Weijia Huang Senior Lecturer in Chinese Department of World Languages & Literature, Boston University 718 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA 02215 E-mail: [email protected] ______


M.A.1982-1985 History of with a research field in Chinese Paleography, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi,

B.A. 1978-1982 Chinese Language and Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

Academic Position:

2015-Present Senior Lecturer, Department of World Languages & Literature, Boston University

2006-2015 Lecturer, Department of Modern Languages & Comparative Literature, Boston University

Spring 2007 Part-time Lecturer, advanced Chinese, Department of German, Russian and Asian Languages and Literature, Brandeis University

2002-2006 Visiting Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Brown University

June 2004 Teachers’ Trainer, for the Workshop of Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language in the Center of Johns Hopkins University and Nanjing University, CET Immersion Chinese Summer Program, Nanjing, China

Spring 2002 Part-time Lecturer, Advanced Chinese, Department of NEJS, Brandeis University

1995-2002 Drill Instructor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

Summer 1995 Instructor, Middlebury College, Chinese Summer School

Summer 1994 Instructor, Middlebury College, Chinese Summer School

Professional Certification:

2014-2018 Full Certification Tester in Chinese OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) by ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)


1995-2002 Twelve certifications of the Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University

2001 Harvard-Yenching Institute Research Fund

Courses Taught and Curriculum Development:

LC111-LC112 First-year Chinese LC211-LC212 Second-year Chinese

LC311-LC312 Third-year Chinese LC411-LC412 Fourth-year Chinese


LC213 Conversational Chinese LC314-LC315 Classical Chinese

LC316 Classical Chinese Poetry LC492 Chinese Directed Study

BU Summer Intensive Program in Shanghai China

Taught all of the Chinese languages course the Department offers, designed LC314 and LC315 Classical Chinese courses, created LC213, a Conversational Chinese course, and developed LC411 and LC412 Fourth-year Chinese courses. With Professor Wiebke Denecke designed LC316 Classical Chinese Poetry course.


1. Books:

2019 On the Chinese Character 汉字故事, with Dandan Chu, et al., The Commercial Press, , China, 2019(Forthcoming)

2019 Teaching Chinese Characters as a Second Language 汉语作为第二语言汉字教 学, Peking University Press, Beijing, China, 2019(Forthcoming)

2019 Learning Chinese Language and Culture 学习汉语与文化, with Qun Ao, The Chinese University Press of Hong Kong 2019(Forthcoming)

2015 Watching the Clouds go By 坐看云起时, with Qun Ao, Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, 2015

2013 Where Does the Wind Blow 风从哪里来, with Qun Ao, Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, 2013

2012 Illustration of the Radicals of Chinese Characters (New edition with broadened scope and updated information) 汉字部首例解(繁体增订版), with Qun Ao, The Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 2012

2012 The Sky Is Bright with Stars 天上星星亮晶晶, with Qun Ao, Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, 2012

2011 Questions and Answers on Modern Chinese Characters 现代汉语文字答问, Peking University Press, Beijing, China, 2011,

2009 Chinese Philology: Knowledge and Issues 汉字知识与汉字问题, with Qun Ao, The Commercial Press, Beijing, China, 2009, 2nd Printing 2013

2008 Illustration of the Radicals of Chinese Characters 汉字部首例解, with Qun Ao, The Commercial Press, Beijing, China, 2008, 4th Printing 2015

2008 The Moon Is Always Beautiful 月亮总是美好的, with Qun Ao, Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, 2008

2007 How Far Away Is the Sun 太阳的远近, with Qun Ao, Cheng & Tsui Company, Boston, 2007

2002 Chinese Language and Culture 汉语与文化读本, with Qun Ao, The Chinese University Press of Hong Kong 2002, 7th Printing 2014


2. Dictionaries:

1988 Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Functional Words 古汉语虚词用法词典 (co- editor) People’s Publishing House, Shaanxi, China, 1988

