December 16-31, 1969
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RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 Log P. 3 The White House 12/23/1969 A SANITIZED OPEN 6/2013 2 Manifest WH to Andrews AFB – Appendix “A” 12/30/1969 A 3 List List of Attendees for NSC Meeting – 12/17/1969 A Appendix “A” 4 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/27/1969 A Appendix “A” 5 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/28/1969 A Appendix “A” COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-4 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary December 16, 1969 – December 31, 1969 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) .- ...... - .. vv~~ PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY I (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) I---------------~--------..;...------:-:-=--:-::--=--:::--:------I IPLACE DAY B~GAN D~-;;~~BDi:ltt6, 1969 TIME DAY I THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 7:47 am TUESDAY PHONE I TIME P=Placed ACTIVITY 1-- In Out R~Recei:~ 7:47 7:54 The President went to the Blue Room to greet his breakfast guests. 7:54 9 :45 The President and his guests went to the first floor Family Dining Room for breakfast. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX tINt. 9:45 The President went to his office. The President met with: 9:47 9:49 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 9:47 10:15 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 10:02 10:13 R The President talked with Secretary of State William P. Rogers. 10:15 10:35 The President met with: RogersJ C. B. Morton, Congressman Harry S. Dent, Deputy Counsel 10:35 10:40 The President accompanied by Chairman Rogers C. B. Morton and Deputy Counsel Harry S. Dent went to the Roosevelt Room. He was greeted by: David Packard, Deputy Secretary of Defense The President and his party went to the East Room for "Rese rve R~cognition Dayll ceremonies. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX IIBII. 10:56 11:08 The President met with: Henry Kearns, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank. 10:59 11:00 p The President talked with Fate Suber, a Residence employee, at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. 11? 08 ll? 35 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. The President met with: 11:50 12 :10 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 12 :07 12 :10 Bryce N. Harlow, Counsellor 12/12 1:00 The President met with members of the Ripon Society. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "CII. ~ 'f C-" "''''''/Cl:JNUr:h.lT OCIIlllTIIlU; nR1rr:.'~'11?'-l'IAA Page I of Pagels). - -.__._---, TI-'E WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., D.y. Yr.) DECEMBER 16, 1969 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 1:01 pm TUESDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo to 1:01 1:20 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. 3 :03 3 :07 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger. 3 :07 4:13 The President accompanied by his Assistant. Henry A. Kis singe r went to the Cabinet Room for a meeting with the General Advisory Committee on Arms Control and Disarma ment. For a list of attendees. see APPENDIX "D". 4:13 4:15 The President met with his Assistant. Henry A. Kissinger. 5:17 R The President was called long distance by Mayor Samuel Yorty in Los Angeles. California. The call was not completed. 5:25 The President was joined in his office by: The First Lady Patricia Nixon H. R. Haldeman, Assistant 5:28 6:10 The Presidential party went to the Ellipse for the 16th Annual Pageant of Peace ceremony. For further information, see the scenario APPENDIX \1 Ell . 6:10 The President returned to his office. 6:33 7:20 The President met with his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger. 7:20 The President went to the Residence. 7:45 P The President telephoned his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. TlE call was not completed. 7:50 7:54 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. 8:15 11:45 The President and the F~rst Lady v:ere hosts at a private dinner party and birthday celebration honoring Elmer H. Bobst. For a list of invitees. see APPENDIX" F". ...... :J. .