REGIONAL COUNCIL MINUTES Wednesday, October 25, 2006
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REGIONAL COUNCIL MINUTES Wednesday, October 25, 2006 The following are the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held at 7:15 p.m. in the Regional Council Chamber, 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario, with the following members present: Chair K. Seiling, J. Brewer, M. Connolly, D. Craig, K. Denouden, H. Epp, T. Galloway, J. Haalboom, R. Kelterborn, C. Millar, J. Mitchell, W. Roth, J. Smola, B. Strauss, J. Wideman, and C. Zehr. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST UNDER THE MUNICIPAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACT J. Brewer disclosed a pecuniary interest with respect to a matter from the closed session as her son has an interest in a property in the vicinity of the area under consideration. CLOSED SESSION MOVED by B. Strauss SECONDED by W. Roth THAT a closed meeting of Council be held on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at 6:45 p.m., in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the purposes of considering the following subject matters: a) litigation and solicitor-client privilege b) pending acquisition of land c) pending acquisition of land d) personal matters about an identifiable person e) labour negotiations f) proposed acquisition of land CARRIED MOVED by K. Denouden SECONDED by B. Strauss The Council reconvene in Open Session. CARRIED DELEGATIONS a) Local Garbage Pick-Up Program i) Mary Thorpe, River Park Village Condominium Corporation appeared before Council on behalf of the Board of Directors with respect to the inconsistency of application of the Region’s Waste Management By-law. She requested Council to provide collectable Council - 2 - 06/10/25 waste removal at 465 Woolwich Street in Waterloo, noting they currently receive recycling pick up at this location. She stated the recycling truck comes in and turns around but the residents prefer one curbside pick up location for collectable waste to which they are willing to carry their garbage. ii) Gary Kieswetter appeared before Council supporting the request of the residents at 465 Woolwich Street, comparing their situation to the development across the street which currently receives garbage collection. MOVED by J. Wideman SECONDED by J. Brewer THAT the request from the home owners at 465 Woolwich Street, Waterloo with respect to collectable waste be referred to the Planning and Works Committee for a staff report. CARRIED b) Albert Norris appeared before Council with respect to Veterans Affairs and requested support from all of the area municipalities for a rehabilitation centre for veterans on land owned by the Federal government behind the Kitchener Auditorium. He stated he has met with Karen Redman, M.P. on this matter. It was suggested A. Norris would need to approach each area municipality individually. Reference was made to the efforts of Len Baxter for a Veteran’s Hospital and that A. Norris should consult with him and the other Legion branches in the Region. c) David Wellhauser appeared before Council regarding the Groundwater Alert flyer that has been prepared in response to City of Waterloo Staff Report DS06-016 and to educate the public on groundwater protection. He distributed copies of the flyer to members of Council and advised of a dance-a-thon fundraiser that will be held on Sunday. d) K-W Symphony i) J. Robert (Bob) Verdun appeared before Council regarding the grant for the K-W Symphony. He referenced his written submission and advised the Board was aware of the financial difficulty six months ago. He expressed concern with the lack of current financial statements for the Symphony, noting an endowment fund they hold. He stated giving money to the Symphony will set a dangerous precedent. He advised symphony music is potentially profitable and encouraged Council to purchase ticket vouchers and distribute them to people to get an audience. ii) Ken Hull, Member, Board of Directors, K-W Symphony appeared before Council regarding the grant to the K-W Symphony, noting the orchestra plays a leading role in the musical community in this Region. He noted the educational role they play and their involvement with other organizations in the community. iii) Vicky Dvorak, Member, K-W Symphony appeared before Council with respect to the grant for the K-W Symphony. She highlighted the benefits of the Symphony and the impact such a loss would have on the Region. She noted the outreach programs they conduct and the impact on the youth of the community. She also requested Council to consider membership on the Symphony’s Board of Directors. Questions were raised by members of Council related to the endowment fund and financial matters of the Symphony. K. Hull advised he does not have the financial 326237 Council - 3 - 06/10/25 answers related to the Symphony and noted the endowment fund is operated by an arms