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■ TO PRESENT The Busy Corner Louis Pizitz The Busy Corner The Busy Corner Louis Pizitz The Busy Corner JUICES OF ffiOITS -25c BUYS /\ DUCK SKIRT WORTH $1,00--—- Simple Directions for “Putting Up’’ Beverages Visit the CRAS :S,y«.. SALE This great Crash Sale is crashing along with a force that competition cannot withstand. Prices exist here that are positively TO PREVENT FERMENTATION unmatchable elsewhere. Don’t delay attending this crash sale or you will miss the opportunity of your life. On account of the tremendous business we've had the first few of the sale, we will have to reduce the time limit of the crash. We can t now Bottling Apple Cider That Will Keep days say Sweet for a Year—Unferment- when the end will be. But don t wait or you may be too late. ed Grape Wine, White or Red. From the Kansas City Star. White In addition to the usual store of canned fruit, preserves and jollies that is common in almost every home, the juice from a ] 20,000 Yards of White ExtraCrashes considerable quantity of fruit could be _I easily kept for winter use by the simple I and Corded process of preserving it in jars or bot- Striped You9II Never tles by means of heat much in the same And Every Article a Worl^ ^c" Crash Sale Buy Again way *is fruit is preserved. Unfcrmented DimitieS fruit juice should have a very extensive ■use in the household. It is valuable In Value At These Prices sickness and when properly prepared is Big a very agreeable ;ind palatable beverage. The juice from the grape is tlie product $2.98 FOR $6.00 SILK PETTICOATS ^AT7y2cAPAIR CHINA SILK AT 25c most often put up in an unfcrmented con- Children’s and Misses’ all m in all hest dition, but other fruit, as the apple, peach Silk Petticoats, in black and all colors; Ladies’, Hose, 4»if Splendid quality China Silk the of end berries, all yield large quantities worth Crash black, worth 15c to 20c. Crash Sale. & worth 49e. Crash Sale. juice that may be preserved in the same $6.00. Sale, only. way as that from the grape. Unfcrmented fruit juice is that in widen ANTHONY BAGS, 98c GUARANTEED SILK AT 89c Ho changes have tuken place that are Ladies’ Gingham Petticoats, QA caused by the growth of the yeast plant. Beautiful new Bags, leather; ^ (colors,36-inch guaranteed Taffeta Silk, all colors, rlaf f Anthony good worth 50c. Crash Sale This plant is very generally distributed, all worth Crash Sale. I kind. Crash Sale, being found especlallj on frlut of all colors; $2.50. regular $1.50 yard.... kinds and is of the same low order of plant as the yeasts that arc used in TABLE OIL CLOTHS 19c A A TOWELING AT 4c bread making and various otlwr indus- Ladies’ Black Gauze Lisle Hose; i| as and This The best Oil in or J flCv Good Cotton wine Table either white tries, making brewing. Cloth, 1 .'fa* worth 85c. Crash Sale."*• heavy quality Toweling.the <•* ^ plant, under natural nditions. begins colors; in Crash Sale at 6c kind. Crash Sale, yard. to grow very quickly in fruit Juices and ^ ^^ by its growth changes tin* fruit sugar of and carbonic acid — 98c FOR $2.00 UMBRELLAS the juice into alcohol 29c FOR 79c KIMONAS f%Q** gas, or in other w» ids. ferun niation takes and ladies’ Union Taffeta rf place. Fermented fruit juice will con- Women’s Short Kimonas .made of good lawn Men’s Umbrellas, rfclf tain ale: lid in some amount, while juices and worth 75c. Crash Sale. US SHlRI bAlSTS & natl $2. Crash Sale will no batise; CRASH fancy handles,worth that are not fermented contain z alcohol. FOR 15c VESTS Fermentation is generally prevented In 29c FOR TAPE GIRDLE I11 dazzling brightness every one of these bargains in V/2c either the use of WJ\^ one of two ways; by full neck and fine M certain chemicals known as antiseptics, Girdles in all sizes, with hose supporters; /,*fl Shirt Waists, sends out its rays of invincible values. Ladies’ Vests, taped arms, j|l Tape VV/ which prevent the growth of the yeast worth 50c. Crash Sale at only. ribbed cotton, worth 15c. Crash Sale. « plant, or by the application of sufficient SHIRT WAISTS AT 29c beat to kill the organism. The use of in FOR 18c ORGANDIES About two hundred Shirt white AT 39c YARD chemicals is not to he recommended 7y2c mj good Waists, any case and in general it is better to some are a All our colored worth and colored; little soiled, but orig- allover worth 75c use a moderate degree of heat for a long Organdies, batistes, etc., | Pretty Embroideries, than to use a worth to Crash Sale period higher temperature up to 18c a yard. Crash Sale." u** inally up $1. to $1.00. Crash Sale for a shun length of time. Cleanliness Essential. 