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United S tates Calendar For the Year of our LORD 18 6 I 5 and the Thittieth of vImericas Ikdspendence, A CONTAINING

Civil, Ecclcfia!llcal, Jvflici&:!, and Military Lifts in

MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary, agricultural, and charitabk PurpofeSi

A Lijl of Post-Towns in Maffachnfctts^ with the

Names of ike Pes T-Ma s t £ r s ALSO, > Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT,

With its (everal Departments and Eibblifhments ;.

The Executive Government in each State ; I Officers of the Army, Public Duties, Sec. USEFUL TABLES I And a Variety of other interefling Articles.

B O S.T O N : Publiflied by JOHN WEST, and MANNING Sz LORING. Sold, wholefalc and retai!, at their Book-StorcB, Comhi!!.

^ ^5^ <5ffiqggWrgtw^gfe a^jaV^^ jfeai^'

I. The firft will be a vifible eclipfe of the Moon, Janu- ary 4th, and by calculation as follows, viz. H.M. Beginning -----.5 4'i}\

Middle ..'.... ^tifAPP^^^"*^'"^^ . End 837) ^''""'"^^ Duration ----- 2 53 3) Digits eclipfed, 9° £7' on the 's north limb. . , II. The fecond will be a ver}' remarkable eclipfe of the Sun, which will be total, and vifible, if the air be clear, June

16th, and by calculation as follow» : K.M. Beginning ----- 9 Moon's eafterly edge touches 1 the Sun's centre - - 10 39 I Apparent time

Beginning of total obfcurity 11 20 | morning. Middle ------11 2ii 1 End of total obfcurity - 11 22^ J Moon's we^lerly edge touches ^ the Sun's centre - - o 6 > Afternoon. End ------o 47I)

. Duration of total obfcurity 2^ Whole duration - - - 2 49I ^ (VJ" A total eclipfe of the Sun has been thought by moft people not converfant in aOronomy, as an impoflible phe- nomenon, as the Sun is allowed to be much larger than the

Moon ; but it is alfo known that the Moon is at certain times much nearer the earth than at others;—thefe phenomena never take place, unlefs at the time of a central eclipfe of the Sun, and the Moon happens to be in her leafl diftance, or perigee, from the earth, which is the cafe at this time. A total eclipfe of the Sun, therefore, is a very rare thing, and probably there will not happen another of the kind, at the iarne place, for an age to come. N.B. The air at the time will receive a nightly chi^, afnd every tiling will wear a gloomy appearance. It is fup- pofed by-fome that flars will be feen. III. The third will be alfo of the Sun, December Qth, oh. 40m .'in the evening, invifible to us, but central in Nero S. Wales, Ion. 178° 33' W. of Bofton, ai^d lat. 32° 2/ S. 3/7, 3/M5f Digitized by tine Internet Archive

in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts,

Iittp:// 11 8 C. S. Northamp. More 185 Louis XVI. beh^a. 1793. Jnow, 6 52 Ev.3 Vincent. andfome 7 53 1 18 7*s fouth 7h. 7m. rain. 15 5 8 54 2 o A change H 5 9 55 2 4 Conver. St, Paul, of weather. 13 5 10 58 24 26 E 3 3d Sund. paft Epipha. 12 3 morn 27 Low tides. Becomes 1 o 458 £83 Peter the Great died 1725. 10 I I 51 294 5 very cold Q n 2 18 649 and freezing. 8 3 26 7 50 316 Yard L fets sh. 3m. morn. 7 5 4 ^9 853

New Jcrfey, originally a Dutch fettlement, had its firft charter granted to James, Duke of York, 1634, who after- wards granted it to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret 1644. The proprierors furrendercd their rights to the crown it 1702, and continued a royal government, until 1<'KBRUARY, i8od, begins on Saturday. Full Moori, 3d day, 5h. 58m. morning. Laft Quarter, loth day, 4h. 32m. morning New Moon, i8th day, loh. 5m. morning. Firft Quarter, 26th day, oh. 52m. morning. M i\v| 0:i!c:rv;!blc Days, &c. I-- GvM^i.jt.Sc.

Pita[ant 5 51 5 ^5 9 55 ^eptuag.Sund. Candlcm. DPeri 4 .5! 6 12 'v''ery high tides. a.^ain. 3 o'^filti 1 52 ^cH'a. arn^s bet. Amer. & Brit. '8. 2 5! 7 7 morn. Igatha. A fiorm at hand. 1 5I 8 21 45 61 Alliance with France, 1778. 5S 9 33 1 3^ '*s fet ih. 35m. 5b 6:10 44 2 2i 6:11 Clears off 57 50 3 ^5| exagefima Sund. pleafant. 53 6 morn. 4 -rt 'ic Low tides for the feafon. 54 6 o 4 54 Treaty ^ wiih G.Erit. 1796. Somt 5Z ^ 44 /now or rain, 52 6 2 6 34 ^irius fets 2h. om. 50 6 3 7 25 V^vLENTINE's 6 8 Day. 49 4 . 15 6 Blujlering. ]) Apogee 48 4 56 9 Quinquag. Sund. 47 6 5 5 9 47 CloudsJorttd a 45 6 5 52 10 31 fets C.S. Cambridge. 446 J) il 14 Vliddling tides. change of 42 6 64b 44 u 50 6 46^ Alh-Wedn. orLEXT. weather. 41 . 7 Ev.39 PUaj'ant fun. 39 t)J 8 50 1 22 6 G.Washington bom 1 732 38 9 55 2 7 lit Sunday in Lent. u o St. Matt. Sharp zjcather 356 morn. 3 46 for tkefeajon. 34 ^ 7' 4 ^1 Not very high tides. 1 14 5 39 7*s fet oh. 15m. Snow or 31 6| 2 16 6 30 rain. 30 ^' 3 14 7 40

till 4//i: £/'«; FENl'S will be Lviui'ig Star tht 1 cf March : thaicc Morning Star till the 28M day of December, when it becomes Lveni);g Star again.

July 2, 1776, when the inhabitants eflablifttd an indepen dent coi^iilitucion.

PennlVlvania, charter of, granted to Wm. Penn, Marchj 4, 1680.' The firO General Affembly met at Chelter, De-I rCember 4, l6Hg. A*" tliis tim-" V/iiliam Penn effrfjed ant


MARCH, 1806, begins on Saturday, "TulfMoon, 4th day, 4h. 31m. evening. Laft Quarter, nth day, iih. 4m. evening* New Moon, 20th day, 2h. 37m. morning. Firft Quarter, 27 th day, ph. 8m, morning. Ohlervable Davs. &c. |r. s.jr. ^ s.\i .bca 'Si. David. Mure ]) tci: ce, 6 4 4 ^ 39 2d Sund. in Lent. 6 4 46 9 36 Fill! tides. moderafc, 6 10 31 S.J.C. Dedha-m, C.P.Portland, 6 6«r;feJ 11 231 Mairacre, Boft. 1770. with wind 6 22 7 11 norn. and 6 21 8 22 o 15 Perpetua. rain. 6 20 1 9 3-^; Bhilering. 6 1^ ^o 371 3d Sund. in Lent. 6 »i 17 45: 24H S^ard L fcts midnight. High 6 15 morn 3 39 Bollon and Nantucket. 6 S.J.C. 14 o 44:} 4 31 Gregory. Lov/ tides, winds 6 i 5 Planet Herfchel dlftov. 1781. 6 6 J3 Exped a change 6 3 7 ^/ D Apogee, 6 3 7 4i^ 4th Sund. HI Lent. ]VIid. Sun. 6 4 833 C.P. XJoncord. zveathcr. 6 4 9 i^ C.P. Nantucket, Q.%. Portland 6 4 •o ci Common tides. PL-aJant 5 5 11 1042 7*s fct iih. om. with 5 (ets 1 1 20 BenedJt^. fome. Ev.u Sir L Newton died, 1727. ratri 8 58 I 3 h Sund in Lent. mi A 10 6 » iP C.P. Worcefter. /larp 2 41 C.P. Barntfable. air. morn. 3 4-1 9.6. Che? fig es to more 17 4 4^ Pretty high tides. rAcdtrate 1 13 2HJ6 tjeather. 2 6 1% I Cloudy 7 j) Perigee 2 50 7 34 \-> m\\ Sund. m Lent. P. Sund. 3 27 8 27 C.P. lufwich. with rain. 4.5 7 40I Q 19 union ot the lower cuuuues, now the btate ot Delaware, wicli Pennfylvania. Mr. Penn granted a new charter, which \vas raerei/ a coniiiiution or form of government • but as it was found inconvenient, it ^^'as given up in May 17C0, and a new one granted, Oflober 28, 1701. 7^he inhabitants of the lower counties refafed to accept thij j8o6.I A« APRIL, 1806, begins on Tuefday. iHul Moon, 3d day, 3h. 12m. morningl Laft Quarter, loth day, 6h. 38m. evening. New Moon, i8th day, 4h. iim. evening. Firft Quarter 25th day, 3h. 22m. evening. M(\r| Obieivahle Days, &c. \ #..|F.Se; High ivinds 3 5 44 7 4 lo \c .1 7*s fet lob. 8m. with 5 42 7| 4 II c Middirng tides. J^g'i^ of 5 41 7\%I rife »» 5 Good Iriday. b 39 7i 8 28 mom rain. 3 S8 7j 9 35 4S Eaftcr-Day. Eoijlerous, 5 37 1 3i Gov. Sen. & chofci-;", MnfFachu. 5 3,5 7;n 35 2 2C S.J. C.Concord. C.P.Plyrr.outh, 3 34 morn. 3 21 C.S.York. More pleajant. .5 32 o 22 4 IS Yard L fets iih. 30m. ,5 31 J 4 5 3 Quite low tides. Some ,5 30 ^ 3« Jliowers. J Apogee ^ 28 2 8 6,36 I ft Sund pad Jtafter. L. Sund 2 33 7 19 C.P. Taunton and Lenox. Fim 5 26 3 o 8 2 S.J.C.Worcefter. C.P.Bollon. 5 24 3 22 844 weather. .3 23 3 46 9 28 N^ot very hi«;h tides. 5 22 4 10 10 I'i 7*s fet ph. lorn. Signs 20 ])ret^ 11 o Battle at Lexington, 1775. "/ »9 8 c 11 ,50 'id Sand, paft Eatter. rain. 9 ic Ev.4-, Grows cooler. 'i7 iO I'- I 4^ S.J.C. Ipfwich & Northampton ll 17 St. George, patron of England. morn, Unjcttlcd o 11 St. Mark, weather, J) Perig 57 High tides. 1 34 3d Sunday paft Eafter. C.P. York. Some rain. 2 36 S.J.C. Lenox. C.P.Dedham. 3 1 'Gen. Eleftion Rhode Ifland. 4 5 5 3 30 charter, and thus leparated themfelves from the province of Pennfylvanxa. Ihey aterwards had their own afTeuibly 111 which the Governor of Pennfyivania piefided. Thl.s State adopted an independent conllitutiou 1776; and eflab- hflied the prefent 1790.

MAY, 1806, begins on Thurfday> Full Moon, 2d day, 2h. 3Sni. evening. Laft Quarter, loth day, ih. 28m. evening. New Moon, i8th day, 2h. 58m. morning. Firft Qiiarter, 24th day, 8h. jSm. evening. M W| Obfervab'^ DiiMs. &,: G-s^r. 0s.|F.Sea

Sr. Philip and Ju. James. 5 3 .,'^ Middling tides. 5 2

Growing 5 1 4th Sund. pad Eaft. feqfon. 3 o Beautiful 1 59 63 C.P. Calline. Zi>eaihtr. 4 57 Day breaks gh. 4 5^^ Gen. Elec. Hartford. Af^r^ 4 55 9 Jlgns of D Apogee. 4 5\ 10 Low tides. Jhomers. 53 iiE 3th Suad. paft Eaft. Ro. Sund. 52 12 2 C. P. Wifca{ret. Ceir. Louifia 51 133 Grows cooler. 50 14:4 7*s rife, 4)1 . 4m. morn. 49 0'7 Afcenfionday. HolyThurfday, 47 166 JVarmer, with 46 Princefs of Wales born, 1768. 45 \l Sund. paft Afcen. Jgns of 4 44 '9 C.P. NorJiamp. JJtozoers. 4 43 20 S.J.C.York&Pfym. C.P.Edgar, 43 21 Cool winds [and Augufta. 42 22 High tides again. 4 41 23 and clearJun. J) Perigee. 40 -4 Yard L fets /h. 10m. 39 Whit Sund. Clouds 438 denote a 4 37 S.J.C. Portland. change. 4 37 Gen. Eleftion Bofton. Conv. Cong. Minifters, Bofi

JUNE, 1806, begins on Sunday.

Full Moon, I ft day, 3h. lom. morning. Laft Quarter, 9th day, 6h. 15m. morning. New Moon, 1 6th day, iih. 35 m. morning. Fir ft Quarter, 23d day, 2h. 19m. morning.

Full Moon, 30th day, 5h. 8m. evening. w| (JblervKl)le Dayg, (£^r. r.0^'s.lF-Sca

E Trinity Sunday. , Signs of 33 Orife'morn, 2 .C.P. Concord. Art. ElccBoft. 33 o ] 3 S.J.C. AujTufta. rain. 32 9 37 50 4 Geo. III. b. 17,^8. Gen.Elec. 32 10 9 Cool [Concord, N.H. 31 10 40 2 26 y'^'s rife sh. 6m. D Apogee. 31 11 4 3 n Mot very high tides. breezes. 30 11 27 3 54

I ft Sunday paft Trinity. 1 1 30 40 4 3^ C. P.'Worcefter. Grows timrm, 29 morn. 5 16 S.J.C.Wifcailet. C.P.Paris. -^ o 12 5 5^- St. Barnah. zvit/i thunder. 28 37 6 42 08 Maflachu. Agricul. Sac. Eleft. 1 4 7 28 Cool again for 28 8 » 43 8 ig fame days. 2 17 9 13 2d Sunday v">'ift Trinity'. 27 3 (^ 10 12

Very ©eclip. \\\. & total. 27 8 I> fcts 11 13 S.J.C. Caftinc for co. of Han. & 27 8 84c Ev.i high tides. [Wafh. C.P.Portl, 27 9 27 1 1 More figns of ]) Perigee. 27 10 6 2 1 rain. 27 10.38 3 ' Longeft doy. Drying 27 11 7 4 ,3d Sund. paft Trin. zuinds^ 11 34 4 4 and a hot fun. morn. 3 St. John Baptift born. o 1 ^ 7*i rife ih. 50m. Some 27 « 30 Low tides. flionyers 27 ? 1 1

in many p/oas. 27 8 1 37 Battle a? Monmouth, 1778. 2*^ 8 2 18 9 St. if, 4th Sund. paft Trin. Peter. 27 ? 3 6 3o 2 C.P. Salem. Quite pleafant. 28 r-l.i

Mu)id;jn, crKirifi ot, viaiiu:u lo Lord Bulunloic, June 20, 1632. Th'- fir!> rt-gular alfembly was conftituted by a was divid-d into taw palTed i6 ]8 ; and in the year 1642 two houfcs. In the year 1689, a rumour' was artfully dif- femlnatfd, .\hM a P.rpifli admimftrtMon, fuj-'portrd by


iboo,8o6, iDe;:;ins on iuejfda^ Laft Quarter, 8th day, Bh. 34m. evening. New Moon, 15th day, 6h. 56m. evening. Firft Quarter, 22d day, 9h. 57111. morning. Full Moon, 30th day, 8h. i6in. morning.

1 pA Ob'ervabie Days, &c. ir-0--i •©> iK.Ses! t '.P.Bofton. G.odkcs 4 £8 8 « b morn. ''iCtation V. Mar}', wtaihn 4 28 8, 836, 17 8 1 2 forfome days. j) Apogee. 4 29 9 3 [X'DEPENDEXCE decl. 4 29 8 p 27 1 46 Grows very warm, 4 29 8 9 5--^ 2 g 5rh Sund- pall Trin. zcith 4 308 \o 12 '*s rile ih. om. f'gns 4 308 10 Q4 Low tides. of 4 3r8 Jhcxvtrs. 4 11 28 jColumbus born in Genoa 1447 4 CJ2 b mom. 6 Dull zveaiher 4 o g 53 hawiiakfrs. 4^ 1 for 4 33 I 4- E, 6th Sunday paft Trinity. 4 34 1 4- 8 4Q 2 (French Revoiu. 1789. Becomes 4 34 2 4< 9 51 again. ^^ io 3 I . fine .14 54 li 4 iHigh tides. Soivt .14 36 54 5 1 Alliance with Fra. diCT. P Pen. '4 37 H^ ^ 8 1 ii6 ! Jhswers in 4 37 9 S 19171 feme places. 38 8 9 2 38 E:7th Sunday paft Trinity, 39 10 3 28 Very zu&rm 40 8 10 4 18 Magdalen. andfultry^ 41 11 5 ^- 2314 Common tides. with 428 1 5 St. James. tkufide'r. 43 c^ morn. 6 5c 6 [St. Anne. Dog days begin. 43 15 7 4' 26 Changeable. I 8 30 t^|8:h Sunday paft Trinity. 4.5 ^ 1 51 9 e.3| 28 2 j7*s rife iih. 3ora. evening. 2 40, to 11 ^9|3 yi great degree 4' I of 3 i'^li lYard L rifes 3}!. om. 48 8 #nil ti 49 Oq V-\^. heat. D Apogee. 49 8 7 mor Papilts, had leagued with Indians, to cut oif tlie Proicilants

'11 the province ; nor was it poflible for government to fat- ify the people of the faifehood, folly and ahfardity of the himfelf con Ieport. The Proprietarj'^, therefore, foand trained to farrender thofe prerogatives, which he had mii brmlv exercifed wiih an uricxamulcd attention to tht AUGUST, 1806, begins on Friday. Laft Quarter, 7th day, 8h. 36m. morning. New Moon, 14th day, ih. 59m. morning, Firft Quarter, 20th day, 8h. 48m. evening. Full Moon, 29th day, oh. im. morning. M\V. Obtcrvable Days, &c. r.Qs.|r.^-i.|F. 6e a 6 Lammas-Day. Some 50 8 24 J/iozuers. 52 8 o 14 gth Sund. paft Trinity. 538 837 7*3 rife iih. om. 9 2 Sultry, with 9 39 II Transfiguration. J^gn% §8 10 3 Name of Jefus. ^ 10 41 4 45 high tides. 11 Not very rain. 29 ^ Z7 Grozos hi iiiori 6 3 loth Sund. paft Trin. cooler* 29 C.P. Caftine, Good 1 37 8 84 C.P. Plymouth. zueather. 9 35 with N.W. breezes. ]) Perig 10 35 High tides for the feafon. ]) fets 11 32

Afluinp. Bonaparte born 1 769 7 30 £v.26 Some rain. 8 5 1 19 iith Sund. paft Trinity. 83 2 Eagle's Heart fouth loh. om. 9 ' 3 Machias and C.P. Augufta. ^% 3 55| C.S. Waterbo. Com. Middlcb- 10 10 4 47 Low tides. Caol, morning 11 40 - 5 and evening. l5 u 52 6 32 7*s rife ph. 47m. morn ^' I 2Lh Sund. paft Trin. f Lenox 47 8 12 C.P. Waterb. Northa. 'fopfti. &I5 20 1 4c 9 o Fine lueathcr. £1 2 45 9 44 Comm.Camb. & Dartm. ^ Apo, 22 3 46 10 27 St. Auguftine. Changeable^ 24 4 44 11 9 St. John Baptift beheaded. ^rxie n 41 but warm. 26 6 49 morn, 13th Sund. paft Trinity. 28 7 13 o S3 rights oi: the peOpie. In the year 1716, the government VkV.s reftored to the Proprietor, and continued in his and his fucceffor's hands till the laic revolution. The convention of this State rcfolvcd on mcafures for fecuring the province and providing for its defence, July 26, 1775, and on Au- jguft 14, 17"6, agreed on thdr independent conftitution


SEPTEMBER, 1806, begins on Monday.

Laft Quarter, 5th day, 6h. 42111. evening. New Moon, 12th day, ph. 43m. morning. Firfl Quarter, 19th day, iih. 36m. morning. Full Moon, 27th day, 3h. 45m. evening.

M \\v\ Obierv able Days, cj'c. IF..^

1 2 C.P. Worceft. C.vS. Northamp.5 29 7 4<^ 1 3. C.S. Portland. Breezes at N.W. 5 30 8 11 2 34 Commence. Wiliiarr.ft. Provi. & 5 32 8 48 2 48 4 ,5 Dog days end. [Brunfwict. 5 33 9 31 3 5 7*s rifegb. om. Some 535 10 25 4 6 rain. 5 36 11 27 14th Sund. paft Trinity. 537 oiorn, 8 C.P. Concord & Taunt. Fine 539 39 9 S.J.C. Lenox. weather for 40 1 54 ic Commenc. N. Haven. D Perig. 42 3 12 11 Quite high tides. this month. 43 7 4 30 12 Day breaks ^a. 44 7 Dfets 13 Now comes 46 7 636 14 15th Sund. paft Trin. H. Crofs. 47 on a jlorm. [Barnfta.l5 49 7 5^ :§ S J.C.Northam.&Wifcaf. C.P.U 00 7 45 Lambert. Comm. N. Jerfey. 5 9 5 40 1? Cw/ winds, 5 9 54 33 19 Low tides. ryzV^ 5 10 4Q 26 20 11 46 16 21 16th Sund. paft Trin. St. r.orn. Matt. .5 4 22 Pkafant ,5 47 50 S3 S.J.C.Worcefter. ^,^am 6 1 47 834 24 forfomc days. \ ]> Apog. 6 2 47 9 17, 25 Pref. Willard died, 18*04, ^t- 65- 6 3 48jio o 26 St. Cyprian. More 6 4 48110 41 p. 7 /^?75 q/" 6 ©rue 11 23 28 7th 1 Sund. paft Trin. rain. 6 3 52,morn 9 C.P. Newburypt. Michaelmas. 6 6 24 o i 303 S.J.C. Dedh. oi & Aug. C.P. Ded. 6 7 o 5,^

Virguua hrli began to be lettied 1584. Kmg Jame>> I of England granted letters patent to Sir Thomas Gage and his affbciates, for the fettlement of this country, April 10, 1606, and a lecond, on a more extcnfive fcale, 1609. In 1621^ two Councils were appointed, the one to be called the Council of State, and the other the General Aftembly OCTOBER, i8o5, begins on Wednefday. I Laft Quarter, 5th day, 3h. 14m. morning. New Moon, nth day, 7h. 6m. evening. Firft Quarter, ipth day, 5h. 56m. morning. * Full Moon, 27th day, 7h. cm. morning. (JbicrvHbic J)avs, ^c. ©s.lF.Nea

FLajant ,6 ii 6 1 4 lueathtrfor 6 1^ 6 8 31 2 3 Gov. Adams died 1803, /Et. 82. 6 6 9 3c 3 33] thefeafun. \t 6 10 361 4 30 iSth Sund. paft Trinity. 17 6 11 47 5 28 yard L rjics loh. Pom- 18 6 morn. 6 2

J .C.Taunt. C.P. Bofl. & Nam 20 6 1 1 -o . 7

8 Gen. Elect. Vcnnonr. J) Perig. 21 6 2 16 Hii;h tides. 6 2 9 St. Dennis. 23 3 3^ loj Now look out 24 6 4 4? o 11 7*s rife 8h. 40m. for 6 26 6 }) fet: 5 2^ 12 igih Sund. paft Trinity. a 6 5 4>^ fiorm. 28 6 2i' Ev.39

S. J . C. Plym . & Portl. e.P.Paris. b 30 7 *^ 1 35 2 Quite cool. 6 31 7 i5' 3e 1615 O. of France beheaded 1793. 6 32 847 1716 Kihelred. Burgoyne tak. 1777- 5 34 9 4^ 16 8 St. Luke. Low tides. 35 10 44 19 20th Sund. paft Trin. Grows ^37 11 4^ 52 20 more vioderate. 6 38 mon 37 21 S.J.C. Barnftable. ]) Apogee. "i 39 44 20 00 with fume rain. 5 41 1 45 2 9.3 Columbus difoov. Amer. I402. 5 42 6 2 4 843 04 Cool winds. 5436 3 4^ 9 ^^ Crifpin pat. ihoemakers. 5 4.3 4 4' 10 10 "iE 2 111 Sund. paft Trin. 6 46 5 4S 10 ^6 Middling- tides. Rain 6 48 6 ^rifc 11 45 1^8 3 S.j.C.Catnb.& Alfred. C.P.Tifb, 6 49 5 44 morn; !9 4 ifnot a little Jnoxo. 6 50 6 633 38I 30I5 jEagle's Heart fct* midnight. 6 51 6 7 30 1 3 3 16 Plea lav t. 6 53 6 83-1 2 c!3

In 1724 king James fufpended their charter, and in 1626 •he governinent V'hoily reverted to the crown. In 1642 he Virginians appear' to have been uneafy v.ilh Crom- A-eil's government, to which, however, they fui^mitted in 1651, after having firft fecured their rights by ftipulation

NOVEMBER, 1806, begins on Saturd^ Laft Quarter, 3d day^ioh. 44m. morning. New Moon, loth day, 6h. 57m. morning. Firft Quarter, i8th day, 2h. 36m. morning. Full Moon, 25th day, ph. 17m. evening.

M 1 W Obfsrvable Days, &c. Gs.jr.Os.jF.Sea 7 All liainrs. Changeable b.54 9 4- 3 £ Esad Sund. pa-ft Tnn. lueather. 6 55 10 5: 4 2 difb C.P. Northam. Ame. army 6 57 morn .5 19

3 SJ.C. Salem. High tides. ]) Per 6 58 8 6 J2 4 Hczs the appearance ^ 59 1 21 7 3 5 7*s fou. oh. 46m. of 7 o 2 32 5 /«ozy. 7 2 3 45 849 7 Becomes 7 3 4 57 9 35 E23d Sund. paftTrin. 7;?or^ 7 4 6 H 10 10 Middling tides. moderate. 7 5 ]) fets 11 22 11 C.P. Caftine. ^cj/v^-? Ev.i8 7 I .544 12 Bull's Eye fou. il). fnow 7 8 6 3.5 1 12 15 or rain. 7 9 7 32 2 ^ 14 Qnite cool 7 10 8 31 2 5 y*?, fouth oh. 6m. 7 n 9 32 3 4.5] :i 4th Sund. pad Trin. breezes. 7 12 'o 33 4 31 17 Pkafant a^^ain. 7 13 11 33 I C.P. Plymouih & Portl. 5 Apo, 7 14 morn. 5 56 19 Quite low rides. A ^ '^ 32 63 2C Jlorrn is 7 16 1 31 21 fail gathering. 7 17 2 30 r, 22 Cecilia pat. Mufic 7 18 3 3° 845 23 25ih Sund. paft Trin. 7 19 4 34 9 33 Moderatts. 7 20 5 38 10 24 Bofl. Catherine. J.C. & Nam. 7 21 11 19 264 Sirius rifes ph. 7 2om. 22 .5 16 morn 27 Common tides. More 7 23 6 18 28 bluilering, with hail. 7 23 7 29 1 16 29 7*s fouth iih. lom. 7 24 8 41 2 1,- 30E Advent Sunday. St. Andrew. 9 55 3 7Q Their Convention agreed on an independent conftitution. July 5' 1776. ... North Carolina, the inhabitants of, were but few till the year 1700, when their number was augmented by the ar- rival of a body of Palatines from Germany, who had beerl reduced to the greateft indigence by the calamities of war

i8o6.J B DECKMBKR, 1806, begins on Monday.

THE i^affaciiufetts WitQifttx.

Governors, ^c. f.nce the Jlrji fettkment of Plymouth and MafTachuletts. Governors of Plymcnth Colony, from 1620 to 1692, elefted by the People for 71 years.

Job n Carver, Edward Window, 1 Jofiali Window, j Wiiliam Thomas Hmkley. Bradford, | Thomas Prince, | MaJfacJiufttts Governors from 16*28 to 1692, elected by the People.

(The Figures Jliezo the 7mmber of years" each g07.'erned.) Goz^rndrs. Deputy Governors. 2 Matthew Cradock* 1 Thomas Goffe* 13 John Winthrop 16 Thomas Dudley 3 Thomas Dudley 1 PvOger Ludlow I John Havnes 12 Richard Bel lingham f Sir Henry Vane 3 John Winthrop 10 Richard Bellingham 4 John Endicot j6 John Endicot 6 Francis Willoughby 6 John Leverett 2 John Levereit 11 bimon Bradftreet 6 Samuel Symonds

_ *Chofen in England. 1 1 Sir Edmund Androfs, appointed by K. James, 3 years. Governors after Plyvwutk and Mafcchnjttts were united, ppointed by the Kings of Fjigland. Governors, Lientt:noM Governors. 1692 Sir William Phips 1692 William Stoughton 1699 Rich'd Earl Bellamont [to 1702 1702 Jofeph Dudley 1702 Thomas Povey 1716 Samuel Shuie 1711 William Tailer 1728 William Burnet 1716 "William Dummcr 1730 Jonathan Belcher 1730 Wiili?.m I'ailer 1740 William Shirley 1732 Spencer Phip 1737 Thomas Pow nai 1760 Sir Francis Bernard [to 1770 1770 Thomas Hutchinfon 1770 Andrew Oliver 1774 GeneralThomzs Gage 1774 Thomas Oliver Interregnum 5 years, till the A/fl/7«c//?//:i^/i- Conftitution took

place, the 25th of Oftobcr, 1 780. i6 Givil Goverament in MaflachufettS;

Governors. Lieutenant Governors^ 1780 John Hancock, to 1785 1780 Thomas Cufhing 1785 James Bowdcin, 2 years 1788 Benjamin Lincoln X787 John Hancock, to 1793 1789 Samuel Adams, to 1794 1794 Samuel Adams, 3 years 1794 Mofes Gill, to 1800 i797lncrearcSumner,to 1799 1801 San)uel Phillips 1800 i8o2 Edward H. Robbins

Civil Government in Massachusetts, For the Political Year, commencing May^ 1805, and ending May. 1806. -His Excellency CALEB STRONG, Efq. ll.d. Governor and Commander in Chief. ^His Honor EDWARD H. ROBBINS, Efq. Licutmanf Governor, COUNCIL.

--JIon.Nathan Cufhlng4©avid Cobb, -—jHenry Knox, •—^Bezaleel Taft, — Benja. Pickman, jniS. Dexter, jun. —Stephen BuIlockTlArtemas Ward, —IA. P. Femald. SENATE. —Hon. HARRISON GRAY OTIS, Preftdmt, SufolA.^'^Lon. Oliver WendelVWilliam Brown^^JcAm Phillips andTThomas H. Perkins. E/ex. Hon>Nathaniel Marfii.^noch T^coTnb,"^EHas H. DerbyV^ohn Heard, John Philiipsjr. ancTJofhua Fifher. Middlcfex. HonT^onathanMaynardTAaron Hill, WiiUam Hildreth an^amuel Dana. Tork. Hori^jfohn Woodman anJ Jofepli Leland. Hampjhire. _Hon"'Ezra Starkweather,^Iugh M'Lellan, George Blifs ai^^T^hn Haftings. Plymouth. Hon. Albert Smith anJTs^athan 'Willis. BrijloL Hon'^Joflah.De?.n ani^^athaniel Morton, jun. BarnftabU. Hon>John Dillin^am. Dukes Co. and Nantucket. HonTiraac Coffin. ,^ IVo^ci^ftcr. HonT^aniel Bi^elowj'^homas Hale, and T^alem Towre. .^ Cumberland. Hont^W'^oodbur}'' Storer andjohn Cufhing* Line. Han. & IVaJi. Hon't^ohn Farley and George Ulmer. BerkJJiire. HonlSfDhn Bacon an^^imothy Childs. Xorfolk. HonSJohn E'.hs antf^hn Howe. Ktnncbeck. Hon^Nathan Welton. Rev. William Emerfon, Chaplain. Wendell Davis, Efq. CUrk. ——

MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 17

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. —Hon. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Sfy^aker. Nicholas Tillingliajl, Efq. Clerk. Dr. Thomas Baldzoin, Chaplain,

fj:f" The Counties are arranged according to the time of their incorporation. Principal Towns are in small CAPITALS. Date of Incorporation, 1643. SUFFOLK COUNTY. ^ 1630, Sept. 7. Bos^^NT^^heophilus Parfons, t^eorge Cabot^onathan Mafon^SVilliam Smitn, ^^amuel Parkman^^ofeph Hallj'^onathan Kunnewell^'^M^illiam Spooner,*^"-WiHiam SnllivaivJohn WellesJ-^w. Tuckeiman,

^V/i 1 liam ParfonV^anris WrightT^tephen Codman, "^T8.edfo^V,^cb;!cr7^inion Elliot^, Thoinas Perkinv^njamiu. Rudell^^ariiel Sarge/it, iunr*1£dward GrayT^bornas C. Amory, "^^^J homas \V. Sumner/^ames iLlgyd, jun. '"' —John Callcnder. Miles from Eojum, I-t.qS, Jan. 10. Ckelfea, 2

1643. . ESS^ COUNTY. 29, June 24^--SALK\rMohn Hai horne^^^il liam Cleve- landr>)h n -Wh wic l^r^flma Ward^^^/j 1- liam Stearni/lf7ii-ph Story 13 04, Aug.\5.^IpswiCH7^^aihaniel 'Wade/Jona- 29

than Cogfwelir^fepii Swazcy . 3.5, Mr.y 6. hkwbvry, Jofiah Lut!e 40 S7, Nov. '"-fyvn, Jorc;ph Fuller 8 99, May 22.-^Glcvcff.€r, John Rnv.-e 34 39, wSept. j^-^^^owley, Benjamin Adams, j'ln. 26 40, Ofct. j.'-~^a!ip

4^5, . Haverhill, David Howe 32 46, May 6 Andover, Tiiomas Kineredge «2 49, May 2. —Marli^u:a/T^^''mn B. Martin/Tohn 15 Prince, ^hn Seiman.NEbcnczcr Graves 50, Oft. \Z;- -Tots held, 39 1806.] B 2 — l

1.& Malliichufetts Rcprefentatires-.

1668. April i^r-Amc(buTy^ Chriftophe^argcnt' - 45 68, Oa. Jollph Woo^TJfiael Thorrt- 15 dike/Abner Chiipmaivi hornas Davis 75, -—BTaciJurd, Kathaiiiel Tharfton 32 85, Aug. \^tr-BoxJordyThciXiX&Vtr\ty, 30 I7ij/V, Dtc. S.-MctAucn, Stephen Barker 31 2B, June 20. Middlcton^ ^^^^^ e8 57, June i6.-Z)^«-'*7\s;^idconFofter^S3mueIp3ge, 17 " Nathan Fekoa G4> Jan. 28. -N r ^^ « u r y v o r t^ Jonathnn Marlh, 40* Kdw-ard St. Loe Livcrmore^ Nicholas Pike, " 'Kdward J.ittle^Audrevv Frotbir)ghiiifi>Jon- Hthan GagcTBifhop Norton. 80, July 3. Lynrrffld, (Diftiia; 93, June 21:—ffamz/ton, Robert Dodge 26 X643. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. 89, June 24r-€ h a r t: s i o w i?>>Ihoinas Harris, "Matthew Briugc,^SDavid Goudvvin,^eth Wyinan 30, Sept. 7. IVatfrtozin, Jonas White 7 30, Sept. Q^^Mrd/ord, Nathaniel Hall Sept. %.- -Vavibridge, Willington.4 33, Jcduthun 3| —^Viliiani \V!uitt'nu>reri=)aiiicl Mafon

3,^, Sept. 2. —Go N c o R :Jj Jofcpu Chandler 18 39, Sept. ^.^-Hudlmryy Joll^ph GcK)dci)ow Sj; 4i!, May i8r—f/v/'i^r;?, Saiuuel Thompfon id. 41., May 99^ Rt:advh^^}:ii\\c\ Grave^T-fiay Nichols 14 49, May o.^^laldcH, jonnihan Oaks 4 May z-cyr^hflmsford, William Adams 26 M;!y n^T iin'othy Bigclow, 35 —Julcph Moors 60, May 2,'^^-^laril>oroug h, John Loring 28 73, 0£t. i^0^DtwJai>/e,\R. lirmlcy 37 May 27. Sherhirrtey 22 74, ^ ^3, May i69--^iOiV, Ephraim Whlrcomb 25 91, Ecc. i5r-3Vt'<-fr

Ma:i&cimfettg Reprefentati^t^ t^

17«4, Dec. 3. Hollijton, %.y 25, Dec J 7. Ston€lra:ny 10 «9, Sept. Zjr-WfJIJord, Jonathan Canen 28 t9, Sept. zjr-B^dford, David Reed 1 30, Sept. ^=p-Witmington, Timothy Walker 16 32, June zgr^ouji^Piendy John Campbell • 45 34, Dec. 23. Texvkfbury, 24 ' 3,5, July ^^^-yicfon, Samuel Jones 94 37, Jan. 4. '^^Vait/tam, Abner Sanderfon xi 53> Jan. 5. 5/^/r/^;^, .41 J3, Apnl. ^—Peppere^l, Jofeph Heali 40 54, April i^nEzTZf£?/ Brxborcagk, (Difrrict) 8° 89, June 22. rr;7^/J^rf>'»^/;, (DifmcO 3^ • 99, Feb. 28. Burlingtortt 10 t8»o. ^eb. 18. Car/3y7e, io »653. YORK COUNTY. • 53, May 1 8i-A^ OK K, Jofeph Bra^^don 75 53, Ma^' i8r-^//^m. Mark Adams 67 53, Aug. 3orffe//.i, John .Storer 88 1713, June ^.-^^erzi.wrk, Rietiarn F. Cufts, 86 T^feph Pfime^Mlhamllobbs 18, Nov. -tfrSidd'-ford, D^nic! Cleaves 10,5 19, June 5. 'Ani7:d-h\ 'lhorr::s Perkins, 3d. y6 62, June 9r

78, March 1 1 . Lyman, 88 8.5, March5. 67;a/./^^;^^ 108 f-jy-M^Tcho. Par/onsfle/dj ll8 }S7, March 6. Watprborou^ky lio 87, March 6. Limtrizk, 114 ^, Feb. 9. Limiv^toTj, no 94, Feb. 4. /iZ/V^?^, (Diftria) 88 94, Feb. 26. Nrwfie/d^ ic8

Jy-l, Feb. 27. Cornij?!, 118

98, Feb. • ^^j.*-Phiihplburfr, John Sm ith j ^4 i6.'52. HAMPSHIRE CQI:NTY. 35 '^^ 43i MareirrS p r i s r, ? i e l d /J^Kob Bhfs, 97 "^ Jonathjn Dv»igbt,if. —————

20 MaiTachufetts Reprefentatives/

1654, OSi. 18. —NoRTHAMPTON,AfahelPomerby,io» ^Thaddcus ClapTS^'Ioies Wright

' 61, May 22. ^'-^adlry, Samurl Porter " 97 69, May 19, -rfVeJlfield, Aftibel Eager I05 70, May 11. Hatfield, loo 82, May 24. - Deerfield^ John Williams, 109 • -—Elihu Hoyt 171;^, Feb. 22. —A'or^//yWa', Medad Alexander 109 iB, Nov. 12. Sunderland, loo 14. —-Brimficld, Stephen Pynchon 31 j July 75 41, April 10.- BlavdJord,T)Ay\a'Bo\t% I16 * 42, Jan. 15. ^ Pelham, Nathaniel Sampfon 8,5 ^^, Jan. 30. —-Palmer, Aaron Merrick 82 53, Jan. 5. Southampton, Lemuel Pomroy 109 53, April 12. '^ South-HadUy, Ruggles Woodbridge 93 Grttrifidd, E. 53, June 9. — Richard Newcomb 1 14 53, June 1,5. —4^'e7V'Salem, Varney Ptarce 85 53, Dec. 22. --^onta^Me, Martin Root qy ^/^,]3\\> 9.^. •-'^.ranville,l{x'dz\ "Pzrion^ ^ I2« John Phelps • — "

April 20. •"^rffnzoich, Ahijah Powers . 54, , j^ (^g, Feb. 13. —-vf'?///^r/2, Samuel. H. Dickenfoa. 9^ 60, A.pril a,'^.' Mcn/o?/, Abiier Brown 8». 6i, June ^o.'—^eldf€rroziT';

. 6^, J'lne 21. Afiifield, I17 '; 63, June 21. —i'.harkmont, Joihua Hawks 120

' (6^5, Oti. 3 \ . C.hejicr, 1 20

6-^, June 16. €ontoay, Reuben Rardwell . 115

68, June 1 l.'*^/'<3r

Mafiachtifetts Reprefentatives. »a

1774, Feb. 28. Ludlowy ^ . go" 74, Feb. 23. Weft'^pringJfield^onTi. Smith, jr. loo VGad Warriner^Heman Day 74, March 5. Leverett, 95 79, Sept. 29 IVefi-Haviftottt Sylvefter Judd 109 79, April 14. Bu-ckiand, 120 79, June 23. —Cummington, James Richards 120 80, Nov. 28. Montgomery 100 «i, May 8, J^€W«//, 80 81, May 14/—Go/^f??, jfuflmParfons . ii« 83, March 12. Middlefietd, 125 83, Oft. 13. —Long^Mtadow, Ethan Ely 97 83, Oa- 15. (?ra7z^e, fDiftria) 75 84, March 12. Le)>den, (Dillrift) loo 85, Feb. 9. Rowe, IS* 85, Feb. 14. —Heath, Roger Lcavitt, 125 85, March 16. Plainfield, (Diftria) 122 85, June 17. Eajl-Hampton, (Diftria) 105 92, Feb. 7. —Hawley^ Edmond Longley 120 92, Feb. 25. Rujfet, 108 93, Sept. a8. Gilly 90 1685. PLYMOUTH QOUNTY. 20, Dec. 11,^ Plymouth, Nathaniel Goodwin, 42. William Davis^Zaccheus Bartlett 35, Sept. 2. —ffzngAavir^athan Rice,'^evi Lincoln 19 36, Oa. 5. —Sckuate^ Charles Turner, jr. 27 37, June 7. . Duxborougk, Seth Sprague 38 40, March 2. Mar/hjieid, Eliiha Phillips 36 44, May 29. -—Hull, Samuel Lovell 9 56, June 3, —Rridgezaater, Daniel Snow 50 €0, June. ~-^iddleboroug^^ohn Tinkham, 40 John Morton^l.evi Peircc, "^hiilingworth Fofter 86, June 4. ^ Rockejler, Gideon Barftow 53 J702, June 4. Plympton, 45 11, March 2U-Pemdroke, Nathaniel Smith 31 12, June 10,*—^6mgton, A^iron Hobart 22 26, June 16. Kingjioiiy John Faunce ^8 S-jt June 14. — -Hanover, E5 34, July 4. Halifax, 35 S9» July 10, Wareliam, 60 9o» June 9. Carver, 50 J685. BRISTOL COUNTY. Sept. 3. — u n t o k Jones Godfrey 39, Xa , 36 ——— 22 Mafliichufetts Reprefetitatlves,

164-,. Ttu^e 4.- Rehohoth, David Perry 44- 64, Juue 8. —Dartmouth, Holder Slocum 70 i^-, Ocl. ^o»-^7vayizey\ Chriftopher Mafon 51 83, laly. —/^7-et'/<'a7;, Wiiliam Rounfeville 50 04, Ocl. 19. AttUborough, libenezer Bacon 32 i~M, June i2r- Norton, • 33 • "-. May o^Q^'—Dighton, .Tohn Haihaway 43 .. Dec. 21. Edjhm, Abiel Mitchell 37 ••ji, Apii! 2. '— Ra}v/ia{n, lir^el Wafhburn 36 ' 35, April I'^n—Berkley, ApollosTobey 50 7t, April 9.6t-^la:isf:tld, Nathar^iel Brintnall ^'^ 87. Feb. 23. -^'cw-Be/fjord, Seth Spooner- 58

87, July 2. -~Wif:port,]ohx\lAo{)Litr . 70

90, Yzh. 20.— Scnierf^t, Clark Purinion • ^Ife 1803, Feb. 26. Troy, Jonathan Brownall ^o i68j. BARNSTABLE COUNTY. s b e 39, vSept. 3r—BA r x t a l , Jona^j Whitman 67 39, Sept. 3." Savdwich, John Freeman 59 39, Sept. 3.—-4^fir/.'?(72<^//, David Kelley 110 46, June 2. —Eaphamy Samuel Freeman loo 86, June 4. Falvioutk, David Nye 77 94, Sept. i:^f-HarwicA, Ebenezer Broadbrooks 85 1709, July 16. Truro, iia 12, June lis Gkatham, Richard Sears 05 27, June 14. Provwatoun,* 12^ 63, June 14. Mayjiipee, 63, June 16. Wdijhtt^ 105 03, June 19. Dcnvis, lio 9~, March 3. OrUar.s, loo 1803, Feb. iS'—Bre-uJier, Ifaac Clark 88

1695. * DUKES* COUNTS'.

• 7 July 8. —E D G A R T o X , Jethro Worth 1 , 9% 71, J\ily 8. Tifi'ury, Shubael Dunham 97 1-14, Oct. 30. Chilmarh, 99 1605. NANTUCKET COUNTY. 87, June 'j^r—Nan rucKET, Micajah CofEn. jrqt. WORCESTER. COUNTY. iC)"^^, May x^.-^.avcafttr, Jonathan Wilder 35 f-, May ij.-^-AfrflflW, Jofeph Adams 37

' }• s Samuel Flagg, ,, Ott, i^.-^V (1 R c T E R, 45 —Fdw.ird Bangs

* This vas the firfr port t^nttrfd hv the Lngliflt^ when thfj Cd'v,' to jlttU in Niia-England, m 1620. ————

MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 23

J713. Oxford, 54 13, Feb. 15. ^-Lncefitr, Nathaniel Puihe Denny 5^ 23, Feb. 23. Rutland, b^>

1 5, Tune 2 1 . —Sutton, Stephen Munro 46 J 7, Nov. i8. Wefthorofyh, Nathan Fifeer 34 18, Nov. 12.—TSrM^./^^, Jat»ezUphain 64. 27. -Oxbridge, Rchardfon 27, June Jofepb _ 41 27, July 6. —Southborough ^ Trov.-bridge Taylor 30 27, Dec. 19. "—^S^rifa'/Jarv, Jonah Howe " 40 28, Aug. 1. Lunenburg^ 4.5 31, Feb. 2. —^atf/'V, Thomas Teamed 53 32, June 29.—^arT/arc', ThonnasPark 3^ x'^rr-Grajton Wo<,d 4'> 35, April , Jofeph

3,-;, June \\r^ptDn, Ezra Wood, jr. 38 38, Jan. io.-^//c7r^'r^-,Vi, Timothy Page 7o 38, Tune ZJ^r—Boltcv, Silas Hotrnan 34 38, June ^^.'—Siurbrtd^^i', Oliver Plimpton /o 40, Jan. 9. —Holdtn, William Drury 51 40, June ^'i^^conunjltr, 46 41, Jan. 16. IVeJlern, ?.q 46. Douglas, Aaron Marfii 51, Jan. 31. —New-Braintre'!, James Woods ^ r,3, April 3. —SberA-er, lieniamm Drury, 58 54, April ^O.'-Feteyjnam, Nathaniel Gbandier 60 ^4, Nov. 2. €!iarlton, John Spurr 60 62, March 6. Ttmpkton, Lovel Walker 63 62, March br- Athc', Fleazer Graves 72 62, June 7. • Oakham, ]c^c AVi<:n 62 64, Feb. 3. fitchbuTg, Samuel Gibfon 42 64, June i4.—/r/>/c.'iifWo«, William Whitney 6d 65, Feb. 12. Paxton, 55 63, Feb. 16. ^o\aijlon, Ifaac Gregory 70 65, Feb. 22. Ajkburnham, ^55 66, Jan. ^\.'—Northborougk, Jair.e^ Keyes 3(3 67, June 13. Hubbardjion, John M'Clanathin Go 70, April ^^T-'Wt fhniTiJUr, Jo;;rr, Whitney 54 71, April ^.\T-Prinrxion, John Dana «2 72, July 14. Nortkbridge, 45 74, July 14.—:S/2rrc',Elijali Caldwell 66 78, April 10. /F.2r^, 55 80, April \ir-^ilford, Samuel Jones 34 8 1, April 25.—^er/r7^, Ifrae! Allen 46 84, March 16. Ber/in, (Dillricl; 8j, June 27, Gardner^ 58 ———

^4 Maffachufetts Reprefentatives.

