, ’ 13,t869, , A* ' tMe daily JEVEMIIIG EllLtEim—ftUL^M RIL 1 i: CntianlaSleßond'Kontlonjen wosßeldottho resi- IJWDBAWWi TUESDAY, AERILJ3,IB69. oh o citir pastor, situated as 1 am, Is constaat C oo-vauctiombuba- Llffcdld'FbiffpS;« Benora ; M-_ '’ '• t;.~z', v lience ot Mrs. A. - l-J »ABttOCIII WATER '. | .—: • v ' • and f/Mr.'Beecher la aging fast. : His and Mercedes Bunting,Not.KB Jind 2»4WAHKETstreot.OTrnerot B»nfr«t. ' btColae, Vice President, Sandra '&? FI 111! PROOF 1-- Davii. C. Hall,Republican, waselecUwMayolr hair thlfi-i tOn my remarking The Loiu i 1 gi;pWß:gr«y otad [Liverpool. ABGB an ego- /'s'■ ■ £c of PA^Atf|a,/of t ; are the;tokens and. proofs niadebiai’brave, though way ward; tf Borden town, yesterday. V- ’ ' to Mrs. Beecher, as We drove to the train, jLB29 hisdiaguise. Those tist his methoq, but good receipts yeßtarday■ ! Gtf TiflJtiaDAy fi,' ' l ‘V- \ in wlthShb Internal Revenue in my of thirteen was appointed ! April 11) fgjtog> > ‘ genlda. Yet there 1 p gjeat'dlfference him since ladles , of bia falling short'ot true and ,-m /- ». Thk that saw. f A Committee don Globe Ins. JGat o'clock* on loaf montnt.»ccedU In the right side of itjJ thongn there party. ..,;,| • jt, . . the Cuban wa?. Gold y CsseeOottonade*vM»ncheejer Glajhaittir Noihlnfrat #ll P»P« d^.LP as may nbutratrea 'and on suited Infavor ofthoDeak made us all look and.feQji.old;,’;. Mr. Beecher sick and FIREINSURANCECOMPANY Assets 17,696,3 anilDo noetic tyranny, 90 > orothor encroachments of destroyed \ t. ' do Blue Ult3c&a» Ticks, Liniog*,* v ?On!y o somewhere exception to that general rule A web Portland,Maine, yosterday,‘ formed! -'P it A 3-4 il -., Shine*Ponim* murder large self-love and self-will; a deplorable ' PittLADEUPHiA, January 18,1869. . 'OEBET StoitßS, in baa a worn and Weary look, and does not ■ .by Samuel SBhaur : do Madder Frfnt'.B!ledaV* ;ain&rica. OoitdrjefUM*.. n of ,' T of the particular Instance of defama- $30,000 worth of property. *£& ‘r, • v,r ;the of I'■ “. do Kentucky and Misted i/anse allwcxl PUnnsta. , rare to see the claims in the & .prefifint appearance robust health I Phelps, of Mary- ;■ in Kersojai 1 and ft really la.so repose and Messre. FARKEL, HERRING CO.. St, RING, left Richnfdnd, yesterday, non, of New York; Hon. C. E. OfB(»---436 (437.Cheiiinut Street* the. ’"'PH LC'C. do Frinte&Batinet* CaaUmerflifTwteoda^K ; tioh which broke up. ,29and StOMBWAK asi >* music the' 819 Aroh Ghnkbal .-i j.im'jon.jv > , raddressedJ ffolldwing :-r,: :r do anvae, Hollands* y. * was - an-original life. ie well known citizens •jttured and Hoop Skirts. Kichoaofaa, Ullroan the MCou-Cott" exhibited.v v »• "SKSSitKIS!‘SWto. service may be fairly.considered’ truth justice. for the rest, ae Corsets The anolyel* prove* lhAt the waters of the large Roputillcan mooting , in yoStcr- | MERCHANT.TAILORS* GO«iP8; he be too paradoxical, enough for and As and storo and valuable stock 1 curious circularao his friends: "Afqer reading Daily Receipts over $2.0,006.00 Pieces’ Bejeianand English Black and Bine Clttui - v of high math, even if edu- onrlarge esiteneivo day afternoon...... From New Ttorßi entitled to he was of aristocratic birth;,fortune. and 902 st., was burned. extinguished, Rossini's posthumous mass, I bought the ?:;>•= do French'"Fancy"Ci«*aiin6tM «mdCoaUn*J, Dm* too an egotist, to be of merchandise, No. Chestnut the Hill Mines is ! Moran «| . Siting. • • :"V ' : and measured Gold April,l2.-.Deputy, Sheriff « v democracy political aim, FINANCIAL* STAR The fire in Nbw York,...... I.ISWB to-flay!: cation, for his and de- me, Premium*..... : thh paper of genius. with Are one of the most extensive SARATOGA SPRINGS air in them prevents parties from right of performing it in Italy. Believe pleaded guilty' to charge of havingial- " in 1868, do French Tricot*. Bilk Mixtures Melton*. SeptL* TUoihlnff hmllin of starvation, high honors *; helplessness for his clients. “The was larger Amount of folia in but tbo foul 10-dav the FOR 1889, Premiums Uots. (here’s a woman died away others tbantne and poverty and cityfor many years, have'nmtteli subetaneeirleher bodies piMent.. it the greatest and. most perfect work Ros- to He was re- CLAIMS. INCOME j qualities. is ‘ Klng; cscape. UNSETTLED Saxony To be sure many may But paradox curries Savage that has visited our AWWjpMAN, , descending to:recover, at • lowid the robber, 8*3,788 tOOm. do 7 4 Block Cloth' all this have made. Walter structive ‘ ; IS.*,. y. . . v)do Fell down-in the street—as so and utterers; and. wo have been All would intense that oven the marble STISKIiING —*Aw 01l redDcry, withover 16,000bandsof crude sini has ever Writteli. Tt is certaitily by far maiide'd'forech tence. Austrian BUck'J'willed Clothe ' prosperous Christian nation. inventors a remarkable man in generation, tho beat being so BANKERS ASDteEOTEEB, ( wag 1 t*aid. Since 1839 C)ver .. $5,665,075.00 do A'ix ta Chapelldßlack Twilled Clotb«of a well f than In this very the vigorous old Land or his . petroleum, at Wyoming, Canada, more beautiful and grand his ‘Stabat ' raperiormake. : • ’ inwardgrief commenting on tbe mind of but almost obliterated. . . . BTBONQESI! WATER. and refined 4 knownand ■>■■■■■ f Or young girls with some apart from Literature; cornico was $12,000. naiterit, '■' Dyed Cloth, 1 . two before have his services to Blrcet, Philadelphia, contain* burned Sunday night.: kopt Ido write you this for the pur- . Bow York do Wool al rind colors. in the inky waters. who ffi from us, wo two of your valu- Booth Third It alio domomtreteathatlhoBTAR WATER on Mater.’ not ; gone aware, 110 4'5)1a0 - Maddened, have plunged man when we recall some of,his works—such pic- We had, asyou are No. 83,300 hT [Special Despatch PhUada. Evening Bulletin. 1 Losses in 1868,' $3,662,445.00 do 7 Clrfth-Anchor brand: his eon s a thief at his life, which was, from for the Bole of AbOUt Joins A Coleman has been awardod pose of pufling the work,. I;havo engaged to the do 4 5 Saxony Black Doeeklm, Or a father has learned glanced shot at the able and CHAMPIONFIRE-PROOF Special Aginta from a of the drivers tbe Se- ' Terms, theiEnglish well-known ejectment Perpetual Temnoruy _ l&CbapoUo been robbed of one of her laßt, as characteristic as his tures as that of officer your 100;Cttl>ie : inched Bloro of Gas r a Boston jury,'for car star cantatricea and singers; and shall give ; NkwYork, April 12.—Tbe on and Policies onLiberal do 4 4 Alx Black Doeeklnt. Or a mother first to nobly have they vindicated The Com- ; The Company also Issues Po’ides upoo tho Bent* of oil . do do do ' do • Pyramids—such criticism'as in hia Penta- SAFES; and & gallon Any spring. Row York,and New Haven . Italy with an cond avenue railroad struck to-day. Buildings, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, 7J4 daughters. writings; as characteristic as hisface as of Danville, Hazelton Wilkesbarre 8.8. in a than other Itif thiseitf* amount the mass inthe large cities of Übd a large■ police kinds of Ground Bent* ana Mortgages. do 7*4 fine ModeC ilored Zephyrs, theregular way— meron—and discourses so elevating and so well known reputation manufacturers of go* that tapaitsto this waterItspecullarlyaparkUiig TiißPresldent laundorstood; to have directed one performers, and a pany lias hired sulistUufcß,' do .Black and Colored Italians. Satin do Chino* in pertaining orcheatraiof hundred * J Thingd that occur and form, and everything tomm. put into any further proof had appearance, andrender* it eo voryAgroesbld to,thetaste- v of authorl- is them. Henry Arcularlns, PTBECIOBS, Drapd’Ete. , > • at all in the paper to-day. heart-moving as Bomp which ho has SAFES, if MOBTGAGE BONDS. Ileum, BOfFto demand the Spanish rate force protecting Filler, : ' There’s nothing may be paradoxical ourselves if we FIRE-PROOF FIBBT Itaico tend*to preservethe de flavor of the_water Admiral choir of two hundred; in the second a well-known politician, died to-day. : AlfredQ. Baker. Alfred Philadelphia. '■’DBEitiTGOODS. BILKS AND- BHAWLB. i! ■> We called scholarly and whenbottled; and Cause*it to uncork withaa eltorve*. ilcg in cnba the release of American citizens and lormcrly - Grant, Thomaa Sparks, Pieces Manchester never was anything the mouths of heroes, sages, been required. ' cities, sixty musicians and sixty choris- d newspaper reporter, Samuel end Scotch Gingham*,' l tVHH* nothing at all in the paper to-day, say (but it is true) that men, to tho most intense heat, oncealmost equaltoChuopagne,- V ■ of their property. With i Mr. Phillips, formerly ; Geo. W. Klcaarde, Wm. B. Grant. Piques. There's women, and saintly and knightly They wero subjected restoration towns, thirty to four years imprK ' Lea, Thomaa S. Kllia. Alpacas, Dolalae*, life, the sur- noble _ weseut those ters;, small with was recently sentenced Isaac do Blnefc and colored Popliaa, thingem tlio city— piece than mind and R fl ato Milted States iues< At Bold by the leading DruggiiU through- Senate and in the who Unices you earoabout more ofa obligations to us pleasure to inform you «i r f to orfl andHottla No confirmations wero mado by the Geo.Falsa, Gustavos S. Benson. RELIANCE COMPANY OF PHIL Mohairs. .■:■■■: , 1 . v. of this that and it affords much latter ■onment swindling, -thia - THE INSURANCE rogues for their crimeß must pay utterances the acts we feel our.cumulative out the <•. spent musicians and fhirty choristers. .Tho' for committed splcido ALFRED BAKJEK, ' . . Lawns, Lenca, Fancy Bareges* rich roundings, the and is a ruins, we country.. yesterday., Tbo session was In considering G. President. 1 ADELFHIA. „ , do Checks, Orona- from the in at ■■ him are very great, and that his death recovering them morning (by tiapglhgT himself his Cell : GEO. FALKS, Vice President. incorporated In 1841. CharterPorpotaal. , cries out “pity!") thoroughly inconsistent that after naturalization treaties wlthßel- always accompany me as the nucleus of ( • ' ; . , ■ dlnes. ’(Though all gentility wonderlully sane yet iss^a'AKfi'SSs ratify Wg the Will --- £■ Walnut street ■ of our books, papers and jne Brooklyn.