1985 Dictionary of Common Ancient Functional Words 常用文言虚词词典 (co-editor) People’s Publishing House, Shaanxi, China, 1983

3. Completed Manuscripts:

2018 Illustration of the Cultural Origins of Modern Chinese Bisyllabic Words 现代汉语 双音词文化源例解

2017 Seven Years at Harvard 哈佛七年 (Collection of Essays and Poems)

2014 Illustration of the Radicals of Chinese Characters (English Version) 汉字部首理解 (英文版)

2003 Classical Chinese 古代汉语

4. Academic paper:

2012 “The Essential Approach for Solving the Dilemma of Teaching Chinese Characters in the United States —Discussing How to Develop Chinese Material that Help in Teaching Chinese Characters,” 改变美国大学汉字教学难的重要途径——关于 汉语教材中汉字学习内容编写的思考, Chinese language in the world, Vol. 2 (2012): 41-45

2006 “The Mismatching of Teachers Intention and Students Understanding during Error Correction,” 纠错过程中教师意图与学生理解之间误差之分析, with Qun Ao, Linguistic Analysis, Volume III, Taiwan (12/2006): 309-334

2004 “The Important Issues in Developing Classical Chinese Textbook for American Students at the College Level,” 对外古汉语教材的选文与编写 Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, Issue 1 (2004): 35- 37

1998 “Knowledge in Chinese Characters,” 汉字小知识 Journal of American-Chinese Society and Culture, Boston Institute of American and Chinese Culture, No. 1 (1998): 55-60 and No. 1 (1999): 48-53

1987 “The Word ‘Qi’ in the Phrase ‘Buqi’ Should be an Adverb,”“不其”之“其”应 是副词 Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition, Journal of Shaanxi Normal University, No. 2 (1987): 120

1987 “The Evaluation of the Usage of the Four Prepositions ‘Zai, Yu, Zi, and Cong’ as Occurred in the Oracle Bone and Bronze Inscriptions and Their Mutual Relationship,” 甲骨文金文中 “在、于、自、从” 四字介词用法的发展变化及 其相互关系 Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition, Journal of Shaanxi Normal University, No. 1 (1987): 66-75

5. Column Writer:

Written or co-written columns for the magazine The World of Chinese, Beijing China since 2010


2018 “On the Chinese Character 探 (Explore),” with Yunfei Tan, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2018): 94-95.

2018 “On the Chinese Character 阳 (Sun),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2018): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Moment in the sun” (10/12/2018): 23

2018 “On the Chinese Character 亲 (Intimate),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2018): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Close to you” (8/3/2018): 23

2018 “On the Chinese Character 治 (Governance),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2018): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “A flood of remedies” (6/8/2018): 23

2018 “On the Chinese Character 鲜 (Fresh),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2018): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Character that stays fresh through the ages” (4/6/2018): 23

2018 “On the Chinese Character 观 (Watch),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2018): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Character worth keeping an eye on” (1/12/2018): 23

2017 “On the Chinese Character 信 (True),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2017): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “The honest truth” (11/17/2017): 23

2017 “On the Chinese Character 闲 (Idle),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2017): 94-95. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Give me a break” (10/6/2017): 23

2017 “On the Chinese Character 棋 (Chess),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2017): 94-95.

2017 “On the Chinese Character 快 (Happy),” with Sun Jiahui, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2017): 78-79. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “You'll need to hurry to catch this character” (6/30/2017): 23

2017 “On the Chinese Character 传 (Transmit),” with Sun Jiahui, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2017): 92-93. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Postman delivered a versatile expression” (4/14/2017): 23

2017 “On the Chinese Character 买 (Buy),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2017): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Holiday sales are a sign of the ancient times” (1/27/2017): 23

2016 “On the Chinese Character 变 (Change),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Africa Weekly “Changing the subject” (12/30/2016): 21

2016 “On the Chinese Character 平 (Fair),” with Sun Jiahui, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Africa Weekly “A level path to peace” (10/28/2016): 23


2016 “On the Chinese Character 种 (Grow),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “It takes all sorts” (7/22/2016): 23

2016 “On the Chinese Character 约 (Restrain),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Seeing someone is no casual affair” (5/20/2016): 23

2016 “On the Chinese Character 红 (Red),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “'Red' fame short-lived in Internet age” (4/1/2016): 23

2016 “On the Chinese Character 育 (Nurture),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2016): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Africa Weekly “Word based on the miracle of birth” (3/4/2016): 23

2015 “On the Chinese Character 乱 (Mess),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2015): 90-91.

