
, Van Alle.A's ID .. I Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City 'Open S'esame' Five cents a Cop, Member ot As&ocialett Pres, - Ap Leased Wire aDd Photo servlCt' Iowa City, Iowa, thurSday. Feb_i, 1951 Iy KAREN CLAUSE \ a loud speaker. D.ily low.n St.H Writer "At 8 p.m. sharp the Marine IBand played a fanfare, there was • It took only an Iowa driver's a hush d silence throughout the license to get a rocket and satell ite room. and then came the announc~ .,eclalist and his wife into the ment - "Ladies and genllemen .. White House Tuesday night. I A.F. · Why~ the President of the United Statcs ·r ells Halted momentarily by the guard and Mrs. Eisenhower." 11 the gate, Professor James Van "I was introduced to the Presi­ Allen showed his ID card, and the dent and Mrs. Eisenhower - I was Van Allen's. joined some 60 other o thrilled 1 think I just stood scientists and 3O-odd military there," she continued. ClDuples in the history-making so­ Mrs. Van Allen's dinner partner, The Van Aliens I cial affair. was General Pate, Commandant of They needed the 10, for the tele­ the .S. Marines. They " marched" Irapbed invitation, li ke Mary's by this once·jn-a·lifetlme affair,-' ,. .~ togethH into the dining room in the IltUe lamb, had gone to school she said. "we are very grateful ·gu long procession led by President . . - a Monday with daughters Cynthia, to the Alumni As ociation for mak­ a 'l11 Eisenhower. 11 , and Margo, 8. ing it possible for us to take the Four banquet tables were decor­ Trailed by journalists, confused trip." ated in red and white and adorned by Washington traffic, and weary The Van Allen's were introduced with bouquets of red carnations and from the rapidly moving itinerary, to Mrs. McCaffree, secretary 10 gold n candelabras, Mrs. Van AI· Blam~ lst.-Stage IIje Van Aliens were "glad to be Mrs. Eisenhower, before going to len said. /lOme." the reception hall. AS Gley entered Business To Pick She sat across from Mrs. Roger "I was completely carried away their names. were announced over Adams, whose husband is a chem­ ist. When Mrs. Van Allen asked Engine Controls Mrs. Adams if she knew Ralph L. Up-Eisenhower Remodel Old One- Shriner, chemistry professor at CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. !II - The Air Force said Wednesday that SUI , she said, "Oh, yes, Dr. Shriner irregularities In the engine control system caused the Vanguard satel­ Iy DOUGLAS I , CORNELL took his degree under my hus­ lite-bearing test vehicle to break apart shortly after its launching early band." Wednesday. WASHINGTON lNI- President Eisenhower said Wednescby a la.t cut Circulate Petition "Millions of woiters" s('rved us The irregularities occurred in the engine control system of the first could be a re erve wellpon to give business a shot in the arm. Bul be the six course meal - freshly cut gave no indication whatever of recommending a reduction at this time. pineapple in wedges, split peo ~~~re~ of the three-stage avy vc- Instead, Mr. Eisenhower stood by his prediction that business should soup, lobster tail and cucumber Ike *Oef*en ts pick up around the middle o( the It came 57 seconds aftel' the sandwiches, roast beef and mashed d~ year. Against New School potatoes, lettuce salad, and ice launching of the rocket. WitHin _ _ In a voice hoarse fr om a cold, cream served in large melon three seconds the irr gularities Ike Endorses II A door-to -door campaign to gct petitions signed is being waged by a mOlds, she said. had denected the missile so far tu McElroy As the President told news confer­ few members of the Iowa City School Study Council who are working ") though the waiter was kidding the right that It broke In two. I ence that if things got to the point to get additions and some remodeling of the old junior high school in­ when he told me all the calories The Air Force statement said where it was necessary, a tax cut stead of a new $2 million plant which the vot~ rs wili decide upon had been taken out of the desscrt, the Vanguard projects includes S B Stassen for wou ld have a "very real , sreal March 11. "two more test vehicles" befoTe she said, but [ found out later that pace OSS limulus on the economy _" But he C's Doerfer Gordon Webster il leading the it was true." another attempt is made to launch group that includes brothers After the dlnn('r the ladies re­ a full-sized satelilte. cautioned against "goin g too far Admits That He Nate li nd Fred Moere and Mrs. tired to the Red Room and the The Navy - disappointed in its WASHINGTON !.fI - Presid nt GovernQrship with trying to Cool witil our econ­ Frieda Chadek, all of Iowa City. gentlemen to the Blue Room, at second falfure to ge t a sateillto Eisenhow r, reinforcing Secretary WASHINGTON lNI - President omy," Dnd getting "something else Th. y are the minority of the which time Mrs. Von All 'n talked aloft - plans to delve deeper into of Dcfense McElroy's authority in Guests Around Ei ~ I\hower said WednC'sdoy he started." speci.t council which studied the informally with Mrs. Eisenhow('r. just what went wrong before trying the outer spac\' program, soid WASHINGTON (A'I - John C. Wedn sday McElroy is the boss of thinks Harold Stassen wou ld He put in a reminder of "How i>OOrfer, chairman of the Fedcral probl.m of inadequate lun ior "We discussed why the candles a third shot. higlt faciliti es for nearly . year. all work being done at the Penta­ make a good governor of Penn · we were always talking about In· Commun icati ons Commission, ac­ on the dining tables didn't drip," Tit. Air Force ••Id in , "... gon. sylvania-which could be one way knowledged Wednesday he spcnt At a cost of ~75 . 000 the peti. she said. pued .nnounc.ment transmitted of aying Stas, ('n soon will reo natlon " a year ago. about a week in Florida as the tioners believe that six new rooms Anna Rus ell, intemational con­ to it by the N ul R.... rch L.b. The defense s cr tary will push sign as Eisenhower's disarma­ rn s9ite of huskiness, Mr. Eisen­ cert comedian, presented some of or.tory th,t partl of the wreck- ahead with the present missile luest of a TV station owner whu could be built in a corridor con­ ment adviser. hower kept goi ng for the full half necting the two biul~ing s of the her well-known skits to the guests. .,e .110 have been reco".red off. and satellite projects, Eisenhower had an application pending before shore. told his news conference. while a Eisenhower, at his news confer­ bour he allots to news conferences f"CC_ junior high. Rennovation of heat­ The Van Allen's sat behind the • f­ ing the concert. officials that Stassen will resign. ~oted against it." put a s ries of small $atellite. The President was asked ~: e ­ ference with Russia, a bit of poli­ ferson streets. "Once Mrs. Eisenhower turned into an orbit during the InteM,,- Senator Lyndon Johnson ID·Tex.) The FCC head told of this and around and made a comment to clfically whether Stassen's useful ­ tics, and the status of such Whlle other trips at a House subcom­ Webster said that he and his tional Geophysical Year now under asked the senate to set up a tempo· co-workers feel that a junior high me, Mrs. Van Allen said, "but ness to him was at an end. Wittee hearing increasingly inter­ way. That program already is con- rary ollter space study group and Eise nhower skirted around the House aides as Sherman AdJma school may be needed on lhe west I am not sure what It was." - siderably behind schedule. consider establishing a permanent and Harold E. Stassen. TIlJlted by three-way bickering side of the river if Coralvilic, Hills, After the "concert," the Eisen­ question , which was coupled with ~mong FCC members, the