WASHINGTON, D. C., March IS, I907·


The OFFICIAL BULLETIN, issued from time to time as may seem expedient, records action by the General officers, the Board of Man­ agers, the Executive and other National Committees, lists of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of State Societies. tate Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Secretary Gen­ eral accounts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies. The BuL­ LETIN is sent to the General officers and Managers and the Nation<\1 Committees, to new member whose records are printed therein, to a umber of newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretaries for neral di tribution. Additional copies will be furnished to State So­ ties, in any number desireo, at three cents each.

EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL CONGRESS. The Annual Congress will be held in Denver, Colorado, upon the tation of the Colorado Society, a pro forma session to meet at a. m. on April 30, the date provided for by the Constitution, and to adjourn without the transaction of business to meet in general ses: at Jo a. m. on Monday, June 3, 1907. It is expected that the busi­ of the Congress and social functions will continue through June .C. and s. The headquarters will be at Brown Palace Hotel. Details f the program will appear in a future issue of the Official Bulletin. he Colorado Society has appointed the following committees: ommittce of Arrangements.-Dr. Clarkson N. Guyer, Chairman, Jackson Building; John T. Holbrook, Secretary, 1715 California Harold C. Stephens, Treasurer, rsoo Stout street; Rev. ]. H. ;~: OUigbt:on, Rev. W. F. Steele, JJtdge N. Walter Dixon, William F. Colorado Springs. NATIONAL SOCIE;TY, S. A. R. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN 3

Executive Committec.-Henry ]. Hersey, Finance Committee, 404 1'he new Con titution was then carefully considered, section by sec­ Continental Building; Jos. F. Tuttle, Jr., Reception, 58 W. 1st avenue; tion, and on motion by Mr. Beard ley, duly econded, it was E. W. Milligan, Excursion, 1346 Clayton street; Harold C. Stephens, Rcsoh•cd. That the following new Constitution, proposed by the Rc­ Entertainment, 1soo Stout street; Frank M. Keezer, Press, 610 Kitt­ vi

PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING oF GENERAL MANAGERS AND ExECUTIVE CoM­ ARTICLE I.-NAME. MITTEE, FEBRUARY I9, I907· The name of this organization shall be "The National Society of the A meeting of the General Managers and the Executive Committee, Suns of the American Revolution." duly called by the President General, certified by the Secretary Gen­ ARTICLE II.-PURPOSES AND OBJECTS. eral, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution, was held at the Park Avenue hotel, New York city, at 2 o'clock p. m., February The purposes and objects of this Society are declared to be patriotic, I9, 1907. Those present were President General C. A. Pugsley, pre­ hi torical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed siding; Vice-Presidents General Henry Stockbridge and Andrew W. to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices Bray; Secretary General and Registrar General A. Howard Clark; dnring the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence President W. A. Marble of the Empire State Society; President of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their W. ]. Van Patten of the Vermont Society; Gen. Francis Henry Ap­ dl'

The Revision Committee also recommended that the General Board ARTICLE IV.-vICE-PRESIDENTS GENERAL. of Managers adopt the following new By-Laws as a ubstitute for the SE<.'TIO N r. In the absence of the President General, the Senior Vice­ present By-Laws of the National Society. The proposed By-Laws were President General present shall preside at the Annual Meeting. read in full, and notice thereof was ordered entered on the minutes of SECTIO N 2. In the prolonged absence or inability to act of the Presi­ the Board for action at the next meeting under the provisions of Art. dent General, the executive authority shall be vested in the Vice-Presi­ XVIII of the National By-Laws. dents General in order of precedence. On motion, the Secretary General was directed to print the redraft of the Constitution and the By-Laws in the notice to be sent at once ARTICI.E V.-SECRETARY GENERA!.. to State Society Presidents and in the next OFFICIAL BuLU.'T IN . The Secretary General, in addition to his general duties, shall have charge of the seal, and give due notice of all meetings of the National BY-LAWS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF Society or Board of Tru tees. He shall give due notice to all General THE AMERICA REVOLUTION. Officers and State Societies of all votes, orders and proceedings affecting or appertaining to their duties. He shall distribute all pamphlets, cir­ ARTICLE I.-ELECTION OF OFFICERS. culars, rosette and supplies, as directed by the Board of Trustees.

All nominations of General Officers shall be made from the floor, and ARTICLE VI.-TREASURER GENERAL. the election shall be by ballot. A majority shall elect. The nomiua­ tions may be acted upon directly or may be referred to a committee to St:CTJON r. The Treasurer General shall collect and receive the funds examine and report. and securities of the National Society. He shall deposit the same to the credit of the "Society of the Sons of the American Revolution," and ARTICLE II.-OFFICERS. shall draw them thence for the use of the National Society, as directed The duties of the General Officers shall be such as usually appertain by it or by the Board of Trustees, upon the order of the President to their offices, and they shall have such other duties as are hereinafter General, countersigned by the Secretary General. His accounts shall be imposed or shall be delegated to them by an annual Congress or by the audited by a committee to be appointed at the Annual Meeting. Board of Trustees. St:l'TION 2. lie shall give bond for the safe custody and application of They shall report at the annual meeting, and at such other times as the funds, the cost of such bond to be borne by the National Society. they may be required to do so by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE VII.-REGISTRAR GENERAL. ARTICLE IlL-PRESIDENT GENERAL. The Registrar General shall keep a register of the names and dales of SECTION r. The President General, in addition to his general duties. the election, resignation or death of all members of the several State shall be e.~ officio chairman of the Board of Trustees, and of the Execu­ Societies, and shall have the care and custody of all duplicate applica­ tive Committee, and a member of every other Committee. tions for membership. He shall issue upon the requisition of the Secre­ SECTION 2. At each annual meeting he shall appoint the following tary or Registrar of the several State Societies certificates of member- standing committees: hip and insignia to every member entitled thereto, through such Secre­ Committee on Auditing and Finance, tary or Registrar. Committee on Credentials, Memorial Committee, ARTICLE VIIL-HISTORIAN GENERAL. Committee on Organization, The Historian General shall have the custody of all the historical and Committee on Education. btographical collections of which the National Society may become pos­ The t!uties of the above committees shall be such as usually pertain to e~ and shall catalogue and arrange the same, and shall place the committees of like character, and such as may be defined by the Board lime Ill a fireproof repository for preservation. of Trustees. NATIONAL SOCieTY, S. A. R. II 10 OFFICIAL BULLETIN ARTICLE XII.-ExEcunvE CoMMITTEE. ARTICLE IX.-CHAPLAIN GENERAL. A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the President General, and such meeting shall be called upon the written The Chaplain General shall be a regularly ordained minister, and shall request of three members thereof. It shall be the duty of the Executive open and close all general meetings of the National Society with the Committee to exercise the powers, and perform the duties committed to services usual and proper on uch occasions. it by any annual or special Congress or by the Board of Trustees; to ARTICLE X.-STATE SociETIES. control and supervise all arrangements for the holding of the annual or any special Congress, and the social and other functions connected there­ Every State Society shall- with; it shall upon the request of the proper committee of the ational ( I) Notify the Secretary General of the election and appointment of Society or of the Board of Trustees, assist in the organization of new all officers, nominee for Board of Tru tee and delegates. State Societies, and increasing the membership of weak State Societies, (2) Pay to the Treasurer General on the first day of March or and for these purpose may incur its necessary expen es, limited to such within thirty day. thereafter, the sum of fifty cents for each active mem- amounts as may be in the Treasury unappropriated, and not required for ber thereof. the current expenses of the National Society during the year. (3) Transmit to the Registrar General duplicate applications of all accepted member , and notify him of the resignation or death of all ARTICLE XIII.-SEAL. members thereof. The seal of the Society shall be two and three-eighths of an inch in ARTICLE XL-BOARD OF TRUSTEES. diameter, charged with the figure of a minute man, grasping a musket in his right hand, and surrounded by a constellation of thirteen stars, SECTION r. The Board of Trustees shall prepare and carry out plan; who shall be depicted in the habit of a husbandman of the period of the for promoting the objects and growth of the Society; shall generally American Revolution, and as in the act of deserting the plough for the superintend it interests, and shall execute such other dutie as shall be

ARTICLE XV!l.-0RDER OF BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CoNGR£SS. rlesire, the appropriation of five hundred dollars ($Soo), voted by the General Board on November 26, toward the expenses of the r8th An- I. Calling the Congress to order by the President General. nual Congress. 2. Opening prayer by the Chaplain General. The following report was received: 3· Appointment of a Committee on Credentials. 4· Remarks by the President General on condition and needs of the Society. )J AI'Y DEPAR1'11IENT, WASHINGTON, FebntaY}' 6, 1907. s. Report of Committee on Credentials. SI R: In obedience to a resolution of the Society of Sons of the 6. Reading of minutes of the last Congress. ,\merican Revolution at its annual meeting in Boston, May r, r9Q6, )"ur committee on the subject of "Paul Jones Day" in the Navy, begs 7. Report of Board of Trustees. lea1c to report that a bill "To Establish Paul Jones Day in the Navy" 8. Reports of General Officers. (Senate, No. 8240) has been introduced in the Senate by Senator Burn- g. Reports of standing committees. ham, of New Hampshire. The bill designates the twenty-third day of / ro. Reports of special committees. Sl·ptember in each year as "Paul Jones Day," on which occasion "all / I r. Reports of State Societies. rcssels of the Navy lying in United States ports shall dress ship." The bi ll does not create a holiday, nor does it cause any expenditure I2. Old and unfinished business. of money. As it does not apply to ships in foreign ports, the command­ 13. New business, including election of officers and Trustees. ing officers of the ships of the Navy abroad will not be required to ob­ 14. Adjournment. ,cr,·c the day or to ask foreign ships to participate in such observance. IS. Provided, T hat for a special purpose the Congress may, by a vote Respectfully, • of two-thirds of those present and voting, suspend the above order of TRUMAN H. NEWBERRY, BAIRD, business. G. W. }No. H. MooRE, ARTICLE XVIIL-AMENDMENTS. Committee. These By-Laws may be altered or amended by a vote of three-fourths THE PRE:SIDENT GENERAL. of the members present at any meeting of the Board of Trustees, notice thereof having been given at a previous meeting. A vote of thanks was extended to the Revision Committee for the ahlc manner in which they have prepared the redrafts of the Constitu­ tion and By-Laws. OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. IS

