THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION. The Permanent Court of Arbitration was established under the Act of July 29, 1899, signed (and subsequently ratified) on the part of 24 Powers. Under Protocol of June 14, 1907, for the accession of non•signatory Powers, the number of Powers represented in the Court has been largely in· creased. The purpose is to facilitate arbitration for international disputes which it has been impossible to settle by diplom~y. The Court is competont for all arbitration cases unless the parties agree to constitute a special tribunal, and its jurisdiction may be extended to disputes to which one or both of the parties are non-signatory Powers, if the parties so agree. When the signatory Powers desire to have recourse to the Permanent Court for the settlement of a dispute, the arbitrators called upon to form the competent tribunal for the purpose must be chosen from the general list of members of the Court. If the parties disagree on the composition of this tribunal, its members must be appointed in accordance with the course prescribed in the Act. The Court has an International Bureau under the direction and control of a Permanent Administrative Council composed of the diplomatic representatives of the Signatory Powers accredited to the Hague, and of the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Affairs, who acts as President. '!'he Permanent Court consists of persons of known competency in questions of International Law, of whom four at the most are selected by each of the Signatory Powers ; each appointment is for six years and may be renewed. 'l'he list of members of the Court (revised up to February, 1913) is as follows. The date of each appointment is stated (within brackets) :-

AMERICA, UNITED STATF:S OF: Hon. John W. Griggs, ex-Attorney-General (27 Nov. 1906); Hon. Georlj!e Gray, Judge of Circuit Court (27 Nov. 1906); H. E. Oscar S. Straus, formerly MmisterofCommerce and Labour, a.nd late Ambassador at Constantinople, (8 Jan. 1908); Hon. Elihu Root, formerly Secretary of State (15 Dec. 1910). ARGENTINE REPUBLIC: H. E. Estanislas S. Zeballos, PrQfessor of Private International Law at the University of Buenos Ayres: formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship (6 July, 1907); Luis Maria Drago, Deputy (6 Julr, 1007): Carlos Rodriguez Larreta, ProfeSllor of Constitutional Law In the University of Buenos Ayres, Deputy (6 July, 1907); M. Joaquin V. Gonzalez, Doctor of Law, Senator, President of the National University of La Plata, formerly Minister of the Interior of Foreign Affairs and Worship, of Justice and Public Instruction, formerly Deputy, &c. (17 Oct. 1910). AusTRIA·HUNGARY : Henri Lamtnasch, Professor of International' Law In the University of Vienna, Member of tbe Austrian "Herrenhaus" (4 Dee. 1906); H.E. Albert de Berzevlczy. President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Letters (26 Feb. 1909); H. E. Baron Ernest de Plener, President of the Common Supreme Court of Accounts, Member of tbe Austrian 'Herrer,baus' (26 Feb. 1909); Dr. Franz Nagy, Privy Councillor, Member of the Hungarian Lower House. 4 R 1362 THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL

BELGIUM: H. E. Baron DescaJnps, Minit;ter of Sciences and Arb: Secretary or the Institute of International La\V (6 Oct. 1906); Erneot Nijs, Councillor of the Brussels Appeal Court (14 Sept. 1911) ; Arendt, Director-Genero1 at the Ministry of Foreign Atfairs (2J January, 1907); Ill. J. van den Heuvel, formerly Minister of Justice.

BoMVIA: ~evero Fernandez Alonso, former President of the Republic (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Claudio Pinilla, Minister of Fol'l'iEn Atfairs (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Ill. Ismael Montes, Doctor of Law, formerly President of the Republic, Minister in London and Paris (14 Feb. 1910); H. E. M. Ignacio Calderon, formerly Finance Minister, Minister at Washibl!(ton (14 Feb. 1910). BRAZil.: H. E. Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira, former President of the Council of Ministers during the Empire (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Ruy Barbosa, Senator (13 Sept. 1907); Clovis Bevilaqua, Jurisconsult of the Ministry of ~'oreign Atfairs (13 Sept. 1907). BuLOARIA: Stoyan Daneff, Advocate (23 July, 1907); H. E. Dimitri Stancioff, Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris (23 July, 1907). CamE: Carlos Concha, former Envoy and Minister at Buenos Ayres {17 Oct. 1907): M1guel Crucha.ga, Envoy and Minister at Buenos Ayres (17 Oct. 1907): Alejandro Alvarez, Tech!lical Councillor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (17 Oct. 1907); Jose Antonio Gandarill\l-8 (17 Jan. 1910).


of (30 Sept. 1907); Rt. Hon. the Earl of Desart, formerly King's Proctor, Privy Councillor (1 Jan. 1910); Rt. Hon. James Bryce, O.M., Privy Councillor (28 Jan. 1918). GREECE: Denis Stephanos, Deputy, former Minister of Foreign Affaira (18 March, 1908); George Streit, Professor of Inteniational Law in the University of Athens (18 March, 1908) ; Illichel Kebedgy, Councillor at the Mixed Appel'! Court of Alexandria (18 March, 1908); Typaldo Bassi&, Deputy, Professor -of Political Economy at the University of Athens (22 Jan. 1909). GuATEMALA: M. Francisco Anguiano, Doctor of Law, Vice-President of the N!Ltional A;sembly, President of the Council of State, formel"ly Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the Interior, and of Justice (8 February, 1910); M. Antonio Batres Jauregui. Council of State, formerly President of the J1>diciary and of the Supreme Court of J ostice, formerly Minkter for Foreign Affairs and Public Instruetion, fonnerly Minister at Washington, Rio de Janeiro, &c. (8 February, 1910); M. Carlos 8aluzar, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law, Guatemalan Counoel in the Court of Justice of Central America, &c. (8 February, 1910); M. Francisco de Arce, Doetor of Law, Charge d" Affaires at the Hague, Brussels, Paris, London, and Rome (8 February, 1910}.

HAITI: Jaques Nicolas Leger, Advocate, Envoy and Minister at Washington (21 July, 1908); Bolon Menos, Batonnler of the Order of .Advocates of Port.au-Prince (21 Julr, 1908); F. D. Legitime, Publicist, former President of the Republic (21 ,Tuly, 1908); Tertnllien Guilhaud, Advocate, former Senator (21 July, 1908). l'l'ALY: Guido l'nsinato, DSlffity, Councillor of State, Professor of International Law (7 Dec. 1908); M. Victor Emmanuel Orlando, Oounsel, Professor, Deputy, fonnerly Minister of Justice (20 April, 19101; H. E. t11guor Tlttoni, Italian Ambassador In ~~!Jito~~~i~t!t!.1); M. Charles B. Chonzer, Member of tl1e Chamber of Deputies,

JAPAN: H.E. Baron Itchir6 Motono, Envoy and Minister at St. Petersburg (SO Nov. 1906); Henry Willard Denison, Jurisconsult or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Tokio (SO Nov. 1900). LuxEMBURG: Henri Vannerus, President of the State Couueil (10 Oct. 1909). MEXICo: Jose Ives Limantour, Secretary of State for l!'inances and Pnbllc Credit (7 March, 1907); Pablo Macedo, President of the Monetary Commission, Direetor of the National School of Law (7 llarch, 1907); Joaquin Obregon Gonza!es, Governor of the State of Gnana.i nato (22 May, 1907); J oaqnin D. Caaaaus, Direetor of the National School of JnriS}•rndence (2 June, 1908).

NBTB&RLANDS: H. E. T. M. C. Asser, Miplater of State, Member of State Council (1 Nov. 1906); J<>nkheer A. F. de Savornin Lohman, former Miniater of State, Member of tbe Second Chamber of the Btates-Generel (1 Nov. 1906); Jonkheer G. L. M. H. Ruys de Beerenbrouck, Member of the State Council In Extraordit•at)' service (1 Nov. 1906): M. W. A. Cort van der Linden, formerly Minister of Justice. NICARAGUA : Desire Peetor, Consul-General at Paris (8 March, 1908).

NoRWAY: G. Gram, Provincial Governor (22 Dec. 1906); H.E. George-Francis Hagerup, former Minister of State and President of the Council (11 Dec. 1908); Sigurd Ibsen, former Minister of State (9 March, 1912); H. J, Horst, Deputy, Member of the Commission of the Inten1ational Peace Bureau (9 March, 1912). PIIRBIA: H. E. Mirza Samad-Khan Momtasos-Baltaneh, Envoy and Minister at Paris (12 May, 1905); H. E. :Mirza Hassan-Khan :Muchir ul Devlet, former Envoy and Minister at St. Petersburg (12 May, 1905). PERU: H. E. Carlos G. Candamo, Envoy and Minister at Paris (2 Sept. 1907); M. Ramon Ribeyro, Doctor of Law, President of the Supreme Court of Justiee, Professor of Pulllic International Law at the University of J,ima. formerly Minister of State (28 May, 1910}; M. Lni8 F. Villaran, Doctor of Law, Rector of the University of Lima, Membe1• of tbe Supreme Court of Justice, formerly Minister of State (28 May, 1910); H. E. M. Manuel Alvarez Calder6n, Doctor of Law, Professor at the University of f,imn. Minister at Brussels and Berne (23 May, 1910). 4 s 2 1364 THE HAGUE 'fRIBUNAL

PORTUGAL: H. E. Fernando Mattoso Santos, Peer of the Kingdom (14 Nov. 1909); H.E. Francisco Antonio da Veiga Beiriio, Councillor of State, Peer of the Kingdvm (6 May, 1911); H. E. Jose Capello Franco Frazilo (Count de Penha Garcia), former President of the Chamber of Deputies (25 May, 1910); H.E. Arthur Pinto de Miranda Montenegro, former Minister of Justice (25 1\Iay, 1910). RUMANIA: Thl\odore G. Ro•etti, former President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (21 Nov. 1906); Jean Kalinderu, AdminiRtrator of the Crown Domain (21 Nov. 1906); Jean N. Lahovary, Deputy, formerly Envoy and Minister (21 Nov. 1906); Constsntin G. Dissescu, Senator, formerly Minister Secretary of State In the Department of Worship ar,d Public Instruction (21 Nov. 1906).

Russu: Sabouro,ff, Senrej;ary of State, Member of the Council of the Empire, Senator, Aptual Privy. Councillor (20 Dec. 1909): Tagantzelf, Member of the Council of the Empire; Sonator, Actual Privy Councillor (20 Dec. 1909) ; Baron Taube, Permanent Me111Le• ot the Council of the Mini• try of F.oreign Affairs, Professor of International Law. at the I~perial University of St. Petersburg, Councillor of State (20 Dec. 1909); Coant L. K&marovsky, Professor of International Law at the Imperial University of Moscow, Actual Councillor of State (20 Dec. 1909). SALVADOR: Manuel Delga

THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections.

AAC AFG ACHEN (Prussia), 861 Abyssinia, minerals, 593 A Aalborg (Denmark), 758 - money & credit, 593 Aalen (Wurtemberg}, 948 - population, 592 Aalesund (Norway}, 1102 - reigning king, 591 Aargau (canton), 1288, 1291 - religion, 592 Aarhus (Denmark}, 758 - roads, railways, 593 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 283 - rubber, 593 Abaian Island (Pacific}, 370 - towns, 592, 1341 Abangarez mines (Costa Rica}, 747 - weights and measures, 594 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1325 Aca.jutla (Salvador), 1232 Abdul Hamid Halimshah, Sultan, Acarnania (Greece}, 953 Kedah, 171 Accra (Gold Coast}, 230 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Achaia. (Greece), 953 Abercorn (Rhodesia}, 196 Acklin's Island (Bah~~omas), 283 Aberdare forest (B. E. Af.), 176 Aconcagua (Chile}, prov., 706 Aberdeen, 19; University, 29 Acre Territory (Bra~il), 689 Abema.na Island (Pacific), 370 Adana (Turkish ), 1305, 1312 Aberystwith College, 29 Adelaide, 333 ; port, 302; Univ, 334 Abesbr (Wadai), 829 Aden, 102, 123; boundary, 102 Abijean (}, 839 Adis Ababa (Abyssinia), 591, 592 Abo (Finland}, 1192, 1183, 1221 Adjame (Ivory Uoast), 839 Abo (Nigeria), 230 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 896 Abomey, 840 Adolf, Prince (Schaumburg-Lippe), Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), prov., 979 944 Abuna (Coptic), 592 Adolf Friedrich, Grand-duke (Meck- Abyssinia, agriculture, 592-3 lenburg-Strelitz), 921 -area, 591 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1268 - army, 591-2 Adrianople, 1305 ; town, 1306 -bank, 593 Adua (Abyssinia), 592 -books of reference, 594 lEgean Islands, 957, 1306 - boundary, 591, 1341 ../Etolia (Greece), 953 - coffee, 592 Afghanistan, area, 595, 596 - commerce, 593 -army, 596 - diplomatic representatives, 594 - books of reference, 598 -gold, 593 - commerce, 597 - instruction, 592 -currency, 598 1366 TilE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

AFG ALB Afghanistan, government, 596 Ajmer-Merwara, agriculture, 138 -justice, 596 - area and population, 123, 138 -land cultivation, 597 -births and deaths, 127 - manufactures, 597 - education, 130 - minerals, 597 -forests, 139, 140 - origin of the Afghans, 595 -government, 121 - population, 596 - land tenure, 138 - products, 1596 - religion, 1 \l9 - reigning sovereign, 595 Ajmer, town (India), 128 - revenue, 596 Akershiis (Norway), 1100 - trade routes, 598 Akhmim (Egypt), 1327 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see Akita (Japan), 1013 Nyassaland Protectorate Akmolinsk, 1189 - colonies in, British, 17 4 et seq. Akron (Ohio), 387, 525 --French, 814, 815, 821 et seq. Aksu, 734 - - German, 890 et seq. Aksum (Abyssinia), 592 - - Italian, 992, 1003 et seq. Aknse (Gold Coast), 230 - - Portuguese, 1156 •t s"q. Alabama, agriculture, 426 --Spanish, 1257, 1268 -area and pop., 378, 424 - East (British), 174 et ~eq. - charity, 425 - -(German), 890 -constitution aud government, 424 --(Italian), 992, 1003, 1005 - eotton crop, 401, 426 - - (PortU!(U8Be), 1156, 1159 - defence, 425 - South (British), 192 et .•eq. - finance, 425-6 - - troops in, 98 - instruction, 425 --Union of, 208 et seq. - live stock, 426 -South-West (German), 890, 892 -maize, 426 - Turkish, soo A. E. Sudan&: ~~gypt. -mining, 426 - West (British), 98, 225 et seq. -production and industry, 426 - - (French), 814, 815, 836 et ~eq. - public lands, 399 --(German}, SM etseq. - re\igion, 425 -- (Por.tugttese>, 1156, 1158 - representation,. 379, 424 --(Spanish), 1257, 1268 -rice crop, 401, 426 Agana (Guam.), 5S5 Alafi Island (Pacific), 850 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1109 Alagoas (Brazil), prov., 688, 689 Agra (prov.), !Me United Provinces Alajuela(Costa Rica), 745; town, 746 - (town), 128 Alameda (Cal.), 432 Agram (Zl\grab), 638, 641 Alaska, area and population, 383, 572 - University, 643 -communications, 1173, 574 Aguarate mines (Costa Rica), 747 -finance, 573 Agua Dulce (Panama), port, 1115 - fisheries, 573-4 .Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 1041 -forests, 573 -town. 1042 -gold, 406, 574 Ahmedibid (India), 128 -government, 381, 572 Ahmad Shah (Persia), 1124 -instruction, 572 Aidin, see Smyrna -justice, 572 Aigun (China), port, i26 -mining, 406, 573, 574 Aimak race (Afghanistan), 596 -- production, &c., 573-4 Ain Sefra (Algeria), 822 -public land, 399 Ainus (Japan), 1013; (Russia), 1190 -railways, 574 Aipere Island (Pacific)1 371 - religion, 572 Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 364 Alava (Spain), prov., 1257 Aix (France), faculties, 787 Albacete (Spain), prov., 1257 INDEX 1367

ALB AMB Albania, 1305 Algmia, industry, 825 Albany (N.Y.), 387, 514, 515 - instruction, 784, 828 Albany (W. Australia), 302, 338 - live stock, 825 Albert, King (Belgium), 658, 67 4 - ruining, 825 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1049 - money, weights, measures, 827 Alberta ( Canada),agdculture, 248,260 - petroleum, 825 - area and population, 242, 259 - posts and telegraphs, 825-6 -coal, 261 - railways, 826 - commerce, 261 - religion, 823 - constitution and government, 240, - shipping, 826 241, 258 - torpedo stations, 798 - exports, 261 -towns, 823 -finance, 246, 260 Algiers (Alger), 798, 822, 824 -forests, 249, 261 - coding station, 826 - instruction, 244, 259, 21:i0 - schools, 828 - justice and crime, 260 Alhuccma Islands, 1257 - live stock, 261 Alicante(Spain}, 1237; town, 1238 - manufactures, 250 Aligarh (India), 128 - mining, 249 Alkmaar (Netherla.nds}, 1068 - political parties, 259 Allahabad, 128 ; University, 130 -production and industry, 260 Allentown (Pa.), 387, 533 - railways, 5161 Almeria(Spain), 1257; town, 1258 - representation, 240, 241 259 Alor Star (Kedah}, 171 - University, 260 Alost (Belgium), 663 Albuquerque (N. Mex. ), 511, 512 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 189 Albury (N.S. W.), 307 Alphonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1264 Alcazar (Morocco), 1056 Alsace-Lorraine, area and population, Alcoy (Spain), 1258 . 857, 899 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 189 - births, death.~, marriages, 859, 900 Aldemey, government, 91 ; pop., 22 - constitution, 899 Alemtejo (Portugal), prov., 1148 -emigration, 860 Aleppo (vilayet), 1305; town, 1306 - finance, 900 AleBSandria (Italy), 978 ; town, - instruction, 863, 900 983 ; fort, 990 -justice and crime, 900 Alexandria, 1325, 1326; town,1327, - live stock, 877 1331 ; shipping, 1336 -manufactures, 878, 900 - Patriarch of, 592, 1 166, 1327 - matricular contribution, 868 Alexandrovsk Gntshevsk, 1192 - occupations of the people, 858 Algarve (Portugal}, prov., 1148 -production and industry, 900 Alguciras (Spain), fort, 1261 - religion, 862, 900 Algeria, 814, 815 -representation (Imperial), 86~, - agriculture, 824 899 - area and pop., 822 - Statthalter, 899 - army, 795, 824 -wine, 900 -bank, 827 Altenburg (Germany), 936 -births, deaths, marriages, 823 Altona, 861, 884 - books of reference, 827 Altoona (Pa.), 387, 533 - commerce, 825 Alwar (India), 124 ; town, 128 -crime, 823 Amapala (Honduras), 971, 973 -debt, 824 Amazonas (Brazil}, prov., 688, 689 - finance, 1!23 Amazonas ( Venez. ), 1355 - fisheries, 808, 825 Amazonas (Peru}, dept., 1139 - government, 768, 778, 821 Ambado (Somali Coast), 835 1368 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

AMB ARG Ambans, Tibetan officials, 732 Anhwei or Ngan-hwei, 716, 717, 724 Ambato (Ecuador), 770 (Comoro Is.), 834 Ambeno (Port. Timor), 1157 Ankober (Abyssinia), 592 Amberg (Bavaria), 907 Ankole (Uganda), 178 Ambriz (Port. W. Africa), 1158 Ann Arbour (Mich. University), 487 America, British colonies and posses- Annabon (Span. Africa), 1268 sions in (see Bermuda, Canada, Annam, 814, 816, 818 West Indies, &c.), 238 et .•eq. Annapolis (Md.), 476, 477, 478 - Frenchcols. in, 815,847 e~ seq. Antalo (Abyssinia), 592 Amersfoort (Holland), 1068 Antananarivo (), 831 Amhara (Abyssinia), 591, 592 Antigua Is. (W. Indies), 286, 287 Amiens, 782 Antioquia (Colombia), 740, 741, 742 Amirantes Is. (Seychelles), 189 Antipodes Islands (N.Z. ), 365 Amoy, 718, 727 Antivari (Montenegro), 1051 Amritsar (India), 128 Antofagasta (Chile), prov.. 706 ; Amsterdam, 1068; fortif., 1073; (town), 706 ; port, 684, 711 shipping, 1079: university, 1069 An-tung, 718, 726, 732 Amsterdam Island, 835 Antwerp, province, 661 Amur prov. (Manchuria), 731, 1188 - town, 663; fort, 666 ; univ., 663 Ananuka Is. (Pacific), 370 Anzmitegui (Venezuela), 1355 Anatolia, 1304; railway, 1il15 Aomori (Japan), 1013 Ancacha (Peru), dept., 1139 Apeldoorn (Holland), 1068 Anch'ing (China), 716 Api Island (Pacific), 371 Anchorite Island (Pacific), 896 Apia (Samoa), 881l, 897 Ancona (Italy), 979 ; fort, 993 : Apolda (Germany, 939 town, 983 Apolima (Samoa), 897 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 121, Appenzell (cantons), 1288, 1291 123, 129, 140, 160 Apra (Guam), 585 Andes, Los (Venezuela), 1347 Apulia (Italy), prov., 986 Andizhan, 1192 A pure (V unezuela), 1355 AndoiTa, 813 Apurimac (Peru), department, 1139 Andros Island (W.I.), 283 Aqua-town (Kamernn), 892 Anecho (Togo), 891 Aquila degli Abruzzi, 979 ; town, Aneityum Island (Pacific), 371 983 ; university, 986 Angduphorang (Bhutun), 680 Arabia, 1304, 1305 Angers, 782; faculties, 788 Arabistan, 1129 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1340 ct seq. Arad (Hungary), 614, 641 Angola (Port. Africa}, 1156, 1158 Aradpa (Wadai), 829 Angora (Turkish vilayet), 1305 Aragua (Venezuela), 1355 Angouleme, 782 Arauco (Chile), prov., 706; natives Angro. (Azores), 1149 of, 706 Angra Pequelia (Ger. S. W .Africa), 892 Arcadia (Greece), 953 Anguilla Is. (W. I.) 286, 287, 288 Archipelago (Turkish), 1304, 1305 Anhalt, area and pop., 857, 901 Arendal (Norway), 1102 -'- births, deaths, marriages, 859 Arequipa (Peru), department, 1139 ; - constitution, 901 town, 1139 ; University, 1140 - finance, 901 Arezzo (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 - Imperial representation, 855 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 605 - instruction, 862 - area and population, 601 - n1anufaetures, 878 -army, 604 - matricular contributions, 868 - banks, 607-8 - occupations of the people, 858 -births, deaths, marriages, 601 -:reigning (luke, 901 - book~ of reference, 608 INDEX 1369

ARG ASS Argentine Republic, cattle indst., 605 Arkansas, coal, 431 -coal, 605 -cotton, 401, 430 - commerce, 605 et seq. - defence, 430 - constitution, 600 - finance, 430 -debt, 603 - forests, 403, 430 - diplomatic representatives, 608 - government, 429 - emigration and immigration, 601 - instruction, 430 - finance, 603 -live stock, 430 -gold, 605 -production and industry, 480-1 - government, 600 - public land, 379 - - local, 600 - religion, 430 - Indians, 601 - representation, 379, 429 - instruction, 602 -rice, 401 -Jewish Colony, (i05 Arkhangelsk, 1188 ; town, 1192 - justice & crime, 602 Armenia, 1305 - live stock, 605 Armenians (in Persia), 1127 ; (in - mining, 605 Turkey) 1306, 1307 - money and credit, 607 Amawai, (Afghanistan), 595 - money, weights, and measurea, 608 Arnhem (Holland), 1088 - navy, 604-5 Arnstadt (Germany), 946 - posts and telegraphs, 607 Arolsen (Waldeck), 946 - President, 600 Arorae Island (Pacific), 370 - production and industry, 605 Aroa (Venez.), copper minAs, 1357 -provinces and territoriea, 601 Arriaga, Dr. Manoel, President - railways, 607 (Portugal), 1147 - religion, 602 Aro tribe (Nigeria), 230 - shipping and navigation, 607 Arta (Greece),953 -towns, 602 Artigas (Uruguay), dent., 1348 - universities, 602 Aruba Island (DutchW. Indies), 1091 Argolis (Greece), 953 Aruwimi (Congo State), 674 Arica, 684, 1139 Arzila (Morocco), 1056 Ariki race (Cook Islands), 364 Ascension Island, 174 Arish, El (Egypt), 1325 Aschaffenburg (Bav.) 907 . Arizona (Ter.), area &pop., 383, 4~7 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 979 ; ~own, 983 - charity, 428 Ashanti (W. Africa), 225, 230,. 2lJl ; - defence, 428 gold in, 231 - finance, 428 Asia, British colonies, &c. in, 97, 98, - forests, 428 102 et seq., 161 et seq. - government, 427 -Dutch possessions in, 1083 et seq. - Indian reservations, 427 - French colonies in, 814 et 116fJ.· - instruction, 427 - German colonies in, 890, 895 - irrigation, 428 -Portuguese colonies in, 1156 -live stock, 428 -Russian dependencies in, 1184, - mining, 428 1188 - precious stones, 406 - Turkish, 1304, 1306 -production & industry, 428 Asia Minor, 1305 - public lands, 399 Askhabad, 1192 - railways, 429 Asmar (Afghanistan), 595 - religion, 427 Asmara (Eritrea), 1003 - representation, 379, 427 Asnierea, 782 Arkansas, agriculture, 431 Aspinwall, or Colon, 1115, 1116 - area & population, 383, 429 Assab (Eritrea), 1004 - charity, 430 ~m, 1211 ue~ E.l3en~l& .\Qam 1370 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

ASS AUS Assinie (Ivory Coast), 839 Australia, meat export, 301 Assiut, 1325, 1326; town, 1327, 1334 - minerals, 298 Assuan or Aswan, 1325, 1326 ; to\vn, -ministry, 294 1327, 1334 - naval force~, 297 Assumption Island, (Seychelles\, 189 - old.age pensions, 296 Astara (Persia), port, 1129, 1131 - Parliament, Federal, 293 Astove Is. (Seychelles), 189 - political parties, 293 Astrabad (Persia), 1129 - posts and telegraphs, 303 Astrakhan, 1188; town, 1192 - production, 298 Asuncion (Paraguay), 1119, 1121 - railways, 302 At!wama (Chile), prov., 706, 709, - representation, 293 Atafu Islands (l'aeific), 370 - Senate, 293 Atakpame (Togo), 891 - shipping & navigation, 301 Atbara (A.. E. Sudan), 13U - states, 293, 294', 305 et seq. Athens, 953 ; University, 954 - territories, 293, 295 Atin Is. (Cook Islands), 364 - wheat, 298, 299, 301 Atjeh (Sumatra), 1084 -wine, 298 Atlanta, (Ga.), 887,449, 450 - wool, 298, 299, 301 Atlantico (Colombia), 740 Austria, agriculture, 681 Atlas rPgion (Moo·occo), 1057 - area and pop., 624 Attica. (Greece), 953 -banks, 686 Auckland Islands, (N.Z.), 364 - births, deaths, and marriages, 625 Auckland, (N.Z.), distriut, 354 - books of reference, 654 -town, populat:ion, 354; shipping, - breweries, 684 862, 868 - canals, 634 Augsburg (Bavaria), 861, 907 -coal, 633 Augusta, (Ga.), 450 -commerce, 647 Aussig, {AilStria), 626 - constitution, 621 et seq. Austin (Tex.), 549 -debt, 681 Australasia and OCeania (British), - emigration, 626 293 et seq -Emperor, 610, 611, 612, 621, 622 - French colonies in, 815, 849, et - finance, 613, 680 seq. - fisheries, 633 Australia, CommonWealth, 293 etseq. - foreigners, 625 - agriculture,· 298 -forests, 631 - area and population, 294 - government, ceot1·al, 621 - births, deaths, and mn'l'riages, 295 -- local, 623 - books of refel'91lee, 808 -- provincial, 622 - capitat city; 294 - illiteracy, 627 - commerce, 300 - instruction, 627 - constituent states, 293 - justice and mime, 629 -constitution and gov., 293 -languages, 624 -debt, 296 -live stock, 632 - defence, 296 - manufactures, 688 - finance, 295 - mining and minerals, 682 - gold, 298, 299 -ministry, 622 - Governor-~tencra.l, 293 - money and credit, 634 - House of Representatives, 298 - occupations of the people, 625 -import duties, 299 - pauperism, 629 - invalid pensions, 296 - posts and telegraph11, 6'36· - live stock, 298 -production & ind'ustry, 681 rt seq. - manufactures, !98 - provinces, see under N aillea - nurternity provision, 296 -railways, 635 INDEX 1371

AUS BAL Austria, Reichsrath, 621 ABANANGO (Natal), 214 - religion, 626 B Babelthnap (Pelew Is.), 896 - royal family, 610 Badajos (Spain), 1257; town, 1258 - shipping and navigation, 634 Badaksh,i.n, 596, 597 -silk, 632 Baden, area and pop. 856, 903, 904 -sovereigns since 1282, 611 ' -beer brewing, 878 -towns, 626 - births, deaths, marriages, 859, 903 - universities, 623 - constitution, 902 -wheat, 632 -emigration, 860 Austria-Hungary, see also 1mder - finance, 904 Austria, and Hungary ·- instruction, 862, 903 -army, 614 -live stock, 877 -bank, 620 -manufactures, 878, 904 - books of reference, 653 et seq. - matricnlar contribution, 868 - coal, 632, 646, 653 -occupations of the people, 858 - commerce, 618 - political parties, 902 - - constitution, 611 - production and industry, 904 - customs valuation, 648 - reigning family, 902 - diplomatic representatives, 650 --grand-duke, 902 -finance, 613 - religion, 882, 903 -- fortresses, 614 -representation (Imperial\, 855 - frontier, 614 -river traffic, 904 -gold, 646 -towns, 903 -government, 611 - (town),. 903 - import duties, 648 -wine, 904 -ministry, 613 Bagamoyo (Ger. E. Africa), 894 - money and credit, 619 Baghdad, railway, 1315; town,l306; - money, weights, measures, 620 vilayet, 1305 -navy, 617 Bagida (Togo), 891 - political parties, 622 Bagnio (Philippines), 580 - reigning sovereign, 610, 611, 612, Bahamas (Islands), 283, 290 621, 622 Bahawnlpur (India), 126 -royal family, 610 Bahia (Brazil), 688, 689, 692 -salt, 653 - town, 689, 690 Austria, Lower an1 Upper, area and Bahia (Ecuador), 770 population, 624 B!\hia Blanca (Arg. Rep ), nava.l base, - representation in Reichsrath, 621, 602 622 Bahia Honda (Cuba), 750 -provincial Diet, 623 Bahour (), 816 Aveiro (Portugal), 1148 Bahr el Ghaz!\1 (A. E. Sudan), 1322 Avellino (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 Bahrein Islands, pearl fishery, 103 Avignon, 782 Bajaur (Afghanistan), 595, 597 Avila (Spain), prov., 1257 Baker Islands (Paaific), 371 Awaji Islands (Japan), 1011 Bakhatla tribe (S. Africa), 193 Axim (Gold Coast), 230 Baku, 1171,1183,118S,ll92; oil,l208 Ayacncho (Peru), 1139 ; town, 1139 Bakwena tribe (South Africa), 193 Ayr, population, 19 Balearic Is., 1256, 1261 Azerbaijan (Persia), 1129, 1131 Bali (Dutch E. Indies), 1084 Azhar, El (Cairo), mosque, 1327 Balkan Peninsula, 1304 Azores, Is. (Port.), 1148, 1153 Ballarat (Victoria), 318 Azov (Russia), fort, 1202 Baloch race (Baluchistan), 157 Azuay (Ecuador), prov., 770 Baltic Island,; (Danish), 758 Baltic Provin

BAL BAY Baltimore, (Md. ), 387, 476 Barsak (Cambodia), 1247 -shipping, 415, 416, 479 Bas:t (Liberia), 1035 Baltistan, 124 Basel, 1288, 1290; town, 1291 Baluchi race (Persia), 1127 Basidu (Persian Gulf), 1113 Baluchistan, 121, 123, 155 1 Basilicata (Italy), 980 - books of reference, 159 · Basque race, 1257 - communications, 158 Bassa Prov. (Nigeria), 225 - forests, 140 Bassac State (Indo-China), 820 - native states, 123, 124, 129 Bassari (Togo), 891 - political agencies, 156 Basseterre (St. Kitts), 288 - religion, 129, 158 Basse-Terre (), 847 -roads, 140 Bassoraor Busm(vilayet), 1305, 1306; -trade, 158 town, 1327 - tribal areas, 157 Bastar (India), 125 Bamako (Fr. W. Af. ), 836, 841 Basutoland, 192 Bamaliti tribe (S. Africa), 193 Battambang (Cambodia), 1247 Bamangwato tribe (S. Africa), 193 Batavia (Java), 1085 Bambe;rg (Bavaria), 907 Batawana tribe (S. Africa), 193 Banana (Congo), port, 677 Bath, population, 15 Banca (Dutch E. Indies), 1083, 1084 ; Bathurst (Gambia), 233 tin mines, 1088 Bathurst (N.S. W. ), 307 Bandawe (Nyasaland), 186 Baton Rouge (La), 471, 472 Bangala (Congo), 674 i Batum, 1188, 1192, 1199, 1202 Bangalore (India), 128 : Batung (Tibet), 732 Banganapalle (India), 125 Bauchi prov. (Nigeria), 225, 227 Bangkok (Siam}, 1247, 1251 Bautzen, 941, 942 ; town, 942 Bangor (Me.}, 474 Bavaria, agriculture, 909 Bangor College, 29 - area and population, 856, 906 Bangui (Fr. Equat. Af.), 828 -army, 909 Bangwakatse tribe (K Africa), 193 - beer brewing, 878, 909 Banjaluka (Bosnia), 652 -births, marriages, deaths, 859, 907 Bantu race&language,175, 179,674, - books of reference, 909 892, 894 -constitution and govt., 905 Bara race (MadagascaT), 830 -debt, 909 Barbados (l8]and), 283, 284, 290 - emigration, 860 Barbuda Is. (W. Indies), 286, 287 - finance, 908 Barcelona (Spain}, prov., 1257; port, - instruction, 862, 908 1266; town, 1258; univ., 1259 ~justice and crime, 865, 908 Bardera (!tal. Af. ), 1004 -king, 905 Bareilly (India), 128 - live stock, 877 Barfuril.sh (Persia), 1127 -manufactures, 878 Bari (Italy), 980; tn., 983; univ., 986 - matricular contribution, 868 Baringo (B. E. Africa), 175 - occupations of the people; 858 Barkh:in tahsil, 155, 156 - pauperism, 908 Barmen (Prussia), 861 - regent, 905 Baroda (India), area, &c., 124 - religion, 862, 908 -religion, 129 - representation (Imperial), 854 - revenue, 124 -royal family, 905 -town, 128 -towns, 907 Barotseland (see S. Rhodesia), 194 -Upper and Lower, 906, 908 Barranca mines (Costa Rica), 747 Baxa (Bhutan), 680 Barranquilla (Colombia), 740, 743 Bayonne, (U.S.A.), 387, 508 Barrow-in-Furness, population, 15 Bayreuth (Bavaria), 907 INDEX 1373

BEA BEN Beaconsfield (Cape Colony), 209 Belgium, forests, 667 Beehuanaland (Colony), 209 -frontier, 666 Bechuanaland (Protectorate), 193 -government, 658 Bedford College, London, 29 -- local, 660 Beglar Begi (rank) Kalat, 156 - import duties, 669

