Sixers ACT Meteors

Troy is one of the best coaches I’ve ever met. Not only does he have an exceptional knowledge of the game, but his people skills are the difference. Great people make great coaches, and this is definitely something Troy successfully encapsulates within his coaching. His passion is inspiring and make you want to achieve not only for yourself, but for him and the team. He has worked with many successful players and teams, most notably Carly Leeson (Aust), Lauren Cheatle, Brock Larance(Aust ind), Kurt Prosper(Aust ind), Jarrod Prosper (Aust ind), Kaytlin Beaumont(NSW/ACT), Amy Riddell(NSW/ACT), Grace Mcdonald(NSW/Act), Naomie Mcdonals(NSW/ACT) & Tilly Lugg(NSW/ACT). He has shared success with many North Coast women’s teams and has been key to the success of the North Coast. After leaving the area to continue my career, it was so reassuring to know Troy was involved as I knew it meant our zone would be kept in great hands.

Another great attribute of Troy’s is not that he continues to better players, but he continues to better himself. He has worked along side some great coaches like Andrew Dawson (ACT Meteors) and (Sydney Thunder), just to name a couple. Somehow, he also manages to look after Mid North Coast and North Coast zones, whilst maintaining his family life. Hard to believe someone can manage such a huge workload, and even harder to believe they can do it well, but Troy is definitely the man you need when it comes to being the best cricketer you can be.

I highly recommend asking Troy to get invovled with your game as you can be assured that it will only help you learn and excel as a cricketer and person.

Angela Reakes