(321) 269-2282 holyspiritmims.com FR. ANDREW WOJTAN PASTOR Welcome to Holy Spirit in Mims, the “Friendly Town!” Opportunities to live and grow your faith abound in our little parish with the big heart. “Come, Holy Spirit. Come now. Come as you wish!” Subscribe to our color bulletin online at catholicdirectory.com or see it on our website. SACRAMENTAL LIFE RECONCILIATION Wednesday ..................... 6:15pm to 6:45pm Saturday ............................... 3pm to 3:45pm By appointment, call the office, 269-2282. BAPTISM, FIRST PENANCE, FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION Contact our Faith Formation Director, Chris McCormick, (321) 269-7785 or FaithFor-
[email protected]. MARRIAGE/MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION Call the parish office six months in advance PROMISE by Mary Jo Pedersen to schedule meetings with Fr. Andrew and our Music Director. If you weren’t married in On the day when your promise of commitment weighs heavily on your shoulders and you the Catholic Church, consider an appoint- stoop beneath its burden, may the promise dance within you to strengthen you. ment to discuss Marriage Convalidation. And when your embraces lose their warmth and become like rituals of duty, and the ghost ANOINTING OF THE SICK of romance disappears behind a long day’s toil, may the promise wrap around you and hold Hospitalized, ill, near death, or awaiting sur- you close and surround you with love from its Source. gery? Call the parish office for anointing at When the bitter winds of change transform your early loveliness into roughened hands and home or hospital. A priest also anoints the smile lines, may there come across your faces an easy knowing, a comfortable peace, a deep sick or those scheduled for surgery; join him rooted-ness that connects you to the eternal promise of Love Beyond All Imagining.