Behera (Egypt), 1825, 1326 1 - instruction, 663-4 Beira (Portugal), 1148 - iron, 668, 669 - (E. Africa), 1160; railway, 196, - justice and crime, 664 1160 -King, 658, 674 Beirftt, town, 1306 ; vilayet, 1305 - live stock, 667 Beja (Portugal), 1148 - mining and metals, 668 Bekescsaba (Hungary), 641 - ministry, 660 Belem (Brazil), 689 - money and credit, 672 Belfast, 12, 21 ; University, 29 -money, weights, measures, 672 Belfort, 77 8, 782 ; fort., 7 94 ; port, -occupations of the people, 662 806 - p11.uperism, 664 Belgian Congo, area & pop., 674 - political/arties, 660 ·-books of reference, 678 -posts an telegraphs, 671-2 - boundaries, 674 -production & industry, 667 et Req. -commerce, 676 -railways, 671 - constitution & government, 67 4 - religion, 663 - cnrrency, 678 -roads, 671 -debt, 675 -royal family, 658 -defence, 675 - Senate, 658-9 -finance, 675 - shipping and navigation, 671 -instruction, 675 - sugar works, 668 - jnstice, 676 ~towns, 663 -pipe·line, 677 - universities, 663 - posts and telegraphs, 677 -wheat, 667 - production, 676 Belgrade (Servia), 1239 ; Univ., 1240 - railways, 677 Belize (B. Honduras), 278, 279 -religion, 675 Bellary (India), 128 - rivor navigation, 677 Bell Island (Newfndlnd), iron, 282 - rubber, 676 Bell-town (Kamerun), 892 -shipping, 677 Belluno (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Belgium, agriculture, 667 Benadir (Somali!and), 180, 1004 -area and pop., 661 et seq. Benares (India), 128 -army, 666 Bender Abb!ls (Persia), 1129, 1131, -banks, 672 1132 - births, deaths, & marriages, 662 Bender-i-Gez (Persia), 1129, 1181 - books of reference, 673 Bender Ziade, 1004 - canals, 671 Bendigo (Vi

BEN BOL Bengal land revenue, 134 Bigha (Turkish vilayet), 1305 --tenure, 138 Bihar and Orissa, government, 121, -religion, 129 122 -roads, 148 Bijagoz Is. {Portuguese), 1158 -states, 124, 125 Bijoutier Is. {Seychelles), 189 -trade, 142, 144, 145 Bikaner {India), 124; town, 128 Benghazi, 1005 Bilbao {Spain), 1258, 1266 Benguella (Port. -N. Africa), 1158 Billiton {Dutch E. Indies), 1083, Beni, El (Bolivia), 681 1084; mining, 1083 Benin (Nigeria), 230 Bin-Dinh (Annam), 818 BeniSuef(Egypt), 1325, 1326; town, Bingerville (Ivory Coast), 839 1327 Bini tribe (Nigeria), 230 Benkulen (Dutch East Indies), 1084 Bio-Bio {Chile), prov., 706 Berar,IJ66 Central Provinces and Bsrsr Birkenfeld, Principality, 923 Berbera (Somali), 191, 1341 Birkenhea.d, population, 15 ; port, 82 Berbers (Morocco), 1057 Birma.l, (Afghanistan), 595, 597 - (Tripoli), 1005 Birmingham, 15 ; Univ., 29 Berbioe (~. Qniana), 276 Birmingham (Ala.), 887, 424 Bertlicl!.elf (Rusaia), 1192 Birney Island {Pacific), 870 Berea (Basutoland), 192 Bismark, (N.Dak.), 522 Bergamo (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Bismarck Archipelago, 890, 895, 896 Bergen (Norway), 1100, 1102; fort, Bismarckburg (Togo), 891 1105 ; shipping, 1109 Bissau (Port. Guinea), 1158 Bergenhus (Norway) prov., 1100 , vilayet, 1304 ; town, 1305 Berkeley Univ. (Cal.), 483 Bizerta (Algeria), 798, 824 Berlatl (Rumania), 1172 Bjorneborg, 1221 Berlin, prov., pop., 861, 928 ; forts, Blackburn, population, 15 869 ; univ., 864 Black Forest, 948 Berlinhafen (Ger. Pacific), 896 Blackpool, population, 15 Ber\in-S!l\loenburg (Prussia), 861 Black Sea prov. (Russia), 1188 Berm~s, ~ ; troops at, 98 Blagovyeshchensk, 1192 Bermudez (Venezuela), 1357 Blantyre (Nyasaland), 186 Bern, 12&$, 1290; town, 1291 Blida. {Algeria), 823 Bernberg (Anhalt), 901 Bloemfontein (S. Africa), 203, 221 Beru I'S!,lpd {Pacific), 370 Bluefields (Nicaragua), 1094 Bes&nfiOD., 7112 ; faculties, 787 ; fort, Bluff Harbour (N. Z. ), 868 794 Blyth, Port, 68, 82 Bessarabia, 1188 Bo (W. Africa), 233 Betsileo race (Madagascar), 830 Bosco (Nicaragua), 1094 Betsimisa,rska race, 830 Bobo Dionlasso (Fr. W. Africa), 841 Beuthen (Prussia), 861 Bocas del Toro (Panama), 1115 Beyla (), 889 Bochum (Prussia), 861 Beziers (France), 782 BOlOtia, (Greece), 953 Bh.ag (BAluchistan), 157 Bogota (Colombia), 740 Bh&galpur (IJldia), 128 Bohemia, area and population, 624 Bharatpur (India), state, 124 -representation, Reichsrath, 622 Bhopal (.Indi~). state, 125 ; town, 128 -- provincial Diet, 623 Bhopawar (India), 125 Boise (Io. ), 483 Bhutan, 679 Bokha.ra, 1225 ; town, 1226 Bhuti.B. race (Nepal), 1062 Bolama Is. (Port. Guinea), 1158 Biaka (Bhutan), 680 Bolin Pass district( Baluchistan), 155, Diel (Switzerland), 1291 156 Bielefeld {Prussia), 861 Bolan road, (Afghanistan), 598 INDEX 1375

BOL BRA Boliva.r (Colombia), 740, 741, 742 Bonn, 861 ; University, 864, 865 Bolivar (Ecuador), prov., 770 Bonny (Nigeria), 228, 229, 230 Bolivar (Venezuela), 1355 Bootie, population, 15 Bolivia, area and population, 681 Bora-Bora-Maupiti I. (Pacific), 851 -banks, 686 Boras (Sweden), 1274 - books of reference, 686 Bordeaux, 788; faculties, 787; trade, -boundary disputes, 682,1119,1139 806, 808 - commerce, 684 Bori valley, see Loralai -constitution & government, 681 Borneo, British North, 104, 162 -debt, 683 - Dutch, 1083, 1084; coal, 1088 - defence, 683 Bornu (Nigeria), 225 - finance, 682 Bosnia and Herzegovina 614 - instruction, 682 - books of reference, 656, 657 -justice, 682 - area and populat~on, 61)1 - live stock, 684 - births and deaths, 652 - mines and minerals, 684 - commerce, 653 -money, weighte, measures, 686 - finance, 652 - posts and telegraphs, 685 -government, 651 - President, 681 - instruction, 651 - production and industry, 684 -justice, 652 - railways, 685 - posts and telegraphs, 653 - religion, 682 - production and industry, 652 - rubber, 682, 684 - railways, 653 -tin, 684 - weights and measures, 653 -towns, 682 Rosporus (fortif. ), 1308 -- universities, 682 Boston, (Mass.), 387, 396, 481 Bologna, 979; town, 983; University, - shipping, 415, 416, 485 986 Botosani (Rumania), 1172 Bolton, population, 15 Bougainville Is. (Pacific), 896 Borua (Belg. Congo), 67-1, 676, 677 Boulder (W. Australia), 328 Bombay, agriculture, 138, 139 Boulogne, 782; tra..de, 806 -area and population, 123, 140 Boulogne-sur-Seine, 782 - births and deaths, 127 Bounty Islands (N. Z. ), 365 -education, 130 Bourbon Is. (Reunion), 814, 835 -finance, 134-5 Bourgas (Bulgaria), 698, 703 - forests, 139, 140 Bourges, 732 - ~overnment, 121, 122 Bournemouth, population, 15 -JUstice and crime, 131 Bowditch Islands (Pacific), 370 - land revenue, 134 Boyaca (Colombia), prov., 740 - -tenure, 139 Brabant (Belgium), prov, 661 -port, 145 Brabant, North (Netherlands), 1067 -religion, 129 Bradford, population, 15 -roads, 148 Braga (Portugal), 1147, 1149 - states, 124, 125 Braganza (Portugal), 1147, 1153 -town, 128 Brahui race (B.aluchiatan), 157, 158 - trade, 142, 144, 145 Braila (Rumania), 1172, 1177 - University, 130 Brakna (Fr. W. Af. ), 836, 837, 841 Bon religion (Tibet), 733 Brandenburg, area and pop., 928 Bonagai (Papua), 350 ·- emigration, 929 Bonaire Island (Dutch W.I.), 1091 Brass (Nigeria), 229, 230 Bonavista (), 280 Brasso (Kronstadt), 641 BOne or Bona (Algeria), 798, 823 Bratsberg (Norway), prov, llOO Bonin Islands (Japan), 1011 Brava (Italian Africa), 1004 1376 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

BRA BRI Brazil, agriculture, 692 Bremen,occupations of the people,858 - area and population, 689 - religion, 862 -army, 691 -representation (Imperial), 855 - banking, 695 - schools, elementary, 863 - books of reference, 696 - shipping, 884, 910 - boundary treaties, 690, 1140 -town, 861 - cattle industry, 692 Bremerton (U.S.A.), naval dry dock, - Chamber of Deputies, 687 562 - coffee, 692 Brescia (Itaiy), 978 ; town, 983 - colonies (German and· Italian), 693 Breslau, 861; University, 864, 865 - commerce, 693 Brest, 782 ; fort., 794, 798 - constitution,. 687 Brest-Litovsk(Russ.),1192; fort,l199 - cotton mi11s, 693 Briangon (France), fortress, 794 -debt, 691 Bridgeport (Conn.), 387, 440 - diamond mining; 693 Bridgetown (Barbados), 284 -diplomatic representatives, 696 Brighton, population, 15 - finance, 691 Brindisi (Italy), fort, 993 - - state, 691 Brisbane (Queensland), 302, 326 ; - gold output, 693· university, 327 - government, 687 Bristol, 15; port, 82; university, 29 - - local, 688 British America, see Bermnd!l, - immigration, 689 Canada, West Indies, &e. - instruction, 690 - Baluchistan, see Baluchistan -justice and crime, 690 - Central Africa Protectorate, see - live stock, 692 Nyasaland Protectorate - mining, 693 - Colonies and Possessions in Africa, - money and credit, '695 98, 174 et seq. - money, weights, measm'es, 695 - -- - - in Asia, 97-8, 102 et seq., -National Congress, 687 161 ct. seq. - navy;'692 -Columbia, area and pop., 242, 262 - posts ani! telegraphs, 695 --coal, 263 ·-President, 688 --commerce, 263 -·production arid industry, 692 - - constitution and government, - railways; 694 240, 241, 261 - religion, 690 - - finance, 246, 262 - representation, 688 - -fisheries, 249, 263 - rubber, 692 - -- forest9, 249, 263 -senate, 687, 688 - - instruction, 244, 262 -shipping and navigation, 694 - - manufactures, 280 - states, 689 - - mining, 263 -towns, 689 - - political parties, 259 Brazzaville (Congo), 828 - - production and industry, 263 Brechou, Island, 22- - - railways, 263 Breda {Holland), 1068 - - religion, 244 Bremen, area and pop., 857, 910 - - representation, 240, 241, 261 -births, deaths, marriages, 910 - - shipping, 264 - books of reference, 911 - - towns, 26:.! - commerce and finance, 910 - East Africa, 17 4 et seq. - constitution, 910 ---books of reference, 183 -debt, 910 - Empire, see ·Great Britain, - emigration, 860, 911 England, Ireland, Scotland, &c. - finance, 910 - Guiana, 276 - matrioular contribution, 868 - Honduras, 278 INDEX 1377

BRI BUR British New Guinea, 293, 295, 350 Budweis (Austria), 626 -North Borneo, 104, 162 Buiia {Kamerun), 892 - Pacific Is., 293, 353, 354, 364, Buenos Ayres (city), 602, 607 369 et seq. - Federal District, 600, 601, 605 -Protected Malay States, 170 et seq. -University, 602 - Solomon Islands, 370, 371 Buffalo (N.Y.), 387, 515 -South Africa, 192 et seq., seo also Bnganda, 178 Union of Bugti tribe (Baluchistan), 155, 157 -Somaliland, 191, 1341 Buka Island (Solomon Is.), 896 - West Africa, 98, 225 et seq. Bukedi {Uganda), 178 -West Indies, 283 et seq. Bukowina, area and population, Brockton (U.S.A.}, 387, 481 624 BrokenHill(N.S.W.), 307 - representation, 621, 622, 623 Bromberg (Prussia}, 861 Bulawayo (lthodesia), 195 Bronx (N.Y.}, 387,514 Bulgaria, area and population, 699 Brooklyn (N.Y.), 387, 396, 514 - army,~701, 702 Bruchsal (Baden), 903 -banks, 704 Bruges (Belgium), 663 - books of reference, 704 Brunei, 104, 106, 162 - births, deaths, & marriages, 700 Hriinn (Austria), 626, 628 -commerce, 703 Brunswick (Ga.), shipping, 416 -constitution & gov., 698 Brunswick (Germany), area & popn· -debt, 701 lation, 856, 912 - diplomatic representatives, 704 -births, deaths, &c., 859, 912 - finance, 701 - books of reference, 912 -instruction, 700 - constitution, 911 - live stock, 702 -Council of Regency, 911 - minerals, 702 -debt, 912 - money and credit, 704 - finance, 912 - political parties, 699 - instruction, 862 - posts and telegraphs, 703 - manufactures, 878 - production and industry, 702 - matricular contribution, 868 - railways, 703 ·- occupations of the people, 858 - reiP,ing sovereign, 698 - Regent, 911 - rebgion, 700 - representation (Imperial), 855 - shipping, 703 -town, 861, 912 - Sobranje, 698, 699 Brussa, vilayet, 1305 ; town, 1306 -towns, 699 Brussels, 663; University, 663 -University, 700 Bucaramanga (Colombia), 740 -wheat, 702 Bucharest, 1172, 1175; Univ., 1113 Bulhar (Somaliland), 191 Buckeburg (Germany), 945 Bunbury (W. Aust.), 328 Budapest, 614, 641 ; University, Bunder Abbas (Persia), 1129, 1131, 643 1132 Buddhism in Bhutan, 680 Bundelkhand (India), 125 - in Ceylon, 108 Bundi State (India), 125 -in China, 718 Bunyoro (Uganda), 178 -in India, 129 Burgos (Spain), 1257 ; town, 1258 -in Japan, 1013 Burlington (Vt.), 555 -in Korea, 1027 Burma, agriculture, 138, 139 - in Mongolia, 735 -area and population, 123, 138 -in Nepal, 1062 - births and deaths, 12i - in Siam, 1248 - education, 130 - in Tibet, 733 - finance, 134 4 T 1378 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK

BUR CAN Burma, forests, 139,~140 California, constitution and govern- - government, 121, 122 ment, 378, 431 - justice, 131 - defence, 434 - land revenue, 134 - finance, 484 -- tenure, 139 - fisheries, 436 -religion, 129 - forests, 435 -roads, 148 - fruit, 402, 434 - trade, 142, 144, 145 - gold, 406, 435 Bnrnley, population, 15 - Indian reservations, 482 Burntisland, port, 68, 82 - inotruction, 433 Burton-on Trent, population, 15 - live stock, 435 Burutu (Nigeria), 229 - mining and manufactures, 435 Bury, population, 15 - oriental immigrants, 433 Bushire, 1129, 1131, 1132 - precious stones, 406, 485 Bushman race, (Africa) 892 - public lands, 399 Buskerud (Norway), prov., 1100 - railways, 436 Busoga (Uganda), 198 - religion, 483 Busra, Basra, or Bassora, 1305, 1306, - representation, 879, 481 1307 - schools and colleges, 433 Butaritari Island (Pacific), 370 - shipping, 436 Butte (Montana), 499 - universities, 433 Buzan (Rumania), 1172 - wheat, 401, 434 Byelaya Tserkov, (Russia) 1192 - wine, 402, 434 Byelostok (Ruseia), 1192 Callao (Peru), dept. 1139; town, 1139 ; port, 1144 Caltanisetta (Italy), 980; town, 983 Camagiiey (Cuba), 751 ; town, 731 Cambodia, 8H, 816, 818, 1247 ABANAS (Cuba), f01t, 751 Cambridge University, 29 C Cabinda, (Port. W. Af.), 1158 Cambridge (U.S.A.), 887, 481, 482 Caceres (Spain), prov., 1257 Camden (N. Jersey), 887, 508 Cadis (Turkish officials), 1380 Camerino, (Italy) University, 986 Cadiz (Spain), prov., 1257; town, Cameroon, see Kamerun 1258, 1260 ; faculty, 1259 Camorta Island (Nicobars), 161 Caen, 782 ; faculties, 787 Campania (Italy), 986 Cagliari, 980; town, 983; Univ., 986 Campeche (Mexico), 1041 Caicos Is. (W.I.), 285, 286, 290 Campbell Islands (N.Z.), 365 Cairo, 1325, 1326 ; city, 1327 Campo (Kamerun), 892 Cajamarca (Peru), dept., 1139 Campobasso (Italy), 979 ; town, 988 Calabar, Nigeria, 229, 230 Canada (see also separate Provinces) Calabria (Italy), 980 agriculture, 248 Calais, 782 ; trade, 806, 808 - area and population, 242 Calamada (Greece), 958, 956 -banks, 255 Calcutta, 128; trade, 145; Univ., 180 -books of reference, 257 Caldas, (Colombia), prov., 740 - canals, 254 Calgary (Canada), 248, 259 - Chinese in, 243 Cali (Colombia), 740 - eoal, 249 Calicut (India), 128 - commerce, 250 California, agriculture, 401, 484 - constitution, 289 - area and population, 883, 482 - customs, 252 - commerce, 434 -debt, 246 - charity, 488 -defence, 247 - Chinese and Japanese in, 483 -department of External Affairs,241 INDEX 1379

CAN CAR Canada, exports allll imports, 250 Capo of Good Hope, births, deaths et seq. and marriages, 209 - finance, 245 -- books of reference, 212 - - provincial, 246 ---charitable institutions, 210 - fisheries, 249 - commerce, 211 - forestry, 249 - communications, 207 -gold, 249 -constitution & govt., 200, 208 -government, 239 --- copper, 212 - - provincial, 241 - customs valuation, 211 -Governor-general, 3, 240 - defence, 204 -High Commissioner, 241 - diamonds, 212 - House of Commons, 240 - emigration and immigration, 209 - immigration, 243 -finance, 204, 210 -import duties, 250 et seq. -gold, 212 - instruction, 244 -instruction, 210 -justice aml crime, 244 -irrigation, 211 - manufactures, 250 -justice and crime, 210 - mining, 249 - local government, 208 -ministry, 241 - money, weights, and measure;,, - money and credit, 255 212 - money, weights, measmes, 256 - occupations of the people, 209 -parliament, 240-1 -pauperism, &c., 210 - political parties, 240 - production and industry, 211 - posts and telegraphs, 255 -religion, 210 - Privy Council, 241 - representation, 200, 201 - production and industry, 248 -towns, 209 - province, 250 - troops at, 98, 204 -provinces, 240, 241, 242, 258 et seq. - university, 203 -railways, 254 -wheat, 211 - religion, 24 3 -wine, 211 - Senate, 240 Cape Haiti, 967 -shipping and navigation, 254 Cape Lopez (Fr. Congo), 828 -towns, 243 Cape Mount (Liberia), 1035 - troops in (militia), 24 i Cape Palmas (Liberia), 1035, 1036 - universities, 260, 270, 272, 273 Cape Town, 201,203, 208 ; university, - wheat and oats, 248, 252, 253 208 Cailar (Ecuador) province, 770, 772 Cape Verde Islands, 1156, 1157 Canary Islands, 1257, 1261, 1268 Caqueta Territory (Colombia), 740 Canberra, Fed. cap. (Australia), Uarabobo (Venezuela), 1355 294 Caracas, 1355, 1356 Candia (Crete), 1320 Carapegua (Paraguay), 1119 Canea (Crete), 1320 Carasara (Bolivia), 682 Canelones (Uruguay), 1348, 1352 Carbonear (Newfoundland), 280 Cauterbury, population, 15 Carchi (Ecuador), prov., 770 Canterbury district (N.Z.), 354 Cardenas (Cuba), 751

Canton (China), 716, 718, 727 1 Cardiff, 15 ; College, 29 ; Port, 68, 82 Canton (Ohio), 387, 525 Cargados Islands, 186 Cape Coast Castle (Gold Coast), 230 Carib race (), 288 Cape of Good Hope, province of:• Carinthia, area and population, 624 - Administrator, 208 - representation in Reichsrath, 622, - agriculture, 211 - - in provincial Diet, 623 - area and population, 202, 208 Carlisle, college, 29 -banks, 212 Carnegie Trust, 29 4 '!' 2 1380 THE STATES!t!AN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

CAR CHA Car Nicoba.r, 161 Centrallndia, Native States, 124, 125 Carniola, area and population, 624 -- religion, 129 - representation, Reichsratl1, 621 -- roads, 148 - - in provincial Diet, 623 -Provinces and Herar, agricul. Carol I. (Rumania), 1170 ture, 138, 139 Carolina seeN. and S. Carolina - -area and pop., 123, 140 Caroline Islands (German), 890, 896 - - births and deaths, 127 Carrara. (Italy), 978 - -education, 130 Ca.rriacou Island ( W.l. ), 289 -- finance, 134 Carson City (Nevada.), 404 - -forests, 139, 140 Cartagena (Spain), 1258 - - government, 121, 122 Cartagena (Colombia), 740; port, 743 - -justice, 131 Cartago (Costa. Rica), 745 ; town, 746 --land revenue, 135, 136 Casablanca (Morocco), 1058 --- tenure, 138 Casale (Italy), fortress, 990 -- religion, 129 Caserta. (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 - -roads, 148 Cashmere, see Kashmir -- states, 124, 125 Caspian Ports (Persia.), 1129, 1131 Cephalonia (Greece), 953 Cassel (Prussia.), 861 Cerro de Pasca mines (Peru), 1143 Castello Branco (Port.), 1148 Cerro Largo (Uruguay), 1348 Castellon or Catalonia. (Spain) prov., Cettinje (Montenegro), 1051 1257, 1264; town, 1258 Ceuta, 1257, 1261, Castlema.ine (Victoria.), 318 Ceylon, area and pop., 107 Castries (S. Lucia), 290 -banks, 111 Catamarca (Arg. Rep.), 601, 605 - books of reference, 111 Oata.nia, 980 ;·town, 983 ; shipping, -commerce, 110 1000 ; university, 986 -communications, 111 Catanzaro, 980; town, 983; univer· -constitution and government, 107 sity, 986 - customs valuation, 110 Cattaro (Dalmatia.), 614 -defence, 109, 110 Cauca (Colombia), prov., 740, 741 -dependency (Maldive Islands), 111 Caucasus, agriculture, 1205 -exports and imports, 111 - area and pop., 1187, 1188 - finance, 109 - cattle, 1206 - Governor, 107 -forests, 1206 - import unties, 110 - government, 1184 - instruction, 108 -manufactures, 1209 -justice and crime, 109 - mining, 1208 -military expenditure, 98, 110 - towns, 1192 -minerals and precious stones, 110 Cantin (Chile), prov., 706 - money and credit, 111 Cavite (Philippine Islands), 396 -money, weights, and measures,lll Cawnpore (India), 128 -pauperism, 109 Cayenne (), 847, 848 - pearl fisheries, 11 0 Cayes, Les (Haiti), 967 -posts and telegraphs, 111 Cayman Is. (W.I.), 285, 286 - production, 110 Ceara (Brazil), 688, 689, 692; town, -railways, 111 689 -religion, 108 Cebu Is. (Philippines), 580; town, 588 -shipping, 111 Ceiba, la (Honduras), 971, 973 -towns, lOB Celaya (Mexico), 1042 -troops in, 98, 110 Celebes, Island, 1083, 1084 Chacham-Baschi (Jewish), 1306 Central Africa Protectorate (British), Ohaco, Gt. Eastern (Bolivia), 682 see Nyasaland Protectorate Chaco (Argentina), prov., 601 INDEX 1381

CHA CHI Chaco (Paraguay), 1119 Chile, births, deaths, and marriages, Chad region (Fr. Congo), 828, 829 706 Chaferinas Islands, 125 7 - cereals, 709 Chagai (Baluchistan), 156, 157, 158 - commerce, 710 Chagos Islands (), 186 - constitution, 705 Chalcis (Greece), 953 -debt, 708 Cham race (Cochin China), 819 - diplomatic representatives, 712 Chaman (Baluchistan), 156, 598 - finance, 708 Chamba (India), 126 - forests, 709 Champerico (Guatemala), port, 965 -gold, 709, 710 Chanchamayo district (Peru), 1142 j - government, 705 Chandemagar (Jt'rench India), 816 -- local, 705 Chang-chung (Kirin), 732 - immigration, 707 Chango race (Chile), 706 - instruction, 707 Ch'ang-sha (China), 716, 718, 726 -iron, 709 Channellslands, area & pop. ,12, 13,22 -justice and crime, 707 - books of reference, 97 - live stock, 709 -government, 91 - mining, 709 Charjui (Bokhara), 1226 - money and credit, 712 Charleroy (Belgium), 663 - money, weights, measures, 712 Charles Edward, Duke (Saxe-Coburg - National Congress, 705 and Gotha), 937 -navy, 709 Charleston (S.C.), 387, 396, 540, 541 -nitrate exports, 710 - shipping, 416, 542 - posts and telegraphs, 711 Charleston (W. Va.), 564 - President, 705 Charlestown (Nevis), 288 -production and industry, 709 Charlottenburg (Prussia), 861 -railways, 711 Charlottetown (P. Ed. Island), 1271 - religion, 707 Charters Towers (Queensland), 326 -roads, 711 Chatalja (Turkey), 1305 - shipping and navigation, 711 Chatham Islands (N.Z.), 354, 364 -towns, 706 Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland), 1291 - universities, 707 Chefoo (China), 718 Chihli (China), 716, 717 CMhkiang (China), 716, 717, 724 Chillan (Chile), 706 Chelyabinsk, (Russia), 1192 Chiloe (Chile), 691 prov., 706 Chemnitz (Suony), 941 ; tn., 861,942 Chimborazo (Ecuador), prov., 770 Chemulpo (Korea), 1027, 1028 China, agriculture, 723 Ch'eng-tu (China), 716 - area and population, 716 et seq. Chenstochow, (R. Poland), 1192 -army, 723 Cherbourg, 782; fort., 794, 798 - books of reference, 735 Chernigov (Russia), 1188; town, - cabinet, 714, 715 1192 - coal, 724, 725 Chester, population, 15 -commerce, 725 et seq. Cheyenne (W:y.), 570 -constitutional reform, 714 Chiapas (Mexico), 1042 - copper, 725 Chicago (Ill.), 387, 455; Univ., 456 -cotton, 721 Ohieti (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 -customs, maritime, 721 (Jhihuahua(Mex.), 1041; town, 1042 - customs valuation, 726, 727 Chile, agriculture, 709 -debt, 721-2 - area and population, 706 -dependencies, 716, 731 et seq. --army, 708 - diplomatic representatives, 731 - banking, 713 -enumeration districts, 717 - books of reference, 713 - finance, 720 1382 THE STA'rESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

CHI COB China, government, 714 Chinkai (Japan), naval dist., 1018 - -local, 715 Chinkiang (China), 718, 726 -House of Representatives, 714 Chinnampo (Korea), 1028 - instruction, 719 Chintechi (Nyasland), 187 -iron, 724 Chinwangtao (China), 718, 726 -justice, 720 Chipias (Mexico), state, 1042 - leases of territory, 115, 172, 717, Chiquitos, De los (Bolivia), 681 718, 726, 732, 816, 817, 890, 895, Chiromo (Nyasaland), 186, 187 1005, 1031 Chishima (Kurile) Islands, 1011 - loans, 721, 722 Chita (Siberia), 1192 -mines and minerals, 724, 725 Chitral, 595 - money, weights, and measures, Choco (Colombia), province, 740 730 Choiseul I. (W. Pacific), 370, 896 --navy, 723 Cholon (Cochin-China), 819 -- opium, 720, 725 Choluteca (Honduras), 971 - Parliament, 714 Chosen, see Korea - ports, 718, 726, 727 Chota Nagpur (India), see Bihar - post and telegraphs, 729 Choumen (Bnlgada), 699 -production and industry, 723 Chowfa Maha Vajiravudh (Siam), -provinces, 716 1246 -provisional President, 714 Christchurch (N.Z.), 354, 356 - railways, 728 Christian X. (Denmark}, 755 -religion, 718 Christiania, see Kristiania -roads, 728 Christmas Is.,(Indian Ocean),161,163 - salt gabelle, 721 Chua (Uganda), 178 - Senate, 714 Chubut (Argentina), province, 601 -shipping and navigation, 727 Chumbi valley, 733 - silk, 724, 726, 727 Chung-jin (Korea), 1028 - tea, 724, 726, 727 Chungking (China), 718, 726 -tin, 725 Chuquisaca (Bolivia), prov., 681 -towns, 716 Ohutta race (Baluchistan), 157 -universities, 719 Cienfuegos (Cuba), 751 China, North, British troops in, 98 Cincinnati (Ohio), 387, 525 China (Portuguese), 1156, 1157 Cirencester, agricultuml college, 29 Ch'i·uan (China), 716 Ciscaucasia, 1188 Chinandega (Nicaragua), 1094 Ciudad-Real (Spain), prov., 1257 Chinde (Mozamb), 187, 1159 Civil Territory (Algeria), 822 Chine~e in Australia, 306, 318, 325 Clermont, faculties, 787 - in California, 433 Olermont-Ferrand, 782 - in Canada, 243 Cleveland (Ohio), 387, 525, 527 -in German Pacific, 896 Clichy, 782 - in Jamaica, 285 Clydebank, population, 19 -in Koren, 1027 Coahuila (Mexico), state, 1041 -in Madagascar, 830 Coastland (Austria}, area & pop., 624 - in Mauritius, 184 Coatbridge, population, 19 -in New Zealand, 354 Cohan (Guatemala}, 962 - in Philippine Is., 581 Coblentz, 861, 869 - in Reunion, 835 Coburg, 937 - in Siam, 1249 Cochabamba(Boliva), 681 ,684; town, Chinese in U.S.A., 382, 383, 384, 681 386, and see separate States Cochin (Mallras), 125 Chinese Turkestan, 714, 733 Cochin-China (French}, 814, 816, 819 Ching-Ching (China), coal mines, 724 Cocos Islands, 161, 163 INDEX 1383

coo CON Codrington College (Barbados), 284 Colorado, gold, 438 Coetivy (Seychelles), 189 - instruction, 437 Coiba Island (Panama) pearl fishery, - irrigation, 438 1116 -live stock, 438, 439 Coimbra (Portugal), 1148; town, - manufactures, 439 1149; Univ., 1150 - mining, 406, 438 Coimbatore (India); 128 - production and industry, 438 Cojedes (Venezuela), 1355 - public lands, 399 Colchagua (Chile), prov., 706 - railways, 439 Colima (Mexico), state, 1042 - religion, 437 College de France, 788 - representation, 379, 437 Colmar, 899 -universities, 437 Coloane Island (Macao), 1157 Colorado Springs, 437 Cologne, 861, 869 Columbia, District of (U.S.A.), 3711, Colombia, agriculture, 7 42 883, 406, 444 - area and population, 739 - area and population, 383, 444. - bauk, 743 - instruction, 445 - books of reference, 744 Columbia (S. Carolina), 640 -boundary disputes, 690, 740, 1140 Columbus (Ohio), 387, 524, 525 - cattle trade, 742 Coma.dora Revadiva (Argentine Re· - commerce, 742 public), 605 - constitution and government, 739 Comisarias (Columbia), 740 -debt, 741 Commerson Island (Pacific), 896 - defence, 741 Commonwealth of Australia, see -diplomatic representatives, 74.4 Australia - emeralds, 741 Como (Italy), 978; town, 983 - finance, 741 Comoro Isles, 834 -gold, 741 Concepcion (Chile), 706 ; town, - instruction, 740 706 - mines and minerals, 741 Concepcion (Paraguay), 1119 - money and credit, 743 Concord (N. H.), 506 -money, weights, measures, 743 Condamine, La (Monaco), 1049 - pearl fisheries, 742 Confucianism, 718, 1027 - posts and telegraphs, 743 Congo State, see Belgian Congo - President, 739 - French, 814, 815, 828 -production, 741 -Portuguese, lUiS -railways, 743 Connanght, province, pop., 21 - religion, 740 - agricultural holdings, 63 -river navigation, 743 Connecticut, area and population, -rubber concessions, 742 382, 399, 440 -shipping, 743 -banking, 441 -towns, 740 - charity, 440 Colombo (Ceylon), 108 -constitution and govt., 439 Colon (Panama), 1116, 1116 - defence, 441 Colonia (Uruguay), 1348, 1362 - finance, 441 Colonies, British, three classes, 97 - instruction, 440 -- military contributions, 97, 98 - mining, 406, 441 Colorado, agriculture, 401 -production and industry, 441 -area and pop., 383, 437 - railways, 441 -constitution and govt., 43i - representation, 379, 439 - charity, 437 - tobacco, 402, 441 - defence, 43~ -Universities, 440 - finance, 438 Constantine (Algeria), 823, 81!4 1:384 THE STATESMAN's YEAR-BOOK, l!il3

CON CUB Constantinople (vilayet), 1305; town, Costa Rica, finance, 746 1306; shipping, 1314 - instruction, 746 -Patriarch of, 1166 -justice, 746 Constanza (Rumania), 1172 -live stock, 747 Cooch Behar (India), 125 -mines, 747 Cook Islands (N.Z.), 353, 354, 364 - money, weights, measures, 7 48 Coomassie, or Kumasi (Ashanti), -posts and telegraphs, 748 231 - President, 745 Coorg (India), agriculture, 138, 139 -production and indu~try, 747 -area and population, 123, 140 -railways, 748 -births and deaths, 127 - religion, 746 - education, 130 -shipping, 748 - forests, 139, 140 -towns, 746 - government, 121 Ciithen (Anhalt), 901 - justice, 131 Com·land (Russia), 1188 -land tenure, 138 Courtrai (Belgium), 663 -religion, 129 Coventry, population, 15 -roads, 148 Covilha (Portugal), 1149 Co pais, Lake (Greece), 956 1 Covington, (Ky.), 387, 468 Copenhagen, pop., 758 ; distilleries, Crab Island (W. I.), 288 763 ; finance, 761 ; university, 759 Cracow, 614, 623, 626; Univ., 628 Copts, 592, 1327 Cradock (Cape Colony), 209 Coquimbo (Chile), 706, 709; port, 711 Cra1ova (Rumania), 1172 C6rdoba (Arg. Rep.), 601 ; town, 602; Crefeld, (Prussia), 861 university, 602 Cremona (Italy), 978; town, 983 C6rdoba (Spain), 1257 ; town, 1258 Crete, 1304, 1320 Corea, see Korea Crimmitschau (Saxony), 942 Corfu, 953 ; town, 953 Cristobal (Panama), port, 1116 Corinth canal, 958 Croatia-Siavonia, area and pop., 639 Carinthia (Greece), 953 - local government, 639 Corinto (Nicaragua), 1094, 1096 - justice and crime, 643 Corisco (Span. Africa), 1268 - representation, central, 637 Cork, 12, 21; University Coli., 29 - - provincial Diet, 638 Coro (Venez. ), coal at, 1357 - schools, 642, 643 Coronel (Chile), port, 711 Cronstadt (Russia), see Kronstadt Corral (Chile), port, 711 Crooked Island (Bahamas), 283 Corrientes (Arg. ), 601 ; town, 602 Croydon, population, 15 Corse (Corsica), 798 Cuba, area and population, 750 Coruil.a (Spain), 1257 ; town, 1258; -bank, 752 fort, 1261 - books of reference, 754 Coscuez, emerald mines (Colom.), 741 - commerce, 752 Cosenza (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 -constitution and government, 750 Cosmoledo Is. (Seychelles), 189 - debts, 752 Cossack schools, 1194; soldiers, 1200-1 - defence, 396, 750 Costa Rica, area and pop., 745 - diplomatic representatives, 753 - births, deaths, 745 - finance, 751 -books ofreference, 749 - forests, 752 -commerce, 747 -instruction, 751 -constitution and gov., 745 - live stock, 752 -- uebt, 746 - minerals, 7 52 - defence, 7 46 -money, 753 - diplomatic representatives, 7 49 -National Congress, 750 - emigration and immigration, 745 - naval station, 396, 750 INDEX 1385

