. lino aoross tho island. Parties on the Cuban military POLICE GAVE BAD ADVICE. WILL LET IT DROP as was granted question. of insurgents havo recently entered the We believe he will be so guided and will, of province Havana, from tho east. They a note, convey to Biddeford Parson in diplomatic Spain nppenr to bo gathering near tho Trocha. Expresses Deligli t_ the wishes of Congress and tender friend- Aroies Gen. reports that the operations That Mr. of Portland ly oflioes. are and Looney against Macuo continued day “If ho does this, he will doubtless tell Great in a night. Theitown of Cuatro Camlnos, Congress what he has done and let us Agnostic Chicago Pulpil provinae of Havana, was burned by the Resulted In a Possible Double Mur- No Further On makes. It is not Was Unable to 15o Action Cuban know mo reply Spain TSae Bed Boom Stool rebels under Mirabel. Present at Temperanc # Question iaa to be expected that Spain will take bis Yesterday. der Iu Meeting in That City Last Night- offer in good part. When the President «*ir window we IS Danbury. and u®ve ALL NOT HAPPY. Thinks He Should Likely. has tendered his good offices Spain i Ho Home Missionar r has replied, then it will be time enough FREE witli Work—Some every full Indignation Expresse i- for Congress to oonsider what lurther British Outlook In Dis- By Portland Man's Friends. policy shall bo pursued. Cbnmbcr The Soudan ^ paeee Ssaat. TELLS HIS CONGREGATION HOW a reasonable time has elapsed, YOUNG MEN TRIED TO GAIN AD- CONGRESS SATISFIED WITH THE 9 “If,Rafter Algo tfiae SI© couraging, [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.} there are no evidences of tho President toy ©© iaiela TO REFORM THE WORLD. oarried out the wishes of Con- MISSION TO DOUSE EIRED ON. Biddeford, April 12.—The Enforoemen t CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. having sat gress, wo will again take the matter up IS mu League, which 1 to a vote the Expenses Are Unexpectedly Enormous- prominently figure in both Houses and push in the recent campaign, held a temp joint resolution, if we oen get a vote in Troops Proceeding Very Slow—Diplo- the resolution of the Known As tin eranoe in 'Hail this after the Senate, and send joint History Organization One meeting City matic Tetters from to Falls Dead, the Other Faaally lu- A to tho President. This will require him Kruger noon. Mr. William H. of Port Joint Resolution, If IntrodnceJ, Would ClturcU Mllitiant Under Whose Auspice) Looney to act. If he were to veto It I am con- C'ltamberluin. j u red—Were Two of a Party Out On a land had been advertised to Undoubtedly Pass—Congressman Peter- over veto. The He Sing) deliver ,th 3 fident we oould pass It his Appeared—Congregation Lark—Are Connected Respectably and address, but he failed to son Thinks President WTill Be Heard only element of danger in the whole ‘•lllest Be the Tie That Binds’* When Ht London, April 11.—The government principal appeal of Good Families. Rev. thing is the ability of tho small minority, proposes that the House of Commons J. F. Rhoades, pastor of tb 3 From—Mr, Draper Confident That Finished Speaking. under the Senate rules, to talk to death shall commence in the Biddeford Universallst an sitting morning 12—This nhurcb, President Will Issue No Proclamation. any measure to which they aro opposed. Danbury, Conn., April oity nouneed 13.—Ator a that beginning Tuesday next with a view to the absence of the Portlam “Mr. Hale and a few men under his Chloago, April prelude was the scene of a affair ATKINSON early Washington, April 13.—A careful can- load iu this very deter- included tho of the invooa expedite business so its to enable Parlia- gentleman and took occasion to add tha | matter, appear pronouncing this that result in a double vass doubtless debate the morning, may he was of of the House of Representatives mined and would tion and of the Lord’s Prayoi ment to bo prorogued at tho middle of glad it; that the laws are en repeating murder. Win. who did the subjeot as long as It was physically pos- Flitcroft, forced no better Saturday showed a complete oessation of FURNISHING in unison, the reading of the tenth chap- August. Tho proposal is not acceptable in Portland than ii ( sible for them to do so. The Cuban joint CO., shooting, is under arrest. His victims excitement over the Cuban situation. ter of with the 35th to the who that the Biddeford, and it is in Mr resolution would ultimately prevail. Luke, commencing Liberals, suspect were Frank 31 Osborne cowardly 21 Ketcbum, street, to dollver The sympathy of tho members was ob- Should the President then decline to act, Momiment So r. verse, singing of a hosanna, of “Nearer early rising of Parliament means giving Looney elsewhere in the state and Wiilis Tomlinson 3 Beaver street. with the but some tho whole fight would be reopened and the a addresses that he fears to viously insurgents, i— My God to Thee” and “America,” the government freo hand to 'carry out temperance de it would be to a finish on the OARLETO^S, The former was killed and the latter oircumstances will bo fought EWanager. its to oxtend the the liver in his own city of Portland. expected necessary floor of both Houses. greatest living agnostic, Col. Robert G. plans operations in was mortally injured. The to rouse the members to action again. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ingersoll, stopped to the rostrum of the Soudan. Neither does it meet with the speakers were Rev. Dr. A. K. P “BIBLICAL CIRTICISM.” Ketohum and Tomlinson were two of The most general expression of opinion ANDYET THEY CAN’T SUBDUE CUBA. Church Militant this morning, and for approval of the Irish members, who Small, Rev. Mr. Estabrook and Rev. Mr a party of four young men who were on on both sides of the chamber was that to the con- calculate that it will tho Rhoades. They complimented the aot Spaniards Made Great Talk About Fight- nearly two hours expounded rightly delay a lark Saturday night. Early this of the Congress had done its duty in adopting Curtains gregation his views on “How Mankind consideration of the land bill. Gerald independent city government, am L ing the United States. Maiue Methodists in Auburn morning they went to 13 Wildman’s by an resolutions Think Balfour, chief secretary for Ireland, will expressed the hope that the reform wouli I overwhelming vote, and Tinted the Can Be Reformed.” ia. —The here Cleansed, Fashiona- on Monday introduce a bill to put the lane, where Mary Fisher and Lizzie declaring that the insurgents wore en- Madrid, April newspapers It Should be The Militant is oi also bring about an enforcement of th j ble Shades, and finished in Frames Steam Stopped. Churoh composed proposal into effect. The h as O’Brien and Flitcroft live. The titled to are with American juries and by opposition young laws. bollligerent rights. angry Piano a of tho former adherents therefore from other process. Covers, , Shawls, major portion determined, apart men wore refused admittance. Having done this and the courts for acquitting the men aooused of to enter of ob- They Some of matter now Bacques, and Garments of aU kinds of the Fullerton avenuo Presbyterian reasons, upon a campaign Mr. Looney’s Biddefori L struction and not withdraw it until tried to break into the palaoe, whereupon being in the hands of the it being filibusterers. The Epooa says that Rev.Mr. Hewote Pres ents a Resolution from at whose he was in President, one of the greatest congregations friends, suggestion church, the government pledges itself to hold an Flitoroft appeared and told them to de- was deemed better to leave it there. if there is a conflict between Spain and CLEANSED OR DYED Which the Haled Out—Another vited to oome here, are indignant at Rev Blsllop of that denomination in tho city, and autumn session. to shoot if the United sist, threatening they did not While not openly expressed, there was a States, Spanish diplomacy on Same Offered. with Pastor Hr. John As far as it has gone, the Soudan ex- Mr. Rhoades’s referenoe to his absenoe. AT FOSTER’S FOREST CITY Subject who, Rusk, The men and will succeed in a few weeks in pedition is the war office obey. young persisted tacit admission by many of the oonspicu- making branched off into an disappoiuting'to independent orga- and Flitcroft firod. The ran to THOSE WHO the interesting to all DYE HOUSE & STEAM Auburn, 11.—At the forenoon the government. Despatches are sent finally party OBEY LAWS CAN STAY ous leaders, that the House would be act- European question April as tho result of the of from Cairo colonies in the New nization, opposition daily praising the rapidity of Main street where Ketcbum laid down to the President in powers having session of the Maine Methodist Confer- ing unfairly adopting World. The insinuates that a minority of the to the tho movement at the front and the com- paper Spain CLEANSING congregation and expired. He bad been shot in the a of WORKS, ence, the following were elect- of the The Porte Telegraphs Regarding Report e( [ joint resolution belligerency, y hich will obtain England's aid. A majority delegates introduction of a radical in the pleteness preparations. truth, change us heart. of the the that the is Preble st. ed to the general conference: Kev. known at the war office, whioh is sus- Expulsions of Missionaries. it would be mandatory upon him, to papers express hope Preble House conduot of tho service, the use tained will decline any meditation opp. Including by private advices, is that the ad- Tomlinson then said he had been shot. or veto. It was not doubted government George D. Lindsay, Portland; Rev.W. F. approve nnnfpne/ol hn Urnoiilont fTl PH 1 ft r» fl Telephone Connection. of an instrumental orohestra and the vance beyond Assouhn is excessively slow, He was removed to the hospital. Tom- that if a joint resolution came before the Berry, Watervtlle; Alternates, Bev. E. attachment to tho churoh of an omnlov- Luiug uampereu uy a ueucient river ser- Washington, April 12.—The Turkisl linson was hit in the neok and face S. Stack pole, Auburn; Rev. D. B. Holt, mont hospital, house and othoi vice and the want of forage. The worst by legation has received from the Sublirm House, it would pass, though by a ma- the shot. Flitoroft, the two women and BURNED HIS BUILDINGS DR. E. [3. REED Kent’s Hill. guilds. feature for the government is the enor- Porte the “It has joirty muoh less than that the Sen- the companions of the men shot, was ar- following: been false); given Over 10U0 people were unable to gain mous aud unexpected expenditures. Lord Way Spaniardi'Make It Warm For Politi- and H. L. Williams was transferred from -l-cslwu. JYt'icnuiii was eu oiu unu stated that missionaries would be ex ate resolution a week ago. Belief was scientific magnetic healer, 113 Free St On the were ot the British at yours admittance stage 400 Cromer, diplomatic agent cal corner of Oak street. Portland. Me., treats aii the Wisconsin John B. How- advises that it was employad by Breckerle and Com- The ha expressed by members who would oppose Opponents. that conference, more representative including Cairo, will be early neo- polled. Imperial government diseases flesh Is heir to. Second citizens, hat His buuu cm sight to draw the treas- pany, manufacturers. father is lucuauic, tuut lb CUUHi CG OturlGU 12.— Electors for members consultation free. Office hours from 9. a nn to ard from New Brunswick,and William nearly every member of the appellate essary upon Egyptian uuu wisuu, uuu uoos not ..intend to take Madrid, April for in business in New York oity. through the House over the Presiden t’s li’m-, 1 p. m. to 9. p. m. and superior judiciary and several county ury 1,000,000 pounds in addition to of the cortes was lield here and ja6dtflp Cashmere from Montreal to the Maine Tomlinson’s parents reside in Danbury. any general measure of expulsion o t veto. today officials, and from every medi- the 500,000 pounds already drawn, and delegates Both were well known and to missionaries were animated. to 10.30 conference. cal und law and of this iaot renders it that the en- belong aDd Cathollo priests. Thoa very Up tonight college institution probable One gentleman did not with his reserve good families. A couple of months ago a agree the in a few isolated Rev. A. C. Ratcliff was given permis- learning in the oity and suburbs. tire of tho Egyptian debt oommis- among them who attended peacefully b * results, exoept cases, #A^.^dOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOO Every broke into the same house and associates as to the President’s probable sect and denomination without son will bo absorbed in party, It is believed that in Ma- sion to withdraw, to join the Congrega- exception ultimately prepa- business are not, and will not be dis action. This was Mr. chairman are unknown. rations before thore is Flitoroft was badly pummelled. He had Hitt, had reoroseutatlves. In introduction, aotual contaot of the drid five Conservatives and two Libe rals tionalists. his assailant arrested. It is said tho turbed; but surely, it cannot be the sam 5 House foreign affairs committee, BUYING Dr- Rusk characterized Col. as with the Dervishes. po- Ingersoll lice advised him to use bis if another who was prominent m several Cuban de- wero returned. It is rumored tbatbeen I The bishop examined and received can- man The communications that are gun for those who by this attitude try to dis I “a who is endeavoring to do this passing bates. Mr. Hitt it that electoral have the incident of the kind ocourred. regarded likely ministry’s agents didates for In the conference. world and to make it better.” between Mr. the Colonial turb the order and of th membership good Chamberlain, tranquility President Cleveland would within a guilty of great abuses. PAINT he said, was no time to reason, Secretary, and 1 During the session Rev. Mr. Hewitt This, oountiy and plaoe themselves in opei reasonable time, issue a proclamation Igelesias, leader of tho Spanish Social- l no time to with faiths of men PROGRAMME FOR TH3 disagree WEEK. the of ists has been victorious in defeat- asked permission to introduce a very i PRESIDENT KRUGER WILL hostility towards the laws and recognizing belligerency the Cu- Silbro, Is much like a x or beliefs of wore regula 2 investing in men,‘when they trying bans. He did not base his opinion upon ing a wealthy shipbuilder named Bivas X suit of x important resolution. to make the world better than found when bo found to be models of tlons in force in the The Im clothes. they published, Empire. any information he had received. who, it is reported, paid 410 a vote. It X There is the ready-made x The it. No he whether a man Matters Will Bishop—“ What is it about? How matter, said, frank and direct statement on the Which Come Up in Congress perial government,Jwatohful of the main Sir. Hitt refered to the enormous ma- is rumored there are disturbances in X kind of various colors, cor- X part are we to know that it is believed in God or not. if ha expounded tenance of has a fc > with which of and iu- X responding to our mixed X important?” of the former, and of Soon, public security, duty joritios the first resolutions Igualala, province Barcelona, Mr. is in then truth was there and God was diplomatio , X x Hewitt—“It substanoe that truth, send them away from its territory, am l the and said that after a cendairies have a a facto- paints. veiled with an air of on the passed House, applied toroh|to Then the we believe the Bible to be the inspired there. simplicity, in so it avails itself of when to the Liberal candidate, o custom-made X of the doing month, every member had time to ry belonging X Our lead word of God.” As Col. to the rostrum part latter. A month hence It is suit. and oil with X Ingersoll stepped right, which nobody in all justioe couli l hear from hts constituents, tho resolu- rater Beturus, X tints X The ruled out the of he was welcomed with that last- iikely that Mr. Chamberlain will be Washingotn, April 12.—As soon as the furnishjthis. bishop reading Mr. applause contest. tions again passed tho House by prac- X As in the case of the suit X Hewitt’s ed for over a minute. Re the compelled by events to issue the corre- Indian bill is of in 12.—A from resolution. spoke upon disposed tho Senato, tically tho same He believed London, April despatch X you look first to X in a Blue in order to majority. wearing The resolution was as follows: necessity of arbitration as a substitute spondence Book, Mr. Hale will call the if the Madrid says that official data at hand at qualities, so with the X up naval bill re- BANQUET AFTER OLYMPIAN GAMES that President had reasons and 5 paint. for war, need for new methods in the justify whatever strong action may b e indicates the election of 180 A Second come style and X Whereas, there prevails a im- faots fatal to the spirit of the resolutions, midnight profound treatment of the taken after diplomacy falls to settle the ported Wednesday. Incidentally there 66 8 X effect. Price is the last X that there is a in criminals, desirability he would have communicated them to conservative, liberals, dissenting pression tsndonoy the trouble between Great makes a in but an of the of the of the Britain and the will be a variety of questions called King Speech Which He Con 6 and 70 candi- 6 important consider- X Maine Methodist conference to abandon oocupany prairios np Congress. conservatives, Carlists, ad on. X west for as a for the Sonin African Republic. j unknown. All the socialist $ the old faith iu the Bible as the homes, panaoea during the morning hour. Mr. gratnlat.es the Victors, The ho was a wise and dates, politics Taint is inspired The of tho Monday Prcsicent, said, all right in X word of tenement system, the question of di- representative United Press candidates in Catalonia were defeated. all God. Chandler will on the oleo- prudent man and the mere fact that the these points. X relations of and is able to predict, cn thoroughly reliable speak Dupont Gen. de to the throne SOur Whereas, this impression is as vorce, capital labor, resolutions were not Bourbon, pretender ground- information, that Mr. Chamberlain will tlon case, and will be followed joint resoluitons, os and need of reform in the education of probably Athens, April 11.—A grand banque of was elected in Gracia, a su- less it is hurtful in its influence on thus requiring his approval, did not France, children. come out of the negotiations with a Mr. of Delaware. Mr. burb of Barcelona. the minds of the youth of our own and by Gray Squire was given at the Palace today, at whicl affect tho case. They reflected public After Col the con- heightened reputation. Throughout the of other evangelical therefore Ingersoll conoluded, has given notice that he will address the 2C0 were sentiment and the President was too ohurches, communications ho has not from guests present, including th , Advises to That we gregation united in singing “Blest budged Spaniards Keep quiet, I II.H.HAY&SOH, Resolved, hereby reaffirm our be,the Senate on the sensible not to appreciate that circum- time that and with the his publio declarations to adhere to the Tuesday comprehensive organizers of the Olympian games am | faith in the Scriptures of the Old and bounds,” pro- stance. Berlin, Apr! 12.—In regard to the action middle of the benediction the Anglo-Boer convention of 1881, while re- bill for the erection of fortieflations re- contestants. toasts were SJreei: New Testament, which, though varying nouncing unique Many given. Mr. Patterson, of Tennessee, a strong of the United States Congress concerning service came to an end. specting the internal independence of the ^ in origin, age, authorship and didaotio ported by his committee some weeks ago. The King made a speech in ii administration man said: idea is Cuba, the Post to the <> 0-00000000000-0000000 ropublio. The Pretoria authorities use French, “My inspired express value, and presenting unsolved and The House bill to reduce the causes in that the action of will result iu that the cabinet in the in- Revolt of Indians in Mexico. certain organs in London as the media which he made the following referenoi , Congress hope Spanish unsolvable ■ perhaps problems, are yet to for the of useless which the of the President and secretary moving for- terest of maintaining good relations bo spread fiotions that Mr. penalty death may be in- to the foroign contestants which elicltei 1 divinely inspired documents, con City of Mexico, via El Faso, Tex., Chamberlain will ward in the direction of a solution of the with the government at Washington,will cancel the oonveniton, flioted was made for loud and taining the only authoritative source of 11.—The Indians in com- speoial Wednesday. prolonged applause: “Let mi problem and the President will either anv demonstrations against the PBISTISO. April living that he has telegraphed to the Boor gov- prevent Christian the rule of Chris- munities in th o Sierras of the Mr. has that Thurs- the all feel in issue a or furnish reasons United States and the calm. dogmas, only up state of ernment that Great Britain has no in- Lodge given notice, express pleasure seeing yoi proclamation keep publio iuiiu aim piauniuc. Oaxaca have revolted on summoned for not so that will be so Anti-Amerioan the Post New and being tention of sending troops to Cape Colony, day he will call up the immigration bill, come here to take part in the Olymplai doing, piain- disturbances, Type Oresaniema. Later In the a resolution was to and that and the will tho Cuban situation day, put pay taxes, have committed out- etc., doubtless with a view to influence Congress people aequi- says, might enlarge FAST PRESSES. in Her, Mr. providing for tho illiteracy test. The games. Your reception shows how thi 1 ” by MuDger, regarding cer- rages, eaoking shops and houses of publio opinion here. Mr. Chamberlain esce in his aotion. into a general international crisis, full Perfect Satisfaction. Lowest Prices. tain “Biblioal joint resolution of Cannon the Greek are to receive of oritioisms.,” made during wealthy people, murdering town and dis- counters these stories with the directing people rejoloed you, Mr. Draper Masacliusettss, one of the of danger to Spain. The Neustle Nach- the last few months. explioit CALL BEFORE YOU ORDER ELSEWHERE. The resolutions trict officials, cutting telegraph wires, denials that he has sent such secretary of the interior to open for pub- I seize this occasion to extend my warm Kepublican members of the foreign affairs riebt expresses belief that the Madrid were telegrams. supposed to refer to the stand taken eto. State and federal troops being sent The is half lic committee, who has continually cabinet will show the greatest prudence publio consoious that a final the Unoompaghre reservation, eat congratulations to the victors. Sooi 1 depre- by Her. Mr.Stackpole, pastor of the High against them, the Indians tied back to criBis oated any suggestion of interference in and deliberation in of the de- Is I* C is near, and accept the denials holds its on the judging Street, street M. E. church in plaoe oalender as tho un- will return to your home. I wil ■ 21, Exchange Auburn. It was the mountains. They will ultimately be im pi icitly. you Cuban affairs, did not believe the Presi- cision of the American Congress in the apll dlwlstp near the hour of when finished business. to dent a adjournment the forced to yield to the law and pay state Whether the country will ultimately not say adiou you but au revoir would issue suoh proclamation; Cuban matter. resolutions wore presented and they were taxes, as Indians In the rest of the state confirm Mr. Cannon, cbdlrman of the commit- Keep a good souvenier of us; do not for ho did not think it likely that Congress adopted without debate. The resolutions do. The matter, though got the enthusiastic weloome we have would aot iurther in tho matter, if the Shot Her Four Times. THE WEATHER locally impor- MR. CHAMBELAIN’S POLICY tee on appropriations, may not be len- whs as follows: tant, exoites no alarm. given you. The King paid a specla President allowed It to remain in abey- is and the House Bridgeport, Conn., April 11.—Charles the disoussion of the Biblioal doubtful, but itps impossible that the iently disposed may have compliment to Louis, the wh< anoe. Whereas, Greek, Kostrapshi, a Hungarian, 38 years old, criticism under conditions whioh uuue riuriu in i>yais, developments will show him to have to determine of the order of business won the long distance race from Mara Wra. Alden Smith of Michigan, anoth- 12. pre- shot Mrs. Mary Pudilo four times in Boston, April clude a fair of thon to Athens. The was indis er memhetr of tho commit- investigation the problems St. Johns, N. F., been President In- Monday for itself. Queen Republican front of her home on Church street at 7 —Local April 13.—Another duped by Kruger. and unable to be believed should forecast involved, the Bible at disadvan- men The seem now to favor posed present at the tee, Congress pass a places body of estimated from 30 to 40, stead of on probabilities o’clock this morning and it is believed at and weakening the clause of the banquet, but sent her wishes to tin joint resolution if the President did not for Monday: Fair tage wont adrift last night at Conception bay. the fortifications hill as the first item, and good the hospital she oannot reoover. suoh a disoussion unchal- convention giving Great Britain suzer- at the of Us contestants. aot. weather; warmer; Whereas, The government despatohed two steamers conclusion consideration, Kostrapshi then made an unsuccessful lenged may be understood as an endorse- ainty over tho Transvaal, be pioposes to the rest of the is to be to tho Greek W011 Bicycle Bace. southwest winds. in searoh of them. Both returned to- day given nttempt to end his own life. The would- ment of sentiments whioh we strengthou it. The present clause empow- Distriot of Columbia committee. Mr. repudiate. night, having failed to find any of the 12.—The race to “I do not think will take be murderer and suicide lived with his Was h i n t o Therefore ers tho Transvaal to conclude treaties Athens, April bioyclo Congress g n, oastawaye. It is most of the Cannon thought he oould get tho bill wife and five children a short distanen expected with Powers to the vote day to Marathon and back to Athens, 5i i further aotion on this subject,” said Sen- 12—Foreoast Resolved, That we regard such a mon have landed at foreign subject out of the wav iu an hour and a half. but his relations with the victim April polioy points not reached of miles, won by Constantinides ator Hale, who was one of the most de- away, as unwise and it will not be Great Britain. This clause Mr. Cham- These two matters will hold the boards for for hope repeat- by the telegraph. It is feared some havo Greek. His time wns 3 hours. 22 minutes termined of tho of have been unduly intimate for some time Monday ed. berlain has sought to have nltorod by ulll opponents passage perished. The ice is visible off the coast. againBt other business undisposed of, the resolution in the Senate. past. She is a widow an has four young New The making Groat Britain a to the “Congress England: introduction of this resolution Thousands of orowded party unless the conference report on the ap- There was a at Mrs. peoplo the hills trnatifls on linos similnr tn thnno o-rlstiincr has done all It consistently can do iu daughters. quarrel made of a stir in the oonfer- bills bo DRYEST DAY EVER KNOWN. Fair; probably something hoping to secure a sight of the propriation presented. The pre- rlie and it now rests with the Pudile's house early this morning. Neigh- enoe. missing in the case'of Great Britain anti her ool- matter, in liminary report upon the bors heard cries of alarm and soon after cloudy the men. onies. With of legislative ju- Rev. Mr. Hewitt seconded the resolu- regnrd to the protection dicial law Was appropriation bill, agreed upon, The Baines Enforced to Bette; No one can the Introduction in Mrs. Pudile ran from the house pursued morning; warmer, southerly winds. | at the residents of the Mr. prevent tion, the same time expressing his re- ftlorse to Itetire. foreign republio, will be presented tomorrow or He bad a revolver in his Congressman Chamberlain continues recommend Tuosday. and Spirit in Now York. the Senate of any or all sorts of resolu- by Kostrapski. gret that his own resolution did not to; It relates to those about hand. Iu the he gain only Items, tions, but would only express tlie middle of the roadway C a as Boston, April 13.