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~on~(J11' : MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1889. First Edition 1877- Reprinted 1878, 1889- CONTENTS.





CHAPTER IV. THF PLANTA1'IONS • • • • • .' 65














CANADA. • ••








CHILE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 274

CHAPTER XIX. ~HE PERUVIAN . • • • • ••• • • 285

CHAPTER Xx. MEXICO •••• ...... • • • . • 302









SPANISH AMERICA. To face page 43






BRAZIL. • • • • • • • • • • .. 333 It TABLE OF WEST INDIAN HISTORY.


(Saa MAp, P. 65.)

A.-Earliest PosstssWm.

L BARBADOBS.-English since 1605.

'. ST. C.HRISTOPER'S (ST. XlTTs).-Part English and part French, 1625- 1'102. Conquest of whole island by French, 1666; re-establishment of !~~~:t~~r: :~b~ E~:u:t:\~~ :re~~!ths~~:~~ ~ft:e~~ possession by Peace of Ryswick, z6g,o: conquest of whole island by English, 17011; confirmed by Peace of Utrecht, 1713; invasion of Fruch, 178.; English possession confirmed by Peace of Paris, 1783- 3- Navls.-English since 16.a. 4. MONTsaRRAT.-English sinee 1632.

B. - Cromwtllia,. Period.

1. BAHAMAS.-Partly occupied, l62g; chieBy colonized afterwards. z. JAMAICA. 1 ~. VtRGIN ISLANDs. English since Cromwell and 'Charles 11 4. ANGUILLA. • 5. ANTIGUA.

c.-Co.nqunts of 1M latter half of 1M Ei/{Izt'mt" Cmlury.

I. DOMINICA __Disputed untit 1748; neutral 1743-1159: taken by England. 1759; cor firmed to England, 1763· a. ST. LUCIB.-Disputed until 1748: neutral, 1748-J.,ti2: taken by English. 1762: restored to France '1763; taken by English, 1794; restored. :802; . taken again. 1803; confirmed to t.ngland. 181+ S. ST. VINCENT.-Disputed until 17.8: neutral, 1148-1762: taken by Eng­ land, 176.; confirmed, 1761; retaken by the French, 1779; ..,.tored to England, 1793. ,. GRRNADA.-French after 1650: taken by England, 176.; confirmed, 1763; retaken by the French, 1779; restored to Enlland, 1793- S. TOBAG).-Disputed until .,.8: declared neutral. 1748; given to En&,­ land, 1763: conquered by the French. 1781: confirmed to France. 1783 ; taken by the English, 1793 ; connr,ned, 1802 6. TRINIDAD.-Spanish until 1707; taken by England, 1707; confirmed. ISo .. TABLE OF WEST INDIAN HISTORY. xi


•. MARTIHIQUB.-Frc:nch .inc~ .626. 'I. GUADALOUPB, with DislRADB, MARIS GALAHTB, NORTH PART OP ST, MARTIN, &c.-French since 1635. All taken by the English four times: in '76., '794, .800-.8,0, .8'5.


I. CUBA } I S •. PUBRTO A ways panish.


ST. DOMIHGO.-Entirely Spanish until about 16]0, when the buccaneers aettled in the west. The buccaneer Slate became French in 16g7, inde. pendent in .800. The Spanish part became independent in 1~43.


•. ST. EUSTACB, SABA, and SOUTH PART OF ST. MARTIN.-Dutch since .63"; taken by the French, '78, ; by the English, .810. a CURASSAO, BoHA ...... and ABuBA.-Dutch .ince .634; taken by the English, .80~


•. ST. THOMAS.-Danish since '67', . 10 ST. ]OHH.-Danish since 168... 30 ~. CROss.-Disputed until .65<>: French, .65'-'733: sold to , '733· AU twice in English possession: 180.-1800; .807-IBIs.


ST. BARTHOLOMIIW.-Disputed until 1651: French, 1651-1784: sold to , 178 •. IN DEX.

AUocution, Papal, of 1856, 314 Almeida, Viceroy of India, 40 AaOUKIR, battle of, 141 Alpaca, wool of, 300 Abraham, heij!hts of, 116 Aisina, Argentine statesman, 267 .. Absent~' West Indian, 76. '191 Alvare., Mexican general, 3140 3'S. Aca-au, negro leader, 225 319 Academy, French, 111' Amaz.>D river, made the boundary of Acadia, "" Nova Scotia Spanisb America, 43; Jesuit mis, Acadians, in Cape Breton and Now sions on, 96: opening of the, 350 Drunswick. 160 Amboyna, culture of the clove io. 55: Acapulco, port of, so. 5- English in, 57; massacre of, 58; Achin, Sultanate of, 354, 357 taken by the English, 139: taken Adderley, Sir C., 193 again, 143 ., Additional Act, II Urazilian, 345 America, visited by the N orthmen, 9; Adelaide, founded, 173; land bubble discovered by Columbus, 37; nortb­ at, 174 west coast of, surveyed by Cook, Aden, port of, 38; taken by English, on b~ca. British colonies i!l, f .... unded. JEgean Sea, Greek colonies in, 15; 6.; h)w stimulated by West Indies, Venetian colonies in, 40 76; export com to England, 77; Africa, erroneous ideas about shape extraordinary growth of, 106 ; of. 10, 36: Portuguese settlements schemes for reorganization of. after in. 341 3S. 45. 359: new discoveries definitive treaty, 124: their inde­ in. 12fL pendence, 126, 127 Africa, French, 359 America, South, see , , Afrie:., South, history of colonies in, :te. ; opening of the rivers of, 350 185-1g6 Americans, their ideas of America, Africa, West, _ Fernando Po, 376. , Gambia, Gold Coast, Lagos, Sen.... Amencan mdependence, results of, gal, Sierra Leone 128, 336 African Association. the, 129 Amherst, General, n6 Agra, tak"" by the English, 144 Amiens, peace of, 1,1, 187 Aix-la-ChapeUe, treaty of, 8~, 85 Amirante, 210 . Anti.P"rtuguese revolution Amnesty, Canadian, "57; riots ~ in, 3]8 Montreal of royalists on· accOl~jt Albany, N. S. Wales, 172 of, ill. Albany (New York), 63 Andrada-e.silva, the brothers, 340, 3" Albemarle, takes Havana, 117 Anguilla, Island of, no Albuquerque, Viceroy of India. 40- Annam, sultan of. 358 40, 45 Anne, queen, emigration in time 01. Aleppo, 41 383 Alexander the Great, Eas'f"" schemes Anson, b'IS exped' lUan , agamst'P em of, 142 and Chile, 103, 117, '57 • Alexander, WUliam (E. of Stirling), U Antarctic France," ...,8 8. Anti-colonial party, '340 IJ6 Alexandria, port of, 41 Antigua, sugar cultur, in, 70:. forti Algeria, taken by the Frencb, 3590 360 fied,99 Alleghany Mountai.... 830 n6 Antioquia, revo~ at, "43 , 390 INDEX. Anti-slavery movement, 151 199-203 capital. of. Brazil, 334: failure 0< Antwerp, nse of, 41, S4 revolution an, 338. secondrevolutiol Apallachiao. mountains, ~u AlIe- in, 339; jealousy of Rio, 340; civi ghanies war in, 341; elects Andrada member: general, 240, 306 342; revolt at, 344; revolution oj ~~~~~p'a~sish ,837 in, 34S Aponte, Maroon rising under, 361 Balboa, discovery of the Pacific by, 4' ...t\.randa, Cl>unt of, 232 Balcarce, Argentine general, 287 - Araucanians, Jesuit mission among, ¢ Baldwin, Canadian statesman. 156 Ar!(Jeda, ,Colombian stat:meo. 2+6, Ballivian, president of Bolivia. :il93: 294

