
BJBMS REVIEW ARTICLE A plea for extension of the anatomical nomenclature: Vessels

David Kachlik1,2, Vladimir Musil3*, Alzbeta Blankova1, Zuzana Marvanova1, Jakub Miletin1, Daniela Trachtova1, Vlasta Dvorakova2, Vaclav Baca2


This article is the fourth and last part of a series aimed at extending and correcting the anatomical nomenclature. Because of the rapid develop- ment of internet and the use of electronic formats in communication in anatomy, , , medical education, and clinical medi- cine, an appropriate, precise, and concise anatomical nomenclature is required. Such tool enables to avoid any potential confusion and possible scientific/medical mistakes. The up-to-date official , , is available longer than 20 years and needs to be refined and extended. The authors have collected and listed 210 terms and completed them with definitions and/or explanations. We aimed to start a discussion about their potential incorporation into the new revised version of the Terminologia Anatomica. This article is primarily focused on the vessels of the body (, , and ).

KEYWORDS: Anatomical terminology; anatomical nomenclature; Terminologia Anatomica; vessels; ;

INTRODUCTION official terminology in human anatomy, histology, and embryology. Concerning the anatomical nomenclature, its This article is the fourth and last part of a series aimed at last version is quite old-fashioned as it was issued already 22 extending and correcting the anatomical nomenclature. It closes years ago, in 1998 [16], by not anymore existing Federative a set of contributions to extent and revise the technical norm Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT), which for naming morphological structures of the in rela- was in 2005 renamed to Federative International Committee tion to the anatomical nomenclature of the and on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT) and in 2009 replaced [1], locomotor system [2], and organs [3]. All the general by Federative International Programme on Anatomical statements and discussions concerning the history, grammar, Terminology (FIPAT). Now, FIPAT prepares a new edition and clinical relevance of the anatomical nomenclature and called Terminologia Anatomica 2, which is already avail- terminology are parts of our previous set of articles. We have able online as a draft not yet approved by IFAA and thus also repetitively stressed the importance of anatomical nomen- not official [17]. The anatomical terminology of vessels is clature in enabling clear, unanimous, and unambiguous com- also part of the , published in munication among specialists. All revised or newly proposed 2008 [18], Terminologia Embryologica in 2013 [19] and its terms to be potentially incorporated into the only official valid revision Terminologia Embryologica 2, issued in 2017 [20], version of the anatomical nomenclature called Terminologia and concerning the and sensory organs as a part of the Anatomica (TA) are summarized in these articles [1-15]. Terminologia Neuroanatomica, published in 2017 [21]. International Federation of Associations of Anatomists The authors have gathered anatomical terms of vascular (IFAA) is the only responsible for worldwide valid system absent in the Terminologia Anatomica that they have encountered during their scientific and educational work. 1Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Some terms listed here are mentioned and explained in classi- 2Department of Health Care Studies, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, cal textbooks and familiar to all anatomist and thus they are not Jihlava, Czech Republic 3Centre of Scientific Information, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles completed with references. Other terms have been reviewed, University, Prague, Czech Republic refined, or proposed de novo for anatomical structures which *Corresponding author: Vladimir Musil, Centre of Scientific were previously not well described and/or defined. Information, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Ruská 87, Prague 10, 100 00 Czech Republic. E-mail: [email protected]. Terms presented in bold italics are newly created terms DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17305/bjbms.2020.5256 proposed for incorporation into the Terminologia Anatomica, Submitted: 22 October 2019/Accepted: 11 November 2020 terms presented in plain italics are already listed in the Conflict of interest statement: The first author is a former member of Terminologia Anatomica, terms within quotation marks are FIPAT. Other authors declare no conflict of interests non-recommended or obsolete, terms in parentheses are ©The Author(s) (2021). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License eponyms, synonyms, or explanations, and terms marked with

Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2021;21(2):208-220 208 www.bjbms.org David Kachlik et al.: Revision of vessels’ anatomical nomenclature asterisks have been already stated in some of our previous ANATOMIA GENERALIS works. In total, 210 terms are suggested for incorporation into the TA: 22 concerning general terms in Systema cardiovascu- • Fasciculus vasonervosus* (neurovascular bundle) is a lare, 47 items in , 56 arteries, 51 veins, and 34 structures bundle of a and one or more vessels. The peripheral in Systema lymphaticum. The list of Latin terms compared to or cranial nerve is accompanied by an artery and one or their English equivalents is presented in Table 1. two veins, or, if located in a superficial compartment, a