length organization. It was further noted there are rules from Revenue Canada that would govern the fund if the Symphony does not continue. In response to another question regarding attendance, K. Hull noted the Symphony has been experiencing a declining trend over the last 9 years. iv) Eric Kennedy, Student, Cameron Heights C.I. and Corey Kotter, Student, K.C.I. appeared before Council regarding the Student Benefit Concert in support of the K-W Symphony to be held October 27th. They provided the voice of the youth and outlined how the Symphony offers them encouragement and inspiration. C. Kotter advised many of the musicians are also the private music teachers for students and it would be a great loss if they left this area. T. Galloway brought forward the motion from the Administration and Finance Committee and included the addendum in the report from Chair Seiling. Councillors gave their support to the grant, noting the safeguards included in the motion. A question was raised with respect to the current financial statements for the Symphony and Larry Ryan, Chief Financial Officer, advised they will be submitted when they are completed. The year end for the Symphony is July 31st. It was agreed to amend the motion to include a clause related to the most recent financial statements being submitted prior to payment. J. Smola requested a recorded vote. MOVED by T. Galloway SECONDED by J. Smola 3. THAT Regional Council provide a one time grant of $250,000 to the K-W Symphony to be financed from the 2006 operating budget contingency and Other Financial budget subject to the following conditions: i) That the K-W Symphony prepare a business and recovery plan to ensure the recovery and long term survival of the Symphony; ii) That the K-W Symphony engage expert third party assistance in the development of the business and recovery plan and that progress on this plan be reported back to Regional Council on a periodic basis. iii) That the funds only be paid when it is clear that the balance of the needed funds are secured by October 31, 2006, and that the Symphony will carry on and not declare bankruptcy; iv) That contributions from the Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo are confirmed; and v) That the most recent audited financial statements be submitted prior to any payment. [RC-06-003] Yeas: J. Brewer, M. Connolly, D. Craig, K. Denouden, H. Epp, T. Galloway, J. Haalboom, R. Kelterborn, C. Millar, J. Mitchell, W. Roth, K. Seiling, J. Smola, B. Strauss, J. Wideman, C. Zehr. Nays: None CARRIED Unanimously 326237 Council - 4 - 06/10/25 e) Steven Cage appeared before Council regarding the Council Compensation Vote and expressed his concern with government accountability. He stated there is no clear record in the minutes of who voted in favour of the compensation increase and advised he was present for the vote and does not agree with what was reported. He requested Council hold a motion to reconsider the compensation issue. Chair Seiling advised a review of the Procedural By-law could occur in the next term, on the direction of Council. D. Craig stated he made an error when responding to the Record and apologized to Council for that error. f) Rick Moffitt appeared before Council on behalf of the Waterloo Region Labour Council with respect to Child Care - Expiring Grants. He requested Council to further extend the funding through June 30, 2007 as an expansion of the child care programs is required to meet the needs. In response to a question, R. Moffitt stated he is in favour of quality, universal, developmental child care services for all workers. It was suggested this matter be referred to the Community Services Committee meeting in November. Mike Schuster, Commissioner, Social Services advised an update report related to the Best Start reduced funding, waiting list status and current status will be provided at that meeting. It was noted any transitional issues will also be dealt with as part of the report. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOVED by C. Zehr SECONDED by B. Strauss THAT the following Minutes be approved: a) Council – October 11, 2006 b) Planning & Works – October 17, 2006 c) Administration & Finance – October 18, 2006 CARRIED MOVED by J. Haalboom SECONDED by B. Strauss THAT Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider reports. CARRIED FINANCE REPORTS a) F-06-068, 2006 Regional Debenture Issue was received for information. 326237 Council - 5 - 06/10/25 b) F-06-069, Waterloo Region Housing’s 2006/07 General Insurance Program MOVED by K. Denouden SECONDED by M. Connolly THAT the Regional Municipality of Waterloo accept the bid of Frank Cowan Company Limited for the 2006/07 General Insurance Program for Waterloo Region Housing in the amount of $238,643 plus applicable taxes. CARRIED c) F-06-070, T2006-036 Ira Needles Boulevard – Stage 3 Victoria Street to West Hill Drive, Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo J.