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RECORDS CODIFICATION MANUAL Prepared by The Office of Communications and Records Department of State (Adopted January 1, 1950—Revised January 1, 1955) I I CLASSES OF RECORDS Glass 0 Miscellaneous. I Class 1 Administration of the United States Government. Class 2 Protection of Interests (Persons and Property). I Class 3 International Conferences, Congresses, Meetings and Organizations. United Nations. Organization of American States. Multilateral Treaties. I Class 4 International Trade and Commerce. Trade Relations, Treaties, Agreements. Customs Administration. Class 5 International Informational and Educational Relations. Cultural I Affairs and Programs. Class 6 International Political Relations. Other International Relations. I Class 7 Internal Political and National Defense Affairs. Class 8 Internal Economic, Industrial and Social Affairs. 1 Class 9 Other Internal Affairs. Communications, Transportation, Science. - 0 - I Note: - Classes 0 thru 2 - Miscellaneous; Administrative. Classes 3 thru 6 - International relations; relations of one country with another, or of a group of countries with I other countries. Classes 7 thru 9 - Internal affairs; domestic problems, conditions, etc., and only rarely concerns more than one I country or area. ' \ \T^^E^ CLASS 0 MISCELLANEOUS 000 GENERAL. Unclassifiable correspondence. Crsnk letters. Begging letters. Popular comment. Public opinion polls. Matters not pertaining to business of the Department. Requests for interviews with officials of the Department. (Classify subjectively when possible). Requests for names and/or addresses of Foreign Service Officers and personnel. Requests for copies of treaties and other publications. (This number should never be used for communications from important persons, organizations, etc.). 006 Precedent Index. 010 Matters transmitted through facilities of the Department, .1 Telegrams, letters, documents. Funds (This classification is intended to cover the routine transmittal of funds abroad through the facilities of the Department. The classification 2**.§#22 should be used when the transmittal of f\mds arises in connection with a welfare case of an American citizen abroad). Oil Authentications by the Department. Fees. 012 Requests for miscellaneous sources including foreign diplomatic and consular officers for information not pertinent to the Dep artment's bus ine s s. .1»* Requests from miscellaneous sources for information concerning country or area **. 020 Publications. (For publications requested by or intended for State Department Library, see 110.4 (symbol of Library). Foreign publications. {** nationality of• publications). 021 International exchange of publications. Treaties and Conventions regarding exchanges of publications. Treaties and arrangements between the United States and ** regarding - . 023 Publications of the Department of State. Issuance, Distribution. 7/ (For routine requests, see 000). .1 Foreign Relations of the United States E J h-E 'V- 1 024 Publications of the United States Government (other than the Department of State), and requests therefor. .1** Treasury. ^ .2** Defense. .3** Justice. .4** Post Office. .5** Interior. **Co\mtry making .6** Agriculture. request. .7** Commerce. .8** Labor. -C^'i^l^^tlZ^ CC^E^ZL .9** Other Federal Agencies. ,1-L<Le-E .91** Health, Education and Welfare. ^ 7 025 Foreign publications requested by. U. S. Federal Agencies. .1** Treasury. .2** Defense. .3** Justice. Post Office. .5** Interior. **Nationality of .5** Agriculture. publication. .7*-* Commerce. , 8** Labor. .9** Other Federal Agencies. .91** Health, Education and Welfare. ^ 030 Expeditions, Tours. Visits. 031.**## Scientific expeditions. (^-^Nationality of expedition; ##Area of exploration). 032 Tours. Visits of unofficial persons to or from other countries, including the United States. (Arrange alphabetically by name of individual when possible. For Commercial visitors, see 102.7981. The general question of tourism should be indexed on 8**.l8l). 033.**## Visits of officials of country ** to country or area . (Includes Congressional visits abroad. 033.1100 - add first two letters of surname of individual or leader of groups), 090 Testimonials. Decorations. Awards. Gifts. Honorary Degrees. .**## From Government of country ** to nationals of country ## . 091.«* Tender of, or thanks for, services to country «* by individuals or corporations. 7^ CLASS 1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 100 GENERAL. .1 Buildings. Premises. Real property. Lands. .2 Agents. (Including self-styled or bogus agents). .3 Records. Security of Records. .4- Inter-agency Boards, Committees, etc. (Arranged alphabetically using authorized abbreviations or symbols). - Bonds for government officials, (For Foreign Service see 120.304). 