2015 “On the Chinese Character 战 (War),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2015): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Words of war take up strategic positions in the language” (10/2/2015): 27

2015 “On the Chinese Character 法 (Law),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2015): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Law born of magical beast” (8/21/2015): 27

2015 “On the Chinese Character 创 (Create),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2015): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “The pain of creativity” (6/12/2015): 27

2015 “On the Chinese Character 丝 (Silk),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2015): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily European Weekly “Intertwined in China's history” (4/10/2015): 27

2015 “On the Chinese Character 神 (Deity),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2015): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe Weekly “The evolution of god” (2/20/2015): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 权 (Power),” The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe “The right to rule” (12/5/2014): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 洋 (Ocean),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe Weekly “Arrival of the ocean people,” (9/19/2014): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 知 (Knowledge),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe Weekly “A little knowledge can go a long way,” (6/27/2014): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 移 (Move),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe


Weekly “An agent for change” (8/8/2014): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 罪 (Crime),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Africa Weekly “Let the character fit the crime,” (5/16/2014): 27

2014 “On the Chinese Character 革 (leather),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2014): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe Weekly “A test of character,” (2/14/2014): 27

2013 “On the Chinese Character 性 (Sex),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2013): 92-93. This article was also adopted by China Daily Africa Weekly “Sex and life in a word,” (11/29/2013): 17

2013 “On the Chinese Character 科 (Science),” with Jue Liu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2013): 92-93

2013 “On the Chinese Character 赛 (Competition),” The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2013): 92-93

2013 “On the Chinese Character 兽 (Beasts),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2013): 88-89

2013 “On the Chinese Character 喜 (Happy),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2013): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “The symbol for happiness,” (4/19/2013): 17

2013 “On the Chinese Character 酒 (Wine),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2013): 90-91

2012 “On the Chinese Character 藏 (Hide),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2012): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “From cang to zang,” (3/29/2013): 27

2012 “On the Chinese Character 学 (Study),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2012): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “The Chinese way of 'learning',” (10/19/2012): 19

2012 “On the Chinese Character 乐 (Music),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2012): 90-91

2012 “On the Chinese Character 险 (Danger),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2012): 90-91

2012 “On the Chinese Character 网 (Net),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2012): 90-91. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “A highly tangled character,” (2/22/2013): 17

2012 “On the Chinese Character 节 (Festival),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2012): 90-91

2011 “On the Chinese Character 书 (Book),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2011): 84-85. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “Don't judge a 书 by its cover,” (6/15/2012): 17


2011 “On the Chinese Character 街 (Street),” with Dandan Chu, The World Of Chinese, Issue 5 (2011): 86-87. This Article Was Also Adopted By China Daily Europe “On the Character / Street,” (11/18/2011): 19

2011 “On the Chinese Character 男 (Men),” with Dandan Chu, The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2011): 86-87. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “Plows, Tough Guys and Real Men,” (9/23/2011): 19

2011 “On the Chinese Character 梦 (Dream),” The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2011): 86-87. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe “Illusions, Delusions and Life is just a Dream,” (9/15/2011): 19

2011 “On the Chinese Character 戏 (Play),” The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2011): 86-87. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe “From Death Matches to Child’s Play,” (9/9/2011): 27

2011 “On the Chinese Character 勇 (Valiant),” The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2011): 86-87. This article was also adopted by China Daily USA “What are the Ingredients for Bravery?” (9/2/2011): 19

2010 “On the Chinese Character 食 (Eat),” The World of Chinese, Issue 6 (2010): 91-92. This article was also adopted by China Daily “Did You Eat Today,” (10/28/2011): 19

2010 “On the Chinese Character 家 (Home),” The World of Chinese, Issue 5 (2010): 86-87. This article was also adopted by China Daily Europe “Why the Character for 'Family' has a Pig Inside a House,” (10/7/2011): 27

2010 “On the Chinese Character 炎 (Scorching),” The World of Chinese, Issue 4 (2010): 89