commit­ The Alr Force, which operates body similar to thl! Scnate-House an Inquiry abou t reaction to Stas­ The chief executi ve didn't com­ North Liberty and University hower's retired, but the rest of the missile lest center at Cape Atomic Energy Committee. lee' and its chieC counsel, Bernard lIieights become a consolodated the group w('nt back to the dining Beautiful Takeoff .. sen's expressed interest in the ment, nor was he asked to, on the L. Schwartz_ school district, a plan that is bCing room for rcfreshments. Canaveral for the armed services, "ThUS far, there is little that W~ P nn sylvania governorship. Navy's second failure, early Wed· The committee 1s investigating searched the waters 3 to 10 mile. know about outer space, exccpt "Well , lhat is a double·barreled nesday, to get a Vanguard satel­ considered by officials of those "I got into a long .conversation orr shore for wreckage_ that it Is to dominate the affairs charges by its staff that Doerfel' towns. with Mrs_ McCaffree and was qu estion ," Eiscnhower replied, lite into orbit. He said that throu.b or mankind," Johnson, the senate "but neither bo rrel is ea y to lind four others on the seven·man The new junior high school will completely oblivious to time until Among the ruins might be the d mocraUc leader, said. Ike Kin Hits his science adviser, Dr. James R. FCC have conducted themselves be built on First street just north I noticed that ('veryone else had M-inch sphere tored In .the mi.s- fire." Kililan Jr., he is getting line seleD­ bnjlroperly. of the Rock Island railroad tracks. gone." siJels nose for an attempt {o place Eisenhower ' uriderlfned McEI­ He went on to Say that he and lists td gi ve the Dation "a program SChwartz asserted at one point II voters approve the $2,000.000 is­ ''I couldn't pick out one impres­ another earth satellite in company roy's authority when asked whether ~MecJlo·c rity' St:lssen have had a couple of con­ of outer space achievement" In (he that Doerfel' "Is not telling the sue. A new junior high has twice sion of the evening as outstanding with the Army's Explorer estab- any consideration was being given ferences and that lInother one is scientific field. Irljth'; when the FCC chairman been voted down in the past. - there was just one fabulous lished in orbit last Friday_ to bringing the air force into the scheduled for this week to see ex­ actly what they believe should be As fo r the possibility of sendlng said he always inte nded to cooper­ Webster said that hi s group thing after another - the situation, If the 3V. -pound hollow metal satellite project. In Schools a rocket to the moon and baek ate fully with the investigators. would need more than 300 sig­ people, ceremony, foo d and decora­ ball survives its four-mile naming The arm~ has !aunched the first dune. Eisenhower, who claims Penn ­ williin 10 years, the President said Doerfer did not mention the. Flor­ natures to carry the petition be­ lions were all so Impressive," Mrs. descent it might still be broadcast- U.S. sa te1h~ ~Ith a modified BALTIMORE (,fl - Dr. Milton S. he, and he thought the scientist. , Ida trip when asked to describe fore the Ichoel board and , et ing the signals Which under better JupUer-C m.lssile ~ nd the navr, sylvania as his home state because Van Allen concluded. Eisenhower, president of Johns of his farm at Gettysburg, showed would be the last to predict a derl­ trips he has made at th e expense petition on the March ball ot. circumstances would now have I after two failures, IS still bent On The petitioners feel that a new been coming from fa r out in getting one up with a V; mguard Hopki ns UniverSity, Wednesday no relucta nce to endorse Stassen nite ti me schedule. Of persons under FCC regulation. as a pot-entlal governor. junior high would not probably be space. rocket. advaneed a new education pro­ The "defense space busi l1ieSllJ " .Doerfer emphaiszed he was per­ "I want to say very frankly forming official duties - which needed for 10 years if the old one Caril Told Last Dec. 6 after the Initial The president did not reply dl· gram to combat what he called a he said, will be pushed in the Pent­ is remodeled. Webster explained that there are many traits of his Dgon. took him, he said, to Bimini Island Vanguard test vehicle blew up pn r~c\>ly to the question about the tendency toward decreased qual ity, that I believe to be admirably fit­ 11ft Florida's coast as well as to that the new Catholic high school Not To Sign; Its launching pad, the satellite's air force . .He merely said Mc­ "if not mediocrity," in the nation's Mr. EisenhOWer said, too, that will take some of the increased ting for such on office," Eisen· Miami. " sphere 'was ejected through the Elroy was 111 charge of all outer secondary school system. hower asserted. "we are working very bard" (0 Sfle enrollment load. names and continued emitting sig. space work done with in the De­ whether there Is a possible ap­ "I would call it a busman's holi­ Dr. EI enhower, a brother of "He is a great admi nistrator and •d ay, " he said. "I'm pretty sure we can get Ul is She Doesn/t nals as it lay, onl y slightly damag- fense department. proach to some kind of heads of through, but ) 'm pretty positive President Eisenhower, oHered his he is an indefatigable worker." The hearing recessed until Mon­ LINCOLN (,f! _ Plans to obtai n ed , on the ground. Eisenhower also referred report- suggestions in a speech before Stas en, now SO, in 1938 was state meeting in pursuit of peace. day. we can 't get the big one through," Caril Ann Fugale's signature on Th. Army hn the ers back to his State of the Union But he said he sees no fact to war­ Webster said, pointing to the two ,,,.II,bI. the Baltimore Advertising Club. el cted to the first of three terms "57 TRAFFIC TOLL a statement detailing her role in four st.. es of Its Jupitwr-C rock· mes age of Jan. 9, in which he which gave him its annual award as governor of Min nesota, his rant ' a conclusion that recent ex­ previous defeats of the issue. et, the "ehlcl. which achieved the said: changes of letters with Soviet Pre­ CHICAGO 1.4'1 - Killed 95,000. In­ a string or Nebraska killings were as "Man of tlle Year." naU ve stale. Webster said thal if the small oW- mier Nikolai 8ulsanin have ad· jured - 9t,! million. The cost - upsct Wednesday for county launchlnll .ucc... with the Ex- "In recognition of the need r&t­ In eHect, he called for a cut­ Slassen now claims Pennsylvania towns west of the city consolodatc cials here. plo,er I,.t Frid,y. The Army single control of some of our mit as hIs home because he served as vanced prospects of better UDder· Ul.8 b1Ilion . their school districts and build b.ck in the types of courses of· Representatives of the legal aid well mi,b. be .bIt to .Hompt ,n- advanced development projects, l e president of the University of standing or increased the lI~li· ," ThaI was the toll caused by ac­ a jun ior high school on that side other I,unchlng ...... the Navy secrl!tary' of defense has alrea y fered, more concentration on the cidents in the United States in b basic studies, mort school work Pennsylvania befo re joining the hood of a fruitful summit confer· of the river, Iowa City probably ureau, an agency which provides is r ..dy ,. try .../n. decided to concentrate in to one or- Eisenhower administration. ence. 1957-1he lowest such death rate wouldn 't need an additional junior attorney help (or persons unable In Washington, John P. Hagen, ganization aU the anti-missile and for Jo~nny and Mary, .nd hl,h.r In the history of accident records. hig h for as ma ny as 30 years. to afford an attorney, advised the director of Projeo.t Vanguard, said satellite technology underlaken pay for t ..ch . rs. H-year-old eight grader not to other Vanguard vehicles are 3t within the department of defense," "My own view," Dr. Eisenhow­ sign the 1OO-page document. I She didn't. Cape Canl:'vera ready to be t~l ed Leading republican senators have er said, "is that our secondary Deputy County Atty. Dale Fahrn- - two ~ ( them at least. come aro1,lnd to the idea tha t it schools, in . re!