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1361 the Hague Tribunal 1361 THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL. OFFICIALLY THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION. The Permanent Court of Arbitration was established under the Act of July 29, 1899, signed (and subsequently ratified) on the part of 24 Powers. Under Protocol of June 14, 1907, for the accession of non•signatory Powers, the number of Powers represented in the Court has been largely in· creased. The purpose is to facilitate arbitration for international disputes which it has been impossible to settle by diplom~y. The Court is competont for all arbitration cases unless the parties agree to constitute a special tribunal, and its jurisdiction may be extended to disputes to which one or both of the parties are non-signatory Powers, if the parties so agree. When the signatory Powers desire to have recourse to the Permanent Court for the settlement of a dispute, the arbitrators called upon to form the competent tribunal for the purpose must be chosen from the general list of members of the Court. If the parties disagree on the composition of this tribunal, its members must be appointed in accordance with the course prescribed in the Act. The Court has an International Bureau under the direction and control of a Permanent Administrative Council composed of the diplomatic representatives of the Signatory Powers accredited to the Hague, and of the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Affairs, who acts as President. '!'he Permanent Court consists of persons of known competency in questions of International Law, of whom four at the most are selected by each of the Signatory Powers ; each appointment is for six years and may be renewed. 'l'he list of members of the Court (revised up to February, 1913) is as follows. The date of each appointment is stated (within brackets) :- AMERICA, UNITED STATF:S OF: Hon. John W. Griggs, ex-Attorney-General (27 Nov. 1906); Hon. Georlj!e Gray, Judge of Circuit Court (27 Nov. 1906); H. E. Oscar S. Straus, formerly MmisterofCommerce and Labour, a.nd late Ambassador at Constantinople, (8 Jan. 1908); Hon. Elihu Root, formerly Secretary of State (15 Dec. 1910). ARGENTINE REPUBLIC: H. E. Estanislas S. Zeballos, PrQfessor of Private International Law at the University of Buenos Ayres: formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship (6 July, 1907); Luis Maria Drago, Deputy (6 Julr, 1007): Carlos Rodriguez Larreta, ProfeSllor of Constitutional Law In the University of Buenos Ayres, Deputy (6 July, 1907); M. Joaquin V. Gonzalez, Doctor of Law, Senator, President of the National University of La Plata, formerly Minister of the Interior of Foreign Affairs and Worship, of Justice and Public Instruction, formerly Deputy, &c. (17 Oct. 1910). AusTRIA·HUNGARY : Henri Lamtnasch, Professor of International' Law In the University of Vienna, Member of tbe Austrian "Herrenhaus" (4 Dee. 1906); H.E. Albert de Berzevlczy. President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Letters (26 Feb. 1909); H. E. Baron Ernest de Plener, President of the Common Supreme Court of Accounts, Member of tbe Austrian 'Herrer,baus' (26 Feb. 1909); Dr. Franz Nagy, Privy Councillor, Member of the Hungarian Lower House. 4 R 1362 THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL BELGIUM: H. E. Baron DescaJnps, Minit;ter of Sciences and Arb: Secretary or the Institute of International La\V (6 Oct. 1906); Erneot Nijs, Councillor of the Brussels Appeal Court (14 Sept. 1911) ; Arendt, Director-Genero1 at the Ministry of Foreign Atfairs (2J January, 1907); Ill. J. van den Heuvel, formerly Minister of Justice. BoMVIA: ~evero Fernandez Alonso, former President of the Republic (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Claudio Pinilla, Minister of Fol'l'iEn Atfairs (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Ill. Ismael Montes, Doctor of Law, formerly President of the Republic, Minister in London and Paris (14 Feb. 1910); H. E. M. Ignacio Calderon, formerly Finance Minister, Minister at Washibl!(ton (14 Feb. 1910). BRAZil.: H. E. Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira, former President of the Council of Ministers during the Empire (13 Sept. 1907); H. E. Ruy Barbosa, Senator (13 Sept. 1907); Clovis Bevilaqua, Jurisconsult of the Ministry of ~'oreign Atfairs (13 Sept. 1907). BuLOARIA: Stoyan Daneff, Advocate (23 July, 1907); H. E. Dimitri Stancioff, Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris (23 July, 1907). CamE: Carlos Concha, former Envoy and Minister at Buenos Ayres {17 Oct. 1907): M1guel Crucha.ga, Envoy and Minister at Buenos Ayres (17 Oct. 1907): Alejandro Alvarez, Tech!lical Councillor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (17 Oct. 1907); Jose Antonio Gandarill\l-8 (17 Jan. 1910). 