Are-I uipa, :a87 B~livian, Adolfo, president of Bolivial Argentme States, history ot, 255- 295 273 : tendency of. South Brazil to Batta, Peruvian president, 299 join, 3SI Bcllda, culture of the nutmeg in. 55; Armada,. the Spanish, 54. 57 tak"" by the English, '39: oak", Aroa, copper mines of, 254 agam, 143 Arrondissement, principle or, 139 Banda Oriental, s,e Arteaga, MeXican general, shot, 319 Barbadoes, colonized by English, f6, Artigos, Argentine leader, 259. 26. 99; sugar culture in, 68; growth oft Artillery, Turkish, size of, 48 69: slavery in, 74: shipping of, 77; Aruba, island of, 16, 366 value of land in, 79-: Ten Acre Met Aryan migration, ... :a:» of, 110; hurricane in, 199: effect oj Ascension island, 212 abolition in, 203; resists confedera­ Asiatic p'liitical ideas. 8; decline of. tion, 206 377, 378 Barbuda, island of, .,6 Assienta, or siavecoDtract, the, 74.102 Baronets, Nova Scotian, 82 Assinee. 360 .. Baronistas, II Brazilian party, 341 Assumption founded, 91 Barrados, General, invades Mexico. Astrolabe, the, 34 Astronomy, progress of. 34. 121 B~ngton, General, takes Guadaloure, Athens. palicy of, IS nr , explored, 4. 10, 33 Barno., President of San Salvad;r Auchmuty, Sir S., takes Batavia, 143 327, 328 Auckland, capital of New Zealand,1.76 Barrios, president of Guatemala, 327 Audiencias of Spanish America, 50 Bass, dio;coverer, 168 Australia.. Purry's ideas for cohnizing, Basse °r.= (St. Kitt's). 70 UI; its coast partially surveyed by Basuloland, 193 Cook, 122: Canadian insurgents Batavia, founded, 56: its capture transp~rted to, 153: general history planned by the French, 111; takeII of, 165-185: compared with Brazil, by the English, '430 355 333: present relation to England,381 Bathurst, 16.9 Austrahan Agricultural Company, 170 Bavaria, emigration from, 385 Austria, emigratbn from, 385 Bay Islands, 325 Austrian Netherlancb. their trade with Bee-farming in Brazil, 349 India, tx3 Beet sligar, 1.36 Avellaneda, Argentine pre.c;ident, 273 Behaim, Marlin, his map of the w.:,rld. ~yacuchof battle of, 235, s89 x BJ~um, emigration from, 1272, )86 A:~~ t~:fO 3~f. 3 4 BelgraDo, Argentine genet'al, 2S8; in- Al'uero, Colombian patriot, 241, 243 vades Paraguay, 261 Belzu, BJlivian president. 294: assas­ sinated, 295 B. Benedictine monks in Brazil emanci- BACON, 00 colonies, 16 pate their slaves, 346 Bae.... president of St. Domingo, 218 Berbice ri\·Cr, 86 Bago'\, Sir Charles. governor of Beresford, General. 257 Canada, ISS Berkeley, Bishop, 134 Dahama islands, 66, 1::06, 206: natives Berlin and Milan decrees. the. 141 Bermudas, the, 208 B:~ia8(S~:e§~!~d~~ t~~~I~~'tZ~en Hesner, Daron cia.. recoJOQilU French "y Will~en.. 58; f"'ISOi lO be the Guiana, , ... INDEX_ 391 Biscayans, 275 • Brisbane, Sir Thomas, 1700 '71 Black koclr., taken by the Anglo- Brisbane, town and river of, XVI i t..:anadlans. IS_ made capital of Queensland, 18. Blaclr.waU. East India dockyanl at, 6. Bristol, port of, 88 Bl...nco. Vet..c&olan general, 250 Brock, General, 151 Blanco part) in Uruguay, 064 Brooke, Charles, 0" Blanco, Chilean leader, '79 Brooke, Sir James, III Bloemfonteu•• 193 Buccaneers, the. 65; general history Blue mouoWns, Australian, crossed, of, 66; difficulty of suppressiog, lOi .69 Buchanan, president, 330 Board of Trade, the, '48 Buena Vi.. t~ battle of, 312 Boers, DulCh" in South Africa, .86- Buenos ~yres, disco.ery and :settle.. '95 menl 6t-, 90. 91; taken by the Eng .. B,'gota (Santa Fe de), conventicm of. lish, 143t 257; revolution of, ill•• .... . infiuen('"e of, in the Argentine pro Boisrond-Canal, • president oC Jlayti, vinces, 2S9; depression of, 263: '27 tyranny of Rosas in, 165: its sepa.. Bolivar, SiDl.:.J1, Colombian president ratiun £rem. the confederation, '168 i and Peruvian dictator, 239-253; re-enlers ii, ~9 his inva.u·m of Peru, 28g-291: his Bulnes, Chilean president, aBo bad statesmmship, ".2; his deaLh, Bull, papal, of '493. 40, SO ... Burgundy, house of, 53 Bolivia. indepc:ndenceof, 290= history. Burmah. British, 210 81)" lIQi i prospects of, 300t 301 Burra·Burra mines, 178 Bonaire. Island of, 366 Bustamente, Mexican president, ]08, Bonapane, loseph, king of Slwn,. '4' 3" Bonapane, .,uis, king of Holland, 355 Bustillos, Bolivian minister, 294 Bonapane, . his attack on Bustos, Argentine caudillo, 863 Hayti. 139: his designs OD India, Buxton, .Mr., cames aboliu.JD of '4' ; campaigns of Egypt and Syria, slavery,_ i/). ; BerllU and !tlilan decrees. 141, J SO: his invasion of Spain and P Jr­ tuga). 14', 145; drives Portuguese C. court to B :azil, 336; his death at CABANAS, president of Honduras, 237 St. Helena, 212 Cab::>!:, Itahan navigator, 47, 90 Bonaparte, N.poleon III., his pro­ Cabral, discoverer of Brazil, 42 tecturate in Ecuador, 252; his inter­ Cabrera, discovers the alpaca creSS- venthn in Mu:ico, 31,319: hastens breed,300 his fall, 3:u: c:)lolllleS New Cale­ Caceres, 282 donia, 367; intermeddles in Sandwich Cachacos, party of, in Colombia, 247 islands, 310 Cadi.. p"rt of, 35. .oa; its trade with Bonavista, cape, 85 Mexico, 51; regency of, 233. 237; Borneo, Sir Brooke in, 211 their concessions to Cuba, 361 Boscawen, Admiral. 116 Caic.'S islands, "3 Hotany Bay, J66 Calicut, port of, 38: Vasco arrives Bourb.:>n. or R6unioD, ic;Lmd of, 99: there. w. ; its shallown~ 41; taken taken by the En"lish, '43: trade of, by the Dutch. 60 3SS. 359: emancipation of, 365 California, Jesuit missions in, 96, 103; B::>urke. ~ir Richard, 173. 114 goldfields of, 160: invasion of, 312; Boyaca, battle of, 241 sold to United Stales, 3'3 Boy.dor, Cape, doubled, 34 Callao, mutiny of, 289; surrenl:r of, Boyer, president of Hayti, lIH-_ 10. ; sea..fight off, 297, 2gB &4' Calpulaipam, battle of, 3,6 Boyerists, ... Cambray, sultan of. 46; English Brazil, discovery of, 43: colonization envoys at, 57 of, 46; Dutch conquests in, 58: re.. Canada, origin of the Dam.e. 80; colo­ volt of Brazilians, 59; trade of, nization of, 81 i Jesuit missions in, passes to the EnglisH. ib. : provisions 96; growth of. 'oS; "hange of cxpcorted 10, 77: gvwth of, 104. government in. 105; natiJrlal feeling 105: history of, since the French in, 106:; conquest of. by England, revolution, p,~-3S3 : social and us. 141; invaded by Montgomery. political condition of. \51 '30: Acts of \lV74 and 179 .. ij.: 392 INDEX. hislory of, 1.. 6-165: influence of Ca"" Mata, pbn of. ",a• United States upon, 1..,6; rebellion Ca~tf!Hi Argentine (ader. 2SS. 287 in, IS3; union of the pro,"inces, i6. ; C.astellon radica1leader in Nicaragua. peseo.l question as to. 38o--3h 329 canadian mititia. r06. 152 Cas.ile, 350 It« Spain Canadians, emigratiOD of. to United CastiU.. Peru,ian presiden.. 2930 2IJ6 Sta~ '530 .,56. '59 Cas:"" Venezolan gerxal. 350: presi- Cananor, port of, 38: taken by the den .. ;6. Dutcb,6o Cas...., viceroy of Icdia. 46, ]S8 Canazy isIaDds, 35; emigratioo from, Cathay, old name of China. 37 Cathcart, Lon!, governor of Canada, Ca~ing, Mr., RCOgtIizes independence .s6 of , 34' It. Cavalia- settlers, 88 Canterac, Spanish general, _ Cayenoe. .,. Gui"".. French Canterbury, of. 182 Ceafa, Auri.PortttgueSO ....oIn.i .... in, Cap Fran9'is (Cap Heari. Cap Hay­ 33i; le"vlt at. 3044 ben). 136; the rising of 1191, 137; Cew..s, takeu by tbe Dutch, 55 defence of. against lIooapane, '39: Central America, biSlory of, 3=-332 Christophe's capital, 220 Ceotr.ilist party in New ZeaJand., 18] Cape Bre!OD Island, settlement of, 48, Cerna. p...weot of Gua:emala. P7 80; French concentrate IAemse.... -es Cespedes, ~volt of, in Cuba, ]63 in, IS: fortification of, 87; lakea Ceylon. Portuguese in. .0: taks by by the English, 116: anneJted to tbe Dutch. 60: talr.en by the English, Nova Soo'ia. .60; Acadians settle I ~: ceded. to Eogland.. 143: aD­ in, ii. DeJ:ed to government of Madras. Cape of Good Hope, discovery of, 340 ""9: made a sepa"ne colooy, iA. ~ &loDY. ~ed by Van Riebeck, g::r:UA6;':'~ :n 60; ~ of, .oS: early history CbamJ'laia, founds Quebec" 8. of, .85; taken by Euglish, ']9, .87 : Cbamplaia, lake 'If, in,... ded by the ceded to England, .4). .87: eastern Anglo-CanadiaDs, .s. province colooiaed, 'H9: par1iamenc Cbandernagore, 1140 358 of, meets. I91; responsible govern­ Charles I. sells No,·a Scotia. So ment in, ;6. Charles II.