\ponse to pu blic Egyptf . Syria OK . Soc, Psyc~ for Kathy ' p~ess ures , bruch, who announced the devclop- He did not say hoW soot;! an at- would be unwise to snatch conti-ol have tended to prolifer­ ate themselves into decreased (A P Wirepho to.) ment late Wednesday afternoon, tempt might be made. He did ~ay of the space program from the said the statement was reviewed that .the Navy would try to (l.na Defense department Im mediately_ quality. if not mediocrity, on the GRANT, 23·year-old ac· average. with the girl, however, and she out Just wha~ went )oII rong ~Ith They believe any precipate acUo n tre" bride of Bi"9 Crosby, dis­ "Our secondary schools now of. Union Under Ncis~e~ plays enrollment card .t Los orally acknowledged it to be true the newest failure ~fo ~e making to create a separate space agency CA IRO III - The parliaments of there is no question In anybc;dy's and a correct account or the slory another attempt to fire the Van- under ci vilian control might Inter- fer choices in several hundred ngelts City College where sh. Egypt and Syri a roared approval mind but that he will assume the she told authorities previously. guard. rupt vital efforts to keep abrea t different subjects, many of them si,ned up for courses in sociology vocational. There is no substi tute, Wednesday for their new United office. , .: • and psychology Wednesday. SUI Carll's volunteer ad visors also Hagen told reporters that appa~· of Russia in the race for control o[ Arab Republic and for a provision­ asked the deputy county attorney enlly the tro.ul)le ~a s a mecham· outer space. in preparatory education, for He will be unopposed In the. "clt;- may not he"e coeds as rich or rigorou5 study of such fundament­ al constitution under which Egypt's ing. \' famous - but it clots have many not to di sciose any of the contents calor e!ectrlcal failure. Eisenhower has directed his of the statement. Hagen s deputy and the man. In scientific ad viser, Dr. James M. als as mathematics, English, a President Nasser will rule with vir­ The way Is open for other Arab lust as beautiful, foreign language, science, history tually absolute power as chief of nations to join the union or· feder· I "We are acceding to their wish- charge of the actual launchmg Killian, jr., to make recommcn- es," Fahrnbruch said . here" J. Paul Walsh.. referred dations on whether the orogram and social studies." state. ate with it. ! .' A spokesman for Ye~en b\dle4~. C 'I h . d h I questions to Washington . should be left with McElroy or "r would remove," he added, Acceptance or the historic merg­ S ta ::~e~~e/ r ~hfn eh: ~eC ~~ The 72-foot rocket was launched shifted to another branch of the "all peripheral subjects from pre­ er was unanimous both in Damas­ cd that isolated Arabial) PenlnsilJa kingdom agrees in principle fed­ h d . h fi d d at 2:33 a.m., and appeared to government paratory curriculums, and concen­ cus and Cairo . to c arge Wit rst egree. mur er be off to a fi ne start. . trate them in a 13th high school eration, althou,h this lueeesti 110 and both have ~l e aded mnocent. The laanching came after a se- ---- Syria's President Shukri Kuwat­ year for thosc who wanl terminal Iy, who is gi ving up his office to surrender oC Yemeni soverelpty. ~a.hrnbruch said he. and other ries or attempts had been fnat- AFL-CIO Na"1es vocational education." off lc l~l s were at the. Lmcoln Stale rated by weather and by teclullcal !!Crve under Nasser, nominated the Hosplt.al to see Ca.rll when Dea~ dlffieulties. n cse delays are Solons to .Oppose Egyptian leader before the Syrian Edmond O. Belshelm of the Um- Inormal • Parliament . . Indonesian Rebels vel"sity o( l';l e~ra s ka Colle.ge o[ Th.· three ...... , ~ 11..... V .... M[AMI BEACH, Fla. til _ The Gore- Introduces Then In Clliro's National Assem- To Sulcarno: P.iclc : La't' and Wilham Blue, director luard ro.. with a mit..." roar AFL-CIO said Wednesday it prob- Public Works Bill bly the announcement brought of the Legal Aid Bureau, showed in" , Ifill .nd ..a ...... &...... ht up ••.• ~r, .. ~ ably will o~ the 1958 reelec. thunderous cheers from the 350 Anti-Reel Caf)inet tion bids of a dozen Republican WASHINGTON (,fl _ Sen. Albert Egyptian deputies. TOKYO III - Indoneelan rebeIJ The tW? talked with Ca~il and w.;::. h:~ ~ng boall 01 the and possibly two Democratic mem- , Gore. m-Tcnn. ) announced Wednes- Nasser in a !

.. , . ! ' 'I fflle'Doily ,- 'ewa~ Children - J,'" ., I . I::, IIi 'I I . r . , .. ~ It " " "'lWr 1- ~ .",ntte., and edited by ltudenu .nd " gdueryled "" II boGrd ,qt !fer lfudM'Mutttt JltJeted -/ .. 1M IIUdent boily and foUr faculty trust ~ appolnted by the preslclent 6f the UnitJerrily. Tile Daily Iowan', 1I , " .iIfIorItIl JIOlky, tMteiore• ., flOC an MprelWn of SUI admlnislratlon policy M opinlMl In any porticuUw. f-he Fu'ture of ·the World r ... 2 1:HURSDAY, FEB. 6, usa --- ~a City, 'a. Editor's note: This editorial was wriHen for the I dctn't know what lind of NEA Journal by Danny Kaye, internationally an ambassador I make. I know known entertainer. Let's Stop Him-Before He Starts DANNY KAYE little about diplomacy and ITod ay I want to tell yOU about tunes like "Blue Moon," "I carl't . ~~------~------.-. ), faking children laugh-especially children even Ie s about protocol. But a fellow I'm really "gonc!" on .. , Get Started with You," and "I Le~" ...... Don Shirley. Some time ago my a Song Go Out of_My Heart," ~ " who haven't much to laugh about-isn't the I do get along pretty well with friend Jim Wilke wrote a review achieves a wonderful delicate anlJ ·r world's ea ite t job. If you further complicate kids. That's because I follow of modern jazz recordin~s, and I quiet sound that makes a Cine con· I. .. the task by trying to get them to laugh in 17 one cardinal rule. If you want thought it was about lime we mo\'- trast to the brilliant displays bfl 3;~:~ languages, YOll are faced with what might look to cOl11l1lunicate witl~ ~ child, ed in that direction again. Don technical skill indulged in froml,lo like nn ul1sllnnountabl problem. put yourself .on a .chi l~ s l e~el. Shirley, however, is one of those time to time, as on "How High thet~ musicians I admire so much - Moon" - another extra·long ar. ~1 But if the trial of my chosen work are B:-come a cJuld WJth. hun. SlIlg be's hard to pin down - almost as rangement that throws in every."" difficult. the rewards of achieven:JeJ)t...,.~ eing; • K~rE hls son,gs, . d~nce l~ls . dance , close to classical musie as jazz. thing in the book, but 'all in gOOdl ~.j tiny fates, drawn with hun~ r, ht ~ d' Wit~ I pl:1y 1'lIs grunes. Tbllre s a lot of chJ!~1 J~ ev~ry' An interesting thing has been taste, mind you. Iii u happening in the music world late· There must be as maljY diffllrenl '1 pain, or wasted with illness, &ti lt. If 04,ult aJlow .that c1111d 111 Ud~. ll 9ren ~? ~n. l1J~ Iy. Classical music has been get- versions of "Lullaby of' Birdland" {J by ioto laughter-mah it wor,thwhile I'b 'tl, . 11 ~ . e ~pe . I P ~I meetmgs WIth cbil.dren, hell ling freer and wilder all the lime as sands in the sea, yet Don Shir.""