• ;.;z ~ .. APPENDIX ItArt MEMORANDU~f THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORfu~DUM FOR THE WHITE HOUSE POLICE FROM: Bryce N. Harlmv DATE: December 15, 1969 Please clear the following Congressional Members fora breakfast meeting with.the President tomorrow, December 16, 7:45 a.m., in the Residence: SENATORS ~llott, Gordon Zken, George yooke, Ed { ~iffin, Robert • ! ~ook, r-Iarlow ~athias, Charles /earson, Jim ~axbe, William ~~hweiker, Richard vroith, Ralph Tower, John V ~ott, Hugh L/fOung, Hilton · ...... /$I~ RECOGI\'ITION OF ;. DE?'.rOBILI ZED RESERVISTS $':~ ( ~~ Tuesday, December 16, 1969 The East Room 10:30 A.M. SOUTHWEST GATE 10:00 A. M. V ALFRED, IstLt Joseph """ CALUWELL, LtCol Eston R. I Jr. V"'. AMDUR, Colonel Harry V'" CANTWELL, MajGen James S. V ANDERSON, BrigGen Earl O. V CASPER, Colonel John, Jr. V" ANDREW, Major Oberlyn M. ...... CASTRO, SSG Robert L. V' ANDREWS, Captain John E. CHAFEE, Honorable John H. ("," ARMSTRONG, Captain Jack R. a,,/ CHERRY, Colonel Robert C. V ARMSTRONG, Master Sgt Raymond V" CHIPPS, CWO-2 Robert C. Aml1 "TO "'"'" CLAYTOR, SFC Robert E. -..,. -f';! ".f J'lf\ - r: A " y 1;;1'-'.1 ~rt.:::.,; ~ ftUJ5:J,..;. v-:'3'.th v BABBIT, CWO-3 Douglas D. t;Je".l~e t./ COOK, SFC Charley V BELL, 1stSgt Harold L. .,/ COUKOULIS, LtCol Theodore C. ........ BIBBY, CWO-3 George M. J Jr, V'" CUNDIFF, LtCol Rober W . ....,. BIRNBACK, Major William G. V BITTER, .LtCol Charles E. V"""' DALZELL, Colonel James W. V BLEWETT, Colonel John ........ DANNICK, Major Robert M. V BOSCH, lstLt Hans A. L/ DAY, Major Charles E. V' BOWIE, Colonel Thomas G. t.--"" DEBUSCA, Captain Fred C. I \ ~ BRADY, LtCol Anna M. t/ DEL SESTO, Major Joseph R. BRAINARD, LtCol Robert F. V DIXON, Colonel Sam B. BREEDLOVE, SFC Harry V DONNER, LtCol LaVern V"'" BREHM, Mr. William K. ~ DOOLE, Major James E. ~ BREIDENTHAL, BrigGen John \if. • &..0-"'" DRAPER, Lt Michael H .. V BROWN, BrigGen I.G. DUNLAP, Commander Roy E. V BRO\VNSON, Major Richmond J. V B RUM, Captain Antone G. V EVER LOVE, lstSgt James C.' l/ BRUNER, lstLt Thomas J. t,;'" BUrUCE, Rear Adrnirill J. T., Jr. ... ~ . Fr\.LK, Mr. Edgar A. '-" KAV10LA, Captain Jo~n IvL £ FA LL, LtCol Paul L. V'" KEIL, Captain Donald L. ~ FINK, LtCol Fred V KENNEDY. LtCol James M. "-" FISCHER, Major Ho\vard A. ~ KENNEDY. Colonel Thomas J. t/ FORNEY, Colonel Donald W. """"'" KETCHAM. Commander Raymond V FREE, Major General Ray D. V KITTELL. Major Charles J. V KOEHNEN, LtCol Fred J. V GALLAGHER, CWO-4 William J. VGHORMLEY. LtCol Donald R. ......... LA BEAU. Captain Raymond L. v-GOLDIN, lstLt Barry A. V'" LATHROP. Captain James L. V GREEN, Major Charles W. l.'" LEWIS. Sgt Wayne C. K. V GREENLIEF, Major General Francis S. L/' LEYDA. Colonel Richard C. J \ GRIDER. Sgt Roy ......... LOONEY. Captain John B. V GRIFFITH,LtCol Donald Q. VLOZANO. IstSgt Carlos V. V" HAVER, Captain Russel W. MC BRIDE. Sgt Billy HIRONS, Major Frank K. V MC CRONE. LtCol Henry &,;' HEMA. SSG Jonah V MC CUBBIN. Rear Admiral John D. V'" HENDRICKS. Major James M. """ HIMSEL. Captain Ronald E. V MACK. Vice Admiral W. P • . L,.o'HOGAN, Commander Robert T. VMARCHBANKS. Majeen Tom E. "" HOLBROOK. Colonel Drew F. &,,;"" MAREK. CWO-4 Robert E. ......... HUGHES, LtCol Bernard J. V"'" MARRS. Dr. T. C• v HYATT. Major Thomas P. l/ MAYER. Colonel Franklin B. V"'" MEADOWS. Colonel Daniel T. v!RWIN. Colonel Curtis J. ..,.... MERRITT. BM3 Richard A. v- MEYER. General J. C. /" V'"" JOHNSON, Commander Milton E. MILLER, CWO-3 Donald E. V"'" JOHNSON, LtCol Warren L. ~ MILLER, Captain Roy L. V JOHNSTON. Colonel Donald W. V MILLIKAN, BrigGen Willard A. V JONES, BrigGen Albert B. V MITCHELL, Colonel Jesse D. ... ~ . V ~..100I\E, Major Gcncrcd Robbin B., Jr. V SEAVOR, UTI John S. ( t/,MOOHER, Admiral Thomas H. V- SIFIRT, CWO-4 LaVerne J. V MOULDEN, Major Charles 'I., Jr. SIMAK, Major Raymond C. V MUAT, Colonel Dan 'I.' """ SIRANGELO, Major Joseph F. V MULLINS, LtCol W. J., Jr. "...., SMITH, MSG A. Z. v-- SMITH, LtCDR Phillip J. O'NEILL, Mr. Wayne V STANTON, lstLt Stephen S. V OWEN, BrigGen Jack H. ...,. SUTTON, Major General W. J. V OWENS, Colonel Samuel A. v' TR OXLER, Captain Paul D., Jr. V PACKARD, Honorable David V TUORTO, CWO-3 Louis W. ,V"" PAl, Captain James G. A. ( t,../'PATTON, MajGen John S. V VALANTINE, lstSgt Jacob H. PEERS, LtGen William R. \/ VARNUM, Cpl Willard C. """ PENNEY, Captain Fredrick ~PERRY, Captain Louis W •• Jr. V WALTON, SP4 Alyah E. v-PETTEY, ADCM J. R. ......, WAKEFIELD, SFC James D.