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Ocm01251790-1864.Pdf (11.48Mb) ^mf iPprE f:' ' v'v^lW ^^-;fei: .fc**Vk*' »^^ «vvv,vU^^wi ^ V^ vice to. Ihljp^ -Cr<05i?= =^0^ "-tr^< ^ ^^ ^>'( v< -fc vi ALOOVE SHELIP I i '? VERMONT r STATE LIBRARY. I i%(:Q:^. * » /' Hon. JONATHAN B. FIELD, President. LEFT. EIGHT. 1.—0. K. Clark. 11.—E. B. Stoddard. 1.—Thomas Wright. 11.—Robert C. Pitman. 2.—John I. Baker. 12. George — Heywood. 2.—Winslow Battles. 12. —Charles R. Codman. 3.—E. F. Jeuks. 13.—Joseph Cratls. 3. —Nathan Crocker. 13.—Samuel Babcock. 4.—Israel W. Andrews. 14 Admiral — A. Ward. 4.— Otis Caiy. 14.—H. N. Gardner 5. —Mellen Chamberlain, 15.—John E. Sandford. 5.—George Whitney. 15.—Darwin E. Ware. 6. —Thomas Rice, Jr. 16.—Francis Childs. 6.—Samuel A. Brown. 16.—W. D. Nichols. 7.—Henry Carter. 17.— William H. Sanborn. 7. —S. S. Hastings. 17.—William Bassett. 8.—George F. Williams. 18. —Thomas L. Chapman. 8.—J. D. Cogswell. 18. —Henry Barstow. 9.—.J. H. Loud. 19. —Lewis J. Dudley. 9. Martin 10 —Martin Brimmer. — Griffin. 19.—George Frost. 10.—W. B. C. Pearsons. 20.—Freeman Cobb. JOHN MORISSEY, Sergeant.at-Ar,ns. S. N. GIFFORD, aerk. SSfl 53 fl. J.astom ftaDfry. I—TO' ' o -^0 6 o Seats /SSu/'h'^sl'.rh. Cflinntontoalll stt l|tassitc|ttsttts. MANUAL FOB THE CSB OF THE GENERAL COURT CONTAIJfiyO THE RULES AND ORDERS OF THE TWO BRANCHES, ^^ TOaETHER WITH % THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COMJIONWEALTIT, A^^> THAT OF THE UNITED STATES, ^ AND " S" aaM • X LIST OF THE EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, AND J|0tfTCIA»*«1 DEPARTMENTS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT, ST/^ Qj INSTITUTIONS AND THEIU OFFICERS, COUNTT OFFICERS, AND OTHER STATISTICAL INFORMATION. * o en Prepared, pursuant to Orders of the Legislature, ^'ft Br S. N. GliTORD and >VM. 9. ROBINSON. p^ Qj o C/1 O D« BOSTON: 3 -^ \7RIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, ^Z No. 4 Spring Lane. Y\ 18 6 4. —{- C0mmonbjfaItfj at fHassacfjusctts, 4. In Senate, January 12, 1864. 1^ ^ 1^ Ordered, That the Clerks of the two branches cause to be printed and bound in a suitable form two thousand copies of the Rules and Orders of the two branches, with lists of the severa' Standing and Special Committees, together with such other matter as may be considered practicable, in a legislative Manual. »• Sent down for concurrence. S. N. GIFFORD, Clerk. House of Representatives, January 13, 18G4. Concurred. W. S. ROBINSON, Clerk. IlsrDEX. Page. Agricultural Library, 257 Almshouses, State, 149 Attorneys-General, since 1692, 127 Auditors, since 1849, 128 Bank Commissioners, 147 Board of Agriculture, 146 Board of Education, . 147 Boston Athenjtum, 257 Census of Inhabitants in 1860, L 4 Index, Page. District-Attorneys, 137 Executive Department, 192 Governors of Massachusetts, since 1620, .... 123 Hospital at Eainsford Island, 148 House of Representatives, list of members of, by Counties, . 201 list of members of, alphabetical, their districts and residences, 216 list of members of, arranged by seats, 233 Officers of, 237 Reporters of, 260 Speakers of, from 1780 to 1861, . 130 Clerks of, from 1780 to 1862, . 131 Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Youth, Massachusetts School for, 149 Insurance Commissioners, 147 Judiciary of Massachusetts, 133 Legislature, organization of, since 1780, .... 129 length of sessions of, since 1832, . • 132 Lieutenant-Governors of Massachusetts, since 1692, - • 125 Monitors of the House, 237 Pilots for Port of Boston, 147 Police Courts, 136 Population of the United States, according to the Censuses of 1830, '40, '50, and '60, 122 Representative Districts, 105 Rules and Orders of the Senate, 155 of the House, 175 Joint, of the two branches, . 167 Salaries of certain Officers, 194 Index. Page, Secretaries of the Commonwealth, since 1780, . 120 Senate Districts, . 101 Senate, list of members of, with districts, residences, (S:c., . 196 list of members of, alphabetical, . 200 arrangement of seats in, . 199 Officers of, . 202 Eeporters of, ... 260 Presidents of, from 1780 to 1863, . 129 Clerks of, from 1780 to 1863, . 130 Senators, United States, from Massachusetts, since 1789, . 126 State Charities, Board of, . 147 House, . 261 Industrial School for Girls, . 149 Librar}', ..... 256 Lunatic Hospitals, . 148 Prison, . 149 Reform School for Boys, . 148 Treasurers of the Commonwealth since 1780, . 127 U. S. Postal Regulations, .... 258 Valuation of the Commonwealth in 1860, 113 Voters, Legal, in 1857, .... 