101 White House. Executive Mansion. Executive Offices. (Executive Offices not listed below will be arranged alphabetically by authorized symbol). .1 Bureau of the Budget. .2 National Security Council. .21 Central Intelligence Agency. (For personnel use 123, 121.»*3 or 122.»**3). ^ • . / , Office of De-fenoc Mobilination. f D^f-A^t^- 102 Executive"Departments. Cabinet Posts. (For Department of State see 110). (For Agents, add 02 after Department, Bureau or office number). 102.1 • Treasury Department. (This series includes serv .103 Checks. ices performed by the State Department for these agencies .11 Bureau of Internal Revenue. as well as their organiza .12 Coast Guard. tion, functions, etc.). .13 Bureau of the Mint. .14 Bureau of Narcotics. Customs Agency Servite. .15 Bureau of Customs. 102.2 Defense Department. • / / \ .201 Joint Chiefs of Staff. ..a-^M i^^J .21 Department of the Army. .22 Department of the Navy. .221 Hydrographlc Office. Notices to mariners. .23 Department of the Air Force. 102.3 Department of Justice. .31 Federal Bureau of Investigation. .32 • Immigration and Naturalization Service. .33 Bureau of Prisons. .34 Office of Alien Property. 102.4. Post Office Department. 102, 5 Department of the Interior. 51 Geological Survey Office. 52 Bureau of Mines. 53 Fish and Wildlife Service. U. S. Bird Bands. 102.6 Department of Agriculture. 102.7 Department of Commerce. .71 Bureau of the Census. .72 Coast and Geodetic Survey. .73 Bureau of Foreign Commerce. .74 National Inventors' Council. Inventions. .75 Weather Bureau. .76 Civil Aeronautics Administration. .77 Bureau of Public Roads. .78 Maritime Administration. Federal Maritime Board. .79 Commercial requests, services, and information. .791 Trade Lists. .794 Commercial and/or professional standing of firms and persons. (American or Foreign). Lists of Attorneys. Assistance to American commercial Interests, American firms, factories, agencies, and representation. Trade complaints against foreign firms. Assistance to foreign commercial Interests, Foreign firms, factories, agencies, and representation. Trade complaints against American firms.- World Trade Directory Reports. Trade Opportunities. (U. S. and Foreign). EA^O^ -EI^MUX^ Commercial Visitors. (U. S. and Foreign). Stamp Collectors. Department of Labor. Other Executive Departments. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. , Independent Offices of the U. S. Government. Legislative Branch Offices. All Federal Agencies of non-cabinet rank. (Arranged alphabetically, using authorized abbreviations). (For Agents add 02 after decimal point). States and Territories. (Arranged alphabetically, using Authorized abbreviations). Regulations. (110.11 through 110.17 arranged alphabetically by first two letters of surnames). 1 110.4 Bureaus, Offices, Divisions, Committees, Boards, etc. (Arranged alphabetically by authorized symbols). .41 Despatch Agents, Agencies. 111 Property. Buildings. Space. Equipment. 112 Budget. Appropriations. 113 Personnel, (General). (For correspondence concerning personnel of a particular Bureau, Office, Division, Committee, Board, etc., use applicable case). .1 Requests for speakers. 114 Records. Correspondence. (For Security measiores, see 115). .1 Preparation. Distribution. Transmission. .2 Permission to examine. Requests for copies or information I therefrom. ,3 Improper use. Unauthorized or im.proper publication. .4- Authorized publication. Requests for authorization to use or publish. I .5 Retirement or other disposal of records. 115 Security. Security measures. Violations. I 116 Communications. (General). .1 Telegraph. Cable. Networks. i .11 Codes. Ciphers. Cryptographic material, devices and equipment. .111 Codes, ciphers, etc., created by private individuals and sub I mitted to the Department for its information and/or use. .12 Rates. Fees. .13 Cable addresses. Captions. Indicators. (Foreign Service Posts, American Delegations to Conferences, etc.). .2 Telephone. .21 Rates. Fees. Costs. (Local and long-distance including overseas). 116.3 Pouch and Courier Services. (General). .31 Pouch. .32 Courier. Couriers. Courier identification documents. 117 Cooperation. Relations with Executive Departments, Independent Offices, and Federal Agencies. (For agencies not listed below, use authorized symbol; for example 117-TAR). .1 with Treasury. .2 IT Defense, .21 tl Army. .22 11 Navy. .23 II Air Force. .3 II Justice. .4 II Post Office. .5 II Interior. .6 II Agriculture. .7 II Commerce. .8 If Labor. .9 II Other Executive Departments. .91 II Health, Education and Welf 118 Tort Claims. „t. ,t'' 'Iff' > \>n 120 FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. (For matters pertaining to a particular office, see 121.** and 122.***). .1 Organization. .10 Boards and Committees. .101 Examinations. .102 Inspectors.