TABLE 1. List of Latin terms with their English equivalents TABLE 1. (Continued) Latin term English term Latin term English term 1. Anatomia generalis Commissura posterosinistra Left-posterior commissure Fasciculus vasonervosus Neurovascular bundle Commissura posterodextra Right-posterior commissure Angiosoma Angiosome Valva trunci pulmonalis Arteriosoma Arteriosome Commissura sinistrodextra Left-right commissure Venosoma Venosome Commissura anterosinistra Left-anterior commissure Phlebosoma Phlebosome Commissura anterodextra Right-anterior commissure Lymphosoma Lymphosome Isthmus cavotricuspidalis Cavotricuspidal isthmus Vasa private Nutritive vessels Plica ventriculoinfundibularis Ventriculoinfundibular fold Vasa publica Functional vessels Junctio sinutubularis Sinutubular junction Vincula arteriarum Vincula of arteries Nodus sinuatrialis Valva venosa Venous valve Caput Margo affixus (margo parietalis) Fixed margin (parietal margin) Cauda Tail Margo liber Free margin Ostia venarum (cardiacarum) Openings of smallest cardiac veins Facies luminalis valvulae Luminal surface of valvule minimarum Facies parietalis valvulae Parietal surface of valvule Ostia venarum ventriculi dextri Openings of anterior veins of the anteriorum right Sinus valvulae Sinus of valvule Ostium arteriae coronariae Opening of coronary artery Commissurae valvae Commissures of valve Ramus diagonalis Diagonal branch Cuspis valvulae Cusp of valvule Ramus diagonalis primus, First, second, and third diagonal Agger valvulae Agger of valvule secundus et tertius branch Vasa gonadalia Gonadal vessels Ramus posterolateralis sinister Left posterolateral branch Vasa cruralia Crural vessels Valva terminalis venae cardiacae Terminal valve of great cardiac vein 2. Cor magnae Crux cordis Crux cordis Cavitas pericardiaca Pericardial cavity Vestibulum atrii Vestibule of Porta arteriarum Arterial porta Corpus atrii Body of atrium Porta venarum Venous porta Cuspis valvae mitralis/tricuspidalis 3. Arteriae Apex Apex Arteria ciliaris posterior longa Nasal and temporal long posterior Margo Margin nasalis et temporalis ciliary artery Basis Base Trabecular branches (of anterior Rami trabeculares (rami anterioris Valva mitralis/tricuspidalis branch of superior hypophysial arteriae hypophysialis superioris) Commissura anterolateralis Anterolateral commissure artery) Commissura posteromedialis Posteromedial commissure Arcus labiorum superior Superior labial arch Commissura anteroposterior Anteroposterior commissure Arcus labiorum inferior Inferior labial arch Commissura posteroseptalis Posteroseptal commissure Arteria subclavia dextra aberrans Aberrant right Commissura anteroseptalis Anteroseptal commissure (Arteria pyramidalis) (Pyramidal artery) Trigonum nodi atrioventricularis Triangle of Arteria supraclavicularis Supraclavicular artery Crus sinistrum fasciculi (Arteria brachialis accessoria) (Accessory ) atrioventricularis (Arteria superficialis) (Superficial brachioradial artery) Crus anterosinistrum Anterior left (Arteria brachioulnaris superficialis) (Superficial brachioulnar artery) Crus posterosinistrum Posterior left arm (Arteria brachioulnoradialis (Superficial brachioulnoradial cordis Skeleton of heart superficialis) artery) (Arteria brachiomediana Anulus aorticus Aortic anulus (Superficial brachiomedian artery) Anulus trunci pulmonalis Pulmonary anulus superficialis) Fila coronaria Coronary cords (Arteria comitans nervi mediani (Artery accompanying median antebrachii et manus) nerve in and ) Continuum aortomitrale Aortomitral continuity Arteria cubitalis inferior Inferior cubital artery Trigona subcommissuralia Subcommissural triangles Ramus palmaris et dorsalis arteriae Palmar and dorsal branch of Tendo coni Conus interosseae anterioris anterior interosseous artery Tendo infundibuli Infundibular tendon Ascending and descending branch Ramus ascendens et descendens rami Valva aortae of dorsal carpal branch of ulnar carpalis dorsalis arteriae ulnaris Commissura sinistrodextra Left-right commissure artery (Contd...) (Contd...)

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TABLE 1. (Continued) TABLE 1. (Continued) Latin term English term Latin term English term Rete carpale palmare Palmar carpal arch Vena azygos lumbalis sinistra Left lumbar azygos vein Arteria digitalis ulnopalmaris Vena communicans lumbalis Lumbar communicating vein Ulnopalmar and radiopalmar pollicis et arteria digitalis digital artery of Vena cremasterica Cremasteric vein radiopalmaris pollicis Vena ligamenti teretis uteri Vein of round of Arteria digitalis ulnodorsalis pollicis Ulnodorsal and radiodorsal digital Plexus pudendus Pudendal plexus et arteria digitalis radiodorsalis artery of thumb pollicis Vena portae Portal vein (Ramus superficialis dorsalis arteriae (Superficial dorsal branch of radial Anastomoses portocavales Portocaval anastomoses radialis) artery) Anastomosis portocavalis Submucous and adventitial Ramus vertebrospinalis dexter et Right and left vertebrospinal gastrooesophagea et gastroesophageal portocaval sinister branch adventitialis anastomosis Arteria radiculospinalis Radiculospinal artery Anastomosis portocavalis rectalis Submucous and adventitial rectal submucosa et adventitialis portocaval anastomosis Arteria radiculopialis Radiculopial artery Anastomosis portocavalis Subcutaneous portocaval Vasocoronae Vasocoronae subcutanea anastomosis Perforating branches (of Anastomosis portocavalis Rami perforantes (vasocoronarum) Muscular portocaval anastomosis vasocoronae) muscularis Arteria sulcocommissuralis Sulcocommissural artery Anastomosis portocavalis Preperitoneal portocaval Ramus magnus (arteriae Great spinal branch of posterior preperitonealis anastomosis intercostalis posterioris) intercostal artery Anastomosis portocavalis Retroperitoneal portocaval (Truncus gastrosplenicus) (Gastrosplenic trunk) retroperitonealis anastomosis (Truncus hepatosplenicus) (Hepatosplenic trunk) Anastomosis portocavalis hepatica Hepatic portocaval anastomosis (Truncus hepatogastricus) (Hepatogastric trunk) Anastomoses cavocavales Cavocaval anastomoses Ramus anterior et posterior arteriae Anterior and posterior branch of Anastomosis cavocavalis Subcutaneous cavocaval splenicae splenic artery subcutanea anastomosis Arteriae et venae intestinales rectae Straight intestinal arteries and veins Anastomosis cavocavalis Muscular cavocaval anastomosis Plexus vasculosus myentericus Myenteric vascular plexus muscularis Plexus vasculosus submucosus Submucous vascular plexus Anastomosis cavocavalis Retroperitoneal cavocaval Rami retroperitoneales anteriores Anterior retroperitoneal branches retroperitonealis anastomosis (aortae) of Anastomosis cavocavalis Vertebral cavocaval anastomosis Venae retroperitoneales anteriores Anterior retroperitoneal veins vertebralis Arteria sacralis lateralis superior et Superior and inferior lateral sacral Vena femoralis communis Common inferior artery Venae comitantes arteriarum Accompanying veins of perforating Arteria et vena obturatoria aberrans Aberrant and vein perforantium arteries Arteria et vena obturatoria Aberrant accessory obturator Junctio saphenofemoralis Saphenofemoral junction accessoria aberrans artery and vein Confluens venosus subinguinalis Subinguinal venous confluens Arteria femoralis communis Common Valva terminalis (venae saphenae Terminal valve (of great saphenous Arteria perforans prima, secunda First, second, and third perforating magnae) vein) et tertia artery Valva preterminalis (venae saphenae Preterminal valve (of great Truncus tibiofibularis Tibiofibular trunk magnae) saphenous vein) Arteria tarsalis medialis proximalis Proximal and distal medial tarsal Junctio saphenopoplitea Saphenopopliteal junction et distalis artery Extensio proximalis/cranialis venae Proximal/cranial extension of small Arteria tarsalis lateralis proximalis Proximal and distal lateral tarsal saphenae parvae saphenous vein et distalis artery Vena intersaphena femoris Femoral intersaphenous vein Arteria sinus tarsi medialis Medial artery of tarsal sinus 5. Systema lymphaticum Arteria sinus tarsi lateralis Lateral artery of tarsal sinus Systema lymphaticum Lymphatic system 4. Venae Segmentum polare anterius et Anterior and posterior polar Ramus anterior et posterior (venae Anterior and posterior branch of posterius (splenis) segment (of ) retromandibularis) Segmenta interposita (splenis) Interposed segments (of spleen) Vena facialis communis Common Crenae splenis Notches of spleen Vena sphenopalatina Sphenopalatine vein Margo intermedius (splenis) Intermediate margin (of spleen) Venae palatinae Palatine veins Nodus lymphaticus arcus venae node of arch of azygos vein Vena infraorbitalis Infraorbital vein azygoi Plexus cavernosi concharum Cavernous plexuses of conchae Confluens lymphaticus abdominalis Abdominal lymphatic confluens Genu vasculosum (disci articularis Vascular (of Nodi lymphatici mesenterici Intermediate and central superior temporomandibularis) tempomandibular articular disc) superiores intermedii et centrales mesenteric lymph nodes Arcus venosus xiphoideus Xiphoid venous arch Nodi lymphatici epicolici Epicolic lymph nodes (Vena incisurae scapulae) ( vein) Nodi lymphatici mesenterici Intermediate and central inferior Vena perforans cubitalis Cubital perforating vein inferiores intermedii et centrales mesenteric lymph nodes Arcus venae azygoi Arch of azygos vein Plexus lymphaticus palmaris Palmar lymphatic plexus Truncus splenomesentericus Splenomesenteric trunk Truncus lymphaticus lateralis, medialis Lateral, medial and anterior et anterior (membri superioris) lymphatic trunk (of ) Truncus gastropancreatocolicus Gastropancreatosplenic trunk Vena azygos lumbalis dextra Right lumbar azygos vein Plexus lymphaticus plantaris Plantar lymphatic plexus (Contd...) (Contd...)