113 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE I. Section 1. Legislative powers; in whom vested. Sect. 2. House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen—Quali- fications of a Representative—Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned— Census—Vacancies to be filled—Power of choosing ofiScers, and of impeachment. Sect. 3. Senators, how and by whom chosen—How classified—State executive to make temporary appointments, in case, &c. —Qualifications of a Senator—President of the Senate, his right to vote—President jsro tern., and other ofilcers of Senate, how chosen —Power to try impeach- ments—When President is tried, Chief Justice to preside—Sentence. Sect. 4. Times, &c., of holding elections, how prescribed—One session in each year. Sect. 5. Membership — Quorum — Adjournments — Rules—Power to punish or expel—Journal—Time of adjournments limited, unless, &c. Sect. 6. Compensation— Privileges—Disqualification in certain cases. Sect. 7. House to originate all revenue bills—Veto—Bill may be passed by two-thirds of each house, notwithstanding, &c.,—Bill not returned in ten days —Provisions as to all orders, &c., except, &c. Sect. 8. Powers of Congress. Sect. 9. Provision as to migration or importation of certain persons —Habeas Corpus—Bills of Attainder, &c.—Taxes, how apportioned—No export duty—No commercial preferences—No money drawn from treas- ury, unless, &c.—No titular nobility—OfiScers not to receive presents, unless, &c. Sect. 10. States prohibited from the exercise of certain powers. 10 Constiiution of the United States. ARTICLE II. Section 1. President; his term of office— Electora of President; num- ber and how appointed— Electors to vote on same day—Qualification of President—On whom his duties devolve in case of his removal, death, &c. —President's compensation—His oath. Sect. 2. President to be commander-in-chief—He may require opinion of, &c., and may pardon—Treaty-makjng pow^r—Nomination of certain officers —When President may fill vacancies. Sect. 3. President shall communicate to Congress—He may convene and adjourn Congress, in case, &c. ; shall receive ambassadors; execute laws, and commission officers. Sect. 4. All civil offices forfeited for certain crimes. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Judicial Power—Tenure—Compensation. Sect. 2. Judicial power ; to what cases it extends—Original jurisdic- tion of supreme court—Appellate—Trial by jury, except, &c.—Trial, where. Sect. 3. Treason defined—Proof of—Punishment of. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. Each State to give credit to the public acts, &c., of every other State. Sect. 2. Privileges of citizens of each State—Fugitives from justice to be delivered up—Persons held to service having escaped, to be delivered up. Sect. 3. Admission of new States—Power of Congress over territory and other property. Sect. 4. Republican form of government guaranteed—Each State to be protected. ARTICLE V. Constitution ; how amended—Proviso. ARTICLE VI. Certain debts, &c., adopted—Supremacy of Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States—Oath to support Constitution, by whom taken—No religious test. ARTICLE VII. What ratification shall establish Constitution, Constitution of the United States. 11 AMENDMENTS. I. —Religious establishment prohibited— Freedom of speech, of the press, and right to petition. TI. —Right to keep and bear arms. III. —No soldier to be quartered in any house, unless, &c. IV.—Right of search and seizure regulated. Y. — Provisions concerning prosecution, trial and punishment—Private property not to be taken for public use, without, &c. VI.—Further provision respecting criminal prosecutions. VII.—Right of trial by jury secured. VIII. —Excessive bail or fines and cruel punishments prohibited. IX.—Rule of construction. X. —Same subject. XI. —Same subject. XII. —Manner of choosing President and Vice-President. WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tran- quillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to our- selves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Con- stitution FOR THE United St.\tes of America. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the United States, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. Sect. 2. The house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year, by the people of the several states ; and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and avIio shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. ; 12 Constitution of the United States. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free per- sons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; but each state shall have at least one representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Planta- tions one, Connecticut five, New York six.
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