69c FOR $1.50 SHIRT WAISTS 89c AT 3Vac AT 1 There are certain essential precautions QCi^ Ql 1000 Fine White Shirt Waists, trim1 16-button Silk worth to lie observed in putting u| fruit juice Ladies’ Handkerchiefs in plain white and hem- JV-ifl beautifully Gloves, $1.50. most or fruits of any kind. Prohablv the worth 10c. Crash Sale. med, worth $1.50, a little soiled. Crash Sale. Crash Sale comon cause of hiss is either the bottles stitched; tr jars are not sterilized, or else they are 89c FOR $2.00 WAISTS pot perfectly sealed. To clca*i jars and AT 8c A BOX AT 3i/2c hut tics they should liist be washed clean, : Q Beautiful White Waists, richly trimmed wa- worth 15c box. #%■ worth 10 cents. then put into wash boiler filled with Violet Talcum Powder; Pretty Japanese Fans, minutes. Ev- ^ and worth $2 and $2.50. Crash Sale. " ter and boiled fur fifteen | Crash Sale Crash Sale. erything that is to be used should lie | SHIRT WAISTS $1.98 WORTH $5.00 treated In this way, Jars. caps, bottles, j is remove AT 10c A PAIR * A * AT 4c A DOZEN M _ stoppers, etc. After this done, Some very fine shirt waists, made of lingerie and \ fruit heat .lap tlie vessels, till with the juice, Ladies’ Gauze fast I IB* I in colors and Good Pearl Buttons, all sizes, and and seal as directed below. Hose, black; I silk, white, beautifully trimmed, <g (f|Q ^§1 As a result of experiments by the Ok- worth 20c. Crash Sale. worth up to $5.00. Crash Sale. worth 10c. Crash Sale lahoma agricultural bureau il has been found that two hen tings arc necessary ^ ..—....3 V_____J Ij In putting up any of the fruit juices. Heat to not above ixr> degrees F. the first time s --—- A for ten or fifteen minutes, allow t" stand for twenty-four hours closely covered in the vessel in which It was heated, then Into the sterilized Crashed crashed pour the clear juice Women’s Suits WOMEN’S Women’s Skirts bottles or jars and heat the si odd time for twenty to forty minutes to ten to WASH SUITS $1.19, WORTH $4.00 below the temperature Skirts 98c llfteen degrees Women’s Wash Shirtwaist Suits, made of good 4 White Linen US'.] for the* firs: heating If Hie second -IQ than the Tl is lot is made of white and colored heating is as high or higher Madras and Percales, worth $4. Crash Sale.A»A*r madras, ducks, temperature of the first heating onsid- ■ Undermuslins down. etc., each skirt made, regular eralilc sediment is apt to come WASH SUITS $1.98, WORTH $6.00. splendidly QQr Crash Apple Juice. Beautiful white and colored Shirtwaist Suits, -I $2.50 values. Sale.'OC I QQ IN THE CRASH Apple Juice—Select sound, welt ripened made and worth $5 and $6. Crash Sale.A*t/0 White Linen Skirts $1.98 fruit. The Juice from green apples is nicely 1 Women's Corset Covers, made nainsook and longcloth, worth dark colored and will not clear up, while WASH SUITS WORTH $8.00. Handsome white, all linen Skirts, trimmed with $2.75, of nainsook and Crash i no nicely that from ripe fruit gives a bright clear i lace-trimmed, up to $3.50. an or Some in Wash shirtwaist SI nr worth to Crash liquid. Put the juice Into enamel | good styles Suits, styles, worth 39c. Crash Sale, choice at.l.»*0 embroidery, $5.00 $6.00. glass vessel, put this into a large ve:«- white and worth to Crash Salee.U• I w j * Ag from the flame colors, up $8. Sale.... gel of water to protect it Women's Fine Corset Covers, $3.00 Gowns 1 | Q and heat gradually to the required tern- ! PRINCESS SUITS WORTH $12.00 1 $4.95, trimmed, worth 73c for. Panama Skirts $2.98 is;, degrees, for llfteen minutes. beautifully perature, Princess and made of fine Lin- and Crash Remove all of the Bcurti that forms during Exquisite Shirtwaist Suits, $1.00. q(l, A lot of Brilliantine and Mix- no the vessel $3.00 Skirts I special Panama, ^ heating. After heating set in white and colors; 4 Sale. JQ aside, closely covered, for twenty-four gerie, Q(” Women’s Muslin Gowns, Draw- for.I*1**’ ture Skirts, worth $5.00. Crash Sale.L*70 work the hours. When ready to begin worth $12.00. Crush Sale .lilt) ers and trim- bot- Chemise, nicely next day first sterilize by boiling A lot of Gowns, Che- $4.98 for Skirts worth $7.00 ■ worth 75c.