Judge Stockbridge invited the Board and the Executive Committee and guests. Col. John l\1. Holcombe was the toastmaster. Governor to visit Annapolis on June 16, on the occasion of the unveiling of a R. S. Woodruff spoke on the responsibilities of the Society; Mayor tablet in memory of Thomas Johnson, the Revolutionary War Gov­ Henney on immigration; Speaker Tilson of the Connecticut House of ernor of Maryland. Representatives, on the General Court; President Jonathan Trumbull Mr. Van Patten announced the purpose of the Vermont Society to on the Connecticut Society of Sons of the American Revolution; Judge invite the 2oth Congress to meet in Vermont in 1909, the ter-centennial Simeon E. Baldwin on the judiciary and what we owe to the bench anniversary of the discovery of Lake Champlain. and court during the period of the Revolution. President General The President General invited those attending the meeting to be his Pugsley delivered an address on American statesmanship and American guests at the dinner of the Empire State Society that evening on the citizenship as illustrated by the lives of 'vVashington and Lincoln, and occasion of "Ladies Night." emphasized the importance of Americanizing the throngs of foreigners The meeting then adjourned. ~cttling in our country. More men of true patriotism are wanted in A. HowARD CLARK, business activities. Through an enduring patriotism born of moral Secretary Ge11eral. courage, the people of the United States will behold an ever increasing grandeur, majesty, and power with the Republic's ever increasing years, worthy of the men who in all its generations have stood for the FLAG CoMMITTEE.-In the case of certain liquor dealers in Omaha, highest and best in our national life. charged with selling beer in bottles decorated with national colors, the TnE DISTRICT OI-' COLUMBIA SociETY on January 16 observed "Ladies United States Supreme Court, on March 4, upheld the right of a State • •ight," when addresses were delivered by Hon. Seth Shepard and to protect the flag, the emblem of the nation's power, against indigni­ l-Ion. James T. Du Bois. The annual meeting was held on February ties, and the Nebraska law was declared to be constitutional. 22, when William L. Marsh was elected President, John E. Fenwick Corresponding Secretary, and Albert D. Spangler Registrar. The So­ ciety has issued a register, giving the names of members and their Revolutionary ance tors, and a long list of deceased compatriots. At PROCEEDINGS OF STATE Soca:nEs. the monthly meeting on December 19 an address was delivered by the THE ARIZONA Soc1ETv on February 22 elected as President George Hon. George Edmund Foss, Chairman of the House Committee on D. Christy, and Secretary C. F. Leonard, of Phcenix. The Chap­ Naval Affairs, on the Continental Navy, in which he gave the hi story lain General, Julius W. Atwood, has transferred his membership to of naval warfare during the Revolution. About 8oo vessels of all Arizona, his present residence. kinds were captured by American cruisers, privateers, and private armed vessels. Tm; CALIFORNIA SociETY has elected 20 members during the past year, its roll now numbering 420. The Treasurer reports receipts ag­ TnE EMPI RE STATE SocrETY on February 19 observed "Ladies Night." gregating $1,732.25 and a balance on hand of $1,220.66. A reception was held in the parlors of the Park A venue hotel, followed THE CoLORADO SociETY is active in preparation for the Annual Con­ by a banquet and an address by President Edward A. Steiner, of Iowa gress, which it is hoped will bring together a large attendance of en­ College, Grinnell, Iowa, on "The ew Ameri can and the New Prob­ thusiastic members, particularly from the central and western States. lems," in which he discussed various immigrant races coming to The Society on January 16 presented a flag to the Garfield school in America and the process of their assimilation into the body politic and Denver, when patriotic addresses were delivered. The Historical social, relating his extensive personal experiences in studying the Register of the Colorado Society, r8g6-rgo6, is a handsome volume of progress made by groups of .foreigners throughout the country. The a hundred pages. ~nnual dmrch service was held at the church of the Divine Paternity, tn ·ew York city, on the evening of February 24. The officiating THE CONNECTICUT SociETY celebrated 'vVashington's Birthday by a clergyman was Rev. Frank Oliver Hall, D. D., chaplain of the Society. banquet at Hartford, which was attended by upward of 300 members 16 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. I7

At a meeting of the Newburgh Chapter on January 2I an address T HE 1\ItcniGAN Soci£TY on February 6 held a banquet m Detroit in was delivered by its chaplain, Rev. Francis Washburn, on the Magna celebration of the French Alliance of February 6, I778, when addresses Charta and the principles of the Constitution of the United States. were delivered by President General Pugsley on "Patriotism and Good The Buffalo Chapter, Mr. Trueman G. Avery, President, on Febru­ Citizenship;'' by a special guest of the occasion, the Vicomte Charles ary 20 presented to the Lafayette .High School a copy of Stuart's por­ de Chambrun, a descendant of Lafayette, secretary of the French em­ trait of vVashington, when addresses were delivered by Mr. Hamilton bassy at Washington, who spoke of "French feelings toward America;" Ward and others of the committee of presentation. by Tl on. E. 0. Randall, of Ohio, on "The fteur de lis in the 1orthwest," ancl by Rev. Lee S. McCollester on "Lafayette." THE lLuNOIS SociETY has published a memorial address on George Rogers Clark, delivered before the Society on May 24, I!)06, by Mr. T n€ MISSOURI SociETY on March 4 elected as President Ashley Merritt Starr. Cabell, 5o6 Olive street, St. Louis; Secretary, Robert E. Adreon, 1932 . 'orth Broadway, St. Louis, and Registrar, Linn Paine. TnE K<\NSAS SociETY, at its annual meeting on January 23, elected for President John M. Meade; for Secretary and Historian, D. W. T H€ NEBRASKA Soci£TY on February 22 elected as President James ellis, and for Registrar, J. L. Eldridge, all residents of Topeka. If. ,\ dams, 8I6 New York Life Building, Omaha, and as Secretary and Registrar Pressly J, Barr, 4820 California street, Omaha. THE KENTUCKY SociETY has elected for its President the Very Rev. Charles E. Craik, D. D., Dean of Christ Churcl1, Louisville, and for T H€ N£w JERSEY SociETY 11eld its annual meeting at Newark on Secretary Mr. Donald R. Jacob, corner of 4th and York streets, Louis­ January 22. Hon. ]. Franklin Fort, of East Orange, was re-elected ville. President; Andrew W. Bray, rst Vice·-President; Hon. Edward S. Atwater, zd Vice-President; Col. James R. Mullikin, 58 Spruce street, THE MAIN€ SocmTv's annual meeting and banquet was held at )l'ewark, Secretary; Capt. Oscar H. Condit, Treasurer, and Mr. ]. ]. Riverton on February 22. The officers elected included President, Hubbell. Registrar. Hon. Franklin Murphy was appointed to repre­ George Emory Fellows, LL. D., of Orono, Me.; Senior Vice-Presi­ sent the Society on the Board of Trustees of the Princeton Monument dent, Hon. Frederic E. Boothby, of Portland; sixteen Vice-Presidents Association. A committee was appointed to devise a plan for the pur­ in various parts of the State; Registrar and Secretary, Nathan Goold, chase of the "Dey House," at Lower Preakness, N. ]., which on two of Portland. The membership now numbers 364; eleven new. members occasions was occupied by General Washington as headquarters. An were added during the year and a like number died. The retiring acl

THE RHODE IsLAND SociETY held its annual meeting and banquet at Providence on February 22. The officers elected were: President, George Franklin Weston; Vice-President, Charles Warren Lippitt; Secretary, Christopher. Rhodes, 290. Ben~fit e;tret; Tr~asu~er, Arthur Preston Smnner; Regr trar, Francrs Ehot ates; IIrstonan, Edwin Aylesworth Burlingame; Chaplain, Rev. Sa mel Heber Webb, a ll of IN MEMORIAM. Providence, and Poet, William Chace Greene, of Peace Dale. T he Russf.I,L A. Ar.GER, U. S. Senator, a member of the Michigan So­ Society gained 23 members during the year and lost II by death and 2 by re ignation, leaving a present active list of 293. Arrangements are ciety, died in Washington January 24, 1907. being made to mark the site of the camping grounds of the French Gt:oRGC BEL!,, Brigadier General, U. S. A. (retired), a metTlber of the army on Rochambeau avenue, and the Society is co-operating with Empire State Society, died in Washington January 2, 1907. other organizations toward the erection of a monument to Gen. Nathan­ FR.\ . ·c1s JosEPH ~!ARIA CARMODY, a member of the District of Co­ ael Greene. At the banquet, which was attended by about a hun­ lumbia Society, died in Washington February 17, 1907. dred members and guests, addresses were delivered by ex-Gov. Charles Warren Lippitt on the history of Rhode Island in the Revolution; by I~AAC EDWARDS CLARKE, a member of the District of Columbia So­ Mayor McCarthy, of Providence; by Ptof. W. K. Wickes, Historian ciety, died in Washington January 9, 1907. General, and by Dr. Mo es G. Parker, President of the Iassachusetts JonN HowLAND CRANDON, a member of the ~1assachusetts Society, Society. It was voted that the next two issues of the OFFICIAL BuL­ died December 12, rgo6. LETIN be sent to each member of the Rhode Island Society. CAPI. ] AMES KEAZER, a member of the Maine Society, died in Port­ THE UTAH SociETY on February 22 elected fo r President Edward D. land Janua ry 15, 1907, aged 74 years. Woodruff, and for Secretary George Jay Gibson, both of Salt Lake ]Oil· ·so:-. VAN DYKE ~I!DDLETON , a member of the District of Co­ City. lumbia Society, died January 29, 1907. THE VERMONT SociETY gave its mid-winter banquet at Burlington WILLIAM BATlEY RnoDES, a member of the Rhode Island Society, on February 8, presided over by President William ]. Van Patten. dred at Pawtuxket, Warwick, R. I., February 5, 1907. The principal address was by Hon. Henry C. Ide, former Governor General of the Philippines, on "America in the Far East," and Hon. ZENAS CoLEMAN RoBBINS, a member of the District of Columbia C. H. Darling, ex-Assistant Secretary of the Navy, spoke on "Our Society, di ed in Washington January 30, 1907, in his 97th year. Society." DANIF.r, STEPHENS, a member of the Rhode Island Society, died at THE VIRGINIA SociETY on February 22 li stened to an address by its Bristol, R. I., J anuary 12, 1907. President, Hon. L. L. Lewis, on "The Father of His Country." At the CAPT. l\L\RTIN TUKEY, a member of the Maine Society, died in New­ annual election all the officers of the Society were re-elected fo r an­ castle Decembe r, rgo6, aged 74 years. 1/ other term, Dr. R. A. Brock being continued as Secretary, Registrar, and Historian. CAPT. ,\LFRED THOMAS SMALL, a member of the Maine Society, died in Yarmouth December 26, rgo6, aged 8o years. 20 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 21