- 5 P %.J . JAB. W. MoALLIhTEP, Secretary, Office. No. 806■ do Lyons Black and Colored Dress Silks* Fancy Bhoji-boy that robs a till— muscular, prominent incident the upon examination, that WYETH&BBO., Hesse Cassel, and my troupe; moreover,lshall with four - capital ' meanest broad, active t^fne. found, JOHN Baden, Wnrtemberg, take Assistant Secretary. > • ammo. „ gium, , LIHe the being. His tall, tbe affair of i WM. GREEN. Shawl*, &c. J York Bank officers say FIRE, • - a to-day ifI’m notforgetting. were all in perfect condition. aP ex. two German States. one orthe other of the Tbe New ; ~ . ~ . . ■ . fell tdo3l insures against■ loss or damage by on Houses, —ALSO— There’s case was characteristic; and so was his ability. and other valuables Bond» and other Boeuritiea taken'in one or other reserve singers, in case tbe certified check arose from a mls- Buildings, or pmpetnal, ajid on such lads will— frame bebedivabt et.w,een th&narty; presenting it ri oiIAWAIUS MUTUAL BAFETY INS UttAWCE CUM Furniture, Goods, Wares imd Merchandise in town or Plirte, Traveling and Under Shirts, Ties, Umbrellas. pay some money he lost in belting. head, with Loan*, be. Binghampton, yesterdoy To the expressed self-will as strongly Tile Judicial Llgitts ol OTassacUusctts. JAS. E. CALDWELL, & CO. £¥t«!kM*onfl». JsJtt WholeßaleAjrents., hladwcliingat N. Y., month twenty-six performances,'six‘ln' the ibeSlatter :pay ine .ii-astaoon as Incorporated by the Leglalaturo of Pennsylvania, 1838. COU PAID White Goods, SufiTonders, Shirttrouts, BowiHgß,Tallor:i* But nothing in this that’s out of browß, which which bore marks, and th&Teller/ uSsBES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND 'liimmlng®, tsotioce, die. there’s others. [From the Boston Advertiser, April 6.J morning. His head, pistol the and ■ was required in behalf M • 1 in large cities, four in second-class citie3 that payment ..... »C437*6W in some caßes as astonishment ONLY SAFES THAT WERE EX- Aliofor sale by W, Walter 'Million. Chestnut HIUi outtiiTj in a brass ket- made aware of TfUKD ahi WALNUT; Streets, Assets* ■...... —ALSO—* haß at- P. 8. THE was and discovered not the Gold Exchange Bank. bffice '.Sik ctitner -> 000 PA COLLAHS. to- day. till they The Bubject hereditary ability CbMtnut, lt>as sixteen in the smaller towns,. monthly* Of the broker, and ■' ; *' 'Philadelphia; P • 4"- 100 t 5 ETt all in the paper mounting up com- of Drown, of Filth and street*; ‘ V following ;l '' There’s nothing at Those eyebrows, IN CALDWELL’S STORE Fred. corner, wlfd and two girls, inmatesof the bouse, this morning ■ 1 ■ Tnvesiod In the Sbenrlties.vim:_ Viz: Dickens and Magenta standard make. -" forehead, have England lately, and POSED TOTHE FIRE LJ. Grahame. Twelfth and TObert: H. RJdpptaeott. tle. His 70,000frqucs;'but the (The Bank of New York holds MARINE INSUfIANCES First Mortgage* on CityProperty, weU secured. OO a portion ot the tracted some attention in & Cherry; expenses will be about. Cargo 6J-00DOZEN HOSIERY. prehend good FaRREL, CO.’S MAKE. UNION PACIFIC RR. Twontii th and Peck Chestnut; BamT had disappeared. vtjria million in "gold a'SsdtS., The report thatIt On Veeaela, and Freiftnt toall parts of the world. United State* GovernmentLoans...... m.OOO 00 to-dny published WERE HERRING ftCo..JS2B& o 8000 dozen ladies' White Cotton Hose. Hothing at all inthe p&por in many paradoxical curious letter was recently ntirg. and Bpruee; A, Ta,lor. 10U Chest- enterprise la safer and better than the Patti INLAND INSURANCES ... 75,000 00 and been observed more a very B. Bo Tenth of thoIndiana House at a heavy commiESioala erro- carriago Philadelphia City6per cent L0an5...... ,,. 800 do do Brown do , V-SV* deaths fo borrow by river, canal, to edJ . bankruptcies, ta- Oliver, Eighteenth andßprucatP. Jaeoby.Jiv. X«f* ©d®OdraUe Members indisposition the had goods lake and land 6 per cent ....., Bntlhd births and there was the re- in the Times founded upon Mr. Foss's nut :P. G. and concerts, the frequent of On parts M Pennsylvania ffiao&kOlß Loan. AOOO Oo suu do do Mixed do . personathan one. Then Philadelphia, January 18,1869. Goo. C. Bower; Birth and Vine! Jame* T. of Beprtisenthtivea were sworn Inyesterday, neous. of the Union.' Pennsylvania' first Mortgage.. ~ 5,000 00 „ 819 tihestnut: losses; Railroad Ronds, do gents* Brown Cotton Half Hose. ‘ marriages, „ ear- Bhowiog the de- English judges from the Borneo; Daniel 8 Jones, Involving moin hoavy 'ln ohe , FIRE INSURANCES Company’s per 1000 survey, treating but broad forehead, bles of all the Bhlnn, Broad and Twelfth and theHouse adopted a resolutionpostponing action Patti Dwellings, Camden and Amboy Bailroad 6 - brown mixed Half. .Bdt iifo’s events In the old of in- FARREL, & CO., First Mortgage Bonds Bpmco; W.BrWebb, Tenthand uprin* Garden. As 18,000francs; con- From Washmscon. On Merchandise generally son Stores, MOOoo 400 do do Mixed and Cotton •■' power. timeß, showing in whit a number Messrs. HERRING amendment until May. week lost in France in : rCent.Loan. Hoao. vv>-;-v..vrX^. With Virtue begging, and Vice in carriages: ficiency ofreasoning and speculative liest dol-tn th a Ivrpt on tho Suffrage I —;—■■... .Mouses, Ac. ot imagination, members of the same family, CHESTNUT Btreet. ■ soon the'pjssflge of rcsolutleW waS.kno wn sickness. the masß and : WASHCtQHOS,' April 12.—A1l tho executive SOO do children's■ White■ Cotton Hose , w ?. , . kindly hearts.under ermine gowns, With the preponderance and stances several No. 629 r as thle sequence of her Wflth rtxe&sfrui&i £“ • AJao, a line of Berlin, Silk, Lisle, Mixed and Fancy 4 r-j*'.* tehTo»B?^-Ton Ahd high POOKEl BOOHN, &C. members of that ! likely departments to-day crowded by Senators ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. > CR(2p ifiWW breasts under hodden gray, for Tho massive In direct descent, have attained a : night of the 13th instant in tho Senate the Democratic nly four reserve singers shall not be arc Benda... Gloves. . , ‘ V wicked hnge passion destruction. often Gentlemen On the to November h 1868. Company’s Stock...... LOW And a been Bought and Sold at Beet Market Prices. body appeared and qualified, making a quorum on making a and members of Congress, all of whom appear ,ye Loag. ConnlyPire Insurance JJJ ' N.B.—The above ln*UquaUties, from ptaln to■ full re - not only to clowns, to at the English bar; and have to any losses. I count emoOOUpltMßtato, f For .Cent 00 & For goodness belongs self-love and self-will carried up his head position targe Btore, S. W. cornerof Ninth and Chest? sustain dull for the official grindstone. MecbanlcaVßanh 5t0ck.,.,...... ,4.000 gular, of Well-known importation. *> our axes' ‘ - Pennsylvania ’to ' lords*does sin bear ewav. similar list can for business. profit bf francsiultaly, aniPaiyi: have 0 Commercial Bank of Stock. 10.000 00 And o’er others than something more than a dignified bearing appointed,to the bench. A heavy stock at deair 100,000 | SAVJT OBUBUB., v tartnoo United States Six- Percent Loan, Insurance Company's Shmk..... 880 00 Did nut streets, was, together with'our The Cuban Junta held a meeting the St 3" 188,800 00 Union Mutual : -ALBO- wrecked!” Supreme Philadelphia _ 1 Bnt wbat doI read?—“drowned! arrogance. His vivid and | be formed from the judgesof the These Baade paySix (6).Per Coat latoreet to to calculations Beid'om fail to prove true. There Joseph Lonman has received ISBI Reliarco Insurance Company of ia pieces EXTRA SUPERFINEDamask Worsted VS* v to fire. hear the Bear ’ even one _ of entirely destroyed by yesterday, Admiral ~ say of wall papers, Jnllen Hotel, New York, large thea- t £O,OOO United States Bix Per Cent. Loan • NiTj goods. X eye, mouth, were , and, in proportion are in Italy fifty-two. cities with orders to command the South At- ■?.,?-,j;/ (forFadfio Kailroad>. 60,000 00 ANS, Weh cost In- MU." f* paper to-day? quick and the thoughtful Court of 1 report of Senor Rlncz, who has just relumed ipreparatory j Cosh in Baiutandon hand...... 12.258 33 SUPERFINE £NGRUNB: nothing CHAMPION Pennsylvania la'piecesfeiXTßA. There was at all in the dis- number, perhaps quite as remarkable Wo had'one of your PATENT proceedings and I believe I he able to give one omic Squadron. James O. Qrtn.ooo Btute of Six Per j 1 fine, and his whole air Was that of a man to their prin- Washington. The report and tres, shall Cent. Loan.. 21L875 00 $437,608 All tbeinariufaetureof tbeOXFORD COMPANY/ v I SAFES, which onr from to’ a Worth.atPar 83, ! certainly, but also which the industry of antiquaries has FIRE-PROOF contained aotiD. kept socret, but I* Intimated and .< twenty performancea, at 6,000 Kaue has been ordered temporary duty as Cits of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Tbo attention of the retail trade Is partlcauriy. ro* own as Junta were " 125,000 LANDOR. anguished in his eye that although of the It hundred ” 1 Washing- Tax) 128,604 quested to books and papers, and it was ex- aid Cuban revo- “■ r ' '■* member of the Board of Examiners at Loan (exempt Irom .00 prices, ,8i&tg)l 83 th;ee goods... ~rJiSr JiS .. reports he discovered England. cipal that a etrongjßXpediUon in of the francs each.” Jer.ey Worth this date at market in those of others. Tradition that in . 8U MM. of Mias Manual of posed to the most Intense heatfor over 60 hours, sail from a Bouthtm'•portunf iton, D. C. Lieutenant D. C. WPoddrow Is or- tt-000 M LARGE HALF, OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS,! 