FaustiDus 1. S~t Soulouque Free-selectors, pa.rt)fio favour of. 11'1 U Fazendas U and U fazendeiros" of Freire, Chilean genera~ 279 Brazil, 3330 33S French in the Easr, Il3-US, !18; Feder.alist pany. in Argentine States, bound not to keep troops, 118 259; triumph of, under Rosas. 265; Free trade, causes ruin of Da"lish u": none in Peru. 291; in Central Dutch West Indies, 36r America, 324 French North America. feudalism of, Federation, example of, set by United compared with .ba. of Br.ui~ 33S States, 147 Frias. Bolivian presiden~ 29S FeIdinand V. of Spain, 35 Frobisher. English navigator. 57 Ferdinand VII. of Spain, 0130 &c.; Fur trade in North America. 48, 83, restored, 240 14. 8S Femando Po, ]60 .' Ferrand. General, 219 G. Feudal system, how perpetuated in GABON,3O,• colonies, 82 GacilbPin ... Mexican pony, 303, 307 Figueroa, revolt of, 276 Gain2a: Guatemaltec leader, 323 Fiji islands, possession taken of, by Galvez, Spanish statesman. 007 Great BritalR, ,S.... 369 GaIDa. S~e Vasco FiLibusters. S,t Buccaneers Gamarra, Peruvian general, 292, 294- Fisheries of Newfoundland, 48; mar.. Gambia river, settlements on, 212 ket for, in West Indies, 76; French Ganges. Jesuit missions on, 95

share in. 81, 85: French interest in, Gardiner9 captain9 192 %21 ; fall into the hands of residents, Garibaldi. Colonel, 266 16. Gauchos, 2SS. &c. Fishing admirals, 162 Gawler, Governor, 174 Flanders, cloth of, 52 Geeloog. municipal government in, 177