Ann P. (Palmer) Billings; great-grandson of Gilbert and Lucy (Swan) RECORDS OF NEW MEMBERS REGISTERED FROM Billings; great2·grandson of Sm•ford Billi11gs, Lieutenant Eighth Conn. DECEMBER 1, 1906, TO 'FEBRUARY 15, 1907. Militia. ROSCOE PALJ\1ER BROMLEY, Oakland, Cal. (18o16). Son of John Lewis WILLIAM WARD ADAMSON, Terre Haute, Ind. (18132). Son of Nathan and and Ann M. (Levering) Bromley; grandson of Lewis and Ann Catherine Phebe (Humphreys) Adamson; grandson of John and Jane (Ward) Hum· (Irons) Bromley; great·grandson of John and Eliza (Palmer) Bromley; great•· phreys; great·grandson of James Ward, Captain, Col. William Fleming's Reg t., grandson of William Bromley, Member of Vermont Committee of• Safety. Virginia Militia. ARTHU R DE WITT BROOKS, Cleveland, Ohio (18s6o). Son of Arthur ALDEN AMES, San Francisco, Cal. (18023). Son of Pelham Warren and Stanley and Mary Sophia (De Witt) Brooks; grandson of Samuel Curtis Augusta Wood (Hooper) Ames; grandson of Seth and Margaret Stephenson and Emily Maria (Clark) Brooks; great-grandson of Samuel and Sophia (Bradford) Ames; great· grandson of Gamaliel and Elizabeth (Hickling) Brad. (J ohnson) Brooks; great2-grandson of James Brooks, private, \\'ebb's Conn. ford; great2·grandson of Gamaliel Bradford, Colonel Fourteenth i\lass. Regt. Regt. and Washington's "Life Guards." THOMAS MOORE ANDREW, Ja., Seattle, Wash. (17825). Son of Thomas ~ I. H.\L BAILEY BROWNELL, Buffalo, N. Y. (18661 ). Son of Peris R. and and Lida (Atkins) Andrew; grandson of Jesse and Sarah Warwick (Nichol) Anna C. (Burdick) Brownell; grandson of Nathan and Polly (Brown) ,\ndrew; great·grandson of Jolm A11drew, Surgeon New Jersey Militia· Brownell; great-grandson of George and Lucy (Richmond) Brownell, Jr.; grandson of Joseph and Loretta (Hooper) Atkins; great-grandson of Pon t iu~ great'-grandson of George Brow>Icll, Sergeant, Capt. Thomas Kempton's and Lydia (Clark) Hooper; great2-grandson of Sa11111el Clark, Major New Company Mass. Minute Men. York troops. CALHOUN BRYANT, San Francisco, Cal. (18013). Son of Berryman and FRANK RUFUS ATKINS, Seattle, Wash. (17822). Son of Henry Allen and Hen rietta Francise (Reeve) Bryant; grandson of Henry and Charlotte Mary Jane Barr (Osborne) Atkins; grandson of Henry and Persis (Allen) (Shaw) Reeve; great-grandson of Rumsey and ,\bigail (Woolsey) Reeve; 2 Atkins; great·grandson of Asaph Allen, private, Colonel Whitcomb's ~lass. great ·grandson of He11ry Woolsey, private New York Militia; great-grandson Regt., pensioned. of John and Johanna (V>'oolsey) Shaw; great2-grandson of Isaiah Sha«•, wagoner in Wagonmaster's Dept. New Jersey Militia. JULIUS WEBSTER AUGUSTINE, Seattle, Wash. (17824). Son of Manuel R. and Amanda Elizabeth (Hamilton) Augustine; grandson of Julius and WII,LIS RIPLEY BUCK, Buffalo, N. Y. ( 1866o). Son of Elias 1\Iagoon and Aurelia (Webster) Augustine; great·grandson of Ephraim and Mary (Wilcox) Lydia Louisa (Ripley) Buck; grandson of Tymnius and Rebekah (Howe) Webster; great2·grandson of Ephraim Webster, private, Col. Isaac Sherman's Ripl ey; great·grandson of Priam Ripley, powder boy frigate "Oliver Crom· Conn. Regt. well," private Conn. Light Infantry under Col. Heman Swift. AENAS SAMPSON BAILEY, Lakewood, N. J. (18676). Son of Densmore and HENRY ALBERT BUDD, New York, N. Y. (Conn. 18262). Son of Samuel Sarah Bailey; grandson of Sampson Bailey; great-grandson of Sl111bel B<1ilrs. and !ll ary (Hudson) Budd; grandson of Hiram and Catherine .\nn (Smedes) private, Col. John B'rooks's Seventh Mass. Regt. Bmld; great-grandson of Samuel and Marie (De La Rue) Budd; great•· grandson of Thomas Budd, Surgeon U. S. Ship "Randolph," Capt. Nicholas COLGATE BAKER, San Francisco, Cal. (18021). Son of Colgate and Mary Biddle commanding. Elizabeth (Lynde) Baker; grandson of William Pitt and Mary Elizabeth (Blanchard) Lynde; great-grandson of Tilly and Elizabeth W. (Warner) WII.LI.\:\[ EUGENE B NN, Lakewood, N. J. (18049). Son of Manning Lynde; great2·grandson of Joh11 Ly11de, Ensign, Col. John Fellows's Regt. Forest and Pauline 0. (Allen) Bunn; grandson of Jonathan Dunn; great· Mass. Militia. grandson of Jonathan BzuwJ private First Hunterdon County Regt. New Jersey Mili tia. EUGENE M. BARTLETT, Buffalo, N. Y. (18670). Son of Myron E. and Cordelia (McFarland) Bartlett; grandson of William Kelly and Elmina ] MF.S LINDSEY CALDWELL, Lafayette, Ind. (16117). (Supplemental.) (McLaughlin) Bartlett; great-grandson of Stephen and Abigail (Bailey) Son of J ames Harvey and Ellen (Tiberghieu) Caldwell; grandson of Zacheus Bartlett; great2·grandson of Asa Bailey, private, Captain Young's Company and :IIary (Westfall) Tiberghieu; great-grandson of Jacob Westfall, First Colonel Bedel's New Hampshire Regt. Lieutenant, Capt. George Jackson's Company, Col. Zachariah ?-!organ's \'irginia Regt., pensioned. JOHN SANFORD BATCHELER, Milwaukee, Wis. (16967). Son of Miah and Eliza Ester (Myers) Batcheler; grandson of John and Elizabeth (Henderson l IRA FRANKLIN CARR, Providence, R. I. (18118). Son of Franklin and Myers; great-grandson of losials },fyers~ Corporal New York and Conn. troops, Martha Abby (Greene) Carr; grandson of Lewis and Lucinda Susan (Burse) 2 pensioned. Carr; great·grandson of John and l\Ia~tha (Davis) c arr; great -grandson of Caleb Carr, Captain, Col. William Richmond's Rhode Island Regt., pen­ JAMES WHITNEY BATES, Baltimore, Md. (18so3). Son of James and sioned. Frances (Rutter) Bates; grandson of John and Elizabeth (Whitney) Bat<'; great·grandson of Silas Whit11ey, private Vermont Militia. PRANK RILEY CHAPMAN, Columbus, Ohio (18553). Son of Alva Riley and Matilda (Davis) Chapman; grandson of Alva Riley ~nd Susannah (Trish) HERBERT FRANKLIN BILLINGS, Natick, R. I. (18•1 7). Son of Arthur Chapman ; great·grandson of Isaac and Hannah (Wait) Chapman; great•· Gilbert and Etta E. (Andrews) Billings; grandson of Reajamin Franklin and &randson of Stephen Chapman, Corporal Seventh Company Third Conn. Regt. 22 OFFICIAL BULLltriN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R.