—In a letter to his that the franchise be given to them after they Local Weather Report. hearing, his resolution covered the which.thero was practically no disagree- Individual of the Senator overtook her and fired four bullets into constituents of the 13th five years, and he also recommends au- opinion who same ground. Congressional ment among the oonferees; further con- NowJYork, April 12.—The Raines liquoi her Sbe fell to the un- deolares that for the the measures there introduoed them and, it pushed to a vote, body. ground — The that the district, Elijah A.Morse, ha tonomy Band, ference Portland, April 12. The looal bishop explained Hewitt will be ordered on matters of law was again striotly enforced in thii 1 could not consoious. resolution will not bo a oandidate for renomination. adopted to be subject to the veto of the possibly pass. records as was not in order at that time. more serious difference. As opportunity weather bureau oliiae to the The condition of his health he us President. city today, and was even more generally “The judicious effect of the deliberation Mr. Hewitt and the confer- gives the Movements of Crowned Heads. apologized presents itself general pension bills, in this was manifested in the Weather are the the cause. To none of those has Presi- observed than the viola body de- following: ence voted to hear Brother Hewitt’s reso- proposals reported by the committee on invalid Sunday last, dent assented. He re- bate on the conference report. Originally William 8 a. m.—Barometer. 80.282; thermometer, lution. Mr. Hewitt read it. Kruger definitely pensions and tho bill will be tions of its letter and fewer Venice, April 12.—Emperor The Penobscot bankruptcy spirit being the Senate resolutions with the and start (lew The Open, sponds that the Volksraad is not likely passed Empress Victoria will for 47.0; point. 33; humidity, 56; Hunger resolution wa3 adopted considered. No time an be fixed at whioh restaurant men had time rernovi to his consent to suoh as Tho to adverse vote of but six. When tho con- Vienna tomorrow Hum- wind. veiooity, 8; weather, partly without a 13.—The Penobscot give changes they will be taken evening. King N; opposition, although large Bangor, Me., Apirl the British Colonial up. their bars from their ference was sent back to the com- bert to number of members did not Secretary proposes. eating rooms.conso report and Queen Margberita will return cloudy. vote. river was to mittee wo had at least 34 opened navigation today. He has taken no stops to summon the all the Senators wli o Romo Tuesday. It is denied that the 8 p. m.—Barometer, 30.212; thermome- At the annual of the Woman’s A qnently nearly places were open meeting Collision at Sea. stood ready to vote against that report. interview the and ter. 43.0; dew 35; humidity. Home Miss C. W. Gal- Volksraad, notwithstanding tho report the between Emperor point. 74; Missionary Society Flections and Flglits in Cuba. The saloons with inevitable excep I believe after a lfftlo further that he proposed to summon it at a date 13.—Tho discussion King dealt with the renewal of the triple wind. SW; veiooity 9; weather, cloudy. lagher of Kent’s H ill was elected presi- Seattle, April Puget Sound wore tightly olosod and their into earlier than the one fixed for the and Cen tions, wo would have beaten it on a test vote. which has Been Mean thermometer, 47; maxi- and Mrs. C. R. Palmer of re- Havana, April 12.—Tdo elections for opening tral American company’s steam- A alliance, already tacitly daily dent, Saoo, riors exposed. very large business in Whatever I believe we have ther- members of the Cortes were held of the regular session. er at full ran in- may happon, renewed. mum thermometer, 56; minimum cording seorstary. thirty Transit, moving speed, flasks and bottled beer was done b; tin heard the Tho misses a deadlock to the coast last of tho Spanish-Cuban This occurred the today. The candidates of the Union position just government defense vessel saloons last Outside of suoh mometer, 38; maximum veiooity wind evening anniversary night. sup affair as far as any action of the were the ones through the shiftiness of the Pretoria this afternoon while the latter by Congress is .0. Domestic Missionary Society, with oonstitutional'party, only Monteray it may be said this was the 12, SW; total precipitation, was at anchor in plies, dryosi concerned. It is best for all parties that addresses by Rev. S. E. T. Adams, H. in the field, the other parties declining government. tho harbor. The Tran- New York has ever known. A is day such is the case. E. W. Jones and to take part in the elections The vote roport credited in the colonial lit had her bow badly ipatteredjand stovo Frohook, T. others. “Tho President willaot as seems was Several of the office that Mr. Chamberlain has asked in. The struok about 40 feet best to Weather Observations. Monday forenoon’s meeting will proba- extremely light. Monterey No tho assont of his a him. attempt to pass a joint reso- bly be the last business session of the elected, served in the last Cortes. Num- colleagues to proposal astern, loosening one of her armor Ono Township for Beed. The Agricultural Weather not to await the decision of the lution could possibly succeed. What the Department conference and the to erous enoounters between government Volksraad placets and snapping a few rivets. Her at appointments pas- Flemington, N. J., 12.—The Re President may do, I do not but Bureau for yesterday, April 12, taken torates will then be announoed. troops and rebels are reported from differ- regarding the visit of President Kruger port side oompartments were well filled April know, caucusos for tho election of dele I have faith in his to handle the 8 meridian observations ent provinces. There has been consider- to London, but to solid a plenipotentiary with water. The damage to the vessel is publican ability p. m., time, the Sunday forenoon Merrill to the convention at whict In a fair and Bishop to Pretoria as a last effort to arrange the about $20,000. gates Trenton, subject statesmanlike way.” for eaoh station in this order: will nominate state to the St, “The future action being given preaohed the annual sermon, from First terms of a settlement. delegates of Congress de- (- state Louis were hold largely, if not events Temperature, direction of the wind, Corinthians, 3—0: “For we aro Tlie Karl of Belborno, parlimentary sec- convention, tboughoui pends entirely,upon laborers City of Dallas Foundered, Hunterdon county that transpire in said Senator of the weather: with God.** retary of tho colonial office, is mentioned yesterday. McKinlej Cuba.,” together At the afternoon was endorsed in town; of one of as tho envoy, hut he is too young to be Colon, April 13.—Steamer City of Dal- strongly many Gray Delaware, the recognized Boston, 60 degrees, SW, cloudy; New service, three elders and with Harrison a second lohoioe. Dela friends of the three deacons ontrusted with such a momentous task. before with seri- President in the Senate. 44 : Philadel- las, reported machinery York, dagrces, SE, cloudy were ordained. In the ware township voters instiucted delegate; “The action of tlie President will 52 evening there was ously damaged, foundered Friday 80 depend phia, degrees, E, clear; Washington, The African Situation More for Reed. upon the trend of events on that Island. 62 an address by Rev. Dr. corres- Becoming miles from this city. A boat with the degrees, SE, clear; Albany, 56degrees, Hamilton, If there should he some success at- Serious' a of the crew great 64 of captain and portion arrived S, cloudy; Buffalo, degrees, W, clear; ponding secretary the Freedmen’s Aid Troubles Among Connecticut Tailors. the efforts of the or here today. Assistance Is being sent to tending insurgents, Detroit, 68 degjees, SW, clear; Chicago, and Southern Educational London, April 13.—A despatch, dated any of affairs 74 society. the passengers, who landed at Danbury, Conn., 12.— Twentj otherjoondltlon demanding degrees, S, cloudy; St. Paul, 63 de- Buluwayo. yesterday, says that messen- Conoop- April the attention of I Con- oione river. members of the Journeymen Tailors Congress, believe grees, N, oloudy; Huron, Dak., 42 de- gers have arrived there and roport that gress would deal with it in the Were lovers and Were Union who wont on a strike Monday propor grees, NE, rain; Bismarck, 42 degrees, Penniless. a largo force of Matabeles attacked Cap- manner. I do not know wbat the inten- effected a compromise with the tailori E, partly cloudy; Jacksonville, 68 de- tain Brand and his party of 130 men. g tions of tho President hut I feel New York, April 11.—For an hour or last and the strike was declarec are, gree, clear. The whites a night, SE, made desperate fight and sure he will the concurrent reso- this Police off. Monday was the time for making t accept more morning Captain Chap- and Women whon all the ammunition was exhausted, lutions in the only new bill of prioes. Th e last bill wai , passed by Congress proper Fatal Injury by a Revolver. man of the Mercer street station and Are moat to the and the Maxim gun they fought and ho tho of competent fully appreciate disabled, made two years ago and the unlou want spirit, guided by opinion of the their way through the lines of the Mata- the as Haverhill, Mass., April 11.—Miss Belle Captain O’Brien deteotive bureau purity, sweetness, and delicacy of Cuticuba ed to make ono for two years to come, law-making power expressed by __ beles, losing five killed, and sixteen hem.” .Jenter, a well known resid- were oloseted with Walter 19 Soap, and to discover new uses for it daily. The tailors wanted to make the bill foi young lady Price, years wounded. The Matabeles are armed with ing on In the form of washes, solutions, etc., for six months. It was finally agreed to Central street, Bradford, was old, and his fiancee, Emma Lyons, aged Martini rifles. It is estimate they lost The of the Senate and make It for ono year, whioh will be don; | prevailing thought fatally shot a distressing inflammations, irritations, 150 killed and wounded. Matters are wear through the abdomen this 18, who yesterday by plot succoeded in Fast walkers easy-fit- tomorrow. just now is best given in the language weaknesses of the mucous membrane, it haa daily more serious. The rising evening by the accidental of a the and Gleason becoming of the Senator who, while favorable to discharge robbing Bailey Manu- most is proved grateful. spreading A from Welt as a levolver she was rapidly. despatch ting shoes—Goodyear Beceiver or the Granite State. the recognition of Cuba belligerent Pya*e. exhibiting to a facturing company of $1,950. Price and the Pretoria Absolutely friend, Cuticuba Soap appeals to refined and says that two large Matabele is not classed among tho extrem- unaware R. power, A eream of tartar baiting powder. being that it was loaded. the marie a full confession and as the most regiments are oxen and holding are like hand- Frovidenoe, I., April 11.—Edmuni j girl nearly cultivated everywhere, effective killing Shoes. They ists. “I have,” said this Senator, “dis- war danoos 13 milos from B. Evans was today appointed of all in all of the money was recovered. They skin purifying and beautifying soap, as wellss Buluwayo. temporary cussed the subject with many Senators. Highest leavening strength TO Ol'RE A and cost reoeiver of the Granite State Providen ■ COLD IN ONE DAT. and for toilet and bath. sewed, but Democrats ami Republicans, and I And —Latest rTnited States Government committed the robbery in order to get purest sweetest in stronger, association for Rhode Island. The rake lakative Brorao Bicyclist Michael covered five miles ap the general belief among them is that Quinine Tablets, money for their wedding whioh was set Sold throughout the vrorld. British depot: F. Nzw- last in 0 sell them. court issued a temporary Food Report. All & Sons, Edward-et., Lojjdt-a. Olympia hall, London, nlsht less. All dealers pelate iujuuc Mr. Cleveland will guide his conduct on druggists refund the if it fails down for next Both wera 1, King Potts* money weel 'jeld D*ca & Cush, tour., fc’ole Props., Boitcn, U. S. A. minutes, 59 seconds, and now claims the tiou restraining further business hero the to cure. 25c, the important subject, by solemn ex- Powder Co. for examination. roe ord for that distance. BOSTON Tiie bond of the reoeiver is Royal Baking GOODYEAR SHOE MACH’Y CO., 811,000. pression _of opinion passed by tho two 106 Wall St., N. V. ALL A FICTION. the made the BIBLE SOCIETY. CHARGES AGAINST MORTON. report highest speed devel- MAINE OBITUARY. ABOUT BASEBALL. and Protection. oped was 14.16, maintained for one hour To the The He Wants a Full In- ndtr forced The Editor of the Preset That President Had Secretary Saya draight. weather con- Thomas M. Follanshee, Story Offered the session vestigation. ditions were unfavorable, however, and Address By the Supe During of the United States rintendent, Rev. Mr. H. K. Colesworthy received a dis- the To Mediate the little vessel steered somewhat Items of Interest Concerning New Senate, April 9th, the Dingley bill oame wildly, Cowan C. Wilson. patch from Mrs. Anna Follanshee yester- which for her up for discussion; and Mr. Mills of Texas Ex*Coubsc1‘s Troubles Abroad Were Washington^"April 11.—The Northrup- may account slowness. the death of England League. day announcing her son, Mr. made to Everything worked well and the the statement during debate, “that Between and Braslan-Goodwin Company, bidders T. Spain Cuba—Question Has reports that the Katahdin is built well M. Follanshee, at their residence at statistics are made by men; they supply the Department of Agriculture Elmira N. Y. Mr. sheep Many. Been Discussed and That is AH—Walter throughout. At the Woodfords Congregational Church Depot, Follanshee are under have Leonard Makes Portland a tho delusion that the protec- with; Ivegotable seeds, preferred was the son Robert Manager Fly- Dygert is Well. The Treasury Gold. Yesterday Significant of Mr. Follanshee for tive tariff Morton in con- Statistics—The on wool Is of some benefit to charges against Secretary so with Lowell & ing Visit—Arrangements Completed 11. — The 11.—The Young Man who many years Senter, them.” Washington, April statement nection with the award. The firm bid Washington, April treasury Never Heard of Jesus The shoop men are right concern- reserve at the close of whose after his death moved to for Team to Keport in New York—Mad- from in a gold business to- of family, ing their views Washington published number $64,000 for the contiact and offered tc —Story tile Lumberman and of protection; and Sena- TELLS HIS TALE OF WOE IN' NEW day stood $127,736,907. The withdrawals Why New York state. The remains den of this will ar- Benefit Will Over S400—Other tor Mills is the newspapers morning, purporting make a reduction of for the were $273,400. lie Didn’t Swear. one in this case who is $10,000 priv- rive here at 13.30 m. YORK an of a p. Tuesday, and the Jottings. to give outline dispatch alleged of its laboring undor a delusion. When the ilege plaoing name upon the seed funeral will take at to have been sent At the Woodfords plaoe Evergreen Mills bill was by Secretary Olney to The contract was tc On Coarser Goods. Congregational Leonard arrived in the under consideration in packets. awarded under the of Manager city the United States Minister at church the was cemetery auspices Ligonia Congress in 1888 not Madrid, Landreth & Sons of at 11.—The yesterday, pulpit occu- and forenoon met a only were the sheep Philadelphia $70,- Boston, April Journal has re- I. O. O. at 1.30 the Saturday, yesterday mediation on the of by Rev. Gowan lodge, F., p.ra. same mon proposing part the 000. The were pied C. Wilson of Peer- few of the to deeply concerned; but woolen man- When He Arrived Yesterday—Was Impris- charges filed at the Depart- ceived replies from a dozen or more mill directors at Swett’s hotel United States in the who was day. ufacturers as Cuban insurrection, ment of ing, Introduced by his brother, for the exhibition The wull. oned, Maltreated and Abused—The Agriculture Tuesday last against presidents, treasurers and agents to the MRS. MARY B. CARR. arrange games. has no foundation in fact. The most the the pastor of the Rov. Edwin P. The Maine clip of fleece wool was Secretary and the officers in his de- as to whother the recent church, general situation was talked over and Story of a Laud Grant of Many Millions queries notion of and direct denial that can be Wilson, as the of the On Tuesday, March 31st, as the sun bought that and summer for 20 positive put partment alleging “collusion, fraud aud the Lawrence in superintendent the opinion was expressed all that spring —Declines to Tell Who is to Dlame for Manufacturing company by in words can be applied to tbe story. false ” Maine Bible Sooiety. He would was flooding hill and valley with its cents per pound in anticipation of the statements. To these oliargcs Sec- going out of the Dusiness of manufactur- speak tho outlook was most encouraging. Tho Troubles. These statments are made on an un- of the work of the warmth and there from of the bill. As soon Morton has not made an- society during the beauty, passed team will at Now passage as the bill \ retary speoifle ing goods is an indication that report York April 15, A this to the life a sold New questionable authority, and in such terms swer. past. year ago the Woodfords ohurch beyond, woman of whom and will was defeated wool quick at 27 cents York, April 11.—John L. Waller, the manufacture of cotton goods is going play the first game at the Polo as to justify an oxplicit repudiation not The firm had made a very liberal contribution to it could well be said she died full of per in the grease. The confidence formerly consul at Tamatave, who arrived Chicago say they take excep- to decrease in Now ; and wheth- grounds. The remainder of the games pound; of England the and told the of only the whole tenor and phraseology tion to the statements to have sooiety. years honor and who will he sadly for the have of the woolen manufacturers was at once today, story his experiences. alleged er the Southern competition is too great; trip already been announced. of the of Rev. missed. Mrs. B. a could After his alleged synopsis the Adminis- been matte the in connec- Gowan C. Wilson took for his Mary Carr, was native The two restored and they safely calculate reviewing work and his treat- by Secretary what advantages the South presents over only players who will not re- tration’s attitude, but a statement of tion with the text the sentence: “The Seed is the Word of Waterboro, near Old Corner, whore on the future of the woolen goods market. ment liy the French officials while he awarding of the oontraet, New England and other similar port are Leighton and Donovan, the ques- of God.” she was was equal positiveness that no such dispatch but that have no He commented the tre- born, Sept. 34, 1810. Her par- to 1892 when the last Presidential consul and being suooeeded by a they complaint to make tions. The of their is that upon catcher. The uniforms will be shipped Up was gist replies ents wore transmitted to Taylor. that the oontraot mendous significance of this text as in- Jacob and Hannah Smith. eleotion occurred both the sheep men and southerner, Wallor tells of his receiving was given to another all the coarser goods will eventually have to New York this morning. Mr.Leonard she President and the In 1837 she was married to a a valuable concession of land in Mada- Uudoubtely Secretary firm if the terms wore better or more ad- volving object of the Christian church John Carr, left for his the woolen manufacturers enjoyed good to be made in the South; that the com- home in Lynn yesterday if not the other members of the to the then a resident and native of degree of prosperity, sharing of course gascar. He said : “1 did no favors for Olney, vantageous to the government. of the South on these is spread word of God among all Newbury- noon. They say petition grades with all others who compete in our Cabinet, have discussed the Cuban situa- too for New nations. porc. Soon after their tho Malagrsy government for the con- they will endeavor to have the matter in- great England manufactur marriage they Jack Leighton arrived in the city .Sat- markots. tion with a view to what ers, owing to its longer hours of labor, In this work moved to where have al- cession. That concession was given me determining vestigated by if and the Bible societies are a Limerick, they afternoon and will remain until As soon as the election of 1892 was Congress necossary lower wages, oheaper fuel and oottou urday policy this Government should pursue very ways resided. Mrs. Carr has been the settlod whiob resulted in giving the Dem- under the provisions of a treaty between that tb6y have rotained counsel to and milder that a too low important factor. They constitute the exhibition at home He pro- ollmate; tariff games open. ocratic full of witli reference to it. But whatever ne- an immense mother of 13 children, nine of whom are party possession govern- t>o and the ceed Morton for mak- to proteot against foreign portentlon and system that embraces the to a Madagascar government against Secretary may possibly go up Lewiston for ment affairs, the prioe of wool began at gotiations, if any, that may huve been too many state laws have whole world. living Mid were present at the services. United States. The value of tho grant ing statements whioh they deem libellous. harassing few days’ practice with Garrity’s men. once to decline; for “ooming events cast initiated on worked to the great of and tne subject have not been disadvantage His sermon would be in the nature of There are 14 grandchildren and 30 great their shadows before.” The fol- was Between S3,000,000 SI, 000,000. Keferring to the oharges today, Secre- New England mauufaotuiers. While 5 Tho Madden benefit was even a greater spring put on paper in any a report of the work of the grand children. The house in which she lowing tho eleotion, wool dropped to 20 Under the provisions, I will have to pay shape. tary Morton said: “We shall bo only too nearly all agree that the South will ab- Maine Bible success than those who managed the died cents and here it remained through the The President has for some time been glad to have the fullest If sorb the business of the coarser Society the which was hud been her home for 68 years. Mrs. S50 at- the end of five years,aud after that, investigation. goods during past year, affair had hoped. |£ The proceeds will season; subject of oourse to the market accumulation it is desired, it be here there at the same an ex- Carr had a to information from official, may investigated mills, is, time, the first full year that he had been su- remarkable memory and on fluctuations. pay the Malagasy government ten per oi' net nearly $400 and possibly more. The in Congress or anywhere else. If nec- pression of the belief that good northern matters semi-official and private sourcs, to enable Their work is of course pertaining to the early of In the of 1893 wool started at 20 cent on the total income derived. The urticles of be continue to perintendent. history sum will be a most substantial aid to the spring him to form a essary, impeachmeut should mills will find profitable bus- just conception of the ao- in the the town, she was very familiar and her oenta but before the season dosed it had life of the concession is 60 years. drawn up’and the matter tested to the iness if not hampered by too much re- largely outlying districts in the of the dead ball tual condition of affairs in Cuba. Out- family player. fallen perceptibly and in one year’s time end'. The facts in the matter stat- strictive settled of the opinion was frequently asked on some as to my I was side of at the first class of briefly legislation. sparely portions state. The diamond on the Deerina the was down to 13 cents. Does “Now, imprisonment, Havana, ports are that the grounds price ed, department last year the his local matter that no one else was certain arrested on the 5th of 1894. Five Cardenas, Cienfuegos, Agua la During past year agents had visit- is bvft the Is a any intelligent man believe the sheep Maroh, Matanzas, bought more seeds of this firm than any quite dry, outfield trifle Grande and we have consular Burned to Death in a ed of, but she usually knew and could toll men are under a delusion. the came Santiaog, of Pasture. 19,150 homes in 11U town and 25 During Frenoli soldiers to my house and officers of the others. Of the grand total of seed plan- moist as yet. high grade. Not one of these tations. all about it. Sbo was and past three years with our markets prac- demanded con- bought by the department last year to the 11.—Mildred In 16 of the towns and the 25 always ready my papers. Luokily my ports has yet been disturbed, or menaced Bath, April Sudds, aged 8 Manager Leonard has heard nothing tically open to the world our domestic value of $48,830, we bought of the North- responded willingly to any request to cession papers had been sent away. They by years, was burned to doath at Five Is- plantations there wa3 no stated preach- from the southern club that made inquir- mills have hal a race for life. Stocks imp-Braslan-Goodwin Company, seed to watch or oare for those who took elsB. the lands Her ing. In 770 of the homes there was no were sick. ies that enter into the construction of goals everything They got pa- THE INSURGENT FORCES. the value of $89,683. If we had bought yesterday. grandfather was regarding Dan Mahoney, but has no- Bible or Nearly every home in town has at some hove been low and immense quantities pers of of some of th- seed this of the a when the child’s cloth- anv Christian influences. tified the club and President my registry my lands, from the United States spring Northrup- burning pasture Young that have been and the woolen Reports consu- Braslan-Gooriwin under In the time been cheered ty her presence. She produced which I had sublet. I was taken be- Company, pre- firo aud the little 19,150 homes there were 9000 Portland has a on are in the condition lar officials at these ing caught girl lived claim this man. goods markets now points contain much cisely the same contract that we bought children has lived to see her children beoome fore Lovesot, whose four hours. who never attended a Sunday was in the of a boy who has boeu visiting his grand- Capt. interpreter valuable information which it is not of Gandreth, anrl their seed under this only Manager Garrlty city Friday school and most of worthy sons and daughters, with homes of mother—full to repletion. CALLED ME A coutarot proved no better than sold them had no oppor- and Saturday and will go up to Lewiston LIAR, deemed “compatible with the publio in- they their Every week roports corns of failures us last year, their contrnot for it EVERY MAN HIS OWN TELESCOPE. own. Her last years weie passed price this morning, this time for good. among the men; and the clos- because I would not admit to treason and terests” to make public at this time, as would bo instead of with her Mrs. $48,000 $64,000, the daughter, Geo. C. Libby, of our woolen called His agents had sold the It is said that Grandpa Morse, who ing up mills, simply be- various other orimes. Then I was thrown for by the recent resolution of the amount whioh they bid.” during past who oared for tenderly her. Services were in cause they cannot compete with the for- House of year 4800 Bibles and had given away 1400, reported Lewiston last week, Is into prisou with three soldiers on guard Republicans. There are also a Wonderful Power of a Vision of a Tribe held eign manufacturer. An English mer- a Thursday afternoon, April 3d, as ho had i-. total o£ 6000 looking though been running wjuiuu over lue. trial m-iiuci uj. nuionuau iinliabs m uua- making distributed. The xouumij iu tuia uuuuu; was *»u- My preliminary lasted uapj A FARMER’S BIEL. of African lSushman. prayers at her late residenoe, followed by ton and elsewhere who own Cuban entire absence of Christian work in some a Dank during the winter. tracted by seeing some very handsome four hours, and I was not allowed any plan- a brief service at the tations and have their American mana- Filled Cheese Measure Passed of these Congregational lias at Lewiston. stylish suits for boys. Thinking they witnesses. After the by Republi- remote regions'is illustrated by Lippert reported reading testimony, gers onthe island. From these men much church by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Water- might take well in his own country be can Totes. the fact that at one little Most of the Portland will not I was forced to it. The confidential settlement players a few sign prosecuting information has been and is worth. Interment was in the old ceme- samples and took them There is a race of men who can see as where one of the Bible have to much further out of their ome. then told me to a being received. With all these sources agents preached, go way EurohasedThere he found the English mer- attorney get lawyer, Washington, April 11—The House went for obtaining the facts to the ad- far with the. naked eye as an ordinary there was a man who told to in New York than if oame chant could sell as good a suit for one and that I could see friends with the ex- open young him report they it into committee of the whole to further A Theft. dollar and bis sneou- ministration, has never been contem- man can with a man that his was Nervy to less, contemplated ception of Paul Bray, my stepson. 