Language Resources for Icelandic
Language Resources for Icelandic Sigrún Helgadóttir1,Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson2 (1)Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Reykjavík Iceland (2)University of Iceland, Reykjavík Iceland, ABSTRACT We describe the current status of Icelandic language technology with respect to available language resources and tools. The recent META-NET survey of the state of language tech- nology support for 30 languages clearly demonstrated that Icelandic lags behind almost all European languages in this respect. However, it is encouraging that as a result of the META-NORD project, almost all basic language resources for Icelandic are now available through the META-SHARE repository and the local site http://www.málfö, many of them in standard formats and under standard CC or GNU licenses. This is a major achievement since many of these resources have either been unavailable up to now or only available through personal contacts. In this paper, we describe briefly most of the major resources that have been made accessible through META-SHARE; their type, content, size, format, and license scheme. It is emphasized that even though these resources are extremely valuable as a basis for further R&D work, Icelandic language technology is far from having become self-sustaining and the Icelandic language technology community will need support from partners in the Nordic countries and Europe if Icelandic is to survive in the Digital Age. KEYWORDS: Icelandic, Language Resources, Repositories, Licenses. 1 Introduction According to the survey of language technology support for European languages recently conducted by META-NET ( and published in the series “Europe’s Languages in the Digital Age”, Icelandic is among the European languages that have the least support (Rögnvaldsson et al., 2012).
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