Hk 317.3M31 M41 ARCHIVES ; . ; MASSACHUSETTS United S tates Calendar For the Year of our LORD 18 6 I 5 and the Thittieth of vImericas Ikdspendence, A CONTAINING Civil, Ecclcfia!llcal, Jvflici&:!, and Military Lifts in MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary, agricultural, and charitabk PurpofeSi A Lijl of Post-Towns in Maffachnfctts^ with the Names of ike Pes T-Ma s t £ r s ALSO, > Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its (everal Departments and Eibblifhments ;. The Executive Government in each State ; I Officers of the United States Army, Public Duties, Sec. USEFUL TABLES I And a Variety of other interefling Articles. B O S.T O N : Publiflied by JOHN WEST, and MANNING Sz LORING. Sold, wholefalc and retai!, at their Book-StorcB, Comhi!!. ^ ^5^ <5ffiqggWrgtw^gfe a^jaV^^ jfeai^'<g^^g»^5'^ ECLIPSES FOR 1806. THERE will be but three Eclipfcs this year; two will be of the Sun, and one of the Moon, as tbllows. I. The firft will be a vifible eclipfe of the Moon, Janu- ary 4th, and by calculation as follows, viz. H.M. Beginning -----.5 4'i}\ Middle ..'.... ^tifAPP^^^"*^'"^^ . End 837) ^''""'"^^ Duration ----- 2 53 3) Digits eclipfed, 9° £7' on the 's north limb. , II. The fecond will be a ver}' remarkable eclipfe of the Sun, which will be total, and vifible, if the air be clear, June 16th, and by calculation as follow» : K.M. Beginning ----- 9 Moon's eafterly edge touches 1 the Sun's centre - - 10 39 I Apparent time Beginning of total obfcurity 11 20 | morning. Middle ------ 11 2ii 1 End of total obfcurity - 11 22^ J Moon's we^lerly edge touches ^ the Sun's centre - - o 6 > Afternoon. End ------- o 47I) . Duration of total obfcurity 2^ Whole duration - - - 2 49I ^ (VJ" A total eclipfe of the Sun has been thought by moft people not converfant in aOronomy, as an impoflible phe- nomenon, as the Sun is allowed to be much larger than the Moon ; but it is alfo known that the Moon is at certain times much nearer the earth than at others;—thefe phenomena never take place, unlefs at the time of a central eclipfe of the Sun, and the Moon happens to be in her leafl diftance, or perigee, from the earth, which is the cafe at this time. A total eclipfe of the Sun, therefore, is a very rare thing, and probably there will not happen another of the kind, at the iarne place, for an age to come. N.B. The air at the time will receive a nightly chi^, afnd every tiling will wear a gloomy appearance. It is fup- pofed by-fome that flars will be feen. III. The third will be alfo of the Sun, December Qth, oh. 40m .'in the evening, invifible to us, but central in Nero S. Wales, Ion. 178° 33' W. of Bofton, ai^d lat. 32° 2/ S. 3/7, 3/M5f Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston Iittp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocl<etalmanackfo180'6arner JANUARY, 1806, begins on Wednefday. Full Moon, 4th day, 7 hTTTm."evening Laft Quarter, iith day, oh. 38m. evening. New Moon, 19th day, 3h. 8m. evening. Firft Quarter, 27th day, ih. 47m . evening. |w| Oblervabk Days, <^c. |r. G)7|7:#T[FTs7a Circumcilion. 14 Very 7 31 5 3 37 % \Q rough weather, 31 5 4 47 9 16 "j*^ fou. 8h. 31m. Btcomcs more 31 5 10 20 Wate. D eclipfed vifible. 7 30 5 ©rife 11 25 E 2d Sund. pad Chriftm. D Perig. 7 30 5 51 morn,! i 2 C.P.Lenox. Some Epipham 7 20 7 n 26 C.P. Bofton & Dedh. /now 285 8 26 1 23 Lucian. High tides. or 7 283 9 3^ 2 16 ruin this time. 7 27 5 10 50 3 6 Day breaks ^h. 45m. 7 27 A 11 58 3 54 Middling tides. Moderates. 26 r; morn. 4 41 ift Sund. paft Epiphany. 1 4 5 28 13 C.P, Northam.& Warren. Some 24 5 2 8 6 16 fnozo with 24 5 3 10 7 4 high winds at N. W. 7 23 4 7 54? 7 22 4 59 8 44 Dr. Franklin born, 1706. 21 5 44 9 33 ~*retty high tides 20 5 6 24 10 22 2d Sund. paft Epipha. ]) Apog 19 5 l>fets 11 8 C. S. Northamp. More 185 Louis XVI. beh^a. 1793. Jnow, 6 52 Ev.3 Vincent. andfome 7 53 1 18 7*s fouth 7h. 7m. rain. 15 5 8 54 2 o A change H 5 9 55 2 4 Conver. St, Paul, of weather. 