1786, March l.~~Boy!Jicn, James Longley 4$ 86, Oft. 20.' Gerry, Ithamar Ward 65 1801, Feb. 18. Dana, 7j J 760. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. ^658. OR. 19* Scardoroug/i, Benjamin Larrihee J13 171.9, Ocl. ^\ r—North-Yarmouth, Ammi R. Mitchell 140 1^, Nov. 12. Falmouth, Archelaus Lewis 120 38, Jan, 26. —-Brun/wick, John Dunlap l^i [58, Jan. 25.- HarpJwcU, Benjamin Dunix^ 165 62, June 12.'- fF(!«^/^.7w, Jofiah Chute jg^ 64, Ocl. 30. fiorham, Lothrop Lewis 130 65, Nov. 1. Cupt-Elizabcth, 126 74, March ^r-New-GlouceJier, Jofeph E. Foxcraft 14^5 78, June 19. ---Gray, Jofeph McLeiian J43 8,T^ Nov. 30. Standijk, 16,3. 86, July 4. Po RT LA N'Dj^aniel Tucker, 143 'jofeph Titcoml^TM-'^illiam Symmes, "^Matthew Cobb^^Smiih Cobb 89, Feb. 14. Freeportj I40 89, Feb. 17. Durhaw, 14^ 94, Feb. 7. Bridgetown^ jjB 95, Feb. 17. Poland, 95, Feb. 18. LcwiJiovM^ 167 98, Feb. 19. Otisfield, i^ff 1802, Feb. 18. Minot, 2, March 6. Pejcpfcct, 2, June 23. Ba Idwin t 3, June 21. Raymond, 5, March 8.- Harri/on, 176c. LINCOLN COUNTY. 16, June 13.'—^Gfc>r^ff(7a'«, X70

,53, June 19.^ Nezc-CaJlU, David Murray iqs 59, Oft. 20. —PVoolmch, Abner Wade 167 . s 60, Feb. 1 3 —W 1 c A 3 s E T , David Payfon 1 78 62, Sept. 18. Bozi'doinham, EVihM Gctchel 171 €4, Jan. 31. Topjham, /3f»v'^»-t'>v #a/«y 156 64, Nov. 3. Bocthbay^ ' 190 65, June 18.---i?r;y?o/,'john Johnfton 204 73, June 29. 'iValdoborough, Jo&ua Head £00 74, March sr-tdgcomb, William Patterfon 180 76, Nov. 7. -^/rarr^/?, 203 77, March ^iOr-J'homaRown, Ifaac Barnar3 2^5 8 J, Feb. \'].—^aih, William Kin^ 165 —— Maffachufetts ReprefenUtives. 2^

1786, Oft. 20. Union, fiio 88, March 21. Bowdoin^ 1^6 88, Nov. 20. Nobleborougkf 19^ 89, Jan. 28. CuJIiing, 207 91, Feb. 17. Camdeuy 228 94, June 25. Drefden, J 80 94, June 2.5.— Ncw-MilfordtyioXt&CzxitiQSi 191 95, Feb. 18.- -iezvilicTi, Dan Read 95, Feb. 18. Litchfield^ 22q 99, June 22. Li/ion, 1803, Feb. 7. 5(f. George, 210 4, June 23. //(?/'?, 4, June 23. Paiernw. 1761. BERKSHIRE COUNTY. 33, June 22. - Sheffield, John W. Hulbert J45 22.-*- 39, June Stockbridgc, John Whuon 141 59, June 13. New-Marlborough, 1-44 60, Feb. 13. -^grevwnt, Francis Heare 14,5 61, April 2i.—PittsJield, Thomas Alien, jr. X40 —Simeon Grifwold 61, June 30. Great'Barringtcn^ Thomas Ives 1-.50 62, March 6. ^andisfield,] ohn Picket 135 6e, March S^-Tyringkam, Adonijah Bidwell J40 65, June 9.o,"Lanelhorough^ Samuel Hill Wheeler 144 65, June 20.- Williamjiown, William Young, 150 —£zekiel Bacon 65, June 20. Becket, George Conant I3e>

65, June ^1." Richmond, Noah RofTeter 1,50 67, Feb. 26.'^~iEN0X,01iverBelden, jr. 145 yi, July 2. —Wind/or, Amos Hoi brook 136 71, July 4. —Panridgefeld, Cyrus Stowell 128 73, Feb. 16. Alford, 145 73, Feb. 24. Loudon, 124 74, Feb. 23.- -W^^-5^oci5nfl^^f, Philander Rathbun 150 76, July 2. Hancock, 150 77, April 12. WaJJiington, 145 77, Oft. 21.—£ef, Jared Bradley 140 78, Oft. 15. "Adams, Stephen Jenckes 140 79, June 21. Mount-Wajhington, (Diftrift) 84, March 20. Dalton, 135 89, June 24. Bethlehem, 13» 93, March i^^htjkire, Jonalhan Richardfon, 140 S7^ Feb. 20. Savoy, 1806.] C —— i f 26 MafTachufetts Rcprefentatives,

17Q7, June 19. Scutlifield, (Dlftria) 98, March 2. ClarA/iurg, l8oi, Feb. 26. N"w-A/hford, (Diflrift; 4, June SI. Hinfdale^ '5, June 1 j. Fbnda. 1789. HANCOCK COUNTY. 73, June 22. Bel/afl, 246

87, Feb. 23. Penvbfcoty _ 263 88, March zfr-Orrington, Timothy Freeman 305 89, Jan. 12. Sfdgwid, 31/j ' 89, Jan. 28. Ijlfjborougkf sGd 89, Jan. 30. Deer-Iflcy 305 89, Jan. 30. Bluc-JUU, 344 89, Feb. \6. Trenton, ^86 89, Feb. 16. Sullivan, 310 89, Feb. 16. Goldfborough, S3o 89, Feb. 17. -Momt-Defcn, Davis Wafgatt 335 89, June 25.- Vivalhavcn, William -Vinai 2,50 89, June 25. Fra-nkfort, 23^ 91, Feb. 25r~ Bangor, James Thomas 280 92, June zj.^SuckJloTvn, Thomas S. Sparha-wk 260 94, Feb. 24. Profpeci, 2,50 "94, Fob. z\.~^'Maind(:n, Daniel Neal ^00

I 96, Feb. lo. Ca s t n e , 263 96, Feb. 13. Northportt e.-jS 96, Feb. 23. Eden, 335 j8oo, Feb. 21. Orland, o, Feb. 26. Ellfworth, 2, June 23. Lincolnville, 3, June 21. Sur7-y, 1789. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 84, June 23.-—JpIac H i as, Jacob Longfellow 400 9.5, Feb. 27. Steuben, 3^6 96, Feb. 8. Columbia 33a 97, Feb. 14. Addijon, 35° 97, June 17. Harrington 0-^ 98, Feb. 24. Eajiport. 1793. NORFOLK COUNTY. 1630, Sept. '/.i^^^'-Dorc/ieJier^CTtz Morton^Ez. Tolman 2 30, Sept. aSnFJox^z/O^^Joreph Heathr^Vm. Brewer, 1 ScVowell Hatch^liflia Whituey " 35, Sept. z.^-^Weymouth, Eliphalet Loud . 14 iv^ 36, Sept. 8."*"iDEDHAM, Ebcnczer Filher, . •—John Endicot —

MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. - 27

1640, May 13. -Braintree^ Robert Hayden 8 51, May 23. Medfield, Ephraim Chenery 2o 62, May 7. —Milton, David Tucker 7

•j^, Oft. 15,— JVrevtkam, Samuel Day . 27 1705, Nov. i3r—:;8/-ooi^//7Zi', Stephen Sharp 6

1 1, Nov. ,5. Need/iam, Daniel Ware j 1 13, OSi. Q.\.--^edwayj AbnerMoife 25 Bfllivgham^ 19, Nov. 27. ^ 34 24, Dec. lo.-'Wafpole, Afa Kingfoury " 20 26, Dec. 22.- Stoughton, Lemuel Gay j^ 65, June 20. Sharon, John Drake, jun, ao 70, April 26. Cohajfet, 25 78, March i^- Franklin, Pelatiah Fifiier 30 78, June 10. Foxborough, , 26 84, July 7. Dover, (Diftria)- 18 92, Feb. 23--—^z/z'racv, Thomas -B. Adams 10 93, March 9. —f?a«d'o////, Thomas French 15 97, Feb. z^.—^a7iton, Jofeph Bemis J799. KENNEBECK COUNTY. "71, April 26f- ^allowell, Thotms Fillebrown 395 71, April 26r-Wint/irop, Nathaniel Fairbanks 185 - 71, April zG-r-ValJalborougii, Philip Leach 204 •i' 71;, April 26:—^>?/7or^, Charles Hayden 211 7Q, Feb. 4. — Pz^^/?C(:y«, Jedediahjewett 187 88, June 18. Greene, 164 88, June iS.^ Canaan, Benjamin Shepard 233 88, June 18. Fairfdd, 225 88, June 18. Norridgcwochy 239 gi,M-dTch 11. Readfield, 190 92, Jan. 20. ""A/c;2»20«/;i, Simon Dearborn, jr. 180 92, Jan. 30. Sydney, 203 92, June 27., Mount-Vcrncny John Hovey 2co 94, Feb. 1. — Farmington, Ezekiel Porter 204 94, June 20. New-Sharon, 190 95, Feb. 28. —Clinton, Afiier Hinds 222 9.5, Feb. 28. Starks, 230 95, Feb. 28. Fayette, 2oo 96, Feb. 3. Belgrade^ 96, Feb. 8. Harim, 213 97, ^eb. 20. —Augusta, Jofiiua Gage J92 98, Feb. 12. iVa\ne,- - 98, Feb. 24. Cornville, g8, March 1. An/on, t8oo> Feb. 16. r-'teeds, ThOmas Francis ij J^. 3t. Strongs . — ^

28 MaiTachufetts Reprefentatives, &c.

1802, Feb. 20. CheftcrvilU, 0, Feb, £0. Vienna^ 2, Ffb. 22. Aimi^

ii, Feb. 22. h>'w-Vhmard, 2, June 23* IVatervilif, Elnathan Sherwtn 3, Feb. 17. — GaidiHt:r, BarzilUi Gannet 3, June 15. Harmony 3, June 20. Temp/; 3, June 20. Indnjiry, 3, June £3. IVittcn, 4, March 7. Athens^ 4, March 7. Madifon, 4, March 7. ^OWf, 4, March 9. Fairfax^ 4, June 22. Kmdcn^ 4, June 22. Mercer, 4, June 22. i/«yf>. 1805. OXFORD COUNTY. 1777, Jan. II. Fryburgh, John McMilian iBo 86, July 7. Turner, lohixT^intx 17« 92, Mardi 6. Hebron, Wf 93, March 16. Buckfield, 173 93, June 20.^ Paris, Lc\i HubUri 175 95, Feb. 26. 7fl>-, V95 9^, Feb. 20. Livermorcy t%$ 90, June 10. Bdkely 97, March 2. Waterford^ lio 97, March 9. Norway, 15a 98, June 13. Hartjordt 98, June 13. Sumner, liS |8oo, Fi-b. 21. Rumjord, o, Nov. 15. Zocv//, g, Feb. 20. S^ownjieidf 3, June 2o. Albany, 3, J une 2 1 Dixhetd, 4, June 23. Eajt-Andover^ 4, June 23. GiUad, ^, June 15. AWv/7, 93 ^ Mi-Jlcn/^er to the Hcufe, Jacob Kuhn.

Mejenger to tk(C Governor and CoutkH, William Gale.

Secretary 0/ State—^john Avcrv, of Bofton.

id Clerk, Edward McLane. I ^dCUrX, Samuel Gaincau.

^d Clerk, Edward Ci^ucau. | —

Committees. 29

—TTcafurer and Jlernver-General—Jona. Jackfon, of Bofton, 1/' Clerh^ Jofcph Laiighton.—2^ C'/eri, James Fofter. ^ Off^cesare kept in the Ntw State-hcvje., Bojhn. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE CURRENT POLITICAL YEAR. Committee on Accounts.

Of the Ornate, 'i homas Hale and John Farley. OJ the Houfe, Siephen Munro, JofephTucomb, and Sam-

uel 1 Porter

" who are the Comrnittee for the prefent year to examine all accounts that may be exhibited for the fupport of fuch itidii.

, -gf i)t perfons as are by law the proper charge of this Com- monwealth, and all other accounts which may be exhibited for fcrvices jx;rformed, cafli advanced, or any property fup- plied for the ufc of this Commonwealth, purfuant to any law,

refolve, or order of the General Court ; and to make out a roll, arranged under general,heads, fignifying the names of ihe-Fefpective perfons or tcr\vns whofe account"; {ball be prop- erly vouched, together v/ith the amount of the fums which iTjay be found due on fuch account*, and lay the fame bc« 'ibfc this Court for their confideratiou and allowance." '" Committee on New Trials, Of theSenaU:, George Blils and S?niuei Dana. pj the Houfcy Laban Whcaion, Wilijam Syrnmes, ar,c3 'Sttphen Pynchor;. Committee on Incorporation of Towns,

. Of the Sniate, Salem 'J owiie and John H.owe. Of the Hun fe, Nathaniel Goodwin, Edward Bangs, an4 T-otli! op Lewis. Committee on Turnpike Roads and Bridges, Of th': Senate., JoIju Bac(;n and Ezra StarkweatliCr. Of the Houfe, 1'hos. Ives, Silas Holman, and John Storer. Committee on Incorporation of ParifJjes and other Re- ligious Societies, Of the Senate, Daniel Bigclow and Elijah Brigham. Of the Houfe, Jabcz Upharn, David Payfon, and Abiel Muchell. Committee on the Interior Fijhertes. Of the Senate, AaionHiil and Williaiii Brown. ^8o6.J C 2 ;

30 Notaries Public.

Of the Hokfe^ Seth Spooner, , and Freeman. Committee on Ek8kns, Of the Houfe, Laban Wheaton, , David Pay- for;, Edward Bangs, and John Phelps. Committee on Bills in th$ Third Readings OJ the Houfey John Locke, John Callender, and Lovell Walker. Committee on Finance. 0/ the Houfe, Nathan Filher, John Welles, Jona. Smith, y. fimothy Jackfon, and Mark Langdon Hill. Committee on Mngrojp^d Bills. Of the Houfe^ John Rowe, Daniel Sargent, jr. and Zac- eheus Bartlett. Committee on the Common'wealth*s Lands and Property in the Dijlrid of , OJ the Senatey Jonathan Maynard and John Phillips. Of tlie Houfcy Lothrop Lewis, Matthew Cobb, and Thos. Fiiiebrown. Committee on the SubjeSf of Eajhrn Lands. John Read, oi Roxburyy and Williara Smith, of Bojicn.

Notaries Public in MafTachufetts.* Svjotk. BoJioTiy Samuel Cooper Bofion, Wm. Stcvenfon J

Sarauci Gardner j John Gardner E/cx. Beverly Jofeph Wood Ncwburyfqfrt Michael Hodge Gloucejler John Rogers Enoch Titcomb Haverhill Leonard White ^akm Ichabod Tucker Ipfunch Daniel Rogers Ezekiel Savage Lynn James Gardner John Primrofe, jr. Marbkhead Nathan Bowen John Saunders Ifaac Mansfield SaliJhuTy Samviel Nye Middle/ex. Co.mhridge Abraham Biglow Grcton Oliver Prefcott Charlejhwn Phillips P.^yfon IVatertoiun Nathaniel Bemis Concord Jonatljau Fay * Public Notaries arc appointed for the purpofe of mafc* ing protells, giving certificates under the feal of office^, and entering and regiftering protefts andothcT notarial writings alio for akering the fame. Notaries Public. SI


Biddeford Jeremiah Hill I York J-ofeph Bragdon Clark IVdls Jonas | Hampjhire. Leavitt, jr. 9^^' Dwight, jr. GYeenfidd Jona. | Spring field]

Northampton Elijah H. Mills | ^'^.5^rV/7^/f/^ JuftlnEly,jr. Plymouth Duxborough Judah Alden Plymoutk WiTi. Goodwin Hingham Samuel Norton Scituate Wayward Peirce Plymouth Ephraim Spconer Wareham Benja. Fearing Brtjhl. Dartmouth Ephraim Trip N,Bedford Rh. H.Williams Thos. B.Richmond Tamiton JohnW. Scabury NeW'Bed/ord Wm. Tobey W^Jlport AbnerBrownell Barnfiabk. Bamjlable David Scudder Provincetown Solomon Cook Chatham Jofeph Doane Wellfeet Samuel Waterman Falmouth Thomas Jones Dukes County,

Tijbury James Athearn \ Edgarton William Mayhew Benjamin Allen j Nantucket—Ifaac Coffin and ZacchcusHiifley. Worc^Jier. Brcokfield Cheney Reed Sterling Mofes Smith Mcndcn Jofeph Adams Worcejler Theoph. Wheeler Pctcrjham Jofeph Trumbull Cumberland. Brunfwick John Perry Portland Ebenezer May6 J

harp/well Advf.DuDn'wg/^r. \ N. Yarmouth A.R.Mitchell Portland Jofeph C. Boyd Lincoln. Bath William Webb Thomaflowh David Falc« Boothbay Jonathan Sawyer Waldoborough Jacob Ludwig NewcaJlU Daniel Warers Wifca^et Jofeph Chriftopher Berkjliire

Lenox Thomas Williams I Sandisfield Eph. A. Judfon Pittsficld John C. Williams | Hancock. Belfajl James Nefmith Franckjort F. L.B.Goodwin Buckjioion Th. S. Sparhawk Sullivan Paul D. Sargent Cafiim Jofhu;^ Woodman Surry George Herbert £i(eer-IJle Jofeph Tyler James Ihomas '''a/hington.

William Allen I Machias Stephen Jones J.D.WtHoulSteiiich William Campbell .

3 2 Notaries Public—Tnfpeftors of Beef.

. Norfolk.

Roxbury Nathaniel Rugg]e^ '\ ?r>v77-(7?//^ J. Humphreys, jr, Kennebeck—^^xlmmeX Pcrlcy at Hallouidl.

Appointments under State Authority. By the Governor and Coiincii. InfpeBor Gen, of Beef & Pork, Stephen Bruce, of Bofton, [Office is kept at No. 3, Doane':> Wharf.J

. ; Di'pitt{e.i. . .^ Amffbury Richard S ivycr U>fxLglcr Cambridge William JVIai'on George L. Farrington Simon. Stevens Samuel Bla"ney Charkflcwn James Smith Salem Jonatfean Phones Ifaac Smith Benja. Mirick Jofliua Ph'ppen

- Thomas Gould : SiaUfbury James Lock Danxjers, Daniel Goldihwait :5eth Clarki Nathaniel Ring D^dham Abijah Parker ScituaU Caleb Ray Ira Richards Soinerft't Ezra Chaie Falmout'i John Jones Sprin^f. Jeduth. Sandeifon Gkmccjler Benjamin Staccy Waltham Ifaac Child? Gor/iam Royal Waiertown Peter Wheeler HaUoweil Jofeph Smith Abner Crafts Haverhill Nathaniel Ayer Winthrop John Wadrwortli

Phinehas C;irltton 1 [Under a Law pafRrd March 4, l8co-] hfp. of Pvt& Pearl Afius, Dr. David TownfcndjOfBofton. [OfFtce kept oppofite South Buryiqg Place,,PIeafant ftreeu] Deputies. Bath ^enja. p oiler Medford Andrew Blanchard i .

InjTpedors.—Medical Societies. 33

Ckariejiawn John Auftln } Nezuburyport Jonathan Call

Haverhill Phineas Carlton j Portland !?hirley Erving

[Under a Law pafTed June 17, 1791.] InfpeBor of Nails, Gen. John Winflow, of Bofton. [Office in Atklnfon ftreet, former!)^ Green's lane.] Afa Danforth, at Taunton, his deputy. [Under a Law pafTed Feb. 28, 1800.] InJfteBorofTobaccOy Butter and Lard, Dea. Francis Wrrghtr of Bofton, [Office is kept in High ftreet, near Ruflell's \\Tiarf.] Deputies. Charkjlozvn Nathan Adams Newhuryport Johri Tracey do. James Locke Hallowell Jofeph Smith Salem Joihua Phippen Medford, Jonathan Warner Marbhhead, Jona. Roundy

[Under Laws pafled Mar. 4.June 17, i8oo,& Mar. 3, 1801.J Keeper tj the Standards of Weights and Meafu^es^ and (ek officio; as Treafurer, Jon^ihzn Jackfon, of Bofton. Richard Auftin, his Deputy, at Bofton.

ipia iw . ,, I I I !

Majfachufeits Medical Society at Bofton.

Incorporated November 1, 1781.

OJiccTs eU6led on the ijl Wednefday in June annuaUy. Prefident, John Warren. Vic'e-Prejidevt, Jojfhua Fifher. Treafurer, Thomas Kaft. Corr efponding Secreta ry. Thorn as Welch Recording Secretary, James Jackfon. Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper, John Fleet. Counfellors and Fellozos in the different counties may be iuiown by applying to the Recording Secretary.

Branch of Maflachuf. Medical Society at Worcejier* Inftituted in 1804. Officers chofen for 1805. Prtjident, Ifrael Atherton. Vice-Prefident, Jonathan Ofgood^ Trtafurer, John Green. Correfponding Secretary, Oliver Fifke. Recording Secretary, John Green. 34 Medical Societies,

Bojlon Medical Difpenfary.

InOltuted Otlober, 1796. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1801,

OJicers elected on id Thurfday in OEloher annually,

Prcfident, Samuel Strllinan, D.D. - Tnafurer, William Smith, Efq. Secretary, John Andrews, Efq. Confulting Pkyficians, James Lloyd, m.d. Ifaac Rand, m,d, C John G. Coffin, Southern Diftrift. Vifiting PhyficianSy j James Jackfon, Middle Diftrict. ( John Dlxwell, Northern Dillvia. C Stephen Thayer, Southern Diftritl, Apothecaries^ <.Thomas Baitlett,' Middle Diftrift. C Robert Fennelly, Northern Diftrift. Managers, Samuel Stillman, d. d. Samuel Well, d. d. Stephen Gorham, Efq. John Andrews, Efq. William Tu- dor, Efq. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Jonathan Araory, Efq. Mr.Thoinas Brewer,Mr. Benjamin Eufrey,Henry H'ill, Efq, Ml-. Samuel Salifbury, and Mr. AdamBabcock. ^Thc managers meet quarterly on the 2d Friday in each month, at rhcfign of the Good Samaritan, No. 13, Cornhill* A''. B. The Southern Diftricl comprehends all the fouth part of the town from the Couth fide of Winter 3nd Sum- mer ftreets. —The Middle Diftrift from thence to the Mill- Bridge, including. Weft Boflon.-r-'l he Northern Diftrift, all the north part of the town from the Mill Bridge. The above Inflitution, though yet in its infancy, has af- forded the means of relief to many ncce'JtiOus pcrfons, among others, whofe feelings would have been hurt by an application for afliftance from the Alms-Houle ; as they are by this charity attended, free of any expenfe, by- an able Phyfician, either at their own houfes, or at t!ie Ditjoen- fary, as the cafe may require, and furnifhed with whatever medichie they may need, and with wine, if neceflary.

Middle/ex Medical Aflbciation at Cambridge^ Oncers elfcicd on lajl Wednejday in October annually. Prefidmt, Vice-P reft dent, Benjamin Waterhoufe. Triafurer, Secretary Dr. Jofeph Hiuit. Charitable Societies. 35

Ketine^ed Medical Affociation. Inftitured 1797. ^crrs ele&ed 2d Wcdncfday in June annually. Prefdent, Hon. Daniel Cony. Via-Prefidcnt, Dr. John Hubbard. Treal'nrer^ Dr. Peleg Benfoci Secretary^ Dr. Mofes App'.etbn. Librariany Dr. Samuel Coleman.

Majfachujetts Charitable Society*

Founded inBofton, September 6th, 1762.

Incorporated March 15, 1780. Yearly Meeting for choice of OJ^cers^ \jt Monday in Sept. '^ Prefident, Hon. . Vkt-Prcjidoity Jonathan L. Auftin, Efq. TreafurcTy Capt. James Prince. Secretary, Dr. Nathaniel Noyes. Trujlees, Benjamin Auftin, jr. Stephen Bruce, Samuel Hewes, Amafa Stetfon, ^ George Homer, Ihomas Howe.

Iri/Jj Charitable Society at Bojlon.

Inilituted March 17, 1737- Yearly Meeting for the choice of OJicerSy ijth of March* Prcfdait, Simon Elliot. Vicc-Prcfident, Thomas Englifh. Treafurer, John Manner. Keeper of the Siiver Key, James Smith. AffJlants^Ycitncl. Caffin and Robert Cunningham. Recording Secretary, John Beane. Correfponding Secretary, Shubciel Bell. ^Trufl/ei, Tnomis O. Selrridge, Andrew Dunlap, and lichard Clabby.

Bojton Epifcopal Charitable Society,

InftiTUted 1724. Incorporated February 12, 1784. Yearly Meeting for choke of OJicers, on Zdfier Tuefday, ^rr^e^'W^, William iMCor.—Vicc-Prefidint, Samuel Dunn, ^reafurtr, Benjamin Greene.—5fcrcfflr)', Jofeph Fofter. ^'i/fhi-s, Richard Green, George Deblcis, Jofeph Head, Thomas Bre^xr, Thomas Kaft, and Rev. J.SJ. Gardi- ner. —

36 Charitable Societies.

Scots Charitable Society at Bojkn, Inftltuted 168^. Incorporated March i6, 1786. Yearly Meetingfor Choice of Officers, i/i Tuefday in May. Preftdent^Andreyf Rnchic.—Vice-Prefi dent, Wm. Clowfton. Treasurer, Wm. M'Kean. Secretary, Thomas Semple. M'Farlane, Affijiants, John' Fullerton, John Wm. Lamb, and John Bennoch.

MaJfachufeiU Congregational Charitable Society, For the Relief of dcflitute Widows and Children ofdeceafed Minifters. Incorporated March 24, 1786. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers^ on the Monday preced- ing the lafi Wednefday in May.

Pre/ident, John Lathrop, D. D. oi i*i c'e- Pref: dent, Hon. , Salem. Treafurc; Hon. George Cabot. Secretary, Jofeph Eckley, d. d. Council, Hon. James SuHivan, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Hon. George Cabot, Samuel Parkman, Efq. Rev. Thomas Barnard, d. d. oi Salem, Rev. John Eliot, d. d.

Majfachu/etts Charitable Fire Society. Incorporated June 25, 1794. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, on the Friday next after the lajl Wednefday in May, Semi-annual Meeting, ^d Wednefday in November, Prefident, Arnold Welles, Efq. Vice-Prefident, Thomas K- Jones, Efq. Correfp'onding Secretary, Rev. William Eraerfon. Recording Secretary, \A' iiliam Alline, Efq. Treafurer, Francis Wright, Efq,. Trujlees, Samuel Stillraan, d. D. John Eliot, d. d. Mr, Tames White, Shubael Bell, Efq. Dr. Jofhua Thomas, Benjamin Ruflcil, Efq. Mr. Enoch Hufe, and Mr. Jofeph Levering.

Roxhury Charitable Society.

Inflituted January', 1794. Incorporated February 26, 1799. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, 2>d Monday in Sept. Prefdcnt^Hon. JohnRezd. Firfl Fice-Frefdent, Capt. Jofeph Wilhams. Charitable Societies. 37

Second Vice-Prefidcnty Rev. Eliphalet Porter. TreaJureTy Joleph Ruggles, Efq. Secretary, , Efq. Standing Committee, Deacon Jofiiua Feltonii Mr. George Ztigler, Rev. Eliphalet Porter, Mr. Thomas T. Robinfon, Mr. John Williams. TrufteesofJoHNBoYLSTON'sCharitableDonatipns, for the Be-nejit and Support of aged poor Perjons^ and of Orphans and Defcrted Children. The Seleclrnen of the Town of Bofton,

IncorporatedFeb. 3, 1803.

Truftees of the Franklin Donation. The Seleftraen of Bofton. Rev. James Freeman. Rev. William Emerfon.

JSoJion Franklin Aflbciation.

Inftituted Sept. 14, 1801. Yearly Meeting for the choice of Officers, i-jth of January. Quarterly Meetings, 9.d Mondays in April, July and OBober, Prefidevt, William Greenough. P^ce-Pr^fd'nt, Jofhua Bekher. I reafurer, Eleaier G. Houfe. Recording Secretary, Jofnua Simonds.

Bofton Female Afylum. Indituted Sept. 25, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1803. in Sept. annually. Officers chofen on the lajl Tuefday , Firft Direclrefs, Mrs. Hannah Stillman. Second Direttrffs, Mi's. Mary Hubbard. Treafurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins. Rfcording Secretary, Mils Eliza Frothingham. CoUcthhig Secrdary,^ Mrs. Elizabeth Thurfton. Managers, Mrs. Catharine Codman, Mrs. Elizab. Dorr, Mrs. Mary Gray, Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin, Mrs. Ann Green, Mrs. Mary Grew, Mrs. Anne M'Lean, Mrs. Abi- gail May, Mrs. Sarah Parkman, Mrs. Hannah Smith, Mrs. Margaret Whitwell. Mifs Rebecca Rockwell, Govemefs.

g:|r The Afylum, is kept next dc»r ts Trinity Churih, in Summer Street. 3^ Charitable Societies.

Salem Female Charitable Society.

Inftituted July i, 1801. Incorporated June 23, 1804.

Yearly choke of Officer3^ \Jl Wcdnefday in May, Fir[I DireBrefs, Lucretia Ofgood. Second DireBrcfSy Elizabeth White. Treafurer, Eunice Richardfon. Secretary^ Elizabeth Gardner. Managers, Mdsgzrtt Murphy, Lois Pulling, Deborah Hovey, Lydia Townfend, Sarah Ward, Abigail Mafon Dabney, Sarah Dunlap, and Hannah Neal.

Portland Benevolent Society, (a)

Incorporated Feb. 15, J 803.

Yearly meeting for choice of officers, \Jl Wednejday in Oci. Prefident, Samuel Dean?, d. d. Vice-Prejidcnt, Rev, Elijah Kcllog. Secretary, Stephen Longfellow, Elq, Treafurcr, Samuel Freeman, Elq. Managers, The Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Secretary, Matthew Cobb, Jofeph H. Ingraham, Samuel Freeman, Jofl)ua Rogers, William Symmes, Rev. Timothy Hillyard,

Newhuryport Female Charitable Society.

Incorporated March 15, 1805.

Yearly meetingfor choice of officers, 2d Tuefday in June. Firft Di^rcirefs, Hannah Balch. Second Direarefsf Sarah Thonipfon. Treafurer, Margaret Atwood. Secretary, Mary Woart. Managers, Anne Norton, Dorcas Noves, jr. Mary Gas^e, i!lizabeth Epes Carter, Sufanna CoJlin, Elizabeth Jen- kins, Rebecca Marquand.

(a) T/rr defign of this Society is to relieve and affifi thofe tbjeas of compaffion, zjhofe circumfiances may require relief in a manner different from that zvhich is by law providedfor •the fupport and employment of the poor; comprehending therein, the widow and the fathe.rlefs, the defitide and help- I'fs f ranger, and all, who by ficknefs^ infirmity ^ or •misfor- tune, viay be reduced to indigence. :

Refufcitative Procefs, &c, $^

Summary of the Method of Treatmeut to he ujed with Perfons apparently deadJ rem Drowning, &c. THE RESUSCITATIVE PROCESS, Recommended by tht Humane Society. CONVEY the perfon totheneareft convenient houfe,wit1i

his head raifed : ftrip and dry him as quick as poflible clean the mouth and noftrils from froth and mud. If a child, let him be placed between two perfons naked, in a hot bed. If an adult, lay him on a hot blanket or bed, and, in cold weather, near a fire—in warm weather, the air ftiould be freely admitted into the room. The body is next to be gent- ly rubbed with warm woollen cloths fprinkled with fpiritSj If at hand, otherwife dry. A heated warming-pan may be now lightly moved over the back, properly covered with a blanket—and the body, if of a child, is to be gently fhook every few minutes. Whilft thefe means are ufing, let a clyfter of warm water, with as much common fait as it will dilTolve, be thrown into the bowels. Bathe the breaft with hot rum—and perfift in the ufe of thefe means for feveral hours. If no figns of life fhould then appear, let the body be kept warm feveral hours longer, with hot bricks, or vef- fels of hot water, applied to the palms of the hands and foles

of the feet ; and this for a longer or ihortcr time, as the ci*^ cumftances of the cafe may dicState. The too cuftpmary method of rolling on a barrel, fufpend* ing by th^ feet, and every other violent mode of agitation, particularly in removing the body from the water, fhould be mcH carefully avoided. To reftore breathing, introduce the pipe of a bellows (when no apparatus is at hand) into one of the noftrils, the

other and mouth being clofed ; injlafe the lungs, until the

breafl is a little raifed ; the mouth and nofttils mufl then be let free. Repeat this procefs until life appear. Eledlricity is recommended to be early employed by judi- cious pradlitioners.

General Obfervatione. Refufcltation.

On the daivn or firft indication of returning life, the pru- dent prad'itioncr will refign the office of Art to Nature. It is evident that Art has contributed her fhare by enabling Nature to ftruggle with the immediate caufe of opprefiiou. 4<» Humane Societies.

It is in faft this judicious blending of Nature with Art that gives to the latter all its efficacy.

On figns of returning lifff

Atea-fpoonful of warm water may be giveh ; and if fwal- lowing be returned, warm wine or diluted brandy. The patients muft be laid in a warm bed, and if difpofed to flcep, they will generally awake perfectly reftored. The plans above recommended are to be ufed three or four hours. — It is an abfurd and vulgar opinion, to fuppofe perfons irrecoverable, becauie life does not foon make its appearance. 0" Bleeding never to be employed, uhkfs by the direc- tion of a phyfician.

Majfdchufetts Humane Society, at Bojion. Incorporated February 23, 1791. Dec, Oncers chofen at the femi-annual Meeting, idTueJday of Preftdent, Dr. John Warren. Firjl Vke-Prefident, John Lathrop, d. d. Second Vice-P reft dent. Dr. Aaron Dexter. Treafurer, John Eliot, d. d. eorrefponding Secretary, Dr. William Spooner* Recording Secretary, John Avery, Efq. Allen, Efq. Triijlces, Nathaniel Balch, Efq. Jeremiah Samuel Parkman, Efq. James Scott, Efq. Edward Gray, Efq. and William Phillips, Efq.

Merrimack Humane Society at Newhurypori,

Inilituted in 1802. Incorporated March 7. 1804. September. OJicers annually eledcd on the ijl Tuefday in Sawyer, M. D. Preft dent, Micajah Vice-Prefident, Hon. Dudley A. Tyng. Treafurcr, Ebenezer Stocker, Efq. Corrclpnnding Sccrctarv, Nathl. Bradftreet, M. B. Recording S':crdary, Mr. William Vv^oart. SaUondall, m. n. Truftees, Rev. Thomas Gary, Nathaniel Rev. Samuel Nye, a m. William Coombs, Efq. fe Dana, Rev. Smith, Nicholas Tohnfoiv Efq. Rev. Daniel Morle, Samuel Spring, Rev. John Andrews, Rev. James Jofeph Dana, d. d. and Rev. Jonathan Allen. .

Mifllonary Societies. 41

Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, and others, in NorthsAmerica, Incorporated November 19^ 1787. Yearly choice of Officers^ day after General Ele6iion> Prefident^ Hon. James Sulilvan. Vice- Prefident, William Phillips, Efq. - Treafurcr^ Ebenezer Storer, Efq. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, D. d. Affiliani_ Secretary^tiury^ Rev.xvev. Abiel/i.uici Holmes.xioimcs.

Select Q,Lmimittce, John Lathrop, d . D . Jofeph EckJdy, D . D - Hon. Dudley A. Tyng,Ty, Mr.- Samuel~ Salifbury, Mr. James- White, Jedidiah Mor)rfe, Vi.n.

Board of Commlflioners of the Society In Scotland for promoting Chriflian Knowledge.

Officers chofen May 30, 1805. Prefident, Hon. Oliver Wendell. Vice-Prefident, Ebenezer Storer, Efq. Treafanr, William Phillips, Efq. Secretary, Jedidiah Morfe, d. D. Standing Commitite, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, William Phillips, Efq. John Eliot, d.d. and Jedi- diah Morfe, D.D.

Majfachvfetts MIffionary Society.

Inftituted at Bofton, ^/say 28, 1799. Yearly choice of Ojficers, lafi Tuefday in May f^ Prefdent, Nathjinael Emmons, p.D. cA Franklin.^ Secretary, Rev. Samuel Aufiin oi Worcefier. Treafurtr, Deacon John Simpkins oS. Bofion.

Truflees, The Prefident ex officio', Viz^'i^ Sanford of Med^'. Ti-ay, Daniel Hopkins of 5£z/(?^«, Samuel Yl\\t%c^^ Ahington^ Samuel Spring o{ Newburyport, Samuel Auftin of /fore- y^i-r, Samuel Worce-fler of Salem, Jonathan Strong of Randolph, Elijah Parifh of Byfeld, Jacob Norton of IVeyjnoutk^ and Jofeph Barker o{ Middlelorough. Honorary Members of the Board of Trupees. The Pref.dent of the London Miflionary Society. The Prefident of the New York Milfionary Society. The E'relident of the Connetlicut Miflionary Society. 1806,] D2 42 Miflionary Societies.

The Prefident of the Hamp^ire Mifiionary Society. The Prefident of theBertfhire and Columbian Miflic^ary Society.

(J:;^ The Miflionaries for this year, are, MefTrs. Sewall and Riddel, for the Diftrift of Maine ; Smith and Cram, for

the Weft ; Sanford, Nilcs, AuUin, Strong, and Dickinfon, for RRode Uland. Rfv. Jofeph Barker of Middlebprough is ckofen the ^rjl^ and Rev. Elijah Parifh of Byfeldy the fecond Preacher Jot next annivcrjary.

Majfachufetts Baptill Miflionary Societ)^.

Infiituted May 26, i8c2. Yearly choice of OJicers, lajl Wcdnejday in May. Chairmav., Samuel Stillman, d.d. Secretary, Thomns Baldwin, d.d^ Treafurcr, Mr. Daniel Wild. Truftees, Samuel Stiliman, d.d. Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. William

• Williams, Rev. Joel Briggs, Rev. Valentine W. Rathbun, Mr. Oliver Holden, Deacon Richard Smith, Deacon John Wait, Rev. Shubael Lovell, Capt. John Kcndrick.

Berk/hire and Columbia Miflionary Society. Oncers chcfaijor 1805. Prefident, Rev. Ephraim Judfon. Vice- Pre/i dent, Kon. Timothy Edwards, Efq. Trcafurcr, Hon. V'^illiam Walker, Efq. Secretary, Rev. Alvan Hyde. Clerk, Kcv. OUver Ayer. Trujlees, Rev. Jelle Townfend, Rev. Aaron Bafcom, Rev.. Dr. Stephen Weft, P.ev. Ephraim Judfon, Rev. Alvan Hyde, Rev. David Perry, Hon. William Walker, Hon. Timothy Edwards, Deacon Stephen Nafti, Deacoa John Hall, and Hon. .

HampJJnre Miflionary Society at Northampton. Incorporated Ecbranry 21, 1804. Yearly choice of Officers is at Northampton, on the Thurfdaj oj the zveeit when the Conn of Conunon Pleas is held in ^» month oj Aiigujl, at 2 o'clock, P. M.

Prefidait, His Excellency Ca i. e r Strong. Vicc-Prcjident, Ke~^;. Samciei Hopkins. Baptift Education Fund, &c. 43

Treafurer, Ruggles Woodbridge, Efq. *X^ Co rre[ponding Secretary, Rev. Enoch Hale.

Recording Secretary ^ Rev. . TrujteeSy Hon. John Haftings, Jofeph Lathrop, D. D. Hon. Ebcnezer Hum, Jofeph Lyman, d.d. Juftiu Ely, Efq. Rev. Solomon Williams, William Billings, Efq. David Pearfon, d.d. Charles Phelps, Efq. P^ev. Richard S. Storrs. 6^ The above officers werechofen for \ht year 1805.

Baptyi Education Fund.

Incorporated Feb. 26, 1794. choke, Yearly of Officers^ Tuefd. after the \ft fVednefd. in SeJ't. Chairman, Samuel Stillman, d.d. Trcafurer, Thomas Baldwin, D. D. 5fcr('/'ar7, Mr. James Harrifon. Tnijiees, Rev. William Williams, Rev. Stephen Gano, Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. George Robinfon, Stephen " Dana, Efq. Rev. Joel Briggs, Mr. Daniel Wild, Mr. Eben. L. Boyd, Rev, Elilha Williams.

This Society meets in Bollon, annually, the laft Wednef- day in May, and at fuch other times and' places as the Soci- ety may judge proper.

The WARREN ASSOCIATION will meet at New- port, (R. I.) the Tuefday after the firll Wednei'day in Sep-

tember, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Rev. Df . is appoini

American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Incorporated May 4, 1780. Yearly Meeting for choice of OJicers^ ^th Tnejdaj in "May,

P reft dent, J o h i; A d a m s , l . l . d . Vice-Prefdc7it, Hon. , ll.d.

, Recording Secretary, Hon. John Davis. Correffwnding Secretary, Hon. John Q. Adams. Treafurer, Rev. James Freeman, Vice-Trerifurer. Dr. William Spoouer.

Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, John Lathrop, n . d . '[ CovnfeUors, Hon. Robert . Paine, Bewjamin Lincoln.

Efq. John Lathrop, d.d. John Warren, m . o . Caleb Gan- netr, Efq. Loammi Baldwin, Efq. Samuel Webbft, LL.a. Rev. James Freeman, and Hon-Jobn Davis. .

44 'Hiftorical Society, &c.

Majfashufetts Hiftorlcal Society. InlHtuted at Bofton, January, 1791. Incorporated Feb. 19, 1794. Ytarly Meeting for choke of OJicers, lajl Tuefday in April. Prejrdeiity Hon. James Sullivan. Treafurer, Hon. Jofiah Qulncy. Correfponding Secreta^'yyjohn'EXiotf D.D, Recording Secretary, Rev. James Freeman, J.itrarian, John T. Kirkland, d.d. Cabinet-Keeper, Mr. Samuel Turell. Standing Committee, Hon. James Winthrop, Hon. Wil- liam Tudor, Dr. Redford Webfter, Hon. John Davis, and Rev. William Emerfon. Ccmmiitee for Publications, Rev. Abiel Holmes, Thomas L. Winthrop, Efq. Hon. John Q. Adams, and Rev. Thad- deus M. Harris.

Bojlon Library.

Incorporated June 17, 1794.

Yearly Meeting for choice cf Officers, \Ji Monday in March. Librarian, Dr. Cyrus Perkins. Treafurer, Mr. Allan Pollock. Secretary, Mr. Nathan Webb. Tnxflees, JohnEliot, d.d. John T. Kirkland, D.n. Rev. William Emerfon, Hon. John Davis, William Spooner,

M. D . John Phillips, Efq. Dr. Redford Webfter, Mr. Allan Pollock, Mr. Henderfon Inches, and Col. William Scollay

Social Law Library. Yearly Meeting for choice of OJicers, id Wednefday in June. Prefdcnt, Hon. Theophilus Parfons. Treafurer, Ebenezer Gay, Efq. Clerk, Peter Thacher, Efq. Trvjiees, Hon. Chriftopher Gore, Rufas G. Amory, and Jofeph Hall, Efquircs.

MaJfachuJeUs Mechanic AfTociation at Bojlotu

Inftituted March 15, 1795. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, ^d Thurfday in Sept. Preftdcnt, Jonathan Hunnewell, Efq. Vicc-Prefdtnt, Maj. Benjamin Ruffell. Aquedmft Corporation, &c. 45

Treafurer, Deac. Francis Wright. Secretary, Mr. Thomas Weiis. Trujizts, Mr. William Alexander, Mr. James Dav.Ton, Mr. Daniel Tutde, Capt. Samuel Todd, Maj. Charles Clement, Capt. David Cobb, Mr. James Barry, Mr. John D. Howard, and Mr. John Cotton.

Bojlon Aquedudt Corporation.

Incorporated February 27, 1795, Yearly Meeting jor choice of Officers-, on iji Saturday in May. Prefidmt, Hon. James Sullivan. Vict-Preftdent, Hon. John Davis. Treafurer Sind. Secretary, Andrew Cunningham. DireBors, Hon. James Sullivan, Dr. Aaion Dexter, Hon. John Davis, Mr. Jofiah Knapp, Mr. William Hammatt, Ruflfell Sturgis, Efq. Mr. Gideon Snow, Mr. Amos Bond, Mr. Triftram 13arnard.

Columbian Society. Inftituted 1792.

Yearly Meetingfor choice of Officers, on \ft Tuefday in Ofiol/er, at the Academy-Hall, in South Parfli, Bridgezvater.

Semi-annual Meeting is on the ifi Tuefday in April. Prefident, Rev. John Read. Vice- Preft dent, Rev. Zedekiah Sanger. Treafiirer, Sylvanus Lazel, Efq. Recording Secretary, , AsM. Corrcfponding Secretary, Benjamin Whitman, Efq. Coimfellors, Rev. Zedekiah Sanger, Hon. Bv-za Hayward, Mr. Benjamin Beale, Jonathan Shaw, Efq. Dotl. Philip Bryant, Hon. Daniel Howard.

^^ The objeft of the above Society is for the promotion of agricultural and literary purfuits,

Majfachufetts Agricultural Society.

Incorporated March 7, 1702. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers^ ^d Wednefday in June, Prefdent, Hon. . Firft Vir^^Prrfld-vt, Hon. Jofeph Rudell. Svcofid Vice- Prefdent, Doftor Aaron Dexter. a Trcafurcr, Thomas L. Winthrop, Efq. y .

4^ Agricultural Societies.

Rfconning Saretary, John Avery, Efq. CWrt'/ponding Secretary, Rev. John T. Kirkland, d. n. 7'rujcts, Hon. Theodore Lyman, Doft. John Warren, Hon. Chriftopher Gore, Samuel Warren Pomeroy, Elq. Hon.Jofiah (^uincy, Dudley Atkins Tyng, Efq.

Vifitors of the Profeflbrfhip of Natural Hiftory. FcundfJ at Harvard Coilcgc.

Prff:d<-nt, Honorable J o H n A D a m s S(cretar\\ John Avery, Efq. Hon. JofcphRuirell Theodore Lyman, Efq. Dotlor A

Kennebech Agricultural Society at Augufia,

Inftituted 1800. Incorporated Feb. 17, 1801. Yearly mteting for choice of Oncers Prefidrnt, William Howard, Efq. Firjl Vice-Prefidc-nt, Jofeph North, Efq.

Second Vice-P reftdent y Nathaniel Dummer, Efq. Treafurer^ Daniel Coney, Efq; Recording Secretary^ Henr>- Sewall, Efq.

Cvrre/pcnding" " Secretaries, j l±lft''h^^^f • ' < James iiridge, Eiquires.,, Tm/iecSf Charles Vaughan, Efq. Arthur Lithgow, Efq. Robert Page, Efq. Rev. Daniel Stone, Chandler Robbins, Efq. John Davis, Efq. Rev. EiiphaletGillet. 0:$" The above oSicere were chofen for the year 1805.

Weftirn Society of Middhjfx Hufbandmen. Incorporated Feb. c8, 1803.

YcJ'iy Meeting for choice of OJicers is held on the ift Tutfday in SeptenrSer, at Weftford, Littietcn^and Grctcn, in rotcticn^ at 10 c'ciock, A. M. Prefident, Hon. Ebenezer Bridge. Fiiji Fice-Pre'sdent, Zaccheus Wright, Efq. Second Vice-P refident. Rev. John Bullard. Recording Secretary, Mr. David LawTence. < Correjppndrng S:'cretjry, Rev. Edmund Foftcr. [Who arc Truttees ex c^cic.} Mafonic Societies. 4f

Trf.afurer, Capt. Francis Kidder. Trujlf.e^^ Hon. Timothy Bigelow, Mr. Ehcmzei Ban- croft, and Deacon Abel Fletcher.

Society of Printers in Bo/ion and its vicinity.

Inftituted Augaft 2, 1805.

Annual meetings Jirfi Tmfday in October. M^jor Benjamin Ruffell, Prpfidtnt. Mr. David Francis, Secretary and Treafurtr.

GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS. THE firft Mafons' Lodge in America was held in Bofton, July 30th, 5733, by virtue of a commiflion ff5m the Right Honorable .^nd Right Worfliipful Anthony Lord Vifcount Montague, Grand Mafter of England.—The Maflathufetts Grand Lodge (alfo holden at Bofton) was firft eftablilhed on December 27th, 576^, and defcended from the Grand Mafter of Scotland—On the 19th of June, 579a, a Grand

Mafonic Union v/as formed by the two Grand Lodges ; and all diftindions between ancient and modem Mafons abo lifted. ^^T The ^jtarterly Cemmunicationt are held at Concert- Hall, in Bofton, on the evenings of the 2d Mondays in March, June, September and December. TTearlj choice of officers is in the month of December. GRAND OFFICERS. Moft Worftipf. Ifaiah Thomas, Efq. Grand Majier.* Rt. Worfhpf. Simon Elliot, Efq. Deputy Grand Majier. Rt. Worfhpf. Timothy Bigelow, Efq. Senior Gr. Warden. Rt. Worftipf. Johji Soley, Junior Gr. Warden. Rt. Worfhpf. Alien Crocker, Grand Treafurer. Worfliipful John Pro<5ior, Grand Secretary. Rt. Worfhpf. Shuhael Bell, Senior Gr. Deacon. Rt. Worflipf. Henry Fowle, Junior Gr. Deacon, Rt. Worihpf. Thaddeus M. Harris, Correfpond. Gr. Secry. Rt. Worihpf. Benjamin Ruftell, Grand Marjbal. Rt. Worfhpf. Edward Goodwin, Grand Sivord Bearer,

* " A Grand Mafter fliall be annually chofcn on the eve-

ning of the 2d Monday in December : and no perfon Ikall be eligible for the office more than three years fuccdfively." Cenjiitution, chap. Hi, te&. 3. .

48 Mafonic Societies.

Rev. Brother John Mutray, Bojion -^ Rev Brother Ala Eaton, Bojlon ) >t .5 Rev. Brother James "Nioricy Neivluf>:port S- I "I Rev. Brother Ezekiel L. Bafcom, Gerry \ ^ ^ Rev. Brother John Pipon, Taunton -^ ^

^''^", "'•^ -Rev. Brother Jacob Herrick, Durham, ( nlf r Rev. Brother ThuraonWhith,g.,.W.„,^>^^*^,_^>.-

Worfhipful Tohn B. Hammatt,7 ^ , c. j • bteivards: „ 1 T 1, T /r r Grand Brother John May,jr. 3 "> Brother T. Redman, j » /• • ^ ^''""^^ Purfui'.auts. Brother Samuel Nye, j Brother William Eaton, Grand Tyler.

"Who were all proclaimed in the Lodge by the Grand Mar- ihal

The following i» a lift of the Lodges under the jurlfdic- tlon of the Grand Lodge of Maffachufetts. The Lodges arc

divided into twelve dillricils ; and a Diftrid Deputy Grand Mafter appointed to each diftriA by the prefent Grand Maf- ter, viz. Firft Diftrift. Rt. Worfhpf. John Boyle, Efq. DiftricSt Deputy Gr, Maft^ Bojlon St John's I Hiram Lexington

Rifmg States ditto ' Meridian Waterto-wn

Maffachufetts ditto ; Mount Moriah Reading

King Solomon Charlcjloivn I Mount Ijebanon Bojion

Columbian BoJio*i \ Rural putney Roxbury Conftellation Ledham Wafhington j

Union Dorchcjler | Amicable Cambridge Second Diftria. Rt Worfhpf. Jonathan Gage, Efq. Dift. Dcp. Gr. Maft.

St. John's Neivburyport \ Effex Salem Tyrian Gloucejler Merrimack Haverhill \

St. Peter's Neivburyport \ St. Mark Neivburyport Lynn Philanchropic Marblebead \ Mount Carmel Ipfwicb Unity | Third Diftria. Rt. Worfhpf. John D. Dunbar, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft.

Old Colony Hanover \ Adams Wellfeef

King Hiram Provincetowr. j M^xmc {'Qzxn^, CO.) Falmoutk Mafonic Societies. 4^

Forefathers Rock Plymouth Sumner j Dennis

Fraternal Barnjlable \ Corner-ftone Duxhorough Fourth Diftrlcl. Rt. Worfhpf. Seth Padelford, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft.

Briftol Norton j E^fiern Star Rehoboth Fellowftiip Br'idgetvater King David Taunta^ j

Montgomery Franklin \ Rifing Star Stougbton Fifth Diftrift. Rt. Worfhpf. Timo. Whiting, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft.

Trinity Lanc-TJIer \ Corinthian Concord Middlefcx Framingbam Social | ^fi^y Groton Aurora St. Paul I LeomiTiJiar Sixth Diftricl. Rt. Worfhpf Ehen. H. Phillips, Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Morning Star Worceft Meridian Sun Breokjield Fayette Cbarlton Mount Zion Hardivich Thomas Men/on Harris Atbol Olive Branch (Jxjlrd Charity MenJon Seventh Diftrid. Rt. Worfhpf Daniel Stebbins, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Federal BlanJford Jerufalem Nartban.pton j

Republican Greenfield . Pacific Sunderland

Harmony Northfeld I Eighth Diftricl. Rt. Worftipf. Robert Walker, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Friendfhip M'iUiamJioivn Sincerity PaririJgefield I Chejhr Wifdom ' Weji-Stockbridge Franklin j

Evening Star Lenox \ Sheffield Shcfield Cincinnatus Gr. Barrington j Ninth Diftria. Rt, Worfhpf. Woodbury Storer, Efq. Dift. Dep Gr. Maft. " Fryburoh Portland Portland \ Pythagorean

Lincoln IVifcoJfet j Cumberland Nc'w-Gloucejisr

Kenneheck HaUoivell | Oriental Brldgetonvn Bath United Topfoam \ Solar thomajlorvn Saco &aco j Orient Tenth Diftria. Rt. Worftipf. George Ulnier, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Hams'en Hancock Copne \ Rifing Virtue Aniity Camden | 5^ Mafonic Societies.

Eleventh Diftrid. Rt. Worlhpf. John Cooper, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft.

Warren Macbias | Eaftern Eafport Columbian Tufcin j

Twelfth Di{lri<5l. Rt Worfhpf. William Coffin, Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Union Nantucket King Solomon's in Perfedlion Holmes^s Hole Walhiilgton Remembered Neiv-Bedfard.

Out of the Common-wealth, b'.t under the yurlfdiBion. • American Union* Marietta (State of ) St. Johnf Stabrcck (Demarara, W. I.) Scioto Cbillicothe (State of Ohio.)

St. Andrsiv*s Lodge meets at the Green Dragon, in Bofton,

on the evening of the 2d Thurfday in each month ; and the Royal Arch at the fame place, on the Wednefday evening preceding the filling of the moon. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. At a meetino: of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of Maflachufetts, held at Mafon's Hall, Newburyport, Tuefday the 17th September, A. L. 5805, the following oS- cers were chofen, viz.

M. E. Timothy Eigelovv Grand High Priefi. E. Benjamin RnffcU Deputy Grand High PricR. E. David Coffin, jr. Grand King. E. Samuel A, Otis, Gmnd Scribe. Andrew Sigourney Grand Treafurer* Edward Koriman Grand Secretary. Rev. Afz raton Grand Chaplain, Henry Purkitt Grand Marjial.

William Learned 'J Thcmas Redman Steivards. Jacob Perkins James Locke J William Tompkins In/ide Centinel. William Eaton Outfide Centinel.

* Original Charter dated in February, A. L. SIT^' f Charter dated September i a, A.L- j8ot. — ^ United States' Bank, 51

Purfuant to the Conflitution, the Grand Chapter of this State was organized on the lath of June, 5798. Its meet- ings are holden alternately at Bofton and Newburyport, on the 3d Tuefday of Septenibcr yearly. The Chapters xinder its jurifdidion are

St. Andrew's Chapter ; [This Chapter meets regularly in the town of Boflon, at the Green Dragon, on the evening of the Wednefday pre- ceding the full moon.] King Cyrus's Chapter; [This Chapter meets in the town of Newburyport.] St. John's Chapter. [This Chapter meets in the town of Groton.]

The African Lodge in Bofton meets regularly at thehoufc of Prince Hall, in Congrefs-ftreet, on the evening of the ift Tuefday in each month.

Bank of the United States at Philadelphia.

Thomas Willing^ Prefident. George Sivrpforiy Ca&ier. This Bank was incorporated by an A(ft of Congrefs Feb.

45, 1791 ; and to continue until the 4th of March 1811. It is under the direction of a Prefident and twenty four Diredl- ors, chofen yearly on the ift Monday in January. There are feven Branches of this Bank eftablifhed, viz.—Bofton, New-York, Baltimore, Charlefton (S. C.) Norfolk, Waftiing- ton, and Savaimah (Georgia.)

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Boflon. Capital—700,000 Dcllars. George Peter Roe Dalton, CaJTiitr. Cabot, Prefident. \

Diredors, Jofeph Coolidge, jr. Samuel P. Gardner Gardner Greene, Jofeph liurd, John Joy, Harrifon G. Otis, John Parker, Samuel Parkman, Thomas H. Perkins, Thomas Perkins, David Sears, and Timothy Williams. Fir/i Teller, Chriftopher Minor. SeccndTeller, Samuel Payfoa. Firjl Book-Keeper^ John W. Blanchard. Second Book-Keeper^ Turner Phillips. Dijcount Clerk, John H. Bowes. Interejl Clerk, Samuel Brewer. 52 Banks in Ma/fachufetts,

AJfiftant Clerks ^.]o\\v\ Call and Benjamin Shaw. Mqjtnger, Gil lam Bnfs. Pctit'ts, Wiiiiam Hunt and John Holhrook. Q:$' Days of Difcount are Mondays and Thurfdays.

Branch of the U. S* Bank at New-York.

Cornelius Ray, Pielidijni:. Calhicr. ( Jonai/ian Burred,

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Baltimore..

John Szaan, Prefident. | David Harris, Cafliler.

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Charlefton.

Adam Gilchrijl, PaTidenr. Jofiah Smith, Cafhier. j

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Norfolk. Calhier. Robert Taylor, Prelident. | Robert OliphanP, J

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Walhington. Carkton, Prefident. James Davidjcn, jr. Cafhier. Jofepk |

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Savannah. Mendenhall, Calhier. Jofrbh Haberjliam, Prefident. | Thomas

Maffachufetts Bank at Bofton. Capital—400,000 Dollars. as there Incorporated Feb, 7, 1784 ; and to continue as long are proprietors in this Bank.

Officers, ele6\ed on the ift Wednefday in January annually. IVilliam Phillips, Prefident. James Tkzving, Cafhier. ( DireBors, Rufas G. Amory, Joseph Coolidge, Thomas Dawes, Aaron Dexier, Benjamin Green, William Parfons, John Phillips, and Samuel Salifoury. Firfi Teller, Nathaniel Fofter. Second Teller, Thomas Chafe. Firfl Book-Keeper, Nathaniel H. Furnefs. Second Book-Ketper, N. F. Thayer.

Difcount Clerk y Miles Greenwood. MeJJ'fVirer, James Hill. (^Cf Day of Difcount is Monday. Banks In MalTachufetts. ^j

Union Bank at Bofton. Capital— 1200,000 Dollars.

