Working with Russian Speaking Parents

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Working with Russian Speaking Parents WORKING WITH RUSSIAN SPEAKING PARENTS: GUIDELINES FOR BEST PRACTICE A Project Presented to the faculty of the Department of Graduate and Professional Studies in Education California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION in School Psychology by Anna Barokha SUMMER 2020 © 2020 Anna Barokha ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii WORKING WITH RUSSIAN SPEAKING PARENTS: GUIDELINES FOR BEST PRACTICE A Project by Anna Barokha Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Arlene Ortiz, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date iii Student: Anna Barokha I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and this project is suitable for electronic submission to the library and credit is to be awarded for the project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator ___________________ Geni Cowan, Ph.D. Department of Graduate and Professional Studies in Education iv Abstract of WORKING WITH RUSSIAN SPEAKING PARENTS: GUIDELINES FOR BEST PRACTICE by Anna Barokha Home-to-school collaboration is crucial for student academic success, but for culturally diverse individuals, like Russian-speaking parents, cultural and linguistic barriers make effective collaboration between school personnel and families challenging. Decades of research indicate that effective home-to-school collaboration positively influences student academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes (Epstein, 2001; Smith et al., 2011); however, there are limited resources on fostering home-to-school collaboration with Russian-speaking families. In the Sacramento region, Russian is the second most common language spoken by English language learners (California Department of Education, 2020). Therefore, it is essential for educators to learn and apply culturally responsive practices that foster parent involvement with Russian- speaking parents. This project will explore barriers that Russian-speaking families face and utilize Epstein’s (2001) model of parent engagement to provide educators with guidelines for how to foster school engagement and collaboration with Russian parents and their children. The information was used to develop a one-hour workshop for educators focused on reviewing barriers families and educators face, Epstein’s (2001) model of parental involvement, and strategies to effectively increase home-to-school collaboration when working with Russian- speaking parents. _______________________, Committee Chair Arlene Ortiz, Ph.D. _______________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To my partner and the love of my life, Vlad, without your love, support, and constancy I would not have been able to finish this project. I love you more than my words can express. To Alla Klimkiv, Professor Ortiz, my family, and finally my Harvest Missionary Church family whose support, encouragement, and prayers gave me the energy and dedication to finish. And most of all, I want to thank my God, through Him I achieved what I believed to be impossible. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. vi Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………….…. 1 Statement of the Research Problem ......................................................................... 1 Background of the Problem .................................................................................... 1 Purpose of the Project ............................................................................................. 3 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................... 4 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................ 6 Limitations ............................................................................................................. 8 2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE .............................................................................. 10 Eastern European and Russian People ................................................................... 11 Limited Research on Russian People .................................................................... 12 Immigration and Migration of Russian-Speaking Individuals ................................ 13 Challenges Faced by Russian Immigrants ............................................................. 16 Russian Cultural and Linguistic Differences ......................................................... 18 Family Structure and Children’s Expectations ....................................................... 22 Russian Parents’ Perception on the Importance of Schooling ................................ 23 Parent Involvement and its Barriers ...................................................................... 24 Struggles of Russian Speaking Children in School ................................................ 25 Having a Child with a Disability in Russia ............................................................ 26 Home-to-School Collaboration and its Barriers ..................................................... 27 Building Effective Collaboration .......................................................................... 28 vii Summary .............................................................................................................. 34 3. METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 35 Development of the Presentation .......................................................................... 35 Participants ........................................................................................................... 35 Implementation .................................................................................................... 36 4. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 37 Summary ............................................................................................................... 37 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 39 Appendix A. A School Psychologists Guide to Working with Russian-Speaking Parents: Training Workshop ............................................................................................... 40 Appendix B. Checklist for fostering home-to-school collaboration .................................. 73 References ........................................................................................................................ 75 viii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Statement of the Research Problem This study addresses barriers of home-to-school collaboration with Russian speaking minority parents, with a focus on how to work and communicate with Russian speaking parents in a culturally responsive manner. It is vital to understand and address problems relating to home- to-school collaboration in schools where minority Russian children attend. Research has shown that children whose parents become involved in their education have higher grades, higher cognitive test scores, fewer placements in special education, increased attendance, improvement in attitudes and behavior, and are more likely to plan for college (Constantino, 2003; Smith et al., 2011; Patrikakou et al., 2005). However, research also shows that becoming partners with families in education does not always occur automatically (Grant & Ray, 2010). Yet, once established, the school-family partnership is a powerful agent for students’ academic and global success (Patrikakou et al., 2005). Conversely, ineffective home-to-school collaborations negatively impact student success and have been linked to lower student achievement in core subjects (Crosnoe, 2009). Further, failure to develop nurturing home-to-school collaboration is associated with emotional, behavioral, and/or cognitive difficulties for culturally and linguistically diverse students (Christenson & Reschly, 2010). As such, establishing strong home-to-school collaboration has the potential to encourage Russian-speaking parents to become active participants in their child’s education and develop trust and openness toward school staff, which in turn may lead to greater academic success for Russian children. Background of the Problem Since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act went into effect on November 29, 1975, subsequent reauthorizations have passed (current legislation is the Individuals with 2 Disabilities Education Improvement Act [IDEA, 2018]) to ensure equal access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) for all students regardless of personal, economic, environmental, linguistic, or cultural differences. In schools, these differences can range from skin color, home language, socioeconomic status, birthplace, and disability status. This civil rights act professed an understanding that schools need to meet individual needs of students, protect their rights, and help improve educational outcomes for children of all ages (IDEA, 2018). Although the IDEA does not provide guidance for working with parents or guardians, the Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA, 2015) outlines guidelines for schools, districts, and states regarding the development of evidence-based programs, which incorporate considerations of parent involvement (Epstein, 2001; ESSA, 2015). Despite this requirement,
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