3 i'Ottr, readers ore surely, not tired yet was handsome in his youth. In age he was From the list published in the lution! basket the Vandalia, and F. Heyerman to DIRECTORS. ~, , CANTON MATTINUILAa. will bo glad of one page 135, it ap- to say it proved Itself worthy of onr der ThoCounhand 1 of: a-distinguishea American The Pope en Free nufnty.; dered to Thomas C. Hill. Thomas Ft. Moore,■ Maftlneau’s “Sketches,” ond The first question about him usually the General Court for i869, we are happy PRINCIPAL Island. Surgeon JohnJ. Gibson is or- Caatnor. ON FRIDAY MORNING. 1 of WalterSavage Lan- more. - officer. Free France areexceedingly League Wm. Mnsser, Bamuol April 16, at .11 o’clock,'on - four montlia' crodlt. aDont'Stß papers were of . Pennsylvania Young, more. Here is her profile with his frame, his courage, pears that between 1692 and 1776 there were Our books and The Masons to tbe Seminole. Oscar P. SB.OOO BaUroad Second Samuel Biapham, James T, why, and recommendation. dered Commander . 24,000 pieces Vt nettun.List'Romp, and Ra* adamantine cameo of the was fa?«ar«r>Waßhlngton correspondent tele- indignant thafollowing passages In the re- 1| Mortgage Bix Percent Bonds 00 Isaac P. Baker. ■! Ingrain. Cottage dor. It is a keen-ent, Superior of cheerfully tender ouf testi- • The at U. U Careon. <> politics, and his social position, he thirty-three judges of the Court all preserved. We 'iy Blanton is detached frdtn the command of the \ £5,000 Pennsylvania hailroad Stevenson, CaxpetingsiFloorOil,ClotßB,Matting»,,!!ip,'.j ,f -.V Conversations,” everyway and his Y !) Rots called on the President to Western Wm. ChristianJ. Hoffman. author of “Imaginary in graphs— cent Pius the Ninth addressed on wailing orders. Bopda ' the army. reply might be, of the Province of Massachusetts to the many already published, giving a man letter which Purveyor and placed six Per Cent Beni. W. Tinkley. Samuel B. Thomas. AND . Landor died September lrth, was not in One Judicature monial to-aay, and demanded the appointmentof 1 (Penna. BIL guarantee) ■20.625■ 00 . LARGE SALE OF FRENCH OTHER worthy of the detached, from _ _ .. man. operate; Cushings, two the it Monseigneur Darboy.theArchbishop ofParis: , Commander N. D. Whiting is ' per Edward Biter. EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, be, nor co- Bay. Among these were three BAFE credit and confidence refused; to nominate. ;■ 80,000 Btate of lennenee Five Cedt _ „ TbOSMAS C.HILL, President that he could neither obey tho HERRING Pay able in Gold. whom the President had that these Navy-yard, and to the 21,00000 ON MONDAY MOHNIMJ. “Yon are not ignorant of the fact the New York ordered . 'justices), two Lyndes Ross Loan Cnuuu, Secretary. .«..»» which Mr. Landor at- was, that his godfather, General Bewails (both chief ‘nstly merits. The President again declined, and told Mr. H. Up- Cent Wm. ' April 19, at 10 o!cloclc,oo four months', credit The great'age to another and of command of the Saratoga, relieving J. 7.000 State of TenneMee Six Per February 17.1869. _ 3&l-4u tnetf- Hutchinsons, that question, societies, ofiier associations PIULiLnEisPHXA* - that it; Landor therefore pre- (also chief justices), and'two very respectfully, Ibat he had bis mind made np on Masonic Joseph < , .L0an...... * 6,03* 25 tained affords some sort of presumption Powell, wished and Yours, been shur, who waits orders. Commander H. prinri- OF IN P*OlHEii ■ Temple for that Oliver. Watches. dent Grant cessors, and J. M.Foray the and G.T. Company* This exclusively to HANDSOME WaLNUT HOUSEHOLD . style rather than of soul—we do not mean study law, and reside in the tonstall and STILL ANOTHER. completed to any further demonstration Musters 10,000 Pennsylvania Baikoad . e&fety* and confines its business ; * The Road will be without waiting for been, belong- lABOK FRENCH PLATE PIERIIIRKOBj SUPB- 1775 there have forty-two jus- Philadelphia, penalties have inflicted ,those H. G. Macy add' James H. Chosley, Assistant- 200 ehareß stock : 11,800 00 style expression purpose, would give him only Since been ; January 19,1869. a bee Hue for .on •• RIOR BURGLAR PROOF PIANO- HANIP literary style only, but of whereas he President, Mr. Rosb made Pennsylvania _ __ PHILADEL SAFE*. J of Massachusetts, from tho ing to them. These impious sects, Surgeon M. C. Dreunan and Paymaster Batroul 5,000 North Badlroad Com* FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF iLxUbSKLS ANO IMPERIAL CARPETS*. *O. by the pen. Con- course he took of the Supreme Courtof & stopped until he was safe 8,600 bO&lE as if he would not; and of tices door, and never pany, 10Ushares ...77.. . 00 », . by life and act, as well Al5O following FARREL, HERRING CO„ Days, the which, though bearing names, are detached from the Purveyor. , . stock... ON WEONESDAVMuRNINO. to long far as could from we have selected the Thirty (30) LADOaiUS & lodgings.'’ .different 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail April 14, • at the rooms, by cata- tempt and bitterness are not conducive the .£l5O, and went as he ,from whom 629 CHESTNUT Street c£ within his own by , ARMY ORDERS. Steamship Company* 60shares Arch etreet. Fourth National Bunk t 10 o’clock, auction connected with one another OFFICE—No. 733 logue, veiy desirable ‘ Furniture, including—Hamuoaitf ' . are 15,000 the names: . ~... 00 Baid, they dry up is, to Swansea. Warwick .... safes Daneau,sth Car* stock rops .hair, life. As the ancients the Temple—that : I had of your moke of & Cleutenont-Colonel Thomas BaildisK. Pm lor Fu; covered in fine plusb. and . and Gentlemen one DEALERS JEWELERS.] A AGBN f. the complicity of the most criminal de- 807,000 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, fint directors. niture* Furniture, ' say, they fret place. He was born in the , the first chief justice, Train* through DIAMOND LIOHItIIRO AS MEDICAL. airy, prdered to join bis regiment m the De- 207,900 00 Henry Brenner, cloth; 4 suit* Handsome Walnut Chamber so- vital juiceß. As we moderns -was his native of Caldwell & Co.’s store, And run in * fIHMWtt hatred is liens on City Properties ThomM 3. Martin. W. Dining library larger the the fine old the the United States, in the basement J. E. WATCHES. I signs, ana animated With the blackest Assistant Quartermaster- Blrat. albertiu Kin*. Hoorn-and Furniture,. flea nerves, and intercept com- best house in the city, where gar- second President of partment of thePlatte. John rjrior . > the brain and time of the great fire on the night of the and JEWELS! EBPATBEDj/ “Thunder andLightning,’ religion, and the Apostolic from Market Value, 81,120.325 35 Vim-A, Bolin, Henry Bumm. reach Pl-t« Pier MirTor BUperior.Burglarpr'df SUeu beue- horse-chestnuts, too to need spe- ■at the OffATOEIS We extractfrom against onr sacred General Bnfne Ingalls Is relieved dnty as- eUltf9,9oo Par. Forte; Brussels Carpets, ; good-humor and den, its noble el dob and whose family is celebrated @ JunoaWood, Piano handsome .unelngralaahd placent enjoyment of with from thoruins to-day, Forty-Five (45) Days. <& attempt by means of pestilential Coat L033.W1 8R JameaMongan, JtrperiM Carpets- new; Mirrors, Engravings, as . . SI 3th inst. It was removed Chestnut St., EhUft; Charles Scribner Co.’s Il- See, both Chief Quartermaster of the Military Division of, Estate 1(8,000 03 Glenn, John Bhalicroea. dugerw imagination, „ 802 joat published in volence, which eminently promotes length of might have influenced his so cial mention. papers, by remain charge Real William llenn^At'Kln, Office Furniture, handßomeCasentuffedßlrds, nne .China > justice, on it found all my books, writings distributed far and wide, and Atlantic, and will in of the Billa Receivable for Insurance* Jem'or Jenner. J* tea, Savage Landor was born to something to do possibly with his , the second chief [and opening lustrated Library ®f Wonders, the following the 82a,186M faickson, Hoph Mulligan. and Glassware. Hair and Spring Ma tree Feather Bsda, * days. As Walter have performing the dtt- made Alexander T. •• ' Court watches, and materials, Ac., base manoenvers and all kinds of diabolical general depot at New York, Ajwnctefl—Pre- Koberte, FMUpFitzpatrick. Gold Watch* Ac; v^ it Italy. mother judge of the Supreme ■greenbacks, watch Balances due at Albert C. ~ now departed, seema in was afterwardß ’ in 1775, and has only subsequent abode His and Watclies well-attested cases, which will interest those every, where"mbfffls and- ,Urs of Chief Quartermaster of the East.. Deputy PoUciee : James F. Dillon. States, relative of I feel glad that I had one of your Ladies’ and Gents’ artifices, to corrupt Van miums on Marine ANDRESS, President. TO FtORtSTS AND any fatal proportion of family of Savage; and heredi- of the United a hear alf preserved. electricity Stewart VUet, on crued Interest and other CUMIAB B. ' . that, after he had not the ancient American and Imported, the most celebrated makers. studying the, effects of as honesty,-trnth Quartermaster-General debts Bec*y. Joshua Longstreth. deceased. ,• all* 1790-1800, and of safes, shall another of oi, who are minds, to destroy all ideas of the depot at duo the Company . 