1 saiu telesoope. Every the first prayer ho had ever dlreotly Portland. plated at any time to send General fc-oho- consider the “filled cheese” bill. lation fell through. The difference in cost to Acting United states Consul Wettor, his own might be applied heard; also that he had never Friday morning at about 8 o’clock two Koine of the are wonder- riehl or any other;army officer to Cuba to telesoope,” before Bangor people was wholly in the line of labor, for there who did not come to sea mo, but sent a Mr. Cannon moved to reduce the man- well investigate and report. The P esident with propriety to these fortunate persons. heard of Jesus Christ and wanted to dressed young men oalled at a ing how Billy Long’s base ball mosaic was no competition in the way of getting lawyer named Gerrardeau. The latter ufacturers tax from $400 to a and Secretary have that $100 year. live in a wild state in the south know who He boarding house on Free street. One of will look after be his collection of the raw material. I make no claim to took the case and worked on it until 24 Olney they They was. This was of course gets were getting at the facts in a muoh more Mr. Northway vigorously combatted statesmanship or superior knowledge, hours before thB trial came and then of Africa among the tribes of bushmen. an extreme case, but it was them carried a valise. One of them told matched up than significant. jewels together, but facts are stubborn and are not mo satisfactory way by sending a spe- the amendment offered Mr. Cannon things informed that he must have £500 by The name “bushmen” is an The Bibles were never the landlady that they had come The Lewiston association has re-eleot- cial commissioner and when they have re- Anglinism left in these just a easily refuted. Recent advices from some at once. ‘It means 20 years or £500’ said and Mr. Hopkins favored it. ceived all the information obtainable and of tho Dutch word “bjoseman,” meaning houses without the Chet shall from the Boston boat and wished to hire ed I. B. Isaaoson, president; W. M' oi the best manufacturing establishments the amiable lawyer. Then 1 got M. Mr. pledge they not till then, will there be any consider- Dingley opposed the amendment a room where rest in this Joountry will fully confirm all I LeGrace to take tlie case. He studied it “man of the woods.” be read. And they are read in the great they might after their Groenleaf, treasurer; and Arthur G ation of the question of what aotion and said that the words butter and cheese have stated in this communication. The fur 24 hours and at the trial, which lasted These human derived their of cases. The journey as they were unable to on olerk. Mr. was aiso or whether any action should be taken telescopes majority following ilius sleep Staples, Staples sucoess or failure of our cotton and wool- one and a half hours, bo cross-examined were trnde marks belonging to tho farm- the boat. The on the resolutions of Congress. extraordinary power of vision, acoordiug tration shows how the Good Book is landlady asked them to be eleoted official scorer. Mr. Staples can en manufacturing will depend largely on ouo. T he five judges were out 20 min- Secretary ers of this and other countries to Onley has received a from Con- desig- to Mr. Herbert welcomed. In seated in the hall while she went scare base ball be can the kind of legislation we have at Wash- utes and rendered a. verdict of I telegram Spencer, through neces- one little town where there up and write it too, guilty. sul General Williams in whioh nate tho artiules known those and the kind of we was ho says genuine by stairs to the room in order. ington, legislation to get 20 years in solitary confine- sity. If it were not for this they must was no church, a Bible agent oalled upon put When as well as any one in tbe business, and that names, and that of them have there, will depend upon the kind ment Next day, LeGraou said ho would infringments an she oame baok the men were and so have long ago beoome extinot. They invalid widow, whose only compan- gone that doesn’t bar the big cities either. of men who make our laws and shape the gat mo a new trial and, pending it, I by these spurious products were in vio- CAPTAIN GENERAL WEYLEY ore small in stature for ion was a little about 12 were $28 taken from the drawer of a bu- Boach has with and policy of this country. was again thrust into prison. E. G. latiou of public policy aud should be romarkably son, years old. signed Bangor, pre- reau in the The remedy for all these ills is with Y' mdford oama to mo and told me that has ordered the release vented in behalf of the farmers and the wildmen, and they offer an easy prey He had to wash the dishes and do most landlady’s sitting room. They Terrien, who was under contract with of Lades Lao the people and when they have the oppor- Consul Wetter publio. He was to the for the fierce beasts of the housework. He a also took some jewelry. tbe will be released. Quintore. The also that opposed practice large, that infest was bright little log drivers, tunity next November I believe will despatch says of the of the they HAD A KNIFE READY invoking taxing powers gov- certain parts of Southern Africa. fellow. The agent read from Tbe Portland uniforms will apply it. Walter Ilygert is well and that the cap- ernment to prevent fraud.but this matter And, passages Football at Westbrook. probably for me on account of their the Bible to him and arrive in time for the Fast This week's “American Wool and Cot- and advised mo to write and ask tain general is interest in was so tho results of the diminutive size, they the boy showed day game. taking great exceptional, An association game of football was ton contains the following ad- fraud so are not able to on terms an The who Reporter” nU pardon r certain allusion I had the case like other widespread and extensive, that fight equal with extraordinary interest in it. It was people have been saying that but, every executive played on the Scotch Hill at vice to western woolmen: “It is high t ;.) Congress would he justified in as their warlike ana ani new and grounds Leonard ''do ini in a Jotter to my wife. I he has to await the aotion acting larger proportioned wonderful to him. Besides Manager wouldn’t show up in time to inform our western friends that authority, of proposed in the bill. He called attention Westbrook, Saturday afternoon, between I got this Traveleis in the of there was in the to Portland this year, will now have to And the depressed condition of this market is reply. ‘You are the court baviug jurisdiciton in th mat- to tho fact that the law neighbors. region nothing house read ; the oleomargerine Westbrooks and the team from the a fact, and not a device for the < no else to talk purpose being guilty of a violation ter. and had resulted in two it soid for the long-sighted bushmen nave reported newspaper, no books.no Youth’s Com- something about. Quintore Dygert are Ameri- things: steamship Parisian. The Westbrooks lose of dai reciating prices la the wool section. what it and at a less some remarkable Some were on the ltkough the United States can citizens accused of in was, price greatly truly feats with the panion. The agent gave the little fellow boys practicing Deer- The and best advice wbioh can complicity the than butter. So it a game with the Labradors last simplest ■ would lie under the Saturday ■I.. «: !.• interfere to insurrection. eyes. One day, while a was a Bible, and his poor ing grounds Saturday. be given them is to hold baok their wool provent op- European mother, noticing from a Bending bill; those who wanted to buy lack of praotice, but the team the a a in his Catcher Donovan of the until the atmosphere is good deal clear- ;. nnot expect clemency

* ~ ~ ’■ ... —r 1 —— I PORTLAND DAILY PRESS DUTIES AND SHIPPING. MISCELLANEOUS._| MlaCE^IyLNEOUS. MISCEtUOTSOUS. rmiNCiAi. FINANCIAL. —*—-— AMUSEMENTS. The ,_ —AND— Bath Times wants the Republica state convention to speak out In favc MAINE STATE PRESS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, of discriminating duties for Amerioa I BUFFALO BILL. 1 $30,000 Subscription Rates. shipping. There are serious difficulties _ Daily (in advance) $G per year; $3 for six however, in the way of that an $ Capital $100,000. Surplus $50,000. policy, ; GUY OF MAINE , a I a 50 cents month. BELFAST, "Portland months; $1.50 quarter; some of them are out In letter Theatre, pointed The Daily is delivered every G. E. LOTH morning by from ■ HOP, Prop. Senators Hale and Frye which aj ! Receives and Loans ( iar any where within the city limits and at A NOTED MAN’S OPINION ON A SUB- Deposits 4 Per Cent — pear in the same issue of the i Refunding Bends, ♦- Woodfords without extra charge. Times, Money. which the policy is advooated. Such DATED SOY. 1885. Daily (Not in advance!, invariably at th t Accounts of individuals and trustees 1, Senator JECT OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. Monday & 13 &14. lute of a plan, says Frye, would DUE Tuesday. April $7 year. oompi ; received on favorable terms. SOV. 1, 1925, us to '■IKK State Press, (Weekly) published abrogate thirty-six coinmeroii 1 __ Interest bearing certificates of de- OPTIOSAL NOV. 1, 1905 every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; treaties and meet retaliation, and Senate r issued. o cents a 25 cents for trial Hale posits nterest quarter; subscrip- says substantially the same thine ■ Semi-Annually in Boston tion of six weeks. The He speaks from His life, his state convention should not rosolv experience. knowledge Denominations and Persons to leave town for or $1,000 $500. wishing long in favor of any speoiflc method of revit of SPECIALTY. ifflmsy. short periods may have the addresses of their the Indians and his Price 103 and Interest. ing American shipping until it is we: unimpeachable integrity papers changed as often as desired. l High Grade Home Bonds. (The Sweet settled that the method will be eflootua! lend to his statements. Singer,) Advertising Rates. weight dtf It is olearly not settled that the disoriir aprU_ In Daily Press $1.60 per square, for one inating duties method will be. Indee i WOODBURY AMERICA’S "«ck; $4,00 for one month. Three Inser- both the senators MOULTON, seem to entertain a sur $ THE REPUTATION tions or levs, $t.00 per square. Every other that HAKTKlEns. picion such duties may do quite a INVESTMENT I Representative Comedian t',.y advertisements, one third less than these OF THE S much harm as good. Every one of ou J ates. Portland, Maine. In His Great Scenic Production, present senators and representatives is mar2 Half square advertisements $1.00 for one SECURITIES, dtt strong protectionist, and we are not iikel week or $2,50 for one month. STEARNS to have men of “A Square” ^ a space of the width of a col- any other stamp fror j Paying Four. Five and this INVESTMENT SECURITIES. umn and one inch long. state in Congress for many years t € IS BUILT UPON Six Per Cent. Mousam Water 1st Special Notices, on first page, one-third ad- come. Tbey are in favor of anv reason | Company Mortgage 5’s ditional. able ? THE ROOK. (Kennebunk, Me,), 1915. that shall ...... legislation promote th £ FOR SALES BY Portland and Eumford Falls Amusements and Auotion Sales, $2.00 per Railway I interest of American shipowners, and i 1st 5's, 1912. -DIRECT FROM- square each week. Three insertions or less, > i Sound business methods constitute' r Mortgage seems to ns that the determinatio: Portland and Eumford Falls $1.60 per square. i the foundation of its popularity, m RailwayJ of the precise kind needed can b 0 STEARNS Wheels are not built lor A H. M. PAYSON ft Plain 5’s 1904. I Bowdoin Boston. ; Reading Notices in nonpanel type and CO, today alone, but for years yet unborn w Maine Central Consol. Square_Theatre, safoly left to their Not on 0 Ts, 1912. r Prices classed with other paid notices, 15 cents per judgment. Y as well; and its good name should 0 § 26c, 6nc, 76c. Seats now on in a Rockland, TUomaston & Camden St. sale at Box office. line each insertion. hundred of the men who will mak 0 grow brighter and brighter with ad a 33 EXCHANGE jj vancing years. The Stearns is a a STREET. Ry. 1st Mortgage 5’s, 1922. Pure Reading Notices iu leading matter up the seato oouvnntion will have studiei 0 good apr4 type, 1 wheel and true. & dtt Lowell, Lawrence & Haverhill St. Ry. 25 cents line each the per insertion. question thoroughly enough to knoi 1st Mortgage 5’s, 1923. 1 and Thursday, To For Sale and Wednesday Wants, Let. similar adver- whother discriminating duties will liel Canton, Ohio, Street Railroad 1st Mort- April 15th & 16th. tisements, 25 cents per week in advance, for or hurt; and any expression of opinio; I F. 0. BAILEY & gage 0’s, 1910. 40 words or less, no display. Displayed adver- CO., Rumford Falls and from the will not be an | Light Water Co. body iutelligen tisements under these headlines, and all adver- @ State Agents, Portland, Me. $ 1st Mortgage 6’s, 1908. expression. It will be at most assent t isements not paid! lin advance, kwill be City Water Co. (Chattanooga, Tenn.l 1 a {one remody prescribed a few uncut th Laiged at regular rates. by Town of Yarmouth, Me., 4s, due 6’s, 1908. In Maine State Press—$1.00 efficuoy of which ther w d) dlffereno 1916-1926. Richmond Water & OF per square Jir apr-6dtf Light Co., (Rich- | or first and cents of Calais. mond, 1st | insertion, fifty per square for opinion among expoi t City Me., 4s, due 1901- Ky.) Mortgagee’s, 1910. ■ each subsequent insertion. iof City of Joplin, Mo., Funding 6’s, 1898. § TUP 130 YOU 3INT01 of Address all communications relating to sub City of Zanesville, Ohio, 4s, due 1915. City Freemont, Neb., School 5’s, 1909. THOMAS B. HEED. of Fcriptions and advertisements to Portland City of JPiqua, Ohio, 5s, due 1903. City Columbus, Ind., Funding And if so have you some one who can iyuT. 5’s, Publishing 97 City of Seattle, Wash., 5s, due 1910. Co., Exchange Street, If you owned (BRAVEST. I As of play your accompaniments? of Portland, Me. One His Classmates Knei Chicago Sanitary District, 6s, due City Leadville, Col., 8 per cent War- New York Office: 1901. rants. I ALL NEW (SPECIAL SCENERY Him. Ara Hereford § No. 6G Pulitzer Building, New York jl ui uiauu naiici w<) xoj uuc M-irai. Railway Company stock, 4 AND EFFECTS. » City, cent Byron Andrews. Manager. would have the most skillful accom- Maine Central R. R., First Mortg. 7s, per dividend paid by Maine Central you Railroad Conservatism the Secret of Hi in the world! More than 1898. Co. Prices25, 60, 76c. Seat3 now on sale B Underlying panist ■ at Maine Central 3. Box Office. Success. R., Cons. Mort, 4s. FOR BALE BY Ten Thousand Compositions 1912. THE PRESS. Tlie follow sketoh of Reel are available for this marvellous instru- Maine lC'entral R. Cons. ing Speaker R., Mort, 6s, MASON & Friday and Saturday, i appeared in the Boston Journal of yester ment, all of which you can play. This MERRILL, is not a child’s nor a music but Street First April 17th & APRIL 13. day. It was written by Judge J, W. Sy toy box, Railway, Mortg. Bankers, 98 St, 18th, MONDAY, a instrument that has won the Exchange g monds of this in high grade Duluth^ city, though the Jouru of __2aprld« approval the greatest musicians of this FOB SALh BY- SAT. I “AVZS* I SAT. al it is J. A. a signed Symonds, mistak age. Daily exhibitions. TEL as | The Dominion government has decided in the middle initial: to withdraw the remedial sohool bill There is somewhere a saying of Emer THE M. STEINERT & SONS SWAN & which was to force separate sohools upon son I think it is in the volume CO., BARRETT, LOST upon Rep T. C. McGOCLDKICK, Mana uer. resentative that for Manitoba. This is undoubtedly the re- Men, the oompaulon feb27d2m 517 Street Casco National Bank Congress our 186 Middle Street, of childhood to turn out to be grea sult of the visit of the government com- jam au -OF- men does not suprise us. It is am HON. missioners to which easy WM. F. CODY. Manitoba, during natural to believe in greatness wbeneve PARADISE. discovered that the and wherever it ii mere is a man m America they government appears. to-aay, wnose time, and on the frontier this and the othn BY H. C. DE MILLE. To few men of that which PORTLAND, MAINE, would have to back up its bill with bayo- of our history or of ou opinion has to do with the In- Kickapoo Indian remedies are considered in- times does the of dians and their habits is of it is I had occasion to NORTHERN BANKING A Powerful nets before schuols could be deep meaning this say value, dispensible. use Kickapoo Win t GO., Comedy Drama, separate of the New that of the Hon. Wm. F. MCALLISTER, ing great England autho Cody (Buffalo Bill). Indian Sagwa for malaria and chills with the 1SS Mlddli St P. a Bm 1108. HEADED BY forced upon the have a or 53 Exchange Street, province. clearer truer applicationthan t , The years of his life spent with them as a best of results, it is far superior to quinine. the distinguished man who now, in th government scout and his later life of success, I have also used Sagwa and Kickapoo Indian MR. JAMES HORNE. very glow of a personal such a combined with the respect and admiration Oil for rheumatism and was cured. BONDS and The story that the administration bad triumph j speedily The Great Iron Mill Scene In full i few public men at any period have th felt for him by the entire world, make his You may use my name and say that for Incorporated 1824. 9 QCE senij a note to the Spanish government ■ OC5. Operation. ■speaker of our House of Representatives words an unquestionable authority, on any what they claim to do the Kickapoo Indian its offices in the Cuban COAL. SECURITIES. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 8 S.'liEQV Capitalist and LaborerShould If those to do with this no ofiering good you go among who were wit] , thing subject. Remedies have equal.” Sufferers from ■ l_ vr.ll I Sec Tills. matter is untrue. him and who know him as a ! When such a man as this, in times of sick- these troubles, or in fact from any pronounced entirely bov, yoi derange- S Prices, 25, 50, 7oc. Sale Mon- will find that the future has ness resorts to medicines and obtains relief ment caused a disordered condition of the INTEREST PAID ON opens The administration has had no recent brrmgh by DEPOSITS ■ day, April loth, forth has in it no element of fo 1 by their use, that are of nature’s own brew- stomach or follow this A Fall Assortment ot and Free- surprise kidneyB, liver, blood, Leliigh CHAS. S. 'I Popular Price Matinee Saturday. — FOBKS, ;?J‘ communication tn the’ subject of the them. A made nature’s own children the Brest., boyhood that won the heart , Ing, by illustrious man’s example, get well by a W. F. MILLIKEN. V. Brest., I Cuban rebellion with the of all who Indian — from her all barks sure a for ONE knew it its method. Where cure Is a Goals Domestic Use. MILLION Spanish gov- by simple fldelit' powerful roots, possible, Burning JAMES E. McDOWELL, 'f Executive and and as ernment, and the President has apparent- fervor, by the loftiness of its aims herbs, they themselves gather them, cure is certain and that too without danger, JAMES E. HEWEY, | Committee, by a sort of slumbering of it it would seem that the example he thus gives as these medicines contain no mineral or other Pocahontas (Semi-Bituminous) and FBANOI8 FESSENDEN, j ly not determined yet whether he will immensity CHAS. L. native resources, has opened into tin to the world should be followed and prof- poisonous ingredients. All druggists 6ell MA.ESTON, Seo’y, attention to the resolutions Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are lo2o eodtl pay any re- beauty of his private life and obaraoter ited by. them. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa $1 a bottle, DOLLARS. THE MONTGOMERY cently adopted by Congress, or will treat into the strength aud stateliness of hi; Note what be says in his own words con- 6 bottles for $5. Kickapoo Indian Oil, 25c., unsurpassed for general steam and GUARDS, them public career, by a prooess as ant cerning the wonderful results to be obtained Salve, 25c., Worm Killer, 25c., Cure, as ho did, the Armenian resolution steady Cough Cnrrent Accounts on — received favorx»ii- continuous as that which the oat by the famous Indian Sagwa: 50c., Pills, 25c. forge use. CO. E, FIRST REGIMENT, N. G. S. M„ —that is them by Kickapoo terms. ignore entirely. shapes itself in its growth. Whateve “I have known of its virtue for a long will give their Genuine Lykens Valley Franklin, Interest may have been the aooldents of externa allowed on Thus Deposits. Both the Mayor of New York and the fortune, in his mental history there havt English and American Cannel. Correspondence solicited .frem Individu- been no no al*. Annual Drill & Ball of hare the sharp contrasts, sudden vicis- Corporations, Banks, and others de- Mayor Brooklyn disapproved situdes. safe to siring to accounts, as well as bill the cay that no young man ever de- thought and genuine nobility of mind b( Above Coals Constant- open from recently passed by New York No toyhood trer more with | glowed th< parted from Bowdoin college be- faced conditions as hard and unfavorable those wishing to transact busi- for the consolidation of dream of leaving N.W.HARRIS<£CO. Banking the in ao legislature greatness, hind him a stronger impression of lutel- to a high education—except for the in- On Hand. ness of any description this Bank. tion, of high conduct and ly through cities of New York and Brooklyn. This service anc leotual capacity, of power reserved and creasing influence of friends whom he CITY HALL, usefulness in the world of men. Nom does not defeat the but it hitherto unused, of ability to acta high himself had gathered about him—as evei BANKERS, absolutely bill, ever more bided its TELEPHONE .... 100-2 patiently time, ao and noble in life, or a more surrounded a In New the STEPHEN ft. SMALL Praslmn Tuesday Eyenius, April 14. renders its before part publio boy England; passage again necessary from all intellectual ■ cumulating region! universal expectation, among teachers dream and hope ot the great and benefic- No. 70 State St., Boston. it cau become a law. It is be- the vast resources which the future wa; MARSHALL H CONCERT : BY : AMERICAN generally and classmates alike, of groat and bril- ial servioe to his country and the world. jaa4 GODINS, CADET : BAND. to charge with None ever OFFICE: NEW Cajh!« lieved, however, its effect will be to kill power. kept iti liant service in the future. His old teach- |If you seek for the real foundation on YORK, CHICAGO, Tickets. 50c eye fixed more steadily upon the o; ers the bill for this session. goal at Bowdoin, if they were still living which he stands you will find it to bo, ap8rilw Many Republi- trod the pathway to the with firms: 1 amusements. goal would look with no surprise upon the notwithstanding what perhaps may can members are said to have supported or surer step. achievments of his life, great and splen- sometimes appear upon the surfaoe, a 7b Commercial & 70 Sts. No as it Exchange it very reluctantly, and now that the dis- boyhood passed by ever lef did as they have been. deep, underlying conservatism. He will ap8 M.W&Ftf behind it a more of both has them shining example o During tho war he was for several never be found phasing^the follies of the MRS. ABM W. approval mayors given truthfulness to itself and to LOWELL’S others, o years engaged in servloe in the navy. He hour. Who has so vindicated the great a good excuse for doing so, they are like- of the Government, Grand Festival. uprightness, virtue, honor, swaj was admitted to the Bar in American doctrine JILiSU California, of piotection, or has to turn around and vote the of high motives and noble sentiment; ly against bat returned to Maine. His rise at the so portrayed the excellences and the de- * . over its whole course. There was SPECIAL FREE Pupils’ CONCERT BY THE BOSTON bill. While there is considerable senti- ni Bar in Portland was rapid, almost be- fects, and the true limitations, of legis- BURNING Recital, waste of time and no To a — — ment in favor of the hurry. Strang yond precedent or parallel. In few years lation upon that subjeot? In whose AND coneolidating two or he seeiu indifferent KOTZSCHIVIAR might or idle, bu' lie was counsel for the oity, been hands will the business interests HALL lmmifiinalitiAfl fchft ViAela mnaf 4* t.hnro iwoo nlnmoc 4-V.rv -; A_ having great Municipal elected AND HIGH GRADE to the office of oity solioitor, a and industries of the country, as a whole, * Wednesday Evening, Appil 22d, seams to be tbe desire to be able to boast the consciousness of power, and if the stei plaoe that had been held William Pitt DANIEL by without be — discrimination, safer; who GOAL, — were sometimes slow it was still the Introducing of tbe second in tbe world. ste] Fessenden during many years of his would have a more Intense nr a more ac- biggest oity of the giant. in Portland. He was a for Club The more praotioe chosen tive hatred against any form of money open grates. Swinging, thoughtful and sober-minded He was not was Musical wealthy—he poor. Bu ; Representative of the oity in the legisla- that bad the taint of dishonesty about it Dumb Bells, are fearful that his severe methods p -,p!e consolidation will seemed to hrlni ! ture of the State at where or Recitations, Hoop Drill Augusta, many that under any disguise attempted to Corporation National within bis reaoh all the Dances with exaggerate the bad government wbioh advantage: matters of importance to tho oity and diminish the wages of labor? To what Pantomime, wealth can afford a young man. Hi the Concluding with Charles Reade’s already exists in New York city. county were entrusted principally to task of the future Is that ability unequal R. Celebrated never indulged in an extravagance tha : bis and were A. & Co. Comedy, charge most successfully whiob, as If by the very audacity of gen- Wright could oripple his independence or mort and in 1870 he was BOIMDS. managed; chosen such terrific and marlB Th&M6m the labor of ius, against opposition 350 NANCE OLDFIELD. I earned professors are given to blun- gage tomorrow to make 1: Attorney General of the State, suoh of COMMERCIAL, strength preoedent, vindicated in Tickets 60c. including reserved seat. good. All he wanted of money was ti There are few lists of names in Sale dering as well as other folks. For in- Maine the National House of AND of seats begins 15 him ■ Kepresentatives Wednesday, April th at give opportunity—opportunity more honored than that of Its the Jones & ecu, the otbar day, Prof. E.W. Attorney right of the majority to govern and Cressey, Hernia, “mightier than conquerors and them are 50 EXCHANGE Allen’s._aplsdtd proph Generals; among Judge Clifford devolved upon them the responsibilities STS. late of tbs Chicago in a lec- ets;“ and self ■ of tho United University, self-denial, self-restraint, States Supreme court, of government, thereby delivering nation- apr3eod2w IN AID OF DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT ture in cited as oontrnl and self-reliance, a l Senator with Wobster EMIL Boston, Portland an ex- high-minde( George Evans, and al assemblies the world over from a re- will be PAUKK, Conductor, au 1 Paderewski’s economy aDd exactness in expenditure Chief Justice Senator given by only MISS A OlN'ETTE ample of one of the worst governed cities Clay; Peters, Frye proaoh that might have destroyed them? NUMtMSMF rUKpnp pupil. ciiligenoe and industry that never and the Governor ot EASTER AND SPRING SZAMOWSKA, Pianist flagged present the State, Moreover, it is by no means sure that FOOTWEAR. Cong,resg Square in the country. Yet the foot is were MUNICIPAL exaotly the instruments whioh he B. Cleaves. Mr. was Aune^ by wrunj ! Heury Reed still in the near future the course of external W« have received our spring lines in gentle- INVESTMENTS. 