
Sources and Translations

Albeck, Ch. ( ed.), ;rn1.n:i ,,,o :iww, 6 vols., Jerusalem/Tel Aviv 1952-1958. Berman, S., -Yelammedenu, Hoboken (NJ) 1996 (translation). Buber, S. (ed.), Midrash Tan/:iuma, 2 vols., Vilna 1885 (= Jerusalem 1964). -. Midrash Tehilim, Vilna 1891. -. Midrash Samuel, Krakow 1893. -. Midrash Echa Rabbati; Sammlung agadischer Auslegungen der Klagelieder, Vilna 1899. -. Aggadat , Krakow 1903 (= New York 1973). Di Lonzano, M., l111"T11V, Venice 1618. Dunski, S., Midrash Rabbah. Shir ha Shirim, Jerusalem 1980 H.G. Enelow (ed.), Menorat ha-Meor by R. Israel ibn Al-Nakawa (From a unique manuscript in the Bodleian Library), New York 1929. 4 volumes. Gidul Banim in volume 4. Epstein, J., e.a. (eds.), The Babylonian , 34 vols., London 1935-1952 (Soncino edition and translation). Finkelstein, L., Siphre ad Deuteronomium, Berlin 1939 (repr. Jerusalem 1970-1 ). Friedlander, G. (ed.), Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer, London 1916 (translation). Friedmann, M. (ed.), , Midrash fiir den Fest Cyclus und die ausgezeichnete Sabbathe, Vienna 1880. H.S. Horovitz (ed.), d'be Rab. Siphre ad Numeros adjecto Siphre Zutta, Jerusalem 1966. Hyman, D., Lerrer, D & Shiloni, I. (eds.), Yalkut Shim 'oni al ha- le Rabbenu Shim 'on ha-Darshan, 9 vols., Jerusalem 1973-91. Jellinek, A. (ed.), IV11b:i T1'~/Bet ha-Midrasch. Sammlung kleiner Midrashim und vermischter Abhandlungen aus der a/tern jiidischen Literatur, 6 vols., Leipzig 1853-57 (= Jerusalem 3 1967 ). (Aggadat Bereshit is included in vol. 4.) Klein, M.L. (ed.), The Fragment- of the Pentateuch According to their Extant Sources, Vol. I, Rome 1980. Lauterbach, J .Z. ( ed.), Mekilta deRabbi Ishmael, 3 vols., Philadelphia 1933-1935. Lieberman, S. (ed.), Midrash Debarim Rabbah, Edited for the First Time from the Oxford I 47, with an Introduction and Notes, Jerusalem 1974. Mandelbaum, B. (ed.), Pesikta deRav Kahana, According to an Oxford Manuscript with Variants from All Known Manuscripts and Genizah Fragments and Parallel Passages; with Commentary and Introduction, 2 vols., New York 1962. Margulies, M. (ed.), Midrash Wayyikra Rabbah; a Critical Edition Based on Manuscripts and Genizah Fragments with Variants and Notes, 5 vols., Jerusalem 1953-1960. Midrash Tanf:iuma, Jerusalem 1960. Mirkin, A. (ed.), Midrash Rabbah, 11 vols., Tel Aviv 1956-1967. Schechter, S. (ed.), Aboth de Rabbi Nathan, edited from Manuscripts with an Introduction, Notes and Appendices, second revised edition, Hildesheim 1979. Talmud Jerushalmi, Krotochin 1866 (repr. Jerusalem 1969). Tanakh. A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text, The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia & Jerusalem 1985. The Holy Bible. New Revised Standard Version, New York & Oxford 1989. Theodor, J & Albeck, Ch. (eds.), Bereschit Rabba mil kritischem Apparat und Kommentar, 3 vols., Jerusalem 1965. Townsend, J.T., Midrash Tanhuma (S. Buber Recension), 2 vols., Hoboken 1989-1997 (translation). Vidas, Elijah ben de, Reshit Jjokhmah, Venice 1579 (later edition: Chemovitz 1859). Visotzky, B., Midrash Mishle, New York 1990. -. The Midrash on Proverbs. Translated from the Hebrew with an Introduction and Annotations, New Haven & London 1992. Wertheimer, S.A. (ed.), Batei Midrashot, 2 vols., second edition, Jerusalem 1968.

Dictionaries and Reference Works

Bacher, W., Die exegetische Terminologie der jiidischen Traditionsliteratur. 2 vols., Leipzig 1899-1905. Brown, F., Driver, S.R. & Briggs, C.A., The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon, Peabody (Ma) 1979. EncyclopaediaJudaica (E.J.), 16 vols., Jerusalem 1971. Even-Shoshan, A., w,nn T171Jii, 6 vols., Jerusalem 1979. Ginzberg, L., The Legends ofthe , 7 vols., Philadelphia 1909-38. Jastrow, M., A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, 2 vols., London 1886-1903 (reprint New York 1950). Koehler, L. & Baumgartner, W., The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 4 vols., Leiden 1994-1999. Kohut, A. (ed.), Aruch Completum by Nathan ben Yehiell c',wn 71,x, 8 vols., Vienna 1926. -. Additamenta ad Aruch Completum. ed. S. Krauss, Vienna 1937. Krauss, S., Griechische und Lateinische Lehnworter im Talmud, Midrasch und , 2 vols., Berlin 1889 (= reprint Hildesheim 1987). Levy, J., Neuhebriiisches und chaldiiisches Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim, 4 vols., Leipzig 1876-89. Sternberger, G., Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash, second edition, Edinburgh 1996. Strack, H.L. & Billerbeck, P., Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch, 5 vols., Munich 1922-1928. Trapp, E. et al. (eds), Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Graezitaet besonders des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts, 3. vols., Vienna 1994-1999.