F1a2 culture in New Zealand, 175 Gelfrard. president of Hayti9 226 Flinders, discoverer, '168 Geo~ colony of. Founded, a..; Flores, president of Uruguay, 06s. 071 changes in, u8 Flo~ president of Ecuador, 2440. zt.6. Germany. how aft'ected by colonial 251: quits the reDUblic. 252; re· history, g8, leo, 374; emigration turns, iD. ~ from, '07, ,08, 314. 38S -Florida, Huguenot colony in, 8t. 102 Gerootocracy in Hayti, 224 Fon Duquesne, Braddock's expedition Gilbert, Sir H., 83 against, 116 Gipps, Governor. 175 Fon George, taken by the French, n6; Gladstone, Mr., 157 taken by rhe Americans, lSI Goa, 38, 3,8; .aken by rhe Ponuguese, Fox. Mr .• 201 41 : Jesuits in, 9S France, c.Jlonies of, beginniDgs of, 47. Godoy (prince of rhe peoco), '390 217 48, 62: in the West Indies, 66, 15: Gold. in Hayti. 37: in Terra Firma. in the East. 77; in Canada, 80: in 49; in Brazil, 104. 333 ; in California, Nova. Scotia, 82; 00 the Mississipi, 160; in British Columbia., .61; in 84: growth of, 87. 105. 11]-115; Australia, 177; in Queensland. 182; Canada lost. 116; losses in West in New Zealand. 183; in Trans\'aal, Indies and the East, 117, us. 127. 194 ; in Venezuela, 251; in Nicaragua, I39t 14], 144; ahered opinions re­ 33" specting, 133; loss of St. Domingo. Gold Coast, settlements 00. 212 137; France left with~ut a single Gonzales, president of S •• D. mingo, colony, 143; unimplnance of those ""9 wlf'ch remain, 3SS. 3~; i=utile at. Gonzales. president of San Salvador, tempts in recent times to found Dew 308 colonies, 367. ]6r}. 383 Goyu, explored by rhe Paulist.. 333 France, emigration from. 386 Goyeneche, Spani<;h general. 28, Francia. Dr.• dictator of Paraguay,:a61 l"haaf-Reynet, province of. 190 Francis I. of France. 80 Grammont, bucxaneer, 61 Franciscan missions, 91 Granada, kingiom of, conquest of. 35 Franco, Ecuadorian general, 252 Granada (Nicaragua), 329; taken by Fraser, thveller, his discoveries. 129 Walker, 330 Fraser river. gold discovered 00. 161 Grand Hossain, ]60 Frederick the Great, 38S Great Mogul, the, becomes al1 Englisb Freemantle, plrt~. 171 pensioner, 144 INDEX. 397 Grenada, French. plantations ID, 7": Hamburg, city of, its factory at Sc. eon finned to .~ce, 75: ceded to Thomas, 12 England, 76: taken by !be English, Hanseatic league, 13 1.17 ; insurteCtion in. :101; taptured Hanway, Jonas, 130 by the French. 127 Harrison, John, invents the chrono­ Grey, Sir George, 178 meter, 121 Grey town, 32S Havana, port of, 72: taken by Pocock Griqualand-Wcst, 195 and Albemarle, 111: effect of its Gri~uas, 193 capture, 118; massacres of, ,363 uGrilO," P7 Hawke's Bay. province of. 182 Guadaloupe, colonized, 66: taken by Hawkins, Sir J abo, founds English the English, 117: Rodney's Daval slave-aade, 74 victory off, 127 ; taken again by the Hayti, !risc~vered by Columbus, 37: English, 143: I<:cent history of, 36.., mines of, ;6.; buccaneer state c..f, l"S - . 68: adopted by France, w.; growlh . Guadalupe Hldal!;o, treaty of, 31\. 329 of, 71: impor~ance of, to France, Guadalupes, Mexican party, 3"'}' 304, 79: destruction of natives in, 89: 307 tradi.lg company of, abolished, 101 i Guanajuata. 31S condition of. before French revolu­ Guano. Peruvian, ]00 tion, I 'Ji: effect of the revolution, Guarani Indians, 9': marquis of !be. 137; intervention of England, 138; 0600 . neutrality of, recognised, i/J.; Tous­ Guarantees, the t1 ...... 307 saint, ~ident of, ,"6. ; ruin of, GuardiQIa, president of Honduras, benefiaal to Jamaica, 19B, and 328: shoots Walker. 330 Trinidad, 207: Wstoryof, al6--230i Guatemala.. captaincy-general of, ,322: Bolivar's expedition from, 240 republic of, 325-329 Head. Sir Edmund, governor of Guayaquil. pon of, 251-25], 288 Canada,Is8 Guazacoaleo, French "'colony" Of.]21 Hegel, false propbecy of, 376 Guerrero. Mexican leader. 3>7 Henry, Prince, of Portugal. 34 Guerrier, president of Hayti, 224 Henry VIII. of England, 48 Guiana, supposed empire of, 57. 86 Herran, president of New Granada, Guiana. Ilri,ish (I). Walter Raleigh'. 24S,247 expedition and colony. S7 : ceded to Hidalgo, Miguel, lOS the Dutch, 63: (.) taken from Hol­ Hijuelas, .83 land, 14:;. 19B: history of, 201 Hindoos.8 . Guiana. Dutch. ceded by the Englisb. Hobart Town, ISo 63. 7': taken by the Englisb, '39; Hobson. CaptaiD, New Zealand colo- taken a sec.>nd time. t43; part of, nist, 115. I~ ceded to I!.ogland. 143. 198; servile Hodge, atrocuies of, 202 war in. -.366; govenunent of, ill. Hokitika founded, 183 Guiana. French. 11, growlh of. 87: Holkar, Mahratta hfluse of. 144 recolonization of. 119: taken by the Holland. colonies of, necessity for, 53, English, '43: TOCOIlt bistory of, ]6s 54; fall into hands of mercantile Guiana, Venezolan, !lS4 companies, ill.: in the east, 54-58. Guinea, coast of. discovered by PorlU­ Brazil added to; 58, lost, S9: Cape guese, 34 ; Dutch settlement on, 72 Colony founded, 60; effect of, OD Guinea Company (Frencb), Spanish Holland. 63, 100; in West Indies, slave trade in the bands of, 74 71, and Guiana, 86; conservative Gunter, Edmund, 121 system. pursued in. 110-112, IF; Gutierrez, president of Colombia, 248 losses to England. 121. 139; deca.e Gutierrez, Peruvian generaJ, 299 of East India Company, '40: loss of the Cape and Ceylon, 1:43; revo­ lutionary movement in, 18,; modem II. hi"ory of Dutch Indies, 3S4, of West Indies and Guiana, a66 . •• HABITANTS," or French Canadians, Holland and Belgium. united kingd'lD 152. 154: conciliated b9 Elgin,IS7 of, i6. : its border fortresses against Hacha, Boliviau president, 295 France, built by !be English, 143: Hall, General, lSI break-up of, io. Halley, Dr., his chart, l::n: corrected Honduras, republic of,~25: itsbistory, by Euler, i6. 327 INDEX.