CUB DEY Cuba, posts and telegraphs, 753 Damietta, 1325, 1326; city, 1327 - President, 750 Dampier L (Pacific), 895 -- production and industry, 752 Danakil race (Fr. Somaliland), 836 -railways, 753 Danger Island (Cook Is.), 364 -roads, 753 Danger Is. (Pacific), 370 -shipping, 753 Danish West Indies, 767 -tobacco & suga1·, 752 Danube (province), 948 -towns, 751 -defences, 617 - University, 751 - navigation, 634, 1177 Cucuta (Colombia), 740 Danzig, naval port, 872 ; shipping, Cuenca (Ecuador), 770 884 ; town, 861 Cuenca (Spain), province, 1257 Daqahlia (Egypt), 1325, 1326 Cuddalore (India), 128 Dar el Baida, see Casablanca Culebra Island (Porto Rico), 579 Darbhangah (In:lia), 128 Cundinamarca (Colom. ), prov., 740 Dardanelles (fortif.), 1308 Cuneo (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Dar-es-Salaam (Ger.E. Africa), 894 Cura~ao, 1089, 1091 Darfur, 1340 Curico (Chile), 706 ; town, 706 Darmstadt (Hesse), 861, 916 Curieuse Is. (Seychelles), 189 Daru (Papua), 350 Cutch (India), 125 Darn (S. Leone), 232 Cuttack (India), 128 Darwin (Australia), 348 Cuxhaven, 869, 872 Darwin (Falkland Is.), 275 Ouzco (Peru), dept., 1139 ; town, Darzadah race (Baluchistan), 157 1139; Univ., 1140 Daudi Chua, Kabaka (Ugand3), 178 Cyclades, 953 Dawson (Canada), 274 Cyprus, 112, 1304; troops at, 98 Dayton (Ohio), 387, 525 Cyrenaica, 992, 1005 Deb Raja (Bhutan), 680 Czegled (Hungary), 641 Debra 'l'abor (Abyssinia), 592 Czcrnowitz, 626 ; University, 628 Debreczen (Hungary), 641 ; Univer- sity, 643 Degema (Nigeria), 229, 230 Dehwar race (Baluchistan), 157 Delagoa Bay Railway, 1160 ABOSSA (Uganda), 178 Delaware, area and population, 383, D Dacca, 128 399, 442 Dadhar (Baluchistan), 157 - charity, 443 Daghestan, 1188 - constitution & government, 442 Dahlak Archipelago, 1003 - defence, 443 Dahomey, 814, 836, 840 - finance, 443 Dairen or Dalny, 726, 1031 - instruction, 442 Dakar (Senegal), 837, 838 - production and industry, 443 Dakota, see N. and S. Dakota - railways, 444 Dalai Lama (Tibet), 732 - religion, 442 Dallas (Tex.), 387, 549 - representation, 379, 442 Dalmatia, area and population, 624 Delft (Holland), 1068 -representation, Reichsrath, 622 Delhi, town, 128; prov., 121 - - provincial Diet, 623 De los Chiquitos (Bolivia), 681 Damanhour (Egypt), 1325, town, Delta-Amacnro (V enez.), 1355 1327 Demerara (B. Guiana), 276 Damao (Port. India), 1156 Denmark, agriculture, 763 Damaraland (Ger. S. W. A f.), 892 - area and population, 758 Damascus, 1306; railway, 1315 -army, 762 Darner, El, (A.-E. Sudan), 1341 -banks, 766 1386 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

DEN DUK Denmark, births, deaths, marriages, Devonport, population, 15 758 Dharma Raja (Bhutan), 680 - books of reference, 767 Dholpur (India), 125 -colonies, 757, 767 Diarbekir (vilayet), 1305; town, -commerce, 764 1306 -constitution, 756 Diego Garcia Island, 184, 186 -customs valuation, 765 Diego-Suarez, 830 - dairy produce, 763; exports, 765 Dieppe, trade, 806 - debts, 761, 762 Digue, La Is. (Seychelles), 189 - diplomatic representatives, 766 Dijon, 782 ; faculties, 787 ; fort, 794 - distilleries, 763 Dilly, (Tunor), port, 1157 - emigration, 759 Dindings (Perak), 161, 162 -finance, 760 Dingri (Tibet), 732 -- local, 761, 762 Dinguiray (French Guinea), 839 - fisheries, 763 Din\-Dawa (Abyssinia), .~ce Dere - Folkething, 756, 757 Dawa, 836 -government, 756 District of Columbia (U.S.), 381, 383, --local, 757 444 -import duties, 764 - area and pop., 383, 399, 445 -instruction, 759 - instruction, 445 -justice and crime, 760 Diu (Port. India), 1156 - kings of, since 1448, 756 Djebzoun Damba Khutnkla ruler, - Landsthing, 756, 757 (Mongolia), 734 -live stock, 763 Djenne (Fr. W. Afr.), 841 -ministry, 757 Djibouti, 593, 835, 836 - money and credit, 766 Diwangiri (Bhutan), 680 - money, weights, & measures, 766 Dobruja or Dobrogsa, 1172 -navy, 763 Dominica (B. W. I.), 286, 288 -occupations of the people, 758 Don (Russia), prov., 1188 -old-age pensions, 766 Donau, see Danube - pauperism, 759 Dongola (A. E. Sudan), irrigation, - political parties, 757 1342 - posts and telegraphs, 764 Dordrecht (Holland), 1068 -production and industry, 763 Dorpa t, see Yuriev - railways, 764 Dortmund (Germany), 861 - reigning King, 755 Douai, 782 -religion, 759 Douglas (I. of Man), 90 - Rigsdag, 756, 757 Dover (DeL), 442 - royal family, 755 Dover, port, 82 -shipping and navigation, 764 Drammen (Norway), 1102 -towns, 758 Drenthe Province, 1067, 1069 -University, 759 Dresden, 941 ; town, 861, 942 D'Entrecasteaux Is. (Pacific), 350 Duala (Kamerun), 892 Denver (Colo.), 387, 437, 438, 439 Dublin, 12, 20, 21 ; univ., 29 Derby, population, 15 Dubuque (Iowa), 462 Dere Dawa (Abyssinia), 592, 593, 836 Ducie Island (Pacific), 370 Derna (N. Africa), 1005 Dudley, population, 15 Desirade I. (Guadeloupe), 847 Dudoza Island (Pacific), 370 Des Moines (Iowa), 387, 462 Dueim, El (A. E. Sudan), 1341 Dessau (Anhalt), 861, 901 Duff Islands (Pacific), 371 Detmold (Lippe), 918 Duisburg, 861 Detroit (Mich.), 387, 487 Duke of Clarence Islands, 370 Deventer (Holland), 1068 Duke of York Islands, 370 INDEX 1387


Duki district (Baluchistan}, 155 1 Dny-Tan, King (Annam), 818 Dulcigno (1\lontenegro}, 1051 Dvinsk (Russia), 1192 Duluth (Minn.}, 387, 490, 492 Duma, the (Russia}, 1181 Diinaburg (Dvinsk), 1192 Diinamunde (Russia), 1199, 1202 AGLE (Trois Freres} Is., 186 Dundee, 19 ; College, 29 E East Africa (British}, 174 et seq. Dunedin (N.Z.), 354, 356; port, 362, East Africa Protectorate (British}, 363 17 4 et seq. Dunkerque, 782, 798 ; trade, 806 ; East Africa (German), 890, 893 Durango (1\lexico), 1041; town, 1042 East Africa (Italian), 992 Durazno (Uruguay}, 1348, 1351 East Africa (Port.}, 1156, 1159 Durban, 203, 214, 216 Eastbournc, population, 15 Durham University, 29, 232, 284 East Indies, British. See India, Durlach (Bade:1}, 903 British Dnrrani race (Afgh. ), 595, 596 East Indies, Dutch. See Dutch East Dusseldorf, 861 Indies Dutch Cura9ao, 1089, 1091 East London (Cape Col.}, 203, 209 Dutch East Indies, 1082, 1083 Eastern Bengal and Assam, agricul. - agriculture, 1087 ture, 138, 139 -area and pop., 1084 -area and population, 123, 124, 138 - banks, 1089 - births and deaths, 127 - births, deaths, and marriages, 1084 - education, 130 -books of reference, 1092 - tinance, 134 - cacao, 1087 -forests," 139, 140 - cinchona, 1088 -government, 121, 122 -coal, 1088 -justice and crime, 131 - coffee, 1087 - land revenue, 134 -commerce, 1088 - - tenure, 138 - constitution and government, 1083 -religion, 129 - consular representatives, 1089 -roads, 148 - defence, 1087 - states, 124, 125 - finance, 1086 Eastern Prov. (Uganda}, 178 - Governor-General, 1083 East St. Louis (U.S.A.}, 387, 455 - instruction, 1085 Ebingen (Germany}, 748 -justice and crime, 1085 Echegheh (Coptic dignitary}, 592 -mining, 1088 Echigo (Japan), prov., petroleum in, - money and credit, 1089 1021 - money, weights, measures, 1089 Echmiadzin, Catholicos of, 1306 -oil, 1088 Ecuador, area and population, 769 -posts and telegraphs, 1089 -banks, 773 - production and industry, 1087 - books of reference, 77 4 - railways, 1089 - boundary disputes, 770, 1140 - religion, 1085 - cocoa cultur~, 771 -shipping, 1089 -commerce, 771 -sugar, 1087 - constitution and government, 769 -tea, 1088 -debt, 771 -tin, 1088 ! - defence. 771 - tobacco, 1088 - diplomatic representatives, 77 4 -- towns, 10'35 - finance, 770 Dutch Guiana (Surinam), 1089, 1091 -gold, 771 Dutch New Guinea, 1083, 1084 -instruction, 770 Dutch West Indies, 1089 -justice and crime, 770 1:388 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

ECU ENG Ecuador, minerals, 711 El Azhar, Mosque, Cairo, 1327 -money and credit, 773 El Beni (Bolivia), 681 -money, weights, and measures, 773 Elba, Island of, 990 -posts and telegmphs, 773 Elberfelrl, 861 - President, 769 Elbing (Pmssia), 861 - production, 771 Eldama Ravine (B. E. Africa), 175 - railways, 773 El Darner (A. E. Sudan), 1341 -religion, 770 El Dueim (A. E. Sudan), 1341 -roads, 772 Eleuthera Island (Bahamas), 283 - rubber, 771, 772 Elgon, Mt., forest on, 176 - shipping and navigation, 772 Elima (Ivory Coast), 839 -towns, 770 Elis, (Greece), 953 - university, 770 Elizabeth (N . .J. ), 387, 508 Edinburgh, 19; University, 29 Eliubethapol (Russia), 1188, 192 Edmonton (Canada), 259 Elizabethgrad (Russia), 1192 Efate Island (Pacific), 371 Elizabethville (Belg. Congo), 674,676 Efik tribes (Nigeria), 230 Ellice Islands (Pacific), 370 Egham, Royal Holloway College, 29 Ellice Is. (Gilbert and Ellice), 370 .Egypt, 1304 El Obeid (A. E Sudan), 1341 - agriculture, 1333 Elobey, Great and Little, 1268 - area and pop., 1304, 1325 et seq. Elsass, (see also Als11ce), Upper and -army, 1333 Lower, 900 - banks, 1338 Elvas (Portugal), 1149 -books ofreference, 1344 Ely, Isle of, 14 -commerce, 1335 Embu (E. Africa), 175 - constitution & government, 1324 Emilia (Italy), 979 - cotton, 1334, 1336 Enderbnry Island (Pacific), 370 - customs valuation, 1336 F.ngland &Wales, agricnl tlll'e, 62 etseq. -debt, 1332 - agricultural holdings, 62 - diplomatic representatives, 1340 - area, 12 et seq. - El Azhar, Mosque, 1327 - Bank of England, 87 - finance, 1331 - banks, chartered, 87 - governorships, 1325 - -joint-stock, 87-8 -import duties, 1336 - - post.office, 88 - instruction, 1328 - - trustee, 89 -- irrigation, 1334 - births, deaths, and marriages, 22 - justice and crime, 1330 -books of reference, 92, 96 - Khedive, 1323 -canals, 83 - money and credit, 1338 -cities and towns, 15, 16 -money, weights, measures, 1339 - coal produce, 67 - mudirias, 1325 -commerce, 72 et seq. - occupations of the people, 1327 - cotton factories, 70 - posts and telegraphs, 1338 - counties, administrativc,10, 14,15 -production &industry, 1333 - county boroughs, 15, 16 - railways, 1338 - crime and criminals, 34-5, 37 - religion, 1327 - etlucation, agricultnral, 29, 64 - shipping and navigation, 1337 - -elementary, 31 et seq. - Suez Canal, 1337 -- - secondary, 80 - towns, 1327 - - technical, :',0 - troops in, British, 108, 1333 - -university, 2\J - - native, 1333 - electorate, 5, 6 Eisenach, 939 - emigration & immigratiou, 24, El Arish (Egypt), 1325 - fisheries, 65 INDEX 1389

ENG FER England & Wales, forestry, 65 gsperanza, La (Honduras), 971 -illegitimacy, 23 Esphito Santo (Brazil), 688, 689, 692 - imports and exports, 72 et seq. Espirito Santo hland (Pacific), il7l -income tax, 46, 47 gssen, 861 -justice and crime, 34, 37 Essequibo (B. Guiana), 276 -king, 3 Esslingen (Germany), 948 -live stock, 61 Esteli (Nicaragua), 1094 - local government, 9--11 Esthonia, 1188 - local taxation, 49 Estremadura (Portugal), 1148 -metropolis (see also London), 17 Ethiopia, 591, 592 - mining and minerals, 67 et s'Jq. Euboea (Greece), 953, 957 - national insurance, 37 Europe, British colonies in, 98, 99 - occupations of the people, 17 Eurytania (Greece), 953 - old-age pensions, 38 Evansville (U.S.A.), 387, 459 - parliamentary representation, 5, 6 Evora (Portugal), 1148 ; town, 1149 -pauperism, 39 Ewe race (W. Africa), 840, 891 - population, 12 et seq. Exarch (Bulgarian), 1306 - posts and telegraphs, 84 Exeter, population, 15 ; college, 29 - property assessed, 84 l<:xuma lsland (Bahamas), 283 - railways, 83 - religion, 25 et seq. -revenue & expend., 40 et seq., 47, 49 ADA N'GOURMA (Fr. W. Af.) - textile factories, 69, 70 F 840, 841 - trade, 7a et seq. Faeroe Islands, 7 58 - uaiversities, 29 Fairbanks (Alaska), 572 Enkeldoorn (Rhodesia), 195 Fakaafo Island (Pacific), 370 Enschede (Netherlands), 1068 Fakumen (Manchuria), 372 Entebbe (Uganda), 179 Falasha race (Abyssinia), 592 Entre Minho e Douro (Spain), 1147 Falcon (Venezuela), 1355, 1357 Entre Rios (Argentina), prov., 601, Falkirk, population, 1 I! 605 Falkland Islands, 27 4 Enzeli (Persia), 1129, 1131 Fall River (Mass.), 387, 481 Epinal (France), fortress, 794 Falun (Sweden), 1274 Equator (Belgian Congo), 67 4 Famagusta (Cyprus), 113 Equatorial Africa, French, 815, 828 Fangtze (China), coal mines, 724 Erfurt (Prussia), 861 Fanning Island (Pacific), 371 Erie (Pa.), 387, 553 Fargo ( N. Dak. ), 523 Eritrea, 992, 1003, 1341 Farmuli (Afghanistan), 597 Erivan, 1188 Faro (Portugal), 1148; tour, 1149 Erlangen (Bav.) 907; Univ., 864 Farukhabad (India), 128 Ernst, Duke (Saxe-Altenburg), 936 Fayum, 1325, 1326 ; town, 1327 !<;rnst Ludwig, Gr-D. (Hesse), 915 Federal District (Brazil), 688, 689 Eromanga Island (Pacific), 371 Federal District (Mexico), 1041 Erythrea see Eritrea Federal District (Venezuela), 1355 Erronan Island (Pacific), 371 Federated Malay States, 167 et .~eq. Erzeroum (vilayet), 1305; town, 1306; Felicite Is. (Seychelles), 189 fort., 1308 Female suffrage, •ee Woman suffrage Eskilstuna (Sweden), 1274 Feng-tien (Manchuria), prov., 731 Eskimo of Alaska, 572 Ferdinand, King (Bulgaria), 698 Esmeraldas (Ecuador), 770; mines, Ferencz Canal (Hungary), 648 771 ; town, 770 Ferghana, 1189 Esna Barrage (Egypt), 1334 Ferman, chief (Persia), 1126 1390 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

FER ~'RA Fernando Po (Span. Africa.), 1268 Flanders, 661 Ferrara, 979 ; town, '983 ; nniv., 986 (Seychelles), 189 Ferro! (Spain), fort., 1261, 1262 Flensburg (Prnssia), 861 l<'euerbach (Germany), 948 ~'Iorence (Fircnze), 980 ; town, 986 Fez (Morocco), 1057 Flores (Uruguay), 1:348 Fianarantsoa (Madagascar), 831 Florida, area and pop., 383, 44 7 Fife (N. Rhodesia), 196 - charity, 447 l<'igig (Morocco, 1057 - constitution aud govt., 446 Fiji, 293 ; area and population, 366 - cotton, 402 -births and deaths, 366 - defence, 448 - books of reference, 368 - finance, 448 -commerce, 367 - fisheries, 448 - communications, 368 - fruit cult11re, 448 -constitution and gov. 365 -instruction, 447 -debt, 367 - proclnction and industry, 448 - finance, 367 - public lands, 3 99 - Governor, 366 -railways, 449 - instruction, 366 - religion, 44 7 - production and industry, 367 - representation, 370, 446 - religion, 366 - rice and tobacco, 401, 402, 448 - shipping, 368 Florida Island, Pacific, 370 -sugar mills, 367 Florida (Uruguay), 1348 Fingo race (S. Africa), 209 Flushing (Holland), 1068, 1079 Finland, agriculture, 1223 Focsani (Rumania), 1172, 1175 -area, 1188 Foggia (Italy), 981 ; tow11, 983 -births, deaths, marriages, 1222 Fon race (W. Africa), 840 - books of reference, 1225 Fongtien (Chiua), 717 - canals, 1224 Forcados (Nigeria), 229, 230 -commerce, 1224 Forli (Italy), 980; town, 986 - crime, 1222 Formosa, (Argentina), prov., 601 -debt, 1223 Formosalsland,717, 1011,1030,1031 - emigration, 1222 Fort Anderson (Nyasaland), 186 - finance, 1222 Fort-de· France (), 848 - forests, 1206, 1223 Fort Hall (B. E. Africa), 175 - government, 1184, 1186, 1221 Fort Jameson (Rhodesia), 196 -industry, 1223 Fort Johnston (N yasaland), 186 -instruction, 1222 Fort Sandeman (Baluchistan), 156 -iron, 1223 Fort Smith (Ark.), 430 - live stock, 1223 Fort Wayne (Ind.), 387, 459 - money, weights, measures, 1225 Fort Worth ('l'exas), 387, 549 - pauperism, 1222 Fourah Bay Col!. (W. Africa), 232 - population, 1188, 1221 France, agriculture, 800 et seq. -posts and telegraphs, 1225 - alcohol, 863 -railways, 1225 -area, 778 et seq. - religion, 1221 - army, 794 et seq. -shipping and navigation, 1224 - associations cultuelles, 783 -towns, 1192, 1221 -banks, 809 -university, 1193, 1222 - births, deaths, marriagrs, 780, 781 Finmarken (Norway), prov., 1100 - books of reference, 811 Fiote language (Belg. Congo), 674 -budget, 791 et seq. Firenze, see }<'Iorence. - canals, 808 Fiume, 643 ; port, 648 - ChamberofDeputies, 775,776,777 Flamenco Island, 1115 -coal, 802 INDEX 1391

FRA FRI France, colonies & dependencies, 813 France, religion, 783 et seq. - Senate, 775, 777 - trade of, 814, & see each Colony - shipping and navigation, 807 -commerce, 804 et seq. - silk, 862, 803 --with United Kingdom, 806 - sovereigns and governments from - communes, 778, 782 1589, 776 - Conseil d'Etat, 777 - sugar, 801, 803 - ConseilSnperienrdes Colonies, 814 - textile industries, 803 -constitution, 775 - torpedo stations, 798 - cotton industries, 803 -towns, 782 - cnstoms valuation, 804 - tmmways, 808 -debt, 792 -Universities, 787, 788 - departments, 779-80 - wheat, 800, 801 - diplomatic representatives, 810 - wine, 801, 802, 803 - divorces, 782 - woollens, 803 - faculties, 788, 789 Francistown (S. Africa), 193 - finance, local, 793 Franconia, 906, 908 -- state, 791 Frankfort (Ky.), 468 - fisheries, 803 Frankfort-on-Main, 861 - foreigners residing in, 781 Fmnkfort-on-Oder, 861 - forests, 800 Franz Josef I. (Austria-Hungary), - frontier and fortresses, 794 610-12, 621-2 - fruit culture, 801, 802 Fl"I~Y Bentos (Uruguay), 1351 -government, central, 775 Fredericton (N. Bruns.), 265 -- local, 778 Fredrikshald (Norway), 1102 - import duties, 804 Fredrikstad (Norway), 1102; ship- -instruction, 784 et seq. ping, 1109 - internal communications, 808 Freetown (Sierra Leone), 232 -justice and crime, 789 Freiberg (Saxony), 942 -Latin Monetary Union, 810, 816, Freiburg (Baden), 903; town, 861, 817, 886 903; Univ., 864, 865 -leased territory, 717 Fremantle (W. Australia), 302, 328 - live stock, 802 French American possessions, 847 - manufactures, 803 et seq. -mercantile navy, 807 - Australasia, 849 et seq. - mining and mine1·als, 802 - Cura9ao, 1091 -ministry, 776 -Equatorial Africa (), - money and credit, 809 814, i!15, 828 -money, weights,& measures, 810 -Guiana, 790, 815, 847 - navy, 797 et seq. -Guinea, 814,836,839 - occupations of the people, 781 - India, 814, 815, 816 - pauperism, old-age pensions, 790, - Indo-China, 718, 814, 816 et seq 791 - Oceania. 815, 851 - political parties, 777 - Pacific Islands, 790, 815, 849 - population, 778 et seq. - Somali Coast, 815, 835 -- communes, 782 -West Africa, 814, 815, 836 et seq. -- departments, 779 Fribourg, 1288, 1290 -- towns, 782 Friedrich, Duke (Anhalt), 901 - ports, 806, 808 Friedrich II., Gd.-Duke (Baden), 902 - posts and telegraphs, 808 Friedrich, Prince (Waldeck), 946 - President, 776 Friedrich August, Grand· Duke -production & industry, 800 et seq. (Oldenburg), 922 - railways, 808 Friedrich August III., (Saxony), 940 1392 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

FRI GER Friedrich Fmnz IV., Grand-Duke Geelong (Victoria), 318 (Mecklenburg-Schwerin), 920 ! Gelsenkirchen (Prussia), 861 Friedrich Wilhelmshafen (Pacific), 895 Geneva 1288, 1290; town, 1291 Friendly Islands (Tonga), 369 Genoa, 978; town, 983; fort, 990, 993: Friesland, 1067, 1069 shipping, 1000; University, 986 Fuchou, 716, 727 Georg II., Duke(Saxe-Meiningen), 938 Fuegian race (Chile), 706 George II. (Tonga), 369 Fukien (China), 716, 717, 724 George V., King and Emperor, 3; Fukue (Japan), 1013 title, 3, 119 Fukuoka(Japan), 1013 George Town (Penang), 162 Fukushima (Japan), 1013 Georgetown (Ascension I.), 174 Fuladugu dist.(Gambia), 233 -(Cayman Is.), 286 Fulani tribes (Nigeria), 226 -(B. Guiana), 276 Funafuti I. (Pacific), 370 Georgia (U.S.A.), area & pop., 383, Funchal, 1148, 1149 399, 449 Fiirth (Bavaria}, 861, 907 - charity, 4.51 Fusan (Korea), 1028 -constitution and govt., 449 Fushun (China), coal mines, 724 -cotton cro}J, 401, 451 Futa Jallon (Fr. Guinea), 839 - defence, 451 Futuna Island (Pacific), 371, 850 - finance, 451 Fyzabad. or Faizabad (India), 128 - fisheries, 451 -forests, 451 - instruction, 450 -live stock, 451 ABERONES (B. Africa), 193 -minerals, 451 G Gabun or Gabon, 828 -production and industry, 451 Gaeta (Italy}, fort, 990 - religion, 450 GiHle (Swedeu),1274; gov., 1271,1272 - representation, 379, 449 Galapagos Islands, 769, 770, 772 - rice crop, 401, 451 Galatz (Rumania), 1172, 1176, 1177 - tobaccn, 451 Galicia (Austria), area and pop., 624 Gera (Reuss}, 935 - representation, Reichsrath, 621 Goraldton (W. Aust.), 328 -- provincial Diet, 623 German East Africa, 890, 893 Gallaland, 591 German Empire, agriculture, 876 Galla tribes, 175, 692 -area, 856 Galle (Ceylon), 108 , -army, 869 Galveston, Tex., 415, 416, 549, 551 -banks, 887 Galway, University College, 29 - beer brewed, 879 Gambela (Abyssinia), &92, 593 - births, deaths, marriages, 859-60 Gambia Colony and Protectorate, 233 - books of reference, 888 Gam bier Islarids (Pacific}, 851 1 - Bundesrath, 854, 855 Gandawa (Baluchistan}, 157 - canals and navigations, 885 Ganges Canal, 148 - colonies & dependencies, 890 et Beq. Gangtok (Sikhim), 159 - commerce, 881 et aeq. Gao (Fr. W. Africa), 841 --with United Kingdom, 881-2 Gardner Island (Pacific}, 370 - constitution & government, 854 Garhwal (Tehri) (India), 126 -crops, 876 Gartok (Tibet), 735 - customs valuation, 880 Garus (Kamemn}, 892 - debt, 868, 869 Gateshead, population, 15 - diplomatic representatives, 887 Gatooma {Rhodesia), 196 - emigration, 860 Gaya {India), 128 - Emperor and King, 853 Gaza {Turkey in Asia), 1806 - emperors since 800, 853-4 INDEX 1393

GER GOL German Empire, finance, 867 Gcrmiston (S. Africa), 203 - fisheries, 8 7 8 Gerona (Spain), prov., 1257 - foreigners resident in, 858, 859 llhadames (N. Africa), 1005 - forestry, 877 Gharbia (Egypt)/ 1325, 1326 - fortresses & frontier, 869, 872 Ghardaia (Algeria), 822 -- fruit trees, 876 Ghat (N. Africa), 1005 -gold, 878 Ghent (Belg.), 663; Univ., 663 - households, 857 Ghilim (Persia), 1129 - illegitimacy, 859, 860 Ghilzai race (Afghanistan), 596 - import duties, 880 Ghulam race (Baluchistan), 157 - instruction, 862 et seq. Gibeon (Ger. S. W. Africa), 892 - insurance, sickness, old age, 866 Gibraltar, 99-100 -justice and crime, 865 - troops at, 98 -languages, 858 Giessen (Hesse), 916; Univ., 864 -leased territory, 717, 718, 726, Gifu (Japan), 1013 872, 890, 89!\ Gijon (Spain), 1258 -live stock, 877 Gilbert Islands (Pacific), 370 - manufactures, 878 Uilgit, 124 - Matricular Beitragc, 868 Gipsies in Spain, 1257 ; in Bulgaria, - mercantile navy, 882 699; in Servia, 1239; in Per~ia, - mining and minerals, 877-8 1127 ; in Rumania, 1172; in - money and credit, 887 Turkey, 1305 - money, weights, and measures, 887 Girga (Egypt), 1325, 1326 - navy, 872 et seq. Girgenti, (Sicily), 980 ; town, 986 - occupation census, 1907, 858 Girton College, Cambridge, 29 - old age pensions, 866 Giudimaka (Fr. W. Af.), 837 - pauperism, 866 Giza (Egypt), 1325, 1326 - political parties, 855 Gizo Island (Pacific), 370 - population, 856 et seq. Glace Bay (N. Bruns.) 267 - - of states, 856, 857 Glarus (canton), 1288, 1291 - - of towns, 858, 861 Glasgow, pop. 19; port, 68, 72 ; - postal statistics, 885 univ., 29 - production and industry, 875 et seq. Glauchau (Saxony), 942 - railways, 884 Gleiwitz (Prussia), 861 - Reichstag, 854, 855 Gloucester, population, 15 - religion and religious censuses, 862 Gloucester I. (Oceania), 851 - royal family, 853 Gmiind (Germany), 948 - schools, elementary, 862 Goa (Portuguese India), 1156 - -secondary, 863 Goajira, Ter. (Colomhia), 740 - - technicaL 863, 864 Gobabis (German S. W. Africa), 892 - secretaries of state, 856 Gobi desert, 734 - shipping, 882 et seq. Gojam (Abyssinia), 591 -states, 855 Gola tribe (Liberia), 1034 -sugar manufacture, 878, 879 Gold Coast, 225, 230 - towns, 860-1 Gold Coast Territories, 226-231 - Universities, 864, 865 Gohl-proilucing regions ; Abyssinia, - whet~t, 876 593; Afghanistan, 597 ; A.-E. Ge1man East Africa, 890, 893 Sudan, 1343; Argentine Rep., 605; German New Guinea, 890, 895 Australia, &c., 298, 351 &: s~e each German Pacific Is., 890, 895 et seq. State; Austria-Hungary, 646 ; German Solomon Islands, 890, 896 Belg. Congo, 676 ; Brazil, 693 ; German S.- W. Africa, 890, 892 B. Columbia, 263 ; B. Guiana, German vVest Africa, see Kamerun, &:c. 1277 ; Canada, 249, 270; Chile, 4 lJ 1394 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

GOL GRE Gold-producing regions-l:ontim, 224; Sweden, 1280; Gratz, 620 ; University, 628 Turkey, 1312; U.S.A. and pos• Graubunden (Grisons), 1288, 1290 sessions, 406-7, 412, 582 and see Great Britain, administrations since separate States ; Uruguay, 1352 ; 1846, 9 Venezuela, 1357; W. Africa, 230, -agricultural education, 29, 64 231, 232 - - holdings, 62 Gomel (Russia), 1192 - agriculture, 60 et seq Gonaives (Haiti), 967 -area, 12 Gondar (Abyssinia), 592 - - cultivated, 60-1 Gondokoro, 178, 179 -army, 43, 50 Goole, Port, 82 --distribution, 50, 52, 97, 110, Goppingen (Germany), 948 1333 Gorakhpur (India), 128 - - estimates, 44 Gordon College (Khartoum), 1341 - - in India, 50 Gore (Abyssinia), 592 - - organisation, 50 et seq Goree (Senegal), 837 - -regular, 50, 51, 53, 54, 98 Gorgol (French W. Africa), 836, 841 - - Special reserve, 51 Gorha (B. E. Africa), 175 -- Territorial, 52 Gorlitz (Prussia), 861 - Bank of Englamt, 87 Gorz & Gradiska, 622, 623 -banks, chartered, 87 Goteborg (Sweden), 1274; gov., 1271, - -joint-stock, 87 1272; shipping, 1283 - - post-office, 88 Gottingen University, 864 - - trustee, 89 Gotha (Germany), 937 -barley produce, 61, 62 Gouda (Holland), 1068 - births, deaths, marriages, 22-3 Gough's Island (Atlantic), 189 - books of reference, 92 et seq. Goulburn (N.S.W.), 307 - budgets, 40 Goundam (Fr. W. Afr.), 841 -- Cabinet, 6-9 Govan, population, 19 -canals, 83 Goyaz, (Brazil), prov., 688, 689, 693 --annual value, 47 Gozo Island, 100 -census of 1911, 12 Graatf-Reinet (Capo Col.), 209 - Civil List, 3-4 Gradiska, see Giirz & Gradiska - Civil Services, 43; estimates, 45 Grafton, (N.S.W.), 307 - coal raised, 6 7 Graham's Land, 275 - coal exports, 68 Graham's Town (Cape Col.), 209 --ports, 68 INDEX 1395

GRE GRE Great Britain, colonies and depen- Great Britain, flax, 70 dencies, 97 et seq, 155 et seq - forcsb·y, 65 - commerce, 72 et seq - gas works, annual value, 47 - Commons, House of, 5 -gold bullion imports & eX})Orts, 76 - consolidated fund services, 4, 43 - government, imperial and cen. - constitution, 4-6 tral, 4 - eorn and green crops, 60 -- executive, 6 - cotton, consumption, 70 --local, 9-12 - -exports and imports, 70, 71, - heir-apparent, 3 ; income of, 4 77 - house-duty revenue, 42 --factories, 70 - illegitimacy, 23 - Councils, county, 10 - imports, 72 et seq. --district, 10 -- average per head, 72 -- parish, 10 -- cotton, 70, 77 - Counties, Administrative, Eng- --flax, 71 land and Wales, 9, list of, 14, 15 --flour, 77 - County boroughs, 11 ; list of, -- food, 77, 79 15, 16 --- per head, 72 - credit, 86-9 -- - foreign and colonial, 73 -crime, 34-7 ---gold and silver, 76 - crops, description & produce, 60 --iron, 68 -Crown lands revenue, 42 --metals and minerals, 68, 69,76 - customs, 41, 42, 43 --principal articles, 77, 79 -- valuation, 72, 73 --tea, 79 - development and road improve- - -wheat, 77, 79 ment funds, 43 - -wool, 71, 77, 78 -docks, annual value, 47 - i&eome tax, 42, 46, 47 -education, 29 et seq. - inhabited houses, 16, 19, 21 -- agricultural, 29, 64 - instruction see Education -- Board of, 30 - iron imports, 68 -- military, 53 - iron ore, 66, 68 -electors, 5, 6 --works, 69 - estate duties, 42 --- annual value, 47 -estimates, 44 et seq. -justice and crime, 34-7 - emigration & immigration, 23 -King and Emperor, 3, 119 -excise, 42, 43 - land distribution, 60 - expenditure, 43 et seq. -- revenua, 47 -exports, 72 et seq. --tax, 43 -- average per head, 72 - -value duties, 43 --coal, &c., 68 - live stock, 61 --cotton, 70 - local expenditure, 50 --cottons, 71, 78 - - taxation, 43, 49 -- foreign and colonial, 73 - Lords, House of, 5 -- gold and silver, 76 - metropolis, see London -- iron and steel, 68, 77 - metal imports, 68, 69, 76 -- principal articles, 78 - military commands, 52 --textiles, 71, 77 - military expenditure, 48, 44 --wool, 71, 77, 78 -- colonial contribution, 97 -- woollens, 71, 77, 78 -minerals, 67 - farm holdings, 63 - mines, value, 47 -finance, 40 et seq. - ministry, 6-9 - fish imports and exports, 65-6 - money and credit, 86 - fisheries, 65 - money, weights and measures, 89 4 u 2 1396 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