Incorporated June 25, 1792 j and to continue until ths

J ft Monday in Oftober, 1802. Charter renewed ta the ift Monday in October, 1812. Officers elcfted on ift Monday in September annuaHy.

Oliver Wendell, Prefident. | George Burrcughs, Caftiier. DireElors, Samuel Brown, Benjamin Buffey, Samuel Cobb, Stephen Codman, Thomas Davis, Jofeph Head, Ben- jamin Joy, Jotiah Quincy, John Wells, Thomas L. Win- throp. Firjl Teller^ John Brown. Secofid Teller, Samuel Paricer. Firji Book-Keeper, Nathaniel Emmons. Stcond Book-Ketper Johnfon Jackfon. Difcauni Clerks, Wm. Furnefs and Henry Stevenfon. McJJenger, Edward W. Neweil. Porter, Benjamin White. (^3" I^^y f>f Difcount is Tuefday.

Bofton Bank. Cahital— 1800,000 Dollars.

Incorporated March 4, 1803 ; and to continue from the ifl: day of June, 1803, to th^' ift Monday in Oft. 1812. Officers elefted on ill Monday in June annuallj-. Jonathan jackfon, Prelident. Chapman, Cafliier. f jfcfeph Dirc6lors, Thomas C Auiory, John T. Apthorp, Peter C. Brooks, Ifaac P. Davis, Stephen Higgiuibn, jun. Na- fhaniel C. Lee, James Lloyd, jun.William Pickman.Wil- liam Pratt, Ebenezer Picble, John Prince, jr. William Sullivan. Fir^ Teller, William Cochran. Second Teller, Robert Laih, jr. Firft Book-Kerper, James Ellifon. S'xond Book-Kecper, George Dcblois. Dij'count Clerk, Matthew S. Parker. A'ifijiant Clerk, Oaavias Plumn\er. McJIcnger, Timotliy Qreene, jr. Farter, John Johnfon. ^^ Days of Difcount, Mondays,Wednefdays and Fridays, Solicitor for Loans ofrnis Bank witkin and for Suffolk Cc. Willianv :Su' livan, of Boilcu.

:8c6.1 £ r. 54 Banks in MalTachufetrs.

Bofton Exchange Office, or Aflbciation Fund.

In(or})Oraiod June 2,^, 1804 ; and ro cominiic from the ift Monday in Aug. iSo^}., to the ift Monday in Aug. 18 12. Officers cktl.:d on tlu ift Monday in Aug. an;mally.

Samuel Ciapt Prefidtnt. | George Odiornr, Trcafurer. Din-tlivs, David S. BradiUcer, D;ivid W. Child, An- dn'W Dexter, jr. David S. Eaton, Caleb Hayward, Jofcph Nye, William Riicliie, Samuel Spear, liliphalet WiiiiaiTiS. fr'rji Teller, William Flanagan. SiCond Tiller, John Pitman Clark. Firjl Book-Keeper, E. Herring, jr. Second Book-Keeper, John Pickens, jr. Difcou'it Clerk, William ColHn, jr. MeJ/i^^er, William Ahranis. Nantucket Bank. Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795; and to continue from the ift day of May, 179,>, to May 1, 1805. Renewed to the lail Monday in March, 1806. Officers oleRcd on the ift Monday of Januaty annually. Prefident. Jojeph C/uife, | George Foiger,jr. Calhier.

Nantucket Pacific Bank.

lacorporafed March 3, 1804 ; and to continue from the ifr M<->nuay of July, 1804, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812. Oiiiccrs eiecied on the ill Monday in July annually.

Tri/ircri Hujey, Piclident. | Nathan Ccnyiock, Calliier.

Merrimack Bank at Newburyport.

) rcorporatcd June i\5, 17Q5 ; i»nd to continue from the itt day oF July, 1795, to July 1, 1805. Ofdcers elc61edou ill Mv-^nday in January annuallv.

IVilliam Bartlet, Preiidcni. | JVm.' IV. Prout, Cafliier.

Portland Bank.

Incorpo ated June 15, 1799 ; apd 10 continue from the ift diy or July, 17QQ, to July 1, 1819. Onlcers elected on ift of Tanaarj* annual'v. Hu^k M'Lcoan, Prelident. Caihici. \ Joflp.'t Sz::fi,

Maine Bank at Portland.

Incorporated June 1:3, 1802 ; and to continue from th? ift day of April, i8c2, to the ift Monday in Oct. i8ia. Oilicers elc^lcd on ift Monday in June annually.

Samiici FiccPian, Preiidcn:. ) D, Hcle^ C?.fti'er, Banks in MafTachufetts. ^§

EfTex Bank at Salem.

Incorporated June 18, 17^9 ; and to continue from the ift dav of July, 1799, to JuH' 1, 1819. (3fficer5 ele£kd on iH; Mondav in Junr annuallv.

IViliidm Gray, jr. Prefident. ( V/m. S. Oi'ay, Caftiier.

Salem Bank.

L corporated March 8, 1803 ; ar^d to continue from the ift Morwlay of June 180.^, to id Mondriy in Oft. 1812. Officers eleclcd on ift Monday in June annually. B.nj. Pichman, jr. Prefident. jona. Hodges, Cafhier. \

Gloucefter (Cape Ann) Bank.

Incorporated Jainuary 27, 180c ; and to eoijtmue from the firft day of February, iBcc, to February 1, 1810. Officers elecled on 3d 'ihurfdcy in April annually. Prefident. jojcph Caftiier. J':hn Semes, | Allen,

Beverly Bank. Ihcorporated June 23, 1802; and to continue from the ift day of October, 1802, to Oftobcr i, 1812. OHicfrs elected on id Monday in October annually. IfradThorndike, Prefident. Gould, Cafhi r. j Jofiah (^ Days to apply for Lo-^ns ^^nd Difcounis, aie Mondays and Thurfdajs.

Lincoln and Kennebeck Bank at WifcafTet.

Incorporated June 23, l8o2 ; 'dpd to confin'ie from fHe ifl Monday of Oct. 1802, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812. Officers elefted on ift Motid.iy in September annually. Henry Roby, Caflncr. IVitliani King , Preildent. |

Northampton Bank,

Incorporated March 1, 1803 ; and to continue from the 111 Mo;,uav of Oft. 1803, to th-; tft Monday in Oft. 181c. OfRreriv e'icfted on lit Wcdncfdr.y in Oftober annually.

Samuel Henjhaw, Prelidc-nt. j Levi Lwian, Cafhier.

Bedford Bank at New-Bedford.

Irrorp-d,j^. Frefide:u. j J $6 Banks IB MaflUchufetts.

Saco Bank at Pepperelborough.

Incorporated March 8, 1803 ; and to continue to the ift Monday in Oftober, 1812. Officers clefted on firft Monday in Oftober annually.

Thomas Cutts, Prefident. j Samuel Peirfon, Cafhier.

Plymouth Bank.

Incorporated June 23, 1803 ; and to continue from th« iftday of January, 1804, to July 1, 1812. Officers elected on firfl Monday in January annually. Prefident. William Cafhier. IViiliam Davis, J Goodwin,

Hallowell and Augufla Bank at Hallowell.

Incorporated March 6, 1804 ; and to continue from Oc- tober 1, 1804, to Otlober 1, 1812. Officers eletted on the ift Monday in January anr.ually. John 0. Page, Prefident. Jer. Dummer, Cafhier. |

Worcefter Bank. ^

Incorporated March 7, 1804 ; and to continue from the ift Monday of Oft. 1S04, to the I1I Monday in Ocl, 1812. Officers el'efted on ift Wednefday in Oftober annually.

DanidlValdOy jr. Prefident. | LeviThaxter, Calliier.

Marblehead Bank*

Incorporated March 7, 1804 ; and to continue from the |£th of Odober, 1804, to Ociolser 12, 1812. Officers elefted on ift Monday of January annually. Barker, Prefident. Pcdrick, Cafliier. Joj'cph | John 3^,

Miijfackufetts Fire and Marine Infurance Corapanr at Bofton. [Capital 600,000 dollars.] Incorporated (originally June 25, 1795) Feb. 13, 1799, and to continue until June 2j, 1815. OJicers eitcitd en the lajt Wednefday in Aug. annually. Arnold ^Welles, Prefident. —William Scollay, Secretar}\ Dire^crs, Jehu Aadre\vs, William H. Bordmao, Gaiuh- liel Brauford, Benjamin Bul.'ey, Samuel Cobb, vStrphen Cod- man, Jona. Chapman, Jofcph Hall, Jofepii Mead, Benja- min Joy, Jona. Mafon, Samuel Parkman. Daniel Sargt'iu, Ignatius Sargent, William Sr;iith, John Weih. .

Infuranci Companies. 57

Majachufetts Mutual Fire Infurance Company, at Bojlon. [Capital 300,000 dollars.] Incorporatedf Man h l, 1798. Officers elected on the f.rjl Tiiejday in June annually.

T7L r\v T> rj . S Andrew Cunningham, Ebenezer Oln^r, Prefidenr. J g.^^^^^^y ^^^ Treafurer. Dzre&ors, Triftram Barnard, William Brown, Jofeph Coolidge, jr. Thomas Dennie, Samuel Dunn, Simon Elli- ot, Edward Gray, Samuel Gore, Benjamin Greene, Henry Hill, William Hammatt, John May, John Olborn, Ruflell Siurgis, Elifha Ticknor.

Bo/ion Marine Infurance Company. [Capital 500,000 dollars.] Incorporated Feb. 13, 1799; and to continue from the «5th of June, 179,5, to June 25, 181,5. Officers eleiied on thejirjl Monday in January annually. Samuel Cabot, Prefident. Jofeph May, Secretary. | DireBorSi Thomas C Amorj', Adam Babcock, Peter C. Brooks, Jonathan Davis, Jofeph Lee, jun. James Lloyd, jun. William Parfons, Ebenezer Preble, John Prince, jun. Daniel Sargent, jun. Timothy Williams. McJJ'enger, Samuel Goddard.

Stifoli Infurance Company at Bofton. [Capital 225,000 dollars.]

Incorporated February 12, 1B03 ; and to continue 20 years. Officers eleEled on the id Monday in January annually. Epes Sargent, Prefident. John B. Bowen, Secretan". | DireBors, George Cabot, Ifaac P. Davis, Samuel P. Gardner, Nath. C. Lee, John Parker, Thos. H. Perkins.

New-England Marine Infurance Comply at Bojlon, [Capital 2cO;COo dollars.]

Incorporated March ,5, 1803; and to continue 20 years. Officers elcBed on \jl Monday in January annually John Coffin Jones, Prefident. —James Hall, Secretar)-. DireBors, Gardner L. Chandler, Gardner Greene, Ozias Goodwin, John Holland, William P. Hutchings, Wil- liam Mackay, Wm. Phillips, John Phillips, Jofeph Til- den, Thomas L. Winthrop, Samuvl Swett, 5$ Infurance Cehnpanics.

Union Infurance Company at Bojion* [Capital 3co,occ dollars.]

Incorporated March 28, 1804 ; and to conlinue 20 years. Officers ddicd on ^d Monday in January annually.

David Greene, Prefident. | Benjamin Jarvis, Secretary. Dire&crs, Matthew Bridge, Thomas K. Jones, Crowell Hatch,, Jona. Harris, Caleb Loring, James Prince.

Private Infurance Offices in State-Street, Bojlon. Burley. Touro. Nathaniel P. Ruffell. Abraham | Thomas |

Nenvhuryport Marine Infurance Company. Incorp. June 18, 1709; to continue until June 18, 1819. Officers eUEledon \jl Monday in January annually. Paris, Prefident. William Secretary, William ( Woart,

Merrimack Marine and Fire Infurance Company at Newbury^ort.

Incorp. Feb. 15, 1803 ; to contmue until Feb. 15, 1823. Officers eltEled on iji Tuefday in January annually.

John Pearfon, Prefident, | Samuel Cutler, Secretary''.

Maine Fire and Marine Infurance Co. at Portland.

Incorp. Feb. 7, 1800 ; to continue until Feb. 7, 1820. OJicers ckcitd on \Jl Tuejday in January annually. >

Woodbury Storer, Prefident. | Levi Cutter, Sccretar}%

Cumberland Marine and Fire Infurance Company, at Portland.

Incorp. June 22, 1803 ; to continue until June 22, 1823. Officers elected on ifc Monday inAuguJl annually.

James Neal, Prefident. ) Timo. Fletcher, Secretary,

Salem Marine Infurance Company. Incorp. June 9, i8co; to continue until June 9, 1820. Officers elccltd on iJl Monday in July annually.

Jacob Afliton, Prefident. | Samuel" C. Ward, Secretar}'.

EJfex Fire & Marine Infurance Company at Salem*

Incorp. March 7, 1803 ; to continue until March 7, 1823. OJicers elccied on ijl Monday in July annually. Nathl. Bowditch, Prelident. | Leonard Kimball, Secretary, .

Infurance Companies. 59

"tJnion Marine Infurance Compan)^ at Salem.

' ,, Incorporated Feb. 29, 1H04 ; to continue 2o years. "^^ • Officers rlefied on 2d Monday in April annually. Mofes Townfend, Prefident. Jodiua Dodge, Secretar>^. |

Lincoln and Kenneheck Marine Infurance Company at Wilcajjct.

Incorporated Feb. 12, i8o,q ; to continue until Feb. 12,1823.

' Offtcem cledcd on \ft Tuefday in March annually. Pelcg Tallman, Prefident. John Menill, Secretary*. |

Marblehead Infurance Company;. Incorporated March'8, 1803. Charter extends for a tcruFi not exceeding 20 years. \jl in annually. . Officers dieted on Monday January

Ilobert Hoop, r, Preiident. John Bond, Secretary. |

Glouccfter Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated June 22, 1803. Charter extends for a term not exceeding 20 years. elfElc in annually. Officers don \fi Monday May William Pearcc, Prefident. William Savilie, Secretary. |

Nantucket Marine Infurance Company.

Incorporated March 3, 1804 ; to continue 2o years. Officers elcBed on 2d Monday in January annually. Barker, Prefident. Francis Macy, Secretary. James |

Nantucket Union Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated June 21, 1804. Charter extends for 20 years. Officers elctl,e,d on 2d Monday in January annually. William Coffin, Prefident. John Cartwright, Secretary. |

Plymouth Marine Infurance Company. .

Incorp. March q, 1804 ; to continue not exceeding 20 years.

Officers cLcticdon \Jl Monday in May annually.

, Prefident. Secretary. | ,

Kennehunk Marine Infurance Company at IVells.

Incorp. March 9, 1804 ; to continue not exceeding 20 3 ears. • Officers eUEled on \Jl Monday in Jamidry annually.

, Prefident. | , Secretary. 6o Marine Societies.

Hampjhire Fire Infurance Company at Northampton,

lucorp. March Q, 1804 i ^^ continue 20 years. Officers ddlcd on \Jl IVtdneJday in OBober annually, Prtlident. Secretary. , | ,

Bedford Marine Infurance Company.

Licorporated Feb. 11, 1805 ; to continue 20 years.

Ofjictrs dedcd on ^d Monday in Apnl annually i J^ * Samuel Ricketfon, Prefident. , Secretary. |

Bojion Marine Society. Inftituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. Officers cleBed on \Jl Tw/day in November annually.

Mafter^ Nathl. Goodwin, I Trcafurer, Wm. Smith.

Dep.Ma/icr.Ozi^s Goodwin. | Secretary^ Wm. Furnefs.

Committee of Relief, Capt. jona. Chapman, Capt. John Holland, Capt. Mungo Mackay, Capt. Thomas Dennie.

Salem Marine Society. Inflituted March 25, 1766. Incorporated in 1771. Officers elefled on

Mafer, Benja. Well, I Trecfurcr, Jona. Gardner.

Dtp. Majler, Peter Lander. | Clerks Benja. PickmaB.|

Salem Eafl-India Maifine Society.

Inffftnted in Nov. 1709. Incorporated March 3, 180I. Officers cleBed on ylWednefday in January annually, Prefident, Beniamin Hodges. Srcretary, Nathaniel Appleton. Treafurer, Jacob Crowniufhield. To in/peti and arrange the journalsfrom abroad^ Nathaniel Bowditch. Committer of Obfervation, Benjamin Carpenter, John Of- good, and John Collins.

This Society confifts of fuch as have a6\nally navigated the Teas near or beyond the Cape of Good-Hope, or round Cape Horn, as mailers or commanders of vcflels, and fuch as have been factors or fupercargces of vefleis employed in the Eaft-India rrade. It was infiituted for the purpote of collefting together fuch obfervirtiops, difcoveries, books,

papers, charts, and Valuable publications, ii: every language, Marine Societies, &c. 6i as might tend to facilitate the navigation of the Eaftern and Southern Oceans. Ever}' member returning from fta, is bound to prefent to the Society an abllraft of the journal of his voyage, and to communicate, in writing, his obfervations

of the bearings and diftances of all capes and headlands ; the ladtude and longitude of iilands, rocks and fhoalij unufual occurrences ; ftorms and accidents ; with all other obferva- tions which he may judge ufeful to be recorded. The Mu- feum of the Society already exhibits a handfome coile£iioa of curiofiiies.

Newhuryport Marine Society.

Inftituted Nov. 13, 177D. Incorporated Oift. 11, 1777. OJpccrs elected on lajl Thurfday in November.

MaJieVy Michael Hodge. I Trcafurer^ Benj.Wyatt.

Secretary ^ i)c'/.A/a/?^r, Nich. Johnfon. | A. Wheelwright.

Portland Marine Society. Incorporated Feb, 26, 1796. Officers elcHed on ^d Tuejday in December annually.

Prefidenty Jofeph Titcomb. I Treafurer^ Stephen Waite.

Vice-PreJident^lk.ohtxil\i\tY. \ Secretary, John Woodman.

Marhlehead Marine Society. Incorporated Feb. 11, 1799.

Prefident, John Bailey. I Secretary, Ifaac Mansfield. Trtafurevy Eben. G. Evans. I

Salem Iron Factory Company.

Incorporated March 4, 1800.

Treafurer, Jofhua Goodale. j Clerk, Samuel Putnam. Directors, Ichabod Nichols, Jofeph Peabody, and John Ofgood.

Amejbury Nail Fadory Company.

Incorporated March 16, 1805. C/.?ri, -Samuel Putnam. | .r^^^;?;, Ebenezer Felton. Diredors, Abel Lawrence and Edward Southwick..

1806.] F 62 Towns and Post-Masters.

A TABLE shewing all the Towns in the State oi' Massachusetts, and the County they belong to, with Post Mafters* Names. Places where

Post-OiHces arc kept, have tliis mark f . Un- incorporated Places are marked thus *.

Abington, Plym. co. Boylston, Wore. co. Accim, Mtdd. co. Bradford, Essex co. Aiiams, Berksh. co. Braintrec, Norf. to. Adilison, Wash. co. Brewster,! Barnst. co. Albany, Oxf. co. Bridgetown,! Curub. to. Joseph Sears. Atforrt, IVrksh. co. Biidgewater,t Plym. co. Asa Mitchell. AU"red,t ;iUstv.;Yock CO. Jyseph Emerson. Briniflekl, Hampsh. co. Amesbiiry, K

A'holjt Wore en. . Burnt Coat Island,* I lane. co. Attl».bormi!;h,t Bristol co. Butterfield,* a settlement in Cumb. co. Augu$ta,t Keunobk. co. Jautes Ijurion. Buxton,! York eo. Thomas Merrill. Avon, KenneHc. co, Cambridge,! Midd. eo. Eben'r. Stcdman. HaUiwiu, Cuiub. co. Camden,! Line. co. Benjamin Cushing. PaUstowa,* Line. co. C3n;ian,! Kenncbb. eo. Eli Westoi*. Baiigor,f Kane. co. Bulkley Emerson. Canton,! Norf. co. li.irnbtable,f Barnst. co. Richard Bourne. Cape-Elizabeth, Cumb. co. Barre,t Wore. co. I.iither I'erry. Carlisle, (distr.) Midd. to. Bathjt I.i>v.-. CO. numiner Scwall. Caivcr, Plyin. co. Bccket, B«rksh. co. Castine,! Hanc eo. Benjamin Hook. Bedford, Midd. co. Chandlersville^,! Wash. co. Ans«l Tup- Belcher.'o uM,t Hump. Jos. Bredginan, jr. Charlemont, Uampsh. co. [per. Bclfastjt Hanc. (o. James NasmitU. Charlestown, Midd. co. Belgrade, Kennebk. <:o. Charleton, Wore. to. BolUn;haiii, Norf. co. Chatham,! Barnst. co. E. Crowell. Berkley, Bristol co. Chelmsford,! Jonathan Barroa. Berlin, (distr.) Wore. to. Chelsea, Suff. co. Eernardstown, Hampsh. co. Chcshii^e, Berksh. co. Bcrwickjt York co. William Morris. ChCotcr, Hainpsh. co. Bethel, Oxf. co. Chesterfield, Hampsh. eo. BetMebeni, Berksh. co. Chester\illo,!Ker.nk.DummefSewaU,jr.

Beverly ,t F.sse.x co. Asa Leech. Chilmark, Dukes co. BidJeford,! York co. Win. P. Hooper. Clarksburg, Berksh. co» LiUerica,t Midd. co. Isaac Bowei-s. Clinton, Kennebk. co. BlaHdford,t liainpsh. co Cohasset,! Norf. co. Bluchilljt lianc. co. Andrew Witbam. Colraine, Hampsh. co. BoUon, Wore. co. Columbia,! Wash. co. Joseph Fatten. Eoothbay, Line. co. Concord,! Midd. co. WiUiam Carkina*. B.'ston,t Stiff. CO. Jonathan Hastings. Conv.-ay, Hampsh. co. Bowdnin.Linc. co. Cotnish, York co. Bowdoinham, Line. co. Cornville, Kennebk. oo. Bo.vborouph, (distr.) Midd. co. Cummington, Hampsh. CO. BoxfonI, Essex co. Cushing, Line. co.

(a) Be/are incer^oraud -was commoniy calUd Kiiumtnto'jtn. Towns and Post-Masters. 63

Dalton, Berksh. co. Freetown, Bristol co. Dana, Wore. 00. Frenchman's-Bavj* (/) co. Ames. Daitvers, Eisex co. Fryburgh^t Oxf. Moses . Dartmouth, Bristol co. Gardiner,! Kennbk. co B. {Jannttt. Dedham,t Kerf. co. Jerch. Shuttleworth. Gardner, Wore. co. Dcerfieldjt Hampsh. co. Ep»pbra» Iloit. Georgetown,! Line. co. Mark L. Hill. Deerisle, Hanc. co. Gerry, Wore. co.

Dennis, t Barnst. co. N. Stone. Gilcad, (s) Oif. CO. DetinysviUe*,t Wast. co. Wm. Kilby. Gill, Ilampfh. co. DiEliton,t Brijtol co. Gloucester,! Essex co. Henry Phelps. Diifield, Oxf. CO. Gold3borougli,T Hanc. co. Thomas Hill. D»rchester, Norf. co, Gorham,! Cumb co. Samuel I'rentiss. Couglaj, Wore. co. G(55ha.n, (h) Hampsh. co.

Douty 's Fall**,! York co. Joseph Sprague. Grafton, V.'oit. co. Dover, (distr.)^orf. co. Granby, Hampsh. co. Dracutjt Midd. co. William Ilildreth. Granville, Hampsh. co. Dresden, t tine. co. Edmur.d Bridge, Jr. Gray,! Cumb. co. Joseph M'Lellan, jr. Dudley, Wore. co. Great-Barricgton,! Berkshi co. Dunstable, Midd. co. Greene,! Kenr.bk. co. Luther Robljins. Durham, Cumb. co. GTt'i.'.nfie!d,! Ilainpsh. co. Duxborough,t Plym. co. Thos. Winsor. Greenwich, Hampsh. co. East-Andover, Oxf. co. Groton,! Midd. cp. W^m. M. Richardson. Eaathamjt Barnst. co. [rick Hadley,! Hampsh. co. £. White, jf. Ea»tliampton,t (distr.) Hamp. co. W.My- Halifax, Plym. co. Eastport,t Wash. co. Oliver Shead. Hallowell,! Kennbk. co. Joshua Win» ate. EastOHjt Bristol co. Hamden,! Hanc. co. M. Kinsley. East-Sudbury, Midd. co. HamiUcn,! Essex co. Eden, Hanc. co. Hancock^ Berksh. co. EdgartoBjt Dukes co. Beriuh Norton. HanovEr,! Plym. co. Robert Eells. Edgcomb, Line co. Hardwick, Wore. co. Egremont, Berksh. co. Harlem, Kennbk. CO. Ellsworth, Hanc. co. Harmony, Kenr.bk. co. Emden, (*) Kennebk. co. Harpswell, Cumb. co. Fairfax, (c) Kennebk. co. Harrison, (i) Cumb. co. Fairfield, Kennebk. co. Harrington, Wash. co. FaUnouth,t Barnst. eo. T. Palmer. Hartford, Oxf. co.

Falmouth, {d) Cumb. co. . Harvard, Wore. co. PaU-River. See Troy. Harwich,! Earnst. co. E. Brosdbrook*. Moses Starling. Hatfield, Hampsh. cc. Fayette, t Kennbk. co. Solomon Bates. Haverhill,! Essex co. Meses Wingatft Fitchburgh,t Wore. co. Hawley, Hampsh. eo. Florida, (e) Bfrksh. co. Heath, Hampsh. co. Foxborough, Norf. co. Hebron, Oxf. co. Framingham, Midd. co. Hingiiam,! Plym. co. Thomas Thaxter. Frankfortjt Hanc. co. Archibald Jones. Hinsdaie, '*; Berksh. co. Franklin, Norf. co. Hiram*,! York co. Timothy Cutler. Freeport,t Cumb. co. Nathan Wesson. HglUen, Wore. co.

(b) Formerly To-wnihip No. I. in th£ 2d range of To-wnshlpt on W. side Kennbk. Riy.

(c) Effort incorporated ivai called Freelovin P!anta:ion.

(d) The Post-Office it neiv kept at Saccacrappe.

(e) Was Barnardstone's Grant, and part of Bullock'i Grant.

(i) Lies on the sea-caait of Lincoln county, and is formed by Mount-Desert Islard on, the wesfward, and the peninsula of Goldshorough Toiunsbi> on the easitxiarU Hound Mount.Desert Island it has an inland circular communicalign with Bliu.Hiil Stay. (£) Formerly -was knoiun by the name of Peabody's Patent Plantation.

(b) This is the original name : novi called Goshen,

(i) North-ivesterly part of OtisfMd, and easterly part of Bridceton.

(k) Latefy -uat the Westerly Parish in the tou'n of PartrUlpJiddt H Towns and Post-Masters.

HoUistoHj Midd. co. Medford,! Midd. co. Saanuel Buel. Holmes-llole*,t Dukes ce. R. Spalding. Mcdway.j Norf. co. William Felt. Hope, (/) Line. co. Mendon!, Wore. co. Richard George. nopkinlon, Midd. co. Mercer, (o) Kennbk. co. Hubbardston, Wore. co. Metbuen, Essex co. Hull, Piym. CO. Middleboro',! James Washburn. Industry, Kennbk. co. Middlefield, Hampsh. cu. Ipswich, t Essex co. Joseph Lord. Middleton, Essex co. IslesborougH, Hanc. co. Milford, Wore. co. Isle-Shoals,* York co. Milton,! Norf. co. Samuel K. Glover. Jay, Oxf. CO. Minot,! Cumb. co. —— Duff. Kenncbunk, (m)t York co. Joseph Storcr. Monmouth,! Kennbk. to. JobnChandler. Kingiton,t Plym. co. Seth Drew. Monson, Hampsh. co. Kittery, York co. Montague, Harnpeh. co. Lancaster, + Timethy Whiting. Montgomery, Hampsh. co. LanesborouEh,t Berksh. co. M. Wells. Mount-Desert, Hanc. co. Lebanon,! York co. Isaac Haaey. Mount-Vernon, Kenn. to. Samuel King. Lee, Berksh- co. Mount-Washington, (distr.) Berksh. co. Leeds, Kennbk. co. Nantucket,! Nant. to. William Coffin. Leicester,! Wore. co. Ebenezer Adams. Narraguagus*,! Wash.eo. Th. Archibald. Lenoxjt Berksh. co. Daniel Williams, jr. Natick, Midd. co. Leominster,! W^orc. co. John Gardner. Needham, Norf. co. Leverett, Hampsh. co. New-Ashford, (distr.) Berksh. eo.

Lewiston,t Line. co. J. Read. New-Bedford,!Brjstol CO. William Tobey. L£wistown,t Cumb. co. New-Braintrec, Wore. co. Lexington, Midd. co. Newbury, Essex co. Leyden, (distr.) Hampsh. co. Newburyport,! Ess. co. Joseph Emerson. Limerick,! York co. Abijah Fitch. New-Casco, Cumb. co. Limington,! York co. Jacob Quincy. New-Castle,! Line. co. Joseph Farley. Lincoln, Midd. co. Newfield, York co. Lincolnville,! Hanc. co. George Ulmer. New-Gloucester,! Cumb. Nath. C. Allen. Lisbon, Line. co. New-Marlborough, Berksh. co Litchfield, Line. co. New-Milford,! Line. co. J. Stebbins, jr.

Littleton,! Midd. co. Newry, (/>) Oxf. co. Livcrmorc, Oxf. co. New-Salem,! Hamp. co. Edward Upham. Longmeadow, Hampsh. co. New-Sharon, Kennbk. cp. P. Barker. Loudon, Berksh. co. Newton, Midd. cj.

Lovell, Oxf. CO. / New-Vineyard, Kennbk. co. Ludlow, Hampsh. co. Nobleborough, Line. co. Lunenburg, Wore. co. Norridgewock,! Kennbk. co. John Ware. Lyman, York co. Northampton,! Hampsh. Simeon Butler. Lynn,! Essex eo. Samuel Mulliken. Northborough, Wore. co. Lynufield, (distr.) Essex co. Nonhbridge, Wore. co. Machias,! Wash. co. Ralph Hart Bowles. Northfield,! Hampsh. co. Madison, (ii) Kennbk. co. Northport, Hauc. co. [warer. Maiden, Miiid- co. Manchester,! Essex co. D. Bingham. NortQn, Bristol co. Mansfield. Bristol co. [ham. Norway, Oxf. co. William Reed. Marblehead,! Essex co. Woodward .'Vbra- Norwich, Hampsh. co. Marlboro%!Midd. co. Joseph Brigham, jr. Oakham, Wore. co. Marshfield,! Tlym. co. Joseph Hunt. Orange, (distr.) Hampsh. co. Marshpee, Barnst. co. Orangetown,* Wash. co. Mai tha's-Vineyard,* Dukes co. Orland, Hanc. co. Medfifld, Norf. cob Orleans,! Banut. co. Simeon Kinsman,

(1) Formerly called Barrettito-wn Plantatiom (m) Properly a part of the toivn of Wells.

(n) Formerly Bernard's Toiunsbip Nt. I. and Mile-and-an-Half-Strip.

(o) Before incorporated was called Plantation of Industry.

(p; IVas called Boitwick Planttttion. Towns and Post-Masters. 6$ drrjngton,t Banc. co. John Brewer. Saccacrappe*,!Cumb.ct).EnochFreemaa. Otisfield, Cwnb. co. Saco,! [t) York co. William P. Hooper. Oxford, Wore. co. Salem,! Essex co John Dabney. Palermo, {q) Line. co. ' Salisbury,! Essex to. Joseph vvadieigh. Palmer, Hampsh. co. Sandisfield, Berksh. co. Paris.t Oxf. co. Caltb Prentiss. Sandwich,! Barnst. co. Wm. Fessefldea.- ParsonsSeld,! York co. Nicholas Emery. Sanford,! York co. Thomas Kceler. Partridgefield, Eerksh. co. [Delesdernier. Savoy, BerksU. to. Pass2maquoddy*,t Wash. co. Lewis F. Scarborough,! Cumb. co. Patuckst, {r) Bristol co. Asabel Stearns. Schoodick*,! (k) John Brewer. Paxton, Wore. co. Scituate,! Plym. co. A. Clap, (ly) Pejepscot, Cumb. co. Sedg^^•ick, Hanc co. Pelham, Hampsh. co. Shapleigh,! York co. JosiahP.V/oodbttrr, Pembroie, Plym. lo. Sharon, Norf. co. Penobscot, Hanc. co. Sheffield,! Berfcah. co. Pepperell, Midd. co. Shelburne, Hampsh. co. Peter?ham,t HutchinsHapgood. Sherburne, Midd. co. Phillipsburg, York co. Shirley, Midd. co. Pittsfield.t Berksh. co. Joshua Danforth, Shrewsbury, Wore. Co. Pittstown,t Kennbk. co. Jacob Loud. Shutesbury, Hampsh. co. Plainfield, (distr.) Hampsh. co. Somerset,! Bristol co. Plymouth,! Pl^Ta. co. James Warren, jr. Southampton, Hampsh. co. Plympton, Plym. co. Southborough, Wore. co. Poland, Cumb. co. South-Brirafield, Hampsh. co. Portland,! Cumb. co. Joshua Wingate,jr. Southfield, (fiistr.) Berksh. co. Princeton, Wore. co. South-Hadley,! Hampsh. co. Prospect,! Hanc. co. Samuel Shute. Southwich, Hampsh. co. ProvincetowB,t Barnst. co. D. Pease. Spencer, Wore. co. Qnincy,t Norf. co. Richard Cranch. Springfield,! Hampsh. CO. James Brers, jr. Randolph,! Norf. co. Wm. P. Whiting. St. George, Line. co. Raymond,! Cumb. co. Standish,! Cumb. to. William Larsson, Raynham, Bristol co. Starfes, Kennbk. co. Readfisldj! Kennbk. co. Samuel Cunur. Sterling,! Wore co. Moses Smith. Reading, Midd. co. Steuben,! Wash. co. Jacob Townsiey. Rehoboth,! Bristol co. Stockbridge,! Berksh. co. Horatio Jone»» Richmond, Berksh. co. Stoneham, Midd. co. Rochester,! Plym. co. Nathan Willis. Stoughton, Norf. co.

Rome, (;) Kennbk. co. Stow, Midd. CO. Rowe, Hampsh. co. Strong, Kennbk. co. Rowley, Essex co. Sturbridge, Wore. co.

Roxbury, Norf. co. Sudbury, Midd. co. Royalston, Wore. co. Sullivan,! Hanc. co. Paul D. Sargent. Rum»brd, Oxf. co. Sumner, Oxf. co. Russell, Hatupsh. co. Sunderland, Hampsh. co. Rutland,! Wore. co. Nathaniel H. White. Surry, Hant. co.

(q) Formerly Plantation of Great-Pond Setikment. (t) A small villase about 4 miles N. E. of Providence. Tbe River Palucket has m beautiful fall of iL'atrr, direHly over ivhich a Bridge has been built an the line iclucb divides tbe Commoniv^alth of Massachusetts from the Stuie of Rbodc-Iiland. A Post- Office is kept at said Bridge, distant tibout 40 miff f S. by W. of Boston. (s) Heretofore known by the name of West.Pond Plantation, and tbe sore adjoining.

(t) The name of this town -was lately altered from Pepferelborough to S.^o.

(u) Schoodick lies in Washington county, and is situated on the boundary line and tbe end of Mains route of the United Slates, being tbe Office of delivery ofBriti:!: hiten for Nova-Scolia and Kevf-Brum-unck ; and is direHly oppusile St. Andrt'.'js, --.ctj.-re a- pc:ket arrives 'ojcskly from St. 'John's, and from thence there is a dired commii>.i::i~ tion through both Provinces.

Sutton, Wore. co. WatcrvllIe, Swant^y, Bristol co. Wayne, Kennbk. co. Sydney, Ktnnbk. co. Wellfieet,! Barnst. co. Lewis Hamlin. Taunton,! Bristol Co. James Hodge*. Wells,! York co. Samuel Bartlctt. Temple, Kennbk. eo. Wendell, Hampsh. co. Tcmpleton, Wore, co V/enham, Essex co. Tewltsbury, Midd. co. Westborough, Wore. CO. Tilomastown,t Line. co. David Fales, jr. Western, Wore. eo. Tisbury, Dukes co. Westfield,! Hampsh. co. Topsfield, Esiex co. Westford,! Midd. oo. John Abbot. Topsham, Line. co. Westhampton, H?.mpsh. co. Townshend, Midd. eo. Weston, Midd. co. Trenton, t Hanc. co. Tbeodore Jones. Westport, Bristol co. Troy,t [x] Bristol co. Westminster,! Daniel Bartlett. Truro, Barnst. co. West-Springfield, t Hamp. eo. — Steb.

Turner,! ' xf. co. Ichabod Boaney. West-Stockbridge, Berksh. co. [bins. Tyng5borout;n, (distr.) Midd. co. Weymouth,! Norf. co. John Coak. Tyriughain, Berksh. co. Whately, Hampsh. co. Union, Line. co. Wilbraham, Hampsh. co.

Unity, (y) Kennbk. co. WjUiamsburgh, Hampsh. co. Upton, Wore. co. WiUiamstown,! Berk. co. Ezekiel Baton. Uxbridge,t Wore. co. Samuel Willart. Wilmington, Midd. co. Vassalboro'jt Kennbk. co. Tho». Odiorne. Wilton, Kennbk. CO. Vicniia, Kennbk. co. Wincbendon, Wore. co. Vinalhaven, Hanc. co. Windham,! Cumb. co. Walduborougli,t Line. co. Jolxn Head. Windsor, Berksh. co. Walpole, Norf. co. Winslow,! Kennbk. co. Nath. B. Dingley. Waltham, Midd. co. Winthrop,! Kennbk. co. Silas Lambert. Ward, Wore. co. Wiscasset,! Line co. EbenezerWhittier. Ware, Hampsli. co. Woburn,! Midd co. Ichabod Parker. Wareh3m,t Plym. co. B. Fearing. Woolwich, Line. co. Warren,! Line. co. Rufus Crane. Worcester,! Wore. cO. James V/ilson. Warwick, Ha.mpsh. co. Worthingtoo,! Hampsh. co. A. BigeloW. Washington, Berksh. co. Wrentham,! Norf. co. David Fisher. Waterborough,!york co. Andrew Burley. yarmouth,! Barnst. co. T. Thacher. Waterford,! Oxf. co. Eli Longley. York,! Yorls co- Daniel Sewail. Watertown,! MiiJd. co. Edward Lowd.

(x) Lately ivas FtilLRirer. caUid by the Plantation. (y ) B-fore incorporated was tiameo/T'wentj'Five-l^le-Pond

Calendar of Supreme Judicial CounSfMafachufdts. SUFFOLK AND NANTUCKE1-. Eo/Ion 2d Tuefday in March and 4th Tueiday in Nov. ESSEX. ififwick /ith Tuefday in April. Sakm 6th Tuefday next aFter the 4th Tuefday of Sept. MIDDLESEX. Concord 2d Tuefday in ApriL Cavibrid-ge 5th Tuefday nextafte.-^ 'he 4thTuefday of Sept. YORK. York 3d Tuefday in May. Alfred 6th Tuefday next after the gdTuefdav of Sept. HAMPSHIRE.U A ATDQI-ITTITT }^rthav:pton 4th Tuefday in April, and 3d Tuefday in Sept^ Supreme Judicial Courts, and Common Pleas. 67 PLYMOUTH. Plymouth 3d Tuefday of May, and 3d Tuefday next af- ter the 4th Tuefday of Sept. BRISTOL. Taunton 2d Tuefday next after the 4th Tuefday of Sept. BARNSTABLE and DUKES COUNTY. EarnftahU 4th Tuefday next after the 4thTuefd;iy of Sept. WORCESTER. IVorceJler 3d Tuefday in April, ard 4th Tuefday in Sept. CUMBERLAND. Portland 4ih Tuefday in May, and 4th Tuefday next after the 3d Ti'.efday oi Sept. LINCOLN. Wi/cajfct 2d Tuefday next after 4th TuefdiTy in Ma}--, arid on the 3d Tuefday of Sept. BERKSHIRE, Lenox ift Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in April, and on 2d Tuefday in Sept. HANCOCK and WASHINGTON. Caftine 3d Tuefdciv next after 4(h Tuefday in May. NORFOLK. Drdham iH Tuefday in March, and ift Tuefday next after the 4th Tuefday in Sept. KENNEBECK. Augujla ift Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the 2d Tuefday next alter the 3d Tuefday of September.

Calendar o/'Comm. Pleas and St^\o\-\s,Maffachufetts, SUFFOLK. Boflon lO Tuefday of January, 30 Tuefday of April, 111 Tuefday of July, and ill Tuefday of 0£l. ESSEX. Ipfwich Laft Mond. of March, and lad Mond. of Dec. Salem Laft Monday of June.

NewburyI'Qi I Lall Monday of September. MIDDLESEX. Concord On the Monday next preceding the 3d Tuef- day of March, on ihe Monday next precedinjj^- the ill Tuefday of Junf, and on the Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of Sept. fidj[>i On Monday next preceding 3d Tuef. of Dec^. C'.urt of General Selliorw 3d Tuefday of Fefe- Courts in Maffachufetts. YORK. Com. Pleas 4th Monday of April. Gen. Seff. Wednefday preceding 3d Tuefday of April. Com. Pleas 4th Monday of Auguft. Gen. Seff. Wednefday preceding 4ih Tuefday of Auguft. Biddejord Com. Pleas ift Monday of Dec. HAMPSHIRE. Northampton 2d Monday of January', and 3d Monday in May, 4th Monday in Auguft, and ift Mon- day in November. Gen. Seff. on the 3d Monday of January, and on the ift Monday after the 4th Monday in Auguft. PLYMOUTH. 2d Tuefday of April, 2d Tuefday of Auguft, and 3d Tuefday of November. BRISTOL. On Monday next preceding the 3d Tuefday of April, on the Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of September, and on the Mon- day next preceding the 2d Tuefday of Dec. BARNSTABLE. Laft Tuefday in March, and 3d Tuefday of Sept. DUKES COUNTY. 3d Tuefday of May. Laft Tuefday in Otlober. NANTUCKET. Tuefday next preceding the laft Tuefday of March, and on the ift Tuefday in Oclober. WORCESTER. On the Monday next preceding the 4th Tuef- day of March, Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of June, Monday next preceding the ift Tuefday of September, and on Mon- day next preceding the ift Tuefday in Dec. CUMBERLAND, ift Tuefday of March, 3d Tuefday of June, and 3d Tuefday of November. ;Gen. Self. 3d Tuefday of March, and ift Tu'ef- day of September. [ Courts in Maflachufetts. 69 LINCOLN. Wifcajfct 2d Monday of May. Warren 2d Monday in January. Topjkam Ath Monday of Auguft. BERKSHIRE, Lenox ift Monday of January, 2d Mondaj^ of April, and 4th Monday of Auf^uft. Sancock. Cajlin: ft Tuefday in May, sd Monday in Auguft, and 2d Tuefday in November. WASHINGTON. Mac/lias 3d Tuefday of An^uft. NORFOLK, Dcdkam ft Tuefday in January, lafiTueCday of Apri], and laftluefday of September. K£NNEBECK. Augujla 3d Tuefday of May, 5d Tuefday of Auguft, and 2d Tuefday in December. OXFORD. Paris 2d Tuefday of June, and ed Tuefday of Ocl.

Supreme Judicial Court of Majfachufetts.


Francis Dana, l l . D . of Cambridge, Chief Jujlice: , ll.d, Amherft.

Theodore Sedgwick, i. i..d. Stockbridg€. , Marblehead. , Biddeford.

Attorney-General, James Sullivan, LL.D. ofBofton. Soinitor-Genera/, Daniel Davis, ofBofton. Reporter oj Dccifions, Ephraim Williams, of Deerfield. Circuit Clerki of the Supreme Judicial Court. Johnl'ucker, Bofton. Edw. | P. Hayman, Berwick.

Recording Clerk of Supreme Judicial Court. Charles Cufiilng, of Bofton.

Crier of all the Courts hz!d in Sujfolk Ccunt^. Oliver Ilariftiorne, ofBofton. 70 Juftlces.

yufiices throughout the Commontvealth, Amkerjl Simeon Strong Hatfield John Haftings Atlleborough Elifha May Haverhill Nathaniel Marfh Augufia Daniel Coney Ipfwich Stephen Choate Biddfjord George Thatcher King/Ion William Sever Bqflon Jas. Sullivan, Robert Lincoln Eleazer Brooks Treat Paine, Thos. Dawes, Lunenburg Jofiah Stearns Oliver Wendell, James Marbkhcad Samuel Sewail Bowdoin, Thomas Dawes, Milion Edward H. Robbins jun. Theophilus Parfons, Norton George Leonard Daniel Davis, Harrifon G. Petn-[ham Daniel Bigelow Otis Rehobolh Braintree Ebenezer Thayer Roxbury Wm. Heath, John Bridgezvater Beza Hayward Read, , jr. Cambridge Francis Dana Scituate Nathan Cuihing Charlejlown Jofiah Bartlett Sherburne Daniel Whitney Steuben Alex. Campbell Ckarleton Salem Towne Stockbridge Theo. Sedgwick Chelmsford Ebenezer Bridge Thamajlown Henry Knox Danvers Wells Nathaniel Wells Dedham Fifher Ames IVeJiborough Elijah Brigham Fryeburgh Simeon Frye Wefijield Samuel Fowler Gorham Steph. Longfellow Wilbraham John Blifs

Groton Timothy Bige low i York David Sewail

SUFFOLK COUNTY. yufiices of the Common Pleas, Shearjafhub Bourne, of Bofton, Chief Jujl ice. Jofeph Gardner, Wm. Donnifon, Samuel Cooper, of Bofton. Special Jujiice, William Sherburne, of Bofton.

Clerk of the Co?nmon Pleas, Charles Cufhing, of Bofton. Clerk ofthe Court ofGeneralSe^ons, Edw. Jackfon, ofBofton.

Judge of Probate. I Regijler of Probate.

Thomas Dawes, jr.ofBofton. ] Perkins Nichols, of Bofton, ^^ Probate Courts in this Countj'- are held every Mon- day in the year, except the ift Monday in each month, on the lower floor of the Court-Houfe, in Court-Street, Bofton. County Treafurer. Regifler of Deeds. , of Bofton. WiUiam Alline, of Bofton. Juftlces, &c. Suffolk, n

Jujltces of the Peace and of the Quorum, (a) Bofim Jofeph Gardner, Jo- William Tudor, John Q. feph Greenieaf, John Av- Adams, John C. Jones, ery^ Charles Cufhing,Wil- David Tilden, Steph.Hig- liam Donnifon, Shearja- ginfon, Wm. Wetmore, fhub Bourne, Samuel John Hurd, John Lowell, Cooper, Win. Sherburne, John Tucker, J. Phillips, Edward Gray, John Davis, Rufus G. Amory.

jfufiices of the Peace, Bofion Ths. Edwards, Saml. Brown, Thomas Perkins, Gardner, Jof. May, Wm. Samuel Cobb, P. R. Dal- Smith, William Phillips, ton, Timothy Williams, Samuel Eliot, John An- Jona. Hunne\^ell, Abiel drews, Nathaniel Balch, Sm.ith, Daniel D. Rogers, Samuel Clap, Wm. Ste- John Winflow, Jof. Ruf- venion, Ebenezer Seaver, fell, V/m. Taylor, Wm. Simon Elliot, Arnold Brovv^n, Robert Gardner, Welles, Wm. Spooner, Lemuel Hayward, John William Scollay,Wil]iam Gardner, Charles Cufhing, .Alline, Eben. Gay, Wm. jun.'rhomas L.Winthrop, Sullivan, David Greene, Francis D. Chanhing, Jas. Samuel Parkman, George •Robinfon, Charles Davis,

Blake, Jofeph Hall, Jofiah . Pet.Thacher, John Heard, Quincy, Charles Paine, jun. Jonathan Bird, John Edward Jackfon, Jofeph Welles, Benjamin White- Peirce, Ifaac Rand, John man, James Prince. Cal lender, Charles Storer, Ckelfea Jofiah Batchelder, , Charles Nathl. Hall, Samuel Ca- Jackfon, Jof. Head, Saml. rey. Barrijiers at Law, Wetmore, 3oftcn—]^^, Sullivan ( Theoph. Parfons ( Wm. Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court,

'iojlon Ths. Edwards, Chr. Fran. D. Channing, Wm. Gore, R. G. Amory,Ths. Thurfton, Dudl. A.Tyng, Dawesjjr. John Williams, Jof. Hall, Samuel Dexter, fa) That Jufikes of the Peace and of the Quorum may not njiake^ and think their names are (milted^ they are requejied obferve, that when they are admitted as Jtifiices througk he Commonzoealth^ their names are to'^bc Jcund under that cad only. — —

72 Attornies, &c. Suffolk.

Bojlon Dan. Davis, Edward Haard, jr. Edw. Jackfon, Gray, H, G. Otis, John Charles Cufhing, jr. Ch. Lowell, Benjamin Whit- Davis, Thos. O. Selfridge, man, John Phillips, Geo. Peter "Ihacher, William Blake, Eben. Gay, John iStackpoie, jr. R. Sullivan, Callender, Jof. Rowe, Jo- C. P., Robert T. ijah Quincy, A. Churchill, Paine, Luther Richatdfon, William Sullivan, Charles William H. Sumner, Jas. Paine, Ch. Jackfon, John Allen, jr.

Attornies at the Common Pleas,

hopn A.M.Walter,Wm. \ jr. Samuel M. Crocker, Auftin, Andrew Dexter, Hen. Cabot, Timo. Fuller, jr. A. H. Putnam, Benja. Rob. Fields, Leml. Shaw, Wel.b,JohnKnapp,Ifracl Eben. Rockwood, Wm. Munroe, Warren Dutton, Minot, Alexa. Townfend, Adam Winthrop, Samuel James T. Auftin, Stephen D. Parker, Wm. S. Shaw, Bean, Andrew Ritchi«, jr. Benjamin F. Bourne, Geo. Francis Blanchard Sullivan, Thomas Welch, Coroners. Bajon John W. Folfom, Wm. Porter, Robert Gardner

Sheriff, Jeremiah Allen, of 5^o».

Deputy-Sheriffs, Bojlon Oliver Hart {home, DepuU-Sheriff and Jailer. Shubael Bell, and Bradifh Billings.

ESSEX COUNTY. yujlices of the Common Pleas, , of Beverly, Chief Jujlkt. Sam.uel Hoken, of Danvers, Ebenezt:r March, of Newbury, and John Treadwell, of Salem.

Special Juftices. DanverSf Ipfwich, Jonathan Cogfvvell, jun. Sali/bury, Samuel Nye. CkrkoJ the Courts cf Common PLas and General Sejions cj the Peace^ Ichabcd Tucker, of Salem Who is alfo Refident Clerk cf the Supreme Judicial Ccurt\> ;

Juftices, &c. EJfex, 73

judge of Probate. I Rsgi/ier of Probate.

Samuel Holcen, of Danvers. [ Daniel Noyes, of IpfwieH.

(j:!^ Probate Courts are held at the Probate-Office in Ipf- wkh on the firft Monday in every month in the year, and the Tuefday and Wednefday following, except the firft Monday in April, when the Court will not begin until Tucfdaj; morning—At the faid OSice on the laft Tuefday in March, and the Wednefday and Thurfday following and on the laf^ Tuefday in December, and the Wednefday and Thurfday following At the Sun Tavern' in Salein, annually, on the fecond Monday in Januaiy, and the Tuef- day and Wednefday following; on the third Monday in April, and the Tuefday and Wednefday follovNiing; oh the laft Monday in June, and the Tuefday and Wednefday fol- lowing; and on the fecond Monday in Oftober, and the Tuefday and Wednefday following At the Court Houf« in Newburyport^ annually, on the fecond Monday in Aprils

and the Tuefday and Wednefday following ; on the Thurf- day and Friday following the firft Monday in July; on the laft Tuefday ip September, and the Wednefday and Thurf- day following; and on the Thurfday and Friday following the firft Monday in December.

Pk.egijler Deeds. I County Tnafurer. I of John Pickering, of Salem. \ Stephen Choate, of Ipfwlck,

Jujl'ices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Avdover Nathl. Lovejoy, NczL'huryport Nicho. Pike, Jofti. Holt, Ifaac Ofgood Ed v.-. St. Loe Livermore, Beverly Joiiah Batchelder, Enoch Titcomb Nathan Dane, Timothy Saltrn John Treadwell. John Pickering Pickering, Benj. Good hue, Bijyjord 'i nomas Pcrley V/m. Prefcott, Richard Iplwich Daniel Noyes Manning, Ichab. Tucker, Benj. Fickman, jr. Manchelirr . V/m. 1 uck MatbUiuad Nathan Bowen S^/^/Z«ry Samuel Nye Ntzaoury Ebenezer March |

Appo'inted to Qualify Chll Officers. Samuel Holten. Stephen Choate, Ebenezer March, Joha Treadwell, Nathan Dane, ynd Daaiel Noyes.