40,178 88 Wil A. Boldt. Treai Wu H. PIQBW. ■ Estate of of contempt or bitterness deep down in his tary lay about him in Staffordshire Nathan Cushing, judge truly valuable and want completion of the dosing up of sundry Executors’ Sale- Very Valuable and CholcCOonoctlon of estates and after- remedial agent in nervous diseases: to circulate monstrous doctrines Stock and Scrip of Conarra- Y—OF- BABU, remains how he Warwickshire, which had been in the Cushing, judge 1852-53. mako when I get located. Fine Vent Chains and Irsontines* a and justice; bolumore,wiH.lake charge ofthe depots at Phila- tions, $3458 Estimated rpHE OOLNTY FIRE INBURANUECOMPAN HOT HOUSE PLANTS. IL/THOUSES. A* question Caleb your ' 00. nature;, and the and karats. to propagate i 4 Ece, South Fourth street, ON BATUBDAY MUBNINO. much the United States, In 14 and 18 Ah a cure for paralysis, a thunderbolt in all directiobß; breed and end Schuylkill. value LBl3 00 i No. 110 below„CbestaotCountyof FMia- came to be so markedly known by as possession of the family for nearly seven cen- wards Attorney-General of Yours, very respectfully, delphia 08 “TheFire Insurance Company of the April 17, at 11 o'Mock, at NlnetCD-th street and TornePe Diamond and Other Jewelry* to.be a sovereign remedy; but the dif- abominable vices and unheard of infamies ; f The President 'has ordered Captain Joseph Cash InBank 8118.150 delphia," Incorporated by lha Lerislatureof laDe, by order of Executore ef Estate of the late Joshua . a seems ■ «3 65 he had. The truth is, he hafi "in him turies. These he sold, to shift himself to and of F. L. KIRKPATRICK, the Retiring cash in Drawer Indemnity against or damage by fire, deceased; bv catalogue, the entire luxe get-;') as judge 1790-1801, one the Uteridesign*. ficulty resides in Snowing how to receive a to shake the rule of, all legitimate authority ; 'Thompson, Second Artillery, before uia in 183S, for loss Long.tretb. of admiration; and a deep,pure, did hisspirit of destruc- i , B. & Co., .Of Bobin- eicluaively. lection ofextra valuable Hot House Plants, lacladlqi» strong faculty Wales, and nowhere ' with J. Securities, Denis, andColonel John Cl of lnde Caldwell in escacemkst ai»i> B'kddisg bincs, proper not anexorbitant allowance to overthrow. Ifit .were possible, the 'Board, at 8L pehpeTUAL. a zoUeb, S&J Oamlliaa EotraUyi, Cactus, Ovens Revolu- tenderness and sweetness ran waywardness break out more pain- of the signers of the Declaration . 'Dealers Government dose, and the Rearing 81.647.857 80 numbor,of very fresh current of tive 819 CHEBTNUT Street. Geld, &0., In 18karat and coin. i' lie civil society, ana to drive God sen, Forlv-thlrd Infantry, before tion. lib DaHlaa.and a verylarge lio#, unhappily and of - ‘-7 ' Church and examination, “ odder the film of gall which Nature fully than in the sale of those old estates, ; pendence. BOUD SILVER WAKE FOR Bit IPAD PRESENTS. 'Board at'New York, both for DIRECTORS; co^gMd^%««nS,“gg many judge 1776- 79, was the Wal’.E, American enffered paralysis npon one Himself from heaven.” and N. James B-McFariand, dVS^M',?&USEB. BABH. at the fountain. This his of the new. He employed , PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, TABLE PLATED Etc An iColonel John Dlmmick, retired, D. Thomas C. Hand. Largo quaUiity of green house Saab.WALKfcAc/,WalfcOs Plowef shed over his existence treatment of HERRING’S CUTLEEV. Edward Darlington. William a Ludwig, safety this made Foßter, chief justice the FROM side of hifl body from childhood. A thunder- of the ordnance department, have been with the absolute ofit» Tanks, tax, Ac., comprising large and •* was one of the contradictions of which scores of laborers on his Welsh estates, father of Dwight “THE MOST RELIABLE SECDEITY ©. fFloeler, Joseph B. Beal, Jacob P. Jones, ttoowratrSiooiiaWent Stones. Bricks. thp Third Street. and gave him the testify Beyer Court of In- tl extensive greenhouses. . made up; and it is, and built a house which Common Pleas and United States Senator 40. bolt cored him entirely, fordered to before the Edmond A.Bonder, Jojtaa .P-Byre, possible despateln- dajfl previous to,aalci paradoxical being was roads and planted, NOWKNOWN." Manufactured and sold ap9 editions Yesterday &. Boulton. May beacon two of Foster, FIRE tl 6k WM. B. WAKHE * CO., hia'organs, after shaking him so Prom oar late of 'fheophilua Paulding William the rest, worthy of some contemplation; cost him .£B,OOO. He set his heart upon from Massachusetts, and Theodore nse of all fqulry. Hugh Craig. nenrytlDaUett, Jc, with para- from Rhode Island,and by Isa . Wholesale Deals* in severely, however,that he remained insen- Chas. j. Batter, I Andrew H. Miller. Executors’ Bale Nineteenth end Turner'e Lane. not because paradoxical persons or the game-preserving (of all purßuitß for a demo- United States Senator & Philadelphia. Stir in tlie Gold Market. Henry Fetateof JOSHUA LOtiUdrßßrH, docemod. FARREL, HERRING CO., twenty minutes. Bulletin.] Budd. I Reakirt, produce objects ofstudy republican), and had at times twenty great-grandfather of BANKING HOUSE AND JBWBLBY. sible for about By the Atlantic cable. [Special Despatch to the Phils. Evening jisasfcPsSd. .p&si&u. John Bom, I feSS*?'Fslwta U SUfIEIHOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITORB.- LAKOB doxes they are choice cratic FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 261 WATCHES twenty GeorgeW* Joseph Moore, °brrt V.Maraoj, Jr., MIRROBB. FINE ours, bat Foster, 1866—69. HERRING, Engliflhman, who tor longyears Havre, April 12.—Cotton closed at 147f. for | April Bemadon. 1 FRENCH PLATE BRUBSELi,AN» to a striving and practical age like keeperßout upon the hills at night, watching Dwight judge and Cheitßut Biroeit, An New Yobk, 12,1869—0 n Saturday,Mar; George Hecke. OTHER CAHI’KTB. HAIR MATRESSE Broadwav, New York. I, e. corner Bcrenlh daring sum- the & of $1,300,- J; j“BUt3?KH,' President VFEATHEJS some things that with 12,000 acres of land, he , the fourth chief justice and letly had taken ferruginous baths the tree ordinalreon spot.. Co., brokers', Who bad a deposit CHAJU a HEOB. 4 HORSES. 6 CARRIAGES. 8 WAQONd.“ because Landor achieved his grouse; but Chicago. And late of Ho. ta Booth Third street. April —Steamship fvlri to draw HENRY RUDD, Vice President CARTS. HARNESS, Ac in the son Richard HERRING & CO., OIF mer, without any benefit, was entifely Qukkbbtowb. 12..—-Arrived SCOO at the Gold Exchange Bank, decided BnmuefE.Btokee. Secretary were many that were beautiful, never saw a grouse on hiß table. His tenants Minister to Russia, was of hot *»•d£. BENJAMIN F. HOECKhF.Y. andTreasurer .ON TUEBUAY MORNING,./ ’ great, and & .. a of Com- HERRING, FARREL SHERMAN,'N. O. IuVOBEK. aSecond by aflash oflight- Helvetia, from New York. _ the amount Inuold. Theyreceived million JamesTraquair, April 20, 10 o'clock, on the premises, Nineteenth at. the paradoxical elements of his life him, he declared, and destroyed his Dana, judge oft, the provincial Court cored in less than .'out at by spite of cheated fe2 tu tha tfa is Glasgow, April 12.—Arrived—Steamship Co- -dollar coin certificate and a three hundred thou- JOHN C. D AVIS, Vice President and Turner’s lane, (adjoining the. German Hoptcal) though he got rid of them, Pleas, nephew of Edmund Trow- ning. The same,story related ofan invalid ibo Joshua and character. | plantations; and, mon a2u lombia, from New York. dollar certified check on the‘Bank of New ; HENRY DYIiBTJKN, Secretary. AVtiVAOnHAJUSS. order of Executors of late inclndlag—Bapertw*Lonfßtratb.docVL, Britain, of in the hospitals; being lncky sand Secretary. bv catalogue, the entlra Furniture, The young of thirty years ago, to whom he left, not only but Great in bridge, the ablest and most learned the HEW PUBLIUATIOSS. MAULE, BROTHER &,Co;f one of Austrian Lobdos, April 12, Evening- Consols, for On presentation, the latter re- HENRY BALL. Asa’t Dining Firuiture, two large, Wales ;7ork. & SONS, AUCTIONEERS, mlcr. Chamber and Boom wav of the .. important pursuit and the in charge of his of the provincial Superior Coart; and enough one day to stand in the monev, 93%, and for account, 93%. Flve-twan- to pay . the Marvin COMPANY. No. 809 CHESTNUT THOMAS ' fine trench Plats'Mtuore. fino Hair Mauesara.’Feathor Literature was an wrath. TheD, steward judges -fused check. INSURANCE . Noe. 189asdltt SouthFoarthatreet. South Street atmospheric spark, be was enabled without Hallways steadyjErle, Illinois consulting-counsel, to pnt ■TjTAMB M BEAL l edr. Inblo and Bed Linen, flno .Giaajwara, often seen in a transport of him, when he not only got was also father of Richard Henry Dina, the 3500 ilee, 63%. 24%; .!& Co., after decided PERPETUAL. SALES OP STOCKS AND E3TATEh, Ware, and Ingram pleasure, were house cheated fy- ealea at thePhiladelphia Exctumxo EVER! fine Plattd fine Brussels Corpjts. Henry Dana, 114. So. THIRD ST. PHTf-S E a delay to leave the establishment and resume Central, 76%. Ithe to protest unless paid, and under the PohUc ; ; -r admiration, amazement, and anger, when rid of tbe steward, but had his splendid new poet, grandfather of Richard lilfland firmer, check Gal denBollera. Tools. Ac. consideration, he of the ra 1869 work. Liveupool, April 12,Evening—Cotton Influence of this ptesmnra the bank at ten minutes FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. the Auction Store EVEBJ BOHSBd, WAGONS. Ac, ■ rising fromLmdorsbooks. They were quite bouse pulled down—out of Jr., one of the present leaders Boston auu«1869 selection his Uplands. Orleans, d. against Damage by either by Per- Hones, 4 Carriages and coupe, 3 MarketWs~ DEALERS Choice a similar fact which oc- but not higher; 12%d; 12% (after three paid the check. This circumstance Insures Loss or Eire, THURSDAY Also. 4 Single nothing noble, nothing so tender, sou’s future ease and con- of General George Kinnaird f ox Scotesby mentions \ petual orTemporary Policies. pgr galea especialattention* gons, Doublajmd Harness. Ac. , sfifC that so declared, for his bar, and uncle COKKWNE The sales to-day were 12;000 bales. created cod able discussion in bank circles atResidences receive our a army. NEW PUBLIW^W MICaiaAN curred to a passenger on the now celebrated aider BIEEOTOBB. CO., AUCTK>NEEK».' nothing so musical was to be found in venience, in being rid of so vexatious Dana, of the English government securities IOK PATt BUMS. Lobdob, April 12th, Evening—Tallow, 465.; (and to-day. Richardspn, Robert Pearce. BOOKS, BAKKITT 6 m_ JIT THE \ IN ALL alluded, to on Ihe street Charles Jr„ VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS FROM By CASHAUCTION HOUHR: • “Imaginary Conversations" this an act of Sullivan, judge 1776 82, and after- packet-boat New York, already quiet the spot and active ai Wm. H. fthawn, John Kessler, language as the property. His llatterers called James qi>{\ BPKCCE ANDBEMXOCK sugar at 395. 