Honduru. British. 11Q, .,C. 325 Jam.. I. ,emperor of RaJa. s .. Des ••. Hong; Rilea,'15' - lines. • Hong~Kong. "11 James II., of England, 63: colonial Hottentots, enslaved by Dutch. 18S i policy of, 88 protected by English, .88 Jamestown, Virginian capital, &4. h Houston, Geuenal, 311 Janssens, governor of the Cape, 187 Homman. Cornelius. S4 Japan, b'ade of, acquired by Ponu. Howard, Je hn, .67 guese, .6: Xa,·ier preaches io•• , ; Hudson, English navigator. 6. olher Jesuits iil, 9S Hudso:l's Bay. 84 Java, Dutch settlC!'ment on, 54: Ba- Humaita, capture of, .71 Humb,ldt, 06, :rr6 !~~~ ::~ hi~t;~;O~~6~f. Hunter Ri"er, 16<) Jesuits, assist the Portuguese in Ameri­ Hyder Ali Khan, u8 ca, 47: in .he East, 48, 95: preach a~st the Dutch io Brazil. 59; on I. ~hi: Ohio. 81: mi~ions of. ~5; ~ of. ¢: brought back in New IBRRVILLIt, colonizes Louisiana, B4 Grenada, ••6: kept out of Chile, Iguala, plan of, PI ; adopted by .8. : th... great hacienda in Chile, Nicaragua. 323 .83 Incas.. the, 44. 132. )01 Je~ European character of, 1: re­ Indemnity Act, Car.adian, 157 li~oos and poli.ical ideas of. 8; Iodia, Portuguese co!lquests and trade m1gradon of, 20; settlemeut of, ill Brazil ...6, 90 t~~ ~d4~;;[i~':-=~ ~tfn~ John II. of P.,rtugal, 350 ]8 in. 6, it: Jesuits in. 95: Danes John III. of P"rtugal, grants Br:.. U and Swedes trade to, 100: gro.~b ." the barons, ,6; _ds out the of Dutch and French p:'Iwer in. Jesuits thi.her. 47 III-lIS: English defeat French am­ Joh. IV. of p,rtuga~ 3:<7 bhion in. 119; losses of Dutch in. John VI. of Portugal and Br:uil, omi­ u1, 1.43; gTeat advance of English gratioo of, 336: lands in Brazil. power in. 144: new English colonies 337; Ketum of, to POItuga\, 339; connected. with. ~; Dutch anel dies, 343 Danish settlements ia, become Eng­ John, 'n, R.,.. Robert, 834 li,h, 356, '58; Portu~ese and Joinvill~ Prince de. invades Mexico.. French seule~men·. in. 358 309; glvesuame to a Bruiliao town Indies, Dutch coullcil "of the. s6: 348 Spani!;h council ,-)f the. 44. So3 Jovellano, president of Paraguay, • .,.. Indies, Eas•. S. India, Indies, Philippines. Ju~~~=rr::~~I\y3~he Indies., West. S" \\'ell;t Indie;... States,., 316: defeats ~l.I'amon. iI. : Indigo cuhure,. 65: in Jamaica. "3 president, ,'D..; France refuses to Ireland. emigra.ion from. 107. 383 reeognic;e him. )11; retires to SaD Isabel of Spain, 35. ]6 Luis, )18: re-eoters Merico. 3210; Italy. in the mid.dle ages. 13: hoW' death ?f. ,"I, affected by colonial his'ory, roo, unin. battle of, '889 314 ; emigration from. 2.". ~86. unot, Marshal, 331 lturbide, General, 3:06; pro

"99: treaty of with Brazil, for sieged ~y the English, Xl4 : it. navigatinb the AnazoD, ::j;50' capture, u8; restored to the French, Peru, U:pper. Su Bolivia. 144: manufactures of, 358 Pestal, Boyer beaten at, 233 Popham. Admiral, occupies the Plate, Peter Martyr, saying of, II 143 Pelion, president of Hayti, 22I" ~o Port-au-Prince retaken by the plan_ Petropolis, 348 ters, 138; taken by Bonaparl.e's " Petty Culture," 349 expedition, 139; assembly at, rll9 Pezet. Penurian president, 282. 1196, Port Darwin, 1111 01)8 Port Durban, 192 Pezuela, captain.generai of Cuba, 363 Port Elizabeth, 189, 190 Pezuela, viceroy I.. f Peru, 287 Port Essington, 179 Philip II. of Spain, 53; his hostility Port Mo." 083 forces Dutch naval progress, 5S Port Nelson, 84 Philippine bland., discovery of,.so: Port Phillip, convict settlement of, 173 trade of, with Acapulco, ill.; P~iup­ Port Royal, I. Canada, 8.; •. pine Company, 101, 132, 3S1~ .en- Jamaica, destroyed, 199 109 of trade of, 357; improved Portales, Chilean statesman, 280 administraLi..,n of, 358 (or Oporto), 33 . PhilLip, governor, sent out by Pitt, 132, Porto Bello, 43,· 52; .taken by Buc­ 166: founds settlements of Sydney, caneers,61 167 Portugal, colonies of, character at first Phcznicians 1. 9: colonies of, I.., IS feudal, :12, 24, 34'; African discovery, Pichegru, his conquests, 139 leads to, 33-35: in India, 38, 39 ; Pichincha, battle of, '51 form taken by, 40;: first Indian Pierrot, president of Hayti, 225 Viceroys, 41 • Brazil discovered, 4'2 : PinzoD, Spanish navigator. 43 growth of, 45: fall into bands of Pipiolos, Chileao party, "79 Spain, S3;: conquered by Dutch, Piquets, "24-2'7 55. 58;: sugar culture in, 68; slave Piracy, authorised by governments, trade in, 73; Jesuits in, 9C?t 9~; 67; difficulty of repressing, 68 growth of Brazil, :ro~: decline m Piratinim. republic of, 345 the East, UI, %20;: effect of French Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. u6, Revolution on, J45, 336; loss of 111. 1 38 Branl, 340;: relics of Eastern and Pitt, William, the younger, 128, .,1, African settlements, 358-360 '56 Portugal and Brazil, United Kingdom Pizarro, Peru conquered by, 44 of, 338 . Placido, Cuban poet, 363 Potato fa.-nine causes emigration, 383 Plaisance (Newfoundland), 85 Potosi, mines and towo of, 49 •• PlaD, .. or political programme, 307 Prado, Peruvian general, 298 Plantation cvlonies, ,Urazil the first, Presbyterial> colony in New Zealand, 47; West Indies, 65: Spanish 18. planters, 65; cruelty to slaves in. Prester John, 38 74: importance of, to mother Pretender, rebellion of, 19 countries, 79; the Guianas. 86 ; Pretoria, 194 European policy relating tot 87 Pretorius, p_resident, ~93 I'lantatlon, senses tJf the worn, 16 Prevost, Sir George, governor of Plate River, discovered, 49 i missions Canada. lSI of, 91, 25S. &c.; kept cl-.lsed by Prieto, Chilean president, 279 Bue'!o. Ayres, .60;. treaty for Prim, General, 364 operung of, 267: opemnc of, 269. Prince Edward's island, annexeg to 350 N ova Scotia, zOO: land in, ;6. " Plattsburg, English repulse at, IS. Printing-press introduced into Brazil, Plymouth company, 6a Pocock, takes Havana. 117 pJ~ Council, English, governs the Pombal, Marquis de, destroys the colonies, Jesuits, 96; his East Indian Com­ Prngresistas, Chilean party, .80 pany. 101, 120. polic:t of. ill Brazil, U Pronunciamiento " 30 7 Protection to British Westl Indian pl.?~, ~~i~!'t of Colombia, 248 sugar, 136. 204; to beetroot sugar Pondicherry, obtained by the French, in France. J!5s; in Victoria, ISo i IlJ; taken by the Dutch, ;6,; be- abolisbed in Fren'i> Indies, 3SS, 365 INDEX.