2010 “On the Chinese Character 海 (Sea),” The World of Chinese, Issue 3 (2010): 92

2010 “On the Chinese Character 春 (Spring),” The World of Chinese, Issue 2 (2010): 92

2010 “On the Chinese Character 虎 (Tiger),” The World of Chinese, Issue 1 (2010): 92

6. Essays:

2017 “The Serenity of West Point,” 寂静的西点军校 The China Press, USA (6/16/2017); selected for the 2017 Chinese Prose Annual Selection《2017 中国散 文年选》Huacheng press, China, Guangzhou, (2018)

2013 “The Town of Middlebury and Chinese Summer School at Middlebury College,” 明德和明德暑校 Guangming Daily, China (8/30/2013): 16. This article was also adopted by news.ifeng.com, (8/30/2013)

2013 “Boston University, a Long stretch,” 长长的波士顿大学 Guangming Daily, China (3/29/2013): 13. This article was also adopted by Chinadaily com.cn, (3/29/2013)

2011 “At the Harvard-Yenching Library Book Sale……,” 哈佛燕京“卖”书记 Guangming Daily, China (11/24/2011): 12. This article was also adopted by


Guoxue.com, (11/25/2011)

2011 “The Church,” 教堂 Guangming Daily, China (04/18/2011): 12. This article was also adopted by China’s Ethnic Groups and Religions.com, (4/18/2011)

2002 “The Children from Low Income Family can Receive High Quality Education,” 穷 孩子也可以得到高品质的教育 The Supplement To World Journal, No. 955, USA (2002): 43-45. This Article was also Selected By Exploring American Education “The Hope Project in the United States,” People’s Publishing House, Fujian, China (2005): 341-349, and adopted by China Philanthropy Times, (4/1/ 2014):14

2002 “The Final Days of Working with Kwang-Chih Chang,” 和张光直先生工作的最 后日子,in 四海为家 Remembering Kwang-Chih Chang, Archaeologist And Anthropologist, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Beijing, China (2002): 285-291

2001 “The Origin of the New Year’s Money,” 压岁钱的来由 The World Journal, USA (1/22/2001): 5

2000 “The Hesitate before Naturalization,” 入籍前的彷徨 China Youth Reference, China (6/22, 2000): 6; this article was also adopted by Chinese Times, Z4 (2000): 27-28

2000 “American Chinese Newspaper Box,” 美国的中国报箱 China Youth Reference, China (3/30/2000): 10. This article was also adopted by journal Field of Vision, Issue 6 (2001): 61

1999 “American Square,” 美国的广场 China Youth Daily, China (12/28/1999)

1999 “American Cemetery,” 美国的墓地 China Youth Daily, China (12/21/1999)

1999 “The Story of an Associate Professor and ‘Rou Jia Mo’,” 副教授与“肉夹馍” The World Journal, USA (5/24/1999)

1999 “The Story of ‘Chan Shazi’,” “掺沙子”的故事 The Supplement to The World Journal, No. 785, USA (1999): 50-51; this article was also adopted by journal Huxi, No. 12 (5/12/2009)

1999 “The Word ‘Fu’ Can be Hanged Upside-down,” “福”字可以倒贴 The World Journal, USA (2/13/1999)

1994 “Medicine-chest,” 药箱 The People’s Daily, China (Overseas edition) (1/29/1994)

1991 “Always Homesick,” 总是悠悠思乡情 The People’s Daily, China (Overseas edition) (7/17/1991)

1990 “Sour and Spiced Salt Mandarin,” 醋溜、椒盐、普通话 The World Journal, USA (12/10/1990)

7. Poetry:

2018 “The end of love,” 恩爱尽处 and “Autumn fog,” 秋雾 中国散文网 cnprose.com (1/19/2018)

Development of Teaching Materials:


2015 Classical Chinese Poetry

2009 Fourth Year Chinese

Invited Lecture:

2016 “Overview of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in the United States and the Essential Issues in This Field,” for the Teachers’ Training Program of Shaanxi Normal University, China, Boston, Massachusetts (8/24/2016)

