
1 NADDER VALLEY TEAM MINISTRY TEAM CLERGY Rev’d Dr Graham Southgate, (Rector). The Rectory, Shaftesbury Road, , SP3 5JA ℡01722 714826 Parish Priest Responsibility for Ansty, Fovant, and Email: [email protected]. Rev’d Andrew Staley, The Rectory, Park Road, Tisbury SP3 6LF (Team Vicar) ℡01747 870312 Parish Priest Responsibility for Tisbury, Hindon with and Pertwood. with , and . Email: [email protected] Rev’d Jane Tailby, The Vicarage, 11a Tyndale’s Meadow, Dinton SP3 5HU (Team Vicar) ℡01722 717883 Parish Priest Responsibility for Barford, , , Dinton, Chilmark, Evias, and . Email: [email protected] LICENSED LAY MINISTERS Miss Judy Anderson, 29 Brook Close, Tisbury SP3 6PW ℡ 01747 873142 Mrs Thelma Caughey, Steeple Close, High Street, Hindon SP3 6DJ ℡ 01747 820840 PARISH CENTRE Miss Kate Prior, Hinton Hall, Church Street, Tisbury SP3 6NH ℡ 01747 871697 (Office open 10.00 am to 12.00 noon) Email: [email protected] TEAM ADMINISTRATOR Mrs Carol Sayes, Cleeve Hill, Vicarage Road, Tisbury SP3 6HZ Email:[email protected] ℡ 01747 871805 CHURCHWARDENS Chilmark: St. Margaret of Antioch Fonthill: All Saints with Berwick St. Leonard Mrs Stephanie Lucas ℡ 01722 716463 The Hon. Mary Morrison ℡ 01747 820231 Mrs Jane Middleton ℡ 01722 716231 CHURCH & VILLAGE NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor Mike Scott, Blakeney Cottage, 2 The Reeds, Road, Chilmark SP3 5BD ℡ 01722 716971 Email:[email protected] or [email protected] Sub-Editor Mr Tom Weir, 10 Hops Close, Chilmark SP3 5BD ℡ 01722 716584 Email: [email protected] Distribution: Mrs Stephanie Lucas (Chilmark) ℡01722 716463 Mr Stephen Wright(Fonthill Bishop) ℡01747 820117 Mr James Wilson (Berwick St Leonard) ℡01747 820350 Goods & Services Felicity Trotman, Downside, Chicklade, Salisbury SP3 5SU ℡01747 820503 Directory Email: [email protected] Other monthly publications in the Nadder Team Ministry are Focus and the Hindon with Chicklade and Pertwood Newsletter Contributors who wish copy to appear in either or both of the others should contact Mrs Helen Boucher on 01747 870324 or [email protected] for Focus or Dr Tean Mitchell 0n 0845 4581732 or [email protected] for the Hindon with Chicklade and Pertwood Newsletter. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish Priest: Fr. Robert Miller, Trellis House, High St, Tisbury SP3 6JR ℡ 01747 870228 MASSES: TISBURY, Sacred Heart WARDOUR, All Saints Sunday 9:00 am and 6:30 pm 11:00 am Weekdays 9 am Mon, Wed & Sat; 7 pm Fri 9:15 am Tue Holy Days 7.30 pm 10:00 am TISBURY METHODIST CHURCH Minister: Revd Helen Caine, 7 Ridge Way, Shaftesbury SP7 9HB ℡ 01747 854631 Youth Worker: Dave Symmons, 33 Maple Close, Shaftesbury SP7 8RF ℡ 01747 851733 Sunday Services: 10:30 am Fellowship Afternoon: 2 nd Wednesday at Nadder Close, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Leader: Olivia Young ℡ 01747 871266