

A monthly newsletter for the parishes of Chilmark and with Berwick St. Leonard in the Benefice of Nadder Valley (Team Ministry)

St. Margaret of Antioch Chilmark

All Saints Fonthill Bishop

St. Leonards Berwick St. Leonard

February 2014 No. 205 BENEFICE OF NADDER VALLEY (TEAM MINISTRY) TEAM CLERGY Rev’d Dr Graham Southgate, (Rector). The Rectory, Shaftesbury Road, , SP3 5JA 01722 714826 Parish Priest Responsibility for Ansty, Fovant, and Email: [email protected]. Rev’d Andrew Staley, The Rectory, Park Road, Tisbury SP3 6LF (Team Vicar) 01747 870312 Parish Priest Responsibility for Tisbury, Hindon w ith and . Fonthill Bishop w ith Berw ick St Leonard, and . Email: [email protected] Rev’d Jane Tailby, The Vicarage, 11a Tyndale’s Meadow, DintonSP3 5HU (Team Vicar) 01722 717883 Parish Priest Responsibility for Barford, , , Dinton, Chilmark, Evias, and . Email: [email protected] LICENSED LAY MINISTERS Miss Judy Anderson, 29 Brook Close, Tisbury SP3 6PW  01747 873142 Mrs Thelma Caughey, Steeple Close, High Street, Hindon SP3 6DJ  01747 820840 PARISH CENTRE Miss Kate Prior, Hinton Hall, Church Street, Tisbury SP3 6NH  01747 871697 (Office open 10.00 am to 12.00 noon) Email: [email protected] TEAM ADMINISTRATOR Mrs Carol Sayes, Cleeve Hill, Vicarage Road, Tisbury SP3 6HZ Email:[email protected]  01747 871805 CHURCHWARDENS Chilmark: St. Margaret of Antioch Fonthill: All Saints with Berwick St. Leonard Mrs Stephanie Lucas  01722 716463 The Hon. Mary Morrison  01747 820231 Mrs Jane Middleton  01722 716231 CHURCH & VILLAGE NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor Mike Scott, Blakeney Cottage, 2 The Reeds, Road, Chilmark SP3 5BD  01722 716971 Email:[email protected] or [email protected] Publicatiom cut-off date: 20th of theMonth except December w hen it is the 10th Sub-Editor Mr Tom Weir, 10 Hops Close, Chilmark SP3 5BD  01722 716584 Email: [email protected] Distribution: Mrs Stephanie Lucas (Chilmark) 01722 716463 Jo Denby (Fonthill Bishop) 01747 820117 James Wilson () 01747 820350 Goods & Services Felicity Trotman, Dow nside, Chicklade, Salisbury SP3 5SU 01747 820503 Directory Email: [email protected] Other monthly publications in the Nadder Team Ministry are Focus and the Hindon with Chicklade and Pertwood Newsletter Contributors w ho w ish copy to appear in either or both of the others should contact Editor Mrs Juliet Bow en - 01747 871840; Co Editor Kate Prior - 01747 871559 email: [email protected]. New s items by 15th month (10th in December).or Dr Tean Mitchell 0n 0845 4581732 or [email protected] for the Hindon w ith Chicklade and Pertw ood Newsletter. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish Priest: Fr. Robert Miller, Trellis House, High St, Tisbury SP3 6JR  01747 870228 MASSES: TISBURY, Sacred Heart WARDOUR, All Saints Sunday 9:00 am and 6:30 pm 11:00 am Weekdays as advertised Holy Days as advertised TISBURY METHODIST CHURCH Minister : Revd Helen Caine, 7 Ridge Way, Shaftesbury SP7 9HB  01747 854631 Youth Worker: Dave Symmons, 33 Maple Close, Shaftesbury SP7 8RF  01747 851733 Sunday Services: 10:30 am Fellow ship Afternoon: 2nd Wednesday at Nadder Close, 2:30 pm –3:30 pm Leader: Olivia Young  01747 871266 Somebody said to me recently that life is what happens when you are planning something else! In early December I became aware of what seemed to be a fair amount of discussion of weather forecasts: “Yes, we are going to have a white Christmas. And not just a little snow, but lots of it.” Well that was just before it started raining, and the floods began to rise. Yet things hadn’t stopped, for already the signs of Spring are beginning to show in our villages.