! the One thing I've discovered who ,trA I eling , /. pd it r~ar~bly ~a~y .to commUDlcate. (as anyone who heard Everett ley has given us a completely fresh"11 lor I 100,000 miles and visiting 32 COlm J ~TJ IMi " . Fr~uenHy, I fmd. It helps to allow tho Helm's lecture some weeks ago approach by letting Birdland· gort V( there are only two expressions which 'are the< <;hgP to .~eqcb so.metlung to !lou. In ltaly,.I will testify) whereas jazz has been bit longhair. Makes me wonder If . Ell getllng more formalized !llld Bach's "Art of Fugue" might haVe l12 Srni same in every language-"oucbl" apd "bal hal COll)IDuJ)Jcated W1th a group of young pOllO "classical." The cool school has been less duIJ if he 'had used the)". tpd ' ha'" I t' I ,. con.v,alesce'nts thro ug~ the medium of a ea· taken over with a more thoughtful . l-ullaby for the fugue sUbject. 111: 111ybe I'd better explain mytelf' a little pohtan £~lk song. whwh they taught me. They and mental ~pproach to jazz, where "Orpheus In The Underworld".· more. For the past three years I have been roared WJt1~ laughter over my attempts to mas­ often there IS not even 11 sounded (Cadence 1009 ) is Shirley's third " operating as a sort of roving ambassador for ter the It ~han ~hr.ases , such as cal1ta.re lO"can­ "beal", . album, and entirely different In llo DON SHIRLEY is one of the best character. Back in the good old ll'l an organization called the United Nations whICh I, J~,slsted on . prono~nclllg , can· zone, examples oC this new school of days of the 18th century, the COVI\l' ! Children's Fund-known as U fICEF. This is sone Ia cantara. To a chIld, thl was excru­ jazz. Before we contiuue, maybe notes say, musicians used to do a li a highly nonpolitical branch of the U.N. with cia tingly funny. you should l:now that he is a great deal of improvising. Caden.." . one very simple aim-that of emanCipating In Spain, I got my message across by im- pianist. His musical background zas were ncarly always improvlseclu(l consists of many years of study in to concertos and much other music I. from sickness and hunger all the children of personating a flamenco dancer whose knce serious music. He made his debut was only partly notated, the per·, tile world. buckles un?er him tfe first time he stamps his with the Boston Pops conducted lly former supposed lo supply the res~ ' 1)1 job is,primarily to call world attention foot on the stage. In I did a pantomime Dean Nixon in 1945. Four organ on the spot. After 1840, this prac· to the work being done by UNICEF by visit· of an American cowboy movie. In Nigeria, I symphonies, two string quartets, a tice died out. Don Shirley think"' (" piano concerto and variations on it should be revived, and has given ing and'then telling about their installations hopped into lhE!' midst of a native dance and Ravel's "Bolero" are to his credit good reason in this album. I in all parts of the globe. At these in$tallations, added a little of the Lindy lIop to their rit- as a composer. Were it not for.bis ' HE BEGAN by translating Or· rl' UNICEF docs its medical magic to stop kids uqls. , imagination and inventiveness, I?heus in the Underworld from the i from saying "ou~bl/l or its equivalent, im~l , r On my trips, I have Visited with the Presi­ much of his work might be con· Greek. Then he painted a demon· found myself doing what. I couid to get them dent of Turkey, the Prime Minister of Creat sidered modern classical as well infested oil canvas, inspired by thil" P" as .modern jazz. Igor Stravinsky poem. Finally, with both things ill " to saying "hal hal hal" again.. Britain, the Prcsident of France, President has called Don Shirley's virtuosity mind, together with his knowledge \ J have made five tJ;ips abroad for UNICEF Cronchi of Italy, the King and Queen of "worthy of Gods. " of musical structural design, he in the past three years on this sort of assign • .Creece, Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia, Prime Don Shirley's first album WIIS sat down at the Boesendofer gralMM ment. On my last trip? thr,ough Britain, Minister Ben Curion of Israel, and the Sultan TONAL EXPRESSIONS (Cadence piano (which has seven more key'rJ France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Crecce, of Morocco. 1001) . 1'1 Cover the Waterfront" is at the low end than standard given an impressionistic treatment pianos) and improvised. The albull1'\ Yugoslavia, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, and Ni- It would be hard to Imagine more varied that makes one think of the emo· cover shows bis painting, and the ) geria, T was accompanied by a C,l;,cw of CBS political bcliefs than are reflected by these tional feelings of Debussy's "La translation of Orpbeus is included Klnr Pe.tur~. S),ndlcale camera and sound techni.cians filming a spe- persons, yet each one said almost exactly the Mer." "The Man I Love" incor· so that you may follow the musj. ;\ cial go-minute "See It Now" broadcast for Ed· same thing-that children rcpresent. the future porates a whole handful of Gers'h· cal journey almost note·by.notO/ win themes in a ten·minute produc· Most unusual music. A C ~oice of Visions ward R. Murrow and co-producer Fred W. of the world, and unless the adults of the tion that must be beard to be be· "Don Shirley Duo," the latest EDITOR'S NOTE: The following orlitorial Friendly. This meant that not only must I world assume the responsibility for providing ]jeved. album, (Cadence 1015 ) is apUr throwing off the shackles of ancient fears communicate with children who didn't speak these children with the opportunity to grow Everything fits tog e the r named because it gives bassist ·1I 1$ based on an interIJiew with Dr. Van Allen and hates and welcoming the tccognition my language, but I must be equally under- into useful maturity, there will be no world in perfectly and with the best of Richard Davis an equal place with " tasle. "My Funny Valentine" Shirley on many numbers. The~' and was writtCll by SUI Information Seroice that tlle welfare of each is the welfare of all standable to millions of TV viewers. years to comc. shows up the fine bowing by bass· opening number, "Sometimes I'm "I toriter Jim Wells, w710 !1M fo llowed Dr. Van and that thc old hostilities and rivalries are ist Richard Davis, who accompan· Happy," begins with a long bass')' Ailell's work closely since the beginhing of an outworn folly. their spouses and their families ies Don on his records. ' There's intro using the bow. The high basi" ICY. And tllCn I see anoth,er picture: per­ on the second and fourth Wed· not enough space to mention all register is exploited with often General Notices nesdays of each month. Recreation· the other tunes on the record, but beautiful and /or amusing effects, 'r Prof. James Van Allen feels strongly haps, in the quite near futurc, a sudden end Gen~ral Notices must be TPce.ived at '1'1'\" DaUy Iowan oflice, Room 21)1, Con... munlrptJonl Center, by a. B.m. tor pubUFatjon the foJlowinll' mornlnll'. The), al swimming and family·type actio tbey are all played with great skill The writer of the album noles r that space research should promote. the arts to human life; or, that is for th~ moment must be typed or lellibly written and sillned; they wUl not be accepted by vities will be available {rom 7 :15 and musical ability. thinks Shirley is beginning to show .r \f telephone. The.oatly Iowan rooerve. the ,ll1hi to edit all General NoU..... of peace, with long-range benefits for man­ averted, fanatical groups of men taught by to 9:15 p.m. Don's second album is "Piano an Erroll Garner influence. I di",n STUDENT COUNCIL BOOK EX. oE creaHve abilily, evidence' of rio Perspectives" (Cadence 1004>' This agree strongly. Shirley is one of , kind and should not be stressed primarily for their governments and their leaders of CHANGE - First Floor - Schaef- nancial need, promise of success in 1958 HAWKfYES - The 1958 one takes nine very standard the new jazz' stars who can indulgl\ increaSing destrllction via space. He says that thought to view rival groups as wiCKed. reI' Ilall. They're receiving books 'choe~n (ie\d, and personality. Only Hawkeye notes are · due and pay· "standards" and proceeds to treat in such trivia as being able to r~a~ il/ lhem as if no one had ever heard music, and still not loose that the follOWing paragraphs by philosopher Bert­ 1 see science, which in itself is one of . - Feb. 10, 11, 1 ~. Books wi![ be memb~s of Phi E\a Sigma are ell· able at the Treasurer's Office. H sold - Feb. 12, 13, 1~, 17> Return gible for these gIft scholarships. 