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Highest of all in Leavening Power..Latest U. S. Gov't Report EP WORTH LEAGUE OOMEBKENOK, | 0«Uin« «t Trinity C-liurch To-nlRUt.Au ! IntercstiuK Fiojrainnie. Tbo district Convention of tho Ep- I Arriving worth Loaguo will assemble at Trinity j Daily Church toil evening at 7:;iü o'clock. & f largo numher of delegates aro oxpected HIS to attend from WEEK diiieront sections of district. the Tbe following programmo has been We Will Let Out a New prepared for tbe occasion: Importation of Tuesday, 7.30 p m .Address of wel¬ come, Mayor S. E. Jones; response, A. 11. Pughj address, "Tho League Workors," Rev. H. F. 8. w., for the paot ton loft r- Ball. FROM AIL days, yost 0 a. OUR AROUND THE CITY. day for Harrlsonburg, tbenco to / t- Wednesday, ro.Address, "Tho Epworth Its lanta to visit the exposition. Mr. Fi r- League, History and Ob¬ rer jects," Rev. C. H. Buchanan; "The De¬ Current Local Events of the left Virginia when 11 years of a re of Day and has been In the West for forty-?ig it partment Worship," Rev. H. H. Ken¬ Told. years, and this is his nedy; "The Best Way to Conduct Briefly first visit sin 10 Devotional C. D. ho left. Ho did not even know his si i- Meeting," Rev. Bulla; tor's name, but general discussion; "Tbo League and FALL Blta of Facts and Gosalp Gathered on the knew she resided n Missions,'' T. T. Fishburne. Boanoke, and upon this Towels and Streets by Time* reaching plafle Beportere.Points experienced some in Afternoon Session."League Visiting Political, Social and General difficulty finding? Sick and Poor," J. 1). Napkins! Happen¬ her. Needy Johnston, At _ Prices Yesterday. Jr.; "Loaguo Welcoming Strangers and You Have Never Heard Quoted ing a Largo Excursion. Developing Social Life of Church." O. D. A large excuralon was run from Batcholor; "Tho League and Chuich for Like Values. En Konto Home. Lynchburg to this city and Salem on Music," Rev. Q. T. D. Collins. / <2ulte a number of the Lyncbburg Sunday. The train consisted of thirteen Evening session."How to Study the baseball team paessd through tbe city passenger coaches and carried l.Oifc Bible," Rev. W. U. Locke; "Tho League yesterday on route to their homes In the passengers, mostly colored, as oniy Teaching the Doctrines of Methodism,' South and West. three cars were reserved for white W. H. II Joyce; "Tho League Culti¬ poople. Several hundred people weri vating a Tasto for Gocd Literature," J. To Play in Richmond. loft in Lynchburg owing the fact tba W. Wocd?. These Linens Are All Hew! Tbe Nashville baseball team passed Ncars could not bo obtained3a to accommoaccommo* Thursday."Relation of League to Hundreds of patterns o/ through tho city Sunday en route to Sate them. On thu rotuurn the tenden Paster," W. L Dolly; "The League in / Drees Goods.the most beantfl- Richmond, whero tboy play for the and all tho platforms were literally! Roanoke District, its Possibilities for Just Opened! championship of the South. j 'packed with people, anid when naar' Good," G D White; business mcetinc; Lynchburg ono of the adjournment. The assortment of and fnl and of trie finest) At tho Itnilroad Y. AI, O- A ->**r \ couplings gave qualities | designs way, separating tho train, but no one jt\ range of is not weaves.such cs Dr. Jno. L. Dcggott delivered an in¬ was hurt. The train left hero about I] prices comprehen¬ Figured teresting address before tho Railroad V. o'clock. sive. Mohairs in black and colored, M. C. A. Sunday afternoon on the sub-^ In tho Courts. If You Need jöct, "Reward of Service." Ther* was Wh?» T&uy was slci, wo ftavo her Costerta, Linens, Buy Them This Week was done In tho Court Mohair Silk and a good attendance. Nothing Circuit When was n she Brilliantine, yosterdiy. In the Hustings Court Nsal SKp Child, cried for Castorla. Wcoi To the Exposition, Hannah, colored, pload guilty to the When she i> >eatne Miss, she clung to Castoria, NOTE A FEW PRICES. ! Boucles, Fancy Jacq¬ cf assault and and was When bIio bad NAPKINS. Jacob Myers and Fount Huffman left charge battery Children,she gavothem Ciisloria. ICOdoaen Cotton Huckaback Towels at 5; uards, Storm Serges in navy yesterday for the Atlanta exposition. givon thirteen daya in jail and fined each, see. thciu. They had in charge hog, 810. In tho case of tho commonwealth 50 <1< zen lull bleached Cotton Huckaback blue and Broadcloths Mayor's big vs. Francis for Towels. 80s II), at 10c cacti. 