1806.^ G 74 Ju dices, &c. EJex,

Jtijiices of the Peace, Ameflniry Chrlfto. Sargent _ Marbhhead Jofhua Prcntif Benjamin Lurvey John Prince, Ralph Frent Andover John L. Af)bot, Mttkuen. Stephen Barke Saml. Abbot, Sam. Fdrrar, Peter Marfton Thomas Kittridge, John Newbury Enoch Sawyer, j Phillii^s Silas Little, Jofiah LittL Beverly Jof. Wood, Mofes John Ofgood Brown, Ths. Davis, EliQia Newburypurt Edw. Littl- Whitne}- Jon. MarOi.Sam. A.Oti- Boxford John Roberti'bn, Jof. Dana, Stephen Croi Thomas Perley, jr. Jeremiah Xelfon, Mictiac Bradford Nathl. thurfton, Hodge, ir. Jas. Burnhar. Peter Ruirdi,Ths. Savory Daniel A. White DanvfTs Amos Putnam, Rowley Parker Cievelanc Eleazer Putnam, Gideon Tlis. Mlghill, Eenj. Proc Fofter tor. Moody SpafFord Gloiiojier John Manning,] r. ! Sokm Sam . Putnam, Ezrl; John Rowe, Hen. Phelps Savage, Wm. VlVfmor> Hamilton Joflma Giddings John Prince, jr. WilHai navcrhill Hr. Birtlett, Jas. Gray, jr. Eberi. Beckforc Duncan, jr. Peter Ofgood, John Norris, Jof. Spragut Mofes Moody, Leonaid Wm. Pickman, Edw. .\ White Holyoke Ipfwick Jona. Cogrwell, j r. Salifhiiry Edmund Ncvf Afa Andrews, John Heard, Jacob Brown, Benja. Eva' Dan. Rogers, JohnCly>ate, Topsfield _ Neh. Clevelanc Nat.-Wade, Amos Choate Naihaniel Plammond Lymt Abner Cheewr, Jas. j IVcnkam Saml. Blancharc Gardner, Fred. Breed Tyler Porter lynnjield Daniel Needham I

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Beverly Nadian Dai;e Jofcph Dana Glouceper John Rowe Salem Wnv. Wctmore, jr. Haverhill John Vamum Edw. Little, Wm. Pref- Ipfwidi Afa Andrews ect t, Saml. Putnam, Jof. Ncwlm ryport E d ward Li 1 1 le, Story Edw. St. Loe Livermore,

Attornies at the Comw^n Pleas.

Andover Samuel Farrar Leverett Saltonftall Gloucejier Nathan Parks Ma rblehead R al . H. French^ Haverhill Stephen Minor, Ifaac Mansfield Corqners, &;c. EJfex, 75

Kiwburyport D.A-White, Salem John Pickering, jr. Michael Hodge, jr. Fr. John Prince, jr. Samuel Blanchaid Swett Coroners, ury Ich. B. Sargent Lvin Ezek. Cheever, Eph' Andover Putnam Ingalls ' Breed, Amos Rhodes* Beverly John Low Lynvfield John Upton \Boxford Lemuel Wood Marblehcad Ifaac Mansfield [Bradford Jona. Kimball,* Mclhvtn John Sargent, jr.

I Efiphalet Rollins* Kczubury Stephen I Ifiey ^ Danven Ifr. Hutchinlbn, jr. Ndzvburyport Danl.Horton* Gloucejier Wm. Pearfo'n, Rowky Jofhu* Pickard,*

John Rogers, Wra. Dana Jofeph Pike -.

Haverhill Sam 1 . White, j r. Salem Wm. Lang,* John Enoch Bradley, Samuel Punchard Walker, Jamjes Smiley* Salifbury Jonathan Smith

Ipfwich Stephen Choate, j r. Topsfiild Daniel Rixby Eph. Kendall, jr.* David Wenham Jofeph Faiifi«ld Choate

Sheriff. , of Haverhill.

Deputy Sheriffs. Andovr Jedutiiun Abbot Ipjwick Daniel Dutch Moucejier Benj. Stacey Kewburyport Philip Bagley Havzrhill David Bradley Salem John Hutfon Crier of the Courts^ Philip Bagley, of Newburyport. Prifan Keepers,

ich Jer. Stanniford j Salem John Hutfon jturypcrt Philip Bagley j MIDDLESEX COUNTY. yujilces of the Common Pleas. James Prefcott, of Groion, Chief Jxflice. ames Winthrop, of Cambridge, and Ephiaim Wood, of Groton,

S*^ecial fuft ices.

"narltjlown Phillips Pay fon "j /^tj^M/Tz Loammi Baldwin ^oncord Jofeph B. Varnum i

^Urk of the Court of Common Pleas and Sefions, Abraham Biglow, of Cambridge.

* Thift have lodged (htir oonds at the Treafurer's Ofict. 76 Juftices, &c. Middleftx.

Judge of Probate. Regijler cf Probate. James Prefcott, of Groton. Js.Winthrop, of Cambridge.

C^ Probate Courts are held at Cambridge, on the ift Tuctdays of January, July, Stptcmher and November ; and on the 2d Tuefdays of March and May. At Concord^ theiftTuefdaysof February, June. Augull, Oaob-r and December; and on the 2d Tucfday of April. At Fra- mingham, the 3d Tuefday of January, and the 2d Tuef- dayofjune. At IVoburn, on the 3d Tucfday i.\ April.. At Groton, on the 3d Tuefdyys of May and October.

Regijier Deeds. I Covnty Treafurer. of . Saml.Bartlett,of Cambridge. | Ebr. Bridge, of Chelmsford. Jujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum.

Billerica Ifaac Stearns I Groton James Brazer, Jamas Cambridge Wm.Winthrop, Prefcott, Sarnuel Dana | Abr.Biglow, James Win- 1 Hollifion. John Stone throp, Stephen Dana Medford Duncan Ingraham, Carlijle Jonathan Heald Samuel Swan CharLeJlown Phillips Pay- Newton Nathan Fuller fon, Aaron Putnam Reading Jofeph Cordis, Jas,. Concord Ephraim Wood, Bancroft Abiel Heyw'ood Skiiiey Jofhua Longley Dracut JofephB. Vamum, T\ng'fborough John Pitts William Hildreth, Parker Watcrtown Amos Bond Vamum Wejijord ZaccheusWrighl Framingkam Jona.Maynard Woburn Loammi Baldwin

Appointed to qualify Civil OJicers, Ebenezer Bridge, John Brooks, James Winthrop, Ephraim Wood, Jofiah Bartletf, Abraham B^glow, James Piefcott, and James Brazer,

Jxijlices of the Peace, AElon Winhrop Fauikner, Boxb^rough Silas Taylor Jonas Brooks, John Rob- Burlington John Walker bins Cambridge Samuel Barrlctr, Elill, Caleb Gai.- , Afiby Jonathan Locke, Al- Aavon len Flagg, John Eocke net, Saml. Lock»», Francis Bedford Amariah PreOon, Dana, jr. John Meiien John Reed, Elijah Stearns Carlife Jofeph Hcald, Afa Parlin Billerica Wm . Thorn pfon, •-, Jonathan Bowers, James Charkjiovm Beni . Hurd, j Abbot Zabdiel B, Adam? Juftices and Attornies, Mtddlefex. 77

Cktlmsfnrd Oliver Barron, Pcpherell Jof. Heald, John William Adams, Afahel Walton S reams Reading Benjamin Upton Concord Jona. Fay, Wm. Sherburne Jofeph Weare Parkman Shirley Thomas Whitnev, Lunflabk Toel Parkhurft, Wallls Little MIcah Eldiidgc Stoncham Jofeph Bryant Eajl Sudbury Nath. Reeves Stow Ephraim RulTell Framingham Eli BiiUard Sudbury William Rice Groton Oliver Prefcott,Jas. Tewkjhury Jonathan Brown, ^^' Prefcott, jr. Samnel Law- m . Brown, Wi 1 1 i am rence-, Tnomas Gardner Brown, jr.

HoUiJlon. Ephm.Littlefield, Townfiicnd Dan . Adams, j r. James Mellen Tyng/hord' Eben. Bancroft, Hopkinton Math. Mctcalf, Calvin Thomas, Ebenezer Jeremy Stim Ion Bjncroft, jr. Lexington Ifaac Bowman, Wa/tkam Theodore Lyfnan, Jno. Bridge, Nathan Chan- Jonatlu-ii Coi^lidge, Abner dler, John Millikcn, Ifaac Sanderf(*n, Jno. Sanderfon

Plallings i Watertozon N. R. Whit- jr. ney, Mai fhall Spring, Ths. Lincoln Eleazer Brooks, !

wSaml. Hoar, Jof. Adams 1 Clarke, Nathl. Bemis

Littleton Sampfon Tuttle, We.(iford Jof( ph Brig ham, David Lawrence, Jonath. jr. Peiij. Ofgood, John A. Nc'.vell .Abbot f^aidcn Bcnj. Blaney, Bar- Wejicn Eben. Ho!)hs, Amos nard Greene, Ezra Sargent Bancroft, Jno. Slack, Ifaac Mirlboro' Joi. Bi igham, jr. Filke Medjord Benj. Hall, Xa-ail. Wilmington Timo. Walk-

Hall, St-plvjn Hall, ji. i cr, Benj. W'alker, Wm. Natick He/, Broad, vVni. Biaiichard, Wm. Blanch- j

Boden i ard, jr.

Kewton Eben. Woodward, / Wcburn Saml. Thompfcon, 'I imo. \c :kfc Jofeph Jeiem. Clap, Jof. Law- Ward rence

Attornies at the Supreme yudtctal Court. AMy John Locke Chelmsford Afaiiei Stearns Billerica Joicph Locke Concord John L. Tuttle, Caynbridge Ebenr. Bradiili, Jona. Fay, 'I'hos. Heald Loanimi Baldwin, jr. Framingham Eli BuUard Charlejiown Artem. Ward, GroiM , Jas. Zabdiel B. Adams j Piefcai', Tano. Bi^elow 1806.1 G 78 Attornles, &c. Mhldkfex,

fJopkinton Daniel Adams IVoterlown Bigelow Marlboro' Jof. Brighnm, jr. l^'efton Ifaac Fiflc Sudbury Othniellyler

Attornles at the Common Pleas, Cambridge Samuel P. P. Groten Luth-r Lawrence Fay, Daniel Warren Stow Rufus Hofmer Charlejlcwn Daniel Parker, TowvJIiend Walter KaOings

Coroners. Afnhy Alex. T. Willard Littleton Jona. Whetcomb Billerka Eph. Kidder, jr. Marlboro' Silas Gates Benjamin Bowers Medjord N i th .;i n Wa i te Cambridge Saml. Sparhawk Nezfton Joleph jackfon, Car/ijle Abel {r. Blood, Fred- PeppercH JohnSheple erick Blood Sherburne James CkeLmsJcrd O. Bullard, Richardfon, John Bullard Ebenezer Parker Shirln Calvin Concord Reuben Longley, Bryant Stephen Longley Dracut Ifrael Hildreth Tezvkfhurv Thomas Clark Dunjlable Leon. Paikhurft T^^^ficnd btephen Bruce, Eaji Sudbury Collins Da- mon Shobal C. Allen Tyngjboro' Ezra Blodger Framingham Jno. Fifk, Aa- Wejijord Jona. ron Bui iard Keyes Jno. Leighton Oroton Jas. Lewis, ir. ' Wm. JVejlon Nathan F. Brazer Fiik Wilmington Jcel lenki^s Hdliflon John Stone, jr. Woburn Noah Richardfon, John Stedman Edmund Hopkinton Samuel Richardfon, Jo- Haven, nathan Thompfon JoF. Valentine, jr.

Sheriff, Jofeph Hofmer, of Concord.

Deputy Sheriffs. JJib\ - ^^tephen rf.„ . Wyman Holhpon Eph. ^f^rtca Zacchcus Littlclield, Shed tlicl LharUllown Littlcficld Peter Edes Marlboro' Danl. Stevens, ir. ^7'^^,Jof. Moors, •' Samp /^f,^5«'<:,'?5« r- Ion Woods John FJai-g // '«r« Ablj. 'Ihomprcn keeper oj the Pczod^r-IkuL^c^/. o. Uarlcj!cz..u Pcur Tufi., jr, Juftices, &c. ToA, 7^ YORK COUNTY. "Jujlices of the Common Pleas, Nathaniel V/ells, of Wells, Chief Jujlice, Edv.'drd Cutts, of Kittery, and Jonas Clark, of Wells.

Special Jujlke.s. Bragdon Berzc'ick John Lord | Yvrk Jofeph

CLrk nj ihe Pleas aud Sejfions, and a Ifo Refi dent Clerk of the S. J. C.Jor thh County^ Daniel Sewail, of York.

Jud^p of Prchntf. I R^gijler of Probate.

] 'card Cutcs, of Kittery. | Daniel Sewail, of York.

(Jj^" Probate Courts on the Saturdays immediately pre- ceding the Mondays on which the Courts of Commort Pleas are held, and at the fame places— [See the Courts p. 68 J—and at the Probate-Office in York on the 3d Mondays in Januar)-, February, March; on the ivlonday preceding the 3d Tuefday in May ; on the 3d Mondays in July, Sep- tember, Oclo'ier and November. At Berwick on the 34 Monday in June. At Alfrtd on the Monday preceding the time of Supreme Court— [See Supreme Judicial Court in Alfred, p. 66.] Regijltr of Deeds and Covnty Treafurer, William Froft, of York. yujliees of the Peace and of the Quorum, Alfred Vx'iiliam Parions Froll, Jolhua Plubbard Arundel John Kovey Parfonsfield Thr.s. Purfons Bcrzvick John Hill, John Ssanjord Caleb Lmery

Lord, To(ti>h Savage ( Waterboro'' Andievburlfv "' Biddcford Jeremiah Hill, Wells Jonas Clark K ifhworth Jordan, Prcntifs York Daniel Sev/all, Wni.

Mel i en Froft, Jofcpii Braj^doii Kittery Edv/ard Cuits,John

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers,

Jld-.vard Cutts, Nathaniel Weils, Jonas Clark, Jofeph Braf;- don, Jeremiah Hill, Prcntifs Mellcn, Daniel Scv.;-ii> Wiliian^' Parfons, and Jchn Holmes. yuflices of the Peace, ALjrfd Jof. Emcrlon, John Thomas Darrell Hclrr.cs Berwick Benjamin Greene, un4rl Thos. Perkins, 3d. Dominicps Good'.vm, ^eth Eurnham,R.Tovvne, Dudley iiubbard, RicV^i 8o Ju dices, &c. Tori,

F. Cutts, Ivory Hovey, Parfonsfield Jof. Parfons, .Raw. P. Hayman, Peter John Paine, Nich. Emery, jVIerrill, John Cuflilng Sanauel Garland Biddrford Saiimel Pearfon, Phillipjhurgh J.Chadbourn, Ralph T. Jordan, Aaron Wm. Thorn pfon Gerrifh Porter, Daniel Cleves Saco , T. G. Buxton John Woodman, Thornton, James Gray, Jacob Bradbury, John , Danicf Wood, Zenas Payne Granger, Jofeph Lcland Corm'/Ji Afahel Cole Shapkigh William Rogers, Kittay WilliamT.Gerrifli, A. Rogers, John Lcighton Anerew P. Fernald, Alex. Waterbord' Benja. Warren Rice Wells Jof. Thomas, Jacob Lebanon T.M.Wentworth, Fifher, Geo. W. Walling-' Nathaniel Chamberlain ford, Jof. Moody, Nathl. Lhncrkk John Morrill Wells, jr. John Storer, Limington Abner Libbey, Samuel Emerfon Ezra Davis York John Kingfjur^', Kl. Lyman Saml.L.RayjjiOnd, Bragdon, Mofes Lyman, John Low Bulkley Emerfon Newjield Elijah Drew

Attorn'tss at the Supreme jfudk'ml Court.

Alfred John Holmes Parfonsfield Nich. Emery Bcrunck Dudley Hubbard, Saco Cyrus King, Jofeph Benjamin Greene, Wm. Bartlett Lam be It Writs Jofeph Thomas, G. Biddiord Prentifs Mellen W.Wallingford, J. Dan^j Buxton Nathaniel Coffin

Attortnes at the Common Pleas,

Buxton Barker Curtis, Chs. 1 .Wo Jeremiah Bradbury

Coffin I York Ifaac Lyman

Limtrick John Burnham { Coroners, Alfred John Sayward ; rnond, Benjamin Parker herwkk Jofeph Prims Lebanon Daniel Wood Biddfford BatchelorBunk- j Limington 5,aml. Moulton, er, Jeremiah Bettcs, Na- Small \ Joihua

thaniel Goodwin Krvfield Benj . Johnfon

CorniJIi Thos. A. Johnfon I Parfonsfieid Slnnl. Bnrbank Kittery Dani.Peirce,Wm. P/z///.';'>«r-/^ Geo. Froft Leighton, Saco Jofeph Ham- [ Phincas Kelly 1

Juftices, 6ic. Hampjhire, 8

SaKford Ezra Thompfon \ York Samuel Moody, IVfl/s Stephen Perkins, Samuel Sayward John Coic 1 S/jerjf Ichabod Goodwin, of Berwick.

Deputy Sheriff's

4run(itU James Gould Lhnington J. M' Arthur, jr. Brrzvick Mark Lord, Icha. Parfonsjicld Jof. Huckens Good Win. jr. Saco Benjamin Patterfon, Biddfjcrd Chr. Gilpatrick, Dominicus Jordan Ichabod Fairfield Sanford William Emery Buxton Sami. Cutts, Eph. Shaplcigk Jofhua Trafton Sands Wells Abiel Kelly, Jofhua Kittery Jofeph Froft Clark Lebanon Jofeph Langton York Simon Fernald Simo

Jtijiices of the Common Pleas, John Blifs, of Wilbraham, Mofes Blifs, of Springfield, and Samuel Henfhaw, of Northampton. Special Jufiices. Hatf.-ld John I-Iaftings W. Springfield A. Burbank, Juftin Ely Springfield Vvm. Pynchon Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Sejfwns, Jofeph Lyman, of Northampton.

Judge of Probate. I Regifter of Probate. Saml. Henfhaw, Northamp. | Saml. Hinckley, Northamp.

g:^" Probate Courts, at Deerjield, on the ifl Tuefday in January, May and Auguft, at the houfe of Mr. Eraflus Barnard. At Northompton, on the ift Tuefday of March and December, and on the lafl Tuefday of each month, ex- cept the fA\\ Tncfdiiy in Muy and Auguft, at the houfe of Mr. Theodore Lyman. In Springfield, on the lit Tuef- dr^y in February, June and Oftober, at the houfe of Mr. Eieazer WiH.ams. In Hadley, on the firft Tuefday in A- piii and ju'iy, and the Tuefday next after the 3d Monday in No.;err:b?r, at the houfe of Mr. Eliflia Cook. N. B. The Court will be opened each day, fpecitied as above, at 9 ft'clock. ^ 82 J u dices, &c. Hampjhire.

Regijlers of Deeds. Scutkern DijlriEl^ William Pynchon, of Springfield. Middle Dijlrict, Levi Lyman, of Northampton, Northern DifiriEi, Epaphras Hoit, of Deerfield.

Jujlices of thf Peace and of the Quorum. Amherjf Zebiim Montague S.Hadley Rug.Woodbridgc Brmjictd Abner Morgan Springfield Mofes Blils, Colraine Hugh McLellan Wm. Pynchon, Chaunccy Deerfield John Williams, Brewer, Jno. Hookcr,Ths. Ephraim Williams Dwight Greenfield David Smead Wendell Jofhua Greene, jr. Hadley Chas. Phelps, Jon- Wejifield Samuel Mather, athan E. Porter , Samuel Northampton Ebenr. Hunt, Fowler Samuel Henfhaw,. Samuel Wejl Springfield Juftin Ely, Hinckley, Jofeph Lyman Abraham Burbank Orange Jofeph Metcalf Worthington Ezra Stark- Sotl^Jiampton Jona.Judd weather

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. John Blifs, Mofes Blifs, Samuel Mather, Ebenezer Hunt, Thomas Dwight, and Jofeph Lyman.

Jtijlices of the Peace Amherjl Sanil.F. Dickinfon Cummington Ebenr. Snell, AJifield Eph.Williams, E- Adam Packard lijah Paine Deerfield Wm. S.Williams, Belchertozvn Henry Dwight, Hezekiah W. Strong Eleazer Clark Gill Mofes Bafcom Blandjord Jedediah Smith, GoJIien William White Eli P. Afliman Granby David Smith lirimfi'cld Jofeph Browning, Granville Jofiah Hervey, Darius Munger, Stephen Titus Fowler, J no. Phelps, Pynchon Ifrael Parfons, David Cur- Buckland Samuel Taylor tis Charlcmont Abel Wilder Greenfield Jerome Ripley, Ciiefler Sylvefter Emmons, Jona. Leavitt, Solomon Martin Phelps Smead, Richard E. New- Cy.derfield Benja. Parfons, comb Spencer Phelps Greenwich Robert Field, L Colraine Jonathan Magee faac Powers Conway Samuel Ware, jr. Hadley Samuel Porter William Billings, Elifiia Hatfield Benjamin Smith Billings HawUy Edmund Longley Juflices and Attornies, Hampfiirr. 83

Heath Afaph White, Ebe- Plainfield James Richards nezer Tucker Rotue John Wrlls Holland John Policy, Jacob Skutefbury William Ward Thompfon Southampton Lem.Pomeroy leyden Lemuel Fofter Southwzck Saul Fowler, 1- Lcugmeadow Gideon Burt, faac Coit Nathaniel Ely Springfield Jof. Williams, Middlefield David Mack Jonathan Dwighr, George Uonfoii Abel Goodell, Ab- Blifs, Vv^illram Ely ner Brown Sunderland Daniel Whit- Montague EHfha Root, Hen- more, Lemuel Barnard ry Wells Ware William Bowdoin Mcntgomery Edw. Taylor, Warwick Caleb Mayo, Jas. New Salem Ezek.Kellog,jr. Goldfhury V^arncy Pcarce Wejljield Abel Whitney, . No^tliawp fen Dan! 'v"^/ right, John Ingerfoll Levi Lyman, Levi Shep- Wejlliamptcn Sylvellerjudd herd, John Taylor, Solo- W.Spriyigfield Elip. Leon- mon Stoddnrd, jr. ard, Pelatiah Blifs, Lucai' Northfjeld Eliflia Hunt, O- Morgan,

badiah Dickinfon, John j Whately Thos. Saunderfon Barrett Williamfhurgh W. Bodman, Orange Oliver Chapin Afa While Palmer Aaron Merrick Worthvigton Jona. Wood- Pelham Ifaac Abercrombie bridge

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. Amherft Samuel F. Dickin- New Salem S. ClefTen Allen fon, Simeon Strong, jr. Northampton Saml. Hinck- Afhjield Elijah Pain® ley, John Taylor, Solo- Bclchcrtown Jof. Bridgman mon Stoddard, jr. Elijah Blaiidjord Eli P. Afhman HuntMills, Thco. Strong, Briinjidd Abner Morgan, Edward Upham Stephen Pynchon Nerthjidd John M. Gan- Qharlemont Sylveft. Maxwell nett^ John Barrett Chejlerjieid Benj. Parfons Springfield John Hooker, Conway Wm. Billings, jr. George Blifs, Wm. Ely, Dcerfreld Piiny Arms, Hez- Jonathan Dwight, jr. ekiah W. Strong Shelburne Aaron Skinner \Oill Gilbert Stacey Sunderland Henrj' Barnard Qranville John Phelps Wejljield John Ingerfoll, E-

Grecnjield R . E. Newcomb, iijah Bates, Ifrael Aftdey Jonathan Leavitt W. Springfield Samuel La- Greenwich Elijah Alvord throp Hadley Jonathan E. Porter Worthvigton J.Woodbrid^ . '

$4 Attornies, Coroners, &c.

Attornies at the Common Pleas.

Chejlcr Alvan Coe Northmnlilon Chas. Shepard Nevcrs Granville J as. M . Cooley Northjidd John mdky Giles C. Kellogg Springfield OliverB. Morris Coroners. Amherjl Jared Walte Montague Jofeph Gnnn Bekhcrtown Jullin For- Northampton Bcnja. Pref- ward, jr. cott, William Butler Brirnfidd Saml. Bates, Ezra Novthjield VVm. Pomeroy Hiichcock Orange Savill- Metcalf CdroJne Jonathan Magee, Pdhavi Ifrael Conkey W^ilHani Caldwell Row Zebulun Benton Reuben Bardwell Rujjdl Titus Doolittle Conway ^

Cvmmington Bcla Norton i Springfield John Pynchor GqJ'ken Ambrore Stone V/endell John Prcnuls G ranviUe Ezra Bal dwin, j r Wejifield John S. Douglaf: Greoijield Caleb Clapp, E- Wilhra/tam Edward Mori is liet Gilbert Jofiah Langdon G?ccr/zoick Alden Lathrop Worthington Elifha Brewf Mjfhon EdeWkitaker tcr, Tcfiah Mills


Ebenezcr Mattoon, jr. of AmherH

Deputy Sheriffs,

A7)iherft JullusWilli «n.s, jr. Greenwich Luke Stone Api field 'Ethan A. Clary Heath Sylvanus Maxwell B^imfldd John Moore New Salem Judah Sextow Co:iu}ai David Childs Northampton Thos. Kidd Drfrfifid RuFus Saxton Northfield Caleb Ly:nan Go/uffi Solomon Parfons Palmer William Baldwin Granville Eleazer Slccum 5,^ ringfield J of- ah Bar d ve Greer.jield Oliv. Wilkinfon W. Springfield Fred. Palint PLYMOUTEI COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Plea:, Benjamin Willis and Daniel Howard, of Bridge'A-ater,WTi iiam Watfon and Ephraim Spooner, of Plymouth.

Special jfuftlces,

Miadlthoro' iraacThompfon 1 P/vroi)uM Jofhua Thoma» P-mbrcke Kilborn Whitman | Cltrk of the Pleas iznd Sejions, Jofiah Cotton, of Plympudl I Juflices, &c. Plymouth. «i

Judge of Probate. Rcgi/ler of Probate. Jofli. Thomas, of Plymouth. Ifaac Lath top, of Plymouth.

at Scituate, (f:t" Probate Courts, on the ift Mondays in September, December, March and June.—At Plymp ton, on the ill Mondays in Oftober, November, January, Februa^ ry, May, July and Auguft, and on the lUTuefday in April.

Reg i/ier of Deeds. County Trtafurer. j

Rofleter Cotton,ofPlymouth \ Eph.Spooner, ot Plymouth.

jfuftices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Eridgewater Nah. Mitchell, Plymouth William Watfon, Daniel Howard Jolbua Thomas, Ephraim Hingham Samuel Norton Spooncr, Nathl. Goodwin Middlcbord' llaacThompfon Rochefler Abm. Holmes Peynbroke KilbornWhitman Scituate Chas". Turner, jr.

Appointed to qualify Ci-vll Officers. William Watfon, Ephraim Spooner, Jofhua ThomaSj Il'aac Thonipfon, Daniel Howard, and Beza Hayward. JujTices of the Peace. Abington Luke Bicknell, Middlcbord' Neb em. Ben- Samuel Norton, Aaron nett, WHkes W-'^ood, Da- Hobarr, jr. vid Richmond, Jas. Wafh- Bridgewater Jona. Crane, burn Daniel Snow, HeClorOrr, Pembroke John Turner, Jo- Gideon Howard, Ilfjchar ft'ph Sraith Snell, jr. Samuel Shaw, Plyvwulk Abner Bartlett,Jo- Daniel Howard, William liah Gorton, Henry War- Baylies, Nathan Mitchell ren, Rofleicr Cotton,W^m. Carver Nehemiah Cobb L. Barron, Wm. Jackfon, Duxborough Judah Alden, Zaccheus Bartlett, Joha John Window D. Dunbar, Wm. Davis Halifax Jofiah Thompfon Pl\mpton Elijah Bifbec, jr. Hanover David Stockbridge> Elifha Ruggles, Rochjler ^ Horatio Cuftiing Nathaniel Hammond, 3d. Hingham N athan Rice, Dan- Nathan Willis, Nathaniel iel Shute, Lincoln Abner Rnggles _^,^^^

Hull Robert Gould Scituate Elij . 'pilrne^, Hay- Kingfon Seth Drew, Jedc- ward Pelrce, Chriftopher diah Holmes, J, Thomas, Cuflilng J as. Sever, Mnrtin Paris Woreham Ifrael Fearing,

Marfhfidd Afa WaTcnnan, i Rowland Leonard, Benja- Elifha Phillips, White min Fearing, Fearing W. | Jno. 180G.J H 86 Attornies, $cc» Plymouth.

jf^ttornies at the Supreme Judicial Court,

Jiriagewatcr Win . Buy i its, Ptmbroke KilbornWhltman A ahum Mifciiell PL mouth Jolliua Thomas, Halifax Joihrun Cufhman John D. Dunbar

MLidlcbord' Vk\ 1 kes Wood, Rochejcr Abraham Holmes James Wafhburn Attovmes at the Common Pleas.

Abirigtcn John King, jr. | Scituate George Little Coroners,

Abington Noah Norton Charles Little, Nathaniel Bridgtwattr LotWhitraarfh Loring Carver Caleb Atwood Plymouth David Bacon, Ste- Dvxbord Benjamin Alden phen Sampfon, Thomas Ha novtr Jofiah Smith, jr. Jackfon, jr. Hingkara Eph. Andrews, Plympton Elias Churchill, Job Loring, jr. 1 horn as Sturtevant,Jr. King(ion Jed. Holmes, jr. Rochejler William Urapo, John Gray, jr. Nathaniel Halkell, Peleg Marfi field VViliiam Lewis, Whittridge James Dingley Scituate Lemuel Turner, Middlebord' Mark Hafltell vSamuel Waterman Ptmbrokt Ifaac B. Barker, Warekam Samuel Savory Sheriff. , of Duxborough.

Deputy Sheriffs. Abington Micah WMiite Marjli^eld Jedediah Littk Bridgewater Simeon Pratt, Middlebord' Leml. Briggs, Darius Howard Nathaniel Wilder, jr. Halifax Ambrofe Keith Pevihroke David Oldham Hanover Horatio Cufliing Rochejler Noah Dexter Hingham Ifdac Wilder, jr. Scituate James Sparrell Kinojlon John Adams, jr. BRISTOL COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas. Samuel Fales, of Taunton, Chief fuf ice. Stephjen Ballogk, of Rehoboth, ajad Samuel Tobev, of Berkley.

Special fujlices. Altleborough Elifha May Tanvton James Williams, j New-Bedford Alden Spooner Samuel FaJes I .

Jullices, &c. Biiflol. 87

Clerk cf the Court of Common Pleas and SrJJicns^ Kathaniel Falcs, of Taunton.

Judge of Probate. Reg'fler of prrhni, j fiayJies, of Dlgliton. Seth Padeiford, of Taunton. ) Wm. f^^ Probate Courts at Tauntorit on the iff Tnefday in January, March and Augud. At Worfon, on the ift Tuef- day in July and December. At Relwboth, on the iftTuef- day in April and September. At Dightcn, on the ift Tuef- day in June and November. At New-Bedford, on the ift Tuefday in May and Oftober; and at Freetown^ on the ift Tuefday in February.

Regifier of Deeds. I County Trcafiirer. Williams, ofTaunton. Samuel Crocker", of iaunton. James | Jujlices of the Peace and of the QUoriim, Berkley Samuel Tobey Rehobcth Eph. Starkweather Dighton William Baylies Taunton Seth Padeiford, New-Bedford Edward Pope, Samuel Fales, Jas. Wil- Alden Spooner, Lemuel liams, Fofter Swift, Jas. Williams, Seth Spooner Norton Laban Vv' heaton

Appointed to qualify Civil Oncers. Samuel Tobey, Samuel Fales, Seth Padeiford, Fofter Swift, , and Seth Spooner. yujlices of the Peace. Attlebord' C.Richardfon.jr. phraim Winflow, Wafh- Joel Read, Ebenezer Ty- ington Hathaway, Benja- ler, 2d. min V/eavcr Berkley ApoUos Tobey. Mansfield Benjamin Bates, . Dartnouth Holder Siocum, Daniel Gilbert Joel Packard, Elihu Sio- New-Bedford Saml. Perry, cum, John Rogers, David Benj. Church, jr. Rounlc-

Thacher vil Spooner, Redo I ph. H. Dighton Hodijah Baylies, Williams, Johu Ivi. Wil- Saml. W.Bay lies, Thomas liams B, Richmond Norton ' Samuel Moiey, E- Eajlon Samuel Guild, Eli- phraim Raymond, Silas jah Howard, Danl. Whea- Cobb

ton, John Pool Raynham J ofi j h Dean, Seth Freetown JefiTe Bullock, Na- Waftiburn, Jona. Shaw, thaniel Morton, jr. E- William A. Leonard 88 Attornies, &c. Brlfloh

Rohoboth Daniel Carpenter, TamesTifdale, Benj.Wil- David Perry, Calvin Mar- liams, Jonathan Ingalls, jr. tin, Thomas Carpenter, Gideon Williams, Nicho- James Ellis, Oliver Stark- las Tillirghaft, John W*. weather, David Perry, jr. Seabury, Jofeph Godfrey, Somerfd Jno. Bowers, Fran- Jones Godfrey, Nathl. cis Borland Fales Swanzey Thos. Peck, Jas. Trc^i Charles Durfee Luther Wejlport Wm. Almy, Ro- Taunton Samuel Leonard, bert Earl, Abner Brownell

Attornies at the Supreme "Judicial Courts Digkton Saml. W. Baylies Norton Laban Wheaton Eajion Daniel Wheaton Rehoboth James Ellis Freetown Walhington Hath- Taunton Seth Padelford, away Nicholas Tillinghaft, Ja«. N.Bedford R.H.Williams Sprout Attornies at the Common Pleas, Mansfield David Gilbert Raynkam Wm. A. Leon- N. Bedford John M. Wil- ard, P. C. Shaw liams Swanzey Silas Cobb, jr. Coroners* Attkborc? Peter Thacher, New-Bedford SImpfon Hart Walter Tyler Norton Ifaac Hodges, jr. Berkley Levi French Rehoboth Elkanah French, Dartmouth Benj. Tucker Ths. Carpenter, 4th. Jno. Eajion Rowland Howard, Brown, Elijah A. Read Daniel Macomber Szvavzey William Mafoa Mansfield Simeon Green Taunton Afa Danforth

Sher'iff. Ztfj)hanlah Leonard, of Raynham.

Deputy Sheriffs, Attlcborovgh Jofiah Allen, nezer Titus Noah Tiffany Rehoboth Eliphalet Slacks Berkley Samuel French Afa Bullock DartvKUik Jirah Shearman Swanzey Royal Chafe Digliton Matth. Whitmarfh Taunton Seth Croffman, Ira Freetotvn Bcnj. Porter, jr. Macomber, John Porter Mansfield Ifaac Dean Tro^ William Reed Ntw-Bedford LutherWilfon JVfiport Rc^er Wkite Norton Wm, Verry, Ebe- Juftices, &c. Barnfialle, 89 BARNSTABLE COUNTY. yujlices of the Common Pleas. Nathaniel Freeman, of SandA-icb, PLbeiiezer P-:con, of Bainftable, and Samuel W^iteiman, of Wellficet.

Special yujlkes,

Bamflable John Davis, Da- j J'<2rwo?

Clerk of the Court jof Common P'eas, alfo Cli^k of th Supreme Judicial Court for Barnjiabkand Dukes C

Cltrk oftkc Sejjions, Dn-'.d Scudder, of Ba^nOable.

Judge of Probate. Regifter of Probate. j Baniflable J >hn Da\is j Sandzmch Niitlil. Fre'^man

(c^ Probate Courts ^t Barnilablc, on the 2d Tuefda -.s of April, May, June and September. At Great-Ma rfnesy on the 2d Tuefdays jf Janurir^^ Fcbruan', T*iiy and Decem- ber. At Yarmouth, on the 2d Tucfduy of Aiiguft. At Sandwich, on the 2d Tuefday of Novemt>er. At Falmcuth, on the day after the Court is held at Sandwich. At Brewf- ter, on the 3d Tuefday of March, and 2d Tuclday in Octo- ber. At Harwich^ the day before each fimc !ail mentioned. At Lajiham, on ihe \Vedi:efday r.ext toilowiug the o^ Tuefday in March, and 2u Tuefday in October. At IVeli- fleet, on the day after each lafl; mer.rioncd times.

Regl/ler of Deeds and County Treafurer. . Ebenezer Bacon, of Bariiilahle.

yufltces of the Peace and of the Quorum.

Bamflable JofephOtis, Jno. \ Brczufer Solo. Frrein^n Davis, El^enezer "E'ccon, 'isaihi. Freeman \

David Scudder i

Appointed to qualify Civil Offic-ers. Nathaniel Freeman, Soxmcr. Fveemar;, Sa:auei Savage, John Davis, and Ebent:zer Eaco;;.

Jiflices of the Peace. Barnfable Samuel Savaj;e, | Fhinaey, Eben. Crocker Hoimes Ane7:,DividPar- Ere-oftr Syhanus Siouf-, j

kcr. Toiii^lj ^;3ii;;or.,'i iir.o. i Ilcac C]ari{ .

90 Juftices, Attornies, &c. Barnflable*

Brczufter Solo. Freeman, jr. Marjhpu Gid. Hawlcy, Jr, Chatham Jofeph Doanc, Orleans 7"imothy Bafcon Pvichard Sears Sandwich Klifha Perry, SyV Dcmiis Jeremiah Howes vanus Nye, Wendell Da- Eaftham Ifaac Sparrow, E- vis, James Freeman lifha Mayo Truro Sylvanus Snow Falmouth j ofeph Palmer, j r Wellllcet Saml. Watermaa, David Nye, Thos. Jones Thomas Thatcheri Gor- Harwich Eben. Broadbrooks ham Lovell, Eli&a Doanc

jittorniss at the Supreme jfudicial Court*

Barnjlable. Holmes Allen j Sandwich Wendell Davis Coroners* Barnjlable Ifaiah Parker, Seth Hamlin Nalor Crocker Harwich William Crofby Chatham Richard Sears Sandwich Lemuel Pope, Dennis Daniel Eldridge HcmanTobey Lajiham Beniamin Pepper, Truro Levi Stevens Michael Collins IVdljUct JofiahWhitmaR Faimoiah Saml. Bourne,jr. Yiarmouth Jofeph Hawes |

Sheriff, Jofeph Dimmick, of Falmouth

Deputy Sheriffs. Bariiiiahk John Thatcher, Nathaniel Broadbrooks Timothy Phuiiicy, Jofeph Orleans Jofiah Sparrow Chipman, Lewis Gorham, Sandwich John Nye, jr. Bei.jainiu Hathaway, El- Caleb Perry, Shad. Free- vin Crocker man Erczojler Jonathan Snow Truro Anthony Snow FMfiham Zenas Doanc IVellfleet Solomon Dyer Dennis Daniel Eldridge Yarmouth Enoch Hallct Falmouth Elnathan Nye, j

Jofeph C. Lewis, of Bamfiable, is Deputy Sheriff, ani Keeper of the Jail.


'Juffices of the Common Pleas, James Athearn, of Tifbury, Beriah Norton, of Edj;arfon, Benjamin BafTett, Matthew Mayhew, of Cbilmaxk. Juftices, &c. 91

Special Jujlices.

Benjamin Mayhew Ti/bu-'^y Benjamin Chilmark | Allen

CUrk of the Pitas and Sejp.cns^ Cornelius Marchanr, jun. of Edganon.

Judge of Probate. I Regifier of Probate.

James Athearn, of Tifbur}'. j Thomas Cook, of Edgarton,

Regijler of Deeds. I County Treafiirer.

Samuel Smith, of Edgarton. ( Thos. Jernigan, of Edgarton. yujlices of the Peace and of the Quorum* Chilmark Matth. Mayhew Tijbury Jas. Athearn, Shu- Edgarton Wm. Jernigan, bael Cottle Benah Norton

ylppointed io qualify Civil OJlcers, James Athearn, Shubaei Cottle, Benah Norton, and Thomas Cook. Jujlices of the Peace, Chilmark Zebulun Allen, Butler, Wm. Mayhew, B'-njamin BafTett, Allen James Coffin Mayhew Tijbury Benjamin Allen Edgarton Ths.Cook,Wm,

Attornies at the Common Pleas.

. Chilmark Ebenezer Skiff William Jernigan J

\ Edgarton Thomas Cook, j Coroners,

Chilmark Simon Mayhew I Spaulding, Cornel. Mar-

Jifiury Wm. Cafe, 'Rufjs | chant

Sheriff. Benjamin Smith, of Edgarton.

Deputy-Sheriffs, Edgarton Wm. Mayhew, Tifoury Thomas _ | Jones Benjamin Smith, jr.


Jujl'tcts of the Common Pleas,

Jofiah Coih", Jci;an Baiker, and Jamrs Coffi-i. .

92 Juftices, &c.

Special Zacchens liuHey, mid Albert Gardner. Clerk of the Pttashud Se/fUms, Benjamin Gardner. Judge of Probate. Regijler of Probate. jctbroHuircy. j | J ofiah Barker.

Regijier of Deeds. Comity Trcafurcr. j WiUlam Huliey, jr. j Jofiah Coffin.

yuji'ices of the Peace av.J of the Quorum,

lV.;ac Coirui Jofiah Bark, r I

Appointed to qvalify Civtl Officers, Jofiah Coflin, Ifaac Coifin, Jofiah Barker, Jeihro Huffey, Zacchcus Hufily, and James Collin.

Jujl'ices of the Peace, ji>liah Coffin, Je hro HuHcy, and Zaccheus HuflTev. Atiornies at the Common Picas,

Jv.iiah HulFcy, H'aac CoHin, Wm. Coffin, 2d. Ebcn. Clap. Coroners. Caleb Bunker, and William Colman.

Sheriff. Deputy Sheriff.

I John Gardner Charles Foiger. } WORCESTER COUNTY. yujlices of the Common Pleas,

Dwight Foller, of BrcokiieM, C///r,' Ji/;?ice. Elijah Brigham, of Weilborou^h, Benjamiti lieywood, oi Worceller.

Special Jujliccs. /fcrayftrr Harvard Benjamin Kimball j Oliver FiPue Clerk of the Picas and Sefions, Jofeph Allen, of Worceller, Cri'rof the Courts^ Ephiaini Mower, of Worcefleiv-

Judgc of Prohat?. Rcgifter of Probate. { Thecph. Wheeler, V\^orcefl Nathl. Paine, ofWorceitcr. | (f^ Probate Courts, at the Probate-Office in IVorajler on the lit Tceiciay in each rnojiih. At Ttnipfton^ on th< Juftices, &c. Worcejier, 93

Tfhurfday next after the 3d Tuefday in May and 3d Tuefday inOftober, at the houfe of Mr. JofhuaWrigh% innboidtr. At Brookfidd, (Weft-Parlfii) on the 2d Tuclday in April, and 4th Tuclday in Oftober, at the hcufe of Capt. Draper, innholder. At Lancajier, on the 4th Tuefday in May and Novenibjr, at the houfe of James Elder, innholder. At Vxbridgty On the 4th Tuefday in May and November, at the houfe of Meffrs. Carpenier and Cummiugs, innholdcrs.

Regijler of Deeds. County Treafurer. Daniel Clap, of Worcefter. Samuel Allen, of"VVorcefter.

jfujilces of the Peace and of the Quorum* Brookfidd Dwight Fofter, Skrezu/hury Jofh. Henfhaw | Jofeph Dorr, Thos. Hale Sturbridge Timo. Neweli Harvard Henry Bromfield Sutton Amos Singletary Lancafter Wm. Stedman Uxbridge Bezaleei Taft Lekejler David Henftiaw, JVai'd John Prentifs William Henfhaw Wejlminjicr A..bner Holden Leominjler Thomas Legate, Worcejter Levi Lincoln, Jo- Jonas Kendall feph Allen, Nathl. Paine, Peterjham Benjamin Heywood, Oli- Princeton Michael Gill ver Filke

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers, Dv/ight Fofter, Elijah Brigham, Benjamin Heywood, km Town, Jofeph Allen, and Nathaniel Paine.

Juflices of the Peace, Ajhburnham Jacob Willard, Ckarlcton Erafmus Babbitt Abraham Low Dana Oliver Harris Athol James Humphries Douglas Aaron M ai fh Barre John Caldwell, Ben- Dudlty John Chamberlain, jamin Jenkins, Eleiizer Aaron Tufts James, Joel Bent Fitchhurgh Daniel Putnam, Berlin Amos Johnfon KVael Turner, Jofeph Bolton Jona. VVhitcomb, Fox Silas Holman, Nathaniel Gardner Aaron V/ood Longley, jr. Gerry Charles Baker, Itha- Boyljion LzraBeaman, J.iS. mar Ward, Elijah Gould Longley Graftnn Bcnja. Goddard, Broohjield John Cutler, Pli, Jofeph Wood, Nathaniel ny Merrick, Danl. Forbes, Adams Luke Baldwin, Jabez Up- Hardu'kk John Haftings, ham, Oliver Crofby Timothy Page .

94 Juftices, &c. Worcejler,

Harvard Bcnja. Kimball, Rutland Mofes White, Jo- John Mycall nas Howe IMdtn V/ir,.Drury, Lem- Sh rewfbury Ths. W. Ward uel Davis Sont/iborougk Ezra Taylor,

Hubhardjlon E . Woodward Trov.'bridge Tciylor Lancopcr I'Vae! Atherton, Spencer John Bifco, Ben- Saml.Ward, Joliah Flagg, jamin Drury Timothy Whiting Sterling Benj. Richardfon, Lcicejlcr Ths. Dennj-, Ebe- Wm. Putnam, John Rob- " nezer Adams, Nathaniel bins, Ifrael Allen P. Denny Sturbridge Oliver Plymp- Lcominjlcr Wm. Nichols, ton, David V/ight, Amos John Gardner Johnfon, Thomas Upham Lvncnbvrg W. Cunningham Sutton Wm. King, Nathan Mcndon Benj. Reed, Seth Putnam, Aaron Peirce, Haftings, Andrew Dexter Solomon Leland, Ebene- Mi/ford Sam!. Jones, Adam zer Wat; rs ^Chapln, Amnriah Froll Tevipleton Silas Cutler, Ths. Navbraintue Benj. Joflyn, Fifher, Lcvell Walker " Vplon Ezra Wood, jr. Northhord' Nahum Fay Uxbridge Benj a. Adams Northbridge Paul Whiting Wejlborough J ames Hawfe, Oakham Jeffe Alien, Jo- Andrew Peters feph Fobes Wejiern Danforth Keyes Oxford Sylvanus Towne, W'cfminjler Nicholas Dike, Sylvanus Learned, Uriah Abel Wood Holt Winckcndon Saml. Crofby, Paxton Nathaniel Crocker, Ifrael Whit on Peter/Jiam , IVorceJler Edward Bangs, Jofeph Trum. uil, Nathl. Samuel Flagg, Abraham Ma carry Lincoln, Theoph. Wbee»

Prmcctcn Mofcs G il !, Wra ler, Ifaiah Thomas, Danl. Dndds Clap, Saml. Allen, Fran- RoyaljLn Phillips S^veet{^^, ce Biakse ifaac Gregojy'

Barrijler at Law, Levi Lincoln, of Worcefter.

yltlorrnes at the Supreme Judicial Court

A'h Joflph PrnBor P!iny Merrick j Liberty Bates Ba^rc Eica/.er Jarae Lu- I Charlcfon ther Pv-ny Lavcajier Vy'm. Siedman, Br^okjicld l^cz Upham Mcirick Rice Attomies, Coroners, &c. 95 ticcfltr Nathl. P. Denny, Tcmpb.ton Lovell Walker eominfter Afa Johnfon, Uxhridge Benja. Adams Abijah Bigelow IVorccJler Nathaniel Paine, \endon Seth Haftings, Rich- Edw. Bangs, Francis Blake, ard George Levi Thaxter xford Erafmus Babbitt W^jlminjlcr Solo. Strong eterjham Daniel Bigelow

Attomies at the Common Pleas, rookjitld Amos Crolby, Lcominjicr I'yler Bigelow j Daniel Gilbert Rutland Win. C. White rajton Wm. E, Green Sterling Bartholw. BiOvv-n 'ardwkk Luke Brown, E- Sutton Eftes Mowe lifha P. Cutler Worafirr S.iml. A award Alexr. Dunftin Levi Lincoln, jT. Jolcph incaJUr Mofes Smith, jr. Caldvvell | Coroners

Oiburnham Wm. Stearns Oxford Jonathan ILirris

'.kol Jofeph Peirce Peterih am Hutch. Hapgopd irre Elijah Caldwell Roya/Jhn Dan!. WcH^d bu ry ookfield Simeon Draper, Rat.'and Zanock Gates Thom,pfon Rawfon Shrcwjhiiry J. Sumner, jr, aridan AaronWheelock Spenci-r Eliot Mafon mglas John Farnum Sterli'ig Roht. B. Thomas, idky Jabcz Day Moies Smith, Moles rry Simon Goddard Thomas ajton Aaron Ki m ba - K j r. \turbridi Fifk rdwkk Seth Hinckley Sutton DaviflP.Chall Tiiu- ward Flmt Davis othy Larnpfon hha^dfion Afa Wheeler Ui>f.on Ez!a Fcirrar, JoCcpU ncafter Benja. Wyman Taft cejlcr William. Sprague Uxbridce Peter VvTiire -

Sherif, Thomas V/. Ward, of ShrewiTaury. 96 Juftices, &c. Cumberland,

Deputy Sheriff's. Athol Jofeph Peirce Lenminjler Jofeph Darlinj Barre. Archd. Black, Saml. Mcndon David Davenport Henry Peterjham Jotham Bovkrker Brookfitld Robert Cutler, Princeton Jonas Stearns John MufFey Royaljlon John Peirce Ckarlcton Sibley Barton, Rutland Timothy Ruggle* Comfort Ciaflin Jonas Howe, jr. Dana Jolhua Johnfon Sterling Jonathan Butter Gardner Jofeph Edgcll ick, Mofes Thomas Grafton Amaziah Howard Stu rbridge J oh n Holbrook Hardwkk Pliny Lawton Rofewell Warner Harvard Jona. Symonds Sutton Gibbs Sibley Lancajier Solomon Carter, Ward Oiis Prentice Thomas Bennett, Robert Wejlern Ifaac Tyler, 2d. Townfhend Wejlminjier John Hoar, jr Leicejler Jofeph Wafhburn Worcejler William Eaton CUMBERLAND COUNTY. jfujlkes of the Common Pleas,

Stephen Longfellow, of Gorham, Robert Southgate, i Scarborough, and John Erothingham, of Portland.

Special Jujilces,

KewGloucrjler Ifaac Parfons 1 Scarboro* Wm.Thompf( Portland Woodbury Storer | Clerk of the Pleas^ Samuel Freeman, of Portland. Judge of Probate. Regifter of Probate, Saml. Freeman, of Portland. Jno. Frothinghnni, Portlan^

(j:3* Probate Courts in this County are held at the R gillei's Office in Portland, on the 2d and 4t]a Wednefdi iw each month.

R^-gifer of Deeds. County Treafurer. j Eli:^s Merrill, of Portland. Jofeph M'Lellan, Portlan I Jujilces of the Peace and of the Quorum,

Frceport John Cufhing I Parker, PelegWadfwort N. Gloucefler Ifaac Parfons John Frothlngham | Wm.Thompfc North-Yarmouth Ammi R. | Scarboro' Mitchell Robert Southgate Portland Samuel Freeman, Windham Peter' T.Smit William Wedgery, Ifaac Juftices, &c. Cumberland. 97

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Stephen Longfellow, Robert Southgate, Samuel Freeman, Joha Frothingham, Woodbury Storer, and Ifaac Parker, Jujlkes of the Peace. Baldwin Jofiah Pierce W^hitman, Peleg Chand- Bridgelozon Enoch Perley, ler, jr. Jofeph E. Foxcraft

Samuel Farnfworth A''. Yarmouth Jac. Mitchell,

Brunfwick Peter O . Alden, James Prince, Ammi R. John Dunlap, J. Perrj', jr. Mitchell Buckfield Dominic. Record Otisjield Pelatiah March Buttcrfidd Ifaac Sturtevant Pejepfcot A. R. Giddings, C. Uizabtth Eb. Thrafher, Poland Samuel Andrews, George E. Vaughan JefTe Rice Durham Jofiah Burnam, Between Poland^ John K. Folter Waterman and Raymond \ Smith. Falmouth Job Eaftman, Portland \\''illiam Martin, Archelaus Lewis, Mofes Ifaac Ililey, Woodbury Merrill, Timothy Pike Storer, William Symmes, Corhain Edmund Phinney, Ebenezer Mayo, Salm.on Geo. Lewis, Loth. Lewis, Chafe, Geo. E. Vaughan, J. P. Little, Barret Potter , Richard Gray Jof. M'Lellan, Saml. Hunneweil, Elias Merrill, Perley Hugh M'Lellan Harpf-vdl Benj. Dunning, Scarboro' Jofeph Em.erfon Stephen Purrington Standi/k John Dean,Wm. Minot Jeffe Row, Michael Thompfon,Theod.Mufle.y Little Tkompfon PI. J.Thompfon N. Qloucefier Saml.Foxcraft, Windham Paul Little, Jas. Nathl. C. Allen, Ezt:kiel Paine

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court, Brunfwick^ Peter O. Alden, Portland William Symmes, Benjamin Orr Salmon Chafe, Ifa. Parker, Durham Fofter Waterman James D. Hopkins, Geo. Freeport Leonard Morfe E.Vaughan, G.Bradbur)-, Gorham John park Little, Steph. Longfellow, Nath. Barret Potter Kingfman, Hoi atio South- N.GbuceJler £z. Whitman gate

Attornies at the Common Pleas* Falmouth Peter Thacher Portland James C. Jewctt, A'^ Yarmouth Cutler Jofeph Pope, Oliver Bray Otisjield Daniel Hoi den 1806.] I 98 Coroners, &c.


Brimfioick Noah Mclcher pV. Yarmouth A fa Chafs

Falmouth Jonath. Sparrow, I Otisfic/d Daniel Holden James Bailey Poland James Shaw I Frccp ,rt James Curtis Portland Steph. M'Lellan, I Gorham Royal Lincoln, Geo. Warren, J. Dean, jr. James Irifh, jr. Wm.Tarr Scarbord' Saml.Thompfon, Uarpfcocll Step. Pur rington James March Miiiot Afaph Howard Standijti Edmund MufFey N. Gloucejler Phil.Chandler Windnam SaraSel Barker

Sheriff. John Wait, of Portland.