Protectiomstsy Australw., 177 Revolution, first F..rencb, of '7&). '35; Provision trade of America, 379 stays abolition bf shve-trade, 200 ; Prussia, emigration from, 385 effect of in New Granada, 2]6; Puerto CaveUo, 23'); capitulation of, small effect of in Brazil. 3~5 ; wars of. cause prosperity to St. -Thomas,. Pu":.o Rico, occupied by Spaniards, 366 - 43; neglect of, 72, 103; abolition Revolution, third French. of :18.8. of slavery in, 364- its effect in South America, 24C, Puros. Mexican radicals, 3'3 ~I: produces abolition of s.lavery Purry, John, 111_ 10 French colonies, 365 Purrysburg, 11.1 Revolution, Portu ~uese of I821, 339 Pursley, his travels in Louisiana, 1.29 Revolution, Spanish of 1820, 339 Puyt"R:don, Argentine state(.'laD, 259 R.eYolution, Spanish, of 1868, its ~~.~; to colocial history, 282, 299- Q. RicQ, introduction of, into America. QUADRILATERAL treaty made by ~ Rosas, 065 Riche, president of Hayii. 225 Quakers in Jamaica, 70 Ricbelieu. CardiDal. colonial policy of, Quebec, America. ~: forbids reform in 34' Ii Mexico, 314 Revolution, first Brazilian (1822), 341: second Brazilian (1831). 344; third :::o,d:t~f: ~tine dictator. llraziliau (,84~ 345 065: his fall, I6J INDEX. R ,..ell, 'Lord, 157: eslablish"" the Sle. Marie (Madagascar). 3590 )60 Australian ooloWics on demoaatic Saiaverry, Peruvian genera), 292; his basi.. 177 policy and death, .D. 'R.\lssi~ slirred by colonial events, 100; Salazar~ Mexican general, sh~t, 319 settlemeots 01, ill Nonh A:nerica, Salazar. Venezolan general, shot, 250 18S: emigrau..)D in, 38S Salnave, president of Hayti. 221 Russian company (English), 57 Salta, Argentine province, 277 Ryswick, peace of, 114 Samana., peninsula of, 229 San Jacinto, battle of the, 311 S. San os6, MoraJan shOI at, 331 San uan Ri"er, 32So 3og, 33'> SABA, island of, 366 San Lui$, 318. Sa S.gres, 34 San MaJIin, ~eneral, 259: liberates Saigon, 358 Chile, "77: hberales Peru, 287; his. 5,. Barthvlomew,lsland of, 367 • forecasl as 10 Peru, 296 - St. Catherine, province of, 348 • San Roman, Peruvian president. 2Q6 SI. Charles, defeat of Cana.wu. in. San Saivadc~ Babamas, 006: () surgents at, 153 (S... Bahia); ",public of (Cen.rai St. l:bristopher's, colonized by English America), 3'30 308: seal of Ihe and French, 66; granted to the F ederatioo, 324- knights of Malia, 70 • Sandwich Islands, discovered by Cook, St. Cross, island of, 7" )67 123: colonization in, 3~: French 51. Denis, 5UC:CCSS of Canadian insur­ influence in.. 370; constltutiOIlS" of, gents at, 153 "D. St. Domingo (French). S., Hayti; Santa Anna, Mexican general, 3'>7; (Spanish), ceded to France, 1390 governor of V era Cruz, 3"9; presi. 817. SII Dominican Republic. dent, ;6.; banished, 312; returns, St. Eustace, isIar.d cf, 71. # .'''.: dictator, 313; flees to Havana. St. Eustache, defeat of Canadian 3'4 insurgents at, 153 Santa Cruz, Jer.eral, 2So, 08S: .forms St. George's Sound, '7" Peru·Bolivlan confederation, 29'2; St. Helena, aI" f1ighl of, '93: invasion of Peru by, St. Henry, order of, 230 'D. St'jOhn d'EI-Rei, 336 Sanla Cruz, island of. S .. SI. Cross. St. ohn (West Indies), island of, 367: Sanla Fe. Argenline slale, .65, 267 north America), island of,47. Su San lana, president of SI. Deming", CaP." Breton Island. ..8 St. Kill's. S .. St. ChrisloFher'•• Santander, Colc::mbian general, 241, St. Lawrence River. Cartier sails up. "43 : presidenl of New Grar.ada, .7. campaign 00, 116; improvement s.u. 2 45 of hs navigatioo, )'56. 16.t Santiago (Chile), junta of, 076 .. Saquaremas," Brazilian party, 341. ~:: ~r:!d, ;;'coJ~:y~u~~348 Sarawak. 211 51. Mallin, island of, # Sarda, Colrmbian ge&eral, 2.4S 51. Paul. founded, 9'; its progreso,, Carthagil,ian colonies in, IS 93; Bruiuan revolution headed by, Sarmiento, Argentine statesman, 268, 340; junta of. urge }:ledro to remain, ·73 340: province of, It OJlooies" in, Science., pl"Pgress of, and its effect, 12:1 348 Scindia, Mahratta h;:use of, 1'# S'c~d:'I:S".!i.ce of, 348• S" Rio Scotland, emigration En m. ]84 Scott. GenenU, takes MezicocilY'ft:l SI. Pierre, island of, 85, '"7, J64 Sebastian, king of Pcr~ugual, S3 St. Sacramenl (Uruguay), 930 94 Senegal, French settlements in, 358 St. 1 homas. "col..:my" of, in Guate­ Selim I., Turkish sultan, 41 - mala, 3"7 Separatists in New Zealand, 183 SI. Thomas (Dar.ish). island of, 7", Seringapatam. capture of. 14 • #' )67 .. Setembrizada II in Pernambuco., 34' St. Vincent, }.raroons .f, 68, 71; Seville, pon of, 35, 37, loa 't captuzed by Ine French. 127: insur· Seychelles, tho, 210 rection in, 801 Sharp, Granville, '3'> Sle. Lucie, 99; ceded 10 England, '430 Sheepfarming in Australia, '70 '9B . Sicily, Carthaginian '*'>Dies in, 'S . INDEX. Sidonian coloni.a.rion, 14 Sierra Leone, colony of, founded, :::ol~y SYE~~n«>J: ~~-;Tdtvid!!i 129: restored. 1)0: history of, 2X2 into four Vice-royalties, 1)2: loss of Silk, manufacture of, in Italy, :13: Trinidad to England, 139; effect of cultivated in Brazil, 349 French revolution, t42, :144; history Singap::>re, 210. 356 . of, since independence, 228, 2 p- Slave-trade, commenced by the Portu­ 332 : remaining colonies of, 357. 360 guese, 34 j Spanish join in, 4S; ex­ . -364 tended to Brazil. 46; growth of, 1~, Spain takes possession ofSt. Domingo, 1'02; abolished by Denmark, 74; 10 228; ruin ofthrougb loss ofAmerica. N orthem States, 129: by England, 290: aggression in Chile and Peru, 200; by the United States. ZOI; by $182, 297: league of South America 'Brazil, 346. C against, 298. s~~ Spanish Re'\'"Olution Slavery, negro, 18; suggested by Las Casas, ..S; causes which favoured SP~~~trav!~a=~~ ~rh:8~o~gu~ system of, ill West Indies, 73: modi­ clhied on by the Dutch, 55 fied by the Code Noil'. 74: forbidden Sqlfatters of Australia. 1'70; negro. in to the Jesuits. 