GRE GRE Great Britain, municipal corpora- Great Britain, silver bullion imports tions, 11 & exports, 7 6 - national debt, 43, 48 - small holdings, 64 --insurance, 37 - sovereigns, list of, 4 - navigation, 80 - stamps (revenue), 42 - - inland, 83 -Suez Canal shares (revenue), 42, 49 - navy, 43, 54 et seq. - taxation, 46 - - battle ships, 56 --local, 47, 49 - - Board of Admiralty, 54 - technical education, 30-1 - - cruisers, 58 - telegraphs, 42, 86 - - destroyers, 60 - - wireless, 86 - - estimates, 43, 55 - telephones, 42, 86 - - number of seamen and marines, - textile industry, 69 55 - tramways, 49, 83 --programme for 1912-3, 55 -unemployment insurance, 38 - - submarines, 60 - universities, 29 - - summary of fleet, 55 -waterworks, annual value, 47 - - War staff, 55 - wheat produce, til, 62 - oats produce, 61, 62 - wool, home-grown, 71 -occupations of the people, 17, 20, 22 --imported and exported, 71, 77 - old age pensions, 38-9 Great Eastern Chaco (Bolivia), 682 - Pariiament, 4 Great Elobey, 1268 - - durations of, 6 Great Inagua Island (W.I. ), 283 - pauperism, 39 Great Nicobar Island ( Andamans ), 161 - political parties, 9 Great Yarmouth, population, 16 -population, 12 et seq. Greece, agriculture, 956 - - counties, 14-5, 18, 19, 20, 21 -area and pop., 952 - - county boroughs, 15-16, 19, 20 -army, 955 - - divisions of United Kingdom, -banks, 959 12, 13 - books of reference, 961 - - islands, in British Seas, 22, 90, - Buie, 952 91 -canal, 958 - - towns, 15-6, 19, 21 - Chamber of Deputies, 952 --urban and rural, 16-7 - commerce, 937 - postal statistics, 42, 43, 84 - constitution and govt., 952 - prime ministers, list of, 9 - Council of State, 952 - production, 60 et seq. - currant crop, 956, 958 - property and income tax, 42 - customs duties, 958 - quarries, annual value, 4 7 -debt, 955 - railways, 82 - diplomatic representatives, 960 --value, 47 - emigration, 953 - Regency Act, 3 - finance, 954 - registered electors, 5 - instruction, 954 - religion, 25 - live stock, 957 -revenue and expenditure, 40 et seq. - mining, 957 - royal family, 3-4, 240, 755, 1098, -ministry, 952 1254, 1270 -money and credit, 959 --grants, 4 - money, weights, measures, 959 -salt, 67 -navy, 955 -schools, elementary, 31-4 - nomes, 953 --secondary, 30-1 -olives, 956 -scientific (elementary)inst., 30, 31 - political parties, 952 - shipping, 80-2 - posts and telegraphs, 959 INDEX 1397

GRE HAB Greece, production and industry, 956 Guatemala, gold, 964

- - railways, 958 1 instruction, 962 -reigning King, 951 - justice and crime, 962 - religion, 953 - live stock, 964 -roads, 958 - minerals, 964 - royal family, 951 - money, weights, and measures, 965 - shipping, 958 - posts and telegraphs, 965 -towns, 953 - President, 962 - University, 954 -production and industry, 963 Greenland, 767 - railways, 965 Greenville (Liberia), 1035 ~ religion, 962 Greenock, population, 19 -shipping, 965 Greifswald, University, 864 -towns, 962 Greiz (Reuss), 935 Guatemala la Nueva, 962 (W.I.), 289, 290 Guayaquil (Ecuador), 770 ; port, 772 Grenadines, the, 289 Guayas (Ecuador}, prov., 770 Grenoble, 782; faculties, 787; fort, 794 Guebres (Persia), 1127 Grey Univ. Coli., Bloemfontein, 203, Guelders, 1067, 1069 222 Guernsey, government, 91 Graytown (Nicaragua), 1096 - Herm, and Jethou, pop., 22 Grimsby, 16; port, 68 Guerrero (Mexico), state, 1042 Griqualand (S. Africa}, 209 Guiana (British), 276-7 ;·gold in, 277 Orisons (Switzerland), 1288, 1290 - (Dutch), 1089-90 Grodno (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - (French), 790, 815, 847 Groningen(prov. ), 1067, 1069; (town), Guidimaka (Fr. W. Af. ), 836, 841 1068; univ., 1069 Guinea (French), 814, 836, 839 Grosseto (Italy), 980; town, 986 , - (Portuguese), 1156, 1158 Guadalajara (Mexico), 1042 i - (Spanish), 1268 Guadalajara (Spain), prov., 1257 Guipuscoa (Spain), prov. 1257 Guadalcanar Island (Pacific), 370 Gulu (Uganda), 178 Guadeloupe Is. (Antilles), 815, 847 ! Gunther, Prince(Schwarzburg-Rudol· Guaira, La (Venez. ), port, 1358 stadt), 945 Guam (Guahan), (Marianne Islands), Gurang race (Nepal), 1062 585, 896 Gurkha race (Nepal), 1062 Guanacaste (Costa Rica), 745 Gustav V. (Sweden), 1270 Guanajuato (Mexico), 1041 ; town, Gtistrow (Mecklenburg-Schw.) 920 1042 Guthrie (Okh. ), 528 Guantanamo (Cuba), naval station, Gwalior (India), 125, 136 396, 750 Gwanda (Rhodesia), 195 Guarda (Portugal), 1148 Gwelo (Rhodesia), 195 Guarico (Venezuela), 1355 Gyangtze (Tibet), 735 Guatemala, agriculture, 963 Gym pie (Queensland), 326 - area and population, 962 Gyor (Hungary), 641 -banks, 965 Gyulafehervar (fortress), 614 - books of reference, 966 - boundary convention, 962 - commerce, 964 - constitution and government, 962 AAKON VII., King (Norway), -crops, 963 H 3, 7fi5, 1098 -debt, 963 Haapai Island (Tonga), 369 - defence, 963 Haarlem (Holland), 1068 -diplomatic representatives, 966 Habana, 8ee Havana - finance, 963 i Habibullah Khan (Afghanistan), 595 1398 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

HAB HER Habus lands (Tunis), 844 I Harbin, port, 726, 732 Hagen (Prussia), 861 Harbour Grace (Newfoundland}, 280 Hague, 1068 Harbour Island

HER HUA Hervey Islands (N.Z.), 364 Honduras, finance, 971 Herzegovina, see Bosnia and Herze- - instruction, 971 govina - justice, 971 Hesse, area and population, 856, 916 -live stock, 972 - births, deaths, marria~>;es, 859 - minerals, 972 - books of reference, 918 - money, weights, measures, 973 - constitution, 916 - posts and telegraphs, 973 - emigration, 860 - President, 971 -finance, 917 -production and industry, 972 - grand-duke, 915 - railway, 973 -instruction, 862, 917 - religion, 971 -live stock, 917 - shipping, 973 - matricular contribution, 868 - tobacco, 972 - occupations of the people, 858 -towns, 971 -production and industry, 917 -wheat, 972 -religion, 862, 916 Honduras, British, 278 - representation, Imperial, 855 Hong Kong, area and pop., 115 -towns, 916 -banks, 118 Hesse, Upper, 916 -births and deaths, 116 -Rhenish, 916 -books of reference, 119 Hesse-Nassau, area, &c., 928 -commerce, 117, 724 Hidalgo (Mexico), State, 1041 - constitution & government, 115 Hill Tipperah (India), 125 -debt, 117 Hilo Bay, Hawaii, 576 - defence, 117 Hilversum (Holland), 1068 -emigration and immigration, 116 Himeji (Japan), 1013 - exports and imports, 117 Hindus in Baluchistan, 157 - finance, 116 Hirosaki (Japan), 1013 -Governor, 115 Hiroshima (Japan), 1013 -instruction, 116 Hissar (Bokhara), 1220 -justice and crime, 116 Hivaoa Island (Pacific), 851 - lease of territory, 115, 717 Hobart (Tasmania), 302, 345 -military expenditure, 98, 117 Hoboken (N. Jersey), 387, 508 - money and credit, 118 H6dmezo-V asarhely (Hungary), 641 - money, weights, & measures, 118 Hof (Bavaria), 907 -railway, 118 Hohenzollern, area, &c., 928 - shipping, 118 Hokkaido (Japan), 1011, 1012 - troops at, 98, 117 Hokoto (Pescadores) Islands, 1011, -University, 116 1031 Honolulu, 575, 576 Holland, see Netherlands Honshiu (Japan), 1011, 1012 Holland(N. andS.), 1067, 1069 Hormuz (Persia), 1131 Holland, (Lines.), parts of, 14 Horsens (Denmark), 758 Holloway College, Egham, 29 Hottentots, 209, 892 Holyoke (Mass.), 387, 481 Houston (Tex.), 387, 549 Horns (Turkey), 1806 Hova race (Madagascar), 830 Honan (China), 716, 717 Hsi-an (China), 716 Honduras, area and population, 971 Hsiu-kiang (China), 717 -bank, 974 Huacho (Peru), 1139 - books of reference, 974 Huahine Island (Pacific), 851 - commerce, 973 Huancavelica (Peru), dept., 1139 - constitution and govt., 971 Huanillos (Peru), 1143 -debt, 972 Huanco'(Peru), dept., 1139, 1142 - diplomatic representatives, 974 Huara (Peru), 1118 1400 'l'HE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

HUA. ILL Hubli (India), 128 Hungary, roads, 650 Huddersfield, population, 16 - I'oyal family, 610 Hudson Island (Pacific), 370 - shipping and navigation, 648 Hue (Annam), 818 - silk culture, 646 Huelva, 1257, 1263; town, 1238 -sugar, tobacco, &c., 647 Huesca (Spain), prov., 1257 -towns, 641 Hnila (Colombia), prov., 740 - universities, 642-3 Huilla (Angola), 1158 -wheat, 645 Hull, 16 ; port, 68, 82 Hunga1·y Proper, 639, 640 Hull (Canada), 272 Hungshan (China), coal mines, 724 Hunan (China), 716, 717, 725 Huon Islands (Pacific), 850 Hunchun (China), port, 726 Hupeh (China), 715, 716, 724 Hungary, see also under Austria. Hutukhtu, of U1·ga, 734 Hungary Huy (Belgium), 666 -agriculture, 645 Hyderabad, area, &c., 124 -area and pop., 639 et seq. - religion, 129 -banks, 650 - revenue, 134 - bee-keeping, 646 -town, 128 - births, deaths, marriages, 640 - books of reference, 655-6 - breweries, 646 - canals, 648 BADAN (Nigeria), 229 -commerce, 647 et seq. I Ibadhi sect, 180 -constitution, 637 Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore, 171 - customs valuation, 647 Ibo (Port. E. Africa), 1159 -debt, 644 lbo race (Nigeria), 228, 230 - emigration, 641 lea (Peru), dept., 1139 - finance, 613, 644 , 757, 767 - foreigners, 640 !chang (Uhina), 718, 726 -forestry, 645, 646 Idaho, area and population, 383, 453 - government, central, 637 - charity, 453 - - local, 638 -constitution and govt., 453 - - provincial, 638 - defence, 454 - instruction, 642 - finance, 453 -justice and crime, 643 - forests, 454 - language, 639-40 - instmction, 453 · - live stock, 646 - irrigation, 454 - manufactures, 646. - mining, 406, 454 -mills, 647 -production and industry, 454 - mining and minerals, 646 - public lands, 399 -ministry, 638 - railways, 454 - money and credit, 672 - religion, 453 -occupations of the people, 640 -representation, 379, 453 - parliament, 637 -wheat, 454 - pauperism, 643 Igara tribes (Nigeria) 230 - political parties, 637 Ijaw tribes (Nigeria), 230 - post and telegraphs, 649 Iki Islands (Japan), 1011 - production & industry, 645 et seq. Ilbeggi, chief (Persia), 1126 - railways, 649 Ilkhani, chief (Persia), 1126 -reigning sovereign, 610, 611, 612, Illinois, agTiculture, 401, 457 621, 622 - area and population, 382, 399, 455 - religion, 641 -charity, 456 - rivers, 648 -coal, 457 INDEX 1401

ILL IND Illinois, communicatiOns, 458 India, gold production, 141 - constitution and government, 455 -government, 119 et seq. - defence, 457 -- local, 122 - finance, 456 -- municipal, 122 - instruction, 456 - Governor-general, 120 - live stock, 457 - governors-general, list of, 120 - production and inuustry, 457 - Governors of provinces, 121 - religion, 456 - illiteracy, 130, 131 - representation, 379, 455 - Imperial service troops, 136 - wheat, 401, 457 - import duties, 142 Illorin (Nigeria), prov., 225 -instruction, 130-1 Iloilo (Philippines), 580 --medical colleges, 130 Imam-i-Jum'ah (Persia), 1127 -- normal schools, 130 lmataca (Venez. }, iron mines, 1357 --special schools, 131 lmbabnra (Ecuador}, prov., 770 -- universities, 130 Imphal (India), 128 - internal communications, 148 Inaccessible Island (Atlantic}, 189 - irrigation, 183, 140 India (British}, agriculture, 137 -joint-stock companies, 140 - area, 119, 123 et seq. - justice and crime, 131 -army, expenditure, 133, 137 - King-Emperor, 3, 119 ·- - European, 98, 136, 137 - land,cultivated&uncultivated,139 -- native, 136 -- irrigated, 140 -- of feudatory states, 137 - land revenue, 133, 134 - banks, joint-stock, 140 - land tenure, 137 -- savings, 152 - languages, 126 - births and deaths, 127 - mineral production, 140 - books of reference, 153 - money and credit, 150 -canals, 148 - money, weights, measures, 152 - capital of joint-stock co.'s, 140 - native states, 122, 124 - coal output, 141 - newspapers, vernacular, 131 -commerce, 141 et seq. - occupations of the people, 127 -constitution, 119 - opium revenue, 133 - cotton crop, 138, 144 - police, 132 -- mills, 140 -population, 123 et SBq. -council, 119-20 -- according to language, 126 -council of Governor-General, 119, -- according to religion, 129 120 - -British territory, 123 - councils, legislative, provincial, -- British-born, 127 122 -- civil condition, 126 -crops, 138 -- in British Guiana, 276 - CUITency, 152 -- in German East Africa, 894 - customs revenue, 134 --in Jamaica, 285 -debt, 135 -- in Madagascar, 830 - emigration, 127 -- in Mauritius, 184 -executive authority, 120 -- in Reunion, 835 - expenditure, 133 et SBq. --in 8. Africa, 127, 214 -exports and imports, 142 et SBq. -- in Zanzibar, 180 -- treasure, 143 -- native states, 124 - finance, 98, 132 et seq. -- occupations of, 127 -- municipal, 135 --presidencies and provinces, 123 - forest ground, 140 -- towns, 128 -- revenue, 133 -ports, 145 - gold, exports and imports, H3 - posts ancl telegraphs, 133, 150 1402 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

IND IRE India, precious metals, 141, 143 Iowa, finance, 463-4 -production & industry, 137 et seq. - instruction, 468 -provinces, 121, 123 - mining, 464 -railways, 133, 148 - production and industry, 464 - religion, 129 - railways, 464 - revenue, 132 et seq. - religion, 463 - rice crops, 138, 144 - representation, 379, 462 -roads, 148 -wheat, 464 -salt revenue, 133, 134 Ipswich, population, 16 -Secretary of State, 7, 119 Ipswich (Queensland), 326 -shipping and navigation, 147 Iquique (Chile), town, 706; port, 711 - silver, 141, 143 Iquitos (Peru), 1139 -towns, 128 Ireland, agriculture, 60, 62, 63 -trade, sea-borne external, 141, 147 -agricultural holdings, 63 - -trans-frontier, land, 146 - area, 12, 19, 20 -Universities, 130 -banks, 87 -Volunteer force, 136 - -joint-stock, 87 - wheat crop, 138, 144 -- post-office, 88 India (French), 814, 815, 816 -- trustee savings, 89 India (Portuguese), 1156 - births, deaths, and marriages, 28 Indian Territory, 383 ; details, 528 - books of reference, 96' Indiana, agriculture, 460 -canals, 83 - area and pop., 382, 399, 458 - cities and towns, 20, 21 - charity, 460 -coal produce, 67 -coal, 460 - commerce, 72 et seq. - constitution and govt., 379, 458 - cotton factories, 70 - defence, 460 - counties, 20 - finance, 460 -criminals, 37 - instruction, 459 -education, elementary, 34 - live stock, 460, 461 - -secondary, 31 - mining, 460 -- technical, 31 - petroleum, 460 -- university, 29 - precious stones, 406 - electorate, 5, 6 -production & industry, 460 -emigration, 24, 25 - religion, 459 - fisheries, 65 - representation, 379, 458 - forestry, 65 - tobacco, 402, 460 - imports and exports, 72 et seq. - wheat crop, 401, 460 - income.tax assessment, 47 Indianapolis (Ind.), 387, 458, 459, 461 -justice and crime, 36, 37 Indians (N. Amer. ), 878,882,884, 890, -king, 3 395, &: see separate States - land Acts, 63 Indo-China, Fr., 718, 814, 816 et seq. - language, 13 Indore (India), 125 - live stock, 61 Ingoldstadt (Bavaria), 907 -local government, 11, 12 Inhambane(Port. E. Africa), 1159,1160 -local taxation, 47 Innsbriick, 626; Univ., 628 - mineral produce, 67 lnvercargill, (N. Z. ), 354 - national insurance, 37 Iowa, agriculture, 464 - occupations of the people, 22 -area and pop., 383, 899, 462 - old age pensions, 39 -charity, 463 -parliamentary represent~.tiou, b, 6 -coal, 464 - pauperism, 40 -constitution and govt., 379, 462 -population, 12 et seq., 20 - defence, 464 -- provinces, 1!0 INDEX 140:3

IRE JAP Ireland, posts and telegraphs, 84 Italy, money and credit, 1001 - property assessed, 48, 49 -money, weights, & measures, 1002 -railways, 83 -navy, 993 - religion, 28 - occupations of people, 981 -revenue &expenditure, 40e~seq., 48 -parliament, 976 - textile trades, 70 - pauperism, 987 -towns, 21 -population, 978 et .•eq. - trade, 72 et seq. - posts and telegraphs, 1000 - universities, 29 - prisons, 987 Irkutsk {Siberia), 1188, 1192 - production&; industry, 994 et seq. Isabel Island (Pacific), 370, 896 -provinces, 978 et seq. Isle of Man, area & pop., 12, 13, 22 -railways, 1000 - books of reference, 97 -reigning King. 975 - government, 90 - religion, 983 Isle of Pines (Pacific), 850 -royal family, 975, 1050 Isles de Los (W. Africa), 232, 836 - Senate, 976 I ales sons le Vent, 851 - shipping, 999 Ismailia (Egypt), 1325, 1326 - silk culture, 995, 997 lsmid (mntessarifat), 1305 - towns, 982, 983 lspa.ht\n (Persia), 1127, 1131 -·- universities, 985 Isthmian Canal Zone, Betl Panama Ituri (Belg. Congo), 674 Istria, 622, 623 lvangorod (Russia), fort, 1199 I tala (Italian Africa), 1004 lvanovo-Voznesensk (Russia), 1192 Italian Sorualiland, 992, 1004 Ivory Coast (French), 814, 836, 839 Italy, agriculture, 994 - area, 978 et seq. -army, 990 --African, 180, 992, 1003, 1341 ACKSON (Miss.), 493 -banks, 1001 J Jacksonville (Fla.), 387,447,449 - births, deaths, and mart·iages, 982 Jaen (Spain, prov., 1257; town, 1258 - books ofreference, 1006 Jaffa (Turkey in Asia), 1306, 1312 - Chamber of Deputies, 976 Jalfna (Ceylon), 108 - commerce, 997 et sea. Jagst (Germany), 948 - constitution, 976 · Jaipur (India), 125; town, 128 - customs, 998 .Ja.isa.lmir (India), state, 125 -debt, 989 Ja.lisco (Mexico) Sta.te, 1042 -diplomatic representatives, 100:! Ja.lnit Isla.nd (Pa.cific), 896 - '3migration, 982 Jam {ruler) Las Bela., 157 - finance, 987 Ja.maica, 283, 284, 290 - fisheries, 996 - troops a.t, 98, 285 - foreigners, 980 Jamestown (St. Helena.), 188 - forestry, 995 Ja.mmn a.nd KMhmir, 124 - frontier, 990 Janina., see Yanina -gold, 996 Japan, agriculture, 1020 - government, 976 -area a.nd pop., 1010 et seq. -- local, 977 - a.rmy, 1016 - illiterates, 985 -banks, 1024 - import duties, 998 ·-births, deaths, marriages. 101:! - instruction, 984 -books of reference, 1031-2 -justice and crime, 986 - commerce, 1021 - live-stock, 995 - constitution, 1009 - mines and minerals, 99ti -debt, 1015 - ministry, 977 -dependency, see Formosa. 1404 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-ROOK, 1913

JAP KAI Japan, diplomatic represent., 1025 Jersey, area and population, 22 -emigration, 1012 -government, 91 -finance, imperial, 1015 Jersey City (N.J.), 387, 508 - -local, 1016 Jerusalem (mutessarifat), 1305 -foreign possessions, 1011, 1027 et8eq - Patriar,'.h of, 1116 -foreigners, 1012 -town, 1306 -gold, 1021 Jervis Bay, Naval Coli. (Australia), -government, 1009 294 - -local, 1010 Jesselton (Borneo), 104 -House of Peers, 1009 .T ethou, Island, 22 - House of Representatives, 1009 Jeumont (France), trade, 806 - Imperial Diet, 1009 Jh3.nsi (India), 128 -import duties, 1021 .Jibuti or Djibouti, 593, 835, 836 -instruction, 1013 Jind (India), 1.26 -Japanese in Korea, 1027 Jinja (Uganda), 179 --in U.S.A., 433, 533, 1012 Jinotega (Nicaragua), 1094 -justice and crime, 1014 Jinotepe (Nicaragua), 1094 - Jive stock, 1021 Jodhpur (India), 125; town, 128 -manufactures, 1021 .Johann Albrecht (Duke of Mecklen- -Mikado, 1009 burg & Reg. of Brunswick), 911 -minerals, 1021 J ohann~sburg, 203, 217 -ministry, 1010 John II. (Liechtenstein), 1038 -money and credit, 1024 Johns Hopkins Univ. (U.S.A.), 477 -money, weights, measures, 1025 Johnstown (Pa), 387, 533 -navy, 1018 et seq Johol State (Malay), 168 -pauperism, 1014 Johor Bahru, 172 -petroleum, 1021, 1022 Johore State (Malay), 172 - posts and telegraphs, 1024 Jonkoping (Sweden), 1274 -production and industry, 1020 Jubaland, 175 -railways, 1023 Jubbulpore (India), 128 -reigning sovereign, 1009 Jujuy (Argentina), prov., 601, 605 -religion, 1013 J ullnndur {India), 128 -roads, 1023 .Jumbo (Italian Africa), 1004 -royal family, 1009 Juneau (Alaska), 572 -shipping and navigation, 1023 Jungholz (Germany), 879 - towns, 1013 Junin (Peru), dept., 1139 -Universities, 1014 Junk Ceylon Island (Sinm), 1250 Jarlsberg (Norway), 1100 , 758 Jarvis Island (Pacific), 371 Jask (Oman), 1113 Jassy (Rumania), 1172; Univ., 1173 Jat race (Baluchistan), 157 ABAKA OF UGANDA, 178 Jaunde (Kamaran), 892 K Kabba Prov. (Nigeria), 225,227 Java, administration, 1083 Kabul (Afghanistan), 596, 598 - area and population, 1084 Kabyle race, (Tunis), 843 -cultivation, 1087 Raffa (Abyssinia), 591 -mining, 1088 Kafirs (Cape Colony), 209 -religion, 1085 Kafiristan, 595 Jefferson City (Missouri), 495, 496 Kafr el Zayat (F.gypt), 1325 Jekri tribes (Nigeria), 230 Kagoshima (Japan), 1013 Jelebu state (Malay), 167, 168 Kahoolawe Island (Hawaii), 575 Jena, 939 ; University, 864, 939 Kahului (Hawaii), 576 Jerez (Spain), 1258 K'ai-feng (China), 716 INDEX 1405

KAI KER Kaimakams (Turkish officials), 1304 Karen race (Siam), 1249 Kai-ping (Ohim1), coal muws, 7:24 l(arikal (French India), 81G Kaisarieh (Turkey), 1300 Karlstad (Sweden), 1274 Kaiserslauteru ( H1waria\, 861, 907 Karlskrona(Sweden), 1274 Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, 872, 885 ii:arisrLlhe, 903 ; town, 861, 902 Kaiser Wilhelm's Land, R90, R95 1\:tronga (Nyasa],,ntl). 186 Kaklir Khurasan (Baluchistan), J 56 Kars, 1188, 119:2, 1199 Kahlt, 155 ; Khans, 155 ; town, 157 ; 1\arshi (Rokham), 1226 trade, 158 Karun Hiver Dist. (Persia), 1131 Kalgan, 734 Kashan (Persia), 1127 Kalgoorlie {W. Australia), 328 Kashgar, 734 Kalisz (R. Poland), 1188 ; town, 1192 Kashmir, area, &c., 124 Kalmar (Sweden), 1274 - military contingent, 136 Kaluga (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 - religion, 129 Kamchatka. ll88 Kasai (Belg. Congo), 674 Kamenets Podolsk (Russia), 1192 Kassa (Hungary), 641 Kamerun, 890, 892 Kassala (A. -E. Sudan), 1341 Kampala (Uganda), 179 Kastamuni (Turkish vilayd), Vl05 Kampot (C:unbodin.), 818 Katanga (Bdg. Congo), 674 Kauasawa (Japan), 1013 Katmandu (Nepal), 1062 Kandalulr ( Afgh. ), 595, G9G, 597 Kauai Island (Hawaii), 575 Kaudy (Ceylon), 108 Kaulun, see Kowloon Kanem (Fr. Equat. Africa), 829 Kavirondo (B.E Africa), 177 Kankan (Freneh Guinea), 839 Kayes (Senegal), 838, 841 Kano (Nigeria), 226, 227 Kazan (Rnssia', 1188; to11n, 1192 Kanre- Lahun territory (Sierra- Kazi, rank (Sikhim), 159 Leone), 1034 Kazvin (Persia), 1127 Kansas, ag1·iculture, 401, 467 Kecskemet (Hun~ary), 641 - area and population, 383, 465 Kedah (Malay State), 170, 171, 1247 - charity, 466 Keeling Islands (Malay), 161, 163 -coal, 467 Keetmanshoop (G. S. W. Af.), 892 - constitution and govemment, 379, Keewatin dist. (Canada), 24l, 275 465 Kelantan (Mn.lay State), 170, 1247 - defence, 467 Kelung (Formosa), 1030 - finance, 466 Kentucky, agriculture, 401, 402, 469 - instruction, 466 -area and pop., 383, 399, 468 -live stock, 467, 468 - charity, 469 - mining, 467 - coal, 470 - production and industry, 467 -·constitution & gov., 879, 46S - public lands, 399 - defence, 469 - religion, 466 - finance, 469 -representation, 379, 465 - forests, 470 -wheat crop, 401, - instruction, 469 Kansas City (Ka.), 387, 465, 468 - live stock, 4 iO Kanso1s, (Mo.), 387 - mining, 470 -(Missouri), 496, 498 -production and industry, 469 Kansu (China), 716, 717, 734 - railways, 470 Kaptlrthala (India), 126 - religion, 469 Kan1chi (India), 128 ; trade, 145 - representation. 379, 468 Karafuto (Japan), 1011, 1031 - tobacco, 402, 469 Karakul (Bokhara), 1226 - wheat, 401, 469 Karamojo (Uganda), 178 Kenya (B. E. Africa), 175; forest, 176 Karauli (India), state, 125 Kerbela (Turkey), 1306 1406 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

KER KON Kerch, 1185, 1192, 1199, 1202 King George's I. (Pacific), 851 Kerguelen Island, 835 King George's Sound, 296 Kerkyra, see Corfu King's Islands (Pacific), 365 Kerniadec Islands (N.Z.), 354, 3H5 Kingston (Jamaica), 285 Kermfm (Persia), 1127, 1131 . Kingston-on-Soar, college, 29 Kermanshah, 1129, lUll ! Kingston-upon-Hull, 16, 68, 82 Kermine (Bokhara), 1226 Kingstown (St. Vincent), 289 Kesteven, 14 King William's Town (Cape Colony), Keta (W. Africa), see Quittah 209 Kete Kratshi (Togo), 891 Kioto (Kyoto) 1013; Univ., 1014 Key West(Fla.), 447, 449; shipping, Kipini (E. Africa), 174 416; naval yard, 396, 447 Kirghiz race, 734 Khabarovsk (Siberia), 1192 Kirin (Manchuria), 717, 732 Khaibar road (pass), 598 Kiriya, 734 Khaipur (Sind), 125 Kirkcaldy, population, 19 Khama, chief (Bechuanaland), 193 Kishineff (Ru&sia), 1192 Khamu race (Siam), 1249 Kishm Island (Persian Gulf), 1113 Kharkov (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 ;" Kisi tribe (Liberia), 1034 University, 1192 Kismayu (B E. Africa), 174, 175 Khartoum, 1341; college, 1341 Kissidugo (French Guinea), 839 Khattan(Baluch.), oil springs at, 158 Kisumu (B. E. Africa), 175 Khedive (Egypt), 1355 Kittery (Me.), 507 KheU.t, see Kahit Kitui (B. E. Africa), 175 Kherson (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Kiukiang (China), 718, 725, 726 Khetran sell Barkhan Tahsil Kiungchau (China), 718, 727 Khiva, ll<27 ; town, 1227 Kiushiu (Japan), 1011, 1012 Khoms (N. Africa), 1035 Kivu (Relg. Congo), 674 Khorassan, 1129, 1130 Kjobenhaven, see Copenhagen Khost (Baluchistan), coal at, HiS Klausenburg, see Kolozsvar Khotan, 734 Kobe (Japan), 1013 Khsach • Kandal (Cambodia), fac- Koblenz (Prussia), 861 tories, 819 Kochannes, Patriarch of, 1306 Khurdistan, see Kurdistan Koehl (Japan), 1013 Khuzar (Bokhara), 1226 Kofu (Japan), 1013 Khuzdar(Baluchistan),iron&lead,158 Kokand, 1192 Kiakhta, 784 ' Kokura (Japan), 1018 Kiangning (China), 717 Kolashin (Montenegro), 1051 Kiangsi (China), 716, 717, 724 Kolhapur (India), 125 ; town, 128 Kiangsu (China), 716, 717 Koln, see Cologne Kiau-chau (China), 717, 718, 726, Kolomea (Austria.), 626 890, 895 Kolozsva.r (Hung.), 641; Univ,, 643 , 861, 869 ; naval station, 872 ; Kom (Persia), 1127 Univ., 864 Komarom, 614 Kielce (Russia}, 1188; town, 1192 Konakry (French Guinea.), 839 Kiev (Russia), 1181, 1188 ; town, . Kong, 839 1192; Univ., 1193 · Kongmun (China), 718, 727 Kikuyu (B. E. Africa), 175 Konia, 1305 ; town, 1306 ; trade, Kilindini (B. E. Africa), 175 1311, 1312 Kilmarnock, population, 19 Konigliche Weinberg (Austria), 626 Kilwa (Ger. E. Africa), 894 Konigsberg (Prussia), 861; Univ., 864 Kimberley, (Cape Col.), 208, 209, 221 Konigshiitte (Prussia), 861 Kiuburn (Russia), fort, 1202 Konotu (Dahomey), 840 Kinchow (China), 726, 1081 Konstantinhafen (Pacific), 896 INDEX 1407

KON LAD Koustantinos I., King (Greece), 951 Kroustadt (Russia), 1188, 1199, 1202 Konstanz (Baden), 903 ; town, 903 Kru tribes (Liberia), 1034 Kontagora proL (Nigeria), 225 Kmgersdorp (S. Africa), 203 Kordofan, 1343 Krutown (Liberia), 1035 Korea (Chosen), 1011 Ktima (Cyprus), 113 -agriculture, 1028 Kuala Lumpor (Selangor), 168, 169 -area and population, 1027 I\ uala Trengganu, 171 -books of reference, 1029 Kuang-chau-wan Bay (lease), 718, -cattle, 1028 816, 817 -commerce, 1028 Kuban (Russia), 1188 - defence, 1017 Kuching (Sarawak), 106 - finance, 1027 Kuei-lin (China), 716 - governor-general, 1026 Kulai (B. E. Africa), 175 -government, 1026 Kulja, 733 - instruction, 1027 Kumamoto (Japan), 1013 -Japanese in, 1027 Kumbakonam, 128 -mining, 1028 Kunar Valley, 595, 597 -money, 1029 Kungrad (Khiva), 1227 - ports, 1028 Kunsan (Korea), 1028 - postal statistics, 1029 Kuopio (Finland), 1192, 1221 -production, 1028 Kurdistan, 1131, 1304, 1305 - railways, 1029 Kurditsa (Greece), 953 -religion, 1027 Kurd race (Persia), 1127 - shipping, 1029 Kure (Japan), 1013, 1021 Kosri (A.-K Sudan), 1341 Kuria Island (Pacific), 370 Kossova (Turkish vilayet), 1305 Kuria Muria Islands (Arabia), 102 Kostroma (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Kurile Islands (Japan), 1011 Kota Bharu (Kelantan), 170, 171 Kursk (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 Kota (India), 125 Kurume (Japan), 1013 Kotakota (Nyasaland), 186 Kusai (Caroline Is.), 896 Kotei (Emperor) of Japan, 1009 Kustendil (Bulgaria), 699 Kotonu (Dahomey), 840 Kutais (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Kouroussa (Fr. Guinea), 839 Kwangchengtze (Kirin), 732 Kovno, 1188; fort, 11~9; town, 1192 Kwango (Belgian Congo), 674 Kowloon (China), lease, 115, 717 ; Kwangsi (China), 716, 717, 1031 port, 727 Kwangtung (China), 716, 717, 724 Kozlov (Russia), 1192 Kweichau (China), 716, 717 Kpandu (Togo), 891 Kwei-yang (China), 716 Kpwesi race (Liberia), 1034 Kynshin University (Japan), 1014 Kragouyevatz (Servia), 1239 Kyoto, see Kioto Krakau (Cracow), 614, 623, 626 Kyrenia (Cyprus), 113 -University, 628 Krasnoyarsk (Siberia), 1192 Krat (Siam), 1247 ABRADOR, 280 Krementchug (Russia), 1192 L Labuan, 161, 163 Krian irrigation (Perak), 169 Labyrinth Islands (Andamans), 160 Kribi (Ger. W. Af. ), 892 Laccadive Is. (Indian Ocean) 161 Kristiania, 1102, 1105 ; shipping, Lacedremon (Greece}, 953 1109; University, 1102 La Ceiba (Honduras), 971, 973 Kristians (Norway), prov., 1100 La Condamine (Monaco), 1049 Kristiansand (Norway), 1102 Laconia (Greece), 953 Kristianstad (Sweden), 1274 Ladakh, 124 Kristiansund (Norway), 1102 Ladario de Matto Grosso, 692 1408 THE STATESMAN'S YI<;AH-BOOK, 1913