The weather has caused so much disruption to our neatly planned lives. Many of you will have been delayed in your journey to work by water flowing across the roads, or felt it best to stay indoors. Some had had to face the distress of flooded homes. Our modern society seems to take it for granted that our lives will run smoothly –yet, in reality, life is rarely that easy, and when something out of the ordinary happens we often struggle to cope.

Even joyful events can turn our lives upside down. Three years ago, and just a month before Christmas, my sister gave birth to her second child. Everything went essentially “to plan” (as far as can be expected of such a natural process), but I’m all too aware that it might not have happened the way it did: childbirth remains one of the most dangerous events for mother and baby, as some of you will be painfully aware.

I’m sure that from the earliest times people have tried to identify ways of living that might guarantee a happy or successful life and to understand the mystery of, apparently random, life- changing events –even that great scientist Albert Einstein, unhappy with some random elements of life, was quoted as saying “God does not play dice”.

The biblical book Ecclesiastes (written in perhaps the 4th-3rd century B.C.) has a message for us today: life is not about pursuing the rewards promised by the path of conventional wisdom but about living simply and in the present. True wisdom means carpe diem, “seize the day” – don’t miss it, don’t let life slip byunnoticed. Instead, live life to the full –for all of us life is short. As the author says: “Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has long ago approved what you do ... Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might . . .” (Ecclesiastes 9.7, 10a)

Graham Southgate (01722 714826) 2 3 From our own Churches –Chilmark


Chilmark Clergy Notes

Our Family Communion service this month, on Sunday, 16th February, will have the theme of “Living with Jesus”. Do come and join us for this informal communion service. On the preceding Sunday, 9th February, you will see that there isn’t a lay-led Matins service in Chilmark, but that we are having a group service of Sung Evensong at 6.00 p.m. at St. Editha’s, Baverstock. I hope that this will be of particular interest to those who love Evensong, as so may do, but don’t have the opportunity to share in this service regularly. Felicity Pattenden will be leading the Chilmark-Hindon choir who will be performing an anthem and leading the singing of the familiar canticles and responses with the congregation, and there will be singers from Baverstock as well. All are most welcome, from any of the parishes. Do bring a torch, as there is no street lighting in Baverstock, and I suggest car-sharing to help with parking. Evensong is often regarded as a treasure of Anglican worship, so do come and share this very special service. Thinking about the two services I’ve mentioned this month demonstrates the variety of worship in an Anglican parish church, where we seek to meet the needs of people who find they can come close to God in different ways. It’s important that we try to offer these different ways in our monthly service pattern, and that can be quite a challenge at times. As a PCC were are thinking about our worship pattern to add more variety and I will be writing more about that in future months. It just reminds us that we are all different and that God treasures us as unique individuals called into a personal relationship with him. Jane

Parish Notices Second Sunday. 9th February No Morning Service at Chilmark. 6.00pm Sung Evensong at Baverstock with the choir. Take a torch.

Chilmark Parochial Parish Council (PCC) Annual Giving 2013 The PCC made the following donations in its annual programme of giving for the year: The Children’s Society L 56 (Collection at Christingle) World Vision L 273.60 (Awoke,Ethiopian Boy @L22-80 a month) Friends of Salisbury Cathedral L 10 Sudan General Funds L 350 Sudan Medical Fund L 350 L 350 Philippines Disaster L 350 Chilmark School PCC Fund L 75 _____ PCC Total L 1464.60 4 Chilmark's carol singers: Saturday 20th December

It was dry when we set out. Twelve hardy carollers set off into The Street's darkness, clutching their trusty books of music. The wind soon began to get up, however, and slowly the rain began - lightly at first, then annoyingly persistently and then the downpour happened. One kind person had to hang on to her front door as the wind tried to whip it off its hinges. As she held on, she was confronted with a medley of utterly bedraggled and drenched people, trying to raise their voices above wind and rain to render 'In the bleak mid-winter...' By this time the ink was running on the page and the pages were sticking together, so sadly we had to call it a day afteronly an hour. (Special thanks to Cross Farm for providing us with most welcome hot resuscitative beverages en route.) Apologies if we didn't manage it to your door this year. But the good news was the generosity of donations for the Salisbury Trust for the Homeless. A record total of L168.60 (plus L 7.50 Gift Aid) was raised! The chairman has written to thank the people of Chilmark and said that all of the money will be used to help the homeless in the Salisbury area. The Trust provides accommodation and support for 32 single people who are on the streets (often as the result of breakdowns in relationships/families) and helps them develop life skills, regain self-esteem and find employment, education or training opportunities to enable them to return to independent living, so is an excellent cause.