JESSE LINCOLN CHURCHILL, Horseheads, N. Y. (186s8). Son of Charles Richardson (Green) Hough; great-grandson of Lemuel and IIuldah (John­ and Esther Jane (Rogers) Churchill; grandson of \Villiam and Bathsheba son) Hough; great'-grandson of Elijal• Hough, private, Colonel Brewer's (W!lham~) Churclull; great-grandson of Joseph Churchill, private, Captain Mass. Rcgt., pensioned. Wilmarth s Company Mass. Militia. 1!.\RRY EDWARD CUNNINGHAM, Burlington, Vt. (17868). Son of Charles CHES'rER MORROW CLARK, Washington, D. C. (18196). Son of A. Howard e;. and Minnie EJecta (Potter) Cunningham; grandson of Franklin E. and Jielcn 1\f. (Downs) Potter; great-grandson of Jesse and Delia (Spencer) and ~lice (Morrow) Clark; grandson of Thatcher and Abby (Carnes) Clark; 3 great-grandson of Thatcher and Lydia (Hall) Clark; great'·grandson of Downs; great'-grandson of Jesse and Meletine (Scott) Downs; great ·grandson Enoch Clark, 1\Iass. privateersman, prisoner; great!!·grandson of E110ch J-Jall of Jonathan Scott, Lieutenant, Col. Samuel Herrick's Regt. Vermont Militia. private Mass. 1\Iilitia, pensioned; great-grandson of John and Abigail (Lilliel RODERICK PERRY CURTIS, Bridgeport, Conn. (I8264). Son of Lewis Agur Carnes; great!!·grandson of Thomas lc1mer Carnes, Captain-Lieutenant and Emma Sophia (Steele) Curtis; grandson of Roderick Cadwell and Delia Knox's Arti1lcry Regt., prisoner; great3 -grandson of Ed'lt'ard Carnes, 1\Icmbe; ,\ugusta (Perry) Steele; great-grandson of Charles Benjamin and Fra-nces 3 of Boston Committee of Safety, Major of Boston Regt. of Militia; grandson (Beers) Perry; great'-grandson of Philo and Sarah (Benjamin) Perry; great - of Charles and Mary Bell (Perry) Morrow; great-grandson of Samuel and grandson of George Benjamin, Captain Second Company Fifth Conn. Regt., Ceha Greenwood (Dell) Perry; great'-grandson of Samuel and Jane (Smith) ~!emb er of Stratford Committee of Safety. Perry I grc:at3·grandson of Samuel Perry, private, Abijah Bangs's Company GEORGE W. DAME, Baltimore, Md. (I8504). Son of George W. and 1\lary Colonel llike's Regt. Mass. Militia. ' 11. (Page) Dame; grandson of Carter and Luey (Nelson) Page; great-grand­ F.DW.\RD A_CER CONDIT, JR., Newark, N. J. (I8o48). Son of Edward Ager son of Thomas Nelson, Jr., Signer of Declaration of Independence, Governor and Addie Condit; grandson of Edward F. and Catherine Sherman Condit· of Virginia. great-grandson of Linus and Sarah Faitoute Condit; great'-grandson of !'RANK EVERETT DAVIDSON, New York, N. Y. (18548). Son of John and Da~·•d Coudtl, First Major Second Essex County Regt. New Jersey Militia. 11ary ~Iatilda (Hutchinson) Davidson; grandson of \Villiam and Mary LUCIUS CHARLES COOK, Dayton, Ohio (18ss6). Son of Lucius and Caroline (Onderdonk) Hutchinson; great-grandson of Adrian and Sarah (Lyons) Gertrude Cook; grandson of Friend and Nancy Foote Cook; great-grandson Onderdonk; great'-grandson of Adrian Onderdonk, private Second Orange of Atu·ater Cook, private, Captain Brackett's Company Fifth Battalion Wads­ County Regt. New York Militia. worth's Conn. Brigade. JOHN RUSSELL DAVIDSON, New York, N. Y. (I8652). Son of John and ELMER IIU:MPIIREY CO~ELAND, Northampton, ll!ass. (1763g). (Supple- ~lary Matilda (Hutchinson) Davidson; grandson of William and Mary me_ntal.) Son of !Iezekmh and Olive S. (Nichols) Copeland; grandson of (Onderdonk) Hutchinson; great-grandson of Adrian and Sarah (Lyons) \Vmslow and Hannah (Slader) Copeland; great-grandson of Joseph ami Onderdonk; great'-grandson of Adrian Onderdonk, private Second Orange Rebecca (Coop;r) Copeland; great0-grandson of Jo11athan Copelaud, Sergeant, County Regt. New York Militia. Ehphalet Cary s Mass. Regt.; grandson of Steven and Fanny (Pike) Nichols ; CIL\RLES LOWREY DAVIS, Minneapolis, Minn. (t8463). Son of Asa and great-grandson of Hltmphre;,• Nichols, Sergeant, Enoch Putnam's 1\lass. ~lary (llosmer) Davis; grandson of Stephen and Martha ('l'ileston) Davis; Regt.; great-grandson of Samuel Stader, private, Capt. Obadiah Johnson'• great-grandson of Jacob Da·;:is, First Lieutenant, Capt. Moses \Vhiting's Com­ Company Third Conn. Regt., Gen. Israel Putnam. pany ~lass. l\Iinute l\len. IIUN'rER CORBETT, Chefoo, China (N. Y. I8666). Son of Ross Mitchel and CII.\RLES S. DA \'IS, Takoma Park, D. C. (I8I92). Son of David 0. and Fannie Culbertson (Orr) Corbett; grandson of Samuel Culbertson and ~bry E. (Sands) Davis; grandson of Timothy and Mary (Palmer) Sands; Jl.~argaret (Sloan) Orr; great-grandson of Robert Orr, Captain Volunteer great-grandson of Messenger and Abigail (Smith) Palmer; great'-grandson oF Riflemen of Westmoreland County, Pa. Amos Smith, Captain Ninth Conn. Militia; great-grandson of Ephriam and AMBR_OSE D. COUNTRYMAN, Appleton, Minn. (18462). Son of Peter F. and .\higail (.\yer) Sands; great'·grandson of Samuel and Mary (Bradbury) Ehzabeth (Gleason) Countryman; grandson of Daniel and Mary (Fort) Sands; great3-grandson of Epltriam Sands, private, Lemuel Robinson's l\iass. Coun~ryman; great-grandson of George Countryman, Lieutenant, Col. Samuel Rrgt.; great'·grandson of Jolm Wood Palmer, clerk, Capt. George Peck's Clyde s Regt. New York State troops. Company, Col. John Mead's Regt. Conn. Militia. DE WITT CLINTON CROISSAN'l', Washington, D. C. (18193). Son of John If{\. 'K L. D.\\'IS, Tacoma, Wash. (I86o4). Son of David F. and Louisie Dempster and Sarah J. (Sands) Croissant; grandson of Timothy and JI.Ia rY (Runyon) Davis; grandson of Nathaniel and Sarah (Graham) Davis; great­ (Pal':'er) Sands; great-grandson of Messenger and Abigail (Smith) Palmer; grandson of Thomas Graham, private, Captain Anderson's Company Colonel great--gr.andson of -:m~s Smith, Captain Ninth Conn. Militia; great-grandson .\tlcy's ~Iusket Battalion Penna. troops. of Ephnam and Abigail (Ayer) Sands; great'-grandson of Samuel and MarY CI,\In:l'\CI ~ EUGENE DENTLER, U.S. Army, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. (D. C. ~Brac~bury) Sands; great"-grandson of Ephriam Sands, private, Lemuel Rob· 1 ~I94). Son of Jacob Alter and Clarissa (Lamoreux) Dentler; grandson of mson s Mass. Regt.; great'·grandson of Jolin Wood Palmer clerk Capt. Joshua and :Martha (Ivcs) Lamoreux; great-grandson of Josiah and Lucy George Peck's Company, Col. John Mead's Regt. Conn. Militi;, ' (\\'illiams) Ivcs; grcat'-grandson of Eliln1 Williams, prh·ate, Col. Nathan BARTON CRUIKSHANK, Syracuse, N. Y. (18672). Son of James and Chloe llcncson's Regt. Conn. Militia at Wyoming \'alley, Pa., killed at Fort Wilkes­ Roseltha (Hough) Cruikshank; grandson of Homer Johnson and Eleanor Barre ~larch 23, 1779· 2-J. OFFICIAL llVI.LETIX N.\ TION.\L SOCIETY, S. A. R. 25