LAD LIA La Digue Is. (Seychelles), 189 Latacunga (EcuadOl'), 770 Lado (A.-E. Sudan), 178, 1340 Latin Monetary Union, 810, [15~, Ladrone Islands (Pacific), 896 1004 La Esperanza (Honduras), 971 Latinm, setJ Rome Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 29 Latter-uay Saints (U.S.), 427, 463, La Fin·e (France), fortress, 794 552 Laghman Hill (Afghanistan), 597 Launceston (Tasmania), 345 Lagos Province (S. Nigeria), 228 Laurium (Greece), 953; mines 957 - town, 225, 228, 229 Lausanne, 1291 La Guaira (Venezuela), port, 1358 Laval Universities (Canada), 272 Lahore (India), 128 Lawrence (Mass.), 387, 481 Lahr (Baden), 903 League I. (Pa. ), 396 Laibach (Austria), 626 Lealui (N. Rhode•ia), 196 Lake Leopold II. (Relgian Congo), Lebanon, 1305, 1306 674 Leece (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 La Libertad (Salvador), port, 1213 Leeds, 16 ; University, 29 Lamaism (Sikhim), 159, (Tibet), 732, Leeward Is., 283, 286-8, 290-2, 851 (Mongolia), 733 Leeuwarde (Holland), 1068 Lambayeque (Peru), dept., 1139 Legeh State (Malay), 170 Lampon~s Is. (off Sumatra), 1084 Leghorn (Livorno), 978 ; town Lamu Dtstrict (B. E. Africa), 175 983 ; shipping, 1000 - Islands, 17 4 Le Hi'lvre, 782 ; trade, 806, 808 -town, 175 Leicester, population, 16 Lanai Island (Hawaii), 575 Leiden (Neth.), 1068; Univ., 1069 Lan-chou (China), 716 Leinster province, pop., 20 Landshut (Bavaria), 907 - agricultural holdings, 63 Landskrona (Sweden), 1274 Leipzig, 941 ; town, 861, 931, 942 ; Lango (Uganda), 178 University, 864, 943 Langres, fortress, 794 Leiria (Portugal), 1148 Lansing (Mich.), 487 Leith, 19 ; port, 68, 82 Lantao I. (Hong Kong), 115 Lek race (Persia), 1127 Laoag (Lauag) (Philippines), 580 Le Mans, 782 Laos (French}, 814, 816, 820 Lemberg (Austria), 626; univ., 628 - (Siamese), 1247 Leon, province (Ecuador), 770 La Paz (Bolivia), 681, 684; town, 682 Leon (Mexico), 1042 La Plata(Argentine), 602; university, Leon (Nicaragua), 1094 602 Leon (Spain), province, 1257 Lappa (China), port, 727 Leopold IV. (Lippe), 918 Lara (Venezuela), 1355, 1357 Leopoldville (Belg. Congo), 677 Laraiche (Morocco), 1056 Lepcha race (Sikhim), 159 La Rioja (Argentina), prov., 601 Leribe dist. ( Basutoland), 192 Larisa (Greece), 953 ; town, 953 Lerida (~pain), province, 1257 Larnaca (Cyprus), 113 Les Cayes (Haiti), 967 La Rochelle, 782 Leskovatz (Servia), 1239 La Serena (Chile), 706 Les Saintes (French W.I.), 847 Larvik (Norway), 1100; town, 1102 Lessor Antilles, 84 7 Las Bela (Baluchistan), 155-8 Leucas (Greece), 953 -Jam of, 157 Levallois Perret, 782 - trade, 158 Levuka (Fiji), 366 Lashkar (India), 128 Le1ranika, Barotse chief, 196 Lasi race (Baluchistan), 157 Lewiston, (Me.), 474 I.as Palmas, 1258 Lhasa (Tibet), 732, 733 Lasta (Abyssinia), 591 Liang-kiang (China), 716 INDEX 1409

LU. LOR Liao-tung Peninsula, lease, 717, 732, Linz (Austria), 626 1031 Lippe, 856, 860, 862 Liao-yang (Manchuria), 732 - matricular contribution, 868 Libau (Russia), 1192 - occupations of the people, 858 Liberdad (Peru), dept., 1139, 1142 -reigning Prince, 918 Liberia (Costa Rica), 746 - representation (Imperial), 855 Liberia, area & population, 1034 Lisbon,· 1148; town, ll49' - books of reference, 1037 Lister (Norway), prov., 1101 -commerce, 1036, 1037 Lithgow (N.S.W.), 307 -constitution & government, 1034 Little Elobey (Span. Ap.) 1268 -debt, 1035 Little Popo (Togoland), 891 -defence, 101!5 Little Rock (Ark.), 429, 430 -diplomatic representatives, 1037 Liukiu (Loochoo) Islands, lOll -finance, 1035 L!u Kung Island (Wei-hai·W~i), 172 -mining, 1086 Ltverpool, 16 ; port, 82; Untv., 29 -- money, weights, measures, Livingston (Guatemala), port, 965 1087 Livingstone (Rhodesia), 196 -president, 1084 Livonia, 1188 - religion and instruction, 1035 Livorno (Leghorn), 979; town, 983 ; -rubber, 1036, 1037 shipping, 1000 Liberian Jene (Liberia), 1035 Liwonrle (Nyasaland), 186 Libia Italiana, 1005 Llanquihue· (Chile), prov., 706, 709 Libreville (Belgian Congo), 828, 829 Loanda (Angola), 1158 Lick (U.S.A.), 433 Loango (Belgian Congo), 829 Liechtenstein, 1038 Lobito (Port. W. Africa), port, 1158 Liege (Belgium), 661 ; fort, 666 ; Labor (Uganda), 178 town, 668; univ., 663 Lobos de Afuera (Peru), 1143 Liegnit;tJ (Prussia), 861 Lodz (R. Poland), 1188 ; 1192 Lifou Island (Pacific), 850 Logrono (Spain), province, 1257 Liguria (Italy), 978, 984 Loja (Ecuad.), prov. 770; town, 770 Likoma (Nyasaland), 186 Lokoja (Nigeria), 226 Lille, 782 ; faculties, 787, 788 Lomani (Belg. Congo), 674 Lima (Peru), dept., 1139 ; town, Lombardy, 978, 984, 990 1188, 1142 ; University, 1140 Lombok (Dutch E. Indies), 1084 Limasol (Cyprus}, 113 Lome (Togo}, 891 Limbe (Nyasaland), 186 Lomza (R. Poland), 1188; 1192 Limburg (Belgium), prov., 661 London, population of, 17 -(Netherlands), 1067, 1069; coal, - boroughs, 11 1076 - City, areaand :r,opulation, 17 Limerick, 12, 21 -County Connell, 9, 10, 17 Limoges, 782 -government, 10, 11 Limon (C. Rica), 745; town, 746, 747, -port, 82 748 - registration area and pop., 17 Linares (Spain), 1257 -University, 29 - (Chile), prov., 706 London (Ontario), 243, 270 Lincoln, population, 16 Londonderry, 12, 21 Lincoln (Nebr.), 501, 502 Long Island (Bahamas), 283 Lincoln Institute (U.S.A.), 496 Long Island (Pacific), 895 Linden (Prussia), 861 Loralai (Baluchistan), 155, 156 Lindi (Ger. E. Africa), 894 Lord Howe Islands, 816, 370 Lindsey, 14 Loreto (Peru), dept., 1139 · Lingah (Persia), port, 1181, 1132 Lorient, 782; fort., 794; port, 806 Linkoping (Sweden), 1274 Lorrach (Baden), 903 4 X 1410 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

LOR MAD Lorraine, mining &minerals, 877, 878 Lukiko {assembly) (Uganda), 178 Los Andes (Argentina), prov., 600 Lulonga (Belg. Congo), 674 Los Andes lVenezuela), 1357 Lulua (Belg. Congo), 674 Los Angeles (CaL}, 387, 432 Lumbwa (B. E. Africa), 175 Los Islands (W. Africa), 232, 836 Lund (Sweden), 1274; Univ., 1274 Lothringen, 900 Lunda (Angola), 1158 Lonrenr;o Marques (Mozamb.), 1159, Luneville, fort, 794 1160 Lungchingtsun (Chiua), port, 726 Louisiade Is. (Pacific}, 350 Lung-chow (China), port, 718, 727 Lonisia.na, agriculture, 472 Luque (Paraguay), 1119 - area and population, 383, 471 Lur race, (Persia), 1127 -charity, 472 Luxembourg (Belgium), prov., 661, -constitution & govt., 470 668 - cottOn orop, 402 Luxemburg (Gd. Duchy), 877, 1039 - defence, 472 Luzon Is. (Philippines), 580, 583 - .finiw.ce, 472 Lynn (Mass.), 387, 481 - fisluniq, 472 Lynx Island (Pacific), 370 - forestry, 408, 472 Lyon, faculties, 772, 778 -instruction, 471 - fortress, 794 -live stock, 472 - local government, 7.78 - mining, 473 - population, 782 - production and industry, 472 Lyttelton (N.Z.), port, 362, 363 - public lands, 899 - railways, 473 -religion, 471 ACAO, (Post China), 727, 1156, - representation, 879, 470 M 1157 -rice crop, 401, 472 Macaulay I. (N.Z.}, 365 Louisville (Ky.), 387, 468 Maceio (Brazil), 1189 Lonvain (Be~.}, 663; Univ., 663 Macerate., 979 ; town, 983 ; nniv. 986 Lowa (Belg. .Congo), 674 Mach (Kal.at), 156 Low6U(~&), 387, 481 Machakos (B. E. Africa), 175 Lower California (Mex.), 1041, 1042 McKean Island {Pacific), 370 Loyalt)' la. (Pacific), 850 Macoria (St. Domingo), 1234 L1l&ng-Prabang (Tonking}, 820, 1247 McGill University (Canada), 272 Luapiila, Upper (Belg. Congo), 674 Macquarie Island, 34.4 Liibeck. 857, 919 Madagascar, agriculture, 832 - instruction, 862, 919 - ares and population, au, 880 - matrioula.r' contribution, 860 -banks, 833 - occupations of the people, 858 - books of reference, 833 - re{lresent&tion {Imperial), 855 - commerce, 815, 832 - shipping, 884, 919 - consular representatives, 833 -town, 861 -currency, 833 Liibeck (Principality}, 923 -debt, 831 Lublin (R. Poland), 1188, 1192 - defence, 882 Lucca (rtaly), 978 ; town, 983 - education, 881 Lucerne, 1288, 1291 ; town, 1291 - finance, 881 Lnclmow, 128 -gold, 832 LiideritzBay{Ger.S. W.Af.), 892 - government, 830 Ludwig, ~nt (Bavaria), 905 - justice, 831 Ludwigaburg (Germany), 448 - live stock, 882 Ludwigaha&n (Bavaria), 861, 907 - minerals, 832 Lngh (Ital. Af. ), 1004 - posts and telegraphs, 833 Lngo (Spain), prov., 1257 - production and industry, 832 INDEX 1411

MAD MAN Mada.gasca.l', religion, 831 Maine, fina.nce, 475 - roads and rail wa.ys, 833 - fisheries, 47 5 - shipping, 833 - instruction, 47 4 - silk culture, 832 -live stock, 475 Maddalena (Italy), fort, 990, 993 -mining, 475 Madeira, 1148, 1149 -production and industry, 475 Madison (Wis.), 567 - railwa.ys, 477 Madras, agriculture, 138, 139 -representation, 379, 474 - area and population, 123, 140 Mainz {H1111se), 861, 869, 916 -births and deaths, 127 Maitland, E. & W. (N.S.W.), 307 - educa.tion, 130 Maizuru (Japan), 1018 -finance, 134, 135 Majeru Island (Pacific), 896 - forest9, 139, 140 Majunga (Ma.dagascar), 831 - ~overnment, 121, 122 Makallti {Abyssinia), 592 -JUstice and crime, 131 Makassar (D. East Indies), 1086 -land tenure, 188 Makin Island (Pacific), 870 -port, 145 Mak6 (Hungary), 641 -religion, 129 Makran, 156, 157, 158 -roads, 148 Malacca (Straits Sett. ), 161 et 1eq -states, 124, 125 Mala~ (Spain), 1257; town,1258 -town, 128 Mala1ta Island (Pacific), 870 -trade, 142, 144, 145 Mala:y Archipelago (Portuguese poss· -university, 130 CSSlons in), 1156, 1157 Madre de Dios (Peru), dept., 1139 Malay States, Federated, adminis· Madrid, prov., 1257 ; town, 1258; tration, 167 et seq. Univ., 1259 --area and population, 168 Madura (Dutch East Indies), 1083, --commerce, 169 1084, 1085, 1087 --communications, 170 Madura (Madras Presidency), 128 --finance, 169 Maastricht (Holland), 1068 -- irrigation, 169 Mafeking, 193 --production, 169 Mafetong (Basutoland), 192 ---tin, 169" Magallanes (Chile), territory, 706 --protected· British, 170, 1247 Magar race (Nepal), 1062 --Siamese, 1247 Magdala (Abyssinia), 592 Malden Island (Pacific), 371 Magdalena (Colom.), prov., 740, 741, Maldive Islands (Ceylon), 111 742 Maldonado (Uruguay), 1848 Magdeburg, 861 Malekite sect (Morocco), 1057 Magnesia (Greece), 953 Malindi (E. Africa}, 175 Magyar race (Rumania), 1172 Malines, m Mechlin :Mahaga Is. (Pacific), 896 Malleco (Chile), prov., 706 Mahala el Kubra (Egypt), 1825 Mallicollo Island (Pacific), 371 Mahdera-Mariam (Abyssinia), 592 Malmo (Sweden), 1274 Mahl! (French India), 816 Malta, 100-1 ; troops at, 98 Mah6 Island (Seychelles), 189 Maluprey (Cambodia), prov., 1247 Maiana Island (Pacific), 870 Malwa. (India.), 125 Maibashi (Japan), 1013 Mamuret-iil-Aziz (vilayet), 1305 Maikop (Caucasus), 1192 Man, aes Isle of Man Maimachen (Mongolia), 784 Manabi (Ecuador), prov., 770 Maine, area and pop., 882, 899, 474 Managua (Nicaragua), 1094 -charity, 474-5 Manahiki I. (Cook Is.), 864 - constitution and gov., 379, 474 Manameh (Bahrein), lOS -defence, 475 Manaos (Bra2il), 689, 692 4 :X: 2 1U2 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

MAN MAS Ma.nchouli (China), port, 7211 Marquesas Is. (Pacific), 851 Manchester, 16; Port, 82 ; UniY. 29· llla.rri tribe (Baluchistan), 155, 157 Manchester Ship Canal, 84: Marsabit (B. E. Africa), 175 Manchester (U.S.A.), 387, 506 Marsa Matruh (Egypt), 1825 Manchuria, 716, 724, 728, 731 Marseille, 782 ; faculties, 787, 788 : Mandai {Norway), prov., 1100 trade, 806, 808 Mandalay, 128 Marshall Islands (Pacific), 890, 896 Mandi (lnclia), -126 Ma1-tigny, fort. (Switz.), 1295 Mandingil ·raae "(Lilieria), 1034 Martinique, 815, 848 . Marigaia-lilalld (Cook Is.), 36' Mary borough (Queensland), 326 Ma.nga.reva lsi. tpaoifio),· 8!i 1 Maryborough (Victoria), _318 Manhattaiii(N,Y•.), 387, 514 (Pacific), 370 Manica Dilitri'ct (Pol't. E. A f.), 1159 Maryland (Liberia),-1035 _ Maniema (Be:lg; Corig!!), .~i4; Maryland, agriculture, 4!>1, 478 Mani.l&·(Phili~ines), 680, 581 -area and population, 88'8, 899, 4ii Manitoba, U.gl'l.Gult'llre, 2,8, 264~5· - charity, 477 - area and popula.tio'n, 242) 264 . -coal, 478 - constitution Mid government, 2"40, -constitution & govt., 879, 476 241, 26'4 - defence, 478 - finanee; -246,. 264 -finance, 478 - fisheries, 249 -fisheries, 478 - forestry, 249 · -instruction, 477 - instruction, 2441 264 -live stock, 478 -live-stock; 265 -mining, 478 - manufacture, 250, 2M -production and industl·y 478 - railways, 265· - representl'tion, 379, 4'76 -religion, 244 - tobacco, 402, 478 -representation; 240, 241,· 264 -wheat, 401, 478 -towns, 264 Masai races, 175, 179 Mannheim (Baden), ~03; town, 861, -Reserve, Southern, 175 908, 904 MBsarnpo (Korea), 1028 Manono (Samoa), 89? Masaya (Nicaragua), 1094 Maripur (India), 188, 1-39 Mascara (Algeria), 828 Mansura (Egypt), 1825, 1327 Maseru (S. Africa), 192 ; town, 192 Mantova (H&ntua), 9?8 ; town, 988 ; Mashonaland, 195 · fort, 990 Maskat or Muskat, 180, 1118 . Manua Island \Samoa), 586· Massa (Italy), 979 ; town 983 Ma8 (Kan&m),. 829 Massachusetts, 382, 899, 480 Maoris, 852-8; 854, -864 - agriculture, 484 Marakei Island (Pacific), 870 - a1·ea and population, 382, 899 Maranhlo (Brazil), 688, 689 -banks, 486 Marburg University, 864 -charity, 482-8 Marches (Italy), 979 -commerce, 485 Mare lslaDll (Cal.), 896, 484 - constitution 11nd gov., 879, 480 Mare Island (Pacilic), 850 - correction, 483 Mar~arita I. (Vene.), 1857 - defence, 483 Mananas(Archipelago Is.), 585 -finance, 483, 486 Marianne Islands (Pacific), 896 - fisheries, ~85 Marie-Adelaide (Gd. Ds.) (Luxem- - immigration, 485 burg), 1088 - instruction, 481 Marie-Gala.nite (Guadeloupe), 847 -justice and crime, 488 Marlborough district (N,Z.), 854 - manufactures, 484 Maronites (sect), 1306 - production and industry, 484 INDEX Hl3

liAS AIEl' Massachusetts, railways, 485 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Gd.-Dk., 920 - religion, 481 - instruction, 862, 920 - representation, 379, 482 - matricular contribution, 868 - shipping, 485 - occupations ofthe_peopl~. 858 - tobacco, 402, 484 -representation (Imperial), 855 - universities, 482 Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 921 l'rlassawah, 1003, 1004, 1341 - area and population, 851, 922 Mastung (Baluchistan), 157 - Grand DUke, 921 Matabeleland, 195 - instruction, 862, 922 Matadi (Bel g. Congo), 677 - matricular contributicpn,. 868 Matagalpa (Nicaragua), 1094 - occupations of the peoplll, 858 M.atanzas (Cuba), 751; town, 751 -representation (Imperial), 855 Mab!.pa (Nicaral!ua), 1094 Mechlin (Belgium), 663 Ma.tra (Oinan), 1113 Medellin (Colombia), 740 Matsue (Japan), 1013 Medineh, 1306 Matsumoto'(Japan), 1013 Mediiiet-et-Fayum (Egypt), 1325 Matsuyama (Japan), 1013 Meerane (Saxony,), 942 l'rlatto Grosso· (Brazil), 688, 689, 693 Meerut (India), 128 Mau forest (B. E. Africa), 176 Mehalla al Kobrah (Egypt), 1327 Maubeuge, fortress, '794 Meiningen, 938 Maui Island (Hawaii), 575 Meissen (Saxony), 942 Manke Island (Pany Is.), 384 Melanesia, 371 Maule (Chile), prov., 706 Melbourne, 294, 318, 323; port, 302; 1\lauretania (~'. W. Africa), 814, 837, University, 316, 319 841 Mellawi (Egypt), 1327 1\-lauritius, area and populatiol!-, 184 Melilla (Sp. Af.), 1056, 12:i7 - books of reference, 186 Melsetter (Rhodesia), 19,5 - commerce, 185 Memphis (Tenn.), 387, 546 - constitution and government, 184 Menado (Dutch E. Indies), 1084 - crime, 184 · Mendoa (Arg.), prov,. 601, ·605 - customs valustion, 185 -town, 602 -debt, 185 Menelik II. (Abyssinia), 591 -defence, 98, 185 Mengo (Kampala) (Uganda), 179 - dependencies, 184 Mengtsz, 718, 725, 727 - education, 184 Menuf (Egypt), 1327 - finance, 185 Menufieh (Egypt), 1325, 1326 - Governor, 184 Mereg (ltal. Af.), 100~ - import duties, 185 Merida (Mexico), 1042 - military expenditure, 98, 185 Merida (Venez.), 1355; Univ" 1356 - money, weights, & measures, 186 Meriden (Conn.), 440 - railway, 185 Meridian (Miss.), 493 - religion, 184 .Merka (ltal. Af.), 1004 - shipping & communications, 185 Merowe (A-.E. Sudan), 1341 Mayaguana Isl~d (Bahamas), 283 Merthyr 'J'ydfil, population, 16 Mayence, Bee :Mainz Mem (B. E. Africa), 17.5 Mayagiiez (Porto Rico), 578 Meshdesar (Persia), 1129 Island, 814, 834 .Meshed (Persia), 1127, 1129, 1131 Mayumbe (Belg. Con~o), 677 Mesopotamia, 1304, 1305, 1812 Mazsnderah, (Persia), 1129 Messenia (Greece), 953 Mbabane (Swaziland), 199 Messina, 980 ; town, 983 ; shipping, Mecca, 1306 ; railway to, 1315 1000 ; Univ., 986 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 920 Meta Territory (Colombia.), 740 - area and population, 856, 930 .1\letbil, Port, 68, 72 1414 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK. 1913

ME'f MIS Metz, 861, 867, 900 Michigan, representation, 379, 486 Mewar (India), 125 - ship canal, 489 Mexico, agriculture, 1044 - wheat crop, 401, 488 -area·& pop, 1041 Michoacan (Mexico), State, 1042 -army, lOU Middle Congo colony (French), 828 - banks, 1046 Middle Niger colony (French), 836 - books of reference, 1048 Middlesbrough, 16 ; port, 82 -city, 1042 Mijertaln Somalis, 1004 -coal, lOU Mikado (Empemr), JaF,, 1009 -cotton, 1044 Mikindani (Ger. E. Afnca), 894 - commerce, 1045 Milan (Milano), 978; town, 983 -constitution, 1040 Military Terr., (F.W.Af.), 836, 841 -debt, 1048 Milwaukee (Wis.), 387, 567, 570 - diplomatic representatives, 1047 Minas (Uruguay), 1348 -finance, 1043 Minas Geraes (Brazil), 688, 689, 693 - gold, Hl44, 1045 Mindanao Is., (Philippines), 580 -government, 1040 Minia(Egr.pt),l325,1326; town,1827 --local, 1041 MinneapollB, 387, 490, 492 -immigration, 1042 -University, 490 -instruction, 1042 Minnesota, agriculture, 491 - jnstice, 1042 - area and population, 383, 399, 490 -live stock, 1044 - charity, 491 -manufactures, 1045 - constitution and govt., 379, 490 -mines and minerals, 1045 - defence, 491 - min~try~ 1041 -finance, 491 - money and credit, 1046 - forests, 403 -money, weights, & measures, 1047 -Indian reservatiollll, 490 - navy,l044 - education, 490 - posts and tel8graphs, 1046 - livo stock, 491 - President (provisional), 1040 - mining, 492 - production and indnstry, 1044 - produotion and induitry, 491 - railways, 1046 - public lands, 399 -religion, 1042 - railways, 492 -shipping, 104& - religion, 490 - silver, 1045 - representation, 379, 490 -sugar, 1044 -university, 490 - state, 1041-2 - wheat, 401, 491, 492 -States, 1041-2 Minsk (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 -towns, 1042 Miquelon Is. (Atlantic), 815, 848 Michigan, agriculture, 401, 488 Miranda (Venezuela), 1355 - area and population, 382, 487 Mir Mahmud, Khan of Kalat, 156 - charity, 488 Mir Kamal Khan, Jam· (Kalit), 157 - constitution and govt., 379, 486 Mirzapur (India), 12!! - defence, 488 Misalli:ihe (Togoland), 891 - finance, 488 Misiones territory, (Arg. ltep. ), 601 - forestry, 403 Miskolcz, (Hungary), 641 . - instrnctioJr, ·487 Miasissippi, agriculture, 401, 494 - live stock,. 488 - area and pop., 883, 493 · - minblg, 489 -charity, 493 -production and industry, 489 - constitution & govt., 379, 492 - public lands, 899 - cotton crop, 401, 494 -railways, 489 - defence, 494 - religion, 487 - education, 493 INDEX 1415

MIS MON Mississippi, finance, 494 Monaco, state, 1049 ; town, 1049 - fisheries, 494 - casino, 1049 -forestry, 403 Monagas (Venezuela), 1355 - live stock, 494 Monastir (Turkish vilayet), 1305 - production and industry, 494 Moncton (N. Bruns.), 265 - public lands,. 399 Mongalla (A.-E. Sudan), prov., 1340 - railways, 495 Mongolia, 714, 716, 717, 734 - religion, 493 Mono Island (Pacific), 370 - reprlisentation, 379, 492 Monono Island (Pacific), 897 - rice, maize, tobacco, 401, 494 Monrovia (Liberia), 1034-7 Missouri, agriculture, 401, 497 Mons (Belgium), 663 - area and population, 383, 495 Montana, agriculture, 399, 499, 500 - charity, 496 - area and pop., 383, 498 -coal, 497 - charity, 499 -constitution & ~ov., 399, 495 -coal, 600 -defence, 497 -constitution and gov., 379, 498 - finance; 497 -defence, 499 - instrurtion, 496 - finance, 499 -live stock, 497 - Indian reservation, 499 - mining, 497 - instruction, 499 - petroi.eum, 497 -irrigation, 499-500 - production and industry, 497 -live-stock, 500 - public lands, 399 - mining, 406, 500 - religion, 496 - precious stones, 406, 500 - rep).'888Dtation, 399, 495 -production & industry, 499 - wheat, 401, 497 - public lands, 399 Mita11, (Russia), 1192 - religion, 499 Mitchell Island {Pa.cilic), 370 - representation, 879, 498 Mit Ghamr (Egypt), 1325 -wheat, 500 Mitiaro .Island (Cook Is.), 364 - wool, 500, 571 Mito (Japan), 1013 Monte Argentaro (Italy), fort., 990 ldittelberg (Germany), 879 Monte Carlo, 1049 Mobil,, Ala., 887, 416, 424, 426 Montego Bay (Jamaica), 285 Modtllia'rpeth (French India), 816 Montenegro, area and pop., 1051 Modeua,979; town, 983; Univ., 986 -army,1052 Moero (Belg. Congo), 674 - banks, 1054 Mogadischo or Magadisho, 1004 - books of reference, 1054 Mogador (Morocco), 1057, -commerce, 1053 Moibilev (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 -communications, 1053 Mohaltis Hoek (Basutoland), 192 - finance, 1052 Mohammed V ., Sultan (Turkey), 1302 - government, 1051 Moharek I. (Bahrein), 103 - instruction, 1051 M.oheli I &land, 834 -justice and crime, 1052 Mohtasibs (Afghan officials), 596 - live stock, 1053 Mois tribes (.Annam &c.), 818, 819 - money, 1054 Moji (Japan), 1013 -pauperism, 1062 Mokpo (Korea), 1028 -production and industry, 1053 , 1170, 1171, ll72 - railway, 1064 Molise (Italy), 979 -reigning sovereign, 1050 Mollendo, 684, 1120 - religion, 1051 Molokai Island (Hawaii), 575 -roads, 1064 Molucca Islands, 1083, 1084 Monterey {Mexico), 1042 Mombasa (B. E. Africa), 175, 177 .Montes, 684 1416 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

:MON NAH Montevideo, 1348; port, 1353 ; town, Mount Athos, 960 1349 ; University, 1349 Moyale (B. E. Africa), 175 1\Iontgomery (Ala.), 424 Mozambique (Port. Afr.), 1156, 1158 Montijo (Panama), 1115 Mua.ng-thai or Siam, 1247 Montpellier, 782 ; faculties, 787 Mudirs (Turkish .officials), 1304 Montpelier (Vt. ), 555 Mued tribes (Morocco), 1057 Montreal (Canada), 243, 252, 272 Mufti (Afgh.), 596; (Turkish), 1307 M•mtreuil, 782 Muha.mrah (Persia), 1131, 1132 Montserrado (Liberia), 1035 Mujtahids (Persian priesti), 1127 Montserrat I. (W. I.), 286, 287, Mukden (Manchuria), 731, 732 288 Mukhtars (Turkish officials), 1804 Moorea Island (Pacific), 851 Mula.i Ynsuf, Sultan (Morocco), 1055 Moosejaw (Canada), 273 Miilha.usen, 861, 900 · Moquegua (Peru), dept., 1139 Miilheim-on-Ruhr, 861 Moradtl.bM (India), 128 Mullas, J>riests (Persia), 1127 Morant Cavs (W. I.), 285, 286 Multan (India), 128 Moravia, area and population, 624 Muluya Valley (Morocco), 1057 -representation, Reichsrath, 621, Munchen-Gladba.ch,. 861 622 Munich, 816, 869, 907; Univ., 864, -- provincial Diet, 623 865 Morelia (Mexico), town, 1042 Munster (province), population, 21 Morelos (Mexico), Sta.te, 1041 - agricultural holdings1 63 Morescoes in Spa.in, 1257 Miinster, 861 ; University, 864, 865 Morioka. (Japan), 1013 Muntenia. (Rumania), 1172 Moriori race (N.Z.), 364 Muong-sing (La.os State), 820 Mormons, 427, 41i3, 504, 552, 570, Murcia (Spain), prov., 1257; town, 587, 897, 1102 1258 Mormuglia. (Goa.), 1156, 1157 .Muri, prQv. (Ni~eria), 225, 227 Morocco, area. and pop., 1057 Mtlrzftk (N. Afnca.), ,1005 -books of reference, 1060 Muskat, 180, 1113 -commerce, 1058 Mutessarifs (Turkish), 1304 -defence, 824, 1057 .Muttra (India), 128 · . - diplomatic representatives, 1060 Muzo, emerald mine~~ (Colomb.) 741 - finance, 1057 Mwatate (British E. Africa), 175 - ~ovemment; 1055 et seq. Mysore (India.), area, &c., 124 - mdustry, 1058 - religion, 129 -money, weights, measures, 1060 -town, 128 - posts, 1059 -religion, 1057 -shipping, 1059 - Sultan, 1055 - treaties, 1056, 1057 ABA (Ja.pa.n), 1013 Morocco city, 1057 N Nabardl, Urn (A.-E. Sudan), Moro prov. (Philippines), 581 gold mines, 1343 -race, 582 Nabha. (India), 126 Moscow, 1182, 11921185; Univ.l193 Nacaome (Honduras), 971 Mosquito Reserve (Nica.ra.gua.), 1094 Nagano (Ja.pa.n), 1013 .Mossa.medes (Angola), 1159 Na.gaoka. (Ja.pan), 1013 Mossul (vila.yet), 1305 ; town, 1306 Nagasaki, 1013, 1021 Mosta.gnem (Algeria), 823 Nagoya. (Japan), 1013 Mosta.r ("Bos. Herz), 652 Nagpur (India), 128 Motherwell, population, 19 Nagyvarad (Hungary), 641 Moulmein, 128 Nahan (India), 126 INDEX 1417

NAR NET Nahud (A.-E. Sudan), 1341 Natal, representation, 200, 201 Naib, Chief(Persia.n), 1126; Turkish, -whaling, 216 1307 National University, Ireland, 29 Nairobi (British E. Mrica), 175 Navanagar (India), 128 Naiva.sha. (British E. Africa), 175 Navarra. (Spain), 1257 ; town, 1258 Nakuru (B. E. Africa), 175 Nebraska., agriculture, 401, 502 Nama.land (Ger. S.W. Af.), 892 - area and population, 383, 501 Na.ma.n~, 1192 - charity, 502 Na.ma.stga.li-Jinja railway, 179 - constitution and govt., 379, 501 Namnr, prov., 661; town, 663, 666 - defence, 502 Nana Kru (Liberia), 1035 - finance, 502 Nana.ma.ga Island {Pacific), 370 - inatrnction, 501 Nan-ch'ang (China), 716 - live stock, 503 Nancowry {Nicobars), 161 - production and industry, 502 Nancy, 782 ; faculties, 787; fort, - public lands, 399 794 - religion, 501 Nandi (B. E. Africa), 175 - representation, 379, 501 Nanking (China), 716 - wheat, 401, 503 Nan-bing (China), 718, 727 Neckar (Germany), 942 Nanomea Island (Pacific), 370 Nedenes (Norway), 1100 Nantes, 782 Nega.Jll!:tam (India.), 128 Napiet (N. Z.), 354 Negn Sembilan (Malay), 162, 167 Naples(Napoli), 980,993; town,983; Negrito race (Philippines), 581 slti~ping, 1000; University, 986 Negus Negust of Etliiopia, 591 Naqutb race (Baluchistan), 167 Nekempti (Abysainia), 692 Nara {Japan), 1013 Nelson district (N.Z.), 364 ·Naricua.l (Venez.), coa.l mine, 1367 Nemolassa (Rumania), fort., 1175 Narino, prov. (Colom.), 740 Nepal, 1062 Narodna-Skupshtina (Servia.), 1238 Nestorians(Peraian), 1127; Turkish, Nashville {Tenn.), 387, 546 1306 Nasirabal.d tahsil, 157, 158 Netherland Island (Pacific), 370 Nassarawa prov. (N. Nigeria), 225, Netherlands, agriculture, 1075 227 -area and population, 1067 Nassau (Bahamas), 283 - h:l'!,1073 Nassau Islands (Pacific), 370 - 1081 Natal, Prov. of, Administrator, 213 -births, deaths, & marriages, 1068 - area and population, 202, 213 -books of reference, 1092 -&!¢cultural products, 215 - cana.ls, 1078 - h<~Qks of reference, 216 - colonies, 1082 ee 8ef· - coal output, 216 -commerce, 1076 -commerce, 216 -constitution, 1065 - constitution and government, 213 - customs valuation, 1077 - customs valuation, 216 -debt;. 1072 - fiDance, 204, 215 -diplomatic representatives, 1082 -'gold output, 216 - emigration 1068 - Indians in, 214 -estates, 1075 - iilduatry, 215 -finance, 1071 et seq. - inatrnction, 214 - fisheries, 107 6 - live stock, 216 -foreigners, 1068 - local government, 200 - frontier, 1072 - minerals, 216 -government, central, 1065 - provincial councils, 201 ·- - local, 1066 - railways, 207 -import duties, 1077 1418 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

NET NEW Netherlands, instruction, 1069 New Brunswick, commerce, 266 -justice and crime, 1070 - constitution & gov., 240, 241, 265 -manufactures, 1076 - finance, 246, 265 - minin,g, 1076 - fisheries, 249, 265 - ministry,.1066 - instruction, 244, 265 -money and credit, 1080 - live stock, 265 -money, weights, measures, 1081 - manufactures, 250, 265 -navy, 107!1, - mining and mineral$, 265 -pauperism, 1070 - political parties, .265 - political parties, 1065 - railways, 266 -ports, 1078 - religion, 244 - posts and telegraphs, 1078-9 - representation, 240; 241, 265 - product,ion and industry, 1075 -towns, 265 -railways, 1078 , 790, 811), 849 - reigning Queen, 1064 Newcastle (N.S.W.), 307 - religion, 1068 Newcastle-on-Tyne, pop., 16 -royal family, 1064 - Colleges, 29 -shipping and navigation, 1077 Newchwang (China), 718, 7<],6, 73:?. -States-General, 1065 Newfoundland, agriculture, 2&2 -towns, 1068 - area and pop., 280 -tramways, 1079 - banks, and saving banks, 282 - Universities, 1069 - books of reference, 282 -wheat, 1075 - commerce, 281 NeucMte.l, 1288, 1290 ; town, 1291 -exports and imports, 281 N eufahrw~ei-, shipping, 884 - finance, 281 Neu l{anover (Pacific), 896 - fishing and fishing rights, 280, N eu.illy; 782 . 281 Neukolln (Prussia), 861 -government and ministry, 280 Neu (Pacific), 896 - instruction, 280 N eu Mecklenburg (Paciiic), 896 - mining, 282 Neu I'omniern (Pacific), 896 - paper and pulp mills, 282 Neuquen (Arge~tina), prov., 601 - political parties, 280 Neustadt (Gel'Inany), 939 - posts and telegraphs, 282 Neu Strelitz (Germany), 922 - production, 282 Nevada, ~a and pop., 383, 504 - railways, 282 - charity, 504 - religion, 280 -constitution and govt., 379, 504 - shipping, 281 - finance, 504 -whaling, 281 - forests, 505 New Georgia ls. (Pacific}, 370 - Indians, 504 New Guinea, Brit., 293, 295, 350 - instruction, 505 -Dutch, 1083, 1084 - mining, 406 - German, 890, 895 - p.Fodu,ction and industry, 505 New Hampshire, agriculture, 507 - public lands, 399 - area and population, 382, 399, 506 -religion, 504 -charity, 506 -representation, 379, 504 -constitution and govt., 379, 505 Nevis I. (W.f.), 286, 287, 288 ! - defence, 507 Newark, N.J., 387, 508 - finance, 507 Newar race (Nepal), 1062 - instruction, 506 New Bedford (Mass.), 387, 481 - live stock, 507 New Britain (Conn.), 440 - production and industry, 507 New Brunswick, agricult1;1re, 248, 265 -railways, 508 - area and population, 242, 265 - religion, 506 INDEX 1419