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TABLE 1. (Continued) liber is deflected from the wall toward the opposite valvule, Latin term English term and the is closed. A space formed then by the facies Truncus ulnaris Ulnar trunk parietalis valvulae is termed the sinus valvulae. A Truncus interosseus anterior et Anterior and posterior posterior interosseous trunk junction between the margo affixus and the margo liber Truncus radialis Radial trunk is denominated the cornu valvulae and the slightly Truncus brachialis Brachial trunk elevated parts between adjacent ends of the margines affixi Truncus lymphaticus medialis Medial lymphatic trunk (of lower are termed the as they connect the (membri inferioris) limb) commissurae valvae Fasciculus medialis et lateralis Medial and lateral fascicle two valvules. The body of the valvule is called thecuspis Truncus lymphaticus lateralis et Lateral and posterior lymphatic valvulae and it is thickened at the margo affixus in the posterior (membri inferioris) trunk (of lower limb) double-horseshoe-shaped agger valvulae (clinically Truncus tibialis posterior et anterior Posterior and anterior tibial trunk frequently called “tuberculum” or “limbus”) [28]. Truncus fibularis Fibular trunk Truncus popliteus Popliteal trunk • Vasa gonadalia is a general term which can be used Truncus femoralis Femoral trunk either during the early development when the gender Each indentation in the hierarchies is the expression of a “part_of” of the is still indifferent or if referred to the relation: When an anatomical entity A is indented below B, it means vasa testicularia in male or to the vasa ovarica in female “A part_of B.” Terms stated in parentheses are variable. unspecificly, i.e. when general features of these vessels are cutaneous nerve is accompanied by a . discussed, not related to the gender. The bundle is encompassed in a fibrous sheath and • Vasa cruralia is a general term for the principal trunks consists of homonymous or heteronymous structures of the leg (vasa tibialia anteriora, vasa tibialia posteriora, (nervus ulnaris – vasa ulnaria; nervus fibularis profundus and vasa fibularia) and can be used when they are – vasa tibialia anteriora) [11]. considered as general vessels coursing within the leg and • Angiosoma* is an anatomical unit of tissue composed supplying the leg and . of , , , muscle, and which is nourished by a specific artery and drained by COR specific veins [22]. The whole human body consists of • 40 angiosomes [23]. Arteriosoma is such anatomical Crux cordis is an area on the facies posterior cordis where unit supplied by a specific artery [24] and venosoma* the sulcus coronarius and the sulcus interventricularis is the same unit drained by a specific vein. In case posterior meet. the extent of the venous drainage is different from • In pathology, the division of the heart atrium into the arterial supply of the angiosoma, the anatomical unit corpus atrii and the vestibulum atrii is used. Both is termed phlebosoma* [25]. The anatomical unit parts of the atrium are smooth due to the absence of the drained by superficial lymphatic vessels is then termed musculi pectinati. On the right side, musculi pectinati are lymphosoma [13,26]. overlapping from the onto the free atrial wall and • Some organs (, ) feature two types of circulation they divide the atrium dextrum into the vestibulum atrii – nutritive and functional. It is necessary to denominate and the corpus atrii. On the left side, the musculi pectinati them also in Latin and there exist terms: The vasa are reduced to the auricle only and thus, the vestibulum privata for the nutritive circulation and the vasa atrii and the corpus atrii are in direct continuation. publica for the functional one [27]. The corpus atrii sinistri receives the venae pulmonales • Vincula arteriarum are thin fibrous bands fixating (comprises the ostia venarum pulmonalium) and the arteries (with accompanying vessels) to adjacent tissue, vestibulum atrii sinistri is a smooth part of the atrium e.g. vasa tibialia anteriora, hidden in fibrous sheath, to the below this level. membrana interossea cruris. • Cuspis valvae mitralis/tricuspidalis features three parts: • General term for the venous valve – valvula venosa – is not Theapex , the margo, and the basis. precise as a classical venous valve comprises two swallow- • Each leaflet cuspis( ) of a cuspidal valve (valva mitralis nest-shaped cusps, called valvulae, and that is why the term et tricuspidalis) is separated from the other(s) by has to be redressed to the valva venosa consisting of two commissures: The commissura anterolateralis valvulae. These valvules are attached to the venous wall and the commissura posteromedialis are present by a firmmargo affixus (margo parietalis) and their in the valva mitralis between its two leaflets and they free concave margo liber protrudes into the lumen of the are denominated according to their location; the vein. The current travels on thefacies luminalis commissura anteroposterior, the commissura valvulae, when it is stopped and turns back, the margo posteroseptalis and the commissura anteroseptalis