96; difficulties pro­ West Indies, 2OS; in Bahamas, 206 duced by. no; denounced by Fox Stanley. port of, 209 in Barbadoes, 129; emancipation in Strangford, Lord, 258 Pennsylvania, 129. 200; abolition of, Stuart kings. colonial policy of, 88 134. 200, 202, 218 ; effect of abolition. Sturt, Australian travelier. 171 i6.; restored in Mexico by Maxi. Sucre, Colombian general. 243, 251 • . milian, 319; importance of in Brazil, 288: wins the baule of Ayacucho, 289: president of Bolivia. 290: 333. ~~;; i.4~~~o;: expelled, 29z t::,! 363; abolished in Puerto Rico, Suez. port of, 41; Solyman's naval station. 48 b~t~h i~!:i~d~es,co!:i~ :t~is~ Suez canal, the, t42. 191, 2U West Indies, 367 Sugar, introduced into Matleirn. 34: Smith, Adam. :133 into Brazil, 41,58; into West Indian Smuggling trade with SpanishAmeri~ Islands. 68-75; free tTad. in, 203, 51,65; Curassao, centre of, 72; Spam St04; gnmt increase of its culture in and .England connive at, 77, '[07 . Cuba. )61; protection withdrawQ in Socabaya, battle of, 292 French colonies, 365 Society Islands, 3~ Sumatra. the Dutch in. 54. J 12 : Sofala, 45 settlements in, 354-357 Solyman the Magnificent, navai Surat, obtained by the French. 113 victories of, 48, 142 Surinam. trade of. 110, 366 Somers. Sir George, 208 Swan River settlement, 111 Sonora (Mexico) Walker's invasion of, Sweden, colony from, in America. 100: its trade to India, 113; tries to sell So~~ Colombian patriot, 241, 243 St. Bart's, 367 Soublette. Venezolan president,-249 Swellendam. republic or. :187 Soulouque, president of Hayti, 225; Switzerland, emigration from, 107. Ill, Emperor, ;6.; his policy and ex... 386 . pulsion, 226 Sydenham, Lord, governor of Canada. South Australia, colony of. :171, I73 ; 155 itS misfortunes and recovery, 174; Sydney, sett1eme:nt of. 167; town general history of, 178 improved, 16g t municipal goVt:J'll.. ment in, 177 ~~U~~~ ~~rn:;~f.°1~2 Sympathizers, American, '53 Spain, ~aginian colonies in, I. S~in, colonies of, contrast of, with English, 2~. 24; independence of, T. ]a; bf!ginnmgs of, 3S : America dis.. covered. 36; conquest of Mexico and TACON, captain·general of Cuba" 36.-1 Pe:;. 42-45 i mines in. 49 : Philip.. Tacubaya, ""'n of, ~'5 Tahiti. colonization 10, 369 f~~:J ~;~h:' :;t~!::~t ~;i Tampico, battle of. 309 \Vest Indies taken from, 65-67 i Tasman, Abell 180 Florida, 8.; c:.nissi0llS in, Sg, 96; Tasmania. 13a; citcumnavigatiOll of. INDEX. • 68: COlMa &e1tlement at, ;6.: its Turdetanian colonies, 1:4 constitution, 17'-; history of, J80 Turkish company (English). 57 ~axation, question of between England Turks, 27 j naval power of, 4B; and America, 124 modem dominions of, 378, 386 :aylor. Geo ...... president of United Turks' islands, 20S States, 312 . Tyrian colonization, 14 rea, cultivated in Brazil, 349 "Twelve years," the, in New Granada, lea duty in America, 106 . 245 relegraph. great Canadian, 161; great u. Australian, 119, 18... U BALDO, his revolt at Cuzco, 1:43. 287 l'emate, portuguese settlement at, 42 ; Ultramontane party. rise of, 303 taken by England. 143 Ultra-Provincialis.. in New Zealand rerrs Australis, 122 .83 • ' rerra Firma, 49. See New Granada Union. the Canadian, IS4 rerre Napol~on • ..I32 • U nitaris~ party in Argentine states, rest Ac .. dispensed with in Caaada, 260; In power under Rivadavia, 148 • 263; collapse of, ib.; pTOscribed by reutonic race, 6 Rosas, :z66; triumph of, 268; in rexas, colonized (rom the United Mexico. '310 j in Brazil, 350 States, 311 : joins the Union, 312 Uni.ted States. influence upon colonial rexei~ archbishop, 58 history of the, x4S; war of, with ridore, Portuguese settle at. 42 England, 1:51; its effect, 152; 'f;m~$ newspaper, letters in, 16[ designs of, on St. Domingo, 228; rimor, taken by the putch, 55. III great civil war in, 282: war of, l'ippoo Sahib. 144; his was with with Mexico, 312; intervention in England and death, ;6. . Mexico, 318; influence in the Sand.. firadc.ntes, conspiracy of, lOS. 335. wich islands. 369. 381 336, 351 Upper Canada, province of, 1'49; an Tlascalans the, 43 English colony, ;6.; outstrips Lower Tobacco, Spanish government mono.. Cariada, lSI; campaign ofAmericans poly of,233, 357: abolished in Cuba, in, ;b. 361 Urda-nete, Col,:,mbiall general, 2# Tobago. ceded to England, 76, Il9: Urquiza, govemor of Kntre Rios, 267; restored to FrcUlce, 127; again ceded v.resldent of Argentine Con(edera... to Englaod, '43. 1!j8 lIon, and defeats Rosas, io.; policy TOleration, religious, in colouies, 8., of, 268,273 148• 317 Uniola, revolt of, 28r Toronto, Canadian capital, 151 Uruguay, disputes about, 93, lOS; T orrico, Peruvian general. 293 republic of the, 26.. , 21~; attack Toussaint l'Ouvenure, president of of Brazil on, 342; BtazJ.l1an inter- Haytian repUblic. 138; arrested and vention in, 346 . sent to France, 140; death of, i". Uruguay river, missions of the, g6 Townshend, Charles, his taxation of Utrecht, peace of, 84 America, J~6 Trade, connection or with colonies, 88 V. I' Trade and Plantations, N Committee of. 87; bOaId of, 88 . VAILLANT, traveller in Kaffraria, 129 Valparaiso, bombardment of, 282 Tranquebar, 100 Transvaal republic, beginnings of, 193, Van Diemeo's land, name of altered 194; English sovereignty proclaimed to Tasmania, 180. See Tasmania in, ill. Van Horn, buccaneer, 67 Trebizond, port of, 41 VaD kiebeck, founds Cape Colo.... 60 TriI!comalee. taken. by the English, Vancouver, voyages of, 128 Vancouver's Island, 160; added to T~dad. discovered by Colombu., British Columbia, 161 37: neglected by Spain, 72: con­ Vargas, Venezolan president, 249 quest of by England, >39: its Vasco da Gama, 38. 192 history, 201; influe. on Colombia, Vega., Mexican general, 320 Velasco, Bolivian president, ,93 Tri;~~3~panish general, 289 Venables, General, 69 Tristan da Cunha. 213 Venegas, "iceroy of Mexico, 305 • Tupac AIDaN, "volt of, 132, 236 Venezuela, revolut~oD of, 237; ~..:on- INDEX.