250 Dozen Napkins Just black, which woighs 1,300 pounds and which Isabel, colored, koeplng Hero is a eprclal .Au All Linen a house, sho was found not Huckaback in all Henriettas in all will he put on exhibition. disorderly To Towel, extra lar^c, 52s tr> inches, good tlrni colors, guilty. In tho case of the common¬ tho Public. quality, at ia.Sc each. Opened 10X33 Inch All Linen At the new at Tho Portsmouth AHioclatlon. wealth vs. .1. Breslin, for a We lead, but never follow. Every¬ Huckaback Towels at 78c, irood quality All Lineu Dauatsfc shades prices that maintaining knows that 10c each. Napkins. Rev. (loo. J. Hobday, superintendent nuisance, not guilty. In the case ot body Catogni's restaurant is Another Special: Eitra lar^c line nuality At $1 per dosen, rxtra'hir^r. \,tlue quality will astonish for of the at the commonwealth vs. Mabel the only first class Damask Towels, knotted in white anil Linen worth $1 35. you cheapness. Baptist Orphanage Salem, Lester, ladies'dining ropm colored fringe, At Napkins, was In the en route to for keeping a house of ill-fame, fined in tho city. Two separate dining rooms. border. Note size.93x50 85c ft.35 per dosen, extra values in X Map- The handsomest line of city yesterday Polite attention. each, worth 40c anywhere. kins, have t)fen S1,60. Dinner size. 25c Southampton to attend a meeting of S10 and givon one hour in jail. The We cater to tho At 35c. 91x44 inch Fine Huckaback Towels At$1.35, very fine Herman l.ineu a.npkla. Dress Gcods in the tbe Portsmouth Haptist Association in case of Mattason Hyatt, charged with ladies' trade. Hot and cold water baths Hemmed with neat briar stitch embroidery, dinner size, city. tho Interest of the was set for next at Catogni's. We make especial price of f'i.50 for thedozen. At $1.25, a special very tine Nayklr.3. orphanage. folony, Thursday. At 3"c, very fine open work Hemstitched, At »188, >2tH'. Damask more $1.50, $8 51, $3.00, $*4f». Mr. Graham Hotter. In'the Police Court. I>ld Towels, 22x-ll inches. The sort you than 100 dozen, representing the beet You Ever Think have paid f>0c for. values obtainable at tne prices. See tbe lim-. L. Graham, who has boon sick at Hotol In the police court yesterday morn¬ That you cannot be well unless At 25o, 2IK40, very larj;e, One iinality Huck¬ White I'rlnged Doylies,*',! linen,at 60c, 7»c. Newt you aback Towels, a'l lluen, open work, hem- S.'r. Cl, and fl 25 dozen. Roanoke, was much improved yesterday. ing, Strain, Maud Brahmo and J. havo pure, rich blood? If you are stitched, worth tl)dozen I'lald l'rin. id His S. W. were sent on 37.Sic. Doylies at85c son, Lewis Graham, wife and I'ayno to the grand weak, tired, languid and all run down, At He the yard, the Ideal Working-man'* White fringed Dojllrs, colored border«. at three children, and Mrs. A. C. Green, of jury on the charge of gambling. A It Is because your blood Is Impoverished Crash. It is a uearv linen Huckaback, Just 40c dozen. Now of was and ronnh to you. Has been 15c heretofore. White Dovlirs, citra size, colored border, Blact Dress Goods. Orleans, arrived in tho city yer- charge vagrancy aUo entered lacks vitality. These troubles may Try it at Kc. at 50c dozen, terday. against Strain and Brahme, which was be overcome by Hood's Sarsaparllla bo- At H)c the yard, genuine Hues'a ('rash, is We have Gone to Knoxvllle. postponed until this morning. Three cause Hood'a Sarsaparilla makes pure, Inches wide, than which there Is no better laid in the mon Crash made, formerly always HS;C. Dr. Len. U. young wero fined 82.50 each for rich blood It is, la truth, tho great At 0, Sand Table assortment Broughton, of Calvary conduce on blood 10c, Pltild Clin?« Toweling in u Linens.Just Opened. largest of) left for Knox- disorderly Railroad avonuo. purifier. uarluty of styles. Baptist Church, yesterday Byrd Tyler, colorod, raising a disturb¬ Hood's Pills cure liver At 15c >d, very tine Huckaback All Linen 50 Itch wide German Table Linen, Mso Black vi.le, whore ho will conduct a revival ills, constipa¬ Inches Patterns, never betöre U-s* than :i7\c. t. ar Goods, consisting ance, dismissed. .Jno. Taylor, tion, billiousness, jaundice, sick head¬ Toweling, 80 wide. Just the thln>; for 95c.see It. of French sorvlco for the next ten days. It is ex¬ colored, an everleetins roller towel. price Serge in 46, 48 charged with the larceny ot a horse, ache, indigestion. Everything la Crashes- see thol'ne. At 4>c the yard, til inch wide Herman Tftblo pected that Rev. Dr. Acree, of Knox¬ case until Linen, tonner price 00c, rare value, see It.