'Registratlon materials will not be them before. U's delightful! On "swing." ~1. rand Russell express better than h ~ can the the most splendid of human achievements, "llf money or unsold books-Feb. is, Local deadline Cor applicalions Is issued until Hawkeye Year Book It 1/; urgency. of the sjtuatiQn: perverted to become thQ nUnis.tilr of ae~h .t~, ~(I, 21. Refund on , b!l0~s Which, FtW. 15:,' nptes are paid. "rill ' .Washington Scene - Hope, quite as much as fear, should be and the education of the young advocated were sold but are not cllrrent text "-'- ' '" , .. ' , -Monday, Fe~.. 17th, ONLY. Hours ,DEGREE CANDIDA.TES - Can· the driving force urging the adoption of with a view to increasing their skill as as­ are 9-12 1·4 :45 on days mentioned dldates for degrees In February sortie such policy as I have been suggesting. sassills. above. ' , niay secure their academic appar· Loses Missile Interest f·" 1 __ el in the oenter of the basement University ,I We have it in our power, througb "the re­ 1 see more anc4 ff10re of human effort Cloor in Ma~bride Hall from 8 to Sy GI;,ORGE O\XON Merchant Marine and Fisherie$,'. sources of science, which are now in large put into a futile competition in death-deal­ jDELTA DELTA DELTA SCHOL· 12 a,m. anti 1 to 5 p.m. on Wed· King Features Syndic:ate. Inc:. Committee, to hysterics. ".. ARSHIP - Application blanks are Calendar Mr. Drewry called AEC in{orma· part so sadly misused, to create a world far ing engJnes until the populations are reduc­ nesday Thursday, and Friday, available Irom Miss Helen Reich l'ebruary 5t,h, 6th, and 7th. A high school boy named James tion for an extension number. The better and far happier than any whlch 11a5 ed to bare subsistence level. And. in the end, at the QHice of Student Affairs in Tatum, of 311 Lucille Ave., Nor· operator seemed so excitea sh , THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 1958 fo lk, Va., recently wrote the Oak was almost unintelligible. FinaU existed in the past. I howling hordes of fanatics exterminating University Hall for a scholarship WOMEN'S GYM - There will be I, orfered by the SUI chapter of no recreational swimming 'at the Saturday, February • Ridge laboratories of the Atomic she spluttered: Before very long, war could come to each other and all bystanders in a vast orgy Delta Delta Delta sorority. The Energy Commission' stating that ''I'm sorry, but I can·t see to Women's Gymnasium until Wed· 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - State Con. be Yiewed as we now view cannibalism, of murder. 'scholarship is available to under­ he was interested in missiles and look the number up. All the light& . graduate women who have main· nesday, Feb. 12. . (erence of Foreign Student Ad. would like whatever information are out here. We've had a poweJI.I which once was equally universal. Which of these visions will the \vorld vjsers - International Center. t~ined a cumulative grade point YWCA BABY SITTING A the AEC could release to him with; failure." . ( ]n moments of hopeful vision, I see men 7:30 p.m. Basketball - Miami choose? verage of 2.5 or more, and pre· baby·sitting service to the residents out endangering naVanal security. ••• (Ohio) VS. Iowa - Fieldhouse. r rence will be given to senior of Iowa City is being offered by Oak Ridge scnt the lad one if its The sons o[ th e American Rev~ \~ omen. The scholarship pays slu­ the Personal Service committee of Sunday, February , packets specially prepared for high olution want to occupy the Pa~~t Aid for Communism jdent fees [or one semester. Appli. the Y.W.C.A. Call x2240 to make 2;30 p.m. - Iowa Mountaineers school students. rick J. Hurley home on Massa· The embryonic scientist has just chusetts Avenue, but a residentiljl Economic aid has l>ccn one of Am rica's ever he disagrees with tllei)' policies. cations must be turncd in before arrangements lor transportation Film·Lecture - Margaret Bakes spring semester, begins. and price. , - "Formosa" - Macbride Audi· sent a second communication to zoning law is holding them up. The most effective weapons against the spreading Afghanistan accepted $145 qlillion in So­ torium. the AEC, but nolo to Oak Ridge. SAR appealed to a House District'~ menace of Commuuism ever since the Mar­ viet credits which have gone to finance arms, DEGREE CANDIDATES - Can· Monday, February 10 This time he wrote direclly to of Columbia Subcommittee to havtr shall Plan was created a decade ago. Around a flour mill, a bakery, hydroelehtj;ip projects YETERANS .- Each PL550 vet· didates for degrees in February Chairman Lewis L. Strauss'. The the zoning ruling reversed. .~ et)8n must sign a VA Form 7-1996A 4:10 p.m. - College of Med· letter, which speaks youthful vol· The hearing produced the mbs( five years ago Soviet Russia decid ed that eco· and gmin elevatod.' The Russians were also may pick up their commencement icine Lecture - l?r. Paul Weiss, tO I cover his attendance from ·Jan. announcements at the Alumni urnes, follows : florid type of Fourth of July or~ nomic aid could be used just as effectively to able to win friendship in Afghanisfan by pav· 1 to Jan. 31. A (orm will be avail· Rockefeller Institute for Medical "I received the material from atory. Finally one doughty dowag!" House across from the Union. Research, New York "Origin and spread Communism. ing the strects of a city which t~e l,J.S. had able at the' window outside Veter­ your commission on missil es and er, who apparently feels the soni ans Service in University Hall on BIG BROTHER & BIG SISTER Repair of Structure in Living Sys· atomic energy. I have lost my would not make undesirable neip;') Although small when compared to our refused to ' do. Nearly half of, the COtllltry's Fe~ . 3, Feb, 4, and Feb. 5. EX· SIGN UP for second semester tems" - Medical Amphitheatre. interest in mis'siles, and wonder if bors, declaimed passionately: "n trade is with USSR. . foreign aid program, ($50 billion for us since C~PTION: A veteran who plans to February 10-11, 9:00-5:00. There 8 p.m. - Humanities Society you could selld me sOl\le further " It is a definite insult to t~ j World War II, $1.9 billion for Russia) Russia's In Indonesia 4500 nu ss i~n jeeps wcre ac· sqspend his training uMer PL550 will be a table in the sunroom - Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. information about atomic energy, fighting men of our nation, paPH program touches many countries and varies cepted and the Indonesian goy~rnment is at the end of the first semester is at the School for Severely Handi· Tuesday, February 11 or where to write for same. ticularly at this time in our his'l ~ to wait until the day of his' last 4:30 p.m. - University Faculty "Excuse my writing, for I ,ha ve tory.' . J in degrees as to effectiveness. threatening "to buy Russian arms unless the cappe~ Children. final exam and will sign a form to Council - House Chamber, Old 21 stitches in my hand Cram a This startled the spectator~, The main objective of the Russians is to West supplies them. cover Jan. ·1-Feb. 7, at the Vet· . STUDENT INDEBTEDNESS - Capitol. missile I tried. I'm finished with many of whom were unaware that ' All accounts must be paid at the establish a headquarters in the country which Under an agreement made in 1955 Russia erans Service reception desk. Of­ 7:30 p.m. - Iowa Section, Am· them." • the Sons of the American Revoillt.l fice hours arc 8;30 a.m.