Werner Tscholl
Firenze Architettura (2, 2016), pp. 58-69 ISSN 1826-0772 (print) | ISSN 2035-4444 (online) © The Author(s) 2016. This is an open access article distribuited under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC BY-SA 4.0 Firenze University Press DOI 10.13128/FiAr-20306 - www.fupress.com/fa/ The renewal and requalification made by Werner Tscholl aims to rewrite the ancient exchanges between Austria and Italy on this boundary line, bringing to new life the topography of the site and the surrounding landscape. Three small pavilions and the museum, scattered along the way, are the elements that allow the telling about these mountains and their ancient history. The architectures give, at every break of the path, a new look on the landscape. Werner Tscholl Architetture topografiche Topographic Architecture Marco Mulazzani Da qualche anno a questa parte, chi percorre nei mesi estivi (tra For a few years now, whoever travels during the Summer (from giugno e ottobre) la strada del Passo Rombo/Timmelsjoch, tra June to October) over the Rombo/Timmelsjoch Pass, between Moso in Val Passiria (Alto Adige, Italia) e Hochgurgl (Tirolo, Au- Moos, in the Passeier Valley (South Tyrol, Italy) and Hochgurgl stria), si imbatte in una serie di piccole architetture disseminate (Tyrol, Austria), comes across a series of small architectural struc- sui due versanti del passo: una sorta di “filo rosso” che attra- tures scattered on the two sides of the pass: a sort of thread that versa le montagne, costituito da padiglioni informativi e punti di crosses the mountains, consisting of information pavilions and stazione panoramica realizzati in occasione del cinquantesimo panoramic viewpoints built on the occasion of the fiftieth anniver- anniversario dell’apertura del Timmelsjoch.
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