Timng S Ro Per, Soviet Radio Says P4sx~Piis
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fr,,ariey w4Accomplish Its Task =pn the r~ascis'¾ Timng s ro per, Soviet Radio Says be&Their coalition stood everyý' telt,-at the~tiine of reverse;$ as. well I as in the period of victories. Thej for the San Fran- A Moscow broadcast oni the getting ready basis of the Anglo-United States- The calling to- the San Francisco world security con- cisco conference. Soviet coalition is formed by that the gether of the conference happens most important life interests,- of ference ,said yesterday point these interests held "at the at the right time from every three States, and meeting was being demand a durable qzad solid peace. time from every point of of ivew. ",The experience of the Second right will take place and that it would "ac- "The conference World War has proved that weak view" month. The, few its task." at the end of this peoples, defended by nothing but complish to then may mean a and procrastinated The broadcast, which was corn- weeks up beautiful words epoch under present circum- treaties, are always the -first Vic- posed of excerpts from an article whole but stances. tims of aggpession. Nothing by David Zaslavsky, editorial force pewaneated by the ideals of' wshýade in the "The armies of the United these peo- wrierforPrvda of the deopracy can defend and reported States have crossed two plin. 'Only such force can guaran- H-ungarian language The Communications greatest rivers of Germany. tee the freedom and independence by the Federal crossed the Oder of such people. It said that it was Red Army has Commission. its advance into "*"It: is now. no longer necessary that the parley was and is continuing of Poland, "significant" westward. Anglo-Ameni- to prove to he peoples to be held in America, since this Germany Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Fin- troops have crossed the Rhine was* "proof of the defeat of United can land, Rumania and Hungary that Are pressing into Germany and security depend States isolationism:' and. their'freedom I 4vhc P4sx~piis upon their friendly association The taext~ 'with the U. S. S. R., because it ~3 wOWk4'~ follows:, 4 omu .was the strength of the Soviet "T'he Peoplinfsitfhe" wo' cQL~-f ýUnion that rescued these peoples. "Stalin said f in aTo1s~cow speech from the Fascist invaders. about sD Nov. 6, 1 44)' the following Links Peace to Big Powers KDU'¶fT 1P -AAAA__ the new i~eainhognzt I'This organization must' not be, a "It is clear that if the strongest AUJIS repetition of the ill-starred League states of the world find a common I of Nations which had neither the platform for the protection of the to avert ag- ___________right nor the means be peace on earth. gression.. It will be a new, special, peace'there will If this common platform is n~ot From Page 1 fully authorized, world oraiza Continued every- ,foulnd, _noý clause in the constitution wrote:tion having in its command wrt:'West is west, and east is thing necessary to uphold the oan organization: what ever wl east, and never the twain shall peace and avert new aggression: help Ž that the meet.' Although the west remains "It is a significant fact "1"In connection with this-, gtnil, an rmais estwest conference that Proceeds the for- weseat international or- Count o t wetand eastaremaein is easnt, o mation of the new bl6early said: 'Can we ganization will meet in the United interna tioInal organizat*o and veast aeymeetnsiroto This is Proof of the defeat thatle ourvereys.The scene of this States. enough7' of United States isolationism was Will functrion effoctively renowned meeting, will be Berli, be effective if the great .to one of the, reasons Of the Weak- it will "The Germa&8ns tare trying bore the greatest, bur.- postpbne the end of the war,. The nesses, of the League oif Nations. powers that a-eThe Uinited States are now not of the war against Hitler's SanFrncicoconerncei&an in the construc- den San raniscoconerece i anan-only participating. Germany continue to deal in a swer to'this. The conference Will tion of the international peace ot- and har- the ,Spirit of understanding meet despite the, ,tho uandsý of iin- Iganization but are ainongst mony. It will have no results if trigues and ;machinations of, the powers that are convening the con- they offend against this essential Fasc Iists and advocates in ference, which means- that .they condition. The Crimea Conference German for of unity and un- their defense, and it will acoshare in the responsibility was an example task acem-1 peace. derstanding.' iis its "Another significan t fact is that of the International organizing and ivtn "I"The basis 'Wherear eple~ who try to another ',Security Organization is perme- illuminate every niew-phenomenon