NEW NBW New Hampshire, representation, 379, New South Wales, debt, 809 505, 506 - defence, 296, · 310 New Haven (Conn.), 387, 440 - emigration and immig1-ation, 307 (Pacific), 371, 850 - finance, 295, 309 New Jersey, agriculture, 509 -- local, 310 -area and population,_382, 399, 508 -forestry, 312 - charity, 509 -gold output, 313 - constitution and govt., 508 -Governor, 305 - defence, 509 - instruction, 303 - finance, 509 -justice and crime, 309 - fisheries, 510 -land tenure, 310 - instruction, 509 - live-stock, 312 -live stock, 510 - local government, 293, 306 -manufactures, 510 -manufactures, 313 - minerals, 510 -mines and minerals,312 - produotion and industry, 509 -ministry, 305 - religion, 508 - money and credit, 314 - representation, 379, 508 - occupations of people, 306 - University, 509 - pensions, old age, invalidity and New Kowloon (China), 115 accident, 308 New London (Conn.), 396, 440 - political parties, 305 New Mexico, area and pop., 382, 511 -production and industry, 310 - charity, 512 -railways, 302 -constitution & govt., 379, 511 - religion, 807 - defence, 512 - representation, 298, 805 -finance, 512 - shipping, 302 - Indian reservations, 511 -sugar, 312 -instruction, 511 -towns, 807 -irrigation, 513 - tramways, 314 - minerals, 513 -University, 308 - precious stones, 406, 513 - wheat, &c., 812 -production & industry, 512 -wines, 312 - public lands, 399 - wool production, 812 -railways, 513 - See also Australia, Commonwealth - religion, 512 New Urgenj (Khiva), 1227 -representation, 379, 511 New Westminster (B. Col.), 262 - University, 512 New York State, a~riculture, 517 Newnham College, Cambridge, 29 - area and populat1on, 882, 899, 514 New Orl~ans (La.), 387, 396, 471; - cauals, 519 shipping, 415, 416, 431, 473 - charity, 516 Newport (Mon.), 16; port, 68, 82 -colleges, 515 Newport (R.I.), 896, 538 - con&titution & govt., 379, 518 Newport (ShrfJps.), College, 29 - defence, 517 Newport News (Va.), 416, 558 - finance, 516 New Providence Islaud (W.I.), 283 - instruction, 515 New South Wales, aborigines, 306 -live stock, 517 - agriculture, 310 - manufactures, 5i8 - area and population, 294, 806 - mining, 517 - banks, 314, 815 - production and industry, 517 -births, deaths, marriages, 95, 307 - railways, 519 -books of reference, 316 - representation, 879, 514 - commerce, 300, 314 -tobacco, 402, 517 - constitution and govt., 293, 305 -wheat, 517 1420 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

NEW NIS New York (city), area ~d pof·• 387, Nicaragua, area and pop .., 1094 514 ; finance, 617 ; loca govt. , -bank, 1097 614 ; shipping, 415, 416, 519 - books of reference, 1097 New Zealand, 293 - commerce, 1095 . - agriculture, 359 - constitutionandgovemment,1094 - area and population, 353 -debt, 1095 -banks, 364 -defence, 1094 - births, deaths, aJld marriages, 355 - diplomatic representatives, 1097 -books of reference, 365 -finance, 1095 -coal, 360 -gold, 1095 - commerce, 360 -industry, 1095 -constitution and govt., 352 -live stock, 1095 -crops, 366 - money, weights, and measures, - customs, 361 1097 -debt, 858 -mining, 1095 - defence, 859 -posts and telegraphs, 1097 - dependencies, 353, 364 - President, 1094 -finance, 857 -railway, 1096 -- l~cal. 358 -religion and instruction, 1095 - General Aesembly, 252 - shipping, 1096 - gold, 360, 361 -towns, 1094 - Governor, 353 Nice, 782 ; fort., 794 -- Houee of Representatives, 252 Nicholas I.,King (Montenegro), 1050 - immigration and emigration, 355 Nicholas II., Tsar (Russia), 1180 - import dutie,s, 361 Nirobar Islands, see Andaman Islan

NIS NOR Nisch (Servia), 1239, 1242 Northern Terlitories (Gold Coast}, Niuchwang (C4ina), 718, 726, 732 230, 231 Niue I. (Cook Is:), 364 Northern Territory, Australia, 290, Nizhnii-Novgorod, 1188; 1192 294, 295, 332, 348 Nkata (Nyasaland), 186 - aborigines, 349 Nogal ter. (lt;ili.an Af.), 1004 - area and population, 348-9 Nome (Alaska), 572, 574 - books of reference, 350 Nongson mines (Annam), 818 - commerce, 349 Nonouti Island (Pacific}, 370 - government, 348 Nordland (Norway), prov., 1100 - finance, 319 Norfolk Island, 316 -gold, 349 Norfolk (Va.}, 387, 396, 416, 558 - live stock, 349 Norrkoping (Sweden), 1274 - minerals, 349 Norte Santander, prov. (Col.), 740 -production and industry, 349 Norj;ham (W•. A.ust.), 328 North Island (N. Z. ), 353, 354 Northampton, population, 16 North- Welt· Frontier Province North Borneo, see_British (India), 121, 123, 124; 127, 129, North Brabant, HJ67, 1069 . 130, 134, 135, 138, 140 North Carolina, agriculture, 521 North-West Temtoriea (Canada), area - &reA and P.Op., 383, 399 and population, 242, 275 - charity, 520 - constitution & govt., 241, 242, 275 -constitution and govt., 379, 520 -forests, 249 - defence, 521 - religion, 244 - finance, 521 Norway, agriculture, 1106 - forests, 403 - area and population, 1100 et seq. - instruction, 520 - arm_y, 1106 - live stock, 521 - banks, 1110 - minerals, 521-2 - births, deaths, and marriages,11 01 - precious stones, 406 -books of reference, 1112 - p1;0dutltion and industry, 521 - commerce, 1107 etseq. -·i-IWways, 522 - constitution, 1098 - representation, 379, 520 - Council of state, 1099 - rice, cotton, tobacco, 401, 402, 521 -debt, 1104 -wheat; 521- -diplomatic representatives, 1111 North China, troops in, 98 - emigration, 1102 North Dakota, agri., 401, 524 - finance, 1103 - area and pop., 383, 523 - fisheries, 1107 -charity, 528 - forestry, 1106 - constitution and govt., 379, 522 -government, central, 1098 -- defence, 528 - -local, 1110 -finance, 523 - Gmndlov, 1098 - instruction, 523 - import duties, 1108 - irrigation, 524 -instruction, 1102 - live stock, 524 - justice·and crime, 1103 - minerals, 524 - King of, 8, 755, 1098 - production and industry, 524 - Kings from, 1204, 1098 - public lands, 399 - Lagthing, 1099 - railway, 524 -mines and minerals, 1107 - religion, 523 -ministry, 1099, 1100 - representation, 379, 522 -money and credit, 1110 - wheat, 401, 524 - money, weights, and measures, NorthemFrontierDist. (B.E.A.),175 1111 Northern Province (Uganda), 178 -navy, 1105 142'2 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

NOR O'HI Norway, occupations of people, 1101 Nuitao Island (Pacific), 370 - Odelsthing; 1099 Nukahiva Island (Pacific), 851 -pauperism, 1103 Nukualofa (Tonga), 369 - political parties, 1099 Nukufetau Island (Pacific), 370 -posts and telegraphs, 1110 N ukulaelae Island (Pacific), 370 --wireless stations, 1110 Nukunono Islands (Pacific), 370 -production and industry, 1106 Nunez dist. (Fr. Guinea), 839 -railways, 1109 Niirnberg, 861, 907 -religion, 1102 N urukita Island (Pacific), 370 - shipping and navigation, 1109 Nushki Niabar (Baluchistan), 156 - Storting, the, 1098, 1099 Nyanza Prov. (B. E. Africa), 175 - towns, 1102 Nyasaland Protectorate, 186 - University, 1102 - administration, 186 Norwich. population, 16 -defence, 187 Nossi-Be Island, 831 -finance, 187 N.ottingbam, 16; College, 29 - governor, 186 Noumea.(N. Caledonia), 850 - instruction, 186 Novara (Italy), 978; town, 983 -posts and telegraphs, 187 Nova Scotia, agriculture, 268 -shipping (lake), 187 - area and population, 242, 267 -trade, 187 -banks, 269 Nyasa Company (Portuguese), 1159 - births, marriages, deaths, 267 Nyeri (B. E. Africa), 175 - books of reference, 269 Nyezhin (Russia), 1192 - commerce, 269 Nyiregyhaza (Hungary), 641 - constituti1>n & gov,, 240, 241, 266 - exports, 269 - finance, 246, 268 - fisheries, 249, 268 - forestry, 249, 268 AHU (Hawaii), 575, 576 - instruction, 244, 267 O Oakland (Cal.), 387, 432 - justice and crime, 268 Oaxaca (Mexico), 1042; town, 1042 -live stock, .268 Oban (Nigeria), 280 - local government, 267 Obbia (Somali Coast), 1004 - manufactures, 250, 268 Obeid, El (A.-E. Sudan), 1341 - mines and minerals, 268 Ober- Elsass, 900 -pensions, 267 Oberhausen (Prussia), 861 - political parties, 266 Obock (Somali Coast), 835 -production and industry, 268 Obwalden (canton), 1290 - railways, 269 Ocean Island (Pacific), 370 -- religion, 244, 267 Oceania (British), 293, 354, 364, -representation, 240, 241, 266 :!65 et seq. - shipping, 269 - French 815, 849, et seq. -towns, 267 - German, 890, 895 et seq. Novgorod (Russia), 1188 ; towns,l192 Ochakoff (Russia), port, 1199, 1202 Novocherkask (Russia), 1192 Ocos (Guatemala), port, 965 Novogeorgievsk (Russia), 1199 Odense (Denmark), 758 Novo Redondo (Angola), 1158 Odessa, 11!!2, gov. 1185, univ. 1193 N ovorossiisk, 1192 Offenbach (Hesse), 861, 916 Nuble (Chile), prov., 706 Offenburg (Baden), 903 Nueva Esparta (Venezuela), 1355 Ofu Island (Samoa), 586 Nuevo Leon (Mexico), state, 1041 Ogasawarajima (Bonin) Islands, 1011 Nueva San Salvador, 1231 Ogden (Utah), 552 Nui Island (Pacific), 370 O'Higgins, (Chile), prov., 706 INDEX 1423

OHI OBA Ohio, agriculture, 401, 402, 524 Oldenburg instruction, 862, 923 - area and pop., 382, 525 - matricular contribution, 868 - charity, 526 - occupations of the people, 858 -colleges, &c., 525 - religion, 862, 923 -constitution and govt., 379, 524 -representation (Imperial), 855 - defence, 526 -town, 923 - finance, 626 Oldham, population, 16 - instruction, 525 Old Marghelan, 1192 -live stock, 524 Olonets (Russia), 1188 -manufactures, 257 Olongapo, (P.I.), 396 - mining,· 528 Olosega Island (Samoa.), 586 - production and indW!try, 527 Oltenia (Rumania), 1172 - public lands, 399 Olympia (Wash.), 560, 561 - railways," 527 Omaha (Nebr.), 387, 501 - religion, 525 Oman, 1113 - representation, 379, 524 -British ports, 1118 - tobacco, 402, 527 Omdurman, 1841 -- wheat, 401, 626 Omoa (Honduras), 971 Okayama·(Japan), 1013 Omotepe I. (Nica1·agua), 1095 Oki Islands (Japan), 1011 Omsk (Russia), 1192 . Oklahoma city, 387, 528 Ongtong Java Islands (Pacific), 370 Oklahoma and Indian Territory, Onitsha (Nigeria), 229,. 280 agriculture, 401, 529 Onomitchi (Japan), 1018 - area and pop., 388, 528 Onotoa Island (Pacific), 870 - charity, 529 Ontario, agriculture, 248, 270 - constitution and govt., 879, 528 - area and population, 24.2, 270 - cotton crop, 402, 529 -constitution & gov., 240, 241, 269 - defence, 629 - finance, 246, 270 - finance, 529 - fisheries, 249 - instruction, 528 -forestry, 249, 270 - live stock, 529 - instruction, 244, 270 - production, 529 - live stock, 270 - public lands, 399 - manufacture~, 250, 270 - religion, 528 -mineral output, 270 - represent;ation, 879, 528 - production and industry, 270 - wheat, ·401, 529 -railways, 270 Old-age pensions and relief of old age - religion, 244 - Australia, Commonwealth of, 296 - representation, 240, 241 1 269 - Denmark, 760 - shipping, 270 - France, 791 -towns, 270 - Germany, 866 . - university, 270 - Great Britain and Ireland, 38 Opobo (Nigeria), 229, 236 -New South Wales, 308 Oporto (Port.), 1149; univ., 1150 -New Zealand, 357 Oran (Algeria), 798, 823, 824, 825 - Queensland, 827 Orange (N.S.W.), 307 - Victoria, 311l Orange Free St!J.te Province, Ad- -Western Australia, 840 ministrator, 221 Oldenburg, grand-duchy, 922 -agriculture, 223 -area and population, 856, 923 - area and population, 202, 221 - books of reference, 923 - births, marriages, deaths, 222 -duchy, 928 - books of reference, 225 -finance & debt, 922, 923 -coal, 224 - Grand-duke, 922 - commerce, 224 1424 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

ORA PAN Orange Free State, constitution and Ostrog (Montenegro), 1051 government, 200, 201, 221 Otago, district (N.Z.), 354 - customs valuation, 225 Otaru (Japan), 1013 - diamonds, 224 Otavi (Ger. S. W. Africa), 893 - finance·, 204, 222 Otjimbingue (Ger. S. W. Africa), 892 - instruction, 222 Otsu (Japan), 1013 -justice, 222 Ottawa( Canada), 241,243,249,252,270 - live stock, 224 Otto, King (Bavaria), !105 - local government, 200, 221 Otzuco (Peru), prov., 1142 - minerals, 224 Oudh, see United Provinces - production and Industry, 223 Oulgaret (French India), 816 - Provincial-council, 201 Overyssel, 1 067, 1069 -railways; 207 Oviedo,1257; town,1258; Univ., 1259 - religion, 222 Oxford, 16; University, 29 - representation, 200, 201 ·- wheat, 224 Orebro (Sweden), 1274 Oregon, agriculture, 401, 532 AARL (Cape Colony), 209 - area and population, 383, 530 P Pabellon de Pica, 1143 - charity, 631 Pachuca (Mexico), 1042 -constitution and govt., 379, 530 Pacific Is. ( Br. ); 293, 353, 354, 364, - defence, 531 369 et seq. - finance, 531 - - high commissioner, 366, 369, - fisheriea, 532 371 - forestry; 403 - (French), 790, 815, 845 - instrtiction, 531 - (German), 890, 895 et seq. - irrigation, 532 Padang (Dutch E. Indies), 1086 -live stock, 532 Padua (Padova), 979 ; town, 983 ; - mining, 532 University, 986 - production and industry, 531 Pago Pago (Samoa), 586, 587 - public lands, 399 Pahang (Malay States), 162, 169 - religion, 631 Paisley, population, 19 - representation, 379, 530 Pakhoi (China), 718, 727 - wheat, 401, 522 Paknam forts (Siam), 1249 Orel (Rllssia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Palau or Pelew Islands, 890, 896 Orenburg (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Palatinate, 906, 908 Orense (Spain), prov., 1257 Palembang (Dutch East In.), 1084 Oriente (Cuba), prov., 751 Palencia (Spain), prov., 1258 Oriente (Ecuador), prov., 770 Palermo, 980; town, 983; ship- Orissa (India), 121, see Bihar ping, 1000 ; University, 986 Orizaba (Mexico), 1042 Palestine, 1304; Colonies, 1312 Orkney Isles, area and pop., 18 Palit or Perlis (Malay), 170, 171 Orlean~, 782 Palma (Baleares), 1250 Oro (Ecuador), prov., 770 Palmas, Las, 1257 Orsova, fort, 614 . Palmerston Island (Cook Is.), 364 Oruro (Bolivia), 681 ; town, 682 Palmerston North (N.Z.), 354 Osaka (Japan), 1013 Palmyra Island (Pacific), 371 Oscarsborg (Norway), fort, 1109 Pampa (Arg. ), prov., 601 Osh (Russia), 1192 Panama (Colom.), prov., 740 Osnabrock (Prussia), 861 Panama, 739, 750 Ossovets (Russ1a); port, 1199 -area and population, 1115 Ostend (Belgium), 663 -books of reference, 1118 Ostkreis (Saxe-Altenburg), 936 -canal, 395, 576, 1096, 1117 INDEX 1425

PAN PEN ]'anama, commerce, 1116 l'argana-Manpnr State {India) agri- -currency, 1117 culture, 1

PEN PHI Pennsylvania, production and in- Persia, towns, 1127 dustry, 535 Persian Gulf pearl fishery, 1313 - railways, 536 -ports, 1131, 1132, 866 also Oman - religion, 534 Perth (Scotland), pop., 19 - representation, 379, 533 - (W. Australia), 328 -tobacco and wheat, 401, 402, 535 Peru, agriculture, 1142 -Universities, 534 - area and population, 1138 Penon de Ia Gomera, 1257 -army, 1142 Penrhyn Island (Cook Is.), 364 -banks, 1145 Pensacola(Fla. ),396,416,447, 448,449 -books ofreference, 1146 Penza (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 -boundary disputes, 1189 Peoria, (Ill.), 387, 455 -commerce, 1143 Perak (Malay State), 162, 167, et seq. -constitution and government, 1138 Perene District (Peru), 1142 - cotton, 1142 Perim, 102 -debt, 1141 Perlis (Malay State), 170, 171 - defence, 1142 Perm (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - diplomatic representatives, 1145 Pernambuco (Brazil), 688, 689; town, - finance, 1141 689 -gold, 1148 Pernik coal mines (Balgaria), 702 -guano, 1148 Perp1gnan, 782 -industry, 1142 P~rsia, area and population, 1126 -instruction and justice, 1140 -army, 1129 - mines, 1143 - banks, 1188 - money and credit, 1145 - books of reference, 1186 - money, weights, & measures, 1145 -commerce. 1181 -navy, 1142 - constitution, 1124 - posts and telegraphs, 1145 - cultivation, 1180 - President, 1188 -debt, 1129 - railways, 1144 - diplomatic representatives, 1186 -religion, 1140 - finance, 1128 -shipping and navigation, 1144 - foreign loans, 1129 - towns, 1189 - government, 1124 - Universities, 1140 --local, 1126 Perugia, 979; town, 988; Univ., 986 - instruction, 1127 Peruvian Corporation, 1142, 1148 -justice, 1128 Pesaro (Italy), 979 ; town, 988 -minerals, 1181 Pescadores Islands, 1011, 1031 -ministry, 1126 Peshawur (India), 128 -· money and credit, 1133 Pespire (Honduras), ~71 - money, weights, measures, 1135 Peter I. (King), Servia, 1288 -National Council, 1125 Petervarad, fort, 614 -navy, 1180 Petroleum-, and Naphtha-producing - oil wei!R, 1131 regions.-Algeria, 825; Balnchis• - pearl fishing, 1131 tan, 158; Ecuador, 772; Japnn, -ports, 1181, 1182 1021 ; Persia, 1131 ; ·R.umania, -posts and telegraphs, 1134 1176 ; Russia, 1208; Venezuela, -production and industry, 1180 1357; U.S.A.., 405, 666 - railway, 1133 Petropavlovsk (Kamschatka), J 192 - religion, 1127 Petrozavodsk (Russia), 1192 -royal family, 1124 Pforzheim (Baden), 861; 903 - Senate, 1125 Philadelphia (Pa.), 887, 583; - SMh, 1124 shipping, 415, 416, 1186 -silk, 1180 Philippeville (Algeria), 828 INDEX 1427

PHI POR Philippine Islands, area & pop., 580 Platigorsk (Caucasus), 1192 -banks, 684 Plauen (Saxony), 861, 942 - books of reference, 587 Plevna or Pleven (Bulgaria), 699 - coinage, 584 -town, 699 - commerce, 583 Plock (R. Poland), 1188; 1192 - defenc .. , 396, 396, 681 Ploesti (Rumania), 1172 - education, f\82 Plovdiv (Bulgaria), 699 - finance, 682 Plymouth, pop., 16 ; port, 82 - forests, 583 Plymouth (Montserrat), 288 -gold, 583 Pnom-Penh (Cambodia.), 818 -government, 381, 680, 581 Podgoritza (Montenegro), 1051 - immigration, 581 Podolia (Russia), 1188 -justice, 581 Poincare, R., French President, 775 - mining, 683 Pointe-11-Pitre (Guadeloupe), 847 - naval station, 396 Pointe-des-Galets (RellDion), 885 - posts and telegraphs, 584 Poitiers, 782 ; faculties, 787 -production and industry, 583 Pola (Istria), 614, 617, 626 - railways, 584 Poland (Russian), area and popula- -religion, 680, 581-2 tion, 1187, 1188, 1191 -roads, 684 -crops, 1205 - shipping, 684 - forests, 1206 -university, 582 - government, 1186, 1188 - vital statistics, 680 -instruction, 1195 Philippopolis (Bulgaria), prov., 699 -justice, 1196 - to\\ n, 698, 699 - live stock, 1206 Phocis (Greece), 958 - manufactures, 1209 Phrenix (Ariz.), 427, 428 - minin~, 1208 Phamix Islands (Pacific), 370 - towns, 1192 Phthiotis (Greece), 963 Poland, Bee also Russia Piacenza, 979 ; town, 988 ; fort, 990 Poltava, 1188; town, 1192 Piauhy State (Brazil), 688, 689 Pomerania, area and pop., 928 Pichincha (Ecuador), prov., 770, 772 Ponape (Caroline Is.), 89tl Piedmont, 978, 984 Ponce (Porto Rico), 578 Pierre (S. Dak. ), 643 Pondichery (French India), 816 Pietermaritzburg, 203, 213, 214 Pondoland (Cape Col.), 209 Pillzhum (Ecuador), 772 Ponta Delgada (Azores), 1149 Pilsen (Anstris), 626 Poutevedra (Spain), prov., 1257 Pinar del Rio (Cuba), 751 Poona (India), 128 Pines, Isle of (Pacific), 850 Portslegre (Port.), 1148 ; town, 1149 Pingh-siang coal mines (China), 724 Port Alexander (Angola), 1158 Ping Yang (Km-ea), 1027, 1028 Port Ancon (Panama), 1115 Pio X., Pope, 1163 Port Antonio (Jamaia), 286 Piotrkow (R. Poland), 1188 ; 1192 Port Arthur (China), 717, 726, 732, Piralus (Greece), 968, 954 1012, 1031 Pirmasens (Bavaria), 907 Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 967 Pirot (Servia), 1239, 1242 Port Bell (Ugauda), 179 Pisa, 979; town, 988 ; Univ., 986 Port Blair (Andamans), 160 Pisagua (Chile), port, 711 - Penal Settlement, 160 Pishin (Baluchistan), 155, 156, 158 Port Bonet (Ivory Coast), 840 Pitcairn Island (Pacific), 370 Port Cornwallis (Andam.aus), 160 Pittsburg (Pa.), 887, 638, 536 Port Darwin (Australia), 848, 849 Pitzewo (China), 726, 1081 Port de Paix (Haiti), 967 Piura (Pent), dept., 1139 Port Edward (Wei-Hai-Wei), 173 4 y 2 1428 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

POR PRI Port Elizabeth (Cape Col.), :l03, 209 Portugal, justice and cri1iw, 1150 Port Herald (Nyasaland), 186 - mines, 1153 Portland (Me.), 387, 416, 474, 475 -ministers, 1147 Portland (Oreg.), 387, 531, 532 - money, weights & measures, 1155 Port Louis (Mauritius), 184 - National Council, 1147 Port Moresby:,Papua), 350 -navy, 1152 Porto (Portugal), 1147 - occupations of the people, 1148 Porto Alegre (Brazil), 689 -posts and telegraphs, 1155 Port of Spain (Trinidad), 288 -President, 1147 Porto Maurizio, 978; town, 983 -production and industry, 1152 Porto Novo (Dahomey), 840 - railways, 1155 Porto Rico, 381 - religion, 1149 -.area and population, 383, 577 - royal family, 1147 - books of reference, 580 - shipping and navigation, 1155 -communications, 579 -towns, 1140 -defence, .579 -Universities, 1150 - finance, 578 -Upper Chamber, 1147 - government, 577 - wine, 1153, 1151 - instruction, 578 Portuguese Africa, E., 1156, 1159 -irrigation, 579 -Africa, W., 1156, 1159 - islands, 579-80 -- Asia, 1156 - naval base, 579 - India, 1156 -production and industry, 579 Portugueza (Venezuela), 1355 - railways, 579 Posen, area and pop., 928; forts, 869 ; - sugar tobacco, 57.9 town, 846 -university, 578 Potenza (Italy), 980; town, 983 Port Royal (Jamaica), 285 Poti (Russia), por,t, 1202 Port Royal (S.C.), 39d Potosi (Bolivia), 681 ; town, 6"82 Port Said, 1325, 1326 Potsdam (Prussia), 846 Porto Seguro (Togoland), 891 Pozarevatz (Servia), 1239 Port Sudan (A. -E. Sudan), 1341 Pozsony (Hungary), 641; univ., 643 Port Talbot, 68 Prabhu Narayan Singh (Maharajah), Port Townsend (U.S.A.), 563 132 Portsmouth, .population, 16 Pradera (Colombia), mines, 741 Portsmouth (N.H.), 396, 506, 507 Prague, 626; University, 628 Portsmouth (Va.-), 416 Praia (Cape Verde Islands), 1157 Portugal, agriculture, 1152 Praslin Is. (Seychelles), 189 -area and population, .1147 Presburg, see Pozsony -army, 11M Preston, population, 16 -banks, 1155 Pretoria (8. Africa), 201, 203, 217 -births,. deaths & marriages, .1149 Primorskaya (Siberia), 1188 - books of referl)nce, 1160 Prince Edward Is., agriculture, 271 ~ colmiies, 1148, et seq. ---area and population, 242, 271 -commerce, 1153 -constitution & govt., 240, 241, 247 - constitutioq, 114;7 - finance, 246, 271 -debt, 1151 - - - fisheries, 249, 271 - dependencies, 1156 et seq. - - - forests, 271 -diplomatic representatives, 1156 - - - instruction, 244, 271 -emigration, 1149 - - - live stock, 271 - finance, ,115.0 - - - manufactures, 250, 271 - fish~ries, 1153 - - - production & industry, 271 - governiiiiiJlt, 114 7 - - - railways, 271 - instrnotion,.l150 - - - religion, 244 INDEX 1429

PRI QUE Prince Edward Island, representa- Puerto Barrios (Guatemala), 965 tion, 240, 241 Puerto Bello (Panama), llHS --- towns, 271 Puerto Colombia (Col.), .74;J Princeton University (U.S.A.), 509 Puerto Corte$ (Hon.d. ), 97.1, .9/3 Principe, or Prince's Is., 1156, 1158 Puerto Mudis (Pa11BIJ}&),.Ul5

Providence Is. (Seychelles), 189 1 Puerto Plata (Santo Domingo), 1234 -(R.I.), 387, 537, 538 Puget Sound (W$$. ), shipping; &c., Province Wellesley (Penang), 161, 396, 4.16, 662, 663 162 Pukapuka I. (Cook Is:), 364 Prussia, Abgeordnetenhans, 925, 926 Puket (Siam), 1247, 1260 - agriculture, 933 Pulientien (China), 726, 1031 - area & population, 856, 928 et seq. Pulo Cambing (Timor), 1157 -army, 933 Punakha (Bhutan), 680 - hirths, deaths, marriages, 859, 929 Punjab, agricultl}fe, 138, 139 - books of reference, 934 - area and population, 123 - breweries, 879, 933 - births and deaths, 12'? -coal, 933 - education, 130 - commerce, 934 - finance, 134 - constitution, 925 ' - forests, 139, 140 -debt, 932 - ~ovemment, 121, 122 - emigration, 860, 929 -JUstice, 131 - finance, 932 - religion, 129 - foreigners, 929 -roads, 140 - government, 925 - states, 124, 126 -- local, 927 - university, 130 - Horrenhans, 925, 926 Pnno (Pem), dept., 113!' - instruction, 862, 864, 930 Punta Lobos (Pem), 1143 -iron, 933 1 Puntarenas (Costa Rica), 7.45; tow:n, -justice and crime, 931 746, 74.8 - King, 853, 854, 923 Pygmies (Uganda), 179 -kings from 1701, 925 Pyrgos (Greece), 953; ~n, 953 - Landtag, 926 - live-stock, 877, 933 -manufactures, 878, 933 - matncular contrib11tion, 868 {\ACHA'S N EK (Basutoland), ~92 - minerals, 872, 933 ~ Qaliubia (Egypt), 1325, 13~ -ministry, 927 Qe.ua (Egypt), 1325, 1326; town, 1327 - occu"(l&tions of the people, 858 Qnang-nam mines (Annam), 818 - polittcal parties, 927 ' Quebec, prov., agriculture, 248, 272 - production and industry, 904 -- area and population,. 242, 272 - railways, 934 -- cities, 272 - religion, 929 --constitn., & govt., 240,.241,272 -representation (Imperial), 855, 929 -- finance, 2 46, 272 - royal family, 924 -- fisheries, 249, 272 - sugar manufacture, 933 -- forests, 249, 272 - town and rural pop., 929 -- instrumon, 2~4, 272 - universities, 864, 930, 931 -- live-stock, 272 Prussia (E. & W.), area, &c., 928 -- manufactures, 260 Przemysl (Austria), 614, 626 -- mineral output, 273 Pskov (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 -- political parties, 272 Pudukkottai (Madras), 126 -- railways, 273 Pnebla (Mexico), 1041; town, 1042 -- religion, 244 Pueblo (Colo.), 437 -- representation, 240, 2U, 2i2 1430 THE SfA'fESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

QUE REU Quebec, prov., universities, 272 Quito (Ecuad.), 770; Univ., 770 - town, 243, 252, 272 Qnitta (Gold Coast), 230 Queens (N.Y.), 387, 514 Quthing (Basutoland), 192 Queen's University Coil., Cork, 29 - -- - Dublin, 29 - - - Galway, 29 ABAI (B. E. Africa), 175 Queen~il University, Belfast, 29 R Rabaul, (K. Wilh. Land), 895 Queensland, aborigines, 325 Radom (R. Poland), 1188, 1192 - agriculture, 328 Rahman, state (Malay), 170 - area and pop., 294, 325 Raiatea I. (Pacifie), 851 - artesian wells, 329 Rajputana (India), area, &c., [124 -banks, 330 -native states, 124 - births, deaths, marriages, 326 - religion, 129 - books of reference, 330 -roads, 148 -coal, 329 Rakaanga Island (Cook Is.), 364 - commerce, 300, 330 Raleigh (N. Car.), 520 -constitution & govt., 293, 324 Ralick Island (Pacific), 896 -crops, 329 Rampur (India), 126 ; town, 128 -debt, 328 Ramsey (Isle of Man), 90 - defence, 296, 328 Ranavalona III., (Madagascar), 830 - emigration and immigration, 326 Randers (Denmark), 758 - finance, 327 Rangoon, 128; trade, 145 - forests, and timber trade, 329 Raoul I. (N. Z. ), 365 --gold, 329 Rapa Island (Pacific), 851 - Governor, 324 Rarotonga Island (Cook Is.), 364 - instruction, 326 Rastatt (Baden), 903 -justice and crime, 327 Ratack Islands (Pacific), 896 - live stock, 329 Ratisbon (Bavaria), 907 - local government, 293, 325 Ravavae Is. (Pacific), 851 - mines and minerals, 329 Ravenna (Italy), 979; town, 983 -ministry, 324 Ravensburg (Germany), 948 -occupations of the people, 326 Rawalpindi (India), 128 - pauperism, 327 Reading, 16; College, 29 -pensions, invalidity, & old-age,327 Reading (Pa.), 387, 533 - political parties, 324 Redonda Is. (W. Indies), 286, 287 - production and .industry, 328 Regina (Canada), 243, 273 -railways, ·802 Reggio di Calabria, 980 ; town, 983 - religion, 326 Reggio Emilia, 979 ; town, 983 - representation, 293, 324 Reichenbach (Saxony), 942 - shipping, 302, 330 Reichenberg (Austria), 626 -towns, 326 Reims, 782 ; fort, 794 - university,·._327 Reikjavik, 758, 767 -wool, 329 Rembau (Malay State), 168 - Su also Australia, Common- Remisemont, fortress, 794 wealtll of Remscheid (Prussia), 861 Quen\taro (Mexico), 1041 ; town, 1042 Rendova Island (Pacific), 370 Quetta (Baluchistan), 155, 156, 158 Rennell Island (Pacific), 370 Quezaltenango (Guatemala), 962 Rennes, 782 ; faculties, 787 Quilimane (Port. E. A f.), 1159, 1160 Resht (Persia), 1127 Quincy (Ill.), 455 Rethymo (Crete), 1320 Qui-Nhon (Annam), 818 Reunion Island, 814, 835 Quintana Roo, Ter. (Mexico), 1041 Reuss (elder branchj, 855, 857, 860, Quisqueya. Is., s:e Santo Domingo 862, 868, 934 INDEX 14!31