Deputy Sheriff's* Brunfwick Th.Thompfon, Wm.Warner Danl. Brown, Leml. Swift Otisfield Stephen Knight Rridgetozun David Hale N.Yarmouth Amos Clough, C.FJizabah J. Annrtiong Jeremiah Blanchard Durham Secuino Jordan, Poland Henry Jackfon Hannibal Hamblen Portland Caleb Graffam, lahnouth Benja. Bayley, Ezra Glbbs, Sylva. Cufh- Ebenezer Kollock man, Stephen Lee, Thos. Frecport Joiiah Re^d, Jof. B. Wait Stockbridgc Raymond Lewis Gay Qo'-ham Ellis Standiilj, John Scarbord' Abraham Leavitt, Cioutman Richard Libby

Gray Dav. Jordan, Melzar i Standi/k Edw. Thompfon 'I'urncr Windham 'I'homas 1 Chnie

S^ Gloucejicr Eezal.Loring, I LLXCOLN COUNTY. jfujFices of the Common Pleas, , Xathaniel Thwine, of Woolwich, and Of- chai d Cook, of Wifcaflet.

Special jujlkes, David Fales Bath Sev/all | Fliomajiozun

Giorgdown Mark L. Hill |

Clerk cF'the Supreme Judicial Court and Common Pleas, Aldcn Bradford, of Wifcaflbt.

Clerh of the General SeffiosiUil' the Peace, William Bowmaa, ' of Wifcaffet. Juilices, &c. Lincoln, 99

Judge of Probate. I Regifter of Prohate.

Silas Lee, of WifcaiFet. | Alden Bradford, of Wircaflet

(J::|r Probate Courts, at V/ifcaJet^ on the Wednefdd)- ncxt proceeding the cd Monday in Jaiiuary. the Friday next preceding the 2d Monday in May, the 2d Monday in Au- guft, and on the 3dTuefday in November. At Niwcajile, on the Thurfday next preceding the ed Monday in January, and on the TueVday next following the 2d Monday in Au- gufl. At Waldobotough, on Friday next preceding the 2d Monday in January, and on the Wcdnefday next following the 2d Monday in Augul'l. At Warren^ on Saturday next pieceding the ed Monday in January, and on 1 hurfday iiext following the 2d Monday in Auguft. At Thovmjlown^ on Friday next following the 2d Monday in Auguft. At Drefdcn, on the ift Tuefday in February, the 3d Monday in May, and on Monday next preceding the 3d Tuefday in November. At Bath, on Thurfday next following the ift Tuefday in February, and on Friday next preceding the 4th

Monday in Auguft ; and at TopJIianiy on Friday next fol- lowing the ift Tuefday in February, and on Saturday next preceding the 4th Monday in Auguft.

Regijier of Deeds. I County Treafurer. Thomas Rice, of Wifcafiet. Nat. Thwing, of Woolwich. j yujl'ices of the Peace and of the Quorum^ Bath Francis Winter, Dum- Jofiah Reed mer Sewall Wifcajjtt Orchard Cooke, Boothbay Wm. M'Cobb Abicl Wood, Alden Brad- Bowdo/n James Rogers ford, , 1 homas Go>r^fioani Mark I,. Hill Rice Thoviujlijicn ]David Fales. Woolwich Nathl. Thv/ing

yippointed to qualify Civil OJJicers. ii:omas Rice, Nathaniel Thwing. Orchard Cooke, Dum- mer Sewall, and Mark L. Hill.

Jiijlices of the Peace, BaJljlotiiii Samuel Waters Bowdoinham Th. Read,,Zac. Bai'h Wni. Webb, Wm. Real, Elihu Getchell King, Andrew Green- Brifiol Thos. Johnfon, J as. wood, Dudley B. Hob- Nichols, Wm. M'Iniyre art, PelegTallman Camden David Blodger, S;ni;- Boothbay Jonathan Sawyer uel Jacobs, -Juhii ru.lllL- Boiodoin James Rogers jofeph Cufhing :oo Juftices, &c. Lincoln.

Cujking James Malcom Pinkook Richard Meagher D^ejdfn Jonathan Bowman, St. George Hezekiah Princt James N. Lithgow Thomajlown Jofhua Adams, Edgecomb Mofes Davis Jofeph Ingraham, Mafor. Georgetown Denny M'Cobb, Wheaton James N. Lithgow, Wm. Topjham Benjamin Hafey, Lee Jonathan Ellis, Benjarair Hol>e Samuel Brown J. Porter, Ezra Smith Lewijlon John Plerrick, Joel Union Stephen March Thompfon, Dan Read Waldobord Jacob Ludwig. Lifhon Noah Jourdan, Sam- Jolhua Head uel Tibbets Wales James Witherell Litchjield James Shurtleff Warren James W. Head. Little River Planta. Ezekiel Mofes Copeland, Samue' Thompfon Thatcher, Ebenr. Thatch- Madunhook Edward Jones er, Patrick Pebbles Newcajlle Samuel Kennedy Wijcajjtt Jona. Bowman,. New Milford Jofiah Steb- Joieph Chriftopher, Johr bins, Daniel Rofe, Jere- Merrill, jr. Jeremiah Bai- miah Pearfon ley, David Payfon Noblebord* David Dennis Woolwich Abner Wade Palermo Jonathan Greely

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court Batk Andrew Greenwood Benjamin Orr 1 Bowdoinhaiii Fofter Water- Warren Samuel Thatcher, man Ebenezer Thatcher Camden Eraftus Foote Wifcajfet Silas Lee, Jere- New Miljord Jofiah Stebbins miah Bailey, John Mer- Nobleboroiigh George Reed rill, jr. Topjliam Benjamin Hafey,

Attornies at the Common Pleas. Batk E.G. Clap, Nathan- Warren MananethSniith,jr. iel Coffin Wifcajfet Manafleh Smith Topjliam Artemas Sawyer Coroners. - Balljlown Abrah. Choate Georgetown Chas.CouillarcT, Batk Wm. Brown, Francis Ifaiah Wyman, Benjamin Winter, jr. Briggs Bowdoin Hugh Maloy Lewijlon Daniel Read Brijlol Robert Thompibn Little River Planta. Ezekiel Noblehord' Nathl. Bryaijit Thompibn NeW'Mil/ord Geo. Erfkine Newcajlle Robt. P.obinfon . .

Sheriffs, &c. loi

Palermo Jacob Greley, ( IValdobon^ Charles SampCon Jacol) Greley, jr. Warren Samuti Davis . j

ThomaJIown David Fales, 3d. j IVifcaJJa Nyinphas Stacy

Sheriff-, Edmund Bridge, of Drefden.

Deputy- Sheriffs. Bath Stephen Winfliip N.MitfoTa Geo.R.Ffecinai',

I Boot/ibay JohnMcCkntock, Joiiah Nonis \'\'^illiam Maxwell Read Pakrwo John GiiddiMi Bozvdoinham jr. Thotnajlozim V/iilard .Fale;^ J.Bcoker, 1 Camden Jofhua Falnier, Tohfnam Hezckiah Wyman. I Farnham'Hall Humphrey Purrmgton, [

Cnfhing John Lewis j Obed Bunihatn Drefde?i LouisHoudlettc, jr. Union Boggs, \ Wm. Jere. Lijcyon Phineas Jones Luce Litchfield John Owen JValdohoro'' Nathan Sprague, LitJUv.PL Jas. Purrington Georjre Reed Xc Scth Curtis, Jo- Warren Jcde Page

liah Ic«)es ! Wifcallet S a mil el Seves'


Juji'tces of the Common Picas.

John Bacon, oF Stockbridge, and Naih.^niel Bifiiop, ot- Richmond. ^

Special Jujliccs.

G-Barrirfof. Saml. Whiting Pittsfield AiT.bel Strong

Lef'OY William Vv'alker Stockbridge 'i "imo, Edwards Pittsf.eld limothy Childs Wi/lia?n/{own V/m. Towner

Ckr/i of the Court of Common Pitas and oj the Seffions, Jofeph Woodbridge, of Stockbridge.

Judge of Probate. Regifter of Probate. ham Walker, of Lenox Nathi .Bifhop, of Richmond.

Regi/lers of Deeds.

Southern Dij'lrici, Moies Hopkins, ot Great-Barrington. Middle Difiricl, Jokph Tucker, of Lenox. Northern Diftrici, Timothy Whitney, oi Lanefborough. Counts Treafurer, Barnabas Bidwell, of >tockbridge. i8c6.] I 2 102 Juftices, &c. Berhjhire.

yiiftices of the Peace and of the Quorurrif Dnltcn Wjlli;im Williams Timothy Childs, John C. Gt cat-Barrino^ton Thos-Ives Williams LutKJbord' Gitlcon Wheeler Richmond Nathaniel Bifhoj: Ixnox William Walker, Stockbridyie Jc'hn Bacon, Ak:ariah Jtgglerton, Eldad Timoiny Edwards

Lewis Willia mjlown Wm . Towner. Pittijidd Afhbel StroDg,

Appointed to qualify CWil Officers. John Bacon, Nathaniel Biihop, William Walker, anc Azariah Egglefton.

Jnjl'tces of the Peace, Adams Ifniel joacs, Shu- Partrid^^tfield Cyrus S towel hael Whitmarfh, Daniel Pittsfuld HenryVan Schaact Noble Jolhua Dantorth Alford Abner Kcllog, Phi- Richmond Zechariah Pcir lander Hulberi fon, Hugo Bughardr, No- Bicket Nathaniel Kingfley, ah RolFetcr (roorgc Conant Sandiijuld Drake Mills Bethlc/itju Daniel Fov/ler John Canfield, John H Lhf/hire Daniel Brown, Ezra Allen Ji;irker Sax'ov Snellum Babbit Daltcn Calvin Waldo Shcf^eld Ellflia Lee, Wm f.^nmont Seneca Taller Bucl, Moles Hubbard, Ste G. Barringtvu Moles Hop- phcn Dewey, John W kins, Saml. Whiting, John Hulbcrt Whiting Stockbrid^f Barna. Bidwell Hancock Gideon Martin Joiej-ih WoodUridge,'l'hs lllnfdalc Theo. llinrdale, Williams RufnsMa.fh Tyringham Giles Jackfon I.auc/horo^ Nehemlah Bnll, Adonijah Bidwell, Elna Woolcot Hubbeil, Peteir than Pratt, John Garfielc l^nrr Curtis WaJIiington Jot. Lawrcpct

Le: Ebenr, Jenkins, Jofiah IV, Stochbrid/f Chr. Ereiu !i

Yale, Jofeph Whiton Enoch W . Thayer, Obud. I r-fiox Jofepli Goodwin Ward

Mount IVaJhington Charles IVilliainJhu a Win . Young, Patterfon Wm. Staikwcathcr, Deo- i\\ Afiiford Efbon Gregory dofus Noble A'. Marlboro' Ebenr. Smith, Windfor Robert Walker. Daniel Taylor, Benjamin Henry Brev.ftcr, Dennifor \\'hecler, Jarvis Mudgc Kobinlbii Attomies, &c. 103

Attornks at the Supreme Judicial Court C. Adams Daniel Noble ^hos. Allen,jr. John I homas Gold 6V. Barrington Thos.Ivcs, Williams, udfon John Whiting Sandisfieid Kph^ A J Hulbert Dalton Calvin Waldo .SV/e/^ John W. Thomas Allen Stockbridge Barna. Bidwell Hinfdale E.W/lhayer Lanejboro' Sa. li.Wheeler Wf.Jl-Stockhr. Dewey, Lenox Samuel Qvilncy Williamjlowri Daiu Fithfuld Afhbcl Strong, tlzekicl Biicon Attornies at the Common Pleas. Charles Dewey, Alford Ezra Kellogg Skeffidd Barnard Lenox William P. Walker Robcrr F. Thos.WiUiams iMTiesboro" Ambrofe Hall Stockbrldgt Pittijield Thos. B. Strong Coroners, PittsfieM Ephralm Mead Adams Ellas Jones 1 Wiii. Granger Gr. Harrington Ste. Sibley SandnftJd mndjor D^nmf. Hobinioa Partridgefeld W. Sicvcns | Sherif. Simon Earned, of Plttsfield.

Deputy Sheriffs. Loudon Sterhcn Pehon Field . Adams Arthur | PitLfuid DalLon Henry Marfh \ \^: ^.S^'f^^^^^Leadbette'^l' Gr. Barringtol Ez. Kellog R ckmond 6^^^;^/t^/^ Hinfdale Arte. Thomplon I Johnu^'fj-vw^Hubbard LaUoro^ Jab. Hall, Aaron t Shefttf Steph. Willard Barnes Stcoibndge WUhamp-wn H.C.Brown Unox John Gregory \ Jailer, Crier \ William Whelpley. Daniel W-illi'am s, jr. ! _ HANCOCK COUNIY. Pleas, Jujlices of the Common W'>^. David Cobb, of Goldlborough, a^V/ Goodwui.of .Tankfort. Oliver Parker, and Franc. Ee Barron Sp''.cial Jujlices. Cajtinc Thomas Cobb Bluehill Ebenezer Floyd \

Buck/town Caleb B.Hall I Cobb, of CaOinc. Clerk of tkr Pitas, &c. Thomas I04 Juftices, Sec. Hancock,

Judge of Probate. Rtgijlcr cf Frohctf. Job Nclfon, of Caftine. Win. Abbot, of CaAm?.

Qo^^n% at the Probate Office in Cajinu, , Xl^'^f^ o- the^ 4th 1 uefday of every month, except September.

Re^i/ler of Deeds. County Treafurer. Bradfliaw Hall, of Caftine. Ebenezer Floyd, of Bluehill

Jujiices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Bangor Samuel £. Dutton Frankfort Fr. L. B; Good Buckjl.^.zun Jonathan Buck, v.'in, Oliver Parker Caleb Brooks Hall Goldfhofougk David Cobb Cafiine David Howe, Iflt Job IVetmore W . Vv'ctmorc xVelfon, Thomas Cobb Orringion Simeon Fowler, Deer-IJle Jofeph Tyler _ Oliver Leonard

Appohited to qualify Civil Officers. D^'id Cobb, Oliver Parker, Francis Le Barron Goodwin, Caleb B. Hall, Job Nelfon, Thomas Cobb, Oliver Leonard, David Howe, and E. Dutton.

Juftices of the Peace, Bangor Allen Oilman, A- \ Goldfno^d Thomas Hill mos Patten Hamacn Daniel Livermor;, Belfajl Bohan P. Field, Jas. Mart. Kiniley, [ohnCrcl- Nefmith, jr.Wrn.Crolby, by, Ab:jah W'. lyl r Robert Houfton, Jonathan Lincolnviite •Geort'c Ulmcr, Wilfon William Park.naa Bluekill Robt. Parker, Eb. Northliort 'I'hos. Knowlton Ftoyd, John Peters Orland Jofeph Lee Borvdoin Co 'lege John J. 0)ringtcn. Jofeph Carr Blafdell Pcnobfcol Pelati. Fr'-'jman, Buck'? own Steph . Peabody, Jeiem aS Wardweil 1 hos. S. Spaihawk ProfpcSi Nathaniel Kidder, Cajlive Wn\ . Abbot, Brad- Jofeph Crary fhav/ Hall, Oliver Mann Sedgwick David ThurRon,- Dccr-ljle Thomas Stinfon Samuel Holdcn hden Ezra Young, Rojal Std/uan Jabcz Simpfon Gurley Trcvtcrri ! Alafon Shaw, Jac. Fading ton Park Hoi 'and FoHer, Tahaziah Sh>ns- FUfworth Theodore JoT.'es, Stiu water Pi. R.Winflov.' 'MpJati.ih Jordan Vmalkazcn W'iiUaiJi VinaJ Frau-ifort \V:n M'Glathy J Attornies, Coroners, &c. los

Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court,

Bangor Allan Gilman, Buckftown Ths. S. Sparhawfc Ca/iiyie , Samuel E. Dulton, Pela- Job Nelfon, Wm. j tiah Hitchcock Abbot Beljafi Bohan P. Field, Humden Andrew Morton William Crolby Orrington Oliver Leotiard

Attornies at the Common Pleas,

Belfaji JohnWilfon Hamdcn John Godfrey, E- Buckjiozon Sami>el Little noch Brown Cajliuc Samuel Ballard Surry George Herbert Frankfort Archibald Jones, Trenton Philo. Waflibura Samuel Upham


Belfajl Jofeph Houfton Northport Thomas Buckmaa iBuckJlozun Daniel Buck Orringlon Amos Dole, Jo- Cajiine Doty Little fiah Brewer Deer-IJle Thomas Robbins, Sullivan John Bean Peter Hardy Trenton Jacob Fofter Frankfort Enoch Sampfon

Sheriff, Mafon Shaw, of Trenton.

Deputy Sheriffs, Bangor Andrew Morfe, drew Webfter Daniel L Odell Deer-IJle Afa Greene Belfaji John Hufe, Francis Frankfort Samuel Merrill Anderfon Orrington JeflTc Craig Buckftown Eliafliib Adams Surry Alfred Langdon Camden Jofhua Palmer Vajjalhoru^ Jofeph Bofwell Cajiine Jona. Fofter, An-

Crier of the Courts, Eliafhib Adams, of Buckftown. Jailer, Jonathan Fofter, of Cafiine.

WASHINGTON COUNTY. jfujlices of the Common Pleas,

Stephen Jones, of Machias, Chief jitji ice. Alexander Campbell, of Steuben, and Theodore Lincoln, of Denyfviile. io6 Juftices, Attornies, &f..

Special jfujlices,

Eajlport Lemuel Treicott } Harrington Jas. CTOipbc!

Ckrk of the Picas and Sejfions, Jofiah Harris, of Marhias

Judge of Probate, I Regijler of Prchat.r. Stephen of Jones, Machias. | Jofiah Harris, of Machias.

Regijler of Deeds. I Ccurdy Treajurer.

Geo. S. Smith, of Machias. | John Cooper, of Machias.

jfujl'tces of the Peace and of the Quorum,

Denyfville Theo. Lincoln I Machias Stephen Jones

Eajiport Lemuel Trefcott j

Appointed to qualify Chil Oncers, Stephen Jones, Alexander Campbell, Joliah Harris, Theo- dore Lincoln, James Campbell, John Brewer, Lemuel Trefcott, and Daniel P. Upton.

Juflices of the Peace, Columbia Thos. Ruggles, Machias Jofiah Harris Jofeph Patten Oravgetorvn John Crane Eafport (Moofeljl.) John Steuben Thos. Archibald, Burgin, Daniel P. Upton Jacob Townflcy, Alexan- Harrington Jas. Campbell der Cam.pbell Schocdicky No. 4. Tno. Brew- Plant. No. 12. GuftavLis er, No. 5. Stcph. Brewer Fejlows

Attorney at the Supreme judicial Court.

Daniel Putnam L'^pton, of Eaftport.

Attornies at the Common Pleas. Machias Dickinfon Eajiport Jona. D. Weflon j John Coroners, Cohmbia Wil'iam Patten Eajiport Oliver Shead Machias l-^t-phen Parker, Jeremiah Obrien Juftlces, &c. Norfolk, 107

\aHort Roht. Harrington, William Chaloner Jofeph Livermore, Henry Sckoodicky No. 4. Samuel W'aid Jones, No. 5.JohnBaIch \hchias John D. Folfom, Steuben Robert Moore Jaikr, Williara Chaloner, of Machias. ^~ NORFOLK COUNTY. Jufiices of the Common Pleas*

Samuel Haven, of Dedham, Chiej Jujlice. Ibenezer Warren, of Foxborough, and Mofes Everett, of Dorchefter.

Special Jujlices, dedham Horatio Townfend I 7?(?x^r^ D. S. Greenough

'andolpk Samuel Bafs j ferk of the Common Pleas, Horatio Townfend, of Dedham. Clerk of the SeJJions, Nathaniel Ames, of Dedham.

Judge of Probate. I Reg ijltr of Probate. Vm. Heath, of Roxbury. | Samuel Haven, of Dedham,

(J:^° Probate Courts are held at the Probate Office in kdham, on the ift Tuefday in each month, and at New- )mb's Tavern in Quincy, the ift Thurfday in February, and le 2d Tuefday in May, Auguft and November, annually. Regifier Deeds, _ of Cotmty \ Treafurer. hphaletPond, of Dedham. Ifaac j Bullard, of Dedham. Jufiices of the Peace and of the Quorum, rookline Wm. Afpinwa Whiting edham Nathaniel Ames, Quince Richard Cranch, £benr. Wight, Saml. Ha- Thomas B. Adams ven, Horatio 1 o'.vnfciid Roxbury Nathl. P.uggles, crde;Ur SiephenBadlc^ra, Davids. Greenough,Tho' Moico Everett mas Williams, jr. jxbor,,' Ebcnezer Warren Weymouth Cotton Tuf;s anh Ln J abez Fi fh er, J oh n

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Fiiher Ames, John Read, and Ebenezer Warren. Jufllccs of the Peace. lUjngham L^ban Bjktes, Braintree Daniel Fogg j F.l^ Wfiwh: ; Brook h've Stephen ^harp. 7o8 Juftices, &c. Norfolk,

Brooktine Ifaac S. Gardner Mofes Black Canton Elijah Crane Randolph Ephraim Wales, Cohajet Elllha Doane, Tho- Samuel Bafs mas Lathrop Roxbury Ebenezer Scaver, Dedkam Nathl. Klngfbury John Parker, Samuel Lln- foxborottgk Aaron Everett field, jr. franklin Pelatiah Fifher, Sharon Benjamin Randall. John Boyd Jofeph Hewins Medfield Elijah Adams, Jno. Stcughton Peter Adams, Baxter Frederick Pope Medway Abij. Richardfon, Walpole vSethBullard,Danl Jofeph Lovell, Eliaklm Kin^fbury Adams Weymouth Afa White, EH Milton Ifaac Davenport, phalttLoud, James Hum James Ford phreys, 2d. Needham Jona. Klngfbury Wrentham David Holbrook Quincy Peter B. Adams, Cornelius KoUock Barrijlers at Law* * Benjamin Hitchborn, and Perez Morton, of Dorchefter. Attomtes at the Supreme Judicial Court,

Dedham Fifher Ames, Jas. Roxbury Thos. Williams, j' Richardfon John Shirley- \'\^illiams Milton Henry M- Llfle Weymouth Gid. L. Thaye Quincy Thomas B. Adams Wrentham lairus Ware Randolph Wra.P.Whiting Attornies at the Common Pleas.

^ Canton William Dunbar | Med field Daniel Adams Coroners. Braintree Caleb French^ has Davenport

Brookline Thomas White, Needham David Smith, j: Ebenezer Davis, Ebenezer Ra-ddolph Zenas French Heath Roxbury Nathl. Ruggle. Cohajfet Thomas Bourn William Heaih, jr. Wn Dedham William Whidng Brewer, Jeffe Di^ggetr i>(?r<://e/'2'tr E.Withington,3d Sharon. Francis Curtis foxborcvgh JcITe Fratt Stoughton Saml. Capcn, Sc Franklin Amafa Richardfon Jabin Fifher Mcdjield George Ellis Walpole Ifaac Bullard Medway JofephWare, Ralph Weymouth Samuel Bailey

Bullard Wrentham D. Holbrook, j: Milton Rufus Pcirce, Pbine- P«.-l Fiflver Jufllces, &c. Kennelecli. l<^

Sheriff, Benjamin Clark Cutler, of Roxbury.

Deputy Sheriffs. Hcllivgham Ellas Cook Kcrdhom. NatbanielBullard Quints Jcfcph N. Arnold JVrentham Timothy Ware S/jaron 1 hoinas Kollock Deputy G/iol-Kecp^Ty Samuel Daggett, of Dedham. Keeper of the Povjder-Houfc, John Reed, jr. of Roxbur^'. KENNEBECK COUNTY.

Jufiices of the Common Pleas, yofeph North and Daniel Coney, of Augufta^ Nathaniel Dummer and Chandler Robbing, of Hallowell.

Special Jujliccs.

Augujla William B.ooks i riallozvai Samuel Moody 'iardiner Wiiliam Swan Readjicld Page \ Robert Utrkoj'tht Siiprane Judicial Court and Court of Commcn Pleas, John Davis, of Aiigufta.

CJcrk of theSeJJions, Barzillai Gannett, of Gardiner. Probate, Jndge of Proboie. I Re^'P^T <^f

Daniel Coney, Augufta. j Chandl Robbins, Hailowell. the (5::f Probate Courts are kept at the office of Judge &f Frobave, in Aii.^rifia, on the laft Tucrd?y of each month; md at Wcnilirop., !id Tucfdjv in June ; at Monmouth, on the

2d Wednefday in June ; at B.codfield, 2d Thurfdny in June.;

It IVniJIow, oi'j laft Thurre;'.y in June ; at ValJalboroughy on laft Friday m June ; at Mviint-Vfrnon, ift Monday in Sep- ;ember; at Fonrtiri^ton, iftTuelcby in September ;at Aor- ndge'ooc/i, lit I burid;^y in Sejnender ; at Canaan, on ill Friday in September, and at Watcrville, on the ift Saturday

,n Sci-tember.

Rtgifier of Deeds, I County Treafurer. of Au_gufta. Heniy Sewall, of Auguft* | Samuel Howard

jfufliees of the Peace and of the Quorum, Augufia Jof. North, Wm. Gardiner William Swan Brooks, William Howard HaUovueLl Nathl. Dummer Farmington SuppTy Belcher, Charles Vaughan Solomon Adams Pittfiozun Jtdidiah Jewett 18^3 no Juftices, ate. KcnnehecL

Readfield Robert Page I Wintlircp N ;uhl.Fal*)ankj Wattrville Rruben Kidder [ Samuel Wood'ood >

Appointed to qualify Civil OJficerst Jofcp^i North, Daniel Coney, N-Hthaniel Dummer,Chandlc Robbins, William Howard, and Kenry ScwalL

Jujiices of the Peace, An/on John Moore, Do- Simon Dearboii,- jamc minicusGefchell, B. Bry- Witherell ant Mcrint-Vernon Jed.P!ecfotf 4u^iifta Henry Se\vall,Ths. Benja. Philbnck, Gcorg. Bowm m,JohnDav's,Sam. A. Rogers TitGomb, James Bridge, Nczo'>haron Samuel Prefcot Benia. \A^Hitwel], Saml. NtzoViiiryard Cornl. Nar How;ird, Samuel Coney ton, Samuel Dagger, ]r. Brlgradf John Rockwood Korridgewock John Hdriow Canaan EU WeUon, B^yte Williaui Jones, Rich. Saw Mcl.ellan, Scth Currier tel', John Ware Cheftervillr Dummer Sewall Pittfiozin Samuel Oakh-^n Clinton Eick. Brown. Jonah Readfield John H^ftbard CroJby, jr. James North '^^tarks Jas. Waugh, Thos Ccmvi/t^ .^?.'-nnel Elkens, McKechnJe Benjamin Dowc Strong William Reed Fairfield Saml.Toby,Wnj. Sydney Ichabod Thomas Kenrlall Unity Ebenr. Pattee, Ben Farwiiis;fo7i Sfephen Tit- jamin Barrlett c{!mb, Mores Sterling, Valjalboro^ Ebenr. Farweli 3-njap^in Whi'tier Samuel Reddington, Job FaxeUf^ "Solomon Bates Getcheil, Wni. ParAvei) Gardiner Barzillni Gannett James Bracket Green Benja. Merrill, Jo- Vienna Gideon Wheeler feph H^rrick IVaterville A Ta Reddington Hdllorodl Chandler Robbing, Jeremiah Fairfield, Elna Samuel Moody, Jofcph than Shcrwin, Mo'es Ap Wingate, Daviud Sewall, pleton Saml. S. Wilde, Jeremiah IVa^n." Jofeph Lamfon Dummer, John O. Page, Weft Pond PL John Lock. Nathaniel Perlcy, OTgood Carlton Thomas Fillebrown Wilton Ebenezer ^amn Harlem Abrahr.m Rurrell Winfiozu Ezekiel Pattcc, I ''rds Abiel Daiiey 1 hos. Rice, Eph. Town

Mamnciak • John Ceaadler, Winthrcp Samual Page Aftornies, &c. Kennebeck, III

Aiiormes at the Supreme judUlal Court, iugufa James Bridge, Bsnj. Norridgexvoci Wm. Jone« Whitwell, Solomon Vofe i'Vaterviile Reuben Kiddcr farJjner Nathan Bridge IVinf.o'U) Thomas Rice, jr. lalloiv^U Nathaniel Perley, H'ietirop Dudley Todd Saml. S. \V ilde, O.W'hipple

Attornies at the Common Pleas, iugujia Thomas Bowman, Sylvefter G. Whipple, ^E. Rcucl Williams, H. Weld W. Ripley Fuller Readfeld Samuel P. Glidden lanaan Judah M'Lellan Fajfjlboro* Philip Leach, lUntoit Rufiell Freeman i^utlier Emerion 'armtngtoH , H^atervUls Timothy Boutch Henry V. Chamberlain JVin/L-w E, T. Warrea ^4liov/eU Thomas Bond, jr. IVintirop Daniel Campbell Coroners, In/on IfiiahWood Norridgpwoeh Silas 'W'ood, i^gujla Elias Craig John Loring 3elgraJ: Abraham Page Gardiner Rufus Gay '^Ainton Ephraim Gitchell PiitfoxL-n Jacob Loud ^armington Jotham Smith, Readfeld Ichabod Simmonds Andrew Norton, Enoch ctrong David Hunter Craig Unity Daniel Whitmore

''mirfield WUHam Dolton Vajfulboro William Farwell, ".ayette Francis Hubbard William Getchell, Abiel Halloiuell Alfred Martin, Getchell

Dan.Evans^JeffeRobinfon i M'ater'uille Jas StackpDle,jr. Monmeutb Matthias BlciTum, H'ayne A' lis Sweet j Joleph Chandler WimJIozu Ezekiel Pattee, jr. I Mountv$rnon Robert Blake Wittthrop Elijah Wood | Nfjovintyard Norton, jr. C. [ Shertf. Arthur luthgow, of Augufta. Deputy Sheri^s. Tilton, Augujlj Amos Partridge j Nathaniel Joaa. Smith Farmington 1 hos Johnfon, I Longfellow, Jacob WilUam Gower Monmouth James Harvey,' j Kimball Gardiner Jeffe Jewett | Fhomas

Greenjh'Ufn PL Benj. Colby ' Mountvernon Stcph. Scrlbner Norridgc-jjcek Peter Gllman miL-McU John Sewall, \ 112^ Juftices, &c. Oxford.

J^ittjicwn Jacob Loud John Bofwell Reudfield Ithiel Gordon Waterville Abijah Smith Staris James Waugh, jr. Afa Moore VaJfalBotQ Jofeph Bofwcll, Wtntbrcp John May OXFORD COUNTY. Jujiices of the Common Pleas. Simon Frye, of Fryeburgh, Luther Gary, of Turner, anc Samuel Paris, of Hebron.

Special Jujiices.

Live'rmore Cyrus Hamlin j Paris Daniel Stowcll Clerk of the Pleas and Sejfions^ Judge of Probate. Regi^er of Probate. j Dana, of Frybnrgh. Sam. A. Bradley, Jufish j of Fryburgh,

Regifer of Deeds. I County Treafurer. , of Paris. I

Jufilces of the Peace and of the Quorum. Pryburgh Simon Frye, Ju- Li'vermore Cyrus Hamlirt dah. Dana Paris Danitl S toWell Hebron Samuel Pari* Turner Luther Gary Jay William Livermore Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Siimon Frye, Luther Gary, Samuel Paris, of Hebron, Judah Dana, Daniel Stowel), Samuel Paris, of Paris, and Cyrua Hamlin.

Juftices of the Peace. Albany Uriali Holt Hebron John Greenwood j

Bethel Eli Twitchell I Holmanjioivn > Holmes Plantation Srotimfe'd Jofeph Howard j J Thomas

Buckfield Abijah Buck 1 Jay Edward Richardfon eld Plant.- Ifaac Stur- Li-yermore Cyrus Baldwin, Buttcrf [ tevant Nathaniel Perley, Ifaac Dixfeld Holmes Thomas Livermore Eaf'Andover Ezek. Morrill, Minot Jeffe Row Pryhurgb Mofes Ames, Norxvay Job E aft man Wm. Ruffell, Timo. Of- Paris Caleb Prentifs, John good Bifco, Jofiah Bifco ^ Hartford Arvida Hayford Porterftld Nathl. Merrill ^

State Prifon, Charlejloiun, 115

Rumftrd Francis Keye»,-{ Turner John Turner, Icha? Guftavus A. Gofe bod Bonney, D. Howard Tuompfonto'wn ") John Waterford Stephen Jewett, FLintation J Ihompfon tbcr Rice

Attorney at the Supreme jfudicial Court, Frybur^h Judah Dana

Attornies at the Common Pleas

Pryburgb Jacob McGaw 1 Norway James French, Lu-

Hebron Alex. Greenwood 1 ther Farrar Fans Zachariah Soulc Turntr Daqiel Howard i Minot Afaph Howard | Coroners. Bethel Ezra Twitcheil, Hebron Alex. Greenwood |

rhajdore Ruffell ' IVater/ord David Chaplin

Hartford Edward Blake 1 Turner Abner Thayer Fr^hnrgb Robtrt Page j

Sheriff. David Lamed, of Liverniorc.

Deputy Sheriff's, Ftybargh Philip Page Nervjuiy Bayley Bodwcli Hebron William Cobb Rumfurd Edmund Page Livermore Thos. Starbird

State Prison at Charlejiavju.

Super intenJanty Daniel Jackfoii.

Vijltorsy Chriflopher Gore, Artenias Ward, and Benjamin Pickniau>

Cl>aplaln, jedidiah Morfc.

Fl^ician, Jofiah Bartlett.

1B06.I K 2 e

Harvard Univerfity, at Cambridge. ''

Founded A. D. 1638. Named" , to perpetuate thf name and liberality of its principal individual benefafttjr. —Made a Corporation by Charter, 1650.

Th following are the names of the Pr s i d £ n is, froUt 1640 to the prcfent time. Appointment. Diedorrefigned^

1640 Rev. Henry Dunfter 16,54 ~ 1654 Rev. Charles Chauncy 1671 1672 Rev. Leonard Hoar, M.D. 1674 1675 Rev. Urian Cakes, A.M. i6H> i68q Dr. johd Rogers, A.M. 1684 1683 Rev. Increalc Mather, D.D. 1701 1701 Rev. Samuel Willk«rd, a.m. V/ce-Pr, 1707 170B Hon. John Leverett, a.m. f.r.s. 1724 172.5 Rev. Benjamin Wadfworth, a.m. 17.^6 1737 Rev. Edward Holyokc, a. m. i"6q 1770 Rev. Samuel Locke, D.D. 1773 1774 Rev. Samuel Laiigdon, d.d. 1780 1781 Rev. Jofeph Willi! rd, d.d. i.l.d. 1804

Board of Overfeers.

His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Li-utenanL^Governor, The Honorable the Council and Sen.ue, and The Mmiftcrs of the Congregational Churches in the towns of Bofton, Chjrleflowu, Cambridge, Waieitow^a, Rox- bury, and Dorchefter. John Lathrop, n. n. Secretary,


, Prcfidfnt. Fellows.

Hon., I Hon. Jchn Davis, ll.D. Rev. John Lathrop, l John Eliot, D.n,


^f^rofeiTors" in Harvard Univerfity.

Eilphalet Pearfon, i,l. D . Ha n c o C k ProfefJoT of the He- hrew and Oriental Languages^ andtkeEngliJIi Language, Samuel Webber, a.m. Hollis Profejfor of Mathematics and Natural Philo/ophy. Henrj^ Weare, a.m. Profcjor of Divinity. William Dandridge Peck, a.m. Massachusetts Pro- feffor of Natu ral Hifiory.

.Hon . Tohn Oumcy Adams, B o v l s T o x Profejfor of Rket- orick and (hratory. J5hn Warren, M.D. He RSEY Prafrjfor of Anatomy and Surgery. Benjamin Warerhoufe, m.d. Her.sf.y Profejfor of the Theory and PraSice of Phyftc- Aaron Dexter, m.d. Er vino Profejjor of Chcmijlry and Materia Medica.

Tutors in the Univerfity. Levi Hedge, a.m. Logic, Metaphyfics, and Ethics. Levi Frifnie, a.m. The Latin Language. John Farrar, aV.b. The Greek Language. Ichabod Nichols, a.m. Geography, Geometry, and the EUr- ini-nts of Natural Philofophy and Afronomy.

Peter Nurfe, a.m. Librarian. William Allen, A.M. Regent. Reuben Nafon, a.m. and } n a Samuel Willard,A.B. \P^<^^ors.

§:3" Tl>e Library contains 14,000 Volumes.

Vacations. Firjl-~-\ weeks from Commencement. Second—--/ weeks from the 4th Wednefday in December. Third—2 weeks from the 3d Wednefday ki May. C^ Tkefe three are the only vacations, as ejlablficd in March, 1802.

Comm.encement is on the laft Wednefday in Auguft.

The M E D ! c .\ I. Lcftures in the L'ni'Trfi-y of Cambridge* commence on the ill W'ednefday in October yearly. The Lei'^ures on Natural History, by Doflor Waierhoufe, in April, yearly. 11$ Williams* and Yale Colleges.

Williams' College, at Williajn/iown^ Bcrkjhire County.

Incorporated as an Academy, March 8, 1785. Incorporated as a College, June 22, 1793. Ebenczer Fitch, d.d. Prefidrut. vStephea Weft, i?.d< Vke-Prefident. Daniel Dewey, Efq. Treafurer. Peter Starr, Secretary. Hon. , ll.d. Projejor of Law and

, Civil Polity. Tutors,

Gamaliel S. Olds Levi Parfons Robbins | James W. | Preceptor of the Grammar School. Corporation, Hon Theodore Sedgwick Samuel Henftiaw, Efq. 'Jompfon J. Skinner, Efq. Rev. Daniel Collins Rev. Amrai Robbins Hon. Stephen Van RanfcJcaj Rev. Alvan Hyde Rev. Ebenezer Fitch HVael Jones, Elq. Rev. Stephen Weft Rev. Serb SwiFt John Williams, Efq. Henry Van Schanck, Efq. Daniel Dewey, Elq. W^iUiara Williams, Elq. Vacations,

/zV/?, 5 weeks from Commencement. Second^ 3 weeks from tlie 3d Wednefday in January, Third, 3 we:;ks from the ift Wediiefday in May.

Commencement is on the 1 ft Wednefday in Septembc^r.

Yale College, at New- Haven, 1

Bowdoin College. 1

Felloes, The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and fix fenior Aflill- .")?,s, in the Council of the State, together with the follow- ing Clergymen. Timothy Pitkin Levi Hart, d. d. Enoch Huntington Timothy Dwight, d. d. Toiiah Whitney, D. D. James Dana, d^^h. David ri/ John Marfh Nathan Williams, d. D. Ndah Benedia Hezckiah Ripley, D. D. Profejfors. Prcfejfor of Divinity, Henry Davis. ProfrjJ'or of Mathematics and Natural Pkilojopk^n miih Day. PrqfeJJorof Low, Hon. Elizur Goodrich. ProfeJJor of Chanijlry, Benjamin Silliman. Tutors. fames Luce Kingiley Noyes Darling Mofes Stuart John Hall fames Stedman David Aufiin Sherman

Trcajurer, Hon. Jamea Hillhoufe. •

There are at prefent eight College Edifices ; rhree ofthem each loo feet long and 40 wide, are inhabited by the tutors 3fld {Indents. Each of them contains 32 chambers and 64 dudies. The other buildings are a chapel, library, dining- halls, houfc for the prefident, and another for the profeifor of divinity. Vacations, Firji, 6 weeks from Commencement. SeccnJ, 3 w(^el

Bowdoin College at Brunfwick, Licorporated June 24, 3794. Rev. Jofeph TvI'Kean, d. b. President. Jv.'hn Abbot, A. M. Profejfor of Languages. Parker Clevelaud, ProfeJJor of Mathonatics and Kulural Phi/ofopky. Board %f TruJIees. Rev. Jofeph M'Kcan, d.vd. Prejidcnt, ex officio. I r 8 Brown Univerfity.

Samuel D:'an, t>. n.Vice-Prefident. ^ Charles Co^im^ Vlfq. Secretary. Du miner Sevvall Efq. Treafuur,

Hon.JohiiFiothing!iam,Lfq. I Alfred Johnfon Rev. Thomui, Laiicaftcr Joliah Wiudfliip j

Alden Bradford, Efq. Hon. liaac Parker, Efq. • Elijah Silas Lcc, Efq. ' Kcliogft I Board of Overfeers,

Hon. James Bowdoln, Prefidevt. \ John Abbot, a. m. Vice-Prejident, Mark Langdon Hill, Efq. Secretary,

Vacations, Firjl, 4 wetks from Commencement. Second, weeks from the ift Wediiefday in January. Third, 3 weeks from the 3d Wednefday in May. Commencement Is on the ift Wednefday in September.

Brown Univerfity at Providence. The firft flone of this College was laid in May, 1770. Hon. Jabez Bowen, Efq. Chancellor, Rev, Afa MefTer, Prefident. The whole number of the Corporation is 48, of whom 36 are Truftees, and 12 are Fellows ; the latter mufl be per- fons of public education, and are ftyled The Uarned Facul- ty, whofe bufinefs it is to judge of the qualifications of can- didates for degrees, and by their authoi ity they are confer-,

red : They meet annually to tranlaft buiinels.


Rev. Afa Mclfer, Prcjidcyit. James Brown, Efq. Rev. Samuel StiHman,D.D. Mr. Robert Rogers Rev, Wi41iam Williams Hon. David L. Barnes Him. David Howell, i..l,d. Rev. Mr. White Rev.Perex Fobes, l.l.d. Rev. Abraham L. Clarke Solomon Drown, M. d. Samuel Eddy, Efq. 1..1..D. the Calvia Park, A. M. P rofe[for of Learned Languages, Tutors. &. John Read, A. M. ( Williams Errtmons, A. Vacations.

Fir.l. 4 weeks from Commencement. . 119

Srcond, 6 weeks from the laft Wednefday in December. T/iird, 3 weeks from the ift Wednefday in^Iay. Commencement is on the ift Wednefday in September. At a late annivcrfarj-, Nicholas Brown, £iq. prefented the Corporation with 5000 dollais ; in conlequcnce ot which, they voted unanimoufly, That the College (hall in fu- ture be named "BROWN UNIVERSITY, in the State of Rhode-Ifland and Providence Piantations,'' in honour of their very liberal bencfaftor. Siiure which 1.500 dollars more have been beftowed on faid univerfity by Mr, Brown. The Univerfity is fituated in the town ofProvidence, and is a large and elegant building, on a hill at the eaft of the town, which renders it delightful by commanding an cx- tenfive, variegated prolpcftot the country adjacent; the edi- fice is of brick, 150 feet long, and 55 bro.d, four fiories high and contains 60 rooms. Upwards of fix hundred perforis have been graduated there fince its infiitution, ahhough the iludies v.'ere interrupted by the College being ufcd by the French and American troops for an hof^ital and barracks, from 1776 to 1782. Itis now very flounining. They have a library of about 3000 volumes of valuable ancient and mod- ern authors. The philofophical apparatus is in a very good ftate, fitted to give a full courfeof expeiimems. Dartmouth College fiV. H,J Founded 1769, under the patronage of Lord Dartmouth, FTom whom it derives its name. It is pleafantly fitu;;ted in rhe town of Hanover, abouthalfa mile eaft of Conneoticut •iver. Hon. John Wheel ock, i.l.d. Prefident, Prcf-for of Civil and Ecdsfiajlical Hijiory. Flon. John Hubbard, a. ^i.Profefjor of Mathematics and Natural Philojcphy. Rev. John Smith, th.m. Prcffjor of the Latin, Greek, He- brew and other Oriental Languages. N^athan Smith,M.D. PrqfeJ[or ofChemifiry &Materia Medica. tlofwell Shirtleff, A. M. ProfeJJorof Divinity. Eliftia Rockwood, a. m. Tutor. VVilliam Hayes, Preceptor of the Academy conneBcd with the college. Vacations, ^irfl^ Four and an half weeks from Commencenient.

Second, Eight and an half weeks from the firfl: Monday ia fanuary. Commeaccraent iion the ^th Wednefday in Auguft. . . B

120 Academies.

The Fraternity of PHI BETA KAPPA hold thrir Aiv ilivcrfary at Cambridge, on the day after Commencc;Tici;t. John T. Kirkland, D. f>. Preftdent. Francis D. Channing, Virr-Prefdent. SidnL'v Willard, Corrcfpcncling mid Recording Secrrtary. ACADEMIES IN MASSACHUSETTS.

Dummer Academy at i^cwbury. Oa. 3, 1780. \ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^g^ So liamed in honour of the liberal founder, the Honorabht "WMIraiTi Dummer, foirnerly Lieutenam-Govcrnor of the Colony of Maffachufetts Bay. Rev. Ifaac S-milh, Preccp tor. 14 Truftccs.

1 . 1 780, Oct. 4 . P/'n.llips' Academy at Andover. Apr. 1 778 So named in honour of t!ie family of that name, to whoii liberal benefaftions itowes iti>very refpeft^ible endowments Trujlees. Eliphalet Pearfon, vi..D. Prepdcrtt. Han. Oliver Wendell, Vcce-Prefideut. Rev. Jonathan French, Secretary. Samuc': rr.rrar, Efq. Treafurtr. William Phillip>;, Efq. Hon. Jofiah Quincy Samuel Abbot, Eiq. Hon. John Phillips jr< Mr. Nehemiah Abbot Mark Newman, a.m. 'jedidtah Morfe, d.d. Rev. Daniel Dana Hon, John Phillips | Mark Newman, a.m. Preceptor, John L. Abbot, a.s. AJijiant. Amos Blanchard, Wiiting-Mojler.

Samuel Farrar, Efq. Trcafurcr. . (f!^ To the foregoing Truftees, His Honor the late Lieu

tenant-Governor P:i 1 1 l i ps, committed the fura of 500* dollars, the income to be ex^">enued m part for Religiou Books and Traels for charitable, diftribution. Mr. Burniide, is Preceptor of the Andover Academy, Nor^ Parifii.

. ; 1 79 1 , Ma rch 5. Hallotoell Academy — Kenney ijqi^MiT. 11. Berwick Academy. —Jo'fiah W. Seaver. 1792, Fel>. 8. Frycbiir?^h Academy.—Amos Cook, A.M. 1702, Aw. 17. Marbkhead Academy. —Thomas Cole.

1 793, June 1 7. Wejijield Acadtmy.—Horatio Wal do, A . 1 793, Sept. 2^. Groton Academy .^Caieb Butler ......

Academies. 121

28. Wejlford Academy.—Benjamin Ames. 1793, 5^^ _ Ricl»- 1793, Mar. 19. Plymouth Academy ^ atBudgezoater.— ard Sanger. 1794, Feb. 27. Portland Academy. —Edward Payfon, 1 795, Feb.- 25. New-Sakm Academy —W^illiam Richey. tjgjj Marcht. Deerfield Academy. ijgj, Juneiy. Derby Acadcm\ at Hing ham. So named in honour of Madam Derby, its founder. 1798, Marck^. M?lton Academy, tyqg, Marsh 1 FrairJng hovi Academy —Mr. Weed 1801, Niarch 3. Nantucket Academy. —William N'ilrsi 1801, Feb. 23. Lincoln Academy at NewcajHe. 1803, Feb. 22. Bcrkjhirc Academy at Laiox. —L. Gleafon. 1803, Af,2>T^5. Corham Academy. iSo^, March 7 Ilar.iden Academy. 1803, March 8. Blue-Hill Academy,—Eiias Upton. 1804, Feb. 10. Bradjord Academy,—Mr. Burnham. 1804, /-V^. lo. Hebron Accdcmy

i 804 , June 2 1 . MmJon Acad-.-my

f 80^, Mar. 1 6. Lynn Academy 1805, Afar. 16. Bath Academy.

Sandwich Academy, Elifta Clap-, Prcccftor. Bathflieba Whitman, Precptrcfs. Jonathan Burr, P^-^/i£iV»^ Wendell Dnvis, Secretary. William FeiTenden, of Sandwich, Trcajurer.


Nathaniel Freeman, Dr. John Leonard, ar>d James Yxit^- nan, of 5^^wfl^^2c/^; Rev. Henry Lincoln, o\Fahncuth\

iev. Oakes Shaw, of Earnjiahk ; Capt. \^''llliara Bcdfi'h,

'ii Sandwich ; Rev. Levi Whitman, of Welljieet; Rev.

fohn Simpkiiis, of Brezvfter ; Rich:!r'l Sears, of Chatham ;

David Scudder, of Barnjtabk ; Thomas ''"hatcher, of Yar~ noiith; Rev. Tude Damon, of 7^/-2ir<7; Stephen Baffett, of sandwich; and Thomas Jones, of /a.'V/i^wM.

Zhurches, Mlrnjlers of the Gofpel, and Religious So- cieiiesy in the federal Toiuns In Mrffachufetts,

Note-. Congregationalills, the moft numerous denomina- ion, have no diftin6live letter. E, flaiicis for Epifcopaiian* 1806.J L i22 Churches and Minifters. p. for Prcfbyterian. B. for Baptift. U. for Unlvertalifti i'cvns in each coanty are arranged in alphabetical order. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Churches, Minifters, &c. in the tozvn of Bojlon. Arranged acco}ding to the time the Churches were founded,., FirA Church, in Ccrnhll), William Emerfon. Second, or Old North Church, jfokn Lathrop, d.d. [The ancievt Mcding-Hcii fc being dejlroyed, in the year 1775, the Members of that Society have fmce united with thi Church in Middle-Street.] Firft Back-Street, Baptill Church, Samuel Sti/i'man, d.d. . Old South Church, MiirihoTu'-Street, J Minifters

Andover, W. Symmes, d . d . Mdhiien, Hump. C. Pcrlty Jonathan French Middlcton, S(;lompn Adams Beverly, Abiel Abbot Ntwkiiy, John

Danvers, Benj a . Wadfw'or t h Daniel Dana P Giles Jeremiah Chaplin B j John P ^-an:luej Walker James Morfe E 3IouceJier, Perez Lincoln Rowley^ David 1 ullar Daniel Fuller Ifaac Biaman Ezra Leonard Gilbert T. Williams Thomas Jones U Shubael Lovell B

HaTnilton, M. Cutler, li..d = Sak7?2, John Prince, ll. d. Uaverhili, Kaac Tompkins William Bentley B Samuel Worceller Ipfwick, Levi Frifbie Thomas Barnard, D.D. Jonah Webfter Daniel Hopkins Joleph Dana, d.d. Brown Emerfon B Nathaniel Fifher E l,ynn, Thomas C. Thacher Lucius Bolles B William Frothingham Jofliua Spaulding Friends and Methouills Friends tynnfidd, Jofeph Mortey Sali(bury, William Balch Manckefter, Abrm. Randall Topsjield, A. Huntington Marbkhead, Samuel Dana Wcnkam, Rufus Anderfoa, Hezekiah JVIay MIDDLESEX COUNTY.

AHon, Mofes Burling ton, JohnMarret Afliby, Cornelms Waters Cambrid!-;c, A. Holmes, d.d. Bedford, Samuel Stearns Thaddcus Fifke John Fofter jBzV/^r/cfi, H.Cumings, d.d. William Jenks E Boxboro\, Jofeph Willard B 124 Churches and Mlnifters.

Carlifle, Paul Lit(;^ field "William Greenough -^ Charlelhw-Tiy J. Morfe, d.d. Jofcph GraiJton % William Collier B Pepperell, John Bullard Chdmsford, Wilkes Allen Reading, lieuben EmerfcMj John Pickens B Ejiab Stone B Peter Sanborn Concord, Ezra Ripley Ebenezer Nelfon B Dracuty Solomon Aikin ^'ij: u'nrne, Elijah Browne Dimjlable, Jofhua Hcywood militia, Fhineas Whitney Eajl'Sudbury, Joel Foftcr Stone/iuTT., John H. Stevens Framingham, D. Kellog Stom^ Jonathan Newell Edward Clarke B Sudc-UTj, Jacob Bigelow Groton, Daniel Chaplin Tozvnjh^nd, Dn-nd Palmer P tynfihrrough, N. Lawrence HoUijlcn, T\mo. Dickv.r. ; y. aitham, Jacob Cufliing Hopkinton, Nathaniel bi^,;t Wate^tuxjcn, Richard R. Eliot Lexington, Jonas Clark Caleb Blake Lincoln, //>'V^'^'4 Charles Stearns %<.Joii-t Samuel Kendall Littleton, Edmund Fofter B Maiden, Aaron Green Met^c-d^fts Henr>- Pottle B Wiiringtcra, F. Reynolds Marlboro', Afa Packard lVijbufnyySi<:^ Cftickeriflg- Medford,!). Osgood, d.d. B Nemton, Jonatlran Elomer YORK COUNTY. Alfred, John Turner Lebanon, Ifaac Kafey Arundeil, Silas Moody Zebedce Delano B Andrew Sherburne B Limerick, Edmund Eaflman Berzoick, John Thompion Ebentzer Kinfman B Joieph Hi 1 Hard Limington, Jona. Atkinfon William Hooper B Stephen Webber B William Batchelder B John Chadburn B Nathaniel Lord B Newft eld, W'entw. Lord 8 Friends Parfonsf.eld, Benjamin Rolf Biddford, Nathl. Webftar Samuel Weeks . B John Turner Levi Chadburn B Buxton, Paul Coffin Saco, E. WhitcoTnb Abner Flanders B Sanford, Mofes Swctt L^man, Simon Lock B Otis Robinfon B Jonathan Cak-f Shapleigk, John Brown Kittery, William Brif;gs Tozef Lord 8 Samuel Chandler B Jofeph Liichlield f Waterboro', Henrj- Smith i'lieuds I »^re/4,M.Hcmmenway,p.D.- ,

Churches and Minifters. 125

H'e/A.Natlil. H.Fletcher York, Ifaac Lyman Joreph Eaton B Roiwili iVlefrccger Jofhua Roberts B Ilaac Briggs HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. Amherji, D. Parfons, d.d. Heath, Mofes Miller, Icliabod Draper Hollayid, Ezra Keeve AJiiJidd, Nehemiah Porter Leverett, Henry Williams Enos Smith B Elij. Montajjue B Belckertown^ Juftus Forward Uydcn Ala Hibberd B Jereiniah Halkell B Long-Mcadowy R. S. Storrs Samuel Bigelow B MiddUf.eldy Jonathan Nalh Bemardjlown, Aniafa Cook B Blandjord, B & E Monfon, JelL Ivc^ Brimjield, B JSucfuand, Jofiah Spaulding Montague. B B Field Kew-Sakm, Ckarkmont, Jofeph 1 Warren Pierce James Wheeler B Paul Davis _ B Chejlcr, Aaron Batcom Nortkamptcny S. Williams

Zaccheus Colby 1 Korthjicid, Ihomas Mafon

Chejlcrfield, Johah Waters 1 Norwicky S. Woodbridge Afa Todd Orange, Methodifts Colrainey Samuel Taggart Palvicr, Mofes Baldwin

Rufus Freeman Peliiamy . P Edm. Littlefieid Pluinjidd, Mofes Hallock Thos. Purintou Rozvt, Conzoay, John Emcrlon Rujlei, EhenezerStow B Robert Keyes B Skilburnc, Theoph. Packard CwnmingtoTi, James Briggs David Long Deerjidd, John Taylor Shutefoury, Sn.cilege, B Eajlhampton, P.WilliUon Southampton, Vinion Gould Gill, Jabcz Munfell S. Brimfield, E. Codding B Gcjlien, Samuel Whitman South-Hadlcy, Joel Hayes Granby, Elijah Gridley Southwick, liaac Clinton Granville, Time. M. Cooley Springfidd, B. Howa?d J Otti Baker Suvderland, D.H. VViiliftcn Roger Harrlfon Ware, Reuben Mofs Chiiuo. Minor B IVarzvkk, Samuel Reed Granjidd, Ro^er Ne\s'ton l.eviHod^^e B Gianwk/i, joicphBlodgct iVcnd'U, Jofeph Kilburn Jolhua Crolby i Samuel King B H£dle\ ,Saml . H( 'pkins, d.d. ! Ifaac Knaj.p Hatfield, ]c[., d.d. , ^^'^ff-dd, Wcjt'ilampton, Enoch Hale ijcccl'), jonaihaii Grout I iSoo.'l L - J26 Churches and Minifters,

IF.Sprim^f. T.Lat'nrop, d , d . Ezra Whitter JefT^ Wlghtman B Step. Shepherd B Thomas Rand B Seih Clark B- Method! fts Terry Whateleyy Rufas Welis Methodifts B Worthin^ton, J. L. Pomroy Wilhrakam, Mofes Warren William/ourgh, Henry Lord PLYMOUTH COUNTY. A'nns;tony Samuel Niles ft Bridgewatcr, John Reed, Zedeklah Sanger

Afa Meech V. vV. Rathbun ChiircBes arid Minifters. 127 B

Rdiobot^' Otis TbfJmpfon \ Srvicrfcf, B

>yivelter Rouild P. ) Swanzcy, Sam!. Northup B Pitman B Philip Slade B John !