3d. on Edward Ik Ome, LIBRARIES Wo. 330 MARKET street. corner of BANK stroqt. . - applications tor Policies of Lift 1 IQfiQ once in these pages. Like the Honey market. Francis N. Buck, ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Oa*h.d--.,nri><) cODslgnmenta-writhonC'«»tr« a brother of IOO»- more afloat. York $ on ahar«J Sophocles, between To others it ap was General We willreceive lOby.* AND IUCMWOUK than 295. The New tea* between Pericles and characteristic indignation. wards governor, American Sunday-School Union Life Insnranca BFHUCK for Henrytewls, Charla Sto April 13, at 4 o'clock. COUNTRY of the late Hon. Insurance in the new National EAUOB American just quoted, this person, favored Astwkkp, April 12.—PctroIeninT (Special Despatch to Phiiadsu Evening Bulletin. J Nathan Uilles, John W.Everman, NOTICE TO CITYAND MEROHANTB7' Demosthenes and Eubulides,between Ascham pcared that his republican and self-governing John Sullivan and father the Buzby. At. SaLE iooolots FOREIGN ANDDOMESTIC Company of the States. Pull information many yearn FtoHEBCE, April 12. Bcrtlnatll, the Italian Yobk, 12 —The money market ' ueoGeorgeK A. West, Mordecal SPECi GOODS, and United by lightning, was paralyzed for New April Sale No. 2015 Greenstreet „ DRYGOODS, LINEN READY-MADE Lady Jane Grey, plenty more. The doctrines came rather strangely from one who William Sullivan. Oiled Feather Books. CHAELEd RICUARSON. President. CARPETS, Ac. " and given at our office. 1869. 1869 at finding Minister to Constantinople, goes to Washington opened without excitement at 7 per canVcoln .to H. RHAWN, Vice Proaident. HANDSOME FURNITURE, FINE CLOTHING. HOSIERY. NOTIONS, die. ’ the magnanimity, and the sweet not his affairs and his own TheophiluaParsons, the fifth chief justice, He wobbo astonished himself sud- WM. apltf WEDNESDAY MORNING. MOKNSNH. : patriotism, could rule own Own Canoe—Tbe Man am' same capacity, and Barbalina succeeds 7 per cent currency, and 1-32 and commission, WILL lAMB L BLANCHARD. Secretary. ON bycato- ON WEDNESDAY Your he ran Id the Green street o’clock, comprising WO plows up the flash or finding his failure, could ofHon. , Second Series—Paddle Kept VIRGINIA FLOORING. denly cored, that for sometime about Aoril 21.. at 10 o’clock, at No. JOl6 April 14. coDimenoiog at 10 heroism of the sentiments call people; and who, twas the father who Away from bimeelf—The Man who Hmi- ABEFLOO'UN G. Bertinatti at Constantinople. Cadona has been 1-16 flat As bieh i-16@%has beenpald INBUBANCE Furniture, Intludlpg—Walnut Parlor Alpocao.Cbonoii.Mi>- : Ban Day Month-The D ELA W the a madman. The other pas land as DUffISIX COMPANY logue, the entire Silk Joplins. Block and. Colored the tear; the familiarity with the ancients, than lay waste the whole Law in Harvard Univer- eelf In Repair—Ho’b Overhead—Thifi A 811 FLOORING. deck like Minister to London. , Central, although the Suit; Doth; Elegant Ktagere, marole and mir- Into, GlaGhams, Checks. Cloth* and Ciud- and do nothing better ■iDane Professor of _ appointed 'for turning New York Hair top z.mbiqucs, Pi Use of a Child; six ttories, iudy equal to those of tho Walnutflooring bis Bensea. PERTETUAL. • Table and Reception Chairs, floe Doeskins, Cloaking 84 Bleached Brow® their of and speech, enraptures style of aot&lL seDgera believed that he had lost balanceof the list has been turned at 1-32. ‘ INCORPORA Exchange. ror Handsome Centre Dining Koom meree 6-4 And 1 in mind , and interest Plqnos, habit scene. sity.' Serice in livelineea of Street, opposite the Carpets; Walnut Hall and Brown Finst per cheap papor cover, 80 floripa step boards. they soon learned what had hap- Nominations. currency No. 224 WALNUT damage English Brussels Dining ;Buffet Table Damook. Bleaehed and Goods,, the youthful After a time, he re- his , judge 1777-89, and 18mo, cloth, 81 80 set; edition, IQROAOUt/. However, The receipts of at thjs'-point(being Xbla Company inaurea from locses or oy Fnniiture; Superior Extension Table Side- Drees Goode. HosleiT. White. Dreoa and Fancy OtoF, scholar. He scholar- BOARDS. •’ some .( - of STEP .. ,■ Glassware; 1 had obtained cents. ELORIDA mysterious following to adjacent points, .i .. Rl*. China aud Walnut and Shiite, Ready Clothing declares, ! justice,were 1869. pened; and admired the unknown Washington, April 12.—The nomi- In excess of the shipments furniture, board. marble 'op; Elegant made laxes in his reading of Landor—still* at Rugby, and somewhat more j Samuel Bewail, the sixth chief JlalhlLAqK.' on liberal terms on buudlngV merchandise, Heps Sitting Room Furniture: Suit Walnot InYOlceolSuopendero. Patent Thread, Catlery, Notions. ship KAIL PLANK. had produced so marvellous nations were Bent to the Senate to-day: be banks are gradually assuming: an easier po- buildings Green Cottage Suita, his is and of Jus- which periods, permanently on coat Hacdaome ; •. of, that a grand stay {near and descendants Cjiief from Olivet; Influence Ac-for limited and Furniture, STW-. Ae.« Ac , r •when he is talked at Oxford—where, however, his relatives A Voice to England—J. Lathrop Motley. sition. at present Chamber Matrcaaea; Store, fin Minister The stringency hydepoeit or premium. , tops: very fine Hair Fineßiankoifl, of a Retail but ho longer celebrity. i 9 more operation marble Also. Stock „„„„ , fragmentary no quad- of witchcraft effect of for . . beautiful mind; was short Having fired a gun. in the -1 ftice , Or, Sign. By Rev, RICHARD NEWTON, in 8. and Indplank-1869. to Russia—A. G. Curtin, ol Pa. tggravated the locking-up The, Company haa been In nctlVß more Ki chen Furniture Refrigerator, Ac. BOOTS. SHOES AND BROGANS. - be- The Wak-Nino tocaler* V. Bond* 1869. was an old maiden Minister bv use a timo, and is city was, we if SUSiSS Ml Schmacht sixty yeara,, daring which all losses have been but short and Eastern his later volumes; and at last grows so his college, he was rusticated; and, , judge 180 5, D. 12mo, paper, lu cents. . fcxchanirc, receive WALNUT BOARDS. Suzanne to —John Jay, Of N. Y. are dullatlo@l2 per cent The than Thefurniture has been in At Ilk o’clock. 8W cases and cartons reafls rangle of D. bunday-School CheatnntStreet, ol MacK and Gold since her child- Minister Austria told. Discounts promptly miruMo| boots, attention doctrines, his obtrusive GovernorCaleb Strong, American Union, 1122 ' o* and Bttnuers on 11D- WALNUT PLANK. ladytbo Completely paralyzed Bolivia—Leopold Mark- less firmness than on In older made shoes and Balmorale.towmchthe weary of his Jacobin returning, published a volume of lieve,a near relative of Philadelphia. aplOetuth7t4 accounts Haul** a with- MinisterResident for gold mhrkef has shown «^^L TORB: excellent of bnycro la invited. . . - instead of termsy issue Hills of cxclianfo on assorted hood that she could never move step 133 on 8 North Fifth street spirit, and sententious style, that when the when he was only eighteen. While and was father of , judge of -1 eral Saturday, and has declined from 133%to Sale No. boot and in letters in poems, CABINET MAKERS. out orntohes. One day when alone ia her Minister to Nicaragua—James R. Partridge, Early borrowers of gold Benjam^^&ng. BOEPLUS st«ok opa ale well-known name large appears he studied and wrote “Gebir.” the Court of Common Pleas. Son, London. AC. _ “dive transactions. John T. Lewis, 4 Thoa. H.Powrora. e nw«ol^r denunciatory at Swansea 1 C.J Hambroft BUILDERS. chamber She mo3t > olap of of Md. compelled pav 5-16 lor its use, but on the No.. 1110 CHESTNUT_Btasat. the* newspaper, at the foot of a of Spain he determined to be , judge 1802-13, and & Co., Frankfort, heard violent were to wlUamtag, street,toe No. 1107 Bansem street. On the invasion B. Metzlor, S. Bohn alarmed, she fell upon her Minister to Venezuela—W. A. Pile, of Mo. arrival of the City of Brooklyn with £270,000 lu Robert EdmondCasffllon. by Bear Entrance” r a in stanzas, it is a signal to speaker and senator in Congress, 181 thunder. Much Clark Bamuol Wilcox. surplus stock, comprising Sewing Machines, made HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OP EVERY DESGRIP-"' letter, or curse a soldier on his own account, raised a small previously & gSßirapH®- Be'glutn—J. Jbne'B, of Ohlo.* supply for gold rpom {transactions was D. Wharton. 2 Urge ■ Co., Parts, 1869. , from the Minister.to R gold, the Norria, large «.»ase, KhU Llu/AIL protection Jr., Lbuu C. Machine, Shoe RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. criticism of the Sedgwick, and grand- ’’James W. Tucker knees to implore Lawrence Lowl*a H wei'Wai Thrt»d TION Dwellings turn’the leaf. The standard troop at his owe expense, and was first was father of Robert : FKENUH NOTE PAPER. I‘Cttcr* PINE. to 8; Carlisle, of West when the scale tnrned In opposite H. WUCHERER, President. aud Shoe Uppere, Boot Trees, Bales ofFarnttore at attended to ontbo lOoal OF cities, and WALNUT AND Minister Sweden—John' augmented, the V? TohS -••- quantity leather. Boot And oilier principal ‘ Almighty, At , this moment Bhe heard a Secretary. • • country seems to have undergone something who landed in aid of the Span- father of Theodore Sedgwick, two distin- 'll tlironghout Europe Virginia. direction, and 1-32 was paid for (having balances SAwrmii^WnsOOXe1 reasonable terms. Englishman ENVELOPES TO MATCH. to!Credit available Toefk SEASONED POPLAR. knobk dodr; it was her brother who Libe- be examined on the momtnii of sale, at 8 o’clock. snipe process as the individual student. for this aid, and guished of the New York bar. Miss lSfiftJoO«7. at her Minister Resident and Consul-General to can led. ExcbaDge is dull at 1£7% for prime «■ fire ASSOCIATION OF PHIL.ADUL. A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF. VALUABLE of the for members SALE OF - iards. He was rewarded LANDSCAPE INITIALS. 