RIW RUB ncuss (younger branch), 855, 857, Rios, prov. (Ecuador), 770 858, 860, 862, 868, 935 ! Ripley, college, 29 Reuss-Gera, 935 Rivera (Uruguay), 1348 Reuss-Greiz, 935 River CeSB (Liberia), 1035 Reutlingen (Germany), 948 Roa.dtown (Virgin Is.), 288 Reval (Russia), 1192, 1202 Roa.nne, 782 Rhein pfalz (Bavaria), prov., 908 Roatan (Honduras), 971, 973 Rhine province, area., &c., 928 Rocha. (Uruguay), 1348 Rhode Island, area. & pop., 382, 399, Rochdale, popula.tion, 16 537 Rochefort, 782; fort, 794, 798 - charity, 538 Rochelle, La, 782 -constitution & govt., 379, 537 Rochester (N.Y.), 387, 515 - defence, 538 Rockhampton (Queensland), 326 - finance, 537 Rodosto (Turkey), 1306 - instruction, 538 Rodrigues Is. (Mauritius), 184, 186 - manufactures, 539 Roko Tui (Fiji title), 366 -production and industry, 539 Rome, 979; pop., 983 - railways, 539 - See and Church of, area and pop. - religion, 538 1163 - representation, 379, 537 ---archbishoprics, 1166 Rhodes U niv. Coil. (S. Af. ), 203 --bishoprics, 1166 Rhodesia, Administrators, 197 --books ofreference, 1167 -area, 194 - -cardinal bishops, 1164 - books of reference, 197 - - - priests, 1164 -Northern, 196 ---deacons, 1165 -Southern, 194 -- diplomatic relations, 1167 - -administration, 195, 196 --Patriarchates, 1166 -- area and population, 195 --Pope, election of, 1163, 1166 --gold output, 195, 196 - -Popes from 1605, 1163 -- mining, 195 --Sacred College, 1164 --posts and telegraphs, 196, 197 -- Supreme Pontiff, 1163 --railways and roads, 196, 197 - University, 985 -- towns, 195, 196 Romsdal (Norway), prov., 1100 --trade, 195, 196, 197 Rong-pa, see Lepcha Riau-Lingga Islands, 1083, 1084 Ronongo Ialand (Pacific), 370 - tin mines, 1088 Rosario (Argentina), 602 Riberalta (Bolivia), 682 Roseau (Dominica), 288 Richmond (Va.), 387, 557, 558 Rosslau (Anhalt), 901 Richmond (N. Y.), 387, 514 Rostock, 861, 884, 920; univ., 864 Riff region (Morocco), 1057 Rostov-on-Don, 1185, 1192 Rift Valley (E. Afl'ica), 176 Rotherham, population, 16 Riga, 1182, 1187, 1192 Rotterdam, 1068; shipping, 1079 Rimatara Island (Pacific), 851 Rotumah Island (Fiji), 366 Riobamba (Ecuador), 770 Roubaix, 782 Rio de Janeiro (state), 688, 689, 692 Ronen, 782 ; trade, 806 - arsenal, 692 ; town, 689; port, 693 Rousse (Bulgaria), 699 Rio del Rey (Kamerun), 892 Rovigo (Italy), 979; town, 983 Rio de Oro (Span. Af.), 1257, 1268 Royal Holloway College, Egha.m, 29 Rio Grande do Norte, state, 688, 689 Royal Military Coli., see Woolwich Rio Grande do Sui, state, 688, 689, 693 Rubber-producing Regions.-Abys- Rioja (Arg. Rep.), 605 sinia, 593 ; l:lelg. Congo, 676 ; Rio Negro (Arg. Rep.), prov., 601 Bolivia, 682, 684; Brazil, 692 ; Rio Negro (Uruguay), 1348, 1a51 B. N. Borneo, 105; Colombia., 74i 1432 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

RUB RUB Rubber Producing Regions- Rnssia, area, 1187 et seq. Costa Rica, 74.7; E. Africa, &c., -army, 1199 115, 176, 179, 182, 187; Ecuador, - banks, 1218 771, 772 ; Fiji, 367 ; French pos• -births and deaths, 1190 sessions, 832, 839, 841 ; Ger. - books of reference, 1227 possessions, 878, 891, 892, 894 ; - canals, 1216 Guatemala, 964; Liberia, 1036, -coal, 1208 1037; Malay States, 169, 171, - commerce, 1210 et seq. 172; Nicaragua, 1095; Panama, - constitution, 1181 et seq. 1116; Papua, 350: Peru, 1142 ; - Council of the Empire, 1182 Portuguese possessions, 1158 ; -crops, 1205 Siam, 1250 ; S. Africa, 199 ; -debt, 1199 W. Africa; 227, 229, 235 -dependencies in Asia, 1225 et seq. Rudolf Province (Uganda), 178 -diplomatic representatives, 1220 Rudolstadt (Germany), 945 - distilleries, 1209 Rufisque (Senegal), 837 -Duma, 1181 Rumania, agriculture, 1175 -emigration and immigration, 1191 -area and population, 1171 - finance, 1197 -army, 1174 - fisheries, 1209 - banks, 117 8 - forests, 1206 -births, deaths, & marriages, 1172 - fortresses, 1199, 1202 -books of reference, 1178 - frontier, 1199 -commerce, 1176 -gold, 1207, 1210 - constitution, 1170 -government, 1181 -debt, 1174 - - local, 1184 - diplomatic representatives, 1178 - Holy Synod, 1183 - finance, 1173 -illiteracy, 1195 -forests, 1176 -instruction, 1193 et seq. -instruction, 1172 - iron and steel, 1207 -justice, 1173 -justice and crime, 1195 -government, 1170 --live stock, 1206 - - local, 1171 - manufactures, 1209 -live stock, 1176 - mines and minerals, 1207 et seq. -mining, 1176 - Ministers, Committee of, 1183 -money, weights, & measures, 1178 - - Council of, 1183 -navy. 1175 -ministry, 1183 -petroleum, 1176 - money and credit, 1218 - posts and telegraphs, 1178 -money, weights, & measures, 1220 -production & industry, 1175 - naphtha, 1208 - railways, 1177 -navy, 1202 -reigning King,. 1170 - political patties, 1183 -religion, 1172 - population, 1187 et seq. -shipping, 1177 - - ethnic composition, 1189-90 -towns, 1172 - posts and telegraphs, 1218 -- Universities, 1173 -prisons and prisoners, 1196 -wheat, 1175 -production & industry, 1205 et &cq. .Rumelia, Eastern, 698, 703 -railways, 1217 Rumuruti (B. E. Africa), 175 -reigning Emperor, 1180 Rupert's Land (Canada), 241, 275 - religion, 1192 Rurutu Island (Pacific), 851 --rivers, 1216 Rusapi (Rhodesia), 195 -royal family, 1180 (Pacific), 370 -Ruling Senate, 1183 Russia., agriculture, 1205 d.ser;. -salt, 1209 INDEX 1433

RUS SAL Russia,shipping and navigation,1215 St. Kitts I. (W.L), 286, 287, 288 - State Council, 1181 I St. Louis (Missouri), 496, 498 - sugar works, 1209 I St. JAnis (Mo.), 387 - tobacco, 1206 St. Louis (Reunion), 835 - towns, 1191, 1192 St. Louis (Senegal), 837 - Tsars k emperors from 1613, 1181 St. Lucia Is. (W.L), 289, 290 - universities, 1193 St. Marie Island (Madagascar), 831 - wheat, 1205, 1206, 1211 St. Martin (Cur&9Bo}, 1091 Rustehuk (Bulgaria), 699, 703 St. Martin Island (Guadeloupe), 847 Ryazan (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 . St. Martin-de-Rti (prison), 790 I St. Mary I. (Gambia), 233 i St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal (U.S. A.}, I 489 AADANI (Ger. E. Africa), 894 St. Maurice (Switz.), fort, 1295, l 296 S Saarbmcken (Prussia), 861 St. Michel (Russia), 1192 Saha Island (Dutch W.l.), 1091 St. Nazsire, 782 Sacramento(Cal), 482 St. Nicolas (Belgium), 663 Sado Islands (Japan), 1011 St. Ouen, 782 Saga(Japan), 1018 St. Paul Island (Indian Ocean), 835 Sagallo (Somali Coast), 885 St. Paul (Minn.), 387, 490 Saginaw (Mich.), 887, 487 St. Paul (Reunion), 885 Sahara, 814, 836, 843 St. Petersburg, 1161 - (Algerian), 822 --gov. and pop., 1185, 1188 Saharanpur (India), 128 --University, 1193 Saiad race (Baluchistan), 157 St. Pierre Is., 815, 848; town, 849 Sa.lgon (Cochin-China), 816, 819 St. Pierre (Reunion), 835 St. Andrews University, 29 St. Pierre (Seychelles), 189 St. Augustine Is. (Pacific), 370 St. Quentin (France), 782 St. BartMlemy (Guadeloupe), 847 St. Salvador Is. (W.I.}, 288 St. Benoit (Reunion), 835 St. Thomas (Banish W.I.), 767 St. Brandon Islands, 186 St. Thomas I. (Port W. Africa), St. Christopher, 1111e St. Kitts 1156, 1158 St. Croix (Danish W.I.), 767 St. Vincent Is. (W.I.), 289, 290 St. Cyr, 789 St. Zagora (Bulgaria), 699 St. Denis (France), 782 ; fort, 794 Saiyu (Abyi!Binia), 592 St. l>enis (Reunion), 885 Sakai (Japan), 1013 St. Etienne (France), 782, 789 Sakalava race(Madagasear), 830, 1011 St. Eustache (Cill'B9ao), 1091 Sakhalin I., 1011, 1031, 1188 St. Fran9ois (Seychelles), 189 Salamanca (Spain), pro~., 1257; St. Gallen 1288, 1290 ; town, 1291 town, 1258; University, 1259 St. George's (Grenada, W.I.), 289 Salem (India), 128 St. Gothard(Switz.), fort., 1295, 1296 Salem (Mass), 481 St. (Atlantic), 188 Salem (Oreg.), 522, 580, 531 St. Helens, population, 16 Salerno (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 St. Hilda's CoD., Oxford, 29 Salford, population, 16 St. Hugh's Coli., Oxford, 29 Salisbury (Rhodesia), 195 St. John (Antigua), 287 Salonica, 1306 ; fortif., 1308 ; town1 St. John (Danish W.l.), 767 ' .1306 St. John (NewBmnswick), 243, 252, ' Salta (Arg. Rep.), prov., 601; town, 265 I 602 St. John's (Newfoundland), 280 Saltillo (Mexico), 1042 St. Joseph (Missouri), 496 Salt Lake City (Utah), 387, 552 St. Joseph (Mo.), 887 I, Saito (Umguay), 13,8, 1361. :1.352 1434 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

SAL SAN Saltpond (Gold Coast), 230 San Jose (Uruguay), 1348 Salvador, a,ariculture, 1232 SanJuan, (Arg.), 601,605 ;town, 602 - area and population, 1231 San Juan (Porto Rico), 578 -banks, 1233 - naval station, 579 - books of reference, 1233 San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua), 1094 - commerce, 1232 San Luis(Arg.), 601; town, 602 - constitution & gov., 1231 San Luis Poto.rl(Mex.),l041; tn.l042 -debt, 1232 San Marino,1002; books of ref.,1008 - defence, 1231 San Miguel (Salvador), 1231 - diplomatic representatives, 1233 San Paulo de Loanda, 1158 - finance,1231 San Pedro (Paraguay), 1119 -gold, 1232 San Pedro Sola (Hon.), 971 - instruction, justice, 1231 San Salvador (Salvador), 1231 -live a&ock, 1232 Sansanne-Mangu (Togoland), 891 -minerals. 1232 San Sebastian (Spain), 1258 - money, weights, meaRnres, 1233 Sansing (China), port, 726 -posts and telegraphs, 1282 Santa Ana (Salvador), 1281 - President, 1281 SantaCatharina (Brazil), 688,689,693 - production, 1232 Santa Clara (Cuba), 761 - railways, 1232 Santa Cruz (Arg. Rep.), prov., 601 - shipping, 1282 -- (Bolivia), 681 ; town, 682 - towns, 1281 -- (Canaries), 1267 Salzburg (A.ust.), area & pop., 601, -- Islands (Pacific), 370 624, 626 Santa Elena (Ecuador). oil !kids, 772 Salzburg, representation, central, 622 Santa Fe (Arg. Rep.), 601; 606; town, - in provincial Diet, 623 602 ; univ., 602 -town, 626 --(N. Mex.J, 611 Samara (RuBSia), 1188; town, 1192 Santander (Col.), prov., 7,9, 741 Samarai (Papua); 360 Santander(Spain), prov.,l267 ;town, Samal'IDig (Java), 1085 • 1267 ; fort, 1261 Samarcand, 1189·; town, 1192 Santarem (Portugal), 1148 Samere (Abyssinia), 692 --(Honduras), 971 Samoan Ia. (American) 686; naval San Thome Island, 1156, 1158· station, 896, 686 Santiago (S. Domingo), 1234 Samoan Is. (German), 890, 897 Santiago University (Spain); 1269 Samos, 1804, 1823 Santiago (Chile),prov.,70S ;town,706 Samshui (China), 718, 727 - de Cuba, 761, 762 San Antonio (Tex.), 887, 549 -de] Estero (Arg. Rep.), prov., 601 San Cristoval Is.. (Pacific), 370 Santo Domingo,area& pop.,967,1234 Sandakaa (Bomeo), 104 - books of reference, 1287 Sandhurst, Royal Military and Staff - commerce, 1236 Colleges, 68 - conatitntion and government, 1284 Sandor (Madras), 125 -debt, 1235 SandwichHarbour(G.S. W.Af.), 893 - defence, 1235 Sandwioh o'r Erate !11. (Pacific), 371 - diplomatic representatives,. 1237 Sandwich Islands, - Hawaii - finance, 1236 Sa.ndwich Islands (S. Atlantic), 276 - justice, 1236 San Franclaco (Cal.), 387, 482, 484, - money, weights, & meuurea, 1237 486 - posts and telegraphs, 1287 - trade and shipping, 416, 416, 436 - president, 1234 San Jose (Cal), 482 -production and industry, 1236 -- (Costa Rica), 745; town, 746 - railways, 1286 -- (Guatemala), 96'! - religion & instruction, 1284-6· INDEX 1435

SAN sco Santo Domingo, shipping, 1236 Saxony, constitution and govt., 940 -sugar, 1236 -debt, 943 -town, 1234 - emigration, 860 Santo Luiz (Brazil), 689 - finance, 943 Santona, (Spain), fort, 1261 - instruction, 863, 942 Santo Paulo (Brazil), 688, 689, 692 -justice and crime, 943 --town, 689 -King, 940 Santos (Brazil), 689 - live stock, 877 Santuao (Cbina), 718, 727 - manufactures, 878, 943 San Vicente (Salvador), 1231 - matricular contribution, 868 Sapele (Nigeria.), 229, 230 -mining, 877, 944 Sapporo (Ja.pan), 1013 - occupations of the people, 858 Saratov, 1188; town, 1192; univ., -production and industry, 943 1193 - religion, 862, 942 Sarawak (Borneo), 104, 106 -representation (Imperial), 835 Sardinia, 980 ; defence, 990 -towns, 942 Sark and Brechou, population, 22 - university, 864, 943 - government, 91 Saxony, Grand-duchy of, 855, 856, Sarpsborg (Norway), 1102 860, 862, 868, 939 Sasebo (Japan), 994, 1013, 1018 - Grand-duke, 939 Saskatchewan, prov. (Canada) - instruction, 862, 939 - agriculture, 248, 27 4 -University, 864, 943 - area and population, 242, 273 Saxony (PI'lli!sian), area, &c., 928 - constitution & gov., 240, 241, 273 Say (Dahomey), 840, 841 - finance, 246, 273 Sayed-Mir-Alim Khan (Bokhara), - fisberies, 249, 27 4 1225 - forests, 249 Schaftb.ausen (canton), 1288, 1291 -instruction, 273 Schaumburg-Lippe, 855, 857, 858, - live stock, 27 4 860, 862, 868, 944 -manufactures, 250, 274 Schellenburg (Germany), 1038 - political parties, 273 Schenectady (N. Y.), 387, 515 -railways, 244, 274 Schiedam (Holland), 1068 - representation, 240, 241 Schlesien, see Silesia -towns, 273 Schleswig-Holstein, area, &c., 928 - university, 273 Schwa~zburg-Rndolstadt, 855, 857, Saskatoon (Canada), 273 858, 859, 860, 862, 868, 945 Sassari, 980; town, 983; Univ., 986 Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 855, Sault Ste. Marie (Mich.), 487, 489 857, 858, 859, 860, 862, 868, 945 Savage I. (Cook Is.), 364 Schwarzwald (Germany), 948 Savaii (Samoa), 890, 897 Schwenningen (Germany), 948 Savannah, Ga., 387, 416, 450, 452 Schwerin (Germany), 920 Savanna laMar (Jamaica), 285 Schwyz (canton), 1288, 1291 Saxe-Altenburg, 855, 857, 860, 862, Scotland, agricultural holdings, 62 868, 936 - agriculture, 60 et seq. Saxe-Coburg Gotha, 855, 857, 860, - area, 12, 18 862, 868, 937 -banks, 87 Saxe-Meiningcn, 855, 857, 860, 862, ---joint-stock, 87 868, 938 - - post-office, !!8 - a.rea o.nd pop., 856, 941 --trustee, 89 - births, deaths, marriages, 859, 942 - births, d~,aths, and mal'riagiH, 23 - books of reference, 944 - books of reference, 95 - breweries and distilleries, 944 -canals, 83 -coal, 944 -cities and towns, 19 14'36 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

sco SHA Scotland, coal produce, 67 Seoul (Korea), 1026; town, 1027, 1029 - commerce, 72 et seq. Seraing (Belgium), 663 -cotton factories, 70 Serajevo, fort, 614 - counties, 18-19 Serdar, chief (Persia), 1026 - criminals, 37 Serena, La (Chile), 706 ---education, elementary, 33 Sergipe (Brazil), 688,. 689 - - secondary, 30, 33 Serowe (Bechuanaland),, 193 - - tt'chnical, 30 Servia, agriculture, 1242 ---university, 29 - area and population, 1239 -- electorate, 5, 6 -army, 1241 - emigration, 24 - banks, 1244 - fisheries,. 65 - births, deaths, marriages, l240 - fore~try, 65 - books of reference, ];245 - importsand exports, 72 etseq., -commerce, 1243 -- income-tax assessment, 4 7 - nonstitution and govt., 1238 -justice and crime, 35, 37 -debt, 124J -King, 3 -diplomatic representatives, 1245 - language, 13 -finance, 1241 - local governmen~. 11 - forests, 1243 - local taxation, 49 -instruction, 1240 - mineral produce, 67 -justice, crime, pauperism, 1240 -national insurance, 37 -King, 1238 - occuP!Ltions of the people, 20 -livestock, 1242 - old age peJilsions, 38 - mining, 12(3 - pallliaaen~ry representation, 5, 6 - money and credit, 12H - pauperism, 40 -money, weights, & meas., 1245 -population, 12 et seq., 18, 19 -National Assembly, 1238 _,- counti~ 18, 19 - posts and telegraphs, 1244 - postS and' te~egraphs, 84 -production, industry, 1242 - prope~y assessed, 4 7 -railways, 1244 - railw~~o;ys,~l!3 -religion, 1240 - religion,.-~7 - towns, 1239 - revenue & expend., 40 ct seq., 47, -university, 1240 48, 49 Sestros (Liberia), 1035 - textile factories, 70 Setif ( Alg~ria), 823 - trade, 72 et •eq. Setubal (Portugal), 1149 - universities, 29 Sevastopol, 1185, 1192, 1199, 1202 Seran~n (Fa.), 387, 533 Sevilla (Spain), prov., 1257 ; town, Scrub forest, (B. E. Africa), 176 1258 ; University, 1259 Scutari, 1305 Seychelles Islands, 189 Seattle (U'.S.A.), 387, 560, 562, 563 Seyid Asfendiar Khan (Khiva), 1227 Sebastopol,. li85, 1192, 1199, 1202 Seyidie (B. E. Africa), 175 Seccondee (Gold Coast), 231 Seyyid Khalifa bin Harub (Zanzibar), Segovia (Spain), province, 1257 180 Selangor, 162·, 167, et seq. Seyyid Feysil bin Turki (Oman), Selukwe (Rhodesia), 195 1113 Semipalatinsk, 1189; town, 1192 Sfax (Tunis), 844 Semiryechinsk, 1189 s'Gravenstrage, see Hague Sendai (Japan), 1013 Shahinshah. or Sultan, Persia, 1124 Senegal, 814, 815, 836, 837, 838, 840 Shahjahanpur (India), 128 Senegambia 'I'errito1'ies (French), Shahrig (Baluchistan), 155, 156 836, 837, 840 Shahr-i-Sabz (Bokhara), 1226 Senussuiyeh sect, 1005 Shaik Othman (Aden), 102 INDEX 1487

SHA SIS Shamanism (Tibet), 7aa Siam, production and industry, 1249 Shanghai, 718, 724, 726 -railways, 1251 Shan race (Siam), 1247 - religion, 1248 Shansi (China), 715, 716, 717, 724 -rice, 1249 Shantung (China), 716, 717 - royal family, 1246 Sharqia (Egypt), 1325, 1326 -shipping, 1251 Shasi (China), port, 718, 726 -tin, 1249 Shebin-el-Kom (Egypt), 1327 Siberia, area & pop., 1185, 1191 Sheffield, pop., 16 ; Univ., 29 -government, 1184 Sheikh, chief (Persia), 1126 -instruction, 1195 Sheik-ul-Islam, the, 844, 1127, -justice, 1196 1307, 1327 - live stock, 1206 Sheilah Berbers (Morocco), 1057 -mining, 1207, 1208 Shen-king (Manchuria), prov., 731 - prcC.uction, 1205 et seq. Shensi (China), 716, 717 -towns, 1192 Sherbin (Egypt), 1327 Sibi (Baluchistan), 155, 156 Sherbro Island (S. Leone), 232 Sibu (Sarawak), 106 Sherbrooke (Canada), 272 Sicily, 980 s'Hertogenbosch (Holland), 1068 Sidi-bel-Abbes (Algeria), 823 Shetland Isles, area and pop., 18 Sidi Mohamed (Bey, Tunis), 843 Shiah sect (Persia), 1127 Sidney (N. Bmns.), 267 Shidzuoka (Japan), 1013 Siedlce (R. Poland), 1188; 1192 Shigatze (Tibet), 732 Siem Reap (Siam), 1247 Shikoku (Japan), 1011, 1012 Siena, 979; town, 983 ; Univ. 986 Shimonoseki (Japan), 1013 Sierra Leone, 225, 231, 1034 Shintoism (Japan), 1013 -- Protectorate, 232 Shin-Wiju (Korea), port, 1028 Signan (China), 718 Shlraz (Persia), 1127 Siguiry (French Guinea), 839 Shire Province (Nyasaland), 186 Sikkim, 124, 129, 159 Shoa. (Abyssinia), 591, 592 Silesia (Austrian), area & pop., 624 Sholapur (India), 128 - representation, Reichsrath, 621 Shorarlid (Baluchistan), 155 -- provincial Diet, 623 Shortland Island (Pacific), 370 Silesia (Prussian), 877, 878, area, &c., Shumla (Bulgaria), 699 928 Shun-tien-fu (China), 717 Silhouette Is. (Seychelles), 189 Sialkot (India), 128 Simbirsk (Russia), 1188 ; town, '1192 Siam, area and population, 1247 Simpheropol (Russia), 1192 -banks, 1252 Sinai, 1::125, 1326 -books ofreference, 1253 Sinaloa State (Mexico), 1042 -boundaries, 1247 Sind (India), 123, 131, 138 -commerce, 1249 Singa (A.E. Sudan), 1341 -debt, 1248 Singapore, 161 el seq. -defence, 1249 Sinjerani, Western (Baluch.), 156 -diplomatic representatives, 1252 Sin-kiang, (China), prov., 733 -finance, 1248 Sino (Liberia), 1035 ; towu, 1035 -forests, 1250 Sioux Falls (S. Dak. ), 543 -gold, 1250 Siracusa (Sicily), 980 ; town, 983 -government, 1246 Sirmur (Nahan) (India), 126 -instruction, 1248 Sis, CatholicOB of, 1:J06 -King, 1246 Sisophon (Siam), 1247 - mines, 1250 Sisowath, King (Cambodia), 818 -money, weights, measures, 1252 Sistau (Persia), 1131 -posts anll telegraphs, 1251-2 Sistor, (Bulgaria), port, 703 1438 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 191?.

SIT sou Sitka (Alaska), 572 South Africa (British), see Basuto• (vilayet), 1305 ; town, 1306 land, Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, Skagway (Alaska.), 572 Rhodesia, Swaziland, &c. Skien (Norway), 1102 -- troops in, 98 Skobelev, 1192 ---Union of, 200 et seq Sknpshtina (Montenegro), 1051 South African College, C. Twn., 203 Slavonia. see Croatia.-Slavonia Southampton, 16; coli., 29; port, 82 Slivno (Bulgaria), 699 South Australia., agriculture, 344 Smaalenene (Norway), 1100 - area and population, 294, 332 Smethwick, population, 16 -banks, 336 Smichow (Austria), 626 - births, deaths, marriages, 295, 333 Smolensk (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - books of reference, 336 Smyrna(vilayet), 1305; fortif., 1308; -commerce, 300,335 town,l306 -llonstitntion & gov., 293, 331 Sobhuza, chief, Swaziland, 198 -crops, 335 Sobo tribe (Nigeria), 230 -debt, 834 Society IslandS (Oceania.), 861 - defence, 884 SoderD.amn (Sweden), 1274 - emigration and immigration, 333 Sodertilge-(Sweden), 1274 - factories, 835 Soerabeya (Java), 1085 - finance, 384 Soerakarta (Java), 1085 - fruit culture, 885 Sofals district (Port. E. Af. ), 1169 -gold, 885 Sofia (Bulgaria), 698, 699; Univ., - Governor, 882 700 - local government, 293, 832 Sokode(Togo), 891 - instruction, 333 Spkoto (Nigeria), 225 -justice and crime, 8<14 Sokoto (Abyssinia.), 592 - live stock, 8:S5 Sokotra Island, 102- - minerals, 885 Solomon Islands (British), 870, 871 -ministry, 882 Solomon Islands (German), 890, 896 -Northern Ter., 293, 294,295, 382 Solothurn Soleure) 1288, 1290 - political parties, 382 Soma.liCoaat(French), 815, 835 -production and industry, 384 Somali tribes, 175, 592 -railways, 802 Soma.lila.nd (Abyssinian), 591 - religion, 333 - Protectorate (B1itish), 191, 13'1 - representation, 293, 831 - (Italian), 180, 992 -roads, 886 Sombrero Island (W.I.), 287, 288 - shipping, 802, 335 Somerville College,. Oxford, 29 -University, 884 Somerville (.Mass.), 387, 481 -wheat, 335 Somoto (Nicaragua), 1094 -wine, 835 Sonderberg (Germany), naval base, -&ealaoAustralia,Commonwealth of 872 South Bemt (Ind.), 887, 459 Sondersha.usen. (Germanv ), 946 South Carolina, agriculture, 641 Sondrio (Italy), 978 ; to"'wn, 983 - area and pop., 383, 399, 540 Songchin (Korea), port, 1028 - charity, 541 Sonora (Mexico), fftate, 1042 - constitution and govt., 879, 540 Sousonate.(Salvador), 1231 -cotton crop, 402, 541 Sophialsla.nd-(Pacific), 870 - defence, 541 Sopron (Hungary), 641 - finance, 541 Sorbonne (Paris), 788 - fisheries, 542 Soria. (Spain), province, 1257 - forests, 541 Soriano (Uruguay), 1348, 1361 - instruction, 540 Sosnowice (R. Poland), 1192 -mills, 542 INDEX 1439

sou STR South Carolina, mining, 542 Spain, live stock, 1263 -production aml industry, 541 - manufactures, 1264 - railways, 542 - mining and minerals, 1263 - religion, 540 - ministry, 1256 - representation, 379, 540 - money and credit, 1267 -rice & tobacco, 401, 402, 541, 542 - m11ney, weights, measures, 1267 South Dakota, agriculture, 401, 545 -navy, 1262 -area and pop., 383, 543, 545 - posts and telegraphs, 1266 -- charity, 544 -production and industry, 1262 -constitution and govt., 379, 543 - railways, 1266 - defence, 544 -religion, 1258 - finance, 544 -royal family, 1254 - Indian reservations, 545 -shipping and navigation, 1266 - instruction, 543 - sovereigns since 1512, 1255 - live stock, 545 - towns, 1258 - milling, 545 -Universities, 1259 - mining, 545 -wines, 1263, 1264, 1265 - production and industry, 545 Spandau, 861 ; fort., 869 -public land, 899 Spanish Town (Jamaica), 285 - railways, 545 Speiden Island (Pacific), 870 - religion, 543 Speightstown (Barbados), 284 - representation, 379, 548 Speyer (Bavaria), 907 - wheat crop, 401, 545 Spczia (Italy), fort, 990, 998 South Georgia Island, 275 Spokane (U.S.A.), 887, 561, 562 Southern Masai Reserve, 175 Springfield (Ill.), 887, 455 South Island (N.Z.), 353, 354 Springfield (Mass.), 887, 481 South Omaha (Nebr.), 501 Sri Menanti (Malay State), 168 South Orkneys, 275 Srinagar, 128 South Pacific Is. (N.Z.), 86! Staff College, see Sandhurst Southport, population, 16 Stambul, see Constantinople South Shetlands (S. Atlantic), 275 Shnley (Falkland Islands), 275 South Shields, population, 16 Stanley Falls (Belg. Congo), 677 South-West Africa (Ger.), 870, 872 Stanley Pool (Belg. Congo), 677 Spain, agriculture, 1262 Rtanleyville (Belg. Congo), 674 - area and population, 1257 • 8 Starbuck Island (Pacific), 871 -army, 1260 Starkenburg proviuce (Hesse), 916 - banks, 1267 Stavanger(Norway),1100; town,ll02 - births, deaths and marriages, 1258 Stavr,,pol (Russia), 1188 ; town, 11112 - books of reference, 1268 Stawell (Victoria), 818 -colonies, &c., 1257, 1268 Ateiermark, see Styria - commerce, 1263 et seq Steppes (Russian), area and popula· - constitution, 1255 tion, 1189 ; crops, 1206 - Cortes, 1255, 1256 Stettin, 861 ; shipping, 884 -debt, 1260 Stewart Island (N.Z.), 858, 854 - diplomatic representatives, 1267 Stewart Sound (Andamans), 160 - emigration, 1258 Stockholm, 1274; local govt., 1271, - finance, 1259 1272 - fisheries, 1263 Stockport, population, 16 -government, central, 1255 Stoke-upon-Trent, population, 16 -- local, 1256 Straits Settlements, area and popu- -import duties, 1265 tion, 162 - instruction, 1259 -banks, 167 - King, 3, 1254 -- births and deaths, 168 1440 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-ROOK, 1!!13·

STR !!WE tltraits Settlements, books of refer- Surat (Iudi'-'), 128 ence, 172 Surinam, 1089, 1090 -commerce, 165 Sus Valley (Morocco), 1057 -communications, 166 Suva (Fiji), 366 -constitUtion & government, 161 Suwalki (R. Polaml), 1188 ; 1192 --cur-rency, 167 Sveaborg (Finland), 1199, 1202 -customs valuation, 166 Swahili race and language, 175, 180 -debt, 164 · Swakopmund(Ger. S. W. Af. ),892,893 - defence, 164 Swansea, 16; port, 68, 82 - finance, 164 Swat, 595 -governor, 162 Swatow (China), 718, 727 - import duties, 165 Swaziland (S. Africa), 198 -instruction, 163 Sweden, o.griculture, 1279 - justiceand crime, 164 -area ami population, 1272 et seq. - military expenditure, 98, 164 -army, 1277 - mouey, weights, measures, 1117 -banks, 1283 -posts and telegraphs, 166 - births, deaths, & marriages,. 127 4 -production, 165 -books of reference, 1285 -railways, 166 - canals, 1283 -shipping, 166 - commerce, 1280 -tin, 16~ -constitution, 1271 - troops at, 98, 164 - Council of State, 1271 - See aZso Malay States, Federated. -customs valuation, 1281 Strassburg, ·861, 8G9, 900 -debt, 1277 -University, 864, 865 -Diet, 1271 Stuttgart (Germany), 861, 948 -diplomatic representatives, 1285 Styria (Austria), •rea aud pop., 624 -emigration, 1274 - representation, Reichsrath, 622 - finance, 1275 -- provincial Diet, 623 -government, central, 1271 Suabia (Germany), 906, 908 -- local, 1272 Suakin (A. -E. Sudan), 1841 -import duties, 1280 Suarez, 684 -instruction, 1274 Suchau (China), 718, 726 -justice and crime, 1275 Sucre (Bolivia), 682 -King, 1270 -(Venezuela), 1355 - Landsting, 1271 Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian), 1840 et seq. -live stock, 1279 Suez, 1325, 1826 -mines and minerals, 1280 Suez Canal, 48, 1325, 1387 - ministry, 1271 Suifen-ho (China), port, 726 -money and credit, 1283 Sukhum (Caucasus), 1184, 1188 - money, weights, & measures, 1285 -salina (Rumania), 1177 - navy, 1278 Sultanabad ('Persia), 1131 -occupations of the people, 1273 Sulu Islands ~Philippines), 580 -pauperism, 1275 Sumatra, 1083,. 1084 ; coal, 1088 -- political parties, 1272 Sunda 'lsl~nds, 1083 -posts and telegraphs, 1283 Sunday I. (N. z:), 365 -production & industry, 1279, 1280 Sunderland, 16; port, 68, 82 -railways, 1283 Sundsvall (Sweden), 1274 -religion, 1274 Sun~ei Ujong (Malay), 167, 168 - royal family, 1270 Sum or.Sunni (sect), lOS, 170, 180, - shipping and navigation, 1282 1057 ; (Persia), 1127 - sovereigns since 1521, 1270 Superior (Wis.), 567 -towns, 1275 Snr (Oman); 1113 -Universities, 1274 INDEX 1441

SWI TAN Switzt:rland, agriculture, 1296 Szemao (China), 718, 727 - area and population, 1289 et seq. Szentes {Hungary), 641 - army, 1295 et seq. - banks, 1299 - births, deaths, and maniagcs, 1291 ABASCO (Mexico), state, 1041 -- books of reference, 1300 T Tabora (Ger. E. Africa}, 894 - breweries, 1297 Tabriz (Persia), 1127, 1129, 1131 - Bundesrnth, the, 1288 Tachira (Venezuela), 1355 - cantons, 1288, 1290 Tacna (Chile), dept., 706, 1139 - commerce, 1297 Tacoma (Wash.), 387, 561, 563 - constitution, 1287 'l'acuarembO (Urngnay), 1348 -customs valuation, 1298 'l'afilot (Morocco), 1057 -debt, 1294 Tagal tribes (Cochin China), 819 - diplomatic rept'!'sentatives, 1800 Taganrog (RllSSia), 1192 - emigration, 1291 Tagant (F. W. Africa), 886, 841 - Federal Assembly, 1287 Tahaa I. (Pacific), 851 - finance, 1294 Tahiti Island{Fr. Oceania), 815, 8!11 - forestry, 1297 Tahsildar (rank), Baluchistan, 156 - government, central, 1287 Tainan (Formosa), 1030 -- local, 1289 'l'aipa Island (Macao), 1157 -instruction, 1292 , 8/!0 Formosa -justice and crime, 1293 Tai-yuan (China), 716 - live stock, 1297 Tnjnral1 (Somali coast), 835 - mining, 1297 'l'tijik race (Afgh.), 596 - money and credit, 1299 'l'aka (Bhutan), 680 -money, weights, measures, 1800 Takamatsu (Japan}, 1013 - Nationalrath, 1287 Takaoka (Japan), 1013 - occupations of the people, 1290 Takasaki (Japan), 1013 -posts and telegraphs, 1299 'ralca, (Chile), prov., 706 ; town, 706 - President, 1289 Talcalmano (Chile), 706; port, 711 -production and industry, 1296 Taliiin-wan, 716, 732, 1012 - railways, 1299 Tallahasse (Fla.), 446, 448 - religion, 1291 Tamale (Ashanti), 231 - soeiai insurance, 1294 Tamana Island (Pacific), 370 - Standerath, 1287 Tamatave (Madagascar), 881, 833 - towns, 1281 Tamaulipas (A-Iexico), 1041 -Universities, 1292 •rambov (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Sydney (N.S.W.), finance, 310 Tam Chui mines (China), 725 -naval station, 297, 810 Tammerfors (Finland), 1192, 1221 - population, 307 Tampa (Fla.), 447, 449 - shippin~, 302 Tampico (Mexico), port, 1046 --University, 308 Tampin (Malay State), 168 Sydney Island (Pacific), 370 Tamsui (Formosa), 1030 Syra (Greece), 953 Tamworth (N.S.W.), 307 Syracuse (N.Y.), 387, 515 Tanala race (Madagascar), 830 Syr Daria, 1189 Tanaland (B. E. Af.), 175 Syria (vilayet), 1304, 1305 Tana River dist. (B. E. Af.), 175 Syzran (Russia), 1192 Tanga (Ger. E. Africa), 894 Szabadka (Hungary), 641 Tanganika (BeJg. Congo), 674 Szechwan (China), 715, 716, 717 Tangier (Morocco), 1057 Szeged (Hungary), 641 Tanjore (India), 128 Szckcsfejevnr (Hungary), 641 Tanna Island (Pacific), 371 4 ~ 1442 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