13 5 10 58 24 26 E 3 3d Sund. paft Epipha. 12 3 morn 27 Low tides. Becomes 1 o 458 £83 Peter the Great died 1725. 10 I I 51 294 5 very cold Q n 2 18 649 and freezing. 8 3 26 7 50 316 Yard L fets sh. 3m. morn. 7 5 4 ^9 853 New Jcrfey, originally a Dutch fettlement, had its firft charter granted to James, Duke of York, 1634, who after- wards granted it to Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret 1644. The proprierors furrendercd their rights to the crown it 1702, and continued a royal government, until 1<'KBRUARY, i8od, begins on Saturday. Full Moori, 3d day, 5h. 58m. morning. Laft Quarter, loth day, 4h. 32m. morning New Moon, i8th day, loh. 5m. morning. Firft Quarter, 26th day, oh. 52m. morning. M i\v| 0:i!c:rv;!blc Days, &c. I-- GvM^i.jt.Sc. Pita[ant 5 51 5 ^5 9 55 ^eptuag.Sund. Candlcm. DPeri 4 .5! 6 12 'v''ery high tides. a.^ain. 3 o'^filti 1 52 ^cH'a. arn^s bet. Amer. & Brit. '8. 2 5! 7 7 morn. Igatha. A fiorm at hand. 1 5I 8 21 45 61 Alliance with France, 1778. 5S 9 33 1 3^ '*s fet ih. 35m. 5b 6:10 44 2 2i 6:11 Clears off 57 50 3 ^5| exagefima Sund. pleafant. 53 6 morn. 4 -rt 'ic Low tides for the feafon. 54 6 o 4 54 Treaty ^ wiih G.Erit. 1796. Somt 5Z ^ 44 /now or rain, 52 6 2 6 34 ^irius fets 2h. om. 50 6 3 7 25 V^vLENTINE's 6 8 Day. 49 4 . 15 6 Blujlering. ]) Apogee 48 4 56 9 Quinquag. Sund. 47 6 5 5 9 47 CloudsJorttd a 45 6 5 52 10 31 fets C.S. Cambridge. 446 J) il 14 Vliddling tides. change of 42 6 64b 44 u 50 6 46^ Alh-Wedn. orLEXT. weather. 41 . 7 Ev.39 PUaj'ant fun. 39 t)J 8 50 1 22 6 G.Washington bom 1 732 38 9 55 2 7 lit Sunday in Lent. u o St. Matt. Sharp zjcather 356 morn. 3 46 for tkefeajon. 34 ^ 7' 4 ^1 Not very high tides. 1 14 5 39 7*s fet oh. 15m. Snow or 31 6| 2 16 6 30 rain. 30 ^' 3 14 7 40 till 4//i: £/'«; FENl'S will be Lviui'ig Star tht 1 cf March : thaicc Morning Star till the 28M day of December, when it becomes Lveni);g Star again. July 2, 1776, when the inhabitants eflablifttd an indepen dent coi^iilitucion. PennlVlvania, charter of, granted to Wm. Penn, Marchj 4, 1680.' The firO General Affembly met at Chelter, De-I rCember 4, l6Hg. A*" tliis tim-" V/iiliam Penn effrfjed ant . MARCH, 1806, begins on Saturday, "TulfMoon, 4th day, 4h. 31m. evening. Laft Quarter, nth day, iih. 4m. evening* New Moon, 20th day, 2h. 37m. morning. Firft Quarter, 27 th day, ph. 8m, morning. Ohlervable Davs. &c. |r. s.jr. ^ s.\i .bca 'Si. David. Mure ]) tci: ce, 6 4 4 ^ 39 2d Sund. in Lent. 6 4 46 9 36 Fill! tides. moderafc, 6 10 31 S.J.C. Dedha-m, C.P.Portland, 6 6«r;feJ 11 231 Mairacre, Boft. 1770. with wind 6 22 7 11 norn. and 6 21 8 22 o 15 Perpetua. rain. 6 20 1 9 3-^; Bhilering. 6 1^ ^o 371 3d Sund. in Lent. 6 »i 17 45: 24H S^ard L fcts midnight. High 6 15 morn 3 39 Bollon and Nantucket. 6 S.J.C. 14 o 44:} 4 31 Gregory. Lov/ tides, winds 6 i 5 Planet Herfchel dlftov. 1781. 6 6 J3 Exped a change 6 3 7 ^/ D Apogee, 6 3 7 4i^ 4th Sund. HI Lent. ]VIid. Sun. 6 4 833 C.P. XJoncord. zveathcr. 6 4 9 i^ C.P. Nantucket, Q.%. Portland 6 4 •o ci Common tides. PL-aJant 5 5 11 1042 7*s fct iih. om. with 5 (ets 1 1 20 BenedJt^. fome. Ev.u Sir L Newton died, 1727. ratri 8 58 I 3 h Sund in Lent. mi A 10 6 » iP C.P. Worcefter. /larp 2 41 C.P. Barntfable. air. morn. 3 4-1 9.6. Che? fig es to more 17 4 4^ Pretty high tides. rAcdtrate 1 13 2HJ6 tjeather. 2 6 1% I Cloudy 7 j) Perigee 2 50 7 34 \-> m\\ Sund. m Lent. P. Sund. 3 27 8 27 C.P. lufwich. with rain. 4.5 7 40I Q 19 union ot the lower cuuuues, now the btate ot Delaware, wicli Pennfylvania. Mr. Penn granted a new charter, which \vas raerei/ a coniiiiution or form of government • but as it was found inconvenient, it ^^'as given up in May 17C0, and a new one granted, Oflober 28, 1701.
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