1 Tickets. $1.00 an5 tho from the narrowness of his situation a Thursday apposite. Portland is and thi young man when he was nbosen to the events is to men’s and ladies’ footwear which are of the FRIENDLESS evening, Half fare on at always be without danger to our April at and late #3.50, sale of bis whlcl office as successor of Senator neatest and latest styles. We wish to direct I6tl>, trains to has boon one of toe best governed cities golden opportulties youth, Frye. country; the next Presidency may meet all holding Stock bridge’s riatur- wore the prelude and the preparation fo This was in itself of special atteutlou to our lines of young people’s Sympliony tickets. day. April in the appointment proof with more troublous times than any we of Zanesville. due BOYS. 4th._ country. Furthermore it is one the work of the future. the footwear. City Ohio, 5’s, 1908. Congress Square Vestry. very highest standing'at the Bar and have seen since the war for the “ mar'jQdtd a. ELL is. Manager. o: tho Union Our assortment of Oxford Ties is complete “ “ “ Tickets, 25 cts. For _C. best behaved cities in the In the Portland High school he had ai before the His efflo- sale at country. neciple. remarkably closed. It is not simply true to say, that and one of the largest in the Stale. We invite Stock bridged. excellent for en ■ “41-2’s, 1905. apl3,15&16 The average of and preparation college, and ient service as Attorney the dis- we need the men to our of intelligence morality General, may in those days to listen tc young inspect stock patent “ “ “ terod Bowdoln in the fail of 1866. Not ■ character of this service even eatner. russett and line calf in i s vary high berime is infrequent and the tinguished the word ofiwisdom spoken by a voice needle, razor, 6’s 1901. withstanding a range of almost universe l where tho common standard was so opera and wide toes. We are head quarters Ashland, Wisconsin, high that can be heard above the tc “ “ p r cent of abject poverty is very small. he storm; for white in all and are “ reading, notwithstanding liked to pur still forms one of the bases of the nerma- a slippers styles prepared The feel hand at the helm that has nc take orders Concert for the Benefit of the Blind Musi- Prat H PRESENTED I I stem, Ms own deiini that if written to I complete be UNDER AU8PIOE8 OP — notwithstanding confidentially, will mail ii for a at count rs not likely to be in ac- used Piggery the Maine in-ano well superior tion to be entitled to the fame of a states a sealed letter, the plan pursued 1 cared for. by which ! Hospital, Augusta, Maine. on .. ,i mr CAUCUS, y curacy or to the or to man was restored te health and j £ honesty first, com- even before he is dead. permanently manl1 Monday, April 6th, 1896. Plans and si i. IF vigor, after of from JL mand more I believo it is trne of him in c years suffering Nervou' 1 tions may be seen and all information public confidence. Let the that, Weakness, night losses and ob- SHERIDAN sense a weak, shrunkei 1 tttined at the office of Dr. 11. T. Brown & il ballots be counted in and in degree that is rare arnonj .Sanborn The Republicans of the towns of Cape Josselyn, RIFLE8, once the presence of parts. Superintendent at the Hospital and at the and South Portland men, his aims are public, Intend the gen- I have no scheme to exhort Elizabeth (formerly tlia f Portland, of all money from am office of Coombs, Gibbs ft Archi- will ] Go. representatives parties and then eral and tho I was Wilkinson, town of Cape Elizabeth, meet at the 1st N. G. S. good publio welfare, rathei one whomsorver. robbed and swindle! tects, Savings Bank for Haine, L, Regt M. than 1 Building, Lewiston Town Hall, Souh Portland, on 1 f Agents destroyed. ho long as they are self-seeking and personal. He ii by the quacks until nearly lost faith ii Maine. Proposals will be Saturday, 60 received lor the April lltli, 1896, at 4 o’clock p. m., for the 1 f the Trade. Soloists, including Miss Kate w.n. not a inan mankind, but thank Heaven, I am or of the Supply there will be an to entertain any feverish am- nov whole parts materials and labor 8 to M‘38 preserved always un- well, vigorous and strong, and purpose of choosing delegates attend 6#rtlia^ bition or anxiety about the anxious tc All proposals to be directed to the Trustees' the District IF W.bbfvioffi? ) roll table hullabaloo like that of the Presidency, make this certain means of cure First Congressional Convention, j ol'tWsSe?tJ“0: Ha ambition now is what it has known ti Maine Insane Hospital, Augusta, Maine, and and 8 to attend the AKRON CEREAL 60 always at delegates Republican \ y CO., j | prices-AduIts, and 76o; Children Oldtown whenever au for to be leit the office of Dr. B. T. Sanborn State said conventions to ^Matinee case, election is been, good work, for sound and true Having to sell or send C. Convention, be 1 1500 barrels daily. Akron, 0. nothing O. D I wan The light is reserved to re- f to fulfill tte ho»>e no Superintendent. hold in Portland Thursday, April 16, 1896. Evening prices, 60, 7Bo and *1.00. blose. results, and the drearc money. Address JAS. A. HAKKIh or all KK1H ject any proposals. Per order Town Committees of the Towns of Seats on sale ut Chsudlor’s TVluain ctA1, his bojhood cherished when with Delray. Mich,, Box 386 Per order Truatese. high Apl 3,6,9,13,16,20 Cane UHzabeth and South Portland. Half fare on M. C. R. R7and G t h t/1,0' all haloing Imies tickets. aj>aui6t° NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. MUSIC AND DRAMA. One of the Bravest. ST. LUKE’S PARISH. NICW ADVEUTIKEHE^rrS. | WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW " j “ “One of the Bravest” appeals to a 1 Dean of Its Work and Pros who admire the herolo deeds of our gal- Sills Speaks Innes's Band Concerts. WHITE lant firemen. In it Larry Howard cre- out Conditions. STORE, those concerts jTTlTbbyTi Today splendid by In- I ADD ABCC’C ates great enthusiasm by saving people 516 Congress St. nes’s famous band will be beard after- from burning buildings by the use of A large oongrcgation was prosent at St bn IS ti& O noon and evening at City Hall. The op- nets, ladders and ropes. There are lots of Lukes’ Cathedral yesterday morning. portunity of hearing Innes play that specialty features Introduced. Get tick In plaoe of a regular sermon, Ur. Silh A Rolling Snow-Bail wonderful trombone of his, is one that ets at the box office now. made a very oarnest talk upon the pres- the admirers or a phenomenal virtuosity ent Symphony Concert. status of St. Luke’s and the condi- GOODS. will not h? slow to avail DRESS themselves of. tions existing in the church today. Tin alone But three days remain in which to so- — DRESS It is not through his natural gifts Dean held of the SPRING GOODS business is like rolling for the tlio closest attention nor oure seats grand concert to be- With the touch of weather comes a increase in sales in our Dress as a leader, us a musioiau, that Mr. audience. He said in Spring steady a snow bail in snow. the Boston part: THIS damp Innes has succeeded in for his given by Symphony Orohestra Goods Department. We are going to make the next few days a Rare Occasion acquiring Any reference to the existing condi- turn we sthe it But St of 70 musicians, assisted by the great are for Every give it, bigger grows. band the position it now holds in the tion of this parish from this plaoe would For Dress Goods (Buying. We going to apply the tonio of cut prices, pianist, Mile. Szumonska, at ball be at this time if mem won’t roll that’s we advertise it. world of musio, but by downright hard City unnecessary the a little time, as a Special Inducement to the Dress Goods Purcliaseer. Sale to com- itself, why bers would and on Wednesday evening. It is a tremen- ever meet together on anj work oombined with originality other mence Monday Be on hand early as this is a interesting col- dous to this day to listen to what might r>e said morning. particularly as a multi- expense bring great body genius manager, with all the about it, hut for myself, I feel the im- lection of some of the most stylish Dress goods novelties you will see this season. of musiciaus to Maine, and everyone in- farious duties whioh this name implies. portance of laying before you as a eon APRIL I3TH, we shall begin a demonstra- terested in the best inusio shoula not The of Innes’s famous band gregation oertaln matters which ought uiake-up to olairn tion in Dress the first of a fail to be present. The tickets are to be your attention early considera- ®ve,'F Pattern we have in MONDAY, Goods, series, prepara- is In itself a of its capability. flRF^R PATTERNS guarantee tion. You will pardon me if I speak UllCuu rftl ICmiOi mu- found at Stookbridges’. The New York stock are now marked from to to the Palace Store in Baxter Not only are its 50 instrumentalists plainly. tory removing Eig Herald says: “It was the Wool all TOILET sical artists of the lirst rank, but the simply perfec- i’irst—Now as regards the position 1 $7.50 to $9.98. and mixtures, Wool, Block. tion of orohestral that one heard myself hold. I would at first removt all the soloists who have been engaged playing and and Silk, in choice combina- We would like to sell this stock down to a special a whioh I fear Basketful Unit- last evouing. Suoh trnal misunderstanding exist! tions of color and the newest wea ves; not an unde- for this are of the host in the beauty— and tour, which considers me in tne light oi before removal. Will us? Mme. Klangsohonhoit, as the Gormans have it the in tlie lot. you help ed States, the donna soprano, head of the parish corporation ant sirable pattern DEPARTMENT. priina —has a of not been listened to in a long therefore for the Kate Kolia, being fresh from series responsible management while. The of the parish as its rector. As was stated iu the principal opera strings sounded simply in- Your choice for each. artistic triumphs in a leaflet sent by me to all the will be Miss Bertha C. toxicating, and tho brass and wood- parish Good sound com mon sense charac- REMOVAL prices put upon some houses of Europe, while oners two years ago the position of thi $6.98 winds were a well-earned hardly less fine. A bientot, Cathedral is See in our window. choice in our DressICoods stock Webb is preceded hv repu- peculiar, in that it recog Display terizes our line of Notions and Toilet SPECIAL things Monday. of all violin- ye Boston Symphonistsl You will not nizes two corporations. The parish ol tation as tho greatest lady St. This is a And the contagion will catch like a Prairie-fire. be for last Luke’s Is duly authorized according; Goods. large department ists. readily forgotten; night you to law. It has a rector, wardens and ves SILK DEPT. Silk . Only 6 pieces in this lot, slightly but is taxed to its utmost Excursion rates all the Dress of seats for this at- played like mastersingers, all of you.” its capacity through Goods section. The advance sale try, but it lias no ohurcb buildiug of its 25c to close, own. damaged, quality, special price traction is already large, and altogether Lust Paradise. Yoars ago, by deed of gift, it gave to display our immence stock of these its property ovor to the other corporation, the coining of Innes and his players Mr. James who made many Horne, the Cathedral Chapter, reserving to itsoll goods. We can’t begin to tell you of some- 16G yard. to ho a society event friends In Portland on the oooasion of the rights, of full and ■klOVELTY STUFFS CHECKS in promises controlling repre about | j scatation in the of them--Belts, Buckles, Jew- ° 3* 50 ^COTCH what unusual magnitude. his engagement with Mr. McCallum’s Chapter, worshiping black and bind in the Cathedral, and of c; gl|j| Twenty-five styles.' whiter Mr. Innes will play the Maine Central Peaks island oompany, will be seen in approving LINING DEPT. Real Fronch Haircloth; notice the width, 90 Inches elery, Leather Goods, Toilet the Bishop's nomination of the Each a blossom of by Miss McGregor of “Lost In the role at olergj wide, Special tor Monday, and white, brown and March, composed Paradise,” leading who should work thereiu. In the Cathe Articles of every description, etc,, etc and dedicated to Mr. wide. A < this oity, Payson Portland theatre, next Friday and Sat- dral, the parish has no other rights that rare promise, 38 inches ;reen cute things, everybody strokes of Miss Webb will these. The whoever yard. Tucker. The friends urday and matinee. Miss Frances Gan- rector, he may be, 180 in is the head of the Black wide Percaline, 25c little roughish weave, mightily | hem as they pass them. her a warm welcome. by not will be and parochial corporation, yard Rustling quality, BELTS. lovingly give Judging leading lady other well- but his position as rector gives him ni Made to sell at 50 cts. and silk there will be a large atten- known aotors are in the oast , changeable and appearances rectorial rights in the Cathodral, for tlia For An line of stylish. elegant Belts ■ Tho is the afternoon is the ISO yard. AH but a dance. following N ot es. building Bishop’s church, aud in v worth it, somebody got [pinched, vool, sprayed with loom atomizer he (the Bishop,)is supreme, having then Not over 6 yards to a customer. in gilt, silver, kid, programme: “The New with Mr. Grismer ‘forever prices had to so we ’em, 25 cts. i n delicate tints. 4 combinations. Weber South,” the rights of a rector of a par sell, got Overture—Juliel, and Phoebe Davies, and “The Old ish.” and silk—gilt “La and spangled steel a, Colombo,” Homestead,” are buth coming. The vestry of the parish is in Jacquard Mohair, grays, “Funeral of a Marionet,” Gounod responsibh RindS. Belts raging price b, Get tiokets for the tenth Stookbridge, under the deed of for the Solo—Eoa gift tempera >rown and green mixtures. Trombone Shells, (Concert “Miss Jerry,” now. needs of the Cathedral. from 50c to $2.00. ancies saiore! Fif-1 Waltz,) Innes Prof. John K. Paine does 39 cts. it not believe The Dean and Canons having no posit smart look- $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. Mr. F. N.Iuues. in a >3 “representative American sohonl” ion on tho no Silver Belts, $1.00. ty styles Wagner vestry aud receiving salarj Fantasia, (New)—Lohengrin. of music. In an article published In directly from the all of Two for parooliial corporation Belts in ail ing stuffs, Songs Soprano,— Music for April, he says: “We have are therefore to 0. LARRABEE. Spangled the MANSON “How I Love Nevin responsible Bishoi a, Thee,” now not national, but intellectual inu- alone. The is rector of the the new fancies, 50c to them. “Ouvro tes Massenet Bishop par b, jeui bleue,” sio, and it makes no difference whother ish and the Dean is PRICES soma Mme. Kate Kolia simply responsibli 50 inches wide woven represent I compose hero or in St. so under the for the $1.25. One lot is Steck Petersburg, Bishop paroohial wel a, “Flirtation,” (Intermezzo,) long as I express my own way.” Nor fare. elegant Foreign elegances, b. “Two Steu”—Pittsburg Chronicle Kid Belts in white— in the Scotch style. THESE docs he believe than an American in He is under the oonstitution afte: LATEST STYLES idles and all Telegraph, a a Silk and wool wool, writing grand opera should necessarily eaoh one to whom the Bishop Another is two toned , Second Hungarian Rhapsody, Liszt choose delegate: navy—blue—black—brown subjects from Amerioan history. his of all sermons am found Solo for de superintendence All Exclusive things nowhere else Violin,“Caprice Concert,” “Suoh nationalism is beneath music.” and whose and ecru, effect, 38 inch. Musin pastorate duty, authority ii —green—tan vigoareaux the cathedral is exercised in —AND_= 1 n the State but here. Miss Bertha O. Webb. every par 25c to at 39 cts. Day Nursery. ticular directly under tho $1.00. “A at the World’s (Grand Bishop. Hay Fair,” It can be Fantasia, New. In this busy bouse cleaning time there scarcely possible, however, Silk Belts, with gilt Descriptive that one to whom such is a superintendent great demand for women who go out has —silver—oxidized and An Aeolian Concert. been committed should consider hi: a han- to work the This is the by day. only duty discharged when those merely o 50 cts. The Boston press are quite enthusias- black buckles—25c to |WS0RFtir. SUITS. olass of people who welcome these daye of oversight have been fulfilled. He mus flWI dred choice styles France, tic over the aeolian concerts given in that enter oonfusion, for it is then that heartily into everything whicl $1.00. Scotland and distressing oonoerns the Movefiles in this section. Germany, ]Jng« These concerts are similar to tho welfare of the ii PATTERN oity. the parish money is earned which is to bridge which he serves. land stuffs. No two recitals Mr. C. C. Parkyn has been giv- He is necessarily alike, over many dark places. brought into closest pastoral relation: ! & warerooms in BELT ing at M. Steinert Sons’ with to BUCKLES. Dur own exclusives, $8.75, $10.00 A large number of these women have these whom he ministers, am LOT I. Siik and 40 inches this oity. The Journal said: “Steinert in the organization and vigorous imitate _IN— to wool, small children with no one to care for Of Gilt Buckles, 18c H2.00 up to $25.00. hall was crowded last night with an ap- nance of the work he must ever he ready wide. The weave is Scotch them while they are at work, unless, In- to take the lead, tin 1.35.—Ena m el led plausive audience that was evidently especially during every the older ones are re- absence of tho with little hubbies of deed, compelled to Bishop. ano At 50c. bright much interested in the exhibition of The intimate of the need: Buckles, 50 75c main from sohool for that purpose and knowledge descrip- and the aeoliau. Messrs. G. C. Parkyn and and ability of the Cathedral parisl each— Aluminum Silk, piquant pleasing. even then, in many cases, sad accidents t ion. MATERIALS. Thia Vincent Toledo were the manipulators, gained by a residence of nearly sixteei have resulted from the lack of proper years, enables the present incumbent ii Buckles, 10c—White list should be read. and these were the pieces played: HEADWEAR! PLAIN carefully oversight, for sometimes these caretakers the Doan's office to speak with some au LOT II. Plain colored Mohair. French Overture, Midsummer Night’s Dream; thority of the condition of it: Metal Buckles, 25 and Henrietta. All coi- are older than tho little ones present hardly affairs and of and 38 Le Rouet d’Omphale,Saint-Saens; Fugue the prospeots for increase: 50c—Hard All colors black, n's and 25 themselves. It is for this class of women usefulness in the future. Euamel black, cts. in G Bach; minor, overture, Tanuhauser, To at 50c. inch. that the W. C. T. U. Day Nursery was allude first to that which is o Black Buckles, 25 and At India Twills, 40 tints, 46 inch, Wagner; pantomime masio from Hansel the i organized. It is located at 86 Oak street highest importance, viz, the spirit SOMERS, latter, aDd.Gretel, and the march irom Gounod's ual condition of the parish; The test o 50c. 39 cts. has large sunny rooms a matron whose Queen of Sheba. The manipulators had the church’s strength in any part of thi LOT III. 38 inch Mo- 5C heart is large enough to mother all the land Is to be found in the number of it: 253 middle Street. Figured Imperial , inch, good firmer control of tho instrument and children who may be sent her They actual communicants. api-12 It Hat We never had such a At 50c, hair. 5 colors. mlue at 75 cts., we were glad to get they displayed greater taste in the regis- Tho frequency with wbioh the Holy may be brought in the morning as early fine assortment of tration than they did at the tirst conoert. Communion is celebrated and the great and Hat hem for that selling-price a short as desirable and remain throughout the er relianoe the sen to be gratified that so much has beei The of the Mendelssohn placed upon Holy Sacra BRIEFLY TOLD and as we 1 arrangement and we should not be Belt Pins have Wool Fan- ,ime since. day if so desired. ment as the ohief of the means of grace done, ungratefu [ Beit LOT IV. 42 inch All overture is oertainly very ingenious and is a fair to know further that much still remain ! For this oare the mothers teu indication of the spiritua now many different pay to be done and that it is in stii Pins. designs At cies, chic and Monday price, 50 cts. Mr. Parkyn assisted In producing clever growth of the parish. The olergy oai | ourjjower 50c. charming. cents a tor one child or 16 cents for The marriage of Miss Joseph Newcomb can day have no fear for tho future when as oi further to adorn and beautify "the Hons J you find you 46 orchestral imitations. It was also inter- daughter oi Professor Bimou Newoomb of anything Henrietta, inch, every color, two children. She may have no anx- last Sunday 70 out of the whole numbe: of God. Those of you who can look br.cJ to hear the of Washington, to Hon. Edward 13. Whit- want at from 50 esting great fugue Bach, of our communicants 29 years aud all of us who know I prices raging LOT V. 46 inch cts. iety about their welfare. They are safe knelt at the a!ta: any assistant of tho Debeige. Grey which was with an ease that must to adore the risen of the of the Cathedral ney, attorney' general played and Lord. The greute: thing history lc to $1.00. 46 and 50 happy. The committee on the Day well with Intense United Btates, took place at noon Batur mixtures. Brown and Superfine Henrietta, have exoited the envy of organists pres- appreciation of the Lenten season an< may regard satisfaotioi Nursery fear that the of its tho fact that this with oi 1 day. ent ” knowledge tho growing interest in the devotiona upon parish mixtures. nch, 75 cts. its fine there rests ■ No new cases of measles have devel- At 50c. green purpose is not so widely spread as it servioe on Guod Mriday, as well as the equipment today onl; “Garry Owen.” the small indebtedness incurred among the Cleveland and Thurber COMBS. 50 inch, an extra to and more devout and reverent partioipatioi durin] oped All at 50 Cts. Imperial Serge, ought be, they take this means of families, Ruth and Owen” is a romantic in in the other public services iu the Catbe the past year by the failure of the volun Esther Ceveland and “Garry pley, all ladies who have occasion ine . Ten §1.00. asking may are tary to meet the ex all the Thurber children are doing well. Keal Shell Side colorings, four acts, by Tony Farrell, and the auth- drai, very euoouraging signs of thi , oflorings running Side to employ mothers of small children, or better understanding of the church’ penses. President Cleveland will leave Wash- or a 38c and 50c— takes leading character. The Bos- who undor tho able leader ■ Combs. Combs, who in any way know of such, to kind- ways, and in oonsequenoe, of spiritua [ 3 Somejof yon, ington Monday morning for Monticello, ton “There was a With of our beloved borne tli * to CL0TH- Transcript says: large to them of progress. the brightly appreciate: ship Bishop,have Va., attend the Jefferson birthday Black Side Combs, 10c ly speak the nursery and its and the heat of the wil 1 audience at the theatre last and assistance of the reverend brothers whi , building day, celebration. to 75cts.f*0VERT evening, and to its for it take in 62c pair, and Small There’s a GOODS. One advantages urge use., for the last year had been co pride the result of the labors ii quiet counter Mr. Farrell succeeded in every loyal winning will be remembered that ths women the work iu the which you have taken part. Others wh do workors, parish mus ; I MARRIAGES. Side Combs, 12c to 25c elegance to correct end full of these person in the whole house. He imper- look forward to further have been oalled to work at the differen BLUE popular not always have aooess to the daily pa development ii sonated the Irish lad in a many directions. It must not when , hours of the day, have worked well am Side Combs Covert cloth that makes it a favorite peasant praise- and do not learn of the stop pair—Long things. pers provisions it nor can it share the reward to the faithfu I In A. of manner. He can and can is, afford to cease its effort: given Lincolnville. April 2, Dr. Jas. Bichan worthy sing made tor their servant. To them in and 15c with Ladies whose in socie- Storm comfort exoept through with the Master season. Lent will havi , and to others wit! Rockland and Miss Ivali M. Young of Camden. fancy plain. position Serge,38 inch, wool, 29 cts. dance with the best, and as an actor is hearts the sooner o In Hallowed, RosbrookC. oi suoh kindness of friends. been of little profit if the self denia willing work will April 6, Thayer to « “ Glemv. od and Miss Minnie E. Rollins of Litch- 50c pair—Side Combs is assured. Storm 50 39 cts. of a new. He has a which it has is not to later be oommitted and the insniratioi ty Serge, type decidedly good taught nffect thi | field. Itariue Motes. life the of tue for their will be found ii A Six colors. 50 Note the width. company, and all understand their busi- during rest year. Then undertaking In Vinalhaven. April 2, John Geary and Miss with silver trimmings, rich Monotint. the well laid foundation in the 1 Cbarlie nover is danger that the soul, oleansed fron gram wentworth. 44 ness. The play gives all an opportunity- Mitchell made better Lydia to Storm Serge, inch, light and the evil which defiled may not after edifice whioh crowns the labors of thos > In Rockland, April 2. Maurice A. Gregory of 25c $1.00 pair. inch. time in a than a man did in the it, for the display of abilities both in the ring wards be who in the tune will be cailei l and Miss Mary A. Tarr of Rockland. lark careful enough to uso every evening Rockport Beal Novelties. 25 blue, 50 cts. Grand Trunk He was the t > In Judsou I. Crouse and Back Shell Back styles. Among tragic and humorous linos, but as the yard yesterday. effort to maintain itself, pure and true, together by Lord of his vineyard Rockiand, April 2, Miss Hattie M. Huntley. Storm 50 a in a ana that it return some reoeive their due reward. Serge, inch, hummer, comedy part of the play is the dominant smoking portion of the yard where may day to oc Ill 1, M. Combs. Combs, $1.25 to $2.50 them are 40 inch Silk and Wool. its Bangor, April Augustus Brown, Jr., that is not and onpy former quarters accompanied hr and Miss Amelia Cronunett. feature, the clever people make the most allowed, was ordered by —Imitation a three 50 cts. evil spirits and be worse in its last stati J. K. Libby. In Steuben, 1. Whitfield Smith and Miss Shell Back Also all wool Limpy , nf ft. Mr. Boland. the Ipadinc officer Thomas g. 6. to april special Dee, put than it was before. There are Ida Tracy. Storm 50 many peo 1 Serge, inch, 75 cts. Mr. J. R. Libby calls attention thi In March Claerton Brown Combs, 10c to $1.00. stranded twist, sort of textile salad Judy, i« a bright young woman and up his pipe and promptly refused. Mr. pie who spend Lent with careful regarc Dixmont, 31, of to a series of in dres Etna and Mrs. Susie Canney of Dixmont. 