0RI1<A: H. E. Wu Ting-Fang, Envoy and llliuistor at Washington {29 April, 1911); H. E. M. Hon-Wei-Teb, Mmister at Tokio (20 April, 1910); H. E. Ill. Lion-She-Shun, Minister at Paris (20 April, 1910); H. E. M. J. Van den Heuvol, Belgian Minister of State, formerly Minister of Justice (20 Aplil, 1910). CoLoMBIA: General Jorge Holguin, Publicist, Financial Delegate in Europe (26 March, 1908); Genernl Marceliano Vargas, Minister of the Int.erior (26 March, 1908); Marcelino Hurtado, Publicist, Envoy and Minister to Rome (26 March, 1908): Felipe Dlaz Erazo, Councillor of the Legation at Paris (26 March, 1908). CuBA: Antouio Sanchez de Bustamante, Professor of Public and Private Intel·national Law in t.he Univeroity of Havana (11 Jan. 1P08): H. E. Gonzalo de Quesada, Au vocate, Envoy and J\IInlster at Washington (11 Jan. 1908): Manuel Sangully, Advocate, Senator (11 Jan. 1908); Juan B. Hernandes Barreiro, President of the Supreme Tribunal of the Republic (11.Jan. 1908). DENMARK: H.E. Ill. J. H. Deuntzer, l'riV)' Councillor, formerly President of the Connell, and Minister for Foreign A !fairs, Professor of Law at. the Ut•iversity of Copenhagen, &:c. (14 October, 1910); 111. Axel Vedel, Chamberlain, formerly Director at the Ministry of Foreign Atfairs, Prefect of the Department of Praestoc (14 October, 1910); ~r. c. E. Cold, Com,sellor of the Court of Appeal at Copenhagen (14 October, 1910); M". P. J. Jorgensen, Professor of Lnw at the University of Copenhagen (14 October, 1910). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Francisco Henriquez I. Carvajal, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (16 Sept. 1907); Rafael J. Castillo, President of tile Supreme Court of Justice (16 Sept. 1907); Eliseo Grullon, former Minister of Posts and Telegraphs (16 Sept. 1907); Jose Lamarche, former President of the Supreme Court of Justice. EcuADOR: Luis Felipe Carl!o, Deputy, Senator, Minister of Foreign Affairs (19 Nov. 1907); Honora to V•squez, Deputy, Senator, Under-Secretary to the Ministry of Public Instruction and Foreign Affairs (19 Nov. 1907): Victor Manuel Rend6n, Envoy aud Minister at Paris and Madrid (19 Nov. 1907); Julio Andrade, General, Deputy, Envoy and Minister at Bogota (19 Nov. 1907). FRANCE: Leon Bourgeois, Senator, former President of the Council (16 Nov. 1906); Decrals, Senator, former Minister of the Colonies (16 Nov. 1906); Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, Senator, Minl•ter Plenipotentiary (16 Nov. 1906); Louis Renault, Jurisconsult of the Ministry of Foreign Atfairs (16 Nov. 1906). GERMAN EMPIRE : Kriege, Councillor of Legation, ,Jurisconsult to the Department of F"rel~n Affair• (SO Nov. 1906); De Martitz, Professor of Law at the University of Berlin (SO Nov. 1906); M. De Bar, Professor of Law in the UniverAity of Gottingen (30 Nov. 1906); M. de Stat!', President of the High Conrt at Marieu,.·erder (19 May, 1911). GREAT BRITAIN : Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL 1363 of Canada (30 Sept. 1907); Rt. Hon. the Earl of Desart, formerly King's Proctor, Privy Councillor (1 Jan. 1910); Rt. Hon. James Bryce, O.M., Privy Councillor (28 Jan. 1918). GREECE: Denis Stephanos, Deputy, former Minister of Foreign Affaira (18 March, 1908); George Streit, Professor of Inteniational Law in the University of Athens (18 March, 1908) ; Illichel Kebedgy, Councillor at the Mixed Appel'! Court of Alexandria (18 March, 1908); Typaldo Bassi&, Deputy, Professor -of Political Economy at the University of Athens (22 Jan. 1909). GuATEMALA: M. Francisco Anguiano, Doctor of Law, Vice-President of the N!Ltional A;sembly, President of the Council of State, formel"ly Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the Interior, and of Justice (8 February, 1910); M. Antonio Batres Jauregui. Council of State, formerly President of the J1>diciary and of the Supreme Court of J ostice, formerly Minkter for Foreign Affairs and Public Instruetion, fonnerly Minister at Washington, Rio de Janeiro, &c. (8 February, 1910); M. Carlos 8aluzar, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law, Guatemalan Counoel in the Court of Justice of Central America, &c. (8 February, 1910); M. Francisco de Arce, Doetor of Law, Charge d" Affaires at the Hague, Brussels, Paris, London, and Rome (8 February, 1910}. HAITI: Jaques Nicolas Leger, Advocate, Envoy and Minister at Washington (21 July, 1908); Bolon Menos, Batonnler of the Order of .Advocates of Port.au-Prince (21 Julr, 1908); F. D. Legitime, Publicist, former President of the Republic (21 ,Tuly, 1908); Tertnllien Guilhaud, Advocate, former Senator (21 July, 1908). l'l'ALY: Guido l'nsinato, DSlffity, Councillor of State, Professor of International Law (7 Dec. 1908); M. Victor Emmanuel Orlando, Oounsel, Professor, Deputy, fonnerly Minister of Justice (20 April, 19101; H. E. t11guor Tlttoni, Italian Ambassador In ~~!Jito~~~i~t!t!.1); M. Charles B. Chonzer, Member of tl1e Chamber of Deputies, JAPAN: H.E. Baron Itchir6 Motono, Envoy and Minister at St. Petersburg (SO Nov. 1906); Henry Willard Denison, Jurisconsult or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Tokio (SO Nov. 1900). LuxEMBURG: Henri Vannerus, President of the State Couueil (10 Oct. 1909). MEXICo: Jose Ives Limantour, Secretary of State for l!'inances and Pnbllc Credit (7 March, 1907); Pablo Macedo, President of the Monetary Commission, Direetor of the National School of Law (7 llarch, 1907); Joaquin Obregon Gonza!es, Governor of the State of Gnana.i nato (22 May, 1907); J oaqnin D.