FR.\ :\'K DEN! ON DEWEY, ~fontpclier, Vt. (17869). Son of Denison and JOII:-l DRUM 10ND FLETCHER, Tacoma, Wash. (186o2). Son of Jameo Amy A. (Chandler) Dewey; grandson of Osman and Betsy (Perley) Dewey · Henry and Elizabeth (Broadwater) Fletcher; grandson of Thomas and great-grandson of Simeon and Prudence (Yeamans) Dewey; great'·grand ·o r' Elizabeth (Wallop) Fletcher; great-grandson of Thomas and Elishea (Drum· 1 of William Dewey, Corporal Hebron Conn. and New Hampshire Militia. mond ) Fletcher; great'·grandson of Henry Fletcher, Member of Accomack JAMES FRENCH DEWEY, Quechee, \ ' t. (17866). Son of W illiam Tarbox and County Court, Virginia, and High Sheriff. ,\lice Elmore (French) Dewey; grandson of Charles and Betsy (Tarbox) HENRY RU'l'CERS FORD, Buffalo, N. Y. (18662). Son of Chades Lindsley Dewey; great-grandson of Julius Yeamans and Mary (Perrin) Dewey; great'­ and Sarah Townsend (J\Iiller) 11ord; grandson of Charles Halsey Lindsley grandson of Simeon and Prudence (Yeamans) Dewey; great'-grandson of and Eliza (Cruger) Ford; great-grandson of James and Mary (Lindsley) William Dcuoe_l', Corporal Hebron Conn. anJ New HamJ•Shire ~Iilitia: great­ Ford ; great•-grandson of Eleazer and Eunice (Halsey) Lindsley ; great"· grandson of Lund and Susan (Edson) Tarbox; great'·grandson of Timothy !(randson of Eleal!er Lindsley, Lieutenant Colonel Eastern Battalion Morris and Polly (Downer) Edson; great3-grandson of Timothy and Susan (Orcutt) Cou nty, New Jersey, 1\Iilitia, Member of New Jersey Assembly; grandson Edson; great'-grandson of Sam11cl Orcutt, Lieutenant, Colonel Huntington's of H enry Rutgers and Sarah Startin (Townsend) Miller; great-grandson of Conn. Regt., pensioned; great!Lgrandson of James Tarbo.r, private }lass. David A. and Maria Cornelia (Gale) Miller; great'·grandson of Henry and Militia. Cornelia (Rutgers) Gale; great'-grandson of Anthony A. R~ttgers, Captain FREDERICK ALFRED DOOLITTLE, Bridgeport, Conn. (18266). Son ol Second Company New York Artillery. Andrew Hull and ~Iary A. (Andrews) Doolittle; grandson of Alfred and .PR.\. ' KLI N WILLIAM FORT, East Orange, N. J. (18046). Son of John Hannah (Brown) Doolittle; great-grandson of Samuel Doolittle; great'·grand­ Franklin and Lottie (Stainsly) Fort; grandson of Andrew Heisler and son of Ambrose Doolittle, private, Capt. Nathaniel Bunnell's Company Fift h Hannah Ann (Brown) Fort; great-grandson of Andrew and Nancy (Platt) Battalion Wadsworth's Conn. Brigade. Fort; great•-grandson of John Fort, private Burlington County, New Jersey, EDWARD E. DORR, Des Moines, Iowa (18332). Son of Joseph M. and Julietta State Troops and Militia. (Reynolds) Dorr; grandson of Barach and Lydia (Buell) Dorr; great­ EDGERTON CHESTER GARVIN, Washington, D. C. (18190). Son of John grandson of iVat!rew Dorr, private Seventeenth Albany County Regt. Ne w and Maude I-I. (Edgerton) Carvin; grandson of Chester and Augusta (Fussle­ York Militia and Poor's Continental Brigade. man) Edgerton; great-grandson of Reed and Betsey Lyon Edgerton; great•· EDWARD LIVINGSTONE DUNNING, Winchester. Mass. (d!'491). Son of grandson of Jacob (and F.sther Reed) Edgerto~> , private Stark's Company 0 Charles Urbane and Harriet Frances (Bachelder) Dunning; grandson of \'ermont Militia; great -grandson of Simeon Edgerton, Captain Conn. Militia. CHARLES Pl\RCY GILBERT, Bridgeport, Conn. (18267). Son of Joseph P. Urbane ~nd Eliza (Egan) Dunning; great-grandson of 1\Iic!racl Dru111 i 11 g, Captam-L1eutenant Col. Seth Warner's Continental Rcgt. and Betsy W. (Bailey) Gilbert; grandson of William and Sukey (Williams) Bailey; great-grandson of Cyrus Bailey, private, Capt. Samuel Young'• RIClli\RD HENRY EDF.T.l~ N, Seattle, Wash. (•78o8). (SIIJJplemcntal.) Son o,f Benjamin Marcellus and 1\fary Theresa (Gardiner) J•:delin; grandson of Company, Col. Bedel's New Hampshire Reg!. 1. homas F.lzear and Adclphius de Darth (\Valhach) Gardiner; great-grandson MURRAY OCD I\N GILES, New York, N. Y. (18665). Sou of William Ogden of James and Pc~mclia (Dyer) Gardiner; great'·grandson of Harry and :l!ary and Catherine C. (Darlington) Giles; grandson of George Washington and (Boarman) Cardmer; great3-grandson of Richard Gardi11cr, Sergeant Second Elizabeth (Ogden) Giles; great-grandson of Aquila Giles, Major, Aide-de-camp Maryland Regt. to Jlfajor General St. Clair. RUSSEL~, CURTIS FALE , Edgewood, R. I . (18116). So,, of Lewis L. and TH0:\1.\S WILBUR COSS, Washington, D. C. (18195). Son of 'I'homas Smith Jane laylor (Osborn) Fales; grandson of Obadiah and arah (Taylor) 0 >· and :\lartha Ann (Sanderson) Coss; grandson of William Tl. and Martha .\nn horn; great-grandson of David and Sarah (Perry) Osborn; great'·grandson (Watkins) Sanderson; great-grandson of Joh~> Watkins, Ensign Sixth 1\Iary· of Sa1111'el Osbom, Osbo~> , First Lieutenant, Ca11tain Wheeler's Compan" land Regt. Col. James Reed's Mass. Regt. · GI·:r.o H ALL, .\nnapolis, Md. (18so:;). Son of .\saph and Chloe .\ngelinc JOSEPH WALTER FLAGG, Worcester, Mass. (18484). Son of Levi Lincoln (Stickney) Hall; grandson of Asaph and Hannah C. (P almer) Hall; great· and Caroline Elizabeth (Barnes) Flagg; grandson of Daniel and Betsy granrlson of Asaph Hall, Captain Conn. :IIilitia, Member Conn. General As­ (Lon~ley) Barnes; great-grandson of David and .'\senath (Moore) Barnes; sembly. great-grandson of Fortru1atus Barues, Sergeant, James Mirick's Company 1 MES FREDERI CK HAMILTON, Eastport, Me. (17372). Son of John and Mass. Militia. Ellen (Beals) Hamilton; grandson of Alanson and Maria (Marsh) Beals; NOR;\L\ 1\T CEI~SIIO:\f FL.\CC, :\[oro, Ill. (18386). Son of Willard Cutting and great-grandson of Uriah Beals, First Lieutenant, Major Job Cushing's Mass. ~arah (Smith) Flagg; grandson of Cershom and Jane (Paddock-Richmond) Regt. l• lagg; great-grandson of Ebenc:;er Flagg, Second Sergeant 'I'enth Mass. Regt. GEORGE D\\'ID HAUPTMAN, San Francisco, .Cal. (18ozo). Son of George of Foot; great-grandson of Gaius Paddock, private, Capt. Isaac Wood'l Nathaniel and Annie (Glover) Hauptman; grandson of J ustus Smith and Company, Colonel Larned's l\Iass. Regt. Ach•a A. (Cornwall ) Glover; great-grandson of James an Hovey, private, Col. Jonathan Holman's lllass. Regt. OFFICL\L ~ULLETIN N.\TIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 27