45 the honor of the Dee tried to catoh but the fellow to its outward observances who fail t< morning bargains cloth, sturdy stuff, shared evening with him, Ill Old.tovvu, April 5, Jasepli Landry and Miss ---w,. gain the holy inner spirit. goods that will open the eyes of our lad; Mr. Farrell. Some people were heard to proved to be a good runner, and got away Millie Violette. LEATHER GOODS. nches, 75 cts. Mere attendance upon occasional scr readers. And is abou In A. E. Dunham and Miss but for awhile the why? Because he Pittsfield, April 2, as »oy last night that they ‘would give a way they dodged vioes, untouch the desire of his heart ti Ruth Winslow. Bicycle Cloth, tougli steel, Canvas to remove lo bis new and ston cloth, §1.00, 1.25, 1.50. auuuu uiuuug Liiiu uuo nao tu enter into tho of has neltli elegant In Blddeford, April 7, Dr. R. S. Gove of San- Pocket Books from dollar to lay the weight of tbeir hand up- muoivouiug spirit worship Pocket a weave, can’t kick a or reality of purpose, nor of de in the great Baxter Memorial block ami ford and Miss Susie Welch. peculiar you Pluette, 50 inch, on him for just one minute.’ the him re the spectators. sincerity 25c to each. rain-proof,$1.00 votlon to commend it to God. As a eon he wishes to clean out his stool Books. $3.00 hole it. Bramble and stone B. a man dressed in the oldest present through Sicilian 56 ferring to Mr. W. Cahill in his char- Yesterday gregatiou they are well aware what dutj Mohair, inch, $1.25 to a basket full if possible. In order t< DEATHS. Real Seal Pocket and acter as a polioe spy.” clothes he possessed, and carrying in to God requires. Let us be careful ti proof, navy black. do this have to oome All the above also in black. avoid the temptation to make our prices got waj to ‘‘Garry Owen” will ho soon at Portland one hand n pail, and in the other a relig Books, 50c 2.88 All the above at ious duties of and the ho thi: ; 75 cts. walked down Custom House independent those of down, Aggers” shows theatre tonight and Tuesday night. broom, Christian’s each. daily life. The houl need: will as Mrs In Mils wharf He morning provo taking as city, April 11, Elfreda, only daughter rapidly. evidently thought as much care during Easter tido as i of Ulof and MariannejWerenskjold, aged 11 Jarley’s. Any woman who oan rcsis 1 Pocket . New he might be late for the boat, and so does duriug Lent and the churoh has a/ years, 9 months. Alligator claims her the attractions offered mus Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his to made re- strong upon ministry am liy Mr.Libby $1.00 to small quickened pace a;run,and her residence No. 117 St. Books, 3.00. NOVELTY. Frenchcrop. figures, upon hor children during the other sea- bo made of sterner than usual. parents’ Newbury $1.00 ^C0TCI1 time tor a man. In tills citv, 12, Jessie W., markably good heavy sons of her as that which April voungest Lizard 50 inches. Fresh as Ten years during child of Jessie and tile late Fred A. Purlnton, Pocket tJB geometrical patterns. He got down on the end of the wharf, is es eoially set apart for Home For Friendless penitentia Hoys. aged 3 years 7 months 4 days. Books, $1.95. a rice-sprinkled bride> iew patterns, 60 but no boat was there “How was exercises. Love for the church and ap- In Deeriug. April 12. Ralph Clifford, young- cfs. long Have you heard of this home? It wa: 1 THE EXTRACT preciation of the she can est sou of Alvali 0. and Alice M. Joy. aged 1 Calf Skiu and as the boat been gone?” he asked. nlessings giv< Pocket handsome. in her services will not confine itself t( opened about Cbristmas time and tei year 3 months. OF i haven't resumed their Funeral on afternoon at 2.30 o’clk. TRUTH. hey Sunday loyal servioe in hor cause for 40 in boys have been aud homo: Tuesday 50c to $1.25. The twist of the threads Sale Monday and all tlie week, days admitted, from parents’ residence, No. 38S Stevens Ptaius Books, peculiar trips yet,” said one of the men in the the year, but for the whole 365. There are flavoring extracts found for throe. The young ladies of the Avenue. Pocket Books with a offect. employ of the line. Loyalty to the Divine Lord and Mastei In North Yarmouth. April 11. Asa A. Lufkin, give charming and extracts which Congress Square Annex are to give flavoring will show itself in ready compliance aged 82 years 0 months. silver Then at two inch intervals “They haven’t?” he said with evident in trimmings, $1.00, bright as and with His will in all things, and a con play tho vestry of their ohuroh Thurs [Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock, .masquerade pure, a from the Church. surprise. “And I’ve been making holy gregation loyal to His church will lievei for Congregational Coin Purses from hubbies of Silk are in the day evening, April 16th the benefi In Mrs. Ahbie 5c to caught contain not show of have I allow His work to its members Fayette. April 4, Rice, (form- J. R. LIBBY, ingredients only myself coming down flag, of this oan hi Mrs. realize their and worthy charity. Tickets erly Smith.) 75c. . and harmful to through the streets with this broom and obligations knowins In Camden. March 4, Mrs. Albert poisonous tho Influence of their found at Stock bridge’s. Johnson, example,they liv< aged 70 years. 46 inch Covert but the use of pail? I I’d down and do a cloths for Tailor health, by thought go to give in His bohalf the bust sorvici In Camden, April 6, Mrs. W. E. Titley, aged which the little cleaning up about my place.” they have in their power to render Five Were Drowned. 24 years. Boston in seal, gowns, Bicycle suits, &c. silk ^e^sa- accomplishment In G. Mrs. Louise Boston Bags p ■ s And then he took his hat his What they do is done for Christ’s saki Bangor, April Benson, aged uiiash off, wiped Wilhelmshnven, April 11.—Two torpedi 40 years. of good is an im- and done to Him. alligator, grain and cloth, Jacquard weaves of silk and wool. WW TION. We have cooking brow, and started off the wharf won- boats collided off this today. On In Ilermon, April 4, Lewis B. Webber, Bags, up We have to be devotedly thankful foi port aged if he of the boats sank almost am 18 years. from to Colored Mohair. 46 5 col- marked all our possibility. doring couldn’t find some poor man the earnest which instantly $1.00 $4.25. inch. spirit prevails amonggi five of the crow were drowned. The oth In Dedham, April 6, Forest L. Burton, aged who would like to acoept the of a us as a whole. If there is any one whoa< 77 years. gift or boat was badly damaged. The best: orings, (almost see your face in it). shoice Swivel . J Our corded a heart is not with us and whose lack ol In Lewiston, April 8, Sarah F. Marsden, good pail, and fairly good broom. were trial at the time tin aged making trips 37 years 0 months. In this too, al- 46 inch Our sympathy with the work of the ohurol collision occurred. department may Boucle or Loop lapanese Silks. checked Wash pA Rfs Two toal schooners came in and a Iu BowdoJnliam, April 1, Nary E. makes him a hinderer of God’s word, 1 ■ Curtis, aged .j—V 71 years. ways be found in Stick Pins weave. to number of vessels in the lower harbor The of the church are offeree everything silks down 25 cts. AsP,£mr*i£% prayers In Livermore Centre. April 2. Mrs. Filietta NEW out for him with for his —Manicure Pma8^*ffvfrLAV0RlNG wont yesterday. deop regard splritua Maxwell, age.l 20 years 7 months. Sets—Celluloid and Silver AH at $1.00 welfare and of tho turning of his hear/ In Flast Manillas. April 6, Mrs. Ellen F. These must not be confounded with the Body Found. towards the light of the world. In count Holmes, aged 28 years. Glove Menders—Umbrella Clasps— Swivels and Japs that have been advertised by itlier houses at this These are a less ways God works out His eternal pur In Rockport, April 0. Christopher 0. Stinson, price. higher The body of Lyman who was 86 Book Pins—Silver 1 ;rade of Silks. 1 Groves, and in a trial Ho searches oui aged years. Markers—Baby posos many In If, Mosrs ILK AND drowned April 4th, was found tho real faith of those who labor in vine Sangervillc. April Gilman, aged Mounted WOOL. have yesterday 80 years. Emery Bags—Garter Clasps S| 2£j imitators, but us to many halfway between Cousins Island point, yard. It behooves each of examine In Pawtucket, R. I.. April 11, Nathaniel . 46 no carefully into the state of his faith ai 83 lormirly of —Brush and Comb Sets and a thous- equals. Every compo- and the main laud. His boat over- Watson, aged years, Gorham, this time and see bow far he has in reali Me. nent in he was on his and one other useful articles. inch,5 combinations. lot of swivel Silks part employed pro- turned while way home. ty risen with Christ to newness of spirit Funeral at Gorham Monday at 2 o'clock, at the M. K. Ten all 50 these flavors is He was 20 years old, and a son of Mr. ual life. Church, All the Fancies, peculiar, inch, will be another lot ducing In Almera, N. Y.. April 11, Thomas M. Fol- popular Perfumes hy the This joined by the material and Groves of Cousins Island. Concerning temporal lanshee. of Portland, Me. strictly pure and the best Henry is formerly bottle Navy Blue Mohair, of condition of the parish there much t< Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, and ounce. twenty-five pieces entirely obtainable. Fleet lie*. he said both In tiie way of exhortation at Gran- quality Cape Evergreen Cemetery. Six styles Scotch mixtures, tew on and encouragement and the purpose/ designs, Monday morning, Tbeir Great make The Cape Electrics did a tremendous Bedford Strength will be best served by plain speaking. ites, Momies, cords, (illu- lame 25 els. them With never better price, the most Economical business vesterday. the advent of The Cathedral was equippec TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. for its work than at and whllt to use. the mild weather everybody wanted to present minated). we all of us know that much more hai Take laxative Brmoo Quinine tablets. go to the Cape. Open trailers were Eastman Eros. & Bancroft. put to be done to complete the building itself All druggists refund the money if it on and they were crowded, all day long. and the Parish House, still we have rvu fails to Glue. 25 cts. J. R. LIBBY. J. R. LIBBY. miscellaneous. AN IMPORTANT ENTERPRIZE. BEE RING. WANTED—FEMALE HELP, FOK SAILE. FOR SALK.

A l-'ieet of Coal Vessels to Come to Port Forty words Inserted tinder this head Forty words Inserted nnder this head one Forty words imer od under this head Week 4'or 25 cents, cash in advance. one week for cash in advance. land. The first meeting of the officers and di- 25 cents, one week for 215 c< ut«. cjtsh in advance. rectors of the Doeriug Board of Trade wai TTT ANTED—Extra sales ladies new brick house on Monday SALE—Elegant upper SAXE—Fine lot in Deering, 70x100; on A very Important matter has boei held at the offioe of the ▼ V Saturday evening morning at! the manufactiip ers’ E’ORend of Neal St, WILLIAM BURROWES, FORthe line of the Stevens Plains It electrics, decided, and from May 1st until No Deering Loan and Building association Mackintosh sale, 247 Middle street. 11-1 187 Vaughan street. aprl2 avenue, a little above Oak street; two large elm trees on front of lot; wide avenue; terms vomber 1st, tlioro will be a flee Woodfords. President John E. Sawyoi ANTED—A for * capable gill general reasonable. to W. W. HOOPER. 11 ▼ * Apply of coal schooners between Portland called the mooting to order and nearlj housework, small family, good wages TO LET. central avenue, Centre. 11-3 and best of references Deering all of the officers required. Apply to largely tha port of distribution, and Sid and directors were juos No. 31 Bramliall street. 11-1 words this head T?OR SALK—Three brick house cen- and C.B. eat. The manner of the Forty iusorted tinder story nay Louisburg, appointing per- one week for 25 cents cash in advance. A. y located; a few minutes walk from chamber and city V*a The Dominion Coal manent committees was discussed and "WANTED—Cooks, table girls, nail; close to Cumberland street, con- Company has char second laundress and girl, good geueral rooms 10 12 sleeping rooms; tered ton of tha coal President was authorized to make housework WORLD’S heatedJSSSFv5 largest schooner! Sawyer girls. EMPLOYMENT few furnished by steam; batli room, set tubs; nice St. pleasant rooms, cemented and the Seat will he did as follows: PARLORS, 659V2 Congress 9_1 or unfurnished: with and hot cellar; new slate sized go constantly betweei them,which Manufac- ROOMS—A heat gas fruit roof; good F“OH5 OMB [tnd cold bath at 217 Cum- lot; trees; excellent location for a hero and tho named abovo. ol tures and E. M. E. 'WESESIE^., water, room, etc., ports One iudustries, Jacobs, berland street. References 13-2 boarding house; failing health of owner the "WANTED—At once, coat and pant required. reason fur tho sohooners ohartered is tha Alice B. A. E. E. and W. H makers; selling. N. S. GARDINER, 185 Newman, Motley, also good machine girl. M. LEICH- Middle Room ,WM. nilO LET—Down stairs rent of eight rooms street, 4. 11-1 Crosby, Capt. Bunker. Ail of the float F. E. Briggs, Charles Soamman, L. P. TON, 273 Middle street. City. 11-1 JL in Beginning Saturday, April 11th. western part of city; plenty of sun will he first class and fast J. md very pleasant; for sale on the SAXE—Fifty shares of sailing sohoon Hawkins; aibitration, N. Head, "WANTED—Coatmaker. Belknap Motor First class coat- loors if desired. of L. M. DOUtt- Co. Stock. Inquire of A. C. 42 1-2 ers. Soott Melvin maker Enquire LIBBY, Wilson, Hamhlet; by-laws, We offer Great Bargains in oui wanted at once on custom work. LAS, No. 217 High street. 13-1 Exchange street. WRITING PAPER. ALLEN & 204 Middle For one item 60,000 tons of coal for rail J. H. Hutchins, Scott Wilson, T. G. Jewelry Oepsmmcnt. 1 lot Stor CO., St. 7-1 rIRO LET—Flat six rooms and Silver Side containing S ALP:—Parson’s low down Milk road use will be iiore. Of this Harris, Howard A. W. Pierce. have the stock of ling Combs, 21c a pair. IIT A NT ED— -1. bath at 929 P°5r-T brought Winslow, We largest Writing Capable experienced girl to cook Congress street comer Val- Wagon, second-hand; lust been and do general iev. With of put amount tho Grand Trunk will take Mr. William Lucas was elected to fill Taper at retail in Portland and lowest housework. Inquire at family adults; price $18 per thorough the repair shop is in line condi- 61 SPRUCE ST. Recommendation nonth payable in advance. to M. II. all to run. the on the board of We offer in this sale 1 lot lino 1 lot fine cut Silver Side required. Apply tion; ready BRADLEY <& SMALL about 30,000 tons, and the balance will vacancy directors in prices. Sterling 7-1 FOSTER, at Bye House, 13 Preble street. 35 Preble street. Linen and smooth be taken by tho Boston & Maine and the Ward 7. Paper, rough finish, Combs, 50c, 73c and $1.00 a pair. _13-1 a 2oc pound. YirANTED—A capable girl for general house- SALE—Farm of 90 acres, excellent fc Is to Amuse tilm. Maine Central. The directors from each ward were T * LET—The tenement at 80 Pleas- giv- work in a family of three. Good rg!0 upper IJiOR well divided in 1 lot wages -A ant street, opposite Oak street. Five land, tillage, pasture and This means much more than the en a list of the registered voters in their Sterling Silver Link Cuff But and a pleasant place for a wood, cuts 35 ton hay, superior An J o wonder. The little bring- capable, steady girl, ■ooms and bath room, sunny for orchard, all poor chap tons, worth 75c. Our 50c a must be good cook. Apply to MRS. H. F. situation; kinds house 10 rooms and ample of tons of ooal Do- ward to make a list of those who would price pair, idults. For further on fruit; out- — a out ing 60,000 hero. The particulars apply brok from head to foot with MERRILL, 73 St. Law- buildings in perfect repair; located at a be to and We also have a small lot of the Boston the pemises. 13-1 minion Coal Company has discovered likely join tho secretary was rence St. 7-1 slimmer resort in Maine and to prickly heat, his tender skin chafed in at a handy Linen Seconds 5J5c pound. assortment Shirt Waist Set! 10 LET—Lower thriving city; can fill house with summer one of his little fat — that the terminus of the Grand instructed to notify them to attend the Splendid tenement in new house 170 every wrinkles, feels Poctland, capable girl for Brackett boarders and sell all vegetables to in Sterling Silver and Gold Plate, 50c. WANTED—Strong,*T general I street. Modem in all respects. cottagers. as if he was on fire. His mother Trunk, is nearer the of next meeting of the board which will be housework. Call at 13 Carroll street, 3. B. Price $2500, farm tools and just provinces Quebec 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. VERltlLL, Adm. and Agt., 191 Middle including held soon. The city. 13-1 carriages; photograph at this office. W. ll. is to Mime if she to and Ottawa than Canadian and committee ou by-laws _ neglects give any pert, 1 lot Writing Tablets in Cam Packet street,_13-1 WALDRON & CO., 180 Middle street. 11-1 relief the use of as was stated in the Portland Press sonic will roport to the officers and directors at and Letter at LET— A convenient rent of six by sizes, oc. Regular price WANTED—AGENTS. sunny 1 lot Shirtwaist to close 17c s TO rooms in good repair; price $11. Also FOR SALE—a 1895 months ago, too prospect is more than their meeting uext Saturday evening at 10 and 15c. Sets, high grade set. lown stair rent for small family; very nice BICYCLEwheel in fine condition, for $55. Can 7.45 o’clock at the good for the turning of a large amount offioe of tho Deering V17' ANTED—energetic ladies and gentlemen ocation $12.50; good references required. be seen evenings between six and eight ▼ t to canvass, on good or commis- Vpply to ERNEST TRUE, care True Brothers, o’clock at No. 128 street.11-1 of coal freight businesss to this port. Loan and Building association, Wood- A large lot of at 5c a 1 lot Belt to close 7c. salary Emery Envelopes Pins, Eegulai sion. Call or address MRS. J. II. LIBBY. >92 Fore street._ 13-1 ftefe Tho 01). 000 tons of coal to be brought here fords. package. price 10c. Scarboro, Maine, State Agent. 8-1 SALE—The best place in Willard. LET—Two first- VO class flats, very pleasant FORvillage House, stable and 10,000 feet of will be for railroad and in itsell Mr. E C. O’Brion. A. K. •* and on use, Chapman sunny, Washburne avenue, a few land. ocean ihim A "WANTED—All the reliable men we can get Electrics, Sebago water, good made from of Belts and Buckles. iteps from Union Ordinary powders, rice, an item. and Arthur W. Pierce wore a Large Assortment f * in depot WILLIAM BUR- view and a minute’s walk from will.bo important appointed New England, to act as agents. Good only the are affected the heat of EtOWES, 187 Vaughan street. apil3-I beach. at 302 Cumberland street. starch, etc., by the British coal steamei committee to send out the notices. pay, permanent situation, cash advanced for Inquire Saturday, expenses. 11-2 the and ferment a short time after Write today for terms. Address VO LET—on South St., uorliam a body, Pierce read a Village, Caoonna, arrived fiom Lculsburg with Secrotary communication, HOMER N. CHASE & CO., Box A two-story house they are applied, thus acting as an 14, Auburn, containing eight rooms; 1780 tous of ooal for tho Maine Central. from the state board of trade asking for the -1®:___ 27-3 •vithin three minutes walk of churches, depot {SATURDAY Grocery Sale for Saturday additional irritant. Comfort Powder >r stores. only, lit!i, 5.30 a. m. to 10 rn. number FRAP1K B. CLARK. WANTED—Man to Large garden plot, fruit trees and April p. She is chartered by the Dominion Coal of membors and if tho now board solicit orders for choice Fine 18c best is a apll diit specialties In trapes. Apply to J. T. MoLELLAN, Gorham, large queen Olives, quart; large medicated, antiseptic, healing prepa- nursery line: salary and Smooth Potatoes. 85c best but ber formed no intended to join the state board. This expenses bush; Cal. Nice ration, that relieves all and Company, cargo part paid travelling agents, liberal com- Vie;__9-1 6c best 3 smarting nnssion to local Prunes, lb.; Cal. lb. Can Apricots, of tons to be hero foi was laid on the table and agents ;goods guaranteed true LET—Rent 148 Cumberland six sensations and tile 60,000 brought Sooretary to street; 12c can. Telephone 228-6. Goods delivered. burning immediately, name and to live or replaced alter rooms Pierce was free; trial TO and bath room, with hot and cold Cash grocers. JOHNSON & 24 leaves the skin in a the railroads. instructed to acknowledge trip, lar e exclusive and LAMBERT, normal, smooth, territory sub agents ivater. Inquire of W. H. comer Wilmot street.10-1 given man. BROWN SARGENT, and soft condition. At a time when the steamers of the its receipt. Adjourned. right BROTHERS COM- Cumberland and streets. 11-1 cool, clear, PANY. Rochester. N V Washington great ocean lines are about to cense tc (YHLOKIDE OF GOLD TABLETS For cure of Toe Comfort Powder Co. 25c. and 50c. T°“T-—Very desirable furnished rooms drunkenness, morphine aud tobacco habits. run hero until the St. Lawrence is frozen WESTBROOK. very front room Hartford, Cl. a box. WANTED. A-. large with large room $1.00 a package, mailed to any address on re- adjoining; also one end room with use of ceipt of price. Address orders to C. E. All Druggists sell it. up next fall, the faot that a fleet of coal unall BEAN, The oity marshal has prepared a system front room; furnace heat, and use of manufacturers agent, 23 Prospect St, Portland, soliooners will come here through the Forty worm Inserted nndr r this be«d bath; at 404 Cumberland street. 11-1 of beats for the throe in one --- night policemen week for 23 oonts. cash In advance. summer months will be weloome news this Beat No. Policeman With- inviiuu, jsi*. FOR SAI.E—At Elizabeth city. 1, w 1 rooms, near PARM Cape three others. It means a A to longshoremen and a young person ln""a I Wooufords; one minute from electric miles from Portland. About 85 acres; am,commences at the Forest street school small decided addition to the amount of busi- WANTED—Roard'forfamily; one that has no chil- iars and six minutes from M.C. R.R. station large orchard; buildings in good order; for house and extends on Main and Cumber- dren preferred; give particulars and of md post office. to SCOTT sale at a bargain. For particulars apoly to and Commercial price Apply WILSON, ness on the water front, hoard. Address BOARDER, this office. 13-1 L76 1-2 Middle street, Portland. 11-1 MRS. ROLF, on the farm, or B. J. WILLARD land streets to the residence of John E. at 59 treet will be Commercial street. 10-4 dealers greatly helped. "Ml AN men and women to go to Warren, then returns to Main ami ur TED—Hungry "1 the Home Resturant to six LET—Furnished rooms at No. 11 The coal fleet will of course obtain their get (6) good SALE—House lot on street, one 110 MYRTLE ST. with steam hot PORa Congress Main as far as tho residence of B. F. WE m 00 YOU GOOD dinners for $1.26. 21 meal tickets $3.00, heat, and of the most desirable in the hero. :old water, baths and all modern conveniences citv, will be supplies Roberts. Home Resturant, 153 Federal St., Portland. sold on easy terms. J. P. 48 Beat No. 2, Policeman Cous- it reasonable 9-1 BUTLER, Ex- Maine. S. F. HATCH._ 10-2 prices,_ change St. 10. i Tho Ball of the Montgomery's. ens, is from the bridge at the West End if you are in the market for a Spring LET—Summer cottage with 8 rooms on to Main Main Overcoat. We have a assort- person to travel. Great Diamond pOR SALE—New houses in Deering for 8850.. Tho ball to be given by street, up street to the elec- complete TO Island; fine location on A thdMontgomerj WANTED—TrustworthySalary $780 and expenses. Reference. top of the hill. All 89.60 81800., 81700., $1800. and $3000. tric car back on Main to Centra: ment in Fine and Medium furnished; provided with Also choice 43 Guards at station, Grades. Enclose self addressed lewer and water building lots for 8100,$150., $250. OF THE FINEST stamped envelope, view City commands ball, Tuesday evening, service; $300. All of the ahove and down Main to tho resi- call Secretary, Box “P,” Chicago. 10-1 intire harbor, the and White property is near s Uools, April 14, will bo a great aflair. The Depot streets, We special attention to our special city Mountains, stores and electrics. C. B. nquire of MRS. S. C. EL 51 DALTON & CO., dence of B. F. Roberts and back to the of WELL, Pleasant *78 V3 St.10-1 event is an annual one with the Guards, line ‘Ilf ANTED—To hire small farm one or more itreet, Woodfords. 11-1 Congress of Beat No. " not to exceed 16 miles and they are to make tht place starting. 3, Police- years from Port- endeavoring land, privilege of buying, with fair SALE—At Cumberland Center, a two man is from the at the buildings, RENT—At upper end of the city, a ApOR hail this even more successful thar Dresser, bridge CUSTOM near beach preferred, would hire 1POR story house and el. nearly new, cemented year MADE OVERCOATS. boardinghouse pleasant 4 story brick house, 18 rooms, West End to Brown to at beach. Write to B. M. cellar, fitted for two small families, V» acre of of the ones. There will bt street, Kelson’s particulars CLARK. veil situated for lodgers; immediate posses- any previous 233 Walnut St- Mas3. land. 20 fruit trees In bearing, near church, store and return Brown street are the of Fit Chelsea, 0-1 ion. BENJAMIN SHAW, 51 1-2 a number of new and novel in- up tc They perfection Style, Exchange store, post office and free school. Address features ; 8_1 high Walker to the and A UUMMEB HOME WANTED-To hire for one treet._ Miss Mary A. Clough, North Yarmouth, troduced into the drill which will bo street, up Walker residence Fiuisii. representative garment Maine, giv- or more years a pleasant house (furnished 1 LET—Lower rent of S rooms and bath of A. li. Hawkes on street, and in at 158 Pearl __10-2 en by tbe company whioh will excel any- Bridge every respect. preferred) with good surroundings, within leu rO St. Very pleasant location, miles SALK—First class of flown street to tho of start- See our lino of the city. Near railroad or electrics, .arge yard; splendid light. House newlv cottage eight of tbe kind ever in Bridge place before buying your rooms thing given Portland. Spring address M., BON 1116 Portland Me. 0-1 J minted and papered throughout. Inquire FOR with bath: hot water heat and all ing. The officers are ordered to oovei m modern located The concert programme, to be given bj Overcoat. premises or of F. E. LEIGHTON, Wood- Improvements, western part these hearts at 1 ords. Df Cumberland street, close to regular intervals and at \\T AN TED—Stenographer that has had one or 8-1 Congress. tbe Amerioan Cadet Band, will be com- •* Must be sold; a very desirable other times to two’years experience. Inquire of.JOHN sightly home; exercise tbeir own judge- I best trade In Portland. W. H. IVALD'RON & entirely of musio, and sev W, PKRKtNS COMPANY. 8-1 LET—Two sunny rooms furnished or posed military 180 Midde street. 10-1 ment as to where shall bo. IIO with or without CO., oral new and airs will be they unfurnished, board, catohy played, Yir AN TED—Board in a central terms 32 Winter St. Iron for the now over the Pre- private family, reasonable, 8-1 The dance order will bridgo ** location. SALE—Grocery and light express be capital and suit References required. Address *poll sumpscot on the Maine Central railroad If. Press Office. wagons, same grade as those that 1 have The aflair R., 7-1 IJOUSE No- 1 to please. altogether will bt has begun to arrive and derricks have Munroe Place has been put been building and selling In this market the Into perfect order, with bath room and all last n most one and should been set preparatory to the T*/’ANTED—To purchase a small farm with thirty years. Call and examine them. pleasing everyone putting bridge •• nodern conveniences in Tailors, Clothiers. Furnishers and about 10 accres of land with comfortable added. Apply to F R. Carriage repairing of all kinds a specialty. 63 place. ,EWI8.117 State St. go- buildings, on or near the line of steam or : 7\ Preble St., J. MANN. 9-1 _ There will be a special of the Ladies’ Cloak meeting Makers, electric cars. Please address J. F. G. 29 Marine Notes. council this LET—Brick house No. 11 city evening at 7.3C Chestnut St,, Portland, Me.7 1 Henry street, pOR SALE—Violets, 12 cents per dozen at 110 near street. Ha* A o’clock to consider tho location of the pro MONUMENT Deerlng nine good FOREST CITY GREENHOUSES, for re- The coastwise trade has started aprSeodtf SQUARE. ooms, furnace and all modem again posed electric road from hero to Gorham. for conveniences mainder of the season. 