2015 “Chinese Characters and Chinese Culture,” at the 42st Annual Conference of Associate of Chinese Schools in American East, Flushing, New York (5/23/2015)

2014 “The Knowledge of Chinese Characters and the Teaching of Modern Chinese Characters,” for Star-Talk Teachers’ Training Program at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (7/28-29/2014)

2014 “The Dilemma and Solutions of Teaching Chinese Language in the United States,” at Maritime University, Shanghai, China (6/20/2014)

2014 “The Issues of Teaching Chinese Characters in the United States,” at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China (5/9/2014)

2014 “Oral Proficiency Interview and Chinese Language Teaching in the United States,” at South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China (5/9/2014)

2014 “The Concerns of Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreigners,” at Sun Yet-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (5/8/2014)

2014 “The Current Situation of the Chinese Teachers’ Training, Textbooks and Teaching Methodology in the USA,” at Shandong University, Jinan, China (3/27/2014)

2014 “Chinese Language in USA,” at Jinan University, Jinan, China (3/26/2014)

2014 “Three Crucial Factors for Teaching Chinese Language in the United States: Textbooks, Teachers and Methods,” at Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China (3/25/2014)

2013 “The Problematic Situation of Chinese Language Teachers’ Force, Textbooks and Teaching Methodology in the USA,” at Fudan University, Shanghai, China (12/28- 29/2013)

2013 “The Current Situation of Chinese Language Teaching Methodology in the United States,” at Shanghai University of Finance. & Economics, Shanghai, China (11/29/2013)

2013 “The Problematic Situation of Chinese Language Teachers’ Force, Textbooks and Teaching Methodology in the USA,” at Hunan University, Changsha, China (11/1/ 2013)

2013 “Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters,” for Star-Talk Teachers’ Training Program at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont (8/1/2013)

2013 “Exploring Chinese Culture Embedded in Chinese Characters,” at the 22st New England Chinese Language Teacher Network Conference, University of Massachusetts Confucius Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston



2012 “The Essential Approach for Solving the Dilemma of Teaching Chinese Characters in the United States,” at 7th Chinese Language Education and Resource Network (LEARN) Workshop, U.S. Military Academy, West Point New York (7/24-27/2012)

2012 “From Oracle to Modern Chinese Characters,” at CET (China Educational Tours) Academic Programs in Beijing, China (7/9/2012)

2012 “The Current Issues on Chinese Language Teachers and Textbooks in USA,” at Honam University Confucius Institute at Gwangju, Korea (7/3/2012)

2012 “The Problematic Situation of Chinese Language Teachers’ force in the United States,” at South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China (6/19/2012)

2012 “The Challenging of Chinese Language Textbooks in USA,” at Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China (6/7/2012)

2012 “Teach Effectively Through Analysis of Chinese Character Components and Radicals,” at the 21st New England Chinese Language Teacher Network Conference, University of Massachusetts Confucius Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston (5/19/2012)

2012 “The Knowledge of Chinese Radicals is the Essential Factor of Teaching Chinese Characters,” on Chinese Pedagogy Seminar for Secondary Chinese Teachers, at Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, New York (4/14/2012)

2011 “The Methods of Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign Students,” at Harvard University Chinese Summer School, Beijing, China (8/10/2011)

2010 “Chinese Philology: Teaching Chinese Characters and Issues,” at Pre-Conference Workshop at 6th Chinese Language Education and Resource Network (LEARN) Working Symposium, Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, Monterey, California (7/20-23/2010)

2010 “The Relationship between Chinese Characters and Chinese Radicals,” presented at the Conference for application of Chinese Character Council International Academic Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan (1/3/2010)

Peer-reviewed Presentation:

2018 “Chinese Characters, Words, Phrases, and Sentences: A Multifaceted Method for Learning Chinese Characters,” presented at The 7th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Tufts University, Massachusetts (10/6/2018)

2018 “How to Tailor Intermediate Level Chinese Textbooks for American Universities,” presented at 2018 International Conference on Teachers, Textbooks and Pedagogy in Teaching Chinese (Boston), University of Massachusetts Boston (4/28-29/2018)