That Saturday night we all returned to our warm, comfortable homes; how lucky we are.

Felicity Pattenden 5

News from Fonthill Bishop and Berwick St Leonard




21st Century designer and maker of contemporary furniture Matthew will talk about the process of producing his beautiful furniture and the inspirations for the designs.

29 MARCH MARIO READING ‘FROM INSPIRATION TO PAGE’ Mario researches his books to the nth degree and will share some of his ‘occasional’ hair- raising experiences with us.


Further information will be published as soon as possible but please do put the dates in your diaries now. All Lectures take place in the Reading Room, Fonthill Bishop Tickets are L 15 and are available from the Fonthill Bishop Estate Office or Jo Denby on 01747 820071. The evening commences at 6.30 with drinks and nibbles. Each lecture will start at 7.00pm and, as there is limited seating please book early to avoid disappointment. For more information please contact: Jo or Joanna 01747820071 or Fonthill Estate Office on 01747 820246

We would like to thank everybody who has supported the lecture series so far and contributed to the enjoyment of the evening by asking such interesting questions. It really does make a difference to have such a delightful audience. Just to let you know that so far this series we have contributed L395.00 to charity and raised a total of L978.00 for All Saints Church. A terrific result. 6

We look forward to seeing you again and to another fascinating series in the Spring. Just a reminder:- February 28 is the next lecture when Matthew Burt will talk about his inspiration as a designer and maker of beautiful furniture and artefacts. Jo Denby

Come and sing - Come and listen to Handel’s Messiah from ‘Scratch’

on Saturday 15 March 2014 at 6.30pm All Saints Church Fonthill Bishop

under the direction of David Davies

Tickets £10 for singers and £5 audience to include refreshments during interval

If you would like to have more information, reserve an audience ticket or join the chorus, please ring David Davies (chorus) 01722 714440 or Joanna Kozubska (audience) on 01747 820071 7 From the Editor

Welcome to the February edition. Well January proved to be a very wet month and a very trying time for many members of our community dealing with the water levels and the impact on their homes. Let us hope that conditions improve rapidly and some degree of normality returns. Quite a lot of news of events in this month’s newsletter as we kick off into 2014. A fuller version of the newsletter is updated monthly on the website www.churchandvillage.co.uk. Cut off date for contributions to the March edition is the 20th February.

Mike Scott Editor

Rob and I would like to thank all our friends and neighbours who very kindly helped us out in our recent difficult times with the severe weather experienced recently especially in the lower part of Chilmark.

Many thanks Rob and Vivien


Flooding Incidents

At the Parish Council meeting held on 8 January 2014, grateful thanks were recorded to Mr Neil Pattenden and Mr Rob Snook for their invaluable assistance during the recent period of wet weather which resulted in some local flooding. The work which the riparian owners had carried out earlier in the year was also much appreciated as this prevented the situation from becoming worse. The flow of the Winterbourne continued unimpeded and the bridges were not breached. The Chairman of the Parish Council was also thanked for his intervention and support to parishioners who were affected. The Parish Council purchased a supply of aqua bags but residents whose homes are susceptible to flooding are advised to obtain their own supply in readiness for such an occasion.

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 March 2014 at 7pm in the Reading Room. 8

CHILMARK CRICKET CLUB –AGM 7.00 pm Wednesday 5th February 2014 –to be held at The Black Dog AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of 2013 AGM & Matters Arising –See ReadingRoomwebsite: ( http://www.chilmarkreadingroom.co.uk/pages/chilmark_events.html ) 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. Election of Officers [for Nomination form, also see website] 7. Membership & Match Fees 8. Junior Cricket 9. Teas 10. Any Other Business 11. Date of Next Meeting NB: There will be complimentary coffee + light buffet available before the meeting. Please arrive in time for a prompt start. ------CCC OFFICERS’ Nomination Form 2014

(Please return to Mike Stott by Mon 3 Feb14)

Nominator: ......