1869. SEABONBDCUERRY. her. his voice, BOOKS, SILVER and Chestnut Street to She recognized La. , FOREIGN HOLD. Review once despised every- authoress,was his j W. comer Tfilrd wished see ria—J. R. Clay. oi , .. bankers’6o day s bills. phi Incorporated March 27, 1820. Office. MISCELLANEOUS i AMERICAN AND Quarterly gift oi money,by the thanks of the Supreme Sedgwick, the well-known BRIGHT COLORS. ;B, £ a. VALUABLE Library, The a IN WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. immediately looked round lor her to Argentine Republic, Governments,. especially ’62s, were more strong From a Private AND COPPERCUiNS AND MEDALS. body who could stop to notice Landor’s the rank on his re- daughter. STAMPED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. HICKORY. _____ and Minister.Resident the No. &i NorthFifth street Insure Buildings, WKDmsBDaY A*TffiKNOON. ON TUESDAY/VVEDNESD AY AND THURSDAY. Junta, and by of Colonel for sale mortgages, one at once,she pre- of Ohio. to better tone of ON 3 15, eloquently described the process of Dewey, judge 1814-15, was the ONE QUIRE, 26c. FIVE QUIRES, SI 00. k*inn nnn crutches. Not finding them K. C. Kirk, at the opening, in response the and Merchandise April 14, 4 o’clock. A prill 14 and ' faults, and turn to England; but he sent back his com- Daniel SfclUl/sUUU of $60,000 within one Kiuare of the IQ/.Q CAROLINA SCANTLING. 19gQ Resident to Bogota, 8. A. Hurlbut. and sold' as i Household Furniture at o’clock P. M.. at the Auction Store. slU& it should be- Dewey, judge PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND, loby. CAIIO'INA IL AOU»7. pared to crawl towards the door—her only Minister the London market, as high 120%. generally, leu by- Fire. At 3H tfa the elevation of his fame, till of when Fer- father of Charles Augustus STAMPED oach. T.JSILLS. to Guatemala, 8. A. Hudson, ’6ss and advanced to from Sale at the Auction Booms. Nos. 139 and 141 South Cheatnot etreetwill beaold,ala«ecolloction of raluabl«: thanks ORDER. $3.000 two and ©IO.OOO SCANTLING. . Minister Resident Old- 117%. Farincr, '• Esq., the record STAMPED AT ONCE TO of ard ©4 NORWAY sympathized, * 08 J. among the worthies of mission and of thelatter, Francis Hen- OR Ledger Building^ means ofprhgireSsidn Cfctfches were Jan. 1,1869... ■SLdbAO!* co db and metfalß, the property of E. .. come transcendent set aside the Constitution. Among 1837-66, and a son MAKING SPECIALTY OF STAMPED PAPER, apiO-»tS.th%» K. J DUBBINS, The activity in ’62s was owing to the demand to Aaaeta thUSTEESI E'I'KNITUUE,PIANO3, may now dinand A norat fiand; The fright, the shock her sys- Sparhawk, HANDSOME HODBEHOLD roady tUoAuc*. England; but it be questioned acts, none shaw Dewey, is one of the present judges of in large quantities, and having my own 1869. Minister Resident atjd Consul-General toHay ti, Interests, and Iho .bonds wore so William H. Hamilton, hamuel MIRRORS, UANDSoMfci VELVET, BRUSSELS AND Catalogues are now for dlatribution at mariy goodpolitical perhaps was Buying 1869. 81818 IMS® performed cover the short • ~ r ' Revioiv has any Dewey engravers stampers, CYPRESS SHINGLES. tem had just before received, had D. Bassett (colored), of Pennsylvania flat. Peter A. Keyser,, . x ChaitoF. °? HtBCA ■tion Store. whether the Quarterly years of age the Superior Court. The late Daniel DESIGNEES, and BKXSCEIiI/OriEOVS. Kbenezer scarce os to lend j - ;i Light!oolt ? better than this. At thirty-six ASSORTIMBNT. !• knows but what % ohn Carrow, 1 Jesse 0N thlksdaymoendjo. expectation than the Edinburgh that Barnard, Albany, minister at the court of I can do work cheaper, give hotter paper, and delive LARGE a marvellouß core Who U. 8. Marshal Eastern District Tennessee, 8. later board the whole market fell off Georce T. Young, Robert Shoemaker, more and , of FOE BALE LOW. , Atrthe he married a French lady of good family; ' be day utilized . 62’a tumbled % cent.,to 120. Peter Armbruster. orders. OFFICE, ___ . . electricity one _ per cent; the per Joeeph R. Lyndall. writings of Landor will survive, except as coußin. promptly all PATENT IQCQ natural will P. Evans. 1 i 3 the years alter, in 1818, his residence Prussia, was their Washing-tow, C., March 3, 1869, PLASTERING LATH. Coats, v • vMi H. Dickinson, , crmnrling-HSdßomo Walnut Parlor Bulls, covered -, fixed BUSINESS CA # P. Connecticut, P, of Interest. At Le-ri P. „ WEDDING, VISITING and fQ>.Q light- 8. Marshal Eastern District have been dull and devoid ™ , ' a few of onr - (7bam cutiosities in literature. The fact seemsjo judge 1824-25, and after- US. Keq.— a coramuniea* LATH. AOU«7.1869 medically in the neighborhood U Mocks . i Peter Wllllamaon. witlfplueh, huir cloth; Walnut borSlilts "^NVE^faDAvIIORNINGf in the Medici, in; Levi Lincoln, W D. CUTLER, Flcaue lind below lobu. PLASTERING receding as the rtps and April 14, at o’clock, wo will sell by catalogue, wots in Italy,—first Palazzo printed in latest styles matter-of intoiferenco we have R. Carrll. , . the opening they were steady,but WM.H. HAMILTON-Proddo t, f'nttn&u Suite, superior Library ai*d 10 of KxaroiDer, in tbo & ning conductors? The marvels Chamber city be that, with some of tbe attributes genius,' it, in a wards governor, was the son of Levi Lincoln, engraved, packs ofcards, $4. tion from the Cutler, for m&nntacturofj om Supreme Cpnrt W ashington■ showed great fluctua- SAMUEL President fine Plate Mirrors. 2 aunerlor looucaacd of Boots and Shoes* of andEutora xnaats~ Florence. and when obliged to leave | Plate and two between Band. Lexvla and OAUI.E BBOYHEB and still re- Associate Justices dav advanced. St. Paul tom FfiSSSS. Froucb byUecter facture. Landor fell jnst short of it He had not the oi the United States, and plate, packs. sou BOPTH STREET. already exhibited; thoße Which Kennedy. cent, T. BUTLER, Secretary. 7 Fortes made IVos. miles Villa Attorney-General Without a $2 tortwo C'odE.h. Potto, Territory, Orange Jacobs and J. K. tions and fell per to 76 for common,and WM. Rosewood octavo Plano Wardrobes, Uookc*ses, Side* -ALSO—-' of charming villa two off. That LANDSCAPE, en- of Tnftin.tn mentioned, are far( Irom proving 2% company,—char and Schluter; handsome large spirit and generous temper genius. i brother Euech Lincoln, governor of MONOGRAMS. CRESTS, Initials be 8. Attorney Southern District Mississippi, 1 cepfc> forj preferred.' (The balance nthbacite insurance S laud, Extension, Centre and Bou- 50 cases of mcn'ft and boys’ Fur ana Wool Hat*i4M Gberardesca built by Michael Angelo. of U. pgr to‘B4'. " of board*. EtaKcre, Hat thdcityand country that was ;graved PRINTED IN COLORS. tbat any haUßt be attached to the dreams % cent Ula*ewaro, Bods and Bedding, Capo, to which the attention of trad* egotism was extreme; but it was not and ftith Jas. G. Adams. . the list was %to per lower. ' ‘ PUla, auet Table*, China and His Maine. ... atreet, Third, * < > ( < Few British travelers in Italy fail to go and j KINDS OF STATIONERY AS LOW, IF NOT LiunberUnder Cover* A. 3ffl«ifNAm WALNUT above hfatresrep, superior Office Furniture. Cabinet* ia called of genius. He has been called a prose Byron; Morton, judge 1825-40, and after- ALL of visionaries, but they are still further from U. 8. Attorney Eastern District Arkansas, Will insure againßtLoaa or Damage bv Fire on Build hno Bair Q*e*consuming and Cooking Open early on the morningof ealo forexamination. Ftesole; and while Landor lived there he Marcus THAN ELSEWHERE. From Springfield, fllassachnsetts. a limited time, Household makers’ Bench, t bandoliers Velvet, - LOWER any Inga. cither perpetually or for certainly he complained abundantly of see was the Marcus &I, AVAYS DRV. demonstrating that it is possible.to draw M. Y. Whipple. Stores, Oil Paintings ahd Engravings, handaome JB,.'ADOTIONEEB. -~ and prey of lion-hunters,—as he vehe- wards governor, father of CHALLBN, Fashionable Stationer, Springfield, 12 About four hundred Furniture and Merchandise generally. , Carpet*, &C. SCOTT. gallery the April Cargoes anr ...... Han and abhorred tyrants, aud was present Supe- 131)8 limits to the power oflightning. Assessors Internal Revenue: Vessels, and Brussel* other Ring. . bOott-s ABT ; and Life, Morton,one of the judges of the No, Chestnut street. & GILLINGHAM, at Palmer, belonging to tho Also, Marine Insurance on partfl Aleo, Diamond B PhiladclDhla. mently complained ou occasion of the feud WATSON District of Georgia, William H. White- cords of wood - TnwirMiCfltft &U 01 tu6 UmODL Cluster 1030 CHESTNUT street. _ long in Italy, and fought for liberty Second Prelshtli o. Go d Henries 01? lived American, rior Court. MARRIAGE.—4. NEW COURSE Boston Albany Railroad, were destroyed by . . . Alß SPECIAL. BALE 0 MOT®®* between him aDd N. P. Willis.the rmJLOSOPHY OF Beecber. and DIRECTORS. A MKbLqUOW. abroad; and especially, he was at onco a judge 1859-69, X Lectures, an at the New York Museum 924 Bichmond Street. Incendiary fire night. Wm. Esher. Lewia ATidenried, to him for his Ebenezer , of delivered First District of Kentucky, Edward Baker. an last | Kotcham, ON THURSDAY, HUEBDAY AND PMOAY . a subjects: How to I4ve and ~ John store, ON T KVENnjQBj who lost manuscript confided of Anatomy; ernbractng'tlio mb 20 lys has bo many re- V. Lather, noon, at ihe auction coin- * Jacobin or democrat in literature, aud a man and Attorney-General of the United Youth, Maturity Old Ape; to It Ib because Mr. Beeeher District of Kentucky, P. B. Huat. ! The moll train for Boston was delayed several J. £.ii&um, Anri Ills, at la o'clock Whuklos, A mil 15and 16, at if before 8 o’clock, at Scott Art of the full, now what to Live for: irnd _ Boventb JohnK. Blakiston. superior Old Hie. Bourbon and Wheat old, a subordination Flat, ... of ri atreet, will be c a collection Of family fortune; but there the opinion. Such generally reviewed; the Cause of Indigestion, HUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. points andways that people like to Fifth Tennessee, F.