NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL WASHINGTON, D. C., March IS, I907· OFFICIAL BULLETIN The OFFICIAL BULLETIN, issued from time to time as may seem expedient, records action by the General officers, the Board of Man­ agers, the Executive and other National Committees, lists of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of State Societies. tate Secretaries are requested to communicate to the Secretary Gen­ eral accounts of meetings or celebrations by their Societies. The BuL­ LETIN is sent to the General officers and Managers and the Nation<\1 Committees, to new member whose records are printed therein, to a umber of newspapers, and a moderate supply to State Secretaries for neral di tribution. Additional copies will be furnished to State So­ ties, in any number desireo, at three cents each. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL CONGRESS. The Annual Congress will be held in Denver, Colorado, upon the tation of the Colorado Society, a pro forma session to meet at a. m. on April 30, the date provided for by the Constitution, and to adjourn without the transaction of business to meet in general ses: at Jo a. m. on Monday, June 3, 1907. It is expected that the busi­ of the Congress and social functions will continue through June .C. and s. The headquarters will be at Brown Palace Hotel. Details f the program will appear in a future issue of the Official Bulletin. he Colorado Society has appointed the following committees: ommittce of Arrangements.-Dr. Clarkson N. Guyer, Chairman, Jackson Building; John T. Holbrook, Secretary, 1715 California Harold C. Stephens, Treasurer, rsoo Stout street; Rev. ]. H. ;~: OUigbt:on, Rev. W. F. Steele, JJtdge N. Walter Dixon, William F. Colorado Springs. NATIONAL SOCIE;TY, S. A. R. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN 3 Executive Committec.-Henry ]. Hersey, Finance Committee, 404 1'he new Con titution was then carefully considered, section by sec­ Continental Building; Jos. F. Tuttle, Jr., Reception, 58 W. 1st avenue; tion, and on motion by Mr. Beard ley, duly econded, it was E. W. Milligan, Excursion, 1346 Clayton street; Harold C. Stephens, Rcsoh•cd. That the following new Constitution, proposed by the Rc­ Entertainment, 1soo Stout street; Frank M. Keezer, Press, 610 Kitt­ vi<ion Committee, be recommended by the Executive Committee for redge Building; Edgar R. Downs, Halls, I4I5 So. 15th street; Volcott adoption by the National Society as a substitute for the present Consti- V C. Stoddard, Registration, 207 Continental Building; Wm. A. Platt, tution, and that the Secretary General be, and is hereby, instructed to Printing, State House; Frederic\< Yeakel, Decorations, 3847 Zenobia gi'c notice of such recommendation to the President of each State So­ street; John T. Holbrook, Badges, I7I5 California street; Ceo. L. ciety under the provisions of Art. VIII of the National Constitution for Cannon, Jr., Gen'l Irving Hale, Gen'l A. W. Corliss, Rev. David Utter, action at the next Annual Congress. Jas. S. Temple, Rodney ]. Bardwell, Chas. K. McHarg, Pueblo. The several Railway Passenger Associations have been requested to CO<'STITUTION OF THE NATIO AL SOCIETY OF TllE grant the usual reduction at the rate of a fare and a third for the trip. SO S OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIO PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING oF GENERAL MANAGERS AND ExECUTIVE CoM­ ARTICLE I.-NAME. MITTEE, FEBRUARY I9, I907· The name of this organization shall be "The National Society of the A meeting of the General Managers and the Executive Committee, Suns of the American Revolution." duly called by the President General, certified by the Secretary Gen­ ARTICLE II.-PURPOSES AND OBJECTS. eral, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution, was held at the Park Avenue hotel, New York city, at 2 o'clock p. m., February The purposes and objects of this Society are declared to be patriotic, I9, 1907. Those present were President General C. A. Pugsley, pre­ hi torical, and educational, and shall include those intended or designed siding; Vice-Presidents General Henry Stockbridge and Andrew W. to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices Bray; Secretary General and Registrar General A. Howard Clark; dnring the war of the American Revolution, achieved the independence President W. A. Marble of the Empire State Society; President of the American people; to unite and promote fellowship among their W. ]. Van Patten of the Vermont Society; Gen. Francis Henry Ap­ dl'<ccndants; to inspire them and the community at large with a more pleton and Mr. Trueman G. Avery of the· Executive Committee; Hon. profound reverence for the principles of the Government founded hy our Morris B. Beardsley, representing the President of the Connecticut fl)rcfathers; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Society ; Mr. W. W. ]. Warren, repre