2017 “Using Cultural Origins of Chinese Words to Facilitate the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language,” presented at The Third International Symposium on the Culture of Chinese Characters and Language in Tufts University, Massachusetts (11/3-5/2017)

2017 “Learning Chinese Language and Culture: A New Textbook Teaching Chinese as 10

a Foreign Language,” presented at The 6th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Tufts University, Massachusetts (10/21/2017)

2016 “The Study of the Cultural Origins of Chinese Vocabulary and Teaching Chinese Vocabulary as a Foreign Language,” presented at The 5th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts (10/29/2016)

2015 “The Problems of Cohesion between Paragraphs in Chinese Cultural Textbooks,” presented at The 4th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (10/3/2015)

2014 “How to Integrate Chinese Culture into Chinese Textbook: Writing the Reading of Chinese Culture Series,” presented at The 3rd Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in University of Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts (10/4/2014)

2013 “The Essential Approach for Solving the Dilemma of Teaching Chinese Characters in the United States,” presented at 15th International Symposium on Chinese Regional Culture and Language Hunan University, Changsha, China (11/2/2013)

2013 “Integrate Radicals into the Chinese as a Foreign Language Curriculum” presented at The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC), Boston, Massachusetts (4/7–9/2013)

2013 “The Challenges and Strategies that University Chinese classes faced when they have students, who Studied Chinese at Secondary Schools,” presented at The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC), Boston, Massachusetts (4/7– 9/2013)

2012 “Improving the Professional Chinese Language knowledge for Chinese Language Teachers in USA” presented at The Inaugural Conference of New England Chinese Teachers Association, International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Multicultural Environment in Celebration of the Founding of the Association, Boston, Massachusetts (10/6/2012)

2012 “The Effective Training Materials of Chinese Language Knowledge Are Very Much Needed in Overseas” presented at the 10th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, New York (5/12/2012)

2012 “The Strength of the Linguistic Competence in the Advanced Chinese Textbook” presented at the International Conference: Form the Specific Patterns of Chinese Language to Its Teaching, Confucius Institute at the University of Liege, Belgium (1/12-13/2012)

2011 “How to Teach Chinese Characters more Effectively?” presented at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Denver, Colorado (11/18-20/2011)

2011 “The Issues and Concerns about Developing the Fourth Year Chinese Textbook” 11

presented at the International Conference on Chinese Textbook and New Teaching Resources, Columbia University, New York (5/20-21/2011)

2009 “How to Resolve the Problems that Concern Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign Students” presented at the Conference of 9th World Chinese Language Teaching Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan (12/25-28/2009)

2009 “The Issues of Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreign Students” presented at the 7th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, Seton Hall University, New York (5/2/2009)

2009 “Enhancing the Reading Proficiency by teaching Chinese Radicals” presented at the Conference of 5th Chinese Language Education and Resource Network (LEARN) Working Symposium, Military Academy, West Point, New York (4/24- 27/2009)

2008 “Exploring the Origins of the Radicals and Chinese Characters Relationship” presented at the annual ACTFL convention, Orlando, Florida (11/21-23/2008)

2008 “Illustration of the Radicals of Chinese Characters: A New Book in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language” presented at The University of Massachusetts Confucius Institute at U Mass Boston, Massachusetts (11/15/2008)

2008 “Teaching Chinese Characters through Radicals” presented at the16th Princeton Conference on Chinese Language Instruction at Princeton University, New Jersey (4/26/2008)

2007 “The Knowledge of Chinese Philology- a Pragmatic Teaching Material in Chinese Instruction” presented at the annual ACTFL convention in San Antonio, Texas (11/16-18/2007)

2007 “The Issues of Developing Chinese Reading Materials” presented at the International Conference on Studying and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in a Multicultural Environment, Organized by Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, Military Academy, West Point, New York (5/2007)

2006 “Teaching Classical Chinese and the Curriculum Design” presented at the annual ACTFL convention, Baltimore, Maryland (11/2006)

2006 “Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters” presented at the International Conference on Studying and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in a Multicultural Environment, Organized by Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, New Jersey (5/2006)