9-1 Top prices paid and to and a number of schooners art The fowl and chickens. Send lowly papered painted. Apply GEO. up large committeee on new streets held a WANTED—Poultry. postal card to VEST, 14 Mellon street. EDGAR H. apr3-tf POR SALE—Sumner Libby wants to sell in today to look over the location MERRILL, Falmouth Foreside, A port. meeting Me. Stone, Sand, Gravel, Loam filling and Sods. asked for the Portland | P. .7. W. Trofethen reported Saturday tht by Extension Rail- __7-1 LET—Furnished rooms at 71 Free 0. address, •‘Woodiorda.” Residence, read company from the corner of Main ED—After ’96. a six or rO street, 1-tf “Brighton Corner.” Deorlng.ap9-4 arrival of the iishermeu; T^ANT May 1, seveu I have following and Saco streets to the Gorliam room house in or near received 40 horse* line by Portland; modern TIES’!' Building lot In Deering; 200 feet Robert and Carr with oi way of Main street called the improvements; garden spot; good MAKE a fortune in six months la nut as tlOQ to 12,0011 pounds foimerly locality; square, covered with fruit trees, on the weighing from 1650 lbs near scuool. Address with full rO within the reach of man; but to make cod and Graoie old Gorham road. rparticulars, every highest ground, and from it the finest view of haddook, with G,00( H. T. 34 Park N. m comfortable is. each. 1 have M5 matched Peter was ROOT. Row, Y. 6-2 honest, Jiving, Write at any lot in of Portland; will cut nicely Murphy before Judge Tel- mce for terms to vicinity It up pounds, Emma Jane with pounds. HOMER N. CHASE & CO into smaller to 20,000 man’s court afternoon Jox lot* suit. L. J. PERKINS, 20 pairs weighing from 2300 Saturday olinrged man with a few thousand 14, Auburn, Me. -7-3 The small boats in with and High St., Woodfords. 9-1 brought 15,OOC drunkenness disturbance and WANTED—Adollars to take an interest in a well to 3300 pounds. They art RENT-194 pounds. was fined @2 ai d costs. established and profitable business. For pOR High St.. Brick Block SALE—On Munjoy Hill, bouse 1 between Deering and cottage what yon have been asiiiug: for, The American Warren P. Babb, a well known resi- further information inquire of A. C. LIBBY, Cumberland streets, FORsunny pretty and in good order; lot hxs a South lumber trade it -lrst 9 rooms, steam dent of this died ac his home on 42Is Exchange street, Portland, Me. 31-2 flat, heat, set tubs, hot frontage of 70 feet, fruit trees and Don’t fail to see thews. city, © md cold rent containing looking up. Quite a large vessel oamt Pride LARGEST & © « LOWEST water, *400. Apply to C K shrubbery price has been reduced, BENJA- street, Pride’s corner district, Sat- 103 ” In want of trunks itANNING, High St, mar24dtf MIN SHAliv 611-2 Exchange St. 9-1 here Saturday to load for “the river. urday morning, after a short illness,aged persons WANTED—Alland bags to call on E. D. REYNOLDS, are rather foi 77 years. Mr. Babb was a native of Freights arriving slowly STOCK. ® ® ® ® #, 693 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s IF YOUR WATCH KICK SALE—Beautiful suburban residence a PRICES pOR farmer and al- A Of course the bulk of Westbrook, prominent grocery store, as we manufacture our goods with very tasty bouae of 9 rooms the steamers. the will take the buildings; ways took an active interest in publio A FIT and can therefore give bottom prices. JITE kick out of it and make It and fine stable connected with ell, excellent often will be and O *' time. reights grains pro- affairs. The deceased was a Unviresalist © Trunks repaired. Open evenings. We frame keep good Mainsprings 76c, clean- orchard with 7 acres land, cuts 7 ton hav, CTABAgTBEP and and a Two pictures. fed4-5 ng $1.00; mainspring cleaning combined located on land In view of visions, except that there must bo tht Democrat. sons, Welfred F., \ all work high Portland, 11.50; flrstelass. McKENNEY The withiu 6 minutes of electrics; a forced sals. the last who lives at the old homestead, ami Win. feweler. Monument annual clean'ng up by steamer oi Square. jan'lStf ». n. \v ARjjnu,\ a uu,, middle st. s-i A., of the East End, a sister, Mrs. P. B. WASTED-MALE HSL?, ! tho left over freight. survive him. Mayberry, -a* ■ FOR SALE—loo acre farm in West 81 Franklin St. words inserted under head for sale. house and School Forty this FARMGray Large ell; To Examine Mouses. one F. barn aplldlw dlw week for 25 cents, cash in advance. CEO. JUNKINS’ 40x60, with cellar; large hen hou'-.e Wew York Elastic new. The farm is well with Some months ago, about the time oi SOUTH PORTLAND SeeSey Hard Rubber nearly wooded, 100,000 pine and hemlock timber; good or- HAVE a. lot of summer mgo which I wil the scare in tho energetie man of neat ap- Real Estate chard ; cuts 10 tons Apply to ERNEST diphtheria public for Bulletin. hay. I exchange for oast off clothing. I paj A WANTED—Anpearance light outside employ- H. ALLEN, West Me. 8-2 sohools, the olty council an ordei joint caucus ot the Republicans of work Gray, cash if it is preferred. Flense send letters oi passed ment; steady and good pay to the postal to MBS. or MR. DEGItGOT, 76 Middle the to invite Prof. E. Cape Elizabeth and South Portland was TRUSS right party. Apply to GATELY & O’GOR- directing Mayor SALE—Mellen Street near a 10-1 MAN, No. 47 Middle street, Me. i LET—Choice lower 6 Congress, street, City. W. of tho School of Tech- held at the South Portland town AT Portland, rent, rooms, 32 FORlot of land containing 17,200 with Wocdbridge hall, SI- AX- 13-1 ro Ellsworth street, lower 6 feet, _ rent, rooms, a of 150 is now offerd at a fair and 48 Sherman frontage feet, nology of Boston, the sanitary autbortiy Saturday afternoon, organized with street, nice upper rent. 8 rooms price for 30 W. H. WALDRON W A ]S T Kl>—»ITUATIO XS. young men of address ; 0 Hill also 6 days only. S. Fiokett as good street, rooms, 280 B street’ & 180 Middle St. of tbe United States, to come to Portland Joseph ohairman and Elisha €3 WANTED—Tenwho oan sell men CO, 8-1 *7 S goods; single pre- rhese are all sunny convenient rents. Ap- ti N. ferred; will pay and Forty dies inserted under tills head and make on of the sani- Jordan, secretary. Delegates were weekly salary expenses. tly to OEO. F. JUNKINS, under U. S investigation Address in own P. O. Box SALE—Oakdale, fine new residence one wc::!; for 135 cash in advance. handwriting, 1939, lotel, Monument Square. cents, conditions of the school chosen as follows : OTHERS AT PRICES CORRESPONDINGLY Me. FORfronting on Forest Avenue, 9 roms with tary buildings. LOW. Portland, 11-2 bath To the State room and steam heat of latest pattern; Prof. Wood bridge was not able to oomt Convention—Elisha N. 1 LET—A desirable lower rent of 7 rooms excellent stable and 6600 feet landL Rare 'TTTANTED—By a middle aged experienced and C. H. of WANTED—From 16 to 18 years of age, 212 Baxter a few Jordan, Waterhouse, Cape rO High street, just put in thorough re- chance for a first class house at a fair W a situation as nusre or compan- then but told Mayor dayt BOYto ’learn our business. Must have High price. lady, Elizabeth; Jabez Edward C. >air, a gnnny rent of 7 rooms at 27 State W. H. WALDRON & 180 Middle St. 8-1 ion to an invalid. Rest of references Marriner, School education. Address in own handwriting. ; Co., given. ago that be would soon visit Portland and itreet. Both rents and con- P 0. Rox Reynolds. Albert D. Boyd, Marcus A. SHORT & HARMON. 13-1 very pleasant Address 24. Bethel, Me. lo-l LORING, 'enient. to GEO. F. SALK—Farm 5 from nml-fl f,hA fttami nation. nanna, J. li. r-. itngsrs, C. Apply JUNKINS, under miles Portland. Ellphalet J. S. Hotel, Monument FOR100 60 acres hard wood, T V ANTED—An American woman wants of South Square. acres; balance, Robinson, Portland. WALE HELP WANTED-Men wanted and 16 » every- tillage pasture, house. rooms, iu housekeeper or seamstress position; lias To the Distriot lTJL where to advertise “Old large Sans of the American Revolution. Convention—Charles COE. CONGRESS and FRANKLIN STS. Glory” scouring | LET CHEAP—Pleasant lower rent of 7 good repair, furnace heat, ample outbuildings, nr* mm &ev. a.i; iiittumiie; can cut a.uu ni; oi E. Jordan and Walter £eb2Geodt£ soap and other specialties; tack signs to J. Maxwell of fences, rO rooms, 203 Oxford street, $14, per month good orchard. 3 cows, and all farm tools, tor would nislst in doing the housework; good of the Board of barns, distribute place or- At a meeting Managers Cape Eilizaboth; Albert D. Joseph circulars, samples, ] ower rent, 7 rooms, 198 Oxford $3,300; half mortgage. W. H. WALDRON cook, and capable of taking entire charge oJ Boyd, ders, etc.; work; $10. a week and street, $14’ the Maine of the Sons of the F. Alonzo S. C. steady salary , ipper rent, 8 rooms, 58 Oxford & CO., 180 Middle street. 7-1 Itcibfi. io objection to out oi town. J. il. of Sooiety Chaplin, Taylor, H. all expenses. with full street, Sit’ Sample agreement and to GEO. F. under Press Lightbody. C. N. Trefethen, J. Calvin instructions sent at once lpply JUNKINS, U. S Office._10-1 American Revolution, held in Portland for 36c. OLD GLORY lotel, Monument Square. Knapp of South Portland. MFG. CO„ Cincinnati, Ohio.10-1 \yj A N T ED—Situations for nurses lor the on Saturday, the following were -k. ei Yauts Of all nationalties. We RED MILL BUILDINGS elected menibera of the sooiety: Police News. UCTION SALE WANTED—A strong, honest young man at I LET—Nice, handy, lower rent, 6 rooms i. '’!'• :\o\y : In for summer resorts. MR. officer, 3; vagrancy, 2; search and 2 ids. ualitornia for Address 1896. soizure, Apricots 25c 3 lbs. new Evaporated Apnles for 25c age. 167 P. O. BOX, Westbrook, Me. Suitable for cotton, woolen, shoe or paper 5: A P; •V World’s SALE—A new two w ELLS, Employ- 3; 2; sus- 3 lbs. California Peaches for 25c 4 lbs. new 6-1 story wooden house factory or machine shop. affray, larconcy, 3; assault, 3; Evap. Country Sliced for 25c _ on Glenwood er* A i' iilun. yj‘J 1-2 Congress Kt., Portland Apples POR Avenue, Woodfords, seven to C. K. HOWL at the mill, or to J. 0. 3 lbs. California Prunes for 5 lbs. new Currants for 1 001ns Appiv Leon Hamlin Missing. picion, 2; assault on offioer, 1; indecent large 25c 25c WANTED—A man who under- and bath, natural finish, sewer 13 Doane M».___9-1 2 /^.ARDENER city PALFREY, Trustee, St., Boston, 1. lbs. good California Prunes for 25c 0 lbs. new Raisins for stands lawn and flowers. €. Press Office. ’ery pleasant and convenient; lot about Mass. feb28eod9w .v N T:; > A si ttiat’rm by a young as exposure, will be sold at a lady Leon Hamlin, the young son of Mr. 4 lbs. California Silver Prunes new 4 5x95; bargain and on easv « large 5 lbs. Crown Raisins for : ..try cierk or cashier 25c -Z±_ J erms. to GEO. F. Casco will .... under rbOR SALE—Yacht be sold selarv va with. Walter S. Hamlin, who lives near Allen’s for 25c men in 1 Apply JUNKINS, cheap Moderate begin Tliorougldy WIT AND WISDOM. W’ANTED—Ten every county to sell J. S. Hoter, Monument Square. I for cash. Has all modern improvements, <• 'Ti -.m P »st ;.i and references. Ad »» our goods. not city Corner In Deerlng, has been missing from Experience necessary. five tons lead ballast, ail fitted for cruising, is cress M ; a i’ s Good Outfit free. Ex- N. L., Office. 7-1 Prompt pay. wages-. fast and able; will be sold with or his home for nearly two weoks and It It An Undeserved Kindness. clusive No SALE—A choice without TELEPHONE 318-3. GOODS territory. delivering. Permanent building lot on Cum- ballast of EDGAR H. believed that ho has to the DELIVERED. berland near Inquire MERRILL, gone sea, boy “You are not to shouted the situation. Cash advanced for expenses. Write FOR street, Mellen, containing Foreside, hang!” ! .bout 5600 Falmouth 7_1 being of a roving disposition with a hank quick. HOMEIt N. CHASE & CO., Box 14, feet, fine view, and very desirable' Me._ messenger, bursting into the prisoner’s to GEO. F for a life on the ocean wave. A !S* j9L. Auburn, Me, 27-3 Lpply JUNKINS, Real Estate and SALE-The World-famed genuine ering cell and at 1VXA.I33302E, j nsurance smiling brightly the same time. Agent, under U. S. Hotel, Monu- FORIIUMBEU CYCLES, rode the best class ve.-sel whioh left Portland at about the 1 uent by “Aw!” said the heretofore condemned to take orders in every town and Square. of everywhere. For its easy aud f will buy you such a pretty ring a time young Hamlin left home is aplldtf 35 Middle Street. cyclists riding supposed MENcity; no delivering; good from wearing qualities they have no in AND A thousand of them, thebes to have him on one. That is no noose to me. wages equal ifie McKinney's. board. start; pay weekly; no capital world. Twenty-eight years’ experience. the largest, the prettiest stock. Engagemen The that he required;■work CtOR SALE—Wooden block C messenger wept bitterly had The only safe, aure and year round. State age. GLEN BROS.. Roch- of two houses, M. MARCH, 214 Federal St., near Temple St.' and Wedding, rings a speciality. McKKNNY 1 eight rooms each, on Momorial Day. not delayed his coming until after the ex- reliable Female ester, N. Y. mar9MW«SS36t Gilman Street; lot aprtidtf The Monument PILL f moo _ Jeweler, Square. janlStf UX120; renting property and an exeel- The Memorial oommittee ecution.—Cincinnati Enquirer. ever offered to mt investment. of Boswortl: Ladies, Inquiree of GEO. F. JUN- SALE—On Falmouth young man and wife i under U. S. street, Vb ood- especially recommend* lINS, Hotel, Monument new 2 1-2 Post mot Friday evening and without children wanted on a Square. FORfords, story frame organized -- — b mh wu Experienced farm. dwelling uim« gum w J sd to Ladies. Colonial 9 rooms and L. H. American or New Bninwsick ■ tiouse, style; bath; hot —CARD.— by chosing Toble. chairman, Ma- Ask fcr KOTrs PBlOnTROTAL PILLS and take no preferred. aFr7__dlw ««1 cold J lOja. other. Address BOX 67, Gorham, Me. 7-1 water; cemented cellar; furnace jor C. H. Boyd, secretary, and C. N. ■rW^ Send for circular. Price $1.00 per box, « toxoi for $6.00. teat; built by the day and will bear critical I)E. F. DR. AND tine AUSTIN TENNEY, Lang treasurer. Tho committee will have MOTT’S (ajEMiCAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. _LOST FOUND. examination; stable on the premises When Baby was sick, we her Castoria. For Lot 50x122. BENJAMIN F. OCULIS1 general charge of the ceremonies Memori- gave sale by I.auders &BabMdge, 17 Monument Square, Portland. Maine. HARRIS, Cham- OZ're «:•■ staple nursery stock. Every, 1 Homestead SpKK., East Harpswell. Me. aprl3dAwlm» 3 A WES, Stroud water. os Butterfieldland St., Portland. Maine. weakness, lost vitality dec27-tf VBTicr :■ Til Bt.p.r giyen that the were onused follows: Anaemia, 1; Room rates and table board at reasonable IMPOTENCY—Sexualand nerve force, from excesses or over- s ibser;jer has becu duly 3’:, FREE! Pictures! We frame prices, transients purse containing money, the nOR appointed 3; cancer, 1; cerebral congss- Symptoms. APICTURES! accommodated; liouso steam work, restored, losses pOUND—A SALE-Everybody says Fairbanks new c .ui vrof U.e v. it; 'apoplexy, them! Those in want of heated, bath and positively stopped, owner can have it I pictures should Por terms inquire at small shrunken organs by proving property Electric Banjos ;are “par 1; valvular disease of the said the “I call on us before elsewhere. The gas. bouse. mar23-4 developed; remedy nd for at the excellence." At .1 OUT* i: 'AM PH KEY, late of I tion, heart, 1; “Doctor," young husband, going picture safe, reliable, convenient. If paying this “ad. Inquire 'hat everybody says must be true. Gray, with every cheap, suffering ffloe of CO., be- Please I oodama of the have called to ask advice about “Thorough-bred” given picture we OTICE—The offices of & enclose for and be cured. PORTLAND SANITARY •all and examine. Also the best disulav of in tii" County of (’umbeidan;'-, deceased, r.nc lungs, 1; meningitis,!; your my kinds of easels from STEVENS JONES stamp particulars ween 1 frame. All 35c up. F r> CO. have been removed and 2 p. m. of Mr. Sargent. 13-1 Guitars and li -s lakon upon ihimsclf that trust I wife. She has insomnia and all she to No 100 Ex- Strictly confidential. PRIVATE PARTY, dandolins, musical goods ever by giv- nephritis, 1; pertussis, 1; pneumonia, 2; day REYNOLDS. 593 Congress St.., next door to street with tin; n Portland. HAWES’ ing bou.Us as th-* law directs. hav- change Elllngwood Furniture Press Office, 9-1 414 Allpersons goes wandering about the house and mov- Shaw’s Grocery Store. feb24-wB accounts will LiOUND—A dory near Fort Preble. The Congre™ street tlu estate ot said premature birth, 1; spinal sclerosis,1. Co. All be settled by Edward 1 ing demands upon deceased owner have the same _ ing the furniture baok and forth.” C. .Tolies at above address. can by proving _14-4 j/rq required io exhibit the same; and all per 22-tf Toperty and paving charges. M. HANSEN, in hydraulics: keen SALE-Doing business at the sous indebted to said estate are called upon u TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. “She’ll be all right thefirst warm day,” discovery In second-hand carriages. 1 open 'ort Preble. 10-1 same old WANTED—Athe business in Maine and Portlund bv TO LOAN—On first FORstand. Onr leaders are the make payment to said the old “It is and second BARGAINSbox buggy, ltght 14 seat; 1 open box ■ Black Rook physician. only spring taking some of tire stock. See model on buggy. BINDLEY M. WEBB, Executor, Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. and in- MONEYmortgages, real estate, stocks, bonds medium 1 lour 1 ,gilro Eutnam, part Havana, that is working on her.”— formation of REDLON, under States weight; light passenger trap; DOUND-A packane on Franklin street, con- 122 per m.; Black all All refund the If it fails houseclcaning Hotel and life insurance policies or t. John, Honlton ami Woodstock. The market is at 2%c for 64x64s. Sch Wm Thomas. Calder, Calais—J H Blake keep Bankers & Brokers, Halifax, steady rrom Central Boston, 3 p. m. From m For Maine Central R. R.—For Port- Machias—J It is used in more half For Falmouth Foreside, Diamond, Cousens, Wharf, 3.30 p. Sebago Lake, Bridgton, Fry- Receipts by Sell Pavilion, Johnson. H Blake Remedy. than Pine Street at 3 m. In- Ames Building, Boston, Mass. Littlejohns, Great Chebeague and Wharf, Philadelphia, p, >urg. North Conway, Fahyans, Lancaster, 186 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for New York Market. Sch Sea Spray, Matthews, Eastport—J F surance one-half of land, Sugar the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros., Leeds, Bustins Islands and the rate sailing vessel. it. Johnsbury, Montrea)"and Chicago. Blake. Freeport. for the West Penn. and roads 123 cars. NEW YORK. April 11—The following are the Write, or call, for our manual for 1896, Freights t>y the K. R., 6.05 p. m. For Brunswick. Bath, Lisboa connecting; Sch Napoleon, Greens E Iowa. This shows the esteem in whioh Leave Portland for above at 7.30 a. Eaton, Landing—J mailed free. landings South by connecting lines, lor warded free of rails, Augusta and Waterviile. quotations on refined Sugars at New York: Blake. that remedy is held where it lias been m. 3.00 and »5.30 p. m. jommission. Ketuil Grocer* *n*rur Ra-e*. Orders executed at the New York 8tock 5.10 p. m For New Gloucester, Danville Cut loaf.6 SAILED—barge Bichardson, and Keystone sold for years and is well known. Moth- RETURN. Passage 810.00. Hound Trip $18-00. Poland Mechanic market—cut loaf 7; confectioners at Exchange, The Boston Stock Exchange, Function, Springs station, Portland Crushed.6 for ers have learned that there is so Meals and room included. and Lewiston. tic; Philadelphia. nothing The Board of Trade, The New Leave Freeport for Portlaud and intermediate Falls, Auburn 7c; pulverised—c; powered, granulated Powdered.5% Chicago For or to P. WING. tor SUNDAY, 12. good for colds, croup and whooping York Cotton Exchange and The Philadel- landings at 7.00 a. m. and 2.ou p. m. freight passage apply F, 11.00 p. m. Night Express, sleeping cars, 6V«c;coirce crushed 6c; yellow 41&0. Granulated.63/« April Central Boston. that it oures these & Baltimore Leave Falmouth for Portland at 8.15 a. Agent, Wharf, 3ath, Lewiston, Augusta, Waterviile, Fine Arrived. cough, ailments quiok- phia Exchange. 6.00, General granulated.6% m. E. B. SAMPSoN, Treasurer and Bar Harbor, Vanceboro, St. (and YVnoiesuie and that it is m. and 3.45 p. -langor, Bucksport. Pori Market. Coarse granulated.5Vs Steamer Levi Woodbury, (U S It) Henrlques lyland permanently, pleas- mar4M, W&F3m7thp Manager, State St., Fisko Building, Boston. St John and all Aroostook County, ant and safe •For Falmouth only. apr2tf Stephens, PORTLAND. April 11. 18 ,q Extra line granulated.6% cruising. for children to take. 25 and Mass. oct22dtf lalif'-x and the Provinces. b:»t dO'*s aot run to Con. granulated.B % Sch M C Wooster, New York. 60 oent bottles for sale Landers & Foxcroft or The business situation is a little more encour; Moseley. by Belfast, Dexter, Dover and beyond Cubes.6V8 Sch Eliza J Pendleton. Fletcher, Philadelphia ami report a fair de- Babbidge, Portland; and C. B. Wood- steamboat go Bangor, Saturday nights. aging, Jobbers generally Mould A.6Vs Sch Olive T Whittier. Wlnttier, Philadelphia- gasgOay pomoios uraiL of activity, but |the volume shows a de- man, Westbrook. gree Confectioners A.5% Sch Hcnrv F Whitney, Ashford. Bayonne- A CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF, PORTLAND, ME. SUNDAY TRAINS. c rease compared with a year ago. Values are No. 6...4% REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Royal Mail Steamships—Liverpool Service Sch Lizzie J Clark, Bandall. Portsmonth. Winter Time Table, in Effect Nov, 25, ’95. a. train for Au- stead- ana on a fairly lirm basis. The Sugar 11-lfl via Londonderry. 7.20 xu.. paper Brunswick No. 7..4 Sch Monticello. Newburyport. — — market is particularly strong and still tending OF THE Leaves Portlaud For Forest City Landing, From From From gusta, Waterviile and Bangor. No. 8.4% Sell Helen G King, Bod Beach for —. CITY OF PORTLAND. due position of raws, London Peaks Island, 5.45, 6.40, 8, a. m„ 2.15 and Liverpool. | steamers, Portland. 1 HnJlfsx 1.00 p. m. For Brunswick. Lisbon Falls, upward, tliejtlrm Quotations are those made by refiners on the Sch Palestine. Calais for New York. j snows an improvement ot 3d on cane, while First 6.10 p. m. For Little and Great Diamond, Lewiston, Bath, Augusta, WatervUle, and oue-pncebasis under the plan of October loth, Congressional District Gf Maine March 5 | Vancouver I March 2 5 March 28. beet is ho! ing firm a prices, There Bei.ow—Schs Commerce, Ealph K Grant, anc Trefethen* and Long Island, 8.00,a. m., Bangor. previous 1895 which makes dealers and wholesale March 19 l Labi ad or 9 * 1 of the trade would large Eieuzi. will be held in m. 1 April *\pril 11.00 p. m., Night Express with sleeping is a fee,ing expectancy, and on and 2.15, p. 2 25 grocers agents of the Trust handling sugars April 1 -tioisuii'ii 1 Ax>i'il 23 April 3ars for ah points. not he surprl ed if prices further advam e.F'louc ol for for C. \V. T. CODING, General Manager. consignment, and who are at stated times SAILED—Schs Acara, for Mlllbridge; Non Pauper ARRIVALS IV PORTLAND. firm at the advance. Provisions steady. Proposal Supplies RECEPTION HALL, CITY BUILDING, nov25dtf steamers anil on Thursday after arrival of settlement allowed a cmmission of 3-16c lb. pareil, Deer Isle. From PORTLAND, all trains due at Porfland ut noon. Montreal, Quebec, Fabyans. Bridgton, Tfie following are to-uavs wholesale prices of There is also a trade discount of 1 per cent on a. Lewiston and Mechanics Falls Rates of pass Age—First Cabin 850 to $70; 3.25 m.; 100 bbl lots and 1 cent for eash if paid with- 0?“ Additional shipping, by telegraph, oi Department a. m and Pr .visions. Groceries, etc.. per return 8100 to $130, io steamer 3.30 : Waterviile, Augusta Bath, in seven and no trade discount on smallet another Thursday, April 16th, 1896, according days, page. and berth. 3.35a.m.: Mattawainkeag,Bangor and Rockland No sales less than 26 barrels. Foi at lialf past nine o’clock a. m., ADAMS & 12.25; Rum- Hue & sviieat. 60-tbs. (a 85 quantities. at the ANDERSON, CO., Second Cabin to Glasgow or Liv- kiugfleid, Phillips, Farmington, Super there is no aoditiona. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. will be received Belfast, sugar packed in bags ^EALED proposals for the of selecting two delegates and er ford Falls. Skowhegan, Oakland and Lewiston low erases.3 25@3 50 .•orn, car .... f£4l office ol the Overseers of the Poor until purpose ool or Londondery, $30.00 and return on or softs from 1 to 14 in- 4.40 charges granulated SOMES AdI sch Kit Carson 1 two alternates to attend the National 12.30 p. m.; No. Conway aud Fry'burg Wheat bak- .lorn, Dag lots. .00#43 SOUND, 18—Sid, April 17th, at 2 P. M., for the follow- Republi- 31 $55 00. To London, Bristol or Cardiff 83 Spring clusive. and other grades %c ^ ft» additional. Friday, can to be held at St. Louis. Exchange St., p. m.; Waterviile, Rock* 'ers.cl and st3 G5@375 Meat, bag lots. ,40®4i Kendall, Philadelphia. ing: articles more or less, delivered as wanted Convention, additional, or 861 return. Steerage to Skowliegan, on June and land 5 25 St, John. >t. Stephen, Patent 8nrne Jats, car lots 28;£29 JONESPOET, April 8—Ar. schs Ella Brown from May 1, ’96 to April 30, ’97; BOO Barrels Missouri, Tuesday. ICth, 1896, AGENTS or. Liverpool, Londonderry, Loudon, Belfast. p. in.; Market. other business that may proper- Aroostook Countv. Bar Harbor and Bangor w neat... 4 10 64 25 Oats, bag iocs 30>0.32 Chicago Live Stock Machias lor New York, and sld; C A Beal, Beal flour to be Washburn’s Superlative, transacting any Queenstown and Glasgow, $24-50 and ly come before it. 5.36 p.m.; Rangeley, Farmington, Rumford iviicti. str'elP. Cotton Seec- iBy Telegrapm Portland; Chappell Brothers, do. Pillsbury, or any flour of equal quality; 800 $25.50, according to steamers. ■ The basis of will be as follows: Lewiston 6.45 p. in; roiier.... 4 15 64 25 car lots.00 00® 22 00 Sailed, schs L Holway. Smith, Calais for Bos bushels cracked corn meal, snorts and oats, representation Apply io H. 14. STAKE, 2 i-3 Union Falls, Skowhegan. Chicago 11, 1896.—The Cattle mark Each and town will be entitled to one and Montreal and all Whirs Mountain clear do.. .4 004+ lo bag lots 0000®24 00 CHICAGO, April ton; E G S.iwyer, Allen,Jonesboro; Wm Heem Horse corned Shin’s chuck city Wiiurf, T. P. SIcGOWAM, 41s Conurosa common to extrs shoeing, beef, and for each votes cast CONTINENTAL 8.10 all points on B. & A. R. R., » tLouis st'ai Sacked et—receipts 50o; steady; Bed Lizzie salt Pollock corned beef to be delegate, seventy-five street, J. W. PETEKSON, 3 Exchange points. p.m., Br’r Beal. Beach; Brewster, Peabody beef, and fish, a. steers 3 CO; stockers and feeders at 2 9i Iwiiiv for the candidate for Governor in Bar Harbor. 1.40 in.: ’•oiler... 4 1564 25 car lots. 14 60 a 15 6u 4i>®4 Paluls- VrAlrn Paq PiilnU fnr Maw VnrL- ; what is called the rattle, with the shin bone Republican street, or DA VID TOKK A SUE & CO.. Gen Bangor, 95 mows and bulls at 1 50*3 50; calves at 1894. an additional and for a fraction Halifax. St. John. Bangor Waterviile clear do..4 00.^4 15 bag lots. .$16®17 00 f<§3 J C Jameson. Lamson. east. and brisket bone taken out. All proposals to delegate, agents. Foot of Judin street. declldtf express 3'0*5 loj Texans 2 25*4 10. of forty votes in excess of seventy-five votes, Fire Insurance and Augusta, 3.30 a. m. t\ nt'i wheat Middlings. .*18® 17 00 schs 1 ► be endorsed, “proposals for supplies,” and Company M. 6c higher, heavi ROCKPORT. April 11-Ar, Chester an PA YSON T1 ;CK E B. V. P. & (r. patent;*. 4 26S4 50 bag ots. 19 00 Hogs—Receipts, 12,000; addressed to the The commit- additional delegate. .*17® com- Lawrence, Ott, Boston; Jennie Hall. Hall, am l undersigned. OF NEWYOBK. F. E. BOOTH G. P. & T. A. Fish. packing and shipping lots at 3 65*3 85; The District committee will be in session In BY, Coffee. Preference. Baxter, do; Idella tee reserve the right to reject any or all bids mon to choice mixed 3 66*3 90: choice as sort Small, Dilling a room the hall at nine o’clock on in 1853. Portland, Dec. 17. 