- W. Sparling. hours at Brimfleld, on account of a collision Win. F. Dean, John B. UoyL ism* Sherry and Win*.Ja- Gallery, 1020 Cheatnut of and resem- to shallow, States, iB the son of the late Hon. Samuel hood for; Marriage to furnish English Imported Ar markable District of ti. ltothennel French Brandy, Port Pictures, all by «ood artiata. comp, isingLand- ripe scholar and discourser the and Nervous Diseases accounted F,xAMtNEii'fe ; In the matter above referred to. Tn Wo are prepared long the water-tank spout. Both Peter Bloger. Samuel Hums, Irish W hlakiea, Modem VtewivMarlnM,Sc.; slops. Where Byron moaned, Landor brother of the Hon. ulenco Room CUTLER, Roofing felt in. read little paragraphs about him. Hot Elehth District of Illinois, Edward Baker. the locomotive with Pioeldent, maica and BLOroU Bcotch and Mountain . blance wayside, might Hoar, of Concord, and Philosophically Considered., &C..&Q. Pocket volumes invention IS AWARDED TO and phaltie quatUleg BBHER. A Bcaoee,JUver and Roy flippant skctcher by tho seem containing forwarded, post paid,on had chat with him Wyoming Territory, Edgar P, Snow. acts supposed to have, been the work of ma- AN.VlcoPre.idont Ac.,Ao. , The above ero mounted la neat gold leaf frames. . • scolded. Landor had no patience with - Hoar, member of Congress tbeee Lectures will be the applications of Hand 617 and 819 Minorat. ago brother a were F..DE } Buch a result; but it did not tend to George Friabie mblft-Imft J Samuel A. ' . ; ' M. Blum, Secretary. aDy rule but the popular, because it to deserve are things in general. The Meth- First District of New Hampshire, licious individuals.. Wm. , Sale by ordor of John Boelor, Esq., Buterlntendont of A. FREEMAN. ally, or from Worcester. They grandsons, of on mhtters and' . . poul, mekchants. iou*. City Railroads _ _ tr*-t reconcile Landor to lion-hunters. While in feag,l rrnoMAd & lumber no. H INSURANCE EXULUSIVELY.-THE PENN; k between men their happiness; late pbia. ‘ __ tho patent, underl whichthe BO3TON yard Walnut, odist'brother, says: “I asked if it was true that nlpy. Chicago Haricots. liiJBE OF RAILROAD IKON. JAMES AT Stood and I to newspapers, Roger Sherman and first cousins of the 2i- Tills establishes COMWANV, No. JL 8. Fourth etroec Atthoir will bofound Theodore J.XMajors. JD eylvania Fire Insurance Company—lncorporated 18® ABOCT 40 TONS VALUABLE EIGHTH .STREET PROPEHTV looked a Italy, he sent Euglish and AND PHILADELPHIA SALT HSU A»h. Poplar. Cherry, Pido. Urmlock, &cJ*.dw.*ntrea- building to be Nebraska, Despatch thePhlla. Evening Bulletin.] Perpetual—Now street, opposite In- O,N SATURDAY MORNING PRIVATE SaliE. whereas Byron upon tyranny as Governor Roger Sherman Baldwin, of Con- Avenue, tbeit DLSIO- Plymouth Church was about Theodore K. Kerken- (Special to —Charter 610 Walnut Mar- EIGaTHaU especially to the Axaminer, frequent com- «£4SJC£3iSIK3, JhKjtPOKB, ffrO. 631 COLUMBIA manulacturc sonaU prices. Give them a call. First District Mississippi, 12—Flour dull and heavy. April J7, at 10o’c'ock.at the corner of Broad and Tho valuable CHUKCJH PBOfERTV. pn . you Chicago, April 4rog mere symptom of human corruptneßß and necticut, of William Maxwell Evarta, CATED CODFISH. MARTINTUOMiB enlarged. Mr. Beecher said, ‘No.’ Do daU. la*u6mpanyr?avorahly known to the community for ketetreets, about’4o tone of Railroad Iron and Last* nbovo Karo, eultablo for a large wholesale orretaU eWroJ on events and sale by all good ELIAS PQHL. ? lower with free sellers; 2,' $1 oG>£@ against or dam- deliver*. readily be, . Oould adapted a,muaUj misery, eaw no happiness on the other ments passing in the political For RHODEa * 00. then, intend to build anew I‘ inquired. Wheat No. over forty year*,continues to itoeure loss Inga. Terms—Cash before could alteriid. be fo and lately Attorney-General of the United States. at age by Private Buildings, either perma- or'manuJactoiy, the walla beingofnnuaualstrength. an world, Ihe form of letters or of verse. He Streets, General Awnta. and ship- every Additional dominations. ®1 Corn dull at 62%c- Qate: nominal firo, onPublic or hall aamay.pa •ride of it. Byron was embodiment of the in Ames, qne the present of FRUIT IN CANS. WATER and CHESTNUT rro contractors, lumbermen ‘No,’ said he,‘the project is broached 069£. nently orfora limited time. Alacvon Furni tura, atock» Peremp'ory Pale at No. 1707 Chestnut streps WUlbeeold with or without the pursonago. while; Beth of judges FRESH genuine our trade mark JL builder**.—Weare now prepared to execute prortpU?. 12—Flrat District Massa- 61 $3O 60. Lard 17^@t7^c. terms, a oaay. spirit of his time, which uttered was collecting pictures all the and of None unless bearing summarily prosecuted. BhipatulTMd at pew-lettlng time, on account of the Washington, April %c. Pork of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal STOCKoIbURERIOR CABINET‘yttNITURa dea'red. Plana at the store. Term growing, is the son the offering any will oe Yellow year Fund, FORMING, . . court, celebrated Fisher Parties otber ordere for Southern Thirtieth Dis- together a largo Surplus w MONDAY „ to England to pass the rest the RLSSpLL Front the high cbnsets, Chas. B. H. Fessonden. i Their Capital* with ON street,4 itself through him because his lips had been when ho returned pol9eom6mfr• ’ Lumber., COCHRAN. 00.,,88 North. demand for seats, and prices From Clifton, Ontario, invested In a most careful manner, which enables tnem April 19. at' 10oVlock, at No, 1707 Chestnut bf m A. MoCLEU^.ND>AUCTI(WEER , Ames. -, Wyderich; Twenty-fifth !jTNOT he supposed, he left the bullk Peaches, Pine Apples, &o„ —r- NEWEST—■ LONDON street. f" ~■ mlfiß-tf trict New York, Michael to offerto the insure security in the cose catalogue, the entire st ick of superior t urnituro. melu* iitrost with fire; but Landor’a utterances of bis days, as —PA fetch, but it speedily dies down. Pennsylvania April 12—Roesle’8 Hotel add two hd- dan undoubted UOOMB. > touched list is necessarily imperfect, particu- KASOLS.—ALLTHE novelty, variety and they do. Orrln D. Lake. Seventh Clifton, DIBECTOKti. elegant Ko#ew ood and Walnut Parlor Suit vvarious CONCEKT H4LL AUCTION This fityies, which for of loss. .. , dn.fi " entirely personal and constitu of his collection in his villa for his son’s bene- n nd Paris essorbno;ot VEULOW PINE LUMBER—ORDERS building just as joiniDg buildings destroyed by fire yesterday Devoreux, superior Dining on Clover street. were almost in relationship on the side, Corn, Tomatoes, elegance, ora pnequallcd. A largo of every description Mawod .LumberFORCA^GWM W« .were very, near the District, E. T. ChoBO; Sixth do.Edward Bute, all were Daniel Smith.Jr., John covennga; R°2lV*, k^f,*sl Suit;a^tt^ >- Rear Entrance larly female, Green JL ol iwajuft,"Apply to morning. , elegant Walnut Chamber fit, only a few gems to / at subject Inspection. so Loss $lO,OOO. Alexander Thomas Smith* bVrntture; Book ©ores; « prevalent bringing wherewith and Smi short, to S' •' tional—expressed no sentiment or in one or two instances incor- Lace Covkbs.WBid{! LHjißEnt.Ag notice—quality war broke out, and had we done it would for Assessors of Internal Bovonne. Benson. superior Wardrobes; Lounger; Chairs, «c. Salts of Furauux* and possibly Peas Mushrooms, lho prices, H. DIXON’S lAWUK outruo Wharves. \ McGuln, acriptionreceived or comlnnment even the utterance of a party I adorn such a modest residence as he now In- Prenoh lowest* at mh23-lm}_ EDW. H. ROWLEY. 18 Sonth movement j but everything Internal Revenno: ft&ffigffl!?*' FeU, u*ade by Thomas ox* dwellings roaeonablo torma —. need—not being rect, but it is singularly strong evidence in STOLE. No. 81 SouthEighth street. have been awiße Collectors of PROPOSAIiS. The entire stock was quality* and attended to ou literature, the presentment I tended to have in his own country. That Asparagus, &o„ &o. uncertain, and the future Second District of Georgia—A. M.O. Morrill. D pressly tor bis wareroom sales, and Isot first in polities or but support of the theory to which we referred BUtUSJOARi. was so Peabody. . Jr.. President. to be sold without reserve. residence In Bt. James’s Square, Bath, I STOVES. thing through. of Tennessee—D. W. Secretary of an unohangiDg egotism, under majeßtic or was above. lIJEATIOHS ANB looked bo dark that the fell Fifth District X ‘‘Notice.—Sealed Proposals will be received nntll tho Wh-iulm Q; Ceowkli, 1 Emdry. . the stores of where he became an octogenarian, living for ■ so do I, that I am not so Fifth District Illinois, EhOch Sad inet., at -the office of O. S CLAFIIN, 233. Market Salo on ibe Premises- graceful disguises furnished.from B. DIXON ft SONS. My people feel, and Thqs. renting, more years, the Brick FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ELEGANT COUMKY BIiAT. MANSION,■ 9k. ROBERTS, & Bixon, • • .Harlan. ... Street, for tho for oneor of VERY a while in peace and commenting C. jjSB Late Andrews street. i n i I off, Wyoming, separately FbUadelphlit.