Washington, Tuesday, March 17, 1942
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/S\nurrCT?! I SCRIPTA ^ I MANET I VOLUME 7 ^ 1934 ^ NUMBER 52 * ^AMTEO ^ Washington, Tuesday, March 17, 1942 The President shall act as Commander in Chief, United CONTENTS States Fleet; (b) Such deputy and assistant chiefs THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER of staff as may be necessary; and Executive Orders: Page (c) Such other officers as may be ap Navy Department and naval R eorganization of the N avy D epartment propriate and necessary to enable the service reorganization____ 2075 and the Naval Service Affecting the “Commander in Chief, United States Wyoming, power site restora O ffice of the Ch ief of Naval Opera Fleet, and Chief of Naval Operations” to tion___________________ 2076 tions and the Commander in Ch ie f , perform as Commander in Chief, United United States F leet States Fleet, the duties prescribed in Ex RULES, REGULATIONS, ecutive Order No. 89841 of December 18, ORDERS By virtue of the authority vested in me 1941. by Title I of the First War Powers Act, T itle 9—Animals and Animal 1941, approved December 18,1941 (Public 4. As Chief of Naval Operations, the of P roducts: Law 354, 77th Congress), and other ap ficer holding the combined offices as here Agricultural Marketing Serv plicable statutes, and as Commander in in provided shall be charged, under the ice: Chief of the Army and Navy and as Pres direction of the Secretary of the Navy, Twin City Sale Yards, notice ident of the United States, it is hereby with the preparation, readiness and logis under Packers and Stock- ordered as follows: tic support of the operating forces com yards Act____________ 2077 prising the several fleets, seagoing forces 1. The duties of the Commander in T itle 16— Commercial P ractices: Chief, United States Fleet, and the duties and sea frontier forces of the United Federal Trade Commission: of the Chief of Naval Operations, may be States Navy, and with the coordination Cease and desist orders: combined and devolve upon one officer and direction of effort to this end of the Felder Bros., Inc., et al___ 2079 who shall have the title “Commander in bureaus and offices of the Navy Depart Herolin Co., Inc., et al_____ 2077 Chief, United States Fleet, and Chief of ment except such offices (other than Logan-Cache Knitting Naval Operations”, and who shall be the bureaus) as the Secretary of the Navy Mills_______________ 2079 principal naval adviser to the President, may specifically exempt.. Duties as Chief Martin, Samuel, Ltd_____ 2080 on the conduct of the War, and the prin of Naval Operations shall be contributory Olando Mfrs____________ 2081 to the discharge of the paramount duties Pratt Food Co__________ 2080 cipal naval adviser and executive to the of Commander in Chief, United States Secretary of the Navy on the conduct of T itle 30—M ineral R esources: Fleet. Bituminous Coal Division: the activities of the Naval Establishment. 5. The staff of the Chief of Naval Oper While so serving he shall have the rank ations shall be composed of— Minimum price schedules, re and title of Admiral and shall receive the lief orders, etc.: pay and allowances provided by law for (a) A Vice Chief of Naval Operations, District 14______________ 2082 an officer serving in the grade of Admiral. who shall while so serving have the rank, District 19______________ 2082 2. As Commander in Chief, United pay and allowances of a Vice Admiral. T itle 31—Money and F inance: States Fleet, the officer holding the com The Vice Chief of Naval Operations shall T reasury: bined offices as herein provided shall have all necessary authority for execut Monetary Offices: have supreme command of the operating ing the plans and policies of the “Com General Ruling No. 6A_____ 2083 forces comprising the several fleets, sea mander in Chief, United States Fleet, Netherlands East Indies, cer going forces, and sea frontier forces of and Chief of Naval Operations” so far tain general licenses the United States Navy and shall be di as pertains to the duties herein pre amended_____________ 2083 rectly responsible, under the general di scribed for the Chief of Naval Operations. T itle 32—N ational D efense: rection of the Secretary of the Navy, to In the temporary absence or incapacity Office of Price Administration: the President therefor. of the “Commander in Chief, United Automobile rationing regula 3. The staff of the Commander in States Fleet, and Chief of Naval Opera tions amended________ 2108 Chief, United States Fleet, shall be com tions”, he shall act as Chief of Naval Price schedules, amendments: posed of— Operations. Cast iron soil pipe and fit (b) An Assistant to the Chief of Naval tings---------------------- 2106 (a) A Chief of Staff, who shall while Operations with the title of Sub Chief of Copper and alloy scrap___ 2106 so serving have the rank, pay, and allow Naval