-12;00 noon Treasurer's Office before registra· erican Chemical Society - Room • •• tion had bQen fighting lately. One .1 b receiving ald. The USSR u sually makcs is to give Burma $28 million worth of build­ and 1;00 p.m.-4 :30 p.m. tion materials will be issued for 321, Chemistry Bldg. The AEC has be~om e synony· finally puIJed himself together su!," loans, rather than outright grants of money. ing materials to help construct a hospital, a the second semester. 8 p.m. - Archeology Society - mous with electric power, being fici entiy to mutter:' ' .1 The loans are payable at 2Jf to 3 per cent, over hotel, a sports arena, and exhibition JlaU, and Prof. William E. Gwatkin, Univer· the largest user of it in thq world. "I wasn't sure that some of the ~ a technological institute. The agreement re­ GRADUATING SENIORS who FIELD HOUSE LOCKERS-Those sity of Missouri, lecturer - Sham· This produced a situation the other present members even fought 11111 peri(>ds ranging up to 30 ycars. who wish to keep lockers in the quires Burma to reciprocate with ' $28 million ,plan 'to work for graduate degrees baugh Auditorium. day that almost reduced John the Revolution - although a few n India, a gift of $1,500,000 wort ~f agri­ and who were elected to Phi Eta Field House the second semester, Wednesday, February 12 Drewry, ~ounsel (or the Hbuse of them loOk it." 101/ in rice. - Los Angeles Collegi(11l please check in at the equipment cultural equipment for a state opera~ed farm Sigma, Freshman Honor Society, ~i room by Feb. 7. Otherwise con· 7:30 p.m. - Young Democrats was donated by Russia. India also received should ge t in touch with Prof. Business Meeting - Iowa Memor· U.S .• AUSTRlAN TRADE INCREASING ' Harry H. Crosby, faculty adviser tents will be removed and de· $270 millions in credits, with almos half of stroyed. lal Union. According to the la test issue of the Ameri· of Iowa chapter, at room 34, Old 8 p.m. - -Civic Music Associa· them to go to a Soviet supervised st~l plant. b}, ti "F . C W kl " Armory Temporary. PLAYNITES for students, stalf tion - Virtuosi de Roma - Mac· Also under construction in India are sfuel mills can pu lca on orelgn ommer<:e ee y, The National Phi Eta Sigma Fra. which carries a report of a United States ternity offers two $300 scholarships and faculty and their spouses at' bride AudiJ,orium. ffn~ced by West Cennaoy, Britain ~nd the the Fieldhouse- each Tuesday and 8 p.m. - Sigma Xi - Pharmacy trade mission on a study trip ~ich it made to each year on the· basis of the stu· Un\ted States Henry Kaiser. FJ'iday night from 7:30 to 9:30 Building. Austria, a pronounced it1 ~r~ase i ~ taking pla~e dent's scholastic record, evidence pm. A!!mission will be by faculty. 8:15 p.m. - Young Democrats 1'0 Sudan, laSt year, an estimated 2()0 Su' in ttade between the l/nited States at;td Alis­ siaff or student 1.0. Card. Th~ Meeting, speaker: E. J. McManus, danese were sent to Russia as students or vis­ tria . . Weight Training Room will be State Senator, "Current Campaign itors, Ru~ia payed expenses. at the following times: Mondays, 4 Issues" - Iowa Memorial Union. _ The article shows that Austrian imports of .WSUI .schedule to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, 4 to 6 p.m.; Thursday, February 13 TUo signed agreements for approximately American products in 1956 represented a WSUI - IOWA CITY 910 k/. Th.rsday, ~.b~uar1 6, 19:18 and Fridays, 4 to & p.rn. 8 p.m. _ University Lecture, $450 J1ljllion in non·military aid to Yugo- value of $125 million, ~ . compared wi~ only 8 :00 Mornlni Chapel COOPERATiVEBABY.SITTING T. V. ~mith -:- Main Lounge, Iowa 5laVia, but the Russians stop his c(edits when- $37 millio~ two years bef?re. \ 8:U Nel\l5 -The University League book wiJl Memonal Umon. , -8:30 Kennan Lecture ' 9:00 Morning Serenade .. be in the charge of Mrs. George Saturday, February 15 DAILY IO"AII &DITO!UAL STArr 5 p.m.. aD Monda,. from ., a .I\1., to II 9:15 The Bookshelf ;wh~ p.m., Tu~a)' through Frida)' and from Murphy Crom Feb. 4th to Feb. 18th. 8 to 12 p.m. - Club Cabaret - 1)olly Iowan '!<111m' ' .. " ...... Tom Slattery 9:4' Window on the World 7 to 8:30 a.m., on Satnrday. Mall;4-,00<1 10:00 News, Telephone her at 6766 after 5:00 all· University Dance - Main I MlIIlalll,,- EdItor ••• •• . Don MttobeU service on mlased papen II not poSsible, IDIIII&. Cily Editor ...... ,. Marilyn Lyon 10 :15 K itchen Concert p.m. if a sitter or information Lounge, Iowa Memoriil Union. but every effort wtII be made to cor­ 11 :00 Explorlnll the New.' • News '.Edltor ...... Jim Davies reet enon with the 'le'!t laue. AUDIT .".. AU Society Editor ...... Jane Bub17 11 :15 Kitchen Concert about joining the group is ,desired. Sunday, February 16 or 11 :45 Midland Schools of the Air ~ . SIION Ed! tor ...... Alan B"slt1nl 2:30 p.m. - Iowa Mountaineers ctaC11LAnOHI Editorial Page Edlto1' . . Susanne !'one MEMBER ot the ASSOCIATED ~ 12:00 Rhythm Ramble. Chid Photographer .. Don Hanesworth The A$Iodatecl Pre.. Is entitled ex­ )2:30 News INTE~IM HOURS FOR THE Film·Lecture _ John Goddard _ ]2:45 French P ress Review ~ dall7 ..~~ Sunda" 'and Review Board Chairman ..... ••. . ... clusively to tho use for r ....bU""Uon MAIN LIBRARY - Friday, Feb. "Devil's Highway" - Macbride ad IeIa1 bolJdaya b" Stu· .. , .. . : .." ...... Robert Meze), of aU the local rww' ,printed In thlll 1:00 MOltly MusIc • newapaper .....a .. all U' newll . :55 New. 7 - 7:30 a.m.-l0: p.m.; Desk Serv· Auditorium . ~tIo"", lnc'L CommUDie.­ a. eem.r, Iowa C\<7. Iowa. &no dl.spatcl1e.. ,~ ~ : DO Conservation In Hawkeyelan~ ice - 8:00 a.m.-4:5O p.m. Monday, February 17 . .. _cI da.. maher at the :'4::J5 Let's Tur n a Page DAIJ.Y IOWAH ADV•• nSIHG ITAn 2:30 Mostly MusIc SaLurday, ;Feb. 8 - 7:30 a.m.-5 U' it N ... ~ at Iowa .~tyt under the AdvertWnc ~ ...... Mel Ada_ DAlLY IOWAN s"r•• tuo.S rao .. 1ft .. 0eII~ 'of ....-en .. 117•• BCHOOL or lOU_ALlSM PAUULT-r 3:115 News p.m.; Desk Service _ 8:00 a.m.' 7:30 p.m. -. mvers ~ e.w. Aut. AdvertU!n, lIiIr. nave BralNOD :00 Children'. Hour Clualliecl ManaPI' .. BtU MeCusker Publtshu .•• ...... J~ M. Harrison n :5O a.m.; Reserve Desk Closed. comers Ciub Bndge - Un!verslty Edltorlal ,. . . .. Arthur ll. a.nderaon 4:SO Tea Time Aut. ClUIdflecl Mer••. .Jack Powen 5:30 News Sunday, Feb. 9 _ 1:30 p.m.-l0:00 ~lub Rooms, Iowa MemOrial Un· Promotlon Ma"",_ ...• John Ruddy Advertlatnl ...... • ,' E. John Kottma!l Circulation ..•. .• •• WUbur Peterlon 5:45 Sporlstlme 6:00 Dinner Hour p.m.; No service. Jon. . OVarIES, BOAED or ITUDENT tdl ; ~5 Newl ' Monday, Tuesday, Feb. 10.11 _ 7:~ p.m. - Basket~all - WIS· DAILY IOWAN ClaC11LAnOH P~ __ "...... "1;00 Current Opinion 7"30 a.m .• l0:00 p.m.; Desk Service eonsm vs. Iowa - FIeld House. Clmdatlon Man...... , PauJ ...... w-a__ IIludeft& P'orwn Ala\alpt Kanqer •••• XidIMJ JleUU Dr. Ge;;y:..:.:q. ~Ib~; Devld "I. Corleert lIM ~ 8:00 a.m.-4:5O p.m. T..... y, F"ruary 11 , ' •. n .." TlIoIOaif s. ; Trio Departmental-Librnries will posJc' 8.:30 to 4:30 - Careers ConCer· JlalQUtoQ, At; PHC. BuP ~1 . :45 N~w. and Sport. ! PoJjlt~ . ,&qence; Dwlabl LoWell 10:00 SIGN 0 .... , " 'tfJeir kours - . '-ence - House and Senate Cham· Dial 41911t ,.,.. do not, .