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are present in the valva tricuspidalis between its three semilunares valvae aortae and their commissures leaflets and they are denominated according to which and should be left free in aortal valvuloplasty. leaflets they connect. o Tendo coni is an inconsistent fibrous band at • Trigonum nodi atrioventricularis (of Koch) is the contact point of the beginning of the truncus a triangle in the right atrium and is defined by three pulmonalis and aorta ascendens, extending angles: Theostium sinus coronarii, the tendo valvulae somewhere between the commissura sinistrodextra inferioris (of Todaro) and the cuspis posterior valvae aortae and the pulmonary valvar sinuses. valvae tricuspidalis (or more precisely its commissura o Tendo infundibuli is an inconstant fibrous band anteroseptalis). Underneath its surface, the nodus within the crista supraventricularis, arising at the atrioventricularis is situated. level of the pars membranacea septi interventricularis • Crus sinistrum fasciculi atrioventricularis (of and extending cranially to connect with the posterior Tawara) terminates by a bifurcation into the crus surface of the conus arteriosus (“infundibulum; pars anterosinistrum and crus posterosinistrum. glabra”) at the base of the truncus pulmonalis. • Skeleton cordis is a general term for the fibrous scaffold o Commissurae valvularum semilunarium are three supporting the valves and muscle fibers and electrically in each outflow valve and should be distinguished isolating the atria from the ventricles. It comprises four according to their position. Valva aortae contains anuli, two triangles, three , pars membranacea the commissura sinistrodextra, commissura septi, and some other parts [29]. posterosinistra et commissura posterodextra; o Anulus aorticus et anulus trunci pulmonalis valva trunci pulmonalis contains the commissura are integral parts of the skeleton cordis, encircling sinistrodextra, commissura anterosinistra et the corresponding ostia, and forming scaffold for commissura anterodextra. corresponding valves. • Isthmus cavotricuspidalis is a fibrous tissue in the o Fila coronaria ("subvalvar collar"; “subvalvar lower part of the right atrium, located between the vena membrane”) are fibrous subendocardial cords, cava inferior and the valva tricuspidalis. extensions of the trigona fibrosa, forming • Plica ventriculoinfundibularis is a fine muscular approximately 75% of the anuli fibrosi of the heart bundle interposed between the leaflets of an skeleton (the rest is only a less distinct sheet of atrioventricular (cuspidal) and a ventriculoarterial fibroelastic tissue). (semilunar) valve, i.e. it separates the inlet (inflow part) o Pars membranacea septi is a small fibrous part of the ventricle from its outlet (outflow part). The plica of the skeleton cordis which contributes to the is a relatively fine sheet of a muscle that is folded back on separation of the right and left atria (subpars itself [30]. interatrialis partis membranacae septi) and • Junctio sinutubularis is a narrow zone (2-3.5 mm of the right atrium and left ventricle (subpars high) of the aorta ascendens above the bulbus aortae atrioventricularis partis membranaceae where the normal tubular configuration of the aorta is septi). Due to its complex structure, its subparts attained. deserve their own denominations. • Nodus sinuatrialis can be subdivided into the caput and o Septum intervalvulare ventriculi dextri the cauda. (“subaortic curtain”) is a part of the fibrous skeleton cordis • All the vascular openings in the heart cavities are having the shape of a sheet that spans the gap between termed ostia except the smallest ones, foramina the fibrous arches supporting the valvula semilunaris venarum minimarum. The term foramen is in heart sinistra et dextra valvae aorticae. It passes caudally related to the developmental structures (, within the wall of the right atrium and blends with the foramen primum, , and foramen fibrous core of thecuspis anterior valvae mitralis. interventriculare) and that is why the term for openings o Continuum aortomitrale (“fibrous aortic-mitral of the venae cardiacae minimae should be changed to continuity”) is a fibrous area between thetrigonum the ostia venarum (cardiacarum) minimarum. fibrosum dextrum et sinistrum (laterally), the anulus Similarly, terms for innominate openings of the venae fibrosus sinister (ventrally), and the anulus aorticus ventriculi dextri anteriores should be created – ostia (dorsally) and is important in aortic valvular venarum ventriculi dextri anteriorum. replacement surgery. • Ostium arteriae coronariae is the opening of a o Trigona subcommissuralia (interleaflets coronary artery located in the lateral wall of the sinus triangles) are located between the valvulae aortae (of Valsalva).