f P I 0 I 110111 private Fifth LIKCOLN C. HAYNES, Springfield, llfass. (18492). Son of Calvin Bugbee and ) [aria (Low ) Osterhout ·, great•-grandson o e cr s er . Mary Walker (Bacheller) Haynes; grandson of James and Clarinda (Walker) ' 'lster County Regt. New York 1\Ii!itia. v 8 68) Son of Bacheller; great·grandson of \'l'illiam and Mary (Eaton) Bacheller; great'· \ RLES STUART HUNGERFORD, Watertown, conn . ( ' 2 . grandson of William Baclwllcr, Lieutenant and Surgeon, Col. Samuel John. Cll .. . All d Marian ( tuarl) Hungerford; grandson of Allyn M .. and \\ tlham yn an f J 1 d R b cca CMernam) son's 1\Iass. Regt.; great-grandson of Percy and i\Iary (Child) \'l'alker; great•. • ·1 (Platt) Hungerford· great-grandson o oe an e e grandson of Abijah Child, Sergeant, Capt. Thomas White's Company, Colonel :~~: t~:erford; great'-grandso~ of Christopher Merriam, Corporal Second Conn. Heath's f ass. Regt. Line. S f Tl IIO\\',\RD E. IllEST.\ D, Kenton, Ohio (•8554). Son of Ezra B. and Ilada­ \;\JES DE LA IIUN'l', Cannelton, Ind. (18131). on o tomas siah (Harris) Hiestand; grandson of Nehemiah and Anna (McGuffey) Harris; T!IO;\L\S ) 1d' Isabelle (liuckeby) de Ia Hunt; grandson of Joshua Brannon ant! jant"' an f J 1 d Rebecca (Regan) great-grandson of Barnabas C. and Esther (1\Iiller) Harris; great'·grandson o( " b a (Lang) H uckeby; great-grandson o o m an .,.e ecc . I I R . t Second l'enna. Regt. of George Harris, Sergeant Second Regt. New Jersey State 'l'roops. Lang; great2-grandson of l\1zc we egau, pnva e JOHN WILSON HILL, Chicago, Ill. (18388). Son of Isaac and arah .\. Foot. Son of John (\'l'ilson) Hills; grandson of Nathan and Mary (Ware) Hills; great-grandson · ' ' IS IlUNT 11 \N Providence, R. I. (18111). F.DWIN LI· \, ' ' ' d of Enoch of Reubc" Hills, private, Captain Hutchins's Company, Colonel Reed's New ', Fletcher· and Zerviah Stires (Fitz Randolph) Huntsman; gran son Hampshire Regt. , d Mary (\'an Syckle) Fitz Randolph; great-grandson o~ Joseph and 1 ROY WILSON HILL, Chicago, Ill. (18389). Son of John Wilson and Ida E. ~~· an (~fanning) Fitz Randolph; great'·grandson of Joseph Ftt:: Randolph, • ary J MTf (Watson) Hill; grandson of Isaac and Sarah A. (Wilson) Hills; great­ Captain ~1onmouth County, tew ersey, 1 1 za. grandson of Nathan and Mary (Ware) Hills; great2-grandson of Re11bcn F.LlO'l' GREGORY JACKSON, San Francisco, Cal. (•8o•8). So~ of John ~· Hills, private, Captain Hutchins's Company, Colonel Reed's New Hampshire ' and Clara (Gregory) Jackson, Jr.; grandson of Jolm P. and. Ehzabeth (Wo · Regt. tt) Jackson· great-grandson of Frederick and -- (Hunttngton) \Volcott: co " d ' f 0/" er Wolcott Signer of the Declaration of Independence; COYE LESLIE HIMEBAUGH, Washington, D. C. (Correction of National great--gran son o 1v ' t" lson Register, 1902, p. 261.) Grandson of l\Iary Hanks, 'lOt Hawks; great· great-grandson of Peter and Hester (Van ~er Linde) Jackson; grea -·gratH grandson of Elijah Hanks, Jr.; great'· grandson of Elijah Hanks, private of Thomas Jackso11, Captain, Crane's Arttllery Regt. Conn. Line, hospital steward, pensioned. F. ZR \ Sl NDERLAND JOHNSON, Champaign, Ill. (Kan. 17956). on of James ADIN VINCENT HINMAN, Youngstown, Ohio (17342). (Supplemental.) Son • ;nd Elizabeth Jane (\"alentinc) Johnson; grandson of Charles Jolwsuu, of Abner and Emma (Shaw) Hinman; grandson of Willis and Mary (Taylor) Hinman; great-grandson of Abner and Lydia (Reckwith) Hinman; FR :.~il:at; N:~t~L~,;:~·. Minn. (•84 6s). Son of Asa Farnsworth and great!!·grandson of Phineas HinmanJ private Goshen Company Conn. ~Iilitia. ' ~ b~ail (Billings) Kellogg; grandson of William and Rhoda (Farnsworth) CHARLES G.\RFIELD HOOKER, Wausan, Wis. (16969). Son of Edward Kellogg; great-grandson of Elijah Kellogg, private Penna. troops, pensiOned: Trumbull and Susan Cornelius (,\twater) Houker; grandson of Edward "l S K""NNARD New York, N. Y. ( 1 o). Son of Oscar and J\lanon K \ s55 \Villiam and Faith Trumbull (Huntington) Hooker; great-grandson of Jabez · "W ' allace· "'(Sellers) ' Kennard; grandson of I I enry M or f Imer and .\lethea f d) and Mary (Lanman) Huntington; great2-grandson of Jedidial• (and Faith (, ·our•e) Sellers; great-grandson of Thomas Woods and Sarah R. ~Ash or Trumbull) Huntington, Brigadier General Continental Army; grcat3-grandson Stllers· great'-grandson of John and J\lary (Woods) Sellers; great -gr;~~1s?n of louallza" Tru.mbu/IJ GoYernor of Connecticut~ .\ide to Washington; great~­ ~f .U~;thias Sellers, Captain First Cumberland County Regt. Penna. • 1 ttta. grandson of labez Huntington, ~Iajor General Conn. ~Iilitia. F.l)\'' 1 - K"I'SSLFR Washington, D. C. (1S188). Son of Samuel and He~en FROST HORTON, Peekskill, N. Y. (18547). Son of Wright and Phoebe E. ' '\ irginia • (Nathans)' ' Kessler; grandson of Moses an d B eneven dd. a Valentme1 (Weeks) Horton; grandson of William J. and L eah B. (Carpenter) Horton; n 1 (S Jes) Nathans· great-grandson of Isaiah and Judtth (Russel) esc on a ' R II S on's J\Iate Second great-grandson of Frost and Phoebe (Tompldns) Horton; grcat'-grandson of Nathans; great'-grand on of Philip Moses 11ssc , urge Wright and Ann (Qurcau) Horton; grcat3-grand•on of Stcphc" Horton, Yirginia Regt. G private Third \Vestchester County Regt. New York Militia. G~;O ! !( . E KEITH KUIB,\LL, Ja., Idaho Springs, Colo. (17397) .. Son of eorge HARRY HUDLER, Mount Vernon, N. Y. (18549). Son of John II. and Mary Keith and Frances I-:. (Smith) Kimball; grandson of Dante~ and _Lobu\~a Catherine (Du llois) Hudler; grandson of John S. Lyland and Margaret ( K~ith) Kimball; great-grandson of Leonard and Patty (B~•rd) ~'- 1111 a • (\'an Gaasbeek) Du Bois; great-grandson of John C. and Maria (Luyland) grcat'-grandson of Aaron Kimball, Captain First Company SIXth \\ or~este; Du Bois; great2-gramlson of Cornelius !. D" Bois, Quartermaster New York County Regt :\lass. Militia; great-grandson of Royal and Deborah (.\ ams Horse; grandson of Peter and Elizabeth (Van \"teet) Hudler; great-grandson Keith. great~ -~randson of Simeon Keith, private, Woodbury's Comp;ny, of John and Maria (Post) lJ udler; great'-grandson of H e"dricus Post, J,tarn,ed's Regt. Mass. Militia, died at Roxbury Camp, ~776; great'·gran so~ prh·ate, Pawling's New York Rcgt.; great-grandsob of Christopher and of Da11iel Baird, Sergeant, Gridley's ana Craft's Artt~lery Regts.; great . Catherine (Osterhout) \"an Gaasbeck; great'-granclson of Jacobus Va" Gaas· grandson of Aaron Adams, Corporal, Captain Batcheller s Company, Colonel beck, First Lieutenant Ulster County 1\Iilitia; great'·grandson of Tunis and Holman's Mass. Regt. OFFtCti\ T, llUT.LE'rtN '.\ 'r!O:-

CHARLES FRANCIS KUHN, Seattle, Wash. (186o1). Son of Edward J. and , RT II. McNEILL, Washington, D. C. (18187). So~ of Milton and lll:r~h~ Annie (Gill) Kuhn; grandson of Joseph J. and Jane Rebecca (McCabe) ROllE (Barlow) McNeill; grandson of Larkin and Nelhe. (Fergus~n) ~{c::-ierll • Kuhn; great-grandson of Edward and Rebecca (Hudson) McCabe; great'­ \. _ andson of Joseph and Hannah (Wilson) McNerll; great·-grandson of great gr \fcNei/1 Chaplain \\'estern North Carolina Militia in command of grandson of John and Mary (Morgan) Hudson; great•-grandson of Jacob George • • Morgmr, County Lieutenant, Colonel Second Battalion Berks County, Penna. Ceneral Cleveland. , , Militia. ' ::-i H OLMES MAGRUDER, Washington, D. C. (18r8g). Son of lhomas MILES S. KUHNS, Dayton, Ohio (18555). Son of Daniel Y. and Leanora M. JOllContee and Elizabeth Olivia (Morgan) Magruder; grandson of Lloyd and Kuhns; grandson of William and Julia Kuhns; great-grandson of George Ann (H olmes) Magruder; great-grandson of Samuel Wade Magmder, Second Kulr11s, private Penna. Flying Camp under Captains Graff and Crawford. ~(a Jor 'fwenty-ninth Battalion, Militia of Montgomery County, Jl!aryland. WALTER NOAH LAWRENCE, New York, N. Y. (18653). Son of Charles r. . ~ \ RNER MEAD Rutland, Vt. (17867). Son of Roswell Rowley and and Zipporah (Noah) Lawrence; grandson of Mordecai • [. and Rebecca JO 11 , ·d.ia ,\ nn (Gorham') Mead; grandson of Abner and Nancy (R~wley) ;\lead; (Jackson) Noah; great-grandson of Manuel and Zipporah (Phillips) Noah: ~:ea t-grandson of Abner and Amelia (Roots) Mead; great·-grandson of great'-grandson of J011as Plrillips, private, Capt. John Linton's Company Jam es Mead, Colonel Vermont Militia. Philadelphia Militia. -'ORGE EOG.\R 1\IEITAFFEY, Lima, Ohio (17335). (Supplemental.) Son_ of CHESTER MUNSO LINGLE, Graceton, T:'a. (18374). Son of Lycurgus G. Gl. Robert and Jllary Eleanor (Richardson) Mehaffey; grandson of Jo~e~h llrcks and Gertrude Ann (Munson) Lingle; grandson of Chester and Letitia (Mc­ d Eda Whitworth (Smith) Richardson; great-grandson of W 1lham and Clelland) Munson; great-grandson of Almond and Polly (Tarbell) Munson; ';;hoda (Hicks) Richardson, Jr.; great•-grandson of Williau~ Riclrardsou, great'-grandson of Almo11d M1mson, Musician Fourth Conn. Line, pensioned. Captain \Vashington County, Penna., Militia, under Colonel Wrlham Campbell. JOHN SMITH LITTELL, Ben Avon, Pa. (18626). Son of Robert Calhoun on:-< THURMAN MILAR, New Philadelphia, Ohio (18559). So~ of John and Sarah Elizabeth (Cotton) Littell; grandson of Johu Smith and llfary J Calvin and Sadie I. (Forney) Milar; grandson of David and Abrgarl• (Hensel) (Calhoon) Littell; great-grandson of William and Cynthia (Smith) Littell ; Forney. great-grandson of John and Rachel (Barton) Hensel; great·-grandson great'·grandson of William Littell, private, Col. Thomas Proctor's Pe.nna. of Eli 'ami Mary (Roberts) Barton; great•-grandson of Willi a 11 Rol>ert.f, Regt., prisoner, pensioned. Sergeant Seventh Penna. Regt. of Foot. CTTARL~S LUDLOW LIVINGSTON, Oakmont, Pa. (18627). Son of Ludlow n \R\\'I N STARKS MOORE, Winsted, Conn. (18271). Son of Bennett Elizur and :\lary (Keif) Livingston; grandson of Anson and Ann (Livingston) and Jane (Starks) :\(oore; grandson of Samuel \\'etmore and , Flora (:\furra~·) Starks· great-grandson of Elijah and Anna Jerusha (\\ etmore) StarJ,s. Livingston; great-grandson of Heury Brock holst Li1•it1gston 1 Lieutenant Colonel on staff of Major General Philip Schuyler; great'-grandson of St ark ~:eather; great'-grandson of Abel and Jerusha (Ilills) \Vetmore; great•• William Li1-i11gsto11, Governor of New Jersey, Brigadier General of Militia. ~ r an dson of Jolrn Hills, Captain Conn. Militia. GF.ORGE BYRON LOUD, New York, N. Y. (18654). Son of Noah and Eli?a­ JOliN TI F.NRY MOORE, U. S. N . (retired). Washington, D. C. (Correction beth (Dutterfield) Loud; grandson of Elihu and Phoebe (Towne) Loud; - of Official Bulletin of Dec. I 5. 1906) Great'-grandson of Darl1el v .. ,.• )', great-grandson of Jacob Loud, Jr. , and great'-grandson of Jacob Loud. Sr., Captain Mass. Militia, not Daniel Moore. privates, Capt. Thomas Nash's Company, Col. Solomon Lovell's Mass. Regt. !,.\.'GOON :\lOORE, Washington, D. C. (14295). (Supplemental.) Son of RICI-L\ l{D POPE L Yi\IAN, Hartford, Conn. ( 18269). Son of Charles Parker John Henry and Kate \'. (Bullymore) Moore; grandson of George Augustus and Lucy Ellery (Pope) Lyman; grandson of Augustus Russell and Lucy and Catherine (Arvilla) (Brown) Moore; great-grandson of John and Mary Ann (:lfeacham) Pope; great-grandson of George Washington and Mary 1 orana (Middlebrook) Jlfoore; great'-grandson of John and Rachel (lleach) (Stedman) Meacham; great'-grandson of Ebe11ecer Stedma,., Jr., private :-.iiddlebrook; great•-grandson of Ephraim Middlebrook, Lieutenant Co~n. Mass. Militia on Canadian expedition; great•-grandson of Ebenezer Stedman, :\1ilitia, killed in Danbury raid, April 27, 1777; g~eat'-gr~ndson of_ Jos_13 ~ Member of Mass. Provincial Congress of 1774-1775 and of Cambridge Com· and .\ bigail (Dewey) Moore; greats-grandson of Damel D:~·~y, Captarn Firs mittee of Safety. Sheffield Company First Berkshire County Regt. Mass. M1htra. ALONZO GRAVES McFARLAND, San Francisco, Cal. (18019). Son of David EDWIN F RANCIS MYERS, Cambridge, Mass. (18485). Son of John E. and A. and Octavia M. (Graves) :\fcFarland; grandson of John and Delilah .\manda ~f. (Shedd) :lfyers; grandson of Bezaleel and Ann (P~outy) Shedd; (Smith) Graves; great-grandson of James and Abigail (Pinkham) Smith; great-grandson of Pliny and Malissa (Holmes) Prouty; great·-~randson o~ great'-grandson of Abijal• Pi~tklram, private, Capt. Smith Emerson's Com­ Elijah Prouty, private Fourth Mass. Militia, matross, ~ra,ft's Artillery Regt. • pany New Hampshire Militia. great•-grandson of William Holmes, private, Job Cusbrng s Mass. Regt. CHARLES FOSTF.R McNEIL, New Haven, Conn. (18270). Son of Virgil F. HE. ' RY SCHELL NICHOL, New York, N. Y. (18669). Son of John Fleming and ,\lice (Curtis) McNeil; grandson of Charles IT . Curtis; great-grandson of and Susan (Schell) Nichol; grandson of Franklin and l\Jargaret OfcDermot) Erastus Curtis; great!!-grandson of Augustin Curtis; great3-grandson of Nichol ; great-grandson of James and Jane (Fleming) 1\lcDermot; great•• Elecier Curtis, 3d, Captain, Colonel Hinman's Fourth Conn. Regt.; great• grandson of John McDermot, matross, Capt. Isaac Coren's Con?pany Penna. grand•on of Eleizer Curti-', ld, 'ergeant, Captain Stoddard's Company Conn. Artillery; great-grandson of Samuel and Rebecca (Bane) Nrchol; great•- Militia. 30 OFFJbAL BULLETI N N .\ 'riONAL SOCIETY, S. A . R. 31