country is the U.S.S.R. This coun- ' ated by the same spirit. The pos- try never suffered from isolation- of the, effective function- with the light of an..old historic situation was, that others sibilities examle.Thee. eope se anewism. Theto isolate it. '. ing of the internatonal organiza- exapleTesepeplese a ewwanted hand. The conference was. a time, .when. some tion ar eat version of the League of Nations "There can begin its work in a fovorable in the San Francisco conference, people wanted to organize the amsphere. and for this very reason are be- world, without -a: strong .Soviet "The concerted strageY Of the ginning to play old records on State. -What is more, they wanted Allies is to bring great results On their gramophiones and s~trike up to organize the-world against the the battlef ields. We can hope that sentimental tunes ab~ut the small Soviet State. In other words, this this harmony will bring similar countries; which tidy allege will ,means' that they wanted to organ- results d6ii the -field of- -diploiraclT, have to sing in tune with the great ize war. too.' powers, the powers, that defeated "Hitler's Germany realized this Germany. ririminal ambition by her *own "W'e have heard many. such methods. But* Hitler was rudely concerts. from GQ4neva. .Political .i-appointed. He did not count on eunuchs want. dfo s5ing. in a 5Qlt_ te strength of the'Soviet people. orous bass vo Iice, buttjus It because "This also was the fatal short- they' were. eunuichs '.their .voices homing of the League of Nations. broke and they sang out of tune. Irhe League of Nations was based The Germian Fascists prepared fori iot on realistic conditions, but' on a new worV0 war` to, the me-lody* of Lts own desires and ambitions. s66h serbendoes. Based on Realistie Conditlions Y'ThFrnci~ipSa o I-dr~~e.4--iT-be-.-San-- F-rancisco conferen6e has nothing,.i~ ccklhýbn Wltll Alie[s based above 41all on .realistic con- LeagueofNaioz# h 'ce6h or7 Jitions.~ Its initiating powers are encedoes, net ýb .he.rongqst 'States of the world: opensa new'chalpter in woi4 lila- 4he UT.S. S. 'R. the United- States tory.~ýn' i ' h Qr eat n3i~ain. These States A * * §4 * * 4 .4' 7 (a'' I * * -4 al41&Cema'3t Pare a Hope;'a Force. of Blilateral Pa~cts Papers Silent on Move for Three Votes in FIRST SUCCESS C The decision of Marshaf Stalin to United Nations Assembly-Annesty- Bid send Mr. Molotoff to the San Francisco Conference is gratifying. Previously Laid to Spain, Portugal, Argentina the Russian Government had chosen to be represented on that occasion only by its Ambassador in Washington, B3y C. L. STULZBERGER Mr. Gromyko, despite the fact BY Wireless to Ta= Nzw Yom Tiszs that our. own Government had made known its MOSCOW, March 30----The Soviet vestia. accused Spain, Portugal and. earnest hope that Russia would Press has not yet published the Argentina today of "attempting, add to the prestige of the toeport concerning the request San Francisco for under. the flag of false democracy," meeting thre6e votes to the Soviet Union in to save fascism an~d protect f as- by sending its Foreign Secre- the United Nations Assembly, a cism's ,agents from full retribution. tary himself, as Britain is sending Mr. request d isclosed yesterday .by "Slanderous pro-German articles Eden. Now Marshal Stalin reverses the White, House. his earlier decision in what can only In quarters where comment can of the Vatican's official'organ;, Oh- be interpreted as a gesture be -elicited,. no surprise at this was servatore Romano, about 'Soviet deliberately evident. .It was known that the terror in Poland' and foolish ru- made for the purpose of pleasing the Soviet Union felt itself entitled-to mors. of reactionary American new President of the United States and more than one vote, not only thusnesarThNwYokWld demonstrating Russia's desire for close holding the full prerogatives as anesarThNwYokWld and confident collaboration, It is a great power but also placing it on Telegram and The Chicago Trib- particularly welcome a more n~early equal basis with the une, concerning 'bolshevization of move, coming as 'British Commonwealth. Rumania'-all these open attempts it does in one of the great moments of The Ukrainian and White Rus- of reactionaries to help Hitlerites the war, when the triumphant Russian, sian Soviet Socialized Republics spread differences among the Unit- and American armies are about to ef-' have demonstrated their direct ed Nations are invariably put forth fect a historic meeting on the field of capacity to act in f oreign affairs in the form of 'concern about de- battle. and matters concerning their own mocracy,"' Izvestia continued.- The incident is just as regions, it is asserted. Last au- The publication asserted that reassuring tumn each.