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• Ramus diagonalis is a clinically used term for the 1% of cases) of the arteria subclavia, ramifying as the ramus lateralis, branch from the ramus interventricularis very last branch from the arcus aortae, left (distally) to anterior. Its course is oblique (or diagonal) across the the origin of the arteria subclavia sinistra, and crossing ventral surface of the left ventricle toward the apex cordis the midline to the right side. It may run in front of the and due to the anatomical position and the preference by as the ASDA pretrachealis (5% of all ASDA), clinicians, the term ramus diagonalis should be preferred. between the trachea and the as the ASDA Sometimes, it can be doubled or tripled (ramus retrotrachealis (15%) and between the esophagus and diagonalis primus, secundus et tertius). the as the ASDA retrooesophgea (retro- • Ramus posterolateralis sinister is a variant largest esophageal right subclavian artery/RRESA/), found in ramus posterior ventriculi sinistri (a terminal branch of about 80% of all ASDA). In the two latter cases, it could the ramus circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae), compress the esophagus and may cause problems with being present in the case of dominance of the arteria swallowing termed dysphagia lusoria that is why in the coronaria sinistra (in that case a bypass can be applied to case of present clinical symptoms, the variant artery used the stenotic ramus posterolateralis sinister). to be called the “arteria lusoria” [11,31]. • Valva terminalis venae cardiacae magnae (of • Arteria pyramidalis is a variant branch from the Vieussens) is a nearly constant (75%) ostial valve at the distal part of the arteria thyroidea superior, just before its transition between the vena cardiaca magna and the bifurcation into its ramus anterior et posterior, supplying sinus coronarius, located at the margo sinister cordis. the lobus pyramidalis glandulae thyroideae, when present • Cavitas pericardiaca is a serous cavity between the (40% of cases) [32]. lamina parietalis pericardii and the lamina visceralis • Arteria supraclavicularis is a smaller branch either pericardii, containing a small amount of the liquor from the arteria transversa cervicis directly [10] or from pericardii. its ramus superficialis, coursing within the regio cervicalis • Porta arteriarum (obsolete term “ serosa lateralis and supplying the fascia and the skin above and arteriarum”) is a transition of the lamina parietalis below the . pericardii into the lamina visceralis pericardii, • The variations of the main upper limb arterial trunks occur encompassing both the aorta ascendens and the truncus in about 20% of cases. They comprise trunks with superficial pulmonalis in the extent of 2 cm. Porta venarum course, high origins of the forearm trunks, variant vessels (obsolete term “vagina serosa venarum”) is a similar or combinations (arteria brachialis superficialis, arteria transition on the venae cavae and the venae pulmonales, brachialis accessoria, arteria brachioradialis located caudally to the former in the posterior wall of the superficialis, arteria brachioulnaris superficialis, . arteria brachioulnoradialis superficialis, arteria brachiomediana superficialis, arteria comitans ARTERIAE nervi mediani manus et antebrachii*, etc.) [12,33-42]. • Arteria cubitalis inferior (obsolete terms “arteria • Arteriae ciliares posteriores longae are two in each eyeball antebrachialis volaris superficialis; arteria antebrachialis and can be distinguished as the medial arteria ciliaris mediana”) is the first branch of the arteria radialis and posterior longa nasalis and the lateral arteria is the largest perforating artery in the forearm. It passes ciliaris posterior longa temporalis. superficially between themusculus brachioradialis and • Rami trabeculares are branches from the ramus musculus pronator teres and its branches spread across anterior arteriae hypophysialis superioris, descending the fascia antebrachii along the medial aspect of the in front of the infundibulum and terminating in a large vena cephalica toward the processus styloideus radii. arterial stem, the arteria trabecularis, along the pars The area of the skin fed by this artery is considered to tuberalis hypophysis. be the largest nourished by a single cutaneous arterial • Arcus labiorum superior is an arterial anastomosis perforator [43-44]. of the arteria labialis superior dextra et sinistra located • Arteria interossea anterior bifurcates into two terminal in the mass of the musculus orbicularis oris of the upper branches: Theramus palmaris supplying the musculus . Similarly, arcus labiorum inferior is an arterial pronator quadratus, running deep underneath, and anastomosis of the arteria labialis inferior dextra et joining the rete carpale palmare; and ramus dorsalis sinistra in the lower lip. penetrating the membrana interossea anterior to • Arteria subclavia dextra aberrans (ASDA)* is a anastomose with the arteria interossea posterior which clinically relevant but rather rare variant (approximately then joins the rete carpale dorsale.