Jacob Hicks B ! Tauntmt, John Pipon Preferved Pearfe Bj B

Philip Pearfe B 1 Troy, Job Ecrden B BARNSTABLE COUNTY.

Toth. Waterman Harzvkh,.^ Abner Lewis p. •Bdrnjlable, | Cakes Shaw MarJ]ipt:e. John Frecinan B B Orl-ans. lonatban Bii'rom Jyrm\ller, John Simpltins Prcvbiatozim. Ssmuci Parker Chatham, Ephraim Bti^^^ Mcthodids Denvh, Caleb Holmes Sandzinrli, Jonathan Burr Eaflhaw, Philander Shaw, Friends and iXietbodifis ^palmouth, Henry Luicoln Truj-p, Jiide Damond Friends Meihodifts flarwkk, Nath. Underwood IVell/leet, Levi Whitman Mcthodifls Yarmouth, Timothy A Men Gideon Kawley, Miffionary to the Marfnpee Indians. DUKES COUxVTY. ^kilmark, Jonathan SiTiith Gar-Head, Thos. Jeffrey B '^dgarton, Jofeph Thaxter JUhhry, Xymphas Haich Gay-Head, Z, Howw^ofwee f ry^y -I Zechariah Mayhew,»,f— u«,., MifliOfiaryA/T:n: atMatha's Vineyard. NANTUCKET COUNTY.

Kanttickct, James Gurney I Friends and Me;hodifts liaiah Alden WORCESTER COUNTY. \4j^h-UTnkam, John Ct^fliing Ihomas Sn'ell Micab S'tone Methodifls Lahan 'J^hurber B AthoU Jcfeph EaOabnook Charbtoii, James Boomer B yliarrr.. Tames ThompfoTi Edward Whipple Berlin, Reuben Puffer Methodifts i?o/f:;7,Ilaac Allen Dana, Jacob Whipple B Bo\l/h:f}, Ward Cotton Dovglas, WiUiam N

Nfzo-Braii'tray J oh 1 1 Fi fk IVfJlborough, J. RobinTon Nortkbord', Pecer Whitney M'tjiern, Stephen Baxter A'orthoridge^ J. Crane, d.u. JVc/imzn/icr, Afaph Ricd- johii Cooper, B. WincJundon, Levi Pilfbury; Oakham, Daniel '{"omliiifon Worctjler, Samuel Auftin Uxjord, U Aaron Bancroft Pcitirjkayu, Feftus Foller CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Bii.d.Jetozdn, Naiban Chm Samuel Iviariner B Brunfwick, Bcnj. Ti?com! Ne-w-GlouceJler, E. Mofely P Robert Low B» Durham^ Jacob Herritk 'J homas Barnes U ialmouth, Wm. Mihemore North-Y'irmouthy T. GihnaB Caleb Bradley T homas Green B John Waite U Otisfdd, Thomas Roby r nends and Methodifis Fotuim, Jonathan ^colC Frecport, MethodiOs ijurhain, Jeremiah Noyci B Portland, Sziv.\. Der.n, CD. Wm. Cx^rilon ' B Elijah Kellogg C;a;',DaaiclWc{Jon 1 nnothy Hi) Hard E iiari>;u.-cU, Vamucl Eaton Friends, Me'tfecdiils and B Churcheij and Minifrers. 12^

Scarbord', Thomas Lancafier Windham. Nathaniel Stone Nathan Tilton B Standijli, Daniel Marret LINCOLN COUNTY Balljloum, Jofeph Bailey B htchjitld, Wn:. Stinfcn, B Bccthbay, John Sawyer Madunkook, B

Bowdoin, James Potter B Mifcovgus-Ipand . B Bowdotn/iam, ] MzQomhtr B Nczu-CojUe, (aj Kiah B<

Huncock, Clark Rogers B Be n i inn i vi Baldwin B Lanejbord'^ Daniel Collins JeiJeHartwell B Lk, Alvsn Hyde Savoy, B Methodifis Sheffield, Ephraim Judron Lenox, Samuel Shep©rd Methodifis B Stockbridge, S.Weft, d.d. Methodifis B Mt. Wajliingtcn, Methodifis Tyringham, Jofeph Avery Ncw-Afhjord, Me h(5 Jifis Method! Us New-Marlboro', Jacob Catlin

(a) At DamnrifGotta- Mills there :s o Roman Cothoiic Church, wfiers the R'\i!. John Ckcvcrus of Eojion, cipciatis about four mcnihs ezK'.ry 'ye.ur. v 130 Churches and Minifters.


J5.//fiy?, Alfred Joimro;: On:in;;tcny Enoch Mudge '

Blue-Hi!/y Jonathan F:iher Pe)nbJcot,

Buckjiozun. Mighiit-Blood (z) \ ( onathan Powers Cajhuf, William MaH'ti Sec,'^-ick, Daniel Merrl-l I Ijhjboroujh, I'lios. B Sulli-ban, i Eames ^ Mt. DcP:ri, Beni. Dcwne B Vinalhaven. A. Cummingsl WASHINGTON COUNTY. Eafthort. B Mclhodi rts I

Mackias\ Marflifieid Steele | \^ There is a Roman Catholic Church at Pleafan Pome (berween E.iOpoft and Robinilo An} for ihe Paffama quaddy Indians ; Rev. James Renatas Rvom^^we, who alf( vifits the Fenobfcot Indians.

NORFOLK COUNTY. BdUngham^ B Needkam, Stephen Palme Braintrec, Ezra Weld Thomas Noycs Brook line, John Peirce Mf ihodifts Canton, Zech. Hovard Quinc\\ Peter Whitney Coka[fet, Jacob Flint V/iUi-im Montague

Dtdka ')!, J ofli ua Bat es Randc'pk, Jonathan Strong Jabez Chickering jceiPriggs B

Thomas Thacher Roxbu y, Eiiphalet Porter William Montague E John Bradford /):-'rc/7*;>'?f r,Thadd. M. Harris Thomas Gray Dcvcr, Benjamin Caryl Sharon^ Jonathan Whitaker fcxborough, Daniel Loring Stoug/iuvi, Edw. Richmond Franklin, N.Emmons, d.d. Wulpol'., Gr-orge Morey Mtdfieluy Thomas Prentifs V/tymonth, Jacob Notion B Simeon Williams M'ldtvayy Luther \Vright fVrc7.'t/rcm, Ellfha FifRC David Saiiford Jol n Cleveland Miltcn, William Williams B

^a) Mr. Blood is fettled over Baptifs and Congregation' //'?.« united. m

Churchifs and Minifters. 13^ KENNEl^ECK COUNTY.

Au^ujia, Daniel Stone : Monmouth, Ivlethodifts Chtffcrville, Joiham Sewjll Mcunt- Vernon, Clinton, Mephibofli. CaiA B Kt7v-Vm''.)ard, (aj B Piltfwwn, Cornvtlle, \ Fairfax, Jabez Lewis B Strong, Methodifts Fannwgton, B S\d/?e\, AiaV/ilbcr B Faydte, Oliver Billing B Vajjalbo-i o', Ncheai .Gould B Gardiner^ Samuel HafKeU Friends Virnr.a, M«it]iodifts Greene, . B J^.^a\nc, Williiim Godding HaHowdl, El i phalet Gil It t B Harlem, Job Chadwick " B M'?n/ii)w, Jolliua Cuflina>in Z,a-^i, Thomas Fr?ncis B IVim/trop, Jouattian Beiding OXFOUD COUNTY

Bethel, Daniel Gou id Jay, Thomas Macombcr B Brownfteld, Nathl. B. Jor I Jofeph Adams B huckf.dd, Nathaniel Chal; B Livr-rp-orc, Syl. BoardmanB "Samuel Woodward B Paris, James Hooper B Fryeburgh, Z. Richardfoi B Sumner, Thonias Macomber William FefTenden Turner, Smith, P Tripp B V/aterford, Lincoln Ripley Hebron, John j Methodifts ( (a Formerly called Bernxirdji E. fide Kcnndcck River. (^ Pews and Rights jn Houfes of Public \A-^or{hip are ronfjdered and deemed i;J Law, to be Real Lftate, except in he ToM'n of Bofton, where they are to be coiihacica as Perfonal Eftate only. CONVENTION Of the CONGREGAT iON AL MiNMSTERS in the Ccmmonweailk of Mojjachufett'i. rHEIR Meeting is held in Bofton, in the afternoon of the lad Wcdnefday in May, (or day of Elefh'-nJ dLnnu- dly : and on the followir-g di^.y at noon, after n.Hnnscring the ifiiai bufinefs of Convention, a fermon is delivered in public lefore them, and a col'ieftion made for'the charitable pur- pofeofrelievingthe indigent widows of deccafed Clergymen. The Convention is a voluntai-y Aifociatior., e.abracing ill the Congregational Clergy of the Commonweajth, and I'elled with no particular authority or. control r.ver the Churches. They have opened a frienc-y correfycndenoe 132 Convention of Minillers. with the General Aflrmhiy of t\vi Prefbyteiian Church, in the Middle and Southfni States, j»nd with the reprelentativc biHiios oF the Co;igiet;ition3l Minifters in Loiincflicut, KVw-i-Umi-lhiiv, aiid , for the pur^wfes of cqmrau- nicating and rcccivirjg iVom them whatever may tend to promuie the comuion intcreil of Chriftianity. A Stjinding Cornniitee of Convention hav« been ap- poinded for (h.t; pmrpolc of certifying the good charafterand cjaahhcacioi's of MniiftcTS and L:mdidates who may travel into other Staus; and .v.: ."grcemint has been entered into b rtween the Convciu.ion ;md the other rcprefentative bodies ol Muiiftcrs in other Staics, nmtu.illy to communicate the raincs of their Coniniitfecs for this purpofe. Every certifi- c.uc mnll he ii^^ned hy oiie gentleman at Jeaft of that Com- mittee, fiuni wiievTe hounds the p^rlbn recommended travel

The Committee in M \ s s a c h u s e t t s confjis of the JoUoxo- ing Gcntiemert,—vzz. Rev. Rev, J Step. Well, D.x^.SfocUrid^e Ezra Weld, Braintru Scih Swift, Wiiliatiifiown JohnRcad, D.D.Bre^^ea>af«»

. . . IV. l. . J Lathrop, n D Sp yinj^f- \ Perez Fobes, l d Raynliavi

Jol'eph i) . . Saml.Weft, d . . N.Bed/oro Lyman, n Hattu'Li \ d l<.oger Kewion, Grernfcid Zephaniah Willis, Kingjlor, Jolm Ciidiii^g, Ajhhurvhayn Jonathan French, Andover E/ira Ripiey, Concord Thos. Barnard, d.d. Saiem Daniel Chap' in, G^oton S;imuel Spring, Newburyperl Ephraim Ward, Brookjield Satil. Deane, D.n. fori/^JTra J'.'hn Laihrop, d.d. Bojon M.Hemmenway, D.D. W'^^/^j

J e d, Morfe , i> . n . Cha rb flew

BIfhops, Rervenue Officers^ &:c. 133

the Candidates Ilcenfed by them ; and have dire6Ved that the Scribe of the Convention procure the ir.ferrion of the leveral lifts in the Mafiachufetts Regifter. The Convention, folicitous to colktt and prcferve accu- rate documents tor a Hijlory of their Churches, have paficd a vote, that each of the Congregational Minift'ers in Mafla- chufetts, be requefted to compile a hiftory of his own Church, and of thofe in his vicinity v:hich may htippen to be vjcant, and to make returns to the Scribe of the Conveu- tion. It is hoped, this important «queft will not pafs un- noticed, but be produftive of great good.

Epifcopalian Bifhops in Ameriqa. Abraham Jarvis, Bifhop in Connefticut. Ntzo-Havev, Binjamin Moore, ro. u. Bifhop in N. York, New-Ycrk Cffy. William White, Bifhop in Pennfylvania. Philadelyhia. Thos. J. Clagget, Biftiop in Maryland, Broom, U. Marlboro*. James Madi Ion, Bifhop in . Richmond. Jacob Mountain, Bifhop in Canada. Qtitbcc. Charles Inglis, Bifhop in Nova-Scotia. Halifax,

Roman Catholic Bifhops. John Carroll, Baltimore Leonard Neale, his Coadjutor, Grorgctozdn

mm^mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^umm * '^ ^ wn wa

Revenue Officers in MafTachufetts. Ports of Bo ST o N, C H A R L E ST o w N and Cam bridge- Colle6lor, Bemamin Lincoln. Deputy-Collector, Benjamin Weld. Naval Officer^ Jamas Lovell. Surveyor and Infpeclor^ Thomas Melvill. Infpe&ors and Meafurers-^] ov.zs C. Minot, John E. Barber, Thomas Edes, Benjamin Eaton, Beza Lirjcoln, John Popkin, Samuel Janes, JofhuaThaxter, Oliver P. Holyoke, JohnWiliifton, Samuel Prince, Samuel W. Hunt, JohR Norton M^-ighers ard Gangers—Jofhua Pico, Samuel Wheel- wright, Peter DoUiver, Seth Wells. INSPECTORS OF OUT-PORTS.

i8c6.J M 34- Revenue Officers, &c.

Orcaftonal InfpeElor, LeA,'i Bates ^ Weymoutk. Collector, W.Raymond Lee Salem and Naval-OJicer, Samuel Ward . Beverly. * Surveyor, Barthol. Putnam "Surveyor, Jofiah Eatchelder Bevrrty Cotlcciory Jofeph Wilfon, Marbl head Surveyor & Infpe&or, Jofhua Prentifs Ditto Colleclor, Ralph Crofs Naval-Officer,, Jonathan Titcomb Newbur^port Surveyor^ Michael Hoge Collector, John Kittredge i Gloucejler Surveyor & InfpcHor, Zechariah Stevens Surveyor & InJ}cBor, Jofiah Reed Thornaftown Inft'eflor, Heniy Warren Plymouth InJ'peclor^ Samuel Derby York COLLECTORS. Barnflable, Tofcph Otis Nantucket, Daniel Coffin Biddcjonl'^ Saco, Jere. Hill New-Bedfurd, Ldward Pope Bath, Dudly B. Hobart Portland, llaac lliiey, jun, Dis,hton, Hodijah Baylies Penobfcot, J oil ah Hook Edgarton, John Peale Pajamaquoddy, L. F. Delif- FrenckmarCs Bay, M. Jordan dernier Jpfundi, Afa Andrews Plymouth, Henry Warren Kcnncbunk, Jonas Clark Waldoboro\ Jofeph Farley Mackias, Stephen Smith Wifcajfct, Francis Cook Moofc-Ijfland, Jona. Willon York, Samuel Derby


[CareFully revifed by the Adjutant-General, Nov. 1805. GENERAL STAFF OFFICERS,

Captain-General and Commander in Chief. His Excellency CALEB STRONG. Adjutant- General, Erigadier-General William Donnifon of Bofton.

[Office is kept at No. 18, Wiater-Street.l

Quarter-Majler Qeneral. Amafa Davis, of Bofton. [Office No. 129, Orange-Street.] Dlrifionary Staff Officers. 13^ DIVISIONARY STAFF OFFICERS, Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. FIRST DIVISION. MajoT'General.—Simon Elliot, of Bofton. Aid-de-Camp.—Major John T. Sargent.

SECOND DIVISION.—EfTex. Major-GuicraL—Gideon Fofter, of Danvers. Aid-de-Camps, Major Gideon Tucker and Jofeph Stevens, 3d. Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel John 1 racy^ of Nevvbury-Port.

THIRD DIVISION.—Middlefex. Major General.—Jofeph Bradley Varnum, of Dracut. Aid-de-Camps. Charles Hunt and V/illianv Bant Sullivan.

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfiiire. Major-GcneraL—, of Amherft. Aid-de-Camps. Majors Eleazer Porter and Samuel Gamwell. Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel Jofeph Williams, of Springfield. FIFTH DIVISION. 'ounties of Piymouth, Briftol, Barnftable, Dukes County, and Nantucket. Major-General. —Nathaniel Goodwin, of Plymouth. Aid-dt-Cam^s. Majors James Sprout and Nathan Hayward.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York and Cumberland. A/<2yc?r-6'<:«tf?^/.— Ichabod Goodwin, of Berwick. Aid-de-Camps. Majors Dudley Hubbard, andlchabod Goodwin, jun.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worcefter. Major-General.—John Cutler, oFBrookfield. Aid-de-Camps. Majors Liberty Banniftcr and Thomas Upham. 1^6 Brigade StafF Officers.

Deputy A4jufant-0en^a/. Colonel Seth Bannifter, of Brookfield.

EIGHTH DIVISION.—Lincoln and Kenncbeck. Major-Gcncral.—Henry Sewall, of Augufta. Aid~de-Camps. Majors BarZiillai Gannett and John Odlin Page.

NINTH DIVISION.—Berkfbire. Major-GcneraL —Thomas Ives of Great Barrington, BU Enfign, Thomas Williams. Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel Simon Lamed, of Pittsfield.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Walhington. Major-General.—Alexander. Campbell, of Steuben. Aid-de-Camps.—Majors Jofepfa Pattan and Alexr. Nickels. BRIGADE STJFF OFFICERS, FIRST DIVISION.

Counties of Suffoli^ BXii Norfolk. LEGIONARY BRIGADE. John Winflow, Brigadier-General. Charles Clements, Brigade-Major, ill. 5 Stephen Badlam, Brigadier-General. Brig. (^SarSamuel M. Thayer, Brigade-Major. ad. ^ Elijah Crane, Brigadier-General. Brig, i Timothy Whiting, Brigadc-^tajor.


ift. < ElidS H. Derby, Brigadier-General. Brig. < Sylvefter Ofborne, Brigade Major. od. i James Bi,icket, Brigadier-General. Brig., i James Ayer, Brigade-Major.


ift. 5 Jonathan Coolidge, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Jeremiah Clap, Brigade-Major. 2d. S William Hildreth, Brigadier-General. Brig. I Sumpfoi: V/oods, Brigade-Major. Brigade Staff Officers. 137-

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampihire. if?. ^ Samuel Porter, Brigadier-General.

Brig, if Eraflus Smith, Brigade-Major. 2d. 5 Lemuel Dickinfon, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( I'heodore Strong, Brigade-Major.

FIFTH DIVISION.—Plymouth, &c.

ift. S Krael Fearing, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( William Hammait, Brigade-Major. 2d. ^ Benjamin Bates, Brigadier-Geneial. Brig, i William Sever, Brigade-Major. 3d. ^ Ebenezer Lothrop, Brigadier-Gencrai. Brig. ( Jofeph Blifli, jun. Brigade-Major.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York and Cumberland.

tft. ^ Andrew P. Fernald, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( William Jefferds, Brigade-Major.

2d. ^ Nathaniel C. Allen, Brigadier-Generai, Brig. ^ Ezekiel Day, Brigade-Major.


ift. ^ Jonathan D

Brig. ( Jacob Fifher, Brigade-Major.

EIGHTH DIVISION.—Lincoln and Kennebeck.

I'ft. ^ , Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Seth Tinkham, Brigade-Major. 2a. { John Chandler, Brigadievr-Gcncral.

Brig. I Samuel How.ird, Brigade-Major.


ift. $ Jofeph Whiton, Brigadier-General. Brig. ^ Stephen Dfwey, Brigadc-IvI-jjor, 2d. 5 Wiiiiam Towner, Brigadier-General.

Bug. I Henry C. Brown, Brigade-Major.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and W^rningtoi;,

ift. WohnCroIby, Brigadier-General. Biig. ((Robert Vv^heeler, Brigade-Major.

2d. \ John Cooper, Brigaditr-Gcneial. ^''n- C Jofiah Hams, Biigade-Iviajur. i«c6.J M 2 1 38 Field-Cfficers of Infantry. FIELD OFFICERS, FIRST DIVISION. Gjuntifs of Suffolk and Norfolk.

I. li C 1 O N A R Y R R I A D E . Thomas Badger, Lieutenant-Colonel of Infantry-

Firjl SubL'gicn.—Peter O I good, Major.

Second Suij/rg ''on. •"-Jacob Stearns, Major.

T^trd SuSUgion.—Jo


, ^'Injor.

Firji Brigade. ift. < Ifiac S. Gardner, Lieuienant-Colonel.

Reg. \ WAYiAxn Boflbn and Edw.HvdRobbins, Majors. 2d. S John Barker, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I John \A'hite, Major.

3d. S Benjamin Hayden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Barnabas Clark and Jofeph Bent, Majors. Sicond Brigade. ift. < Johnfon Mafon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Gfo-ge Ellis and John Burridge, Majors. 2d. 5 Nathan Gill, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I N^;thl.\Vhiiing and Samuel Littlcfield, M.^jors. 3d. N Giorge Hawcs, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. ( Luther Metcaif and Cyms Comttock, Mr.jors.

SECOND DIVISION.— EfTcx. F>J Brigade. ift. < Benjamin Pickman, jun. Lieuteriant-Colonel. Reg. ( Joha Rop« and Edward S. Lan^;, Majors. 2d. ^ James Tappin, Lieutenant-Colonel. R*ig- C johii-Maion and Francis Norwood, Mafjors. .

Field-Ofiicers of Infantry. 1 3$

3d. < David Colby, Lieutenant-Colonel.

5^'"g' c JohnTrafk and Jonathan H. Lovett, Majors, 4th. ^ William Mansfield, Lieutenant-Colonel, Reg. } Ezra Hutchim, jr. and John D, Atweli, Majors. 5th. 5 Ebenezer Goodiie, Lieutenant-Colore-. ( tlias Wilkins and Andrew Munroe, Majors. Second Brigade.

lit. , Lieurenani-Colonel, ^ Reg. ( Benjamin Stickney and Samuel Bailey, Majors. 2d. 5 1 homas Wade, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Joleph Dorman and Thomas Gage, Majors. 3d. \ Nathaniel Lovejoy, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Thomas Savory and James Kimball, Majors. 4th. \ Ifaac Wittier, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Jonathan Barnard and Caleb Pike, Majors.

5th. { , Lieutenant-Colonel. R<;g. ( Zabulon Ingtrfoll and R.ichard Kimball, M ijors. 6th. Oohn Peabody. Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Abraham Perivins and Joihua Greenleaf, Majors.

THIRD DIVISION.—Middlefex. Firji Brigade,

ift. ^ Ebenezer Cheney, Lieutenant-Colonel* Reg. \ William Bond and Wairer Froft, Majors. 2d. \ Amos Bcardman, Lieutenanr-Colonel.

Reg. i Francis Job afon and bamuel Hopkins, MajoiT. 3d. ^ JohnButtricl', Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( James Barrett and Jonas Buttrick, Majors. 4th. < JohnMellen, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Aaron Kinlman ind Joel Norcrofs, Majors.

5th. \ , Lieu'er.ant-Colonel.

Reg. i Nathaniel Auftin and Benjamin Hokon, Majors. Suomd Brigade,

1 ft.

Reg. i Majors. ed. \ Jonathan Bancroft, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Timothy Bigclowand Rogers King. Majoxi.

3a. \ , LicuTcnant-Colojicl.

Reg. C John Parker and joreph Fieichsi, Majors 140 Field-Officers of Infantry.

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfliire, Flrjl Brigade,

ifl. S Alexander Field, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Auguftus Sillon and Eliphaz Moody, Majors.

2d. S David Morley, Li-utenant-Colonel.

Reg* C Job Langdon and Roger Cooley, Majors. 3d. ^ Thomas Powers, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Melz ir Hunt and Mofes Haflings, Majors.

4th. S Seth Parfons, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Simon E. Holland and Frederick Fallcy, Majors. ^ch. ^ Alexander Seifionj, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Aaron Morgan and RinaHo Webber, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift. ^ Ifaac Maltby, Lieuten mt-Colonel. Reg. \ Seth Pomroy and Charles Chapman, Majors. 2d. \ Daniel Wells, Licurenant-Colonel. Reg. ( John RulTell and Clark Chandler, Majors. 3^- Medad Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel. \\Jacob Putnam and Ephraim Wheeler, Majors. 4th. C Jonathan Woodbridge, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Clark Robinfon and Fhaddeus Baker, Majors. 5th. \ Jofeph Rice, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. X John Ames and Roger Leavitt, Majors,

FIFTH DIVISION.—Plymouth. FirJl Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel, ift. \ John Thomas, Reg. ( Zaccheus Bartlett and George RufTell, Mjjors. ed. Charb^S Turner, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel. J Reg. < John James and William Vjnal,jini. Majors. 3d. Sylvanus Lazell, Licuienanr-Colunel. ^ ' " Reg.g. \ Caleb [Mow;IMoward and' James Barrell, Majors. 4th. S Abiel Wafliburn, Licutenant-Coloml, Reg. ( Peter Hoar and Rowland I,uce, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift. < Abiah Blils, Licuienant-Colonel. Reg. \ Allen Munrcc and Jofeph Keliog, Majors.

. \ Robei t i Sp, Benj;iniin Bray ton. Major.-. Reg.;. J(JohnJohn Spooner and 3d. K I'homas Lincoln, Lieutenant-Coioncl. Ifrael Xlajcrs. Reg. \ John Gilmore, jnn. and Dean, 4th. ^ John W'lriimis, Lieuiemnit-Coloncl. Brg. \ Ebeuczer Bacon aiid Zabuicn \\'hiiej Ma^^r;. Field-Officers of Infantry. 141

Third Brigade,

ift. ^ Thomas Thatcher, Lieutenant Colonel. Reg. < David Nye and Ifaiah Hall, Majors. 2d. 5 JonathanSnow, Lieutenant-Colonel. R^*S« ( Jabez Sparrovvr and John Witherell, Majors.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York. Firji Brigade. ift. 5 Jo^n Nowell, Lieutenant Colonel. Reg. \ Thomas D. Cutts and Mofes Lyman, 2d. Majdrs. 2d. 5 Joha Lord, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ John Leighton, jr. and Nathan Nafon, Majors.

3d. \ , Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Stephen Briant and John Smith, Majors. 4th. 5 William Froft, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. \ Benjamin Peirce, and Samuel ClufF, Majolrs.

^th. 5 •> Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Paul Bumham and Jofiah Fowie, Majors.

6ih. S Jo'^'^ Mitchell, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X David Hatch and John Taylor, jr. Majors, 7th. ^ AinoiS Haftings, Lieutenant Colonel. Reg. \ William Ruil'ei and John Stxkiiey, Majors. Second Brigade^ County <{ Cumberland. ill. 5 James Merrill, Lieutenar.t-Colonel. Reg. ^ Ifaac Gage and Joliah Hobbs, Majors. 2d. ^ Charles Thomas, Lieurenant-Ccio-ieL Reg. \ John Lawrerxe and Ihomas Means, Majors. 3d. S Nathaniel Froft, Licutciiant-Golonel. Reg. ( jofiah Libby and Jonathan Mouitor;, Mr-jors. 4th. < Thomas Chute, Lieutenanr-Colcr.ei. Reg. < 'Viliiam True and Thon:as Fiufon, Majors. 5th. \ Levi Hubbard, Lieuten-int-ColoneL

Reg. c Jonathan Cum mir\gs and Jonathan Ivloors, Majors.

6th., ^ David Learned, Licurenant-Coloncl. i^eg- C JeiTe Stone and John Turner, Majors.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—V\^orcsftex. Firjl Brigade, John Davis, Lieutenant-Colonel. John Brighatn and Haac Lamb, Majors. Benjamin GodiTey, Lieutenant-Colonel. John Famhamand AiaChil^, Majors. 142 Field-Officers of Infantry.


4th. S Benjamin Marihall, Lieutenant-Colonel.

^ Reg. ( Edmund Culhing and Edward Bacon, Majors. 5'h. ^ Abel Kendall, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. i William Fletcher and Benjamin Adams, Majors

EIGHTH DIVISION.—Lincoln and Kennebcck

Firft Brigade.

I ft. S Denny M'Cobb, LieutenaHt-Coloncl. Reg. ( David Shaw and Andrew Read, Majors. 2d. ^ David Payfon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ David Payfon, jun. and Abiel Wood, jun. Majors. 3d. ( Daniel \Vatcrs, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Charles Razor and John Perkins, Majors. _4th. \ Samuel Thatcher, Lieutenant Colooel.

R«-'g- ( Jofeph Maxcy and Jofliua Adams, Majors. 5t.h. ^ James Rogers, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Alexander Rogers and Xoah Jordan, M;»jors. Second Brigade.

ift. 5 Thomns Fil'ebrown, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Scth Gay and Paul Blake, Majors. Lieutenant-Colonel. 2d. ^ Elnathan Sherwin. Reg. } Ne'iemiah A. Parker and Abner Weeks, Majors.

3d. ^ William Sprague, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Brown Baker and Thomas Atkinfon, Majors. 4th. ( James Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel. Majors. Reg. I John Moor and Eli Wcilon, 5th. 5 ^^i'^s Gould, Lieutenant-Colonel. ^ Picrcoit, Majors. Reg. i Oliver Bailey and Samuel Field-Officers of Infantry. J43

NINTH DIVISION.—Berklhire. F'lrjl Brigade, irt. Da\-icl ^ Tracy, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ John Afhley, 3d. and Minor Owen, Majors. 2d. S Stephen James, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ William IngerfoH and Thomas Williams, Majors, 3d. K Llias Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg.i^ John Hide and Daniel Fowler, Mnjors. . Second Brigade. ift. ^ Marfhall Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Afa Clothier and Calvin Hubhel, Majors. 2d. ^ Abidlom Ford, Lieutenant-Colonei. Reg. I J,)hn Wiilard and Levi Belden, Majors. 3d. K AmosHolbrook, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. I Peter Warden, jr. and Ward Cotton, Majors.

1 £XTH DIVISION.—Hancr^k and W'afhingtoE. FirJ Brigade,

$ ' ^'eutcnant-Colonel. J^- X r , T Keg i JolephLceand Nathan Low, Majori. 2d. \ 1 hunias Knowlton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. Rohert i 1 r^at and 1 homas BraRow, Majors. 2d. \ John Blake, Lieutenant-Colonel. R^'g. i Nathan Hopkins and Andrew Tyler, Majors*. Second Brigade. i ft. 5 Jofeph Wnlliji, Ljeufcnaiit-Colonel. Reg. ( Jame-s Campbell and Ebenezer Inglec, Maicrs. 2d. SMejatiah Jordan, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Jelle Duttoii and Amos Ame?,, Majors. 3d. John Brewer, Lieutenant-Colo^el. Reg^^ Oliver Shead and John Ba'com, M-ijors CAVALRY. Officers Commanding Corp of Cavalry, FIRST DIVISION. Strend Brigade, 1 Sqncdmi gionary Brigade., 1 Tn Major Nathan Jones aptain Henry Pukett. Captain William Capen

Cr.ptain Jeremiah Baker ^ Brigadr^ ''fi 1 Squadron. Captain Sylvanus Adams fajor aptain Aaron Duvi.

»44 Officers of Cavalry.

Captain Jonathan Lambert SIXTH DIVISION.

Captain Stephen Barker Firjj Brigade, 1 Squadron Captain George Thurlow Major Alexander Rice Captain Nathan Froft THIRD DIVISION. Captain George Froft

Firjl hrigadts i Battalion. Second Brigade, 1 S^uadrct. Lieut. Col. Calvin Sanger Major Lothrop Lewis Major Bill Ruirell Captain William Bracket Captain Joihua Hammond Captain vSeth Morfe' Captain Jofiah Whittemore Captain Thomas Chafe Captain Noah Smith Captain Robert Anderfon Captain Mofes Babcock Captain Elijah Elder Captain James Farrar Second Brigade^ 3 Trcrfs. SEVENTH DIVISION Captain John Buttcrfieid F.'rfi Brigade, 1 Battalio Captain Ifaac Walker Lieut.Col.Jerem.Kingfbu) Captain Jofeph Wood Major Mofes Healy Captain Jofeph Fox I FOURTH DIVISION. Captain Elias Hatch Firjl Brigade, 1 Bat.talic7i. Captain Calvin Ammldon Lieut. Col. Reuben Patrick Captain Ebenezer Tidd, jr Major Mofes Porter Captain Elijr>h Warcrs

Caprain Parmenas King Second Brigade^ 1 Battalic Captain A fa SI ay toil Lieut. Col. Afa Whitcor Captain Nathaniel Parker Major Stephen Haftings Captain Calvin Merrill Captain Edward Brigham Second Brigade, 1 Battalion. Captain Edward Goodwin Lieut. Col. Afa Stebbins Captain ^Villiam Taylor Major Epaphras Hoyf Captain Daniel Putnam Captain Salmon Graxes Capta!n John Kendall Captain Thomas Kidd EIGHTH DIVISION Captain Samuel X^ells FirJl Brigade, 1 Sqnadro, Captain Jabez Newell Major Silas Lee Captain John Putnam Captain William Grcgorj Captai.n John Merrill, yr. FIFTH DIVISION. Second Brigade, 1 Squadn /"/'•/? _ Brigade, 1 Sqnadron. Major Piter Grant Major V illiam Bourne Captain Sewall Prefcott Captam Gideon H'jward Captnin Afiier Spaulding Captam Thomas Bennett Captain Samael Elweil

Second Brigade, 1 Squadron. NINTH DIVISION. Major Daniel Gilbert Fir^ \adt, 1 Squadri Captain Lewis Wheaton Major Henry Brown Captain Ait xafiderFo{?e,,jr. Ciiptain Aziinah Root Captain 7"i»omas Andrews Captai.n Ebcneier Jenfcias Officers of Artillery. H5

/ar>r in D?iriie} Sears TENTH DIVISION.

• ':d Brigade. S'jaadi'Of?. fir/f Brigade, i Troop.

: Thomas Gouid Captain James Thomas ^dpr.iinCooe Danforth Captain John Wilfon. Japtain Oriniel Fanning

ARTILLERY. Officers commanding Corps of Artillery. FIRST DIVISION. Captain Thomas Heald 'xgionary Brigade, x Battal. Second Brigade, i Battalion. 4ajor Oliver Johonnot Mifjor Jofeph Dows !)aptain Caleb Loring Captain James Le^wls, jun. Captain D;ivid Cobb. Captain 7 homas Spaulding Firji Brigade, i Battal. /lajor James Robinfon FOURTH DIVISION. 'aptain Humphrey Bignell Firjl B'-igade, 1 Battalion. 'aptain Nathaniel Shaw Major Jacob Blifs ^aptain John P^obinfon Captain John Mather '^ecotid Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Mofes Burt, jr. /lajor Abner Morfe Captain Jafon Walker. 'aptain David Hartfliora Captain ^aptain JeiTe I-Iartlhom Second Brigade, i Battalion. Major Nehemiah May SECOND DIVISION. Captain Julia Smead ^irjl Brigade, i Battalicn. Captain James Fales 'lajor Amos Hovey Captain "VV illiam Edwards Captain Afa Brooks Captain Alpheus Narramorc laptain Clark Wilfon 'aplain Danioi Hayes FIFTH DIVISION. "-aptain John Teder Fir]} Brigade, i Battalion. "ap;ain William Story Major J^feph Thomas econd Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Noah Ford •lajor Benjamin Somerbv Captain Albert Smith Captain James Potte; Captain George Drew Second Brigade, i Battalion. Major B lan Hall THIRD DIVISION. Captain John Coggefhall 'irji Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Thos. Danforth 2d. lajor Adam Erown Captain SIXTH DIVISION. |aptain Joftua Ruflell Fi'fr Brigade, 1 Battalion. aptain Eulha Livermore Major aptain Joikh Stone Car'nin Jeremiah Clark N 146 Officers of Artillery, Sec.

Captain James Carl ifle Second Brigade, 1 Battel Second Brigade, 1 Battalion. Vlajor Majorf Lemuel Weeks Captain Cay-iain Corn. Diliin^ham Captain Mofes Palmer Captain James D. Hopkins NINTH DIVISION SEVENTH DIVISION. Firjl Brigade, 1 Batta'> Fir/l Biigade, ' 1 Divijion. Major Dudley Vv^'oodw Major Jedediah Healey Captain Enoch W. Th Captain Pearley Hunt Captain Elnathan Judd Capt. Gerfhom Plymton, jr. Captain Captain Pc^er Slater Second Brigade, 1 Batta Second Bng Side, 1 Battalion. Major Butler Goodrich Major Nathaniel Jones C?ptain Elijah Erifjin Captain John Allen Capt. Mclanthan W. V. Captain Abel Kendall Captain Solomon Carter TENTH DIVISION Firjj Brigade, \ Bat fa EIGHTH DIVISION. Major Thomas Stevens Firji Brigade, 1 Battalion. Captain Jcuiithan Wilf( Major Jofhua Shaw Captain Henry Dilling Capiain Wm. S. Blafland Captain O^is Little Captain Samuel Sevcy Second Brigade, 1 Com} Captain Daniel Holden Captain Levi Fairbanks

Officers of the Legionary Brigade in Bofto Brigadier-General ----- John Winflow.

Brtgadc-Major . - - Charles Clements. Brigade-iluartcr-MaJler - - Richard Auftin.

Troop of Cavalry.

Captain. ZzVm^ AbeiWheclock. 1 Cornet. Henry Purkitt. Lieut. ]ohn Roulftone. j Andrew Mo

Subleglon of Light Infantry.

Major, Adjutant, and Quarter-MaJler, vacant. Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. Daniel Meflinger John Cotton George Whee. Charles D,n'is Henry Sargent Mofes Poor Jofcph Loring, jr. Ezra Davis William Mum Ltun^Q^in^^ Samuel Jenks. Bofton Legionary Brigade Officers. 147

Sublegion of Artillery.

Major - - Oliver Johonnot Adjutant Abraham Edwards. Quarter-Majier - Nathaniel Brown. si tarns. Lieutenants.

': Cobb, Nicholas Peirce arid Nathan Parker. jkb Loring, jr. Daniel Ballard and William Harris.

Infantry Sublegions. Lieutmant-Colonel Thomas Badger. Adjtdant George Bafs. Surgeon John Dixwell. SurgeoiiS-Mate Stephen Thayer^ Firft Sublegion. Feter Ofgood, Major, Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. al. Pratt, (Chelfea David Province mos Binney Enos Blake Jofiah Snelling, jr.' )aniel Badger Reub. Sanborn George Siders arzjllai Hudfon Ebenr. Knowlton .benezer Rhoades Edward Hart James Alexander Second Sublegion. Jacob Stearns, Major. Cattains. Lieutenants. Enf.gjiS. faac Cuihing John A. Parkman Benjamin Hurd acob Canterbury John J. Valentine Abel Crooker "urner Crooker Jofeph W. Homer John Goodwin "homas Dean Charles P. Sumner Jofeph Gardner Third Sublegion. Tofcph Stodder, Major, Uirtains. Lieutenants. Enjgns. 'enucl B. Rogers Jabez Ellis Simon Haftings iamiiel Curtis Nathan Bacon Frink Stratton !^harles Cuilis James Marfton Epes Ellery Nathan Heard

Independent Cadets—Governor's Efcort, Captain - Colonel John T. Apthorp, Lieutenant - Major William Sullivan. Evfign - - - Major Bryant P. Tilden. Adjutant - Captain Lewis Glover. Surgeon - Dr. John C. Warren. 148 Town-OfTicers in Boflon.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. [Incorporated, 1638.] Captain George Blanchard. Lieutmard Melzar Homes. Enfign - - Nahum Piper. Fird Scrjrant Daniel G. Ingcrfoll. SecoTtd Serjeant Jeremiah Gardner. Third Se-'jmnt James Bird- Fourth Serjeant George Noble. Treapurer John Winflow, Efq. Clerk Thomas Clark.

TOWN-OFFICERS, in BOSTON. SeleBmen. (a) (Sharks Bulfinch John Tileflone John May David Tilden Ebenezcr Oliver Francis Wright William Porter Jona. Hunnewell Joaa. Chapman- Town-Clerk, William Cooper. Tonvn-Treajurer and Colledlor of Taxes*

William Smith. —Office No. .53, State-Street. Overfeers of the Poor, Edward Proctor RedfordWebfter Samuel Clap Henry Hill Thomas Perkins Ozias Goodwin William Smith Samuel Snellins: William Mackay William Phillips Benja. Goddard Jofeph Coolidge, jr. Majler of the Alms-Houfe. Phyfrcian and Surgeon. Capt. Conftant Freeman. Do6lor James Jackfon. Firewards,

[The Figures allude to the time when chofen.]

Thomas Mel vill Henry Jackfon 1779 j 179! Samuel Parkman 1789 William Scollay 179! Amafa Davis 1790 Jofeph May | 1793

(a) The Scleftmen meet ?.t their Chamber, at fhc" eaft end of Fancull-Hall, every Wednefday ajtemcon^ n.f- la^ afting the prudential aliairs of the Town ; and on the Monday in each month, for the purpofe of examining and allowing accounts againft the town. Matthew Nazro is the Attendant on the Seleftmen. Town-Officers in Bodon. 149

Andrew Cunningham 150 Town-Officers in Bofton.

AJffJfQrs of Taxes. Jofiah Snelling, Samuel Dunn, and John Boylff.


John Vv/^inflow, Prefulcnt. | John W. Quincy, Secretary.

Ward No. 1, John W. Quincy and Benjamin Goodwm. e, Jacob Rhoades and Edmund Hart.

3, Benjamin Barnes and 'i homas Lewis,' jun. 4, Thomas Pago and Samuel Sturgis. 5, Nathan Wehb and Mitchell Lincoln. 6, Afa Hammond and Wiiiiam Aliine. 7, Nathaniel Call and Hawkes Cufhing. 8, Andrew Oliver and William Smith. 9, John Baxter and WiUiam Walter, io, Francis Wright and John Winflow. 11, Allen Crocker and James Morrill. 12, Benjamin Wheeler and Ephraini Thayer. Auditors of Accounts of the To'wn-Treafurery SeleS" men, Overfeers of the Poor, and Board of Health, Hon. Thomas Dawes, Jofeph RuiTell, and Samuel Brown. AJay-MaJlers.—Juhn Weils and Wiiiiam C. Hunneman. Ckrk and InJ'pcclor of the MaTket.—WiWum Gooch.


(a) Amos Lewis (g) Solomon Twlft (r>; S muei White (hj Mofcs Thayer (cj i homas Stevenfon (i) Levi Joy (dj Jirah Hoi bi 00k fkj Farwcll Brown

(e) Elifh^i Copeland (1) Ralph Gore (ij irienry Lane (tnj Benjamin Bafi Leeds

Cullers of Dry Fi/h Roger Bartle-t and Jonathan Cufliing. Fence Viewers, Benjamin. White Daniel IiigerfolKjun. j M«jfe&TIr4rre3 I William Darricot Hj^y:-w.ards £^'H^g-reivrs, Barney Cor.rior & James Cohbitt. d o»^iare. ^^ng Va^'f'^^ (b^. Proctor's-Lane, (c) Ko-ih- Pka^lantStriiet. ^^da^Wdl,^<-^: i,f» P^incc-Sjj^rni,-, Xf) (f)-Ang 2^S^'are. (a J RuJe/^liV^^'r ajt Rowe's-Lane. St rt'f. Xo. OJ ^tthiy/ 'f/ij 11, i'.fin Mat-' (0 No. 7^t Mt^lult it. fmj hlm-Slitet.- Town-Officers, &c. In Bofton. 151

Hay-Weigher.— George Trott. Informer of Deer.—Abraham Adams. Infpedor of Stone-Lime.—Edward Rumney. Meajurers of Wood and Bark at the Wharves, eph Gleafon— North End of the Tovv'n. L'tnicl Ingerfoll, jun. —Centre of the Town. William Andrews —South End of the Town. Meafurers of Wood coming by Land, J. Hal], South End ot the To%vn. Jirah Holbrook, North End of the Town. Stephen Hall and Solomon Twirt—Wefl-Boflon Bridge. Surveyors of Boards and Shingks. Jofhua Bentley, William Cioulton, John Butterfield, Benjamin White, John Cogfwell, William EUifon, Daniel Ingerfoll, jr. Samuel Treat, Nathan Bradley, jr. Noah Daggett, Caleb Coolid^e, Braddock Loring, and Edward Alluie. Surveyors of Flaxfeed,

Samuel Blagge, | Arthur Langford

Robert Wyer, jr. | Jofeph Hammatt. Surveyors of Hoops, Ssfr.

Henry Purkitt i Thom;is Barber

Lemuel Gardner j James Eunfon Surveyors of Highways—The Seleiflmen. Surveyors of Hemp. Samuel Emmons and James Phillips. Suifeyors cflVheat. —Edw.Tuckerman and Joliah Snellir.g. Sealers of Weights and Mcafures, Richard Auftin, for Town Sta^e Green, for & | Tiui. town. Sealer of Leather.—Matthew Lorin^. Town Crier.—John S. Green, Belk nip-Street. Weigher of Onions. —William Hitchbome.

Municipal Court for the Toivn.

Eftablifned by a Law pafTed rhv.- 4th of T'-Iarch, 1800. Hon. Thomas Dawes, jr. Judge.— (Sala'-y ^co dolls.) John Phillips, Efq. Advocate.— (Salary 20c 'iolls.) John Heard, Efq. Curk. (p:!' 1 he Municipal Court is hoid^n at Lofton en tfte ift Mond-'y in each month, March and September excepted. X52 ToWDrOificers, &c. In Bofton.

jiuBioneers in Bojion. Samuel Clap Thomas Clark. Benjamin Tucker T.K.Jones & Co. Lewis Hayt Nlath. P. Hewes Samuel Bradford Jofepb Ripley William Leverctt Barker & Bridge Cornel, Coolidge BenjaminSweeifet Samuel Blagge John W. Quincy Allen & William* Caleb Hnyward John Ju-tau G. Burroughs jr. Robert Gardner John Chadwick Silas Field • Sextons, Jofeph Edmonds—houfe head of Proflor's Lane. Ede Vennevar—houfe Wheeler's Point. Allen Lauchlin—houfe Orange-ftreet. Henry Lane—houfe Bratile-fireet. John G. Groifman—houfe in Pond-ftrcet (or Ronvc's lane.) Zeally Skidmors—houfe Hilioi-ftreet. David Darling—houfe near North Church. James Baker—houfe Hawklns-ftreet. f-benezer Claflen, houfe Bennett-ftrcet. Watchmen, John Spear, Captain—Wow^t Pleafant-Strcct. Kbenezer Claflen—Houfe Bennett-Street. Alexander Hamilton—Houfe Orange-Street. John G. Groflman—Houfe Rowx's-Lane. Abraham Dorr—Houfe Newbury-Street. Richard Orchard—Houfe Wai n-n-Street, 'John Grofl'e—Houfe Warren-Street. William Shaills—Houfe Orange-Street. Samuel Vmceru— Houfe Pleafant-Street, Reuben Eaton—Houfe Orange-Street.

(]:3° The above are of the South part of BoJlon.

Wardens for the F^rt of Bojion and Charlejlomjn.

Thomas Powers, Ifaac Cutter, and Nehemiah Somes. •

Phyjicians, Surgeons, i^fc, praSifing in Bojion, *James Lloyd, m.d.—Near Concert-Hall. *Samuel Danforih, m.d. —Oppofite Concrrt-Hall. *Ifaac Rand, M.d.—Atkinfon-Street. "[c'hn JcPuies, m.d.— Franklin-Street.

*l.'harlfs Jaivis, a.m.— No. 40, Ncwbury-Street, , Phyficians and Surgeons. 153

'T.cmuel Hayward, a.m.—No. 85, Ncwbury-Strcet. *i nomas Kaft, a.m.—No. 18, Hanover-Street. * . near the Stone Chapel. ] ohnWarren, M . D —School-Street, -^William Euftis, A.M.—Suubury-Street. * ; homas Welfh, a.m.—No. 23, Hanover-Street. " on Dexter, M.D. —Lower end of Ivi ilk-Street. lIiamSpooner,M.D.—Bulfinch-Sireet,BowdoIn-S(iuarc.

= jij^hChecver, A.M.—Court-Street. '^John Fleetjr. m.d.—Milk-Street. *l!-ac Rand, jr. A.M.—Rand's Corner. D'rlorjoftiua Thomas.—Bottom of Centre-Street. ^-V/iliiam Ingalls, m.d.—School-Street. '^Thomas Danforth, a.m.—Bowdoin-Sqmre. - Afn Ballard, A.M. —No. 83, Newbury-Strce.. *]ohn G. Coffin.— No. 79, Orange-Street. *Jacob Gates. —No. 49, Marlboro'-Street. *John Dixwel!, m.b.—Corner of Friend's-Street. *Jaraes Jackfon, m.b.—No. 34, Hanover-Street. "Beiijamin ShurtiefF, m.b.—No. 7, Union-Str^t. *John C. Howard, A.M. —Lynde-Street, Weft Cofton. *J ohn C.Warren.— Park-Street, near the Old Granary. Cyrus Perkins, m.b. —No, 17, Hanover-Street. Horace Bean, a.m —No. 16, Middle-Street. Dotlor Percivai Hall. —No. 7, Crofs-Street. Doftor Frederick J. Enflin. — Pleafant-Street, Do6tor Jeremiah Gofs.— Ruffeli-Street. Doftor Abraham Scales.—Richmond-Street. Doctor William Hunt.—No. 46, Hanover-Street. Doctor Edward Creamore.— Middle-Street. Doaol^ P. Deane.—No. 8, Middle-Street. Doftur Peter St. Medad.—Back-St. near French's Tavern.

*" fdlows of the Majachufetts Medical Society.

Surgeons Dentift in Bojlon, Jofiah Flagg.—Houfe Back-Street. William P. Greenwood.—Houfe Cold-Lane.

Branch Pilots in the State of MaJfachufetU. Pilots for the Inward Divifion of Port and Harbour of Bojlcn. Thomas Knox, Charles Cole, Robert Knox. Pilots for the Outward Divifion of the Port and Harbour oj Boft^n. Jofiah Ayres, Nathl. B. Lyde, Leml. Ayrcs, JohnTilly. 154 Rates of Pilotage.

By a late Law of this Commonwealth, the pilotage of tlie, harbour of Bofton is formed into tw^o divifiofis, Outward and Inward. The outward divlfion confifts of four branch- es ; and the inward divifion coiJiRs of three branches ; and no perfon fo commiflioned as a pilot, or his deputy, fhall undertake to bring in or carry out of faid harbour any veifel

drawing 722??f yet'/ of water, (coafters and filhing veliels cx- ceptedj except in his own particular branch, under the penalty of f.fty dollars. The Governor and Council determine and fix the fees of pilotage of the feveral pilots for the harbour of Bojlon, from time to dme, having refpeft to the different rifk and hazard of the inward and outward divifions, and according as the circumftances of peace or war, and the feafons of the

year, may feveral ly require j and the fame to be fpecificd on their refpettive warrants. A fchedule of their fees to be hung up in the Cullom-Houfe for the port of Bof^cn and Charltjiown^ for public infpe£tion and information.

Rates <)/ Outward Pilotage Rates of Dockage and Wharfage. 155 l^4^Ps 15^6 Rates of Wharfage and Storage.

Cents. Boxes of lemons and glafs - - 2 each. Boxes of chocolate and candles - a - - Bricks - 2.5 per M. Bundles of fliovcls and pans - » 4 each. Butts from t.50 to 200 gallons - - 1,5 Chcfts of Bohea tea - - 12^ Clapboards - - • "ffo per M. Coals , - - goiter chaldron Fifh - - « 2 per quintal. Grain of all kinds - - 1 pr^r bufliel. Ha'f barrels, firkins, and kegs - 2 each. Hampers of bottles - - - 125 H.iy - - - 10 per bundle.

