Curriculum Vitae UD Aug. 2009 Prof. Dr. Shimon Levy Theatre Department, Faculty of Arts Tel Aviv University Academic Education 1973.78 McGill University, Montreal - English Literature and Drama 1978, PhD Self Referential Elements in the Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett. 1970-71 Hebrew University, Jerusalem - 1971 Teaching Certificate, English. 1968-71 Hebrew University, Jerusalem - English Literature, 1971 MA; Thesis: The Sense of Nonsense (Cum Laude). 1965-68 Hebrew University, Jerusalem - Philosophy, English Literature, 1968 BA Academic Experience 08/00-03/05 Chairman of Theatre Dept., TAU. 11/99 Tenured Full Professor (and Head of Theoretical Studies TAU). 07/96 Tenured Associated Professor, TAU. 10/92 Tenured Senior Lecturer, TAU. 10/88 Associate Lecturer, TAU. 1981-84 Head of Acting and Directing Department at Tel-Aviv University. Visiting Lecturer at the Kibbutz Seminary, BGU, Oranim. TAU, Theatre Department, Lecturer and Production Manager. 1974.76 State University of New York, Plattsburgh, Visiting Lecturer. 1973-80 McGill University, Montreal - Jewish Studies Department, Asst. Prof. 1972-73 Tel Aviv University, Theatre Department, Coordinator. 1969-72 Tel Aviv University, Theatre Department, Teaching Assistant. Professional Experience (Selected( 2008 Is. Academy of Sciences+Humanities Book Support Committee 2008 TAU Senate (again) 2008 Vaadat Catedrot (as of 01-11-08) 2008 Committee towards Publications, Israel Science Foundation, 23-07-08 2008 Head of Landau Award, Mifal Happaiis 2007 Head of Fringe Theatre Award Committee 2007 Jury in Yoram Loewenstein Acting Studio 21-12-07 2007 Nominations Committee as of 01-11-07 TAU Arts (Extended till 2009) 2007 Akko Festival Search Committee (Head) 2007 MA Committee Theatre Dept. (May) 2007 Second Degree TAU Senate Committee 2007 Head of MALAG Committee re. new theatre program 2005/6 Member of “Small” Senate TAU 2005 Nomination Committee TAU Faculty of Arts, TAU (as of 01-03-06 for 2 yrs) Head of Research Student Committee (03-06 >) Member of the Faculty of Arts Vaadat Horaa (01-10-04>27-02-05) Member of PhD Committee, Faculty of Arts (July 2002-2004) Member of MA Programs, TAU/Senate Committee (2002-2005) Member of BA Programs, TAU/Senate Committee (2000-2002) 2005 Head of Research Students Committee, Faculty of Arts 2004 Member of Advisory Committee ICExcellence Foundation 2004 Member of Trustees Committee for the (Culture) Minister’s Translation Awards 2003-4 Member of “New Initiatives” – Israeli Center for Libraries 2004 Member of Israeli Academy Award for Fringe Theatre 2004 Member of Akko Festival Search Committee 2004 Member of Akko Festival Steering Committee 2003-4 Chairman of Mif’al haPais Landau Award 2003 Chairman of Mif’al haPais Fringe Theatre Committee 2000 Member of Israel Association for Canadian Studies Executive Committee 2000-03 Member of the Academy Award, Theatre. 1999 tau vaadat toar rishon (second cadence) 1999 representative of faculty of arts in the tau senate for two years 1996 Jury, Moshe Halevi Award (Tel Aviv Municipality) 1995 Jury, Rosenblum Award (Tel Aviv Municipality) 1986-02 Artistic Director of Akko Theatre Festival (1986/7) Theatre critic. Chairman of Omanut La’Am Theatre Committee. Member of Sal-Tarbut Theatre Committee ` Member of the “Moa’tza le’Tarbut Ul’Omanut” (Ministry of Culture) 1980-88 Dramaturg for Habima and Khan theatres. 