Nominee: ......

Position: ……......

Acceptance by Nominee: ...... [YES or NO]

Please Return to Broadlands, Cow Drove, Chilmark, SALISBURY, SP3 5AJ or by email to [email protected] 9


Many thanks to everyone who supported the Reading Room’s Christmas Bazaar, making it a fun and successful event. It raised L523 which is a fantastic boost to our fund-raising efforts for the new kitchen. The generous donations of items for the Tombola, the Produce and Gift stalls were all hugely appreciated.

Forthcoming Events:

Bric-a-brac and Book Sale Opportunity for a New Year clear out/re-homing of any unwanted Christmas presents?! Please put Saturday, 22nd February, 2.30pm in your diaries for a Bric-a-Brac and Book Sale in the Reading Room. Tables can be hired if you wish sell items yourself; alternatively, donations of suitable items will be welcomed. No clothing or chipped china, please, and books should be in readable condition. Please contact Sarah Miller on 01722 717473.


Charles Dickens’ novel adapted to the stage Live theatre for one night only at Chilmark Reading Room On Friday 7th March, 7.30pm.

Winner of Critics’ Choice Award at Exeter Ignite Festival 2013, this one- man show has been described as ‘mesmerizing and joyful –90 minutes of pure storytelling.’

Suitable for adults and accompanied children over 10.

Tickets L8 Adults; L7 concessions; L5 children under 16 From Sarah Miller: 01722 717473 10 First Aid Course

We now have enough takers for the proposed St John’s Ambulance First Aid course in the Reading Room. Sarah Miller will be in touch with all those who expressed interest as soon as a suitable date has been fixed.

For regular news updates visit: www.chilmarkreadingroom.co.uk


SARUM Concern for Israel/Palestine is the subject of the next talk to church group the Nadder Valley Women Who Lunch. Pat Clegg, an Anglican priest living in Salisbury, will speak about the organisation at the group’s meeting at the Wyndham Arms in Dinton on 12th February. She first visited the Holy Land just before being ordained Deacon in 1999 and describes herself as having “fallen in love with a people and a land”. “Certainly nothing was as I expected,” she said, “and this lead to a desire to return. “I have recently returned from my 13th visit.”Pat Clegg is a founder member of Sarum Concern for Israel/ Palestine, an organisation which tries to educate, understand and listen in this difficult and complex situation. Donations can be made at the lunch for Medical Aid for Palestine, whose work in the Gaza, Pat says, is quite literally life-saving. Anyone interested in attending the lunch should contact Sue Evans on 01747 840600 or email [email protected].



CONTACT: JAMES SCOTT-CLARKE 01747 871921 or ROBERT LANGSTAFF 01747 871784 (Registered Charity Number: 1085583) 11

Hindon Surgery News

Hindon Surgery –Alcohol Awareness

Many of the illnesses we treat every day are related to life style – smoking, exercise, diet, sun exposure and alcohol. As we have written in previous articles by not smoking, being of ideal weight, having a healthy diet and drinking in moderation will on average add 15 years to life. With the increasing retirement age that represents the average duration of life after retirement.

As a practice we have concentrated on the most important of these risk factors –smoking. We will be doing more but already the smoking rate in adults registered with us is around 13% whilst in it is 20%. We continue working with the Council and NHS in Wiltshire to provide vouchers for free courses to reduce weight or subsidised exercise programmes.

One area where we have done less has been to reduce harm from excessive alcohol consumption. This is a significant cause of hospital admission, cost to the NHS and problems for the patient and their family and friends. Wiltshire has above average numbers of the population with alcohol problems although in Hindon for hospital admissions we are well below the Wiltshire level.

As with all problems prevention is the best approach and the first step is to raise awareness of the possible harmful effects of alcohol. In general we all tend to under estimate how much we drink and also not realise the harm that can be caused by consumption levels we feel are OK. As little as having a glass or two of wine most daysa week could be enough to cause harm.