Hides - - - 1 each. Ho<;{head$ and pipes 10 Iron, hemp, cordage, timber, lead, &c. 50 per ton. Tars kegs ofcrackers, Sec. 1 each. of raifins Scoil, fmall ' Laths - - - 6i per M. Lighter loads of ftoae " - 25 per ton. Nails fcafks of} - - 4 per cafk. Onions . - _ ^ 100 bunch. - Ranging Timber - ' - 25 per 100 feet. Rullia Duck - - - 1 per bolt. Salt - - - 6i prr hhd. Shingles - - - 6^ per M. ' Shook HogCieads - _ - 2 each. Stoves and Caboofes - - - 10 Tierces - _ _ 7 - Wood and bark - . 25 Em.pty ca{ks, &c. half wharfage. All merchandize fhippid off the wharf, to pay the farrte v/hirfagf' as for landing, excepting fuch goods as have paid for landing, and (not having been carried off the wharf on which they were landed) are taken off within one mOntb from the time they were landed. Gc^cds taken in lighters, or othcrwife by water, from on board any vcffel lying at the wharf, and goods taken from lighters, or otherwife by water, on board any veffel lying at the wh-^rf, to pay one half as much as for landing. The i faid halfwhnrfage to he paid by the veffel lying at the wharf. The of goods landed, to be paid by the feller, or perfbn landing the fame, except wood aiid lumber, whict is to be paid by the purchafer. Rates of Dockage, Sec. 157

The wharfage oF goods (hipped off the v.harf, to he pnid the veflTel that receives them en board, or the perfon who la-m. m

J58 Cenfus of MafTachufetts. adininlftrators are prepared to exhibit their accounts of miniftraiion to the Judg*' for allowance, they fhouid inv ah'y notify the pcrfonsintererted therein, or their guardiz to be prelent in Court at the examination thereof: ua the heirs and guardians will previoufly examine the acco^ to be exiiihiied, and will certify thereon their approbat of it. This method may fave much trouble and cxpei The fame fteps fhould be taken with creditCH-s, when an tate is infolvent : that is, they muft be notified as aforef; or they muft certify as aforefaid. Adminiftrators who not to account with the Judge of Probate for the perfo eftate of the deceafed, as the fame (hall br appraifed, flxo give notice thereof, at the time they return the inventc and then obtain an order for the fale of the whole, or ji part thereof as the Judge ihall dire6t ; and the heirs al if'they apprehend the perfonal eftate is appraifed too Ii fhouid reprefcnt the fame to the Judge, andrequeft to li ic fold at public auftion, or at piivate fale, as will bcft (e the intereft of all perfons concerned.

CEliSVS of the feveral Cenfus of MafTachufetts. 159

Tcwns. Inhabitants, Towns. inhabitants. 3arlille, 634 Hadiey, 1073 /hariello-wn, 2,751 Holland, 445 Chelmsford, 1,290 Leveret, 711 loncord, i»679 Longmeadow » 973 Ihacur, 1,274 Ludlow, 650 )unfiable, 485 MoDTon, 1,^35 ;aft-i>udbury, 835 Montague, 1,222 raminghaii), 1,625 New-Saiem, i>949 rroton, 1,802 Northfieid, i>o47 lollirton, 783 Orange, 766 iopkimon, 1,372 Paiirier, 1.389 .exiiigton, 1,006 Pel ham, 1,144 jncoln, 756 Shutefbury, 930 -ittleton, 904 '^outh-HadJey 801 i^alden, i,Oo9 South-Brimfield, 774 Marlborough, 1,735 Sunderland, 537 Bedford, 1,114 Springfield, 2,312 Jatick, 694 Ware, 997 'lew ton, 1,491 Vv^arwick, 1,233 'eppereil, 1,198 M'''endell, 737 leaaing, 2,025 Wiibraham, 1,743 heiburnc, 775 Weji Side of Conncdicut hirley, 713 River. toneham, 380 Afhfield, 1^741 Itow, 890 Barnardftown, 780 udbuiy, 1,303 Blandford, 1,778 rcwkfbury, 944 Buckland, 1,041 Townlhend, 1,149 Charlemont, 8:5 TyDgftjorough, 690 Chefier, 1*542 ^aJtham, 903 Chefterfield, 1,323 A^atertown, 1,207 Colrain, 2,014 A^eftford, 1,267 Conway, 2,013 A/^efton, 1,027 Cummiiigton, 9^ iVilmington, 707 Deerfieid, 1,531 iVoburn, 1,228 Eaft-Hampton, 5^^ Gil!, ,,, 46,9: 700 .ourjty of Ha m p s h i r e . Gofhen, 724 Towns. Inhabitants. Granville, 2,309 A.roherft, 1,358 Grc:enfieid, 1,254 Beichertown, 1,878 Hatfield. 809 Bnmfieid, 1,384 Hawley, 878 Granby 786 Heath, C04 Greenwich, 1,460 Ley den, 1,095 ..

i6o Cenfus of I afTachufetts.

Towns, Inhabitants, Towns. Middlcficld, 877 Montgoiiieiy, 560 Northamptun, 2,190 Nonvich, 9,59 Plainficid, 707 Rowe, 575 R-ifTell, 43» Shelburne, l,o79 Southampton, 983 Southwick, 867 Weflfield, 2,185 Weft-Hampton, 756 W. SpringHeld, 2,835 Whately, 773 VVilliamfburgh,i,i79- Worthington, 1,223 72,432 County £»/ Pl y M o u T H Abington, 1,623 Bridge water, 5,200 Cai-ver, 863 Duxborough, 1,664 Halifax, 642 Hanover, 958 Hlngham, 2,112 Hall,. 117 Kingfton, 1,037 Marlhfield, 1,256 Middleboro', 4,458 Pern broke, 1,943 Plymouth, 3.524 Plympton, 861 Rochelkr, 2,546 Scituate, 2,728 Warehani, 770 32,302 County of B A R X s r A B L E Brrnitabie, 2,064 Cliatham, i,35i Dennis, 1,408 Eaftham, i^^^ Falmouth, i,88a Harwich, 2,857 Marlhp-t', 15^ Cenfus of Maflachufetts. i6i

Tczvns. J l62 Cenfus of Maflachufetts, kc.

Towns. Inhakitanti. Towns. InhabhanH. « Medfieid, 74,') SroughtoQ, 1,020 Walpole, 989 Milton, 1,143 Weymouth, 1 ,803 Necdhani, 1,072 Wrentham, 2,061 Ouincy, J, 081 —27,216 Randolph, 1,021

Roxbury, 2,765 I Total, 422,844.

Sharon, 1,018 ! Cenfus of ike Counties in the Diftrift 0/* Maine,

County ^^YoRK. . Parfonsfield, 1,352. Berwick, 3^942 Saco, ! ,849 Wells, 3,700 Riddeford, l,3o,^ Kitrery, 8-120 Lebanon, 1,676 York, e,8o6 Lnnin^ton, 1,324 _ Sh^ipleigh, 1,766 Limerick, 829

Amridcl, 1,910 Nexyfield, SJ,:^ Phillipfburg, 1,096 Santord, l»374 Lyman, Q97 Alfred, 897 Cornifh, Buxton, 1:94° 736 , Waterboro', 1,096 34,3ol; CuMBE R LAND, 37.921 Lincoln, 30,100 Hancock, 16,316 Wash ington, 4.435, k e n n e b f. c k, 24,3Q4

Cenfus of the United States. Now-Hampfhire, 183,858 Soath-Caroiina, 3'i5,5ot Rhode-Ifland, 69,122 Georgia, 162,686^* Mallachufctts, 574,564 Kentucky, 220,955^

Connrfticut, 251,002 TenncfTce, 100,000 > X'^ermoiu, 1,^4,465 Territory, MIflifippi, 8,850 New-Yoik, 580,050 —N. of Ohio, 45,365;^ N:'\v-JeHey, jm 1,149 Indiana, 4,875 I'jimlvivanja, 602,365 Michilimacinacj&c. 760 Dsliwar-, 64,273 Diftrift of Columbia, 14.09.^ Maryland, 310,704 Vin^inia, 878,950 Total, 5,276,78'5 North-Caiolina, 478, loj Table of Intereft. 163

A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent. caVnb'cr^ in D^f/as, Cevts and Mil'rs.

pal. 164 Table of the Value, &c. of Coins*




pafs Value.




S, nd A Table of Gold Coins. 165 A TABLE for receiving and paying the Gold Coins of GREAT- BRITAIN and PORTUGAL, of then prefent Standaid, according to the Aft of Congrefs, regalatlrij; Foreign -Coins. Passed the o,tk February^ 1793- Carefully revifed.

dwt's. j doilv 1 66 A Table of Gold Coins. A TABLE For receiving and paying the Gold Coins of FRAI^'CE., .SPAIN, and the DOMINIONS of SPAIN, ot their prtfent Srandard, according to the Aft of Congrefs, re- gulating Foreign Coins. Faffed the <^tk February, 1793. Caicuiared for the uie of the Bink of the United States, Gra THE

f* Mnittn states CaienUa <^t

Government of the UNITED STATES. , LL.D. President. GEORGE CLINTON, Vice Prefident of the United States, and Pnfident of the SeuaCc. (a)

Samuel A. Otis, Secretary. SENATE. Ntw-HampJJiirey Nicholas Gilman and William Plumer.

Rhodc-ljland^ Benjamin Howland and James Fennc r. MaJfachufettSy John Q. Adams and Timothy Pickering. Conncciicut, James Hillhoufe and Uriah Tracy. Vermont, Stephen R. Bradley and Ifrael Smith. New-York. Samuel L. Mitchell and John Sm.iih. Ncw-Jerfey, John Condit and Aaron Kitchell. Pennfjlvania, George Logan and Samuel Maclay. Delaware, Samuel White and James A. Bayard. Maryland, Samuel Smith and Robert Wright. Virginia, William B. Giles and Aaron Moore. North-Carolina, David Stone and Moniford Stokes. South-Carolina, Thomas Sumpterand Giilard. Georgia, Abraham Bdlduin and James Jackfon. Kentucky, John Buckner Thurfton. Tennejfee, Jofeph Anderfon and Daniel Smith. 'Ohio, John Smith and Thomas Worthlngton.

(a) Bv theConJlituticn, theVicc-Prelld-mt is Prefident of the Senate, but has no voice, unlejs the Senate zs equally divided. 1 68 Ninth Congrefs.


Speaker. I Clerk. . | John Beckley.

Mr. Parkinfon, Chaplain. <

NEW-HAMPSHIP.E fends 5. Samuel Tenney, David Hough, Silas Bettan, Thomas W. Thonipfon, and Caleb Ellis. MASSACHUSETTS, 17. Jofiah Quincy, Jacob Crowninfhield, Jofeph B. Var- num, Phanuel Bifiiop, E^enezer Seaver, Richard Cutts, Seth Haftings, , Pcleg Wadlworth, Sam- uel Tagr;art, Jeremiah Nelfon, , Jofeph Bar- ker, Il'aiah L. Green. Barnabas Bidwell, Orcharcl Cook, and John Chandler, RHODE-I^I^AND, 2. Jofeph Staunton, jun. and Nehemiah Knight. CONNECTICUT, 7. John C. Smith, Benjamin Talma^e, Samuel W. Dana, John Davenport, jun. Timothy Fiikin, jun. Ogden Mofe- ley, and Lewis B. Sturges. VERMONT, 4. Gideon OHn, William Chamberlain, James Elliot, Mar- tin Chittenden. NEW-YORK, 17. Philip Van Cortlandt, Daniel D. Verplank, Davie Thomas, Thomas Sammons, Herry W. Livingfton, Kil- lian K. Van Renffelaer, Eliphalet Weeks, John Blake, jr Martin G. Schuneman, Jofiah Marfters, Nathan Williams John RulTell, Peter Sailly, Uriah Tracy, Gordon S. Mum- ford, Samuel Rickcr, and George Clinton, jun. NEW-JERSEY, 6. Jam^s Sloan, Ebenezer Elmer, Henry Southard, Jamc Mott, William Mtlms, Adam Boyd. PENNSYLVANIA, 18. Jofeph Clay, John Smilic, Jacob Richards, Michac Leib, Robert Brown, Frederick Conrad, Ifaac Andevfon John Whitehili, David Bond, , Willian Findley, John Rhea, James Kelly, John Pugh, Chriftiai Lowe, Sdiuuel Smith, Robert Whiiehill. DELAWARE, 1. James M. Broom. MARYLAND, 9. Jofrph H. Nltbolfon, William Mac Creery, John A-ch er, Nicholas R. Mg©re, John Dennis, Thomas Piater Ninth Congrefs, &c. 1 69

John Campbell, Roger Nelfon, Patrick Magaudor, Gharlcs Goldfborough. VIRGINIA, 22. John Randolph, jr. John Smith, JohnClopton, Thomas M. Randolph, John W. Eppes, John Dawfcn, Jofepli Lewis, jun. Edwin Gray, David Holmes, Anthony New, Thomas Claiborne, Walter Jones, Thomas Newton, jun. Abram Trigg, Peterfon Goodwin, James Stevenfon, John G. Jackfon, Thomas Lewis, , Thomas Grif- fin, Philip R. Thompfon, Chriftopher Clark. NORTH-CAROLINA, 12. Nathaniel Macon, Willis All (Ion, Richard Stanford, Marmaduke Williams, Thomas Wynns, Janjes Holland, William Blackledge, Nathaniel Alexander, Joieph Winn- flon, Thomas Blount, Duncan McFarland, Thos. Kenan. SOUTH-CAROLINA, 8. W^illiam Butler, Thomas Lowndes, Richard Winn, Levi Cafey, Thomas Moore, John B. Earle, Benjamin Hu- ger, David R. Williams. GEORGIA, 4. David Merriwether, Peter Early, Samuel Hammond, Bryan. KENTUCKY, 6. John Fowler, Matthew Walton, John Boyle, Thomas Sanford, George M. B dinger, Matthew Lyon. TENNESSEE, 3. William Dickfon, Geo.Wafhington Campbell, John Rhea. OHIO, 1. —Jeremiah Morrow. MISSISIPPI TERRITORY, 1.—William Lattimore.

Department of State, James Madifon, Secretary. Jacob Wagner, Chief Clerk. | Department of the Treafury of the United Statet» Secretary, Albert Gallatin. Comptroller, Gabriel Duvail. Auditor, Richard Harrifon.

Commifioner of the Revenue, William Miller. . Treafurer, 1 homas T. Tucker, Regtjler, Jofeph Nourfe. Direftor of the ^'Unt, Robert Patterfon. IVar Department. Secretary, . Accountant, William Simmonds. Purveyor of Puhlic Supplies, Tench Coxc. i8p6..1 P 170 Heads of Departments.—Judiciary.

Navy Department.

'1 Robert Smith, Sec etnry. | hoir.asTurner, Accountant. Jofeph Fox, Chi"/ Buildtr andConJlrvCicr.

Poji-Office EJlahlifhment. Gideon Granger, Poft-Marter-General. Abraham Bradley, Afliflant ditto. JUDICIARY. Supreme Court. John Marfhall, Chief Juftlce. AJJociate jfujlkes Wm. Cufliing, Majachufdt.s Samuel Chafe, Maryland

\\-m. Patterfon, i. l D. New- Burnd.\Varjiingtoii,r/r^//??il Jerjey Wm. Johnfon, 5. Carolina Attorney- General, John Breckenridge, of Kentucky. Clerk.

Ellas B. Caldwell, of Wafhington City. [The Records of the Courts of Errors and Appeals, in cafa of Capture, are lodged in the Clerk^s Office of this Court,"] DISTRICT OFFICERS. Diftria of Maine.

Judge. Attorney. I Marfkal. I

David Sewall. | Silas Lee. | Tho.G.Thornton. Diflridl of New-Hampfliire.

Judge. I Attorney. I Marfial. M'Clary. JobnS. Sherburne. | Danl. Humphreys | Michael ' Diftria of MafFachufetts.

Judge. Attonuy. I Uarfhal. I

John'DdVis. George Blake. ' T. Skiiiner. I J. Diflria of Rhode-Ifland.

Jvdge. I Attorney. 1 Marfhal.

David L. Barnes. | David Howell. | William Peck. Diftrid of Conneaicut.

Jj^dge. Attorney. I Marfhal. I Wilcox. Richard Law, ] Jofeph | . . .

Diftrid Officers—Federal Courts. 171

Diftrid of Vermont.

Attoyjity, ,,.. J^^'^S''' Mar/hal. I I Llijah Paine. David Fay. | John Wiliard. | Diftria of New-York;.

Judge. Attorney. I j Marjial. A-iih.B.'l allmage | Nathan Sanclford. | John Swartwout. Diftri(5l of New-Jerfey. Judge. Attorney. i M^rPial. lobert Morris. I | JofephM'llvaine. 1 Oliver Barnett. Diflria of Pennfylvania. Richard Pefers, Judge. Alexander J. Dallas, Attorney for the EaPern Diftria. ohn Smith, Mar/halfor the Eapern DiJlriEl. Diftricfl of Delaware.

' Attorney. ;. _ J^K^' \ Marjhal. .ufhing I Bedford. I | George Read, jr. Joel Lewis. Diftridt of Maryland. Jjidge. Attorney. Marjha! amesWinchefter I Z. \ | Hollingrworth. | Reuben Eiurg. Diftria of Columbia.

Chief Judge. ^ Judges. I William Kilty. Wm., J and James Marfhall. Diftria of Louifiana. Chief Judge. Judgn. j

ITTINGS OF THE FEDERAL COURTS in !-> Ux 1 T D 3 E State of y\M e k i <: .\ SUPREME COUR'r. Tthe feat of Government, on ihe firft Monday in \ rebruary, annually. CIRCUIT COURTS. '^hen any the of following days happen on a Sunday, tk< Court is to be holden on the Monday foUczoing Firjl CircuiU InRhode-IJland, at Providence, on the 1,5th day of No- :iDbcr; and at Newport, on the j^th day of June. 1 72 Sittings of the Federal Courts.

In MaJfackufettSi at Bonon, June ift and 0£lober 2oth. In New-HampJJiirey at Portfmouth, on the 19th day of

May i and at Exeter, on the 2d day of November. Second Circuit, In Conne&.iad, at New-Haven, on the 13th day of April; and at Hartford, on the 17th day of September.

In Vermont, at Windfor, on the ill day of May ; and at Rutland, on the 3d day of Oftober. In New-Yorky at New-York, April 1 and September 1. Third Circuit.

In New-Jerfey, at Trenton, April 1 and Oftober 1. In PeTtnf)lvaniay at the city of Philadelphia, April il and October 11. Fourth Circuit. In Belawarty at Dover, June 3 and Oflober 27. In Maryland, at Baltimore, May i and November 7. Fifth Circuit. In Virginia^ at Richmond, May 22 and November 22. In North-Carolina, at Raleigh, June 15 and Dec. 29. Sixth Circuit.

In South-Carolina y at Charlefton, May 20 ; and at Colum bia, November 30. In Georgia, at Savannah, May 6; and at Louifville December 14. In Columbiay for the county of Alexandria, on the 41!

Monday of June, and 4th Monday of November ; for ih county of Wafhington, on the 4th Monday of July, an 4th Monday of December. DISTRICT COURTS. IN the Diflrift o{ Maine, at Portland and WifcafTet altei nately, on the firft Tuefday of March, laft I'uefday c May, and firft Tuefday in September and December. In New-Hampjhire, alternately at Portfmouth and Ex« ter, on the third Tuefday, in March, June, September an December. In Vermont,^ at Rutland, on the loth day of October

and at Windfor, the 7ih day of May, annually : (To fit© Monday whpn they happen on Sunday.) In Majachu/'etts, at Bofton, on the 4th Tuefday in Jun

i and ift in December ; and at Salem, on the 3d Tuefday Jylarch and 2d in September. — —

Sittings of the Federal Courts. 173

In Rhode-IJiand, at Newport, on the 2d Tuefday in May, and 3d Tuefday in 0£lober ; and at Providence, the ift Tuefday in February, and the ift Tuefday in Auguft. In ConncBkuty alternately at Hartford and New-Haven, on the 3d Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft and Novemi)er. In New-York, at the city of New-York, on the firft Tuef- days of February, May, Auguft and November. In New-Jerfty^ at Nev/-Brunfwick, on the 4th Tuefdays in May and Novenaber; and at Burlington, on the 4th Tuefdays in February and Auguft. In Pmnfylvania, at Philadelphia, on the 3d- Mondays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Delaware, alternately at Dover and New-Caftle, on the 4th Tuefdays of February, May, Auguft and November. In Maryland, at Baltimore, on the firft Tuefdays in March, June, September and December. In Potomac DijiriB, at Alexandria, on the ift Tuefdays in April and 06lober. In Virginia, at Norfolk, on the 15th day of June, and 15th day of December; and at Richmond, on the 19th day

of May, and 19th day of November : (To commence on Mondays, when the times happen on Sundays.) In Norfolk DiJlriEl, at Norfolk, on the ift Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft and November. In Kentucky, ift Monday in March, ift Monday in July, and ift Monday in November, annually. In North'Carolina, Albemarle DtJlriB,dL\. Edenton, on the od Tuefdays in. April, Auguft and December. Pamptico Diftritl, at Newbern, on the 2d Tuefdays in April, Auguft and December. Cape Fear Difrid, at Wilmington, on the ift Tuefdays of April, Auguft and December. In South-Carolina, at Charlefton, on the 3d Mondays in March and September, jft Monday in July, and 2d Mon- day in December. In Georgia, at Savannah, on the 2d Tuefdays in February, May, Auguft and November.—In Columbia, on the ift Tuefdays of April andO£lober. In Eajl-Tennejfee, at Knoxviiie, on the 4th Mondays of

April and Ottober. » In IVeff-TcnneJJce, at Nafiiville, on the Thurfdays next fucceedmg the 4ih Mondays of May and November. In the Territory oi Orleans, at the city of Orleans, on the 3d Mondays of 06iober, January, April and July. In 0/iio, on the ift Mondays of February, Tune &0£tober. 1806.3 P 8 1 74 CounfeUors and Attarnies, &c.

Counfcllors and Attornies in the Circuit Court, Majfachufetts Dijlrla, James Sullivan, Shearjalnuh Bourne, Fheophilus Parfons, William Wctmore, Levi Lincoln, William Hull, Eben- ezer Bradifh, Thomns Edwards, Jonathan Fay, Rufus G. Amory, Samuel Dexter, Jofeph Hall, Edward Gray, Har- rifon G. Otis, William Prefcon, William SyiTimes, jr. Thomas Williams, jr. Horatio Townfend, Timothy Bige- lo\v, John Lowell, Ifaac Parker, John Q. Adams, John Phillips, Barnabas Bidwell, George Blake, Benjamin Whit- man, John Callender, Jofiah Quincy, Samuel Haven. Jo- feph Rowe, Ehenezer Gay, William Sullivan, Jofeph Bart- lett, Charles Paine, Francis Blake, Charles Jackfon, Joha Heard, jr. William Thurflon, Edward Jackfon, Thomas O. Selfridge, Robert T. Paine, jr. Minifters in Foreign Countries. 1 75

Secretary of the Navy, - - 4500 Dolls. Comptroller ot the Treafury, - 3500 Auditor ditto, - - 3000 Treafurer ditto, - - 3000 Regifter ditto, - - 2400 Attorney-Genera i, - - - 3000 Comm'iHioner of Revenue, - 3000 Accountant of War Department, 2000 Accoun.tant of Navy Department, 2000 Port-Mafter-General, - - ,3Q00 AfiH^ant Foft-IvTafter-General, - 1700

MINISTERS OF T E UNITED STATES, resi- dent IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. James Manroe, Minifter Plenipotentiary London Gen. John Annllrong, Minifter in France Paris Thomas Suinpter, jr. Secretary. James Bowdoin, Minifter Plenipotentiary Madrid George W. Erving, Secretary of I,egation. GecHge Sullivan, Private Secretary.

Comm'ijfioners at Paris ^ under the Loutftana Treaty^ ifaac Coxe Barnett, and Fulwar Sk-.pwith. " " A COMPLETE LIST Of the Confuls and American Agents of the United States.

In Great-Britain and its Dominions. Consuls.

William Lv man London ! Tames Maury Liverpool Elias Vandcihoft jB/7/?o/ Jofeph Wilfon Dublin j Robert W. Fox Faiinouth John Ga\ino Gibraltar James Holmes Brljaft jofeph Pulis Malta John Church Cork thos.Auldjo, ViccC. PooU

In France and its Dominions.

CoM;ai- RC I AL Agents. Fulwar Skipv.ith Paris Eiienne Cathalan Marfeilles Jacob Ridgway AnUoerp Jobu Appleton Calak liaac C. "j^M-wtxHavrtde. Gr. William Patteifon Nanlz James Audcirion Cettr. Aaron Vale VOrient William Lee Bordraux Thomas Lovcl], La Rochelle William } IJles of France & Francii Coffyn Dunhrk

Buchanan > Bourbon \ Henry Willon OJiend

}r>\\\\l\]^\'iii.\\z\\. jr r. Havre de Gr-uce,} j ^ . ^ ''' ^^^^'^^^raal Agents. i hcmas Aborn, Cayerm.. \ 176 Confuls in Foreign Countries.

In Spain and its Dominions. Consuls Mofes Young Madrid Lewis Meagher ?s^^^^^, JofephYznardi Cadiz O Brian S Robt. Montgomery Alicante John Leonard Barceloni ^Vm. Kirkpacrick Malaga Henry Hill IJland of Cubi John James Armftrong, IJland of Teneriffe John Martin Baker, IJles of Majorca, Minorca, and Yvica.

In Portugal and its Dominions, Consuls.

'\A/''illiam Jarvis li/hon I Marian Lemar Madeir> John Street Fayal |

Within the Batavian Republic and its Dependencies, Sylvanus Bourne, Conful-General, Amjlerdam. Thomas Hewes, Confal, Batavia. George Reid, Conful of the Batavian Republic, for tfc States oi South-Carolina and Georgia.

In Denmark and its Dominicns. Consuls. HansRodolphSaabyeCc;)fw/itj,§-^« B^o^vn5^ Cr^. { JohnF. In PruJJia. Consuls. Frederick Stettin Lmbd W. Lutze \ "William Ciarke In Germany. Consuls. ederickJ/A'^ich-) p Idhauftn^ \^^^^^^'^^ Foreign Minifters Inthe U. States. 177

In Algiers, roblas Lear, Conwl-General- George Davis, of New-York^ Conful at Tunis. John Gavino, Conful. In the IJland of Jamaica. James M. Henry, Agent. MINISTERS AND CONSULS of FOREIGN POW- ERS, RESIDKNT IN THE UNITED STATES. From the Kingdom of Great-Britain, Anthony Merry, Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Ple- nipotentiary to the United States. Edward Thornton, Charge d^ Affaires. Alfo appointed in the fame chara^er to the Court of Berlin. Thomas Barclay, Conful-Generai (or the Eaftern States. Phineas Bond, Conful-General for the Middle and Southern States. Andrew Allen, jr. Con/ul for MafTachufetts, New-Hamp- ftiire, Rhodc-Ifland, and ConneQicut. Benj. Moodie, Confuliov N. and S. Carolina and Georgia. John Breefe, Vice-Conful for Rhode-Ifland. Gabriel Wood, Vice-Conful for Baltimore.

From the French RepuhRct

Louis Andre Pichon, Charge d^Affaires and Conful-Gene- ral at Georgetown. Marc Antoine Alexis Giraud, Conful for the New-Eogland States, at Bofton. Citizen Ray, Conful for New-York and New-Jerfey, at New-York. Louis Arcambal, Cc??/i^/ for Maryland, at Baltimore,

Girard Ciizeaux, Vice-Conful -aI Portfmouth, (N. rl.j Jofeph Marie Lequinio Keiblay, P^ice-Confiu, at M' .'/port. Citizen Fourcroy, (pro temporej Vicc-CcnfiLl, at Phi-lidsiphis^

Citizen DeliUe, Vice-Corful, st Wilmington, {N. C ) Citizen Oikr, Vice-Conful, at Norfolk. Citizen Sotm, Vice-Conful, at Charlefton, (S. C) Citizen Souk, Vice-Conful, at Savannah, (Geort.iu.j Citizen Marul, Ccnful tot Kenuicky, at New-Ojici-i Colonel Toulard, Confid, at New-Orlcaiji.

From the Kingdom of Spain, Marquis de Cafa Yrujo, Minijier Plenipotentiary, at Wafh- ington. 178 Foreign Confuls in the U. States.

Don Jofeph Bruno Magdclana, Secretary of Legation, a^ Wafhingtoii. Sig. DonValentindeForonda, CoTr/J/Z-Gen^ra/, Philadelphia Faullo de Foronda, Sig. Don Vke-Conful Genera', . do. Sig. Don Juan Stoughton, (a) Conful, tor New-Hamplhire, Conne6licur, Rhode-Ifland, Vermont, and Mallachu fetts, at Bofton. Sig. Don Thomas Stoughton, Conful for New-York, at City of New-York. Sig. Don Juan Baptifta Barnabeu, Vke-Conful for Maryland, at Baltimore. Sig. Don Antonio Argote Villalobos, Vke-Conful for Vir- ginia and Kentucky, at Norfolk. Sig. Don Diego Murphy, Conful for North and South Carolina and Georgia, at Charleflon, (S. C.)

From the Kingdom of Portugal. Joaquim Monteiro, Vke-Conful for the States of New-York, Rhode-Ifland, Maffachu fetts, and Connefticut. James F. Vernock, Vke-Conful {ox South-Carolina. Mr. Suvaro, Vke-Conful for Pcnnfylvania. Jofeph Radermaker, Charge d'Ajfaires and Conful-General,

From the Batavian Republic. Adrian Valck, Conful for Maryland and Virginia. Jan Booncn Graves, Confuliox South-Carolina and Georgia, J. H. C. Heineken, Commercial Agent for Pennfylv-aoia. John G. Bogert, Vks'Commercial Agent for New-York.

From Prujfta, Johann Ernft Chriftian Schulz, Conful at Baltimore. From the Kingdom of Denmarh. Peter BlicherOlfen, Minilkr Refidentand Conful-General. Peter Pederfon, Charge d' Affaires to the United States. Vlce'Confuh, Jacob E. A. Steinmeiu, for South-Carolina. Jofeph Winthrop, ditto. William Scarborough, for Georgia. Erich BoUman, for Pcnnfylvania. John Baritz, for North-Carolina. John Spendler, for New-York and Connefticut. (a) Who alfotranfaBs the bifinefs in the rcoom of Sig Dm Jofeph Wiftmany of Newport, deceafed. 'eter Collin, for Maryland. onathan Swift, for Dillritl of Columbia. David Greene, for Bofton, (Maifachufetts.) jeorge Hammerkin, Conful for the New England States.

. F. iichard, Efq. Conful iox the Middle States. From Stveden* ilichard Soderftrom, Confid-General. fofeph Winthrop, Vice-Ccnful, Charlefion, ("S. C) [ona. Swift, Via-Ccnjul, Columbia, and ports on Potomac, i^harles I'. Degen, Vice-Ccnful^ New-Hampfhire, Maffachii- fettsand Rhode-Ifland. rienry Gahn, Vice-Confnl, for New-York and Ct)nne6licut. [ohn Barjtz, Vicc-Conjul for North-Carolina. Peter Collin, VicerConful ioi Maryland. [ohn Cowper, Vice-Conful for Norfolk, and all other ports in Virginia, except thofe on the Potomac. DUTIES, PAYABLE BY LAW ON ALL GOODS, WARES and MERCHANDIZE, imported into the United States from and after the of June, 1804.

Xj' ff imported in foreign Jhips or vejels, an addition is made of 10 per centum on the amount of duties. Note. Articles on which the duties are eftimated per

:entum, are underftood to be ad valorem ; except whea )therwife particularly expreffed, as, per cwt. per gailo.n, >er pound, per doz. \LE, beer and porter, in cafKs or bottles, 8 cents per gall, on the bottles,, if black glafs quart bottles 60 crs. per grofs. \lmonds, - , 2 cents per lb. \nchors, , , - i| cents per lb. \nnifeed, - . . 175 per cent. Antimony, regulus of, - free. Apparatus, philofophical, fy^ecially im- ported for any feminary of learning, free. Apparel,"- wearing. 5e^ -Wearing apparel \qua fortis, ... free. \ims, fire and fide, not otherwife enu- merated, or parts ;hereof, cent. , 17^ per i8o Duties on Goods, &c.

Articles of all kinds, of rhe growth, or manufnclurc of" the United States, or their territories, upon which no( drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid orj admitted, - _ « Artificial flowers, feathers, and other orr^a- ments for women's head-dreHes, 17^ per cent BAGGAGE, perfonal. Sie Wearing Apparel. &c. » Balls & Balfoms See Powders, Paftes, &c. Bark of the cor!; tree, - - free. Beer,^ ale, and porter. See A\e. Beafts, viz. horfes, cattle," ftftcp, fsvine, or other ufeful ones, rmported for breed, free. Bohea seas. See Teas. Bonnets, h ts, and caps of every kind, I7f per cent. Books> blank, _ - _ 15 per cent. Boots, - 75 cents per pa Bottles, black glafs quart,. 60 ct3. per gro Brafs cannon, 17^ per cent. Brafs teutenage and wire, free. Brafs, all other manufiiftures of brafs, 1 7^ per cent. Brafs, iron, or fteel locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes. 15 per cent. Bricks and tiles, Briftles, of fwine, free. Brufees, 1^ per cent, Bnckles, fiioe and kaiee. i7g per cent. Bullion, - „ - free, Burgundy wine. See Wines. Burr-ftones, unwroughr, free. Buttons of every kind, 17! per cent. CABINET wares, 175 per cent, Cables and tarred cordage, 2 cents per It Cambricks, - _ _ 15 per cent. Candles of tallow. 2 cents per ]\ Candies of wax or fpermaceti» 6 cents per It Canes, walking fticka or whips,. 15 per cent. Cannon of brafs, - - - 17I per cent. Capers, - - - 175 per cent. Caps, hats, and bonnets of e\7ery kind, I7I per cent. Cards, wool and cotton. 50 cents per di Cards, playing. 85 cts. per pat Carpets and carpeting, 17^ per cent. Csrriages,, or parts ot carriages^ 2fg per cent. Cajtridgepaper- i7^percciit Duties on Goods, &c. i8i

Caflia, Chinefe, - - 4 cents per lb. Champaign wine. See Wines. Cheel'e, - - - 7 cents per lb. ware, . - - 17^ per cent. Chintzes and coloured calicoes or mufllns, and all print-") ^ goods or manufaftures, or ed, ftained or coloured | JJ not being printed, ftained or coloured, of cotton, of ^ ^ is o* linen, or of both,, or of which cotton or linen the j material of chief value, Chocolate, 3 cents per lb. Cinnamon and cloves, 2o cents per lb. Clay, unwrought, fne. Clocks and watches, or parts of either, See Watches. Clogs and golofhoes. See Shoes. Clothing ready made, 15 per cent. Coaches, ch'rtots, phaetons, chairs, ch ifes, folos, or other carriages, or parts ofeither, 22| per cent. Coal, . _ - bufhel. Cocoa, - - - 2 cents per lb. Coffee, - - 5 cents per lb. Colours. See Painters. Comfits, - - - 172 per cent^ Compofitions for the teeth or gums. See Dentifi-ice. Copper manufactures, ly^ per cent. Copper in plates, pigs, and bars, ffe£. Cordage, tarred, a cems per lb. Cordage, untarred, 2| cents per lb. Cork tree, bark of, Coimetics, 17k per cent. Cotton, _ - _ 3 cents per lb. Cotton rags. See Rags. Cotton or linen manufaBures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the mate- rial of chief value, whether printed, ftalned, coloured, or otherwife. 15 per cent. Currants, - - - 2 cents per lb. Cutlades, or parts thereof, i7g per cent. DATES, 17I per cent. Dentifrice, powdejs, tinftures, prepara- tions and compofitions for the teeth and gums, - - - - ly^percerit.

Difhes, pewter, - . - 4 cents per lb. 1 82 Duties on Goods, &c.

Dolls, drened ScundrefTcd, or parts thereof, 1 7^ per cent. Drugs, and woods for dyeing, - Jf£t. Drugs, nriedicinui, except thofc common- ly ufed for dyeing, 17^ per cent. EARTHEN and ftone ware, 175 per cent. Eilences. Set Powders, paftes, &c. FANS, or parts thereof, 175 per cent. Fayalwine. 5e(f Wines. Feathers, and other ornaments for women^ head dreffirs, - - . 175 per cent. Figs, - - 2 cents per lb» _ -_ Filh, dried, foreign caught, Fiih, raackarel, 60 crs.ptrbanel.

Fifh, fa 1 men, loo CIS. per barrel. Fifli, all other pickled, 40 cents per bbl. Floor-cloths and mats, or parts of either, 175 per cent. Flowers, artificial, 172 per cent. Fringes commonly ufed by upholllerers, coachmakers and faddlers, 172 per cent. Fruits of all kinds, except thofe otherwife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cent. Furs of every kind, undrcfled, fne. - GAUZES, _ - ij per cent. _ Geneva fpirits. Sec Spirits. - - - Ginger, . J 75 per cc!U, Gjrandoles, or parts thereof, 22^ per cent. Glals, black quart bottle's, 60 cents pr. gr(

Glals, window, not above 8 by lo inches, 160 cts. J pr. 100 C''ia(s, window, notabove 10 by 12 inches, 175 cts. > fqua;.* G-ia's, window, above 10 by 12 inches 223 cts. ) feet. Glals, all oLher glals, and manufadures thereof, 22§ per cent. Grauber falts, - - - 200 cents per twt. Gloves and mittei-s of ever}- kind, 17^ p'T cen;. Glue, 4 cents per lb. Gold, filver and plated ware, 17A per ce: t. Gold and filvcr lace, 172 per cent. Golofhoes. See Shoes. Goods, wares and merchandize imported dlreftly from China or India in fliips or veflels not of the United States, except teas, China ware, and all other articles liable to higher ratrs of duties. Goods, wares and merchandize, not herein otberwiie particularly eimmciated und dcfcribed, . , . jj per cent, Duties on Goods, &c. 18?

Goocls, wares and merchandize, intended to be re-ex-l porrcd to a foreign port or place in the fame fiup or | ve{lel ni.which they fhall be imported— and all arti- I ^ ' cles of the growth or manufaaure of the United ^States, ( < or of their territories, upon which no draw- 'oatk, | bounty or allowance has been paid or adir.itted ' J Gum, cliiefiy ufed in preparing muflins, cottons or linens, for receiving colours - or dyes, - . /;. - Gum Arabic, - _ y^^,^_ Gunpowder, - _ ^ ^^^r: H A KGLRS, or parts thereof, - irA per c . . Hair powder, . ' 4 cents per /h Hats, caps, and^ bonnets of every kind, 17^ per cent. - ^^' " " ri - loo cents per cwt. Hempen rags, - . f^^^^ Hides, - raw, . y).^^ Hrx^piron, - - . i Vent ^cer lb :MPLExMENTS or tools of a mechanical trade only, of perfons who arrive in the United States, - _ _ r^^^ "^'g°». - - - '25 cents per lb. ion v,ire, - - . yy^^ - - - i^'cents '^"'iS^^"' , per lb. ron, flit and hoop, - . 1 cent per lb, ron, itcel, or brafs locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vices, . . 15 per cent. ron, caft, and all manufaftures of iron, fteel or brafs, or of which eifher of thele inetals is the article of chief value, not being otherwife particularly enu- merated, - . 1-1 1^ EWELRY and pafle work, - ^J, '^7I ^ ,"nt HD and Morocco flioes. L Shoes. -ACE of gold and j^x fiiver, - - per cent. aces and lau^s, . 1 /per cent. •aces, lines, tringes, taifels and trimmings coinmonly ufed by upholfterers, coach- ^^^^^^^' - - f^ 17^ per cent.,,J^±;" , . J5 per cent. api:. Camninaris, . . jj^^f - ^':;ir^A^f' - ^ cent per Ib. ^^^"^^^-^^• 3x^:;:inlau.s;fiead;orin which lead is the chief article, . , cent per lb. 184 Duties on Goods, &c.

Leather, tanned and tawed, and all manu. faftures of leather, or of which leather is the article of chief value, not other- wife particularly enumerated, - 17^ per cent. Lemons and litnes, - - > 17! per cent. Lime, foreign, in cafks of 60 gallons, 50 cents per call Linen or cotton manufaftures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the mate- rial of chief value, whether printed, ftained, coloured or otherwife, - 15 per cent. Linen rags, - - - free. Lifbon and Oporto wines. Set Wines. Looking glafs, - - - 22| per cent. MACE, - - - 125 cen's per lb Mackerel, _ - - 60 cents per bb Madeira, Malaga, and other wines. See Wines. Malt, - - - loots, per buflu Manufaflures of tin, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and difhes, - 17» per cent. Manufaftures of iron, lleel, or brafs, not otherwife particularly enumerated, 17^ per cent. Manufaftures of leather, not otherwife particularly enumerated, - - \']\ per cent. Manufaftures of lead, not otherwife par- ticularly enumerated, - - 1 cent per lb Manufaftures of cotton or linen, or of both, whether printed, ftained, coloured or otherwife, - - 15 per cent. Manufatlures of glafs. See Glafs. Manufafclures of tobacco. See SnufF, fe- gars and tobacco. Manufaftures of wood. See Cabinet wares and wood. Manufaftares of the United States, or their territories, upon which no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid or admitted, . _ - free. Marble, flate, and other fione, bricks, tiles, tables, morters, and other utcnfils of marble or flate, and generally all Hone - and earthen ware, . 17^ per cent; Mats and floor-cloths, or parts of cither, 17I per tent* Medicinal drugs, except thofe commonly ufed in dyeing, - - 17^ per cent. ^ .

Duties on Goods, &c.

Merchandize, goods and wares imported direftly from China or India, in fhips or veflels rot of the United States, except teas, China ware, and all other articles liable to higher rates of duties. Merchandize, goods and wares intended to he re-ex- ported to a foreign port ior place, in the fame fliip or *V j

veHel in which they Diall be imported ; and ail arti- 1 ^ cies of the growth or m.anufafture of the United f <^ Sta:es, or of their territories, uwon which no draw- j back, bomity or allowar.ce has been paid or admitted, J Merchandize, goods and wares, not herein otherwife paricularl)^ enumerated and defcribed, - _ - 15 per cent.

Millenary ready made. 1 7-i: per cent. Mittens and gloves of every kind, 17-| per cent.

Molafles, - . - 5 cents per gall. Morocco and kid flioes. See Shoes, Mufkets and firelocks, with or without bayonets, or parts of either, per cer Miiflins and mufiinets, whether printed,

llained, coloured, or otherwife, - 1,' T'^'t cent. - Muftard in flour, . .1 ;-| per cent, NAILS, - - - fice.usperlb, >s'ankins, . - - 15. percent. Nutmegs, - - - ^50 cents per fh. OCHRE yellow, dry, - - 1 cent per lb. Ochre yellow, in oil, - - 1-| cents oer lb Oil, ... i;! per cent. Oil oT vitriol, - . - Jrte. Ointments, oils and odours. Sec Pow- ders, paftes, &c. Old pev»tcr, Jrcp. Olives, - - - - i/a per cent. Oporto and Liftjon wine, 30 cents per gall,

Oranges, - . - • 17-1 per cent- Ornaments for women's head-drelTes, ^7» P*^"^ cent. PACKTHREAD and twine, 400 cents percwt. Painters' colour:;, whether dry or ground in oil, except thofe otherwife enunie- rat:ed, and thofe commonly uied in dyeing, - - - 17I per cent. Paper hangings, ' - - - K\ pc"" cent. Paper, writing and wrapping, i,'^ per cent. Paper, fheathing and cartridge, \~\ per cent. ' l8p6J i^ 2 1 86 Duties on Goods, &c.

PaPicboards, parchment or vellum, - 15 per cent. Paftework and jewelry, - - 17^ per cent. Pepper, - - - 6 cents per lb. Perfumes, - - - 17^ per cent.

. Pewter manufaftures^ except plates and dlfhes, - - - 17^ per cent. Pewter plates and difhes, - 4 cents per Ih. Pewter, old, - - - fra. phaetons, or parts thereof, - . 22^ per cent. Yhilolophical apparatus, fpecially import- for any feminar)' of learning, - yVf?. Pickled fifh of every kmd, except macka- rel and falmon, - - 40 cents per bb Pickles of all forts, - - 175 per cent. Pitlures and prints, - _ 1^ per cent. - - Pimento, . 4 cents per lb. Piftols, or parts thereof, - - 17I per cent. Plaifter of Paris, - - Jree. Plumbs and prunes, - - e cents per lb. Porter, beer, or ale, in caflcs or bottles, 8 cents per gal on the bottles, if black glafs quart bottles, 60 cts. per grol Powder, hair, - - - 4 cents per lb. Powder, gun, . - 4 cents per lb. Powders, palies, halls, balfams, ointments, oils, waters,')

waftif^s, tinftures, effences, or other preparations, or j compoiitions, commonly called fweet fcents, odours, V

- or cofmetics, and all powders or prepara- | tions for the teeth or gums, - - j Primed, ftained, or coloured goods, or manufafturcs of cotton, or of linen, or of both, - . _ 15 per cent. Printing types, - - 1 c per cent. OUICK.^ILVER, - - 6 cents per lb. RAGS of cotton, of hempen, of linen, and of wooien cloth, - - fret. Raifnis unported in jars and boxes, and iTJufcadel raifins, - - 2 fcnts per lb. llailius, - . all other kinds of, 1^ cents per II Raw hides and fkiix';, - - . Jt^'C. Red lead, - - . 2 cents per lb. Regains of antimony, - - jree. Rum. 5f^ Spirits. SADDLES^ or parts thereof, - 15 per cent. Saffron, - - . jr^e. Sail cloth, - - - ij per cent. Duties on Goods, 8cc. iS7

8almon, - - - loo cents per bW. Salt, weighing more than fifty-fix pounds - per bulnel, , 20 cts. pr, /jfiibs. Salt, weighing fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, or lefs, _ . - 2o cts pr. buihel. '- Salt petre, - 15 per cent. Salts, glauber, - - 2co cents per cwt.

Sattins and other wrought filks, - 1,5 per cen:. Sea ftores of (hips or vcifels, « J)ee. Segars, - - - 200 1000- Seines, - - - 4 cents per ib. Sheathing and cartridge paper, - 17^ per c->;ni. Sheet iron, - - - I5 cents per ib. Sherry and other wines. See Wines. Shoes, kid and morocco, - - 15 cents per pair. Shoes and flippers of filk, - - 25 cents per pair. Shoes, other fhocs and flippers for men and women, clogs or golofhoes, - 15 cents per pair. Shoes, other fiioes &.flippers ior children, 10 cents per pair. Silver lace, _ - _ 17^ per c^xn. Silver and plated ware, - - 17^ per cent- Skins and hides raw, - - f'^^e. Slate, ftone, and flone ware, - 175 per cent. Slit and hoop iron, - - 1 cent per ;l>. Snutf, - - - 10 cents per 'b. Soap, - - - 2 ce:its per ib. Solos ar>d other carriages, or parts thereof, 22^ per cent. Spanifh brown, - - - 1 cent pvT tb. S^iermaceti candles, _ - 6 cents per )b. Spikes, - . - 1 cent per lb. Spirits, diftilled in foreign countries, viz. Frmn Grain. ift proof, 28 cents per gall, 4th proof, 31 cents per gall. sd proof, 29 cents per gall, 5fh proof, 40 cents per gall. gd proof, 31 cents per gall. 6th proof, 50 cents per gall. Frorn other materials.

ift proof, 2^5 cents per gall, Ath proof, 32 cents per gall. fid pioof, 25 cents per gall. 3th proof, 38 cents per gall. 3d proof, 28 cents per gall. 6th proof, 46 cents per gall.

Spirif.s diftilled In the United States, imported in the fame fliip or vefTcl in which they had been prcvioufty exported from the United States, viz. From Mo'a[fes. ift gall. proof, 1 5 cents per gall. | 2d proof, 16 cents per 1 88 Duties on Goods, &c.

3d proof, 17 cents per gall. 1 5th proof, 23 cents per gall. 4th proof, 19 cents per gall. | 6th proof, 30 cents per gall. From wattrials of the growth and produce of the U. States. ift proof, 7 cents per gall. 4th proof, 11 cents per gall. 2d proof, 8 cents per gall. ,5th proof, 13 cents per gall. 3d proof, 9 cents per gall. 6th proof, 18 cents per gall. Stained, printed or coloured goods, or manufactures of coiton, or of linen, or of both, ^5 per cent. Starch, _ _ - 3 cents per Ih. Steel, - - - - loo cents pr. cwt. Steel, iron or brafs locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - - 15 per cent. Steel, all other manufarlures of fleel, - 17^ per cent. " Stockings, - - - 1/1 per cent. Stone and earthen ware, - - 17J per cent. Stones burr, unwrought, - - y^t'^* Sugars, brown, - - - 2^ cts. pr. lb. Sugars, white, clayed, ... 3 cents per lb. Sugars, v>'hire, powdered, - - 3 cents per lb. Sugars, all other clayed or powdered, 25 cts. pr. lb. Sugar, lump, - _ _ 6^ cts. pr. lb. Sugar loaf, - - - - 9 cents per lb.

Sugar, other refined, - - ' 6-| cents per Ih. Sugar, candy, - - - 1 if cents per lb. Sulphur, - - - 1^ per cent. Sweet fcents. Sec Powdeis, &.C. Swine, briftlcs of, - - free. Swords, cutla(Tl-s, or parts of either, - ij-l per cent. TABLES of marble, llate and other ftone, or parts thereof, - 175 per cent. Tallow, - - - if cents per lb. Tallow candles, - - - 2 cents ^ler lb. Tarred cordage, - - - 2 cents per lb. Taffels and trimmings commonK' ufed by upholders, coachmakcrs and faddlers, 17^ per cent. Teas from China and India., or frow any ijland lying tajlwardly of the Cape of Good Hope. Tea, Bohea, - . > 12 cents per lb. I ea, Souchong and other black teas, 18 cents per lb. lea, Hyfon, imperial, gunpjwder, or - • gomee, - - 32 cents per lb. •T^a, cthLT green teas, - - 20 cents per lb. Duties on Goods, &c. 189

From Europe. Tcts, Bohea, - - 14 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 21 cents per lb. Teas, hylon,imperlal,gunpowder,orgomqe,4o cents per lb. Teas, other green teas, - - 24 cents per lb. From any other place. Teas, Bohea, - - - 17 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 27 cents per lb. Teas, Hyfon, ira penal, gunpowder, or gomee, • - - 50 cents per lb. Teas, other green teas, - - 30 "cents per lb. Teneriffe and Tokay wines. 5f£ Wines. Tiles and bricks, - - 17^ per cent.

Tin manufaftures, . - i~\ per cent. Tin in pigs and plates, - - free, TinQures. See Powders, paftes, &c. Tobacco, manufaftured (other than fnuff and fegars, - - - 6 cents per lb. Tools or implements of a mechanical trade only, of perfons who arrive In the U- nited States, - - - free. Toys, not otherwlfe enumerated, - 15 per cent. Turmeric, _ _ - Jree. Twine and packthread, - - 400 cents per cwt. Types for printing, - - 15 per cent. UNMANUFACTURED wood, Jrec Unmanufaftured wool, - - free. Untarred cordage, - - 2^ cents per lb, Untarred yarn, - - - 225 cents per cwt Unwrought clay, - - free. Unwrought burr ftones, - - free. VELVETS and velverets, • 15 per cent. Verdigris, - - free. Vitriol, oil of, - - f^e<'* Wafers, - - - 17^ percent- Walking flicks, whips and canes, - 15 per cent. Wares of tin, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and diihes, - - 17^ per cent. Wares, earthen or ftone, - - lyg per cent. Wares, China, - - 17^ per cent. Wares, gold, filver and plated, - 17I percent. Wares, goods and merchandize, imported direftly '\ - Irom China or India, In {hips or veffels not. of ihef t United States, except teas, China waie, and all other^.^ - articles liable to higher rates of duties, / ii 190 Duties on Goods, &c.

Wares, goods and inerchandize, of tlie growth or^ manuFatiare ol the United States, or of their rerritoV 5 ries, upon which no drawback, bounty or allowaii cT ^ has been paid ox, admitted, - - ) Watches and clocks, or parts of either, 17^ per cent. Waters Sc v.afnes. Sec Powder's, paftcs,&c. Wax candles, _ _ - 6 cents per lb. Wcarijig apparel and other perfonal bag- gage, ot pcrl'ons who arrive in the United States, - - free. Whice and red lead, - - 2 cents per lb. Window glafs. Sf^e Glafs. IVines in cajks, bottks, or other vcjfels. Wines, Malmiey, Madeira and London, particular Madeira-, - - 58 cents per gall. Wines, ail otherMadeira wine, - 50 cents per gall. Wines, Burgundy, Champaign, Rheriifh, and Tokay, _ . , 45 cents per gall. Wines, Sherry, and St. Lurar, - 40 cents per gaJl. Wines, Ciaret & other wines, not enumer- ated, whcninipojtedin hot Ties or cafe s, 35 cents per gall. Wines, Lifbon, Oporio, and oiher Poitu- gal wines, - - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, Sicily, - - 30 cents per gall. Wines, I'encriffe, Fayal, Malaga, St.

George, and other v.eftcrn ili md v.ines, 28 cents per gull. Wines, all other wintrs, when imported otherwife than in bottk'S or ca4cs, 23 cents j^er gall. per grois. On the bottles, ij- black glafs quart bn-.tics, 60 cts. If other than black glafs quirirt bottles, 92-| per cent. Wire of brafs and iron, - - ./'"^f- W^ood unmanufactured, - . free. Wood manufaftured, exclufnc of cabinet ' '^^"^• wares, - • - _ ?5 P^'" Woods, dyeing, - - jft-e. Woollen rags, - - free. YA'RN, untarred, - - 22 j cents per csvt. ALL other goods not before particularly enumerated and defc?ibed, - 15 P^^ c^"^* ^:^ All parts of articles to be fubjeft to the fame duties as the entire article is fubjeft to.