Operations, who shall have the Cotton textiles__________ 2107 ances of a Vice Admiral, and who, in the rank of rear admiral and while so serving Machine tools, new_______ 2105 temporary absence or incapacity of the shall receive the pay and allowances of Tea------------------------- 2108 “Commander in Chief, United States Titanium pigments_______ 2103 Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations”, 16 F.R. 6569. (Continued on next page) 2075 2076 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, March 17, 1912 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued T itle 32—National D efense—Con. Federal Communications Commis War Production Board—Con. sion—Continued. PaSe Preference Rating Orders: Page Hearings, etc.—Continued. Freight car construction Camden Broadcasting Co----- 2116 materials and equip Cockbum, H. C___________ 2116 ment_______ 2097 Delta Broadcasting Co., Inc— 2115 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Locomotives, material for Greater Houston Broadcasting and days following legal holidays by the construction and repair, Co., Inc_______i.____ x.- 2117 Division of the Federal Register, The National Herald Publishing Co---------- 2117 Archives, pursuant to the authority con etc. (2 documents)___ 2098 tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Petroleum production, Hopkins, Jamek F., Inc------- 2116 July 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 500), under regula transportation, refin Hunt, S. Brad____________ 2116 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com ing and marketing___ 2099 KNOE, Inc________ 2117 mittee, approved by the President. Revocation of certain report Lee, Robert V___________ - 2119 The Administrative Committee consists of ing requirements_______ 2097 Liners, Broadcasting Station, the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer T itle 33—Navigation and Naviga Inc__________________ 2118 of the Department of Justice designated by ble W aters: Minnesota Broadcasting Corp_ 2118 the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Coast Guard: Paducah Broadcasting Co. or Acting Public Printer. Inc __________________ 2116 The daily issue of the F e d er a l R e g is t e r Control of vessels in territorial will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free waters; clearance for de- Park Cities Broadcasting of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per parture____________ — 2108 Corp_________________ 2118 year, payable in advance. Remit money or T itle 36—P arks and F orests: Reporter Broadcasting Co— 2115 der payable to the Superintendent of Docu National Park Service: Schaeffer, Dorman------------- 2117 ments directly to the Government Printing National cemeteries, inter Scripps-Howard Radio, Inc— 2119 Office, Washington, D. C. The charge for single copies (minimum, 101) varies in pro ment of members of fami South Florida Broadcasting, portion to the size of the issue. lies __________________ 2109 In c_________________ - 2119 T itle 43—Public Lands: I nterior: Texas Star Broadcasting Co— 2120 Grazing Service: WHB Broadcasting Co--------- 2120 CONTENTS—Continued Districts modified: WICA, Inc________________ 2121 Arizona___ ____________ 2109 Walker and Downing Radio Title 32—National Defense—Con. Colorado_______________ 2109 Corp________________ 2120 Office of Price Administration— T itle 49—T ransportation and Washtenaw Broadcasting Co., Continued. PaSe R ailroads: In c__________________ 2116 Tire rationing regulations: Interstate Commerce Commis West Allis Broadcasting Co— 2120 Camelback allotment on sion: Federal Power Commission: and after March 17___ 2107 Steam roads, uniform system Southern California Edison Co., Silverstein’s Tire and of accounts___________ 2109 Ltd., termination of pro Battery Service, Inc., ceedings_______________ 2121 suspension order_____ 2106 NOTICES Selective Service System: Alien Property Custodian: Appeal to Board of Appeals Temporary delegation of au a rear admiral, upper half, and such (2 documents)_________ 2090 thority to Secretary of additional assistant Chiefs of Naval Op Classification (2 documents). 2087 Treasury_______________ 2115 erations as may be required; and Procedure (3 documents)_ 2088 Department of Agriculture: (c) Such other officers as may be con Delivery and induction— — 2092 Agricultural Adjustment sidered to be appropriate and necessary Duty and responsibility to reg Agency:* for the performance of the duties at ister (3 documents)------ 2083, Southern Great Plains Area, present prescribed for the Chief of Naval 2084,2086 supplement to 1942 con- Operations. Forms prescribed (2 docu servation program — — 2112 ments) ______________ 2094 Farm Security Administration: 6. During the temporary absence of Induction calls__:__________ 2092 Localities designated for the Secretary of the Navy, the Under Parole___________________ 2092 Secretary of the Navy, and the