We have been raising alcohol awareness for some time for new patients registering with the surgery or those who attend NHS health checks by giving out a standard questionnaire. We are now working with Public Health at to extend this to more patients as part of their routine check-up for a number of long term conditions including high blood pressure (where 10 – 20% of patients will have excessive alcohol consumption as the cause), heart disease and diabetes. Your doctor or nurse will give you an explanatory letter, an information leaflet about alcohol and a scratch card. This asks how often you have an alcoholic drink, how much you usually drink on a typical day and how often you drink more than six units of alcohol on one occasion (that’s just over half a bottle of wine, three doubles of spirits or two points of strong beer / lager). You will be asked to return the completed card.

Anonymous data will be returned to Public Health so they can plan services to support their population live more healthily. We can also offer support and advice to any patient who feels they may be drinking too much and wants to drink less. 12 TISBURY SURGERY

This is the first in what we envisage to be an occasional article just to let our patients know some of what is going on at Tisbury Surgery. We have an active patient participation group who also hope this article may reach a wider audience than our newsletter, (which we issue 3 times a year), website (www.tisburysurgery.nhs.uk), practice leaflet, etc.

Leaflets are also available at the surgery giving advice on such varied items as immunisations, information for carers, local support groups and much more. Contact details for the members of our patient participation group are also given on our website and they would all be happy to be contacted on general surgery matters relating to the surgery –although nothing clinical! We are also trying to improve the help we offer to carers –Mrs. Sharon McGookin on reception will be pleased to give you more details.


Tisbury Surgery is a training practice and both Dr. John Dalton and Dr. Laurence Carter are qualified trainers. We were very pleased to welcome Dr. Robin Latham in August 2013. He is a fully qualified doctor and will be with us for a year after which he should become a fully fledged G.P. His trainer is Dr. Dalton. When he leaves, we will be joined by Dr. Natalie Ashman, for whom Dr. Carter will be the trainer. We were delighted that Dr. Alexandra Jones also joined us in September. She works for us all day on Tuesdays and on Thursday mornings and is a permanent member of staff. She is also a qualified G.P. tutor and helps train G.P.s in Dorset. Other doctors who work at Tisbury regularly on a locum basis are Dr. Nicky Wray (who trained with us), Dr. Emma Naylor, Dr. Bill Price and Dr. Martin Essigman.

Medical Updates

We were pleased that there was such a good uptake when we offered the flu vaccination at our various clinics. Some patients also had the vaccine against pneumonia and shingles (although the shingle vaccine was restricted by Department of Health criteria and could only be offered this year to 70 and 79 year olds).Our asthma clinic, run by our specialist asthma nurse, Mrs. Liz Wiltshire, runs each month. We also have weekly child immunisation clinics –and would encourage all parents whose children have not received the MMR vaccine to do so. Measles is a serious disease and can lead to such complications as ear and chest infections, fits, diarrhoea, brain damage –and it can kill. If your child has not been fully immunised (2 doses) we would urge you to talk to a practice nurse about getting their immunisations up to date as soon as possible –especially as there has been considerable publicity lately about the prevalence of the disease in Wiltshire.

New Surgery Computer System

Last –but by no means least –we now have an updated computer system!We have undertaken rigorous data checking and are confident that all information on our old system has been transferred ‘seamlessly’ to the new one. That, of course, doesn’t mean that we are necessarily as speedy as usual when using it! Thus please bear with all the doctors, nurses and receptionists while we do our best to master the new technology!

January 2014 13

Future films

Sat 15 Mar Tisbury Nadder Hall Philomena 7.30pm Sat 12 April Tisbury Nadder Hall Sunshine on Leith 7.30pm

Profits from the showing of these films will go toward the restoration of the East Window in St John’s Church Tisbury. 14


Incidents December 12 - B3089: Persons given a cannabis street warning for possession of cannabis December 15 - Fonthill Bishop: Theft of motor vehicle December 16 - Tisbury: Theft from motor vehicle December 18 - Tisbury: Criminal damage to a property December 19 - Tisbury: Theft of sheep from a field December 21 - : Criminal damage to telephone kiosk December 22 - Tisbury: Persons arrested for suspected burglary December 23 - : Theft from motor vehicle December 24 - Charlton: Attempted theft from outbuilding. Nothing taken December 26 - Fovant: Theft from motor vehicle December 28 - Chilmark: Theft from motor vehicle January 5 - Fovant: Theft of trailer

Tisbury Community Safety Partnership The next meeting is at the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury on Tuesday 11th March 2014 starting at 4.00pm. The Guest Speaker will be Angus Macpherson, the Police & Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire. Members of the public and community groups are very welcome.