On TiW ad valorem articles imported from any foreign port within the Cape of Good Hope, 10 per cent, to be added to the aftual coft, including all charges, (outfidc Reftridions on Importations. 191 packages, commifTions and infurance only excepted) before '"' '' ""• ^^^'^^"^ ^^^ beyond f^Jca^e"^^^^'' ^^ ^"^ All dutied articks, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than one year, are allowed a draw- back ot the dunes, fubjea to a dedudion of 3I per cent, except Ipirits, which is /la/f a cent per gallon, and 2I per cent, v on the amount of duties. ^ The Bottles in which Liquors are imported, to pay the«^7"w.fame (hit^ as empty bottles. ' / / No merchandize to , be imported in any veflel beloneinsr in whoie or m part to a cuizen or inhabitant of the United btate.s, unlefs the matter of fuch veflTel fhall have on board a Manifeft m writing, figned by fuch mafter, or other rer- lon having the command, containing the name of the port ^r place where (uch merchandize was received, and the port A-here conhgned or deftined to, within the Umted States 3drticu!ar noting y the merchandize defined for each port •elpectively and every ; package on board fuch veflelto be )articularJy delcribed ;— to whom configned, or if to order vith the names of all paifengers, diftinguifhing whether abin or Peerage paffengers, or both, with their baggage, no an account of all remaining fea-ftores, (if any.) ^o goods, wares, or merchandize, of foreign growth or aanutadure, iabject to the payment of duties, fliall be rought nito the United States from any foreign port or lace, in any other manner than by fta ', nor m any fliip r ^xllel of lels than Thirty Tons buUJim, agreeable to the '"^^"^f^ining American tonnage, •S^- o except in certain iltncts on the Northern, Northweflern and Weflern boun- anes of the United States, adjoining to the dominions of riear-l^rKain in Upper and I ower Canada, and the diftrias ^ the nveis Ohio and Miflifippi. No beer, ale or porter, to be imported in cafi

No dlftilled fpims, (arrack and fwect cordials excepted) to be imported in calks orvefrds of le is capacity than Sindy gallons vjiiic meufure^ on pain of forleiiure, with the fhip or vellel, nor in calks or vellds which have been marked parfuaru to any law of the United S.atcs, on pain of for- feiture of the laid niined loaf or lump fugar, and diftil'ed

fpirits, togedi- r with the faid fliip or veflel : Provided, that the forfeiture fh-ill not be incurred on '* any fhips imported or brought into the United States, in other cafks or veflcls aforefaid, or the fhip or vefTel in which they {hall be brought, if fuch fpirits {hall be for the ufe of the feamen on board oi fuch {hip or veflel, and (hall not exceed the quantity of foui

gallons ior each feaman," and which Jhatl at the time of th<. entry qf t-ke /aid vrfd be znjhud m the manifcjl as thefca jtores cj jitchjhip or vcjUl. " No Ihip or veiTcl from foreign ports, or coming by fe from any port of the United States, fhall be permitted to re port, make entry, or breai' bulk, till the mafter {hall dclive to the poft-maiter all letters under his care, or within hi power, other than fuch as are directed to the owner or ownn of futh Jliip or vejjel, and on oath or affirmation, to b taken of fuch delivery, the mafter to receive two cents fc every letter fo delivered." {Pcjl-OJice Law.

Ports of Entry and Delivery for Foreign Vejcls.

No ^flfel not wholly helonging to a citizen or citizens ( the United Stares, fhaii be admitted to unload at any po

or place, except the f'Mlowing ; Nft w-H AM p s H i R E . Portfmouth. — Ma s s a c h i sivTTS.—Portland MK^ Falmouth, New-Bedfcrdy Dightoi SalcfP. and Beverly, Glovccfler, Newburyport, Marblchcai Nantucket, B ficn, Chark'iozun, Cambridge, Plymoutl Bath, Frenchman's-Bay, WifcafTet, Machias, Penobfco .— Biddeford and Pepp ere Iborough —R H o D E -I s L A N D Newport, Providence, BnficL—Connect tcut.—Nei London, New-Haven.—N E w-Y o R K.. New-York.—N E v

Jersey- . Perth- Ambcy, Burlington. Pen n s y l

N ! A. Philadelphia. —De la w a r e. — Wilmington, NeN

Cafllc, Port-Peim. Ma •, v lan d. — Baltimore, Annapoh Vienna, Oxford, Georgetown on Pofomack, Cheftertow Creek, Nottingham, Naujemoy, Diga:c's landing, Sno^

hill, Carrolfburgh.—V i K c i n i a.—Alexandria, Kinfal Newport, TapHhannock, Port-Royal, Fredericklburgh, U banna, Yorktown, Weft-Point, Hampton, Bermudajiu — J

Fees. Tonnage—Cudoiri-Houfe 1 93 dred, City-point, Rocket's-Ianding, Norfolk zud Port/moiith. —North^Carolina.— Wimhi^ion, Newhern, Beau- fort, Wajhington, Edenton, Plankbridge. — S<'>^' T h-Caro-

t — L I N A. C/wrlejion, Georgetown, Beaiijort.—O k o R g a. Savannah, Sunoury, Brunfwick, Frcderica, St. Mary'*. Nor fliall any vcfTel froin the Cape of Good-Hope, or be- yond the fame, be admitted to enter, except at the ports in the above lifts, which are diftinguirned by Italics. TONNAGE,

By ASi 0/ Congrcfs, nppreved 2d (>J Mc'-ch, 1799, to be paid at the time of entering the veiTel, and bcfcre ?.ny permu {hall be granted for uuloatljng any part of the cargo. (Seci.S^.)thefoU0a>ing rate$. f Sec aljif/lcl 20July, ijgi.

On alljkipi orvejfcls, et? taring from a)iy foreign port orldace. Per Ton Cents. Ships or vefTels of the Unite


To the Ccikcior and Naval Officer. DoUs.Ccr.ts. Entry of a vefTel of 100 tons or upwards, - 2 50 Clearance of do. do. do. - 2 50 Xntry of a velfel vmder loo tons, - - 1 50 Clearance of do. do. do. - - 1 5<5 Every poft entry, - - - 2 Permit to land goods, - - _ 20 Evcryr bond taken officially, - _ . 40 Permit to land goods for exportation for drawback, So 1806.] R 194 Surveyor's Fees, &c.

^ ' Debenture or other official certificate, - ' p^ Bill of health, - . _ 2^ Offic;.il document (except regifter required by any perlonj - ' . . ^ J 20

To the Surveyor. Admeafufing and certifying the fame, of every flilp or velfcl of 100 tons and under, per ton - % Admeafureraent of every fhip or vefTel above loo tons, and not exceeding 200 tons, - 1 'lO Above 200 tons, - _ . g all For other forvices on board" any {hip or vefTel of lao tons or upwards, having' on board goods, ^ wares or merchandize, fubjeCt to duty, - ' ^ For like fervices on board any fhip or vefTel of lefs than - loo tons, _ 50 On all velFels, not having on board goods, wares and merchandize, fubjeft to duty, - 66^

Allozoance for Draught. }';,

Any quantity of 1 cwt. or ii2lb. - - rf. Above 1 — and under 2 cwt. a 2 — and under 3 cwt. S 3 — and under 10 cwt. 4 10 — and under 18 cwt. ^ • y 1 8 — and upwards, 9

Tare. every On whole chcfl of Bohea tea, - - 7JS* On every half ditto, 36-lb. quarter ditto, - '£0. On every chefl of Hyfon or other green tea, of 70 lb. or upwards, - - - 2© cvrry On box of other tea, between 50 and 70 lb. I'S On every if box 80 ib. 20 j if 80 lb. and upwards, 22 ! he above to includ.' ropes, canvas and other coveiings^ On all other boxes of teas, according to the invoice or ac-, tual M'eight thereof. Ptrcefd, On coffee, in "hags, «>; in bales, 3 ; in cafks, - 12 On fuguis, other than loaf lugar in cafks, - 12 On fugars, in boxes, - 15 ; in bags or mats, ^, On piincnta, in cafks, 16; iti bags, - - « On cocoa, in cafks, 10; in bags, - . \. On cheefe, in hampers or balkets, lo ; in boxes, 2o

On candles, in boxes, 8 ; '.hocolaie in boxei, 10 .

Allcywance for Leakage 5c Breakage, &c. 1 95

Per Ceil L _ On cotton in bales, 2 ; in feroons, - 6 On Glauber lalts, in cafks, - - - 8 On indigo, in barrels, 12; in other cafks, - 15 On indigo, in feroons, to ; in bags or mats, - 3 Onnails, in cafks, - - - 8

cafks, 1 in bales, ; bags, - 2 On pepper, in 2 ; i, in

On fugar candy, in boxes, 10 ; iegars, in boxes or Cdiks, 18 - - On foap, in boxes, 10 ; on fliot, in cafks, 3 - - On twine, in rafks, 1 2 ; in bale», , 3 On all other goods according to the invoice thereof, as ac- tual weight. Allowancefor Leakage and Errakage. Two per cent, allowed on the gauge on all merchandize^ paying duty by the gallon, contained in cafks. Ten per cent, on all beer, ale and ]X)rter in bottles, and five per cent, on all other liquors in bottles, to be deducted

from the invoice quantity, in lieu of breakage ; or it fliall be lawful to compute the duties on the aftual quantity by tale, at the option of the importer at the tvne of entry

Bounty on Salted Provifwns and FiJIi of the Uyiited Stairs. An allowance of t/iiriy cents per barrel is granted on pickled fifh of the United Stares, and twenty-fve cents per barrel on all provihons falted within the United States, without any de-duftion, if the fame fhall amount to ten del- lars. And in order to obtain fuch bounty, the exporter to make an entry therefor with the collector— but no entry will be received where fuch pickled fifli or ialted provifions have vol been infptSed and marked^ agreeable to the laws of the refpeftive States, where fuch laws are in force. Such bounty is payable in fix months from the date of the bond to be

given ; and in no cafe, unlefs the certificates of landing at a foreign port, as in other cafes, arc produced. The bend to be m double the amount of fuch bounty—^conditioned that the fame fiiall be landed and left at fame foreigtvport. For?n of the Entry, Entry of intended to be exportrd for the Bernft of Botmty, by in the whereof is mafer, lovndfor Marks as branded on the cartes. .

196 Commercial Information. GENERAL INFORMATION. The want ofcertificaics of cliflille

goods ; and if above four hundred dollars, value of ve!fe! and apparel

Goods removed before gauged ahd \Ceighed ; and, \\ wines, fpirits or teas, before being marked, Nvithout per- miflion, are forfeited. Perfons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit ffoiti two hun- dred to two thoufand dollars. Infpeftors and officers ol revenue cutters may go on board, examine and fearch vef-

fels, have accefs to the cabin, and feal packages ; and after fun-fet fecure hatches, &c. Perfons in charge of veffels, foi breaking faftenings, but in prefence of an officer, forfeit ttoi huvdrcd dollars. Officers may feize within or without their difltifts. Per- fons refilling or impeding them, forfelt/t>ar kuyidred dollars. The mailer or commander of any vefiei, that ftiall ob firud; or hinder (or be the caufe thereof,) any officer of the revenue, in going on bonrd his fhip or vefiei,' for the pur pofe of carrying into cffctl any of ihe revenue laws of the United States, forfeits homfjty \o jive hundred dollars. Every owner of a vefTel, refiding within the limits of the United States, to fwear to the regifter within ninety days af-

ter its being granted, or it becomes void, and the veffel and cargo pays foreign tonr;nge and duty. Returned Cargo. (If an\ Articles of an outward cargo are brought Backt tke\ are to be detailed^ Jptcified by wriom JJiipped outwardt 4ind to whom conjigncd inwnrd.J Commercial, Information, &c. 197

For the information of Merchants In the Di/lrtd of Bofton and Charleftown. ALL bonds given on the exportation of merchandize, en- titled to a drawback, muf} be pat in'fuir as they be- come dpe, unlefs by prior ^ipplication to the Comptroller, longer time fhall be given to procure the necefTary evidence that the merchandize exported was landed in a foreign port, captured or loft. That no document of landing merchandize in a foreign port, entitled to a drawback, can be recejved, however regu- lar, after the bond becomes due, unlcfs fatisfa6lory reafons are affigned for the delay. That the exporter of all faked provifions and pickled fifh, entitled to bounty, cannot claim it, unlefs the evideiice of the delivery of the fifh and provifions, in a foreign port, is tendered before his bond, given at the time of exportation, becomes due, excepting in thofe calcs where fatisfaOoiy reafons are afligned for the delay, or a farther time granted by the Comptroller for obtaining evidence of the of thq provifions or fifn, in a foreign port. That no debenture can be liTued on the exportation of merchandize, unlefs the exporter fhall, within ten days after tlie clearance of the veffel, complete thofe papers which the law makes neceffary to his being entitled to a drawback. Should any merchant in this diOrift be conlcious that he has bonds in the Cullom-Houfe, now due, given on the ex. portation of merchaiulize, or of pickled fifli, or of faked pro- vifions, he will eonfider how interefting it is to him, to have them cancelled without further delay.

A TABLE of the 'weight and value of the American Coins, Karnes, ^wts. Eagle, Half Eagle, Quarter Eagle, Dollar,

Half Dollar, - • - Quarter Dollar, Dime, - - _ Half Dime,

J806.J R2 e

I ^8 GoTernors & Officers ofthe U. S. Army.

Go'oernors in the Jen^ral States, New-Hafnpfhife, John Langdon. Maifachufetts, Caleb Strong. Rhode-Ifland, &c. Gonnefticut, Jonathan Truttibull, Vermont, ITaac Tichenor. New-York, Morgan Lewis. New-Jerfey, JoiVph BloomF.eld. Pennfyhania, i homas M'Keaa. Delaware, Kaac Hall, ^taryiand, Robert Bowie. Vlrgniia, John Page.

Norrh-Carolina, Jatncs 'i urner. South-Carolm-J, Jaincs B. Richa?rdfo». Georfpa, John Milled^e. Kentucky, ChriiloplTcr Greeinip. 'lennefl'ee, j ohn Serier. Miflifippi Territory, Robert Williafijs. Ohio, Edward Tiffin. Terriory of Orleans, William C. C. Claibome. Michigan, William Hull. Upper Louifiana, James Wilkinfon.

LIST OF THE OFFICERS o f t h e ARMY o f t h UNITED STATES. General Staf James V^'ilkinfon, Brigadier General. Thomas H. Cufliing, Adjutant and InfpeUor* Ca-itb :Swan, Fayntajhr.

Regiment of Jirtillertfts, Henry Bnrbcck, Officers of the U. States Army. .-. 199

F:rfi Lieutenants. Robert W. Qfburn. George Waterhoufe, James Houfe, William Yates,' JoTinWalbach, John B.. Bcunes. Addifon B. Arrallead, George Armftead, Lema Howard, WiHiBJm Cocks, Mofes Swett, George Peters, Clarence Muiford, Jofeph Crofs, William Wiiron,, .William A. Murray, Enoch Humphrey, Stephen 'Werrel,. Francis Newmaii, James Swearingen. Stcond Lieutenants. John Livingfton, Robert Ritchie, Reuben Smith, Tho- mas A. Smith, William Clarke, Samuel Gates, Hannibal M. Alien, James S. Smith, Jofeph Kimball, Robert Rob- erts, James M'Kelbr, James R. Hanham, Jofeph R. Henderfon, Michael Walfh, Reed, Porter Hanks, Thomas Murray, Jonathan Eaftman. F'trji Regiment of Infantry, Thomas Hunt, Colonel.. Jacob Kingfbury, Lieutenant-ColcneL Zebulon Pike, Major.

': : . Captains. RufTel Blflel, John Whiftier, Benjamin Lockwood, Daniel .Biffel, Elijah Strong, Meriwether Lewis, James Richmond, John M'Clary, John Whipple, Mofes Plooke. Fir/} Lifutmat/ts. Zebulon M.Pike, Nathan I^al.d, Eli B. Clemfon, James Rhea, William Sv/an, Ninian Piiikney,, William Carfon, Horatio Stark, Simon Owens-, Daniel Hughes. Second Lieutenants. Daniel Baker, Ambrofc Whitlock, Henry Hopkins, "William Whiftier, William Pvichardfon, Anthony Camp- bell, Thomas B. Steele, John C. Symmes, Jofeph Dorr, Simon Knight. Enllgns. Neal Duffee, Alpha Kinglley, John Roncy, Hezekiah Johnfton, Benjamin MaiTnall, John Brownfon, John Ma- »owen. Second Regiment of Infantry, Thomas Butler, Colond. Thomas H. Cuflilng, Lieutcnant-CctoncL Thomas Pafteur, Major. Captains. Richard Spaiks, Edward D. Turner, John Bowyer,Hugh M'Caii, Frimcis Tohnfion, "William K.. Boote, Thomas Swaine, Johki Csinpbel!, peter P. Schuylerj Jofeph Bower. 200 Officers of the U. States Army.

Fir/l Lieutenants. John Hanes, Mathew Arbuckle, John Brahan, Edmund P. Gaines, Bartholomev D. Armdead, James Wilkinfon, Richard Buck, Henry R. Graham, William Piall, William Lawrence. Second Lieutenants. Henrv' E. Brevoort, Jollah Taylor, William Simmons, John Miller, William P. Clymer, Reubi-n Chamlx^riain, _ Samiicl Williamfon, Gilbert C. Ruflel, James S. Logan, Alfred Sebaftian. Enfigns. George W. Sevier, John R. U. Lucker, James B'ood- %vorth, Anthony Forlter, Robert Peyton, Eenjamm S. Smoot, Charles Magnan, John J. Duforell, John Hacket, William Mead.

Corps of Engineers , Jonathan Williams, Lieutenttnt-Qohnel, W^illiam A. Barron, Major, Jared Mansfield, Major. Captains. James Wilfon, Alexander Macomb. Firjl Lieutenants. Jofeph G. Swift, Walker K. Armftead. Second Lieutenants. Jofeph G. Token, George Bumford. JDjJIriS Pay-majiers, Neliemiah Freeman, Bojlon. Houfe, Baltimore. John B. Barnes, CkarlePon, {s.C.) John Brahan, Tenntjee. Ninian Pinkney, D' trait. Richard Buck, Upper Louifiana, New-Orleans. Medical Staff, David Davis, Surgeon. Oliver H. Spencer, Surgeon, Thirty-one Surgeon's- Mates, attached to garnions or pofts, ani not to corps. Coins and Currencies. 201

The rates at which all foreign coins and currevries are efti- matedat tiic Citjiom-HDuJ'cs of the United States. Boilf.Cehts. Each pound (lerlinj^ of Gre?.t-Britain, at 4 Each pound Ikrling of Ireland, Each livre tournois of France, - Each florin of guilder of the United Netherlands, Each mark banco of Hamburgh, - " - Each rix dollar of Denmark, Each rial of plate of Spain, Each rial of veilon of Spain, Each milree of Portugal, Each tale of China, . _ - Each pagoda of India, - - - Each rupee of Bengal, 202 Table.

4th. To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia into Nev- Hampfhire, Maflachuietts, Rhodc-lfland, Connecticut and Viri;inia, to the given Turn add 2-7ths thereof. Into Pennfylvania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland, multiply the given lum by 45, and divide by a8. Into New-Yoik and North-Carolina, from the given fum fubtraft i-yth, and double the remainder.

A TABLE toexchai\gepovndsy fullings^ fttice andfartkings^ New- Ev^ land and Virg inia currency, to Cents and Mills.

c. m.

s. d, o 1 o o o o o o o o o o A Tables. 203

A TABLEJhewtng the number of days from any day of one montk to the fame day cf any other month. 204 Dire«5lions for Mariners.

yards. loo of Bergen and Dronthtim, - = 68^ loo of Sweden and Stockholm, - = g^i 300 of St. G:iil, for Linens, - c= 8*7* St. for Cloths, 30P of Gal i, - =67 100 of Geneva, - - • =12^1 100 Canes of Marfeilles and Montpelier, = 214^ 100 of Ihouloufe and High Languedoc, = 200 100 Genoa, of ^'paljns, - of , =245^ loo of Home, , - = 227^ loo Varas'of Sj3cun, ... - - == gg|

' loo of Portngal,- . - - - = 123 100 Cavidos of Portugal, - - °= 75 looBntfresof.VeniGC,^^- -",' , . ,^ j^^ 100 of Bergamo, - .. —= 71^ 100 of Fioren'cQ and Leghorn, - = 64 ' iGo of'Miian, - .- -. = 58^ DIREC'ilONS FOR MARINERS.

Jvlr. William Lord, o^ Stojiington-Poznt* has erefted an iron fpear, about 13 feet long, with a white vane on the top, upon tlue rock of Latimer, in FiJJier's-IJland-Sound. Tne deeped channel is to the northward of the rock. This gentlemai) has it in contemplation, if fuitable encourage- ment fiiould be given by gentlemen from the ealiward and wi'flward (v.'ho are owners of navigation, and are conftantly pafling the Sound) to eretl a fpear upon what is called The Tail of lVaLch-Hill-Rcef—2SiOih£r upon Katumacut-B.ccky upon the fame Reef—one upon EllU^-ReeJ^ which lies off Ram-IJiand, and is almoft in the Middle of the Sound. Thefe i»cks are feldora, any of them, out of water, and much in the way of coafters up ar d down the Sound, who are unacquainted.

* Stonington is a pofl-tozvn and port, in New-London Coun- ty ^ State 0/ Conneciicut, 1^ mileiE. by $, of Nezv-Londo* city. A L I S T OF THE STREETS, LANES, and ALLEYS, IN BOSTON.

ADAMS-Street, late Miller's-lane, leads fouth from Liberty-fquare to Milk-ftreet. AldenVlane leads N, E. from Weft-row to Sudbury-ftreet. Allen's-lane leads Weft from Wiltlhire-ftreet to . Ann-fireet leads N. E. from Market-fquare to Fifli-ftreet. Arch-llreet, from centre of Franklin place to Summer-ftreet. Atkinfon-ftreet, (formerly Green's-lane,) from Milk-ftreet to RulTel's wharf. BACK-Street leads North from Middle-ftreet, near Mill bridge, to Prince-ftreet. Bangs's-al'.ey, from Kilby-ftreet, North of Central wharf. Barton's-point, near the New Alms-houfe. Battery March-ftreet leads from Liberty-fquare to Foftcr's wharf. / Battery-alley leads from North-ftreetEaftward toShip-ftreet. Beach-llreet leads eaft from Orange-ftreet acrofs Rainf- ford's-lane. Beacon-ftreet leads from the Chapel paft the State-Houfe to Charles river. Belknap-ftreetleadsfrom Beacon-ftreet to Cambridge-ftreet. Bennett-ftreet, (Southj leads Eaft from Orange-ftreet to the harbour. Bennett-ftreet, (North) leads Weft from Rev. Mr. Mur- ray's Meeting-houfe to Salem-ftreet. Berry-ftreet leads from Federal to Atkinfon-ftreet, by the Meeting-houfe. Blind-lane, now part of Pond-ftrect. Bloftbm-ftreet leads north from Cambridge-ftreet oppofite Garden-ftreet. Bowdoin-ftreet, fee Middlecot-ftreet. Bowdoin-fquare on Cambridge-ftreet. Brattle-ttreet-fquare, from the Market by the Meeting-houf« to Elm-ftreet. Bromfield's-lane leads Weft from Marlborough-flxeet t» Common-ftreet. Bulfinch-ftreet leads South from Bowdoin-fquare towards Beacon-hill, into Middlecot-ftreet. Euttolf-ftreet, (next weft of Ruflell-ftreet) leads fouth frona Cambridgeamonagi to May-ftreet. 1806.] S -

2o6 Dcfcription of the Streets.

Butler" >;-T-o\v leads from Merchants' row, to Spear's wharf. CARVtR-Strect, from Plealant-ftrect acrofs Eliiot-rtreet to Fiog-lanc. Carr-lant', from Leveret-Orett pail the Eaft end of the Aim?-houfe. Ciiftic-ftreet leads Eaft and Weft acrofs Orange-ftreet, each way to the ica. Cambndge-ftreet leads from the head of Court and Hanover ftreets through Bowdoin-fqu^ire to Cambridge bridge." Cetitr?.i cour^^, on the Eail fide of Newbury-ilreet between Nfxs. 51 and .^2. Centre-ftreet (Weft) leads South from Cainbridge-ftreet near rhe head of the bridge to May-ftreet. Centre-ftreet (Nonhj leads Soulh Eaft iiom Middle to Ann-ftreet." Che fntit-ftreet leads W. from Walnul«ftreet to Charles river. Chand-ei-ftreet leads north from Cambridge-ftrcet oppofite Eelki'apto Wiltftiire-ftreet. Chardon's-lane leads N. ¥,. from Weft end of Bowdoi::- fquare to Hawkui's-ftreet. Cbiirter-ftreet leads North Weft from North-ftieet, to Lynr,- ftreer, bottom of Cops-lull. Church-fquare, back of the Old Brick Meeting-houfc, Comhiil. Chirk-ftreet leads E. from New Noith M. H. to Ship-Prye'. Comhiil leads Korthwaid from Marlboro'-ftreet to Mai- ket-rruare. Ccnnmon-ftreet leads from the Chapel paft the Mull to Naff;;a-Oreet. ^ Crngrefs-ftreet (late Ouaker's-lane; le?.ds fouth Front J- tare

ftr?.et to Atkinfoii-ft'cet. Cold-lane leads N. W. fromHanovei-ftreet ner^r Elm-ftrec:, to the Mill pond. Copper-ftreet leetds from the Weft end of Leverct-ftreet to Foplar-ftreet. Corn court is oppofite the South lidc of Faneuill-Hall. Court-ftreet leads weft from the Old State-Houfe to the head of Hanover-ftreet. Crofs-Oreet crofTes Middlc-ftreet, Rack-ftreet and Fifh-ftrcet. f om the Mill pond to the Harbour. r-AGG ¥.T .-A Uey, fee Battery-alky. Eevonfiiire-ftreet leads iVom Euft end of Old State-houjc to Milk-ftrcet. Diftill-iicuie fquare, from the bottom of Sudbury-ftreet N. W. to Hawkins'-ftrcet. . .

Defcrlption of the Streets. 207

Dork-fquare, from Elm-ftreer, Sout'nvard to Cornliill, ;,nd Eailwaiu to the corner oppoiitc the Wcftead of Faiieuri- hall, inchiding tlie block of (lores iti the centre. Dorleit's-iane ieads from (he Court-houl-- to Brattlc-fquare. EATON-Street leads from RuOel to Wih{hirv--llrct r. £lliof-St,ccL leads weft from Oraiigc-ftreet acruls NalFau- llreei to Plearant-ltrcet. Elm-ftreet (hue Wing's-!ane) leads North Weft from Dock-fquare to Hanover-ftrcet. Effex-ftreet leads Eaft from Nev, bury-ftreet toScutli-ftrcct. E.xchange (or bhrimpton'-O June leads North from State- ftreet to Dock-fquare. EEDERAL-Strect ieads from Mllk-flreet paft the Thea- tre to High-ftrctt Fedcral-couii, oii the Weft fide of Federal-ftreet, near th.e bead. Fifn-itreet leads Norihv/ard frt^m Crofs-firetrt, paft Noiih-

fq u are, to S h i rec- 1 _ p-fr Fitch's-alley (fee Pierce's alley.) Fieet-ftreet leads Eaft li-om Univerfalift Mecting-hcufe to Fifii-ftrcer. Fofter-ftreet, from Charter-ftreet North Eaft to Lynn-ftreet. Frail klin-fireet leads from Mailborough-drect to Frankhn place (fornieriy Tontine Fiieno's-ftrect leads from Hanover-llreet juil Weft of Uiiion- ftreet to Mill-poud. Frog-lane leads Well from Orange and Newbu;y-ftreers p.

Grove-flreet leads South from Weft Bofton Bridge to rope- walks. Govcmour's-alley, from School-ftreet to Bromficld's lane. Gouch-lane, from Green-ftreet to Mill pond. Gibbom's court, on Weft fide of Newbury-ftreet, through the arch. HANOVER-Street leads N. E. from Court and Sudbury- ftreets to Middle-ftrect. Hancock-ftreet leads North from Sumner-ftreet, back of New State-houfe to Cambridge-ftieet. Harvard-ftreet leads E. from Orange-ftreet to the harbour. Hawkins'-ftreet leads N. W. from Sudbury-ftrcet to Char- don's lane. Hawley-ftreet (late Bifiiop's-alley) leads North from Trini- ty Church, Summer-ftreet, to Milk-ftreet. Half court-fquare, back of Poft-Office, State-ftrect. Henchman's-lane leads N. from Charter to Lynn-ftrcct. High-ftreet (formerly Cow-lane) leads from Summer-ftreet to Fort-hill. HoUis-ftreet leads W. from Orange-ftreet, paft South Meet- ing-houfe to Nafiau-ftreet. Horn-lane leads from Milk-ftreet to Congrefs-ftreet. Howard's wharf, next North of the Mill creek, Ann-ftreet. HuU-ftreet leads Weft from Chrift Church, Salem-ftreet, to Burying ground, Cop's-hill. JARVIS's-Row, on E. fide of Newburj'-ftreet, oppofite Lamb tavern. KINGSTON-Street leads S. W. from Summer-ftreet to Pond-ftreet. Kilby-ftreet leads fouth from State-ftreet to Libcrty-fquare. LENDELL's-Lane leads from Congrefs-ftreet to Central wharf. Leveret-flreet leads N. and N. W. from Green-ftreet to the Alms-houfe. Lincoln-ftreet leads S. from Dr. Kirkland's Meeting-houfc, Summer-ftreet, to Eftex-ftreet. Link-alley leads from Union-ftreet to the Mills. Love-lane leads N. W. from Middle-ftreet to Salem-ftreet. Lynde-ftreet leads N. from Cambridge-ftreet paft the Meet- ing-houfe to Green-ftreet. Lynn-ftreet leads weftward from Winifimmit ferry way to Charleftown bridge. MARGARET-Lane leads from Prince-flreet toSheafe-ftr. MaTiboro'-ftrect leads N. E. & S. W. from Summer-ftreet to School-ftreet. Defcriptlon of the Streets. 209

Marfhall's-lane leads N. fromUnion-ftreettoHanover-ftreet. May-ftreet leads Weil from Hancock-ftreet to the river. Marfh-Iane leads from Union-flreet to Creek-fquare. Merchant's-row leads N. from State-ltreet to Codman*s vharf. Methodift-alle\', from North-ftreet, paftMethodiftir.eeting, to Ship-ftieet. Middle-ftreet leads N. E. from Mill-creek to North-flreet. Middlecot-ftreet leads from Cumbridge-fircet to Beacon- ftreet, E. of Beacon-hiil. Milk-ftreet leads eaftward from Marlboro'-ftrcet to Batter}' march-ftreet. Mili-lane leads from Middle-ftreet to the mills. Moon-flreet lead^ E. fide of Xorth-fquare to f leet-fl'-eet. Moun -Vernon, the buildings on N. fide of Olive-lireet. NASSAU -Street leads W. and N. from Orange-ftreet to thr Mall. Newbary-ftreet, from rhe head of Effex-Street to the head of Summer-flrcet. Newb\:ry place, is on the Eaft fide of Ne\vbur>'-ftreet near Eifex-ftreet. North-ftreet, from the termination of Nhddle-ftreet to Win- ifimmit ferry way. North-fquare lies between Middle, Filh, and Fleet-ftreets. North-row, the new brick buildings, in Fifh-llreet. OLIVE-'iitreet leads Weft from Belknap-ftxcet to Charles river. ^ Oi:vtrr-ftreet leads from Mllk-ftreet to Forr-hill. Orangt;-ftreet, from \Va{hington-ftreet to Newbury-fireet. PAKK-Street, from head of Mall to State-houfe. Pearl ftreet leads from Milk-ftreet to High-ftreer, Peck's-lane, from Eftex-ftrcet to Johonnot's wharf. Phillips's Buildings on Kilby-ftreet and Water-ftreet. Pierce's alley (or Fitch's) leads from State-ftreet to Market- fquare. Pinckney-ftreet leads W. from Belknap-ftr. to Charles-river. Pict's-lane leads from Green-ftreet to Mill pond, Pieafant-ftreet leads W. & N. from Or^nge-ftieet to rope- waiks, bottom 01 the Common. Pond-ureet ('late Rowe's lanej leads eaftv/ard from Nev/bur^-- ftreet to Dr. Kirkland's meeting-houfe. Poplar-ftreet leads \V. from Wikftiire-fircet, hy the rope- walks, to Charles river. Frince-ftreet leads from Middie-ftreet tc Charkftowii B;idee. j8o6.j S 2 2IO Defcriptlon of the Streets.

Pro£lor's-lane (or Wood-lane) leads from Middle-ftreet to Fifh-ftreet. Purchafe-ftrcet leads North Eaft from Summer-ftrcet to B. March-ftreet. R AINSFORD's-Lane leads S. from Effex-ftreet to Beach- ftreet. ^ Rawfon's-lane, fee Bromfield's-lane. Richmond-ftreet (late Bridge's-lane) leads W. from Middle- ftreet to Back-ftreet. Ridgeway's-iane (or alley) from Cambridge-ftreet to May- ftreet. Ruffel-ftreet leads from Cambridge-ftreet N. to Eaton-ftreet, & S. to May-fireet. Robinfon's-lana leads N, W. from North-ftreet to Unity- ftreet. Round-lane leads from Federal-ftreet to Atkinfon-ftreet. SALEM-Street leads N. E. from Princc-ftreet to Charter- ftreet. Salt-lane leads from Union-ftreet to Creek-fquare. Salutation-alley leads from North-ftreet to Ship-ftrcet. School-ftreet leads W. from Cornhill to the Chapel. Scott's-court leads from Union-ftreet W. towards Elm-ftr. Sea-ftreet, S. from bottom of Summer-ftreet to Whecler's- poinr. Sifter-ftreet, from Round-lane to Berry-ftreet. SJjeaffe-ftreet leads N. W. from Salem-ftrcet to Snowhill- ftreet. Sheafe's-lane leads from Newbury-ftr. to Hay-Market tavcin. Ship-ftreet, from Fifh-ftreet to Wmifimmit ferryway. Snowhill-ftreet leads from Prince-ftreet, acrofs Cop's»hili, to Charter-ftreet. Short-ftreet leads S. from Pond-ftreet to the Glafs Works. South-ftreet leads S. from Summer-ftreet, oppolire High-ftr. South-row, in Marlboro'-ftreet, next to Old South meeting- houfe. Southac-ftreet leads W. from Buttolf-ftreet acrofs Garden, Centre & Grove ftreets, and S. acrofs May-ftreet. Southac's-court leads W. from Court-ftreet to Bulfinch-ftr, Somerfet-flreet, N. from Beacon*ftreet to Southac's-court. Spring-ftreet leads from Alms-houfe to Poplar-ftreet, Spring-lane leads from No. i, Cornhill, to Devonrnire-ftpi State-ftreet, from Old State-houfe to head of , Staniford-fijeet, N. from Cambridge, oppofite Temple, tfc Green-ftreet. Defcription of the Streets. 2ii

Sumner-ftreet leads from Beacon-ftreet, back of the State- Houfe. Summer-ftreet leads from Marlboro'-ftreer, paft Trinity Church, to Feffenden's wharf. Sadbury-ftreet, from Concert- hall northward to Cold-4ane. Sun-court, from North-{qu3re fouthward to Flfh-ftreet^ Swecifer's-alley, on Eaft fide Newbury-ilreet, oppofite Sheafe's-lane. Suffolk buildings, in Congrefs-ftreet. TEMPLE-Street, from Carabndge-ftr. to Beacon-hill fteps. Hieatre-ailey leads from Milk-ftreet to rear of Federai- ftrcct Theatre. Tremont-ftrcet, from the Chapel, over Pemberton's-hill to Southac's-court. Tremont place, Tremont-ftreet. UNION-Street from Market-fquare Northward to Mill- pond. Uniry-ftreet from Charter-ftreet to Love-lane. WALNUT-Streef, from Beacon-ftreet to Oliver-ftreet. Warren-flreet, from Orange to Elliot-ftrcet. Waihington-flreet, from Orange-llreet to the Neck. Water-llrcet, from Cornbill Eaftward to Liberfy-fq.i^re. Wcll-ftrett, irom Newbury, oppofite Pond-ftreet to the

Mall. •; V.'eft-row, Cambridge-ftreet, near Bowdoin-fqiiare. Winter-ilreet, from Newbury, oppofite ^ummer-ftreet to the Mall. VViltftiiie-ltreet, from Chamber-ftreet North to rope-wallcs. White-Bread alley, from North to Ship-fireet. Wllliams'.s-courtj through the arch, at No. 65, Cornhill. Willbn's-iane from E. end of Old Statc-houie to Dock fqr. Wing's-lane (fee Elm-ftreet.) Wood-lai^ (lee Proftor's-iane.) 312 Rates of Poftage, &c. RATES OF LETTER POSTAGE. Every letter coirpored of a fmgie fhcet of paper convey- ed not exceeding 40 rniles, 8 ceius.—Over 40 miUs, -^ud not exceeding 90 miles, 10 cents. —Over 90 miles, and not exceeding 150 rniles, 125 cents. —Over 150 miles, and not exceeding goo miles, 17 cents. — Over 300 miles, and not exceeding 500 miles, £0 cents. — Over 500 miles, 25 cents. Ever}- letter compolt'd of two' pieces of paper, donble thofe rates. — Every letter compofed of three pieces of pa- per, triple thofe rates,—Every letter compofed of' four pieces of paper, weighing 1 02. quadruple thoie rates, and at the rate of four fiugle letteis for each onnce any letter or packet may we! f:h. — Every fhij) letter originally -received at an cfHce for delivery, 6 cents.

Magazines and Pamphlets Vper fiieet, not over -so miles, 1 cent.—Over 50 miles, and not exceeding 100 miles, j.^ cent. —Over ico miles, 2 cents. The Poft-Gfflce does not infure money, or any other thing conveyed by po^. —The Geneiai Pt^fi-Office is kept at the feat cf Gover.'^rntnt.

CORRECTIONS and ADDITIONS. Page. 34 1~>ELE John G. Cofnn, Vifiting-Phyftciav, and in- i^ fert liaac Rand, jr.

42 (Correfilons for 1800. j Berkfhire and Colnmhia MifTionary Society, dele among the Trniiees, Rev. Jefle Tov/nfend, Rev. Aaron Baicom, Deac. Ste- phen Nafb, and infertBeriah Hotchkin, Rev. Sam- uel Shepherd, Rev. Silas Churchill, Deac. Levi Nye.— Choice officers, is on the 3d Tueiday of Se)^temb>/r. 57 Bofloii Marinie Infnrance Company, to continue until February 13, 1819, 63 Infert William Cutler, Polt-Maikr at Hardwick. 69 Dele John Tucker, Circuit Clerk, aud add him in line below. 70 Add John Tucker, with Charles Culliing, as Clerk of Common Pleas. 74 At Boxford, for John Rohertfon, read John Roblnfon. 74 Samuel Farrar, Attorney at Common Pleas, Infert at Supreme Court. ^ 96 Ad4 Wiihai^i Caldwell, at VVcrcefter, Dep. SheriE —

Corrections and Additions, 213

Probate Courts in the County of Lincoln, as fol- lows, VIZ. At IVifcaJfett on Wednefda)' preceding

2d Monday of January ; on id Monday or March ; on Saturday preceding 2d Monday of May ; and on Saturday after ift Tuefday of 'September.—At Ntw-Cajlle, on Thurfday preceding ed Monday of

January ; arid on the 5th Thurfday after the 4th Tuefday of May.—At Waldoborougli^ on Friday before the 2d Monday of January ; and on 5th A^^ednefday after the 4th Tuefday in May. —At Warren^ on Saturday before the 2d Monday of Jan-

uary ; and on 4th Tuefday after the 4th Tuefday in May.—At Thomajlown, on 2d M^^nday of Jan-

uary ; and on 4th Monday after the 4th Tuefday of May. h.x. Drefden, on the Mondays after the ift Tuefdays of March and September.—At Batk, on 2d Tueldays of March and September.—At Topjham, on the Wednefdays after the 2d Tuefdays of March and September. Third Divifion, dele the Aid-de-camps. Ninth Divifion, infert the words Aid-de-campSy be- tween the lines. Dele Jonathan Coolidge, 4th line from the bottom. For Edward Robbins, in lil Regiment, ift Brigade, read Ed\\^rd Robinfon. Third Divifion, 2d Brigade, John Parker, Lieut. Cpl. Jofeph Fletcher and Samuel Parker, Majors. Second Brigade, 20 Reg. read Barnam Blake, Major. Tenth Divifion, 2d Brigade, ift Regiment, read Joleph Wallace, Lieutenant-Colonel. Third line, read Thomas Chafe, vice Geo. Thurlovr. 1 71

INDEX to the Register and Calendar.

rage, Pa? ACADEMIES in Massachusetts, 120 Committees, &c. of Public Schools, Agricultural Societies, Cojisuls, ice. 46 in Great -Britain, I 7 . Allowance for Draught, XQ4 Consuls, &c. in the United States, 1 American Coin?, Table of, - 157 Constables in Boston, . n - Aims-House, (Master of) 148 Convention of Congtepa. Ministers, lil American Acad, of Arts 6: Sciences, 43 Coroners in Sufifolk County, Amesbury N^iil Factory Company, i3l Council and aerate of Massachusetts, Ancient Artillery & Hon. Company, 148 Counsellors, &c. in Circuit Ci»urt, i 7 Artillery of Mas jachusetts, 145, I47 Courts, Frobate, Suffolk COcnt/, Assay - . . -Masters, 15O Courts, Circuit, 4:c. United Siates, 1 7 Assessors of Taxer, - - 15O Courts, Table of, in Massfectusetts, Attornies in Suffolk County, • 71 Culler^ of Dry Fish, . 15< Auctioneers in Eoston, - IS' Cumberland Co. Representatives, 2

Auditors of Accounts of the Town, 1 50 Cumberl. Co. Justices, Aitornies, ficc. r; of S. its Brar.ches, 51 Cumbfcrl. 2: BANK U. mi Co. Mini.'^ters .^, ; Banks in Massachusetts, - 5.-; Cunibtrisi.d Ma.'ine and live Ins. Co. 'i Baptist Kducatica Fund, - - 43 Custom-House lees, . . ij, Uarnstable County, Representatives, 22 DARTMOUTH College, US EamstableCo. Justices, Attornifcs,o£C. 89 Dentist, Cvargeors) - 15; Barnstable Co.Ministers &Churcaesjl27 Department of United States, i6<

Edrristers at Law, Suflfolk County, 7 Deputy-Sheriffs ; Su.ToIk County, 7: Bedford Bank, at New-Eedford, SS Description cf Streets in Bostoa, 1.i?d Persons, Treatment of, js Eisiofs in the United States, 133 Dukes County, Representatives, 2: Boston Beard rf Health, - 14? Dukes Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. gC Boston Dispensary, - » 34 Dukes Co. Ministers aj;d Churctcf, 12; Boston Marine Society, . <50 Duties cf United States, - iji Boston Marine Insurance Company, 57 T^ CLIPSES for the Year 18C6, 2

Boston Aqueduct Corporation, . 45 .'i J Episcopalian Bishop*, , . 131 - Boston Bank, - - 53 Essex Countt, Pvepre.

Boston Episccpai Charitable Society, 35 T^EDE P-AL Courts in U. States, 1 7 Bowdoin College, - - 117 X Female Asylum. Boston, yj Boylston's Charitable Donztiocs, 37 remale Charitable Society at Salem, 38 Branch Piles, - - - 153 Fence-Viewers, . - 150 Brigade Stafl' u£5:ers, - 13^ Field Officers in Massacbutetts, 158 Bristol County, Rcpresentati^-es, 2 Firewards ift Boston, - 148 Bristol Co. Justice", Attorniei, &c. 87 Franklin Association, Boston, - ?7 Bristol Co. Ministers and Churches, I2<5 Franklin Donation, Trustees rf, 37 Brown University, - I 18 Ft'es of the Cu-to«i-Housej &c. 103 CADETS, (Governor's Escort) 147 Foreign Coins, Value of, - l6j Cavalr\' of Massachnselts , 143.145 ^"^ ENERAL Court of Massach. 6p Census Lif the United States, - iQi VJSf General Informatiun, - ici Census of Massachusetts, - 153 Gloucester Marine Insur-nce Comp. 59 Churches and Ministers, - 122 Gloucester (Cape-Ann; Bank, 55 Colleiaorsof the Revenue, - 134 G -lid Coins, (Gr. Britain & Portugal) : 65 Colleges, - - - 11(5 Gold Coins, (France and Spaii) IC<6 Columbian Society, - 45 Government of the United States, IO7 Comniissicners of Loans, - 1 74 Governor's Escort, - - 147 Co2unittces of Scaat^ and House, ap Governors in Mas^a. ilnce I (!>: 8, 15 1 77

Index* 215

Page ' Page ivcrnors in the several States, 158 Massachusetts Baptist Mission. Soc. 4I . ani I-'^ilge of Massacr.useits, 47 Massachusetts Bank, 54 and Roval Ar*;b Cbapter, - 50 NTjssachusetts Historical Society, 44 J[AJ:Lu)V,-XX- & Augusta Bank, 56 Mtssathusttts Agricultural Society, 45 JL Hitppsiiire Missionary Society, 42 :.;assachu5etts Mutual fire Ins. Co. J tmpihirc Co. Representatives, ip Maisachusctts Mechanic Association, 44 ttujshireCo JusticesjAttovniesj&c. c2 Massachusetts Fire & Mar. Ins. Co. 56 trnpsUire Co. Ministers &Churclie5,ias Masiachiuetts Militia, - 154. iinpsliire Fire Insurance Company, CO Measurers of Wood and Bark, 1 51 mcock Co'^nty, Representatives, ?6 Medical Associations, - 34. mcottCo. Juiciccs,AltoriUcs,&,c.IC4 Medical Dispensary, - . 34 incoci: Co. Ministers & Ciiurthes, 13O Medical Lectures, - - 1 15 avvaiil Uidvcrsity, - 114. Merrimack Humane Society, 40 aywardj ila> vcigher, &c. - 151 Merrimack Marine and fire Ins. Co. J8 juse of Rtpiirseniatives, U. States, iGS Merrioi.-'.c'iv Bank at Newburyport, 54 tioiane Society at Btstor., - 4C MiddtEiex County, Rep^fsentatis'cs, 18 uniaiie So(.it.ty Rt Newburypoit, 40 Middlesex Co. Justices, Attornies,&c. 76 NOEi'ENiJBNTCartfcts, . 147 Middlesex Co. Ministers &Churche3,l23

., Infdi.try, CSuljlegicms of) 147 Ministers who officiate at thcLefture,iai iformation to Mwrthants, - 156 Ministers of U. S. in foreign Places, 175 of Doer, - •• IJI Ministers, foreign, iji United States, 17 ,spe6to.r of St'jne-I.jme, - 151 . Municipal Court for Boston, i s t ispectOTS of Beet, &c. - 3- NANTUCKET Bants, - 54, ispe£^.ois of Ouiports, (R^vc.-iue) 1 33 IJantucket Union Mar. Ins. Cp. 59 terest, Tiiblt of, - - I63 Npntutket County, Representatives, 2» miuctors in PuWic Schools, I49 Nantucket Co. Ju}tices,AtL0rn;e5,&c. Ql isuiar.ce Offices, - - 57 Nantucket Co. Ministers & Churches, 127 jsi Chaiiti.Wa Sotlety, - - 3 5 Newburyport Female Ciiarit. Society, 38 rUDICiAiiV of the United States, I 70 ' Ntwburypvrt Marine Society, 6I Justitesof the leacc, SuiToikCo. 71 ^k•wb^ry^"ort Marine Insur. Comp. 58 I ' JtJiticeathroughCoin:noti>5'enlth, 70 New-EnglanU T.Iirite Icsur. Ccrr,p. 57 /'Ei'JNKliECK Medical Aisocia. 35 i'lorfolk County, Reprerentatives, 2$ !x Kear.ebcck Agricait. Society, 4O Norfolk Co. Justices, Attornics, Sec. IO7 ennebecii Co. Repieseui-itivts, 2 ; Norfolk Co. Mi.iisteis & Churches, 130 • ennebk. Co. Just;;esjAttorni£s,5c<;. 109 Northampton Bank, - - 55 cnnebeck Co.Mini^ters &ChuTChes, 1 3 Njtaries Tublic in Massachusetts, 3O »nnebimk Marine Insurance Oorr.p. sp /^\Ri'HANJ Societie.', - 38 EGIoNARY Brigade in Boston, 1^6 0\-ersecr3 of the i'of>r, I48 I V_/ Ojrford _j Letter Vcstagu, Rates of, iJ2 i County, Representatives, 28 pht-Infartry, Sublegion of, 14'^' Oxford Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. Hi ncoln County, Representutives, 24 PrvforJ Cj. Ministers & Churches, I3C ncoln Co. Justltes,;, .*cc. 99 PHYiIClANS, Surgeons, &c. ISS ncoba Co. Ministers & Churtiies, I2tj I'hi Beta Kappa, - I20 T.toln ati'l KennebecK Bmiic, 55 l^iicts and Pilotage, - . 155 ncoiu Cc Kennubf ck Mar. In:;. Co. 59 l-'lymouih County, Representatives, 2C ans. Commissioners of, - ] I'lynioiich Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. Sf JgOi iu Massachusetts, PlymouthCo. Ministers & Churches, I2S yCAINE Fire & Marine Ins. Co. I'lymouth Colony, Governors of, l? /A. Marblehead Insurance Coinp. Plymouth Bank, -. - 5S irbleliead Marine Society, Plymouth Marine Insurance Comp. S9

.iblebead Bank, Police ' ilicers in Boston, - 145^ .ri«e Societies, Portland Benevolent Society, 3S sonic Societies In Massachusetts, Portland Marine Society, . OC; ssachusetts Charitable Society, Portland Banks. - - 54; isachuietts Charitable Fire Society PoilagL of Letters, Rates of, aias I ssachusetts Congrega. Charit. Soc. 36 Private Insurance Offices, - j 5* ssachusetts Medical Society, 33 Prison, State, at Charlestowa, IIJ ssachusetts Humane Society, 40 Probate Informatii-.i, . 157"

ssaehuietts Misjiaaary Society, 4! I Probate Coutts ia. Liacola County, ai J .

2l6 Index.

Pap.e RATES of Letters by Post, ^l^ Town-Treasurer, - . 14.^ Rates of Dockage, &cc. 15S Treasury Department of U. States, 160 Representatives of the United States,! 68 Treatment of Drowned Persolis, Representatives of Massachusetts, Troop of Cavalry in Boston, 140 Revenue Ofucers in Mastachustlts, T3j Trustees of Boylston's Donations, 37 Rh. Xsl. Coll. See Broun Unlversily. Trustees of Frariklin Donation, 37 K»maa Catholic Bishops, - 133 Tutors in Har\'ard University, 115 Roxbury Charitable Society, 36 T TNION Bank at Boston, - 53 SACO Bank at Saco, - s6 V_y Union Ii»«ur. Comp. at Boston, 58 Salaries of United States Officers,! 74 Union Marine Ins. Comp. at Salem, 56 S^ilem Female Charitable Sotiet)-, jti United States Army, . 198 Salem Iron Fafiory Company, CO United States Calendar, - 167 Salem Marine Insurance Company, 58 Uuited States V

Scots Charitable Society, 36 United States Naw Department, 1 70

Sealers of Weights and Measures, ISl United States roit-Otfice, - 1 70 Selectmen and School-Con\. Boston, 148 University, Harvard, - T 14 Senate and House of United btates, 167 VACAT IONS at Colleges, 114— iig Senate and Hwuse of Massachusetts, 16 Value and Weight of Coins, 164.

Cextoas in Eoiton, - - IS- \'it\vers of Fencfs, . - 1 50 Sheriffs in Suffolk County, - 7- Visitors of the I'rofessorship of Nat- Social Law Library, - 44 ural History, founded at Harv. Cult. 46 Societies for propagating the Gospel, 41 WARDENS for Boston and State Prison, - - - 113 Charlestown, - 152 Storage, Rates of, - - I S 5 AVarren Associa. (time of meeting,) 43 Streets in Boiton ('.escribed, 204 Washington Co. Representatives, 26 Suffolk. Insurance Company, 57 Washington Co. Justic. Attorn ics,&c. IOC J Suffolk County, Representatives, 7 AVashington Co. Minis. iSc ChurcliCi, 1 3C Suffolk Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. 71 Watchmen, - - 152 Suffolk Co. Ministers and Cnurches, Ii2 Weigher of Ouions and Hay, 151 Surgeons and Surgeons Dentist, 1 53 Weight of Coins, - - 164 Surveyors of Boards, 6ic. - 151 Western Society of Midd. Husbandm. 4.( TABLE of I'enay Weights, Wharfage, Rstes of, - 1 5 < Table i;i Dsys, Williams' College, . - I if Table of Coins in the diff. States, Worcester Co. Representatives, iz T^ble of Interest at 6 per cent. Worcester Co. Justices, AttornieSj&c. 9, Table of Towns av.d L'ost-ilasters, WortesierCo. Ministers &Ch«rchcs,l3: Table to exchange Money, Bujifc, . _ 5( Timnage, YALE College, - - I if Town-OfRcers in Boston, York Co. Representatives, 15 Tovu-Clerk, York Co. Justices, Attornies, &c. jr Town-Crler, York Co. Ministers and Churches, 12^

&^ THE Publifhers of the Re G ISTE r regret that it is not in their power, this year, tc j;ive a Cenfus of all the Towns in the Diftrift of Maine. They have macie feveral applications to diHerent perfons.

but were not sfble to obtain it. Any gentleman having i; in his power to furnifli the Cenfus of jny or a'1 thofc towife for next year, will confer a great favour by forward ng it. It was aifo their wiCh to have inferted a cnrrcfi Lift o

Reads ; but not being able to obtain fuch a lift, ihcy hav^ wholly omitted them for this j-ear. /

Printed by M .\ N N i is c & Lo ring. No. £, Corii.'.ill