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• Ramus carpalis dorsalis arteriae ulnaris (obsolete important ramus spinalis arteriae intercostalis posterioris term “dorsal ”) bifurcates into the ramus and thus it should be termed the ramus spinalis ascendens et descendens, the latter anastomosing magnus (arteriae intercostalis posterioris). with the ramus profundus arteriae ulnaris [45]. • The variations of thetruncus coeliacus are quite • Rete carpale palmare is a small anastomotic network frequent and its incomplete formation appears in on the anterior aspect of the , fed by the ramus 8% of cases as truncus gastrosplenicus (3.46%), carpalis palmaris arteriae radialis, ramus carpalis truncus hepatosplenicus (3.88%), and truncus palmaris arteriae ulnaris, and ramus palmaris arteriae hepatogastricus (0.24%) [50]. interosseae anterioris. • Arteria splenica bifurcates into the ramus anterior • The thumb is fed by four arteries, two dorsal and two et posterior arteriae splenicae, which then further palmar, coursing along the in neurovascular ramify into the segmental rami splenici. bundles. The palmar arteries are larger and nearly • The mighty vasculature of the intestine consists of source constant, the dorsal are smaller and rather variable. Their arteries (and draining veins), their main macroscopic terminology is not coined and Miletin et al. proposed branches (and tributaries), fine vessels supplying the the descriptive terms arteria digitalis ulnopalmaris intestinal wall called arteriae et venae intestinales pollicis et arteria digitalis radiopalmaris rectae* and then by intramural plexuses. Their pollicis for the palmar arteries and arteria digitalis terminology should match the nervous counterparts, ulnodorsalis pollicis et arteria digitalis i.e. plexus vasculosus myentericus located between radiodorsalis pollicis for the palmar arteries. Based the stratum longitudinale and stratum circulare tunicae on the statistics, the current terminology using the term muscularis and plexus vasculosus submucosus arteria princeps pollicis is not specific enough as the located with the submucosa [3,51]. word princeps describes the principal (largest) source • Rami retroperitoneales anteriores* are direct fine artery which rather varies for the thumb – the largest branches from the aorta abdominalis, the arteria renalis caliber features the arteria metacarpalis palmaris prima and the arteria renalis accessoria, the arteria testicularis – that is why the term “arteria princeps pollicis” should be or the arteria ovarica, and the arteria iliaca communis. abandoned and removed from the TA [46]. They feed the adjacent lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici • An inconstant artery branches from the arteria radialis lumbales et iliaci communes), , , loose at the dorsum of the hand just before it enters the space around the aorta abdominalis and between the of the musculus interosseus dorsalis the vena cava inferior, autonomic nervous plexuses and primus. This artery then runs distally on the dorsal their ganglia and the vascular wall of both the aorta surface of the muscle and at the distal margin of the abdominalis and vena cava inferior forming their vasa first web space, it turns back into the palm and forms an vasorum. Theserami are followed by homonymous anastomosis with the arcus palmaris superficialis. Miletin fine veins (venae retroperitoneales anteriores), et al. reported its incidence (12%) and proposed the term emptying into the ventral aspect of the vena cava inferior ramus superficialis dorsalis arteriae radialis [47]. and its tributaries [52,53]. • Arteria spinalis anterior is an unpaired vessel originating • Arteriae sacrales laterales are usually two branches as a confluence of a short paired innominate artery (arteria sacralis lateralis superior et inferior) branching from the arteria vertebralis. These short emanating from the divisio posterior arteriae iliacae transverse vessels can be denominated as the ramus internae, descending and bifurcating into the vertebrospinalis dexter et sinister. corresponding rami spinales to enter four foramina • Arteria medullaris segmentalis is a term of the TA sacralia anteriora ossis sacri to supply the bone, contents replacing the clinically used arteria radiculospinalis; of the canalis sacralis and adjacent part of the deep back another vessel, arteria radiculopialis, is important muscles. in clinical medicine and gives off the pialvasocoronae , • The arteria obturatoria is usually a branch from the encompassing the horizontally and emanating arteria iliaca interna, but sometimes it can ramify from the rami perforantes to supply the ; finally, the arteria epigastrica inferior. In such case, it should be the arteria spinalis anterior branches off thearteriae termed arteria obturatoria aberrans. If there are two sulcocommissurales into the fissura mediana anterior arteries present, one originating from the arteria iliaca to supply the [48,49]. interna and the other from the arteria epigastrica inferior, • Arteria radicularis magna (listed in TNA [21]) or the “artery they should be called as the arteria obturatoria of Adamkiewicz” is the largest and clinically the most propria and arteria obturatoria acesssoria

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aberrans, respectively. Similar approach can be applied posterior forming the vena jugularis externa by the to the veins: Vena obturatoria aberrans and vena confluence with the vena auricularis posterior. obturatoria accessoria aberrans. • Vena facialis communis is a short terminal segment • In angiology and vascular surgery, the proximal segment of the vena facialis after it is joined by the ramus anterior of the vasa femoralia, from the arbitrary beginning under venae retromandibularis; then, it usually drains into the the ligamentum inguinale within the vasorum vena jugularis interna. to the branching of the arteria profunda femoris (and • Some tributaries of the plexus pterygoideus are missing termination of the vena profunda femoris, respectively), in the TA: Thevena sphenopalatina, the venae are termed the arteria femoralis communis* and palatinae, the vena infraorbitalis, and the plexus the vena femoralis communis*. The distal segment is cavernosi concharum, especially in the area of the then in vascular surgery termed “arteria et vena femoralis concha nasalis inferior. superficialis,” but phlebologists do not accept this • Zona bilaminaris (of Rees) [56], also called terminology as they consider superficial veins only those “retroarticular/retrodiscal plastic pad/cushion (of coursing above the layer of muscular fascia, e.g. venae Zenker)” [57] or “trilaminar zone (of Smeele)” [58], saphenae [4-6,13,54], which can be agreed to. is the posterior continuation of the discus articularis • Three branches of the arteria profunda femoris, supplying articulationis temporomandibularis, consisting of the the posterior and medial groups of the muscles are stratum superius (fibroelastic loose network of elastic and called the arteriae perforantes and classified using numbers fibers, and fine vessels, attached according to the level of their origin as the arteria to the posterior margin of the fossa mandibularis ossis perforans prima*, arteria perforans secunda*, temporalis), stratum inferius (stiff/non-elastic network of and arteria perforans tertia*. Their accompanying collagen fibers, attached to the caput mandibulae), and in veins are denominated in a bit different way as the venae between interposed genu vasculosum (adipose tissue, comitantes arteriarum perforantium* due to the connective tissue and mainly a , a dorsal fact that the term venae perforantes is reserved for the extension of the plexus pterygoideus), which serves as veins interconnecting the superficial and deep venous -absorber during the movements. systems [9,13,15,54]. • Arcus venosus xiphoideus is a transverse venous arch • Truncus tibiofibularis*is the short proximal segment (present in approximately 80%) connecting the venae of the arteria tibialis posterior, between its origin from thoracicae internae dextrae et sinistrae across the midline, the arteria poplitea to the branching point of the arteria located ventral to the xiphosternalis [59]. fibularis [13]. • Vena incisurae scapulae is a variable vein (58%), • Arteriae tarsales mediales should be specified as the originating on the facies costalis scapulae, below the arteria tarsalis medialis proximalis* and the incisura scapulae, either from a vein accompanying arteria tarsalis medialis distalis*; arteriae tarsales the of the and/or veins located laterales as the arteria tarsalis lateralis proximalis* beneath the fascia of the musculus subscapularis. It and the arteria tarsalis lateralis* [13]. passes through the incisura scapulae and drains into • Arteria sinus tarsi medialis (“arteria canalis tarsi; the vena suprascapularis immediately after passing the arteria of Salvi”) and arteria sinus tarsi lateralis notch [60,61]. (“arteria anastomotica tarsi; ramus anastomicus tarsi; • Vena perforans cubitalis* (of Gracz) is the thickest perforating vessel of sinus tarsi”) are important feeding perforating vein of the upper limb, located in the fossa arteries of the talus with variable origin from the arteria cubitalis, usually connecting the vena mediana cubiti and tibialis posterior (or less often from the arteria plantaris the venae radiales and present in 100% of cases [12,62]. medialis), and from the arteria dorsalis pedis (or less often • Truncus splenomesentericus is the last segment from the arteria tarsalis lateralis proximalis or arteria of the vena splenica, between its confluence with the malleolaris lateralis anterior), respectively [13,55]. vena mesenterica inferior (present in approximately 60-70% of cases) and the beginning of the vena portae VENAE hepatis [63]. • Truncus gastropancreatocolicus (of Henle) is a short • Vena retromandibularis terminates in a specific way by a venous trunk, formed usually by the confluence of the vena bifurcation (similarly to the vena portae hepatis and the gastroomentalis dextra, the vena pancreaticodudenalis vena dorsalis /clitoridis profunda) into the ramus superior anterior, and the vena colica dextra superior, anterior draining into the vena facialis and the ramus draining into the vena mesenterica superior and located