Police Information Point (PIP) In February, Tisbury Police Station will be open to the public on Tuesdays from 2.00pm until 4.00pm

Public consultations Details of further opportunities to meet members of Neighbourhood Policing Team in person are shown in the “Policing in your Area” section of the website; this can be found at www.wiltshire.police.uk

Other means of contact include: Landline or mobile: dial 101 Email: [email protected] Log into Facebook and search for “Tisbury Police’ For complete anonymity, ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. In an emergency, of course, always dial 999.

If you are interested in the outcome of a local crime, you may find it by visiting http://www.police.uk and entering your postcode.

Tisbury Neighbourhood Policing Team Community Beat Manager: PC Martyn Day 2472; PCSO Gary Chambers 6304 15

Tuesday 11th March 2014 Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury. commencing 4.00pm

Guest Speaker: Police & Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson This is an ideal opportunity to raise any questions. An update to be given on the new changes implemented to the Community Speed Watch Scheme.

All Members of the Public and Community Groups very welcome Please join us and express your views.

Co-ordinator: Mrs B Ford 01747 871638 [email protected] 16


ALEXANDERS PRIVATE HIRE (TAXI) Brian and Shirley provide a professional, reliable service from corporate to single events including airport, seaport, station, coach & hospital transfers. Vehicles for 1-8 passengers. Tel [01747 830723], Mobile [07810 294725] email:[email protected] web: www.bhalexander.co.uk

BIT LEVEL LTD Brown Bookkeeping has expanded –still providing a qualified bookkeeping service up to trial balance, VAT, payroll, self-assessment. We now also offer IT support for all your business needs. LIZ and COLIN BROWN, 1 Ridgeway, Chilmark, Salisbury SP3 5BX. Tel [10722 716844].

BLACKSMITH & GENERAL ENGINEER All decorative, ornamental & functional metalwork undertaken. High quality work. Competitive prices. Gates, Railings, Curtain poles, Fireplace items, Weather vanes, Garden structures. Structural, Architectural & more. JOHN EDMUNDS Tel [01722 781212] email: [email protected]

BUILDING CONTRACTOR All aspects of general building and refurbishment, including the installation of kitchens and bathrooms. Member of the Federation of Master Builders. HETAS approved installer. For all your building requirements, please contact: P. F. PARSONS LTD. Unit 1, Wylye Road, Hindon, Salisbury SP3 6ER. Tel [01747 820422] email: [email protected] web: www.pfparsons.co.uk

CHILMARK BOARDING KENNELS Family run fully licensed boarding kennels. Comfortable, spacious, insulated and heated units. Off- lead walks (3 perday) in secure 5-acre exercise paddock, a real holiday for dogs in beautiful surroundings. DAVE and JENNY WILLIAMS, Bevisfield Farm, Cow Drove, Chilmark: Tel [01722 717808]

CHIROPODIST HPC/State Registered Chiropodist –home visits by arrangement. LARRISSA HORDER BSc (Hons Pod) SRCh MChS. Tel [01747 820565]

FITSTEPS AND FITNESS YOGA New! Fitsteps Tuesday 7.00 pm: Fitness Yoga Tuesday 7.45 pm, Nadder Hall, Tisbury. Contact SELAINE SAXBY Tel [07801 427358]

GARDEN MACHINERY MAINTENANCE Garden Machinery maintenance –all garden equipment serviced and repaired. Can also undertake gardening tasks: hedge cutting, lawn-mowing, etc. PAUL BAVERSTOCK, The Old School, Fonthill Bishop, SP3 5SF Tel [01747 820285]

GARDEN MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING From grass & hedge cutting, border maintenance to landscaping projects large or small. Also fencing and garden waste removal undertaken. Contact NICK SMITH. Tel [07879 480576] or [01747 840030] 17