quered, 239: independence declared West India Comp.'lI' (Dutch), their by Paez, 242: history of, 24cr2SI: administration In IIfJrazil, 58; New attack on clericalism in. '50; re­ gn.nted to, 62: pro· sources of, 254 speri:y of, 12: (French). (I.l Yenke, Irade of. 39, 41; colonial chartered by Richelieu, 66; (2. system of, 40, So; alliance of with f..:>unded by Colbert, 70; dissJtved. Egypt, 41 : its trade with England, 1x, 87 56 West Indies, expbred by Columblls, Vera Cruz, Mexican port, (ounded,43 j 37: early history of, 6S-19; British trade of, 51; taken by Van Hom, administration oft xOt) :. modem 67, 3OS: Santa Anna governor of; treaty of, 198-208; Danish, lJulch, 309; deFence of, ;6.; radical govern.. ana Swedish, 11, 720 J66; French. ment re:.ires to, 3IS; Mac.imilian 66. 61, 10, 74-19J xx1, 127. %36, 216, lands at, 31S; surrender of to Juarez, 320 w~t&n Australia, history of, '7'- Veragua. mines of, 49 113" . Verazzano, voyages of, 47, 80 West"-nd, New Zealand, 182 Verde, Capo, doubled,·34. See Cape Whale~fishery, 102, 368 Verde Wheat, great culture of. in South. Vergueiro, Rrazilian statesman. 348 Australia, 178 Versailles, peace of, 127 Wheelwright, William, 283 Victoria, colony of, 173: its demo­ Whig interest, connection of with cratic constitution, 111: gold dis­ colonies" 190 88 covery, 119; general history, ;6; White, Blanco. politician, 238 takes the lead in progress, rD. Wilberforce, Mr., 200, 20% Victoria, port of, Seychelles, 210 U Wild Coast,.' the. 86 . Victoria, port and town of, Vancouver's WiHekens, Dutch admiral. 58 Island, z6t . William, ki.1g of Sandwich Island!, Victoria, town of. Hong-KQng. 211 Victoria, republic of. 192 W~rli°am. III., of England. taxes East Victoria Nyanza, tne, 45 India company, 6t; favours Vidaurri. Mexican general, 316 Vieyra. John Ferdinand de, S9 W:~~!~~ ~:Iands, 65: difficulties of Vi1Iareaf. Mexican genersl, 314 confederathn in, 206 Witt, John de, 64 ~l~:~~t~%tr:t,ctner~ttde~. 34: in Wolfe, General. JI6 the Canaries, 3S ; prohibited in Peru. Welol, pNduced in Australia. X70: in 52; at the Cape, 185 the Cape colony, 187: Natal. 193; Virgil. his descnption of colonizing, :20 Falkland Islands, 209; in the Argen­ Virginia ~r, 83: slavery iu, 14 tine pr..>vinces. 273; in Pern, 3~ Viseo, Duke of, 34 Woollen manufacture, English. S6 Vivanco, Peruvian general. 293, 296 Worcester, battle of, 69 "Vorstenlanden," 354 W,-,rsted manufactun, Eaglish, and A:lstralian wool. 170 W. Wren, Captain, 7S \VAl>STRO .... , his c;)bny in W. Africa, X. I9J Wakefield, CJloncl. founds Welliog~ XAVIER, St. Francis..... 7. See Tira ton, 175 dentes Wa~efield, Edward G., his colonial Y. s)ii.em, 173; adopted in South Anstralia and New Zealand, 174, Y ANAON, 35B . York, taken by the Americans, 151 175. tRl!. Yorquinos, Mexican party, 314 Walker, General, president of Nicar· Yungay, battle of, 280. 2Q3 agua. 69, 3~9, 330. 350 Wallaroo OJpper mines. 178 .. Z. ~~er. {is pJem on the Bermudas, ZACOT:£CAS, miDes of, ,9 Warner. Tbelmas, coloniles St. Chris.. Zanzibar coast. 4S topher,66 Zinglins, " .... Wellington foun€bd, J75: capital of Zuloaga, Mexican general, 3t S, 316 New Zeal.nd, ,83 Zulus, IQ2 I • .. PRIMARY FRENCH AND GERMAN READING BOOKS. Cornaz-Nos Enfants et Leurs Amls. Edited by EDITH HAR' VEV. 1I.6d. . De Maiatre-La Jeune Siberie nne et Le Lepreux de la Clt~ d'Aoate. Edited by STRPHANE BARLET, B.Sc. IS.6d. Florian. ~'ablea selected and edited by Rev. C. VELD. With Exer· ci!ics. IS. 6a. ~rench Reading. for Children. Edited I. G. E. FASNACHT. IS.6d. ri~i:h~!~~i~e~n~s~:1smarchen. Edited by G. E. FASNACHT. Hauff-Die Karavane. 'Edited by HERMAN HAGER, Ph.D. With Exercises by G. E. FA~ACHT. 31. La Fontaine-A Selection of Fables. Edited by L. M. MORIARTV . • ,.6d. . 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