-I~ 7II1R Matlael; A4; 'prof. 1AIIIe O. Moeller, KSUI ( ...) IClRlnll,. lit.' Iftle • __ ' berK, Old Capitol. DeIb Iowen '" ':10 a.m. The Da1I7 ~ P ...... 1.. .A. Vag ~1I;_6 :00-9 : 00 Fe.ture Work wllJ lie: Iowan circulation olfiee In Communl­ Educat/OII; GA1'7 W. WlIUami, AI. Gnlt. Parlslenne and Graduation FAMILY-MITES at the FleJcJ. 8:00 p.m. - Humanities Society ca&icNul CeDiai' .. OI)lD "- I a.m., .. TIIomaI W, Mc&at. U. BaU·BaUet. bouse for studeDta, Itaff, facult)', - SeDate Cbamber, Old Capitol. THE DAILY IOWAN-'_o City, I__ Thursday, F.... '.l'~a .. ' [once,t Will Be Presented Feb. 21 C.urrier Plans Relaxing Muscles A~oun~ Music Recitals Orientation Tea Eye Eases Body Tensions Pla'nned 'Here' ,, :. Bach 'Aria 'Group . at the liJiJion Rigid facial muscles usually re­ light. Close your eyes tightly, then By nect otber body tensions, says relax the lids, keeping the eyes For New Term Margaret Fox, professor of physi­ cIOied lightly [or several minutes. Nine internationally famous vo­ cal education for women at SUI. Try to get a feeling of heaviness in For February eaI.and instrumental virtuosi will An informal tea in the south foyer By relaxing tbe muscles around the lids. Imagine that you are look­ IP/lear in concert featuring the ini down and let the eyelids droop. A reeital featuring clarinetist compositions of Johann Sebastian of Currier Hall, Sunday, Feb. 9, the eyes, you actually can help Raymond Rom, G, Roundup, Mont., will open the orientation program muscles in other parts oC the body Arter 8 long period oC reading or BI~h Feb. 21 in the Main Lounge accompanied on the piano by h,is [ « tbe Iowa Memorial Union, for all new students who will be loosen up. close work, you can reduce eye wife, Donna, will be held Sunday, living in Curri r the second semes­ Tension is exhausting and if, strain by changing the focu or Feb. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the North DIstribution of free lickets to ter. studenl!l and the sale or tickets to throughout the day, you go about looking at distant objects. Music Hall. !he University staff will begin Conducted lours of Currier for with body muscles rigid, you'll be­ Close your eyes and try to visual­ They will be assisted by Roland Feb. 15. Any undistributed tickets the new students and their parents come unduly tired. To force ize an object in the far distance. Anfinson, G, st. Paul, Minn., op ' will be available to the general will be held in conn etion with the muscles around the eyes to r lax, Then imagine that yOll are lOOking the clarinet; and Harvey SoUbe';' Ipublic on Feb. 21. tea, frown very hard, hold the frown ot a book directly in front of you, ger, A2, Marion, on piano. i I The nine artists, known as the There will be a "Cozy" Tuesday, briefly so tha.t you observe what then a book to your Car left, then Selections will include the So* Bach Aria Group, will be directed Feb. It, at 10;30 p.m, for the new tension feel like, then let go, Dr. a book to your far right.-then back ata in F Minor, Opus 120, Nu~ by William H. Scheide, who plans students and their Big Sisters who Fox sugge ts. Try to feel as though to the distant object, so that there 1 by Johannes Brahms; Pban\as !he programs and arrangements have corresponded with them. The your eyebrows were sliding down is a deliberate shift of the eyeball. Suite, Opus 91 by Thomas Duol\ill l f« the group. new students will be introduced to the side of your head. Let the face Your eyes will feel rested when Litlle Suite by Gail Kubik: ana Vocalists for the ensemble are Currier o(ficers, and entertainment remain completely passive for two they're focused on the distant ob­ Sonatina by Antoni S~lowski. Eileen Farrell, soprano; Carol will be provid~ by Currier resi­ or three minutes. ject, says Dr . Fox , This will be the 24lh student r Smith, alto ; Jan Pcerce, tenor ; dents. Here's another relaxer for facial Just shutting the eyes for a few cilal presented under the dlrectio IlId Norman Farrow, bass·baritone. Currier students tJlking part in muscles. Squint as though you were moments wi11 help, too. Wh en you of the SUI Department of Music. I IRstrumentalists are Julius B. ak­ the program are: Judith Russell, shuttine your eyes against a bright close y6ur eyes, try to visualize A recital given by Joyce Holets, N, nute: Robert Bloom, oboe ; Ber­ A2, Anamosa, chairman of the ori­ 8 distant object, perferably green A4, Cedar Rapids, on cello: ac­ nard Greenhouse, cello ; Paul Ulan­ entation board: Anne Stearns, At. -8 natural color that's restful to companied by John Knoernschild, owsky, piano; and Maurice Wilk, Osage, lind Judy Stoddard, AI, the eyes, Don't think of anything A3, Clinton, on piano will be held violin. . Central City, in charge of the Police Believe in motion. Even with your eyes Sunday, Feb. 16, at 2 p.m. in North IEileen Farren has made many tours: Nancy Anderson, AI, Hia­ shut, they'U automatically "fol­ Music Hall. coast to coast tours, and has been watha, in chorge of the tea; JOan Iowa Robbery low" a moving object. On Friday, Peb. 14 , at 7:30 p.m. starred with the San Francisco Okubo, Nt, Mundelein, m., in Here's another suggestion. Re­ in North Music Hall, a Student OpKa, the Chicago Opera, and the charge of the "Cozy," along with cline in a position where the head Composers' Program will be pre­ American Opera Society. Sonny Sweitzer, A3, Muscatine, and Gang Nabbed has support. LighUy stroke the sented. Those students whose selec­ I Diana Danico, AI, Davenport. Judy forehead with the tips of the fin· J,n Peerce has ben leading ten· Famous Musicians tions will be played are Gail Menk, DI' or the Metropolitan Opera Com­ LeWis, AI, Highland Park, III., has DES MOINES (A'I - William D. gers, moving from the middle of G, Edwardsville, Ill .; Loran Olsen, panyand many other of the world's THE FACES PEERING OUT of the dark are members of the Bach Aria Group. They aro (from left to charge of the Big Sister program. Quinn 40, who police said was the forehead toward the hair line AI, Cedar Rapids; Laird Addis, foremost opera companies. He has right) William H. Scheide, director ; Julius Baker, flute; Robert Bloom, 000.; EII"n FalTell, soprono; caught in the act or burglarizing on either slcle. Jr., AS, Iowa City; Horace Rels· starred in concert, radio, films, Norman Forrow, ba.l·baritono ; Bernard Gr"nhouse, tollo; Jon P"rto, tenor; Corol Smith, alto; Paul a tore here Wednesday, was de­ Probably the best way to relax berg, G, Kew Gardens, N.Y.; and IlId TV, and is known to many Ulanowsky, piano and Maurito Wilk, violin. scribed by authorities as "the your eyes is to lie down Cor 15 min­ Lee Eitzen, G, Coralville. through his recordings. Students Solo ringleader of II saCe-rob~ing gang that has operated in Iowa at lea t utes and cover the eyes with a Performances by the group have D It BOld U Choldl four years." dark cloth, Dr. Fox says. Shut the RCA Brings Injunction laken th m through the United on U I P a I 5 eyes and keep them clo ed lightly. States, Canada, South America , Road B10cks In Clinton Police said two other men were Even though you don 't go to leep, -Against RCA, Loses I!Id Europe, , arrested with Quinn. They were you'll Ceel less strained after this MEXICO CITY til - Mexlc.'s identifi d as Albert C. Wessling, brief rest. Set Up for $5.05 40, and Georee C. Coon, 24. All Supreme Court has ruled Ricardo Symphony When you are reading, place the Oistr-ic-' j-udge Fear Of the Dentist I Armed Robbery' three men said they live in Des Cue Alvarez can go right on plac­ Two SUI music students have Moines. book at a 45- to 5O-

,,_ W"'RN~" BROS.

