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NEW Y<DKK HERALD, SATIJRDA r, APRIL 10, 18G9..TRIPLE3 SHEET. 7 effect of this upon the political stability of the ENGLAND. TU£ IkLW lUith U UAi.U. Fd.GHTFUl TBAG'OY IN I filESOTA. ISCAL ItiTELLiGE-'iCE. country can only be estimated in part by A Mother and Foar Children Killed with An A Maw Hon )oww..Last evening Henry KeesGu. Hill Creatine Life Pe«>rageo.The Ilndnon Bay A PrnnwYlTiinln «n Ihr bow absolutely essential it its that suchjudgingan liiuiT Paper flernld. Axe.The Father and Murderer Insane. a laborer on tie railway track, oo '«e corner or Company Agree to Cede their Territorial the Lancaster immense as ours should be FROM [Prom (N. II.) Republican. April A] [f'hicugo (April 8) despatch to the Philadelphia sixteenth stree and Tlilrd avenue, was run down territory very ltluhtm.The Neutrality CommlMian. As a the Nkw York Hbralu is ' newspaper Daii.Y Telegram.] Eveningand had a leg Iroken and otlier injuries inflicted by tied together by quick aud cheap closely London, Apul 9, 1-ww. unrivalled tu America arid in the world. A despatch to the Tuttwa iroiu At. Paul gives tka probably details of the murder which occurred on a butcher carl <riven by Charles Gilbert, living if we our ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD In the House of Lords tno bill introduced Carl It* horrible would preserve communicationspresent by advertising patronage in immense, and its uews Wednesday morning 111 Oakdale township, tea miles of la&th strict and Third avenue. The woundedcorner national boundary lines. ltnsscil authorizing the creation of life peerages was columns present a daily report or the condition of from that city. A /aimer uauied James It. Grey. was takento Hellevue and the driver arrested. read for the first time. in every part or the world. Its or well known in that section, iu a (It of insanity killed is the great of corps affairshis wile and four children, the latter oou.sisuug of Mysterious Death..At half-past nine o'cloe* Expediency keynote political Karl Granville announced that the Hudson Ray are no last a D. and it is for the THE CIVIL WAR IN CUBA. thoroughly trained, and expensecorrespondentstwo bo.a, aged eighteen and eight, and two girls, night cobred woman named Eliza Shields, economy, expedient United Company had agreed to cede its territorial rights in Is spared in the use of telegraph or steaui to lorward aged II.e and three years, 'ine murderer was living in rea' 141 West street, was anout and built Tweuty-UUh States to acquire control of the Isthmus of Rritish North America to the Crown on ttic terms intelligence to the home oillce. Tib editorial matter forty years o;d, a largo powerfully taken suddenl. Ill in ttia street anil conveyed to a is decidedly and and man, nod has many relatives in me neighborhood, 'Panama at the very earliest so that proposed. original, racy vigorous, lie has lately beeii from duu/uess and grew drug store in sixth avenue, where she died. The moment, graphically every piuise ot public aiiairs. presentsTue suffering Coroner was of an American In the House of Commons Mr. Harcourt Inquired IIkhu.o is now insane over it. soiifled, and an Inquest will be held operations may be immediately commenced Garrotlng published as a <|uudruple sneel; and, The need was The to-day. what action the Ministry Intended to take as we nave said, is u marvel or newspaper success. committed about daylight. -for the of the two oceans. For the Us circulation aud neighbors heard Mrs. (irey scream and goin* to the A Carprvtiu Kili.rd..At six o'clock yesterday junction in Havana. Citizen the report of the neutrality comnnssiou. prosperity (both already honae lound the wife uud children cut to concerning are It Is an 'four pieces afternoon Coined reasons we huvo named the work should be Mr. Bruce, the Home Secretary, replied that the daily increasing. emphaticallyImmense)with uu axe, and the murderer to tiaug fluingle, aged fifty-one years American institution. endeavoring living in Wes. Kleveuth between West and done and controlled government were preparing and would soon himself. He was arrested and lodged in St. I'aul street, entirely by ourselves, A ja.ll. where It required three or lour men to Hold him. Washington g reets, leu from the roof of the tilrard a bill based on the reconnuendatious of the Alaaaarliiiartia Paper on tbo Herald. In answer giving, of course, the other maritime Powers introduce to inquiries he would only reply, "I killed where he was and The Political in IKroui the Westtleld News Letter. April 8.) them a i with au House, doing carpeuter work, Complications commission. (Mass.) axe. Oh, hung mc." The wife was was Instantly killed. An inquest