Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

No.: 2031 Route Category: Mountainbike Author: MTBoberpfalz Endurance: Technique: Type of Way: Date: July 9, 2009 Duration: 9 hr 30 min Length total: 67.4 km Height total: 2,306 m Height min.: 580 m Height max.: 1,450 m

Da unfortunately in the Czech Republic which battery from the GPS unit was empty, the route diverges something me. I completed but on a GPS map it it went so well. The speedometer said 70.7 km. The tour dates at a glance: Parking fine level hole Rißbach Terllerebenweg of Velký JAVOR (1, 456 m) Chamerhütte walls of Lake Kleiner Arbersee Seebach Sommerau of white rain LOH refuge Eggersberg of large Osser (1296 m) Osserschutzhaus Černé jezero (Black Lake 1,008 m)-Certovo jezero (Devil's Lake (1, 030 m)-elezná Ruda Debrnik (Deffernik) Ferdinandoro (Ferdinandsthal) jungle threshold Häusl lard Bachstrasse Klautzenbacherwald Ludwig ferrata Rabenstein historic gravel road of breach of quartz parking fine level Refreshments: Arberschutzhaus or iron Steiner Hüüt ' n on the great Arber - Chamerhütte - Lake cottages on the small Arbersee - Osserschutzhaus - threshold House This is a cross-border tour, identity card or passport and the helmet to remember because the helmet mandatory in the Czech Republic. starting point of very varied MTB tour through the is the parking fine level beneath the cross-country Centre boards shafts direction ground corn on the Arberseestraße. Who needs extra a few kilometres and metres of altitude, can park the car in and driving off from the foot of the large Arbers or make a detour on the large Falkenstein (1,315 m) after the border crossing Ferdinandsthal. from the car park beautiful level, uphill it the first metres above the Arberseestraße. In a right curve, we say goodbye to the next kilometers of asphalt and turn left on forest road, which brings us to the fastest way on the large Arbergipfel (1,456 m). It crosses the Rißbach hole and comes across the Terllerebenweg on the Grouse road. There, turn left and follow the forest road until you can handle the exit to the Großer Arber right after some kilometers. From the Summit, one has a magnificent view of the Bavarian Forest. If you are tired of seen, it goes back to the Grouse road the same way. Now turn right three times and passes between large and small Arber (384 m) at the hut. The former Youth Hostel is again since the winter season 2008/09 and invites you to the short snap. The hut is the first an approximately 1 km-long very stony path (green triangle on a white background) downhill. On the forest road we continue right towards small Arbersee in a rapid descent. Attention, during holidays and at weekends many hikers are on the way. Please take into consideration and act accordingly. I can warmly recommend you the Lake cottages on the small Arbersee. Over the dam of the small Arbersees we follow the Lake Creek on the right bank and downhill towards Sommerau. On the white rain downstream along past the Zack mill turn in the village of LOH mountain hut after cross the riverbed right towards Eggersberg. Via an asphalt road, it passes old Tote boards through the small village and dips at the end in the Osserwald. Just

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Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

before the trail (green triangle on a white background) cross goes the way of the forest it left uphill the small Ossergipfel (266 m) to the forest road in the forest ends. From here it is carrying or pushing now definitely until one stands on the great Osser. The oncoming hikers look already something stupid from the laundry, but most is not the only one with a mountain bike on the Ossergipfel (1.293 m). Also on the Czech side (white blue white) must be worn first down or pushed. When it resumes on his bike, must decide each for itself. Initially very rocky, then on a forest path it goes down to the junction with the Horizontala, the old military border trail, which is partly pebbles and partly paved and white red white is highlighted. Even rising, even falling, just it is the beautifully located? erné jezero (Black Lake). The first Czech pumped - storage power station was with the water of the Cerné jezero (difference in altitude 240 m) which was operated between 1929 and 1930 built. As a technical monument is the Öffentllichkeit accessible. Parallel the sea wall (Jezerní hora 1,343 m) the tour to the Certovo jezero (Devil's Lake) goes further (white red white). The road is closed for wheels, but the root-strewn trail is not accessible anyway and it is so or so voluntary to the hikers. Please keep yourselves on the driving ban and pushes the MTB as gently as possible through this area. From the Devil's Lake, pedal can be contacted then again strongly in that. About the village elezná Ruda (iron ore market) and Debrník (Deffernik) it's about the pedestrian border crossing Ferdinandovo (Ferdinandsthal) back on German soil. Downstream on the big Deffernik we follow along the way to the intersection. Right turn towards threshold House. Also here can be to taste the delicacies of the Bavarian Forest with a cool blonde. The lard Bachstrasse takes over the Louis Steig (trail no. 6) after Rabenstein. At the entrance, it just hot right back in goes to the forest. On the first paved, then Sandy forest road you come on the hiking trail no. 3 very quickly at the historical quartz quarry over and over the gravel road back to the starting point of the tour.

the nature does not need us humans but we humans need nature!

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Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

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Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

Distance Height Name/Image Description

9.7 km 1,379 m Summit cross Gr. Arber (1)

10 km 1,420 m Großer Arber

10.4 km 1,428 m Radar dome Gr. Arber (2)

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Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

Distance Height Name/Image Description

14.2 km 1,299 m Kleiner Arber (Chamer Hütte)

14.2 km 1,299 m Cham hut (3)

17.3 km 915 m Kleiner Arbersee

19.9 km 700 m Schneiderberg

22.4 km 607 m Lohbergerhütte

25.6 km 739 m

30.2 km 1,126 m Osserschutzhaus (4)

30.2 km 1,139 m

30.2 km 1,126 m Ascent to the Ossergipfel (5)

30.7 km 1,271 m Gr. Osser

38.1 km 1,012 m Schwarz See

38.1 km 1,012 m Schwarzer See (Cerne jezero)

40.7 km 1,028 m Teufels See

44.2 km 781 m Spicak

44.2 km 781 m Špiák

45.6 km 771 m Zelezna Ruda

45.8 km 766 m Zelezna Ruda

48.6 km 740 m Ferdinandov

52.5 km 679 m Schwellhäusl

60.7 km 704 m Rabenstein

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Höllentrip im Bayerischen Wald

Distance Height Name/Image Description

62.6 km 855 m Althütte

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