TAN TIB 'ranta (Egypt), 1325 Tcmcsvar (Hunga1·y), 614, 641 Taoism, 718 Temir-Khan-Shura, 1192 Taotais (China), 715 Temuco (Chile), 706 'rapiteuea Island (Pacific), 370 Teng-yueh (China), 718, 727 'raranaki district (N. Z. ), 354 Tennessee, agriculture, 401, 547 Taranto (Italy), fort, 990 - area and population, 383, 399, 546 Tarapac:i (Chile), prov., 706,709,1139 - charity, 547 Tar~twa Island (Pacific), 370 -coal 548 Tarifa (Spain), 1261 - con;titntion & govt., 37!1, 546 'l'arija (Bolivia), 681 ; town, 682 - cotton, 402, 548 Tarmgona (Spain), prov., 1257 - defence, 547 Tashkent, 11!12 - financP, 547 Tasichozong (Bhutan), 680 - instruction, 546 Tasiko, or A pi Island, (Pacific), 371 -maize, 547 Tasmania, agriculture, 346 - mining, 548 - area & population, 294, 344 - production and industry, 54 7 - births,deaths,& marriages,295,344 -railways, 548 -books of reference, 347 - religion, 546 - commerce, 302, 34 7 - representation, 379, 546 - constitution & govt., 293, 343 -tobacco & wheat, 401,402,547, 548 - uebt, 346 Tenno or Emperor of Japan, 1009 - defence, 297 'l'epln't race (Bhutan), 679 - emigration & immigration, 345 Tepic (Mexico), territory, 1041, 1042 - finance, 346 Teramo (Italy), 97& ; town, 983 - fruit culture, 34 7 Terek (Russia), prov., 1188 -gold, 347 Teruel (Spain), province, 1257 - Governor, 344 Terre Haute (Ind.), 387, 459 - instruction, 345 'reso prov. (Uganda), 178 -justice and crime, 344 Tete (Port. E. Africa), 1159, 1160 -live stock, 347 Tetuan (Morocco), 1056 - mines and minerals, 347 Texas, agriculture, 401, 402 - ministry, 344 -area & population, 383, 399, 549 - occupations of the people, 344 - charity, 550 - pauperism, 345 -coal, 551 - pensions, invaliuity & old age, 345 - constitution and govt., 379, 549 ·-production and industry, 346 ---cotton crop, 401, 550 - religion, 345 - defence, 550 - representation, 293, 343 - finance, 550 -shipping, 302, 347 -ports, 403 -- University, 345 - instruction, 54 9 - See also Australia, Commonwealth - li vo stock, 550 Tatungkau (China), 718, 726, 732 -manufactures, 551 Taurida (Russia), 1188 - mining, 551 'l'avastehus (Finland), 1192 - production and industry, 550 'raveta (B. E. Africa), 175; forest,176 - railways, 551 Tavira (Portugal), 1149 - religion, 549 'rawilah I. (Persian Gulf), 1113 - representation, 379, 549 Ta-yeh (China), iron mines, 724 -tobacco, wheat, rice, &c., 401, 550 Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 971 Thessaly (Greeee), 952, 956, 957 Teheran (Persia), 1127, 1129, 1131 Thorn (Germany), forts, 869 Tehri (India), 126 Thursday Island (Australia), 296 'l'ela (Honduras), 973 Thurgau (canton), 1288, 1290 Tembuland (Cape Col.), 209 Tibet, 714, 732 INDEX 1443

TIC TRO Ticino (canton), 1288, 1291 Tou1·s, 782 Tirhling (Manchuria), 732 Townsville (Queensland), 326 Tient-sin(China), 716, 718, 719, 1005 'l'oyama (Japan), 1013 Tierra del Fuego, 601, 706, 709 Toyohashi (Japan), 1013 Tillis, 1188; town, 1192 Tritlleborg (Sweden), 1274 Tigre (Abyssinia), 591, 592 'l'ranscaspian province, 1189 Tilburg (Holland I, 1068 Transcaucasia, 1188 Timaru (N.Z.), 354 Transkei (S. Africa), 209 Timbuktu (F. Africa), 841 Transvaal, province of Timor (Dutch), 1084 - administrator in, 217 - (Poi'tu~uese), 1156, 1157 -area and pop., 202, 213 Tirnovo (Bulgaria), prov., 699 - books of reference, 220 Tivanuane (Senegal), 837 -coal, 219 Tlaxcala (Mexico), Statr, 1041 - commerce, 219, 226 Tlem9en (Algeria), 823 - constitution and govt., 200, 219 (W. I.), 278, 288, 289, 290 -customs valuation, 219 Tobolsk (Siberia), 1188, 1192 -diamonds, 219 Togo (Togoland), 890, 891 - finance, 204, 219 •rohoko University (Japan), 1014 -gold output, 219 •rokar district (A.-E. Sudan), 1342 -instruction, 217 Tokelau Islands (Pacific), 370 - live-stock, 219 Tokio or Tokyo, 1013; univ., 1014 -local governmeut, 201, 217 'l'okushima (Japan), 1013 -mining, 219 Toledo (Ohio), 387, 525 -production and industry, 219 •roledo (Spain), proviuce, 1257 - Provincial Council, 201 'l'olima (Colom.), prov., 740, 741 - railways, 207 Toluca (Mexico), l 042 - religion, 217 Tomsk, 1188;town, 1192; Univ., 1193 - representation, 200, 201 Tonga Islands, 293, 369 Trapani (Italy), 980 ; town, 983 Tongareva I. (Cook Is.), 364 Tras os Montes (Portugal), 1147 'l'ongkah Is., 1240 Travancore (India), 125 Tongsa (Bhutan), 680 Trarza (Fr. W. Africa),836, 837, 841 Tongsa Penlop (title), (Bnta11), 680 Treasury Is. (Pacific), 370 Tonk (India), 125 Trebizond (vilayot), 1305; town, 1306 Tonking, 814, 816, 819 Trcinta-y-Tres (Uruguay), 1348 Tonsberg, fort (Norway), 1109 'rrcngganu (Malay State), 170, 171, 'l'oowoomba (Queenslanu), 326 1247 Topeka (Ka. ), 465, 466 Trenton (N. Jersey), 387, 508 Torino, 8ee 'l'min 'l'reviso (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Toro (Uganda), 178 Tribhubana Bir Bikram (N epa!), 1062 'l'oronto (Canada), 243, 252, 270 Trichinopoly (India), 128 --University, 270 Trieste, 622, ~23 ; fort, 614 ; port, •rortoise Islands, see Galapagos 634 ; town, 626 Tortola Island (W. I.), 288 Trikkala (Greece), 953 ; town, 953 'l'otonicapan (Guatemala), 962 Trinidad (W. I.), 276, 288, 290 'l'c.ttori (Japan), 1013 'l'riniuad (Bolivia), 682 'l'ouggout (Algeria), 822 Triphylia (Greece), 953 Ton! fortress, 794 Tripoli (Afr.), 992, 1005 'l'oulon, 782 ; fort, 794, 798 ' Tripolitsa (Greece), 953 •roulouse, 782; faculties, 787, 788 Tristan da Cunha Island, 187 Tourane (Annam), 818 'l'rivandrum (India), 128 Tourcoing, 782; trade, 806 Trois Freres Is. (Mauritius), 186 Tournai (Belgium), 663 Tromso (Norway), prov., 1100 1444 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

TRO TYR 'l'mndhjem (Norway), prov., 1100; Turkey, books of reference, 1317 shipping, 1109 ; town, 1102 -coal, 1312 Troy (N.Y.), 387, 515 - commerce, 1313 Troyes, 782 - constitution, 1303 Trujillo (Honduras), 971, 973 - cotton, 1311 'l'rujillo (Peru), Univ., 1140 -debt, 1308 'l'rujillo (Venezuela), 1355 -diplomatic representatives, 1316 'l'saritsyn (Russia), 1192 - education, 1307 Tsingtau (China), 895 -finance, 1307 Tsitsihar (Manchuria), 731, 732 - fisheries, 1312 Tsu (Japan), 1013 - forests, 1311 'l'snmeh (G. S. W. Af.), 893 - fortresses, 1308 'l'sushima Islands (Japan), 1011 -gold, 1312 'l'ua-Motu Is. (Pacific), 851 -government, 1303 'l'nareg race (Morocco), 1057 -- local, 1304 Tiibin~n, 948; Univ., 864, 865 - irrigation, 1312 'l'ubua1 Is. (Pacific), 851 - mining, 1312 'l'ucuman (Arg. ), 601 ; town, 602 -ministry, 1304 Tnla (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 - money, weights, measures, 1315 Tuli (Rhodesia), 195 -navy, 1310 Tunghi Bay (Zanzibar), 180 - parliament, 1303-4 Ttmgurahua (Ecuador), prov., 770 - posts and telegraphs, 1315 Tunis, agriculture, 843 -production and industry, 1311 -area and pop., 799, 814, 843 - railways, 1315 -army, 824, 843 -religion, 1306 -Bey, 843 - l'oyal family, 1302 - books of rllfe1·enct>, 846 - shipping and navigation, 1314 -city, 844 - sovereigns from 1299, 1302 - commerce, 845 - Sultan, 1302 -debt, 844 - tobacco, 1311 - education, 844 - towns, 1306 - finance, 844 -tributary states, 1304, 1320 et seq. -fisheries, 845 - , 1304, 1305 - government, 843 - wheat, 1311 - industry, 843 Turkistan (Afghanistan), 596 -live stock, 844 Turks Is. (W. 1.), 283, 285, 286, - mining, 844 290 -money, weights, and m11asures, Turkwel (Uganda), 178 846 Tuscany, 979 -railways, posts, tehgraphs, 845-6 Tushmal, chief (Pei'l!ia), 1126 -roads, 845 Tndkegee Institution (Ala.), 425 - shipping, 845 'l'uttlingen (Germany), 948 -wine, 844 Tutu, official (China), 715 'l'urgai, 1189, 1192 'l'utuila Is. (Samoa), 396, 586, 897 Turin (Torino), f178; town, 983; 'l'uzla (Bos.-Herz.), 652, 653 University, 986 Tvcr (Hussia), 1188; town, 1192 'l'urkhana (Uganda), 175, 178 Twilliugate (Newfoundland), 280 Turkestan (Chinese), 716, 733 Tynomontl1, population, 16 Tmkestan (Russian), 1188 Tyne Ports, 68, 82 Turkey, agriculture, 1311 'l'yml (Austria), a1·ea and population, - area and population, 1304 et seq 6:.!4 -army, 1308 - representation, Reichsrath, 622 -bank, 1816 -- provincial diet, 623 tNDEX 1445

UAS UNI ASIN GISHU (B. E. Africa), 175 Union of South Africa, parliament, U Ubangi (Belg. Congo), 674 200 Ubangi - Slari - Chad Colony (1<'1·. - political parties, 201 Conl{o), 828 - posts and telegraphs, 207 Uckfield, college, 29 -production and industry, 205 Udaipur (Mewar), 125 - provincial councils, 201 Uddevalla {dweden), 1274 -railways, 207 Udine (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 - Senate, 200 Uele, Ut)per & Lower (Belg. Congo), - shipping, 207 674 -·towns, z03 Ufa (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 --university, 203 Uganda Protectorate (E. Africa), 17 4, United Provinces (Agra and Oudh) 178 ; books of l'Cferencc, 183 - agriculture, 138, 139 -Railway, 175, 177, 179 -area and population, 123, 140 Ugyen Wangchuk, Maharajah, - births and deaths, 127 (Bhutan), 680 -- education, 130 Uitenhage (Cape Colony), 209 - finance, 184, 185 Ujiji (Ger. E. Af.), 894 - forests, 139, 140 Ujiyamada (Japan), 1013 - government,'121, 122 Ujpest (Hungary), 641 - justice, 181 Ukamba (B.E. Africa), 175 -religion, 129 Ulel\borg (l!'inland), 1192, 1221 -roads, 148 Ulema (Persian), 1127 ; (Turkish), - states, 124, 126 1327 Uuited States, agriculture, 899 Ulm (Germany), 861, 869, 932, 948 - area, 881 et seq. Ulster, })rovince, population, 21 -a1·my, 394 - agricultural holdings, 63 -banks, 419 Ulna (Honduras), 971 - births, deaths, & marriages, 384 Umballa (India), 128 - books of reference, 422 Umbria (Italy), 979 - Cabinet, 377 Um Nabardi gold mines (A.-E. - cereal crops, 400 Sudan), 1343 - cities, 886-7 Umtali (Rhodesia), 195 -coal, 405 Union, or Tokelau Is. (Pacific), 370 - coinage, 421 Union of South Africa, 200 et seq. -commerce, 411 et seq. - area an.d J>Opulation, 2023 -Congress, 375 - books of reference, 207 -constitution, 375 - commerce, 205 - copper, 405, 412 - Constitution and govrnmeut, 200 -com, 401 - customs Yaluation, 206 - cotton, 401, 408, 410, 415 -debt, 203 - customs valuation, 411 et seq • - tlefeucc, 20 I -debt, 394 - diamonds, 205, 206 - diplomatic representatives, 421 - Jiuauce, 203 - divorce, 885 -- provincial, 203 - linance,.Federal, 392 - gold output, 205, 206 -- state, 394 -Governor-General, 200, 201, 20:.! -- fisheries, 411, 415 - llouse of Assembly, 200 -forestry, 403 - iustmction, 203 - fruit-growing, 402 -justice, 201 ' -gold, 404, 405, 406, 412 - local government, 201 - government, 375-80 -- mineral output, 205 -- state and local, 880 - ministry, 201 - House of Representatives, 378 1446 THE STATESMAN'S Y"EAR-ROOK, 1913

UNI UTA United States, immigration, 386 Upolu Island (Pacific), 890, 897 - import duties, 411 Upper Senegal and the Niger - Indian reset·vations, 384, 427, 432, (French), 814, 836, 8i0 499, 511, 661 Uppsala, 1274; University, 1274 - instruction, 388 Ural, mining (Russia), 1297, 1298 -iron and steel, 404, 405,407, 408, Uralsk {R. Steppes), 1189, 1192 410 Urbino (Italy), 979; Univ., 986 -justice and crime, 391 Urga (Mongolia), 734 - live stock, 402, 404 Urgel, Bishop, 813 - manufiLctnres, 406 et stq. Uri (canton), 1288, 1290 - mines and minerals, 404 Uruguay, agriculture, 1351 - money and credit, 419 - area and population, 1348 -money, weights, and measures,421 -army, 1351 -navy, 395 - banks, 1353 - occupations of the peo}Jle, 384 - births, deaths, marriages, 1349 - pauperism, 391 - books of reference, 1354 - petroleum output, 405 - commeree, 1352 - political parties, 3.80 - constitutionandgovcrnment, 1348 - population, 381 et seq. -debt, 1350 -- forei~n and foreign-born, 382, - departments, 1348 384, 386, 392, 1012 - diplomatic representatives, 1354 -- movement of, 384 - emigration and immigration, 1349 -ports, 415 - finance, 1350 -posts and telegraphs, 417 -gold, 1352 - precious stones, 406 - instruction, 1349 - President, 375 -justice, 1350 -Presidents since 1789, 376 - live stock, 1351 -production & industry, 399 et seq. - mines, 1352 - public lands, 399 - money and credit, 1353 - i:ailways, 417 - money, weights, & measures, 1353 - religion, 388 -navy, 1351 -representation, 378, 379 - pauperism, 1350 -rice, 401 - posts and telegraphs, 1853 - schools, 388 et seq. - President, 1348 - Senate, 375 - production and industry, 1351 - shipping and navigation, 415 - railways, 1353 - silver, 40,, 405, 406, 412 - religion, 1349 - spirits, production of, 411 -roads -states and territories, 378, 379, - shipping and navigation, 1352 382, 885, 899, 572, et seq., and - towns, 13t9 Bee wnder Names -university, 1349 - su~ar, 401 -wine, 1352 -telephones, 418 Urumiah (Persia), 1127 - tobacco, 401 Urumsti (officials), 734 - universities and colleges, 38 9 Ust-Dvinsk (Russia) fort, 1199, 1202 -Vice-president, 375 Utah, agriculture, 554 - Vice-presidents since 1789, 376 - area & population, 383, 552 - wheat crops, 401 - charity, 553 - wine, 402, 411 - constitution and government, 379, -wool, 402 552 University College, Dublin, 29 -defence, 553 Unterelsass, 900 - finance, 553 Untsrwald (cantons), 1288, 1291 - instruction, 553 INDEX 1447

UTA VIC Utah, irrigation, 554 V cnezuela, books of reference, 1360 - live stock, 554 - cocoa and coffee, 1357 - mining, 406, 554 -commerce, 1357, 1358 - production and industry, 554 -constitution and govt., 1355

1 - public lands, 399, 554 - debt, 1357 -railways, 554 - defence, 1357 - representation, 379, 552 -diplomatic representatives, 13u0 Utica (N.Y.), 387, 515 - finance, 1356 Utila (Honduras), 971 -gold, 1357 Utrecht (Natal), 213, 214 - instruction, 1356 Utrecht (Holland), 1067, 1069; town, - justice, 1356 1068 ; univ., 1069 - live stock, 1357 Utsunomiya (Japan), 1013 -mines and minerals, 1357 Uvea Island (Pacific), 850 - money, weights, measures, 1359 U zbak race (Afghanistan), 596 - pearl fishery, 1357 - posts and teleg~.-aphs, 1359 - President, 1355 - production and industry, 1357 -railways, 1359 ACUF lands (Turkey), 1307, 1311 -religion, 1356 V Vado, fortress (Italy), 990 -shipping, 1358 Vaduz (Germany), 1038 - States, &c., 1355 Vaitupu Island (Pacific), 370 ---Universities, 1356 Valais (canton), 1288, 1290 Venice (Venezia), 979 ; town, 983; Valdivia, (Chile), 706; town, 706 shipping, 1000 ; fort, 990, 993 Valencia (Spain), prov., 1257; town, Vera Cruz (Mexico), 1041 ; p01 t, 1258 ; Univ., 1259 1046; town, 1042 Vali (Turkish official), 1304 Verdun, fortress, 794 Valladolid, 1257; town, 1258; uni- Vermont, agriculture, 556 versity, 1259 - area and population, 382, 399, 555 Valle, prov. (Colom.), 740 - charity, 555 Valletta (Malta), 100 - constitution & govt., 379, 555 Valparaiso (Chile), province, 706 - defence, 556 -·town and port, 706, 711 - finance, 556 Van (Turkish vilayet), 1305 - forests, 556 Vancouver (B. Col.), 243, 252, 262 - instruction, 555 Vanga (B. E. Africa), 175 - live stock, 556 Vanna Levu Is. (Fiji), 366 - production and industry, 556 Varna (Bulgaria), 699 - quarries, 556 - town and port, 699, 703 - railways, 556 Varoshia (Cyprus), 113 - religion, 555 Vasteras (Sweden), 1274 - representatiou, 379, 555 Viistervik (Sweden), 127 4 Verona, 979 ; town, 983; fort, 990 Vatiu, or Atiu, Island (Cook Is.), 364 Versailles, 782 ; fort, 7 94 Vaud (canton), 1288, 1290 Verviers (Belgium), 663 Vavau (Tonga), 369 Vianua tlo Castello (I'ortngal), 1147 Vavitn or Raivavftc Is. (Oceania), 851 Viborg, 1192, 1221 ; forts, 1199, 1202 Vcddah race (Ceylon), 108 Vicenza (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Vella La vella Is. (Pacific), 370 Victoria, aborigines, 318 Venezuela, agriculture, 1357 -agriculture, 321 - area and pop., 1355 et seq. - area and population, 294, 317 -banks, 1359 - banks, 323 -births, marriages, deaths, 1355 -births, deaths, marriages, 295, 318 1448 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

VIC WAD Victoria, books of reference, 324 Villingen (Baden), 903 -coal, 322 Vilna (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - commerce, 300, 323 Villa del Mar (Chile), 706 - constitution&govt., 294, 316 Virginia, agriculture, 559 -debt, 321 - area and pol•·• 383, 399, 557 - emigration and immigration, 318 - charity, 55)l - finance, 320 - constitnti(>U & govt., 379, 557 - forests, 322 - cotton, 559 - gold coined, 323 - defence 559 -- 11roduction, 322 - finance: 558 - Governor, 317 - fisheries, 559 -local government, 293, 317 -forestry, 403 -instruction, 319 - instruction, 558 -justice and crime, 319 - live stock, 559 - live stock, 322 - mining, 559 -manufactures, 323 - production & imlnstry, 559 - mining, 322 - railw11ys, 560 -ministry, 317 - representation, 379, 557 - money and credit, 323 - tobacco crop, 402, 559 - occupations of the people, 318 Virginia, West, see West Virginia - pensions, invalidity and old age, Virgin Islands (W. I.), 286, 287, 288 319 Visby (Sweden\, 1274 - political parties, 317 Vitebsk (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - production and industry, 321 Viti Levu Is. (Fiji), 366 - railways, 302 Vitoria (Spain), 1258 -religion, 318 Vittorio Emanuele III. {Italy), 975 -representation, 293, 316 Vizcaya (Spain), province, 1257 -towns, 318 Vizeu (Portugal), 1148 -University, 319 Vladikavkaz (Russia), 1192 - wheat, &c., 321 Vladimir (Russia), 1188 ; town, -wine, 322 1192 - wool production, 322 Vladivostok, 1192, 1199, 1202 See also Australia, Commonwealth Vlaardingen (Holland), 1068 Victoria (British Columbia), 243, 262 Vlissin~en, see Flushing - (Hong Kong), 115 Volhyma (Russia), 1188 Victoria (Kamenm), 892 Volo (Orcece), 953 - (Labuan), 163 Vologda (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 - (Rhodesia), 195 Vorarlberg, area and population, 624 -(Seychelles), 190 -representation, Reichsratb, 621 Victoria College (S. Africa), 203 -- provincial Diet, 623 Victoria Island (Pacific), 370 Voronezh (Ruesia), 1188; town, 1192 Victoria University, 29 Vranye (Servia), 1239 Vidin (Rulgaria), 698, 703 Vratza (Bulgaria), 699 Vienna, 614, 626 ; University, 628 Vryheid (Natal), 213, 214 Vien-tiane (Laos), 820 Vyatka (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Vieques Island (Porto Rico), 379 Vyernyi (Russia), 1192 • Vigo (Spain), fort., 1260 Vykoping (Sweden), 1274 Villa Bella, 684 Villa del Pilar (Pat·aguay), 1119 ADAI, (Fr. Africa), 829, 836 Villa Montes (Bolivia), 68~ W Wadelai, 179 Villa Real (Portugal), 1147 Wa•l Draa (Morocco), 1057 Villa Rica (Paraguay), 1119 Wad Gir (Morocco), 1057 Villenour (French India), 816 Wad ~Iedani (A.-E. Sudan), 1341 IX DEX 1449

W.\0 WE'< Warl Ziz (lllorocco), 103i \\"ashington, represent:!.., 379, 560 Wagga Wagga (N.S.\V.), 307 - religion, 561 Wai.Chaio·pn, oflici:tl (China), 714 - shipping, 563 Wakamatsn (Japan), 1013 - wheat crop, 401, 562 Wakayama (Ja11an), 1013 Waterbt~ry (Conn.), 387, 440 Wakf Lands (Egypt), 8J4 Waterford, 12, 21 w,\khan, 5u5 Watling's Island (W. I.), 283 Wakkerstroom (Natal), 213 Wazirist:i.n, 595 Waldeck, 855, 857, 858, 859, , Wedel, Count v. (Statthalter, Alsace· 860, 862, 868, 946 Lorraine), 869 Wales, arcaandpop., 12, 13. 15,16 Weihaiwei(China).172, 717 - books of reference, 92, 96 Weimar (Germany), 939 - coal raised, 6 7 Weinheim (Baden), 903 -language, 13 Welle, see U ele - secomlary eclucation, 30 Wellesley Col!. (U.S.A.), 482 - trustee savings banks, 89 Wellington (N. Z. \, district, 354 ; - University, 29 town, 354 ; port, 362, 363 See alHo England and Wales Wenchau (China), 718, 727 Walfisch Bay (S. Africa). 209, 89~ West Africa (Fr.) 814, 815, 836 et seq. WallachLt, 1170, 1171, 1172 -- - German, 891 et seq. Wflli, chief (Persia), 1126 - -Portuguese, 1156, 1158 Wallis Archipelago (Pacific), 850 ---Spanish, 1257, 1268 Walsall, population, 16 West African Colonies, British, Wanganin (~.Z.), 354 225 et seq. Warnemi.indc, 884 · -- books of referenee, 236 Warri (S. Nigeria), 229, 230 - - customs valuation, 233 et seq. Warrington, popnh>tion, 16 --debt, 234 Warrnambool (Victoria), 318 --gold, 234 Warsaw, 1182, 1188; fort, 1183 ; - -statistics, 233 ct seq. town, 1192 ; Univ., 1193 - -troops in, 98 \Varsheikh (Stat. Af. ), 180, 1004 West Bromwich, population, 16 "'ashington,D.C., 381,445, Western Australia, aborigines, 338 Washington Island (Pacific), 3il -agriculture, 340 Washington (State), agriculture, 401, -area and population, 296, 337 562 -- banks, 342 - aroa & population, 383, 560 -births, deaths, marriages, 295, 338 - charity, 561 -books of reference, 343 -coal, 562 - commerce, 242, 300 - constitution and govt., 379, 560 -constitution & govt., 293, 336 - defence, 382, 562 -debt, 340 -finance, 561 - emigration and immigration, 338 - fisheries, 562 -finance, 340 - forestry 403, 562 --- forestry, ~41 --- golrl, 562 -gold, 341, 342 - l!.dian re~ervation,, 561 - Governor, 337 - instruction, 561 - instruction, 339 - irrigation, 562 -justice and crime, 339 - live btock, 562 - live stock, 341 -- manufactnres, 562 - mining, 341 - mining, 562 - ministry, 337 -production and industry, 562 - money and credit, 342 - public land, 399 - pauperism, 339 -- mil W!\ys, 563 - pensions, invalidity & old age, 3!0 5 A 1450 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

WEB WO.U W. Australia, political parties, 33 i Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlanda), -production and industry, 340 1064 - religion, 339 Wilhelmshaven, 864 ; naval port, 872 - shipping, 242, 302 Wilkesbarre (Pa.), 387, 533 · - towns, 338 Wilmersdorf (Prussia), 861 -wool 341 Wilmington (Del.), 387, 442, 444 Ree also'Australia, Commonwealth of Wilmington (N. Car.), 520, 522 \Vestern Province, Uganda, 178 \Vilson, W., President, U.S.A., 375 Western Sinranji (Baluchistan}, 156 Wilson Islands (Pacific), 371 Westfield College, Hampstead, 29 Windhoek (Ger. 8. W. Africa), 892 West Ham, population, 16 Windward Islands, 289, 290 West Hartlepool, population, 16 Winnetah (Gold Coast}, 230 West Indies, British, 283 ; statistics, Winnipeg {Canada), 243 290 Winterthur {Switzerland}, 1291 -- Danish, 767 Wireless Stations, Argentine Rep., -- Dutch, 1083, 1089,1090 607 ; Australasia, 303 ; Bolivia, -- French, 815, 847 ct seq. 685 ; Brazil, 695 ; Costa Rica, Westland distl"ict, (N.Z.}, 354 i"48; Fnlkland Is., 276; Great Westmont (Canada), 272 Britain, 86 ; Hawaii, 577 ; Italian Westphalia, 878, 879; area, pop., Somaliland, 1004 ; Madagascar, 928 833; :llorocco, 1060; Nicaragua, West Point (U.S.A.), military coli., 1097; Norway, 1110; Peru, 1145 ; 516 Pl'Btoria, 207 ; Samoa, 897 ; Siam, West Virginia, agriculture, 565 1252 ; Spain, 1266 ; Zanzibar, 182 -area and pop., 383, 399, 564 Wisconsin, agriculture, 569 -banks, 566 - area and population, 382, 567 - charity, 565 - charity, 568 - constitution and govt., 379, 564 -constitution and govt., 379, 567 - defence, 565 - defence, 569 - finance, 565 - finance, 568 - forests, 566 - forestry, (03 - instruction, 564 - instruction, 568 -live stock, 565 -mines, 569 - mining, 566 - production and industry, 569-70 -petroleum, 566 -·- public lands, 399 -production and industry, 565 - religion, 567 - railways, 566 - representation, 379, 567 - religion, 564 -wheat & tobacco, 401, 402, 569 - representation, 379, 564 Wismar {Mecklenbnrg·Schw. ), 920 Wheeling (W.Va.), 564 Witwatersrand (S. Aliica}, 217 White Horse (Canada), 274 Wolverhampton, population, 16 Whydah (Dahomey), 840 Woman Sutfrage- Wiborg, see Viborg -- New South Wales, 305, 306 Wichita (Kansas), 387, 466 --New Zealand, 352 Wiener-Neustadt (Austxia), 626 - -Norway, 1100 Wiesbaden (Prussia), 861 -- Queensland, 324 Wigan, population, 16 - -- South Australia, 331 Wiju (Korea), port, 1028 -- Tasmania, 343 Wilhelm Emst, Grand Duke (Saxe· -- Victoria, 310 Weimar), 939 --United States- Wilhelm II., German Emperor, 853; --- Arizona, 378 King of Prussia, 853, 854, 923 ---California, 378 Wilhelm II. (Wiirttemberg), 946 ' ---Colorado, 378 INDEX 1451

WO)l YOH Woman Suffrage, Idaho, 378 Wyoming, fisheries, 571 - - Kansas, 378 - forests, 571 -- Oregon, 378 -- Indian Reservation, 377, 570 - -- Utah, 378 - instruction, 57 0 -- Washington, 378, 560 - irrigation, 571 --Wyoming, 378, 570 - live stock, 571 - - West Australia, 327 - mining, 571 Wonsan (Kor~a), 1028 -production and industry, 571 W oodlark I. (Papua), 350 - public lands, 399 Woolwich, Royal Mil. Aca:iemy, 53 -- railways, 572 Woodstock (S. Africa), 203 - religion, 570 Worcester, population, 16 -representation, 379, 570 Worcester (Cape Col.), 209 -- sheep and wool, 571 Worcester(Mass.), 387, 481 -Yellowstone Park, 570 Worms (He~se), 916 Wu-chang (China), 716, 718, 726 Wuchau (China), 718, 727 XUAN DAY (Annam), 818 Wuhu (China), 718, 727 Wiirttemberg, agriculture, 955 - area and pop., 856, 948 AKUTSK, 1188 ; town, 1192 -army, 950 Y Yale Univ. (U.S.A.), 441 -births, deaths, marriages, 859, 948 Yamagata (Japan), 1013 - books of reference, 950 Yanaon (French India), 816 -breweries & beer, 879, 950 Yanina (Turlrish vilayet), 1305 - constitution & government, 947 Yap (Caroline Islands), 896 -crops, 950 Yaracuy (Venezuela), 1355 -debt, 950 Yarbatenda (Gambia), 83~ - emigration, 860 Yarkand, 734 -finance, 949 Yarmouth, Gt., population, 16 - industry, 878, 879, 950 Yaroslavl (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 - instruction, 862, 949 Yass-Canberra (Australia), 294 -justice, 949 Yatung (Tibet), 735 -live swck, 877 Yeisk (Russia), 1192 - manufactures, 878, 879, 950 Yekaterinburg (Russia), 1192 - matricular contribution, 868 Yekaterinodar (Russia), 1192 - occupations of the people, 858, 948 Y ekaterinoslav (Russia), 1188; 1192 -political parties, 947 Yelets (Russia), 1192 - posts and telegraphs, 949 Y ellaboi Island (S. Leone), 232 - reigning king, 946 Yemen (Arabia), 1305 - religion, 862, 948 Yenikale (Russia), fort, 1202 - representation (Imperial), 855 Yeniseisk (Siberia), prov., 1188 -towns, 948 Yezd (Persia), 1127, 1131 -University, 864, 949 Yezo (Hokkaido), 1011 -wine, 950 Ying-tse (Manchuria), 733 Wiirzburg (Bav. ), 861, 907 Yochau (China), 718, 732 -University, 864 Yokkaichi (Japan), 1013 Wye, college, 29 Yokohama (Japan), 1013 'Wyoming, agriculture, 571 Yokosuka (Japan), 1013, 1018 - area & population, 383, 570 Yola (Nigeria), 225 - charity, 570 Yong-Am-Po (Korea), port, 1028 -constitution & govt., 379, 570 Yonkers (N.Y.), 387,515 - defence, 571 Yonewaza (Japan), 1013 - finance, 571 York, population, 16 1452 THE SfATE'DL\N'S YEAR-BOOK, 1913

YOR zwo Y omba race and land (Nig~ria), Zanzibar, currency, 182 228. 229 - finance, 181 Yoshohito, Emperor (Japan), 1005 - government, 180 Youngstown (Ohio), 387, 525 -justice, 181 Ystad (Sweden), 1274 --police and troop~, 181 Yuan Shih-K'ai, provisional Pre- -production, 182 sident (China), 714 - Pmtectorate, 180 Yucatan (Mexico), state, lOU - religion, 180 Ynkon(Canada),area& pop., 2!2, 274 - Sultan, 180 -constitution and government, 274 - town, 180, 182 - fisheries, 249 Z:~.ragoza (Spain), pl'Ov , 1257; town, - mining, 249, 274 1258: Univ., 1259 -representation, 240, 241 Zaria (Nigeria), prov., 225, 227 -towns, 274 Zaruma gold mino (Ecuador), 771 Yunnan (China), 716, 717, 725 Zayechar (Servia), 1242 Yu:anan-fu (China), 716 Zealand (Holland), 1067, 1069 Yuriev (Dorpat), 1187, 1192; Univ., Zcila (E. Af.), 191, 593, 836, 1841 1198 Zemstvos (Russia), 1185 Ynrun.ri gold mines (Venez.), 1857 Zerbst (Anh11lt), 901 Yuzovka (Russia), 1192 Zhitomir (Jitomir), 1192 Zhob Valley (Baluchistan), 156, 158 Zifta (Egypt), 1825 ; barrage, 1884 Zinder, 826 ; (Fr. W. Africa), 841 AANDAM (Holland), 1068 Zipaguira (Colombia), 742 Z Zabit, chief (Persia), 1126 Zirkhow (Austria), 626 Zaoatecas (M.ex.), town, 1041, 1042 Zittau (Saxony), 942 Zagazig (Egypt), 1825 Zomba (Nyasaland), 186 Zagrab (Agram), 688, 641; U niv., 643 Zombode (Swaziland), 197 Zakataly (Caucn.sus), 1184, 1188 Zor (mntcssarifat), 1305 Zakynthos, sse Zaute Zuft"enhausen (Gennany), 948 Zamora (Spain), province, 1257 Zug (canton), 1288, 1291 Zamora (Venezuela), 1355 Zulia (Venezuela), 1853 Zante (Greece), 953 ; town, 953 Zululand, see Natal Zanzibar, 174 Zungaria, 784 -area and population, 180 Zungeru (Nigeria), 226 -books of reference, 182 Ziirich 1288, 1290 ; city, 1291 - commerce, 181 Zwickau (Saxony), 861; town, 941. - communications, 182 Zwolle (Holland), 1068