1973-80 Canadian Correspondent for Israeli Broadcasting Service Convenor of Academic conferences 2008 Beckett Annual Lecture – Anna McMullan, 140508 2003 The Artist and Theatre Policy in Israel 2003 Children + Youth Theatre (+ASSITEJ) 2000 Hanoch Levin’s Drama 1998 From Page to Stage (FIRT, Canterbury + Prof. H. Golomb) 1998 Methodologies of Theatre Research - HaDybbuk (TAU, + Dr. M. Shechter) 1996 Bible and Theatre (TAU) 1986 Modern German Drama (TAU) 1982 Chekhov (TAU, with Prof. H. Golomb) 1980 Beckett (TAU) Original Works (Plays only, Selected) 2008 Nashim Leyad Mitta, Theatron 22 [Feb. 08] 48-49. (a play) See also > 2007 Frauen neben dem Bett, in L. Cejpec (ed.), Beckett Pause, Sonderzahl, Wien. שחמט הודי ושירה כתיירות, סיפור, שיר ותרגומים, עיתון 77 320-21 יוני, 30-33 2007 כשאנו המתים, גג, גל' 14, עמ' 6 2007 1989-97 Adama - Israeli and Palestinian Poetry, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Israel tour. 1991 Tamar - Seminar Hakibbutzim. 1991 Playing Reality - Seminar Hakibbutzim. 1990 Safe and Triggered - TAU Theatre dept. 1990 The Great Woman of the Dreams - Khan Theatre, Jerusalem. 1978 One Score and Ten - Text and presentation, The Montreal Forum. 1971-73 Hannah Senesh - produced by Iris Theatre, (500 performances). 1971 Conversations with Shmuel - chosen to represent Israel in the Prix d’Italia Radio- play contest. Translated into English, French and Serbo-Croatian. Academic And Professional Grants, Awards 2008 Yakir Acco 2007 ILE grant 2007 Irish Foreign Ministry grant 2007 Austrian Foreign Affairs Grant 2005 Goethe Inst. Grant 2004 Matan (Dual Solitudes) 2002 Austrian Cultural Forum Grant 2 2003 USA Office of Public Affairs Grant 1999 Canadian Studies Research Grant. 1997 Goethe Institute Fund - Anthology and Introduction of Modern German Plays. 1995 Canada Council - Anthology and Introduction of Modern Canadian Plays. 1994 Goethe Institute Fund - Anthology + Introduction of Modern German Plays. 1992 Kurt Leon Research Fund (Germany) - Holocaust Radioplays. 1990 The National Israeli Academy for Sciences. 1989 Israel Association for Canadian Studies Grant. 1980 Canada Council Grant. 1976 The Jewish Public Library, Montreal - Publication Grant. 1973 Tel-Aviv University, Theatre Arts Department - Scholarship. Doctoral Students Supervised 2007 Yair Liphschitz 2004? Tali Silberstein 2002 Dr. Irit Kedem, Quest Plays (PhD 2005) 2002 Dr. Naphtali Shemtov, Israeli Alternative Theatre (PhD 200 7) 2001 Dr. Eyal Doron, Catharsis in TV + Theatre (PhD 2007) 1998 Dr. Haim Nagid, The Israeli Docu-drama (PhD 2005) 1998 Dr. Naomi Yoeli, The “Massechet” (PHD 2002, Cum Laude) 1998 Dr. Ruth Levitzki, Israeli Radioplays (PhD 07-2008) 1998 Dr. Dorit Yerushalmi, Israeli Directing Styles (2004, Cum Laude) 1997 Dr. Corina Shoef, Exile in Israeli Drama (PHD in 2000) 1997 Dr. Revital Etan, Shulamit Bat Dori’s Political Theatre (PhD 2005) 1996 Dr. Mati Shafriri, Hebrew Biblical Plays (PHD in 2001) M.A Students Supervised (1980-2009) Nimrod Merom, Alternative Histories in German Films Dana Tal, Israeli Video Art 12-08 Cum Laude Orly Alufi, Religious Massechet (2008) Onna, On Levin’s Posters (2008) Hod Orkibi, Lila + Moreno’s Psychodrama (2007) Melissa-Amelie Gibis, „Gott auf der Buehne“, Freie Univ. Berlin (300107) Ziv Nevo Kulman, “Israeli Dance Abroad” (Cum Laude) (2006) Liora Pridan, “Gender and Bereavement in Israeli Drama”. (Cum Laude) Galit Tagori, TAU, “Israeli Homosexual Drama”. Orly Hatzor, TAU, “Rape-representations in Israeli Drama”. (Cum Laude) Miriam Ehrlich, TAU, “The Shoah Plays of Ron Elisha”. Haim Tal, Imad Jabrin, On the Arab-Hebrew Theatre Shai Herwitz, TAU, “Maus as Theatre.” Ruth Levitzki, TAU, “Yehuda Amichai’s Radioplays”. (Cum Laude) Ruth Kanner, TAU, “Story