Old Brookfield and West Brookfield
THE ROAD TO FOSTER'S HILL. OLD BROOKFIELD AND WEST BROOKFIELD. By D. H. Chamberlain. HEN in May, 1660, forty little record has been preserved, and of years after the landing of the which little, too little is known, much W Pilgrims at Plymouth and less familiar, even to those whose feet thirtv vears after the establishment of now daily tread in the footprints of the ~ .f;ssaclmsctts Day Colony, John those valorous and adventurous I ps \!Varner, John Ayres, vVilliam Prich wich men. Ipswich, a town which ard and perhaps a half dozen others, shall not be unremembered here, being "severall the inhabitants of though settled only in 1633, was now Ipswich," were granted by "The looking westward, as if at least dimly Great and General Court of Election conscious of the great destiny which at Boston" "sixe miles square or so was unrolling long before the good much land as shall becontejned in such Bishop Berkeley, himself a victim of a compasse in a place nere Quoboag· this destiny, wrote his memorable Ponds," the first step was taken in line. And in truth it was part of a a history which has not only stretched vast movement, one of those well over two hundred and forty years, but marked epochs which seem to me, covers events and men of whom too alone considered, to lend quite as ,182 OLD BROOKl'!IiLD AND WEST BROOKFIELD. THE OLD FOSTER HOME. much color and reason to the time few Ipswich men, grantees of 1660, honored theory of providential guid visited Q uaboag in that year: ance and intervention as to the cur and tradition has it that the site rently accepted theory of merely nat of the first settlement of Brook m al evolution-the great F ranco ~ field was then chosen.
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