will he held its use under the same scale of tolls levied The Nkw York Ukbai.d is, in most respects, the murdered tlrst, being < ut in the head aud stabbed Press Comments on the Annual Budget. several ilines. The children were then murdered today. upon our own commerce. should be Spain. bent ue\vspaper 111 the country. It lion an able corps dubious Lamp Surveys London, April 9, 1H69. and placed in u row on the hour, tueir throats so Casualty..Last evening a commenced at once, and a of editors and their object scorns to be to advocate badly cut aa to nearly sever the head from the located in the residence of Patrick thorough While the RimingSUtntlard (conservative) sharply The body. lainp, gasoline the truth on all subjects. Mr. Bennett, the veteran murderer had evidently clnpped their heads on Third avenue, near i2Hth made for the most feasible routeexaminationfor the criticises the annual budget, introduced in the House with an axe, mutilating them so is to render McLaughlin, street, oditor, lias always taken an independent course, a consternation the canal. Above all the Colombian Territorial of the Hudson of Commons lust evcuing, the rest of lue press are almost impossible. The prisoner, at intervalsrecognition creating among exploded, things Rights Bay without regard to party, and has kept pace with of the paroxysms ut maniacal a statement the excitement some of the generally favorable to and eulogize the measure. lur/.uiaue During tturningoccupants should not, by such treaties asgovernmentthe public opluion. We have been a reader of detaiilag the particulars of the injrder. He says ins fluid came in contact with the clothes of Mrs. to Be Ceded to the the Hkkald lor a been motive was that he feared he was coining to one Mr. Seward for his Company few months past, and have poverty Hester who were lately negotiated by surprised aud delighted with the ability, tact and and the family would be lull desttute,aud so thought McLaughlin and Crum, badly FRANCE. witu or it it would be better toaendthemlo heaven at once. burned. The loss to the furmture and building was Ifew York friends, be petitioned to yield the British Crown. energy winch it is conducted. One feature about pleases us, and that is. a whole page, and sometimes The prisoner tried to beat his brains out several $100. right of transit upon a strip of territory which Mtateuient or the Bank of France. more, every Monday,devoted to skeletons ofsermous, tunes by juuiptug against the sidss of the celL she but over which she has no control. 1S09. preached tno day tvfore, in New Yoric. Brooklyn, claims, Pakis. April 9. New Haven and other cttios. The Washington IMPORTANT CONTESTED WILL CASE. FOR THE PACIFIC. Panama 1b in the hands of a horde of semi- Tlie General Grant The amount of specie In the Bank of Fiance has of the Hkuai.d U a writer of markedcorrespondent Steamship decreased 7,wo,ooo francs since last week. ability, ami we doubt whether he has an equal in [From the Albany Evening v'ournal, April 8.j The steamship Alaska will sail from this port on civilized negroes ana nan-breeds, who keep it these t'uited States. For of what we The case of the laal will aid testament of Mrs. Burned at New proof bay, buy Ann contested Saturday tor Aspinwall. In constant turmoil. There be no Orleans. the Hkkald of Conner and read it. James, widow, la now kemg beiore Bhould SPAIN. t he Surrogate In this city. The testator made the The malls for Central America uud the South on the of our New following bequests:. In the therefore, part hesitation, A Hampshire Paper on the IleraliU To her nephew, William CMrk, $2,000 and one-half Pacific will close at half-past ten o'clock to alter this sad condition ofgovernment,affairs Loss of the Thames Off American Monitors to be 1'iirchnoed.The (From the Honesdale (I'a.) Herald. April s.] of certain luruliurc and silver plate. morning. Propeller Establishment ot* a Abandoned. The New Yoiik Herald is the To her niece, Fhebe Thorn Fuller, $2,000, all her The New Your Ilmm.Edition for tlie Pacific. which has such weighty bearing upon our Directory certaluiy greatest and aud oue-hatf of certain Hatteras. 1869. newspaper printed. day a sheet aud a wearing apparel jewelry, rttl he reaily at half-past nine in tlie morning. In every view Panama is a Cape Madiiid, April t», Kvery triple furniture aud silver plate. necessity The la about to send a naval quadruple sheet ou of interest To the four cliUdreu of Frances a. Mugle copied, in wrapper*for mailing, six cents. and our should government Sunday. Nothing Wilkie, formerly us, Congress boldly declare to New York to monitors for service in in earth's most remotest corner but the Hkkaldoccursol Kliutru, $2,000, to bctqually divided.