Theatre.” Yig’al Azrati, TAU, “Shitz Halach Ba’ssadot.” Miri Sagee, TAU, “Repetition in Beckett’s Works.” Mina Ort, TAU, “The Hebrew Monodrama.” Irit Raz, TAU, “Beckett, Logic and Uncertainty.” Karin Hizkija, TAU, “Offstage in Checkhov’s Plays” (With Prof. H. Golomb). Gila Kopf, TAU, “Israeli War-plays.” Edna Aloni, TAU, “Performance of Dramatic Texts.” Edna Murdoch, TAU, “Theatre and Drama - a Comparative Study.” Hanna Spector, TAU, “Notions of Self in Beckett and Whitman.” Avi Wurtzel, “Festival Theatre”. (MFA) 2003 Roy Horowitz, “Lea Goldberg, Theatre Critic”. (+ Daphne Ben Shaul) 2003 Leah Schatz, “What did the Dybbuk wear?”. (MFA) 2003 Liat Reichenberg-Oron, “The Costume of Rape”. (MFA) 2003 Haja Shedletzki, “Pinter’s Uncanny Old Times”. (MFA) 2003 Inam Shavit, “Taming of the Shrew” Yishal Seker, TAU, “The Drama of Y.L. Peretz.” (2004) 3 Yair Liphschitz, “Betrothal Comedy”. (2004) Irit Weider, “Thora Reading”. (2004) Avital Manor-Peleg, “Masks in Community Theatre(2005)” Irit Bashan, “Metaphysics + Meta-theatricality in H. Levin’s Plays” (2005) Effi Wishnitzki-Levi, TV Influence on Children’s Theatre (2005) Rimona Lapin, Holocaust Plays in the Youth + Children Theatre. (2005) Tal Silberstein, “The Character of the Soldier in Israeli Drama (2004)” Yoav Michaeli, “Offstage the Bacchae”. (MFA cum laude?) Yariv Shiloh, The Book of Job as Theatre Merav Netan'el-Danon, Levin's Costumes… Publications A. Books אל נא תגרשוני, עיונים חדשים בהדיבוק, אוסף מאמרים, מבוא ועריכה, עם דורית ירושלמי, אסף\מחקרים וספרא, ת"א 2009-04-20 2007 Shimon Levy, The Israeli Theatre, Madar, Ramalla (in Arabic Translation) 2004 Shimon Levy, Nurit Yaari (eds. + Intro.), The Man with the Myth in the Middle, Anthology Of articles on Hanoch Levin’s Drama, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv. 2002 Shimon Levy, Samuel Beckett’s Self-referential Drama – The Sensitive Chaos, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton + Portland. 2002 Shimon Levy & Corina Shoef, The Israeli Theatre Canon - One Hundred [קנון התיאטרון הישראלי] .and One Shows, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv 2000 Shimon Levy, The Bible as Theatre, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton. 2000 Shimon Levy (ed. + intro.), Israeli Drama, Synopses of Selected Hebrew Plays, Section for Performing Arts, Department of Cultural and Scientific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem. 1999 Shimon Levy, Theatre and Holy Script (Ed. + Intro.), Sussex Academic Press, Brighton. 1997 Shimon Levy, Samuel Beckett: The Medium and the Message, Hakibbutz סמואל
Israel in 1982: The War in Lebanon by RALPH MANDEL LS ISRAEL MOVED INTO its 36th year in 1982—the nation cele- brated 35 years of independence during the brief hiatus between the with- drawal from Sinai and the incursion into Lebanon—the country was deeply divided. Rocked by dissension over issues that in the past were the hallmark of unity, wracked by intensifying ethnic and religious-secular rifts, and through it all bedazzled by a bullish stock market that was at one and the same time fuel for and seeming haven from triple-digit inflation, Israelis found themselves living increasingly in a land of extremes, where the middle ground was often inhospitable when it was not totally inaccessible. Toward the end of the year, Amos Oz, one of Israel's leading novelists, set out on a journey in search of the true Israel and the genuine Israeli point of view. What he heard in his travels, as published in a series of articles in the daily Davar, seemed to confirm what many had sensed: Israel was deeply, perhaps irreconcilably, riven by two political philosophies, two attitudes toward Jewish historical destiny, two visions. "What will become of us all, I do not know," Oz wrote in concluding his article on the develop- ment town of Beit Shemesh in the Judean Hills, where the sons of the "Oriental" immigrants, now grown and prosperous, spewed out their loath- ing for the old Ashkenazi establishment. "If anyone has a solution, let him please step forward and spell it out—and the sooner the better.