2005 “The Important Issues in Developing Classical Chinese Textbook for American Students at the College Level” presented at the International Conference on Studying and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in a Multicultural Environment, Organized by Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, New Jersey (5/2005)

2003 “The Selection of Cultural Topics for Intermediate Chinese Materials” presented at the International Conference on Studying and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in a Multicultural Environment, Organized by Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York, New York (5/2003)


2002 “The Final Days of Working with Kwang-Chih Chang” presented at The 16th Annual Symposium of Chinese Culture on The Rediscovery of Chinese Archaeology and Civilization, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (12/2002)

1997 “About Teaching Chinese Characters” presented at the annual ACTFL convention, Philadelphia (11/1997)

Academic Service to the Department:

Fall 2014 Built a Blackboard Site“汉语学习园地 Chinese Learning Resources”with Professor Hsiao-chih Chang, designed as a resource for all Chinese students and faculty

2012-2013 Coordinator, for the Second-year Chinese

Spring 2012 Coordinator, for the First-year Chinese

2009-2010 First-year Chinese Drilling Section Coordinator

2008-2009 Chinese Drill Coordinator

2007-2008 Chinese Drilling Coordinator

2006-2007 Chinese Drilling Master

Professional Service:

2018 Chair, for the Panel of the 7th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Tufts University, Massachusetts (10/6/2018)

2018 Chair, for the Panel of the 2018 International Conference on Teachers, Textbooks and Pedagogy in Teaching Chinese (Boston), University of Massachusetts Boston (4/28-29/2018)

2017 Chair, for the Panel of the 6th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Tufts University, Massachusetts (10/21/2017)

2016 Chair, for the Panel of the 5th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts (10/29/2016)

2015 Chair, for the Panel of the 4th Annual Conference of The New England Chinese Teachers' Association - International Conference on Learning and Teaching Chinese Language and Culture in Brown University Providence, Rhode Island (10/3/2015)

2013 Co-Chair, for the Panel of the Chinese Culture at 15th International Symposium on Chinese Regional Culture and Language, Hunan University, Changsha China, 11/2-3/2013

2009 Chair, for the Panel of Chinese Characters and at the 7th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, Seton Hall University, New York,



2008 Textbook-Reviewer, for three books: Reading in Classic Chinese Short Stories, A Reflection of the Reality, and The silhouette of China: Readings in Contemporary Chinese Film, for The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2004 Textbook-Reviewer, for Chinese link, Pearson Education Publisher

2004 Proof-Reader, for Chinese for Tomorrow, Cheng & Tsui Publisher Company

2002 Proof-Reader, for An Introduction to Chinese Proverbs and Their Origins, Beijing Language Cultural University Press

1999 Research Assistant, worked with History Professor John Schrecker at Brandeis University in Classical Chinese Readings

1999 Research Assistant, worked with Professor Kwang-Chih Chang at Harvard University in compiling the Fifth Edition of Archaeology of Ancient China

Professional Service in China:

2018-2020 Distinguished research fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at Shaaxi Normal University, Xi'an, China

2014-2016 Member of the Experts Committee for the Base of International Chinese Teaching Materials Developing and Teacher Training at Sun Yet-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

2013-2016 Visiting Professor, School of Chinese Language and Literature at Hunan University, Changsha, China

2014 Visiting Professor, School of International Education and Exchange at University of Jinan, Jinan, China

2012-2014 Visiting Professor, College of International Culture at South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China

1985-1990 Lecturer, in Classical Chinese, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China

1975-1978 Editor, for Dictionaries of Ancient Chinese Language, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China

Professional Development:

2014 “Chinese Language Teacher Training Workshop,” Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island (8/21-24/2014)

2013 “The Workshop for the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI),” Boston University (12/2011) and (4/2013)

2012 “Chinese language Teacher Training Program,” Confucius Institute at the University of Rhode Island (8/24-26/2012)

2011 “Chinese Language Teaching Materials Training for Overseas Chinese Language Teachers,” Confucius Institute Headquarters, Beijing, China (7/24-30/2011)


Professional Membership:

2014-Present American Council on The Teaching of Foreign Languages

2012-Present New England Chinese Language Teachers Association

1995-Present Chinese Language Teachers Association