-Ofilce. North Fifth street, noar Cows, Carriages, Harness; &c , 8. W. learning or the resources of his imagina- quiet—still ««AB. AK» nviDDs ALBERT jESSi young as I once Was, and should drop Michigan,-E. and Coal Yards (either or toKothpr), of the JEFFERSON No.24 AChEB, Horses, his No. 1824 CHESTNUT StreetJPhllada„ ffi) AHUKt. Sixth District B. Gale. Company. Germantown Market street. / ol Old V oik Road ivud Chelten avenue, Chestnut on and measures through the Liberal AWll Dougiss Brick-making No. 4112 corner ‘ tion. It ia one of the paradoxes about Lau- men DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Opposite United States Mint, BiHl a larger building would not be wanted. We District New Hampshire, A. H. Young. Ib In- Incorporated by theLeglelature of Pennsylvania. Char- midenee of First road. Nicetown The attention of those Interested Assets, Make limn Hill, ® have but style—- papers, and putting forth, in his eightieth CBOSS OBBEK LEHIGH GOAL. Manufacturer, of TO PUBhIC GENEIIALLY. manage, Squeeze in L. Watson. above, as a business chauco seldom met ter perpetual. Capltaland ©I6AOOO, - «{gJvf' English. Americoxiand 't* dor, pot that he should one PLAISTED A MoOOLLIN. ! ww DOWN NOTICE TJMS -cah'seat 2;C00, and tO Montana Territory, Sami. vited to the against Lose damage hy Public or Private public on doponFaceLoplnoWatchwi year,the ’ aplB tu th s m w6t* ranee or Ftreon May I. .t So'clock P. M. will bo .old At Bale expected; but that tittle volume called “Last Fruitfrom NO. 8033 CHESTNUT Street, We«t Philadelphia. • PAItLOK, assortment of; reminded him that he was District Massachusetts, Foster Hooper. Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, and Merchandise, on particular. handbills at the auction 3 for that wight have been Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, CHAMBER, Tho latest Btyle, fashion and 3,000 as it is. I First Goods the prcmi.cn. |Full In dramatic. Well an Old Tree.” The spectacle of a vigorous, Sole Kotail Agents lor Com Brothere A Oo.'o celobrawd. J . that his father be- Sixth District, Pa., Jno. R. BreUenbach. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.—SEALED favorable term*, rooms. istigSSsas^ that style should have been Lehigh Coal, from the Buck Vein. GAITERS, FOR MENand BOYS. comparatively young, apd riiO “Proposals,for,Bhlidinga Public directors. undaunted old age, the Cros» Creek particularly adapted Mountain Js. SHOES AND ol Customs at Alton, 111.,W. J. Miller. I Proposals.endorsed Moyer. of vivid, true to lor he Surveyor as he succeeded in hitting the mode aims This Coal is for making Steam fore iiim lived to a groat age; and that in the Eleventh Ward," will bereceived Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. i Sale No. 1452 North Fifteenth street. artier lUngis Studu Cnnbe had „„ at W. Va., tchool-house Oil Bins'; Ear and convictions of youth, is always a flue Sugarand Malt Homes, Breweries, Ac. It la also urnur- OIL.-IGQ DOZEN OF EXTRA QUALITY For Anthracite,Add^otheV^RATES.Bituminous and Wood Flrei T SOPP’B. ;f labor be- Surveyor of Customs Parkersburg, hv the undersigned, at the Office sontheaat corner of Israel Peterson; ’ Frederick Ladnor. ELEGANT UIINII UU if. I.MJB OGU PAINS. FINE ®&inß-Ftose" many discoursing person- . ALSO, effective Clean, thought of of his pawedan a Family Orders leftat the office of the > Olivo Oil. expreealy Imported for COUBTY’fI Eaat ' W„ one NORTH NINTH. STREET.■ , might have many years of streets,'until TUESDAY. ,Aprlt2D, John F. Belsterung. . Adam J. PAINTINGB AND ENGRAVINGS. Bft.JNZES, Win. M. Evans. . . _ „ Adtlplii CoaJL SWEET" ‘ and it warmly felt to be in No, p “ Bisthaud HenryDolany, OH ages, it was by. means of his learning, aud not one; was so Lan- MhSera. No. Ml WALNUT Street flat floor), wUlrecolve End Grocery, 118 South Secondstreet. WARM*AIR FURNACES, :i w e it F Warrantca ‘YeS,’ said, ‘but my father, Conn., s, o'clock M.. for building a Public School-house Henry Troemner, , fine Wilton veuvev and Brussels prompt Liberal arrangements witb Wanning Public and Private Buildings. B h n : E fore him yet he Collector of Customs at New Haven, 186 at 12 John Elliott, mirror. cnße. His prejudices mattered less, our attention. made For .* »"v 4LL grouDd on Third street, below Green, Jacob , «c of sympathies, thathe did so. They were dor’a uelng regular quantity. lyldtt- DATES, FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS AND-AL* REGISTERS, VENTILATORS. st^sii ?r HiM^^^ hard-working man, did not pass on a lot of sltuato accord, Sehandelo. Frick, CAKI'ETS his manufacturers a ATEW though a Cyrus Northrop.’ Ward. Said qchopl-houwj to bo built In Frederick Doll, Christian D. () wEnNEBDA Y MORNING. human affairs went maturing ttaem- - 'IV of new crop—in store and/ for sale-at ■ that Eleventh Fort, at. l>7 all raised from the in their habits a when on COrf- monds—all CARPS. the exciting scenes and labors olanp- EtlerjEuEerlntendent of Bamuel Miller. ... . _ George E. April 28. at 10o’clock, at No. 1433 North Fifteenth dead 9 OF SLATE KtfD IHttT BY COUBT Y*B East End Grocery, NO.-118 South Second Bt. CAPS, BUSINESS through ante with tho of KH. i , fXIMIPLAISTS 'CfllMtiEY „ „ Fkom the Control. D. Gardner. going uu in spite of them; his Baltimore. tobe soon at the Offios of William catalogue, thoemho furniture of a family to i.- Belves and many of com- - of coal are done away with by Coal BATH-BOILERS. in Schorl Buildings, MoDANIEL, President. ■fMftti. - ‘.r.Ama •thev lived; but it was in order to be possessed V snmora our TRUFFLES, TO- , COOKIN(I.RANGEB, ■ have befallen me. The life of O' minister No bids will 1)eeonaldered unless WILLIAM rope, hcuufier. in the best possible way Breaker. All pure’cool broken Into fauiily sizes, ready PEAS, MUSHROOMS, , and RETAIL. , , B Shades, Beds, Baltimore, Saturday evening, Jew of Public Schools. ; Vice President. Particulars by in every speaking plaints were silenced |jXPRENCH Com, 1 WHOLESALE j|?dw Mattresses. Carpets. an* not worn April 12.—0 certificate, the Cttv Solicitor that ISRAEL PETERSON. h Landor spirit inatocp, Green Asparagus* &0., inatoro and for town and n accompanied by a ' 1 case—bis S. W. comer Thirteenth aud Waehlngton Til street, a country village or. is f/om B, Coleman, D- MOULBBB A reform of abuses which-he, for tier. avenue. COUSTY’S Eaat End Grocery, No. So- ,Nprtß Ninth ;Pblladolpjila. aL at Jurrotisvill.o, Hartford county, -Maryland, provtdene an ordinance,' approved May 20, Pmur Socretarv and Treasurer. * Bale on the Promises. () oo^tjCTioNOTSB@, through their perhaps, as well as —by the with KEITCB ALEdINGER., eale at U 8 South Sf liable to in- she of 1860. Administrators* * J brains, mhSSWlmt cSrtaiKh" t la that of a city pastor, awiiruud WUlU)ON.dcooaioa. v j-i unnecessary violence, He, condfctrect • ; ; • qEWTir ~ mmawisgireo owmso u P ' . • wasted .as Misß Cairat-s shot and'killed Nioholas McComss. have been eotr,plied with. Theoontract will bs fire insurance company, incur- Estate of W3LMON IoR No. 608 MARKET.•tSai: i ri£i through their lips—but always and some denounced. ur*fl repalredand.vamlShedl mliWdlm on' strain. only builders. . By order ef upsn- IIFO4NT RESIIENUE AND SUIERIOK BVERY his spirit numerable calls and always the were on porch of. to known master tha 161(1.—Charter VliBY B‘"uu BOOT AND SUOE MOtibA«AN? no part, talked about kilting kings; INVITE cherries, plums, blackberries. BDT About 20 persons eoaied .the Prosoity. ' IIALIJWBLL,' Americanporatod pcrpctnaL FURNITURE, UAKFIiTe, AO., No. IflO a other. Hence his in the for his less, A'FrlSTiOtrTO Pears, Beans, Shaker* GENT'S, PATENT SPRUNG AND Tamvh A. WIUOHTv'riIOBNTON I'IKR, fir.KMENTA. GUIHOOU, harness appeared. , inittee dn He.W, 810 WALNUT street, above ThlnLPhliadelphla. HAUJ!3 failures case of Poaches,. Prunellas. Lima * I shall probably drop in the when Miss Calrnes suddenly ! aplBlSl9 Secretary.,■ No. Surplus Galterß,Cl6th,L6ather,whltoand j down STREET. tlio the Stoned Grocery, toned Over TJ1“ SononwWHIOUT 1-»BAHKn.WEaIJa,s . , the hotel.' Having a large Capital Stock and In- "«« Hilton, and and bis steady assertion of claims of Mountain, Lehigh MouptalnCoal, Coin, at COUSTY’S East End No. 118 Velvet ■« 11 ‘But,’ McCOmas, paid-up . /i!. partly even in that of Cromwell; Spring and Loouat Bwent brownLinen; Children’s Cloth and , - peter WRIGHT dl SONS, 1 ' Bomo'day, and not live to be old;’ I (•ftw’a pistol, and fired threo shots,at . vested in eouna and available Securities, continue to In-. TRAVIS a OABVEV, AOCTIONEEBB. in the spirit the preparation given by us, we think South Second atreot. < /if sop ' , Uatowith<hoo>e».*BqnA; „ with which, with the can- Importei merchandise, - fell better of • *' though r ■ of. OaJTnL.KBtY. furniture, vosbou J 3 there he been to humble earthenware : alleged cause tbo killing is seduction. on dwellings, stores, ' might-have expected by any other CoaL fifty GOODS. ' *'• ; ' • ■• , saidj ‘you take exercise, you believe in The *■—Store 48 ard not ho excollod large cans, at and ~ their, pereoaalproperty, NOe. 10***'* time, years had inaugurated the works . Institute Budding, peaoheb in It FURNISHING previously brought Btril against POCKET Kreport, and caraoes, and other fi pre-eminently. Yet more modern after Office, Franklin No. IS 8. Seventh per Con—tho cheapest and best goods in the ] Bhlppfng and Coinmisftlon Merchant*, and practice muscular.Qkristiaiiity?’ ‘Not so Mike Cmrhes ha'd :I>ODGERB» AND- WDSTENHOLMIB a n ’S Ceuta - losses liberally ssutsws " , deep SIS, beau- utiwt. / matters of political Street. BINES A SIIEAFF. Fresh ,-V N 0.115 etr«u:t,.Phllad(^phia, - cLoums of promise of marriage. KNIVES. PEARL, and 8 TAG (HANDLES, of imcl|irQmjitl^adjuatofl. front. 167 feet to Unwell every muu r lm- & LK-FOR S QFOllititfA’S many . ; , ; - ' for breach' TONB jMjglish personages fail more and more con- of peace. About lald-tf Arch street wharf. Bohnylklll. city, at COUSTY’fI Eaat End Grocery, No. 118 Sootn n j' Walnut much asT ought to, or aB is generally sup JIV ■ WADE BUTCHERS,■ elegaptruapner. WItP d Ml ALE.'WO ladle, and gents, at it nro highly respectable.':: Lr s- tiful finish. RODGERS' and G. Putllh, dtificiior and Apply to fatreofc. apicuouely, he was while SecondEtrebt______for parties . 41 Thomas R. .7 Edmund L/ in comparison with Greeks, principle and practice right, yet RIOHELDERFER'S BAZAAR." BAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH; FROM that Brooklyn Both and-‘the- -RAZOR.- Maris. i Poultney, provemeatapdeoevcpeiio- old 0 wide; posed X do., 1 have been in for years connected with OELKItRATED LECOULTRE -ItHßiri, John Welsh, Charles W. i<(IBNiruRE ,»n