enting the Treasurer General, Rc\ nlution; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual and Mr. James de Ia Montanye, representing the Historian General. en-ires of the patriots of the war, as well as document , relics, and The minutes of the meeting of the General Managers and the Ex­ l.uulmarks; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memo­ ecutive Committee, held November 26, IgOO, were approved as printed rials; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war in OFFICIAL BuLLETIN of December IS, IgOO. and of the Revolutionary p~riod; to foster true patriotism; to maintain Mr. Beardsley, Chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Con­ an<! extend the institutions of American freedom, and to carry out the stitution and By-Laws, consisting of Hon. Morris B. Beardsley, Mr. purposes expressed in the preamble of the Constitution of our country Nelson A. McClary, Mr. John Paul Earnest, and Hon. Henry Stock­ atHI the injunctions of Washington. in his farewell address to th~ bridge, appointed by authority of the Boston Congress of rgo6, sub­ American people. mitted as the report of that committee a new Constitution and new By­ ARTICI,E III.-1\IEMB(RSIIIP. Laws embodying such modifications of the present Constitution and By-Laws as seem to be desirable, and the changes necessary to con­ St:cTtON r. Any man shall be eligible to membership in the Society who, being of the age of twenty-one years or over, and a citizen of good form with the Charter granted by Act of Congress approved June 9• repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who I gOO. ~as at all times unfailing in his loyalty to, and rendered active service 111 • the cau ·c of American Independence, either as an officer, soldier, 4 OFFICIAL BULLtTIN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 5 seaman, marine, militiaman or minute man, in the armed force of the exclude the admisson of candidates residing in States where no Society Continental Congress, or of any one of the several Colonies or State , has been organized. or as a signer of the Declaration of Independence; or as a member of a SECTION J. Each State Society shall judge of the qualifications of its Committee of Safety or Correspondence; or as a member of any Con­ members and of those proposed for membership, subject to the provis­ tinental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature; or as a ions of this Constitution, and shall regulate all matters pertaining to its recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of own affairs. It shall ha\·e authority to establish local chapters within its resistance to the authority of Great Britain. own jurisdiction, and to endow the chapters with such power as it may deem proper, not inconsi tent with the charter of the National Society or SECTION 2. Applications for membership shall be made to any State Society, in duplicate, upon blank forms prescribed by the Board of with this Constitution. It shall have authority, after due notice and Trustees, and shall in each case set forth the name, occupation and impartial trial, to expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a residence of the applicant, line of descent, and the name, residence and gentleman, shall render himself unworthy to remain a member of the services of his ancestor or ancestors in the Revolution, from whom he Society. SECTION 4· Each State Society shall submit to the Annual Congress of derives eligibility. The applicant shall make oath that the statements of his application the ational Society a report, setting forth by name the addition , are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. transfers and deaths, and any other changes in the membership and the Upon the approval of an application by the State Society, to which it progress of the State Society during the preceding year, and making is made, one copy shall be transmitted to the Registrar General of the such suggestions as it shall deem proper for the promotion of the National Society, who shall examine further the eligibility of the appli­ objects of the National Society. cant. If satisfied that the member is not eligible, he shall return the SECTION s. Whenever a member in good standing in his Society shall change his residence from the jurisdiction of the State Society of which application for correction. Until the State Society shall satisfy the Registrar General of the he is a member to that of another, he hall be entitled, if he so elects, eligibility of such applicant, his name shall not be placed on the roll of !o a certificate of honorable dismission from his own State Society, m order that he may be transferred to the State Society to who e juns­ membership. SECTION J. The official designation of the members of The National diction he shall have changed his residence; provided, that his membe,.
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