-PLUS­ -PLUS­ COLOR CARTOON COLOR CARTOONS "TOBA$CO ROAD" - "MADCAP MAGOO' -AND­ SPECIAL "RED RIDING "HOLLAND SAILING" • AND HOODWINKED" , "BORN '0 FIGHT" r , I an Allen Says U.S. Satellite I.ndiana Prof auld Have Orbited in 1956 l~ 'Talk Here By JOHN JONES Dr. James Von Allen, noted Unl­ for high altitude research, Von Al­ Dlily lowln StlH Writer - , ver ity of Iowa physicist and lead­ Ien prepared the Rockel and SOlel­ er in the U.S. satelllte program, lite Research Panel's proposal for The SUI P ychopathic Hospital, a National Space Establishment, in recognltion of the problem of said in the February·March issue recently presented to Congressional mental illness in children, has a Outstanding graduate students oC "The Iowan" magazine that an leaders and federal executives in Dr. Robert B. Forney, speakin. on "Poisons and People," will b4 ward for boys aged 6 through 16. interested in attending Harvard Army Jupiter-C rocket showed it Washington . It began operation July 1, oC last BUline" School (or ]958 fall term presented Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 7:. year. could share in $50,000 a vailable in was capable of placing 8 satellite p:m. in Room 321 of the Chemist!')' The problem of emotionally dis­ !1 individual scholarships and in orbit a year and a half ago. In Warning Signs Building. turbed children has become more fellowships, the school announced a test firing, the rocket went 3,500 Forney is the first of· four tout imporfant as more is learned about today. miles, reaching a height of 650 On Passing School spepkers that will be brought tq menIal iIIn ss, Dr. Paul Huston. Four of the awards Cor the two· lhis campus by the Iowa Sectiod director of SUI Psychopathic year course leading to a mastets mUes. Buses to Go Up of the American Chemical Society. Hospital said. degr~ in Bysiness Administration The successful flight was made Forney is an associate proCessoft Dr. H.Jston Slid mlny requem require no course prerequisites, the by a three- tage Jupiler which car­ DES MOl ES (,4'1 - Primary of Toxicology in the Indiana Unl for money to financo facilltle, school uid. Two of these are fOI ried along a dummy stage. Van roads in Iowa will be posted with versity School of Medicine. He has for in-patient care of emotionally finance majors o!ld two are Ior Allen, chairman of the Rocket and signs warning motorists that it is been conducting research in the dl,turbed children were made adv~tiaj", ,raduate' students. Satellite Re earch Panel, reports unlawful to pass a stopped school Cleld of poisons, mainly alcohol. H/& fnIM the Iowa L ..I,lature be­ Engineering management fellow­ that the fourth-stage dummy could bus. is a member of the Indiana AcacJ.l ginning in 1931. . ships ,equire a background in en­ have been an l8-pound satellite The State Highway Commission emy of Science. The present ward will accomo­ gineering, the school saill. . capable of remaining for some time Wednesday authorized lbe signs A dinner preceeding the lecture dace only 11 boys. n is financed Two general felJows/#s wort\! in space. and approved a sample submitted will be held at the Alpha Chi Sil' by money appropriated to the De· up to $4,000 depending 9n the ,s,tu­ "The Iowan" points out that it by R. C. Boyd, maintenance engi­ ma House, 114 E. Market Street, at partment of Psychiatry. dents .needs, also are available. was partly lor bringing matters neer. 6 p.m., $1.50 per plate. Reserva· Dr. Milford E. Barnes. Jr.. head All candidates are 'required to like this to public attention that Boyd said the signs would be 30 lions should be made by Friday. take graduate school admission oC child psychiatry. said there is the Army's Col. John Nicker on inches square with black letters tests either Feb. 6 or April 19. Ap­ 011 a white background, carrying no girls' ward at present, but hopes was court·martialed. money will be appropriated for a plications must be filed by May I, the following message: TO DISPLAY SPACe DOGS the school said. Van Allen, a member of the "Unlawful to pass stopped school MOSCOW IA'l-The RusslaDs will building to accomodate both girls "Iowa Band" or rocket scientists, and boys. bus from either direction," show ocr some of their canine says that in November, 1956, sci­ Chairman Chris Lars n said that rocket travelers at the Brusseb Although there is no girls' ward, entist Ernest Stuli nger of the Russell Brown. state salety com. W~~ld F~ir opening April 17, the there are some young girls on the Ike Still Has Huntsville, Ala., missile research missioner had asked the com- offllcal IR charge of the Soviet adult women's wards. center visited SUI seeking Van Al­ mission t~ provide the signs. Many exhibits announced Wednesday. Dr. Barnes said there I, no Ien's aid in getting the proven Jupi­ people don't know the law requires I Dmitri A. Ryzhkov said dog. limitation of type, nature, 0' d.­ His Bad Cold ter·C system adopted. Although them to stop, Brown told Larsen. chosen for !be Sovil1t pavilion will grH of mental illness or de ..ct be kennel mates of Laika, whoae WASffiNGTON '1.fI - President Van Allen urged the satellite pro­ which may be treeted In the gram be shifted to the Jupiter-C, body is still circling the earth In children'. unIt of Psychopathic DR. M. E. BARNES, JR. (right) head of child psychiatry dlvl.ion of pediatrics .. la shown demonstrating Eisenhower Wednesday 08nceled Servicemen May Vote plans to attend a breakfast prayer Ule move was not made for fear of the second Soviet satellite. Ho.pltal. "Any boy who can bene­ the use of blocks in a play therapy room in the Psychopathic Hospital to Dr. Juli. W.lnberg (left), at.H All are veterans oC successful fit from in-patient dlagno,i ••nd member, and Vera Holton (center), charge nun, of the children'. ward, meeting Thursday morning be· upsetting the balance of interserv· By Absentee cause of his cold. , ice rivalry. trips into the stratosphere in So. treetment may be admitted. DES MOfNES fAIl - The Iowa viet rockets he added. Fortunately most children c.n were previou. lyon wards with for emotionally dislurbed children. gists, occupational .nd recrea. Announc:ng this, White House The SUI professor is chairman Servicemen's Ballot Commission The Russians also will display belt be treated in the home sltua· adults. These boys wer brought He workeQ. in the Children'S Ser­ tionat therapistl, dkters and , Pr '55 S~crct~ry Jam ~s C. Hagerty of the national Working Group on met Wednesday and approved sub­ models of their two Sputniks, tile tion on an out.p.tient basi.," Dr. onto a ward with others o( their vice Center oC Wyoming Valley, others intere.t,d in wondng in emphaSIzed In res.p on s~ to ques­ Internal Instrumentation for the stantially the same rules (or ab­ instruments and equipment used Barn .. said, own age group upon the formation Wilkes-Barre, Pa., prior to coming the field , of plychIAtry,t' Dr. lion that the Presldenl 5 colo.! and earth satel1ite program. A special­ senlee balloting by servicemen as to track t/leir courses. The patients on the children's of the children's ward. to Iowa last ycar. aarnes said "there i, • great soro throat are no worse. Ha~erty ist in designing rocket equipment those of the 1956 elections. ward are mainly treated through Or. Huston said th.re is not The entire psychopathic unil ne.d for ex;a.rienced persona in announced a schei.!ule of bus~net;S The commission said relatives GUADALJARA psychotherapy. "Pareats are an enough bed space availabl. for serves three purposes, Dr. Hus­ ttlil field. I engagemtnts for tile PreSident and Irieods of servicemen can get important part of the treatment," a girls' ward in the Psycha.path. too said. Besides serving the resi­ Dr. Barnes said the special pro- Thursday. , application cards Crom county audi­ SUMME.R SCHOOL , Dr. Barnes said, "they visit the ic Hospital. He said the ,demand dents of Iowa, Ahe ho pltal serves gram has been reasonably success. Mr. EI~nhower s ~old developed Claims tors lo send to servicemen. Thesc The accredited bilingual schOol children regularly and support th,' for beds in the men'l section of the functions o{ rese!\rch and train­ ful being limited as it is ih size, Sunday Dlght after hIS return from cards are lor servicemen to .apply therapy given the patients."

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