Notes Introduction 1. The exact Hebrew name for this affair is the “Yemenite children Affair.” I use the word babies instead of children since at least two thirds of the kidnapped were in fact infants. 2. 1,053 complaints were submitted to all three commissions combined (1033 complaints of disappearances from camps and hospitals in Israel, and 20 from camp Hashed in Yemen). Rabbi Meshulam’s organization claimed to have information about 1,700 babies kidnapped prior to 1952 (450 of them from other Mizrahi ethnic groups) and about 4,500 babies kidnapped prior to 1956. These figures were neither discredited nor vali- dated by the last commission (Shoshi Zaid, The Child is Gone [Jerusalem: Geffen Books, 2001], 19–22). 3. During the immigrants’ stay in transit and absorption camps, the babies were taken to stone structures called baby houses. Mothers were allowed entry only a few times each day to nurse their babies. 4. See, for instance, the testimony of Naomi Gavra in Tzipi Talmor’s film Down a One Way Road (1997) and the testimony of Shoshana Farhi on the show Uvda (1996). 5. The transit camp Hashed in Yemen housed most of the immigrants before the flight to Israel. 6. This story is based on my interview with the Ovadiya family for a story I wrote for the newspaper Shishi in 1994 and a subsequent interview for the show Uvda in 1996. I should also note that this story as well as my aunt’s story does not represent the typical kidnapping scenario. 7. The Hebrew term “Sephardic” means “from Spain.” 8.
The Bereaved Father and His Dead Son in the Works of A. B. Yehoshua
The Bereaved Father and His Dead Son in the Works of A. B. Yehoshua Adia Mendelson-Maoz Jewish Social Studies, Volume 17, Number 1, Fall 2010 (New Series), pp. 116-140 (Article) Published by Indiana University Press For additional information about this article Access provided by The Ohio State University (7 Jan 2014 18:42 GMT) The Bereaved Father and His Dead Son in the Works of A. B. Yehoshua Adia Mendelson-Maoz ABSTRACT In recent years, A. B. Yehoshua has been taken to task for tempering his criticism of Israeli politics and shifting closer to the political center. In this article, I shift the dis- cussion to a historical and poetic perspective through an interpretive evaluation of the bereaved father figure in Yehoshua’s oeuvre. His approach to the bereaved father has undergone a radical transformation. This is clearly seen in his latest works in which he has made the transition from a critical stance toward the bereaved father—one of the most potent images of Zionist ideology—to a more moderate position reflecting internalization and acceptance of bereavement. To investigate this development, I explore the use of the bereavement myth in several of Yehoshua’s works and offer a de- tailed comparison of his early novella Bi-techilat kayits 1970 (Early in the Summer of 1970; 1972) and his more recent work Esh yedidutit (Friendly Fire: A Duet; 2007). Key words: A. B. Yehoshua, Akedah, Hebrew literature n 1992, during a conference on A. B.