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behind the caput pancreatis. It is present in 87% of et inferiores including both the submucous and cases [64]. adventitial levels, the former sometimes presenting • Vena azygos originates usually by the confluens of the as internal hemorrhoids; vena lumbalis ascendens dextra and the vena subcostalis o Anastomosis portocavalis subcutanea – dextra and immediately receives the variant vena between the venae paraumbilicales (of Sappey) and azygos lumbalis dextra, branching from the posterior tributaries of the venae epigastricae superficiales et aspect of the vena cava inferior at the level of the opening venae thoracoepigastricae of both sides, presenting of the vena lumbalis secunda (often a common trunk rather more rarely as “caput Medusae;” with the vena lumbalis secunda dextra or the vena renalis o Anastomosis portocavalis muscularis – dextra) and present in 34% of cases. Vena hemiazygos between the venae paraumbilicales (of Sappey) receives a corresponding contralateral variant vessel – and tributaries of the venae epigastricae inferiores et vena azygos lumbalis sinistra – branching from the superiores of both sides within the musculus rectus posterior aspect of the vena renalis sinistra and present abdominis; in 28% of cases [65]. Vena renalis sinistra features rather o Anastomosis portocavalis preperitonealis frequently (64% of cases) a communicating vein dorsally (veins of Burrow) – between the venae into the retroperitoneal tissue, either the vena azygos paraumbilicales (of Sappey) and tributaries of the lumbalis sinistra draining into the vena hemiazygos or plexus venosus vesicalis running in the midline along the vena communicans lumbalis emptying into the the ligamentum umbilicale medianum; upper venae lumbales or into the vena lumbalis ascendens o Anastomosis portocavalis retroperitonealis sinistra (64% of cases) [66,67]. (veins of Retzius) – between veins of the spleen and • Vena cremasterica is a gentle vein accompanying the veins within the mesenterium and/or the mesocola, arteria cremasterica in male and draining into the vena and the retroperitoneal veins and veins of the epigastrica inferior. Vena ligamenti teretis uteri is a posterior (tributaries to the venae gentle vein accompanying the homonymous artery in suprarenales, renales, tesiculares/ovaricae, lumbales, female [8]. phrenicae inferiores et iliolumbales); • Plexus pudendus* (of Santorini) is a small pelvic venous o Anastomosis portocavalis hepatica – between plexus located within the lower part of the spatium veins of the hepatic and veins of the retropubicum (of Retzius) behind the inferior part of the diaphragm in the extent of the area nuda hepatis. symphysis pubica and in front of the inferior part of the • Similarly to the portocaval anastomoses, under and on the anterior and inferolateral pathological condition with obturated vena cava superior surfaces of the [8,13,54]. or vena cava inferior, veno-venous bypasses (shunts) • Vena portae hepatis is the only vessel with the non- open to relieve the in the system of one of concordant adjective “portae” and thus the specifying the venae cavae, termed the anastomoses cavocavales, word “hepatis” can be omitted and the term for the main which can be classified into the following groups: vessel of the liver can be shortened to vena portae. o Anastomosis cavocavalis subcutanea – between • Under pathological condition called the portal tributaries of the venae epigastricae superficialesand hypertension, veno-venous bypasses (shunts) open to those of the venae thoracoepigastricae within the relieve hypertension in the system of the vena portae. subcutaneous layer of the anterolateral trunk wall; These are enlarged naturally formed veno-venous o Anastomosis cavocavalis muscularis – anastomoses in specific locations and they deserve to be between tributaries of the venae epigastricae officially termed as the anastomoses portocavales. inferiores and those of the venae epigastricae They comprise the following major routes: superiores within the musculus rectus abdominis; o Anastomosis portocavalis gastrooesophagea o Anastomosis cavocavalis retroperitonealis – (submucosa et adventitialis) – between between tributaries of the venae lumbales and those tributaries of the vena gastrica sinistra and the of the venae lumbales ascendentes draining into the venae oesophageae including both the submucous vena azygos and vena hemiazygos; and adventitial levels, sometimes presenting as o Anastomosis cavocavalis vertebralis – esophageal and paraesophageal varices; between tributaries of the plexus venosi vertebrales o Anastomosis portocavalis rectalis (submucosa (externi et interni) (plexus of Batson) extending et adventitialis) – between tributaries of the along the columna vertebralis and within the canalis vena rectalis superior and the venae rectales mediae vertebralis.

