1910-12-02 [P 17]
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F PERTH AMBOY T? CJ I ^T? ~D 9 CJ NEW 97-99 SMITH ST. V KJvJ 1 1 >JCV ij BOYNTON BLOCK *• Extraordinary Opportunity for Buyers—Sale of Magnificent STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE PROM The Mt. Carm el Department Store OF IVfT. CARMEL, PA, SOLD TO IS RECENTLY AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! SALE NOW ON who are accustomed to We wish to emphasize the fact that the quality of this lot of merchandise is dependable—the kind that will please those using it Is for standard high-class goods. The season for holiday goods is upon us, and therefore compulsory us to make a quick, clean' sweep of this superb stock ! Come Expecting Rare Bargains! Mt. Garmei Department Store's Stock! MT. CARiEL DEPT. MT. CARMEL DEPT. MT. CARMEL DEPT. STORE'S STOCK STORES STOCK STORE'S STOCK Ladies' Silk, Lisle and Cotton Hose, Bbys' and Ladies' stylish Suits and Skirts, Children's and Girls' Hosiery with linen heels and toes, the celebrated Misses' Cloth Coats, Ladies' and Chi'dren's Fine Mus- DRESS GOODS Cadet for ladies and children, ''Onyx" brand Hosiery, lin Underwear and Wrappers, Cravenette Raincoats, Children's Cashmere Hose. Worsted Broadcloths, Voiles, Pru- Children's and Infants' White Dresses, Children's and Suitings, Serges, Bril. Infants' White Coats, Furs, Muffs and Scarfs. nellas, Flannel Suitings, Danish Cloths, kfohairs, liantines, Nun's Veilings, Shepherd's Checks, Cheviot, Gloves! Gloves! Basket Weaves, Cravenettes, Covert Cloths, French Waists! Ladies' Waists Ladies' and Children's Wool "Glovei and Mitts, Ladies' Wale all in- Serges, Storm Serges, Wide Serges, colors, Ladies' Silk-lined Cashmere Gloves, Long Suede Gloves, Messelire, Net. Persian, Taffeta, Lingerie, Tailor- cluding black, cream and white. Long Silk and 1 .isle Glcves. made Brilliantine and Mohair Waists. NOW M SALE NOW ON SALE MOW ON SALE * m w • *e» e1* mm ma* A ft Qitr I nt"RT ITII. UMIinSELL ucn. Ml. imnnici. ucri. III I. UAnffitL. utr I. STORE S STOOK STORE S STOCK STORE'S STOCK A * and Notions, Dress and Coat Buttons, Leather and Fine Laces, Imported Vals, Mechlin Laces, German Fancy Jewelry, Necklaces, Brooches, Infants', Children's and Lace F.mbroid- Silk Belts, J. & P. Coats' Spool Cotton, Crochet Cotton, French Vals, Oriental, Flowen, Collars, Ladies' Rings, Belt Buckles and Pins and Shirt Waist Mercerized Pearl Lustre Embroidery Skeins, Handker- eries, Swiss, Nainsook, Ilamberger. Beading, Galloon, Sets, Cuff Buttons, Collar Pins. Pearl Necklaces. Hair Pins, Silk Soutache & Gilt Braids, Tai. and all others; Flouncing, Dress Trimmings, Silk Bands, chiefs, Puffs, Goods—Hand Bags, Purses, Music Rolls, Wri- Black Bands, Silk Cluney, Laces, Leather cum Powder, Dress Shields, Omo Diapers, Stationery, Medallions, Spangle ting Pads, Shawl Straps, Leather Baggage Tags, Watch Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, Trimmings to match all materials, All Over Lace, White, Dolls, Bibs, Fobs, Clocks, Vases, Fancy Pin Cushions. Belding's Sewing Silk, Pearl Buttons, etc. Cream, Black Persians, etc. NOW OH SALE NOW ON SALE NOW ON SALE MT. CARMEL DEPT. MT. CARMEL DEPT. MI. CARMEL DEPT. STCRES STOCK STORE'S STOCK STORE S STOCK Men's Dress Shirts, Madras and Percale Table Linens and Napkins, Warm Wool Shawls in full Negligee, Lace Curtains, Door Panels, Sash Curtains, Curtain Workman s Shirts, Blouse Waists, Men's size and Shoulder Shawls, Flannelette Night Gowns, Shirts, Boys' and Linen Drawn Work Table Covers Muslin Madras, Men's Silk and Linen Initial Children's Warm Bonnets, German Knitting Yarns, Half Hose, Suspenders, Shirt Waist Patterns, Embroidered Shirt Waist Stamped Handkerchiefs, Men's Silk Mufflers, all styles, Men's Ladies' and Children's Leggings, Ladies' Knit Wool Patterns, Silk Head and Shoulder Scarfs, Ladies' Bill Purses, Cigar Cases, Leather Collar Underskirts, Silk Shawls for shoulders and head, Shirt- Books, Folding Umbrellas, Veiling, all colors, Baby Veils, In- Aprons, and Cuff Cases, Walking Sticks. ing Prints, Dress Prints, Apron Gingham, Dress Ging- fants' Bootees, and Ribbons, Velvets and Silks. ham, White India Linen and Persian Lawn. SALE NOW ON SALE NOW ON SALE NOW ON SALE MOW GOING ON : : BRING YOUR NEIGHBUKSs l Always Spot Cash "¥* T T PI rp TT> T> Any Article May Be Returned £ Always—One Price or © XT1» _T V_x JL Jl-/ IV for Exchange or for Refund of Cash The New Store Perth Am boy, N. J. 97-99 Smith St. .