grandson of Thomas Nichol, Corporal Third Lancaster County Battalion Samuel Lamson's Company Mass. M ilitia; great-grandson of Gc~shom and Penna. M ilitia ; grandson of Henry Ferdinand and Rose Ankeny (Stewart) ~!ary ( Polleys) Cutter; great'·grandson of W•IIIam Pollc)•S, pnvat ~ , <:o l. Schell; great-grandson of A11drew and Susan (Ankeney) Stewart ; great•. ;l'homas Gardiner's )iass. Regt.; grandson of John J_ay and !llartha 11_Iana Con· grandson of Peter A11ke11ey, Captain Fifth Company Third Bedford County '"erse (Caldwell) Pearson; great-grandson of \VIlham and _Czanna (Con· Battalion Penna. Militia. '"crse) Caldwell; great•-grandson of Josiah (and Martha T1dd) Conz•erse, ROBERT LIONEL NOAH, New York, N. Y. ( 18673). Son of Robert Phi ll" lfivate, Col. Samuel Bullard's Mass. Regt._; great'-grandson of J os10h Con." and Elizabeth (Drake) Noah; grandson of Mordecai M. and Rebecca (J a~~s '. private Capt. Jesse Wyman's Mihtta Company of Woburn, Mass., urse, ' C I 1 B ld . ' u Re t . son) Noah; great-grandson of Manuel and Zipporah (Phillips) Noah; great'· great3·grandson of Jonathan. T idd, Lieutenant, o one a wm s Ln.ass. g . , grandson of Jo11as Pili/lips, private, Capt. John Linton's Company Phil . f'reat•-grandson of E11och Ca ldwell, private, Colonel Johnson's Regt. Mass. delphia Militia. a )!ilitia; great•·grandson of Jacob Caldzve/1, Sergeant Second Middlesex County JESSE OLNEY, San Francisco, Cal. (18014). Son of James Brown and Juli• Hegt., Mass. Militia. (Watson) Olney; grandson of Jesse and Elizabeth (Barnes) Olney; great· FR.\:\"K F.\ JRLAli!B PIERSON, Wilmington, Del. ( I6465). So~ of Nelson J. grandson of E::ekiel Ol11ey, Captain Rhode Island Militia. and Sarah A. (Woodward) Pierson; granclson of Joshua and Elizabeth (Mace) 2 CARTER HENRY PAGE, JR., Philadelphia, Pa. (N. Y. 18667). on of Ca rter Woodward; great-grandson of Robert and Sarah (Green). M~ce; great ·grand· Henry and Lannia J. (Graham) Page; grandson of Mann and Jane Franct• •on of Joseph l\tacc, private Chester County, P enna., M1htia (Walker) Page ; great-grandson of Carter Page, Captain Third Virginia nUL BRUCE PRATT, Lakewood, Ohio (18558). Son of Elisha Bill s. and Continental Dragoons, Aide-de-camp to Lafayette. ·· Augusta M. (Hawley) Pratt; grandson of Nathaniel and Candace (Wilcox) WI LLIAM HAILES PALMF.R, Providence, R. I. (18109). Son of Frank Arnold Pratt; great-grandson of Nathaniel Pratt, private Seco nd Company Fourth and Nellie Julia (Lyke) Palmer; grandson of Arnold and Amanda Jane Rcgt., Ilinmans Conn. Brigade. (Read) Palmer; great-grandson of Garner and Lucretia (Heath) Read; great'· RO!lERT SI GERSON REED, Coll insville, Ill. (18385). Son of W illiam _and grandson of Peleg and Abigail (Kell y) Heath; great"-grandson of Pelez )[argaret (Sigerson) Reed; grandson of Robert an~ Mary (Wallace) Siger· Heath, Major Bristol County Regt., Member of Rhode Island General , on ; great-grandson of Patrick S igerson, private Eighth Cumberland County Assembly. nattalion Penna. Militia; great-grandson of John Wallace, private, Capt. WILLIAM LINCOLN PALMER, Cambridge, Mass. ( 14570). (Supplemental.) William P ayne's Company First Virginia State Regt. Son of James Monroe and Caroline Frances (Bacon) Palmer; grandson of FR.\NKUN HAMILTON RENICK, Seattle, Wash. (I7823). So~ of Jam~s Ebenezer Farwell and Jane (Faunce) Bacon ; great-grandson of Ebenezt r H enry and Josephine S. (Dunklee) Renick; grandson of Ben)amm, F.rankhn and Hannah (Lovejoy) Bacon; great2·grandson of Abial Loz•ejoy, Member of and 1Iarenda (Gould) Dunklee; great-grandson of Abraham and Susannah Mass. General Court. (Carter) Dunklee; great'·grandson of Jacob (and Sarah Eastman) Carter, WALTER LOWR Y PARKER, ] R., New Orleans, La. (I7457l· Son of Walt

JAMES RICHARDSON, Omaha, Neb. (16493). Son of James and Florence D. Schultz; great-grandson of Christian and Catharine (Withers) Schultz; (Wyman) Richardson; grandson of Edward and Elizabeth Frances (Hadley) great'-grandson of John Withers, Captain, Colonel Ferree's Battalion of \\'yman; great-grandson of Nehemiah and Susan Frances (Cutter) Wyman; ],[ilitia of Lancaster County, Pa. great'-grandson of Nehemiah (and Susanna Steams) Wyma11, private Second ARTHUR TRUMBULL SEYMOUR, Orange, N. J. (t8oso). Son of Joseph Middlesex Regt. Mass. Militia; great3-grandson of Edward Steams, private, Lucius and Lydia (Sackett) Seymour; grandson of .\Iva and Sophronia Bedford Company of Mass. Militia, Lexington ,\!arm; great2-grandson of (Cowles) Seymour; great-grandson of Bildad and Jemima (Hurd) Seymour; Samuel and Rebecca (Hill) Cutter; great3 -grandson of Samuel Ct