1895. (Buyiug& selling price) Rlo.roasted 20® 2 2 ham. Dover. not deemed for the interest of the city. adjoining Incorporated — at 3 05; 3 01 the of for the U': Large Java ed at 3 90*4 00; light 66*4 pigs E. H. SARGENT, morning the convention purpose Commenced Business in 1853. oci/l_ do.28®32 Sid. sch A Gibson, Fullerton, St John, NB of of ... &4 00. receiving the credentials delegates. Shore .4 76.65 25 Molasses. Boston. Chairman Purchasing Com. Overseers of oo 2,000; steady; inferior tc Victory. Strout, aii eieuiora ui iu« uibi,uut, vruuuiu io F. C. MOORE, President. small do.. 2 2643 Porto Rico.27®3£ Sheep—receipts Poor. 10-1 IP A ■M’WrVfl Caorofonr at 2 80; lambs at 4 00*4 70. RED 11—Ar, schs Wm Keene gard to political differences, who are Pollock ... .2 2563 25 Barbaaoes.26®2£ 7o@3 BEACH, April past Portland & Rumford Falls R‘y. Haddock... 1 60@2 oo Beal, Jonesport; Emma F Chase, Church, Cut in sympathy with the sentiments expressed in Fancy.36&3fc call of the National Capital Paid Up in Cash, $1,000,000. In Effect Oct. 7. ISIS » ake.1 60(6-2 00 Tea. Duuie.tlv Markets. ler; Mary E Olys. Moore, Bath, to load fo the Republican Committee for the National Convention, are Herring, box Amoys.16® 2c llSy Te-teaxaplU Bridgeport; St Croix, Dyer, Boston, to load fo Republican ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1895. DEPAKXUItliS. invited to unite with the — Baltimore. cordially Republicans Scaleu 8@l2c Congous.14,£5l 1896. WM. M. Real estate owned by the com- APRIL 11, MARKS, of the district In to this con- 8.3u A. M. * l.lfi P. M. From Union Stonoti Mackerel. bi sch A J Mi Boston. electing delegates Japan.18®S£ NEW YORK—The Flour market— receipt! SACO, April 9—Cld, Her, vention. pany, unincumbered.$1,082,430.19 for Poland, Mechanic Falls, BuckiielO, Can- snore is S21 00@$2*! Formoso.2c»tgbC Loan on bond and Sundays 13,681 packages; exports 5775 bbls and 19. WISCASSET. April 11—Ar, sch Millie Wast Per order of District Committee. mortgage, Daily Line, Excepted. ton. Dixiiell and Eumtord Falks. snore 2s *1900@$21l Sugar. Republican liens,'. 107,660.00 the new and palatial steamers 979 sacks: sales 7.2oO packages; dull but firm burn, Coffin, Boston. HENRY C. Chairman. (first 8.30 a. m.. l.Oo and 5.10 p. m, From Union Produce. Standara Gran 6Ys BREWER, and bonds owned the BAY STATE AND PORTLAND, unchanged. Card THOMAS F. Stocks by Station for Polaul and Cane Oran’brs.$l 04s il Ex-quality, fine Book, STAPLES, Secretary. market value. alternately leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, extras 2 26®2 90 4,880,494.00 00 6 9-if Flour, Quotations—low at; EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. Portland, March 25.1896. company, Mechanic Falla. ,cte2 50(4©3 granulated — Cash In the at 7 in season citv mills extra at 4 10*4 20; city mills patent! 1 -AND company’s principal every evening o’clock, arriving Train Union Station J.15 p. m. con- Mew York Extra C, 6Vt Ar at Polnt-a-Pitre 7th Inst, sch Lizzie Chac office and in bank. tor connections with earliest trains for leaving 4 30*4 60: winter wneat low srrades at 2 26 c York County—117. 522,287.66 points nects at ltnnuord Fails with K. F. & It. L. E. It. Pea Beans.1 26@1 30 wick, Clark, New York. Interest aud reuts due and ac- beyond. 2 90: fair to fancy at 2 86*3 90: patent** at 3 9< ( Acton, 2 £ train ior Byron ".ntl tlougntca. Foreign—nominal Timothy. 4 00@4 2E Limington, crued. 81,653.97 Through tickets for Providence, Lowell, *4 26; Minnesota clear 2 60*3 15: straight: Alfred, 3 Lyman, ~ Yellow uves.l 50.6)1 6' Clover,West, 8 ^9 Memoranda. course collec- Worcester, New York, etc. do at 3 50: do patents 3 45@4 36: dory 5 £ Premiums iu due of coaches between Union Cal Pea.... 1 7091 75 do N. x. 9®9V& 00*3 Berwick, Newfield, Returning, leave India Wharf, Boston, Through passenger mixtures 2 60*3 30; superfine at 2 30 Sch Belle Hooper, Hall, from Guantanaim JOB 15 North *3 tion. 642,402.43 Irish Potat's. 9 00*2 Biddeford, Berwick, ttu30@36 Alsike, @9Vs arrived at Delaware Breakwater in wai: PRINTER, even Evening at 7 o’clock. fine at 2 00*2 30. Southern flour is quiet 10th, PRINTERS' EXCHANGE, Buxton, 4 Old Orchard, £ sweets. Vineland 6 00 Red lop, 16@17 of weathe of all the admitted as- J, B. COYLE, Manager. Portland and Rumford Falls. steady; common to fair extra at 2 40@3 00 repairs, having experienced heavy Cornish, 3 Parsonsfield, £ Aggregate Station, do Jersey— @4 oC Frovlsieus. and lost and sails. sets of tlio company at tlieir J. F. LISCOMB, Gen. A fit. 1 7 Z Pork- goodto choice at 3 00*3 30. Rye flour dull split 1*3 Dayton 1 Saco, 1C tickets on sale lor all points Onions—Havana Chatham, April 11—Sch Jas A Parsons, froi 97 Exchange Mt„ Portland. actual value. 7,216,828.25 Oct. 1.1895. Through Bermuda.2 0' clear.. 12 00® 12 2; steady. Buckwheat flour at 1 20*1 26. Buck Eliot, 3 Sanford, t New York for Hallowell, with coal, struck o 4 i DECEMBER on T. & K. F. Mative.bbl 1 75@o o( backs... 12 O0®1226 wheat at 40*4ic. Cornmeal unchanged, quiet Hollis, Shapleigh, LIABILITIES 31, 1895. ll9y. 4625 exports > Shovelful Shoal to-day. She was assisted o 1 6 South 4 Wheat—receipts bush; 28,40' Kennebunk, Berwick, Net amount of unpaid losses E. C. BKADFOED, Traffic Mgr. Chickens... 15416 nght. 11 00® 11 If — by Monomoy Life Savfng crew. ALLAN LINE,EOYAL £1&STJ!:AM' bush; sales bush, dull, firmer with options FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. Kennebunkport, 4 Waterborough, 4 and claims. 366,713.61 Portland, Maine. Turkevs, Wes- i7@18c Beef—light.. 9 Of No 2 Red in store and elev 82%; afloat 83%c 6 Wells, 4 ordara mall or Kittery, Amount required to safely re- Liverpool and Port land Mail Service, L. I.. LI NCOl.N Superintendent, North, turkeys heavy. 105; f ob at 83%fi;84V4C. Domestic Ports. All by talapluuw promptly ml Lebanon, 3 York, 1 Fowls.... 149195 Bniesls VfcbS 5 Mated to. aMlfaodtt insure all outstanding risks. 3,521,726.96 at FeblOdtf Enmlord Falls. Maine 75® Corn—receipts 8,775 bush; exports 52,92 > NEW YORK-Ar 10th, schs Mail, Bennet; limerick, 3 Calling Londonderry. tcs and All other demands against the Apples. vard, bush, sales 1 ,000 bush; ; Stamford for Lamberts Nettie From From 4 6 dull,scarce, stronger Poiht; Cushinj Cumberland company, I viz.;, commissions, Fancy. 004*50 y% bbl.pure (SiBM No 2 at 41 Vsc elev, 42V»c afloat. Rockland, County—157, Bteamship Portland Fair to eooa 2 25 6 2 60 docom’nd. 5 frbVi etc. 302,579.55 Liverpool Oats-receipts 14b,400 buoh; exports 302 > Cld 11th, barqne Mary C nale, Higgins, fc Baldwin, 3 New Gloucester, £ 26 Mch.Parisian.16 April Portland & Worcester Lins Baldwins.. $3 60.6 4 00 Dai is ofaM 6 &/s .corn pd sa.^s No 2 at No : 5 sch Edith L Allen, Darrah. Barbt Bridgton, 6 North Yarmouth, 1 9 Fvap 4& bush; 26,oCG Push; 25%c; Demerara; i Total amount of liabilities, ex- April.#Laurentian.28 April lt».7(4«c pails, pure 7V4®7V€ White 26Vs. dos. A PfMiffs Bromo-fieiers. Brunswick, 8 Otisfield S and net sur- Lemon 3. pure If Splendid curative agent for Nervous or Sick ceptcapital stock ♦From Portland to direct, 9Vg®98/s B St Fre 1 8 5 Liverpool carrying CHICAGO—The Flour market wa , Sid 11th, barque J Rabel, Simons; raaih Readaohe, Brain Cape Elizabeth, Portland, Messina 2 5043 00 Rams.... 9% & lo vs to-day Exhaustion, Sleeplessness, 2 plus. 4,191,020.15 cabin passengers only. PORTLAND & ROCSSm & 8. Wheat—No 2 P Litchfield. Melbourne; schs Katharine J > .special or general Neuralgia; also for Rheu- Casco, Pownal, in cash.. 1,0' O.OOO.Ot Palermo— 2 6043 cO aocov'rd .. ®lOVs dull, easier, unchanged. Sprln 1_Jf Capital actually paid up The Saloons and Staterooms are in the cen- _ H J Cai raatism, Gout, Kidney Acid Dys- 4 633/4 ©66s/4 c; N o 2 Red 67 % @70aA c. Coru- Perry, Norfolk; Raymond, Virginia; 1%™*% Disorders, Cumberland, Raymond, 2,025.808.13 tral where motion is felt. Elec- Oranges. Oil. t pepsia. Anaemia. Antidote for Alcoholio 9 Scar ; Surplus beyond capital... part, least » rib A Lane, Norfolk; Daisy Farlin, Wes Deering, boro, FOOT GiFPKEBli STREET. Calilornia. 3 25 64 25 Kerosenel20ts 10 No 2 at29V«-©2 %c. O ita—No 2 at 19*193 Key other excesses. 25 and 60 is used for the STATION Vi and Price, 10, cents. Falmouth, 3 South Portland, tricity lighting ships through- Messina. .3 25©3 50 Ligoma.11 No2 Rye at 37c nominal; No 2 Barley at 36'< i, Tampa. Effervescent. Aggregate amount of liabilities out, the at the command of the Passed Hell Gate 10th, schs Fair Wind, froi Freeport, 5 Sebago, lights being Valencia. 6 00 gj 00 Centennial.11 38c. No 1 Flaxseed at 9t>®2 lower; April Ar 11th, barque White Cloud, Carlisle. Ne' v safe and reliable cure on the market day April, 9.45 A. m.. 12.30. 3.0G, 4.25, 5.20 Corn lower at room in Hall from nine to t\velv< apply to T. P. McGOWAN, 418 Congress St. nominal;May 69%. ;Aprll 26% ; York: schs David P Davis. Davis. Baltimore ; Price, $1.00; sent by mail. Genuine City ib. City Hall, Portland, from II. G. STARR. 21/j Union Wharf or and 6.25 t>. Gram Quotations. May 26%. uals lower; April at 18% ; Ma y Velma, Young, WooclbOdge Creek; Emma j sold only by J. H. Hammond, corner o’clock in the forenoon and two tc c. and L. corner oi in the afternoon for the H. & A. ALLAN, ) Portland, The 12.30 p. m. train from Fortlana connects May 18% Provisions—Pork—new at 8 7f 5 Gott, Hunt. Carteret, Jas A Webster. Wei i. Free and Centre streets; C, Fowler, five o’clock purpost CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE NJ; Me. 1896 • and and 92 State St., St Jvmotloz: with “Hooiae Tunned old at $8 25. Lard—prime steam $4 86(84 9( ster. Greens Landing; C B Wood. Stanley, IL Cougress and Lafayette streets, Portland, Thursday, April 16th, of receiving lists of the polls estate; [ Ayer Friday’s in feblldtf) Boston. Route” for the We st and at Union Station, quotations. Bacon, shoulders'.D; longs at 6V*; clear ribs ; fc S A Stinson, and Bessie H Gro: s-—- taxable said city. boken; Paine, Worcester, for Providence and New York, WHEAT. 6% ; clear sides 6%. Drv salted meats—shou Crossman, Deer Isle; Northern Mitchel At Eleven O’clock A. M. And all such persons are hereby notifiei Light, and to said Assessors tru< via “Providence ILine,” for Norwich and May. Juls ders 4Vs; longs 4% ; clear ribs at 4% : cle; r Rockland; A Pinkliain, Rarita I; to make bring George Pierce, mi i lists of all their and estates New fTork, via “Norwich Idno” with Boefcca O en.^g,.. .66 Si'lttS 4^g river. and perfect polls International tie. for the purpose of selecting six candidates fo or held them as Steanisnip & R. R. for the West, and with the Rscelnts—Flour 2500 bbls; wheat 10,30 u Jane St Job real or personal by guard Albany Closing... .65% Cld 11th, brig Adeliae, Sanborn. electors of President and Vice President of tlr New York All Rail via “Snrinjclield-” bush;corn34,800 bush; oats 9 900 ousn; rj e and ian,executor,administrator, trustee or other FOR cob s. NF; schs Nigbingale, Rich, Calais Eastpo an< [ I'ortlantf from Worcester — United States, and four delegates at large on the first of and bi I Trains arrive at uusn. Edw H Smith. Fernandina; J W Linn : COUNT wise day April, 1895, Jul\ Blake, ? four alternates to attend the National Itepubli oathto the truth of at 1.30 d. m.: irom Rochester at 8.30 a. m., May. Shipments—Flour 4,000 tibls: wheat 8 3C 0 Kennebec and Washington; II H Bern prepared to make the Vs Handy, can Convention, to be held at St. Louis, Mis Easfport, Lubeo. Calais. St.la'll, N.3., Halifax, M. S. 1.30 and 0.45 p. ni.: from Gorham Opening.30 bush; corn 136.000 bush;oats30.000 Ousnp'j e diet, do do; May Williams, Reed, do and Phil same. C 'isrnc.. 30 i PRINTING sonri, on Tuesday, June 16th, 1896, and trans and all parts of New BraDawiek, Nova Sco- at 6.40. S.30 and lO.&o a. m., 1.3U —bush. Loduskia, Brooklln. And when estates of persons deceasec I delphia; Bellatty, acting any other business that may properl} tia, Prince Edvard Island, and Cape Bret- 4.15, 5.45 an 0.15 ej. tOKK. DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Bed No 1 Sid 11th, brig H B Hussey, for Charlestoi have been divided the year o ami ■ 72V2c; we come before it. during past on. The favorite route to Campcbello and For through Tickets to all points West Mas for schs Charlotte a recent job printed the outside have hands from cause the ex White at 73 Vjc. Corn—No 2 at 30c. Oats Manson, Clieverie, NS; i J]N The basis of will be as fol changed any St. Andrews. N. B. South, apply to F. il. < oi.LINS, Ticket 8 6 > ” representation or other inter Opening. No 2 White 23. Sibley, Jacksonville: O D Witherell, Ellen ; ,l an(j another the in lows: each Town anc Plantation will bi , ecutor administrator persons Portland, Me. printer printed City, oafo/l 1c Viiirohv wfivnoH fry crivp Dntino r\ Agent, Cosing. 85 I Lizzie Babcock, Augustus Hunt. W j. Golder, “ entitled to one delegate, and for each seventy VV. P FT Fits, Supt. LARD. » on on SiarRecs Gen !. customer said: Didn’t such and in default of such notice Spring Arrang«incn!, icO ct dtt Duren, Scott, Maggie Todd, Nightingal side. Our yor five votes cast for the Republican candidate fo change Richmond. C R Ida Hudson, Jol: “ will be held under the law to pay the ta: July. Sep Washington, No1 Governor m 1894, an additional delegate, ant (By Telegraph.) H S Chester K E more than 3,oco?” Ans. assessed such estate has beei i On and after Monday, March 16th. steamer Opening. M Fisk, Boynton, Lawrence, [J print for a fraction of forty votes in excess of seven although P H Millie distributed and over. will leave Portland on Mondays and Thursdays Closing. APRIL 11. 1896. Merriman, Hume. Gay. Wasliburi '• more than 20 over.” Customer: “We five votes, an additional delegate. wholly paid And who to at 6.00 p. m. NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-day w; s Sadie Corey, E L Warren. James Holmes. Miai Vacancies in the delegation or any iowi [ any person neglects compl; Saturday’s quotations. it over.” Natural de city, with this notice will be doomed to a tax ac Returning leave St. John and Eastport same dull, steady, sales 204 bales; middling u had 250 of yours left or Plantation can only be filled by a resident o [ WHEAT. lands at D Minetta. Fannie F Ha 11 to the laws of the State and b days. 7Vsc; middling gull 8%. Pettis, Georgia Perry, the County in which the vacancy exists. cording eueckod and Druid. duction: the other fellow gave shorl barred of the to make tc Through tieitets Issued and baggage May. Julj NEW ORLEANS—The’Coton market to-di j The State committee will be in session in tilt right application 4.00 sohs G the Assessors or Commissioners fo r to destination. jar^Freight received up to RAILWAY. 0 'oning.66*4 was 7 11-16C. Also sld nth, Luis Rabel, Cienfuegoi u count. That’s kind of reception room of the hall at nine o’clock, 01 County steady; middling Ha! tljie competitior abatement of his unless h p. m. C osing...64% Jose Olaverl, Andrew Adams, Jennie the morning of the convention, for the purpos any taxes, CHARLESTON—The Cotton market to-di cheater was For Tickets and Staterooms, apply at the CORN- Jachin. St Leon, Edw Rich, Mary Steele, G< 0 that makes friends for us. He of the credentials of delegates. Dele shows that he unable to offer such list was steady receiving time Fine Tree Ticket Monument Square 1S93 (middling 7% Nevinger, and brig Lucy W Snow. in order to be to ii within the appointed. Office, Ou aad after MONDAY. Nov. 18th, 10 cent gates eligiole participate hereby or at office. May. Julj • the customer out of nearly per Blank schedules will be furnished at th for other information Company’s trains will run as follows: SAVANNAH—The ottoa market to-di y ASHEPOO. SC—Cld lOlh, sell Susie M Plur the convention, must be elected subsequent t 0->enine.30 Assessor’s office on Railroad foot of State street. was steady; Middling 7%e. mer, Creighton. Baltimore. call for this am [ application. Wharf, LEAVE. Closing.. ...295/a of the the date of the convention; J. B.COYLK.Gen. Man. market w; .3 BRUNSWICK—Sld schs Willie L Nei f job. no case where the assessors hav 5 ap29dtt MOBILE—Tlie Cotton to-day 10th, under this should not be electee 1 pIPTn m delegates call, — For Auburn and Lewiston 7.15. 7.55 a. TORE. 7 9-16c. ton, Kavanaugli, Philadelphia; Jacob Ree I, We what we yor to to be hereafter 1 been put to the disagreeable necessity o f 1 quiet: middling give you just charge the State convention ealle 1.10, 1.30, 5.20 m. Ma> Bunker, New York; May O’Neil, Watts, Bout! 11 making a doom will the possession of gov p. ; MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day w; 3 for time. for the purpose of nominating a candidate fo For Gorliam and Beilin, 7.55a.m.. 1.30 and snlng. 8.6 Bumarock. Veazie Satilla. every eminent bonds or deposits in the saving 5 RAILROADS. 01 easy; middlings 7 9-16C. governor. 5.20 and a. m. 8.0 Nic K banks be allowed as a in o f ----- p. m., Sunday 7.30 Clcsing. BALTIMORE—Cld loth, sch Daylight, All electors of Maine, without regard to pas plea mitigation such doom. For Island Pond,7.55 a. m„ and 1.30 p. m. erson, Boston. THE THURSTON PRINT political differences, who are in wit 1 sympathy WILLIAM O. FOX Boston & fViairte R. R. For Montreal and Chicago, 7.55 a. in., and Bostonfstoct MarK«u Markets. Sld 10th, sch Ida Lawrence, Campbell, f "r the sentiments expressed in the call of the Rt European 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET WALTER L. LEFAVOR, 1.30 p. m. The are the latest closing Savannah. publican National Committee for the Repuoli in Effect October 1893. following quota (By Telegraph.) soh Almeda Wille 1 JOHN W. YORK, 20, For Quebec, 1.30 p. m. tions of stocks at Boston: CHARLESTON—Ar 10th, PORTLAND, ME. can National Convention, are cordially invite LIVERPOOL,April 11. 1896.—Cotton mark it Dodge. Boston. to unite with tne of the state ii Assessors. ARRIVALS. Mexican Central 4s. 68 Republicans lot WESTERN DIVISION. easy: American middling * 13-32d: estima t- DARIEN— Cld 10th. brig Jennie Huibei t._ to this Convention. April 1 Atchison. Top. & Santa Fe. Ii. 156/ 1 electing delegates Trains leave Portland. Union Statloa, tor From Lewiston and Auburn. 8.25 a. m„ and ea sales u.buo bales: speculation and expo it Rodicli, Philadelphia; soh Charles H Wolsto II. Per order State Committee. Boston & Maine.164 Republican Scarboro Crossing, 10.00a. in.. 6.16,6.20, p. 12.15 3.10. 5.15 and 5.30 p. m. 500 bales. Hinckley. Batn. JOSEPH H. MANLEY, Chairman. do pfd .. CITY OF PORTLAND. ill.; Scarboro Beach, Pim# Point, 7.00,10.00 From Island Pond. Berlin and Gorham. Quotations Winter Wheat at ds 8d@6s 9i I; EERNANDINA— Ar 10th, sch Caroline BYRON BOYD, Secretary. Maine Central.. 1 SpringWbeat 6s SVad. Crabtree, New York. а. m., 3 30. 6.15, 6.20, n n>.; Old Orchard, 8.25, a.m.,12.15 and 5. 30p.m. 8s' 71/ad,g|5s Foss, Augusta, Maine, Jan. 28,1896. From and 5.30 Union Pacific. Corn 2s 11 %d. FALL RIVER—Ar loth, soils Julia A Wai and Saco. Biddeford. 7.00, 8.40, 10.00 a. Ul., Chicago anu Montreal. 12.15 American Bell.. 1 COUGHS GOLDS. m.; Kenne- p. m. Pork 63 6d. Anna OWNERS OF DOCS 12.40, 3.30, 5.15, 6.20, p. steady Savannah; Shepard. Roekport. Ren American sugar, common.119V sch Roc ELY’S ITNFOLA BALSAM is a sure bunk, 7.00. 8.40, a. m., 12.40, 3.30, 5.15, From Quebec. 12.15 a. m. '-—-—-— HYANNIS-Ar Kith, Lena White. for cold ore throat anc б. 20 Wells a.m.. Ou and after March a train Sugar, pfd...lOoV land for New York. y coughs, City Marshal’s Office, p.m.; Beach, 3.30, Sunday, 8Mi, for asthma. » 6.15 North will leave Portland at 7.30 tu Cen Mass., pfd.54 OCEAN sTKAMElt UOTKUH s' i'l C B Pori 3_ President ai Electors Must all be Chose March 3, 1896. p. m.; Berwick, $3.45, 7.00, 8.40, every Nuntlay 10 Sld fm Bass river 10th, sch Wood, do common. mouth. soothes. quickly Extract from the Public Laws of 189i a.Dl.,12.40, 3.30, 5.15 p. ill.; Kennebunk- in. for Berlin. N. H., and all intermediate 10 FROM FOR the 11 a. Mexican Central. E GIovi r abates cough in State Convention 287: port, SomerswortU, Dover, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., arriving at Berlin, N. U., at Lahn.New York. .Bremen_ 4 Passed west, schs Thomas Hix, V chapter stations, Apl, and renders ex Section 2.—Every owner or keeper of a do 12.40,3.30,5.15 p.m.; Rochester. Farmlng- m. Venezuela-New York. 5 Adelia Carlton, Eugene Bordn, Maynard Sill al Headquarters ) New York Quotations, on stocks anti Bond 3 Laguayra.. Apl: •pectoration easy. more than four months old shall ton, Alton Bay, 8.40 a. m.. 12.40, 3.30 p. m.; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Night Garrick.New York.. i 5 ner. and Jennie Greenback. Republican State Committee, > annually Montevideo. Apl before the first of cause it to b 3 Wolfboro, 8.3.') p. m,; Worcester (via trains and cars u.» trams. (By Telegraph > New NEW ORLEANS—Cld 10th, sch Olive Peek) r. Consumptives Maine, Jan, 18, 1896. day April, parlor day York.. .New York. .S’thampton .Apl 1 5 Augusta, ) Somersworth and 7.00 a. TICKET NO. 177 MIDDLE Boston. of to 189 2 registered, numbered, described and license l Rochester,) m.; OFFICE The are 3 Germanic ... .New York. Toney, will invariably To the Republicans Maine:—Prior following to-day’s closing quotation .Liverpool ...Apl I for one from the first i Manchester, Concord, 7.00 a. m., 3.30 m.; AND DEPOT Af i OuT OF INDIA Ar sell Hattie C Luce. Heal, Trinidad. electors at _ year of April, p. STREET, of Bonds: Freshfield .... New York. !, 11th, derive benefi two Presidential large, correspom day New York. .Apl ] the office of the Clerk of the town o Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Law- STREET. « NEWPORT NEWS—Ar 10th. Elr us e to States wei Q city, 10. 11 .. b*rque from Its ing the two United senators, April April Parisian.Portland Liverpool...Apl: where said is and shal rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 3 30 CHAS. M. IIAI S, ( .:«r. sch Grade D Bucln n" State and the r* plantation dog kept, 12.40, p. New 4’s Friesland .New .. ] 5 randa, Duncan, Norfolk; who sup nominated in convention, reg.#3 08*4 (£108V \rork. .Antwerp Apl Many around its neck a collar distinct! m. Exeter. Boston, $3.45. t7.00, $8.40a. m., Portland. Nov. 18th. 1a .. lt.f Boston. t< • to the men L_ keep Few 4’s 109 Prussia .New .. r, nan. Harrington. pose their cases maining electors, corresponding ..■•££ fel09V Y'ork.. Hamburg Ahi; marked with the owner’s name and its §12.40. 3.30 p. m. Arrive in Boston, $7.25, 25 Sld schs Talofa, Fletcher. Galvesto n i be hers of the Unfted States House of regh United States 2s reg. 95 Orizaba.New York..Havana — ] 5 10th, consumptioi Represei a. m Apl Bert ia tered number,and shall pay to said clerk ft r 10.15 12.55, 4.20. 7.15 p. m. Leave Central 100 Orimco.New a Laura C Anderson. Potter, Boston; are suffer tatives were nominated by the several con Pacific; lsts.100 York. .St Thorna;. ..Apl only a license the sum of one dollar and flftee Boston for Portland, 7.30, 8.30 a. m., 1.00, STEAMERS. .... a Thomas. Portland, from a chron district conventions. Denver it. G. 1st.113 113 Alleghany New York. Kingston... Apl Dean, ing greseional s 4.15 p. m. Belle Woosh ir» ) ei cents for each male dog and three dollai 65V : Amsterdam ... New NEW HAVEN—Sld loth, sell ic cold or dec] The passage of the Australian Ballot law Erie 2ds. 66% York. .Rotterdam..Apl a and fifteen cents for each female an 1 SUNDAY TRAINS, o Stewart, catarrh the Under the lav dog, Kansas PacificIConsois. 73% 73V z Mohawk.New York. .Louuon .... Philadelphia. seated cough, often aggravated by tirely chauged procedure. Apl Leonoi a person becoming the owner or kepeer c i' For Boston, express, 3.45 a. m. For Boston Oregon Nav. ists.3 10 lio Etruria.New York.. Liverpool. 8 PHILADELPHIA-Cld 9th, brig For catarrh use Ely’s Cream Balm. Botl all Conventions are a portion of our electio {\ ...Api a clog after the first day of April, not dill f and way stations, 1.01), 4.15 p. m. Arrive iu HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT 00. Kansas Pacific lets.3 04 104 Saale.New York. 8 Monroe. Lisbon. remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Bair system, and this ballot act requires that cand .Bremen.Apl shall cause it to be Boston, 7.26 a, 8.44 m, Werra.New York. 8 Ar 10th. sell Eortuna, Chase, Boothbay. 50 cts. Pineola 25 c dates to be voted for by the Voters throughoi t licensed, duly registers m., 5.27, p. Beginning November oih, teanu rry* Northern Pacific cons 6s.... 4O’/s .Genoa.Apl per bottle; Balsam, described and licensed as Boston for a. Cld 10th. sells corne'ia Soule, Saunders, P y' Sold the whole state must be in nominatio a numbered, pre Portland, 3.45 m. coneac will lea re Hurt laud i ud- Touraine.New York. .Havre_Apl 8 by Druggists. placed vided above. Pier, Closh g quotations of stocks Glouoesti r __ Phoenicia .New York. ..Apl 8 mouth; Lorlng C Ballard, Bearse, i ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York by a Convention representing no less a consti EASTERN DIVISION. daily, Sundays excepted: .Hamburg Section 5.—Whoever keeps a dog contrar I Atchison. 3 5% 15V s Leibnitz .New York. .Pernambuco In Carrie S Hart, smith, Fall River. uency than the whole state. Hence, all tit ^ From Union Station for Cape Elizabeth For Long, and Chcbeagoe turn, Apl New Y’ork; s uh for to the provisions of this act shall forfeit te \ Adams 148 !i Ar lltli, barque Emits, Nash, ___— candidates of a Presidential electoi a. Harpswell, Bailey’s and Orr’s Islam 2.2v Express...148 Athos.New York. .Greytown. ..Apl party five of which shall be to tli q $$8.45 m.; Saco. Conway Junction, > inencan Alasl a. in State and j dollars, paid m. For Cliff Express.111% 112 York. .... R F I’ettigrew, Welch, Portland; barge must be nominated Convention, p. Island, Monday, Wtdaesuay Havel.New .Bremen Apl I; and five to the treasurer of tli e Wolfboro 9 00 a. m.; Biddeford, Porte- Boston & Maine. 164 In Portland. have therefore iucluded in the call six elector: , complainant and Friday 2.20. p. m. Paris.New York. .S’tliampton which such : s month, Amesbnry, Nevrburyport. Salem, Cemrat Apl io Island—Passed fr< J. U. city, town or plantation in dog Return for Portland. Leave Orr's Island Pacific. 15V4 16 Teutonic.New York. .Liverpool. ..Apl Reedy up, barque Emlta, MANLEY, Chairman. Lynn, Boston, $2,00. $9.00 a. iu.; §12.55 kept. 6.45 a. m. Cnes. « 15V ■ — New York. New York lor Philadelphia. calling at Harpswell an.; inter- Ohio.; 15% Kensington .Antwerp ....Apl >2 to with th e $6.00 p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.58 a. m.. 12.49, Chicago * 154 Passed down sch Addie Charlson, 1 or £> Any person failing comply mediate landings. Arrive at Portland ‘J.13 Alton.156 Niagara.New York. .Cienfuegos .Apl 9th, J will be 4.15, 9.20 p. m. Leave Boston for Portland, Chicago 6i Alton preierrea —170 370 !■> Portland. foregoing law, duly prosecuted. a .in* ISAIAH oD A NIELS, Scotsman.Portland.. .Liverpool.. .Apl GLASS HENRY S. 7.30, 9.00 a. m.. 12.80, 7.00. 7.45 p. m. Chicago. Eurilngton Persia.NewYork. .Hamburg.. .Apl •5 Sld lltli, sch R D Spear. jb shortening pastry? p. preferred 38 38 York. PORT READING—Ar 10th, sch Ernest T § best for What’s FOR SALE OR ALSO m. Leave Boston for Portland, *9.00 a. m., Sew York Line. W11. Campania_New .Liverpool. ..Apl ly frying things? RENT; Oirect IiUnol&’Ctntrai. 95 94 .New York. Ir. Lee, Rawdlng, Newport. R best for 7.00 p. m, Lake Erie & Gascogne .Havre.Api schs Carrie C MU ,s every cooking pur- $Does not run West. 17% 17 Curacoa.New York. .Maracaibo. In PROVIDENCE--Ar 10th, Mondays. LONG ISLAND Lake .Apl Tutl le’ for which lard was for- > fConnecte with Kail for New Yotj, SOUND BY DAYIJG5I r Shore .149 147V Trave.New York.. Is Hinckley, Rockland; Maggie Hurley, 0 ?°se ORGANS Lines Louis & Bremen.Apl News; Andr jw « Sonthaad West Nash.. 49% 495, 3 Britauic.New York.. Liverpool.. Apl In do; Gov Ames, Davis, Newport merly used? What’s best Maine Central Somes, White rs' ^Connects with Sound Lines for New \ork. R. .So’ampton. II, Peters, Young, Calais; John — anti Sea St Paul.NewYork. .Ap] for for health? or Plain at North Berwick Sun- DeHghttui Invigorating Mexican 9V in Calais. § digestion Very Fancy *Western Division from Trip. Central. 9% 1 Westernland .New York. .Antwerp .. .Apl sch Telumali, and 1 n- ■' Thousands of women answer: days only. The Steamship* Manhattan and Coltajje MiohiaanCentrallpf. P2Va 92V .Bremen ... PLYMOUTH—Sld 9th, Aller.New York. Apl 30 with leave Minn & St. L... 39 19 nie Gus, Maine ports. NO, 114 1-2 EXCHANGE ST STEPHEN BERRY, $$Conneets at Scarboro Crossing City Franklin wharf Tuesdays, Thurs- Minn, (t -—- = € R or train for Boston via Eastern Division. days and at 6 ra. Retui leave Louis, pf.. J. 7b% 78V 2 SUFFOLK—Sld 9th, sell Flint, Hart, Saturdays p. niuer, tickets to ail in Florida, Pier East same Missouri racidc.. 24 24* > York River, to load for New York. -AT- Througn points 38, River, days at 5. p. hi. MINIATURE ALMANAC.APRIL 13 Ticket New Jersey Central..105% 106V SAVANNAH—Cld 10th. sch Mary L Cros >y, JOB the South and West lor sale at Office, Fare to New York, one way. >4.Go: Round Nerthen racific common_ 1%“ i! >2 New York. BOOK AND PtUHTEf Union Station. trip $7.00. do Are D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. and T. A., Boston. J. B. C-9 BPreferred. ... 11% HV l,mrsets4:v::::.: fg2H‘e»wawr{::::u *2 SALEM—Cld lOtli, sell Fawn, Shute, rs COYLE, Manager, 1 Moon sets .7 Height.... 7 05—8 jC • No. 37 PLUM STREET. 1e2l dtl F. General if orth western.102% 103 V % 17| Harbor. W. P. HASTINGS' [ d, LISCOMB, Ageui. liovdtf# rI' FTP1 GOOD WILL FARM. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. DID NOT SEE THE TRAIN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