GRAPHIC DESIGN Ragged Apple is a small design company that specialises in image branding, logo, web design and copywriting. We also design brochures, leaflets, advertising and advise on PR. GLEN MILLER and SARAH TREW, Whitehill, Beckett's Lane, Chilmark, Salisbury SP3 5BD Tel 01722 717473 email. [email protected]

HEALTH & WELLBEING Experienced and well qualified in Natural Spiritual Healing and Counselling/Coaching RUTH BRIDGEMAN, 5 Ridgeway, Chilmark. Tel [01722 717870] email: [email protected] web: www.RuthBridgeman.co.uk

HEALTH, BEAUTY AND NUTRITION Natural products from the world’s largest Aloe Vera company for your wellbeing and body. 60-day money back guarantee on every product. Distributed locally by MIKE. Tel [10722 717524], web: www.mikesaloe.myforever.biz

HINDON VILLAGE MARQUEES For hire in local area. Marquees, matting and furniture at low rates to benefit local charities. Erection and dismantling service if required. Further details: [email protected] or [01747 820321]

HINDON VILLAGE STORES AND POST OFFICE Our thriving village shop is open 7 days a week for groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables, local fresh meat and fish, as well as dry cleaning and shoe repair service. The Post Office services now include personal banking for Nat West and RBS. Tel [01747 820366].

HOLISTIC MASSAGE THERAPY Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage. Reap the rewards of these lovely holistic therapies. BELINDA STOW, Lime Tree Cottage, Underhill, , Salisbury SP3 6BS: Tel [07875 404549] email: [email protected]

HOME & GARDEN MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION Brickwork/Stonework, paving, fencing, painting and decorating, tiling, decking, patios, paths and drives & most garden jobs. Call Julian on [07809648243] or email [email protected]

JONNY WILSON ROOF REPAIRS, RENEWAL AND MAINTENANCE Well-established local tradesman. All aspects of roof work –slate, tile, flat roofs, guttering, fascias, chimneys, porches moss clearance. 20 years experience, local references. Small building and maintenance projects also considered. JONNY WILSON Tel [07526 479360] email: jon- [email protected] 18


MOBILE HAIR STYLIST Cutting, styling, colouring, Hi/low lights, perms, in the comfort of your own home. Excellent qualifications. Reasonable rates. Please call for an appointment or free consultation. GILL HAWKINS Tel [01722 716735] Mobile [07951 367726]

OLD RECTORY BED & BREAKFAST A beautiful refurbished Bed & Breakfast offering a two-bedroomed family suite and two double en suite rooms. Free wifi and computer use. Reduced rates for groups and longer-stay guests. LYNDA and COLIN MASEFIELD, The Old Rectory, Chicklade Salisbury SP3 5SU. Tel [01747 820000] web: www.theoldrectory-bandb.co.uk

OSTEOPATHY Mere Osteopathy –[Tel] 01747 860606 –offering Acupuncture, Foot Health, Massage and Osteopathy. MARY HARBERT, Vogue Cottage, Salisbury Street Mere. Tel [01747 860606]

PAINTER AND DECORATOR SAUL MITCHELL Painter and Decorator. “Maintaining the Past, Designing the Future”. Interior/exterior decorating. Paper Hanging service. Tel [01747 830029] Mobile [07787 927455]

PC HELP I can help you buy and install a computer, including broadband advice and installation, or update an existing one and teach you to use it. Private or business use. LYNN TAYLOR Tel [07771 906858]

PHOTOGRAPHY TRAINING Photography Training: 1-on-1 digital photography training (and photoshop) with professional photographer. Aimed at beginners and intermediate level and tailored to your needs. Contact PETE CORBIN. Tel [01722 716946]

PLUMTREE JOINERY Bespoke Joinery and Furniture, Carpentry and Woodworking, also Maintenance and Renovation. 20 years experience. Free estimates. No job too small. Contact DAVID: Tel [07816 922518] e-mail: [email protected]

RURAL PLUMBING SERVICES ‘CIPHE’-registered plumber and heating engineer. 24/7 call-out service. Drains and waste pipes cleared. PETER SCUTT, 2 Ridgeway, Chilmark SP3 5BX. Tel [01722 716768] Mobile [07774 777380]