WANDERERS : AND OTHER ISRAELI PLAYS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Sharon Aronson-Lehavi | 314 pages | 01 Jan 2010 | Seagull Books London Ltd | 9781906497064 | English | Greenford, United Kingdom Wanderers : And Other Israeli Plays PDF Book Voice of our community to wider society The Jewish News team regularly appears on TV, radio and on the pages of the national press to comment on stories about the Jewish community. Simchas and Shabbats all wrapped up in a box. Benny Gantz at a campaign rally. More from World Baghdad: At least 32 killed and dozens injured in twin suicide attack on Iraq's capital Joe Biden becomes America's 46th president, declaring: 'Democracy has prevailed' Madrid: 'Extremely loud' explosion in city centre - at least three people dead COVID US president Joe Biden signs 10 executive orders to curb spread of coronavirus COVID Coffins stacked high in crematorium of German town ravaged by coronavirus Italian police find stolen da Vinci copy - which museum did not know was missing. Size: 6" x 9". Unlike other Jewish media, we do not charge for content. Fill 2 Copy 11 Created with Sketch. Leading 18th and 19th century scholars, such as Gen. Cohen scored one of Liverpool's goals — as well as an own goal at the Kop end — in the decisive victory over Aston Villa that won them the League championship in May The anthology will include a substantive introduction discussing the theatrical contexts of the plays and some of the major issues that Israeli society deals with nowadays, an overview of the dramatic and theatrical work of the playwrights and an analysis of the plays.
FOOTNOTE A film by Joseph Cedar Academy Award Nominee Best Foreign Language Film (Israel) Winner, Best Screenplay 2011 Cannes Film Festival Winner, Best Picture, 2011 Ophir Awards National Board of Review One of the Top Five Foreign Language Films of the Year Film Independent Spirit Award Nominee Best Screenplay, Joseph Cedar 2011 Telluride Film Festival | 2011 Toronto International Film Festival 2011 New York Film Festival | 2011 AFI Fest 105 min | Rated PG | Language: Hebrew (with English subtitles) Release Date (NY): 03/09/2012 | (LA/Chicago/San Francisco/Washington, DC): 03/16/2012 East Coast Publicity West Coast Publicity Distributor Hook Publicity Block Korenbrot Sony Pictures Classics Jessica Uzzan Rebecca Fisher Carmelo Pirrone Mary Ann Hult Melody Korenbrot Lindsay Macik 419 Lafayette St, 2nd Fl 110 S. Fairfax Ave, #310 550 Madison Ave New York, NY 10003 Los Angeles, CA 90036 New York, NY 10022 323-634-7001 tel 212-833-8833 tel 323-634-7030 fax 212-833-8844 fax 646-867-3818 tel SYNOPSIS FOOTNOTE is the tale of a great rivalry between a father and son. Eliezer and Uriel Shkolnik are both eccentric professors, who have dedicated their lives to their work in Talmudic Studies. The father, Eliezer, is a stubborn purist who fears the establishment and has never been recognized for his work. Meanwhile his son, Uriel, is an up-and-coming star in the field, who appears to feed on accolades, endlessly seeking recognition. Then one day, the tables turn. When Eliezer learns that he is to be awarded the Israel Prize, the most valuable honor for scholarship in the country, his vanity and desperate need for validation are exposed.
Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel Class code CORE-UA 9764 Instructor Details Aviv Livnat Prerequisites None Class Description The location of Israel at the geographic junction between the West and the East, between the Arab world and the Western world, against the background of the long historical complexity of this piece of land provides the context for the course Expressive Culture: Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel" which will offer a panoramic view of expressive cultures in modern Israel. This course will provide an introduction to Israeli culture and art by examining thematic crossroads and ideas, via problems and social conflicts which lie at the heart of those art works and are reflected by them. Themes to be addressed will include: religion and secularism, universalism/globalism versus localism, Jews and Arabs, Ashkenazic and Sephardic cultures, multiculturalism in Israel, Zionism and Post-Zionism, right and left political world views, questions of gender, historical perspectives on war and peace and the Holocaust. The students will explore the way different forms of art – visual, literary, and performance – reflect and shape the understanding of the "Israeli mosaic" while learning about the way the artists and writers internalize, consciously and unconsciously the complex Israeli reality. Towards this end, the course will incorporate an exclusive audiography, image bank and collection of video materials and will include excursions to cultural institutions and events in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Expressive culture is a way to embody, analyze and express culture through sensory experiences such as movements, sounds texts and images. The students will be invited to engage in processes, exposed to ideas and emotions, bound within the social production of aesthetic forms and performances in Israeli life and culture.
The Politics of Normalization: Israel Studies in the Academy Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements F
The Politics of Normalization: Israel Studies in the Academy Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of the Ohio State University By Miriam Shenkar, M.A. Graduate Program in Education: Educational Policy and Leadership The Ohio State University 2010 Dissertation Committee: Robert F. Lawson, Advisor Matt Goldish Douglas Macbeth Copyright by Miriam Shenkar 2010 Abstract This study will examine the emergence of Israel studies at the university level. Historical precedents for departments of Hebrew language instruction, Jewish studies centers and area studies will be examined to determine where Israel studies chair holders are emerging. After defining Israel studies, a qualitative methodological approach will be used to evaluate the disciplinary focus of this emerging area. Curriculum available from and degree granting capabilities of various programs will be examined. In addition surveys taken of Israel studies scholars will provide their assessments of the development of the subject. Four case studies will highlight Israel studies as it is emerging in two public (land grant institutions) versus two private universities. An emphasis will be placed on why Israel studies might be located outside Middle Eastern studies. Questions regarding the placing of Israel studies within Jewish studies or Near Eastern Languages and Culture departments will be addressed. The placing of Israel studies chairs and centers involves questions of national and global identity. How these identities are conceptualized by scholars in the field, as well as how they are reflected in the space found for Israel studies scholars are the motivating factors for the case studies.
Expressive Culture: Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel Fall 2017
Expressive Culture: Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel Fall 2017 Class code CORE-UA 9764 Instructor Aviv Livnat, PhD Details 972-524717092 Class Details Expressive Culture: Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel [Day], [HH:MM to HH:MM] Location to be confirmed None Prerequisites The location of Israel at the geographic junction between the West and the East, between the Arab world Class Description and the Western world, against the background of the long historical complexity of this piece of land provides the context for the course Expressive Culture: Art and Culture in Contemporary Israel" which will offer a panoramic view of expressive cultures in modern Israel. This course will provide an introduction to Israeli culture and art by examining thematic crossroads and ideas, via problems and social conflicts which lie at the heart of those art works and are reflected by them. Themes to be addressed will include: religion and secularism, universalism/globalism versus localism, Jews and Arabs, Ashkenazic and Sephardic cultures, multiculturalism in Israel, Zionism and Post-Zionism, right and left political world views, questions of gender, historical perspectives on war and peace and the Holocaust. The students will explore the way different forms of art – visual, literary, and performance – reflect and shape the understanding of the "Israeli mosaic" while learning about the way the artists and writers internalize, consciously and unconsciously the complex Israeli reality. Towards this end, the course will incorporate an exclusive audiography, image bank and collection of video materials and will include excursions to cultural institutions and events in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.