The Man lost Part of His Foot and the Superintendent of the Congrega- NHW ABVKKTISJEStKSTS TODAY. Address of Rev. Mr. Rinkley ou the Bowlcy Child Was Badly Hurt. MOORE & tional CO. Work. Publishing Society’s Experience. KOHLINC’S OWEN, Owen. Moore & Co. a Eastman Bros, i’z Bancroft. During Saturday night nnn named Lan atif ’s White Store—2. At the Wiliiston Congregational churoh Herbert C. was A Brief Review of the Work of Six Busy Phinnoy, walking on the .'. it. Par- Liuby. yesterday morning and the Second Boston & Maine railroad track at North Fitzgerald. Years—Much Already But The weather Accomplished ish R. A. today Crossoy. dimes re Alien. yesterday aftornoon the Rev. Berwiok. He cair led a small child in his At same counter, a lot and been Much Remains to b©5 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. is likely to be $3.69, $3.50 Warren & Co. AitendediTo—Girls, Sparrow Rowley, superintendent of the Congrega arms. The train east V. H. Kohllug. going came along fair. As Weil As Boys, Are to be Helped. tional of white linen and Somers, lire Latter—2. Sunday School and Publishing an d the man got out of its way stepping boys’ $5. delivered Portland, amusements. Rev. George W. Hinokley ofgGood Will society, un address describing over to the other track, and not notic- April 13,1896 Collars, at ioc. HOSIERY COUNTER his rolling, (Men's) Portland Theatre Farm, preached at the Seoond Parish own work and that of the society. ing, until it was too late, the westward jyrs. Lowell’s Keoital. The a “Our work,” ho “is to ostablish new When saw long expected spring YARNS COUNTER. church yesterday morning. He Is a rapid said, bound freight. he it he threw string One lot of full.fash >.aw To For Sale, Lost, round sohools in the destitute of weather arrived I Wants, Let, and very interesting talker. His tost was Sunday places the child from his arms and out having would of Bar- ami Similar advertisements will be found under sprang Spring our as HERE’S A small lot of dam- unto country, as well to visit and assist Ho was not announce to ioned black tiiei r appropriirte Heads ou Page C. “Commit thy ways the Lord, trust of the way. quick euougn respectfnlly my cotton Half- ” as we the older of the Master a also in Him, and He shall bring to pass. may work however and he received a glanoing blow customers and all gentlemen in gains, timely aged Germantown and French in Sunday schools and churches Hose, feet, at “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup” He spoke of the rise and progress of the already from tbeengine, which had slowed up. need of garments for Spring list of seasonable offer- “Good Will from the established. In my own Held this past As he fell his left foot remained other Yarns, at 8c a two for Has been used over Fifty Tears by millions of Farm,” experiment on the and Summer wear, that I have 25c, imported to year there have been 83 new which for children while time when $28 on deposit in a bank in Sunday rail and was orushed by the wheel of the ings, you should mothers their Teething an unusually well selected stock skein. for a sohools organized with a of sell 25c pair. with perfect success. It soothes the child, Bangor was oil the outward evidence of membership engine. of OVERCOATINGS read 2500. SUITINGS, every word of. softens the Pain, cures Wind until at this This statement does not by any child was NEEDLEWORK gums, allays the idea, time when the or- How badly the hurt oould and TROUSERINGS of the COUNTER. and is the best moans the work Colic, regulates the bowels, owns 330 aoros of land on oxpress accomplished m not be ascertained with hut it SHIRTWAISTS COUNTER. WEAR ganization certainty best and domestic UNDER COUNTER.(Men's.) remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from the cause of Christ. Whon I state the fact foreign lot of can- which are located the cottages for the was feared that its back was broken, or One For sale fancy teething or other causes. by Drug- that of these 83 new schools there are a t manufacture. boys, and 125 aores of land on which will severely injured. A North Berwiok sur- An assorted lot of One lot of the world. Be sure and vas Pillow fancy mixed gists in every part of least ten or twelve ihat are in The assortment includes also bo built the “Isabel Smith for existing geon took oare of the ohlld. Dr. McCorri Covers, ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing 25 ets. cottage Syrup, where never has there a line of MEDIUM PRICED laundered wool Shirts places before been son, another of North fancy tinted to be em- light weight a bottio.' girls.” surgeon Berwiok, designs, __ a Goods which will he This remarkable work Sunday school, or any kind of religious took of the man and him made up sizes dotes book only charge brought Shirtwaists, large broidered at each to- and Drawers, silk a work, thon you begin, I trust to appreci- the train at very reasonable prices. 50c few years It was began with the by Sunday morning to Port- at ate the neod at least for somo such onty, 69c, marked at hope of helping destitute boys and has just land. Rich’s ambulance took him to day, regular price 75c. trimmed, 69c today, work. Again of these 2500 at least 300 already accomplished muoh. The oot- the Maine General hospital whore a por- down from $1. In same other ohildren have never been to In same section, a lot of days $1. Baby cried, tages are designed to uooommGdate a Sunday tion of the crushed foot was amputated. school till this section, a lot of fine flan- Mother sighed, family of fifteen boys each, the idea be- past year. He complained of some pain about the cotton filled Bed JEWELRY COUNTER. “It Puffs, to for the the was my great privilege one Sunday back and sides but the Doctor Castoria { ing provide boys comforts surgeons thought nelette prescribed: in May last to two schools at Dressing Sacques, silkoline cases, handsome of a roal New England Christian home. gather them due probably to bruises. No bones W. I One lot of long silk places but four and a half milos apart, were broken other than in the KOHLING, delicate “Sunshine cottage” was the first one foot, and colors,dainty pat- at a membership of 52 in one and 60 in designs, $1.98 today. Watch Guards, with built aud was followed by “Golden Rule it is thought be will recover. Mr. at another and in neither place had there 546 I »2 terns, 75c today, worth Great cottage,” Bailey oottage,” “Christian ever been any school gathered for instruc- Phinney is a tin box maker by trade and Congress St., Bargain. sterling slides, at 17c, use Dr. An- tion in Divine At one some is about of $1. We recommend the of Siegert’s Endeavor cottage” and others He spoke thinga place forty years age. Near Oak St. SILKS COUNTER. twelve before a mission- gostura Bitters to our friends who suffer with of the “Mary Louise Hall cottage,” cost- years traveling ap!3 eodlm rgeular price 25c. ary had made his appearance, and preach- Dining a Bridegroom Elect, CORSETS COUNTER. dyspepsia. _■ ing $3,000, tho gift of Thomas W. Hall, ing onoe had but evi- One lot of departed, forgot Mr. W. C. Cunningham of Montreal, navy blue a Connecticut business man as a memor- dently to return. Children of twelve and One lot of “Z. Z.” STATIONERY COUNTER. BRIEF JOTTINGS. thirteen had never even seen a of the Dominion steamship line, was India ial of bis motlior, and dedicated “To the years giv- Silk, with white preacher of the Gospel and yet they were en a dinner by his fellow employes at French n e o of a Good Mother.” Corsets, 0 1 t of Marcus memory bright ohildren and oertainiy needed the at a K. of will confer the Weferllng’s on Saturday evening, as he , 42c yard Ivanhoe lodge, P., But while the farm was being dotted message of salvation. In one distriot is soon to wed Miss M. G. Dillon of long waist, white and Ward’s Cas- rank of long tomorrow I found in built Port- other “Edinboro^ Knight, form, with cottages, the neoessity for a school people living roughly GILDEMEESTER today, days 69c. shacks, some of them with the for land. A delicious banquet was served. at evening. was one ground BlasillS I tle” Letter in and was drab, $1.98 building manifest, a soant indeed was the furniture | to-day, Paper, floor; Mr. J. A. was toastmaster and 2 AND 2 DRAPERIES ROOM. There will bo a meeting of Elizabeth built of Hickey capable accommodating 20C and only the very plainest food to subsist at a this af- a number of bright speeohes were made regular price $3. 13c Wadsworth Chapter, D. A. R., It was the of two one upon, yet these ohildren were so eager pound packets, boys. gift sisters, KROEGER O T"! P 1 f T? at 2.30 o’clock in the Union Mu- tor our papers and cards and the leaves by the guests present. A handsome purse ! | ternoon uuw ij' giury. SKIRTS COUNTER. Great Bar- that It was a real to he able to fur- nf (Ena Mr f!iinnim»hotrv pound today. tual building. A full attendance is de- joy Pianos. 1 From the first not a single appeal has nish and on to PIANOS; Table them, leaving feel that Among those present were J. A. Hiokey, Tapestry Covers, sired. been made to but a tire, small indeed but full of had One lot of gain. personally any one, lire, Jersey m W. C. J. E. | one a 1 nnu. 110*0 been started that Cunningham, Neville, and half OULU lucky OUUUOJ ^■“buu> the work has gone forward, and money should burn steadily, yards v^uc iul ui Liiuuuiea bringing life and for months to James Duffly, Frank Daniels, H. J. Knitted Underskirts, pleasant spring days. has been freely contributed. Now the light come into otherwise darkened homes. Schultz, T. J. P. GRAND ITRK.'IIT square, fringed all round, There was a bad break in the water Cunningham, Norton, and Photographs, classical trustees have 125 acres of land on which At one place a young lady came at the f striped mixtures, of the Dominion Steamship company; T. at never main oa High street yesterday. the home for be close of the servioe and with moistened I 98c, sold before girls will and be- on at built, Geo. of the Grand dark subjects glass, 13c, the eyes asked if it would be for me Burke, Gogger, Trunk and colors, at The police searched following plaoes tw een the two traots will be built the possible light fot less than 25 Pearl to come and start a sohool in her valley? railway; P. Bradley, customs inspector; $1.25. been Saturday evening: 23 and street, church at a onst of $12,000. It Is belioved I PIANOS. PIANOS. at 17c. I asked, “Where is your valley?” Taking 33c, sold 57 63 T. P. Boss, Dominion Steamship com- \ regularly same 512 Fore, 29 York, Centre, Centre, that this church will be dedioated the me to the she and In a lot door, pointed up said, pany: John Cunningham, Montreal; section, S15 Fore. “Over that mountain” She had walked 48c. coming fall. The boys are received only Charles A. Dolan. Joseph Dillon, Joseph of TOILET GOODS COUNTER. the four and a half miles over a steep moun- Curtains, with John Smith, nowly appointed pa- between the age of 7 and 14, because Boyle, John W. Barbour, Portland. Pianos t tain trail to beg for a Sunday sohool for LININGS COUNTER. trol driver, went on duty yesterday morn- the work is be of embroidered One lot of Dr. Ger- formative. They must the thirty-nine ohildren who lived as her figures, deep ing. at least because neighbors, and she must that average intelligence, pass steep Pianos, to Rent. One lot of imitation fluted at to- vais’ Tooth at Officer Thompson captured a jigger the work is educational way home again bofore resting that ruffle, $1.29 Wash, night. Nine miles to ask for succor! | loaded with 15 half-barrels of beer on must be of beoause Hair 18 A They good morals, On asking more about the valley and ♦ grey Cloth, day, other days $1.62. 17c, regular price 25c. morn- Nervous ~SECQl\5IiHAWD~ PI Aft OS. Commercial street, early Saturday the work is not reformatory. They must what were its conditions she said, “We often inches wide,at 10c a LEATHER. GOODS hundred dozen “Pure ing. be destitute, because the work is one of have no day sohool, no Sunday sohool, People wonder why their nerves are yard, COUNTER. no no a committee of the ohuroh, nothing.” so tired so |§qiaare Saturday evening benevolence. They must be of sound weak; why they get easily; marked down from Cream” Toilet at “I could not but promise help in suoh a 15c, Soap, fellow workmen of Ur. .Tames A. Pinker- why they start at slight but One lot of black physical health, because the work is in- case. So two weeks later I passed over every JONES & grain has left the of sudden do not ioc a three cakes ton, who recently employ dustrial in character. that trail—no wagon road, no bridges sound; why they sleep ALLEN'S INFANTS’ OUTFITS COUNTER, leather Pocket box, the Maine Central called at his over the mountain but all travel have Books, railroad, They are shops and there is the farm. streams, naturally; why they frequent is on toot or horseback. in box. One lot of him a by The people with metal Tap- residence and presented The are better than an av- headaches, indigestion and One lot of short boys given gathered, and as there was no sohool corners,at 33c and an iCRESSEY, fine beautiful banquet lamp elegant a a handkerchief erage eduoation, and when boy shows house lady offered the use of her rooms. Palpitation of the Heart. * for children one other pan’s cane. There were but few chairs, two Dresses, to-day, days 50c. gold-headed special aptit nde for learning, he will be though The explanation is simple. It is found in in cor- The First Parish or three boxes and some pails made good Perfumes, fancy adjourned meeting helped to acquire a liberal education. that blood which is contin- to three lace and HOSIERY COUNTER. Eeats for the boys and girls. I had a few impure years, will be held at 3 p. m. today. made a with One boy wbo personal applica- hymn books with words only and gave ually feeding the newt -pou refuse Lot Us Furnish You rugated bottles, The regular meeting of the Academy of out a tho familiar “What a Hamburg trimmed, One lot of black tion to bo received, writing to the speak- hymn, one, instead of the elements ~th and Onyx at we 21c. Medicine will be held this at b'riend have in Jesus.” The lady In such cone c e glass stopper, evening er at the suggestion of his mother who vigor. and white and colors, at out-side cotton who had given us the use of her house nerve n and the Eye and Ear Infirmary. was then near is in and compounds simp Hosiery, death, Bcston, had never been to a sohool before HABERDASHERY COUNTER. Sunday do not cure. Hood’s Si-.r : feeds SOUND i-2C, marked down The directors of the Y. M. C. A. will soon found 37 at marked down will enter in her life. Her a lad of .. Harvard, having boy, six years, the nerves pure, rich, rt.. od; gives 25c, organize tonight. friends the efforts of the trus- was very much interested In the prepara- natural self- One lot of men’s through sleep, perfect digestion, from 50c. Great Value. from Also a lot tion of the room and his is 36c. of 'Ii:c quarterly meeting of the Young tees. bringing high control, vigorous health, and the FIRE stool placed it in the center of the room true for all nervous troubles. One lot metal Hose V omen’s Christian Association will be Mr. of his visit to Bow- remedy of fine Supporters, Hinckley spoke and climbed upon it, for, as he said, “He Saxony “Wayne” full-fashioned held tonight. doin three when he read to the wanted to see what I was to do.” no at rears ago going Wool Socks, white, with black cotton elastic, 5c, regular There was a I am not an I ad- at largo congregation gath- students an essay by a boy of 13. The re- especially good singer, SNSURANCE Hosiery, wad at High street church last evening mit, but I was not prepared for what and blue silk trim- ioc. sult was the of a fund for the pink same price ro listen to the beautiful Easter music raising was to follow the opening line of the i:i Did iieiiabia Millionaire Companies. price. which was repeated. The organ, orches- hoy, and ho will soon enter Bowdoin, song. The lad jumped from his seat, at were BASEMENT. ming, 34c, 50c. HOSIERY COUNTER tra and choir made a combination that and another boy similarly assisted in tears running down liis faoo, and scream- Hood’s (Children's.) is heard in church services. ing like a wild Indian ran from the SPARROW & a rarely much the same way will soon bo a stu- WABREi, Go., Also lot of white silk One nor did he till ha reaohed his lot of There was a fire in the old room, stop One lot of two- yellow quite lively dent at Of course these oases oc- 170 1-2 Middle, Cor. Sts Colby. at the barn. I had heard some- Sarsaparilla Exchange heavy grass near the .-pring bouses on Danforth grandpa with at but where that music had charms aprl3dlw8p Bonnets, cape, street yctserday, and the department had cur only now and then, the aim of to soothe Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1; six for 85. thread ribbed Rockingham Pudding the savage, but evidently this was not Stockings, a lively time putting it out. the work is to give the boys a good in- Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. $1.75, marked down from the kind of savage meant, or possibly my fast seamless Dishes, three-quart size, The wind shifted to the southwest dustrial as well as more than common black, feet, yes- — euro music whs not the kind. X •j Liver IPs; easy to noon and it war. fresh and specified $2.63. at ioc terday quite school education, and to fit them to be- have heard of people being preached to flood S HlliS take, easy to operate. 25c. £04» »<»•»»<»»»•» sizes to at today, regular oooi the latter cart of the 7 9 1-2, 16c, during day. but or oome good and helpful citizens. sleep, never heard of, saw, an au- UNDERWEAR COUNTER (Muslin) The Portland electrics carried large dience, or even a part of one, sung out of Great Value. price 15c. While, as had been said, the institution tho house. We a but BESTS’ still it has taken organized sohool, HATCHES. One lot of Ostrich is not reformatory, friend would not come | One 1 o t of muslin terday. my young into | the room ImRSTyardsT UNDER WEAR Be- worth Post will a firs a many boys from influecces calculated to again, though he gladly light camp accept- ? A hundred of them. Any good Y trimmed COUNTER(Knitted) Feather at the r hail on ITtht ed a card and paper from me at my de Chemises, with Dusters, 24c Friday evening, April have made them oriminals. kind you wish. Don’t keep the $ a. a have as their Post pnrture % One lot of guests Sedgwick Seiran as the work was in deDendence poor ones. and white Swiss and Vincent Monntfort of "One incident more: A full 2 Elgin Waltham 2 wide torchon lace, at today, regular price 35c. Poet Bruns- lady friend, 2500 more are 48c has boon carried out ia /if r*,1/1/i nmelrn 1^1 41 A. L. yards of the # all right. have suited 2 swick. Fires will be lighted at 6.30 upon God, it They ribbed silk p. l-2c f millions and will suit ♦ marked down from Undervests, One lot of m. A will be held after he same “No collection will be Master, became sick and wont out from 12 Ginghams today at you. $5.00 today, paper regular meeting spirit. X to the fire. our city life for the rest of tho moun- $100.00. camp taken today and no collection was ever | *7C r crocheted and four tains. There was at the place to which trimming Lampshades, colors, From February 14th to April 8th, the takeD me I shall the by anywhere. ring she went a girl of twolvo or tbirteon A YAH®. at keeper of the Heel ing poor‘farm put up SO ribbon, 36c, with at 8c bell of no house tomorrow, and us for a years, who was much interested in the RIBBONS COUNTER. reg- frame, today. 260 tramps, and from April 1st to 8th, QOSES’ WATCHES. I call at a city lady and her and on ail oo- ular 116 wore accommodated. The largest contribution. I shall not clothes, 50c sort. oasions kept very by her side. Af- Another case of | number over in a whole was and I shall leave closely the same One lot of wide put up year single office in this city a in ter woek of rest the lady bar Way up quality. Way down 4 fancy At same a 1803. Last Sunday night 15 were put finding that was sold in so short counter, lot up for home on the first train, but this sub- strength returning and to be quality -> in Wo have a hundred of 2 and four cf them were drunk and created wishing prices. Ribbon, at 20c a to as we ot some servioe to the child, asked her a time them. No old stuff but the yard of tiou'ole. This naa become a nnisance'and ject has beon presented you Friday. j latest Y natural mixed The terms at these about her home and hor school. The boys’ only besides is dangerous, ar.d these have it to others both in pub- x producoions of the Elgin and i today, been 33c. people presented child told tier they had a day school last Come and avoid the crowd. Knickerbocker are snould ba dealt with as in other cities early 2 Waltham Companies. $10, $50. Sales cash by lio addresses and through our monthlj year of throe months’ duration, but not 2 Drawers, Monday every the benefit of the giving tramp law, to that de- before but for HANDKERCHIEFS COUNTER. 60 in the paper, aud as God moves you any hoped anothor some at marked down and no days county jail. time. asked about the 19c, exchanges. gree help in your own time and way this Being Sunday school, said that she had never been to One lot of ladies’ from work at East Fairfield.” pure 25c--.for boys PERSONAL. a Sunday school, did not know what it ! McKeansy, Is Jeweler, eight Even the name “Good Will Farm” was was. Tho worker asked “Do you know Hanson j hemstitched Handker. to fourteen years. found in the announcement made by the anything of the Lord Jesus Christ?’’ Tho G.Larrabee, MONUMENT % Mr. J. Alvah Tuttle of was poor child was startled and SQUARE. MOORE & CO. Freeport when Christ was holding up WHITE | chiefs, with Mexican OWEN, angelic messengers STORE, f GLOVES COUNTER. one of the successful candidates for a her hand said, “Hush, you must not 4S*f®bl5 Cthorsp « and men born, “Peace on earth, to good speak so, that is cursing.” She never at state certificate at the examination given Mo. 516 Street. wrought corners, two And in tbat it has beer had heard the name of Him who had Congress An in will.” spirit only assorted lot of recently Brunswick. Mr. Tuttle is a for the as that for and will be carried on. There is not t blessings children, only 25c today. graduate of the Gorham State Normal name had been in some silk bo and spoken oaths,and pure dollar of indebtedness to removed one had told her it Gloves,women’s, school, and has been in charge of the was wrong to swear. COUNTER. 90 at the farm are well looked This was in our own not in school at the boys land, Africa, tan, mode and at high Freeport for some years, islands of grey, after. Asia, tlie the sea, but out on One lot of ISSUED. where he is white meeting with marked success. the ragged edge of our own beautiful 39c today, worth 62c to Hr. D. B. Mashrall of Woodfords, the New Music* home land in the year 1895. chrocheted We are such case.s, soch Quilts, eleven state represanttive of Parke Davis & have received twe finding just just $1. The local dealers just districts, and our is forth who has boon sooioty sending at Oo,, seriously ill for the Webling. The its to hunt and quarter size, 99c to- new songs by Hastings agents up give the breed NOTIONS COUNTER. past six weeks, is slowly put and o! life to these lost lambs. It is bo- mending, titles are “A Good Night Kiss” pure marked down from Orders, it will he several weeks nevolence in suoh oases, for the papers, day, Marching yet before he will “Katie both of them ore verj Darlin,” cards, leaves used have to be a gift. Most One lot of Dress be ready for business. a medi Stays, pretty and suitable for voioes of of these so reached could not buy, as they $1.39. Among the; arrivals at the Falmouth um Mr. sails on tin aro to a best range. "Webling dostitute great extent of evou watch-spring steel, The times demand it. We yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wing, Parisian next Thursday to pass the sum what we call tho necessaries of life. COUNTER. mer with his friends in England. black, white and more Lewiston; H. H. Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. drab, at must have money and New Tracks to be Laid. O. J. W. The One lot of maline Smith, Newton, Boston; D. Would-Be Suicide, Nets, 7c, marked down from less to meet our W. About April 16 work will bo resumed goods fast Bidell, F. K. Emerson, New York: Mr. Adams, who attempted suicide al for and Mr.and Mrs. J. M. by the Portland Hailroad company on veils,colors white, xoc. Bussell, Worcester G. 60 Free street, has been transferred to the maturing paper. H. Mechanic traok laying in the oity. High street at 18c a Millikcn, Falls; F. Wia- Blanoliard house on tho same street. He yard Our store is will be double traoked to and to-day, reg- TRIMMINGS COUNTER. crowded with weil, Philadelphia; A. E. Wood. B. Es- is not yet out of danger but Dr. Pudoi Spring, the and on ular tabrook, New York; J. W. hopes to be able to announce that he is track turnouts tho Spring street price 25c. Novelties in Art Needle Wakefield, At he to be suffer- Two lots of Bath; C. A. Bumford booh. present appears line from High to Vaughan streets will black Jet Mixer, Falls; A. ing from brain trouble perhaps tuo re- EMBROIDERIES F. be relaid. The traok from Pearl street COUNTER. Work, Infants’ and Children's Gamier, C. Ives, Paris, France. sult of his taking the n orphme. Garniture, handsome to Commercial, to India, to Middle, to (Bonnets and SPRING HATS One lot of white and Cloaks, Pearl, will be relaid at tho same time. styles large size, at Caps, The Stroudwater line will also be relaid work Toilet Lace Veiling, Lace -nr jzkiiii——- Spachtel 75c and $1,48, never sold Collars, with heavy iron. Gilt and other and Sets, for table, before for less than (Belts, all A Fine Horse. dressing $1.50 at 81c hinds of dress makers' Alexander Stoinert of The four pieces, the a«d find- Mr. M. Steinert Leading Styles $3.50. & Sons Co., Boston, Is tho possessor of set. ings. Goods are all marked --—-— MACINTOSHES COUNTER. as fine a speolmen of a Maine bred horse in plain as we have ever which he NECKWEAR COUNTER. (Women's) figures from which seen, has just Two small lots of of their Mr. T. we will make no purchased manager, C. COLORS. One lot of black deviation. McGouldrio, of this oity. He is a nice women’s navy blue Yours six old and stands very respt., bay years 16-2% hands, Pompadour Ruching, at Inverness weighs 1240 pounds and is conceded to Mackintoshes, a been he one of tho finest family horses in the 25c yard, 75c. style, long cape, at $2.59^ FITZGERALD, state. The Vs SOilERB, Matter, 536 Congress St., Ex-Prime Minister Tricoupis of Greeco died Saturday, aged 64. OWEN, MOORE & CO. MOORE & CO. 253 MIDDLE STREET. OWEN, aprlSdtt City,