RURAL VIEW ESTATE AGENCY Rural View property sales and lettings. A local, professional and approachable service in the sale, letting or management of your property. Personal service, international marketing. CHARLIE GRAHAM, Manor Farm Estate, Chilmark SP3 5AF. Tel [01722 716895] email: [email protected] 19


SEASONED FIREWOOD Hardwood logs supplied and delivered, cut and split to your requirements. Nets of kindling also supplied. PHIL FARNELL Tel [01747 871142]

SEPTIC TANK EMPTYING Septic tank emptying, Luxury toilet hire, Temporary toilets, Portable and Luxury Showers, Temporary Fence, Barrier and small container hire and sales. ROB BEALE LTD, Copse Side Farm, Ansty SP3 5PS. Tel [01747 871464] web: www.temporarytoilets.co.uk

SOFT FURNISHING Loose covers, curtains & blinds etc. professionally made. AMANDA COWARD Buzzard House, Underhill, East Knoyle SP3 6BS. Tel [01747 830197]

SOFT FURNISHINGS & INTERIORS Fullerton Furnishings craft handmade curtains and blinds, upholstery and soft furnishings. Please call RENE FULLERTON Unit 3 Wylye Road Hindon Wiltshire SP3 6ER. Tel [01747 820802] email: [email protected]

SOUTHERN TANK SERVICES Specialists in domestic, commercial and agricultural fuel oil storage, water tanks, rainwater harvesting and chemical tanks, with associated pumps, hoses, meters and filters. Supplying tank security and other tank accessories. CHRIS FORD and ROSS COWAN, Southern Tank Services, Unit 2, Eastern Works, Sutton Mandeville, Salisbury SP3 5NL. Tel [01722 714514] email: [email protected] or [email protected]

TAX & ACCOUNTANCY SERVICE Complete tax and accountancy service. Bookkeeping and payroll, personal and business tax planning, income tax and VAT returns. TATTERSALLS, Glyn House, Great Wishford, Salisbury SP2 0PA. Tel [01722 790752] email: [email protected]

TIM HYDE THATCHING Traditional thatching in English wheat straw, water reed and long straw. Reports for surveyors and insurers. Full roofs or ridges, walls and summer houses. Traditional hedge-laying also carried out. TIM HYDE, The Stables, Milton Farm, East Knoyle, Salisbury SP3 6BG. Tel[01747 830718] mobile [07880557436] email: [email protected] web: www.timhydethatching.co.uk

TISLEC ELECTRICAL & HOME MAINTENANCE Local, reliable, ELECTRICIAN (Part P Registered), home/garden maintenance and HANDYMAN service. Fully insured. Large and small jobs undertaken. References available. Please ring or email to discuss requirements. NICK RYAN, Tel [01747 870388], mobile [07503 116935], email [email protected] web: www.tislec.co.uk 20


TURKISH VILLA HOLIDAYS Gorgeous villa holidays on the turquoise coast of Dalyan Turkey. Private, air conditioned villas with pools, jacuzzis and more. We are holders of the TripAdvisor Certificate of excellence. Visit www.turkishvillaholidays.com today. Tel: [01722 717868], evenings/weekends [07867 888138] email: [email protected]

WORD PROCESSING / SECRETARIAL SERVICE Draft to dictation, any work undertaken, reasonable rates. ANNA BUTLER - recently relocated from Berwick St. Leonard –can be contacted on Tel [01985 214897] email: [email protected]

YEOMAN TREE SPECIALISTS Tree surgery, dismantling, stump grinding, tree planting, woodland thinning, fruit tree care. Free estimates. Fully insured. YEOMAN TREE SPECIALISTS Tel [01747 828113] mobile [07860 177468] email: [email protected]

WOODSHEDS, FENCING If you burn wood dry storage is often a problem. Have a bespoke woodstore built to season and dry wood correctly. Fencing and trellis work also undertaken. KEVIN STOW, Tel [01747 830431], evenings/weekends [07811 209272]email: [email protected]

YOGA AND RELAXATION CLASSES Small groups & Individual Yoga at Hindon Village Hall. Improve health, mobility, and well-being. Meditation teaching on request. RUTH BRIDGEMAN Tel [01722 717870] email: [email protected] web: www.RuthBridgeman.co.uk