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• Many new terms have been added concerning the Greek term for the form) should be abandoned and instead lower limb veins, mainly concerning the superficial and the term “lymphatic” should be preferred in all terms related to perforating veins interconnecting the superficial and the lymph, i.e. also in the denomination of the whole chapter: deep venous systems (venae perforantes). Among others, Systema lymphaticum. it is necessary to emphasize the following: • Spleen can be divided into segments separated o The termination of thevena saphena magna into by avascular planes; constant are polar segments: the vena femoralis communis is called the junctio Segmentum polare anterius et polare posterius, saphenofemoralis* and it is an integral part of and variable is/are central segment(s): Segmentum the confluens venosus subinguinalis* (“crosse; interpositum / segmenta interposita. bulbus; venous star of Paturet”), bordered by two • Crenae splenis are deep clefts or notches (reaching valves of the vena saphena magna: The valva some 2-3 cm in depth) located predominantly on the terminalis* (situated 1-2 mm distal to the junctio margo superior splenis (former “margo crenatus”) and saphenofemoralis) and the valva preterminalis* facies diaphragmatica splenis [71]. (located 3-5 cm distally). This confluence receives • Margo intermedius (splenis) is a ridge separating the the centripetal segments of the smaller venous spleen surface for the and that for the . tributaries: Vena epigastrica superficialis, vena • Nodus lymphaticus arcus venae azygoi is a circumflexa superficialis, vena pudenda externa from the group of the nodi lymphatici superficialis, vena saphena magna accessoria anterior bronchopulmonales situated in the concavity of the arcus et posterior, and vena circumflexa femoris anterior. venae azygoi, the terminal segment of the vena azygos Similarly, the term junctio saphenopoplitea* is turning above the right hilum. It has to be stressed applied to the termination of the vena saphena parva that the genitive of the Greek word azygos is azygoi. into the vena poplitea [9,13,54]. • Confluens lymphaticus abdominalis describes the o Extensio proximalis/cranialis venae saphenae very variable confluens of lymphatictrunci lumbales et parvae* (“vena femoropoplitea of Hyrtl;” “extensio intestinales, sometimes forming the , located cranialis venae saphenae parvae”) is a proximal retroperitoneally approximately at the level of the first or continuation of the vena saphena parva. It ascends second lumbar . from the fossa poplitea on the posterior aspect of the • Lymph nodes draining the small and are thigh and terminates in more variants: It can submerge arranged in groups which can be classified into three as the vena perforans femoris posterior/posterolateralis or four rows/levels, respectively. The and drain into the vena profunda femoris; it can lymph nodes comprise: Nodi lymphatici juxtaintestinales terminate in the muscular or subcutaneous venous located close to the intestinal wall, nodi lymphatici plexus; it can continue as the vena intersaphena mesenterici superiores intermedii located along femoris* (of Giacomini) and drain into the vena the jejunal and ileal vessels, and nodi lymphatici saphena magna or its tributaries; or rarely, it can ascend mesenterici superiores centrales situated around as high as the gluteal region and empty into the venae the radix mesenterii along the trunk of the arteria gluteae inferiores. Theextensio proximalis/cranialis is mesenterica superior. The large intestine lymph nodes present in approximately 95% of cases [6,13,68,69]. consist of four rows/levels: Nodi lymphatici epicolici o Venae perforantes of the lower limb are numerous stuck closely to the intestinal wall, nodi lymphatici communications between the superficial and deep paracolici located along the arteria marginalis coli systems. Their extensive nomenclature has been (of Drummond), nodi lymphatici mesenterici proposed in 2005 and explained in detail by our inferiores intermedii located along the colic vessels team in 2019. The major impact consists in the rule (and classified in detail according to certain vessels: that eponyms should be replaced with systemic Nodi ileocolici, appendiculares, colici dextri, colici medii, terminology, e.g. first Cockett’s perforator with colici sinistri, sigmoidei, et rectales superiores), and finally the vena perforans cruris tibialis posterior nodi lymphatici mesenterici inferiores centrales inferior* [15,70]. situated along the trunk of the arteria mesenterica inferior. • The lymphatic trunks of the limb (also known as SYSTEMA LYMPHATICUM “collectors”) can be divided into the superficial and deep, the former running independently on the superficial Generally, the term “lymphoid” meaning from the lin- veins, and the latter extending in intimate relation to the guistic point of view precisely “similar to lymph” (“eidos” is a deep vascular bundles. The term “lymphaticus” should

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be preferred to its grammatically incorrect synonym Anatomica (TA) – has been issued more than 20 years ago “lymphoideus” – see above [4,10]. and eponyms have been banned from the anatomical nomen- o Three main superficial lymphatic trunks of the upper clature already in the Parisiensia Nomina Anatomica (PNA) limb constitute from the plexus lymphaticus in 1955 [16,72-76]. palmaris* on the palmar aspect of the digits and If we check the new proposal of Terminologia Anatomica hand: Truncus lymphaticus lateralis membri 2 (TA 2), posted online [17] as a not yet approved version (the superioris* travels on the lateral side of the forearm approval is planned at the next IFAA meeting in Istanbul in and arm and empties into the nodi lymphatici 2022), there are not many changes concerning the vessels, axillares or directly into the plexus lymphaticus but there are some substantial changes concerning the heart axillaris and nodi lymphatici cervicales lateralis which should be thoroughly reviewed and considered if they profundi; truncus lymphaticus medialis are appropriate and if they have a chance to be accepted by membri superioris* courses on the medial side clinicians [e.g., change of the sulcus interventricularis poste- of the forearm and arm and empties into the nodi rior (including the ramus interventricularis posterior) to “sul- lymphatici axillares; and truncus lymphaticus cus interventricularis inferior” (and “ramus interventricularis anterior membri superioris* runs on the ventral inferior")]. side of the forearm and empties into one of the The main task of every anatomist and all anatomical soci- former trunks [12]. eties, which continues and never stops, is to cultivate, clean, o Three main superficial lymphatic trunks of the upper and revise the anatomical nomenclature not only in the ana- limb constitute from the plexus lymphaticus tomical field, education, journals, and textbooks but above all plantaris* on the inferior aspect of the and among clinicians, physicians, secondary school teachers, as : Truncus lymphaticus medialis membri well as lay public not only in English and Latin but also in indi- inferioris* ascends in front of the medialis vidual languages. on the ventromedial aspect of the leg dividing into the fasciculus medialis* (traveling medially to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the condylus medialis femoris) and the fasciculus lateralis* and drains into the nodi lymphatici The study was supported by Charles University PROGRES inguinales superficiales; truncus lymphaticus Q37 and Q41. lateralis membri inferioris* courses on the lateral aspect of the leg and usually drains into the REFERENCES nodi lymphatici inguinales superficiales; and truncus [1] Kachlik D, Musil V, Baca V. 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