ISAAC NATHAN SOLIS, New York, N. Y. (18655). Son of David Hays and EDWARD KINGSBURY TIDD, Elmira, N. Y. (18651). Son of Charles and Elvira (Nathan) Solis; grandson of Seixas and Sarah (Seixas) Nathan; great­ Clara Lucretia (Kingsbury) Tidd; grandson of John and Sarah (Bemis) grandson of Benjamin Mendes: Seixas, officer New York City Militia. Kingsbury ; great-grandson of Ebenezer and Sarah (Whittemore) Kingsbury ; GEORGE THURSTON SPICER, Providence, R. I. (18112) . Son of William great'-grandson of Jeremiah Whittemore, Member of Committee of Corre­ Arnold and Anna Eliza (Carpenter ) Spicer; grandson of George Thurston and spondence, Inspection, and Safety of Spencer, Mass.; great-grandson of A mas a :\[ary Sheldon (.\rnoid) Spicer; great-grandson of Horatio and Celia ( hel­ (and Nancy Dunbar) Bemis, private, Capt. John Wolcott's Company of don) ,\ rnold; great'-grandson of Nicholas and Phrebe (Potter) Sheldon; great'­ Rangers and Col. Woodbridge's Mass. Regt.; great'-grandson of Thomas Dun­ grandson of Caleb Potter, private, Captain General Cavaliers of Rhode Island; bar, Sergeant, William Todd's Company Col. Thomas Craft's Artillery Regt., grandson of Joseph and Ann Eliza (Clark) Carpenter; great-grandso n of prisoner. Daniel and Eunice (Wood) Carpenter; great2-grandson of Joseph Carpe11ter, JOHN AVERY TILLINGHAST, Providence, R. I. (18114). Son of Pardon _E. private, Colonel Wade's Mass. Regt.; great-grandson of Joseph and Mary and Ellen F. (Paine) Tillinghast; grandson of John and Susan Caroline (Saunders-Cottrell ) Spicer; great2-grandson of Stephe11 Saunders, Lieutenant, (Avery) Tillinghast; great-grandson of Pardon and Mary (Sweet) Tilling­ Col. J oseph Noyes's Rhode I sland Regt.; great- grandson of H enry F. anrl hast; great'-grandson of Charles Tilli11glwst, Recruiting Officer Rhode Island .\lice (Taylor) Clark; great'-grandson of Parker and 1Iary (Finney) Clark; Militia. great•-grandson of Jeremiah Finney, Phi11ney, private, Col. Nathaniel llliller's WILLIS EUGENE TOWER, Chicago, Ill. (18387). Son of Reuben Smith and Rhode Island Regt. Susan Chase {Lyons) Tower; grandson of Peter G. and Sarah Ann (Smith) JOHN ALDEN SPOOR, Chicago, Ill. (1397). (Supplemental.) Son of J ohn and Tower; great-grandson of David and Elsie Mason (Dean) Tower; great'­ Amanda (Alden) Spoor; grandson of Jolwt.,es Spoor, private Third Tryon grandson of Stephen and Anna (Bowker) Tower; great3-grandson of Peter County Regt. New York Militia; great-grandson of Nicholas Spoor, private Tower, private, Col. Solomon Lovell's Mass. Regt. Third Tryon County Regt. New York Militia. EDWIN AVERY TRACY, Norwich, Coon. (18263). Son of Charles and Sarah HOWARD L. STEPHENS, Kearney, Neb. (Colo. 17339). Son of Calvin and Edgerton (Daley) Tracy; grandson of David and Philena (Murray) Tracy, Jr.; Aaron (Shew) Step>hens; grandson of Aaron and Margaret Shew; great­ great-grandson of Seymour Murray, private, Captain Hand's Company Colonel grandson of Jacob Shel<', private Third Tryon County Regt. New York Talcott's Conn. Regt. Militia. JOHN N. VAN DEMAN, Dayton, Ohio (18557). Son of John L. and Rebecca ALFRED FRANCIS STORY, St. Paul, Minn. (18464). Son of Reuben and (Wilson) Van Deman; grandson of Mathias and Rebecca {La Gore) Van Mary R. (Runk) Story; grandson of Nehemiah and Na.>ocy (Kittredge) Story; Deman; great-grandson of John Van Dema11, private, Capt. Andrew's Company great-grandson of , private, Col. David Gi lman's New Hampshire Colonel Neville's Virginia State Regt. Regt.; great-grandson of Nathaniel and Martha (Dows) Kittredge; great'· WILLIAM WALLACE WADSWORTH, Muncie, Ind. (18135). Son of Cornelius grandson of Benjami11 Dotes, Corporal, Col. Jonathan Reed's Mass. Regt. Guilford and Emily Wadsworth; grandson of Jesse and Rebecca Wadsworth; CHARLES TILLINGHAST STR.\1GHT, Pawtucket, R. I. (18113) . Son of great-grandson of Robert Wadsworth, private Eighth Virginia Regt. and Wash­ Albert and Angeline Avery ('l'illinghast) Straight; grandson of John anrl ington's uLife Guards," pensioned. Susan Caroline (Avery) Tillinghast; grcat·grand!i;Oil of Pardon and ~lary CH.\RLES FORBES WARNER, Northami>ton, Mass. (18488). Son of John and ( wcct) Tillinghast; grcat'-grandson of Charles Tillinghast, Recruiting Officer .\melia (Paine) Warner; grandson of Oliver and Rhoda (Bridgman) \V'Irner; Rhode Island 1Iilitia. great-grandson of Erasi!on of Nathaniel Mead, ec.oncl Lieutenant Dutchess County Lizzie T . (White) Warner; grandson of Benjamin E. and Phebe (Luce) 0 :llinute Men, Member of Committee of Safety. \\'arner; great-grandson of John Tuthill and Rachel (Terry) Luce; great - STEPHEN CHESTER STRO!\G, Wellesley. ll!ass. ( 18490). Son of Lewis and grandson of Daniel Terry, private, Col. Joseph Smith's Regt. of Minute Men )[aria Chester Strong; grandson of . Member of Committee of of Suffolk County, N. Y. Correspondence, I nspection, and Safety of No1·thampton, Mass., Member of CHARLES WHITE WATSON, Springfield, Ill. (18390). Son of Charles F. and Mass. General Court. Samantha A. (White) Watson; grandson of William and Julia (Elmore) Wat­ HERBERT DE QUINCY 1'.\YLOR, Barthold, )Io. (r5115). Son of John :lfartin son; great-grandson of John Watson, _Captain Ninth Company Fourth Conn. and ;\[argaret Haven (Shcafe) Taylor; grandson of Jacob and Mary (Haven) Regt. Shcafe, Jr.; great-grandson of Jacob Sheafe, lllember of Portsmouth, New CHAUNCEY RUNDLE WATSON, Indjanapolis, Ihd. (18134). Son of Elias and H ampshire, Committee of Freeholders. Caroline F. (Medbury) Watson; grandson of Elijah and Esther (Campbell) DYRON TIIO;\L\S, Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. ( 18671). Son of Rowland and Watson; great-grandson of Cypriau Watson, private, Van Veghten's New .\delia )laria (IIinsdill) Thomas: grandson of Daniel and Polly (B rigg<) York Regt. !Iinsdill; great-grandson of Joseph Hi11sdale, Ensign Second Regt. \ ' ermont Militia. Ottf'ICL\L BULL£1'IN

HENRY WELSH WELLS, Washington D C ( 18 1 1 ) s 1\[ (W 1 1) W ' · · 9 · on of Clarke II ary e s I ells; grandson of Henry and Margaret Maria (S . and great-grandson of Peter and Mary (Spangler) Small· • mall) Welsh; Rudolp/1 Spat~gler, Captain Sixth Company York C ; g~e at -grandson of NATIONAL SOCIETY Sr\;\fUEL HENRY WESTFALL S F . oun y, enna., Militia. R • an ·ranciSCO, Cal. (18022) s r omans and Mary Augusta (Finch-Sheldon) Westfall· . . on o John OF THE and Katherine (Romans) Westfall· great d f • gi andson of Samuel (Van Iloevcnburgh) Romans; gre;t•-gran~~~:n :t' o Bernard and Elizabeth Lieutenant Fourth New York Cont' t I L' Rudolph Vall Hoevet~burg ii SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION KEN'f . 1nen a me. ' WHIPPLE, . Beamsv1lle, Ontario, Canada (N. Y. , 866 .. Sheldon and Pnnce Hamlin (Kent) WI. 1 . . 3). Son of EhJah OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL Maria (Dean) Kent; great-grandson of llif e , giandson of John Pollard and great•-grandson of Walter Deatl Captai 1\~rvey ;~~~~_Phebe (Kellogg) Dean; Pretident General NOAH WHISLER K k • n ass. ' Itia and Continentals. H.... Cornelius A. Pugsley • o omo, Ind. (18136) Son of D · 1 d R NewYork WASHINGTON, D. C., May 15, 1907- Whisler; grandson of Ernest and llfa ~ t llf h a me an ebecca (Cool) of William Mathetly private Capt Fr ar~ ~V-~Jt' eny) Cool; great-grandson Grayson's Colltinent;J Hegt. • . rancis I Is's Company Col. William

HARRY ANDREW WOODWARD, New Rochell N y ( OFFICIAL BULLETIN and Mary (Hunt) Woodward. gra d f S e, · · I86s6). Son of Henry W d • n son o amuel Bayard a d M . ( oo ward; great-grandson of Samuel and 1\Iar . n ana Porter) grandson of Slmbeal Griswold C t . C Y any Second Penna. Battalion. Leonard Immel, Captain Fifth Com- Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Secretary General ac­ counts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies. The BuLLETIN is sent to the General officers and Managers and the National Committees, to new members whose records are printed therein, to a number of newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretaries for general dis­ tribution. Additional copies will be furnished to State Societies, in any number desired, at three cents each. The next BuLLETIN will be issued in June, and will contain an abstract of tne business of the Denver Congress.

EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL CONGRESS. As announced in previous BULLETINS and circulars, the Annual Con­ gress will be held in Denver, Colorado, bt!ginning June 3· A pro forma session was held in Denver on April 30, the date fixed by the Constitu­ tion, and adjourned without the transaction of business to meet at 10 A.M. June 3 at the Brown Palace Hotel. The Legislature of Colorado, by resolution passed separately by both Senate and General Assembly, has extended a hearty welcome to the National Congress. The Denver Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies and the Daughters of the American Revolution will aid in making the occasion a memorable one.