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    INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. {For index for these, see pages xiii., xiv.) AAC ADE AACHEN (Prussia), 936 Abyssinia, books of reference, 661 Aalborg (Denmark), 834 - boundary, 270, 657,~1089 Aalen (\Viirttemberg), 1027 - coffee, 659 Aalesund (Norway), 1193 - commerce, 659 Aargau (canton), 1387, 1389, 1396 - diplomatic representatives, 661 Aarhus (Denmark), 834 - education, 659 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 330 - gold, 659 Abaian Island (Pacific), 426 - government, 658 Abancay (Peru), 1234 - justice, 659 Abangarez mines (Costa Rica), 822 - minerals, 659 Abdul Hamid Halimshah, Sultan, - money and credit, 660 . Kedah, 180 - population, 658 Abdul Jalil Nasruddin Makhtaram - province, 657 Shah (Perak), 176 - reigning king, 657 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 210 - religion, 256, 658 Aberdare forest (B. E. Af.), 186 - roads, railways, 659, 660 A.berdeen, 22; university, 32 - rubber, 659 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 608 - towns, 668 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 627 - trade routes, 659 Abemana Island (Pacific), 426 - weights and measures, 660 Aberystwith College, 30 Acandi (Colombia), 818 Abeshr (Wadai), 905 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1326 Abijean (French West Africa), 915 Acarnania (Greece), ] 032 Abo (Finland), 1286, 1314 Acchele Gazzi (Eritrea), 1088 Aboisso (French 'Vest Africa), 915 Accra (Gold Coast), 247 Abomey, 916 Achaia (Greece), 1032 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 1063, 1081 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 380 Abu (India), 128 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 776 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 658 Acre Territory (Brazil), 758 Aburi (Gold Coast), 247 Adatn's Bridge (Ceylon), wks, at, 158 Abyssinia, agriculture, 659 Adana (Turkey), 1405 - area, 657 Adelaide, 385 ; port, 361 ; univ., 386 - army, 658 Aden, 104, 126, boundary, 104 -- bank, 660 - wireless station, 204 1443 4 Z 2 1444 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1916 ADI ALA Adi Caieh (Eritrea), 1088 Africa., West (British), 240, Adi QuaIs.
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  • Fables Which L•Re- Ent a Summary of the Finance and Commerce of the Unit
    INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory 'fables which l•re• ent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India., the British Colanies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan, and various other matters, as well as Additions and Con-ections ; nor will reference to such topics as Gold, Wheat, &c., be found otherwise than under the producing countries. AAC AFG ACHEN (Prussia), 829 Achaia, 920 A Aalborg (Denmark), 725 Achole (Uganda), 174 Au.len (Wurtemberg}, 915 Acklin's Island (Baha.mas), 264 Aalesund (Norwu.y), 1064 Aconcagua (Chili), 676 Aargu.u (cu.nton), 1249, 1251 Acre Ter. (Brazil), 659 Aarhus (Denmu.rk), 725 Adana (vilayet), 1266, 1275 Abaca Islu.nd (Baham&l!}, 264 Adelaide, 281, 312 ; University, Abu.ngarez mines (Costa Rica), 714 313 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1287 Aden, 99. 119 ; boundary, 99, 12 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Adis Ababa, 563 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 192 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 807 Aberdeen, 19; University, 28, 29 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 863 Aberystwith College, 29 Adolf Friedrich (Grand-duke, Meck- Abeshr (Wadai), 797 lenburg-Strelitz), 888 Abo (Finlu.nd), 1163, 1164, 1186 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1229 Abomey, 808 Adriu.nople (town), 1267 Abrnzzi e M.olise, 946 - (vilayet), 1266 Abuua. (Coptic), 664 Adua (Abyssinia), 564 Abyssinia, area, 663 lEgean Islands, 924 -army, 663 Afghanistan, area, 567, 568 - books of reference, 666-6 : - army, 568-9 - commerce, 664-6 - books of reference, 570 - education, 664 - commerce, 569-70 -gold, 564 - currency,
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